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Media Pembelajaran Song

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Good Morning, Students!

Let’s sing!
Be happy!

Mata Pelajaran : Mulok (English Conversation Clinic)

Kelas / Semester : X / GANJIL

Materi Pokok : SONG

Tahun Pelajaran : 2020 / 2021

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

3.6. Menafsirkan fungsi 3.6.1. Menganalisis fungsi
sosial dan unsur kebahasaan social dan unsur kebahasaan
lirik lagu terkait kehidupan lirik lagu.
remaja SMA/MA/
SMK/MAK. 3.6.2. Mengungkapkan
fungsi social dan unsur
kebahasaan lirik lagu.
4.6.1. Menangkap makna tersurat
4.6. Menangkap dan tersirat di dalam lirik lagu
makna kontekstual yang didengarkan.

terkait fungsi sosial 4.6.2. Menjawab pertanyaan

terkait fungsi social dan unsur
dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu.
kebahasaan lirik lagu
4.6.3. Menafsirkan makna secara
terkait kehidupan kontekstual terkait fungsi social
remaja SMA/MA/ dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu.

SMK/MAK 4.6.4. Menyatakan pesan moral,

tema lagu dan ide utama lagu.
By: Al Mukarromah, S.Pd.I
The Essence of Song
 Song has been an amusing companion for human
beings for as long as or even longer than we can
speak. Songs are highly expressive. Some convey
love and emotions, some tell a memorable and
moving story, some embody one’s dreams and
ideals, and some reminisce about the golden past.
Songs are abundant in themes and expressions
which will echo in the learner’s heart.
Social Function
 To entertain the listeners.
 To teach moral value through the lyrics of the songs.
 To provide a way of managing the relationship
between our public and private emotional life.
 To express personal feeling and cultural values.
 To give someone not only to share their emotions
with others, but also to have an emotional connection
that just can’t be experienced in any other way.
Language Features
 Lyrics are written in first, second, or third person given on
the specific perspective you choose. Often time point of
views change in lyrics, but only when needed.
 They use rhyming words. Usually songs use a familiar
catchy tune and rhyme. A rhyme is a linguistic style, based on
consonance or similar sound of two or more syllables or
whole words at the end of one line; rhymes are most
commonly used in poetry and songs.
 They use alliteration. It is a stylistic device in which a
number of words, having the same first consonant sound,
occur close together in a series, for example: A big bully beats
a baby boy.
Language Features
 Some songs use poetic devices, such as figure of speech and
imagery. While songs can paint a vivid picture since they are longer
mediums, imagery can be found in just a single sentence as well.
Imagery is vivid descriptive language that appeals to one or more
of the senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste) for example:
Her blue eyes were as bright as the sun, blue as the sky, but soft as
silk. A figure of speech is a word or phrase that has a meaning
something different than its literal meaning.

 Some songs use amusing word play and slang language. A word
play is the manipulation of language (in particular, the sounds, and
meanings of words) with the intent to amuse; verbal wit. Slang is
kind of language consisting of very informal words and phrases.
Slang is more common in speech than in writing, for example:
gonna, wanna, ain’t, etc.
Watch and Listen.!
Answer these questions based on the
video you have watched.
 What is the social function of the song?
 What is the theme of the song?
 What is the main idea of the song?
 What is the moral lesson of the song
 Do you listen to any rhyming words in the lyrics of the song?
 Do you listen to any alliterations in the lyrics of the song?
 Do you listen to any poetic devices in the lyrics of the song?
 Do you listen to any slang words used in the lyrics of the
Thank you.!

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