In vented in year 1960 by Dawon Kahng and Martin Atalla mosfet is by far the most common fet in both digital and analog circuits. A three terminal voltage controlled device as the operation of mosfet is controlled by the electric field established by aplying voltage between gate &body of mosfet Mosfet is a unipolar device.
Construction of mosfet
Operation of a mosfet
Inversion layer is formed due to the applied voltage No gate current required to maintain the inversion layer The applied voltage controls the current between gate & source
T r
o d e
o r
n e a r
r e g
o n :
Classification of mosfet
On the basis of operation of mosfet,it is basically classified as:Enhancement mosfet Depletion mosfet
A mosfet is said to be enmos the drain current is enhanced by the application of gate voltage
s g d
p Induced p -channel
Transfer curve
A mosfet is said to be a demos when a channel induced between the source and the drain is of the same type of impurity as used for the source & drain.
s n g d n n p n
Transfer curve
depletion 3 2 Vt enhancement
6 4 2 5 10
+2 Vgs
+1 0 -1 -2
15 Vds -3
1 -1 1 2 3 Vgs
cmos is a combination of n-channel and p-channel mosfet fabricated on single chip. In cmos the mosfets r complemented in a way to keep one mosfet conducting on giving an input keeping the other non-conducting.
s2 N+ P-well N-substrate g2 N+ D2 D1 P+ g1 P+ s2
Applications of mosfet
Mosfet is extensively used as a resistor by connecting the gate to the drain. the resistance so obtained is non linear in nature. Mosfet is also used as a capacitor as the layer of SiO2 forms a parallel plate capacitor . mosfets are extensively used in switching applications .
Advantages of mosfet
MOSFETs are extensively usedfor digital switching is that the oxide layer between the gate and the channel prevents any DC current from flowing through the gate, reducing power consumption. Mos digital circuits r typically preferred over bipolar circuits as they r more economical and smaller in size. Mosfets can be scaled down in size,in modern ICs the channel lengths r scaled down to a tenth of a micrometer has resulted in great improvement in mosfet operation.
Cmos devices have a high packing density allowing more number of ICs on a single chip. Cmos devices consume less power & do not produce as much heat as compared to other devices.
The referred books and sites are: T.html Micorelectronics(Millman &Grabel) Intregated electronics(Millman&Halkias)