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Operation & Maintenance Training (Rev2.1) Part 1.2

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The New Shape of Broadband Wireless Networks

Ceragon Networks (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Technical Overview

Company at a Glance
Founded: IPO: August 1996 October 1998

Commercial Ship: August 2000

Headquarters: Tel Aviv, Israel Birmingham, UK New Jersey, USA Hong Kong Latin America

Offices: Germany, France, Russia, India Deployments: 60 countries / 160 customers

FibeAir at a Glance
Versatile Product Line
16E1STM-12xSTM-1STM-4 6 38GHz 16 32 128 QAM on single ODU

Unique Features
SDH / SONET / ATM / IP All in one Radio Integrated ADM Best ATM performance on the market


FibeAir Product


Management Station Out-Door Unit (ODU) In-Door Unit (IDU)

IDU In Door Unit

Compact, 17 wide, 1U-high unit 16-QAM Modulator FibeAir1500 32-QAM Modulator FibeAir450 128-QAM Modulator FibeAir1528 Full-function SDH/SONET Regenerator / Multiplexer. Most Popular Interfaces Are Supported Manages local and remote units Front Panel Alarms and Indicators

IDU Block Diagram

-1 1 V D C

P o w e r S u p p ly

1 11 111 b p s / M 1M b p s 11 b p s K

M a in C h a n n e l W a y s id e C h a n n e l U ser C hannel

M o d u la to r M U X D e m o d u la t o r

IF C a r d C a b le C o m b in e r
C o a x C a b le

N M S - E th e rn e t
- S L IP /P P P

E x t e r n a l A la r m s

ID U C o n t r o lle r

Main Channel Interfaces

STM-1 (Electrical, optical SM/MM) 3 x E3/DS3 2 x Fast Ethernet 1 x 100Mbps + 1 x 50Mbps 2 x dynamic bandwidth Fast Ethernet + 8xE1/T1 2 x E3/DS3 + 8xE1/T1 8xE1/T1 + 8xE1/T1

ODU Out Door Unit

Spectrum Efficient: FibeAir1500 - 50/56 MHz bandwidth FibeAir1528 28 MHz bandwidth Full band frequency tuning range (using the NMS) Very high sensitivity Easy to install and maintain Same ODU supports 16QAM and 128QAM IDUs!

ODU Block Diagram

P o w e r S u p p ly

A G C V o lt a g e R e a d in g

11 1H z M

T X C o n v e rte r

~1 1 G H z -

C o a x C a b le

T r a n s c e iv e r
~1 1 G H z X -B a n d M M W C o n v e rte r S y n t h e s iz e r + Am p ~1 1 G H z -

C a b le C o m b in e r
111H z M

R X C o n v e rte r

O D U C o n t r o lle r

FibeAir1528 Specifications

SDH Network Segments

Multiplexer Section
Regenerator Section

Multiplexer Section
Regenerator Section Regenerator Section


SDH Terminal Multiplexer

SDH Add & Drop Multiplexer SDH Regenerator SDH Regenerator

SDH Terminal Multiplexer

VC Assembly

VC Disassembly



The Truck Analogy

The SDH Frame




Payload Virtual Container

Multiplexing Structure
xN x1


AU-4 AU-4*
x3 x3

VC-4 VC-4 TUG-3 TUG-3 VC-3 VC-3

x7 x7 x1 x1

C-4 C-4 TU-3 TU-3* VC-3 VC-3 C-3 C-3

6.312 Mbps

AU-3 AU-3*

Pointer Processing Multiplexing Aligning Mapping Administrative Unit Group Administrative Unit Tributary Unit Group Tributary Unit Virtual Container Container


TU-2 TU-2* TU-12 TU-12 * TU-11 TU-11 *

VC-2 VC-2 VC-12 VC-12 VC-11 VC-11

C-2 C-2
2.048 Mbps


C-12 C-12
1.544 Mbps


C-11 C-11

Section Over Head

Path OH
A1 A1 A1 A2 E1 D2 H1 B2 D4 K1 D5 D8 D11 Z1 Z2 M1 H2 K2 D6 D9 D12 E2 A2 A2 J0 F1 D3 H3 J1 B3 C2 G1 F2 H4 F3 K3 N1

Regenerator SOH AU-4 Pointers Multiplexer SOH

B1 D1

D7 D10 S1

Regenerator SOH bytes




A1, A2: Frame alignment pattern J0: Identification B1: Quality monitoring, parity bytes E1: Orderwire Channel F1: User Voice Channel D1-D3: DCCr Data Channel (Management 192 Kbps)

Multiplexer SOH bytes




H1-H3: AU Pointers (Payload Pointers) B2: Quality monitoring, parity bytes E2: Voice channel K1, K2: Automatic protection switching (APS) control S1: Clock quality indicator M1: Transmission error acknowledgement D4-D12: DCCm Data Channel (Management 576 Kbps)

1+1 Protection


1+1 Hot Stand-By Protection Less than 50 mSec switching time Switching criteria LOF, BER, External Master/Master, Master/Slave, Slave/Slave Scalable architecture

1 + 1 Hot Standby

The system is doubled on both Local and Remote ends One unit on each end is active (Master) while the other is standby (Slave)

Master transmits and receives data Slave only receives data Inter-mate UART cable allows negotiating the mastery and data exchange between units

One or Two antennas per site On a failure in an active unit or a command from the remote side, Master Switch will occur (redundant unit will take over activity)

Switching time: less than 50 mSec

Protected - What From?

1+1 configuration protects the main link from a hardware or radio failure in one of the units on Local, Remote, or both ends

Does not protects from coincident failures in both units on the same end Link self-recovery once failure cleared/corrected No protection from fading Link self-recovery once fading cleared

Protection Triggers

Loss Of Frame on the radio of the Master unit for 1 mSec Loss Of Frame on the line of the Master unit for 1 mSec Change Transmitter command from the remote end ODU cable disconnection Power down or manual reset in the Master Manual switch (using the NMS) Excessive errors External Alarm

POSAM Protected ODU Single Antenna Mount

Antenna is mounted to the pole Two ODUs connected to the POSAM POSAM is mounted directly to the antenna Antenna has to have Ceragon antenna interface Insertion loss: main path (of Coupler) secondary path (of Coupler) 2dB 7.5dB

Interface to antenna

Built-in 6dB Coupler

PORAM Protected ODU Remote Antenna Mount

Antenna is mounted to the pole Two ODUs connected to the PORAM PORAM is mounted to the pole PORAM is connected to the antenna using flexible wave-guide Antenna has to have standard antenna interface (wave-guide) Insertion loss: main path (of Coupler) secondary path (of Coupler) 3.5dB 9dB

Built-in 6dB Coupler

Flex wave-guide connector

Installation Issues

Protection cable and Line splitters are part of the Protection Kit Available splitters: CMI/BNC for electrical STM-1, DS3 or E3; SM and MM, SC or ST connectors for optical STM-1, MM/SC for optical Fast Ethernet, spliced RJ-45 cable for T1/E1 balanced

Hub should be used for connecting the management ports of the two IDUs

IMPORTANT! Do not plug Ethernet cable to the Protection port of the IDU! It will damage the Protection port and the protection might not function

FibeAir 1500A/1528A
West : Radio
External Clock

8xE1 per module, total 16xE1


East : Fiber

Two STM-1 Aggregates: Radio and Line Radio N Type; Line Optical short/long haul Up to 16 E1s in single IDU Up to 32 E1s in double configuration (2 Radio Aggregates) Support of Path Protection method Synchronization: External, Line, Tributary, Internal, Through.

FibeAir 1500A/1528 SDH Ring

16 * E1


Possible Site Configurations


FibeAir 1500A/1528A: 16xE1; Radio Line

Reg+FibeAir 1500A/1528A: 8xE1; Radio Radio



Double FibeAir 1500A/1528A: 32xE1; Line - Line

Double FibeAir 1500A/1528A: 32xE1; Radio Radio

Installation and Set-up Overview

Installation Requirements - IDU

Must be located indoors Environmental conditions (-5 C to +45 C) Easy accessibility, only by authorized personnel Power supply (-48Vdc) Ethernet or telephone management connection available Not more than 300m from outdoor unit location

Installation Requirements - ODU

As far as possible from current/future obstacles (trees, buildings) Easy accessibility for maintenance Good grounding, lightning rod

Typical Antenna Mounts



Installation Requirements - PSU

-48Vdc Power supply @ 3 Amp (-40.5 to 72 Vdc Recommended! Availability of Uninterrupted Power Source (UPS)

Power Supply can be used)

or Battery Backup

PSU Connection
A C O u tle t ( ~ ) (1 )
(G N D )

A C c o rd
G N D to th e ra c k a n d to E a r th (-) (+ ) DC c o n n e c to r
(G N D )

D C O u tp u t
s h o rt G N D to th e ra c k and to E a r th

( ~ ) (1 ) ( G N D )
( c h a s s is )

(c o m )

(+ )


C A U T IO N !!!
S h o r t in g t h e ( -) t o t h e ( G N D ) w i l l d a m a g e t h e I D U 's i n t e r n a l PSU

G N D to th e r a c k , t h e P S U 's c h a s s is a n d to E a r th

s h o rt

Installation Requirements - Cables

Cable specifications: - max attenuation of 30 dB at 500 MHz Recommended: - RG-8 (Belden 9913) up to 300m - RG-223 up to 100m Cable should be terminated with N type male

connectors. Verify inner-pin of connector does not exceed edge of connector

Connectors should be closed by hand only

Installation Steps

Install antenna and ODU on site A Install IDU on site A Configure the IDU on site A (using Hyper-Terminal) Repeat the above on site B Align the antennas Verify link operation & performance

Antenna Installation
Install antenna on pole according to attached instructions Verify secure installation Aim antenna to other end of the link Use telescope or compass for rough alignment if necessary

ODU Installation

Connect ODU to the antenna, using 4 latches Connect IF coax cable to ODU Tight connector by hand only (no tools!) N type Connectors should be waterproofed and sealed Connect ODU earth point to suitable rooftop earth Verify correct polarization Handle on top Vertical polarization Handle on the side Horizontal polarization


IF Cable


IDU Installation
Install IDU in rack/cabinet 19 and ETSI mounting brackets provided with IDU Connect IF cable to the IDU Tight connector by hand only (no tools!) Connect IDU grounding point to clean station earth Grounding cable provided with IDU Connect 48Vdc to IDU

IF Cable


DC power

Installation Pics

IDU Grounding DC power

ODU Grounding Antenna mount

IF Cable

Hyper-Terminal Configuration

Hyper-Terminal Basic Setup

Baud Rate: 19,200 Password: ceragon

Set the desired frequency channel Set the transmitter power level Assign IP addresses

Factory Default Settings

FibeAir terminal defaults factory configuration: Tx/Rx frequency - first channel of sub-band Transmit power +15dBm Transmitter mute off (ODU transmits) Ethernet management IP Address - Serial management IP Address -

Second Site Installation

Go to the other site...

Install the second FibeAir terminal Configure the IDU using the Hyper-Terminal

Antenna Alignment (1)

Connect the headset to AGC monitor BNC connector on ODU Adjust antenna Azimuth & Elevation, one end at a time, until you get the maximum tone level Connect Digital Volt Meter (DVM) to the AGC BNC connector Align the antenna until voltage reading is achieved (between 1.7vdc & 1.2vdc) Repeat antenna alignment at each end until the minimum dc voltage is achieved Elevation adjustment

1.30vdc = -30dBm 1.45vdc = -45dBm 1.60vdc = -60dBm etc

Azimuth adjustment

Antenna Alignment (2)

Compare achieved receive level to calculated receive level Keep aligning until the achieved level is up to 4 dB away from the calculated received signal level If voltage reading is more than 4 dB away or higher than 1.7vdc, roughly realign antenna to remote site

Commissioning and Acceptance

Link is up (LOF and BER LEDs are green) All LEDs are green (unless no input signal on the Line) RSL is up to +/- 4dB from un-faded (calculated) RSL at both ends of the link EOW buzzer and voice is working from both ends of the link Radio BER 10E-11 or better No Errors on BER test of line interfaces: SDH/SONET ATM Fast Ethernet E3/DS3 E1/T1 Proper function of management software All loop-backs function properly

Please refer to the FibeAir Commissioning and Acceptance Procedure document for detailed information

Installation Hazards

Make sure that the mast assembly is secured and Try to install the link on a non-windy day Be careful not to fall when working on heights Use safety accessories, as harness and hard-hat Watch out for overhead power lines Do not use metal ladder

properly grounded

Trunk Radio

Ceragon Trunk Radio

Split mount Compact Cost effective Support frequency and space diversity Hitless, Errorless switching

External Diplexer ODU

Mounting Bracket


Wave-Guide Connector

Split Mount Advantages

ODU 300m Coaxial Cable


Equipment wagon can be located far from the antenna Simple coaxial cable between ODU and the IDU Frequency replacement flexibility Cable resistant to field conditions Fast deployment of ODU, IDU (1U) and the cable between them Minimal cable attenuation compared to flexible waveguide Light weight and low power consumption

Ceragons 6/7/8 GHz Radio

Many standards (F0, Tx-Rx Spacing) Separate synthesizers for Tx and Rx allow various Tx-Rx spacing Same ODU for all band (6, 7, 0r 8GHz) Same ODU for TxHigh and TxLow orientation of diplexer on ODU determines TxHigh or TxLow Link can reach 100Km!

ODU Installation

Remote Mount ODU ODU connected to a plate, plate is attached to the pole using mounting bracket (Andrew Kit), diplexer connected to the plate using 3 screws

Wave-guide connector PDR84 (PDR70 also available) Available wave-guide:

Flexible wave-guide Provided with each ODU (1.2m, 0.6dB loss) Elliptical wave-guide (typical loss 30dB/100m)

Diversity basic concepts

Frequency Diversity
Uses the nature of frequency selectivity of the multipath dispersive fading

Space Diversity
Two antennas vertically separated at the receiver tower so only one of antennas is located in a power minimum

Angle Diversity
Based on slightly different angles of arrival of the indirect delayed waves and the direct wave

Space & Frequency Diversity

A combination of the above frequency and space diversity techniques


FD and HD

Angle Diversity

FibeAir1528 Hitless Hot-Stand Configuration

Consists of two FibeAir 1528 links connected together through a protection cable and a Hitless switch

Hitless Switch


Hitless Switch


Protected cable

Hitless cable

Hitless Block Diagram

Ceragon Advantage: No single point of failure!!!

Hitless System Overview

Enhancement of the FibeAir 1528 Hot-Standby Configuration


No errors during the switch


No errors to the user before the switch

Data of better quality is delivered automatically to the user Receiver Modems parameters are used as criteria for activating the switch. Supports Space and Frequency diversity

Switching criteria
The modems of the two IDUs are connected using the Hitless Cable Primary
FEC-based decision to determine the path with no errors

Secondary Mean Square Error (MSE)

If both FECs detects errors, the path with less errors will be selected Using 20uSec buffer, no errors even before the switch

Space Diversity
Space Seperation

RCV A Data out RCV B

One transmitter is used, the other in MUTE mode The receivers are connected to two antennas physically spaced apart (100s of wavelengths) The spacing determines the delay between the two receivers The physical separation should be 3-30m (based on the requested improvement factor Typically, 6-15m

Frequency Diversity
F1 F1

RCV A Data out RCV B

Two transmitters are used, both in normal operation connected to one antenna (with splitter) or two antennas The two receivers are connected to one antenna (with splitter) or two antennas The frequency determines the separation between the two receivers DFM is frequency-dependant therefore using two frequencies (the farther they are - the better)

FD vs. SD

Both solutions protects against fading and H/W failures FD is more expensive solution two channels are required! SD is more effective improvement is more significant!

STM-1 Hitless Physical View

Local and Remote management access Installed interfaces Real-time LEDs display

Hitless Configuration
Protection configuration

Radio/Line Loss-Of-Frame Excessive BER External alarm Single or Dual Line output

Hitless configuration

Hitless enable/disable Space or Frequency diversity Non-revertive or revertive mode with Hold-off time

Management and IP Setup

Management - Sample IP Network

M anagem ent s t a ti o n 111 111 11 11 . . .
W o r k s ta tio n

E th e r n e t

S e ria l L in e

IP a d d re s s 111 111 11 11 . . .
D e fa u lt R o u te r

D e fa u l t R o u te r 111 111 11 1 . . .

L a p to p c o m p u te r

L a p to p 111 111 .1 1 . .

IP a d d re s s 111 111 .1 1 . .

F ib e 1 ir1 1 1 A I n te r n e t C lo u d

I B M C o m p a tib le

R e m o te h o s t 111 11 11 11 . . .

Management IP Configuration (1)

For the installation phase, it is recommended to connect to the IDU using the default settings:
For Ethernet connection

IDUs Ethernet IP address:, Mask: (do not change the default settings) Configure laptops Ethernet IP address to:, Mask: IDU and laptop are on the same sub-network Connect the laptop to the IDU using cross-Ethernet cable Launch CeraView and verify that you can connect to the IDU

Management IP Configuration (2)

For Serial (SLIP/PPP) connection

IDUs Serial IP address:, Mask: IDUs Serial configuration: PPP protocol, 38400 baud rate (do not change the default settings) Install SLIP drivers and configure Dial-up adapter on laptop to IP address, Mask: (according to instructions in the User-Manual) IDU and laptop are on the same sub-network Connect the laptop to the IDU using serial null-modem cable Connect to the IDU using dial-up adapter Launch CeraView and verify that you can connect to the IDU

In-Band Management
Transport element management information seamlessly and simply throughout the network

The Solution

Management information is carried in the SONET/SDH frame (over the Radio and over the Line) Full management solution: can carry management information of any IP-based external equipment Topologies: Rings 1+1 Hot-Standby Cascaded links and more

1. DCCr to Radio and Line

Most efficient SONET/SDH and ATM networks Management network transparent within the OC-3 / STM-1 Line


External equipment must not alter the DCCr bytes!

2. DCCr to Radio Only

Management is transmitted only to the Radio side SONET/SDH, ATM and IP networks Does not rely on ADM processing of DCCr bytes Simple cross-over Ethernet cable used to connect management at each site

Managing External Equipment

E x te rn a l E q u ip m e n t

E x te rn a l E q u ip m e n t

Allows management of external equipment (such as ADMs, Switches, other radio equipment) Management information to the rest of the network is directed to the management Ethernet port and then to the HUB

How Does It Work?

The IDU checks each received IP packet:

Destination IP address of packet = IP address of IDU

IDU will pass packet to its own IP port for further Processing

Destination IP address of packet IP address of IDU

If packet arrived from within the ring Sent to the other side of link If the other side of the link is down, packet is returned to its originator

If packet arrived from outside the ring or from the IDU itself Packet is sent to the radio side If radio side is down Forward to the line side

Basic IP Theory

IP Address : (dec) = 1100 0000 . 1010 1000 .0000 0001 . 1000 1011 (bin) Mask: (dec) = 1111 1111 . 1111 1111 . 1111 1111 . 1111 0000 (4 zeros mask) IP addresses on the same sub-net: 1100 0000. 1010 1000 . 0000 0001 . 1000 0000 ( to 1100 0000. 1010 1000 . 0000 0001 . 1000 1111 ( The last 4 bits cannot be all zeros or all ones and are not available!

IP - Example (1)
Ring IP Address: Mask:

IP addresses on the sub-net: to IP addresses that can be used: to 192.1.14 Ring IP Address: Mask:

IP addresses on the sub-net: to IP addresses that can be used: to 192.1.10 Ring IP Address: IP addresses on the sub-net: to IP addresses that can be used: to 192.1.190

Link Commissioning & Troubleshooting using CeraView

Java CeraView EMS

Ceragon Element Manager SNMP Based Java-based, works on Windows, Unix, HPoV, SNMPc Can manage a terminal or a full link

Configuration Maintenance Operation Performance Monitoring Remote diagnostics Statistic reports

Physical View

Local and Remote management access Installed interfaces Real-time LEDs display

Troubleshooting Tools

Alarm log Receive Signal Level PM Radio SDH PM STM-1 Line SDH PM Loop backs

Alarm Log

Time and date of alarms Severity-based filters Up to 100 log entries with automatic save Log can be exported to Notepad, Word, Excel

Trouble-shooting Using Alarm Log

Check current alarm (!!!) Identify when alarms started Identify separate events based on time Check correlation with other links failed Check correlation to RSL to explain alarms Check correlation to Radio/Line SDH PM

RSL Monitoring

Min and Max Receive Signal Level in 15 minutes intervals for last 24 hours Unfaded RSL configuration (expected RSL) and Thresholds Allows to save as a table and export to a file

Trouble-shooting Using RSL

Check current RSL Check changes in RSL during last 24hours (5dB change during the day is normal) Identify rain fading, multipath/ducting Check if RSL reached sensitivity threshold In case of ATPC, check Transmit Signal Level

Performance Monitoring - Radio SDH

Counter of Un-Available Seconds on the radio in 15 minutes intervals for last 24 hours Allows to save as a table and export to a file

Advanced Radio SDH PM

Table of ES, SES, UAS, BBE on the radio in 15 minutes intervals for last 24 hours

Performance Monitoring - Line SDH

Counter of Un-Available Seconds on Line (STM-1) in 15 minutes intervals for last 24 hours Allows to save as a table and export to a file

Advanced Line SDH PM

Table of ES, SES, UAS, BBE on the Line (STM-1) in 15 minutes intervals for last 24 hours Allows to save as a table and export to a file

Trouble-shooting Using PM

Always check Radio and Line PMs Check alarm log for correlation Check correlation to RSL to explain errors

Loop-back Configuration

IF loop Internal and External STM-1 Line loop Loop clear timeout configuration and display

Trouble-shooting Using Loop-backs

If problem currently exists:

Use Line loop in case of LOS, LOF or Errors on STM-1 input of IDU or external ADM Use IF loop in case of LOF or BER on Radio to identify if IDU is OK Use ODU loop in case of LOF or BER if IF loop passed OK (available 7-8GHz ODUs only!)


Synchronization Sources
FibeAir 1500A/1528A is compliant with G.813 Synchronization Sources: External Aggregate East / Aggregate West Tributary Internal (accuracy 4.6 ppm [BER 10-6] SEC or Stratum-3) Note: For each Network Element can be configured two possible clock sources: primary & secondary When both sources are lost, an appropriate alarm will be reported and the ACTIVE source will be no source - Hold Over mode.

Reference Timing Modes (1)

Line Mode Left Line Mode Right







Tributary Streams

Tributary Streams

Reference Timing Modes (2)

Tributary Mode Internal Mode

Accuracy 4.6 ppm







Tributary Streams

Tributary Streams

Reference Timing Modes (3)

External Mode External Mhz Ref 2

Through Mode





Tributary Streams

Tributary Streams

Synchronization Principals
1. Distribution of the best timing source to NEs in the network 2. Selection of the shortest paths to distribute the synchronization timing source 3. The longest chain should not exceed K slave clocks compliant with G.812 4. The quality of timing will deteriorate as the number of synchronization links increases 5. The worst case synchronization reference chain is for K=10, N=20 with the total number of SDH network element clocks limited to 60

G.813 G.813 G.813 G.813 G.813 G.813







Synchronization Strategy (1)


Utilization of S1 (Timing Marker) byte The SSM informs the neighboring NE about the status of the clock supply The S1 byte is used to select the best timing source for the NE and to prevent timing islands Assignment of timing source quality level to each NE Timing Generator (TG) source selection Enables the user to configure two possible clock sources for each NE For each timing source the user assigns a quality level If both clock sources fail, the NE switches to Hold-Over mode

Synchronization Strategy (2)

SSM Disabled

Definition of Primary and Secondary clock sources for each NE If the Primary clock source fails, the NE will switch to Hold-Over mode In this case alarm will be generated Clock Unit Unlocked and the user can select and switch manually to the Secondary or Internal clock source

With no active clock source, the NE will remain in Hold-Over mode for 48hours, and then will switch to Internal clock source Once the Primary clock source is restored, the NE will switch automatically to the active clock source

Timing source quality levels

Quality Level High 1 2 3 4 5 Low 6 Description G.811 - atomic source G.812 - Transit G.812 -Local Unknown (PDH Sync) Internal G.813 clock Don't use for Sync

First of all - Plan!

1. Sketch the general configuration 2. Design the radio links 3. Define Radio Side direction (East or West) for each NE 4. Define the Tributaries path (physical port, VC-12, mapped trial, transparent trail, active path) for each NE 5. Define Main and Secondary paths for protection 6. Define the synchronization sources for each NE 7. Design the in-band management and IP addresses

General ADM Configuration

Radio Direction

Trail Configuration

Trail Name


Mapped VC-12s

Main Path

Synchronization Configuration
Clock Unit Installed

Clock Status Secondary Clock

SSM Mode

Primary Clock

General ADM Configuration

Radio Direction

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