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HP LP Bypass System

What is HP-LP Bypass System ?

HP Bypass System provides an alternate path from Main steam line to CRH bypassing the HP Turbine.

LP Bypass System enables an alternate path for dumping the steam from Reheater outlet (HRH)directly into the condenser bypassing IP & LP Turbine. They enable Boiler operation & loading independent of Turbine.
The capacity of HP-LP Bypass System is 60% of Boiler load Index.

HP LP Bypass System offers following advantages Boiler start up without TG rolling. Building of steam parameters to a level acceptable for Turbine rolling at relatively faster rate. Turbine start up and loading while steam flow gets transferred to Turbine. Parallel operation of with Turbine on load rejection. Allowing Boiler operation following turbine trip provided Boiler Load <60%. Reduces frequency of Boiler tripping & low thermal stress cycle on Boiler parts. Preventing safety vlv. Floating. Conservation of D.M. water.

HP & LP Bypass System do have their own independent control system and oil arrangements.
But LP Bypass works in conjunction with HP Bypass System as & when necessitated by system requirements such as warming up stage & dumping a large quantity steam following a heavy load rejection.

HP Bypass System
The HP Bypass system consists of Two HP Bypass vlv (BP1 & BP2) which are combined type of pressure reducing & desuperheating station with spray water is tapped of from BFP discharge & supplied to HP Bypass downstream chamber via temperature control vlvs BPE1 & BPE2. Spray water pressure is maintained by spray water pressure control vlv.(BD1)
Two no. of throttling devices are provided each one after HP Bypass vlv.

Description of control loop

The PI Controller receives a set point setter(0 to 10V Signal) from the motorised set point setter.

It also receives the process feedback signal from main steam lines through a process XMTR. This is a 4-20 m.A. signal which is converted to 0 to 10V. The difference between these two signal is the control deviation.
With +ve control deviation the output of PI Controller increases. With -ve control deviation the output of PI Controller decreases.

The output of PI Controller is the position demand signal which corresponds to valve position any time. The position demand signal is common for both valves BP1 & BP2. The position demand signal is now fed to the next control stage of each of these valves. The next control stage is known as Position Controller.

This Position Controller also receives actual valve position from Position XMTR which is also 5-15 m.A. signal, later converted to 0-10 V.

This is a capacitive Position XMTR ,the capacitance between fixed & moving elements (attached to actuator shaft) varies,hence varying the output signal. This is directly mounted on the shaft. The difference between these two signal is the control deviation for Position Controller. When these control deviation is +ve open command is issued to the valve. On being -ve close instruction are issued.


For achievement quick & fine control,the valves are actuated by Hydraulic Actuators. An axial piston oil pump draw the oil through a pressure filter & via N.R.V. into the accumulator. The accumulator is of bladder type & consists of steel pressure vessel containing a nitrogen filled rubber bladder ,which separates the oil from gas. The accumulator supplies oil pressure at 110 ksc & meet the peak supply requirement. The oil pump is therefore mean supply requirement.

The oil is passed through individual Servo valve & Blocking element before entering into cylinder of actuator & acts as a controller of actuator.

The Servo valve & Blocking element operates depending on the impulses from control system.


The control system is designed to maintain the steam pressure ahead of bypass valve to the given set value. The pressure set value can be adjusted from control desk manually. Before synchronisation & block loading the pressure set point is to be adjusted to a value equal to steam pressure ahead of bypass valve minus a bias pressure. After synchronisation the same set value has to be adjusted to a rated turbine throttle pressure plus a bias value.
The control loop for steam temperature downstream of HP Bypass valve can be operated from control desk as required for different mode of start up. During normal operation ,the set point is a set value closer to HPT exhaust.

If If HP Bypass opening is <2%,then the spray water pressure control valve (BD valve) automatically closes.

If HP Bypass opening is >2% , then the control of BD, BPE 1 & BPE 2 is changed to Auto mode irrespective their initial condition.
If HP Bypass downstream temperature>380 deg c BP1 & BP2 close on priority which overrides even fast opening protection. If condenser vacuum <0.75 ksc the HP Bypass closes


The HP Bypass station has a fast acting channel for full load opening of the valves in about 3 secs. (normal timing 8 secs.) after initiation of following signals.

G.C.B. open.
Turbine trip. Turbine load shedding relay operated. HP Bypass control deviation >10%. Depressing fast open push button.

LP Bypass system
LP Bypass system enables to establish an alternate route for dumping the steam from Reheater outlet directly to condenser. The Desuperheating & Pressure Reduction takes place in the dumping devices. The spray water for desuperheating is taken from CEP discharge. The LP Bypass vlvs are two in numbers. Emergency stop vlv & control vlv of the LP Bypass combined in a common body. The double shut off arrangement separates the condenser from Reheater during normal operation.

LP Bypass control System

The control system of LP Bypass essentially a combination of electrical & well proven Hydraulic system.
Electro Hydraulic converter provides necessary link between electrical system & hydraulic actuation system. The control oil, known as signal oil for hydraulic system comes directly from Turbine governing oil system since condenser is one of the main parts of the Turbine.


LP Bypass operation can be governed by set value formation either by fixed set point or sliding set point determined by a maximum value selector. The fixed set point can be set manually from LP Bypass console. It also gets regulated by ACI during start up phase. For the sliding set point, a pressure transducer is used to measure the first stage pressure & almost one third of this pressure is used as sliding set point.

The LP Bypass automatically closes in case Condenser vacuum low (<0.4 ksc.)

Spray water pressure low.(<10 ksc. Or both CEP off)

Condenser wall temperature high.

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