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Governing System (210 MW, LMW Machines)

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1.1 GOVERNING OF UTILITY STEAM TURBINES 1.1.1 Operational conditions (regimes) of steam Turbine have certain requirements which are depending on the nature of driven machine. For example in the case of utility turbines (which drive directly coupled A.C. generator), the speed of turbine should remain fairly constant, so that frequency of system (grid) remains stabilized. The above requirements in a steam Turbine are accomplished by Governing System. 1.1.2. Governing System

In general, the equation of turning moments of turbine-generator rotors can be expressed as follows. (Ref. Fig. 1.1) MT = MG + MLOSSES + (IT + IG) dw ......... (1) dt Where MT - Turning moment at the turbine coupling (in N.m) MG - Turbine moment converted into electrical energy at generator terminals in (NM) MLOSSES - Breaking moment in the bearings arising out of friction as well as windage losses and generator losses (in N.m) IT, IG - Moment of inertia of turbine and generator respectively(in N.m. sec.2) dW - Angular acceleration of rotor (in rad/sec.2) dt When turbine generator set is operating at constant speed, angular acceleration dw = 0 dt Substituting dw = 0 in equation (1) we get. dt MT = MG + MLOSSES .........(2) Equation (2) can be written as

MT. W x 10-3 = ... MG. W x 10-3 + MLOSSES. W x 10-3 Or NT = NG + Nlosses Where W rotational speed (rad. Sec1) NT effective power developed by turbine at coupling (in kW) NG Useful electrical power developed by generator (kW) Nlosses Power Lost (kW) NG is governed by load requirements of the consumers. NT is function of steam flow, heat drop and efficiency of the machine. NT = f (G, H noe) Where G Steam flow, H Heat drop and noe Efficiency of machine. Hence power out put of turbine- generator set can be varied to suit consumers requirements by varying either steam flow or heat drop or a combination of two. This is accomplished by Governing System whose main function is to automatically restore the state of equilibrium between external load and power output of the turbine, by maintaining constant speed as long as generator is not connected to the system (grid), and controlling output when generator is connected to the system (speed of turbine generator is controlled by system frequency) by adjusting steam flow to meet the load demand. All modern turbine-generator sets are combined with steam generator (boiler) to operate as integral unit. The allowed load changes of turbine-generator and steam generator determine the load changes of the unit. The distinctly different characteristic of the two make necessary to link their respective control systems together. The load on the system is constantly changing and there is always a mismatch between generated load and required load. If Generation more > less Demand, frequency rises. Generation Less < More Demand, frequency falls. Governor senses the speed and in doing so admits more or less steam. 1.1.3 GOVERNING METHODS: To control load, the turbine can be either nozzle controlled or throttle controlled. In both the cases operating at constant pressure or variable pressure or a combination of two. (i.e. in constant pressure mode over a certain load range and variable pressure mode over remaining load range). In nozzle controlled turbines, steam flow is controlled by sequential opening or closing of the control valves (at least 4 for effective sequential operation) allowing steam to flow to associated nozzle groups. In throttle controlled turbines, steam flow is controlled by pressure of steam by the control valves (either 2 or 4) to the extent required by load. In constant pressure mode, the pressure upstream of control valves is kept constant at all the loads, while in variable (sliding) pressure mode the control valves remain fully open and the pressure upstream of control valves varies proportionally with the load over a definite load range. As the turbine generator sets operating in frequency control must react quickly even to moderate load changes, turbine control valves must be continuously throttled by a limited amount so as to obtain necessary instant reserve output because steam generator can not supply necessary pressure changes so quickly.

Three combinations (i) variable pressure with throttle control, (ii) constant pressure with nozzle control and (iii) constant pressure with throttle control, are commonly used. 1.1.4 Characteristics of governing system: (i) Steady State Regulation: For effective predetermined load sharing, droop in speed with increase in load is provided in all the steam turbines. Steady state regulation (also called proportional band speed droop etc.) is defined as the ratio of % speed drop from no load to full load to the nominal speed. The usual value of regulation is 4% (through upto 8% regulation is used for base load turbines and upto 2.5% regulation is used for peak load turbines). Ref. Fig 1.2

Regulation = Nmax Nmin x 100 Nnom When Nnom = speed in rpm. In modern turbines equipped with electro-hydraulic governing system regulation can be adjusted between 2.5 to 8% in very fine steps. To operate turbine always at rated (nominal) speed, a speed controller is used. (ii) Dead Band : Due to inherent inertia of the components of governing elements and friction present in governing system, certain motion of governing systems is lost, before corrective signal can actuate the control valves. The lost motion is called dead band (or insensitivity) of the system is expressed as percentage of rated speed. Value of dead band should be as low as possible. For utility turbines of above 200 MW rating dead band should be less than 0.06%. (iii) Transient speed rise (TSR) : When total load rejections take place, speed shoots up temporarily, before settling down to steady state value. This temporary speed increase is called Temporary Speed Rise (abbreviated as TSR) and is expressed as percentage speed rise of rated speed on full load throw off. To restrict its value to reasonable (7 to 8%) anticipating governor is used. (Ref. Fig. 1.3)


1.1.5 Interaction of Governing System :

1.1.6 Sub system of governing system (i) Speed governing, (ii) Speed control, (iii) Anticipatory governing & (iv) Protection system i) Speed governing: Function of speed governing is to maintain turbine speed as per steady state regulation characteristics. Main elements of it are speed transducer, pilot valve and associated hydraulic amplifier. Oil from hydraulic amplifier actuates the control valves to regulate steam flow. ii) Speed control: Speed control unit is superimposed on speed governing and acts in parallel to speed governing, to change the speed of turbine (usually between 92 to 108% of rated speed) to compensate for speed changes due to steady state speed regulation characteristic of speed governing. This can be actuated either manually or by remote control by signals from Auto-synchronizer and Auto-Load-frequency regulator etc,. of load dispatcher unit. It is also called speed changer, control gear or speeder gear etc. (Ref. Fig 1.4) iii) Anticipatory governing: Turbine speed rises to dangerous speed (trip value of emergency governors) on large load rejections, due to time delay in the speed governing and also because of entrapped steam. To stop tripping of turbine on large load rejections, anticipatory governing is employed. It consists of devices which usually senses load rejections of value

greater than 50% of rated load and closes control valves for predetermined time. After this time normal speed governing takes over. With the inclusion of anticipatory governing it is possible to restrict the values of TSR to 6 to 8% of rated speed even in case of total load rejection. iv) Protection system: Protection system shuts of steam supply to turbine by closing stop valves (independent of control valves) and control valves in the following possible hazards (i) overspeeding 10% (ii) motoring (iii) Lub oil failure (iv) thrust bearing failure (v) vacuum failure (vi) boiler priming (vii) excessive vibrations (viii) excessive temperature differential and (ix) excessive eccentricity. It is not necessary to trip the turbine in all above mentioned eventualities. Manufacturers select a group of these for tripping depending on their designs. In case of Lube Oil Failure and Thrust Bearing Failure, vacuum is also usually broken in order to bring turbine at standstill in minimum time so that no damage occurs to turbine. Protection system consists of transducers (usually unstable) for above mentioned events, their unstable pilots and associated hydraulic amplifiers which act on stop and control valves. 1.1.7 Types of Governing System: The governing system can be one of the following types. i) Mechanical ii) Hydro mechanical, iii) Hydraulic, iv) Electro hydraulic i) Mechanical : Now-a-days purely mechanical governing systems are not used for utility turbines. In this speed transducer is mechanical centrifugal type speed governor, which actuates control valves through mechanical linkages. ii) Hydro mechanical : In hydro mechanical governing system speed transducer is usually mechanical centrifugal type speed governor. It is connected to hydraulic system either hydraulically or mechanically. In the hydraulic system this signal is amplified so that control valves servomotors can be actuated. iii) Hydraulic : In hydraulic governing system speed transducer is a centrifugal pump whose discharge pressure is proportional to square of speed. This signal is sent to hydraulic converter/transformer, which generates a signal, which is proportional to valve opening/closure required. Before applying it to control valves servomotors this signal is suitably amplified. iv) Electro hydraulic : The Electro-hydraulic governing offers certain advantages over above three types of governing systems and is becoming popular for units rating larger than 200 MW. Due to large interconnected systems and growing automation of turbine generator sets, governing system has to meet many additional requirements. The combined advantages of electrical measuring and signal processing (flexibility, dynamic quality, and simple representation of complicated functional relationships) and hydraulic controls (continuous control of large positioning forces) provide a very good combination. Following are the important characteristics of electro-hydraulic governing (a) exact steady state regulation with high sensitively (b) safe load shedding by avoiding any speeding up along the steady state regulation characteristic (c) possibility to adjust steady state regulation in fine steps even during operation. In electro-hydraulic governing all transducers are electrical/electronic components. The


acuisitioned signals are processed electronically and processed electrical signal is given to electro-hydraulic converter, which convert electrical signal to hydraulic signal. Hydraulic signal before application to control valves servomotors is suitably amplified. 2.0 2.1 GOVERNING SYSTEM FOR 210 MW (LMW) RUSSIAN MAKE TURBINE.

TURBINE OIL SYSTEM: (Ref. Fig 2.1) The recommended working medium for governing and lubrication system of the turbine is the MOBIL DTE oil medium or Turbine Oil. 14 of INDIAN OIL COMPANY, or servo prime 14 or Turbinol 47. OIL SPECIFICATION : 0.852 1. Specific gravity at 500C 2. Kinematic viscosity at 500C 28 centistokes 3. Nutralisation number 0.2 4. Flash point 2010C (Minm) 5. Pour point 6.60C (Maxm) 6. Ash percentage by weight 0.01% 7. Mechanical impurities Nil 2.2 210 MW TURBINE GOVERNING & PROTECTION MECHANISM (FOR LMW RUSSIAN MAKE TURBINE) Abbreviations used; ESV Emergency Stop Valve IV Interceptor Valve PV Pilot Valve CVSM Control Valve Servo Motor EG Emergency Governor EGPV Emergency Governor Pilot Unloading Gear ISPUG Initial Steam Pressure Unloading Gear EHT Electro-hydraulic Transducer HPT High Pressure Turbine IPT Intermediate Pressure Turbine LPT Low Pressure Turbine

2.2.1 Description: The description deals with the theoretical or basics of governing & protection mechanism of steam turbine in general but, to give salient features and design aspects of governing & protection mechanism of 210 MW (LMW make) Turbine manufactured by M/s. BHEL, Haridwar. The subject can be conveniently divided into three sections viz: (a) (b) (c) Normal Governing mechanism Protection mechanism Pre-emergency devices

2.2.2 Governing mechanism is intended to carry out the following functions: a) To bring the turbine speed smoothly from barring gear to Synchronising speed, under the control of operator action. b) Stable speed control in isolated operation of the set.


The desired degree of load distribution between sets running in parallel.

The governing system of 210 MW turbine is based on constant oil pressure principle. That is to say during stable operation of the unit, the sensitive oil pressure which positions the pilot valves is always same at any load. Only during the transient conditions of load/speed variations the sensitive oil pressure varies and returns to the original value as soon as the condition stabilizes. The turbine is provided with nozzle governing for controlling the steam flow through the turbine. There are four CVs on HPT and four CVs on IPT which open in a pre-arranged sequence. This brings down the throttling losses in the CVs, during partial load operation. A specific feature of 210 MW turbine is that a single servomotor operates al the control valves of HPT & IPT through a set of levers, racks, pinions and cam shafts. The cams are so shaped to give the required sequence of operation of CVs. 2.2.3 To understand the working of governing mechanism, it is worthwhile to keep the following simple principles of hydraulics in mind. (Ref. Fig. 2.2) a) When a liquid is admitted into chamber through inlet orifice IN and drained through the outlet orifice OUT the pressure in chamber B is a factor of the ratio of the areas of inlet orifice to outlet orifice. When the area of outlet orifice is decreased while keeping the inlet orifice constant, the pressure in chamber approaches supply pressure. When the drain is completely closed the pressure in chamber B becomes equal to supply pressure. In practice the pressure in Chamber B is used as impulse oil pressure usually called as sensitive oil pressure. During transient conditions this pressure varies either due to change in the area of inlet orifice or outlet orifice. The pressure is brought back to original value when the conditions stabilizes due to reverse action i.e. by changing the area of outlet orifice when the inlet orifice was changed during Y transient conditions so as to restore the ratio of the areas and vice versa. This principle is utilized for generating primary & secondary sensitive oil pressure in 210 MW governing & protection mechanism.



b) The second is the flapper nozzle principle, which is very widely used in pneumatic instrumentation. The back pressure of nozzle is a factor of the distance between the flapper & nozzle. When the flapper moves away from nozzle the drain flow will increase and makes the back pressure P back to fall and vice-versa. To restore the back pressure either the nozzle or flapper is to be moved to achieve the original distance d. This principle is used to make the pilot valve to follow up the movement of speed governor, described later.

2.2.4 i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) i)

The following elements are involved in the normal governing mechanism: Speed governor Follow-up pilot valve Speeder gear Speed/load control pilot valve Summation pilot valve Intermediate pilot valve Servomotor pilot valve Servomotor Feedback pilot valve Control valves.

Speed governor : It senses the variations in the speed of the turbine rotor and converts it into a proportional movement of the sleeve. This acts on force balance principle. The centrifugal force of the fly weights being balanced by the tension spring. Follow-up pilot valve: This transmits the movement of governor sleeve to the summation valve through the lever. The linkages between the sleeve and PV is hydraulic and there is no mechanical linkage. The back pressure of the nozzle (5 atg) acts on the right face of the piston. A constant oil pressure (13 atg) acts on smaller area of the left face of the piston and keeps the piston in equilibrium. The movement of follow-up pilot valve is transmitted through lever to summation pilot valves. Speeder gear: This can be actuated either by a hand wheel provided on turbine front



pedestal or by a control switch provided on turbine desk. This determines the position of speed / load control pilot valve. This also positions the summation pilot valve through the lever. iv) Speed/load control pilot valve: The position of this controls the hydraulic impulses to emergency governor pilot valves (which are described later in the paper and to pilot valves of ESVs & IVs through EGPVs. Summation pilot valve: This converts mechanical impulses received from follow-up pilot valve and speed/load control. PV into hydraulic signals to intermediate PV and differentiator. This in fact controls the drain orifices in the primary sensitive oil line and differentiator oil line. A constant oil pressure acting on the left face of the piston takes the place of spring to avoid any effect of back-lash due to play in the linkages and pins. Intermediate PV: This controls inlet orifice of primary sensitive oil and drain orifice of secondary sensitive oil line. This is under equilibrium due to the primary sensitive oil pressure (7.7 atg) acting at the bottom and a constant oil pressure acting from above. This is primarily intended to amplify the sensitive oil pressure to 10.3 atg. To be used to position the PV of CV servomotor. The higher sensitive oil pressure lessens the effect of reactionary forces of power/relay oil flowing to the servomotor, on the position of pilot valve spool. This causes true reflection of the secondary sensitive oil pressure on the position of the pilot valve.



vii) Servomotor Pilot Valve: This receives the secondary sensitive oil pressure impulses and position the servomotor accordingly. This is in equilibrium due to the force exerted by sensitive oil pressure (10.3 atg) on the bottom of the spool and control oil pressure acting on top of the PV. The position of the servomotor PV decides the amount of oil admitted to the bottom of the servomotor piston and the oil drained from the top of the piston and vice versa. This regulates the position of the servomotor piston. viii) Servomotor: This is a double acting piston. The piston is positioned due to the regulation of relay oil admission/draining by the PV. The piston rod is connected through horizontal lever to the two racks operating the CVs of HPT and IPT. Care is taken to avoid banging of the piston at the bottom of the cylinder, when a sudden draining of oil takes place during large load drop by restricting the oil drain during the end travel of the piston. ix) Feed back pilot valve: This receives mechanical impulses from the movement of the servomotor piston and converts them into hydraulic impulses to servomotor PV. This in fact controls the inlet orifice of secondary sensitive oil system, the drain orifice of which is located in the intermediate PV as already stated earlier. Control valves: There are 4 Nos. CVs for HPT and 4 Nos. CVs for IPT. All the control valves are operated by a single servomotor as explained earlier. As throttle governing is adopted for 210 MW turbine, the CVs open in a pre-arranged sequence. This is achieved by suitably shaping the individual cams, which operate the corresponding CVs.



Integrated operation of normal governing elements: When there is a drop in the frequency or the speeder gear is operated the following sequence of operation occurs. The Governor sleeve moves towards left as the tension spring pulls the governor flyweight nearer. This makes the follow-up pilot valve also to move towards left and the summation pilot valve reduces the draining oil from the primary sensitive oil line and differentiator oil line. The speeder gear moves the load/speed control PV towards right. The lever moves the summation PV to left, as in the above case, since the point where the follow-up PV is connected to the lever acts fulcrum. This also causes the same effect as above, i.e. reduces the draining of oil. Reduction in the drain causes the primary sensitive oil pressure to increase. The intermediate PV moves up which reduces the admission of oil into primary sensitive oil line. Hence, the intermediate PV settles down at a new higher position where the reduction in inlet of oil matches the reduction in the drain. The new position of intermediate PV in turn reduces the drain in the secondary sensitive oil line which makes the pressure to increase. The increased pressure makes the servomotor PV to move up causing draining of oil from the top and admission of more oil to the bottom of servomotor piston. The servomotor moves up opening the control valves causing increased steam flow through the turbine. The machine picks up more load. When the servomotor piston moves up, the feed back lever makes the feedback PV to move down restricting the supply of oil into secondary oil line. Hence the CVs continue to open till such time the reduction in the supply of secondary sensitive oil is matched with the reduction in the drain at intermediate PV so that the pressure is restored to 10.3 atg. And the servomotor PV occupies the on-part position. Thus it can be seen that a definite movement of the speeder gear in load increase direction or fall in frequency by a definite amount cause the CVs to open by a specific amount. Speeder gear movement load decrease direction or increase in frequency causes the reverse effect and the CVs close by a definite amount.







2.2.5 Protection Mechanism: a) Protection Mechanism of Turbine instantaneously close the ESVs, IVs and control valves of HPT & IPT during the following dangerous conditions: I) Speed rise upto 111 to 112% II) Speed rise upto 114 to 115% III) Thrust bearing failure IV) Vacuum below 540 mm to Hgc. V) Lub oil pressure below 0.3 atg. VI) Main steam temp. low VII) H.P. heater level extra high VIII) Manual tripping.


The following elements are involved in the protection mechanism. 1. Emergency or overspeed governors (EG) 2. Emergency governor testing levers 3. Emergency governor pilot valves (EGPVs) 4. ESV servomotor 5. IV servomotor 6. Turbine shut down switch The protection system is based on maintaining oil pressure in the protection oil line, which is essentially required to keep the turbine in reset condition. This oil pressure keeps the pistons of EGPVs pressed against the top of their casing. Only in this position, control PV goes to PVs of servomotors speed/ load control PV of servomotors ESVs & IVs and thus keeping them open; the pressure in the primary sensitive oil line is maintained thus keeping the CVs open. 1) Draining of protection oil by any means cause the pistons of EGPV to move downwards. This not only makes the control oil to servomotors of ESVs & IVs to be locked, but also opens it to drain causing instantaneous closure of ESVs & IVs. The primary sensitive oil also is opened to drain thus causing the closure of CVs. 2) Opening of the protection oil to drain will occur when a) Emergency governors operate b) The manual shut down knob is operated c) Solenoid trip energised from control desk d) When the follow up PV moves to extreme right due to overspeeding beyond 114% of rated speed. Emergency governors : The EGs are mounted on the front end of the HP rotor and is dynamically balanced with it. Emergency governor strikers, which are eccentric to the axis of rotation, fly out against spring force at a speed 11% to 12% more than rated speed. The flying out of the strikers, cause the impulse spools of EGPVs to be pressed down through the levers. This in turn drains the protection oil tripping the turbine. EG testing levers: By means of the testing levers, one of the EGs can be isolated at a time for the purpose of testing the EG by oil injection. When the oil injection is done, the striker should fly out below 2970 rpm. Since the EG is isolated this can be verified by the popping up of the indicators at the top of turbine front pedestal. Emergency governor pilot valve: It is an intermediate element to convert the mechanical signal received from EG through the lever to hydraulic signal. It receives hydraulic signals from follow-up PV and turbine shut down switch also. Hydraulic signal is transferred to ESV & IV servomotors and CV servomotors to trip the set. Emergency stop valve servomotors: Two Nos. ESV servomotors are provided to totally cut off steam supply to the HPT in case of emergency conditions. This is a single acting piston. Relay oil to the bottom of the platoon is controlled by the PV which received hydraulic impulse form the speed/ load control PV through EGPV. This also received a mechanical signal from the hand wheel by way of variation in the spring tension for the purpose testing the ESV for the movement.







Interceptor valve servomotor: Two Nos. IV servomotors are provided to totally cut off steam supply to the IPT in case of emergency conditions. The principle of operation is similar to ESV servomotor. Turbine shut-down switch: This is mounted on the front standard. When the knob is pressed, the protection oil is opened to drain and cause turbine tripping as explained earlier. This can also be operated by energizing the solenoid by the operation of control switch from unit/ central control panel.


2.2.6 Pre-emergency devices: The purpose of these is to anticipate any impending emergency and take steps to control the emergency and avoid tripping of turbine. The following devices are provided in 210 MW turbine. a) Initial steam pressure unloading gear (ISPUG) b) Differentiator c) Load Limiter d) Electro-hydraulic transducer a) Initial steam pressure unloading gear (ISPUG) : Initial steam pressure unloading gear (ISPUG) starts unloading the set in case steam pressure ahead of emergency stop valves falls below 90% + 2% of the rated value i.e. below (117 + 2) ata. The actuation of ISPUG causes a pressure drop in secondary sensitive oil line and thus closing the control valves. ISPUG would completely unload the set if initial steam pressure falls to 91 ata and maintains the set at no load condition. In between (117+2) ata and 91 ata unloading is proportional to pressure drop. In case steam pressure is restored, it reloads the set. Differentiator: Differentiator receives hydraulic impulse from summation pilot valve and it senses the acceleration. The differentiator cuts in only if the acceleration of the set is equal-to or more than the value corresponding to load dump of more than 50% of the rated load. The cutting in of the differentiator results in anticipator closure of control valves through intermediate pilot valve and control valves servomotor. Load Limiter: Load Limiter has been provided to avoid accidental overloading of the set. Especially when any of the auxiliaries like IDF, PAF, BFP etc. are taken out for repair and the load on the machine is to be restricted to the capacity of the healthy auxiliaries, the load Limiter can be advantageously employed. Load Limiter mechanically blocks the movement of summation pilot valve in the left-ward direction at the point where it is set. This prevents even the transient increase in primary sensitive oil pressure and hence load increase. When the load limiter block the summation PV, a limit switch is operated, which gives a visual indicator reduce load and alarm on the control panel. The operator should reduce load so as to free the movement of the lever. A continuous operation of set on low load at which load limiter is set, is not recommended. Electro-hydraulic transducer (EHT) : Electro-hydraulic transducer cuts in, when electrical signal due to generator circuit breaker opening is given to energise the operating coil of the transducer. This electrical signal is finally converted into a hydraulic signal by




the actuation of electro-hydraulic transducer. This would lead to anticipatory closure of control valves. The electrical signal to the electro-hydraulic transducer is applied only for two seconds so that this anticipatory action exists only for two seconds. This has been done with the objective to enable the normal governing system to bring the set to no load position and not to shut down the set due to dangerous over speed. 2.2.7 Testing Procedures: The turbine protection system should be periodically tested for its good operating condition. The following tests should be conducted at the recommended frequency as given against each of the test. a) Testing of over speed protection system: i) by oil injection : Once in 3 months. ii) By actual overspeeding: after every shutdown but not more than twice a year. b) Partial closure of ESV Once in a shift. c) Partial closure of IV - Once in a shift. d) Complete closure of EVS - Once in a fortnight. e) Complete closure of IV - Once in a fortnight. a) Testing of over speed protection system by oil injection: The overspeed set point of the emergency strikers can be checked by oil injection method in the following manner. This test can be most conveniently carried out before the synchronization of the set and after the overspeed test of the set. i) Bring the aux. oil pump into service. ii) Reduce the speed of the set to 2700 rpm. iii) Disengage the lever for striker No. 1 by pushing in the handle from its mid pos. iv) Turn the oil injection knob in anti-clockwise direction. v) Raise the speed of the set slowly. vi) Observe the speed at which flap pops up. If it pops up at a speed equal to or less than 2970 rpm, it can be construed that the over speed set point of the striker is within 3330 and 3360 rpm. vii) Increase the speed of the set to 3150 rpm. viii) Stop oil injection by turning the oil injection knob to neutral position. ix) Maintain the speed 3150 rpm for 30 seconds. x) Reduce the speed slowly and observe the speed at which the flap moves down. If the flap comes down at a speed 3065 + 45-35 rpm, it may be construed that the striker No. 1 is in a healthy state. xi) Repeat the test for striker No. 2. b) Test for checking the proper functioning of ESV & IV servomotors : This test is essentially carried out to verify that the servomotors for the ESV and IV are in a healthy state and else to verify that the stems of the stop valves are free to move and there is no seizure. This test can be conducted either by partially closing the servomotor or by completely closing the servomotor. Partial closure test can be conducted at least once in every eight hours when turbine is in service and carrying a load not more than 170 MW. The full closure test should be conducted once in a fortnight when the set is carrying a load not more than 120 MW. All the four stop valves i.e. two ESV and two IV should be tested once after the other and not simultaneously.

Procedure for test involving partial closure of stop valve is as follows: 1. Check that the set is carrying a load less than 170 MW. 2. Turn the handwheel on the servomotor by 15 to 20 mm. 3. Reopen the servomotor fully. 4. In case of ESVs the proper functioning of the damper should be checked in the following manner : a) When the servomotor has moved down by 5 mm from its upper-most position, the pressure under the servomotor should be recorded. b) The oil pressure under the piston in this position of servomotor should be 9.6_+1 atg. c) After a major overhaul of the turbine or a major stoppage, the characteristic curve for the damper should be plotted and compared with the initial characteristics, which will be drawn at the time of commissioning. Procedure for test involving full closure of stop valve is as follows : 1. Check that the load is not more than 120 MW. 2. Turn the handwheel on the servomotor and completely close the servomotor under test. 3. Reopen the servomotor fully. 3.0 PROCEDURE FOR TAKING THE GOVERNING CHARACTERISTICS 3.1 WHEN TURBINE IS AT NO LOAD 1. Bring the turbine to 3000 rpm by admitting steam through the bypass valves of main steam valves and keeping control valves of turbine open. 2. Set the load limited at ZERO position. 3. Turn the speeder gear in clockwise direction to such an extent that turbine speed begin to fall. 4. Slowly close the by pass valve of MSVs. This would result in reduction of steam pressure before turbine. The governing system would now open the control valves, to maintain the speed within the static regulation limits. Keep on closing the bypass valves until the control valves have opened fully. 5. For various positions of speeder gear take reading on the position of control valves servomotor, the travel of the follow pilot valves and the speed of the set accurately. 6. Draw the speed vs control valves servomotor position characteristics and compare the same with the characteristics supplied with the turbine. 7. Repeat the test by opening the bypass valves of MSV. 3.2 WHEN TURBINE IS ON LOAD : This can be done only when the turbine has been connected to the grid and has taken the full load at rated parameters. The procedure for conducting the test is as follow: 1. Reduce the load in steps of 20 MW. and maintain the rated parameters before MSV and after reheater. 2. Maintain vacuum at rated value corresponding to load and cooling water temperature. 3. For each new condition of the load, take the reading of the servomotor. 4. Plot the characteristics between load and position of control valve servomotor. 5. Using the speed vs servomotor characteristics obtained during no load test, plot the characteristics between speed and load change. 6. Check that the steady overall speed regulation is within 4 1%. The slope of curve in any zone should not exceed 1.5 times the average slope of the characteristics.

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