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| PageJul 2016
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Scaling Docker with Kubernetes
Jul 2016
Liran Cohen
Cloud platform & DevOps TL , Liveperson
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● Docker ?
● Kubernetes introduction.
● Kubernetes Addons.
● Basic Troubleshooting
● GB Demo
● Q&A
demo files - https://github.com/sliranc/k8s_workshop
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Going back in time , most applications were deployed directly on physical hardware.
● Single userspace.
● Shared runtime env between applications.
● Hardware resources generally underutilized.
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To overcome the limitation of shared runtime env ,
underutilized resources and more. The IT industry
adopted virtualization with hypervisor such as KVM
, ESX and more.
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Moving from VM => “Virtual OS” :
● We removed the hypervisor layer to reduce
● The containers approach is to package each application
with all dependencies  runtime environment.
● We have different application running on the same
host and isolated using the containers technology.
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Virtual Machines VS Containers
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Docker: Application centric.
● A clean, safe, portable runtime environment for your app.
● No more worries about missing dependencies, packages
and other pain points during deployments.
● Run each app in its own isolated container (fs , cgroup ,
pid etc ….)
● Easy to pack into a box and super portable.
Build once... (finally) run anywhere*
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Docker’s architecture
● Docker uses client server architecture.
● server: running the Docker daemon.
● Client: communicate with the server via sockets or RESTful API .
● Docker registry: public or private stores from which the server upload or download images
● The client can run on any host.
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MAINTAINER Liran Cohen <sliranc@gmail.com>
COPY index.html /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;" ],
1. Build docker image
docker build -t sliranc/hello_docker:latest .
2. Run docker container.
docker run -p 32769:80 -d --name hello_docker sliranc/hello_docker:latest
3. Push to remote registry.
docker push sliranc/hello_docker
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The name Kubernetes originates from Greek, meaning
“helmsman” or “pilot””(WiKi).
A helmsman or helm is a person who steers a ship, sailboat, submarine...
Kubernetes - κυβερνήτης
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More facts:
● Originated at Google (Borg).
● Supports multiple cloud and bare-metal environments
● Supports multiple container runtimes (Docker , rkt)
● 100% Open source, written in Go
● k8s is an abbreviation derived by replacing the 8 letters “ubernete” with 8.
Manage containerized applications , not machines.
Kubernetes ?
Kubernetes is a container cluster manager. It aims to provide a
"platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of
application containers across clusters of machines.
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Deploy single tier  single container APP is “easy”
Deploying a complex multi tier APP is more difficult
● One or more containers.
● replication of containers.
● Persistent storage.
Deploying lots of complex APPs (microservices) can be a challenge.
More Info...
Why kubernetes ?
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Control Plane
Node Controller
Replication Controller
Endpoints Controller
Service Account
Token Controllers
And more...`
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A node is a physical or virtual machine
running Kubernetes, onto which pods
can be scheduled.
operating system
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Kubectl - get (Display one or many resources)
1. List kubernetes nodes.
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get nodes --context=kube-aws
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Pod is a Small group of co-located containers with optionally shared
volume between the containers.
Pods are the basic deployment unit in Kubernetes.
● Shared namespace
○ Share IP address , localhost
○ Every pod gets a unique IP
● Managed Lifecycle
○ Bound to a node , in place restart
○ Cannot move between nodes
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Pod(po) - yaml manifest
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
phase: prod
role: frontend
name: myfirstpod
name: myfirstpod
- name: filepuller
image: sliranc/filepuller:latest
- mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
name: static-vol
- name: webserver
image: nginx:latest
- containerPort: 80
- mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
name: static-vol
- name: static-vol
emptyDir: {}
Spec: is the specification of the
desired state of an object.
kind: System object  resource
Examples: Pod, RC, Service etc...
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1. Create pod myfirstpod by filename.
kubectl create -f myfirst-pod.yaml
kubectl create -f myfirst-pod.yaml --context kube-aws
2. List pods.
kubectl get pods
kubectl get pods --context=kube-aws
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Label are key / value pairs - object metadata
● Label are attached to pods , services , rc or almost any other objects in k8s
● Can be used to organize or select subset of object.
● queryable by selectors
app: rcweb
phase: production
role: frontend
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Label selector - query object using labels
● Can identify a set of objects
● Group a set of objects
● Used in svc and rc to select the monitored  watched objects
replication controller selector example:
app: rcweb
phase: production
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direct traffic to pods
Defines a logical set of pods and a policy by which
to access them.
● are abstraction on top of the pods (LB)
● use selector to create the logical set of pods.
● Gets a stable virtual IP and Port.
● Cluster IP are only available inside k8s
services (svc)
Can define:
● What the 'internal' IP should be.(ClusterIP)
● What the 'external' IP should be. (NodePort , LoadBalancer)
● What port the service should listen on.
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services LoadBalancer
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services (svc) - yaml manifest
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: myweb
- port: 80 # the port that this service should serve on.
# (e.g. 'www') or a number (e.g. 80)
targetPort: 80
protocol: TCP
# just like the selector in the replication controller,
# but this time it identifies the set of pods to load balance
traffic to.
name: myfirstpod
System object  resource
Examples: Pod, RC, Service etc...
Spec is the specification of the
desired state of an object.
phase: prod
role: frontend
name: myfirstpod
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1. Create service myweb by filename:
kubectl create -f myfirst-svc.yaml
kubectl create -f myfirst-svc.yaml --context=kube-aws
2. NodePort:
kubectl describe -f myfirst-svc.yaml
3. LoadBalancer:
kubectl describe -f myfirst-svc.yaml --context=kube-aws
Change static content in github - Edit index.html
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Service Iptables mode:
Node X
Client A
Cluster IP(VIP)
Client B
NodePort NodePort
Pod 1 Pod 2 Pod 3
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Replication controller == pods supervisor
Ensures that a specified number of pod "replicas"
are running at any given time:
● Too many pods will trigger pods termination.
● Too few pods will trigger new pods creation.
● Main Goal = Replicas: x current / x desired.
replication controller will monitor all the pods
defined in the label selector.
replication controller (rc)  ReplicaSet (rs)
replica: 4
name: rcweb
app: rcweb
phase: production
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apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
name: rcweb
name: rcweb
replicas: 2
# selector identifies the set of pods that this replication controller is responsible for managing
app: rcweb
phase: production
# template defines the 'cookie cutter' used for creating new pods when necessary
app: rcweb
role: frontend
phase: production
name: rcwebpod
- name: staticweb
image: sliranc/rcweb:latest
replication controller (rc) - yaml manifest
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replication controller (rc)  ReplicaSet
Node 1 Node 2
Replication controller
replica: 3
name: rcweb
app: rcweb
Phase: production
Pod 2
Pod 1
Pod 3
Pod X
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1. create all resources in a directory.
kubectl create -f rcweb
kubectl get pods -l app=rcweb
kubectl describe svc/rcweb
kubectl rolling-update rcweb --image=sliranc/rcweb:v2 --update-period="10s"
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III. Config
Store config in the environment
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ConfigMap & Secrets
● ConfigMap is a resource available in kubernetes for managing
application configuration. The goal is to decouple the app
configuration from the image content in order to keep the
container portable and k8s agnostic.
● ConfigMap are key  value pairs of configuration data.
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
name: default-app
db-host: MYDB
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: test-default-app
- name: test-defaultapp
- name: DB_HOST
name: default-app
key: db-host
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St rage
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● emptyDir
● hostPath
● gcePersistentDisk
● awsElasticBlockStore
● nfs
● iscsi
● flocker
● glusterfs
Volume types
● rbd
● gitRepo
● secret
● persistentVolumeClaim
● downwardAPI
● azureFileVolume
● vsphereVirtualDisk
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emptyDir is a temporary directory that
shares a pod's lifetime.
● Storage provider = Local host
● Files will be erased on pod deletion.
● Mounted by containers inside the pod.
emptyDir path on node:
- name: static-vol
emptyDir: {}
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hostPath is a bare host directory volume.
● Acts as data volume in Docker.
● Containers can RW files on localhost.
● There is no control on quota.
- name: static-vol
path: /target/path/on/host
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Kubernetes provides
abstraction for volumes using
PersistentVolume (PV).
User - Claim PV using (PVC) persistentVolumeClaim
(pvc001 , pvc002)
nfs awsElasticBlockStore
Pod1 Pod2 Pod3
Admin - Creates pool of PVs (pv0001 , pv0002)
- name: my-vol
claimName: "pvc001"
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Multi tenancy in kubernetes.
● A single cluster should be able to satisfy the needs of multiple users or
groups of users.
Each user community has its own:
1. resources (pods, services, replication controllers, etc.)
2. policies (who can or cannot perform actions in their community)
3. constraints (this community is allowed this much quota, etc.)
Kubernetes starts with two initial namespaces:
default - The default namespace for objects with no other namespace.
kube-system - The namespace for objects created by the Kubernetes system
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apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
name: quota
cpu: "20"
memory: 1Gi
pods: "10"
replicationcontrollers: "20"
resourcequotas: "1"
services: "5"
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Managing your app
Loggos video
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● The DNS add-on allows your services to have a DNS name
in addition to an IP address. This is helpful for simplified
service discovery between applications.
*As of Kubernetes 1.3, DNS is a built-in service launched automatically using the addon manager cluster add-on
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Monitoring - Heapster
● Heapster enables monitoring and performance analysis in Kubernetes
Clusters. Heapster collects signals from kubelets(cadvisor) and the api
server, processes them, and exports them...
Master (API)Node (Kubelet)
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Kubernetes Dashboard
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Centralized logging
Node X
Pod - App1
Pod - App2
Pod , k8s plugin
Pod - App3
Stdout , stderr stream
Stdout , stderr stream
Stdout , stderr stream
Stdout , stderr stream
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Basic Troubleshooting
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kubectl - describe
(Show details of a specific resource or group of resources)
1. describe a pod (po)
kubectl describe pod/myfirstpod
2. describe a service (svc) - check Endpoints
kubectl describe svc/myweb
3. describe a node
kubectl describe node/ctor-knb002
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kubectl - logs (Print the logs for a container in a pod)
1. create logme pod from url.
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.
2. Print the logs of a pod with one container
kubectl logs logme
3. stream the logs
kubectl logs -f logme
4. print the logs of a container filepuller in pod myfirstpod
kubectl logs myfirstpod -c filepuller
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kubectl - exec
(Execute a command in a container)
1. Inject bash to a single pod container
kubectl exec -it logme bash
ps -auxwww
2. Inject bash to a multi container pod
kubectl exec -it myfirstpod -c webserver bash
ps -auxwww
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(Edit a resource from the default editor)
1. Edit ReplicationController
kubectl edit rc/rcweb
Restart pods
2. kubectl port-forward - forwards connections to a port on a pod
kubectl port-forward myfirstpod 8888:80
curl http://localhost:8888
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Guestbook - DEMO
Deploy multi tier web_app - Guestbook
frontend - Pod
SVC - frontend
frontend - Pod
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Guestbook - DEMO
1. Create the replication controller for frontend
kubectl create -f gb-frontend-rc.yaml
2. Create the service for frontend
kubectl create -f gb-frontend-svc.yaml
3. Create the redis-master replication controller
kubectl create -f redis-master-rc.yaml
4. Create the service for redis-master
kubectl create -f redis-master-svc.yaml
5. Create the redis-slave replication controller
kubectl create -f redis-slave-rc.yaml
6. Create the service for redis-master
kubectl create -f redis-slave-svc.yaml
7. Get the external url for svc and browse to the website.
kubectl describe svc frontend
8. Delete all pods
Kubectl delete ...
9. Scale your rc
kubectl scale ...
10. Delete all resources svc , rc
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Pod Health checks
Liveliness Readiness
On failure Kill container Stop sending traffic to pod
Check types Http , exec , tcpSocket Http , exec , tcpSocket
Declaration example
failureThreshold: 3
path: /healthz
port: 8080
path: /status
port: 8080
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Kubernetes - Proxies
1. Api-proxy
kubectl cluster-info
1. kubectl proxy - proxies from a localhost address to the apiserver
kubectl proxy
2. Kube-proxy - proxies UDP and TCP - provides load balancing.
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easily run Kubernetes locally
The project goal is to build an easy-to-use, high-fidelity
Kubernetes distribution that can be run locally on Mac, Linux
and Windows with a single command.
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Inspired by google’s Borgmon monitoring system.
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K8S on Openstack OpenStack on Kubernetes
Murano Stackanetes , kolla
Magnum https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Configuration management tools (Puppet ,
Ansible , salt etc…)
Openstack cloudprovider driver for kubernetes.
(BlockStorage , LBaaS)
Kubernetes <=> Openstack
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We are hiring
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Backup Slides
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CLI Basics - kubectl
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kubectl - kubernetes client.
1. Looking for Help...
kubectl help
Use "kubectl help [command]" for more information about a command
2. Version - get the server and client version.
kubectl version
3. Cluster info
kubectl cluster-info
*Display urls of the master and services(*api proxy) with label kubernetes.io/cluster-service=true
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Kubectl - Available commands
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kubectl - create
1. Create a resource by filename.
kubectl create -f myfirst-pod.yaml
2. create all resources in a directory.
kubectl create -f rcweb
3. create a resource from stdin.
cat myfirst-svc.yaml | kubectl create -f -
4. create a resource from url.
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.
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kubectl - get (Display one or many resources)
1. List all types of resource to get.
kubectl get
2. List all pods
kubectl get pods
3. List all pods in wide format
kubectl get pods -o wide
4. Display specific pod in yaml format
kubectl get pod/myfirstpod -o yaml
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kubectl - get (Display one or many resources)
1. Query for pod with specific label
kubectl get pod -l name=rcwebpod
2. List all pods and services
kubectl get pods,svc
3. List all nodes (no)
kubectl get nodes
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kubectl - describe
(Show details of a specific resource or group of resources)
1. List all types of resource to describe.
kubectl describe
2. describe a pod (po)
kubectl describe pod/myfirstpod
3. describe a service (svc)
kubectl describe svc/myweb
browse to LoadBalancer Ingress of the service http://ingress...
4. describe a node
kubectl describe node/<use one from the get nodes output>
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kubectl - logs (Print the logs for a container in a pod)
1. Print the logs for pod with one container
kubectl logs logme
2. stream the logs
kubectl logs -f logme
3. print the logs of a container filepuller in pod myfirstpod
kubectl logs myfirstpod -c filepuller
HW : check out the -p flag for logs.
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kubectl - scale
(Set a new size for a Replication Controller)
1. Scale rc rcweb to 3 replicas
kubectl get pods -l name=rcwebpod
kubectl scale --replicas=3 rc rcweb
kubectl get pods -l name=rcwebpod
2. Scale only if the current replication is X
kubectl scale --current-replicas=3 --replicas=2 rc rcweb
kubectl get pods -l name=rcwebpod
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kubectl - exec
(Execute a command in a container)
1. Inject bash to a single pod container
kubectl exec -it logme bash
ps -auxwww
2. Inject bash to a multi container pod
kubectl exec -it myfirstpod -c webserver bash
ps -auxwww
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kubectl - rolling-update
(Set a new size for a Replication Controller)
1. Get the service ingress and browse to http://ingress……..
kubectl describe svc/rcweb
2. upgrade your rc to new rc with 10s delay between pod.
kubectl rolling-update rcweb --image=sliranc/rcweb:v2 --update-
Refresh your browser.
kubectl get pods -l name=rcwebpod
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kubectl edit
(Edit a resource from the default editor)
1. Edit the number of replicas
kubectl edit rc rcweb
kubectl get pods -l name=rcwebpod
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kubectl - delete
(Delete a resource by filename, stdin, resource and name, or by resources and label selector)
1. Delete resource by file
kubectl delete -f myfirst-pod.yaml
2. Delete resource by name
kubectl delete svc myweb rcweb
3. Delete all pods
kubectl delete pods --all
4. Delete rc by name
kubectl delete rc rcweb
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kubectl - delete
(Delete a resource by filename, stdin, resource and name, or by resources and label selector)
1. Delete resource by file
kubectl delete -f myfirst-pod.yaml
2. Delete resource by name
kubectl delete svc myweb rcweb
3. Delete all pods
kubectl delete pods --all
4. Delete rc by name
kubectl delete rc rcweb
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Docker images
● Docker images are the basis of
● Docker images are read-only
templates we use for creating
● Docker images are multilayer.
● docker images are highly portable
and can be shared.
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External source such as DB (headless service)
Web - Pod
SVC - Web
Web - Pod
App - Pod
SVC - App
App - Pod
External DATA store
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  • 2. | Page Scaling Docker with Kubernetes Jul 2016 Liran Cohen Cloud platform & DevOps TL , Liveperson
  • 3. | Page Agenda ● Docker ? ● Kubernetes introduction. ● Kubernetes Addons. ● Basic Troubleshooting ● GB Demo ● Q&A demo files - https://github.com/sliranc/k8s_workshop
  • 4. | Page Docker? Going back in time , most applications were deployed directly on physical hardware. ● Single userspace. ● Shared runtime env between applications. ● Hardware resources generally underutilized.
  • 5. | Page To overcome the limitation of shared runtime env , underutilized resources and more. The IT industry adopted virtualization with hypervisor such as KVM , ESX and more. Docker?
  • 6. | Page Moving from VM => “Virtual OS” : ● We removed the hypervisor layer to reduce complexity. ● The containers approach is to package each application with all dependencies runtime environment. ● We have different application running on the same host and isolated using the containers technology. Docker?
  • 7. | Page Virtual Machines VS Containers VS
  • 8. | Page Docker: Application centric. ● A clean, safe, portable runtime environment for your app. ● No more worries about missing dependencies, packages and other pain points during deployments. ● Run each app in its own isolated container (fs , cgroup , pid etc ….) ● Easy to pack into a box and super portable. Build once... (finally) run anywhere* Docker?
  • 9. | Page Docker’s architecture ● Docker uses client server architecture. ● server: running the Docker daemon. ● Client: communicate with the server via sockets or RESTful API . ● Docker registry: public or private stores from which the server upload or download images ● The client can run on any host.
  • 10. | Page Docker? DEMOFROM nginx MAINTAINER Liran Cohen <sliranc@gmail.com> COPY index.html /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;" ], Dockerfile 1. Build docker image docker build -t sliranc/hello_docker:latest . 2. Run docker container. docker run -p 32769:80 -d --name hello_docker sliranc/hello_docker:latest curl 3. Push to remote registry. docker push sliranc/hello_docker
  • 11. | Page The name Kubernetes originates from Greek, meaning “helmsman” or “pilot””(WiKi). A helmsman or helm is a person who steers a ship, sailboat, submarine... Kubernetes - κυβερνήτης
  • 12. | Page More facts: ● Originated at Google (Borg). ● Supports multiple cloud and bare-metal environments ● Supports multiple container runtimes (Docker , rkt) ● 100% Open source, written in Go ● k8s is an abbreviation derived by replacing the 8 letters “ubernete” with 8. Manage containerized applications , not machines. Kubernetes ? Kubernetes is a container cluster manager. It aims to provide a "platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of machines.
  • 13. | Page Deploy single tier single container APP is “easy” Deploying a complex multi tier APP is more difficult ● One or more containers. ● replication of containers. ● Persistent storage. Deploying lots of complex APPs (microservices) can be a challenge. More Info... Why kubernetes ?
  • 14. | Page Control Plane Node Controller Replication Controller Endpoints Controller Service Account Token Controllers And more...` architecture
  • 15. | Page A node is a physical or virtual machine running Kubernetes, onto which pods can be scheduled. Node operating system kubelet kube-proxy k8s
  • 16. | Page Kubectl - get (Display one or many resources) 1. List kubernetes nodes. kubectl get nodes kubectl get nodes --context=kube-aws DEMO
  • 17. | Page Pod is a Small group of co-located containers with optionally shared volume between the containers. Pods are the basic deployment unit in Kubernetes. ● Shared namespace ○ Share IP address , localhost ○ Every pod gets a unique IP ● Managed Lifecycle ○ Bound to a node , in place restart ○ Cannot move between nodes Pod(po)
  • 18. | Page Pod(po) - yaml manifest apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: labels: phase: prod role: frontend name: myfirstpod name: myfirstpod spec: containers: - name: filepuller image: sliranc/filepuller:latest volumeMounts: - mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html name: static-vol - name: webserver image: nginx:latest ports: - containerPort: 80 volumeMounts: - mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html name: static-vol volumes: - name: static-vol emptyDir: {} Spec: is the specification of the desired state of an object. kind: System object resource Examples: Pod, RC, Service etc...
  • 19. | Page kubectl 1. Create pod myfirstpod by filename. kubectl create -f myfirst-pod.yaml kubectl create -f myfirst-pod.yaml --context kube-aws 2. List pods. kubectl get pods kubectl get pods --context=kube-aws DEMO
  • 20. | Page Label are key / value pairs - object metadata ● Label are attached to pods , services , rc or almost any other objects in k8s ● Can be used to organize or select subset of object. ● queryable by selectors labels: app: rcweb phase: production role: frontend http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/labels/ Labels
  • 21. | Page Label selector - query object using labels ● Can identify a set of objects ● Group a set of objects ● Used in svc and rc to select the monitored watched objects replication controller selector example: selector: app: rcweb phase: production Selectors
  • 22. | Page direct traffic to pods Defines a logical set of pods and a policy by which to access them. ● are abstraction on top of the pods (LB) ● use selector to create the logical set of pods. ● Gets a stable virtual IP and Port. ● Cluster IP are only available inside k8s services (svc) Can define: ● What the 'internal' IP should be.(ClusterIP) ● What the 'external' IP should be. (NodePort , LoadBalancer) ● What port the service should listen on.
  • 24. | Page services (svc) - yaml manifest apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: myweb spec: ports: - port: 80 # the port that this service should serve on. # (e.g. 'www') or a number (e.g. 80) targetPort: 80 protocol: TCP # just like the selector in the replication controller, # but this time it identifies the set of pods to load balance traffic to. selector: name: myfirstpod System object resource Examples: Pod, RC, Service etc... Spec is the specification of the desired state of an object. labels: phase: prod role: frontend name: myfirstpod
  • 25. | Page kubectl 1. Create service myweb by filename: kubectl create -f myfirst-svc.yaml kubectl create -f myfirst-svc.yaml --context=kube-aws 2. NodePort: kubectl describe -f myfirst-svc.yaml http://ctor-knb001:<node_port>/ 3. LoadBalancer: kubectl describe -f myfirst-svc.yaml --context=kube-aws Change static content in github - Edit index.html DEMO
  • 26. | Page Service Iptables mode: Node X Pod Client A Cluster IP(VIP) Client B Kube-Proxy Kubelet NodePort NodePort Kube-Proxy Pod 1 Pod 2 Pod 3 Iptables
  • 27. | Page Replication controller == pods supervisor Ensures that a specified number of pod "replicas" are running at any given time: ● Too many pods will trigger pods termination. ● Too few pods will trigger new pods creation. ● Main Goal = Replicas: x current / x desired. replication controller will monitor all the pods defined in the label selector. replication controller (rc) ReplicaSet (rs) ReplicationController replica: 4 name: rcweb selector: app: rcweb phase: production
  • 28. | Page apiVersion: v1 kind: ReplicationController metadata: name: rcweb labels: name: rcweb spec: replicas: 2 # selector identifies the set of pods that this replication controller is responsible for managing selector: app: rcweb phase: production # template defines the 'cookie cutter' used for creating new pods when necessary template: metadata: labels: app: rcweb role: frontend phase: production name: rcwebpod spec: containers: - name: staticweb image: sliranc/rcweb:latest Pod Template replication controller (rc) - yaml manifest
  • 29. | Page replication controller (rc) ReplicaSet master Node 1 Node 2 Replication controller replica: 3 name: rcweb selector: app: rcweb Phase: production Pod 2 label: app:rcweb phase:production Pod 1 label: app:rcweb phase:production Pod 3 label: app:rcweb phase:production Pod X label: app:my-app phase:alpha
  • 30. | Page kubectl 1. create all resources in a directory. kubectl create -f rcweb kubectl get pods -l app=rcweb kubectl describe svc/rcweb kubectl rolling-update rcweb --image=sliranc/rcweb:v2 --update-period="10s" DEMO
  • 32. | Page ConfigMap & Secrets ● ConfigMap is a resource available in kubernetes for managing application configuration. The goal is to decouple the app configuration from the image content in order to keep the container portable and k8s agnostic. ● ConfigMap are key value pairs of configuration data. http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/configmap/ kind: ConfigMap apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: default-app data: db-host: MYDB apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: test-default-app spec: containers: - name: test-defaultapp image:sliranc/rcweb env: - name: DB_HOST valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: name: default-app key: db-host
  • 34. | Page ● emptyDir ● hostPath ● gcePersistentDisk ● awsElasticBlockStore ● nfs ● iscsi ● flocker ● glusterfs Volume types ● rbd ● gitRepo ● secret ● persistentVolumeClaim ● downwardAPI ● azureFileVolume ● vsphereVirtualDisk
  • 35. | Page emptyDir emptyDir is a temporary directory that shares a pod's lifetime. ● Storage provider = Local host ● Files will be erased on pod deletion. ● Mounted by containers inside the pod. emptyDir path on node: /var/lib/kubelet/pods/<id>/volumes/kubernetes.io~empty-dir/<volume_name> volumes: - name: static-vol emptyDir: {}
  • 36. | Page hostPath hostPath is a bare host directory volume. ● Acts as data volume in Docker. ● Containers can RW files on localhost. ● There is no control on quota. Volumes: - name: static-vol hostPath: path: /target/path/on/host
  • 37. | Page PersistentVolume Kubernetes provides abstraction for volumes using PersistentVolume (PV). User - Claim PV using (PVC) persistentVolumeClaim (pvc001 , pvc002) PersistentVolume(PV) nfs awsElasticBlockStore rbdgcePersistentDisk PersistentVolumeClaim(PVC) Pod1 Pod2 Pod3 Admin - Creates pool of PVs (pv0001 , pv0002) volumes: - name: my-vol persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: "pvc001"
  • 38. | Page Multi tenancy in kubernetes. ● A single cluster should be able to satisfy the needs of multiple users or groups of users. Each user community has its own: 1. resources (pods, services, replication controllers, etc.) 2. policies (who can or cannot perform actions in their community) 3. constraints (this community is allowed this much quota, etc.) Kubernetes starts with two initial namespaces: default - The default namespace for objects with no other namespace. kube-system - The namespace for objects created by the Kubernetes system Namespaces
  • 39. | Page ResourceQuota apiVersion: v1 kind: ResourceQuota metadata: name: quota spec: hard: cpu: "20" memory: 1Gi pods: "10" replicationcontrollers: "20" resourcequotas: "1" services: "5" Namespaces
  • 40. | Page Managing your app Loggos video
  • 42. | Page DNS ● The DNS add-on allows your services to have a DNS name in addition to an IP address. This is helpful for simplified service discovery between applications. *As of Kubernetes 1.3, DNS is a built-in service launched automatically using the addon manager cluster add-on
  • 43. | Page Monitoring - Heapster ● Heapster enables monitoring and performance analysis in Kubernetes Clusters. Heapster collects signals from kubelets(cadvisor) and the api server, processes them, and exports them... Heapster sink Data push Query Master (API)Node (Kubelet)
  • 45. | Page Centralized logging Node X Pod - App1 Pod - App2 Pod , k8s plugin Pod - App3 /var/lib/docker/containers/idTail Stdout , stderr stream Stdout , stderr stream Stdout , stderr stream Stdout , stderr stream JS O N
  • 48. | Page DEMO kubectl - describe (Show details of a specific resource or group of resources) 1. describe a pod (po) kubectl describe pod/myfirstpod 2. describe a service (svc) - check Endpoints kubectl describe svc/myweb 3. describe a node kubectl describe node/ctor-knb002
  • 49. | Page kubectl - logs (Print the logs for a container in a pod) 1. create logme pod from url. kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent. com/sliranc/k8s_workshop/master/cli_demo/logme-pod. yaml 2. Print the logs of a pod with one container kubectl logs logme 3. stream the logs kubectl logs -f logme 4. print the logs of a container filepuller in pod myfirstpod kubectl logs myfirstpod -c filepuller DEMO
  • 50. | Page kubectl - exec (Execute a command in a container) 1. Inject bash to a single pod container kubectl exec -it logme bash ps -auxwww exit 2. Inject bash to a multi container pod kubectl exec -it myfirstpod -c webserver bash ps -auxwww exit DEMO
  • 51. | Page kubectl (Edit a resource from the default editor) 1. Edit ReplicationController kubectl edit rc/rcweb Restart pods 2. kubectl port-forward - forwards connections to a port on a pod kubectl port-forward myfirstpod 8888:80 curl http://localhost:8888 DEMO
  • 52. | Page RedisSlave Guestbook - DEMO Deploy multi tier web_app - Guestbook frontend - Pod SVC - frontend frontend - Pod Pod RedisMaster SVC RedisMaster SVC RedisSlave Pod RedisSlave https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/tree/master/examples/guestbook
  • 53. | Page Guestbook - DEMO 1. Create the replication controller for frontend kubectl create -f gb-frontend-rc.yaml 2. Create the service for frontend kubectl create -f gb-frontend-svc.yaml 3. Create the redis-master replication controller kubectl create -f redis-master-rc.yaml 4. Create the service for redis-master kubectl create -f redis-master-svc.yaml 5. Create the redis-slave replication controller kubectl create -f redis-slave-rc.yaml 6. Create the service for redis-master kubectl create -f redis-slave-svc.yaml 7. Get the external url for svc and browse to the website. kubectl describe svc frontend 8. Delete all pods Kubectl delete ... 9. Scale your rc kubectl scale ... 10. Delete all resources svc , rc DEMO
  • 54. | Page Pod Health checks Liveliness Readiness On failure Kill container Stop sending traffic to pod Check types Http , exec , tcpSocket Http , exec , tcpSocket Declaration example (Pod.yaml) livenessProbe: failureThreshold: 3 httpGet: path: /healthz port: 8080 readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /status port: 8080
  • 55. | Page Kubernetes - Proxies 1. Api-proxy kubectl cluster-info <kubernetes_master_address>/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/<namespace_name>/services/<service_name>[:port_name] http://qtvr-kma01:8080/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/kubernetes-dashboard 1. kubectl proxy - proxies from a localhost address to the apiserver kubectl proxy http://localhost:8001/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/kubernetes-dashboard 2. Kube-proxy - proxies UDP and TCP - provides load balancing.
  • 56. | Page https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube Minikube easily run Kubernetes locally The project goal is to build an easy-to-use, high-fidelity Kubernetes distribution that can be run locally on Mac, Linux and Windows with a single command.
  • 57. | Page prometheus https://prometheus.io/ Inspired by google’s Borgmon monitoring system.
  • 58. | Page K8S on Openstack OpenStack on Kubernetes Murano Stackanetes , kolla Magnum https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=DPYJxYulxO4 Configuration management tools (Puppet , Ansible , salt etc…) Openstack cloudprovider driver for kubernetes. (BlockStorage , LBaaS) Kubelet Kubernetes <=> Openstack
  • 60. | Page THANK YOU! We are hiring
  • 62. | Page CLI Basics - kubectl
  • 63. | Page kubectl - kubernetes client. 1. Looking for Help... kubectl help Use "kubectl help [command]" for more information about a command 2. Version - get the server and client version. kubectl version 3. Cluster info kubectl cluster-info *Display urls of the master and services(*api proxy) with label kubernetes.io/cluster-service=true
  • 64. | Page Kubectl - Available commands
  • 65. | Page kubectl - create 1. Create a resource by filename. kubectl create -f myfirst-pod.yaml 2. create all resources in a directory. kubectl create -f rcweb 3. create a resource from stdin. cat myfirst-svc.yaml | kubectl create -f - 4. create a resource from url. kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent. com/sliranc/k8s_workshop/master/cli_demo/logme-pod.yaml
  • 66. | Page kubectl - get (Display one or many resources) 1. List all types of resource to get. kubectl get 2. List all pods kubectl get pods 3. List all pods in wide format kubectl get pods -o wide 4. Display specific pod in yaml format kubectl get pod/myfirstpod -o yaml
  • 67. | Page kubectl - get (Display one or many resources) 1. Query for pod with specific label kubectl get pod -l name=rcwebpod 2. List all pods and services kubectl get pods,svc 3. List all nodes (no) kubectl get nodes
  • 68. | Page kubectl - describe (Show details of a specific resource or group of resources) 1. List all types of resource to describe. kubectl describe 2. describe a pod (po) kubectl describe pod/myfirstpod 3. describe a service (svc) kubectl describe svc/myweb browse to LoadBalancer Ingress of the service http://ingress... 4. describe a node kubectl describe node/<use one from the get nodes output>
  • 69. | Page kubectl - logs (Print the logs for a container in a pod) 1. Print the logs for pod with one container kubectl logs logme 2. stream the logs kubectl logs -f logme 3. print the logs of a container filepuller in pod myfirstpod kubectl logs myfirstpod -c filepuller HW : check out the -p flag for logs.
  • 70. | Page kubectl - scale (Set a new size for a Replication Controller) 1. Scale rc rcweb to 3 replicas kubectl get pods -l name=rcwebpod kubectl scale --replicas=3 rc rcweb kubectl get pods -l name=rcwebpod 2. Scale only if the current replication is X kubectl scale --current-replicas=3 --replicas=2 rc rcweb kubectl get pods -l name=rcwebpod
  • 71. | Page kubectl - exec (Execute a command in a container) 1. Inject bash to a single pod container kubectl exec -it logme bash ps -auxwww exit 2. Inject bash to a multi container pod kubectl exec -it myfirstpod -c webserver bash ps -auxwww exit
  • 72. | Page kubectl - rolling-update (Set a new size for a Replication Controller) 1. Get the service ingress and browse to http://ingress…….. kubectl describe svc/rcweb 2. upgrade your rc to new rc with 10s delay between pod. kubectl rolling-update rcweb --image=sliranc/rcweb:v2 --update- period="10s" Refresh your browser. kubectl get pods -l name=rcwebpod
  • 73. | Page kubectl edit (Edit a resource from the default editor) 1. Edit the number of replicas kubectl edit rc rcweb kubectl get pods -l name=rcwebpod
  • 74. | Page kubectl - delete (Delete a resource by filename, stdin, resource and name, or by resources and label selector) 1. Delete resource by file kubectl delete -f myfirst-pod.yaml 2. Delete resource by name kubectl delete svc myweb rcweb 3. Delete all pods kubectl delete pods --all 4. Delete rc by name kubectl delete rc rcweb
  • 75. | Page kubectl - delete (Delete a resource by filename, stdin, resource and name, or by resources and label selector) 1. Delete resource by file kubectl delete -f myfirst-pod.yaml 2. Delete resource by name kubectl delete svc myweb rcweb 3. Delete all pods kubectl delete pods --all 4. Delete rc by name kubectl delete rc rcweb
  • 76. | Page Docker images ● Docker images are the basis of containers. ● Docker images are read-only templates we use for creating containers. ● Docker images are multilayer. ● docker images are highly portable and can be shared.
  • 77. | Page External source such as DB (headless service) Web - Pod SVC - Web Web - Pod App - Pod SVC - App App - Pod SVC - DB External DATA store