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Leading Tech Change When You’re Not the Boss

Resources Handout

I.     Our contact info

             Marc Baizman                   Dahna Goldstein                Simone Parrish
             My Computer Guy                PhilanTech                     Innovation Network
             Boston, MA                     Washington, DC                 Washington, DC
             marc@mcgtraining.com           dahna@philantech.com           sparrish@innonet.org

II.    More information about things we mentioned in passing
       •   Interesting resources about body language:
       •   Innovation Network’s online tools (Organizational Assessment Tool, Logic Model Builder,
           Evaluation Plan Builder, Evaluation Resource Center): www.innonet.org/pointk

III.   Image sources for presentations
       •   Flickr Creative Commons: Lets you find great images that don’t cost anything and won’t
           cause scary lawyers to call you out of the blue and demand three years of back licensing fees
           for that image you grabbed from a Google Image Search and put in an now-archived .pdf
           newsletter that sat five clicks deep on your website. (True story—ask Simone.)
       •   WikiMedia Commons: More great images, still lawyer-free!
       •   XKCD: “A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language” by Randall Munroe. Very
           useful source for geek-lore cartoons (Simone’s favorite: the Tech Support Cheat Sheet,
           #627). Caution: Potentially offensive. Not entirely work-safe, depending on where you work.

IV.    Organizations we name-dropped
       •   CITI (Community IT Innovators): A DC-area triple-bottom-line company that offers a slew of
           tech solutions for nonprofits, including web design, custom development, and managed
           support. Innovation Network has worked with them for at least ten years. www.citidc.com
       •   IdealWare: A great starting place for nonprofits considering different software packages,
           thinking about social media, or looking for opinions about nonprofit-focused technologies.
Leading Tech Change When You’re Not the Boss
Marc Baizman  Dahna Goldstein  Simone Parrish
April 10, 2010
•   MailChimp: One of the many admirable solutions for bulk email; we mention them here
           because of their resources, which include some a lot of excellent advice about bulk email
           deliverability. www.mailchimp.com/resources/
       •   Tech Soup: The go-to starting point for nonprofit tech. Information, resources, support, and
           donated software, all at one URL. www.techsoup.org

V.     People we name-dropped
       •   Bullfighter people (Brian Fugere, Chelsea Hardaway, Jon Warshawsky): They wrote a book
           called Why Business People Speak Like Idiots and developed some nifty software tools to
           help analyze the level of jargon and readability of your writing. www.fightthebull.com
       •   Andy Goodman: Nationally-recognized author, speaker, and consultant in public interest
           communications. His “free-range thinking” newsletter is a monthly, bite-sized joy.
       •   Chip and Dan Heath: “Business book” authors of Switch: How to Change Things When
           Change Is Hard all about making organizational change. Useful in many different situations.
       •   Jakob Nielsen: Web usability guru. His theoretical work is really useful and eye-opening.
           www.useit.com (don’t let the look put you off—there’s good stuff here).
       •   Tony Proscio: Consultant to nonprofits and foundations, and author of the seminal anti-
           jargon works In Other Words, Bad Words for Good, and When Words Fail) for the Edna
           McConnell Clark Foundation. He also comments on specific jargon terms in the
           Communications Network’s Jargon Finder (which includes links to his works).
       •   Edward Tufte: The granddaddy of visual data display. His books and courses delve deep into
           how to display your data so people understand it. www.edwardtufte.com

VI.    Tools we used to make this presentation
       •   DropBox: Free (up to 2GB) file storage, access, sharing, and syncing. Fantastic for when you
           would rather not be gumming up your inbox by repeatedly emailing 8MB files.
       •   Microsoft PowerPoint: Bad presentations aren’t PowerPoint’s fault. We’re just sayin’.
       •   SnagIt: Screen capture made easy. Grab selected areas of a screen, entire contents of
           screen, entire contents of scrolling windows, and more. Also lets you make sweet little
           videos of what you’re doing on a screen, so you can show others. Free 30-day trial; after
           that it’s $50 for a 1-person license. www.snagit.com
       •   Jing: Made by the same people who make SnagIt, but this does videos too! And it’s only
           $15/year! www.jingproject.com
       •   WisdomSoft ScreenHunter: Free screenshot utility. More limited than SnagIt, but it’s free
           forever. http://www.wisdom-soft.com/products/screenhunter_free.htm
       •   Webex: How we talked to each other and shared slides. $49.95/month for unlimited
           meetings. www.webex.com
Leading Tech Change When You’re Not the Boss
Marc Baizman  Dahna Goldstein  Simone Parrish
April 10, 2010

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Leading Change Resources Handout

  • 1. Leading Tech Change When You’re Not the Boss Resources Handout I. Our contact info Marc Baizman Dahna Goldstein Simone Parrish My Computer Guy PhilanTech Innovation Network Boston, MA Washington, DC Washington, DC marc@mcgtraining.com dahna@philantech.com sparrish@innonet.org II. More information about things we mentioned in passing • Interesting resources about body language: http://changingminds.org/techniques/body/body_language.htm • Innovation Network’s online tools (Organizational Assessment Tool, Logic Model Builder, Evaluation Plan Builder, Evaluation Resource Center): www.innonet.org/pointk III. Image sources for presentations • Flickr Creative Commons: Lets you find great images that don’t cost anything and won’t cause scary lawyers to call you out of the blue and demand three years of back licensing fees for that image you grabbed from a Google Image Search and put in an now-archived .pdf newsletter that sat five clicks deep on your website. (True story—ask Simone.) www.flickr.com/creativecommons/ • WikiMedia Commons: More great images, still lawyer-free! http://www.commons.wikimedia.org • XKCD: “A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language” by Randall Munroe. Very useful source for geek-lore cartoons (Simone’s favorite: the Tech Support Cheat Sheet, #627). Caution: Potentially offensive. Not entirely work-safe, depending on where you work. www.xkcd.com IV. Organizations we name-dropped • CITI (Community IT Innovators): A DC-area triple-bottom-line company that offers a slew of tech solutions for nonprofits, including web design, custom development, and managed support. Innovation Network has worked with them for at least ten years. www.citidc.com • IdealWare: A great starting place for nonprofits considering different software packages, thinking about social media, or looking for opinions about nonprofit-focused technologies. www.idealware.org Leading Tech Change When You’re Not the Boss Marc Baizman  Dahna Goldstein  Simone Parrish April 10, 2010
  • 2. MailChimp: One of the many admirable solutions for bulk email; we mention them here because of their resources, which include some a lot of excellent advice about bulk email deliverability. www.mailchimp.com/resources/ • Tech Soup: The go-to starting point for nonprofit tech. Information, resources, support, and donated software, all at one URL. www.techsoup.org V. People we name-dropped • Bullfighter people (Brian Fugere, Chelsea Hardaway, Jon Warshawsky): They wrote a book called Why Business People Speak Like Idiots and developed some nifty software tools to help analyze the level of jargon and readability of your writing. www.fightthebull.com • Andy Goodman: Nationally-recognized author, speaker, and consultant in public interest communications. His “free-range thinking” newsletter is a monthly, bite-sized joy. http://www.agoodmanonline.com/about/index.html • Chip and Dan Heath: “Business book” authors of Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard all about making organizational change. Useful in many different situations. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0385528752 • Jakob Nielsen: Web usability guru. His theoretical work is really useful and eye-opening. www.useit.com (don’t let the look put you off—there’s good stuff here). • Tony Proscio: Consultant to nonprofits and foundations, and author of the seminal anti- jargon works In Other Words, Bad Words for Good, and When Words Fail) for the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation. He also comments on specific jargon terms in the Communications Network’s Jargon Finder (which includes links to his works). http://comnetwork.org/Jargon_Finder • Edward Tufte: The granddaddy of visual data display. His books and courses delve deep into how to display your data so people understand it. www.edwardtufte.com VI. Tools we used to make this presentation • DropBox: Free (up to 2GB) file storage, access, sharing, and syncing. Fantastic for when you would rather not be gumming up your inbox by repeatedly emailing 8MB files. www.dropbox.com • Microsoft PowerPoint: Bad presentations aren’t PowerPoint’s fault. We’re just sayin’. • SnagIt: Screen capture made easy. Grab selected areas of a screen, entire contents of screen, entire contents of scrolling windows, and more. Also lets you make sweet little videos of what you’re doing on a screen, so you can show others. Free 30-day trial; after that it’s $50 for a 1-person license. www.snagit.com • Jing: Made by the same people who make SnagIt, but this does videos too! And it’s only $15/year! www.jingproject.com • WisdomSoft ScreenHunter: Free screenshot utility. More limited than SnagIt, but it’s free forever. http://www.wisdom-soft.com/products/screenhunter_free.htm • Webex: How we talked to each other and shared slides. $49.95/month for unlimited meetings. www.webex.com Leading Tech Change When You’re Not the Boss Marc Baizman  Dahna Goldstein  Simone Parrish April 10, 2010