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024 Essay Example Social Media
Introduction In Pakis
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024 Essay Example Social Media Introduction In Pakis 024 Essay Example Social Media Introduction In Pakis
The Ethics of the Creation, Distribution, and Use of...
The Ethics of the Creation, Distribution, and Use of Metadata
This paper discusses the ethical issues that may arise in the creation, distribution, and use of metadata.
To do this, one must first understand what metadata is, and have a reasonable understanding of how it
is used today. Metadata is not a word that the average person can state a definition for. In fact, even
many technologically inclined people may not have a sound idea of what exactly metadata means.
Although many people don t recognize the name, metadata, many people look at, use, or even create
metadata on a daily basis. To truly appreciate how important metadata is one must have a firm grasp
on what metadata allows and how difficult information ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
So I will use an example to further clarify. The card catalog system that has been used in libraries for
years is an example of a standardized system of metadata. Certain requirements are demanded for
each book and this data is stored on a card that makes finding and accessing the needed book efficient.
This is metadata in its oldest and purest form.
Metadata Standards
Metadata standards are even more important in regards to digital information. Metadata used to
classify information stored online crosses many different hardware and software platforms, and
because of the vast amounts of information there is a need for it to be sorted by machine rather than by
human, as in the card catalog system. These parameters call for a standard that is both visible to the
user and readable by a machine. This is what many of the metadata standards in effect today try to
Metadata standards can be looked at from two different extremes, the minimalist view or the
structuralist view. The minimalist view is to have only a small number of requirements that are easily
input by inexperienced users. This allows for most information to be at least somewhat classified and
easily found. From the structuralist view strict requirements should be imposed so as to keep well
documented information well defined and found with great accuracy.5
A prime example of a minimalist metadata structure is The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. In their
own words, The
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Staffing Planning Paper
Staffing Plan Paper Adrian Gadsden April 25, 2011 Patricia Meunier Muenks Staffing Solutions for
US Military I am familiar with the Infantry and Cavalry division of the military structure and how to
make this division of the US government functional is of crucial importance. First, by the very
definition, the infantry and cavalry division of military service personnel requires a special mindset. It
requires a person who understands that their life as well as others will be in a dangerous state and at
any stage of conflict that has to be a mindset that the individual will be comfortable with. Regardless
of the company for which one works, the staffing portion of any career is one ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
The recruiting aspect is definitely made more efficient through product and proven ways of marketing,
but our process will take things a step further. We will need to make sure that after we have a recruit,
again that this is the person that is going to fall in line with what we are ultimately trying to get
accomplished. We will put jobs in individual categories. What I mean by this statement is that though
we are looking for people who are going to be infantry and cavalry ready, we also are going to have
different roles in the structure of the unit. While we have some people who are much more hands on
and like to learn by doing, we also are going to have people who will not necessarily be as hands on
but can do a good job of leading by thinking through issues. This is going to be the basic structure of
the group, and with this two types of structures, we will be able to categorize any job in a blanket way
to fall into these areas. We will use the recruiting process overall along with testing and background to
encourage the recruits to take their careers in the direction that not only will be in our best interest, but
also in theirs as well.
Operations The operations side of the unit will be ultimate responsible for making sure the overall
business side of things are running efficiently and effectively
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The Crucible Reputation Essay
In the play, The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, the people of Salem, Massachusetts prove time and time
again that they care more about their reputations than the events that are taking place and how these
events are affecting the people around them. Having a good reputation can be a good thing but when
being concerned about your reputation clouds your judgement, that is when it becomes a dilemma. In
The Crucible, Arthur Miller uses having a good reputation, the character of Parris, and how reputation
and The Crucible tie into modern life to enlighten the reader that even though having a good
reputation is great, it should not cloud one s ability to see the harm they are doing to others.
Arthur Miller teaches through his play what it means ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In other words, having a good reputation can be good, as can most things, as long as one does not
focus solely on it.
Another thing Miller illustrates, through the character of Parris, is that trying to keep a good reputation
will make one focus mainly on themselves, making them less empathetic and blind to the struggles of
others. Parris is not the only one guilty of this though. In a piece titled Reputation of The Crucible it
says, John Proctor and Parris both were very concerned that their reputation was at stake in many
different instances in this play The Crucible (Reputation of the Crucible). Our reputations, like the
image of the characters John Proctor and Parris, are always at stake and it is important to be careful
not to do things that will interfere with our status. Though not the only one, Parris is a major offender
of letting his image and his reputation cloud his judgement and even get in the way of his duties as a
father. The piece later states, When the play first begins, Parris fears that Abigail, his niece, is
convicted of being a witch because of her intolerable actions, and the witchcraft that associates with
his daughter s coma will cause much chaos and bring down his power as a Reverend in Salem. Parris
feels that power and reputation is the most important thing to him as a
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This document provides instructions on how to write an essay based on an interview. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account, 2) Complete an order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline, 3) Review writer bids and choose one, 4) Review the paper and authorize payment, 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction. It emphasizes producing original, high-quality content and standing by the promise to fully meet customer needs.

Essay On Janmashtami In Sanskrit. Online assignment writing service.
Essay On Janmashtami In Sanskrit. Online assignment writing service.Essay On Janmashtami In Sanskrit. Online assignment writing service.
Essay On Janmashtami In Sanskrit. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides instructions for requesting and obtaining writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account; 2) Complete an order form with instructions and deadline; 3) Review bids from writers and select one; 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment; 5) Request revisions until satisfied. It emphasizes that original, plagiarism-free work is guaranteed or a full refund will be provided.

South Sudan Essay
South Sudan EssaySouth Sudan Essay
South Sudan Essay

The document discusses how the world has changed over time through new eras bringing new ideas and concepts that modernized countries in different ways. While technology has advanced greatly and improved lives, some argue it has negatively impacted youth by reducing imagination and increasing reliance on devices. Overall, changes depend on one's perspective on what is considered progress or problems.

The Evolution Of The Accounting Profession
Discussion Board 1: Case 1 5: The Evolution of the Accounting Profession Throughout history the
accounting profession has seen continuous growth. It has even been discovered that an elaborate
accounting system was utilized as early as 8000 to 3000 B.C. (Schroeder, Clark, Cathey, 2014).
Humans have deemed it necessary for centuries to account for money and inventory items. In the
nineteenth century, the accounting profession took another major step forward when the joint ventures
evolved into corporations in England resulting in stockholders needing financial records reflecting the
companies performance (Schroeder et. al, 2014). This emergence of corporations brought about the
need for reporting on a periodic basis in order to allow owners and prospective stockholders to
evaluate the company to determine if their investments, or potential investments, yielded a return
(Schroeder et. al, 2014). The evolution of these corporations brought about the need for accounting
standards and laws that would that protect the investment of shareholders, require that dividends be
paid from net gains, and require that audits be conducted by people other than the directors of the
organization(s) (Schroeder et. al, 2014). These changes in the nineteenth century led the charge in the
development for accounting standards and laws that we still follow today, and they are constantly
evolving and improving in order to protect investors from scandal and fraud. The latter part of the
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One Hundred Years Of Solitude Analysis
Sexual Taboo in One Hundred Years of Solitude
Sexual Taboo is incredibly prevalent and powerful in the novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude , by
Gabriel García Márquez, specifically through the use of incest and pedophilia. These sexual taboos act
as symbols for the isolation of the main character and help to explain the actions of the Buendías as
well as the cycles that the family is stuck in.
García Márquez uses incest within the characters as a symbol in order to push the Buendía family
further into their solitude, emphasizing the idea that they are isolated in their small town of Macondo.
Through the use of magical realism García Márquez takes a sexual act that is taboo in the current
culture and forms it into something totally normal and common. This is to say that he takes a common
thing, like sex, and puts it on the extreme end of the scale. When using this tool of extremity to create
entirely unthinkable situations, like a family that is encompassed by incest, an author can create a
large emphasis of symbolism and evoke feelings from the reader that are much stronger than that
which would come from a typical, everyday occurrence. It can be slightly awkward to read through
any sex scene in a novel; however, reading through an incestuous sex scene full of taboo disgusts the
audience and puts them in an uncomfortable position that grows more unsettling with each sentence
that they read.
This idea is explored in the review, Beyond the Body and the Rainbow and One
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Resistance to Change Essay
Resistance to Change
Change in a business is inevitable and typically only the strongest thrive. With a fluctuating economy
and constant technological advancements, organizations are expected to adapt in order to survive.
When a business is posed with an issue or change, it must develop new business and strategy
structures and implements those developments throughout the entire company. Communication,
education and participation are all required for a change model to be successful. Though change and
adaptation may be needed to better the company, with implementation of change comes resistance.
Most companies face resistance on an organizational and individual level during a transition.
However, it is how the company is able to overcome ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Employees who feel pushed out of their comfort zone may also resist change, due to the unfamiliarity
of new implications or managers. The fear of uncertainties due to the lack of communication can also
lead to resistance to change on an individual level. If employees are not informed of the needs of the
change then the fear of the unknown can cause resistance. Personal impact and fear of change are not
the only causes of resistance by individuals during a change to business practices. The lack of respect
and negative attitudes can also lead to employees resisting business change. If an employee lacks
respect or has a negative attitude towards a person or department leading the change, then there are
more likely to oppose the new ideas being implemented. Poor communication greatly impacts
individuals accepted to new practices in a company. Typically if an employee is given new behaviors
to adopt, but is given no reason, then that employee may reject the change. Upper management must
effectively relate the value, need and benefit of the change to help get employees on board with new
changes. The lack of individual input can also lead to resistance. Some individuals feel the need to be
included in new ideas. When employees are not asked to be involved in changes, they may lack the
vision of importance or will to change. A heavier workload can also cause opposition among
employees. Employees may not embrace more systems and requirements needed
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Pt1420 Unit 5 Essay
Give an example of when each of the following automatic functions can be used.
Auto text, is a function in Microsoft Word that allow you to keep a stored glossary of words or
phrases, that then allows you to complete a document faster . By selecting from the word bank while
you ae continuing on typing. For example, if you began typing Thank y Microsoft Word would show a
small window above that text displaying the AutoText Thank you, as shown in the picture. You could
then press the tab key or F3 key to complete the text.
Table headings
Table headers is a row at the top of a table that helps you identify what is in the rows below each of
the headers. For example, Name, date of Birth, and phone numbers on a table of contact ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
It may contain the companies name and logos, or may simply just be the heading of a document such
as an assignment. It is formatted to appear on the top of each page of the document in the same
position and size on each page.
A Footer, is at the bottom of a document and contains either the page number, reference details,
address or copyright information. It remains the same on each page of a document.
List five problems that you could encounter when creating documents if you do not make use of
automatic functions.
Some problems that you may encounter when creating documents and not take advantage of the
automatic functions could be:
That you may input the wrong information, in as far as a phone number or address details. If these are
stored or only inputted once as a header and footer then there is consistency in the formatting of the
details and the chance of the information being incorrect is limited
Without using table headers then are unable to tell what the information under them is related to. It
makes for a very clear and concise table that is clearly labelled and neat and tidy.
Auto text allows you have consistency in your document and formatting the shortcuts allows for a
quicker and more efficient typing
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The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting a request for an assignment writing service on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied with the work. The document explains how to obtain high-quality original content and secure refunds if needed through the writing service.

Example Essay Writing For Interview
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Example Essay Writing For Interview

Sharon Bryant was interviewed about her life story. She grew up in California, helping to raise her younger sisters as both of her parents worked. Her father struggled with PTSD after returning from WWII. Bryant now lives in Washington with her husband of 52 years and enjoys quilting in her retirement. The interview provided insights into Bryant's childhood and family background.

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Essay On Falcon Bird In Hindi. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides instructions for using an essay writing service. It outlines 5 steps: 1) Create an account with required information. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions until needs are fully met, with a refund option for plagiarized content.

Normative Gender Roles
Formally began by André Breton and influenced by Freud s vision of repressed, sexual desire, and
hallucinating conscious, gender and sexuality served as a basis of analysis and questioning for the
Surrealist artists. They believed that the women were the way to reach into subconscious of the male
mind and so femininity became the central focus of Surrealism. With the focus on femininity, the
sexuality and gender roles were explored and challenged by several female Surrealist artists such as
Claude Cahun in a way that they rejected some of the conventional perception of femininity. At the
same time, some other Surrealist artists such as Man Ray and Hans Bellmer reaffirmed the normative
gender roles by reinforcing dominant gender norms through ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
This is evident in one of Man Ray s photographs, Érotique voilée (1933). In this work, Man Ray
exhibited a nude female covered with ink, pressing against a printers wheel in a very erotic manner.
She was positioned in a very center of the photograph and was displayed with the wheel in which it
gave a sense of sexual objectification of female in a way that she was treated as a part of the
machinery, not as a separate individual. Similarly, his other work, Le Violon d Ingres (1924), features
a nude woman with f holes added in her back in which it gives the impression of her being the body of
a violin, something to be played that she is nothing more than a muse or sexual object that can be
manipulated by male dominant. As for Hans Bellmer, he constructed life sized dolls that were
violently and sexually degraded images of young girls. The doll (1936) is a photograph of Bellmer s
sexualized, distorted and dismantled sculpture of female body. The sexuality of female was used by
Bellmer to represent the unconscious sexual fantasies of male through toy like associations where it let
the female body to be easily controlled by the male owner. In both Man Ray and Hans Bellmer work,
the female body was interpreted as a sexualized object of erotic pleasure designed for male in which
they reinforced the gender stereotypes of women by depicting them as inferior to
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Analysis of the Opening Theme of Desperate Housewives
Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 2 Background Information 2.1 The Series Desperate Housewives 3
2.2 The Opening Credits 4 3 The Paintings 3.1 Modification 5 3.2 Seduction 6 3.3 Motherhood ...
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Moreover, each season reveals a mysterious and often terrible secret like for example murder that,
throughout the storyline, could not be hidden under the surface anymore. Mary Alice Young (Brenda
Strong), the housewife whose secrets led to her committing suicide in the first episode, intersperses
ironic allusions throughout each episode. The above mentioned composition of both thrilling and
touching drama and ironical comedy makes it such a successful series, which consists of seven
seasons at the moment. 2.2 The Opening Credits After an idea by Marc Cherry and finally having been
produced by a company named yU+co , the approximately 40 seconds long spot concerns a
composition of various more or less famous pieces of art that are shown in a rapid succession. They
have been modified by the producers, so that moving persons and objects, having been taken from the
paintings, form an action, which I am going to describe in the following. The music has been
composed by Danny Elfman. However, despite being Emmy nominated, the opening theme is only
shown in various episodes. In many of them, only the first or the last picture is portrayed. The first
picture, which is displayed, shows the biblical couple of Adam and Eve standing in front of the tree of
knowledge. Eve grabs one of the forbidden apples, given to her from the snake swinging down from
the tree and wants to give it to Adam who is
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Analysis Of The Great Migration Of 1843
In 1843, farmers from Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee and Ohio, who were not satisfied by the future
their homes could offer them, decided to leave on a 2000 mile journey to Oregon in hope of finding
better lives . In 1845, a few years after The Great Migration of 1843 , fur trapper and guide Stephen
Meek, mislead a group of emigrants following the Oregon trail from Missouri to the Willamette
Valley, to a shortcut that put many of their lives at stake. Based on this true story, Kelly Reichardt s
Meek s Cutoff (2010) uses its mise en scène, cinematography and other formal properties to generate
meaning about themes represented in this event such as trust, survival, and women s role in a
patriarchal society. The demonstration of this type of society is shown in the film by the use of the
women s point of view, which will be analysed using a simple chosen excerpt. In the selected scene,
the women s muteness and passiveness can be clearly identified by multiple elements of formal
features such as the point of view shot and edit of sound. One of the most obvious elements supporting
this view is the manipulation of the loudness of sound. In the 9th shot, William, Thomas and Solomon
walk towards Stephen as the camera stays positioned approximately where Emily and Glory are
standing, thus creating a mobile long shot of the men as they are walking away from the women. As
the camera adopts, the women s point of view shot, the sound also adopts their point of audition. The
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Perceptions Of Gods During Ancient Civilizations
Gabrielle Gehr
WOH 2012 82047
Rough Draft
24 October 2014
Topic: Perceptions of Gods During Ancient Civilizations
Manifestation of gods fulfilled the needs of developing ancient civilizations.
Body of Evidence: 1. Thousands of years ago, before there were scopes, meters, and other types of
scientific instruments, it must have been difficult for early, developing civilizations to understand the
universe around them. Man looked up, casted his eyes to the heavens, and observed what he saw.
Lacking a scientific understanding, manifestations of gods helped primitive cultures to make sense of
the world around them. In fact, the first gods to be worshipped were the forces of nature. It seems any
force that is more powerful or difficult ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The presence of gods led people to a scary observation regarding personal life: morality. This new
piece of knowledge made people aware that life was only temporary. For the first time it became clear
that humans on earth would die at some point in their lives. Many people are scared of dying and have
every right to be especially considering what happens beyond life is uncertain. From this, a very
important question arose: What happens to a person after they die? The creation of gods seemed to
answer this question and calmed fears. Out of all of the religions, Islam may be the most detailed in
what happens after death and what lies ahead. According to the Qur an, the Islam god or Allah created
the earth and the seven heavens for his people. Islamic religion teaches that the soul will continue to
exist after death and Allah decides the human life span of any earthling. Then causeth him to die and
burieth him; Then, when he [God] pleaseth, will raise him again to life (Excerpts from the Qur an, pg
25). There is a direct relationship between ones actions on earth and what happens to their soul after
the death of the human body. ...and that thou mayest warn them of that day of the Gathering, of which
there is no doubt when part shall be in Paradise and part in the flame. (Excerpts from the Qur an, pg
27). The afterlife will either be one of punishments or one of rewards. The Muslims believe that there
will be a day of judgment for all humans. God will resurrect and
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The document provides instructions for creating an account on a writing assistance website and how to request papers by completing an order form, bidding process, and review of drafts. Writers are vetted and customers can request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with refunds offered for plagiarized work. The process aims to fully meet customer needs for original, high-quality content.

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This document provides instructions for requesting and completing an assignment writing request through the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account, 2) Complete an order form with instructions and deadline, 3) Review bids from writers and select one, 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment, 5) Request revisions if needed. It notes the site uses a bidding system and guarantees original, high-quality content or a full refund.

Sexual Orientation In Australia
What is right and what is wrong? People around the world have different opinions on this issue, and
when someone disagrees with their opinion, or they disagree with the opinion of someone else, it can
lead to discrimination. Throughout history, people have been discriminated for various things like
race, religion, gender, and sexuality. Sexual orientation is one of those the issues on which people
have different opinions, everybody thinks that they are doing the right thing, and if the don t like what
their adversary is doing, they will go take extreme actions to make sure that everybody sees the issue
the same way they do. Just like in the past, in today s world people have different ideas regarding
sexual orientation. In today s society, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
At first, the owner claimed that he couldn t fulfill the order, and that was the reason why he couldn t
sell the cookies to the students but later on, he accepted that he refused to serve the students because
he didn t think that it was right for his two daughters to witness this situation. The students filed a
complaint with the city of Indianapolis. Another example of how homosexual couples have been
discriminated and denied services was on 2011 when the owner of the Aloha Bed and Breakfast in
Hawaii refused to rent a room to a lesbian couple because they defiled the land, despite the state s
discrimination law. The couple sued them and a judge ruled against the Aloha Bed and Breakfast
for breaking the state s law.
Finally, On 2011, in Vermont, the Wildflower Inn refused to allow a lesbian couple to hold their
wedding reception there. The Wildflower Inn claimed that they refused to hold the reception
due to personal feelings, (Ford). The affected couple filed a complaint, and the owners had to pay a
$10,000 civil penalty and a $20,000 charitable for the lesbian couple. Even though
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The Development of an Effective Pricing Strategy for a...
Part A: You have been asked to develop an effective pricing strategy for a brand launch. Describe the
sequence of steps, along with key questions to ask the client company.
The first consideration is to define the product: is it a luxury product, which is promoted partially
upon its image of exclusivity, or is the item a product that is promoted primarily on value? The price
of the item will eventually have to enable the company to be in the black, so even if the product is
priced low to start, there must be some advance planning of what is a feasible final, target price for the
item. For example, if the input goods of the product are relatively high, compared with competitors
(such as selling organic beef burgers, versus those sold with cheaper meat), assuming cost leadership
as a pricing strategy throughout the product s lifecycle would not be advised. However, initial
penetration pricing can be used to encourage consumers to try the product: Penetration
pricing...skimming pricing by entering the market with a tangible product or service at a low price in
order to appeal to the mass market immediately (7.4 Pricing policies, n.d, Advanced Diploma in
Logistics and Management). In some instances, such as the development of a new form of technology
or a drug, to recoup the initial outlay of R D costs, an opposite strategy is deployed: A skimming price
policy is the use of a high initial price, often three to four times the factory cost, with the knowledge
that the price
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The Importance Of The Railway In Canada
Canada is a great country but it wouldn t be the same without the Trans Canada Railway. The great
achievement of this railway helped form and unite this great country in many ways. These are some of
the reasons why I think the CPR helped in forming a strong, united Canada.
Confederation on July 1, 1867, brought together the Eastern Colonies of Canada, but as a country,
Canada was interested also in making a connection with the West Coast Colonies. One of the ways
this was accomplished was by promising to build a railway from coast to coast. The province of
Manitoba was convinced to join confederation by 1870, and British Columbia joined in 1871, but only
when the Canadian government promised to build the railway within ten years. Unfortunately, that
government was unable to follow through with it s promise and true construction only began in 1881
and finally completed in 1885. The first train ran in 1886 from Montreal to Port Moody. The CPR was
an important way to connect the large country of Canada.
The communities on the West Coast naturally felt like they had more in common with other
communities on the coast, such as Oregon and California and may have eventually chosen to ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The railway also allowed for further development of different areas of Canada that otherwise would
have seemed too remote in order to create settlements. As a company, the CPR was involved in land
settlement and land sales early on in our country s history. They also installed telegraph lines along the
railway lines, which allowed quicker cross country communication. The company also ended up
finding natural gas in Alberta when they were digging a well to find water for their steam engines. In
this way, the CPR ended up being more than a railway company but got involved in transporting
goods in different ways such as steamships and
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Examples Of Pre-Modern World War Strategies
Pre modern World War Strategies
As human beings stepped into a new phase of civilizations, many wars have occurred between
different people, and the wars were not surely out of violence. The sources that we have used so far
for this course are all about the wars in pre modern world. According to Sun Tzu, supreme excellence
is an important thing in the battles because it can be helpful to break down the enemies without
fighting (Part III, 2), by which he means to fight skillfully rather than military campaigns. Hence, in
this paper, I will be going through the theme of strategy in different sources, and I will analyze and
explain some different strategies that were mentioned in the sources. Some strategies were meant to
avoid the wars, and some were to prepare and operate wars. They were building cities in suitable
positions, staying away from powerful cities wars, and keeping peace with those who were powerful,
choosing suitable people for soldiers and generals, and manipulating the ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
In this regard, in his commentary on The Art of War, Tu Mu stated a dramatic example which made
him somehow unreliable because he was a poet, so some people would think that he could be
exaggerating the events that happened at his time. However, we could depend on him for our purpose
of finding out how tricking tactics affected the wars. He has said in the text that in a war Sun Pin
tricked P ang Chuan by showing 100,000 fires on the first night, 50,000 on the next, and the night
after only 20,000 meant to him that their number has decreased significantly. After that, he has showed
him a strong body of archers in ambush , and when he got there, they shot P ang Chuan arrows and
killed him. This was a good example of tricking the enemies in order to damage them and their
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Exemple Spv Bts Acse
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Exemple Spv Bts Acse

This document discusses product information management (PIM) and its benefits. PIM refers to technologies that manage product information. It is related to terms like media asset management, product data management, and cross media publishing. PIM is useful for businesses as it allows centralized management of product information across channels. This improves data quality and consistency while reducing costs and risks of new systems. PIM makes it easier to add new products and applications.

017 Difference Between Paragraph And Essay Ppt
017 Difference Between Paragraph And Essay Ppt017 Difference Between Paragraph And Essay Ppt
017 Difference Between Paragraph And Essay Ppt

The document compares gender expectations for King Henry V and Joan of Arc during their historical time periods. For Henry V, there were doubts about his manhood as king, but he proved himself through his actions and beliefs. Joan of Arc challenged expectations as a woman by her achievements in battle, showing that gender should not determine one's capabilities. Both figures went against stereotypes of their time to accomplish great things through their character and convictions.

Go Over Word Limit College Essay. Online assignment writing service.
Go Over Word Limit College Essay. Online assignment writing service.Go Over Word Limit College Essay. Online assignment writing service.
Go Over Word Limit College Essay. Online assignment writing service.

The document outlines 5 steps for students to get help writing an assignment through the website HelpWriting.net, including creating an account, submitting a request with instructions and deadline, reviewing bids from writers and choosing one, reviewing and authorizing payment for the completed assignment, and having the option to request revisions until satisfied. The process is described as quick and simple to register, and the website utilizes a bidding system from qualified writers to match requests with those who can complete the assignment.

The Current Financial Crisis Essay
Frederic Mishkin makes the point in the text, The Economics of Money Banking, and Financial
Markets (2010) that Banks and other financial institutions are what make financial markets work.
Without them, financial markets would not be able to move funds from people who save to people
who have productive investment opportunities. (p.7). The movement of funds between savers and
those with productive investment opportunities is the means of creating growth. When people lose
confidence in the economy this activity freezes or weakens, consequently, asset prices decline,
unemployment rises and companies default as was the case of Lehman Brothers in 2008. The freezing
of the flow of money is a financial crisis. Today, the global flow of ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Europe and China are major economies that impact the world.
Europe s challenges with the Euro are complicated. The United States congress had trouble agreeing
to enact legislature to raise its debt ceiling in order to meet its obligations and maintain its credit
ratings. In Europe, separate countries need to agree to come together with a combined political will to
stabilize countries and banks in financial trouble. Without the power to print money individually, each
country under the single currency must come together under combined policies. Today, Europe seems
willing to reach combined policy decisions to avoid an economic disaster. Ultimately, if this happens,
the Euro will have a stronger future just as the United States gained a stronger political and financial
system from policies created as a result of the Great Depression. If Europe fails to come to agreement
on combined policies to solve the European Debt Crisis the world will realize the financial risks.
Direct exposure is already being seen in the financial institutions. MF Global recently filed for
bankruptcy. Exposure to European bonds brought down a $41B firm just 3 weeks after a European
bank failure. Repo to maturity contacts. Falling bond values created the need for more collateral in
this type of financial instrument. Firms with similar investments could see greater risk if interest rates
rise and bond values fall.
Company earnings have been the bright light
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Clean Technology For Air Pollution Reduction And...
Abstract Cleaner Production (CP) strategies are fundamentally concerned with operations,
environmental sustainability and maximization of waste reduction, recycling, and reuse. This research
has the purpose to identify the use of resources and sources of pollution in a cleaning equipments
manufacturing and testing factory in order to apply the principles of clean technology for air pollution
reduction and standardization of waste water. The research focuses on the assessment implemented by
Clean Technology (CT) to inquire into the cause of air pollution and wastewater. The main application
of clean technology is to minimize air pollution in the welding area (production area), and to develop
a better system for wastewater treatment. Installation of local exhaust ventilation with a proper design
can prevent the emission of welding fumes to the atmosphere and implementation of a treatment plant
will help for the reuse of water. Both can give the company a better environment friendly and working
atmosphere. A case study is carried out in a cleaning equipment manufacturing company.
Key words: cleaner production, welding fume management, waste water management
CP Cleaner Production
SD Sustainable Development
GM Green Manufacturing
CT Clean Technology
STP Sewage Treatment Plant
LEV Local Exhaust Ventilation
GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding
Cleaner production is a new strategy used in the production techniques. It is an integrated,
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Comparing Act 1 Scene 5 Of William Shakespeare s Romeo And...
The scene begins in Verona on a sunny day, this is where we meet Benvolio and Tybalt. The quarrel
begins in the general public, after the quarrel begins is when we shift scenes. The next scene takes
place in an open area where the public joins in on the fights. The battle continues until the Prince
arrives with his royal guards. He then says that if the Capulets and Montagues fight once more, they
are all killed. Thus setting the base for a tragedy, and then we get into scene two. Romeo returns home
after a harsh quarrel with a love interest. He sees the aftermath of the fight and realizes the what took
place. It is at this moment when we see Romeo as a lover rather than a fighter. In scene three we see
Juliet set to meet Paris, who she is to marry in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Here Shakespeare sets up the story of a love triangle later in the story and set up for Juliet to have
some problems with getting married. The next scene takes place where the Montagues, including
Romeo, having a laugh and talking about their lives. The significance is that this is when Romeo feels
a cruel death in his future, this coming from a dream. This sets a feeling of death come into play.
Lastly we get into scene five where the party is taking place. The importance is that this is the moment
the two met and sets the story into motion. Scene one and two, taking place in act two, set the story in
the Capulet household. This is important because Romeo risks his life and his family s reputation by
disbanding their differences and meeting Juliet. Scene three introduces the audience to Friar Laurence
at the church, an important factor in the death of the couple. It is also where scene four and five
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Teen Birth Rates
According with the Teen Birth Rates graphic between the national level and state level, in this case
Utah, both it has not a big differentiation. In recent studies according to U.S. Center for diseases
Control and Prevention (CDC), the rates of birth in teenagers has an important decrease between 2007
through 2011, in USA has decreased a 25% while in the Utah decreased around to 30%. It is a
tendency that the effort to prevent early pregnancy in the nation and state.
The west side of Salt Lake City are considerate with high risk that teenagers can spread STDs and
become pregnant because it is considerate one of the areas with poverty situation and with a minority
population. According to ...National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy shows
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Unilever owns the TRESemmé haircare brand, which aims to provide salon-quality shampoos, conditioners, and other hair products at affordable prices direct to consumers. As a large fast-moving consumer goods company, Unilever operates across personal care and food sectors globally. The case study examines TRESemmé's marketing strategies and product portfolio to understand how it has grown into a leading haircare brand tailored to diverse consumer preferences.

Fce Writing Essay Question
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1. Identify potential risks and threats through vulnerability assessments and by considering likely malicious actors and their motivations. 2. Develop an incident response plan to quickly respond to security incidents with defined roles and procedures to contain damage. 3. Create a disaster recovery plan to restore systems and access to data through backups, alternative sites, and procedures for recovering from outages.

The Landlady Essay Plan
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The document analyzes the rhetorical techniques used in advertisements for dog food. It discusses four ads - one each from Blue Buffalo, Pedigree, a vintage Ken L Ration, and another shorter Pedigree ad. The ads use techniques like appealing to emotions (pathos), credibility or authority (ethos), and logic or reason (logos). They aim to convince consumers that the dog food products are healthy, tasty, and will protect dogs. Color schemes, images of happy dogs, quotes, and promises of benefits are some strategies analyzed in how the ads promote their brands.

Effect Of Ascorbic Acid On Vitamin B2
Chemical stability examination of vitamins B6 (Pyridoxine), vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and vitamin B2
(riboflavin) for neonatal use in parental nutrition
Vitamins are parental nutrition (PN) constituents used to provide daily requirements and supply
deficiencies in neonates. The vitamin loss in the parental nutrition bad is commonly caused by
chemical degradation. The reduction thiamine and oxidation of vitamin C are the frequent reactions of
chemical degradation. The vitamin C is most unstable vitamin added to parental nutrition. It is highly
oxidized. Its oxidation is influenced by high temperatures and the catalysis by the oligo elements like
copper. Its first degradation route is reversible and has biological activities while the remaining
degradation routes are irreversible and lack biological activities. The degradation of vitamin C
depends on the availability of oxygen in the medium (packaging material used). Various amino acids
also affect the vitamin C stability due to its copper ions chelating and this reduces its potential which
further decreases residual oxygen effect. The vitamin C end product (oxalic acid formation) possesses
a toxic potential and quickly interacts with free available calcium ions thereby initiating calcium
oxalate precipitation.
Thiamine degradation is caused by reduction as result of the presence of sodium metabisulfite which
is an antioxidant applied in the crystallization of amino acids solution. Vitamin B2 is most
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Public Key Encryption Essay
A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public Key Cryptosystems.
About the paper:
Public Key encryption system was first outlined by this paper. Public key encryption system is still in
wide use today, and known by the name (initials) of the paper s three authors i.e. RSA.
The paper presents an encryption method which is presented with the unusual property that publicly
revealing an encryption key does not result in revealing the corresponding decryption key. It has two
important consequences
Couriers or other secure means are not needed to transmit the keys.
By using a privately held decryption key, a message can be signed.
In the paper the theory of public key cryptosystems is introduced in the first 4 sections after which ...
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If these numbers satisfy the conditions that 1 d is co prime to (p 1)*(q 1), and 2 e*d = 1 holds modulo
(p 1)*(q 1), it can be proven and stated that for any non negative integer M n the identity (M^e)^d =
(M^d)^e = M holds modulo n. Encryption then consists of a number exponentiated by e modulo n, and
decryption in exponentiation by d (again, modulo n).
The paper has proposed a method for implementing a public key crypto system whose security rests in
part on the difficulty of factoring large numbers. If the security of our method proves to be enough, it
allows secure communications to be established without the use of couriers to carry keys, and it also
permits one to sign digitised documents. Hence security plays an important role.
The Public key (e,n) is public, and using the genearlised Euclidian algorithm d can be derived from (e,
p, q), the security of the cryptosystem depends on large numbers being difficult to factor. There is no
efficient methods of factorising integers and the problem of factorising integers is a well studied
problem in number theory. Because of this, the authors argue that the system is likely to be broken any
time soon. The last sections of the paper briefly describe proposed algorithms on how to generate key
pairs efficeintly, as well as discuss why other methods of deriving d from (e,n) can be
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The Name of the Brain Areas and Its Functions
) The name of the brain areas and its functions Image 1: Brain parts
Image 1: http://www.infocomcanada.com/cmpi/Program%20Guide/brain.htm (viewed at 08/03/14)
Brain Part Function A) Frontal lobe The frontal lobes of the brain are the most anterior, which means
they are positioned right behind your forehead and at the top front of the head.
The frontal lobes, which are also called the cerebral cortex, are the seat of emotions and judgments
related to sympathy, which is the ability to feel sadness for someone else s suffering, and empathy,
which the ability to understand another s feelings and problems. They are also the seat of
understanding humour, including delicate witticisms and word plays.
The frontal lobes also identifies sarcasm and irony, another function of lobes control is the functioning
of sequencing events, which is the ability to plan a series of movements needed to perform a multi
step task, like making a sandwich. The ability to solve problems, which often depends on flexible
thinking and the ability to correctly express language are both controlled by the frontal lobes. The left
is most predominantly language related while the right is most predominantly non verbal. the left
brain is the source of logic, which tends to be language based, and the right is creative, which tends to
be non verbal
Rear part of the frontal lobe is especially designed for the movements and tissue disorganization cause
of the disability of a limb. Stimulate of every part of the
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Interim Internship Report
Cosmo Tradex Pvt. Ltd is an introductory broker of Kerford Fx of UK, in India. It was started in the
year 2002 and is spread all over the states in India. It has opened 246 branches all over India with 500
agencies and more than 1000 franchises. Cosmo offers specialized trading and execution services to
individuals and institutional clients. It works as a brokering and consulting house of Kerford Fx for
Indian clients and helps in carrying out its full fledged operations in the following three trading
platforms: 1 1. International Commodity Market It is a 24 hour market. There is no lock in period for
funds invested in this market. It is a two way market i.e. the market may ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The Project work involves a critical analysis of the historical data relating to Euro (EUR) and Great
Britain Pound (GBP), with the use of advanced technical tools, retrieved from creditworthy sources.
Thus, the Project work is being accomplished under the purview of Forex Market and involves regular
monitoring of the currency pair EUR/GBP.
Forex Market is known for its volatility and uncertainty. The Euro/GBP has always been a stable pair
but the last month has been turbulent for the EURO as it has declined against the pound due to the
Greece Debt crisis. Viewpoints of market critics have been used to determine what future trends are
expected for Euro/GBP.
The paramount goal of the project is to study the market movements carefully so as to determine the
entry points. In line with the achievement of this goal, various Trend as well as Range analysis have
been used to determine the most profitable points for taking a position (long or short). These tools
include various trend lines, volatility bands, oscillators, moving averages etc. The role of fundamental
factors in determining market prices on the date of entry points has also been carefully observed, as
technical tools coupled with fundamental factors gives the best market predictions. Then, through the
use of some theories, we have tried to determine the future price, so that we can play with the market
changes. In addition to all this, a thorough implementation and analysis of the concept of 3 Way
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This document discusses selecting projects for an aggregate budget of $24 million. It chooses Project Europa at $11.8 million, Project Call Center at $8.5 million, and Project Ordering Upgrade at $2.5 million, for a total of $22.8 million. The Project Call Center is valuable for automating dispute recording and reducing turnaround time by 75%, while saving time and costs. Most of the $8.5 million budget for the Project Call Center would be spent in the next two quarters.

Self Autobiography Essay Sample. Online assignment writing service.
Self Autobiography Essay Sample. Online assignment writing service.Self Autobiography Essay Sample. Online assignment writing service.
Self Autobiography Essay Sample. Online assignment writing service.

This document provides steps for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net: 1. Create an account with a password and email. 2. Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, deadline, and attaching a sample if wanting the writer to imitate your style. 3. Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications, history, and feedback, then pay a deposit to start the assignment. 4. Review the completed paper and authorize final payment if satisfied, or request free revisions. HelpWriting.net stands by high-quality, original content and offers refunds for plagiarism.

How To Write The Why This Major College Essay
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This document provides instructions for using the HelpWriting.net service to have essays written. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email; 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline; 3) Review writer bids and qualifications and place a deposit; 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment; 5) Request revisions until satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarism. The service aims to provide original, high-quality content through a bidding system and revision process.

Greek Philosophers
People travel from many parts of the world to view the great architectural structures Greece has to
offer. They are not only intrigued by the beauty of the buildings but also by their complex
development. Greeks tradition of building structure came from the ideas of Philosophers such as
Thales,Pythagoras, and Archimedes, who questioned their being and challenged their world to find
meaning to certain practical applications. From their inquisitions, the Greek Philosophers developed
basic but complex strategies that served the purpose of a foundation to many other technical
advancements. The Philosopher s concepts were questioned at times for they went completely against
the Greeks normal way of life. In the Greek culture, gods were ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
With Archimedes invention of the Archimedes Screw water from a lower location could be easily
transferred to a higher point. This advancement of simple technique placed Archimedes face on the
wall of great Philosophers. The screw pump was only just a start to the development of the piping
system. Farmers mostly benefitted from this advancement for now they were able to transfer water
from their wells to other parts of the field. With the screw pump came the lever principle. If there is a
heavy weight on one side then it should be equalized on the other side in order to make it move.
Architectures used this law of mechanics to make their work easier as they would be able to move
boulders that were in the way of their duty. Greek Philosophers have made drastic changes from a
basic lifestyle to one of questioning. Their persistence to find meaning behind basic concepts has lead
to great technological advancements that are still used in today s world. The law of nature by Thales
proved that there is a system to the world and there is more to what is seen. Pythagoras uses that
strategy of observation to create a rule for sound and the way it travels. Archimedes used both theories
to point out the rule of mechanics and the way things move. Without these early advancements, the
world would probably be an era
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Cinderella 1950
The ability to dream is magical in itself. A girl often plays the game of, Happily ever after, where she
goes to a ball and falls madly in love with the prince. Disney first captured this idea in the film
Cinderella in 1950. One fact that seemed to bother some viewers was that the destined couple met and
fell in love at first sight. It is perfectly plausible, but somewhat unrealistic. A new adaptation of the
basic story of Cinderella has taken this concern and altered how they met to meeting in the woods
days before the ball. It was love of personality that had the two entranced. Cinderella (2015) presents a
young girl by the name of Ella that faces kindness from oppression, courage, determination and with
just a bit of magic is able to find ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Cinderella (2015) kept an even balance of fantasy with reality. She had the happily ever after while
meeting the price before the ball and falling in love with her personality rather than status and charm.
The touch of magic in the modern Cinderella still gives views of a young age the dazzle of the
transformations. Disney intended for the magic to help Cinderella get to the ball to meet and
eventually marry the prince. This version has realistic aspects but does not limit the imagination and
specialness of the dramatic dress transformation. Ever After had the main character, Danielle, a strong
headed woman that had a voice and shared her opinion to her demanding mother. Although it does an
exemplary job of giving her a voice against her mother, there seemed to be a lack of magic to it
overall. It held the true aspects of a developing relationship, a true Cinderella story has more of a
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Patrick Henry
Victoria Shivers
Mis King
Ela 1st hour
20 December 2016
Patrick Henry
Patrick Henry said Give me Liberty or give me Death.
He made that quote in a famous speech. Patrick Henry s Early Life, reasons for Joining the War, His
Role in the war, and his Life after the war shows He was Religious.
Patrick Henry s early life had many events. According to Patrick Henry, his father John Henry
immigrated in 1727.He was born on May,29 1736.His father joined a household of a fellow
scotsman.After Sarah s father Syme died Patrick married his young widow Sarah.He got a thousand
acres of land.Men who were wiling to work got a lot of land.
Patrick Henry had at least two reasons to join the war.In the text, Patrick Henry patrick Henry got
elected to parliament.he was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Patrick Henry s Early Life, reasons for Joining the War, His Role in the war, and his Life after the war
shows He was Religious.
Patrick Henry s early life had many events. According to Patrick Henry, his father John Henry
immigrated in 1727.He was born on May,29 1736.His father joined a household of a fellow
scotsman.After Sarah s father Syme died Patrick married his young widow Sarah.He got a thousand
acres of land.Men who were wiling to work got a lot of land.
Patrick Henry had at least two reasons to join the war.In the text, Patrick Henry patrick Henry got
elected to parliament.he was elected to the House Of Burgesses in 1765. In West Virginia the stamp
act was getting worse.Patrick Henry got elected to Office . Also according to the text He was Elected
Governor.he was Elected because the Governor Business was considered a joak. His Election was
considered a Victory for West Virginia.
According to the text, in 1765,Patrick Henry became a Legislator for the House of Burgesses, in west
virginia.He made a series of resolutions against the Stamp Act. The stamp act imposed business that
are regulated. Patrick henry said people have a right to Govern
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Cleveland Indians Argumentative Essay
The Cleveland Indians are a baseball team founded in 1894 (cleveland.indians.mlb.com). Although the
name is obviously racist, in 1894 there unfortunately was not as large of public concern regarding the
treatment of Native Americans. Now, the name is deemed to be offensive, as it should be. The logo
depicts a Native American referred to as Chief Wahoo, an aspect of the team that also creates public
scrutiny. For these reasons, the Cleveland Indians are changing their logo. However, the
implementation of the decision will be put off a year and the team will continue using the name.
Moreover, the logo will still be available on merchandize, enabling the team to profit off of racist
insignia. In 2014, president and CEO of the Cleveland Indians, Mark Shapiro, had already limited the
use of the logo. Thus, evidently, the Cleveland Indians are not doing enough to combat the prejudice
and insensitivity they exhibit through their team name, mascot and logo. The team also is clearly only
publicizing their supposedly monumental, yet actually minute, decision in order to boost public
perception of the organization. This is not a decision done in order to do the right thing; it is a
deliberate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Redskin is a racial slur and the use of the word is one of the worst examples of a sport team having a
offensive name. Nevertheless, nearly four in five Americans don t think a name change for the team
should be required (ap gfkpoll.com). This lack of consensus about the fact that sports teams shouldn t
be racially insensitive reveals a larger epidemic. The name of these sports teams become so beloved to
some people that they will not be able to change unless the fans realize that the names, logos and
racism present in the teams impotence to modify these aspects are wrong. Fans need to learn to
separate the racism of the monikers from their support of the
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The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting assignment requests on the website HelpWriting.net. Users complete a registration with an email and password, then fill out a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. Writers bid on the request and the user selects a writer based on qualifications. After receiving the paper, the user can request revisions until satisfied. The website guarantees original, high-quality content and refunds plagiarized work.

Argumentative Paper Format Argumentative Essay Outlin
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This document outlines the steps to request and receive writing assistance from the HelpWriting.net service. It explains that users must first create an account with a password and email. They can then submit a request with instructions, sources, and deadline. Writers will bid on the request and the user can choose a writer based on qualifications. The writer will complete the paper and the user can request revisions until satisfied before authorizing final payment. HelpWriting.net guarantees original, high-quality work or a full refund.

Chinese Essay Writing Guidebook (Pri 34)
Chinese Essay Writing Guidebook (Pri 34)Chinese Essay Writing Guidebook (Pri 34)
Chinese Essay Writing Guidebook (Pri 34)

The document provides a 5-step guide for using the HelpWriting.net writing service: 1. Create an account with a password and email. 2. Complete a 10-minute order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3. Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4. Ensure the paper meets expectations and authorize payment. 5. Request revisions until fully satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarism.

Questions On Thoughts And Behavior
Breshae Curry
Professor Saleem
English Comp II
16 April 2015
Thoughts and behavior
Thoughts are just electrochemical reactions to Stimuli. When we experience anything, we can react to
it, and generally these reactions plot as ponderings. Yet would we say we are these reactions? We must
be more than reactions to helpers, especially if we can control these reactions properly. It would be
disabling to know the inconsistent examinations which appear in our minds, especially the ones which
are seen as uncommon or disturbing, are to be characteristically our own. An idea or thought can be
for the most part characterized as a mental wonder inside the human personality that can influence a
singular s conduct to a huge degree. Amid intuition ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Pitiful recollections, or melancholic contemplations may make an individual cry. In the meantime, the
cerebrum can control perspectives and direct them; it can change musings also, however it doesn t
appear to stop the reasoning procedure.
The other intense hotspot for musings is an outer domain. Individuals respond to external boosts and
react suitably. In the event that the encompassing is perilous, or the circumstance is distressing, people
have a tendency to have frightful and pessimistic contemplations. Contemplations result into feelings,
and feelings reinforce considerations. An individual may act nonsensically, for instance shout, cry, or
assault others. The other kind of response as to stretch is a power outage, or here and there even loss
of motion. Conversely, if the encompassing is protected or advantageous, individuals feel good, and
their contemplations get to be more peaceful, which likewise brings about conduct. A smooth
individual has a tendency to be all the more amicable to their encompassing, more supportive and
lovely in correspondence. At the end of the day, individuals behavioral
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Suffering And Vocation In Hermann Hesse s Siddhartha
Darkness and desperation consume him. In Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse the protagonist, Siddhartha,
has a life changing experience during his darkest hour and realizes numerous important lessons during
this moment. Throughout the novel, Siddhartha holds a variety of vocations, experiencing a different
lifestyle from each one leading to his understanding of suffering and his desperation. The pivotal point
of the book occurs during Siddhartha s darkest hour when he contemplates suicide by the river. During
this moment, Siddhartha learns to look within for answers and unifies himself with the universe.
While learning the ways of business from Kamaswami, Siddhartha lives a life of wealth, gambling
away his money and acquiring a taste for lavish ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Acting as a spiritual guide, Vasudeva teaches Siddhartha to learn from the river, which realistically is
Siddhartha for all aspects of life are unified. The two ferrymen come to think of the river as ... the
voice of life, the voice of Being, of perpetual Becoming (Hesse 88). The river holds all the answers
Siddhartha needs, including how to find love, gratitude and unity, while serving as his spiritual guide
to Nirvana. When Little Siddhartha leaves Siddhartha to follow his own path, just as Siddhartha had
done to his father, he uses two lessons that he learns from the river to heal his wounded heart: patience
and listening. These lessons bring him closer to enlightenment and help him discover ... that love is
the most important thing in the world (Hesse 119). This is the last lesson Siddhartha needs to learn
before reaching Nirvana. Great irony resides in the fact that Siddhartha contemplates suicide by the
river and reaches enlightenment there too, because when he contemplates ending his life, he awakens
and begins a new life of universal unity ending his past
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Design Of 5 Stroke Engine
Abstract This paper is a description of design of 5 stroke engine. Basic principle of Otto cycle which
is used in all the gasoline engines is described to polish the basic concept of gasoline engines. 5 stroke
engine which was first designed by ilmor engineering limited is being studied by several different
universities and research workers. As an idea to present Gerhard Schmitz gave theory of 5 stroke
engine. Several hypothesis has been made on this idea. In this paper explanation of almost all the
aspects of engine necessary are covered including balancing of engine, efficiency of engine, noise
generated in the engine, exhaust gases in the engine, compression ratios, emission problems,
feasibility of 5 stroke engine and also suitable comparison of 4 stroke basic gasoline engines with 5
stroke engines. Feasibility of hypothesis of 4 strokes being replaced by 5 stroke in the coming time is
described. Description of detailed engine design and results of preliminary research done on it is
included in this report. Results of the research confirmed that efficiency of 5 stroke engine is more
than 4 stroke engine. Key words Otto cycle, Gasoline engines, 5 stroke, Feasibility, Emissions.
Introduction Four stroke basic engine which has spark ignition system was invented more than a
century ago. No doubt several changes and modifications are done in the field of 4 stroke engines. But
development in technology and innovation always seek for development in efficiency. And Otto cycle
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Industrial Relations Portfolio
Assessment Task 2 Industrial relations Portfolio Assessment Task 2 Industrial relations Portfolio May
1, 2014 May 1, 2014 Jackie Brillas Ultimo TAFE Jackie Brillas Ultimo TAFE 1. Identify a major
workplace legislation in Australia and describe the workplace legislation that covers your selected
workplace. The anti discrimination act of 1977, this act has been amended many times over the years
since first being applied in the work place. The most recent version was last amended in February of
2014. This act covers, * Discrimination in work * Racial discrimination * Special needs * Sexual
harassment * Sexual discrimination My job falls under this act, it confirms and surrounds all
employees/ employers ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
* Notice period and severance pay if an employee s position is made redundant at UNSW they must
be given a minimum of four weeks notice unless they are above the age of 45 then they must be given
5 weeks notice or the severance may be paid out. * Hours of work Here UNSW explain an employee
is able to change his or her number of hours worked per week from the standard 38 to either 35 or 36
hours. Their pay would then be 35/38ths of 36/38ths of the annual salary. And a notice of one month
must be given. * Performance management and rewards It is outlined that all staff members of UNSW
are held to a 6 month probation and if a supervisor feels the employee is progressing exceptionally
well they may choose to accelerate the employee using the schedules mentioned in the base pay
section. * Disciplinary matters and termination This enterprise agreement now breaks down their
employee performance management, advising the employee of the issues, providing the employee
with the opportunity to change the behaviour or skill gap, if the issue persists providing the employee
with an outline of the deficiencies, giving the employee a timeframe, and finally counselling. 5. Please
find attached a copy of the UNSW grievance procedure. 6. Identify the Following;
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1. The document discusses a proposal to implement a gigabit internet setup for ABC Inc. that is cost effective. It recommends using category 6 cabling that can support speeds up to 10 gigabits per second to future proof the network. 2. It also analyzes Abraham Lincoln's justification for restricting civil liberties like habeas corpus during the U.S. Civil War to prioritize national security and protect citizens. Lincoln argued that the president has inherent emergency powers. 3. Additionally, it covers how the bankruptcy of a former top chocolate company in England called Rosewood due to lower prices from competitors impacted its owner's family, especially a young boy having to adjust to doing household chores for the first time.

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Admission Essay How To Write Conclusion For EssayAdmission Essay How To Write Conclusion For Essay
Admission Essay How To Write Conclusion For Essay

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A Little Letter Paper Set Letter Writing Paper, Letter Writing KitA Little Letter Paper Set Letter Writing Paper, Letter Writing Kit
A Little Letter Paper Set Letter Writing Paper, Letter Writing Kit

This document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with the option of a full refund for plagiarized work.

Essay On Duchenne s Muscular Dystrophy
Duchenne s muscular dystrophy is one of the most common forms over childhood muscular dystrophy
and primarily affects boys; in total there are 30 different forms of muscular dystrophy 50% being
duchenne s muscular dystrophy (NIH, 2013). This type of muscular dystrophy usually begins to show
symptoms around the pre school age and affects the lower extremities first. By the age of twelve, most
boys are in a wheelchair as the trunk muscles being to weaken leading to scoliosis and kyphosis.
Eventually the diaphragm begins to weaken and young men with Duchenne s muscular dystrophy will
need assistance with breathing through the use of a ventilator (Naff, C. 2012). According to the 1st
Edition of Perspectives on Disease and Disorders Muscular Dystrophy by the age of eighteen most
young men would have experienced a cardio myopathy (weakening or the heart muscle) (Naff, C.
2012). Duchenne s muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a chromosome X linked and genetically inherited
neuromuscular disease. The New England Journal of Medicine reports that Duchenne s muscular
dystrophy affects 1 in 3500 new born baby boys. Duchenne s ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Both research articles focused on the production of viable dystrophin protein in test subjects.
Throughout the research I feel as though the most promising treatment between the two studies would
be the study where the patient subject that were taking ataluren. The end result of the trial that
included ataluren showed that more than half of the young men that participated in this study ended up
having a positive result. That positive result was the increase of dystrophin, so they had a pretty
positive result. The other treatment type where the subjects received injections in the tibialis anterior
muscle was not necessarily where they wanted their study to be at the time, but it showed
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
Decisions In I Am Alive
I am Alive (2010) In the movie, I am Alive, an Uruguayan Rugby team and their friends and loved
ones were in the plane crash of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 which crashed into the Andes
mountains of Chile on Friday, October 13th,1972. Out of the forty five passengers on flight 571,
twenty nine survived the initial crash, and only sixteen survived long enough to be rescued. For those
who were alive made critical decisions that were crucial to their survival for the seventy two days,
they d be stranded amongst the Andes. Some decisions they made would seem irrational to the public
eye, which they did. They had to make critical decisions on how were they going to keep warm, what
and how much are they going to eat and drink, and who they were going to send get help. After the
front end of the plane came to a complete halt in the middle ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
For the drinks, they found liquor in the cabinets. When they drank all the liquor, they were absolutely
quick to come with a new idea. They took the metal sheets and the empty bottles and placed them out
in the sun. On the metal sheets, they placed snow that would eventually melt and drain straight into
the bottle. For food, on the other hand, was a greater struggle. For the food, they only had so much,
since there isn t any vegetation or signs of life in the mountains they had to keep the rations small.
After they ran out of food for a couple days. They began came to the extreme decision of eating their
dead friends. This is idea cannibalism is frowned upon in many societies. They used shattered pieces
of the window as knives to cut the human flesh. Let me begin by saying I have absolutely NO
personal applications with this because it s never happened to me. But if it were to happen to me, I d
probably do the same thing. That d only if I knew there was still a chance of being
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Statement Of Purpose For Cryptography
An algorithm that resists brute force will never become obsolete, no matter how powerful code
breaking computers get. It would become a world standard overnight. This quote from Dan Brown s
Digital Fortress caught my imagination in high school, and from that point onwards, I knew that this is
what I wanted to do. I wanted to become a research scientist, who would decipher such algorithms,
even more so break a cipher claimed to be perfect. Since then I have been studying cryptography,
which led to a tendency of seeing patterns and codes in my daily activities. Routine activities such as
reading a letter or looking at a sign, trigger connections in my mind. I have always enjoyed reading
theorems and understanding their proofs. My interest in cryptography further burgeoned since every
protocol, or algorithm ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
UCSD is the school of my choice as I find that the graduate program is fully suited to my interests and
ambitions. I have always admired Dr. Mihir Bellare s work on designing protocols, and efficient
encryption schemes, which gave me a deep insight in the field of searchable encryption. It would be a
privilege to work under him and contribute to the field under his tutelage. Driven by my interest in
Cryptography, I will be delighted to join the Security and Cryptography group at UCSD and play an
active role in their research. Besides research I also have an inclination towards teaching, since
interpersonal communication and clarity of speech are my forte. Having had the experience of tutoring
students online on the InstaEDU forum, working as a Teaching Assistant would come naturally to me.
Adding up my research interests, penchant for teaching, and interest in ongoing projects, I strongly
believe that UCSD would be the ideal platform to kick start my career in
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Eve Marche s Iron Cross
Beneath the nurses apron Eve Marche wears to tend German and Allied troops, beats the heart of a
MI6 spy. Pinned to it is the Iron Cross she was awarded for saving Major Otto Reinhardt. While the
cross provides an element of protection from the Bosch it also invites scornful glares from fellow
Belgians. She can t tell them the truth, no one must know no one outside her family of her
involvement in the La Dame Blanch network. In her third novel, Kate Breslin dials up the danger and
intrigue for a story I could not put down!
Breslin s interplay between the greater European conflict (WWI), local resistance, and one woman s
remarkable stand against evil is brilliant. She accomplishes the first by using Belgium as her primary
setting then, through
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This document describes the author's experience with his wife and first child. They found out in 2008 that they were expecting their fourth child together. Due to issues with their landlord, they moved their family from Florida back to North Carolina over the holidays. The author continued working in Florida for six more months before transferring to a new job in Georgia. They decided to have the baby in North Carolina where the wife was comfortable with her doctor. The author was able to be home for the birth during his time off between jobs.

012 Thesis Two Pages Exampl
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The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting an assignment request on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) create an account with an email and password, 2) complete a form with assignment details and attach samples, 3) choose a writer based on bids, qualifications and reviews, 4) review the completed paper and authorize payment, and 5) request revisions to ensure satisfaction. The document emphasizes HelpWriting.net's promises of original, high-quality work or a full refund.

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The document discusses various financial ratios that can be used to analyze the financial health and liquidity of a company called FirstRate, including the current ratio, acid test ratio, accounts receivable ratio, and inventory turnover ratio. The current ratio and acid test ratio for FirstRate are trending down, indicating increased liquidity risk. Accounts receivable and days to sell inventory are also trending upward, which is not ideal as it increases credit risk and carrying costs. The ratios provide insights into FirstRate's short-term financial management and ability to meet obligations.

Benefits Of Going To College And Getting A Bachelor Degree
All high schoolers face the same daunting problem. What they are going to do with their lives. A
choice made as an 18 year old, determines future paths for the rest of their lives. Recently the subject
of going to college and getting a four year degree has become very controversial. HIgh school students
are choosing other alternatives, such as trade school, community college, or even not getting any
further education at all. However even with many other options, going to college and getting a
bachelor s degree is valuable for everyone. Going to college and getting a four year degree earns
individuals more money. Those people make 98% more an hour than those without degrees.
(Leonhardt 1) Over the course of a lifetime, a person with a bachelor s degree will make 1.1 million
dollars opposed to average of 393,000 over a lifetime of someone without a bachelor s degree. (Hamm
4) The more money one makes, the more opportunities one is offered. Traveling the world,
materialistic items, living location, providing for family, are all examples of opportunities requiring:
money. College let s one attain these opportunities by giving degrees that will earn people higher
paying jobs. A very big issue that people have with attending a four year college is the cost of college
tuition. College is very expensive. Even after paying a large sum of money, the average amount of
student loans is 30,000 dollars. (Bonder 1) The cost to get a bachelor s degree is 127,000 dollars.
(Hamm 1) Even if
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Dot.Com Bubble
R amp;D, Advertising and the Market Value of Internet Firms By: Damir Tokic Outline: 1.
Introduction 2. Article Summary 3. Discussion 4. Conclusion Introduction During the Dot com bubble
, internet firms were highly valued compared to old economy firms. Internet firms stock prices were
unrealistically high. Most of those firms were operating under loses and no tangible assets to warrant
those prices. Analysts justified those prices and recommended buy ratings but later a crash followed.
Article Summary This article explains the relationship between intangible assets (advertising and R
amp;D) expenditures and internet firms market value during 1996 2000.The author presents two
opinions in regard to internet ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It may pay off to undertake R amp;D investments in a project with negative value if the early
investments provide sufficient information about the future benefits of a project. The value of an
internet firm is largely dependent on (1) firm s ability to adapt to enormous uncertainty, (2)
competitive landscape paced with technology innovations,(3) changing market conditions and (4)
costs of searching for a profitable business model. Valuations can be extremely high if the initial
growth rates are high and if there is enough volatility in this growth over time, The author s argument
is that high valuation of internet stocks is attributed to the investment opportunities approach. This
approach suggests that the presence of growth opportunities to invest new capital results to projects
with a promising rate of rate return higher than normal. The investment opportunities approach states
that value of a growth firm is equal to the PV of cash flows from assets in place and the present value
of growth opportunity (Vj = V1 + V2). It suggests that investors should pay a premium for earnings of
a growth firms relative to mature firms due to the presence of profitability multiplier in growth
firms.The author proposes a modified investment opportunities approach which incorporates
advertising and R amp;D into the equation when valuing growth firms; V = E/k m + RD+A/k (m 1).
This is
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Nobel Prize for Cell Signaling Pathways Essay
In 2013, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to James Rothman, Randy
Schekman, and Thomas Sudhof for their pioneering research in cell signaling pathways. Together,
they were able to solve many questions that we had about how this precise cell ­
‐to ­
‐ cell regulation is
carried out. With their works, many scientists across the world can apply their discoveries in various
Due to our profound genomic studies, we have been able to sequence many genomes of various
organisms. With the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are two processes that are involved in the bulk transport of large molecules. After these large
particles are packaged in vesicles, if the molecules are to be secreted from the cell, the transport
vesicles fuse with the plasma membrane in a process called exocytosis. James Rothman discovered
that this process is done very precisely as specific protein complexes on the transport vesicles and
specific proteins on the plasma membrane bind together to cause this fusion (1).
When the cell takes in particles from the outside, the cell sinks inward to form a vesicle of materials
from the outside in the same principle that James Rothman identified.
The plasma membrane plays a key role in cell signaling pathways. Local signaling is when local
regulators are secreted from one cell to trigger nearby
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Water Imagery Of Nawal El Saadawi s Woman At Point Zero...
Diving into the deeper meaning: Water imagery in Nawal El Saadawi s Woman at Point Zero
Water, specifically the ocean, is a highly important symbol in Woman at Point Zero by Nawal El
Saadawi. Through various forms of water, ranging from the vast ocean to a glass of water, El Saadawi
explores power represented though water. Through water and green imagery, she examines the ideas
of rebirth and female power, ultimately resulting in character evolution, depicted through water
imagery symbolizing power and its transfer. While water imagery is representative of renewal and
baptism throughout the novel, the water imagery is also used to represent power and depicts character
evolution throughout the book, giving insight into how Firdaus changes throughout Woman at Point
Zero. El Saadawi uses ocean imagery in contrast to smaller, confined bodies of water to work toward
the reader s understanding of the conflicting positions of power. Through this technique, there is a
clear contrast between the different meanings conveyed by water throughout the text enhancing the
original metaphor presented. Water and sea imagery is used to represent power within the novel. After
escaping from her husband, Firdaus describes drowning in a sea of people, stating: The street was an
endless expanse stretched out before my eyes like a sea. I was just a pebble thrown into it, battered by
the waves (60). After a while, she gets tired and wants fresh water. Here, the different varieties of
water, the
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How To Properly Cite An Essay. How To Cite A Poem In MLA Properly. 2019
How To Properly Cite An Essay. How To Cite A Poem In MLA Properly. 2019How To Properly Cite An Essay. How To Cite A Poem In MLA Properly. 2019
How To Properly Cite An Essay. How To Cite A Poem In MLA Properly. 2019

1. The document provides instructions for creating an account on HelpWriting.net to request that a writer complete an assignment paper. It outlines registering, submitting a request with instructions and deadline, reviewing writer bids, selecting a writer, and revising the completed paper. 2. The bidding system matches requests with qualified writers. Customers can choose a writer based on qualifications, history, and feedback, then pay a deposit to start the assignment. 3. Customers can request multiple revisions to ensure satisfaction. HelpWriting.net promises original, high-quality content and offers refunds for plagiarized papers. The process aims to fully meet customer needs.

The Characteristics Of Psychopaths In Pop Culture
Psychopaths are prevalent in almost every aspect of life. They are at school, in the office, and at the
grocery store. People view psychopaths as socially removed and isolated, but many with psychopathic
traits lead normal lives with their own quirks. Functional psychopathy has become more and more
normalized, as it has been featured in different aspects of pop culture. Many people hope to break the
stereotype associated with psychopathy in order for society to become more inclusive of mental
disorders, and also to educate more people about psychopathic behavior through popular shows and
movies. One example of a functional yet quirky psychopath in pop culture is Dwight Schrute from
The Office. The Office is set at the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, in Scranton, Pennsylvania, with
Michael Scott managing the staff. Also called an office mockumentary, the series follows the
shenanigans, strange happenings, and hysterical moments that take place in the office at Dunder
Mifflin. Viewers love to see how different each of the characters are, and how often their differences
get them into trouble.
Dwight is perhaps the most dedicated and hardworking member of the staff, as he is the leading
salesman. Many of his co workers enjoy teasing him, and while this is funny to viewers of the show, it
causes Dwight to get himself into trouble and make himself appear annoying to others in the office.
Dwight s character comes across as odd and hilarious, but with further analysis of his
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A Critique on Freakonomics, A Nobel by Levitt and Dubner
In Levitt and Dubner s novel, Freakonomics, they deal with the sensitive subject of abortions in
chapter four. During this section, Levitt and Dubner are purposing that the drop of crime is not
because of the many popular ideas they address but instead because of abortions becoming legalized.
Providing proof to their argument, they list out all the popular ideas that many people believe to be the
cause of the drop in crime and then one by one explain why these ideas could not fit into the massive
crime drop. After explaining the list of popular ideas, they finally come out and state what their take
on the crime drop is and explaining why they believe this explanation instead of the ones listed before
(115 145). Levitt and Dubner s flow of writing and logic are shown very strong in this section and
provide an easy and understandable read to the audience. Using this form of writing also creates an
easier understanding for when they get to their point and distracts the reader into taking account of
what they say instead of how offensive it is.
In the beginning of the chapter Levitt and Dubner tell the story the story of how a Communist dictator
of Romania, Nicolae Ceausescu, set a new law to have abortions illegalized and how it ended up
backfiring on him (115 117). Opening with a story, they were able to grab the reader s attention while
also proving a point to their main argument about how legalizing or illegalizing a law can create a
huge impact on the country. While the
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Gun Laws And Stricter Gun Control
Gun laws is a controversial topic on both sides of the legislative. We have some that argue the right to
bear arms set in the Constitution of the United States and then we have the epidemic of gun violence
amongst innocent people that are advocating for stricter gun laws and even the banning on assault
weapons. There are many points that can be argued from each side of the leglasitive with evidence to
back the claims that they are stating with regards to gun laws. The right to bear arms is considered to
be a pillar of the constitution and some people feel that it is a right that should not be infringed upon.
The right to bear arms, a right that won us freedom and also has protected us for years. But, as the
nation evolves it is evident that our second amendment could probably stand to evolve with it. When I
think of gun laws I often tend to take the middle of the road approach to who should own a gun and
what should happen if you possess a gun illegally. Former President Barack Obama made the plea for
stricter gun control. His thought was that there need to be a broader background check as well as
exhortation to federal agencies so that existing laws are fully enforced. But how does what President
Obama was trying to inforce take a stance when in Texas, gun owners were taking full advantage of
the new right of open carry. I think that the open carry law needed to be investigated a little bit more
before being put in place. But, the good thing I guess that came out
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024 Essay Example Social Media Introduction In Pakis

  • 1. 024 Essay Example Social Media Introduction In Pakis 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. 024 Essay Example Social Media Introduction In Pakis 024 Essay Example Social Media Introduction In Pakis
  • 2. The Ethics of the Creation, Distribution, and Use of... The Ethics of the Creation, Distribution, and Use of Metadata Navigation This paper discusses the ethical issues that may arise in the creation, distribution, and use of metadata. To do this, one must first understand what metadata is, and have a reasonable understanding of how it is used today. Metadata is not a word that the average person can state a definition for. In fact, even many technologically inclined people may not have a sound idea of what exactly metadata means. Although many people don t recognize the name, metadata, many people look at, use, or even create metadata on a daily basis. To truly appreciate how important metadata is one must have a firm grasp on what metadata allows and how difficult information ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So I will use an example to further clarify. The card catalog system that has been used in libraries for years is an example of a standardized system of metadata. Certain requirements are demanded for each book and this data is stored on a card that makes finding and accessing the needed book efficient. This is metadata in its oldest and purest form. Metadata Standards Metadata standards are even more important in regards to digital information. Metadata used to classify information stored online crosses many different hardware and software platforms, and because of the vast amounts of information there is a need for it to be sorted by machine rather than by human, as in the card catalog system. These parameters call for a standard that is both visible to the user and readable by a machine. This is what many of the metadata standards in effect today try to accomplish. Metadata standards can be looked at from two different extremes, the minimalist view or the structuralist view. The minimalist view is to have only a small number of requirements that are easily input by inexperienced users. This allows for most information to be at least somewhat classified and easily found. From the structuralist view strict requirements should be imposed so as to keep well documented information well defined and found with great accuracy.5 A prime example of a minimalist metadata structure is The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. In their own words, The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
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  • 4. The Crucible Reputation Essay In the play, The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, the people of Salem, Massachusetts prove time and time again that they care more about their reputations than the events that are taking place and how these events are affecting the people around them. Having a good reputation can be a good thing but when being concerned about your reputation clouds your judgement, that is when it becomes a dilemma. In The Crucible, Arthur Miller uses having a good reputation, the character of Parris, and how reputation and The Crucible tie into modern life to enlighten the reader that even though having a good reputation is great, it should not cloud one s ability to see the harm they are doing to others. Arthur Miller teaches through his play what it means ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In other words, having a good reputation can be good, as can most things, as long as one does not focus solely on it. Another thing Miller illustrates, through the character of Parris, is that trying to keep a good reputation will make one focus mainly on themselves, making them less empathetic and blind to the struggles of others. Parris is not the only one guilty of this though. In a piece titled Reputation of The Crucible it says, John Proctor and Parris both were very concerned that their reputation was at stake in many different instances in this play The Crucible (Reputation of the Crucible). Our reputations, like the image of the characters John Proctor and Parris, are always at stake and it is important to be careful not to do things that will interfere with our status. Though not the only one, Parris is a major offender of letting his image and his reputation cloud his judgement and even get in the way of his duties as a father. The piece later states, When the play first begins, Parris fears that Abigail, his niece, is convicted of being a witch because of her intolerable actions, and the witchcraft that associates with his daughter s coma will cause much chaos and bring down his power as a Reverend in Salem. Parris feels that power and reputation is the most important thing to him as a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. The Evolution Of The Accounting Profession Discussion Board 1: Case 1 5: The Evolution of the Accounting Profession Throughout history the accounting profession has seen continuous growth. It has even been discovered that an elaborate accounting system was utilized as early as 8000 to 3000 B.C. (Schroeder, Clark, Cathey, 2014). Humans have deemed it necessary for centuries to account for money and inventory items. In the nineteenth century, the accounting profession took another major step forward when the joint ventures evolved into corporations in England resulting in stockholders needing financial records reflecting the companies performance (Schroeder et. al, 2014). This emergence of corporations brought about the need for reporting on a periodic basis in order to allow owners and prospective stockholders to evaluate the company to determine if their investments, or potential investments, yielded a return (Schroeder et. al, 2014). The evolution of these corporations brought about the need for accounting standards and laws that would that protect the investment of shareholders, require that dividends be paid from net gains, and require that audits be conducted by people other than the directors of the organization(s) (Schroeder et. al, 2014). These changes in the nineteenth century led the charge in the development for accounting standards and laws that we still follow today, and they are constantly evolving and improving in order to protect investors from scandal and fraud. The latter part of the nineteenth ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. One Hundred Years Of Solitude Analysis Sexual Taboo in One Hundred Years of Solitude Sexual Taboo is incredibly prevalent and powerful in the novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude , by Gabriel García Márquez, specifically through the use of incest and pedophilia. These sexual taboos act as symbols for the isolation of the main character and help to explain the actions of the Buendías as well as the cycles that the family is stuck in. García Márquez uses incest within the characters as a symbol in order to push the Buendía family further into their solitude, emphasizing the idea that they are isolated in their small town of Macondo. Through the use of magical realism García Márquez takes a sexual act that is taboo in the current culture and forms it into something totally normal and common. This is to say that he takes a common thing, like sex, and puts it on the extreme end of the scale. When using this tool of extremity to create entirely unthinkable situations, like a family that is encompassed by incest, an author can create a large emphasis of symbolism and evoke feelings from the reader that are much stronger than that which would come from a typical, everyday occurrence. It can be slightly awkward to read through any sex scene in a novel; however, reading through an incestuous sex scene full of taboo disgusts the audience and puts them in an uncomfortable position that grows more unsettling with each sentence that they read. This idea is explored in the review, Beyond the Body and the Rainbow and One ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Resistance to Change Essay Resistance to Change Change in a business is inevitable and typically only the strongest thrive. With a fluctuating economy and constant technological advancements, organizations are expected to adapt in order to survive. When a business is posed with an issue or change, it must develop new business and strategy structures and implements those developments throughout the entire company. Communication, education and participation are all required for a change model to be successful. Though change and adaptation may be needed to better the company, with implementation of change comes resistance. Most companies face resistance on an organizational and individual level during a transition. However, it is how the company is able to overcome ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Employees who feel pushed out of their comfort zone may also resist change, due to the unfamiliarity of new implications or managers. The fear of uncertainties due to the lack of communication can also lead to resistance to change on an individual level. If employees are not informed of the needs of the change then the fear of the unknown can cause resistance. Personal impact and fear of change are not the only causes of resistance by individuals during a change to business practices. The lack of respect and negative attitudes can also lead to employees resisting business change. If an employee lacks respect or has a negative attitude towards a person or department leading the change, then there are more likely to oppose the new ideas being implemented. Poor communication greatly impacts individuals accepted to new practices in a company. Typically if an employee is given new behaviors to adopt, but is given no reason, then that employee may reject the change. Upper management must effectively relate the value, need and benefit of the change to help get employees on board with new changes. The lack of individual input can also lead to resistance. Some individuals feel the need to be included in new ideas. When employees are not asked to be involved in changes, they may lack the vision of importance or will to change. A heavier workload can also cause opposition among employees. Employees may not embrace more systems and requirements needed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Pt1420 Unit 5 Essay Give an example of when each of the following automatic functions can be used. AutoText Auto text, is a function in Microsoft Word that allow you to keep a stored glossary of words or phrases, that then allows you to complete a document faster . By selecting from the word bank while you ae continuing on typing. For example, if you began typing Thank y Microsoft Word would show a small window above that text displaying the AutoText Thank you, as shown in the picture. You could then press the tab key or F3 key to complete the text. Table headings Table headers is a row at the top of a table that helps you identify what is in the rows below each of the headers. For example, Name, date of Birth, and phone numbers on a table of contact ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It may contain the companies name and logos, or may simply just be the heading of a document such as an assignment. It is formatted to appear on the top of each page of the document in the same position and size on each page. A Footer, is at the bottom of a document and contains either the page number, reference details, address or copyright information. It remains the same on each page of a document. CASE STUDY: Part C (CONTINUED) List five problems that you could encounter when creating documents if you do not make use of automatic functions. Some problems that you may encounter when creating documents and not take advantage of the automatic functions could be: That you may input the wrong information, in as far as a phone number or address details. If these are stored or only inputted once as a header and footer then there is consistency in the formatting of the details and the chance of the information being incorrect is limited Without using table headers then are unable to tell what the information under them is related to. It makes for a very clear and concise table that is clearly labelled and neat and tidy. Auto text allows you have consistency in your document and formatting the shortcuts allows for a quicker and more efficient typing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Normative Gender Roles Formally began by André Breton and influenced by Freud s vision of repressed, sexual desire, and hallucinating conscious, gender and sexuality served as a basis of analysis and questioning for the Surrealist artists. They believed that the women were the way to reach into subconscious of the male mind and so femininity became the central focus of Surrealism. With the focus on femininity, the sexuality and gender roles were explored and challenged by several female Surrealist artists such as Claude Cahun in a way that they rejected some of the conventional perception of femininity. At the same time, some other Surrealist artists such as Man Ray and Hans Bellmer reaffirmed the normative gender roles by reinforcing dominant gender norms through ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is evident in one of Man Ray s photographs, Érotique voilée (1933). In this work, Man Ray exhibited a nude female covered with ink, pressing against a printers wheel in a very erotic manner. She was positioned in a very center of the photograph and was displayed with the wheel in which it gave a sense of sexual objectification of female in a way that she was treated as a part of the machinery, not as a separate individual. Similarly, his other work, Le Violon d Ingres (1924), features a nude woman with f holes added in her back in which it gives the impression of her being the body of a violin, something to be played that she is nothing more than a muse or sexual object that can be manipulated by male dominant. As for Hans Bellmer, he constructed life sized dolls that were violently and sexually degraded images of young girls. The doll (1936) is a photograph of Bellmer s sexualized, distorted and dismantled sculpture of female body. The sexuality of female was used by Bellmer to represent the unconscious sexual fantasies of male through toy like associations where it let the female body to be easily controlled by the male owner. In both Man Ray and Hans Bellmer work, the female body was interpreted as a sexualized object of erotic pleasure designed for male in which they reinforced the gender stereotypes of women by depicting them as inferior to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Analysis of the Opening Theme of Desperate Housewives Table of contents 1 Introduction 2 2 Background Information 2.1 The Series Desperate Housewives 3 2.2 The Opening Credits 4 3 The Paintings 3.1 Modification 5 3.2 Seduction 6 3.3 Motherhood ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moreover, each season reveals a mysterious and often terrible secret like for example murder that, throughout the storyline, could not be hidden under the surface anymore. Mary Alice Young (Brenda Strong), the housewife whose secrets led to her committing suicide in the first episode, intersperses ironic allusions throughout each episode. The above mentioned composition of both thrilling and touching drama and ironical comedy makes it such a successful series, which consists of seven seasons at the moment. 2.2 The Opening Credits After an idea by Marc Cherry and finally having been produced by a company named yU+co , the approximately 40 seconds long spot concerns a composition of various more or less famous pieces of art that are shown in a rapid succession. They have been modified by the producers, so that moving persons and objects, having been taken from the paintings, form an action, which I am going to describe in the following. The music has been composed by Danny Elfman. However, despite being Emmy nominated, the opening theme is only shown in various episodes. In many of them, only the first or the last picture is portrayed. The first picture, which is displayed, shows the biblical couple of Adam and Eve standing in front of the tree of knowledge. Eve grabs one of the forbidden apples, given to her from the snake swinging down from the tree and wants to give it to Adam who is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Analysis Of The Great Migration Of 1843 In 1843, farmers from Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee and Ohio, who were not satisfied by the future their homes could offer them, decided to leave on a 2000 mile journey to Oregon in hope of finding better lives . In 1845, a few years after The Great Migration of 1843 , fur trapper and guide Stephen Meek, mislead a group of emigrants following the Oregon trail from Missouri to the Willamette Valley, to a shortcut that put many of their lives at stake. Based on this true story, Kelly Reichardt s Meek s Cutoff (2010) uses its mise en scène, cinematography and other formal properties to generate meaning about themes represented in this event such as trust, survival, and women s role in a patriarchal society. The demonstration of this type of society is shown in the film by the use of the women s point of view, which will be analysed using a simple chosen excerpt. In the selected scene, the women s muteness and passiveness can be clearly identified by multiple elements of formal features such as the point of view shot and edit of sound. One of the most obvious elements supporting this view is the manipulation of the loudness of sound. In the 9th shot, William, Thomas and Solomon walk towards Stephen as the camera stays positioned approximately where Emily and Glory are standing, thus creating a mobile long shot of the men as they are walking away from the women. As the camera adopts, the women s point of view shot, the sound also adopts their point of audition. The importance ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Perceptions Of Gods During Ancient Civilizations Gabrielle Gehr WOH 2012 82047 Rough Draft 24 October 2014 Topic: Perceptions of Gods During Ancient Civilizations Thesis: Manifestation of gods fulfilled the needs of developing ancient civilizations. Body of Evidence: 1. Thousands of years ago, before there were scopes, meters, and other types of scientific instruments, it must have been difficult for early, developing civilizations to understand the universe around them. Man looked up, casted his eyes to the heavens, and observed what he saw. Lacking a scientific understanding, manifestations of gods helped primitive cultures to make sense of the world around them. In fact, the first gods to be worshipped were the forces of nature. It seems any force that is more powerful or difficult ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The presence of gods led people to a scary observation regarding personal life: morality. This new piece of knowledge made people aware that life was only temporary. For the first time it became clear that humans on earth would die at some point in their lives. Many people are scared of dying and have every right to be especially considering what happens beyond life is uncertain. From this, a very important question arose: What happens to a person after they die? The creation of gods seemed to answer this question and calmed fears. Out of all of the religions, Islam may be the most detailed in what happens after death and what lies ahead. According to the Qur an, the Islam god or Allah created the earth and the seven heavens for his people. Islamic religion teaches that the soul will continue to exist after death and Allah decides the human life span of any earthling. Then causeth him to die and burieth him; Then, when he [God] pleaseth, will raise him again to life (Excerpts from the Qur an, pg 25). There is a direct relationship between ones actions on earth and what happens to their soul after the death of the human body. ...and that thou mayest warn them of that day of the Gathering, of which there is no doubt when part shall be in Paradise and part in the flame. (Excerpts from the Qur an, pg 27). The afterlife will either be one of punishments or one of rewards. The Muslims believe that there will be a day of judgment for all humans. God will resurrect and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Sexual Orientation In Australia What is right and what is wrong? People around the world have different opinions on this issue, and when someone disagrees with their opinion, or they disagree with the opinion of someone else, it can lead to discrimination. Throughout history, people have been discriminated for various things like race, religion, gender, and sexuality. Sexual orientation is one of those the issues on which people have different opinions, everybody thinks that they are doing the right thing, and if the don t like what their adversary is doing, they will go take extreme actions to make sure that everybody sees the issue the same way they do. Just like in the past, in today s world people have different ideas regarding sexual orientation. In today s society, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At first, the owner claimed that he couldn t fulfill the order, and that was the reason why he couldn t sell the cookies to the students but later on, he accepted that he refused to serve the students because he didn t think that it was right for his two daughters to witness this situation. The students filed a complaint with the city of Indianapolis. Another example of how homosexual couples have been discriminated and denied services was on 2011 when the owner of the Aloha Bed and Breakfast in Hawaii refused to rent a room to a lesbian couple because they defiled the land, despite the state s anti­ discrimination law. The couple sued them and a judge ruled against the Aloha Bed and Breakfast for breaking the state s law. Finally, On 2011, in Vermont, the Wildflower Inn refused to allow a lesbian couple to hold their wedding reception there. The Wildflower Inn claimed that they refused to hold the reception due to personal feelings, (Ford). The affected couple filed a complaint, and the owners had to pay a $10,000 civil penalty and a $20,000 charitable for the lesbian couple. Even though ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Development of an Effective Pricing Strategy for a... Part A: You have been asked to develop an effective pricing strategy for a brand launch. Describe the sequence of steps, along with key questions to ask the client company. The first consideration is to define the product: is it a luxury product, which is promoted partially upon its image of exclusivity, or is the item a product that is promoted primarily on value? The price of the item will eventually have to enable the company to be in the black, so even if the product is priced low to start, there must be some advance planning of what is a feasible final, target price for the item. For example, if the input goods of the product are relatively high, compared with competitors (such as selling organic beef burgers, versus those sold with cheaper meat), assuming cost leadership as a pricing strategy throughout the product s lifecycle would not be advised. However, initial penetration pricing can be used to encourage consumers to try the product: Penetration pricing...skimming pricing by entering the market with a tangible product or service at a low price in order to appeal to the mass market immediately (7.4 Pricing policies, n.d, Advanced Diploma in Logistics and Management). In some instances, such as the development of a new form of technology or a drug, to recoup the initial outlay of R D costs, an opposite strategy is deployed: A skimming price policy is the use of a high initial price, often three to four times the factory cost, with the knowledge that the price ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. The Importance Of The Railway In Canada Canada is a great country but it wouldn t be the same without the Trans Canada Railway. The great achievement of this railway helped form and unite this great country in many ways. These are some of the reasons why I think the CPR helped in forming a strong, united Canada. Confederation on July 1, 1867, brought together the Eastern Colonies of Canada, but as a country, Canada was interested also in making a connection with the West Coast Colonies. One of the ways this was accomplished was by promising to build a railway from coast to coast. The province of Manitoba was convinced to join confederation by 1870, and British Columbia joined in 1871, but only when the Canadian government promised to build the railway within ten years. Unfortunately, that government was unable to follow through with it s promise and true construction only began in 1881 and finally completed in 1885. The first train ran in 1886 from Montreal to Port Moody. The CPR was an important way to connect the large country of Canada. The communities on the West Coast naturally felt like they had more in common with other communities on the coast, such as Oregon and California and may have eventually chosen to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The railway also allowed for further development of different areas of Canada that otherwise would have seemed too remote in order to create settlements. As a company, the CPR was involved in land settlement and land sales early on in our country s history. They also installed telegraph lines along the railway lines, which allowed quicker cross country communication. The company also ended up finding natural gas in Alberta when they were digging a well to find water for their steam engines. In this way, the CPR ended up being more than a railway company but got involved in transporting goods in different ways such as steamships and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Examples Of Pre-Modern World War Strategies Pre modern World War Strategies As human beings stepped into a new phase of civilizations, many wars have occurred between different people, and the wars were not surely out of violence. The sources that we have used so far for this course are all about the wars in pre modern world. According to Sun Tzu, supreme excellence is an important thing in the battles because it can be helpful to break down the enemies without fighting (Part III, 2), by which he means to fight skillfully rather than military campaigns. Hence, in this paper, I will be going through the theme of strategy in different sources, and I will analyze and explain some different strategies that were mentioned in the sources. Some strategies were meant to avoid the wars, and some were to prepare and operate wars. They were building cities in suitable positions, staying away from powerful cities wars, and keeping peace with those who were powerful, choosing suitable people for soldiers and generals, and manipulating the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this regard, in his commentary on The Art of War, Tu Mu stated a dramatic example which made him somehow unreliable because he was a poet, so some people would think that he could be exaggerating the events that happened at his time. However, we could depend on him for our purpose of finding out how tricking tactics affected the wars. He has said in the text that in a war Sun Pin tricked P ang Chuan by showing 100,000 fires on the first night, 50,000 on the next, and the night after only 20,000 meant to him that their number has decreased significantly. After that, he has showed him a strong body of archers in ambush , and when he got there, they shot P ang Chuan arrows and killed him. This was a good example of tricking the enemies in order to damage them and their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Current Financial Crisis Essay Frederic Mishkin makes the point in the text, The Economics of Money Banking, and Financial Markets (2010) that Banks and other financial institutions are what make financial markets work. Without them, financial markets would not be able to move funds from people who save to people who have productive investment opportunities. (p.7). The movement of funds between savers and those with productive investment opportunities is the means of creating growth. When people lose confidence in the economy this activity freezes or weakens, consequently, asset prices decline, unemployment rises and companies default as was the case of Lehman Brothers in 2008. The freezing of the flow of money is a financial crisis. Today, the global flow of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Europe and China are major economies that impact the world. Europe s challenges with the Euro are complicated. The United States congress had trouble agreeing to enact legislature to raise its debt ceiling in order to meet its obligations and maintain its credit ratings. In Europe, separate countries need to agree to come together with a combined political will to stabilize countries and banks in financial trouble. Without the power to print money individually, each country under the single currency must come together under combined policies. Today, Europe seems willing to reach combined policy decisions to avoid an economic disaster. Ultimately, if this happens, the Euro will have a stronger future just as the United States gained a stronger political and financial system from policies created as a result of the Great Depression. If Europe fails to come to agreement on combined policies to solve the European Debt Crisis the world will realize the financial risks. Direct exposure is already being seen in the financial institutions. MF Global recently filed for bankruptcy. Exposure to European bonds brought down a $41B firm just 3 weeks after a European bank failure. Repo to maturity contacts. Falling bond values created the need for more collateral in this type of financial instrument. Firms with similar investments could see greater risk if interest rates rise and bond values fall. Company earnings have been the bright light ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Clean Technology For Air Pollution Reduction And... Abstract Cleaner Production (CP) strategies are fundamentally concerned with operations, environmental sustainability and maximization of waste reduction, recycling, and reuse. This research has the purpose to identify the use of resources and sources of pollution in a cleaning equipments manufacturing and testing factory in order to apply the principles of clean technology for air pollution reduction and standardization of waste water. The research focuses on the assessment implemented by Clean Technology (CT) to inquire into the cause of air pollution and wastewater. The main application of clean technology is to minimize air pollution in the welding area (production area), and to develop a better system for wastewater treatment. Installation of local exhaust ventilation with a proper design can prevent the emission of welding fumes to the atmosphere and implementation of a treatment plant will help for the reuse of water. Both can give the company a better environment friendly and working atmosphere. A case study is carried out in a cleaning equipment manufacturing company. Key words: cleaner production, welding fume management, waste water management Nomenclature: CP Cleaner Production SD Sustainable Development GM Green Manufacturing CT Clean Technology STP Sewage Treatment Plant LEV Local Exhaust Ventilation GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding 1. INTRODUCTION Cleaner production is a new strategy used in the production techniques. It is an integrated, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Comparing Act 1 Scene 5 Of William Shakespeare s Romeo And... The scene begins in Verona on a sunny day, this is where we meet Benvolio and Tybalt. The quarrel begins in the general public, after the quarrel begins is when we shift scenes. The next scene takes place in an open area where the public joins in on the fights. The battle continues until the Prince arrives with his royal guards. He then says that if the Capulets and Montagues fight once more, they are all killed. Thus setting the base for a tragedy, and then we get into scene two. Romeo returns home after a harsh quarrel with a love interest. He sees the aftermath of the fight and realizes the what took place. It is at this moment when we see Romeo as a lover rather than a fighter. In scene three we see Juliet set to meet Paris, who she is to marry in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Here Shakespeare sets up the story of a love triangle later in the story and set up for Juliet to have some problems with getting married. The next scene takes place where the Montagues, including Romeo, having a laugh and talking about their lives. The significance is that this is when Romeo feels a cruel death in his future, this coming from a dream. This sets a feeling of death come into play. Lastly we get into scene five where the party is taking place. The importance is that this is the moment the two met and sets the story into motion. Scene one and two, taking place in act two, set the story in the Capulet household. This is important because Romeo risks his life and his family s reputation by disbanding their differences and meeting Juliet. Scene three introduces the audience to Friar Laurence at the church, an important factor in the death of the couple. It is also where scene four and five ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Teen Birth Rates According with the Teen Birth Rates graphic between the national level and state level, in this case Utah, both it has not a big differentiation. In recent studies according to U.S. Center for diseases Control and Prevention (CDC), the rates of birth in teenagers has an important decrease between 2007 through 2011, in USA has decreased a 25% while in the Utah decreased around to 30%. It is a tendency that the effort to prevent early pregnancy in the nation and state. The west side of Salt Lake City are considerate with high risk that teenagers can spread STDs and become pregnant because it is considerate one of the areas with poverty situation and with a minority population. According to ...National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy shows ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Effect Of Ascorbic Acid On Vitamin B2 Chemical stability examination of vitamins B6 (Pyridoxine), vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and vitamin B2 (riboflavin) for neonatal use in parental nutrition Background Vitamins are parental nutrition (PN) constituents used to provide daily requirements and supply deficiencies in neonates. The vitamin loss in the parental nutrition bad is commonly caused by chemical degradation. The reduction thiamine and oxidation of vitamin C are the frequent reactions of chemical degradation. The vitamin C is most unstable vitamin added to parental nutrition. It is highly oxidized. Its oxidation is influenced by high temperatures and the catalysis by the oligo elements like copper. Its first degradation route is reversible and has biological activities while the remaining degradation routes are irreversible and lack biological activities. The degradation of vitamin C depends on the availability of oxygen in the medium (packaging material used). Various amino acids also affect the vitamin C stability due to its copper ions chelating and this reduces its potential which further decreases residual oxygen effect. The vitamin C end product (oxalic acid formation) possesses a toxic potential and quickly interacts with free available calcium ions thereby initiating calcium oxalate precipitation. Thiamine degradation is caused by reduction as result of the presence of sodium metabisulfite which is an antioxidant applied in the crystallization of amino acids solution. Vitamin B2 is most ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Public Key Encryption Essay A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public Key Cryptosystems. About the paper: Public Key encryption system was first outlined by this paper. Public key encryption system is still in wide use today, and known by the name (initials) of the paper s three authors i.e. RSA. The paper presents an encryption method which is presented with the unusual property that publicly revealing an encryption key does not result in revealing the corresponding decryption key. It has two important consequences Couriers or other secure means are not needed to transmit the keys. By using a privately held decryption key, a message can be signed. In the paper the theory of public key cryptosystems is introduced in the first 4 sections after which ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If these numbers satisfy the conditions that 1 d is co prime to (p 1)*(q 1), and 2 e*d = 1 holds modulo (p 1)*(q 1), it can be proven and stated that for any non negative integer M n the identity (M^e)^d = (M^d)^e = M holds modulo n. Encryption then consists of a number exponentiated by e modulo n, and decryption in exponentiation by d (again, modulo n). Pros The paper has proposed a method for implementing a public key crypto system whose security rests in part on the difficulty of factoring large numbers. If the security of our method proves to be enough, it allows secure communications to be established without the use of couriers to carry keys, and it also permits one to sign digitised documents. Hence security plays an important role. Cons The Public key (e,n) is public, and using the genearlised Euclidian algorithm d can be derived from (e, p, q), the security of the cryptosystem depends on large numbers being difficult to factor. There is no efficient methods of factorising integers and the problem of factorising integers is a well studied problem in number theory. Because of this, the authors argue that the system is likely to be broken any time soon. The last sections of the paper briefly describe proposed algorithms on how to generate key pairs efficeintly, as well as discuss why other methods of deriving d from (e,n) can be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Name of the Brain Areas and Its Functions ) The name of the brain areas and its functions Image 1: Brain parts Image 1: http://www.infocomcanada.com/cmpi/Program%20Guide/brain.htm (viewed at 08/03/14) Brain Part Function A) Frontal lobe The frontal lobes of the brain are the most anterior, which means they are positioned right behind your forehead and at the top front of the head. The frontal lobes, which are also called the cerebral cortex, are the seat of emotions and judgments related to sympathy, which is the ability to feel sadness for someone else s suffering, and empathy, which the ability to understand another s feelings and problems. They are also the seat of understanding humour, including delicate witticisms and word plays. The frontal lobes also identifies sarcasm and irony, another function of lobes control is the functioning of sequencing events, which is the ability to plan a series of movements needed to perform a multi step task, like making a sandwich. The ability to solve problems, which often depends on flexible thinking and the ability to correctly express language are both controlled by the frontal lobes. The left is most predominantly language related while the right is most predominantly non verbal. the left brain is the source of logic, which tends to be language based, and the right is creative, which tends to be non verbal Rear part of the frontal lobe is especially designed for the movements and tissue disorganization cause of the disability of a limb. Stimulate of every part of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Interim Internship Report CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 ABOUT THE COMPANY Cosmo Tradex Pvt. Ltd is an introductory broker of Kerford Fx of UK, in India. It was started in the year 2002 and is spread all over the states in India. It has opened 246 branches all over India with 500 agencies and more than 1000 franchises. Cosmo offers specialized trading and execution services to individuals and institutional clients. It works as a brokering and consulting house of Kerford Fx for Indian clients and helps in carrying out its full fledged operations in the following three trading platforms: 1 1. International Commodity Market It is a 24 hour market. There is no lock in period for funds invested in this market. It is a two way market i.e. the market may ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Project work involves a critical analysis of the historical data relating to Euro (EUR) and Great Britain Pound (GBP), with the use of advanced technical tools, retrieved from creditworthy sources. Thus, the Project work is being accomplished under the purview of Forex Market and involves regular monitoring of the currency pair EUR/GBP. Forex Market is known for its volatility and uncertainty. The Euro/GBP has always been a stable pair but the last month has been turbulent for the EURO as it has declined against the pound due to the Greece Debt crisis. Viewpoints of market critics have been used to determine what future trends are expected for Euro/GBP. The paramount goal of the project is to study the market movements carefully so as to determine the entry points. In line with the achievement of this goal, various Trend as well as Range analysis have been used to determine the most profitable points for taking a position (long or short). These tools include various trend lines, volatility bands, oscillators, moving averages etc. The role of fundamental factors in determining market prices on the date of entry points has also been carefully observed, as technical tools coupled with fundamental factors gives the best market predictions. Then, through the use of some theories, we have tried to determine the future price, so that we can play with the market changes. In addition to all this, a thorough implementation and analysis of the concept of 3 Way ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Greek Philosophers People travel from many parts of the world to view the great architectural structures Greece has to offer. They are not only intrigued by the beauty of the buildings but also by their complex development. Greeks tradition of building structure came from the ideas of Philosophers such as Thales,Pythagoras, and Archimedes, who questioned their being and challenged their world to find meaning to certain practical applications. From their inquisitions, the Greek Philosophers developed basic but complex strategies that served the purpose of a foundation to many other technical advancements. The Philosopher s concepts were questioned at times for they went completely against the Greeks normal way of life. In the Greek culture, gods were ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With Archimedes invention of the Archimedes Screw water from a lower location could be easily transferred to a higher point. This advancement of simple technique placed Archimedes face on the wall of great Philosophers. The screw pump was only just a start to the development of the piping system. Farmers mostly benefitted from this advancement for now they were able to transfer water from their wells to other parts of the field. With the screw pump came the lever principle. If there is a heavy weight on one side then it should be equalized on the other side in order to make it move. Architectures used this law of mechanics to make their work easier as they would be able to move boulders that were in the way of their duty. Greek Philosophers have made drastic changes from a basic lifestyle to one of questioning. Their persistence to find meaning behind basic concepts has lead to great technological advancements that are still used in today s world. The law of nature by Thales proved that there is a system to the world and there is more to what is seen. Pythagoras uses that strategy of observation to create a rule for sound and the way it travels. Archimedes used both theories to point out the rule of mechanics and the way things move. Without these early advancements, the world would probably be an era ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Cinderella 1950 The ability to dream is magical in itself. A girl often plays the game of, Happily ever after, where she goes to a ball and falls madly in love with the prince. Disney first captured this idea in the film Cinderella in 1950. One fact that seemed to bother some viewers was that the destined couple met and fell in love at first sight. It is perfectly plausible, but somewhat unrealistic. A new adaptation of the basic story of Cinderella has taken this concern and altered how they met to meeting in the woods days before the ball. It was love of personality that had the two entranced. Cinderella (2015) presents a young girl by the name of Ella that faces kindness from oppression, courage, determination and with just a bit of magic is able to find ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cinderella (2015) kept an even balance of fantasy with reality. She had the happily ever after while meeting the price before the ball and falling in love with her personality rather than status and charm. The touch of magic in the modern Cinderella still gives views of a young age the dazzle of the transformations. Disney intended for the magic to help Cinderella get to the ball to meet and eventually marry the prince. This version has realistic aspects but does not limit the imagination and specialness of the dramatic dress transformation. Ever After had the main character, Danielle, a strong headed woman that had a voice and shared her opinion to her demanding mother. Although it does an exemplary job of giving her a voice against her mother, there seemed to be a lack of magic to it overall. It held the true aspects of a developing relationship, a true Cinderella story has more of a magical ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Patrick Henry Victoria Shivers Mis King Ela 1st hour 20 December 2016 Patrick Henry Patrick Henry said Give me Liberty or give me Death. He made that quote in a famous speech. Patrick Henry s Early Life, reasons for Joining the War, His Role in the war, and his Life after the war shows He was Religious. Patrick Henry s early life had many events. According to Patrick Henry, his father John Henry immigrated in 1727.He was born on May,29 1736.His father joined a household of a fellow scotsman.After Sarah s father Syme died Patrick married his young widow Sarah.He got a thousand acres of land.Men who were wiling to work got a lot of land. Patrick Henry had at least two reasons to join the war.In the text, Patrick Henry patrick Henry got elected to parliament.he was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Patrick Henry s Early Life, reasons for Joining the War, His Role in the war, and his Life after the war shows He was Religious. Patrick Henry s early life had many events. According to Patrick Henry, his father John Henry immigrated in 1727.He was born on May,29 1736.His father joined a household of a fellow scotsman.After Sarah s father Syme died Patrick married his young widow Sarah.He got a thousand acres of land.Men who were wiling to work got a lot of land. Patrick Henry had at least two reasons to join the war.In the text, Patrick Henry patrick Henry got elected to parliament.he was elected to the House Of Burgesses in 1765. In West Virginia the stamp act was getting worse.Patrick Henry got elected to Office . Also according to the text He was Elected Governor.he was Elected because the Governor Business was considered a joak. His Election was considered a Victory for West Virginia. According to the text, in 1765,Patrick Henry became a Legislator for the House of Burgesses, in west virginia.He made a series of resolutions against the Stamp Act. The stamp act imposed business that are regulated. Patrick henry said people have a right to Govern ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Cleveland Indians Argumentative Essay The Cleveland Indians are a baseball team founded in 1894 (cleveland.indians.mlb.com). Although the name is obviously racist, in 1894 there unfortunately was not as large of public concern regarding the treatment of Native Americans. Now, the name is deemed to be offensive, as it should be. The logo depicts a Native American referred to as Chief Wahoo, an aspect of the team that also creates public scrutiny. For these reasons, the Cleveland Indians are changing their logo. However, the implementation of the decision will be put off a year and the team will continue using the name. Moreover, the logo will still be available on merchandize, enabling the team to profit off of racist insignia. In 2014, president and CEO of the Cleveland Indians, Mark Shapiro, had already limited the use of the logo. Thus, evidently, the Cleveland Indians are not doing enough to combat the prejudice and insensitivity they exhibit through their team name, mascot and logo. The team also is clearly only publicizing their supposedly monumental, yet actually minute, decision in order to boost public perception of the organization. This is not a decision done in order to do the right thing; it is a deliberate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Redskin is a racial slur and the use of the word is one of the worst examples of a sport team having a offensive name. Nevertheless, nearly four in five Americans don t think a name change for the team should be required (ap gfkpoll.com). This lack of consensus about the fact that sports teams shouldn t be racially insensitive reveals a larger epidemic. The name of these sports teams become so beloved to some people that they will not be able to change unless the fans realize that the names, logos and racism present in the teams impotence to modify these aspects are wrong. Fans need to learn to separate the racism of the monikers from their support of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Questions On Thoughts And Behavior Breshae Curry Professor Saleem English Comp II 16 April 2015 Thoughts and behavior Thoughts are just electrochemical reactions to Stimuli. When we experience anything, we can react to it, and generally these reactions plot as ponderings. Yet would we say we are these reactions? We must be more than reactions to helpers, especially if we can control these reactions properly. It would be disabling to know the inconsistent examinations which appear in our minds, especially the ones which are seen as uncommon or disturbing, are to be characteristically our own. An idea or thought can be for the most part characterized as a mental wonder inside the human personality that can influence a singular s conduct to a huge degree. Amid intuition ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Pitiful recollections, or melancholic contemplations may make an individual cry. In the meantime, the cerebrum can control perspectives and direct them; it can change musings also, however it doesn t appear to stop the reasoning procedure. The other intense hotspot for musings is an outer domain. Individuals respond to external boosts and react suitably. In the event that the encompassing is perilous, or the circumstance is distressing, people have a tendency to have frightful and pessimistic contemplations. Contemplations result into feelings, and feelings reinforce considerations. An individual may act nonsensically, for instance shout, cry, or assault others. The other kind of response as to stretch is a power outage, or here and there even loss of motion. Conversely, if the encompassing is protected or advantageous, individuals feel good, and their contemplations get to be more peaceful, which likewise brings about conduct. A smooth individual has a tendency to be all the more amicable to their encompassing, more supportive and lovely in correspondence. At the end of the day, individuals behavioral ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Suffering And Vocation In Hermann Hesse s Siddhartha Darkness and desperation consume him. In Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse the protagonist, Siddhartha, has a life changing experience during his darkest hour and realizes numerous important lessons during this moment. Throughout the novel, Siddhartha holds a variety of vocations, experiencing a different lifestyle from each one leading to his understanding of suffering and his desperation. The pivotal point of the book occurs during Siddhartha s darkest hour when he contemplates suicide by the river. During this moment, Siddhartha learns to look within for answers and unifies himself with the universe. While learning the ways of business from Kamaswami, Siddhartha lives a life of wealth, gambling away his money and acquiring a taste for lavish ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Acting as a spiritual guide, Vasudeva teaches Siddhartha to learn from the river, which realistically is Siddhartha for all aspects of life are unified. The two ferrymen come to think of the river as ... the voice of life, the voice of Being, of perpetual Becoming (Hesse 88). The river holds all the answers Siddhartha needs, including how to find love, gratitude and unity, while serving as his spiritual guide to Nirvana. When Little Siddhartha leaves Siddhartha to follow his own path, just as Siddhartha had done to his father, he uses two lessons that he learns from the river to heal his wounded heart: patience and listening. These lessons bring him closer to enlightenment and help him discover ... that love is the most important thing in the world (Hesse 119). This is the last lesson Siddhartha needs to learn before reaching Nirvana. Great irony resides in the fact that Siddhartha contemplates suicide by the river and reaches enlightenment there too, because when he contemplates ending his life, he awakens and begins a new life of universal unity ending his past ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Design Of 5 Stroke Engine Abstract This paper is a description of design of 5 stroke engine. Basic principle of Otto cycle which is used in all the gasoline engines is described to polish the basic concept of gasoline engines. 5 stroke engine which was first designed by ilmor engineering limited is being studied by several different universities and research workers. As an idea to present Gerhard Schmitz gave theory of 5 stroke engine. Several hypothesis has been made on this idea. In this paper explanation of almost all the aspects of engine necessary are covered including balancing of engine, efficiency of engine, noise generated in the engine, exhaust gases in the engine, compression ratios, emission problems, feasibility of 5 stroke engine and also suitable comparison of 4 stroke basic gasoline engines with 5 stroke engines. Feasibility of hypothesis of 4 strokes being replaced by 5 stroke in the coming time is described. Description of detailed engine design and results of preliminary research done on it is included in this report. Results of the research confirmed that efficiency of 5 stroke engine is more than 4 stroke engine. Key words Otto cycle, Gasoline engines, 5 stroke, Feasibility, Emissions. Introduction Four stroke basic engine which has spark ignition system was invented more than a century ago. No doubt several changes and modifications are done in the field of 4 stroke engines. But development in technology and innovation always seek for development in efficiency. And Otto cycle ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Industrial Relations Portfolio Assessment Task 2 Industrial relations Portfolio Assessment Task 2 Industrial relations Portfolio May 1, 2014 May 1, 2014 Jackie Brillas Ultimo TAFE Jackie Brillas Ultimo TAFE 1. Identify a major workplace legislation in Australia and describe the workplace legislation that covers your selected workplace. The anti discrimination act of 1977, this act has been amended many times over the years since first being applied in the work place. The most recent version was last amended in February of 2014. This act covers, * Discrimination in work * Racial discrimination * Special needs * Sexual harassment * Sexual discrimination My job falls under this act, it confirms and surrounds all employees/ employers ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... * Notice period and severance pay if an employee s position is made redundant at UNSW they must be given a minimum of four weeks notice unless they are above the age of 45 then they must be given 5 weeks notice or the severance may be paid out. * Hours of work Here UNSW explain an employee is able to change his or her number of hours worked per week from the standard 38 to either 35 or 36 hours. Their pay would then be 35/38ths of 36/38ths of the annual salary. And a notice of one month must be given. * Performance management and rewards It is outlined that all staff members of UNSW are held to a 6 month probation and if a supervisor feels the employee is progressing exceptionally well they may choose to accelerate the employee using the schedules mentioned in the base pay section. * Disciplinary matters and termination This enterprise agreement now breaks down their employee performance management, advising the employee of the issues, providing the employee with the opportunity to change the behaviour or skill gap, if the issue persists providing the employee with an outline of the deficiencies, giving the employee a timeframe, and finally counselling. 5. Please find attached a copy of the UNSW grievance procedure. 6. Identify the Following; ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Essay On Duchenne s Muscular Dystrophy Duchenne s muscular dystrophy is one of the most common forms over childhood muscular dystrophy and primarily affects boys; in total there are 30 different forms of muscular dystrophy 50% being duchenne s muscular dystrophy (NIH, 2013). This type of muscular dystrophy usually begins to show symptoms around the pre school age and affects the lower extremities first. By the age of twelve, most boys are in a wheelchair as the trunk muscles being to weaken leading to scoliosis and kyphosis. Eventually the diaphragm begins to weaken and young men with Duchenne s muscular dystrophy will need assistance with breathing through the use of a ventilator (Naff, C. 2012). According to the 1st Edition of Perspectives on Disease and Disorders Muscular Dystrophy by the age of eighteen most young men would have experienced a cardio myopathy (weakening or the heart muscle) (Naff, C. 2012). Duchenne s muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a chromosome X linked and genetically inherited neuromuscular disease. The New England Journal of Medicine reports that Duchenne s muscular dystrophy affects 1 in 3500 new born baby boys. Duchenne s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both research articles focused on the production of viable dystrophin protein in test subjects. Throughout the research I feel as though the most promising treatment between the two studies would be the study where the patient subject that were taking ataluren. The end result of the trial that included ataluren showed that more than half of the young men that participated in this study ended up having a positive result. That positive result was the increase of dystrophin, so they had a pretty positive result. The other treatment type where the subjects received injections in the tibialis anterior muscle was not necessarily where they wanted their study to be at the time, but it showed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Decisions In I Am Alive I am Alive (2010) In the movie, I am Alive, an Uruguayan Rugby team and their friends and loved ones were in the plane crash of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 which crashed into the Andes mountains of Chile on Friday, October 13th,1972. Out of the forty five passengers on flight 571, twenty nine survived the initial crash, and only sixteen survived long enough to be rescued. For those who were alive made critical decisions that were crucial to their survival for the seventy two days, they d be stranded amongst the Andes. Some decisions they made would seem irrational to the public eye, which they did. They had to make critical decisions on how were they going to keep warm, what and how much are they going to eat and drink, and who they were going to send get help. After the front end of the plane came to a complete halt in the middle ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For the drinks, they found liquor in the cabinets. When they drank all the liquor, they were absolutely quick to come with a new idea. They took the metal sheets and the empty bottles and placed them out in the sun. On the metal sheets, they placed snow that would eventually melt and drain straight into the bottle. For food, on the other hand, was a greater struggle. For the food, they only had so much, since there isn t any vegetation or signs of life in the mountains they had to keep the rations small. After they ran out of food for a couple days. They began came to the extreme decision of eating their dead friends. This is idea cannibalism is frowned upon in many societies. They used shattered pieces of the window as knives to cut the human flesh. Let me begin by saying I have absolutely NO personal applications with this because it s never happened to me. But if it were to happen to me, I d probably do the same thing. That d only if I knew there was still a chance of being ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Statement Of Purpose For Cryptography An algorithm that resists brute force will never become obsolete, no matter how powerful code breaking computers get. It would become a world standard overnight. This quote from Dan Brown s Digital Fortress caught my imagination in high school, and from that point onwards, I knew that this is what I wanted to do. I wanted to become a research scientist, who would decipher such algorithms, even more so break a cipher claimed to be perfect. Since then I have been studying cryptography, which led to a tendency of seeing patterns and codes in my daily activities. Routine activities such as reading a letter or looking at a sign, trigger connections in my mind. I have always enjoyed reading theorems and understanding their proofs. My interest in cryptography further burgeoned since every protocol, or algorithm ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... UCSD is the school of my choice as I find that the graduate program is fully suited to my interests and ambitions. I have always admired Dr. Mihir Bellare s work on designing protocols, and efficient encryption schemes, which gave me a deep insight in the field of searchable encryption. It would be a privilege to work under him and contribute to the field under his tutelage. Driven by my interest in Cryptography, I will be delighted to join the Security and Cryptography group at UCSD and play an active role in their research. Besides research I also have an inclination towards teaching, since interpersonal communication and clarity of speech are my forte. Having had the experience of tutoring students online on the InstaEDU forum, working as a Teaching Assistant would come naturally to me. Adding up my research interests, penchant for teaching, and interest in ongoing projects, I strongly believe that UCSD would be the ideal platform to kick start my career in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Eve Marche s Iron Cross Beneath the nurses apron Eve Marche wears to tend German and Allied troops, beats the heart of a MI6 spy. Pinned to it is the Iron Cross she was awarded for saving Major Otto Reinhardt. While the cross provides an element of protection from the Bosch it also invites scornful glares from fellow Belgians. She can t tell them the truth, no one must know no one outside her family of her involvement in the La Dame Blanch network. In her third novel, Kate Breslin dials up the danger and intrigue for a story I could not put down! Breslin s interplay between the greater European conflict (WWI), local resistance, and one woman s remarkable stand against evil is brilliant. She accomplishes the first by using Belgium as her primary setting then, through ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Benefits Of Going To College And Getting A Bachelor Degree All high schoolers face the same daunting problem. What they are going to do with their lives. A choice made as an 18 year old, determines future paths for the rest of their lives. Recently the subject of going to college and getting a four year degree has become very controversial. HIgh school students are choosing other alternatives, such as trade school, community college, or even not getting any further education at all. However even with many other options, going to college and getting a bachelor s degree is valuable for everyone. Going to college and getting a four year degree earns individuals more money. Those people make 98% more an hour than those without degrees. (Leonhardt 1) Over the course of a lifetime, a person with a bachelor s degree will make 1.1 million dollars opposed to average of 393,000 over a lifetime of someone without a bachelor s degree. (Hamm 4) The more money one makes, the more opportunities one is offered. Traveling the world, materialistic items, living location, providing for family, are all examples of opportunities requiring: money. College let s one attain these opportunities by giving degrees that will earn people higher paying jobs. A very big issue that people have with attending a four year college is the cost of college tuition. College is very expensive. Even after paying a large sum of money, the average amount of student loans is 30,000 dollars. (Bonder 1) The cost to get a bachelor s degree is 127,000 dollars. (Hamm 1) Even if ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Dot.Com Bubble R amp;D, Advertising and the Market Value of Internet Firms By: Damir Tokic Outline: 1. Introduction 2. Article Summary 3. Discussion 4. Conclusion Introduction During the Dot com bubble , internet firms were highly valued compared to old economy firms. Internet firms stock prices were unrealistically high. Most of those firms were operating under loses and no tangible assets to warrant those prices. Analysts justified those prices and recommended buy ratings but later a crash followed. Article Summary This article explains the relationship between intangible assets (advertising and R amp;D) expenditures and internet firms market value during 1996 2000.The author presents two opinions in regard to internet ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It may pay off to undertake R amp;D investments in a project with negative value if the early investments provide sufficient information about the future benefits of a project. The value of an internet firm is largely dependent on (1) firm s ability to adapt to enormous uncertainty, (2) competitive landscape paced with technology innovations,(3) changing market conditions and (4) costs of searching for a profitable business model. Valuations can be extremely high if the initial growth rates are high and if there is enough volatility in this growth over time, The author s argument is that high valuation of internet stocks is attributed to the investment opportunities approach. This approach suggests that the presence of growth opportunities to invest new capital results to projects with a promising rate of rate return higher than normal. The investment opportunities approach states that value of a growth firm is equal to the PV of cash flows from assets in place and the present value of growth opportunity (Vj = V1 + V2). It suggests that investors should pay a premium for earnings of a growth firms relative to mature firms due to the presence of profitability multiplier in growth firms.The author proposes a modified investment opportunities approach which incorporates advertising and R amp;D into the equation when valuing growth firms; V = E/k m + RD+A/k (m 1). This is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Nobel Prize for Cell Signaling Pathways Essay In 2013, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to James Rothman, Randy Schekman, and Thomas Sudhof for their pioneering research in cell signaling pathways. Together, they were able to solve many questions that we had about how this precise cell ­ ‐to ­ ‐ cell regulation is carried out. With their works, many scientists across the world can apply their discoveries in various ways. Due to our profound genomic studies, we have been able to sequence many genomes of various organisms. With the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are two processes that are involved in the bulk transport of large molecules. After these large particles are packaged in vesicles, if the molecules are to be secreted from the cell, the transport vesicles fuse with the plasma membrane in a process called exocytosis. James Rothman discovered that this process is done very precisely as specific protein complexes on the transport vesicles and specific proteins on the plasma membrane bind together to cause this fusion (1). When the cell takes in particles from the outside, the cell sinks inward to form a vesicle of materials from the outside in the same principle that James Rothman identified. The plasma membrane plays a key role in cell signaling pathways. Local signaling is when local regulators are secreted from one cell to trigger nearby ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Water Imagery Of Nawal El Saadawi s Woman At Point Zero... Diving into the deeper meaning: Water imagery in Nawal El Saadawi s Woman at Point Zero Water, specifically the ocean, is a highly important symbol in Woman at Point Zero by Nawal El Saadawi. Through various forms of water, ranging from the vast ocean to a glass of water, El Saadawi explores power represented though water. Through water and green imagery, she examines the ideas of rebirth and female power, ultimately resulting in character evolution, depicted through water imagery symbolizing power and its transfer. While water imagery is representative of renewal and baptism throughout the novel, the water imagery is also used to represent power and depicts character evolution throughout the book, giving insight into how Firdaus changes throughout Woman at Point Zero. El Saadawi uses ocean imagery in contrast to smaller, confined bodies of water to work toward the reader s understanding of the conflicting positions of power. Through this technique, there is a clear contrast between the different meanings conveyed by water throughout the text enhancing the original metaphor presented. Water and sea imagery is used to represent power within the novel. After escaping from her husband, Firdaus describes drowning in a sea of people, stating: The street was an endless expanse stretched out before my eyes like a sea. I was just a pebble thrown into it, battered by the waves (60). After a while, she gets tired and wants fresh water. Here, the different varieties of water, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Characteristics Of Psychopaths In Pop Culture Psychopaths are prevalent in almost every aspect of life. They are at school, in the office, and at the grocery store. People view psychopaths as socially removed and isolated, but many with psychopathic traits lead normal lives with their own quirks. Functional psychopathy has become more and more normalized, as it has been featured in different aspects of pop culture. Many people hope to break the stereotype associated with psychopathy in order for society to become more inclusive of mental disorders, and also to educate more people about psychopathic behavior through popular shows and movies. One example of a functional yet quirky psychopath in pop culture is Dwight Schrute from The Office. The Office is set at the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, in Scranton, Pennsylvania, with Michael Scott managing the staff. Also called an office mockumentary, the series follows the shenanigans, strange happenings, and hysterical moments that take place in the office at Dunder Mifflin. Viewers love to see how different each of the characters are, and how often their differences get them into trouble. Dwight is perhaps the most dedicated and hardworking member of the staff, as he is the leading salesman. Many of his co workers enjoy teasing him, and while this is funny to viewers of the show, it causes Dwight to get himself into trouble and make himself appear annoying to others in the office. Dwight s character comes across as odd and hilarious, but with further analysis of his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. A Critique on Freakonomics, A Nobel by Levitt and Dubner In Levitt and Dubner s novel, Freakonomics, they deal with the sensitive subject of abortions in chapter four. During this section, Levitt and Dubner are purposing that the drop of crime is not because of the many popular ideas they address but instead because of abortions becoming legalized. Providing proof to their argument, they list out all the popular ideas that many people believe to be the cause of the drop in crime and then one by one explain why these ideas could not fit into the massive crime drop. After explaining the list of popular ideas, they finally come out and state what their take on the crime drop is and explaining why they believe this explanation instead of the ones listed before (115 145). Levitt and Dubner s flow of writing and logic are shown very strong in this section and provide an easy and understandable read to the audience. Using this form of writing also creates an easier understanding for when they get to their point and distracts the reader into taking account of what they say instead of how offensive it is. In the beginning of the chapter Levitt and Dubner tell the story the story of how a Communist dictator of Romania, Nicolae Ceausescu, set a new law to have abortions illegalized and how it ended up backfiring on him (115 117). Opening with a story, they were able to grab the reader s attention while also proving a point to their main argument about how legalizing or illegalizing a law can create a huge impact on the country. While the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Gun Laws And Stricter Gun Control Gun laws is a controversial topic on both sides of the legislative. We have some that argue the right to bear arms set in the Constitution of the United States and then we have the epidemic of gun violence amongst innocent people that are advocating for stricter gun laws and even the banning on assault weapons. There are many points that can be argued from each side of the leglasitive with evidence to back the claims that they are stating with regards to gun laws. The right to bear arms is considered to be a pillar of the constitution and some people feel that it is a right that should not be infringed upon. The right to bear arms, a right that won us freedom and also has protected us for years. But, as the nation evolves it is evident that our second amendment could probably stand to evolve with it. When I think of gun laws I often tend to take the middle of the road approach to who should own a gun and what should happen if you possess a gun illegally. Former President Barack Obama made the plea for stricter gun control. His thought was that there need to be a broader background check as well as exhortation to federal agencies so that existing laws are fully enforced. But how does what President Obama was trying to inforce take a stance when in Texas, gun owners were taking full advantage of the new right of open carry. I think that the open carry law needed to be investigated a little bit more before being put in place. But, the good thing I guess that came out ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...