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PPT - ACTION RESEARCH PowerPoint Presentation, F PPT - ACTION RESEARCH PowerPoint Presentation, F
How Does Jefferson Use Logic In The Declaration Of...
The Declaration of Independence was a statement adopted by the thirteen colonies to represent their
new found independence from Great Britain. In 1776, over the course of a month, many authors, most
importantly Thomas Jefferson created the infamous 1,458 worded document. The intentions of the
document and of Thomas Jefferson was to persuade people to side with the rebellion and disassociate
from Great Britain publicly. Jefferson also wanted to explain under what circumstances the governed
could justly overthrow the government, as well as what rights every man should have in the colonies.
Through the use of numerous paragraphs in the document, Thomas Jefferson appealed to the
commoners by making a list of offenses of England to The Colonies.
Thomas Jefferson hoped to and succeeded in unifying the thirteen colonies as well as letting ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He did this by explaining that every man had unalienable rights that should be protected by the
government. For the most part Thomas Jefferson, uses logic in The Declaration of Independence. He
argues and he presents clear reasons why the colonies want independence and the consequences of
that action. People have natural rights and government was created to protect those rights. If
government ignores those rights, the people can replace the government. It is formed solely to serve
society. from the consent of the governed, aka., those people with unalienable Rights to Life, Liberty
and the pursuit of Happiness (2). Because of that fact, Jefferson says, whenever any Form of
Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,
and to institute new Government (4). (shmoop.com)These rights included life, liberty and the pursuit
of happiness. If these rights were violated, citizens were justified in taking actions in order to
overthrow the
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Vulnerable Population and Self Awareness
Vulnerable Population and Self Awareness There are a variety of vulnerable populations that exist in
today s struggling society. There are groups that are more vulnerable for certain illnesses or death and
individuals that are segregated or treated differently because their preferred sexual interests and habits.
This discussion will cover the definition of vulnerable population with the focus primarily on
transvestites. The transvestite demographics and my personal awareness of this vulnerable population
will be viewed with my personal attitudes and the health care delivery can be affected. I will give my
own reflection toward this particular group including my perception before and after becoming more
familiarized. According to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Delivery of Health Care I have had experience of dealing with transvestites in the emergency
department in Jackson Memorial Hospital. I recollect of a particular individual that frequently visited
the emergency room who is a transvestite. With every visit required a different outfit and it seemed as
if he was attention seeking. This individual did have some homosexual tendencies and always arrived
with fire rescue because of the exposure to masculine men. He always dressed in a variety of feminine
clothing and most occasions dressed with much of exaggeration such as a princess or cheerleader. The
entire time while receiving treatment in the emergency room, whether being a true emergent situation
or an act, the patient was constantly ridiculed and was the center of humorous attention. I understand
that some transvestites will expose themselves more than others with the possibility of having
psychological problems. Most transvestites hide their fetish with the probability of embarrassment if
revealed. Depending on the level of exposure will make a significant difference on the plan of care
and the medical staff involved. Conclusion Vulnerable populations like transvestites maintain their
solitude among themselves or hidden within private communities. Acceptance of this lifestyle is a
slow intergrading process within today s society. The
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Odyssey And Plautus Research Paper
Years ago, I took a world literature class that exposed me to much more that world literature. It
exposed me to history, drama, and even anthropology. I had never read any Roman writers, and had
only minimal exposure to Greeks. We read the Iliad, Odyssey, and Greek tragedian Euripides and
Sophocles and then Horace and Plautus. While this was years ago, our recent readings for class were
totally fresh and new and simultaneously familiar!
I am struck again by the fact that there are no new or original ideas in our modern society. Reading,
Twin Menaechmi seemed too familiar. I am not as well read as many of you, so it took me a moment
to make the connection to Shakespeare s Comedy of Errors . Which in turn reminded me of an awful
movie ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Romans were known as conquerors. Hence the Roman Empire! As a result of the conquering nature of
the Romans, they also took the parts of civilizations they conquered. The best of Greek theatre and
Aristotle s Poetics became property of the Romans. Plautus often adapted works of the Greeks, which
was not plagiarism but was a commendable addition to Roman culture.
Also, similarly, the Romans celebration of theatre was part of a festival celebrated the gods. Romans
celebrated with games, theatre and ritual to honor Jupiter, Apollo, Mother Goddess, and of course
Bacchus. The festivals for Bacchus (Roman Dionysus) was the epitome of Roman decadence and the
Roman orgy. Romans took theatre to a new level of spectacle, gore, and lewdness.
This made me think if we continue to progress with each generation or as cultures become integrated
what becomes the next level of entertainment? What do we look to for inspiration? The Romans
looked to the Greeks. In turn making theatre more appealing to Roman citizens. Theatres became
larger, carnage was expected, celebrations became drunken orgies, and comedies were more farcical.
We look to all those who have come before and try to, like Plautus, put our own stamp on the
adaptation we
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The document discusses raising the driving age or requiring a longer learner's permit period for teens. It notes that traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for teens aged 16-19. Specifically, it states that 33% of teen deaths are from traffic accidents. The main reason teens get into so many accidents is lack of driving experience. The document argues that requiring teens to hold their learner's permit longer would make them more experienced drivers and help reduce the number of accidents. It asks readers about their own experience completing the required driving hours during their learner's permit period.

How To Write An Opinion Essay. Online assignment writing service.
How To Write An Opinion Essay. Online assignment writing service.How To Write An Opinion Essay. Online assignment writing service.
How To Write An Opinion Essay. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides instructions for writing an opinion essay in 5 steps: 1) Create an account on the site, 2) Complete a form with assignment details and attach a sample, 3) Review bids from writers and choose one, 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment, 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction and get a refund for plagiarized work.

Top 100 College Essay Prompts
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The document provides instructions for responding to interrogatories as part of civil litigation. It begins by notifying the opposing counsel that interrogatories have been served for their clients, Defendants Lewis E. Olson and Albert Dobiash. The interrogatories include questions about the details of the incident in question and options for the defendants to produce business records in response instead of providing direct answers if the records are more relevant.

Conformity Essay
According to Leon Mann, conformity means yielding to group pressures . Everyone is a member of
one group or another and everyone expects members of these groups to behave in certain ways. If you
are a member of an identifiable group you are expected to behave appropriately to it. If you don t
confirm and behave appropriately you are likely to be rejected by the group.
Like stereotypes, conforming and expecting others to conform maintains cognitive balance.
There are several kinds of conformity. Many studies of conformity took place in the 1950 s which led
Kelman to distinguish between compliance, internalisation and identification. Compliance is the type
of conformity where the subject goes along with the group view, but privately ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
During the group sessions it became apparent that the subjects reports strarted to converge much
nearer to an average of what their individual reports had been. If a subject who had said that the light
didn t move very far when tested individually said I think it is moving 2 inches to the left then another
who had reported movement of 4 inches, when tested individually, might say I think it may have been
3 inches .
As the number of reported movements continued the more the members of the group conformed to
each others reports. This spot of light was in fact stationary so whatever reports were made was the
consequence of the subject imagining they saw something happen. So they were not certain about the
movement they observed and so would not feel confident about insisting that their observations were
wholly correct. When they heard other reported judgements they may have decided to go along with
The problem with this study, for understanding of conformity, as one aspect of social psychology is
that it is a total artifical experimental situation there isn t even a right answer. Requested reports of
imaginary movements of a stationary spot of light in a darkened room when alone, or with two others,
hardly reflects situations we come accross in our every day
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Marble Drop Lab Report
Bryan Ruef
Period 6
AP Physics Lab Report Marble Drop Experiment
This lab was designed to prove that the height of an object launched on a ramp is relational to the
distance it goes off the ramp.
When releasing a marble off of a ramp on a table, the higher up that the marble starts on the ramp, the
farther it should land from the table on the ground.
We placed a small ramp on a table and used clamps to ensure the ramp wouldn t move and change our
results. With tape, we marked each height we would drop the marble from. Using a meter stick, we
measured the height of the table, base of the ramp, and the height of each place the marble would be
dropped. On our paper, which we taped to the ground to prevent ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
This positive slope shows that as the ramp heights increased, so did the distance the marbles traveled.
However, there were problems with the experiment.
First, the meter stick did not have perfect ends. This caused uncertainty because the measurements
were not accurate. The meter stick was not compared with others to see if it was reasonably close.
Another error was that we did not have a constant release method. We placed the marble on the ramp
each time and just let go. The marble could have stuck to our hand and been released higher or lower
than we wanted it to. Also, there could have been human error since we released the marble by hand
and we could have moved up or down accidentally.
The final error was that we used multiple different marbles for the lab. They could have had different
weights or shapes. Even the slightest difference in shape would affect where it landed.
Solutions to the meter stick error are simple. We could have bought a new meter stick with perfect
ends. If we were not able to buy one, we could have compared it to many other meter sticks and used
whichever one was most
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David Harvey High Line Case Study
With its modern amenities and high tech features, the new no. 7 line station at 34th street and Hudson
Yards is a rare sight for New Yorkers. For the first time, subway service has finally extended to the far
West Side of midtown Manhattan, luring new development in the emerging, mixed use Hudson Yards
community. According to the MTA, the new station links to 18 subway lines, essentially connecting
the rest of the city to this new developing neighborhood and offering easy access to the Jacob Javits
Convention Center, the High Line and the newly opened Hudson River Park. According to the MTA,
this is the first new subway station to be built in the last 26 years. Originally stopping at 42nd street
and Times Square, the 7 Line now stops at 34th ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, this gave way to an entrepreneurial approach that primarily focused on local development
and employment growth in the following decades. This is mirrored across the capitalist world, but is
perhaps most evident in the United States where the reduction in the flow of federal redistributions
and local tax revenues after 1972 led to this revival in civic boosterism and entrepreneurialism
(Harvey, 1989). It certainly has far reaching consequences in that future growth prospects may all be
about playing the capitalist game , the paving to a zero sum development. To that, Harvey asserted that
urban entrepreneurialism (1) is based on public private partnership so that local boosterism attracts
external sources of funding, direct investments, and employment sources, (2) is speculative in general
and thus compounded with risks and difficulties that are absorbed by the local public sector, and (3)
places emphasis on political economy rather than economic projects that improve living and working
conditions. The extension is a prime example of this because it was intended to bring business and
entertainment to the Hudson Yards neighborhood, and it did many businesses in the area have seen
increased profits since the project s construction leading to a development boom in its vicinity.
However, it faced its own risks and difficulties from the start, seeing that it was supposed to be funded
by an innovative tax incremental financing that issued city bonds for the construction to be repaid by
future tax revenue from developers (Jaffe,
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Environmental Impacts Of Coal Mining
It has been long recognized that there are many environmental consequences by extracting, using and
disposing of coal. Due mainly to the nature of the coal deposits which are typically full size, covering
huge regions including more than one seams extending over big vertical durations. Coal mining in all
likelihood consequences in an extra disturbance to the geologic conditions of an area than any other
form of mining(Ehlen, Haneberg Larson, 2005, p. 79). The two ways to mine coal; surface mining and
underground mining both extraction operations have their own personal negative impact on the
environment. Strip mining a type of surface mining, is highly destructive scraping away at earths
landscape to reach the coal buried near the surface removing plants, trees and topsoil. Also, another
type of surface mining; mountaintop mining blasts off the tops of mountain s to reach coal seams
within, creating drastic changes in topography. Whereas, underground coal extraction has its fair share
of environmental impacts as well, such as subsidence and underground coal fires. Mine subsidence
and collapses have the potential to produce major effects above ground, which are especially
devastating in developed areas, destroying roads and buildings. Craig, Vaughan Skinner (2011) found
that there are an estimated 300 underground coal fires still burning in the United States; in many parts
of the world, coal beds have been accidentally or spontaneously ignited (p.142). The
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Here is a draft essay arguing that circumcision is not necessary: Circumcision is a surgical procedure that removes the foreskin from the penis. It is commonly practiced in the United States for non-religious reasons, such as for hygiene or health benefits. However, the medical evidence does not support circumcision as being necessary or having clear health benefits. Therefore, circumcision should not be routinely performed on infant boys in the United States. While proponents argue that circumcision reduces the risk of urinary tract infections and penile cancer, the actual risk reduction is very small. For urinary tract infections, the number needed to treat through circumcision is over 100, meaning over 100 infant boys would need to be circumcised

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This document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from the website HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete a form with assignment details and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied. The website promises original, high-quality work and refunds for plagiarized content.

Comparison Contrast Essay Ppt
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The document describes the 5 step process for requesting and receiving writing assistance from the website HelpWriting.net. The steps include: 1) Creating an account with a password and email, 2) Completing an order form with instructions and deadline, 3) Reviewing bids from writers and selecting one, 4) Reviewing the completed paper and authorizing payment, 5) Requesting revisions to ensure satisfaction and receiving a refund for plagiarized work.

The Black Arts Movement And Black Power Movement
In the 1970s Black people were facing many troubles because of the White race .For example, Blacks
were working as servants for them, and they were living in miserable conditions along with the
violence against them and many other encroachments .So that many Afro American were struggling in
order to get back there dignity and their civil rights through establishing movements, including Black
Arts Movement and Black Power Movement.
These movements enormously affected black people , so that they hugely interacted with it and started
to revolt and move towards their freedom driven by their robbed rights and injured dignity . In
addition, many writers have a great role in these movements including Alice walker. Alice in her short
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Tumut Community Labyrinth
Marketing Description of the Tumut Community Labyrinth for Peace The Tumut community labyrinth
is a place of reflection, education and meditation set along the banks of Tumut river. Local materials,
Accessibility, Armistice Day history and astronomy are all part of the key brief for the Tumut
Community Labyrinth for Peace. The Labyrinth follows the traditional shape octagonal as it is based
on the design in the cathedral in Reims, France, with a single entrance and winding path that leads to a
central place of contemplation. The main path is made of locally quarried Wee Jasper stone edged with
pavers made with gravel, referencing the geology of the local area, and the nearby river. Along the
outer edge, three smaller octagons provide places
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Itec 630 Final Examination Complete Solution Spring 2015...
ITEC 630 Final Examination complete solution Spring 2015 Final Exam Click Link Below To Buy:
http://hwcampus.com/shop/itec 630 final exm/ Or Visit www.hwcampus.com Please read these
instructions carefully. Failure to correctly follow them will adversely impact your grade. This exam is
open book, open notes. Do not discuss any aspect of this exam with anyone else no discussions in
conferences, no emails to me I will grade the exams on line, therefore: Do not include any extraneous
graphics that do not directly contribute to your answer Answer on the PowerPoint slides provided you
may add slides Use no font smaller than 12 pitch (if I cannot read it you won t get credit) Do not
import graphics from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(5 points each) 1.How many times does the top module call each subordinate module? A.One Hundred
Times B.Three Times C.The Check Credit Rating and Update Credit File Modules Once and the
Dispatch Orders Module 100 Times ● 2.Which module actually contains the logic to call the Update
Credit File Module? A.Check Credit Rating B.Process Orders C.Dispatch Orders ● 3.In what order
does the executive module call the subordinate modules? A.Dispatch Orders, Update Credit File,
Check Credit Rating B.Check Credit Rating, Update Credit File, Dispatch Orders C.Update Credit
File, Check Credit Rating, Dispatch Orders D.Process Orders, Check Credit Rating, Dispatch Orders
● 4.What tool would not be useful in preparing a Module Specification for a programmer to code Get
Exam From Assignments Folder ? A.Structured English B.Flow Chart C.Data Flow Diagram
D.Pseudocode Question 5: (20 points) In this class, we ve stressed the importance of various system
analysis and design tools and techniques. By now you should have a toolbox full of useful design and
analysis tools. List the tools in your toolbox and then write one short paragraph on how you can/will
apply them in your careers, lives,
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The Sermon on the Mount Essay
The sermon at the mount is a collection of teachings and sayings that Jesus preaches to people at
Galilee. It takes place after Jesus had been baptized by John the Baptist. This is the longest teaching
by Jesus in a single preaching. It is found in the New Testament in the book of Matthew. It transverses
chapter five to seven of the Gospel of Matthew. The main theme of sermon of the mountain is how
people should relate with other people and God. The sermon is preached at a mountain when Jesus
saw the crowd and his disciples were following him, he sat at a level ground on the mountain and
started to preach. The Preaching s can be divided it four major parts; The Beatitudes, Lord s Prayer
and parables.
The word beatitude comes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Here Jesus tells people who are meek that they will inherit the Promised Land. People who are meek
are those who submit to God s authority.
The fourth beatitude is found in the book of Matthew chapter five verse six and it states; blessed are
those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Here Jesus teaches the multitude
that people who have a great passion and drive for righteousness will have their souls cravings
The fifth beatitude is found in the book of Matthew chapter five verses seven. This is a beatitude
between man and his fellow humans. It states; blessed are the merciful for they shall be shown mercy.
This is a beatitude said in a present tense context. It says those who are showing mercy to fellow
human will expect to be shown mercy during judgment day.
The sixth beatitude is found in the book of Matthew chapter five verses eight, it s a beatitude between
man and God and its futuristic in nature. It states blessed are the pure in heart for there will see God. A
pure heart is a heart that has only one objective and that is pleasing God. Here Jesus tells the
multitudes that those who please God will go to heaven.
The seventh beatitude is found in the book of Matthew chapter five verses nine, it s a beatitude of how
man should relate with other humans. It has a present context. It states that blessed are the
peacemakers for they will be called children
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The document discusses whether American culture can be generalized to other cultures. It argues that generalization is not accurate because cultures around the world are all different, though some aspects of culture are shared universally. Generalization refers to how applicable experimental results are to the overall population being studied. Applying American cultural research to other populations could either advance or hinder psychological understanding, depending on how it influences cross-cultural research.

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The Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 was passed to stimulate the economy following a recession from 2001-2004. It aimed to correct market failures that contributed to the recession, such as subprime lending practices. The Act provided tax cuts and incentives for businesses and individuals. It also expanded unemployment benefits and provided funding for infrastructure projects. While successful in stimulating short-term growth, some argue it exacerbated long-term economic problems by increasing the national debt without addressing underlying issues.

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Erin Howard is a college student studying business administration and marketing. She comes from a non-traditional family background, as her parents divorced when she was very young, which had a significant negative impact on her. Two other key moments that influenced her were getting arrested as a teenager for hanging out with the wrong crowd, and later deciding to change her path in life and focus more on her education and goals. The divorce left her feeling independent from her family from a young age.

Essay On Tobias Wolff
Tobias Wolff is probably best known for his short story collections Back in the World (1985), In the
Garden of the North American Martyrs (1981), and The Night in Question (1996) and for his novel
The Barracks Thief (1984), which won the PEN/Faulkner Award in 1985. Wolff has also written two
autobiographies. The first, A Boy s Life (1989), won the Los Angeles TImes Book Award for
biography and was made into a movie (1993) in which Wolff was played by Leonardo DiCaprio. The
second autobiography, In Pharaoh s Army: Memories of the Lost War (1994), about his experience
serving as a Green Beret in the Vietnam War, was a finalist for a National Book Award and a Los
Angeles Times Award for biography In addition to his fiction and ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
I had my heart set on that rifle. A weapon was the first condition of self sufficiency, and of being a real
Westerner, and of all acceptable employmenttrapping, riding herd, soldiering, law enforcement, and
outlawry. I needed that rifle, for itself and for the way it completed me when I held it. My mother said
I couldn t have it. Absolutely not. Roy took the rifle back but promised me he d bring her around. He
could not imagine anyone refusing him anything and treated the refusals he did encounter as perverse
and insincere. Normally mute, he became at these times a relentless whiner. He would follow my
mother from room to room, emitting one ceaseless note of complaint that was pitched perfectly to jelly
her nerves and bring her to a state where she would agree to anything to make it stop. After a few days
of this my mother caved in. She said I could have the rifle if, and 4 only if, I promised never to take it
out or even touch it except when she and Roy were with me. Okay, I said. Sure. Naturally. But even
then she wasn t satisfied. She plain didn t like the fact of me owning a rifle. Roy said he had owned
several rifles by the time he was my age, but this did not reassure her. She didn t think I could be
trusted with it. Roy said now was the time to find out. 35 Iiiii ..... ­~ ~ ~ ­f ~~ . CHAPTER 2:
REMEMBERING EVENTS 36 Readings For a week or so I kept my promises. But now that the
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Lab Report On The Heat Of Neutralization
Introduction: Every chemical change is accompanied by a change in energy usually in the form of
heat. If heat is evolved, the reaction is exothermic, and if heat is absorbed, the reaction is endothermic.
The energy change of a reaction that occurs at constant pressure is called the heat of reaction or the
enthalpy of reaction (ΔHr). This quantity of heat is measured experimentally by allowing the reaction
to occur in a calorimeter. In this experiment you will determine the heat of neutralization when an acid
and a base react to form 1 mole of water. In a perfect calorimeter, heat is exchanged only between the
reaction and the calorimeters water. Technically, some heat may may be absorbed the calorimeter. All
calorimeters exchange some heat with its environment. This amount of heat is called the calorimeters
heat capacity (the amount of of heat required to raise its temperature 1∘Celsius). We are going to
pretend that our calorimeter is the perfect calorimeter.
Purpose: You will determine the molar heat of neutralization of 1.00 M HCL and 1.00 M NaOH in
Goggles Graduated cylinder Drying wand Calorimeter Acid and base Thermometer Beaker to transfer
liquids Paper cups
Carefully measure 75 of 1.0 M NaOH in a 100 ml graduated cylinder and pour it into the calorimeter.
Leaving the thermometer out, place the top on the calorimeter. Rinse the graduated cylinder with some
tap water. Then rinse the graduated cylinder with some about 10.0 ml of the 1.0 M HCl. Completely
dry the graduated cylinder with a paper towel drying wand. Carefully measure 6.25 ml of the 1.0 M
HCl. Leaving the HCl in the graduated cylinder measure the initial temperature of acid. 27.8∘C Rinse
the thermometer with tap water and dry. Insert the thermometer in the calorimeters top and measure
the initial temperature of the base 28.2∘C Carefully add all of the acid to the base in the calorimeter
being careful not to splash any acid on the upper sides of the calorimeter. Stir the mixture gently with
the thermometer observing the temperature every 15 seconds for the next 2 minutes. Seconds: 15s: 31,
30s: 31, 45s:31, 60s:31, 75s: 31, 90s: 31, 105s: 31, 120s: 31, 135s: 31 Record the final
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Mindfulness And Its Types Of Mindfulness
Mindfulness has had a lot of thriving attention in recent years and it s roots grew in Eastern religious
traditions. Buddhism has focused on improving high states of mental well being, in conjunction with
selecting psychological problems and dealing with them. It is recurrently associated with the set
practice of mindfulness medication and more importantly has been named as the heart of Buddhist
meditation (Kabat Zinn, 2003; Thera, 1962). Mindfulness, is much more than this and is all about
achieving a mental state where you focus on the present moment you re in and pay attention to
thoughts and feelings. Kabat Zinn (2003) looked into the concepts at what makes mindfulness and
found three key concepts; Intention, attention and attitude ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In recent times, it is clear to see the Buddha s integration into psychology. Sigmund Freud, the founder
of psychoanalysis, in his museum (1993) stood a publication, Is psychoanalysis another religion? . It
included different perspectives looking at Freud s ideas towards religion and spirituality (Cohen,
2010). Some pictures of Buddha s up in the museum and especially one by Julia Kristera , pictured
next to a bust of Shakyamuni Buddha is by Nina Coltart. Coltart (1993) wrote that the Buddha was an
excellent psychologist and knew a great deal about the unconscious mind .
Mindfulness is a straight forward practice that is accessible to all. It has matured into a mainstream
approach to everyday health problems and psychological issues that need to be addressed. Important
concepts related to mindfulness such as focused breathing plays a big part to the journey of recovery
through mindfulness. It can be practiced through forms of Yoga, for example Qigong. These exercises
and a mindful approach to life, helps reduce negative effects of disorders like illness, trauma and
chronic pain. With ever such increasing demands and expectations we put on ourselves as part of our
lives, we are frequently want to perfect meeting these and are always pushing ourselves as we fear
Western Psychologists have used Buddhism and its mindfulness to draw similar themes and
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Run Lola Run and Related Texts.
This essay will evaluate the question distinctively visual images convey distinctive experiences,
Evaluating the idea that visual images give us distinct experiences and how certain experiences can
change our destiny.
I will discuss this question using my chosen theme that is destiny, In Tom Tyker s Run Lola Run and
my related text Charlie Kaulfmans and Michael Gondrys Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.
Tom Tyker uses the theme of destiny to show how interaction between individuals can create a
distinctive experience. When Lola embarks on her three runs, she bumps into and interacts with
certain individuals on her way, A mother ,a boy on a bike and a woman from her father s ... Show
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The Flashbacks are used to recount the events that happened before the opening sequence of the film
where Joel awakes and has no memory of Clementine, the flashbacks fill in the crucial backstory for
us the viewer, The story is told from the most recent occurrences, then through past memory s and
pivotal moments of the relationship then back to the first day Joel and Clementine met.
At the start of the film Joel awakes and has no memory of clementine he ditches work and impulsivly
catchs a train out to Montauk on the train he meets Clementine for an unknown second time ,In this
scene clementines hair is bright blue the colour blue being symbolic of new beginings this scene is
ironic once the viewer is aware of the backstory and events that have taken place.
The blue hair can also be a reference to the new beginnings that Joel and Clementine are experiencing
due to the procedure they had done there second chance (fresh start) at there relationship.
As joel rewinds his memory clementine is shown to have orange hair,When Clementine s hair is
orange, she and Joel s relationship is beginning to fail, Orange is symbolic of deceit ,distrust and
Before the strain clementines hair colour is red as she and joel begin their relationship red symbolises
passion and love all the things people experience at the start of a relationship this is the clementine
joel try s to save.
Then at the first memory joel has of meeting clementine her hair is
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Write My English Paper For Me. Online assignment writing service.
Write My English Paper For Me. Online assignment writing service.Write My English Paper For Me. Online assignment writing service.
Write My English Paper For Me. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with the option of a full refund for plagiarized work.

Writing A Scholarship Essay Examples Norwalk Thesis
Writing A Scholarship Essay Examples Norwalk ThesisWriting A Scholarship Essay Examples Norwalk Thesis
Writing A Scholarship Essay Examples Norwalk Thesis

The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting requests for writing assistance on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email, 2) Complete an order form with instructions and deadline, 3) Review bids from writers and select one, 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment, 5) Request revisions until satisfied. The website uses a bidding system and promises original, high-quality content with refunds for plagiarism.

Latest Essay Topics For Bank Exams. Online assignment writing service.
Latest Essay Topics For Bank Exams. Online assignment writing service.Latest Essay Topics For Bank Exams. Online assignment writing service.
Latest Essay Topics For Bank Exams. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses the steps involved in requesting and receiving writing assistance from the website HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Receive the paper and ensure it meets expectations before authorizing payment. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied with the work provided. The document emphasizes HelpWriting.net's commitment to original, high-quality content and full refunds for plagiarized work.

Drinking Age Essay
Drinking Age When teen agers turn 18, they are told that they are adults and are sent into the world.
They go to college, get a job, marry or join the military. They do grown up things like vote, pay taxes
and become parents. But they can t go to the pub for a beer because when it comes to liquor, they are
still just kids. Where s the fairness in the 21 and older drinking law? First, it is necessary to question
this law. Why is 21 the magical age that makes one intelligent and mature enough to consume alcohol?
Surely, some adults abuse alcohol and some teenagers would be perfectly able to drink responsibly.
This seemingly arbitrary number is associated with adulthood, as if the day a person turns 21 they
know everything and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When they have the opportunity to drink, they do so in an irresponsible manner because drinking by
these youth is seen as a badge of rebellion against authority and a symbol of adulthood. Clearly, this
kind of devious attitude does not encourage responsible drinking. While young people in foreign
countries learn to regard moderate drinking as an enjoyable social activity, young Americans view it
as something they have to sneak around to do. If 18 year olds do not have legal access to even a beer
in a public place, they are ill equipped to deal with the responsibilities that come with drinking when
they do have the right. The drinking age should be lowered because the current age has no real basis.
With a lowered drinking age, fewer problems will be present. Safe drinking needs to be taught, along
with drinking in moderation. All of the arguments for having a raised drinking level or retaining the
current one are weak. The problems that make a drinking age limit necessary are better solved through
a lowered drinking level. Tightening the laws on underage drinking is wrong, as laws will still be
broken and people 20 years, 364 days and younger will continue to consume alcohol. The answer to
the problem of underage drinking is not to add more restrictions, rather, it is simple: get rid of the
underage part. With the thrill of breaking the law gone and the access to the bar granted, people,
especially college
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Measuring Fair Value Accounting Standards
Fair Value accounting is a measurement application to value assets and liabilities based on current
transactions among buyers and sellers in the market. In other words, the price market participants pay
or receive in an orderly transaction at a certain date. There are different techniques for measuring fair
values depending on asset and market activity. It includes market approach, cost approach, and income
approach. Financial Accounting standards (FAS 157) defines fair value as the price that would be
received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market
participants at the measurement date (FASB, 2006). Different levels of inputs are also utilized in
measuring values of assets and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In contrast, Historical Cost accounting is defined by recording assets or liabilities on its acquired cost.
The nominal value that a company paid for an asset or recorded a liability. This measurement is based
on a cost principal that states to record assets/liabilities at the acquisition value. In this approach,
assets or liabilities are adjusted to its net realizable value in a systematic manner. For example,
depreciation of fixed assets, amortization of intangible assets, and depletion of natural resources.
These rational and systematics approaches to adjust assets value to bring these instruments to its
carrying value, deviating from the recorded historical cost. HCA (Historical Cost Accounting) and
FVA (Fair Value Accounting) measurements techniques are accepted by both accounting standard
setters FASB (Financial Accounting Standard Board) and IASB (International Accounting Standard
board). Under both measurement approaches, there could be significant differences in reporting,
measuring, adjusting, and disclosing values of assets and liabilities. GAAP (Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles) and IFRS (Internal financial Reporting Standards) mostly apply fair value
concepts to financial assets and liabilities up to certain extent. On the other hand, HCA is usually used
for fixed assets e.g. property, plant and equipment. FVA measurements are not fixed and fluctuate due
to market volatility, but HCA values are mostly fixed and change under certain
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Evaluation Of Public Relations Internship Program
The Evaluation of Public Relations Internship Program in China Dantong Li
Dissertation submitted for the M.A in Public Relations University of Westminster Copyright (2015)
University of Westminster and Dantong Li Statement of Originality I herby certify that I am the author
of this dissertation and no part of it has been previously published or submitted for publication, expect
where acknowledgements are made within the thesis itself, in full accordance with the standard
referencing practices. I certify that the dissertation does not infringe upon anyone?s copyright, nor
does it violate any proprietary right. I also declare that this is a true copy of my dissertation, and that it
has not been submitted for a higher degree to any other university or academic institution.
Dantong Li
Public Relations as a profession first gained its presence in China in 1980s, by western concepts and
industrial practices being introduced from several international agencies which entered into this
uncultured market at the earliest (Hugh M. Culbertson Ni Chen, 1996). The emerging industry had
shown its huge potential in an increasingly healthier environment due to the policies of reform and
opening up and the development of market economy (Ni Chen, 2009).
According to 2014 Chinese Public Relations Industry Annual Report conducted by CIPRA, the annual
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How Temperature Affects The Chemical Luminol
I. Science Fair Question
How does the temperature affect the eerie blue glow created by the chemical luminol?
II. Background Research Have you ever wondered what police investigators spray on the crime scene
to see if there is any blood present? This paper is going to discuss how temperature affects the
chemical luminol. The following terms will be explained; Luminol, chemiluminescence, photon, and
catalysts. Luminol is a chemical that has the special property of emitting light when it reacts with
certain other chemicals (Crime Scene Chemistry The Cool Blue Light of Luminol). One of the traits of
luminol chemiluminescence is the blue glow. The glow in a light stick are because of luminol
chemiluminescence. The iron from the hemoglobin in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Light does not have an infinite velocity, it does slow down. Light travels very fast, but it has a finite
velocity (The Basics of Light). In this science project the luminol mixture will be mixed with water
which will cause you to already see the blue light to also make this light copper sulfate will be added
to the mix. Copper sulfate dissolves and reacts with luminol (Crime Scene Chemistry The Cool Blue
Light of Luminol). The blue glow should last for about 30 seconds. If the temperature is colder it may
last for a short period if it is warm it may last a little longer
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Wtsda Black Belt Essay

Here are two comparisons of your writing with analyses: Organization: Early writing was less organized with ideas that weren't clearly connected. For example, a journal entry from last year jumped between unrelated thoughts. A recent essay tells a cohesive story through a clear introduction, body paragraphs with topic sentences, and a conclusion. Each paragraph builds upon the last to develop the central idea. Depth: An old blog post gave a surface level reaction without much analysis. It stated an opinion but did not include examples or details to support the viewpoint. A current paper takes a nuanced look at a complex issue through carefully cited evidence and critical thinking. Multiple perspectives are acknowledged to present a well-rounded analysis.

Arthritis Essay Example. Online assignment writing service.
Arthritis Essay Example. Online assignment writing service.Arthritis Essay Example. Online assignment writing service.
Arthritis Essay Example. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses the formation of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) during Freedom Summer in 1964, with the goal of showing white Mississippians that black voters would vote in large numbers if given the chance. The MFDP, led by black state residents seeking the right to vote, aimed to register voters and held a "Freedom Vote" on the same day as official elections. Despite violence, the MFDP and Freedom Schools were two influential projects that started during Freedom Summer.

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Here are the key points about animal rights and the ethical treatment of animals discussed in the passage: - Animals have been used in scientific experiments for over 2000 years to study physiology and disease. - Millions of animals, including mice, rats, rabbits, dogs, cats, and primates continue to be used for medical and scientific research worldwide each year. - Animal rights activists oppose animal research on the grounds that experiments are often painful and provide limited benefits. They argue diseases have not been cured despite decades of animal testing. - Major animal rights groups like PETA advocate for stricter laws governing animal research and promote alternatives to animal testing when possible. - Experiments performed on animals can include procedures like drugging

To Build A Fire
I chose the story To Build a Fire by Jack London. I chose this story because it was the one that caught
my attention the most. As I was reading it, I really wanted to know the fate of the man at the end of the
tale. This short story is about a man who sets out on a journey through the Yukon trail. He goes on the
trip all alone, only accompanied by a dog despite the warnings of the locals that going alone on a
journey with such freezing weather is dangerous. At the end, the man realizes he should have heeded
the warnings as he slowly dies of hypothermia from the cold weather. I enjoyed this story very much.
From the start, we are told that the man was mistaken to set out on this journey with this weather The
animal was worried by the great
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Wtg 101
For the third assignment of WRTG 101, the task was to write a research supported cause or effect
essay. I chose to write a research supported effect essay on human resource management titled The
Effects of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Turnover. The assignment
requirements asked for the use of a certain amount of scholarly journal articles that supported the
thesis of the paper. I believe that my research essay turned out successfully because I was able to find
and identify appropriate resources that proved to effectively defend my thesis statement.
For my research assignment I chose the topic The Effects of Human Resource Management Practices
on Employee Turnover. I chose this topic because it is allied with an assignment ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Furthermore, there was a requirement of at least three sources to come from scholarly journals. As we
learned during the course of WRTG 101, a scholarly journal article is an in depth research article
written by authors who are experts with significant knowledge in the subject area. Additionally,
universities or professional associations commonly publish scholarly journal articles ( Identify
Scholarly Journals , n.d.). The primary databases I searched were UMUC Information and Library
Services interface Business Source Complete and ScienceDirect. I also utilized the UMUC Library
OneSearch and added the ABI/INFORM Complete as an additional database resource. In addition to
the UMUC Library I also used the Google Scholar web search engine and sources found on the free
web. When deciding on whether to include sources found on the free web, I evaluated the web site s
author and accuracy ( Evaluate Web Resources , n.d.). I used sources from the free web sparingly and
instead focused on scholarly sources. After fulfilling the requirement of three scholarly sources, I
continued to primarily look for scholarly sources to establish and support my argument. I started my
search with the use of search terms such as Human Resource Management , Employee Turnover ,
High Turnover , and HRM Practices . To find more refined results, I incorporated the Boolean
operator AND
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Skittles Marketing Plan
Skittles is a well known, long standing brand that has pleased consumers for generations. However, it
is our contention that the name s growth is stagnating, and needs to be revitalized based upon a core
marketing goal: bring Skittles from simply a candy something one consumes on a whim and forgets
about to a brand that engenders both value and feeling for consumers. With such a focus, the objective
is to influence the seemingly minor consumer choice between confections in vending machines and on
store shelves by linking a positive and pleasing emotion to the image of the brand. The intention is to
achieve realistic, long term financial goals, which will be controlled through measuring actual results
against initial projections. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Further research on candy sales has yielded an adjusted 50 70% industry average range for retail profit
margins, suggesting a manufacturer to distributor price of $0.18 to $0.30 per bag.3 The secret to profit
is to make use of an intensive distribution, wherein Skittles are available in every store and vending
machine possible. Since this is already the case, the only new distribution concerns that enter the
marketing plan consist of seasonal products and Skittles vodka. Seasonal Skittles will be circulated
through stores, as interchanging products in vending machines is significantly more difficult.
However, Absolut Rainbow will rely on Absolut Vodka s distribution network after product
development. Distribution
Distribution for the brand is already exceptional; it is rare to see a vending machine or candy display
without at least one variety of Skittles. The current method of distributing the product is a mixture of
pull and push strategies. Retailers of candy demand Skittles because they know that consumers will
purchase them often enough to move product and produce profit, while Wrigley actively offers the
product to said retailers, using their already present pull force to facilitate even wider distribution. The
above analysis leads to the belief that changing the basic distribution strategy is unwise, yet
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Black Panther Party Goals
Black Panther Party During the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, the Black Panther Party became
a very controversial organization that demanded black people be treated with equality. Before the
movement, black people were deemed separate but equal from whites, meaning that they would live
under the same rights as white people, but would be separated from whites in many situations, such as
in schools and at water fountains. Bobby Seale and Huey Newton, immediately after founding the
Black Panther Party in 1966, started to set out goals for how they wanted African Americans to be
treated in the future. Shortly after founding the party, these two men created the 10 point program.
Some of the main goals set in this program were full employment ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
One such incident occurred on October 28, 1967, as John Frey, an Oakland police officer, was shot to
death in an argument with Huey Newton at a traffic stop. Newton claimed that at the scene he was
peacefully explaining to Frey that he it was not justified to arrest him, and Frey had then responded by
punching him in the face and then shooting him in the abdomen, leaving Newton unconscious.
Newton was originally convicted of voluntary manslaughter at his trial, but this was later overturned
in 1970 by the California Court of Appeals. Bobby Seale firmly believed that during this incident,
Newton was acting out of self defense was never meant to harm Frey in anyway. Another violent
event involving the Black Panthers took place on April 7, 1968, when, in a shootout with the Oakland
police, 17 year old panther Bobby Hutton was killed and Eldridge Cleaver was wounded. It became
clear later that Cleaver led the panthers on the ambush of the police officers on purpose, and because
of this he provoked the shootout. Nevertheless, Hutton s death became a rallying issue for the Black
Panther Party in their fight against oppression and unfair treatment. When many people across the
country saw these incidents, it confirmed their beliefs that the Black Panther Party
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First Nations Essay Topics. Online assignment writing service.First Nations Essay Topics. Online assignment writing service.
First Nations Essay Topics. Online assignment writing service.

This document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a refund offered for plagiarized work.

Useful Advice On How To Write 3 Pages Ess
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The document provides steps for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net: 1. Create an account with a password and email. 2. Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, deadline, and attaching a sample for style imitation. 3. Review bids from writers for the request, choose one based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then pay a deposit to start. 4. Review the paper and authorize full payment for the writer if pleased, or request free revisions until satisfied. Multiple revisions are allowed. HelpWriting.net guarantees original, high-quality content or a full refund.

How To Write The Why This Major College Essay
How To Write The Why This Major College EssayHow To Write The Why This Major College Essay
How To Write The Why This Major College Essay

This document provides instructions for using the HelpWriting.net service to have essays written. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email; 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline; 3) Review writer bids and qualifications and place a deposit; 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment; 5) Request revisions until satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarism. The service aims to provide original, high-quality content through a bidding system and revision process.

Cross Sectional Study
Materials and Methods
Study design and setting
A cross sectional study conducted between March 2016 and September 2016, among non duplicate S.
aureus isolates, obtained from clinical isolates and nasal swabs of hospitalized patients and HCWs, in
four teaching hospitals (Alzahra, Shariati, Imam Kazem and ShahidChamran) in Isfahan, Iran.
Samples collected from different wards, including surgery, intensive care units (ICUs), and internal
medicine. Clinical isolates were obtained from the wound, blood, urine culture, sputum, peritoneum
and synovial samples. This study was in accordance, with the declaration of Helsinki and informed
written consent, obtained from hospitalized patients and HCWs.
Bacterial isolation and identification
Clinical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The LSA phenotype was identified by resistance to clindamycin only, and susceptibility to
erythromycin. The MRSA isolates were screened, based on susceptibility to cefoxitin (30 μg) and
confirmed by molecular detection of mecA .
Detection of ermA, ermC, msrA and mecA genes
DNA was extracted from S. aureus isolates, in accordance with the study described by Ito et al. (16).
Detection of ermA, ermC, msrA, and mecA was carried out with the primer sequences listed in Table
1. Amplification of genes was performed in a final volume of 25 μl, containing 1μl of each primer (10
pmol), 1X PCR buffer, MgCl2, 0.2 mMdNTP Mix, 5 μl of template DNA and 1.5U of Taq DNA
polymerase. PCR conditions were as follows: 30 cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 30s, annealing at
52°for 1 min and extension at 72°C for 1 min for erm and 25 cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 1 min,
annealing at 50°C for 1 min and extension at 72°C for 90 s for msrA (4). PCR conditions for detection
of mecA were as follows: 30 cycles of denaturation (94°C, 2 min), annealing (57°C, 1 min), extension
(72°C, 2 min), and a final elongation at 72 °C for 2 min.
In this study, 162 non duplicated S. aureus isolates were collected from four teaching hospitals, in
Isfahan (Table2). Of 162 S. aureus isolates, 48 (30%) and 114 (70%) were clinical isolates and
nasalisolates, respectively. In regards to demographic characteristics, 97 (59.9%) males and 65
(40.1%) females,
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An Essay on Jamba Juice
Our product is Jamba Juice and our target country is Spain. We chose this product because it has
grown to become one of the nation s best known smoothie chains, emphasizing the benefits of a
healthy lifestyle and because the company is looking for international expansion opportunities. We
chose Spain as our target country for expansion of our product due to its current economic status and
economic growth forecasts for the future. This combination provides the firm with an opportunity to
offer our product to a growing economy and marketplace.
Company Background and History
Jamba Juice takes its name from the African word jama, which means to celebrate . It was the creation
of Kirk Perron, an avid cyclist and graduate of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The government of Spain actively supports the small business sector of the economy. As of 2006 there
were over 3 million small and medium sized businesses in Spain, representing over 99% of all
businesses in the country. The Spanish government provides various grants and incentives for the
creation and expansion of small businesses in Spain as well as support and services to business
owners. Recent government campaigns and initiatives have focused on support for entrepreneurs,
primarily in response to Spain s economic goals for the future. Increasing competitiveness and
promoting innovation were identified as key strategies to maintain, grow and keep Spain s economy
dynamic (Dreamer, 2008). The key factors such as strong economy, large population base, expansive
tourist trade and active government involvement provide a strong argument for migration into Spain s
Reasons for Expansion
Jamba has become a way of life for millions of Americans and the company believes that they can
extend that opportunity to Spain and other international marketplaces. A recent Piper Jaffray report
suggested that the company has room to grow not only in U.S. markets but internationally as well
(Fuhrmann, 2007).
Spanish Culture and Lifestyle
Geographic Setting and Culture
Spain is
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Medication Used As Anxiety Medication
Seizure Medication Used as Anxiety Medication Everyday someone is fighting a battle with an
anxiety disorder. Anxiety is considered a mental illness that causes distress, worry, and fear to an
individual. Some types of anxiety include the following: panic disorder, social anxiety disorder,
specific phobias, and a generalized anxiety disorder with unrealistic worry (WebMD, 2016). The cause
for anxiety is currently unknown, but environmental stress and changes in the brain can be linked
factors (WebMD, 2016). Anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults who are 18 and older, this is 18%
of the population in the United States (ADAA, 2014). General Anxiety Disorder alone affects 3.1% of
the United States population and it most often affects ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
My patient is a 35 year old female who takes Clonazepam, also referred to its brand name Klonopin,
whenever she feels like she s going to have an anxiety attack and feels overwhelmed or stressed. She
was originally prescribed to take the medication orally once a day with a dosage of 1 mg. Upon
physician s approval the patient now only takes .5 mg of Clonazepam as needed, this should not be a
major concern to this patient. The only concern we would need to be worried about is if the patient
took Clonazepam more times than needed and then suddenly stopped taking the medication. This
would then lead to withdrawal symptoms which may potentially cause the patient to develop a
physical dependence (Everyday Health, 2016). Dosing Information for Clonazepam
Adult Dose for Seizure Prophylaxis Adult Clonazepam Dose for Panic Disorder Pediatric Clonazepam
Dose for Seizure Prophylaxis
Should not exceed 1.5 mg/day divided into 3 doses.
Maximum dose 20mg. Initial dose is .25 mg bid
Maximum is 4 mg/day. Initial dose should be 0.001 and 0.03 mg/kg/day.
Not exceeding 0.05 mg/kg/day.
Maximum dose 20mg. Clonazepam is considered a Benzodiazepine and is generally used to treat
patients who have petit mal, akinetic, and myoclonic seizures, or those with panic disorder (Wynn,
Meiller, Crossley, 2014). Benzodiazepines take action by binding to receptors on gamma aminobutyric
acid (GABA) and increase membrane permeability to chloride
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Watson Donald Trump s Speech To Analyze The Various...
You are social and expressive. You are empathetic: you feel what others feel and are compassionate
towards them. You are confident: you are hard to embarrass and are self confident most of the time.
And you are self controlled: you have control over your desires, which are not particularly intense.
Your choices are driven by a desire for connectedness. You consider helping others to guide a large
part of what you do: you think it is important to take care of the people around you. You are relatively
unconcerned with tradition: you care more about making your own path than following what others
have done. Now we know what to look for in the ideal presidential candidate, but Watson s job is only
half done. Next Watson must psycho analyze the various presidential candidates so we can determine
which best approximates the Reagnedy (or Kennegan) ideal. Let us start with Donald Trump, which I
think we ll all agree is the one we want to see on television even though many might not also wish to
see him in the White House. Giving Watson Donald Trump s announcement speech to analyze reveals
the folowing: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You are unconcerned with art: you are less concerned with artistic or creative activities than most
people who participated in our surveys. You are assertive: you tend to speak up and take charge of
situations, and you are comfortable leading groups. And you are respectful of authority: you prefer
following with tradition in order to maintain a sense of stability. Your choices are driven by a desire
for connectedness. You consider helping others to guide a large part of what you do: you think it is
important to take care of the people around you. You are relatively unconcerned with tradition: you
care more about making your own path than following what others have
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The document discusses the ethical issues surrounding the creation, distribution, and use of metadata. It begins by defining metadata as data that describes other data and provides context about how it is used. It then discusses metadata standards and the need for standardized metadata to organize large amounts of digital information across different platforms. The document provides examples of metadata standards and discusses the debate around minimal standards that allow broad use versus more rigorous standards that ensure high accuracy.

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The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting assignment requests on the website HelpWriting.net. Users complete a registration with an email and password, then fill out a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. Writers bid on the request and the user selects a writer based on qualifications. After receiving the paper, the user can request revisions until satisfied. The website guarantees original, high-quality content and refunds plagiarized work.

Argumentative Paper Format Argumentative Essay Outlin
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This document outlines the steps to request and receive writing assistance from the HelpWriting.net service. It explains that users must first create an account with a password and email. They can then submit a request with instructions, sources, and deadline. Writers will bid on the request and the user can choose a writer based on qualifications. The writer will complete the paper and the user can request revisions until satisfied before authorizing final payment. HelpWriting.net guarantees original, high-quality work or a full refund.

Empirical Results For Employment, Income, And Congestion...
4. Empirical Results In order to estimate the simultaneous equations model, we use three stage least
square (3SLS) estimator. Table 2 presents the estimated coefficients of the equations. The adjusted R
squares show that the estimated models explain 46%, 63%, and 59% of variations in growth of
employment, income, and congestion, respectively. The coefficients for the endogenous variables
(Employment growth, income growth, and congestion growth) are statistically significant, indicating
the interdependence of employment growth, income growth, and congestion growth. Table 2.
Estimation Results for the Employment, Income, and Congestion Growth Model INC Growth EMP
Growth CON Growth Employment Growth 0.18258 *** 0.96320 *** (0.06479 ) (0.27303 ) Median
Household Income Growth 0.32231 * 1.11963 *** (0.16623 ) (0.41033 ) Traffic Congestion Growth
0.04636 * 0.07647 ** (0.02501 ) (0.03861 ) ln(2000 Employment Density) 0.13316 0.41812 **
0.16111 (0.11113 ) (0.18044 ) (0.51398 ) 2000 Traffic Congestion Level 0.00038 0.00066 0.01811 ***
(0.00065 ) (0.00098 ) (0.00197 ) ln(2000 Population Density) 0.16911 0.43635 *** 0.12653 (0.10473
) (0.13229 ) (0.48881 ) ln(2000 Median Household Income) 0.15521 ** 0.12781 0.42470 (0.06212 )
(0.09305 ) (0.26457 ) ln(2000 Manufacturing Employment Density) 0.08977 *** (0.02591 ) ln(2000
FIRE Employment Density) 0.01011 (0.07068 ) 2000 % Population with Higher than Bachelor Degree
0.35976 **
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Analysis Of The Book Rush Men
Most everyone knows what Greg Hardy brings to the table. He was pro bowler in 2013. Hardy s
stacked up an average of 13 sacks and 40 solo tackles in his last two full seasons with the Carolina
Panthers. He s extremely explosive off the edge and has elite hands that make it almost impossible to
block him for an entire game. Hardy will be a huge upgrade for the Cowboys. With one position
improved in the rush men rotation, who else can the Cowboys count on to contribute not only during
Hardy s four game suspension but also for the entire season. For starters, nobody should sleep on
Jeremy Mincey. He doesn t get talked about much but he was kind of the unsung hero of the Dallas
pass rush last season leading the team in sacks with 6, and QB pressures with 39. He was also named
team captain after Justin Durant went on IR. This is a contract year for him and at the age of 31 he
won t see many more. With more help along the defensive line he should get some more favorable
match ups and have another nice season. Tyrone Crawford didn t see snap his entire rookie season but
last season was his coming out party. The 2013 third round pick wrecks absolute havoc up the middle.
There were several times last season when Jeremy Mincey and Henry Melton got the credit for the
sack but it was Crawford who pushed the line taking on two or three blockers at once giving them a
free run at the QB. Crawford had a good season last year ranking in the top 15 of all DT s (according
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
Student Involvement In College Sports
Sports are a key factor to college life. Even though everyone may not play them, it plays a major
impact on every individual that attends that college. Sports teams help build school pride, generate
revenue, and give rising athletes opportunities to become professionals. As a result, colleges should
strongly support their sports teams.
First and foremost, sports teams are essential in establishing a sense of school pride. A strong stance of
school pride allows the student body as a whole to become coherent. To put simply, it creates a way
for students to become better involved with their college. Not only does it generate involvement
within the college, but also with the community because of family or friends that may also attend the
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...

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  • 1. PPT - ACTION RESEARCH PowerPoint Presentation, F 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. PPT - ACTION RESEARCH PowerPoint Presentation, F PPT - ACTION RESEARCH PowerPoint Presentation, F
  • 2. How Does Jefferson Use Logic In The Declaration Of... The Declaration of Independence was a statement adopted by the thirteen colonies to represent their new found independence from Great Britain. In 1776, over the course of a month, many authors, most importantly Thomas Jefferson created the infamous 1,458 worded document. The intentions of the document and of Thomas Jefferson was to persuade people to side with the rebellion and disassociate from Great Britain publicly. Jefferson also wanted to explain under what circumstances the governed could justly overthrow the government, as well as what rights every man should have in the colonies. Through the use of numerous paragraphs in the document, Thomas Jefferson appealed to the commoners by making a list of offenses of England to The Colonies. Thomas Jefferson hoped to and succeeded in unifying the thirteen colonies as well as letting ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He did this by explaining that every man had unalienable rights that should be protected by the government. For the most part Thomas Jefferson, uses logic in The Declaration of Independence. He argues and he presents clear reasons why the colonies want independence and the consequences of that action. People have natural rights and government was created to protect those rights. If government ignores those rights, the people can replace the government. It is formed solely to serve society. from the consent of the governed, aka., those people with unalienable Rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness (2). Because of that fact, Jefferson says, whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government (4). (shmoop.com)These rights included life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. If these rights were violated, citizens were justified in taking actions in order to overthrow the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Vulnerable Population and Self Awareness Vulnerable Population and Self Awareness There are a variety of vulnerable populations that exist in today s struggling society. There are groups that are more vulnerable for certain illnesses or death and individuals that are segregated or treated differently because their preferred sexual interests and habits. This discussion will cover the definition of vulnerable population with the focus primarily on transvestites. The transvestite demographics and my personal awareness of this vulnerable population will be viewed with my personal attitudes and the health care delivery can be affected. I will give my own reflection toward this particular group including my perception before and after becoming more familiarized. According to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Delivery of Health Care I have had experience of dealing with transvestites in the emergency department in Jackson Memorial Hospital. I recollect of a particular individual that frequently visited the emergency room who is a transvestite. With every visit required a different outfit and it seemed as if he was attention seeking. This individual did have some homosexual tendencies and always arrived with fire rescue because of the exposure to masculine men. He always dressed in a variety of feminine clothing and most occasions dressed with much of exaggeration such as a princess or cheerleader. The entire time while receiving treatment in the emergency room, whether being a true emergent situation or an act, the patient was constantly ridiculed and was the center of humorous attention. I understand that some transvestites will expose themselves more than others with the possibility of having psychological problems. Most transvestites hide their fetish with the probability of embarrassment if revealed. Depending on the level of exposure will make a significant difference on the plan of care and the medical staff involved. Conclusion Vulnerable populations like transvestites maintain their solitude among themselves or hidden within private communities. Acceptance of this lifestyle is a slow intergrading process within today s society. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Odyssey And Plautus Research Paper Years ago, I took a world literature class that exposed me to much more that world literature. It exposed me to history, drama, and even anthropology. I had never read any Roman writers, and had only minimal exposure to Greeks. We read the Iliad, Odyssey, and Greek tragedian Euripides and Sophocles and then Horace and Plautus. While this was years ago, our recent readings for class were totally fresh and new and simultaneously familiar! I am struck again by the fact that there are no new or original ideas in our modern society. Reading, Twin Menaechmi seemed too familiar. I am not as well read as many of you, so it took me a moment to make the connection to Shakespeare s Comedy of Errors . Which in turn reminded me of an awful movie ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Romans were known as conquerors. Hence the Roman Empire! As a result of the conquering nature of the Romans, they also took the parts of civilizations they conquered. The best of Greek theatre and Aristotle s Poetics became property of the Romans. Plautus often adapted works of the Greeks, which was not plagiarism but was a commendable addition to Roman culture. Also, similarly, the Romans celebration of theatre was part of a festival celebrated the gods. Romans celebrated with games, theatre and ritual to honor Jupiter, Apollo, Mother Goddess, and of course Bacchus. The festivals for Bacchus (Roman Dionysus) was the epitome of Roman decadence and the Roman orgy. Romans took theatre to a new level of spectacle, gore, and lewdness. This made me think if we continue to progress with each generation or as cultures become integrated what becomes the next level of entertainment? What do we look to for inspiration? The Romans looked to the Greeks. In turn making theatre more appealing to Roman citizens. Theatres became larger, carnage was expected, celebrations became drunken orgies, and comedies were more farcical. We look to all those who have come before and try to, like Plautus, put our own stamp on the adaptation we ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Conformity Essay According to Leon Mann, conformity means yielding to group pressures . Everyone is a member of one group or another and everyone expects members of these groups to behave in certain ways. If you are a member of an identifiable group you are expected to behave appropriately to it. If you don t confirm and behave appropriately you are likely to be rejected by the group. Like stereotypes, conforming and expecting others to conform maintains cognitive balance. There are several kinds of conformity. Many studies of conformity took place in the 1950 s which led Kelman to distinguish between compliance, internalisation and identification. Compliance is the type of conformity where the subject goes along with the group view, but privately ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During the group sessions it became apparent that the subjects reports strarted to converge much nearer to an average of what their individual reports had been. If a subject who had said that the light didn t move very far when tested individually said I think it is moving 2 inches to the left then another who had reported movement of 4 inches, when tested individually, might say I think it may have been 3 inches . As the number of reported movements continued the more the members of the group conformed to each others reports. This spot of light was in fact stationary so whatever reports were made was the consequence of the subject imagining they saw something happen. So they were not certain about the movement they observed and so would not feel confident about insisting that their observations were wholly correct. When they heard other reported judgements they may have decided to go along with them. The problem with this study, for understanding of conformity, as one aspect of social psychology is that it is a total artifical experimental situation there isn t even a right answer. Requested reports of imaginary movements of a stationary spot of light in a darkened room when alone, or with two others, hardly reflects situations we come accross in our every day ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Marble Drop Lab Report Bryan Ruef Period 6 AP Physics Lab Report Marble Drop Experiment Problem: This lab was designed to prove that the height of an object launched on a ramp is relational to the distance it goes off the ramp. Hypothesis: When releasing a marble off of a ramp on a table, the higher up that the marble starts on the ramp, the farther it should land from the table on the ground. Design: We placed a small ramp on a table and used clamps to ensure the ramp wouldn t move and change our results. With tape, we marked each height we would drop the marble from. Using a meter stick, we measured the height of the table, base of the ramp, and the height of each place the marble would be dropped. On our paper, which we taped to the ground to prevent ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This positive slope shows that as the ramp heights increased, so did the distance the marbles traveled. However, there were problems with the experiment. First, the meter stick did not have perfect ends. This caused uncertainty because the measurements were not accurate. The meter stick was not compared with others to see if it was reasonably close. Another error was that we did not have a constant release method. We placed the marble on the ramp each time and just let go. The marble could have stuck to our hand and been released higher or lower than we wanted it to. Also, there could have been human error since we released the marble by hand and we could have moved up or down accidentally. The final error was that we used multiple different marbles for the lab. They could have had different weights or shapes. Even the slightest difference in shape would affect where it landed. Solutions to the meter stick error are simple. We could have bought a new meter stick with perfect ends. If we were not able to buy one, we could have compared it to many other meter sticks and used whichever one was most ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. David Harvey High Line Case Study With its modern amenities and high tech features, the new no. 7 line station at 34th street and Hudson Yards is a rare sight for New Yorkers. For the first time, subway service has finally extended to the far West Side of midtown Manhattan, luring new development in the emerging, mixed use Hudson Yards community. According to the MTA, the new station links to 18 subway lines, essentially connecting the rest of the city to this new developing neighborhood and offering easy access to the Jacob Javits Convention Center, the High Line and the newly opened Hudson River Park. According to the MTA, this is the first new subway station to be built in the last 26 years. Originally stopping at 42nd street and Times Square, the 7 Line now stops at 34th ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, this gave way to an entrepreneurial approach that primarily focused on local development and employment growth in the following decades. This is mirrored across the capitalist world, but is perhaps most evident in the United States where the reduction in the flow of federal redistributions and local tax revenues after 1972 led to this revival in civic boosterism and entrepreneurialism (Harvey, 1989). It certainly has far reaching consequences in that future growth prospects may all be about playing the capitalist game , the paving to a zero sum development. To that, Harvey asserted that urban entrepreneurialism (1) is based on public private partnership so that local boosterism attracts external sources of funding, direct investments, and employment sources, (2) is speculative in general and thus compounded with risks and difficulties that are absorbed by the local public sector, and (3) places emphasis on political economy rather than economic projects that improve living and working conditions. The extension is a prime example of this because it was intended to bring business and entertainment to the Hudson Yards neighborhood, and it did many businesses in the area have seen increased profits since the project s construction leading to a development boom in its vicinity. However, it faced its own risks and difficulties from the start, seeing that it was supposed to be funded by an innovative tax incremental financing that issued city bonds for the construction to be repaid by future tax revenue from developers (Jaffe, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Environmental Impacts Of Coal Mining It has been long recognized that there are many environmental consequences by extracting, using and disposing of coal. Due mainly to the nature of the coal deposits which are typically full size, covering huge regions including more than one seams extending over big vertical durations. Coal mining in all likelihood consequences in an extra disturbance to the geologic conditions of an area than any other form of mining(Ehlen, Haneberg Larson, 2005, p. 79). The two ways to mine coal; surface mining and underground mining both extraction operations have their own personal negative impact on the environment. Strip mining a type of surface mining, is highly destructive scraping away at earths landscape to reach the coal buried near the surface removing plants, trees and topsoil. Also, another type of surface mining; mountaintop mining blasts off the tops of mountain s to reach coal seams within, creating drastic changes in topography. Whereas, underground coal extraction has its fair share of environmental impacts as well, such as subsidence and underground coal fires. Mine subsidence and collapses have the potential to produce major effects above ground, which are especially devastating in developed areas, destroying roads and buildings. Craig, Vaughan Skinner (2011) found that there are an estimated 300 underground coal fires still burning in the United States; in many parts of the world, coal beds have been accidentally or spontaneously ignited (p.142). The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Black Arts Movement And Black Power Movement In the 1970s Black people were facing many troubles because of the White race .For example, Blacks were working as servants for them, and they were living in miserable conditions along with the violence against them and many other encroachments .So that many Afro American were struggling in order to get back there dignity and their civil rights through establishing movements, including Black Arts Movement and Black Power Movement. These movements enormously affected black people , so that they hugely interacted with it and started to revolt and move towards their freedom driven by their robbed rights and injured dignity . In addition, many writers have a great role in these movements including Alice walker. Alice in her short story ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Tumut Community Labyrinth Marketing Description of the Tumut Community Labyrinth for Peace The Tumut community labyrinth is a place of reflection, education and meditation set along the banks of Tumut river. Local materials, Accessibility, Armistice Day history and astronomy are all part of the key brief for the Tumut Community Labyrinth for Peace. The Labyrinth follows the traditional shape octagonal as it is based on the design in the cathedral in Reims, France, with a single entrance and winding path that leads to a central place of contemplation. The main path is made of locally quarried Wee Jasper stone edged with pavers made with gravel, referencing the geology of the local area, and the nearby river. Along the outer edge, three smaller octagons provide places ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Itec 630 Final Examination Complete Solution Spring 2015... ITEC 630 Final Examination complete solution Spring 2015 Final Exam Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/itec 630 final exm/ Or Visit www.hwcampus.com Please read these instructions carefully. Failure to correctly follow them will adversely impact your grade. This exam is open book, open notes. Do not discuss any aspect of this exam with anyone else no discussions in conferences, no emails to me I will grade the exams on line, therefore: Do not include any extraneous graphics that do not directly contribute to your answer Answer on the PowerPoint slides provided you may add slides Use no font smaller than 12 pitch (if I cannot read it you won t get credit) Do not import graphics from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (5 points each) 1.How many times does the top module call each subordinate module? A.One Hundred Times B.Three Times C.The Check Credit Rating and Update Credit File Modules Once and the Dispatch Orders Module 100 Times ● 2.Which module actually contains the logic to call the Update Credit File Module? A.Check Credit Rating B.Process Orders C.Dispatch Orders ● 3.In what order does the executive module call the subordinate modules? A.Dispatch Orders, Update Credit File, Check Credit Rating B.Check Credit Rating, Update Credit File, Dispatch Orders C.Update Credit File, Check Credit Rating, Dispatch Orders D.Process Orders, Check Credit Rating, Dispatch Orders ● 4.What tool would not be useful in preparing a Module Specification for a programmer to code Get Exam From Assignments Folder ? A.Structured English B.Flow Chart C.Data Flow Diagram D.Pseudocode Question 5: (20 points) In this class, we ve stressed the importance of various system analysis and design tools and techniques. By now you should have a toolbox full of useful design and analysis tools. List the tools in your toolbox and then write one short paragraph on how you can/will apply them in your careers, lives, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Sermon on the Mount Essay The sermon at the mount is a collection of teachings and sayings that Jesus preaches to people at Galilee. It takes place after Jesus had been baptized by John the Baptist. This is the longest teaching by Jesus in a single preaching. It is found in the New Testament in the book of Matthew. It transverses chapter five to seven of the Gospel of Matthew. The main theme of sermon of the mountain is how people should relate with other people and God. The sermon is preached at a mountain when Jesus saw the crowd and his disciples were following him, he sat at a level ground on the mountain and started to preach. The Preaching s can be divided it four major parts; The Beatitudes, Lord s Prayer and parables. Beatitudes The word beatitude comes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Here Jesus tells people who are meek that they will inherit the Promised Land. People who are meek are those who submit to God s authority. The fourth beatitude is found in the book of Matthew chapter five verse six and it states; blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Here Jesus teaches the multitude that people who have a great passion and drive for righteousness will have their souls cravings satisfied. The fifth beatitude is found in the book of Matthew chapter five verses seven. This is a beatitude between man and his fellow humans. It states; blessed are the merciful for they shall be shown mercy. This is a beatitude said in a present tense context. It says those who are showing mercy to fellow human will expect to be shown mercy during judgment day. The sixth beatitude is found in the book of Matthew chapter five verses eight, it s a beatitude between man and God and its futuristic in nature. It states blessed are the pure in heart for there will see God. A pure heart is a heart that has only one objective and that is pleasing God. Here Jesus tells the multitudes that those who please God will go to heaven. The seventh beatitude is found in the book of Matthew chapter five verses nine, it s a beatitude of how man should relate with other humans. It has a present context. It states that blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Essay On Tobias Wolff Tobias Wolff is probably best known for his short story collections Back in the World (1985), In the Garden of the North American Martyrs (1981), and The Night in Question (1996) and for his novel The Barracks Thief (1984), which won the PEN/Faulkner Award in 1985. Wolff has also written two autobiographies. The first, A Boy s Life (1989), won the Los Angeles TImes Book Award for biography and was made into a movie (1993) in which Wolff was played by Leonardo DiCaprio. The second autobiography, In Pharaoh s Army: Memories of the Lost War (1994), about his experience serving as a Green Beret in the Vietnam War, was a finalist for a National Book Award and a Los Angeles Times Award for biography In addition to his fiction and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I had my heart set on that rifle. A weapon was the first condition of self sufficiency, and of being a real Westerner, and of all acceptable employmenttrapping, riding herd, soldiering, law enforcement, and outlawry. I needed that rifle, for itself and for the way it completed me when I held it. My mother said I couldn t have it. Absolutely not. Roy took the rifle back but promised me he d bring her around. He could not imagine anyone refusing him anything and treated the refusals he did encounter as perverse and insincere. Normally mute, he became at these times a relentless whiner. He would follow my mother from room to room, emitting one ceaseless note of complaint that was pitched perfectly to jelly her nerves and bring her to a state where she would agree to anything to make it stop. After a few days of this my mother caved in. She said I could have the rifle if, and 4 only if, I promised never to take it out or even touch it except when she and Roy were with me. Okay, I said. Sure. Naturally. But even then she wasn t satisfied. She plain didn t like the fact of me owning a rifle. Roy said he had owned several rifles by the time he was my age, but this did not reassure her. She didn t think I could be trusted with it. Roy said now was the time to find out. 35 Iiiii ..... ­~ ~ ~ ­f ~~ . CHAPTER 2: REMEMBERING EVENTS 36 Readings For a week or so I kept my promises. But now that the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Lab Report On The Heat Of Neutralization Introduction: Every chemical change is accompanied by a change in energy usually in the form of heat. If heat is evolved, the reaction is exothermic, and if heat is absorbed, the reaction is endothermic. The energy change of a reaction that occurs at constant pressure is called the heat of reaction or the enthalpy of reaction (ΔHr). This quantity of heat is measured experimentally by allowing the reaction to occur in a calorimeter. In this experiment you will determine the heat of neutralization when an acid and a base react to form 1 mole of water. In a perfect calorimeter, heat is exchanged only between the reaction and the calorimeters water. Technically, some heat may may be absorbed the calorimeter. All calorimeters exchange some heat with its environment. This amount of heat is called the calorimeters heat capacity (the amount of of heat required to raise its temperature 1∘Celsius). We are going to pretend that our calorimeter is the perfect calorimeter. Purpose: You will determine the molar heat of neutralization of 1.00 M HCL and 1.00 M NaOH in Kilojoules. Materials: Goggles Graduated cylinder Drying wand Calorimeter Acid and base Thermometer Beaker to transfer liquids Paper cups Procedure: Carefully measure 75 of 1.0 M NaOH in a 100 ml graduated cylinder and pour it into the calorimeter. Leaving the thermometer out, place the top on the calorimeter. Rinse the graduated cylinder with some tap water. Then rinse the graduated cylinder with some about 10.0 ml of the 1.0 M HCl. Completely dry the graduated cylinder with a paper towel drying wand. Carefully measure 6.25 ml of the 1.0 M HCl. Leaving the HCl in the graduated cylinder measure the initial temperature of acid. 27.8∘C Rinse the thermometer with tap water and dry. Insert the thermometer in the calorimeters top and measure the initial temperature of the base 28.2∘C Carefully add all of the acid to the base in the calorimeter being careful not to splash any acid on the upper sides of the calorimeter. Stir the mixture gently with the thermometer observing the temperature every 15 seconds for the next 2 minutes. Seconds: 15s: 31, 30s: 31, 45s:31, 60s:31, 75s: 31, 90s: 31, 105s: 31, 120s: 31, 135s: 31 Record the final ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Mindfulness And Its Types Of Mindfulness Mindfulness has had a lot of thriving attention in recent years and it s roots grew in Eastern religious traditions. Buddhism has focused on improving high states of mental well being, in conjunction with selecting psychological problems and dealing with them. It is recurrently associated with the set practice of mindfulness medication and more importantly has been named as the heart of Buddhist meditation (Kabat Zinn, 2003; Thera, 1962). Mindfulness, is much more than this and is all about achieving a mental state where you focus on the present moment you re in and pay attention to thoughts and feelings. Kabat Zinn (2003) looked into the concepts at what makes mindfulness and found three key concepts; Intention, attention and attitude ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In recent times, it is clear to see the Buddha s integration into psychology. Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, in his museum (1993) stood a publication, Is psychoanalysis another religion? . It included different perspectives looking at Freud s ideas towards religion and spirituality (Cohen, 2010). Some pictures of Buddha s up in the museum and especially one by Julia Kristera , pictured next to a bust of Shakyamuni Buddha is by Nina Coltart. Coltart (1993) wrote that the Buddha was an excellent psychologist and knew a great deal about the unconscious mind . Mindfulness is a straight forward practice that is accessible to all. It has matured into a mainstream approach to everyday health problems and psychological issues that need to be addressed. Important concepts related to mindfulness such as focused breathing plays a big part to the journey of recovery through mindfulness. It can be practiced through forms of Yoga, for example Qigong. These exercises and a mindful approach to life, helps reduce negative effects of disorders like illness, trauma and chronic pain. With ever such increasing demands and expectations we put on ourselves as part of our lives, we are frequently want to perfect meeting these and are always pushing ourselves as we fear failure. Western Psychologists have used Buddhism and its mindfulness to draw similar themes and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Run Lola Run and Related Texts. Essay This essay will evaluate the question distinctively visual images convey distinctive experiences, Evaluating the idea that visual images give us distinct experiences and how certain experiences can change our destiny. I will discuss this question using my chosen theme that is destiny, In Tom Tyker s Run Lola Run and my related text Charlie Kaulfmans and Michael Gondrys Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Tom Tyker uses the theme of destiny to show how interaction between individuals can create a distinctive experience. When Lola embarks on her three runs, she bumps into and interacts with certain individuals on her way, A mother ,a boy on a bike and a woman from her father s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Flashbacks are used to recount the events that happened before the opening sequence of the film where Joel awakes and has no memory of Clementine, the flashbacks fill in the crucial backstory for us the viewer, The story is told from the most recent occurrences, then through past memory s and pivotal moments of the relationship then back to the first day Joel and Clementine met. At the start of the film Joel awakes and has no memory of clementine he ditches work and impulsivly catchs a train out to Montauk on the train he meets Clementine for an unknown second time ,In this scene clementines hair is bright blue the colour blue being symbolic of new beginings this scene is ironic once the viewer is aware of the backstory and events that have taken place. The blue hair can also be a reference to the new beginnings that Joel and Clementine are experiencing due to the procedure they had done there second chance (fresh start) at there relationship. As joel rewinds his memory clementine is shown to have orange hair,When Clementine s hair is orange, she and Joel s relationship is beginning to fail, Orange is symbolic of deceit ,distrust and danger. Before the strain clementines hair colour is red as she and joel begin their relationship red symbolises passion and love all the things people experience at the start of a relationship this is the clementine joel try s to save. Then at the first memory joel has of meeting clementine her hair is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Drinking Age Essay Drinking Age When teen agers turn 18, they are told that they are adults and are sent into the world. They go to college, get a job, marry or join the military. They do grown up things like vote, pay taxes and become parents. But they can t go to the pub for a beer because when it comes to liquor, they are still just kids. Where s the fairness in the 21 and older drinking law? First, it is necessary to question this law. Why is 21 the magical age that makes one intelligent and mature enough to consume alcohol? Surely, some adults abuse alcohol and some teenagers would be perfectly able to drink responsibly. This seemingly arbitrary number is associated with adulthood, as if the day a person turns 21 they know everything and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When they have the opportunity to drink, they do so in an irresponsible manner because drinking by these youth is seen as a badge of rebellion against authority and a symbol of adulthood. Clearly, this kind of devious attitude does not encourage responsible drinking. While young people in foreign countries learn to regard moderate drinking as an enjoyable social activity, young Americans view it as something they have to sneak around to do. If 18 year olds do not have legal access to even a beer in a public place, they are ill equipped to deal with the responsibilities that come with drinking when they do have the right. The drinking age should be lowered because the current age has no real basis. With a lowered drinking age, fewer problems will be present. Safe drinking needs to be taught, along with drinking in moderation. All of the arguments for having a raised drinking level or retaining the current one are weak. The problems that make a drinking age limit necessary are better solved through a lowered drinking level. Tightening the laws on underage drinking is wrong, as laws will still be broken and people 20 years, 364 days and younger will continue to consume alcohol. The answer to the problem of underage drinking is not to add more restrictions, rather, it is simple: get rid of the underage part. With the thrill of breaking the law gone and the access to the bar granted, people, especially college ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Measuring Fair Value Accounting Standards Fair Value accounting is a measurement application to value assets and liabilities based on current transactions among buyers and sellers in the market. In other words, the price market participants pay or receive in an orderly transaction at a certain date. There are different techniques for measuring fair values depending on asset and market activity. It includes market approach, cost approach, and income approach. Financial Accounting standards (FAS 157) defines fair value as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date (FASB, 2006). Different levels of inputs are also utilized in measuring values of assets and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In contrast, Historical Cost accounting is defined by recording assets or liabilities on its acquired cost. The nominal value that a company paid for an asset or recorded a liability. This measurement is based on a cost principal that states to record assets/liabilities at the acquisition value. In this approach, assets or liabilities are adjusted to its net realizable value in a systematic manner. For example, depreciation of fixed assets, amortization of intangible assets, and depletion of natural resources. These rational and systematics approaches to adjust assets value to bring these instruments to its carrying value, deviating from the recorded historical cost. HCA (Historical Cost Accounting) and FVA (Fair Value Accounting) measurements techniques are accepted by both accounting standard setters FASB (Financial Accounting Standard Board) and IASB (International Accounting Standard board). Under both measurement approaches, there could be significant differences in reporting, measuring, adjusting, and disclosing values of assets and liabilities. GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) and IFRS (Internal financial Reporting Standards) mostly apply fair value concepts to financial assets and liabilities up to certain extent. On the other hand, HCA is usually used for fixed assets e.g. property, plant and equipment. FVA measurements are not fixed and fluctuate due to market volatility, but HCA values are mostly fixed and change under certain ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Evaluation Of Public Relations Internship Program The Evaluation of Public Relations Internship Program in China Dantong Li Dissertation submitted for the M.A in Public Relations University of Westminster Copyright (2015) University of Westminster and Dantong Li Statement of Originality I herby certify that I am the author of this dissertation and no part of it has been previously published or submitted for publication, expect where acknowledgements are made within the thesis itself, in full accordance with the standard referencing practices. I certify that the dissertation does not infringe upon anyone?s copyright, nor does it violate any proprietary right. I also declare that this is a true copy of my dissertation, and that it has not been submitted for a higher degree to any other university or academic institution. Dantong Li Introduction Public Relations as a profession first gained its presence in China in 1980s, by western concepts and industrial practices being introduced from several international agencies which entered into this uncultured market at the earliest (Hugh M. Culbertson Ni Chen, 1996). The emerging industry had shown its huge potential in an increasingly healthier environment due to the policies of reform and opening up and the development of market economy (Ni Chen, 2009). According to 2014 Chinese Public Relations Industry Annual Report conducted by CIPRA, the annual ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. How Temperature Affects The Chemical Luminol I. Science Fair Question How does the temperature affect the eerie blue glow created by the chemical luminol? II. Background Research Have you ever wondered what police investigators spray on the crime scene to see if there is any blood present? This paper is going to discuss how temperature affects the chemical luminol. The following terms will be explained; Luminol, chemiluminescence, photon, and catalysts. Luminol is a chemical that has the special property of emitting light when it reacts with certain other chemicals (Crime Scene Chemistry The Cool Blue Light of Luminol). One of the traits of luminol chemiluminescence is the blue glow. The glow in a light stick are because of luminol chemiluminescence. The iron from the hemoglobin in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Light does not have an infinite velocity, it does slow down. Light travels very fast, but it has a finite velocity (The Basics of Light). In this science project the luminol mixture will be mixed with water which will cause you to already see the blue light to also make this light copper sulfate will be added to the mix. Copper sulfate dissolves and reacts with luminol (Crime Scene Chemistry The Cool Blue Light of Luminol). The blue glow should last for about 30 seconds. If the temperature is colder it may last for a short period if it is warm it may last a little longer ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. To Build A Fire I chose the story To Build a Fire by Jack London. I chose this story because it was the one that caught my attention the most. As I was reading it, I really wanted to know the fate of the man at the end of the tale. This short story is about a man who sets out on a journey through the Yukon trail. He goes on the trip all alone, only accompanied by a dog despite the warnings of the locals that going alone on a journey with such freezing weather is dangerous. At the end, the man realizes he should have heeded the warnings as he slowly dies of hypothermia from the cold weather. I enjoyed this story very much. From the start, we are told that the man was mistaken to set out on this journey with this weather The animal was worried by the great ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Wtg 101 For the third assignment of WRTG 101, the task was to write a research supported cause or effect essay. I chose to write a research supported effect essay on human resource management titled The Effects of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Turnover. The assignment requirements asked for the use of a certain amount of scholarly journal articles that supported the thesis of the paper. I believe that my research essay turned out successfully because I was able to find and identify appropriate resources that proved to effectively defend my thesis statement. For my research assignment I chose the topic The Effects of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Turnover. I chose this topic because it is allied with an assignment ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Furthermore, there was a requirement of at least three sources to come from scholarly journals. As we learned during the course of WRTG 101, a scholarly journal article is an in depth research article written by authors who are experts with significant knowledge in the subject area. Additionally, universities or professional associations commonly publish scholarly journal articles ( Identify Scholarly Journals , n.d.). The primary databases I searched were UMUC Information and Library Services interface Business Source Complete and ScienceDirect. I also utilized the UMUC Library OneSearch and added the ABI/INFORM Complete as an additional database resource. In addition to the UMUC Library I also used the Google Scholar web search engine and sources found on the free web. When deciding on whether to include sources found on the free web, I evaluated the web site s author and accuracy ( Evaluate Web Resources , n.d.). I used sources from the free web sparingly and instead focused on scholarly sources. After fulfilling the requirement of three scholarly sources, I continued to primarily look for scholarly sources to establish and support my argument. I started my search with the use of search terms such as Human Resource Management , Employee Turnover , High Turnover , and HRM Practices . To find more refined results, I incorporated the Boolean operator AND ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Skittles Marketing Plan Skittles is a well known, long standing brand that has pleased consumers for generations. However, it is our contention that the name s growth is stagnating, and needs to be revitalized based upon a core marketing goal: bring Skittles from simply a candy something one consumes on a whim and forgets about to a brand that engenders both value and feeling for consumers. With such a focus, the objective is to influence the seemingly minor consumer choice between confections in vending machines and on store shelves by linking a positive and pleasing emotion to the image of the brand. The intention is to achieve realistic, long term financial goals, which will be controlled through measuring actual results against initial projections. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Further research on candy sales has yielded an adjusted 50 70% industry average range for retail profit margins, suggesting a manufacturer to distributor price of $0.18 to $0.30 per bag.3 The secret to profit is to make use of an intensive distribution, wherein Skittles are available in every store and vending machine possible. Since this is already the case, the only new distribution concerns that enter the marketing plan consist of seasonal products and Skittles vodka. Seasonal Skittles will be circulated through stores, as interchanging products in vending machines is significantly more difficult. However, Absolut Rainbow will rely on Absolut Vodka s distribution network after product development. Distribution Distribution for the brand is already exceptional; it is rare to see a vending machine or candy display without at least one variety of Skittles. The current method of distributing the product is a mixture of pull and push strategies. Retailers of candy demand Skittles because they know that consumers will purchase them often enough to move product and produce profit, while Wrigley actively offers the product to said retailers, using their already present pull force to facilitate even wider distribution. The above analysis leads to the belief that changing the basic distribution strategy is unwise, yet ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Black Panther Party Goals Black Panther Party During the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, the Black Panther Party became a very controversial organization that demanded black people be treated with equality. Before the movement, black people were deemed separate but equal from whites, meaning that they would live under the same rights as white people, but would be separated from whites in many situations, such as in schools and at water fountains. Bobby Seale and Huey Newton, immediately after founding the Black Panther Party in 1966, started to set out goals for how they wanted African Americans to be treated in the future. Shortly after founding the party, these two men created the 10 point program. Some of the main goals set in this program were full employment ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One such incident occurred on October 28, 1967, as John Frey, an Oakland police officer, was shot to death in an argument with Huey Newton at a traffic stop. Newton claimed that at the scene he was peacefully explaining to Frey that he it was not justified to arrest him, and Frey had then responded by punching him in the face and then shooting him in the abdomen, leaving Newton unconscious. Newton was originally convicted of voluntary manslaughter at his trial, but this was later overturned in 1970 by the California Court of Appeals. Bobby Seale firmly believed that during this incident, Newton was acting out of self defense was never meant to harm Frey in anyway. Another violent event involving the Black Panthers took place on April 7, 1968, when, in a shootout with the Oakland police, 17 year old panther Bobby Hutton was killed and Eldridge Cleaver was wounded. It became clear later that Cleaver led the panthers on the ambush of the police officers on purpose, and because of this he provoked the shootout. Nevertheless, Hutton s death became a rallying issue for the Black Panther Party in their fight against oppression and unfair treatment. When many people across the country saw these incidents, it confirmed their beliefs that the Black Panther Party ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Cross Sectional Study Materials and Methods Study design and setting A cross sectional study conducted between March 2016 and September 2016, among non duplicate S. aureus isolates, obtained from clinical isolates and nasal swabs of hospitalized patients and HCWs, in four teaching hospitals (Alzahra, Shariati, Imam Kazem and ShahidChamran) in Isfahan, Iran. Samples collected from different wards, including surgery, intensive care units (ICUs), and internal medicine. Clinical isolates were obtained from the wound, blood, urine culture, sputum, peritoneum and synovial samples. This study was in accordance, with the declaration of Helsinki and informed written consent, obtained from hospitalized patients and HCWs. Bacterial isolation and identification Clinical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The LSA phenotype was identified by resistance to clindamycin only, and susceptibility to erythromycin. The MRSA isolates were screened, based on susceptibility to cefoxitin (30 μg) and confirmed by molecular detection of mecA . Detection of ermA, ermC, msrA and mecA genes DNA was extracted from S. aureus isolates, in accordance with the study described by Ito et al. (16). Detection of ermA, ermC, msrA, and mecA was carried out with the primer sequences listed in Table 1. Amplification of genes was performed in a final volume of 25 μl, containing 1μl of each primer (10 pmol), 1X PCR buffer, MgCl2, 0.2 mMdNTP Mix, 5 μl of template DNA and 1.5U of Taq DNA polymerase. PCR conditions were as follows: 30 cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 30s, annealing at 52°for 1 min and extension at 72°C for 1 min for erm and 25 cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 1 min, annealing at 50°C for 1 min and extension at 72°C for 90 s for msrA (4). PCR conditions for detection of mecA were as follows: 30 cycles of denaturation (94°C, 2 min), annealing (57°C, 1 min), extension (72°C, 2 min), and a final elongation at 72 °C for 2 min. Results In this study, 162 non duplicated S. aureus isolates were collected from four teaching hospitals, in Isfahan (Table2). Of 162 S. aureus isolates, 48 (30%) and 114 (70%) were clinical isolates and nasalisolates, respectively. In regards to demographic characteristics, 97 (59.9%) males and 65 (40.1%) females, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. An Essay on Jamba Juice Introduction Our product is Jamba Juice and our target country is Spain. We chose this product because it has grown to become one of the nation s best known smoothie chains, emphasizing the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and because the company is looking for international expansion opportunities. We chose Spain as our target country for expansion of our product due to its current economic status and economic growth forecasts for the future. This combination provides the firm with an opportunity to offer our product to a growing economy and marketplace. Company Background and History Jamba Juice takes its name from the African word jama, which means to celebrate . It was the creation of Kirk Perron, an avid cyclist and graduate of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The government of Spain actively supports the small business sector of the economy. As of 2006 there were over 3 million small and medium sized businesses in Spain, representing over 99% of all businesses in the country. The Spanish government provides various grants and incentives for the creation and expansion of small businesses in Spain as well as support and services to business owners. Recent government campaigns and initiatives have focused on support for entrepreneurs, primarily in response to Spain s economic goals for the future. Increasing competitiveness and promoting innovation were identified as key strategies to maintain, grow and keep Spain s economy dynamic (Dreamer, 2008). The key factors such as strong economy, large population base, expansive tourist trade and active government involvement provide a strong argument for migration into Spain s marketplace. Reasons for Expansion Jamba has become a way of life for millions of Americans and the company believes that they can extend that opportunity to Spain and other international marketplaces. A recent Piper Jaffray report suggested that the company has room to grow not only in U.S. markets but internationally as well (Fuhrmann, 2007). Spanish Culture and Lifestyle Geographic Setting and Culture Spain is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Medication Used As Anxiety Medication Seizure Medication Used as Anxiety Medication Everyday someone is fighting a battle with an anxiety disorder. Anxiety is considered a mental illness that causes distress, worry, and fear to an individual. Some types of anxiety include the following: panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, specific phobias, and a generalized anxiety disorder with unrealistic worry (WebMD, 2016). The cause for anxiety is currently unknown, but environmental stress and changes in the brain can be linked factors (WebMD, 2016). Anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults who are 18 and older, this is 18% of the population in the United States (ADAA, 2014). General Anxiety Disorder alone affects 3.1% of the United States population and it most often affects ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... My patient is a 35 year old female who takes Clonazepam, also referred to its brand name Klonopin, whenever she feels like she s going to have an anxiety attack and feels overwhelmed or stressed. She was originally prescribed to take the medication orally once a day with a dosage of 1 mg. Upon physician s approval the patient now only takes .5 mg of Clonazepam as needed, this should not be a major concern to this patient. The only concern we would need to be worried about is if the patient took Clonazepam more times than needed and then suddenly stopped taking the medication. This would then lead to withdrawal symptoms which may potentially cause the patient to develop a physical dependence (Everyday Health, 2016). Dosing Information for Clonazepam Adult Dose for Seizure Prophylaxis Adult Clonazepam Dose for Panic Disorder Pediatric Clonazepam Dose for Seizure Prophylaxis Should not exceed 1.5 mg/day divided into 3 doses. Maximum dose 20mg. Initial dose is .25 mg bid Maximum is 4 mg/day. Initial dose should be 0.001 and 0.03 mg/kg/day. Not exceeding 0.05 mg/kg/day. Maximum dose 20mg. Clonazepam is considered a Benzodiazepine and is generally used to treat patients who have petit mal, akinetic, and myoclonic seizures, or those with panic disorder (Wynn, Meiller, Crossley, 2014). Benzodiazepines take action by binding to receptors on gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) and increase membrane permeability to chloride ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Watson Donald Trump s Speech To Analyze The Various... You are social and expressive. You are empathetic: you feel what others feel and are compassionate towards them. You are confident: you are hard to embarrass and are self confident most of the time. And you are self controlled: you have control over your desires, which are not particularly intense. Your choices are driven by a desire for connectedness. You consider helping others to guide a large part of what you do: you think it is important to take care of the people around you. You are relatively unconcerned with tradition: you care more about making your own path than following what others have done. Now we know what to look for in the ideal presidential candidate, but Watson s job is only half done. Next Watson must psycho analyze the various presidential candidates so we can determine which best approximates the Reagnedy (or Kennegan) ideal. Let us start with Donald Trump, which I think we ll all agree is the one we want to see on television even though many might not also wish to see him in the White House. Giving Watson Donald Trump s announcement speech to analyze reveals the folowing: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You are unconcerned with art: you are less concerned with artistic or creative activities than most people who participated in our surveys. You are assertive: you tend to speak up and take charge of situations, and you are comfortable leading groups. And you are respectful of authority: you prefer following with tradition in order to maintain a sense of stability. Your choices are driven by a desire for connectedness. You consider helping others to guide a large part of what you do: you think it is important to take care of the people around you. You are relatively unconcerned with tradition: you care more about making your own path than following what others have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Empirical Results For Employment, Income, And Congestion... 4. Empirical Results In order to estimate the simultaneous equations model, we use three stage least square (3SLS) estimator. Table 2 presents the estimated coefficients of the equations. The adjusted R squares show that the estimated models explain 46%, 63%, and 59% of variations in growth of employment, income, and congestion, respectively. The coefficients for the endogenous variables (Employment growth, income growth, and congestion growth) are statistically significant, indicating the interdependence of employment growth, income growth, and congestion growth. Table 2. Estimation Results for the Employment, Income, and Congestion Growth Model INC Growth EMP Growth CON Growth Employment Growth 0.18258 *** 0.96320 *** (0.06479 ) (0.27303 ) Median Household Income Growth 0.32231 * 1.11963 *** (0.16623 ) (0.41033 ) Traffic Congestion Growth 0.04636 * 0.07647 ** (0.02501 ) (0.03861 ) ln(2000 Employment Density) 0.13316 0.41812 ** 0.16111 (0.11113 ) (0.18044 ) (0.51398 ) 2000 Traffic Congestion Level 0.00038 0.00066 0.01811 *** (0.00065 ) (0.00098 ) (0.00197 ) ln(2000 Population Density) 0.16911 0.43635 *** 0.12653 (0.10473 ) (0.13229 ) (0.48881 ) ln(2000 Median Household Income) 0.15521 ** 0.12781 0.42470 (0.06212 ) (0.09305 ) (0.26457 ) ln(2000 Manufacturing Employment Density) 0.08977 *** (0.02591 ) ln(2000 FIRE Employment Density) 0.01011 (0.07068 ) 2000 % Population with Higher than Bachelor Degree 0.35976 ** ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Analysis Of The Book Rush Men Most everyone knows what Greg Hardy brings to the table. He was pro bowler in 2013. Hardy s stacked up an average of 13 sacks and 40 solo tackles in his last two full seasons with the Carolina Panthers. He s extremely explosive off the edge and has elite hands that make it almost impossible to block him for an entire game. Hardy will be a huge upgrade for the Cowboys. With one position improved in the rush men rotation, who else can the Cowboys count on to contribute not only during Hardy s four game suspension but also for the entire season. For starters, nobody should sleep on Jeremy Mincey. He doesn t get talked about much but he was kind of the unsung hero of the Dallas pass rush last season leading the team in sacks with 6, and QB pressures with 39. He was also named team captain after Justin Durant went on IR. This is a contract year for him and at the age of 31 he won t see many more. With more help along the defensive line he should get some more favorable match ups and have another nice season. Tyrone Crawford didn t see snap his entire rookie season but last season was his coming out party. The 2013 third round pick wrecks absolute havoc up the middle. There were several times last season when Jeremy Mincey and Henry Melton got the credit for the sack but it was Crawford who pushed the line taking on two or three blockers at once giving them a free run at the QB. Crawford had a good season last year ranking in the top 15 of all DT s (according to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Student Involvement In College Sports Sports are a key factor to college life. Even though everyone may not play them, it plays a major impact on every individual that attends that college. Sports teams help build school pride, generate revenue, and give rising athletes opportunities to become professionals. As a result, colleges should strongly support their sports teams. First and foremost, sports teams are essential in establishing a sense of school pride. A strong stance of school pride allows the student body as a whole to become coherent. To put simply, it creates a way for students to become better involved with their college. Not only does it generate involvement within the college, but also with the community because of family or friends that may also attend the events. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...