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Write My English Paper For Me Write My English Paper For Me
The Zodiac Signs and Human Behavior Essay
The Zodiac Signs and Human Behavior My belief is that the nature of our behavior is based on
astronomy; hence the reason that people who share the same zodiac sign have very similar
characteristics, and sometimes a combination of people with certain zodiac signs cannot get along or
are very compatible. Sometimes I can tell from a person s sign because of their behavior, and likes and
dislikes. Learning more about astrology and the zodiac signs helps us to understand people and their
actions. Many argue that it is coincidence, but the odds are too high to be that. It was not up until 200
years ago that people started identifying their zodiac sign with the position of the Sun. So when a
person is asked what is his or sign, the Sun was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Therefore, water energy tends to defy our meager attempts at coming up with rational explanations
and descriptions. In astrology, the element of water is associated with feeling, sensitivity, and emotion.
All three Signs placed in the element of water (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) are rather difficult to
describe or measure out their true essence. Most Geminians, the sign of the twins which are ruled by
Mercury, have identical characteristics to their sign. On the downside, they have a tendency to
criticize, complain, be ungrateful, and be deceitful. Their good qualities include: being adaptable,
congenial, expressive, and clever. Learning to make a firm decision and sticking to it is one of their
most difficult tasks. Geminians are sometimes said to have split personalities; meaning that the first
impression you get from them is usually followed by one in contrast. Hence the symbol; the twins is
used to describe the two sides of their personality. Signs in a complementary element are considered to
be quot;sextile. quot; If you play quot;connect the dots quot; on an astrology chart, quot;sextile quot;
Signs (together with the quot;trine quot; Signs) form a six sided star. The exception to this is that
people with their Suns in the opposite Sign (complementary elements) are considered to be in Sign
Opposition. Aries is trine Leo and Sagittarius, sextile Aquarius and Gemini,
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The Time Of Cholera By Gabriel Garcia Marquez Essay
Is Gabriel García Márquez s legendary novel, Love in the Time of Cholera, truly a love story ?
Unfortunately, García Márquez does not deal in the art of drug store romance novels, as the narrative
of Love in the Time of Cholera cannot be reduced to its themes, or moral schema. (Wilson 280) His
novel does not feed us a singular concept of true love in the same way such notions have been
popularized in western media and literature it is far more complex and multifarious than such, which
is part of the reason Love in the Time of Cholera maintains such high critical acclaim. It is not one,
singular love story with black and white division between true and illusionary romance, but a twist on
such. Love in the Time of Cholera is rather a story of many loves from Florentino and Fermina, to
Fermina and Dr. Urbino, to Fermina and Hildebranda, to Florentino and his lovers, and so on; all the
loves in this novel are genuine, and are nothing besides love.
Of course, the author himself expresses that all the stories he has written are love stories , but in the
case of the dysfunctional romances in Love in the Time of Cholera, do the principles of conventional
true love hold true?
There is plenty of evidence that it does not. Florentino Ariza, as pointed out by Fermina Daza, is in
love with an illusion he is in love with the idea of love, rather than feeling genuine passion for
Fermina as a person. Marriage, which by conventional standards should be a testament to
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Politics Of The Veil
In The Politics of the Veil by Joan Wallach Scott, she argues about the proponents of the law on
holding France s values of liberalism and the wearing of headscarves. Wearing headscarf known as
hijab has faced discrimination to all female Muslim all over the world. Students who are well behaved
should have their right to protect themselves as women. According to the reading The Politics of the
Veil Muslim headscarves were taken to be a violation on French secularism, however, if everyone was
to be individual with commitment like France as well Muslims where to dress differently, why it wasn
t too much of importance for women s to wear headscarf s? For example women having to wear ...
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Same as to women s wearing headscarf when going out there homes. However, De Tocqueville and
Cesaire believed of the rights of man and women, but at the same time did not. An example, according
to Cesaire reading he said we aspired not to equality, but to domination he is telling use readers that
equality it s enough compared to domination on other countries. I can compare women s rights on
wearing headscarf to men having their rights according to Benito Mussolini reading. His idea was
more about fascism which effected more women s then mans. If I would have been in a situation like
many women s in France wearing headscarf I would probably follow the law and believed why us
women can t were headscarf. In other words, I won t like it if other people would consider me as
danger to the foundation of the secular state as she mention. As in for girls going to schools and not
have the rights to wear headscarf is a much more problem for them to keep their more protected. I
strongly disagree with not letting girls wear headscarf even if they are good students, with no
discipline records. Although this was a problem for poor families who really had to follow the law
because they had to make sure they Childs attend classes. Finally, not all French people followed up
the rules and the law, which cause it more to the Muslims because it connected them with the law that
many French people didn t
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Greek Mythology Study Guide
Greco Roman
1) Had Greek Mythology, which was polytheistic.
2) Had main gods Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Aphrodite,
Hephaestus, Ares, and Hermes.
3) Also had MANY minor gods who only appear a few times in the mythology.
4) Official Religion of the Roman Empire.
5) Used gods, gorgons, and other creatures explain nature with some logic.
6) Greek Mythology is strongly based on Roman Mythology. Most of the stories are the same, but the
gods have different names. For example, Zeus in Roman Mythology is Jupiter.
7) Greco Roman architecture is a type of architecture of the Roman world that followed the principles,
style, and fashion established in ancient Greece.
1) Pioneered Astrology.
2) Believed in Ghosts, they thought that most ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
7) Had a written language called cuneiform.
1) Founded by the Prophet Zoroaster.
2) Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest religions in the world.
3) Zoroastrianism was the pre Islamic religion of Persia.
4) Monotheistic.
5) Believed in Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds because it was a proper way to live out your
6) The Zoroastrian sacred text is called the Avesta, or Book of Law .
7) Has concepts that are similar to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
1) Polytheistic
2) It sat at the crossroads of many different cultures.
3) Believed in several gods.
4) Of the gods, Baal is the lord of the gods.
5) Wrote their religion in Cuneiform.
6) They respected the dead and gave them food and water for the afterlife.
7) The land of the dead was called the Mot
1) Polytheistic religion.
2) Strong emphasis on the afterlife.
3) Wrote in Hieroglyphics.
4) Their Religion ruled everything in their culture. They based their government, laws of nature, and
their everyday lives on religious beliefs.
5) The pharaoh served as the ruler, as the people believed that the pharaoh was the closest thing to a
god on
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Analysis Of Ready Player One By Ernest Cline
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline is about Wade Watts a teenager. Wade lived in the stacks which
were basically trailers stacked on top of each other. He lived with his aunt and her boyfriend who he
dint like and they didn t like him but he had too live with them because both of his parents were
gone.Wade was never the social type of kid this is why he feels more alive in the oasis a virtual world
than in the real world.Wade started spending more time in the Oasis once James Halliday passed away.
Halliday was the video game designer responsible for creating the Oasis. For some reason his death
was big news and no one knew why, Wade himself said I couldn t understand why the media was
making such a big deal of the billionaires death (1) . Not long after everyone knew why it was such a
big deal. Halliday was billionaire with no family and no one to leave his money to. After all this mass
hysteria occurred around the world beause only one person would be able to inherit his fortune, that
person would be the one that would follow his conditions.After this moment occurred a string of
moments followed. For example, a moment that stood out for me was when the stacks blew up.
Moreover, before the stacks blew up Wade was dedicated to be the one who inherited Hallidays
fortune.One of the many things he did was that he downloaded one of Hallidays favorite show. All he
was hoping that it would help get to know Halliday and help him with his egg hunt. He s so dedicated
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Benazir Bhutto Research Paper
From the moment she appeared on the international scene, she was destined to be an icon . This quote,
written by Adele Stan shortly following the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, epitomized her reign as
Prime Minister of Pakistan, and tremendous contributions to a diverse collection of issues. Her civil
rights interests ranged from topics such as human rights violations during imprisonment, to becoming
the voice behind the feminist movement that ensued as a result of her election. Leader of the terrorist
organization Al Qaeda, Mustafa Abu al Yazid, a religious radical believed that Bhutto was beginning
to gain too much influence and popularity among her people and western nations. In October 2007, al
Yazid and fellow Al Qaeda leader, Ayman al Zawahiri, began plotting and conspiring to ... Show more
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The issues addressed at the rally concerned democracy and foreign relations. As Prime Minister
Bhutto was leaving the rally, she wanted to wave goodbye to the crowd she had just spoken to, so she
requested that the hatch on the top of her armored vehicle be opened. As she was waving to the
people, a gunman fired and hit her in the head and chest. Shortly after, a suicide bomber riding on a
motorcycle approached her car and detonated. The exact cause of death was disputed until May 2013,
when medical examiners determined that her death was the result of head trauma during the bombing.
At the rally, an estimated 20 people were also killed and many others injured in the attack. The
assassination sparked outrage, not only in Pakistan, but in western nations and surrounding countries.
Riots broke out in Pakistan during the 3 day mourning period, that subsequently resulted in 20 deaths,
of 3 being law enforcement. The death of the prime minister also puts other issues in the spotlight,
regarding terrorism, sexism, and civil
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Should Clowns Be Allowed To Wear On Halloween
Clowns costumes shouldn t be allowed to wear on Halloween, especially with all the rumors and scare
tactics that are going on today about them. Clowns are supposed to be someone who participates in the
circus and wears funny makeup and try to make people laugh. The more you look at their creepy
grinning faces, the more it twists into something more evil. In recent years, films such as Stephen
King s It have highlighted those fears, and the killer clown craze currently sweeping the UK hasn t
helped. (Goldhill, 1) Before the movie It came out people weren t as spooked out about clowns as they
are now. Clowns can come off as happy as they want, yet regardless it attempts to hide their true
Kids are scared of clowns because they are creepy, and portray a confusing image. On Halloween a lot
of kids will be out trying to have fun and collect candy, if clown are out there scaring kids and setting
a bad image that will most likely run the kids off. You have to worry about their parents getting
involved to make sure they re kids are not in danger. Clowns can display being nice and can end up
being the bad guy all along. For instance, they have nice clowns, mean ... Show more content on
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Some police offices have distinguished and captured suspects who have utilized the clown persona to
make dangers against schools. Other law authorization organizations are as yet attempting to get those
behind the dangers and tricks. The sightings began a month ago in South Carolina and North Carolina.
Presently the issue has hit home in Alabama. Security was uplifted at numerous schools all through the
state on
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A Survey On Data Annotation For Web Databases
CTVS achieves higher precision than the present systems. Notwithstanding the way that DeLa and
ViNT perform well on data extraction, they disregard to cover the settled structure planning when in
doubt while CTVS has the limit cover the settled sorted out pages in web. Snake has extraordinary
execution comes to fruition anyway it doesn t handle non coterminous pages. Bincy S Kalloor, Shiji
C.G [8], proposed customized multi annotator approach in A Survey on Data Annotation for Web
Databases in September 2014. In this paper display a customized annotation approach, first alters the
data units on a result page into unmistakable social affairs, such that the data in the same get together
have the same which implies. By then for each social affair remark it from particular component and
total the assorted annotations to expect a last annotation mark. Priyanka C. Ghegade, Prof. Vinod
Wadane [17], describes personalized web search (PWS) is one of the active ongoing research field that
related to the retrieval of the relevant web page results based on the user interest and preferences.
ARUNPANDI.V, SUNDARAMOORHTY.S, VARADHARAJAN.E [18], proposed the personalization
involve in collecting the user interests implicitly or explicitly called as user profile. Collecting the user
interests in explicit manner is not so easy. Because the users are not interested to provide their interest
to the server. So we go for other methods to create user profile in implicit manner. Weifeng Su,
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The Influence Of The Nigerian Oil Production
The Nigerian oil production has been an issue that has become a cruse to the people for so many
years. According to reports, the oil production has lubricated to Nigeria s failure because it has
damaged the economy as well as the environment and democracy. Anyone would think that a country
that has an enormous resource of petroleum would be economically stable but this is not the case in
Nigeria. For many years Nigeria has suffered effects directly as well indirectly from the oil industry.
For my research I am drawing from two sets of sources. I will be referring to the books that I have
researched as my A sources. The newspaper articles will be referred as my B sources in this paper.
Through out my paper, I will show you how and explain why the media today only reports one side of
the story while the books on my geopolitical topic will tell the background to the events occurring.
The book, The Influencing Machine: Brooke Gladstone on the Media, written by Brooke Gladstone is
a graphic novel that tries to decipher the rapidly changing media business and the way people interact
with it. It traces the origins of modern journalism back to the Mayans and walks through the
journalistic roots in the cultures of ancient Rome, Britain, and Revolutionary and early America. The
book then dives into contemporary media condition. The media has become something that we love
and hate at the same time. Everything we hate about the media today was present at its creation: its
corruption or
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Vlad The Impaler Speeches
Vampires are a widely spread phenomena that have filled the teenager s mind with wild thoughts of
romance, and immortality. But today we are going to take a walk down history and folklore to uncover
their ugly truth: we will approach the subject of their origins, their history in different cultures, and so
10) Vlad Tepes, count Dracula?
Vlad Tepes the third the Voivode of Wallachia, who is better known as Vlad the Impaler. After
inventing the device, and leaving forests of Impaled victims in his wake for the Ottoman army to find.
He was considered a hero by his people for protecting them, and spreading terror in the hearts of their
enemies. And it s said that the Saxon, and Hungarian origin portrayed Vlad as a tyrant, a monster so
cruel that he needs to be stopped. But some historians believe that this may be the result of a bad
image campaign initiated by the Transylvanian Saxons who were actively persecuted during Vlad s
reign. It s widely ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Who was also the patron of Physicians, and her priests became known as well skilled doctors. She was
mentioned in the book of the dead as the protector of Ma at balance or justice . It was said that when
the god Ra got angry at mankind for not preserving his laws, and the Ma at so he sent Hathor to earth
in the form of a lioness. Who became Sekhmet the eye of Ra , she began her rampage on earth, and the
fields ran with blood. However, Ra was not a cruel deity and he took pity on men and ordered her to
stop, but she was so far gone in her bloodlust that Ra had to trick her in order for her to stop her
destruction. So he poured 7,000 jugs of beer and pomegranate juice (which stained the beer with the
color blood red) in her path, she gorged it all down in her haze thinking it was blood, becoming so
drunk that she slept for three days. When she woke, her bloodlust had dissipated, and humanity was
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Effects Of Secret Sin In The Minister s Black Veil
The Harrowing Effects of Secret Sin in The Minister s Black Veil Throughout the short story, The
Minister s Black Veil, Reverend Hooper has a secret sin that is depicted as a mystery to the characters
within the story and the readers, but teaches a parable. He wears the black veil for the rest of his life,
even on his deathbed: an example in the literal sense for a spiritual sentiment. The crux of the parable
is that every person dons a black veil, perhaps not physically, but spiritually. Hooper continually
expresses that everyone hide sins and should fear one another instead of being terrified of his visually
expressed sin as he had the audacity to wear a black crape, partially covering his face, for the rest of
his mortal life. In The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Narrative suppression: sin, secrecy and subjectivity in The Minister s Black Veil . Journal of
Evolutionary Psychology, vol. 25, no. 1 2, 2004, p. 101+. Literature Resource Center,
http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A114049425/GLS?u=avl_madi sid=GLS xid=3f3a6050. Accessed
27 Mar. 2018.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Minister s Black Veil. Annotation Organizer, Edited by Robert A Parker
and David W Griffith, 2013, Logos Instructional Solutions.
Patrick, A. Odysseus. How Sacred Is the Confession Booth? New York Times, 23 Dec. 2017, p.
NA(L). General OneFile, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A520037745/GPS?u=avlr sid=GPS
xid=e22f7e65. Accessed 28 Mar. 2018.
Republicans Abandon Roy Moore. USNews.com, 9 Nov. 2017. General OneFile,
http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A514062713/GPS?u=avlr sid=GPS xid=ea9465a2. Accessed 28
Mar. 2018.
Saunders, Judith P. Hawthorne s theory of mind: an evolutionary psychological approach to The
Minister s Black Veil . Style, Fall Winter 2012, p. 420+. Literature Resource Center,
http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A320844896/GLS?u=avl_madi sid=GLS xid=28123d54. Accessed
27 Mar. 2018.
Stormy Daniels Is the Anti Trump. The Cut, 14 Mar. 2018. General OneFile,
http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A530980179/GPS?u=avlr sid=GPS xid=e3218d89. Accessed 27
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Child Support Research Papers
Child support is the defined as the monthly payments made by the non custodial parent to help cover
the financial care of their child or children. Those payments go to the custodial parent, caregiver, or
guardian. In family law, child support is usually arranged during a dissolution of marriage, divorce, or
after the determination of paternity.
Typically, there are no gender requirements when it comes to paying child support. For example, a
child s father may pay the mother or mother can pay the father. Where there is joint custody, the child
is considered to have two custodial parents instead of only one, and then one of the custodial parents
will still be deemed responsible for paying monthly child support.
This periodic payment is meant
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Support System In Kewauna s Ambition By Paul Tough
Success: a word that is defined as being good at what you do and how you do it. There are many
elements of success. Some key elements are grit, a support system and commitment. Grit is having the
strength to never give up when things get tough, no matter how tough situations get. Having a support
system is having people by your side helping you get through anything and everything in the best way
they can! Commitment is keeping up with something and sticking with it every step of the way until
the job is done. Kewauna, from Kewauna s Ambition , a portion from How Children Succeed , written
by Paul Tough, showed those three elements: grit by never giving up, having a support system that
included a tutor, family and classmates, and determination while she tried her hardest to do her best
every day while attempting to escape her former lifestyle and being enrolled in a program. While
Marita, from Marita s Bargain , an excerpt from Outliers: The Story of Success written by Malcolm
Gladwell, showed grit also by never giving up, had a support system in her teachers and ... Show more
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Marita showed commitment by staying enrolled at KIPP. She also displayed commitment by even
signing up. Her mom was in the room, and after she told Kewauna she did not have to sign the paper
for her enrollment, Marita signed it! She exited her old lifestyle now that KIPP took over. Marita,
though, stuck it out. Kewauna, in contrast, showed commitment by leaving her old lifestyle, getting an
intervention, and accomplishing OneGoal. ..When she was 15, she was arrested for punching a police
officer. But, after a family intervention, Kewauna started working at school. With the help of her
OneGoal teacher Michelle Stefl, Kewauna graduated high school and enrolled in college (Gladwell 3).
She stuck with everyone who assisted her in her journey by communicating with them and eventually
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Elvis Informative Speech
Elvis Presley Some people tap their feet, some people snap their fingers, and some people sway back
and forth. I sorta de em all together, I guess. Elvis Aaron Presley. Elvis Presley also known as the
King of Rock N Roll got his first guitar when he was 12. Who knew that guitar would make the one
and only Elvis into who he was. His Youth Elvis Aaron Presley was born on January 8, 1935. He was
born in a 2 room house to Gladys and Vernon Presley. His twin brother Jessie Garon was stillborn and
Elvis had to grow up as an only child. Elvis s family was very close as they lived near each other in
Tupelo, Mississippi. Throughout Elvis s childhood, he went to the Assembly of God Church where he
heard gospel that would ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was #1 on the Billboard s Pop Charts for 8 weeks, was #1 on the Country Charts, and #5 on the R B
Charts. Beginning in December 1961 his song Blue Hawaii was #1 on the Billboard Charts for 20
weeks. They say Elvis Presley sold over 1 BILLION records world wide. Elvis has 150 different
albums and singles that have been certified gold, platinum, or multi platinum and 144 songs were on
Billboard Hot 100 Pop Chart in America, 114 in the top 40, 40 in top 10, and 18 in #1. He starred in
33 successful films and had 3 Elvis specials on network television. He got 14 Grammy nominations
and won 4 of them. Some of Elvis s other accomplishments include buying a mansion in Memphis,
Tennessee, was awarded as 1 of the 10 outstanding Young Men of The Nation, and in 1993 the U.S.
postal service announced that Elvis s image would be used for a commemorative postage stamp. He
lived a very successful
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Technology Impact On Society
It is abundantly clear that the development of technology has had an impact on society. But there are
many theories as to what exactly the impact is, and how that impact affects the members of the
society. A few of the theories put forth are by Gerhard Lenski, Leslie White, and Alvin Toffler. There
are both similarities and differences to each of these theories. Let s consider each theory separately,
then we will have a clearer idea of how they relate to each other and how they vary.
Gerhard Lenski was a sociologist who believed that a society s ability to survive is governed by its
level of technology; that is, society changes, survives, and evolves through technological
advancement. Information and communication are key to progress. Most notably, the greater the
knowledge of the natural world, the better the ability to improve society. He identified four stages of
communication. The first, which could also be called biological communication, is the transfer of
genetic information to a new generation. Second is awareness of self and the world around us, or
sentience. Next, is the capability for logic. Collective goals can be served on the basis of observation
and analysis. Finally, there is the mastery of various forms of communication language, writing, and
symbols. This last stage sets the foundation for civilization. Additionally, Lenski suggested four levels
of technological development. First, a hand to mouth existence, called hunter gatherer. Next, farming
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The Importance of Oral Hygiene Essay
Importance of careful assessment of oral cavity for suspicious lesions for early detection of multiple
presentations of multiple myeloma .1
Bibliographic information: Richard C. Cardoso Peter J. Gerngross Theresa M. Hofstede Donna M.
Weber Mark S. Chambers. Support Care Cancer (2014) 22:259 267 DOI 10.1007/s00520 013 1960 y.
The purpose of this study was:
1) To show the varied oral presentations of multiple myeloma, illustrating the importance of carefully
surveying the oral cavity for suspicious lesions that could be indicative of palpable disease and/or
recurrence .1
2) The diagnostic criteria and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Though specific subject selection criteria are not mentioned in the article, subject selection bias is not
observed as cases reported in this article include both sexes, age range reported is broad from 31 to 70
years old the location and clinical appearance of each oral lesion were different. Author has reported
and discussed each case and analyzed similarities and differences in all case reports. As per my
opinion this study has following issues:
The literature review was detailed explaining the etiology diagnosis and treatment of the disease
however limited literature references were mentioned to support the conclusion that, Oral cavity
lesions can be the first sign of relapse or succession of myeloma.1
Only 5 cases were reported which limits study evidence. More number of cases should be observed to
confirm the conclusion.
The purpose of the study and final conclusion do not match. In the study purpose it was mentioned
that, oral cavity lesions could be indicative of palpable disease and/or recurrence of myeloma however
in the conclusion it was stated that, oral cavity lesions can be the first sign of recurrence or
progression of multiple myeloma .1
The study was well
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Biography of Rolf Benirschke
Heroes come in all sizes, shapes, genders, and backgrounds. Heroes can be defined by many different
standards and are people of great character, who spend their lives doing what they can to help others
in need. Everyone has his or her favorite hero, my favorite hero is one that is little known but to me is
a true inspiration. My hero is Rolf Benirschke. He is my hero for the courage, inspiration, and help
that his words provided me when I was recovering from lifesaving surgery. I do not know Rolf, I do
not know if I ever will get to meet him, but one thing I do know is that he had to fight the same life
changing illness that I did, Ulcerative Colitis. This provided the relationship and admiration that I
have with and for him as my hero. First, Rolf Benirschke was a normal every day young man who had
a family and normal upbringing, just like me. Rolf has a good build, he is skinny, tall, and has brown
hair and brown eyes. Throughout high school, college, and into his profession, Rolf s life seemed to be
just like every other normal person. He was drafted into the National Football League (NFL) to be a
kicker. Soon after he began his third season as a kicker in the NFL, Rolf fainted on the team plane.
When he woke up he was in a hospital with tubes connected all to his body and he was confused. Rolf
was diagnosed with a gastrointestinal disease called Ulcerative Colitis. Ulcerative Colitis is a type of
irritable bowel disease that affects the lining of the
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Learning The End Result Of Stress
Learning the end result of stress I also learned to notice symptoms of stress so that I can catch it early.
Symptoms such as high blood pressure, headaches, having high tension, anxiety, procrastination,
increase of smoking or drinking, and lack of sleep, all of these symptoms should be monitored by you
because they will effect on how you function in the workplace. Noticing these symptoms you need to
take action and make changes or the organization needs to make changes. A way that an organization
can help reduce employee stress is to redesign the job, putting the right employee with the right job,
and share what expectations are. Taking in all this information about stress has really informed in what
to be aware of, and in the future ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
To truly improve your ability in the four emotional intelligence skills, you need to better understand
each sill and what I looks like in actions (Bradberry Greaves, pg. 23). Following the strategies that I
learned in Professor Girton s class my awareness of emotional intelligence has increased. Self
awareness strategies that I followed to understand myself more was that I took the time to ask people I
know to provide feedback about myself, spot my emotions in films, and know who and what pushes
my buttons. Although there are many other strategies, these were just several that helped see who I
am. My social awareness has improved where I can read people and tell a certain situation did not go
well. By following some of these strategies; stepping into their shoes, catching the mood of the room,
and watching body language. Exercising these strategies has helped tremendously with understanding
and communicating with people that surround me. Part three, perspective, and I have a fantastic
perspective about organizational leadership. I will share my viewpoint, beliefs, and opinion about
leadership in organizations. Deeper into my perspective I will elaborate my purpose, motivation, my
own mission statement, and in doing so it should portray what objectives and expectations that I hold
for myself. Before making organizational leadership my major and enrolling at Northern Kentucky
University I was working at a bar and grill called the
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The Mathematical Formulation Of An Objective Function
Task 1 The mathematical formulation Description: To establish the model, firstly we should decide the
objective function. Analyzing the problem at hand, we are supposed to balance the goals of
maximizing the delivery to tumor area and minimizing the delivery to the critical area. Since we have
two objectives, we should choose one as objective function, and another to be satisfied by relative
constraint. Considering the real life situation, the ultimate goal is improving the health of the patient,
which means, any solution that kills the tumor but is harmful to patients is not allowable. So we chose
minimizing the radiation aimed at critical area as our objective function. Therefor our objective just
minimizes radiation aimed at the critical area, which we defined before. Set R The set of rows C The
set of columns B The set of all beams Parameters b_(i,j)^r r  B, i  R, j  C Beam intensity from
beam r at point (i, j) c_(i,j) i  R, j  C binary parameter for critical area( 1 for (i, j)in critical area)
t_(i,j) i  R, j  C binary parameter for tumor area( 1 for (i, j)in tumor area) min_limit minimum
radiation on tumor area max_limit maximum radiation on critical area Variables W_r r  B intensity
of each beam r Minimize: ∑_(r∈B)▒∑_(i∈R)▒∑_(j∈C)▒W_r *b_(i,j)^r*c_(i,j) Minimize radiation to
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Share Price Movement Analysis
Banner ID: B00149402
Module Leader: Steven Leonard
Word Count: 1756
1. Introduction
The London Stock Exchange lists the FTSE 100 which is a share index of stocks of 100 companies
showing the highest market capitalisation. This will be completed by discussing the movement of the
company s share during the time period. The companies will also be compared to the movement of the
shares against each other, against FTSE 100 and against its industry sector. The records and
comparisons will be all in context of Stock Market Efficiency. Stock Market allows a company to be
aware of the trade with shares and finance which is at an agreeable price. Two of the companies
chosen to
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Three Year Golf Course Marketing Plan
Mark R. Schneider
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
A well developed marketing plan is an essential blueprint for a business to attain the prime financial
support and consumer base it requires in order for it to develop and grow. A marketing plan s detailed
structure allows manager s to define the business marketing strategies in clear and in depth formats
that feature a precise roadmap to future growth and expansion. A first class and properly structured
marketing plan will guide the entire organization s marketing actions and keep them focused and
dedicated toward achieving the company s overall goals and strategies.
TABLE OF CONTENTS ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It requires clear focus and caring. GGGC must: * Satisfy the needs of everyone we serve: players,
guests, and pro shop customers * Operate with the highest professional and service standards in all our
activities, focusing our customer service, and building on GGGC s solid reputation and heritage * Be
seen as the best place to work, attracting and retaining talented people at all levels by creating and
maintaining an environment which encourages them to develop their full potential * Produce positive
fiscal results through innovation and total commitment to quality in all aspects of the company
GGGC s competencies include world class golfing through first class course management utilizing
highly skilled PGA certified course professionals, delivering players and guests with a life long
golfing adventure providing complete satisfaction at competitive rates. To achieve such an adventure
GGGC has employed top notch experienced professionals and players to design and ensure a once in a
life time golf experience. GGGC is dedicated to increase all levels of participation in golf and is
determined to help make its golf course safer for players, members, guests, employees, and the
surrounding environment.
Combining all our golf management experiences and professional backgrounds, we would like to
expand this enterprise to the ever changing golfing demands. Demands for USGA certified
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Fin 534 Quiz 3
Question 1 . 2 out of 2 points Your bank account pays a 6% nominal rate of interest. The interest is
compounded quarterly. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? Answer Selected Answer:
The periodic rate of interest is 1.5% and the effective rate of interest is greater than 6%. Correct
Answer: The periodic rate of interest is 1.5% and the effective rate of interest is greater than 6%. .
Question 2 . 2 out of 2 points Which of the following statements regarding a 15 year (180 month)
$125,000, fixed rate mortgage is CORRECT? (Ignore taxes and transactions costs.) Answer Selected
Answer: The outstanding balance declines at a faster rate in the later years of the loan s life. Correct
Answer: The outstanding balance ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
. Question 11 . 0 out of 2 points Which of the following bank accounts has the lowest effective annual
return? Answer Selected Answer: An account that pays 8% nominal interest with daily (365 day)
compounding. Correct Answer: An account that pays 7% nominal interest with monthly compounding.
. Question 12 . 2 out of 2 points Which of the following statements is CORRECT? Answer Selected
Answer: The cash flows for an annuity must all be equal, and they must occur at regular intervals,
such as once a year or once a month. Correct Answer: The cash flows for an annuity must all be equal,
and they must occur at regular intervals, such as once a year or once a month. . Question 13 . 2 out of
2 points Which of the following statements is CORRECT? Answer Selected Answer: Time lines can
be constructed for annuities where the payments occur at either the beginning or the end of the
periods. Correct Answer: Time lines can be constructed for annuities where the payments occur at
either the beginning or the end of the periods. . Question 14 . 2 out of 2 points Which of the following
statements is CORRECT? Answer Selected Answer: Time lines can be constructed where some of the
payments constitute an annuity but others are unequal and thus are not part of the annuity. Correct
Answer: Time lines can be constructed where some of the payments constitute an annuity but others
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The Benefits Of Yog Yoga
Try These 8 Yoga Poses and You ll never feel Back Pain again We spent most of our day sitting in our
offices, for so many hours, that the chair starts to grow on us. It s true, we have so much to do during
the day that by the time we finish work, we forget that we ve been sitting the whole day and it s time
to stretch those muscles. However, most of you haven t got the energy nor the will to get out of bed
and stretch. But, what if I told you that you will only need eight minutes in your day and that those
precious eight minutes will not only improve your posture, but those eight minutes can truly improve
your overall health. Stretching doesn t look so bad after all, besides what are eight minutes compared
to permanent health benefits and relieved back pain. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Not only will it keep your body in shape, but it will also relax you and free your mind and spirit. Many
people are replacing regular gym sessions with evening yoga exercising, because your whole body
will benefit from it, not only your muscles. However, if you are one of those people, whose jobs are
only and strictly connected with sitting in front of a computer, then you ve probably have had back
pain and stiffness in your whole body. This is perfectly normal since you aren t doing anything active,
however if you aren t doing anything extra to shake those muscles up, many complications can occur
as a result to your inactiveness including, tight hips and therefore problems with immobility and back
pain. Farewell to back pain, farewell to stiff body and farewell to tight hips, yoga will help you get rid
of those problems and the only thing you need to do is find a yoga mat, have a positive approach and
take several minutes of your time. The following yoga poses will make you achieve all
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Cosmetic Changes Of Medical Technology
With the development of medical technology, many ambulatories and cosmetic changes can be done
by surgical services. This has lead the demand for surgical services to grow rapidly in the past decade.
The ambulatory surgery in United States hospitals had increased to 2.9 million procedures, according
to the data from American Hospital Association. As medical technology has developed day by day,
some hospitals have introduced digital operating room, tele surgery, and robotic assistants. These
modern technologies can offer shorter hospital stays, less pain, faster recovery and fewer
complications. However, many new technologies come with many requirement checks, safety checks,
etc. that cause a delay with the pre surgical check. In general, surgical services cost about 40% of the
hospital s overall revenue. However, operating room performance has many issues that cause
inefficiencies and delays in the operation. A study shows that if the hospitals can operate one more
procedure per day per operation room, it could translate to an additional $4 million to $7 million in
annual revenue.
A large number of hospitals are having a delay in processing time. They are expecting six sigma to be
a useful tool to enhance the quality of operating room process. The project has set several target areas
to improve. These areas include improving the first case start time, optimizing technologies,
improving room turnover times, ensuring appropriate scheduling, improving
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Managing The Development Of Large Software Systems
Managing the development of large software systems
This book is published by Dr. Winston W.Royce, he will be describing his own personal views about
managing large software development. He has had many different varieties of success in each of his
assignments such as arriving the project on time, within the costs and in the correct operational state.
When making a computer program there are two essential steps that are required to make a successful
program, these two main steps are the Analysis this is where you will have to analyse the requirements
of the software, the second step is the Coding. This figure is all that is required if it is going to be for
internal use as everyone will be familiar with it. If you are going to ... Show more content on
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This means that a simple patch to the code will not fix these problems. The changes are likely to be
extremely disruptive that the system requirements that the program was built on will be violated. This
will mean the requirements will have to be modified and a major redesign will have to happen.
The preliminary program design phase is inserted in between the software requirements phase and the
analysis phase. By using this technique the designer will assure that the software will not fail because
of timing, storage and data flux reasons. There are 3 steps that you will have to do to implement this
procedure. 1, Begin the design process with program designers. 2, Design define and allocate the data
processing modes. 3, Write an overview document this means that everyone must at least have a slight
understanding of the system and there should be one person with deep understanding of the system.
The seventh figure shows that if the program is being developed for the first time, arrange matters so
that when the final build of the program is delivered to the customer it is actually the second version
as the first one is a simulation of it.
Royce view on documentation is that the more documentation the better. He says that when he is
called upon to review a documentation the first step that he does is investigate the state of the
documentation, if the documentation is in serious default he recommends that the project management
is replaced. He says that
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Narcissistic Personality Disorder Case Study
Narcissistic personality disorder commonly begins in early adulthood. The disorder is diagnosed by a
looking for patterns of self centered behavior, constant need for admiration, a need to be seen as
special/superior, negative or volatile responses to criticism, a lack of empathy, and difficulty forming
meaningful relationships. These traits must be persistent, inflexible, and maladaptive which cause
functional impairment and distress in order for a person to be diagnosed. The traits of the disorder are
highly prevalent in adolescents, however they are not classified as actually having the disorder
because the traits are not debilitating. The disorder is not very prevalent, showing up in only 0 6.2% of
the community samples taken in 2010. Out ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Psychodynamically the attachment theory is the reason for the disorder. In one case lack of parenting
during the development years, meaning no recognition or regulation of a child s emotions, leads to
attachment issues. The patient will be avoidant of meaningful relationships but constantly seeking
attention from others. An alternative scenario is the parents overindulging the child growing up,
causing the patient to require being the center of attention while also receiving constant positive
reinforcement. Another instance is if the family places an emphasis on social status and success
throughout the child s life, the constant reinforcement during development causing an obsession with
perfection later in life. From a socio cultural standpoint narcissistic personality disorder may stem an
increasingly narcissistic society. Media, song lyrics, and advertisements are all increasingly focused
on being the subject being perfect and showing off one s amazing lifestyle. Social media platforms
such as Instagram and Twitter are growing more and more popular and are apps dedicated to allowing
an individual to show off the best parts of his/her
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Naomi Shihab Nye Essay
In the book Habibi, by Naomi Shihab Nye, there are many ways that the author expresses her feelings
of identity through the main character, Liyana. The main forms of identity are ethnicity, religion, and
age. These all affect the way that people look at you and judge you. In Habibi, Liyana is judged by her
age, religion, and ethnicity. This is also part of why moving to a different country is hard for Liyana;
people in Jerusalem judge your identity differently. However, Liyana does not let the comments of
others change her. She still stays true to her own opinion of her ethnicity, age, and religion throughout
the novel. This helps her settle the many internal and external disputes associated with living in a new
country with a different part ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
First, Liyana must discover what she believes her ethnicity is. Ethnicity is the association with a
certain social group with similar beliefs or cultures. However, Liyana is a mix of two parents from
different ethnicities. This makes Liyana what Americans call a half and half , and what Arabs call nos
nos . However, Liyana does not quite consider herself exactly half of one ethnicity and half of the
other. In the novel, Liyana discovers many different parts to the Arabic culture that she enjoys and
other parts to her American culture that she does not. This does not mean that Liyana is more Arabic
than American, but shows how Liyana is a holder of many different cultures and ethnicities. However,
many people in Jerusalem judge based on ethnicity. An example of this was when a Jewish stranger
told Liyana not to associate with an Indian spice vendor named Bassam. This shows that many people
discriminate and are mean to people of different cultures. Age is another part of Liyana s identity that
she must accept in order to adapt in Jerusalem. Age can show knowledge and can mark the points of a
more mature person. However, age shows mostly the amount of experiences one person has
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Analysis Of Eurydice By Sarah Ruhl
Sarah Ruhl s play, Eurydice, is a devastating story battling love, grief, life, and death. Although it is
set during the 1950 s, the play manages to encompass the ancient Greek myth of Eurydice and
Orpheus. The three most evident themes of this play are recurring death, fleeting happiness, and the
power of love. The main conflict in this play is ultimately about the painful choice that comes with
death; this is often caused by the King of the Underworld. One of the most impressive parts of this
play is the ability to change the way the play is perceived through design.
When I envision this play in my head and through my concept, I view the characters in the living
world to have bright normal costumes. For Example, I can see Eurydice in sundresses and Orpheus in
spring colored button up shirts and pants. This would represent the love and happiness they have for
each other. On the other hand, when I think about costumes in the underworld, I believe they would
need to be a little bit darker and quirky to represent the hard choices and confusion that death has
pushed upon them. I think Eurydice s father should be wearing a dark suit with a crazy tie and no
shoes. When both Eurydice and Orpheus arrive in the underworld their clothes should become darker
and more sullen. I perceive the Stones as being deceased people from different eras that have
completely forgotten who they were, and have been brainwashed by being dipped in the river and by
the King of the Underworld. To represent this, their outfits need to look extremely dull and dirty; they
should be everyday clothes from their different time periods. All three of their costumes should be torn
and drained of all color. The Lord of the Underworld needs to have multiple different costumes. In the
world of the living, he needs to be the darkest dressed; he should wear a black suit and tie. In the
underworld, I envision him wearing more of a boyish outfit, such as shorts, suspenders, and crazy
socks. When he becomes a man and grows to a superhuman high in the end, I would have him wear
tall stilts under long dress pants and wear a suit top.
The most creative part of this play is the set for both the living world and the underworld. As a
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José A Valdés 3 de octubre de 2013 Sem. De Contabilidad Prof. Alejandro Méndez Case 11 1 Polluter
Corp Facts of Case: Polluter Corp is an SEC registrant and manufacturer household cleaning products.
In the course of operations, Polluter Corp emits emission pollutants; The Company receives emissions
allowances, (EAs,) from the government for 2010 to 2030. Polluter Corp will upgrade their production
facilities in 2014 in order to reduce their pollutants. Emissions Allowance are given by the
government in order to offset pollution expense, with the goal being to reduce pollution 2010
Transactions After 2014, Polluter will emit less pollution, but until then it will need more EAs in order
to avoid penalties. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If these items are combined, related costs and expenses as described under § 210.5 03.2 shall be
combined in the same manner. b. Net sales and gross revenues. State separately: (a) Net sales of
tangible products (gross sales less discounts, returns and allowances), (b) operating revenues of public
utilities or others; (c) income from rentals; (d) revenues from services; and (e) other revenues.
Amounts earned from transactions with related parties shall be disclosed as required under § 210.4
08(k). 2. Gross Profit L L had gross profit (net sales less cost of sales) of $28 million in 2011 and
$30.4 million in 2012; an increase of $2.4 million (8.6 % increase) Cost of sales includes expenses to
acquire and produce inventory for sale but excluding depreciation. Cost of sales increased from $46.5
million in 2011 to $56.1 million in 2012; an increase of $9.6 million (20.6 percent) due to an increase
in the cost of Sassy Spa services. a. Accordingly, the cost of sales should not include EBITDA and
should be stated separately. Like SAB Topic 11 mentions that Cost of goods sold (exclusive of items
shown separately below) or Cost of goods sold (exclusive of depreciation shown separately below).
According to FASB SAB Topic 11: Miscellaneous Disclosure section B: Depreciation and Depletion
Excluded from Cost of Sales states that if cost of sales or operating expenses exclude charges for
depreciation, depletion and amortization of
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Liquid Crystal Display Advantages And Disadvantages
AGRICULTURE is the need of most of the Indians livelihood and it is one of the main sources of
livelihood. It also has a major impact on economy of the country. A major quantity of water is used for
irrigation system and therefore 85% of available fresh water resources are used for yielding
agricultural crops. This resource of water will decrease day by day and consumption of water will
dominate and increase more than 85% in upcoming half century. This is due to the high growth in
population due to this tremendous growth in population there is huge demand for food. Agriculture is
the main source for food production. Using science and technology we need to implement a method
by which there can be limited consumption of water.
Till date many methods have come into existence where water can be limitedly consumed. A method
where monitoring water status and based on status of water whether it is high or low irrigation is
scheduled which is based on canopy temperature of plant, which was captured with thermal imaging.
Another method is making use of information on volumetric water content of ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
It is preferred by engineers because it uses very small amount of electric power. Liquid crystal display
(LCD) offers several advantages over traditional cathode ray tube that makes them ideal for several
applications. Of course LCD s are flat and they use only a fraction of power required by cathode ray
tubes. They are easier to read and more pleasant to work with for long periods of time. There are
several tradeoffs as well, such as limited view angle, brightness and contrast, not to maintain high
manufacturing cost. 16x2 LCD is used in this project to display data to user. There are two rows and
sixteen columns. It is possible to display 16 characters on each of the 2 rows. It has registers,
command and data
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Rhetorical Analysis Of The Ugly Tourist
Rhetorical Analysis of The Ugly Tourist Daily, hundreds of thousands of people are traveling, whether
it s by plane, car, bus, boat, or foot, people are traveling to new locations and being immersed in
different cultures. Many fail to realize how ignorant of a tourist they are. Kincaid explains that tourists
are morally ugly and use other, less fortunate people, for their own amusement. She tries to enlighten
those who are privileged to be more considerate when they are visiting new places. Published author
Jamaica Kincaid wrote The Ugly Tourist, originally written in her book, A Small Place, where she tries
to convince readers that tourists are, a piece of rubbish (207). Kincaid s attempt to convey to the
audience that tourists are ignorant and morally ugly is partially successful, due to her satisfactory
emotional appeal, yet inability to produce a less angry tone, along with minimal logical appeal. To
begin, Kincaid uses emotional appeal throughout the essay to further her argument. She begins by
painting the audience a picture of themselves in their everyday life. Walking with an everyday crowd,
they begin to realize how alone you feel in this crowd, how awful it is to go unnoticed, how awful it is
to go unloved (Kincaid 206). Kincaid starts off her piece by making her audience feel isolated and
alone, setting the tone for the rest of the piece. She makes the everyday audience, who can afford to
escape their everyday life, feel unappreciative of their situation. This furthers her argument by making
the audience feel poorly about things they may take for granted, that many natives from poorer
countries cannot afford. They may have the luxury to travel outside of their bubble, while natives do
not have the same luxury as them. In addition, Kincaid makes the reader feel embarrassed. Kincaid
restates, An ugly thing, that is what you are when you become a tourist, an ugly, empty thing, a stupid
thing, a piece of rubbish pausing here and there... behind their closed doors they laugh at your
strangeness (207). She gives the reader the idea that the natives are mocking tourists because they are
not familiar with their surroundings. Where people should feel the joy of exploring new places,
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History of Terrell State Mental Hospital
Agency and Role Paper
By: Teresa Luna
University of Phoenix
June 14, 2010
Ms. Becky Brown
Introduction There are many governmental agencies within the healthcare system. One of most
interesting and heart wrenching agencies is a local governmental agency called Terrell State Mental
Hospital. This agency is well known in the state of Texas for its carefree healthcare. They have a
longstanding relationship with the families of its patients and are a major contributor to the city of
Terrell s financial windfall. They produce over ten million a year for the city of Terrell, which allows
this city to take care of its mental inpatients and make sure they have the best treatment possible.
History of Terrell State Mental Hospital ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Contributions also come from families of the inpatients. The voluntary contributions in this city are
amazing. They really know how to make this city shine. It s like a true Texan to show their winning
attitudes by giving back to the economy and being generous with their money.
Programs Available
This hospital is operated under the direction of the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental
Retardation. They offer their services to people within a twenty two county, 14,622 square mile area
including Bowie, Dallas, and Kaufman Counties. According to the Chamber of Commerce (2009),
their services are offered to children 6 to 12 years of age, adolescence ages 12 to 18 and adults.
Programs include acute care, an intensive behavioral program, medical services, forensic care for
inmates of state correctional institutions intermediate care, a cottage program for adult life skills and a
research center.
Local Agencies vs. National and State Agencies The three of these agencies have different aspects of
treatment for disease. The national and state agencies usually focus on locating and making the public
aware of possible outbreaks such as a rising number of cases of encephalitis. They announce to the
public where and when to stay tuned for information on what is the next step for information on what
is the next step or what they need to do to obtain an immunization or where
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  • 1. Write My English Paper For Me 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Write My English Paper For Me Write My English Paper For Me
  • 2. The Zodiac Signs and Human Behavior Essay The Zodiac Signs and Human Behavior My belief is that the nature of our behavior is based on astronomy; hence the reason that people who share the same zodiac sign have very similar characteristics, and sometimes a combination of people with certain zodiac signs cannot get along or are very compatible. Sometimes I can tell from a person s sign because of their behavior, and likes and dislikes. Learning more about astrology and the zodiac signs helps us to understand people and their actions. Many argue that it is coincidence, but the odds are too high to be that. It was not up until 200 years ago that people started identifying their zodiac sign with the position of the Sun. So when a person is asked what is his or sign, the Sun was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore, water energy tends to defy our meager attempts at coming up with rational explanations and descriptions. In astrology, the element of water is associated with feeling, sensitivity, and emotion. All three Signs placed in the element of water (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) are rather difficult to describe or measure out their true essence. Most Geminians, the sign of the twins which are ruled by Mercury, have identical characteristics to their sign. On the downside, they have a tendency to criticize, complain, be ungrateful, and be deceitful. Their good qualities include: being adaptable, congenial, expressive, and clever. Learning to make a firm decision and sticking to it is one of their most difficult tasks. Geminians are sometimes said to have split personalities; meaning that the first impression you get from them is usually followed by one in contrast. Hence the symbol; the twins is used to describe the two sides of their personality. Signs in a complementary element are considered to be quot;sextile. quot; If you play quot;connect the dots quot; on an astrology chart, quot;sextile quot; Signs (together with the quot;trine quot; Signs) form a six sided star. The exception to this is that people with their Suns in the opposite Sign (complementary elements) are considered to be in Sign Opposition. Aries is trine Leo and Sagittarius, sextile Aquarius and Gemini, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. The Time Of Cholera By Gabriel Garcia Marquez Essay Is Gabriel García Márquez s legendary novel, Love in the Time of Cholera, truly a love story ? Unfortunately, García Márquez does not deal in the art of drug store romance novels, as the narrative of Love in the Time of Cholera cannot be reduced to its themes, or moral schema. (Wilson 280) His novel does not feed us a singular concept of true love in the same way such notions have been popularized in western media and literature it is far more complex and multifarious than such, which is part of the reason Love in the Time of Cholera maintains such high critical acclaim. It is not one, singular love story with black and white division between true and illusionary romance, but a twist on such. Love in the Time of Cholera is rather a story of many loves from Florentino and Fermina, to Fermina and Dr. Urbino, to Fermina and Hildebranda, to Florentino and his lovers, and so on; all the loves in this novel are genuine, and are nothing besides love. Of course, the author himself expresses that all the stories he has written are love stories , but in the case of the dysfunctional romances in Love in the Time of Cholera, do the principles of conventional true love hold true? There is plenty of evidence that it does not. Florentino Ariza, as pointed out by Fermina Daza, is in love with an illusion he is in love with the idea of love, rather than feeling genuine passion for Fermina as a person. Marriage, which by conventional standards should be a testament to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Politics Of The Veil In The Politics of the Veil by Joan Wallach Scott, she argues about the proponents of the law on holding France s values of liberalism and the wearing of headscarves. Wearing headscarf known as hijab has faced discrimination to all female Muslim all over the world. Students who are well behaved should have their right to protect themselves as women. According to the reading The Politics of the Veil Muslim headscarves were taken to be a violation on French secularism, however, if everyone was to be individual with commitment like France as well Muslims where to dress differently, why it wasn t too much of importance for women s to wear headscarf s? For example women having to wear ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Same as to women s wearing headscarf when going out there homes. However, De Tocqueville and Cesaire believed of the rights of man and women, but at the same time did not. An example, according to Cesaire reading he said we aspired not to equality, but to domination he is telling use readers that equality it s enough compared to domination on other countries. I can compare women s rights on wearing headscarf to men having their rights according to Benito Mussolini reading. His idea was more about fascism which effected more women s then mans. If I would have been in a situation like many women s in France wearing headscarf I would probably follow the law and believed why us women can t were headscarf. In other words, I won t like it if other people would consider me as danger to the foundation of the secular state as she mention. As in for girls going to schools and not have the rights to wear headscarf is a much more problem for them to keep their more protected. I strongly disagree with not letting girls wear headscarf even if they are good students, with no discipline records. Although this was a problem for poor families who really had to follow the law because they had to make sure they Childs attend classes. Finally, not all French people followed up the rules and the law, which cause it more to the Muslims because it connected them with the law that many French people didn t ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Greek Mythology Study Guide Greco Roman 1) Had Greek Mythology, which was polytheistic. 2) Had main gods Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Ares, and Hermes. 3) Also had MANY minor gods who only appear a few times in the mythology. 4) Official Religion of the Roman Empire. 5) Used gods, gorgons, and other creatures explain nature with some logic. 6) Greek Mythology is strongly based on Roman Mythology. Most of the stories are the same, but the gods have different names. For example, Zeus in Roman Mythology is Jupiter. 7) Greco Roman architecture is a type of architecture of the Roman world that followed the principles, style, and fashion established in ancient Greece. Babylonian 1) Pioneered Astrology. 2) Believed in Ghosts, they thought that most ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 7) Had a written language called cuneiform. Zoroastrian 1) Founded by the Prophet Zoroaster. 2) Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest religions in the world. 3) Zoroastrianism was the pre Islamic religion of Persia. 4) Monotheistic. 5) Believed in Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds because it was a proper way to live out your life. 6) The Zoroastrian sacred text is called the Avesta, or Book of Law . 7) Has concepts that are similar to Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Canaanite 1) Polytheistic 2) It sat at the crossroads of many different cultures. 3) Believed in several gods. 4) Of the gods, Baal is the lord of the gods. 5) Wrote their religion in Cuneiform. 6) They respected the dead and gave them food and water for the afterlife. 7) The land of the dead was called the Mot Egyptian 1) Polytheistic religion. 2) Strong emphasis on the afterlife. 3) Wrote in Hieroglyphics. 4) Their Religion ruled everything in their culture. They based their government, laws of nature, and
  • 6. their everyday lives on religious beliefs. 5) The pharaoh served as the ruler, as the people believed that the pharaoh was the closest thing to a god on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Analysis Of Ready Player One By Ernest Cline Ready Player One by Ernest Cline is about Wade Watts a teenager. Wade lived in the stacks which were basically trailers stacked on top of each other. He lived with his aunt and her boyfriend who he dint like and they didn t like him but he had too live with them because both of his parents were gone.Wade was never the social type of kid this is why he feels more alive in the oasis a virtual world than in the real world.Wade started spending more time in the Oasis once James Halliday passed away. Halliday was the video game designer responsible for creating the Oasis. For some reason his death was big news and no one knew why, Wade himself said I couldn t understand why the media was making such a big deal of the billionaires death (1) . Not long after everyone knew why it was such a big deal. Halliday was billionaire with no family and no one to leave his money to. After all this mass hysteria occurred around the world beause only one person would be able to inherit his fortune, that person would be the one that would follow his conditions.After this moment occurred a string of moments followed. For example, a moment that stood out for me was when the stacks blew up. Moreover, before the stacks blew up Wade was dedicated to be the one who inherited Hallidays fortune.One of the many things he did was that he downloaded one of Hallidays favorite show. All he was hoping that it would help get to know Halliday and help him with his egg hunt. He s so dedicated that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Benazir Bhutto Research Paper From the moment she appeared on the international scene, she was destined to be an icon . This quote, written by Adele Stan shortly following the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, epitomized her reign as Prime Minister of Pakistan, and tremendous contributions to a diverse collection of issues. Her civil rights interests ranged from topics such as human rights violations during imprisonment, to becoming the voice behind the feminist movement that ensued as a result of her election. Leader of the terrorist organization Al Qaeda, Mustafa Abu al Yazid, a religious radical believed that Bhutto was beginning to gain too much influence and popularity among her people and western nations. In October 2007, al Yazid and fellow Al Qaeda leader, Ayman al Zawahiri, began plotting and conspiring to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The issues addressed at the rally concerned democracy and foreign relations. As Prime Minister Bhutto was leaving the rally, she wanted to wave goodbye to the crowd she had just spoken to, so she requested that the hatch on the top of her armored vehicle be opened. As she was waving to the people, a gunman fired and hit her in the head and chest. Shortly after, a suicide bomber riding on a motorcycle approached her car and detonated. The exact cause of death was disputed until May 2013, when medical examiners determined that her death was the result of head trauma during the bombing. At the rally, an estimated 20 people were also killed and many others injured in the attack. The assassination sparked outrage, not only in Pakistan, but in western nations and surrounding countries. Riots broke out in Pakistan during the 3 day mourning period, that subsequently resulted in 20 deaths, of 3 being law enforcement. The death of the prime minister also puts other issues in the spotlight, regarding terrorism, sexism, and civil ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Should Clowns Be Allowed To Wear On Halloween Clowns costumes shouldn t be allowed to wear on Halloween, especially with all the rumors and scare tactics that are going on today about them. Clowns are supposed to be someone who participates in the circus and wears funny makeup and try to make people laugh. The more you look at their creepy grinning faces, the more it twists into something more evil. In recent years, films such as Stephen King s It have highlighted those fears, and the killer clown craze currently sweeping the UK hasn t helped. (Goldhill, 1) Before the movie It came out people weren t as spooked out about clowns as they are now. Clowns can come off as happy as they want, yet regardless it attempts to hide their true feelings. Kids are scared of clowns because they are creepy, and portray a confusing image. On Halloween a lot of kids will be out trying to have fun and collect candy, if clown are out there scaring kids and setting a bad image that will most likely run the kids off. You have to worry about their parents getting involved to make sure they re kids are not in danger. Clowns can display being nice and can end up being the bad guy all along. For instance, they have nice clowns, mean ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some police offices have distinguished and captured suspects who have utilized the clown persona to make dangers against schools. Other law authorization organizations are as yet attempting to get those behind the dangers and tricks. The sightings began a month ago in South Carolina and North Carolina. Presently the issue has hit home in Alabama. Security was uplifted at numerous schools all through the state on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. A Survey On Data Annotation For Web Databases CTVS achieves higher precision than the present systems. Notwithstanding the way that DeLa and ViNT perform well on data extraction, they disregard to cover the settled structure planning when in doubt while CTVS has the limit cover the settled sorted out pages in web. Snake has extraordinary execution comes to fruition anyway it doesn t handle non coterminous pages. Bincy S Kalloor, Shiji C.G [8], proposed customized multi annotator approach in A Survey on Data Annotation for Web Databases in September 2014. In this paper display a customized annotation approach, first alters the data units on a result page into unmistakable social affairs, such that the data in the same get together have the same which implies. By then for each social affair remark it from particular component and total the assorted annotations to expect a last annotation mark. Priyanka C. Ghegade, Prof. Vinod Wadane [17], describes personalized web search (PWS) is one of the active ongoing research field that related to the retrieval of the relevant web page results based on the user interest and preferences. ARUNPANDI.V, SUNDARAMOORHTY.S, VARADHARAJAN.E [18], proposed the personalization involve in collecting the user interests implicitly or explicitly called as user profile. Collecting the user interests in explicit manner is not so easy. Because the users are not interested to provide their interest to the server. So we go for other methods to create user profile in implicit manner. Weifeng Su, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The Influence Of The Nigerian Oil Production The Nigerian oil production has been an issue that has become a cruse to the people for so many years. According to reports, the oil production has lubricated to Nigeria s failure because it has damaged the economy as well as the environment and democracy. Anyone would think that a country that has an enormous resource of petroleum would be economically stable but this is not the case in Nigeria. For many years Nigeria has suffered effects directly as well indirectly from the oil industry. For my research I am drawing from two sets of sources. I will be referring to the books that I have researched as my A sources. The newspaper articles will be referred as my B sources in this paper. Through out my paper, I will show you how and explain why the media today only reports one side of the story while the books on my geopolitical topic will tell the background to the events occurring. The book, The Influencing Machine: Brooke Gladstone on the Media, written by Brooke Gladstone is a graphic novel that tries to decipher the rapidly changing media business and the way people interact with it. It traces the origins of modern journalism back to the Mayans and walks through the journalistic roots in the cultures of ancient Rome, Britain, and Revolutionary and early America. The book then dives into contemporary media condition. The media has become something that we love and hate at the same time. Everything we hate about the media today was present at its creation: its corruption or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Vlad The Impaler Speeches Vampires are a widely spread phenomena that have filled the teenager s mind with wild thoughts of romance, and immortality. But today we are going to take a walk down history and folklore to uncover their ugly truth: we will approach the subject of their origins, their history in different cultures, and so on. 10) Vlad Tepes, count Dracula? Vlad Tepes the third the Voivode of Wallachia, who is better known as Vlad the Impaler. After inventing the device, and leaving forests of Impaled victims in his wake for the Ottoman army to find. He was considered a hero by his people for protecting them, and spreading terror in the hearts of their enemies. And it s said that the Saxon, and Hungarian origin portrayed Vlad as a tyrant, a monster so cruel that he needs to be stopped. But some historians believe that this may be the result of a bad image campaign initiated by the Transylvanian Saxons who were actively persecuted during Vlad s reign. It s widely ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Who was also the patron of Physicians, and her priests became known as well skilled doctors. She was mentioned in the book of the dead as the protector of Ma at balance or justice . It was said that when the god Ra got angry at mankind for not preserving his laws, and the Ma at so he sent Hathor to earth in the form of a lioness. Who became Sekhmet the eye of Ra , she began her rampage on earth, and the fields ran with blood. However, Ra was not a cruel deity and he took pity on men and ordered her to stop, but she was so far gone in her bloodlust that Ra had to trick her in order for her to stop her destruction. So he poured 7,000 jugs of beer and pomegranate juice (which stained the beer with the color blood red) in her path, she gorged it all down in her haze thinking it was blood, becoming so drunk that she slept for three days. When she woke, her bloodlust had dissipated, and humanity was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Effects Of Secret Sin In The Minister s Black Veil The Harrowing Effects of Secret Sin in The Minister s Black Veil Throughout the short story, The Minister s Black Veil, Reverend Hooper has a secret sin that is depicted as a mystery to the characters within the story and the readers, but teaches a parable. He wears the black veil for the rest of his life, even on his deathbed: an example in the literal sense for a spiritual sentiment. The crux of the parable is that every person dons a black veil, perhaps not physically, but spiritually. Hooper continually expresses that everyone hide sins and should fear one another instead of being terrified of his visually expressed sin as he had the audacity to wear a black crape, partially covering his face, for the rest of his mortal life. In The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Narrative suppression: sin, secrecy and subjectivity in The Minister s Black Veil . Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, vol. 25, no. 1 2, 2004, p. 101+. Literature Resource Center, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A114049425/GLS?u=avl_madi sid=GLS xid=3f3a6050. Accessed 27 Mar. 2018. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Minister s Black Veil. Annotation Organizer, Edited by Robert A Parker and David W Griffith, 2013, Logos Instructional Solutions. Patrick, A. Odysseus. How Sacred Is the Confession Booth? New York Times, 23 Dec. 2017, p. NA(L). General OneFile, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A520037745/GPS?u=avlr sid=GPS xid=e22f7e65. Accessed 28 Mar. 2018. Republicans Abandon Roy Moore. USNews.com, 9 Nov. 2017. General OneFile, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A514062713/GPS?u=avlr sid=GPS xid=ea9465a2. Accessed 28 Mar. 2018. Saunders, Judith P. Hawthorne s theory of mind: an evolutionary psychological approach to The Minister s Black Veil . Style, Fall Winter 2012, p. 420+. Literature Resource Center, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A320844896/GLS?u=avl_madi sid=GLS xid=28123d54. Accessed 27 Mar. 2018. Stormy Daniels Is the Anti Trump. The Cut, 14 Mar. 2018. General OneFile, http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A530980179/GPS?u=avlr sid=GPS xid=e3218d89. Accessed 27 Mar. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Child Support Research Papers Child support is the defined as the monthly payments made by the non custodial parent to help cover the financial care of their child or children. Those payments go to the custodial parent, caregiver, or guardian. In family law, child support is usually arranged during a dissolution of marriage, divorce, or after the determination of paternity. Typically, there are no gender requirements when it comes to paying child support. For example, a child s father may pay the mother or mother can pay the father. Where there is joint custody, the child is considered to have two custodial parents instead of only one, and then one of the custodial parents will still be deemed responsible for paying monthly child support. This periodic payment is meant ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Support System In Kewauna s Ambition By Paul Tough Success: a word that is defined as being good at what you do and how you do it. There are many elements of success. Some key elements are grit, a support system and commitment. Grit is having the strength to never give up when things get tough, no matter how tough situations get. Having a support system is having people by your side helping you get through anything and everything in the best way they can! Commitment is keeping up with something and sticking with it every step of the way until the job is done. Kewauna, from Kewauna s Ambition , a portion from How Children Succeed , written by Paul Tough, showed those three elements: grit by never giving up, having a support system that included a tutor, family and classmates, and determination while she tried her hardest to do her best every day while attempting to escape her former lifestyle and being enrolled in a program. While Marita, from Marita s Bargain , an excerpt from Outliers: The Story of Success written by Malcolm Gladwell, showed grit also by never giving up, had a support system in her teachers and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Marita showed commitment by staying enrolled at KIPP. She also displayed commitment by even signing up. Her mom was in the room, and after she told Kewauna she did not have to sign the paper for her enrollment, Marita signed it! She exited her old lifestyle now that KIPP took over. Marita, though, stuck it out. Kewauna, in contrast, showed commitment by leaving her old lifestyle, getting an intervention, and accomplishing OneGoal. ..When she was 15, she was arrested for punching a police officer. But, after a family intervention, Kewauna started working at school. With the help of her OneGoal teacher Michelle Stefl, Kewauna graduated high school and enrolled in college (Gladwell 3). She stuck with everyone who assisted her in her journey by communicating with them and eventually ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Elvis Informative Speech Elvis Presley Some people tap their feet, some people snap their fingers, and some people sway back and forth. I sorta de em all together, I guess. Elvis Aaron Presley. Elvis Presley also known as the King of Rock N Roll got his first guitar when he was 12. Who knew that guitar would make the one and only Elvis into who he was. His Youth Elvis Aaron Presley was born on January 8, 1935. He was born in a 2 room house to Gladys and Vernon Presley. His twin brother Jessie Garon was stillborn and Elvis had to grow up as an only child. Elvis s family was very close as they lived near each other in Tupelo, Mississippi. Throughout Elvis s childhood, he went to the Assembly of God Church where he heard gospel that would ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was #1 on the Billboard s Pop Charts for 8 weeks, was #1 on the Country Charts, and #5 on the R B Charts. Beginning in December 1961 his song Blue Hawaii was #1 on the Billboard Charts for 20 weeks. They say Elvis Presley sold over 1 BILLION records world wide. Elvis has 150 different albums and singles that have been certified gold, platinum, or multi platinum and 144 songs were on Billboard Hot 100 Pop Chart in America, 114 in the top 40, 40 in top 10, and 18 in #1. He starred in 33 successful films and had 3 Elvis specials on network television. He got 14 Grammy nominations and won 4 of them. Some of Elvis s other accomplishments include buying a mansion in Memphis, Tennessee, was awarded as 1 of the 10 outstanding Young Men of The Nation, and in 1993 the U.S. postal service announced that Elvis s image would be used for a commemorative postage stamp. He lived a very successful ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Technology Impact On Society It is abundantly clear that the development of technology has had an impact on society. But there are many theories as to what exactly the impact is, and how that impact affects the members of the society. A few of the theories put forth are by Gerhard Lenski, Leslie White, and Alvin Toffler. There are both similarities and differences to each of these theories. Let s consider each theory separately, then we will have a clearer idea of how they relate to each other and how they vary. Gerhard Lenski was a sociologist who believed that a society s ability to survive is governed by its level of technology; that is, society changes, survives, and evolves through technological advancement. Information and communication are key to progress. Most notably, the greater the knowledge of the natural world, the better the ability to improve society. He identified four stages of communication. The first, which could also be called biological communication, is the transfer of genetic information to a new generation. Second is awareness of self and the world around us, or sentience. Next, is the capability for logic. Collective goals can be served on the basis of observation and analysis. Finally, there is the mastery of various forms of communication language, writing, and symbols. This last stage sets the foundation for civilization. Additionally, Lenski suggested four levels of technological development. First, a hand to mouth existence, called hunter gatherer. Next, farming begins ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Importance of Oral Hygiene Essay Importance of careful assessment of oral cavity for suspicious lesions for early detection of multiple myeloma.1 ARTICLE TITLE AND BIBLIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION: Article title: The multiple oral presentations of multiple myeloma .1 Bibliographic information: Richard C. Cardoso Peter J. Gerngross Theresa M. Hofstede Donna M. Weber Mark S. Chambers. Support Care Cancer (2014) 22:259 267 DOI 10.1007/s00520 013 1960 y. PURPOSE/QUESTION: The purpose of this study was: 1) To show the varied oral presentations of multiple myeloma, illustrating the importance of carefully surveying the oral cavity for suspicious lesions that could be indicative of palpable disease and/or recurrence .1 2) The diagnostic criteria and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Though specific subject selection criteria are not mentioned in the article, subject selection bias is not observed as cases reported in this article include both sexes, age range reported is broad from 31 to 70 years old the location and clinical appearance of each oral lesion were different. Author has reported and discussed each case and analyzed similarities and differences in all case reports. As per my opinion this study has following issues: The literature review was detailed explaining the etiology diagnosis and treatment of the disease however limited literature references were mentioned to support the conclusion that, Oral cavity lesions can be the first sign of relapse or succession of myeloma.1 Only 5 cases were reported which limits study evidence. More number of cases should be observed to confirm the conclusion. The purpose of the study and final conclusion do not match. In the study purpose it was mentioned that, oral cavity lesions could be indicative of palpable disease and/or recurrence of myeloma however in the conclusion it was stated that, oral cavity lesions can be the first sign of recurrence or progression of multiple myeloma .1 The study was well ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Biography of Rolf Benirschke Heroes come in all sizes, shapes, genders, and backgrounds. Heroes can be defined by many different standards and are people of great character, who spend their lives doing what they can to help others in need. Everyone has his or her favorite hero, my favorite hero is one that is little known but to me is a true inspiration. My hero is Rolf Benirschke. He is my hero for the courage, inspiration, and help that his words provided me when I was recovering from lifesaving surgery. I do not know Rolf, I do not know if I ever will get to meet him, but one thing I do know is that he had to fight the same life changing illness that I did, Ulcerative Colitis. This provided the relationship and admiration that I have with and for him as my hero. First, Rolf Benirschke was a normal every day young man who had a family and normal upbringing, just like me. Rolf has a good build, he is skinny, tall, and has brown hair and brown eyes. Throughout high school, college, and into his profession, Rolf s life seemed to be just like every other normal person. He was drafted into the National Football League (NFL) to be a kicker. Soon after he began his third season as a kicker in the NFL, Rolf fainted on the team plane. When he woke up he was in a hospital with tubes connected all to his body and he was confused. Rolf was diagnosed with a gastrointestinal disease called Ulcerative Colitis. Ulcerative Colitis is a type of irritable bowel disease that affects the lining of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Learning The End Result Of Stress Learning the end result of stress I also learned to notice symptoms of stress so that I can catch it early. Symptoms such as high blood pressure, headaches, having high tension, anxiety, procrastination, increase of smoking or drinking, and lack of sleep, all of these symptoms should be monitored by you because they will effect on how you function in the workplace. Noticing these symptoms you need to take action and make changes or the organization needs to make changes. A way that an organization can help reduce employee stress is to redesign the job, putting the right employee with the right job, and share what expectations are. Taking in all this information about stress has really informed in what to be aware of, and in the future ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To truly improve your ability in the four emotional intelligence skills, you need to better understand each sill and what I looks like in actions (Bradberry Greaves, pg. 23). Following the strategies that I learned in Professor Girton s class my awareness of emotional intelligence has increased. Self awareness strategies that I followed to understand myself more was that I took the time to ask people I know to provide feedback about myself, spot my emotions in films, and know who and what pushes my buttons. Although there are many other strategies, these were just several that helped see who I am. My social awareness has improved where I can read people and tell a certain situation did not go well. By following some of these strategies; stepping into their shoes, catching the mood of the room, and watching body language. Exercising these strategies has helped tremendously with understanding and communicating with people that surround me. Part three, perspective, and I have a fantastic perspective about organizational leadership. I will share my viewpoint, beliefs, and opinion about leadership in organizations. Deeper into my perspective I will elaborate my purpose, motivation, my own mission statement, and in doing so it should portray what objectives and expectations that I hold for myself. Before making organizational leadership my major and enrolling at Northern Kentucky University I was working at a bar and grill called the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Mathematical Formulation Of An Objective Function Task 1 The mathematical formulation Description: To establish the model, firstly we should decide the objective function. Analyzing the problem at hand, we are supposed to balance the goals of maximizing the delivery to tumor area and minimizing the delivery to the critical area. Since we have two objectives, we should choose one as objective function, and another to be satisfied by relative constraint. Considering the real life situation, the ultimate goal is improving the health of the patient, which means, any solution that kills the tumor but is harmful to patients is not allowable. So we chose minimizing the radiation aimed at critical area as our objective function. Therefor our objective just minimizes radiation aimed at the critical area, which we defined before. Set R The set of rows C The set of columns B The set of all beams Parameters b_(i,j)^r r  B, i  R, j  C Beam intensity from beam r at point (i, j) c_(i,j) i  R, j  C binary parameter for critical area( 1 for (i, j)in critical area) t_(i,j) i  R, j  C binary parameter for tumor area( 1 for (i, j)in tumor area) min_limit minimum radiation on tumor area max_limit maximum radiation on critical area Variables W_r r  B intensity of each beam r Minimize: ∑_(r∈B)▒∑_(i∈R)▒∑_(j∈C)▒W_r *b_(i,j)^r*c_(i,j) Minimize radiation to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Share Price Movement Analysis Banner ID: B00149402 MODULE ACCT08003 Module: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Module Leader: Steven Leonard Word Count: 1756 1. Introduction The London Stock Exchange lists the FTSE 100 which is a share index of stocks of 100 companies showing the highest market capitalisation. This will be completed by discussing the movement of the company s share during the time period. The companies will also be compared to the movement of the shares against each other, against FTSE 100 and against its industry sector. The records and comparisons will be all in context of Stock Market Efficiency. Stock Market allows a company to be aware of the trade with shares and finance which is at an agreeable price. Two of the companies chosen to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Three Year Golf Course Marketing Plan Running Head: THREE YEAR MARKETING PLAN GREEN GO GOLF COURSE (GGGC) Mark R. Schneider Marketing Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Abstract A well developed marketing plan is an essential blueprint for a business to attain the prime financial support and consumer base it requires in order for it to develop and grow. A marketing plan s detailed structure allows manager s to define the business marketing strategies in clear and in depth formats that feature a precise roadmap to future growth and expansion. A first class and properly structured marketing plan will guide the entire organization s marketing actions and keep them focused and dedicated toward achieving the company s overall goals and strategies. TABLE OF CONTENTS ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It requires clear focus and caring. GGGC must: * Satisfy the needs of everyone we serve: players, guests, and pro shop customers * Operate with the highest professional and service standards in all our activities, focusing our customer service, and building on GGGC s solid reputation and heritage * Be seen as the best place to work, attracting and retaining talented people at all levels by creating and maintaining an environment which encourages them to develop their full potential * Produce positive fiscal results through innovation and total commitment to quality in all aspects of the company CORE COMPETENCIES GGGC s competencies include world class golfing through first class course management utilizing highly skilled PGA certified course professionals, delivering players and guests with a life long golfing adventure providing complete satisfaction at competitive rates. To achieve such an adventure GGGC has employed top notch experienced professionals and players to design and ensure a once in a life time golf experience. GGGC is dedicated to increase all levels of participation in golf and is determined to help make its golf course safer for players, members, guests, employees, and the surrounding environment. SITUATION ANALYSIS Combining all our golf management experiences and professional backgrounds, we would like to expand this enterprise to the ever changing golfing demands. Demands for USGA certified ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Fin 534 Quiz 3 Question 1 . 2 out of 2 points Your bank account pays a 6% nominal rate of interest. The interest is compounded quarterly. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? Answer Selected Answer: The periodic rate of interest is 1.5% and the effective rate of interest is greater than 6%. Correct Answer: The periodic rate of interest is 1.5% and the effective rate of interest is greater than 6%. . Question 2 . 2 out of 2 points Which of the following statements regarding a 15 year (180 month) $125,000, fixed rate mortgage is CORRECT? (Ignore taxes and transactions costs.) Answer Selected Answer: The outstanding balance declines at a faster rate in the later years of the loan s life. Correct Answer: The outstanding balance ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... . Question 11 . 0 out of 2 points Which of the following bank accounts has the lowest effective annual return? Answer Selected Answer: An account that pays 8% nominal interest with daily (365 day) compounding. Correct Answer: An account that pays 7% nominal interest with monthly compounding. . Question 12 . 2 out of 2 points Which of the following statements is CORRECT? Answer Selected Answer: The cash flows for an annuity must all be equal, and they must occur at regular intervals, such as once a year or once a month. Correct Answer: The cash flows for an annuity must all be equal, and they must occur at regular intervals, such as once a year or once a month. . Question 13 . 2 out of 2 points Which of the following statements is CORRECT? Answer Selected Answer: Time lines can be constructed for annuities where the payments occur at either the beginning or the end of the periods. Correct Answer: Time lines can be constructed for annuities where the payments occur at either the beginning or the end of the periods. . Question 14 . 2 out of 2 points Which of the following statements is CORRECT? Answer Selected Answer: Time lines can be constructed where some of the payments constitute an annuity but others are unequal and thus are not part of the annuity. Correct Answer: Time lines can be constructed where some of the payments constitute an annuity but others ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Benefits Of Yog Yoga Try These 8 Yoga Poses and You ll never feel Back Pain again We spent most of our day sitting in our offices, for so many hours, that the chair starts to grow on us. It s true, we have so much to do during the day that by the time we finish work, we forget that we ve been sitting the whole day and it s time to stretch those muscles. However, most of you haven t got the energy nor the will to get out of bed and stretch. But, what if I told you that you will only need eight minutes in your day and that those precious eight minutes will not only improve your posture, but those eight minutes can truly improve your overall health. Stretching doesn t look so bad after all, besides what are eight minutes compared to permanent health benefits and relieved back pain. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Not only will it keep your body in shape, but it will also relax you and free your mind and spirit. Many people are replacing regular gym sessions with evening yoga exercising, because your whole body will benefit from it, not only your muscles. However, if you are one of those people, whose jobs are only and strictly connected with sitting in front of a computer, then you ve probably have had back pain and stiffness in your whole body. This is perfectly normal since you aren t doing anything active, however if you aren t doing anything extra to shake those muscles up, many complications can occur as a result to your inactiveness including, tight hips and therefore problems with immobility and back pain. Farewell to back pain, farewell to stiff body and farewell to tight hips, yoga will help you get rid of those problems and the only thing you need to do is find a yoga mat, have a positive approach and take several minutes of your time. The following yoga poses will make you achieve all ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Cosmetic Changes Of Medical Technology Introduction With the development of medical technology, many ambulatories and cosmetic changes can be done by surgical services. This has lead the demand for surgical services to grow rapidly in the past decade. The ambulatory surgery in United States hospitals had increased to 2.9 million procedures, according to the data from American Hospital Association. As medical technology has developed day by day, some hospitals have introduced digital operating room, tele surgery, and robotic assistants. These modern technologies can offer shorter hospital stays, less pain, faster recovery and fewer complications. However, many new technologies come with many requirement checks, safety checks, etc. that cause a delay with the pre surgical check. In general, surgical services cost about 40% of the hospital s overall revenue. However, operating room performance has many issues that cause inefficiencies and delays in the operation. A study shows that if the hospitals can operate one more procedure per day per operation room, it could translate to an additional $4 million to $7 million in annual revenue. Summary A large number of hospitals are having a delay in processing time. They are expecting six sigma to be a useful tool to enhance the quality of operating room process. The project has set several target areas to improve. These areas include improving the first case start time, optimizing technologies, improving room turnover times, ensuring appropriate scheduling, improving ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Managing The Development Of Large Software Systems Managing the development of large software systems Introduction This book is published by Dr. Winston W.Royce, he will be describing his own personal views about managing large software development. He has had many different varieties of success in each of his assignments such as arriving the project on time, within the costs and in the correct operational state. When making a computer program there are two essential steps that are required to make a successful program, these two main steps are the Analysis this is where you will have to analyse the requirements of the software, the second step is the Coding. This figure is all that is required if it is going to be for internal use as everyone will be familiar with it. If you are going to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This means that a simple patch to the code will not fix these problems. The changes are likely to be extremely disruptive that the system requirements that the program was built on will be violated. This will mean the requirements will have to be modified and a major redesign will have to happen. The preliminary program design phase is inserted in between the software requirements phase and the analysis phase. By using this technique the designer will assure that the software will not fail because of timing, storage and data flux reasons. There are 3 steps that you will have to do to implement this procedure. 1, Begin the design process with program designers. 2, Design define and allocate the data processing modes. 3, Write an overview document this means that everyone must at least have a slight understanding of the system and there should be one person with deep understanding of the system. The seventh figure shows that if the program is being developed for the first time, arrange matters so that when the final build of the program is delivered to the customer it is actually the second version as the first one is a simulation of it. Royce view on documentation is that the more documentation the better. He says that when he is called upon to review a documentation the first step that he does is investigate the state of the documentation, if the documentation is in serious default he recommends that the project management is replaced. He says that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Narcissistic Personality Disorder Case Study Narcissistic personality disorder commonly begins in early adulthood. The disorder is diagnosed by a looking for patterns of self centered behavior, constant need for admiration, a need to be seen as special/superior, negative or volatile responses to criticism, a lack of empathy, and difficulty forming meaningful relationships. These traits must be persistent, inflexible, and maladaptive which cause functional impairment and distress in order for a person to be diagnosed. The traits of the disorder are highly prevalent in adolescents, however they are not classified as actually having the disorder because the traits are not debilitating. The disorder is not very prevalent, showing up in only 0 6.2% of the community samples taken in 2010. Out ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Psychodynamically the attachment theory is the reason for the disorder. In one case lack of parenting during the development years, meaning no recognition or regulation of a child s emotions, leads to attachment issues. The patient will be avoidant of meaningful relationships but constantly seeking attention from others. An alternative scenario is the parents overindulging the child growing up, causing the patient to require being the center of attention while also receiving constant positive reinforcement. Another instance is if the family places an emphasis on social status and success throughout the child s life, the constant reinforcement during development causing an obsession with perfection later in life. From a socio cultural standpoint narcissistic personality disorder may stem an increasingly narcissistic society. Media, song lyrics, and advertisements are all increasingly focused on being the subject being perfect and showing off one s amazing lifestyle. Social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter are growing more and more popular and are apps dedicated to allowing an individual to show off the best parts of his/her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Naomi Shihab Nye Essay In the book Habibi, by Naomi Shihab Nye, there are many ways that the author expresses her feelings of identity through the main character, Liyana. The main forms of identity are ethnicity, religion, and age. These all affect the way that people look at you and judge you. In Habibi, Liyana is judged by her age, religion, and ethnicity. This is also part of why moving to a different country is hard for Liyana; people in Jerusalem judge your identity differently. However, Liyana does not let the comments of others change her. She still stays true to her own opinion of her ethnicity, age, and religion throughout the novel. This helps her settle the many internal and external disputes associated with living in a new country with a different part ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... First, Liyana must discover what she believes her ethnicity is. Ethnicity is the association with a certain social group with similar beliefs or cultures. However, Liyana is a mix of two parents from different ethnicities. This makes Liyana what Americans call a half and half , and what Arabs call nos nos . However, Liyana does not quite consider herself exactly half of one ethnicity and half of the other. In the novel, Liyana discovers many different parts to the Arabic culture that she enjoys and other parts to her American culture that she does not. This does not mean that Liyana is more Arabic than American, but shows how Liyana is a holder of many different cultures and ethnicities. However, many people in Jerusalem judge based on ethnicity. An example of this was when a Jewish stranger told Liyana not to associate with an Indian spice vendor named Bassam. This shows that many people discriminate and are mean to people of different cultures. Age is another part of Liyana s identity that she must accept in order to adapt in Jerusalem. Age can show knowledge and can mark the points of a more mature person. However, age shows mostly the amount of experiences one person has ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Analysis Of Eurydice By Sarah Ruhl Sarah Ruhl s play, Eurydice, is a devastating story battling love, grief, life, and death. Although it is set during the 1950 s, the play manages to encompass the ancient Greek myth of Eurydice and Orpheus. The three most evident themes of this play are recurring death, fleeting happiness, and the power of love. The main conflict in this play is ultimately about the painful choice that comes with death; this is often caused by the King of the Underworld. One of the most impressive parts of this play is the ability to change the way the play is perceived through design. When I envision this play in my head and through my concept, I view the characters in the living world to have bright normal costumes. For Example, I can see Eurydice in sundresses and Orpheus in spring colored button up shirts and pants. This would represent the love and happiness they have for each other. On the other hand, when I think about costumes in the underworld, I believe they would need to be a little bit darker and quirky to represent the hard choices and confusion that death has pushed upon them. I think Eurydice s father should be wearing a dark suit with a crazy tie and no shoes. When both Eurydice and Orpheus arrive in the underworld their clothes should become darker and more sullen. I perceive the Stones as being deceased people from different eras that have completely forgotten who they were, and have been brainwashed by being dipped in the river and by the King of the Underworld. To represent this, their outfits need to look extremely dull and dirty; they should be everyday clothes from their different time periods. All three of their costumes should be torn and drained of all color. The Lord of the Underworld needs to have multiple different costumes. In the world of the living, he needs to be the darkest dressed; he should wear a black suit and tie. In the underworld, I envision him wearing more of a boyish outfit, such as shorts, suspenders, and crazy socks. When he becomes a man and grows to a superhuman high in the end, I would have him wear tall stilts under long dress pants and wear a suit top. The most creative part of this play is the set for both the living world and the underworld. As a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. CASH FLOW POLUUTER CORP José A Valdés 3 de octubre de 2013 Sem. De Contabilidad Prof. Alejandro Méndez Case 11 1 Polluter Corp Facts of Case: Polluter Corp is an SEC registrant and manufacturer household cleaning products. In the course of operations, Polluter Corp emits emission pollutants; The Company receives emissions allowances, (EAs,) from the government for 2010 to 2030. Polluter Corp will upgrade their production facilities in 2014 in order to reduce their pollutants. Emissions Allowance are given by the government in order to offset pollution expense, with the goal being to reduce pollution 2010 Transactions After 2014, Polluter will emit less pollution, but until then it will need more EAs in order to avoid penalties. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If these items are combined, related costs and expenses as described under § 210.5 03.2 shall be combined in the same manner. b. Net sales and gross revenues. State separately: (a) Net sales of tangible products (gross sales less discounts, returns and allowances), (b) operating revenues of public utilities or others; (c) income from rentals; (d) revenues from services; and (e) other revenues. Amounts earned from transactions with related parties shall be disclosed as required under § 210.4 08(k). 2. Gross Profit L L had gross profit (net sales less cost of sales) of $28 million in 2011 and $30.4 million in 2012; an increase of $2.4 million (8.6 % increase) Cost of sales includes expenses to acquire and produce inventory for sale but excluding depreciation. Cost of sales increased from $46.5 million in 2011 to $56.1 million in 2012; an increase of $9.6 million (20.6 percent) due to an increase in the cost of Sassy Spa services. a. Accordingly, the cost of sales should not include EBITDA and should be stated separately. Like SAB Topic 11 mentions that Cost of goods sold (exclusive of items shown separately below) or Cost of goods sold (exclusive of depreciation shown separately below). According to FASB SAB Topic 11: Miscellaneous Disclosure section B: Depreciation and Depletion Excluded from Cost of Sales states that if cost of sales or operating expenses exclude charges for depreciation, depletion and amortization of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Liquid Crystal Display Advantages And Disadvantages AGRICULTURE is the need of most of the Indians livelihood and it is one of the main sources of livelihood. It also has a major impact on economy of the country. A major quantity of water is used for irrigation system and therefore 85% of available fresh water resources are used for yielding agricultural crops. This resource of water will decrease day by day and consumption of water will dominate and increase more than 85% in upcoming half century. This is due to the high growth in population due to this tremendous growth in population there is huge demand for food. Agriculture is the main source for food production. Using science and technology we need to implement a method by which there can be limited consumption of water. Till date many methods have come into existence where water can be limitedly consumed. A method where monitoring water status and based on status of water whether it is high or low irrigation is scheduled which is based on canopy temperature of plant, which was captured with thermal imaging. Another method is making use of information on volumetric water content of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is preferred by engineers because it uses very small amount of electric power. Liquid crystal display (LCD) offers several advantages over traditional cathode ray tube that makes them ideal for several applications. Of course LCD s are flat and they use only a fraction of power required by cathode ray tubes. They are easier to read and more pleasant to work with for long periods of time. There are several tradeoffs as well, such as limited view angle, brightness and contrast, not to maintain high manufacturing cost. 16x2 LCD is used in this project to display data to user. There are two rows and sixteen columns. It is possible to display 16 characters on each of the 2 rows. It has registers, command and data ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Rhetorical Analysis Of The Ugly Tourist Rhetorical Analysis of The Ugly Tourist Daily, hundreds of thousands of people are traveling, whether it s by plane, car, bus, boat, or foot, people are traveling to new locations and being immersed in different cultures. Many fail to realize how ignorant of a tourist they are. Kincaid explains that tourists are morally ugly and use other, less fortunate people, for their own amusement. She tries to enlighten those who are privileged to be more considerate when they are visiting new places. Published author Jamaica Kincaid wrote The Ugly Tourist, originally written in her book, A Small Place, where she tries to convince readers that tourists are, a piece of rubbish (207). Kincaid s attempt to convey to the audience that tourists are ignorant and morally ugly is partially successful, due to her satisfactory emotional appeal, yet inability to produce a less angry tone, along with minimal logical appeal. To begin, Kincaid uses emotional appeal throughout the essay to further her argument. She begins by painting the audience a picture of themselves in their everyday life. Walking with an everyday crowd, they begin to realize how alone you feel in this crowd, how awful it is to go unnoticed, how awful it is to go unloved (Kincaid 206). Kincaid starts off her piece by making her audience feel isolated and alone, setting the tone for the rest of the piece. She makes the everyday audience, who can afford to escape their everyday life, feel unappreciative of their situation. This furthers her argument by making the audience feel poorly about things they may take for granted, that many natives from poorer countries cannot afford. They may have the luxury to travel outside of their bubble, while natives do not have the same luxury as them. In addition, Kincaid makes the reader feel embarrassed. Kincaid restates, An ugly thing, that is what you are when you become a tourist, an ugly, empty thing, a stupid thing, a piece of rubbish pausing here and there... behind their closed doors they laugh at your strangeness (207). She gives the reader the idea that the natives are mocking tourists because they are not familiar with their surroundings. Where people should feel the joy of exploring new places, Kincaid ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. History of Terrell State Mental Hospital Agency and Role Paper By: Teresa Luna University of Phoenix June 14, 2010 Ms. Becky Brown Introduction There are many governmental agencies within the healthcare system. One of most interesting and heart wrenching agencies is a local governmental agency called Terrell State Mental Hospital. This agency is well known in the state of Texas for its carefree healthcare. They have a longstanding relationship with the families of its patients and are a major contributor to the city of Terrell s financial windfall. They produce over ten million a year for the city of Terrell, which allows this city to take care of its mental inpatients and make sure they have the best treatment possible. History of Terrell State Mental Hospital ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Contributions also come from families of the inpatients. The voluntary contributions in this city are amazing. They really know how to make this city shine. It s like a true Texan to show their winning attitudes by giving back to the economy and being generous with their money. Programs Available This hospital is operated under the direction of the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation. They offer their services to people within a twenty two county, 14,622 square mile area including Bowie, Dallas, and Kaufman Counties. According to the Chamber of Commerce (2009), their services are offered to children 6 to 12 years of age, adolescence ages 12 to 18 and adults. Programs include acute care, an intensive behavioral program, medical services, forensic care for inmates of state correctional institutions intermediate care, a cottage program for adult life skills and a research center. Local Agencies vs. National and State Agencies The three of these agencies have different aspects of treatment for disease. The national and state agencies usually focus on locating and making the public aware of possible outbreaks such as a rising number of cases of encephalitis. They announce to the public where and when to stay tuned for information on what is the next step for information on what is the next step or what they need to do to obtain an immunization or where ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...