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Write My Personal State Write My Personal State
Gender Stereotypes In The Bloody Chamber
In The Bloody Chamber, The Tiger s Bride and The Company of Wolves, Carter draws attention to her
agenda of undercutting the stereotypical portrayal of women as victims and men as oppressors. She
does this through the rewriting of patriarchal narratives, where women are often portrayed as the
powerless damsel in distress and the weaker sex by introducing feminist elements such as independent
and strong willed women as well as undercutting male power and authority. Through her stories,
Carter then gives a voice to express the experiences of women, making such experiences known to
society where they have been previously under represented.
In The Bloody Chamber, Carter undercuts gender stereotypes that are often associated with the
portrayal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The opening line of The Tiger s Bride, My father lost me to The Beast at cards connotes the idea of the
protagonist as a commodity that can be lost and passed from hand to hand . She is thus reduced to a
mute object that can be bartered with by her father, reflecting the idea of women as mere commodities
who are being victimized under a patriarchal system. However Carter portrays the protagonist as
refusing to let herself by victimized by the patriarchy, as seen in [she] let out a raucous guffaw . Her
behavior is then a reflection of her refusal to be objectified and judged by patriarchy and in doing so,
undercuts male power and authority. In The Bloody Chamber, through the character Jean Yves, Carter
quite literally subverts the male gaze by making Jean Yves blind and in doing so, thus puts men and
women on an equal footing where neither one gender is seen as more powerful over the other. It is
also notable that in all three tales, the protagonists are not explicitly named and this can be seen as a
deliberate attempt on Carter s part as a way of refusing to objectify her protagonists by imposing a
fixed identity on
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Environmental And Environmental Issues During The...
Environmental Issues and the Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution took pace from the 18th to 19th centuries. It was a period when rural areas
became industrial and urban. Before the Industrial Revolution, engineering was mainly done in people
s homes. They used hand tools and sometimes basic machines. Industrialization put an end to that,
using powered, advanced machinery, factories and mass production. This made engineering much
faster, easier and more efficient. It even increased the amount of factory made goods, as well as the
variety of them. Industrialization improved the living conditions for people in the middle and upper
classes. The poor and working classes had to do the dangerous jobs, for a very low amount of pay,
while working in harmful conditions. So many people from the rural areas were moving to the urban
areas for work, that they couldn t keep up. This caused overpopulation. Homes were overcrowded, and
people were living in polluted and unsanitary conditions, which made them more at risk of diseases.
Pollution is one of the most environmentally negative impacts of the Industrial Revolution. Air, water,
and soil pollution were extremely bad during the Industrial Revolution. Industrialization polluted the
air, water and soils due to the waste products that factories generate. Most factories and industries
require water for their work. When water is involved in these processes, it encounters metals,
chemicals, and wastes, that will contaminate it. They are then dumped into oceans and rivers. Doing
so, kills fish and other sea animals, decreasing the population. Farmers us this water to grow their
crops. Using contaminated water then affects the quality of their crops. When the farmers use the
water in their soil, it can cause soil pollution. This pollution will destroy plants if anything or anyone
comes in contact with it, it can cause long lasting health issues. Air pollution can cause a variety of
illnesses for people and the environment. With all of these pollutions, there comes an increase in
global warming. Global warming causes glaciers to melt, extinction of animals, floods, tsunamis and
hurricanes, which are some of the deadliest natural phenomena. If any of these phenomena
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Cs Lewis Themes
Hook: As C.S. Lewis masterfully builds his story around characters and themes that run parallel to
many Christian themes, in addition to including characters from the mythologies he had enjoyed since
childhood. Just as he used new techniques in apologetic works to open the doors of Christianity to a
wider range of people, so he melded fantasy with religious themes to prepare children for the larger
themes of Christianity. (biographyonline.net)
Background / Definition: During the World War II bombings of London, four English siblings are sent
to a country house where they will be safe. One day the youngest sibling, Lucy finds a wardrobe that
transports her to a magical world called Narnia. After coming back, she soon returns to Narnia with ...
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Legacy/Following: The first major motion picture of C. S. Lewis epic series has swept and impacted
the nation and has drawn attention to the significance of biblical themes in contemporary cinema.
Reflect: As many people overlook Lewis s greatest biblical literary accomplishment in The Chronicles
of Narnia, Lewis s work will forever impact, and imitate the real big picture people are missing today.
Quotation: The Lion all began with a picture of a Faun carrying an umbrella and parcels in a snowy
wood. This picture had been in my mind since I was about sixteen. Then one day, when I was about
forty, I said to myself: Let s try to make a story about it. C.S Lewis (goodreads.com)
Thesis: Although the original intent of C.S. Lewis s novel the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe was
merely an allegory story, the characters, places and objects have symbolized a legacy of fantasy
Wrap up: C.S. Lewis writes in such a way that there are layers of meaning in The Chronicles of Narnia
series, and has become a different way for people to come to an understanding of the Christian
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A strong financial system is necessary for a growing economy. Financial managers and investors make decisions within the context of financial markets, institutions, and the broader economic environment. Understanding this environment is crucial for making good decisions. The chapter will describe key financial markets and institutions, and discuss how the stock market works and the concept of market efficiency. It will also provide an example of how certain insurance company practices could improperly influence brokers' recommendations.

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This document summarizes the key themes in the Brothers Grimm fairy tale "Brother and Sister". It discusses the plot of the story, in which two siblings try to escape their evil witch stepmother. The brother is turned into a roebuck by the witch's magic. The siblings find refuge in a cottage in the forest. One day, the brother joins a royal hunt as a roebuck and is shot by the king, but returns to human form upon death. The story explores themes of family bonds, evil forces, and transformations.

Writing A 10 Page Paper. Online assignment writing service.
Writing A 10 Page Paper. Online assignment writing service.Writing A 10 Page Paper. Online assignment writing service.
Writing A 10 Page Paper. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides instructions for writing a 10-page paper in 5 steps: 1) Create an account on the site to request a paper be written; 2) Complete a form with paper details and deadline; 3) Review bids from writers and select one to write the paper; 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied; 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with a guarantee of original content or a refund.

Dionyza s Death Of Marina
The wife of Cleon, Dionyza promises to care for Pericles s child, but falls prey to jealousy and envy
when her own daughter is less praised than Pericles s. daughter. Hence she plots to have Marina killed.
The extract starts with Dionyza trying to persuade Leonine, her servant, into killing Marina. Dionyza
says Thy oath remember; thou hast sworn to do t showing us that Dinozya has already spoken to
Leonine about murdering Marina. We also see the convincing powers of Dionyza as she is very
aggressive and her motives are born out of jealousy. We also see Dionyza trivializing the death of
Marina by calling it Tis but a blow , who is trying to convince Leonine to go through with the murder
as she presents Marina s life as insignificant. Leonine ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We are given a good image of Leonine from Marina s words in line 33 36, You will not do t for all the
world, I hope. You are well favour d, and your looks foreshow you have a gentle heart. I saw you
lately, When you caught hurt in parting two that fought: Good sooth, it show d well in you . Leonine is
presented by Marina as being a kind, caring and gentle person, one who is also against violence as he
once stopped a fight.
The words spoken by Marina could also be seen as her being quick witted, as she uses flattery try and
save her life. She attempts to break Leonine s will by appealing to his softer and more emotional side.
She uses the example of Leonine breaking up a fight by comparing Dionyza to a bully and herself the
victim and asking Leonine to do the right think and come between her and Dionyza as well.
Marina s behavior and reaction to Leonine s threat also raises questions of as to whether she was
aware that Dionyza was sending her to her
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Frozen Sociology
As stated in the textbook, gender socialization is the outcome of countless interactions, starting with
those between parents and children. At the youngest ages, of course, parents have the dominant
influence over this process. But as children age, their socialization continues under a variety of
influences, including their own personalities and their interactions with siblings, peers, schools, and
the wider culture. In adult life, socialization more often occurs in the other institutional arenas (page
167 168).
In the movie Frozen from 2013, there are three main characters. There are two females, Elsa and
Anna, they are sisters. One Male named Kristoff. Elsa, also known as Snow Queen Elsa, is 21 years
old, she is upper class, and her race ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Elsa is overcoming her insecurities and trying to take hold of her unique abilities and be proud of
herself for who she really is. She was gifted, but she didn t see that, with the ability to control ice, it
was horrible. From the accident that she had with Anna, she begins to close herself away from her
sister and her kingdom. The fear of her own power and to protect the ones she loves made her make
that decision. When her kingdom discovered her power she believes the best thing to do is to runaway
and hide, somewhere she is alone and no longer has to be timid, or be the terrified princess/queen she
was before. She has transformed into a happy, confident young woman, finally free to be her true self.
Like today in day, where bullying is a major issue, Frozen teaches to accept and embrace your
differences sends a strong message for kids. The second lesson is of, sisterly, family love and how far
family will go to protect each other. Both Elsa and her little sister Anna make great sacrifices for each
other, showing the power of love for one s family. Elsa had to grow up as such a young age after her
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Phism Research Paper
PHP Developers are great people. They have an open minded attitude and great conferences for
networking. That being said, minorities are underrepresented in the community. So to help shed light
to this issue one man went to Kickstarter for a unique idea that will surely make GitHub fans happy.
Here are 5 things to know about it. 1. THE PHP ELEPHANT WHELPS TO SPREAD AWARENESS
AMONG GITHUB FANS This rainbow colored elephant is not just fluffy and cute, but it s a symbol.
A symbol to reflect diversity among the community. Hopefully, it will serve as a reminder not to
discriminate based on the race, gender, sexual orientation or anything else in the realm of technology.
Furthermore, it s cuddly. You can t really argue with that. 2. PHP ELEPHANTS ARE
COLLECTABLE IN GITHUB COMMUNITY ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Usually, they re used to promote conferences, frameworks and even help fund campaigns on
Kickstarter. Hence it was just a natural migration to the rainbow elephant to represent diversity. Will
they become the next Beanie Babies? That s up to you. 3.GITHUB FANS CAN SPREAD
DIVERSITY WITH PHP ELEPHANT So how do you promote diversity with this rainbow elephant?
After all, money raised on Kickstarter can not be donated to a charitable cause. The secret is the
presence of the Elephant. Just having it around the house or office reminds every one of the diversity
issues that exist out there. 4. GITHUB FANS CAN CONQUER THE WORLD WOTH PHP
ELEPHANT If people can dress up as clowns and make a difference, then spreading rainbow
elephants everywhere across the world can do the same. The only difference being this is actually for a
good cause. Hence, stock up on these colorful animals and get to work. Only you have the power to
spread diversity across the
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East Asia Rituals
Seungmin Bang
Poli 113A, Prof. Victor Magagna
East Asian Ritual Theory and the Practice of Self Cultivation
A ritual refers to a collective rule bound movement that has a concentrated meaning. Thus the core
features of a ritual include collective action, procedures or rules, and a concentrated meaning. This is
not different from the East Asian community that depicted concentration of their rituals in various
parts of the region. It is important to note that there are various types of rituals that can be attributed to
the East Asian community. These include symbolic form of rituals that are described by presentation
of various symbols within this society. The rituals that were observed during the ancient period
became common rites of passage. This is because of the meaning they presented to the community.
For example, the poems and music sang in the classical period were considered to cultivate a good
The Confucian approach of a ritual and the Confucian practice with regard to spiritual cultivation
explores the uniqueness in religionist. There are various types of rituals in East Asia. They include the
life cycle ritual that entails various rituals such as, birth. The birth ritual is celebrated when an
individual is born into the East Asian society. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Cooperation and trust entailed the various activities that were carried out by the Chinese, such as
farming. It entailed an individual to cultivate the value of cooperation because this ancient society
believed in togetherness. Therefore, cooperation was inevitable as the Kings and rulers fostered their
political foundations on the rule of unity. It is imperative to note that cooperation, trust, and morality
emerged spontaneously in small groups where it was cultivated and spread to the entire
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The document discusses security background and threats of terrorism. It notes that the international security environment has become more volatile and complex since the 21st century began, with challenges affecting national security strategies. Ongoing civil wars and crises in places like Africa and the Middle East continue to be problems. Particular concern is expressed over the emergence of ISIS in Iraq and Syria, whose violence, territorial control, resources, and strategic skills make it an unprecedented threat that must be addressed through counterterrorism efforts.

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The film Juno explores the emotional issues faced by a 16-year-old girl who becomes unexpectedly pregnant. As she sits in an abortion clinic, she decides against abortion and instead chooses to carry the baby to term. However, realizing she is too young to raise a child herself, she decides to give the baby up for adoption. The film deals with her emotional journey through an unplanned pregnancy and her decision-making process in determining the best path forward.

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The document discusses the factors that limit the number of mobile cellular network operators that can effectively share infrastructure on a base station. It finds that six operators is generally the maximum that can share without unacceptable degradation in performance. Key limiting factors include sensitivity degradation threshold, radiation limits, noise floor limits, antenna isolation requirements, and interference levels. Wind loading on towers is also a consideration for infrastructure sharing. The sensitivity degradation threshold in particular helps determine the interference level and noise floor based on the number of operators. Antenna separation distance increases with antenna gain.

Role Of Skilful Advocation In The Merchant Of Venice
Abstract: William Shakespeare is one of the greatest dramatists in the world. In fact, all the gigantic
and romantic mileposts of literary accomplishment warble the canticles of Shakespearean glory which
was originated in the glamorous reign of Queen Elizabeth I, one of the most celebrated monarchs in
European history. Moreover, he is one of the most precious jewels in the dramatic world that is hoisted
and lighted by the prestigious playwrights of all the erudite eras. This paper, basically, highlights the
stream of skilful advocation that takes place in Shakespeare s reasonable, justifiable and defensible
play ‒ The Merchant of Venice. As a matter of fact, law, justice and legal profession often play a
pivotal role in most of his dramatic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Antonio s best friend and kinsman, Bassanio longs to woo the beautiful, intelligent and wealthy
heiress of Belmont ‒ Portia. Bassanio, a young Venetian of noble rank, has wasted his property, and is
in need of money to court Portia who under her late father s will, is the guerdon of fortuitous lottery.
According to the will, her marriage depends upon a game of three caskets which are made of gold,
silver and led. If the suitor chooses the casket having Portia s portrait, he will win Portia and if he
doesn t choose rightly, he will accept chastity.
Bassanio who desires to win the lottery, requires 3,000 ducats to travel from Venice to Belmont. He
goes to his friend and kinsman Antonio, who does not have any money to lend him at that time, diverts
Bassanio to seek another lender and he would become as a guarantor. Hence, Bassanio approaches the
Jewish moneylender, Shylock, who is Antonio s opponent as Antonio has opposed both Shylock and
his religion. Besides, Antonio has shortened his source of sustenance by providing interest free loans.
Shylock thinks that he has got an opportunity to revenge Antonio in the transaction with
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The Relationship Between Plato s Regimes And Current U.s....
Cooperation and Contrast between Plato s Regimes and Current U.S. Government
The U.S. government is a union of partially self governing states or regions under a central
government. It is composed of three distinct branches: legislative, executive, and judicial, whose
powers are vested by the U.S. Constitution in the Congress, the President, and the federal courts. The
separation of powers, which neither any branch working alone can change the U.S. constitution, is a
kind of harmony that is similar to what is described in Plato s aristocratic regime, where each class
minds their own jobs to keep the state functioning. Besides, in my opinion, the current U.S.
government is a combination of timocracy, oligarchy and democracy, which of four regime types of
According to Socrates, in Timoracy, the spiritedness, which is the love of victory and honors, will be
predominant. Timoracy honours the rulers while is contemptuous of manual activities and trade; for its
rulers, they will eat communally and devote themselves to gymnastics and training for war. Timoracy
will be also governed in being afraid to appoint the wise as rulers, instead, selecting spirited and
simpler man, men naturally more directed to war than to peace (Plato 547e). Although they will desire
money, they will be niggardly of money since they cannot acquire money openly; therefore, they will
love to spend others money to fulfill their aspirations. Due to attach importance to physical training,
they will
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Mobile Computing Is And Ever Developing Way Of Life
Mobile computing is and ever developing way of life. It has given the business professional the
capability to take the office on the road. Now people do not need a computer at home to be online.
You can have the same capability with a tablet or smart phone. Data plans for mobile devices also
allow more people access to the internet. Not all devices will run programs like a computer, but not
every person needs access to programs such as Microsoft Word or Excel. The typical user just wants
to check Facebook, maybe look at the local weather forecast or find a restaurant to eat at. In this day
and age it is ever easier to keep up with life s momentum with mobile computing. Life in general has
become more frantic and fast paced over the last ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The word computer was first recorded as being used in 1613 and was originally was used to describe a
human who performed calculations or computations (Computer Hope). The first mechanical computer
was invented back in the early 1800 s by Charles Babbage (Computer Hope). The Difference Engine,
considered to be the first automatic computing engine that was capable of computing several sets of
numbers and making hard copies of the results (Computer Hope). In modern terms it was nothing
more than a calculator with a paper roll.
With this concept it still took over a century for what would be the start of the modern computer to
come around. The Z1, originally created by Germany s Konrad Zuse in his parents living room in
1936 to 1938 and is considered to be the first electro mechanical binary programmable (modern)
computer and really the first functional computer (Computer Hope).
Today s mobile computing consists of an ever growing number of devices and it seems like a new type
of device comes out every few years or so. One of the great advantages mobile computing has been
able to enjoy is playing off the existing technologies. Without advancement in computer field the
mobile world would not exist like it dose.
Mobile computers can usefully be divided into a number of categories. Firstly, many mobile
computers are laptops or basically portable versions of desktop PCs, and usually based around the
same type of
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The Authoritative Parenting And The Style Of The Parenting...
The parenting style that my parents use is definitely authoritative. My parents have shown authority
towards me and my siblings but have always been flexible with their rules. My parents have never
stressed us out by being too strict with their rules. The first question I asked my parents was, how
would you react if one of my siblings or I asked to come home later than you originally told us to
come home? My parents responded that they would ask why we want to come home later and then tell
them they can come home later at a certain time but no later than the extended time. This fits exactly
with the authoritative parenting style because my parents would extend the time which is being
flexible and then also they would enforce a new time for us to come home which shows authority.
Next I asked my parents, what would you do if one of my siblings or I got in trouble at school? My
parents said they would have a talk with whoever got in trouble and make sure they know not to ever
do it again. Also, my parents said they would discipline whoever got in trouble by doing more chores
or taking away their phone for a day. This fits with the authoritative parenting style as well because
my parents are making us understand what we did wrong and learn from it. They would also give a
consequence because of it but nothing that is too harsh because they trust us to learn from what we
did. After that, I asked my parents, what would your reaction be if I did not do my chores at the
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The document outlines the steps to request and receive writing assistance from HelpWriting.net, including registering an account, completing an order form with instructions and deadline, reviewing writer bids and qualifications, placing a deposit, and utilizing free revisions to ensure satisfaction with the final paper. The process aims to match clients with qualified writers and provide original, high-quality content while allowing for revisions until the client's needs are fully met.

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The document discusses the theory of plate tectonics, which explains how the Earth's surface features formed. It was formulated in the 1960s and provides explanations for mountain ranges, continental drift, earthquakes, and other landforms. Alfred Wegener first proposed the idea but was not believed until scientists later discovered evidence of plates slowly moving about 5 to 10 cm per year. Plate tectonics has influenced the composition of Earth's atmosphere and biosphere over geological time.

Character Analysis Of Middlemarch
Within Eliot s Middlemarch, a husband and wife discuss and argue about financial decisions. Tertius,
the husband, attempts to remain proud and poor whereas Rosamond, the wife, desires to have money
and material despite Tertius reservations. Although it appears that Eliot s Middlemarch portrays
Tertius as mature, Rosamond as childish, and the relationship as fiscally difficult, it is additionally
evident that Tertius is impetuous, Rosamond is controlled, and the complex relationship has deeper
issues. It cannot be denied that Tertius is portrayed as decisive and dominant in Middlemarch. This
portrayal is evident in the description of his speech, with words such as decisively and peremptory. It
is also apparent in his treatment of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This occurrence clearly portrays Rosamond as childish and ignorant of such prideful aspects of a
request. Furthermore, the selection of detail in nicknaming her Rosy reinforces the comparison of her
to a child. Next, Tertius is portrayed as condescending in addition to his command and authority. This
behavior is evident in his treatment of Rosamond as he repeatedly denies her attempts to resolve their
dire financial straits. Tertius Lydgate s repeated refusals to compromise clearly indicates his
condescension. Examples of this condescending behavior are his denial of Rosamond s requests to
receive financial assistance from Papa and from Tertius friends. In the second paragraph, Rosamond s
crying is described in great detail. The use of lips and chin began to tremble and tears began to well up
suggests an emotional immaturity like that of a child. The narrative perspective then switches to
Tertius point of view in which he mentally describes her as a creature that had known nothing but
indulgence. These examples reinforce the portrayal of Tertius condescension. Lydgate does mention
that her tears cut him to the heart, suggesting that he has at least something other than pride. This
inclusion clarifies that despite his caring, the woes of the complex relationship reside deeper than just
fiscal difficulty. In the fourth paragraph, Eliot portrays Tertius as having talons but reason too ,
suggesting that he is
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Essay On Ambubasi Fair
Ambubasi Fair Guwahati
India is a country of different cultures and beliefs. The Hindu Religion consists of a major part of the
country s population. The Hindu Traditions and rituals have been celebrated and performed in the
country from years and years. One such tradition is the Ambubasi Fair, celebrated at Kamkhaya
temple in Guwahati state. It is one of the much known fairs, which is celebrated in the North Eastern
part of the country with zeal and fervour. The festival is also known as the Kamkhaya Devi Puja
A number of beliefs related to the Hindu culture have been connected with the fair. The fair is of major
importance to the Hindu Devotees, celebrated at the Kamakhaya temple at Guwahati. The fair attracts
a major chunk of devotes from all over the globe. Ambubasi is closely related to the tantric rituals that
are performed during this festival. Ambubachi Mela is also known as tantric fertility festival or the
Ameti Fair. The fair spans over four days. The festival attracts Tantric from India and abroad during
the time of the festival. The accumulation of Sadhus and Tantrics and sale of locally produced arts and
crafts, make it interesting place to visit. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A major attraction of the festival is at the Kamkhaya temple, which is flooded by the pilgrims for four
days to celebrate the festival. The festival is spread across a span of four days. This festival is
associated with yearly menstrual cycle of the goddess Kamkhaya. That s why Temple remains closed
for first 3days to give privacy and rest to Goddess. Visitors and pilgrims wait for 4th day to get
auspicious dharshan of goddess
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Enron And Enron Of Enron
During the Enron debacle, it was workers who took the pounding, not bankers. Not only did Enron
employees lose their jobs, many lost their retirement savings. That s because they were at the bottom
of the investing food chain. In July of 1985, Houston Natural Gas merged with InterNorth, to create
Enron, and Kenneth Lay became CEO the following year. In 1989, Enron began trading natural gas
commodities. In 1997, Andrew Fastow devised the first steps to hide debts and inflate profits and one
year later, he was named the CFO of Enron. In the year 2000, shares of Enron reached a peak of $90.
Enron claimed $101 billion in revenues, and as a direct result of this, became the sixth largest energy
company in the world. After all of these rapid ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During the West Coast power crisis, homes went dark and street lights were out in California, causing
injuries and accidents. But the danger didn t stop Enron s energy traders from having a good laugh.
Newly released evidence shows that years before the crisis, Enron schemed to manipulate markets.
The new tapes routinely recorded by Enron to protect their own deals, and later obtained by
Snohomish County Public Utility District Number 1, confirmed what had been constantly reported for
four years. Enron secretly shut down power plants so they could cause, and then cash in on, the crisis.
Power plant operators were coached on how to lie to officials. Enron also pulled power out of states
like California, causing emergency conditions to worsen. The shut downs and pull outs triggered sky
high power prices and when states complained, the traders instructed the states to leave them alone,
and let them make a little bit of money. When the schemes began to unravel, employees blamed the
men running Enron. Mark to market accounting was introduced by former Enron President and CEO,
Jeff Skilling. This allowed Enron to book potential future profits on the very day the deal was signed,
even if some states had yet to deregulate their power markets. No matter how little cash actually came
in the door, to the outside world, Enron s profits could be whatever Enron said they were. Enron s
former CFO, Andrew Fastow, had his eye on John Olson, one
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Age Of Enlightenment DBQ
The Age of Enlightenment, a movement during the 17th and 18th century started from the Europeans,
later moving into American colonies. The point of this movement was for the society to reform on a
new base such as emphasizing reason and individualism over tradition. Enlightenment thinkers,
Montesquieu, Rousseau, Beccaria, Locke, and Voltaire helped launched this project amongst
Europeans. John Locke, for example, criticized absolute monarchy and favored self government.
Voltaire also believed that people should be able to speak their minds without the fear they may be
punished. Through these philosophy influence, this eventually leads to European rulers ruling with a
sense of equality, democratic governance, and abolition. John Locke known as an Enlightenment
thinker believed in the equality between men. A state also of equality, wherein all the power and
jurisdiction is reciprocal, no one having more than another...by an evident and clear appointment, an
undoubted right to dominion and sovereignty (Doc. 2). John Locke stated this in 1690 with the
meaning that everyone is equal no matter what their rank or power may be. They must all have the
same advantages with the except that the person may want to work for someone else. To renounce
liberty is to renounce being a man, to surrender the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For a country to have equality, rank or power does not matter and all people have the same rights. The
three branches lead to a more of a democratic governance and more of a self government where one
branch does not have more power than another. Finally, rulers are making adjustments to the Age of
Enlightenment, starting with a patent and later reforming their own characters. The Age of
Enlightenment began a reformation of a society while a new object in mind. This Enlightenment
Movement helped Europe...and now it ll help American
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This document discusses how lifestyle magazines target specific audiences through their content and presentation. It uses the magazines FHM and Cosmopolitan as examples, noting they have both similarities and differences in their target audiences. While both magazines feature images of women, FHM uses seductive images suggesting its target is male audiences. Cosmopolitan provides advice on relationships, careers and beauty, targeting female readers. The magazines shape the views of their audiences through the ideologies presented in the content.

Introduction Three Step Essay. Online assignment writing service.
Introduction Three Step Essay. Online assignment writing service.Introduction Three Step Essay. Online assignment writing service.
Introduction Three Step Essay. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides instructions for a multi-step process to request and receive a custom written paper through the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines registering for an account, completing an order form with instructions and deadlines, reviewing writer bids and selecting one, authorizing payment after receiving and approving the paper, and utilizing revisions if needed. The purpose is to provide a simple way for students to obtain high-quality original content writing assistance through this online service.

Free Printable Lined Writing Paper Web Free Printable
Free Printable Lined Writing Paper Web Free PrintableFree Printable Lined Writing Paper Web Free Printable
Free Printable Lined Writing Paper Web Free Printable

This document discusses steps for requesting and receiving writing assistance from the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines the registration process, how to submit a request and provide instructions, how writers bid on requests and are selected, authorizing payment and revisions. It emphasizes that original, high-quality content is guaranteed and plagiarized work will be refunded.

Automotive Technician Needing Computer Based Training
Like nearly every other professional today, automotive technicians need to be comfortable with
computer based equipment. Cars are more computerized than ever before. It takes more than just
mechanical know how and the turning of a wrench to become a certified automotive technician.
Experienced technicians can work anywhere in the country along with the right mindset and attitude.
Irrefutably the more educated you are, the better your opportunities are to find employment. You will
also learn that most of what you need to know will be from doing hands on work, like working in the
shop, or watching others do it hands on. As with everything, it starts with a high school diploma. If
you do not have at least a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As with any other job, this one changes with time and technology. Some people can get jobs 2 days
after receiving their diploma; some take longer to find one. If you cannot find a job, try going back to
the college you attended to see if they have any leads, some people have also said that they do not help
but it definitely does not hurt to try. (Satterfield) This field takes a special person. Every driver has
been through it at least one time in their life; the engine that will not crank start, the check engine light
that keeps flashing at you every time you start your car, there is the dead battery, brakes that just don t
apply or they make a high pitched squeal. These are unavoidable moments for anyone that owns a
machine that house and engine. Technicians deal with these instants every day, and this is what makes
them extraordinary. Although technicians do not go to school for their English or their ability to speak
and interact with customers, they need to be very good at both. Everyday technicians will speak with
customers, so the techs need to come across as professional and smart. Techs also need to know how
to comfort the customers to make them feel like they and their vehicle are in good hands. (Automotive
Service Technicians and Mechanics) Technicians also need to have faith in their tools and know that
they will perform at their full potential. If one is not, then the technician needs to figure out
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Corporate Governance Of A Company s Shareholders, Board,...
 INTRODUCTION Corporate Governance is the set of relationships between a company s
shareholders, board, the executive management and other stakeholders. The conflict of interest
between these parties has resulted in what is called the agency problem, which arises from the
separation of ownership and control at a corporation. Good corporate governance practices attempt to
resolve the agency problems by aligning the interests of managers and shareholders. The same
corporate governance is not followed by all countries; it differs according to the culture, practices,
legal, and history, economic and social environment. Each company follows its own procedure for
governing on the lines of the model given by the country. Corporations today have laid down the
policies of CG in their own manner as a result of which an important question is whether standard CG
can be established and achieved at a global level. In each country, the corporate governance structure
has certain characteristics or constituent elements, which distinguish it from structures in other
countries. CG component factors can be classified into three groups those related to top management
organization, the board as whole or shareholders, and stakeholders.
 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The purpose of this study is to know the different rules and practices
and models followed by different countries and how the companies manage to thereby maximize their
wealth and also maintain good relations. Good corporate
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Essay On Orthodontists
Orthodontists are types dentists who specialize in straightening teeth and fixing misaligned jaws.
Orthodontists do not only straighten teeth so that people can have a straight smile, they straighten
teeth for overall functionality of the teeth. While researching I found that the average dentist makes
$160,000 a year, an orthodontist makes upwards of $200,000 a year (after paying everything off).
Why do I want to be an orthodontist? I would like to be an orthodontist so that I can see the result of
my work from start to finish. I would also like to see people have a better smile and improve their life
from me. I personally would not like to do oral surgery at this point in time but, there is more money
possibly if I were to do oral surgery. As an orthodontist I will also like doing this job because, here is a
very systematic process and there is steps involved. I like this ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Caring for patients is really important because, without a caring attitude for your parents no one would
come to your practice. People like others who care because they feel happier and calmer when you are
nice to them. Many people also like to have caring orthodontists so that they are not as scared when
they are having things done in their mouths. When people are scared they like to be comforted by
people who care about them and how they are doing. I would like to be a nice and helpful orthodontist
so that I can have a lot of patients that will feel comforted. All and all, orthodontists need to be caring,
smart, good with money, and most of all caring for their patients. I want to be all of these things so
that I can be a really good orthodontist. Of course this isn t all that makes you a good orthodontist, you
need to have the skills and training but, these things make you an even better orthodontist. And these
things make you an orthodontist that people can trust and can feel comfortable
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The Badlands Research Paper
The Badlands
Quickly pulling over to view the stark landscape, which was similar to being on the moon. I began
driving the Badlands Loop a 40.03 mile road around Badlands National Park, South Dakota. The
scenery did not have the splendor of the Grand Canyon or the natural geysers of Yellowstone.
However, the sandstone formations, surround by the prairie grassland were special. Just after sunrise,
the long theatrical shadows on the water and wind carved features, created an eerie landscape.
Nevertheless, this did not deter a group of bighorn sheep from grazing on the side of the gravel road.
After a brief stop to admire the large towering sandstone formations, I had a great view; high on a
distant mesa sat a large plot of green grass with
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The document discusses plagiarism and using the writing service HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5 step process: 1) Create an account, 2) Submit a request including instructions and deadline, 3) Review bids from writers and choose one, 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment, 5) Request revisions if needed and the service guarantees original content or a refund. The document promotes using HelpWriting.net for writing assignments and getting plagiarism-free content.

Printable Writing Paper Vintage Christmas Holly B
Printable Writing Paper Vintage Christmas Holly BPrintable Writing Paper Vintage Christmas Holly B
Printable Writing Paper Vintage Christmas Holly B

The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting assignment requests on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a form with assignment details. 3) Review bids from writers and select one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied. The purpose is to guide users through obtaining writing help services, ensuring their needs and expectations are met.

College Composition Clep Essay Questions
College Composition Clep Essay QuestionsCollege Composition Clep Essay Questions
College Composition Clep Essay Questions

The document provides instructions for completing an assignment writing request on the website HelpWriting.net in 5 steps: 1. Create an account with a password and email. 2. Complete a 10-minute order form with instructions, sources, and deadline, and attach a sample of your writing if wanting the writer to imitate your style. 3. Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications, history, and feedback, then pay a deposit to start the assignment. 4. Review the completed paper and authorize full payment if satisfied, or request free revisions. 5. Request revisions as needed, knowing the site guarantees original, high-quality content or a full refund.

Thomas Hobbes And John Locke Essay
Hobbes, Locke and the meaning of the English civil war Thomas Hobbes and john Locke are
considered some of the most influential people in Political thought. Both men lived during and around
the time of the English civil war. It can be assumed that this event had a profound effect on each man s
perspective and thinking. Locke and Hobbes do differ on their ideas and beliefs. Hobbes living
through the civil war was a supporter of an absolute monarchy. Locke believed in what can be seen as
a representative democracy. It s clear from this examination of facts that both the ideas Hobbes and
Locke were greatly influential. The ideas set forth by Locke certainly have had a profound influence
on later political thinkers. Locke s beliefs would profoundly shape the views of the American
founding fathers. It can be argued that the United States is a Lockean nation. Both Hobbes and Locke
were strong believers in property rights and believed that government must protect these rights. Using
the English war as a starting point, the beliefs and ideas of Lock and Hobbes can be examined. Some
questions to consider are challenging sovereign power, stability and justice and the effects of the
English civil war. By understanding these ideas, we can better appreciate these perspectives and
thoughts and a better understanding can be reached. The main event that these ideas draw their
influence from is the English Civil war. The English civil war happened between 1642 and 1651. The
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Outline Of A Child Immunization
Destiny Caldwell
Mr. Nordlund
Honors English I
May 21, 2015
Child Immunization:
Diseases Becoming More Prevalent in Children Vaccines are crucial in a child s life. Immunizations
and vaccines help prevent future diseases such as pneumonia, polio, and HPV. Polio is a disease that
can cause paralysis (Poliomyelitis). This disease is most commonly found in Nigeria, Pakistan, and
Afghanistan (Childhood). One out of every five children in Pakistan don t have their necessary
vaccines and immunizations (Childhood). In rural areas 2/3 of their children don t get their
vaccinations (Childhood). Pakistan health issues are mainly due to the slow economic growth. They
can t pay for the health advancements because they don t have the funds. After the U.S. killed Osama
bin Laden who was found in Pakistan, the Taliban banned the polio vaccine which will affect
thousands of children(Park). The growth of child immunization, the structure of Pakistan, and the
contrast between Pakistan and the U.S. all show what influences fluctuations in child immunizations.
Child immunizations have grown over the past few centuries. In most countries they are 100% free of
certain diseases due to new developments of vaccines. Many disease don t have a cure but can be
prevented at an early stage. At least 103 million cases of childhood diseases have been prevented by
vaccines since 1924... (Vaccine vindication). Polio was an epidemic in the twentieth century until
1955 when by Jonas Salk created a
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Habermas Theory Of The Public Sphere
Having examined and defined mass media and the contemporary democracy it is important however
to consider Habermas theory of the public sphere.
Habermas defines the public sphere as a realm of our social life in which something approaching
public opinion can be formed. Access is guaranteed to all citizens (1974, p.49). It is Habermas theory
that the public sphere helps to facilitate the rational communication of public affairs independently
from the government and state.
Similar to the paragraphs on the mass media and contemporary democracies Habermas himself backs
up the point of the mass media negatively affecting the democracy.
He argues that commercialised media in the new public sphere have turned the public sphere into a
place where advertising is prioritised (Habermas, Lennox and Lennox 1974). A point that backs this
theory up is the way the mass media influences television in a political way, as it is deteriorating the
public sphere (Hart,1994). This opinion is key in the context of explaining the public sphere theory as
it helps to highlight a key point in the modern democracy.
Harts opinion highlights one of the main tools of influence within the mass media, news organisations
influence the audiences view point through what they broadcast on their television channels.
(Quoted in Papacharissi, 2010, p.232) Habermas (2004) suggests that main stream media content have
colonized the public sphere and compromised rational and democratic public discourse. This
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Masyarakat Cina Di Malaysia
MASYARAKAT CINA DI MALAYSIA PENGENALAN Masyarakat Cina di Malaysia merujuk
kepada sekelompok manusia iaitu orang Cina yang mengamalkan budaya yang hampir seragam,
termasuk adat resam, pakaian, bahasa, dan kegiatan ekonomi di negara kita. Mereka biasanya berasal
dari luar negara yang menjadi warganegara atau penduduk tetap di Malaysia. Kebanyakan daripada
mereka adalah pendatang dari China yang tiba di Malaysia sekitar abad ke 15 hingga pertengahan
abad ke 20. Pendatang Cina awal telah membentuk suku kaum Cina Peranakan atau Cina Selat yang
memeluk adat Melayu, berbahasa Melayu, tetapi mengekalkan amalan agama Cina. Pendatang
pendatang seterusnya (seawalnya abad ke 19) yang mengekalkan adat Cina pula dikenali sebagai
Sinkheh (新客) dan ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sebagai pemerintah yang bukan bersifat kecinaan tulen, tentu kerajaan Manchu kurang prihatin
terhadap masalah orang Cina. Bahkan mereka dianggap menindas orang Cina. Disebabkan ada faktor
penolak dari negara China, ramai yang mengambil keputusan berhijrah terutama ke Asia Tenggara.
Peluang peluang ekonomi di Nanyang pula menjadi faktor tarikan penting kerana kebanyakan
penghijrah terdiri daripada penghijrah ekonomi. Pemerintahan Inggeris yang mengamalkan sistem
ekonomi bebas telah membuka peluang perkembangan ekonomi. Buruh buruh yang ramai diperlukan
untuk mempercepatkan pertumbuhan. Langkah langkah diambil oleh Inggeris untuk mempercepatkan
kemasukan buruh dengan memperkenalkan undang undang dan peraturan imigrasi di Tanah Melayu.
Dasar penghijrahan British liberal dan dapat menjamin keselamatan dan peluang peluang ekonomi
yang lebih baik. Di negeri negeri Selat, perdagangan menjadi pendorong penting penghijrah orang
Cina. Di negeri negeri Melayu pula, perlombongan bijih timah menjadi faktor penarik yang penting.
Ini berlaku apabila endapan bijih timah yang banyak ditemui. Pembesar pembesar Melayu tidak mahu
bergantung dengan orang Melayu yang melombong secara sambilan. Pemerintah pemerintah Melayu
mendorong masuk pelombong Cina dan berpuas hati dengan mengutip komisen serta cukai. Terdapat
juga kemasukan orang Cina kerana pertanian tetapi bilangannya tidak seramai pelombong. Kumpulan
pertanian terlibat dengan
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Cause And Effect Essay Examples College. Online assignment writing service.
Cause And Effect Essay Examples College. Online assignment writing service.Cause And Effect Essay Examples College. Online assignment writing service.
Cause And Effect Essay Examples College. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a full refund option for plagiarized work. The service aims to provide original, high-quality content that fully meets customer needs.

Poems To Write Essays On. Online assignment writing service.
Poems To Write Essays On. Online assignment writing service.Poems To Write Essays On. Online assignment writing service.
Poems To Write Essays On. Online assignment writing service.

This document summarizes the poem "Mr Bleaney" by Philip Larkin. It describes how the poem tells the story of a man, Mr Bleaney, who rented a small, basic room that reflected his dull personality. Through learning details about Bleaney's lonely life from the previous tenant who now rents the room, the reader gets insight into Bleaney's isolated and monotonous existence. By the end, the narrator realizes that by accepting the poor living conditions, they are becoming like Bleaney and may fall into the same lonely routine.

Write Short Essay On Pollution Short Essay E
Write Short Essay On Pollution Short Essay EWrite Short Essay On Pollution Short Essay E
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The document discusses a rugby match between the North Sydney Bears and Mounties that ended in a 34-34 tie. It describes several key plays in the game including tries scored by both teams and clutch conversions. The game was an exciting back-and-forth contest that saw both teams battle back from deficits and featured strong individual performances from players like Mitch Cornish and Cody Walker.

Deep Rooted Work On A Hard Man
Research Paper: Deep Rooted Work on a Hard Man Flannery O Connor was born March 25, 1925, in
Savanah, Georgia. She went to what is, now Iowa University and majored in literature. She s primarily
known for her short stories but was a novelist. Flannery O Connor passed away in 1964 after losing a
battle with lupus. The piece of writing that I will be discussing is titled: A Good Man is Hard to Find,
she wrote this work in 1953 along with several other short stories (Biography.com Editors). To
summarize an individual s life is not what is being established in this writing. What will be discussed,
however, is the titled piece: A Good Man is Hard to Find. Analyzing the writing, looking with a
critical eye about what the writing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The reader starts to realize that the grandmother is someone that tends to get their way. Or, that they
will continue to be a nuisance. What occurs is not what the grandmother intended so she begrudgingly
goes about her business making it a point not to be left behind also be dressed to the nine s. She takes
pride in her appearance and Flannery lets the readers know this by stating, anybody seeing her dead on
the highway would know that she was a lady. (O Connor). Still the foreshadowing of death and
turmoil looms but this was also a lot of writing styles during this time. Their trip continues as planned
with the grandmother telling stories to the family, unsuccessfully communicating with the other adults
in the vehicle. The children seem to be the only participants in the grandmother s tales. The readers are
introduced to another glimpse of turmoil when O Connor writes, the trees were full of silver white
sunlight, and the meanest of them sparkled. (O Connor) The illusion demonstrates the battle between
good and evil and how sometimes even the darker side seems to be more pleasant with a taste of
charm and falsehood. Again, O Connor always wrote about her belief in God, and this demonstrates to
the reader again how she works her beliefs into her work. As the grandmother continues to share
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School Teacher Role
The role of an elementary school teacher is an important role because they are one of the first role
models that young children can look up to. They are the first few individuals that have the opportunity
to shape a child s life, and they may sometimes inspire their students to follow up in their footsteps. To
begin with, the general duties of an elementary school teacher is to create daily lesson plans and
instruct students on subjects such as science, literature, and math. More specific job duties would be to
manage the student behavior in the classroom, create a positive learning environment for their
students, grade papers, work with other staff members, and teachers must be responsible for their
students health and safety. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In order to reach this long term life goal of mine, I will need to develop my own education plan. To
begin with I will need to graduate high school. It is currently my senior year and I only have about 6
months until graduation. A few of the steps that I have taken include applying for colleges and the
FAFSA application. These first two steps are crucial because they will determine where I continue my
education and if I will be able to afford it or how much debt I will be in. I have thought about several
different colleges that I would like to go to and my first option would be Grand Canyon
University(GCU). If I can t make it into GCU then my next option would be Cal State Fullerton, Cal
State Long Beach, or Cal State Dominguez Hills. Getting into a University or a Cal State University
seems like a big goal to me. I have hope that I will make it into one of them but if I don t, then my last
option would be to go to Cypress or Fullerton community college and then transfer out into the
university of my dreams. Getting into the early childhood education field will hopefully not be as
tough as I expect due to my prior experience of working with younger children.
Throughout my teenage years, I have been able to bond and communicate with my four younger
siblings. Not only have I had the opportunity of gaining experience from my siblings, but I have also
taken part in an ROP class. The ROP class, careers with children, furthered my interest in working
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Special Interest Group Theory Vs Public Interest Theory
I. Review Questions Public Interest vs. Special Interest Theory of Government Policy in Health Care
1. Contrast the predictions of the public interest and economic theories of government with regard to
redistributive policies.
There are two general economic models that describe why the government intervenes in market based
health care, known as public interest theory and special interest group theory. Public interest theory
allows the government to promote the general interest of society as a whole and chose policies that
enhance both efficiency and equity (Santerre Neun, 2013). The theory predicts that the public interest
is best severed when the government determines market failure and corrects instances in the market
when resources ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the matter of justifying the use of government subsidies for medical education to ensure proper
allocation of resources the argument can be made that if I am required to pay for a service that does
not directly benefit me then an externality occurs. For example, if the state of GA decides to increase
their sales tax and use the additional revenue to target smoking cessation amongst Medicare users to
aid in decreasing the overall cost of healthcare consumption, then I as a non smoker and non Medicare
recipient am paying for a service that I directly do not need and gain no value from as I am not
directly involved in the transaction. Because the goal of the subsidy is to create an incentive for more
buyers to engage in a socially beneficial activity (Santerre Neun, 2013), if I am already engaged in the
socially beneficial activity, paying the cost for other buyers to engage in the activity through medical
education is an otherwise non beneficial factor. From this perspective, it can be assumed that the
benefit is concentrated on a targeted population, but the general population at large, a high percentage
who are not in the targeted population are incurring costs that will go uncompensated for in the private
market (Santerre Neun, 2013). The majority of individuals who do not drive, or do not drive long
distances are elderly and have a higher probability of receiving
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Boo Radley Theory
To Kill a Mockingbird is about a little girl named Jean Louise Finch, called Scout, and her brother,
Jeremy Finch, called Jem. A few houses down from theirs is the Radley s house. Throughout the story,
they try to lure Arthur Radley, sometimes referred to as Boo Radley, out of the house; he s always
inside. Some people are puzzled as to why Boo Radley doesn t prefer to come out of his house, and I
have a theory. This world is a cruel place, but few people realize that. Boo Radley, unlike most,
realized this about the world, and had no desire to have anything with it. He didn t approve of the
monsters people had become, so he stayed inside to stay away from the world. When Boo Radley was
a teenager, he joined a group that was the closest to a gang ever in Maycomb. Once, he caused
mischief, and instead of being punished, his father said that he would be sure Boo never made trouble
again. When they returned to the house, Boo wasn t heard ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ewell tries to kill Scout and Jem as they re walking home at night. They were shouting loudly, but no
one heard them; they were either sleeping or listening to a loud radio. That is, everyone except Boo.
Mr. Ewell broke Jem s arm and was going for Scout when Boo came and killed Mr. Ewell with his
own knife. He carried Jem home, but I don t think he saw Scout; it was dark. He saved Jem and Scout
from the vilest person in Maycomb. Killing a mockingbird, hence the title, is referred to by this; since
Mr. Ewell was cruel, it was similar to killing a mockingbird, which in the story is considered a sin
because they don t do anything to you. So in the end he paid for his sin by dying. But this incident
added to why Boo Radley stayed inside, and why he was never seen again after it. Actually
experiencing the cruelty, he desired even further to stay away from it. I can understand why, and if a
Mr. Ewell lived in Alpena, I d try and stay inside, too. Being around that kind of person is not in my
list of
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Here is a brief history of South Carolina State University: South Carolina State University (SCSU) is a public, historically black university located in Orangeburg, South Carolina. It was founded in 1896 as the Colored Normal, Industrial, Agricultural and Mechanical College of South Carolina. In 1954, the school's name was changed to South Carolina State College and it gained university status in 1993, becoming South Carolina State University. Some key events in SCSU's history include: - 1896: Founded to provide education for black students during the era of racial segregation and Jim Crow laws. It focused on teacher training as well as industrial, agricultural and mechanical skills. - 1954: Name changed to South Carolina

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The document outlines 5 steps for getting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net, including creating an account, completing an order form with instructions and deadline, reviewing bids from writers and choosing one, receiving the paper and authorizing payment upon approval, and having the option to request revisions. It emphasizes that original, high-quality content will be provided and a full refund is offered if plagiarism is found. The process aims to fully meet customer needs for assignment writing help.

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The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account and provide contact details. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied with the work. The service aims to provide original, high-quality content and offers refunds for plagiarized work.

Northwest Mounted Police Research Paper
The beginning of it all, NorthWest Mounted Police was created in 1873. Canada didn t really need any
more enforcements or groups, at this time until they needed a permit force to protect Canada s new
Northwest Territories ( Northwest mounted police ). They were sent northwest to enforce Canadian
authorities, which is now present day Alberta and Saskatchewan. After a while of being known they
grew into the Yukon in 1865, Arctic Coast in 1903 and Northern Manitoba in 1912. They were mostly
needed to patrol the new lands Domain of Canada had just purchased, from Hudson s bay company (
northwest mounted police ). Also another good reason they were created would be they really needed
some law and order, and a good representation of Canadian sovereignty, was ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Even though they were quiet small not very many law enforcements accomplished so much with so
little violence and very little men. The whole law enforcement all started in Canada, and Canada was
who was in control of what they did and where they went. When Canada was planning this group
America felt threatened because they thought it was a military base, when all it was, was a group to
protect the new lands. They never really had any big problems with anything, or other people (
Northwest mounted police ). This group had many names actually. Their first original name that didn t
stick with it was Northwest Mounted rifles, but it sounded to threatening. So they just went with
Northwest Mounted police, after they decided on the name it was changed another good two or three
times. When Northwest Mounted police got old their name was changed by adding in Royal to their
name. The group actually United with another group called the Domain Police and that was when their
name changed to Royal Canadian Mounted Police . The last time this group changed names was in
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Who Is The Narrator In The Yellow Wall-Paper By Charlotte...
The short story, The Yellow Wall Paper , written by Charlotte Perkins Stetson, illustrates the mental
downfall of the narrator. The narrator, a wife and mother, is suffering from the symptoms of
depression and anxiety. Her husband, John, who is a physician, diagnoses her with a nervous disease
and suggests that she stay in a summer home until she recovers from it. He advises her not to write
because he believes that it will only add to the progression of her illness. She continues to write in
spite of John who is attempting to understand her loneliness. She thinks her nervous depression is only
temporary, so she complies with the order to stay in the summer house. This period of rest negatively
impacts the narrator s psychological well being, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She sleeps in the nursery where there are bars on the windows. This could lead readers to believe that
she could be in a mental institution. All her time is spent in this room. She notices the ripped yellow
wallpaper around her bed. She describes the wallpaper as stripped off... in great patches all around the
head of my bed (Stetson 648). The first time she notices the unusual nature of the wallpaper is when
she says the paper looks at her. She starts to notice people in the wall looking at her with different
expressions. She sees them crawl up, down, and sideways as their unblinking eyes stare her. She
observes that her walls are a mess, and assumes that the kids tore the wallpaper. Her obsession with
the yellow wallpaper makes her condition worse until she finally goes totally
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Hillary Clinton s Speech Analysis
The United Nation Conference on Women The exploration of inequalities of women in the United
Nation Conference occurred September 5,1995 in Beijing, China. Having the United Nations Fourth
World Conference to be specifically over women, was a great pleasure. During the conference, Hillary
Clinton on many occasions explains in depth on how far women has come in the world. For example,
women are now seen as wives, sisters, daughters, educators, workers, citizens, and leaders. We are no
longer viewed as property . Before the 19th amendment was ratified, American women partake in a lot
of trials and tribulations. For an example the suffrage for rights, the temperance movement, better jobs
/ work conditions, healthcare, pay wages and the list goes on and on. Why? Female citizens were not
found to share the same rights as men, not even to vote. Changes did not come forth until 1848 when
women s rights were launched on a national level in Seneca Falls. Throughout all the inconvenience s
still women have managed to consume responsibilities in the home, on the job, in their communities,
and as mothers. As the perception of women not being worthy is changing Hillary say s this is a
celebration not only for me, but for all women across the world. One thing about this woman you can
say is that she makes great correlations between ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Clinton brought forth many events that women and men had previously collaborated on. For prime
example the 75th anniversary of women s suffrage, the struggle of a 150 years after the signing of the
Declaration of independence for women to win the right to vote and 72 years of organized struggle on
the part of many courageous women and men. Another event of collaboration the V J Day the good
experience that comes forth when men and women join to combat forces of tyranny and build a better
world. The allusions of just those two events are great because it displays that the collaboration
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Thematic Analysis Of Photography
A systematic examination of photographs can reveal many insights into the individual taking the
picture. For example, Dijck (2008) explains that picture taking has been widely used as a way for
people to save memories of events, a tool for communication and experience, and more recently, as a
tool for identity development. For example, in the 20th century, people used photography to save
memories to remember their lives (Dijck,2008). As time moved forward it evolved into using
photography to communicate with others by sharing their experiences with social media. By using
social media like Twitter for example, people share different types of pictures from selfies, to video
game screenshots, to a photograph of a new jacket; which occurs not just in the United States but, all
over the world (Thelwall, Goriunvova, Vis, Faulkner, Burns, Aulich, Mas Bleda, ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Our sample includes photo libraries from 11 travelers who took part in an 11 day trip to Ecuador and
the Galapagos Islands. We also analyzed photo collections from 10 individuals participating in a 9 day
trip to Cuba. Taken together, the two groups include 17 students and 3 faculty members. In the first
step of our analysis, we have used a qualitative content analysis to identify themes in the content of
photographs that were taken by one of the faculty members on the trip to Cuba. This initial analysis
revealed six main categories: (people of the country, people from the group, research interests, nature
scenes, selfies, and miscellaneous). In the next part of our analysis (the quantitative analysis currently
underway), we have determined whether these categories are consistent across the more experienced
travelers and whether these categories also provide a good descriptive fit for the content of
photographs taken by
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Argumentative Essay For College Students - 247 Homework Help.
Argumentative Essay For College Students - 247 Homework Help.Argumentative Essay For College Students - 247 Homework Help.
Argumentative Essay For College Students - 247 Homework Help.

This document provides instructions for college students to get homework help from an online service. It outlines a 5-step process: 1. Create an account with required information. 2. Complete a form with assignment details, sources, and deadline to request paper writing help. 3. Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4. Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5. Request revisions until fully satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarized work. The service aims to provide original, high-quality content to meet student needs.

Write My English Paper For Me. Online assignment writing service.
Write My English Paper For Me. Online assignment writing service.Write My English Paper For Me. Online assignment writing service.
Write My English Paper For Me. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with the option of a full refund for plagiarized work.

Help To Write English Correctl. Online assignment writing service.
Help To Write English Correctl. Online assignment writing service.Help To Write English Correctl. Online assignment writing service.
Help To Write English Correctl. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses why the author wants to become a veterinary technologist or technician, noting that they would study veterinary and animal science. As a technologist or technician, they would help conduct clinical and laboratory procedures like postoperative care, dental care, and administering medications prescribed by veterinarians. The author states they would attend a community college for 4 years to study veterinary technology and gain experience in the field.

Playing My Best Game Of My Life
Goodish, Badish Basketball
The day I played my best. It was in the morning we had to get up to go to are basketball games. Like
all morning I was slow and then I played the best game of my life so far. It was a hard game one of the
hardest game ever, no it was the hardest game ever. I know what you re thinking,the team played so
well together that it was the best they ever played with each other. Even the shy people scored it was
great. The score was unbelievable 200 points to 0. But we actually lost 89 to 58. Yeah I knew, how did
I play the best. If we didn t even win and are team wasn t playing together like we always do. Maybe
it was because they just wanted the ball or maybe they were just scared. It was the last game before
the finals. I always go in thinking that we are going to lose. So I don t feel mad or disappointed if we
lose. It also helps me play harder. But this time I was sure we were gonna lose. They were two times
the size of me. They were like trees towering over me. Even their smallest girl was taller than our
tallest girl. But they were in our division. We ve never even seen them play before, but we knew they
were good. They were all wearing orange pixel shorts. We were joking that they were pooping out
pixels. Then we headed in for warm up s the crowd was cheering, but then the other team comes in
and it went crazy. As we were doing leg up lines they were shooting three s and making all of them.
But they were slow and that s where we had an
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How To Write A Classic Novel
When I read your fascinating novel I could not help but feel very curious and inclined to read more.
May I ask, what was your inspiration to write your book and what made you want to bring your story
to others? Also, how does it feel and what did you go through when writing a classic novel in a time
period where women did not have equal rights and were not as highly respected as men? I thought that
your writing technique showed how classy and intelligent your story is. Considering that education
was not in your reach, you made your story sound educated and significant among other stories. I
could tell that you spent a long period of time educating yourself in literature and in language. There
are many quotes in your book that i can not seem
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Rise Of Rarlo Trujillo
Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina was the President of the Dominican Republic. He ruled the country as
a dictator. In order to maintain his power, he eliminated people who disagreed with him by dismissing
them from their jobs or even murdering them. He also put his family members in positions of power in
the economy. Rafael Trujillo was a dictator that stopped at nothing in order to maintain his power over
the Dominican Republic. On October 24, 1891, Rafael Trujillo was born in San Cristóbal, Dominican
Republic. He lived with his lower middle class parents and 10 siblings. During his childhood, Trujillo
s education consisted of schools that were held in different villagers homes. He was only taught basic
principles in these schools. Rafael Trujillo got his first job when he was sixteen years old but
subsequently lost his job after he joined a gang and committed various crimes, including forging
checks. Trujillo eventually gave up his life of crime after he married his first wife, Aminta Ledesima,
and they had two daughters (Biography.com). Rafael Trujillo s rise to power began on January 11,
1919 when he took his oath to become an officer in the Constabulary Guard. Trujillo quickly rose
through the military ranks and by 1925 he was the commander in chief of the Northern Department of
the Guard (Historic World Leaders). His shot at becoming president came when the then President of
the Dominican Republic, President Horacio Vásquez, was forced to resign because of a revolt
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Ransom Of Julius Caesar Research Paper
Julius Caesar is one of my favorite Greek leaders. Some of the things that he has done sound unreal,
and are very unknown. One time, in 75 B.C., he was kidnapped by pirates. He was in his mid 20s, and
had he set out from Rome for the Aegean island of Rhodes. He planned to study with Apollonius who
was a Greek rhetorician whose students had included Cicero, who became a famous orator in Rome.
However, along the way to Rhodes, Caesar s ship was hijacked by pirates off the southwestern coast
of Asia Minor. When the pirates named a ransom price for his release, Caesar thought the number was
insultingly low and told them he deserved a higher ransom be demanded. Eventually, the higher
ransom was paid and Caesar was freed. Soon after, he sought revenge
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The document discusses how Britain's position on the morality continuum changed between the 1930s and 1956 regarding military intervention. In the 1930s under Churchill, Britain took an anti-appeasement stance against fascism. By 1956, memories of defeating fascism in WWII gave Britain pride, but imperialism was becoming criticized. Britain's unilateral military action in the Suez crisis, motivated by national interests like oil access, lacked the moral authority of defending against fascism and resembled colonial overreach. Drawing parallels to 1938 gave a sense of moral justification but could not replicate the success of confronting the evils of fascism.

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Nicolaus Copernicus was a Polish astronomer born in 1473 who changed the field of astronomy by proposing that the Sun, not Earth, was the center of our solar system. Though his ideas were initially controversial, Copernicus' work eventually led to the acceptance of the heliocentric model of the universe. His book De revolutionibus orbium coelestium revolution of the heavenly spheres laid out his theory that the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun. Though Copernicus made few formal observations, his ideas revolutionized astronomy and shifted perceptions of humanity's place in the universe.

Jeu De Rôle Argumentation. Online assignment writing service.
Jeu De Rôle Argumentation. Online assignment writing service.Jeu De Rôle Argumentation. Online assignment writing service.
Jeu De Rôle Argumentation. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses different types of men that women may encounter when dating. It draws an analogy between dating and Forrest Gump's famous quote about life being like a box of chocolates, as you never know what you're going to get with men. It describes three main types - the good, the bad, and the perfect. While all men likely have both positive and negative traits, it's difficult for women to distinguish them at first. Careful assessment of a man's overall strengths and weaknesses is needed to determine the best partner.

The Importance Of Executive Agreements In Foreign Policy
In foreign policy, there are two types of executive agreements, treaties and international agreements or
executive agreements. The president is able to create a treaty with another country but needs two
thirds of the U.S. Senates advice and consent for the treaty to pass. Joint possession of the power in
question, by the President and Senate, would afford a greater prospect of security than the separate
possession of it by either of them (Milkis and Nelson, 2016). The Constitution believed that it would
be safer for the United States if both the executive and legislative branches worked together to create
treaties. An example of a treaty is the Jay Treaty. The Jay Treat was between the United States and
Great Britain, but there were some issues with this treaty. Other politicians and citizens did not like
what the treaty stated. They believed the Jay Treat unconstitutionally undermined the separate of
powers (Demmer, 2015). But they could not take any action because senate already gave the two
thirds approval. For treaties, Congress has the power to accept or decline what the president writes.
The Constitution of the United States, has empowered Congress, and not the president (Demmer,
2015). This means Congress has more power in leading foreign policy. Then there is the executive
agreement which brought into force with respect to the United States on a constitutional basis other
than with the advice and consent of Senate ( Treaty vs. Executive Agreement ).
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I have played soccer since 2008. I had been playing with them for years, there was Squash, Josh, Jake
and more. I was with them for 6 years but got kicked anyway. This is similar to how Boxer and
Snowball were betrayed by the pigs and had to get out of the farm even though they were there from
the start. In the novel Snowball gives his all at establishing the community in Animal Farm. Without
Snowball a lot of the things on the farm wouldn t have happened. He was one of the main reasons that
the revolution happened. For Boxer he was used and abused even more than Snowball, while
Snowball was giving 100% Boxer would always give 120% putting his all and more into the
development of animal farm. When others were not doing much he was giving that much more going
above and beyond the call of duty. Snowball and Boxer ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Along the way some came and went while others I am still good friends. With Diamonds the years I
was there were good ones and while I wasn t the best I would give my all. The teams I was with over
the years slowly went from being one of the dominant teams to being a ok one finishing 7th or 8th.
The year I was sacked they had more players than what they wanted. The coach had gotten the
superstars from multiple teams so he could make a dream team. Like Snowball and Boxer I was
betrayed and others stayed. My coach at the time was like Napoleon in the sense he wanted leadership
and power as well as boosting their ego. They were both out for themselves trying to do what they
wanted. While Napoleon got what he wanted with having the power that Mr. Jones had, My coach got
what he wanted with making the soccer team Murry United adding this local area to a Melbourne
league. They both had the sin of greed with wanting these. While they both had positives with
Napoleon having a farm with a better production speed than they had with Mr. Jones, and my Coach
getting a team that he hoped would win
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Legal Issues Over The Legal System
The career that I chose to focus on was legal area as far as becoming an attorney that practices family
and criminal court. I chose this area of study because I have become interested in legal issues over the
past few years that lead me to the decision to practice law. Upon deciding what I wanted to do with
my career, I then decided that I want to first start out as a lawyer and then progress to becoming a
judge where I plan on retiring from. I decided I would rather practice criminal law and family law as a
prosecutor rather than becoming a defense attorney. I don t feel that my arguments are strong enough
to be a defense attorney and do plan on working on those skills for improvement. However I am a firm
believe that justice served is the main reason individuals lean to the legal system for help. During my
research for my chosen career I found an article that allowed me to look deeper into the legal system.
The article focuses on the importance of the local common law in resolving various related disputes
(Decker, 2014). Topics discussed include relationship between the local common law with the
customs, social norms and local legal culture, role of the local courts of the U.S. in the construction,
implementation and enforcement of the common law and relationship between the common law and
access to justice (Decker, 2014). It further discusses the importance of the legal scholarship in
construction of the common law (Decker, 2014). After reading this article it basically
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Growing Up Research Paper
Growing up in Theresa was an experience that will live with me until the day I die. Theresa is a town
with a population of roughly 2,000 people and it is very rural. Theresa is a blue collar community
where everyone works hard and everyone plays hard. I saw this 24/7 at home. It was a small town.
Everyone knew what was going on with everything in the town. The town of Theresa was basically
one giant family. I went to school their from Kindergarten through 4th grade. The school was three
blocks from my house and I would walk to school and back every single day. I usually had people
who would walk with me. Some of those people I am still friends with to this very day. This was were
I got my very first taste of school and first taste of friendship. One friend that I have made in Theresa
is standing up in my wedding in July. Growing up their was a blessing for so many reasons. Probably
for reasons I may realize later in life. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Downtown there is the local shell gas station. It is a fairly dated gas station, but they make due with
what they have. There is a sandwich shop inside, along with multiple varieties of coffee. I remember
my dad going there every day before work to get his cup of coffee. There were three parks in town and
one of them was one block away from my house. I once fell off the slide at this park and was sent to
the emergency room. I stayed away from that park for a while after that. The park was a hot spot for
kids of all ages. This park was right next to the public school that I attended until 4th grade. My house
was also right off a river that leads right into the Mississippi. The river is a great place to fish and
kayak. I caught many fish in the river, usually alongside my dad and my sister. The town dump was
sometimes a fun place to go. People would bring things that they no longer used or needed there.
People would go and search through the stuff and bring home was they
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This document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Receive the paper and authorize payment if pleased. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarism.

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Here is a summary of the key distinction Jean Grimshaw makes: Grimshaw distinguishes between misogyny and philosophically significant maleness in philosophical theories. Misogyny refers to explicit hatred, dislike, or prejudice against women. Philosophically significant maleness refers to theories that are not explicitly misogynistic but are still androcentric or centered around a male perspective and experience. According to Grimshaw, some philosophical theories may not be overtly misogynistic but are still developed from within a male conceptual framework that takes male norms and experiences as universal. This implicit maleness shapes the theories in ways that exclude or marginalize women's perspectives and experiences. In other words, mis

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The document discusses how Frederic Chopin incorporated elements of Polish nationalism into his compositions. As a Polish composer born in Warsaw, Chopin drew on Polish folk songs and dances in works like his Bolero, which features a melody similar to a religious folk song. Chopin epitomized the Romantic artist and used the piano's tones, rhythmic flexibility, and dynamics poetically to conjure the human voice. His pieces reflected his love of Polish culture and pride in his national identity amidst Poland's oppression.

The Events That Changed Latin America
The Event that Changed Latin America The Latin American countries have been subject to many
changes ever since the American continent was discovered. These changes have mainly affected the
economy, culture and power changes these countries have suffered throughout the years. According to
Jon Charles Chasteen on his book Born in Blood Fire During the twentieth century, there were three
main events that changed the course of Latin American countries and their economies. These three
events were, the emergence of nationalism, the end of World War II, and the Cuban revolution.
However, in my point of view, the event that created more impact in Latin America and the future of
these countries has been Cuban Revolution. It is not a secret that the Cuban Revolution created a big
impact to the country s future, unfortunately this revolution not only changed Cuba, but also the entire
region of Latin America. However, the revolution, led by Fidel Castro, brought hope for those who
supported the fight against the repressive government in the island, but it also brought a red signal of
danger and fear of Cold War to other countries in America, especially for United States. Even though
the revolutionary Fidel Castro was friend with the Soviet Union, Cuba never played a big role outside
of the island. Nevertheless, United State anti communism policy encouraged a violent anti
revolutionary reaction that spreader all over Latin America in the 60 s and 70 s.
They wanted to
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Summary Of Twelve By Alexander Blok
Peace, land, and bread ; the battle cry for the country during the Russian Revolution. With this in
mind, in the early 1900s, a rebellion swept through one of the biggest empires in Asia. This revolution
was unparalleled event in modern history (History: The Russian Revolution). Nonetheless, the
historical background of this time period can be displayed in various forms. In this case, Twelve by
Alexander Blok, is a poem that reflects the Russian Revolution and the struggles in that time period.
Moreover, the text takes place throughout a night and ironically begins at twelve midnight. During the
Russian Revolution, a lot of political and economic struggles plagued one of the biggest empires
(History: The Russian Revolution). Twelve fabricates the appropriate figurative language to correlate
with the historical facts of the revolutions. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Alexander Blok makes use of juxtaposition to compare the revolution in Russia to how Russia was
before. To specify, black night, white snow was included to reveal contrast and set up the scene for the
poem (Blok 1). Setting the scene for the poem in this way allowed Blok to evidently display how
contrasting these two settings are. The black night expounds the dark cloud that was the revolution
and the white snow connotes how Russia was before everything derailed. Hence, setting the correct
scene for the twelfth hour in Russia and everything that occurred. To illustrate, the Russian Revolution
was a groundbreaking event that shaped modern history...World War I provided the catalyst for the
revolution in Russia (The Russian Revolution). World War I, was the catalyst which increased to the
detriment of the revolution. The way the Russian Revolution swept through the country was very
detrimental and changed Russia drastically. Therefore, juxtaposition exposes the transformation of
Russia and connects the text to the
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Glue In Romeo And Juliet
Glue can be viewed as a sticky mess; however, it is the mold and foundation for the basis of many
things. Glue is a binder for many things including art projects and practical crafts. Much like how
literal glue sticks objects together, metaphoric glue keeps order. For instance, a father is the glue of a
family because he is a protector, a money maker, and a lover. In the dramatic play Romeo and Juliet
by William Shakespeare, two families feuds have to keep lovers apart until their deaths. Their families
start to fall apart as the mold holding them together does as well. Young Juliet ends her life far too
early because her father, Lord Capulet, has a wrath that is too much to put up a fight with. Her father
gives her orders that she refuses to take, but unfortunately he does not like to hear the word no.
Nonetheless, chaos unfolds to what seems to be no end. Ultimately, Lord Capulet s power and temper
both weakens and strengthens the glue that holds together the Capulet name. ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
A father s most precious moments are the ones he spends with his little girl. When Lord Capulet is
first introduced, he is illustrated as the loving father all girls are lucky to have. He cares for and
protects his daughter from many dangers, including boys with their own agendas. For instance, Lord
Capulet says,
My child is yet a stranger in the world,
She hath not seen the change of fourteen years;
Let two more summers wither in their
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Water Contamination Using The Filtration Process
Water contamination using the filtration process was observed on a smaller scale using liquid laundry
detergent, vegetable oil, and vinegar. These products were tested and observed for differences in color,
smell, and consistency. Three different kinds of water products from; tap water, Dasani water, to Fiji
bottled water were tested and observed using chemical test strips. This was to understand that bottled
water did not have a difference from regular tap water. When contaminates are introduced to the
elements and effect the water supply they can have an adverse effect on the human health system. The
water that we drink and use in our day to day lives is vital and understanding how to keep it clean is
the responsibility of all.
Research of water quality is vital to our future, we must understand it and learn how to improve a
process in order to secure our future. Since the passage of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SWDA) by
the United States (US) Congress in 1974, the number of regulated contaminates has increased from an
initial 22 to currently 91 (venkatamaran, 2013) these standards developed by the SWDA help correct
the issues of contamination that we face today. Common household products found in everyone s
home, and common practices found in our crop fields introduce the contaminates to our water. The
water quality has an overall effect on our ecological system from the ocean, to the lakes found in our
backyards. This includes plant life, marshes,
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Here are the key similarities and differences between ancient Greece and Persia: Similarities: - Both were large empires that dominated their regions during the same time period (6th-4th centuries BCE) - Achieved military successes and expanded their territories through conquest - Developed advanced civilizations with influential cultural and artistic achievements Differences: - Government: Greece was made up of independent city-states, while Persia was a centralized imperial monarchy - Economy: Greece relied more on trade and commerce, while Persia extracted wealth from conquered territories - Society: Greek society was based on citizenship and democracy, while Persian society emphasized obedience to the king - Military: Greek armies consisted of heavily armed hopl

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The document provides instructions for writing a movie analysis essay, outlining 5 key steps: 1) choose a movie, 2) watch and take notes on it, 3) analyze elements like theme, characters, and plot, 4) form a thesis about the movie's meaning or message, and 5) write the essay interpreting your analysis. It also includes a sample movie analysis essay to demonstrate how to apply the steps in a written work analyzing the chosen film.

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This document discusses employee involvement and commitment during organizational change processes. It explains that employee involvement and commitment are important factors that impact change processes. The document analyzes different perspectives on choosing the right type of employee involvement to positively impact change, commitment, and reduce costs. It also discusses using tools like communication, education, and feedback to gain employee commitment during change.

Friends or Enemies
I sat there for the longest time. No one spoke, or if they did, I certainly wasn t listening. I mulled over
everything I had thought about him. The way we spoke with each other. How I felt when I was with
him. Everything pointed back to one answer, but it only made me depressed.
I really liked Ciel.
Alice? someone asked. I snapped out of my daze. I d know that voice anywhere.
I turned in my chair and smiled, Ciel! I got up and hugged him tightly. He seemed a bit awkward
about it, but wrapped his arms around me.
When I pulled away, I was full of concern, Are you okay? Did you get hurt? I m so sorry, Ciel! I... I
didn t know how to help you.
It s fine. We re back together now, right? That s what matters, he said. I nodded in agreement. I was a
little surprised he was brushing it off so easily. With anyone else, he would have chewed them out for
it. I was grateful for the reaction, of course, but considering the recent revelation, my thoughts drifted
to reasons of the change.
There is no more room, March Hare told Ciel.
Yes, no more room at all, Hatter joked. He gave me a knowing smile. He knew that I had figured it
out. If I hadn t, I wouldn t have hugged Ciel. I averted my eyes, angry for him being right at all. He
had just made things a zillion times harder because of pointing out that little fact. I really hadn t
needed it.
Come, don t say that. Have a seat, Dormouse talked in his sleep.
I haven t said anything, yet, Ciel pointed out.
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Short Note On Arm Abduction
1) Arm Abduction
In sitting position, move your right arm up and out to your shoulder level
Hold it for 2 seconds and bring it back down slowly.
Breathe out slowly while moving your arm up.
Breathe in slowly while moving your arm down.
Repeat the same on your left arm.
Repeat the exercise 10 times on both sides. (Healthwise, 2014)
2) Elbow Circles
In sitting position, bend your elbows and place your fingers on your shoulders with the elbows at your
shoulder level.
Move your elbows slowly in circles.
Breathe out slowly as you start the circle.
Breathe in slowly as you finish the circle.
Repeat 10 times. (Healthwise, 2014)
3) Arm Extension
In sitting position, place your hands on your chest and keep ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Move your right leg up, to straighten your knee.
Hold it for 2 seconds and bring it back down.
Breathe out slowly as you move your leg up.
Breathe in slowly as you bring it back down.
Repeat the same on the left leg.
Repeat the exercise 10 times on both sides. (Healthwise, 2014)
6) Pedal exercises for legs
In sitting position with the pedals on the floor and set the resistance to low.
Place your feet on the pedals and pedal it for 5 minutes (take breaks if required).
Breathe in and out slow and relaxed as you do the exercise.
7) Pedal exercises arms
In sitting position, place the pedals on a table in front of you and set the resistance to low.
Hold the pedals with your hands and pedal for 5 minutes (take breaks if required).
Breathe in and out slow and relaxed as you do the exercise. NOTE:
Do the above seven exercises in the morning when you are sitting in your chair.
Maintain your RPE between 10 12 during the exercises.
Do pursed lip breathing while exercising. IN LYING
1) Ankle pumps
Lie on your back with a pillow under your head and keep your legs straight on the bed with your toes
pointing towards the ceiling.
Move your feet towards you, hold it for 2 seconds and move them away from you.
Breathe out slowly as you move your feet towards you.
Breathe in slowly as you move your feet away from you.
Repeat 10 times. (Borgess Health, 2015)
2) Knee Rolling
Lie on your back with a pillow under your head.
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Discuss the Relationship Between the Principles of...
Discuss the relationship between the principles of training, physiological adaptations and improved
The relationship between the principles of training and physiological adaptations has a significant
impact on performance. Many factors need to be addressed in a training program to make it a
successful one for a particular athlete and thus improve their performance.
The first principles are warm up and cool down. The purpose of any warm up and cool down is to
reduce the risk of injury and soreness. For this to be applicable, a warm up must be sustained for no
less than 10min and for elite athletes, at least 30min. Included in this warm up must be stretching to
loosen up the muscles. There are no physiological adaptations that ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
These adaptations are relevant because the body is being stressed which leads to more blood being
needed by the working muscles. With this increase in stroke volume and cardiac output, it also
increases the heart rate. Heart rate is the amount of times the heart beats per minute. This means that
the heart is working hard and being progressively overloaded increases the efficiency and will
improve the performance of the athlete. Another adaptation is oxygen uptake. When the body is being
progressively overloaded oxygen uptake is really important because it is the amount of oxygen being
delivered to working muscles. This amount increases when exercise begins but decreases as
adaptations occur. This is very similar to lung capacity as lung capacity is the amount of air that the
lungs can hold. Another physiological adaptation in relation to progressive overload is haemoglobin
levels. Haemoglobin is the substance in the blood that binds to oxygen and transports it around the
body. These levels are important because it s telling us how much oxygen and blood is being used and
directly relates to stroke volume and oxygen uptake. Muscle hypertrophy is a term that refers to
muscle growth together with an increase in the size of muscle cells. For a sprinter this adaptation is
very important because it indicates that the muscles have been stimulated and grown and an
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...

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2024 KWL Back 2 School Summer Conference
2024 KWL Back 2 School Summer Conference2024 KWL Back 2 School Summer Conference
2024 KWL Back 2 School Summer Conference

Join educators from the US and worldwide at this year’s conference, themed “Strategies for Proficiency & Acquisition,” to learn from top experts in world language teaching.

Star Wars Mythology
Gomeau 6
Killian Gomeau
Ms. Vyse
English 2 Honors
April 2nd, 2016
Star Wars and Mythology Close connections can be made from Greek Mythology into pop culture,
especially into fictional stories such as Star Wars. Introduced to the world in 1977, Star Wars was a
cultural phenomenon that took the whole world by storm. It broke new ground in cinematic
storytelling, visual effects, and what a director could do with a film, paving the way for many other
great films to come. The world of Star Wars is also rich with history and lore, and a lot of that can be
connected to Greek Mythology. Two main characters in Star Wars are Luke and Leia Skywalker, twins
who are separated at birth but eventually reunite on their journeys to defeat the dark side. ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In Star Wars, the same happens to Luke Skywalker, though not in exactly the same way. He is given
his father?s lightsaber, the weapon of a Jedi by a former friend of his father?s, Ben. Ben tells Luke as
he gives him the weapon: ?I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when
you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn t allow it. He feared you might follow old Obi Wan on
some damn fool idealistic crusade like your father did. Your father s lightsaber. This is the weapon of a
Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age. For
over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old
Republic. Before the dark times... before the Empire.? (Star Wars). As Ben is giving Luke the
lightsaber, he explains its extraordinary qualities and purpose, therefore passing its extraordinary
meaning and symbolism down to a new generation, similar to Artemis and Apollo. These weapons
used by these characters would go on to aide them greatly in their journeys, as Luke used his
lightsaber as a tool to defeat his enemies,
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
How Does Chaucer Describe The Wife Of Bath
The medieval period is the period in history beginning with the Renaissance, literally meaning the
middle period in history. Clothing, tradition, religion and lifestyle were viewed much differently than
they are in today s modern society. The best example of all the different types of people and their
lifestyles is Chaucer s Canterbury Tales, in which he opens with a description of twenty nine people
going on a pilgrimage. The way people behave today allows readers to recognize each character s
distinct personality. In the General Prologue , Chaucer describes the Wife of Bath in a way that is
much different than how he describes the other twenty eight characters. His use of imagery, word
choice, tone and rhythm to describe the Wife lure ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He describes the Wife as a self confident person who thinks highly of herself and had been respectable
throughout her life due to her incredible skills as a cloth maker (Chaucer 461). She wore ten pounds of
clothing that she wove herself. She loves showing off her cloth making expertise and is not shy at
presenting herself in front of other people. Chaucer describes her physical appearance in ways that
express a lustful and almost seductive person during this time period. The description of her clothing,
legs, feet, hips, and her gap tooth is an accurate representation of what seemed to attract a man to a
lady during this time. She was a very open minded woman who adored the idea of love and marriage
which can be proved by her ...five churched husbands bringing joy and strife (Chaucer 462). She goes
on pilgrimages to several different places which gives the impression that she is a devout Christian
and portrays her as a religious woman. Chaucer s description of the Wife of Bath makes the readers
think about the other characters in the general prologue and how she is much different than the
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...

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Chapter-2-Era-of-One-party-Dominance-Class-12-Political-Science-Notes-2 (1).pptxChapter-2-Era-of-One-party-Dominance-Class-12-Political-Science-Notes-2 (1).pptx
Chapter-2-Era-of-One-party-Dominance-Class-12-Political-Science-Notes-2 (1).pptx

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  • 2. Gender Stereotypes In The Bloody Chamber In The Bloody Chamber, The Tiger s Bride and The Company of Wolves, Carter draws attention to her agenda of undercutting the stereotypical portrayal of women as victims and men as oppressors. She does this through the rewriting of patriarchal narratives, where women are often portrayed as the powerless damsel in distress and the weaker sex by introducing feminist elements such as independent and strong willed women as well as undercutting male power and authority. Through her stories, Carter then gives a voice to express the experiences of women, making such experiences known to society where they have been previously under represented. In The Bloody Chamber, Carter undercuts gender stereotypes that are often associated with the portrayal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The opening line of The Tiger s Bride, My father lost me to The Beast at cards connotes the idea of the protagonist as a commodity that can be lost and passed from hand to hand . She is thus reduced to a mute object that can be bartered with by her father, reflecting the idea of women as mere commodities who are being victimized under a patriarchal system. However Carter portrays the protagonist as refusing to let herself by victimized by the patriarchy, as seen in [she] let out a raucous guffaw . Her behavior is then a reflection of her refusal to be objectified and judged by patriarchy and in doing so, undercuts male power and authority. In The Bloody Chamber, through the character Jean Yves, Carter quite literally subverts the male gaze by making Jean Yves blind and in doing so, thus puts men and women on an equal footing where neither one gender is seen as more powerful over the other. It is also notable that in all three tales, the protagonists are not explicitly named and this can be seen as a deliberate attempt on Carter s part as a way of refusing to objectify her protagonists by imposing a fixed identity on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Environmental And Environmental Issues During The... Environmental Issues and the Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution took pace from the 18th to 19th centuries. It was a period when rural areas became industrial and urban. Before the Industrial Revolution, engineering was mainly done in people s homes. They used hand tools and sometimes basic machines. Industrialization put an end to that, using powered, advanced machinery, factories and mass production. This made engineering much faster, easier and more efficient. It even increased the amount of factory made goods, as well as the variety of them. Industrialization improved the living conditions for people in the middle and upper classes. The poor and working classes had to do the dangerous jobs, for a very low amount of pay, while working in harmful conditions. So many people from the rural areas were moving to the urban areas for work, that they couldn t keep up. This caused overpopulation. Homes were overcrowded, and people were living in polluted and unsanitary conditions, which made them more at risk of diseases. Pollution is one of the most environmentally negative impacts of the Industrial Revolution. Air, water, and soil pollution were extremely bad during the Industrial Revolution. Industrialization polluted the air, water and soils due to the waste products that factories generate. Most factories and industries require water for their work. When water is involved in these processes, it encounters metals, chemicals, and wastes, that will contaminate it. They are then dumped into oceans and rivers. Doing so, kills fish and other sea animals, decreasing the population. Farmers us this water to grow their crops. Using contaminated water then affects the quality of their crops. When the farmers use the water in their soil, it can cause soil pollution. This pollution will destroy plants if anything or anyone comes in contact with it, it can cause long lasting health issues. Air pollution can cause a variety of illnesses for people and the environment. With all of these pollutions, there comes an increase in global warming. Global warming causes glaciers to melt, extinction of animals, floods, tsunamis and hurricanes, which are some of the deadliest natural phenomena. If any of these phenomena ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Cs Lewis Themes Hook: As C.S. Lewis masterfully builds his story around characters and themes that run parallel to many Christian themes, in addition to including characters from the mythologies he had enjoyed since childhood. Just as he used new techniques in apologetic works to open the doors of Christianity to a wider range of people, so he melded fantasy with religious themes to prepare children for the larger themes of Christianity. (biographyonline.net) Background / Definition: During the World War II bombings of London, four English siblings are sent to a country house where they will be safe. One day the youngest sibling, Lucy finds a wardrobe that transports her to a magical world called Narnia. After coming back, she soon returns to Narnia with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Legacy/Following: The first major motion picture of C. S. Lewis epic series has swept and impacted the nation and has drawn attention to the significance of biblical themes in contemporary cinema. (DTS) Reflect: As many people overlook Lewis s greatest biblical literary accomplishment in The Chronicles of Narnia, Lewis s work will forever impact, and imitate the real big picture people are missing today. (CBN) Quotation: The Lion all began with a picture of a Faun carrying an umbrella and parcels in a snowy wood. This picture had been in my mind since I was about sixteen. Then one day, when I was about forty, I said to myself: Let s try to make a story about it. C.S Lewis (goodreads.com) Thesis: Although the original intent of C.S. Lewis s novel the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe was merely an allegory story, the characters, places and objects have symbolized a legacy of fantasy literature. Wrap up: C.S. Lewis writes in such a way that there are layers of meaning in The Chronicles of Narnia series, and has become a different way for people to come to an understanding of the Christian ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Dionyza s Death Of Marina The wife of Cleon, Dionyza promises to care for Pericles s child, but falls prey to jealousy and envy when her own daughter is less praised than Pericles s. daughter. Hence she plots to have Marina killed. The extract starts with Dionyza trying to persuade Leonine, her servant, into killing Marina. Dionyza says Thy oath remember; thou hast sworn to do t showing us that Dinozya has already spoken to Leonine about murdering Marina. We also see the convincing powers of Dionyza as she is very aggressive and her motives are born out of jealousy. We also see Dionyza trivializing the death of Marina by calling it Tis but a blow , who is trying to convince Leonine to go through with the murder as she presents Marina s life as insignificant. Leonine ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We are given a good image of Leonine from Marina s words in line 33 36, You will not do t for all the world, I hope. You are well favour d, and your looks foreshow you have a gentle heart. I saw you lately, When you caught hurt in parting two that fought: Good sooth, it show d well in you . Leonine is presented by Marina as being a kind, caring and gentle person, one who is also against violence as he once stopped a fight. The words spoken by Marina could also be seen as her being quick witted, as she uses flattery try and save her life. She attempts to break Leonine s will by appealing to his softer and more emotional side. She uses the example of Leonine breaking up a fight by comparing Dionyza to a bully and herself the victim and asking Leonine to do the right think and come between her and Dionyza as well. Marina. Marina s behavior and reaction to Leonine s threat also raises questions of as to whether she was aware that Dionyza was sending her to her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Frozen Sociology As stated in the textbook, gender socialization is the outcome of countless interactions, starting with those between parents and children. At the youngest ages, of course, parents have the dominant influence over this process. But as children age, their socialization continues under a variety of influences, including their own personalities and their interactions with siblings, peers, schools, and the wider culture. In adult life, socialization more often occurs in the other institutional arenas (page 167 168). In the movie Frozen from 2013, there are three main characters. There are two females, Elsa and Anna, they are sisters. One Male named Kristoff. Elsa, also known as Snow Queen Elsa, is 21 years old, she is upper class, and her race ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Elsa is overcoming her insecurities and trying to take hold of her unique abilities and be proud of herself for who she really is. She was gifted, but she didn t see that, with the ability to control ice, it was horrible. From the accident that she had with Anna, she begins to close herself away from her sister and her kingdom. The fear of her own power and to protect the ones she loves made her make that decision. When her kingdom discovered her power she believes the best thing to do is to runaway and hide, somewhere she is alone and no longer has to be timid, or be the terrified princess/queen she was before. She has transformed into a happy, confident young woman, finally free to be her true self. Like today in day, where bullying is a major issue, Frozen teaches to accept and embrace your differences sends a strong message for kids. The second lesson is of, sisterly, family love and how far family will go to protect each other. Both Elsa and her little sister Anna make great sacrifices for each other, showing the power of love for one s family. Elsa had to grow up as such a young age after her parents ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Phism Research Paper PHP Developers are great people. They have an open minded attitude and great conferences for networking. That being said, minorities are underrepresented in the community. So to help shed light to this issue one man went to Kickstarter for a unique idea that will surely make GitHub fans happy. Here are 5 things to know about it. 1. THE PHP ELEPHANT WHELPS TO SPREAD AWARENESS AMONG GITHUB FANS This rainbow colored elephant is not just fluffy and cute, but it s a symbol. A symbol to reflect diversity among the community. Hopefully, it will serve as a reminder not to discriminate based on the race, gender, sexual orientation or anything else in the realm of technology. Furthermore, it s cuddly. You can t really argue with that. 2. PHP ELEPHANTS ARE COLLECTABLE IN GITHUB COMMUNITY ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Usually, they re used to promote conferences, frameworks and even help fund campaigns on Kickstarter. Hence it was just a natural migration to the rainbow elephant to represent diversity. Will they become the next Beanie Babies? That s up to you. 3.GITHUB FANS CAN SPREAD DIVERSITY WITH PHP ELEPHANT So how do you promote diversity with this rainbow elephant? After all, money raised on Kickstarter can not be donated to a charitable cause. The secret is the presence of the Elephant. Just having it around the house or office reminds every one of the diversity issues that exist out there. 4. GITHUB FANS CAN CONQUER THE WORLD WOTH PHP ELEPHANT If people can dress up as clowns and make a difference, then spreading rainbow elephants everywhere across the world can do the same. The only difference being this is actually for a good cause. Hence, stock up on these colorful animals and get to work. Only you have the power to spread diversity across the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. East Asia Rituals Seungmin Bang A98407092 Poli 113A, Prof. Victor Magagna 12/16/14 East Asian Ritual Theory and the Practice of Self Cultivation A ritual refers to a collective rule bound movement that has a concentrated meaning. Thus the core features of a ritual include collective action, procedures or rules, and a concentrated meaning. This is not different from the East Asian community that depicted concentration of their rituals in various parts of the region. It is important to note that there are various types of rituals that can be attributed to the East Asian community. These include symbolic form of rituals that are described by presentation of various symbols within this society. The rituals that were observed during the ancient period became common rites of passage. This is because of the meaning they presented to the community. For example, the poems and music sang in the classical period were considered to cultivate a good character. The Confucian approach of a ritual and the Confucian practice with regard to spiritual cultivation explores the uniqueness in religionist. There are various types of rituals in East Asia. They include the life cycle ritual that entails various rituals such as, birth. The birth ritual is celebrated when an individual is born into the East Asian society. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cooperation and trust entailed the various activities that were carried out by the Chinese, such as farming. It entailed an individual to cultivate the value of cooperation because this ancient society believed in togetherness. Therefore, cooperation was inevitable as the Kings and rulers fostered their political foundations on the rule of unity. It is imperative to note that cooperation, trust, and morality emerged spontaneously in small groups where it was cultivated and spread to the entire ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Role Of Skilful Advocation In The Merchant Of Venice Abstract: William Shakespeare is one of the greatest dramatists in the world. In fact, all the gigantic and romantic mileposts of literary accomplishment warble the canticles of Shakespearean glory which was originated in the glamorous reign of Queen Elizabeth I, one of the most celebrated monarchs in European history. Moreover, he is one of the most precious jewels in the dramatic world that is hoisted and lighted by the prestigious playwrights of all the erudite eras. This paper, basically, highlights the stream of skilful advocation that takes place in Shakespeare s reasonable, justifiable and defensible play ‒ The Merchant of Venice. As a matter of fact, law, justice and legal profession often play a pivotal role in most of his dramatic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Antonio s best friend and kinsman, Bassanio longs to woo the beautiful, intelligent and wealthy heiress of Belmont ‒ Portia. Bassanio, a young Venetian of noble rank, has wasted his property, and is in need of money to court Portia who under her late father s will, is the guerdon of fortuitous lottery. According to the will, her marriage depends upon a game of three caskets which are made of gold, silver and led. If the suitor chooses the casket having Portia s portrait, he will win Portia and if he doesn t choose rightly, he will accept chastity. Bassanio who desires to win the lottery, requires 3,000 ducats to travel from Venice to Belmont. He goes to his friend and kinsman Antonio, who does not have any money to lend him at that time, diverts Bassanio to seek another lender and he would become as a guarantor. Hence, Bassanio approaches the Jewish moneylender, Shylock, who is Antonio s opponent as Antonio has opposed both Shylock and his religion. Besides, Antonio has shortened his source of sustenance by providing interest free loans. Shylock thinks that he has got an opportunity to revenge Antonio in the transaction with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Relationship Between Plato s Regimes And Current U.s.... Cooperation and Contrast between Plato s Regimes and Current U.S. Government The U.S. government is a union of partially self governing states or regions under a central government. It is composed of three distinct branches: legislative, executive, and judicial, whose powers are vested by the U.S. Constitution in the Congress, the President, and the federal courts. The separation of powers, which neither any branch working alone can change the U.S. constitution, is a kind of harmony that is similar to what is described in Plato s aristocratic regime, where each class minds their own jobs to keep the state functioning. Besides, in my opinion, the current U.S. government is a combination of timocracy, oligarchy and democracy, which of four regime types of Plato. According to Socrates, in Timoracy, the spiritedness, which is the love of victory and honors, will be predominant. Timoracy honours the rulers while is contemptuous of manual activities and trade; for its rulers, they will eat communally and devote themselves to gymnastics and training for war. Timoracy will be also governed in being afraid to appoint the wise as rulers, instead, selecting spirited and simpler man, men naturally more directed to war than to peace (Plato 547e). Although they will desire money, they will be niggardly of money since they cannot acquire money openly; therefore, they will love to spend others money to fulfill their aspirations. Due to attach importance to physical training, they will ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Mobile Computing Is And Ever Developing Way Of Life Mobile computing is and ever developing way of life. It has given the business professional the capability to take the office on the road. Now people do not need a computer at home to be online. You can have the same capability with a tablet or smart phone. Data plans for mobile devices also allow more people access to the internet. Not all devices will run programs like a computer, but not every person needs access to programs such as Microsoft Word or Excel. The typical user just wants to check Facebook, maybe look at the local weather forecast or find a restaurant to eat at. In this day and age it is ever easier to keep up with life s momentum with mobile computing. Life in general has become more frantic and fast paced over the last ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The word computer was first recorded as being used in 1613 and was originally was used to describe a human who performed calculations or computations (Computer Hope). The first mechanical computer was invented back in the early 1800 s by Charles Babbage (Computer Hope). The Difference Engine, considered to be the first automatic computing engine that was capable of computing several sets of numbers and making hard copies of the results (Computer Hope). In modern terms it was nothing more than a calculator with a paper roll. With this concept it still took over a century for what would be the start of the modern computer to come around. The Z1, originally created by Germany s Konrad Zuse in his parents living room in 1936 to 1938 and is considered to be the first electro mechanical binary programmable (modern) computer and really the first functional computer (Computer Hope). Today s mobile computing consists of an ever growing number of devices and it seems like a new type of device comes out every few years or so. One of the great advantages mobile computing has been able to enjoy is playing off the existing technologies. Without advancement in computer field the mobile world would not exist like it dose. Mobile computers can usefully be divided into a number of categories. Firstly, many mobile computers are laptops or basically portable versions of desktop PCs, and usually based around the same type of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Authoritative Parenting And The Style Of The Parenting... The parenting style that my parents use is definitely authoritative. My parents have shown authority towards me and my siblings but have always been flexible with their rules. My parents have never stressed us out by being too strict with their rules. The first question I asked my parents was, how would you react if one of my siblings or I asked to come home later than you originally told us to come home? My parents responded that they would ask why we want to come home later and then tell them they can come home later at a certain time but no later than the extended time. This fits exactly with the authoritative parenting style because my parents would extend the time which is being flexible and then also they would enforce a new time for us to come home which shows authority. Next I asked my parents, what would you do if one of my siblings or I got in trouble at school? My parents said they would have a talk with whoever got in trouble and make sure they know not to ever do it again. Also, my parents said they would discipline whoever got in trouble by doing more chores or taking away their phone for a day. This fits with the authoritative parenting style as well because my parents are making us understand what we did wrong and learn from it. They would also give a consequence because of it but nothing that is too harsh because they trust us to learn from what we did. After that, I asked my parents, what would your reaction be if I did not do my chores at the house? ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Character Analysis Of Middlemarch Within Eliot s Middlemarch, a husband and wife discuss and argue about financial decisions. Tertius, the husband, attempts to remain proud and poor whereas Rosamond, the wife, desires to have money and material despite Tertius reservations. Although it appears that Eliot s Middlemarch portrays Tertius as mature, Rosamond as childish, and the relationship as fiscally difficult, it is additionally evident that Tertius is impetuous, Rosamond is controlled, and the complex relationship has deeper issues. It cannot be denied that Tertius is portrayed as decisive and dominant in Middlemarch. This portrayal is evident in the description of his speech, with words such as decisively and peremptory. It is also apparent in his treatment of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This occurrence clearly portrays Rosamond as childish and ignorant of such prideful aspects of a request. Furthermore, the selection of detail in nicknaming her Rosy reinforces the comparison of her to a child. Next, Tertius is portrayed as condescending in addition to his command and authority. This behavior is evident in his treatment of Rosamond as he repeatedly denies her attempts to resolve their dire financial straits. Tertius Lydgate s repeated refusals to compromise clearly indicates his condescension. Examples of this condescending behavior are his denial of Rosamond s requests to receive financial assistance from Papa and from Tertius friends. In the second paragraph, Rosamond s crying is described in great detail. The use of lips and chin began to tremble and tears began to well up suggests an emotional immaturity like that of a child. The narrative perspective then switches to Tertius point of view in which he mentally describes her as a creature that had known nothing but indulgence. These examples reinforce the portrayal of Tertius condescension. Lydgate does mention that her tears cut him to the heart, suggesting that he has at least something other than pride. This inclusion clarifies that despite his caring, the woes of the complex relationship reside deeper than just fiscal difficulty. In the fourth paragraph, Eliot portrays Tertius as having talons but reason too , suggesting that he is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Essay On Ambubasi Fair Ambubasi Fair Guwahati India is a country of different cultures and beliefs. The Hindu Religion consists of a major part of the country s population. The Hindu Traditions and rituals have been celebrated and performed in the country from years and years. One such tradition is the Ambubasi Fair, celebrated at Kamkhaya temple in Guwahati state. It is one of the much known fairs, which is celebrated in the North Eastern part of the country with zeal and fervour. The festival is also known as the Kamkhaya Devi Puja Attractions: A number of beliefs related to the Hindu culture have been connected with the fair. The fair is of major importance to the Hindu Devotees, celebrated at the Kamakhaya temple at Guwahati. The fair attracts a major chunk of devotes from all over the globe. Ambubasi is closely related to the tantric rituals that are performed during this festival. Ambubachi Mela is also known as tantric fertility festival or the Ameti Fair. The fair spans over four days. The festival attracts Tantric from India and abroad during the time of the festival. The accumulation of Sadhus and Tantrics and sale of locally produced arts and crafts, make it interesting place to visit. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A major attraction of the festival is at the Kamkhaya temple, which is flooded by the pilgrims for four days to celebrate the festival. The festival is spread across a span of four days. This festival is associated with yearly menstrual cycle of the goddess Kamkhaya. That s why Temple remains closed for first 3days to give privacy and rest to Goddess. Visitors and pilgrims wait for 4th day to get auspicious dharshan of goddess ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Enron And Enron Of Enron During the Enron debacle, it was workers who took the pounding, not bankers. Not only did Enron employees lose their jobs, many lost their retirement savings. That s because they were at the bottom of the investing food chain. In July of 1985, Houston Natural Gas merged with InterNorth, to create Enron, and Kenneth Lay became CEO the following year. In 1989, Enron began trading natural gas commodities. In 1997, Andrew Fastow devised the first steps to hide debts and inflate profits and one year later, he was named the CFO of Enron. In the year 2000, shares of Enron reached a peak of $90. Enron claimed $101 billion in revenues, and as a direct result of this, became the sixth largest energy company in the world. After all of these rapid ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During the West Coast power crisis, homes went dark and street lights were out in California, causing injuries and accidents. But the danger didn t stop Enron s energy traders from having a good laugh. Newly released evidence shows that years before the crisis, Enron schemed to manipulate markets. The new tapes routinely recorded by Enron to protect their own deals, and later obtained by Snohomish County Public Utility District Number 1, confirmed what had been constantly reported for four years. Enron secretly shut down power plants so they could cause, and then cash in on, the crisis. Power plant operators were coached on how to lie to officials. Enron also pulled power out of states like California, causing emergency conditions to worsen. The shut downs and pull outs triggered sky high power prices and when states complained, the traders instructed the states to leave them alone, and let them make a little bit of money. When the schemes began to unravel, employees blamed the men running Enron. Mark to market accounting was introduced by former Enron President and CEO, Jeff Skilling. This allowed Enron to book potential future profits on the very day the deal was signed, even if some states had yet to deregulate their power markets. No matter how little cash actually came in the door, to the outside world, Enron s profits could be whatever Enron said they were. Enron s former CFO, Andrew Fastow, had his eye on John Olson, one ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Age Of Enlightenment DBQ The Age of Enlightenment, a movement during the 17th and 18th century started from the Europeans, later moving into American colonies. The point of this movement was for the society to reform on a new base such as emphasizing reason and individualism over tradition. Enlightenment thinkers, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Beccaria, Locke, and Voltaire helped launched this project amongst Europeans. John Locke, for example, criticized absolute monarchy and favored self government. Voltaire also believed that people should be able to speak their minds without the fear they may be punished. Through these philosophy influence, this eventually leads to European rulers ruling with a sense of equality, democratic governance, and abolition. John Locke known as an Enlightenment thinker believed in the equality between men. A state also of equality, wherein all the power and jurisdiction is reciprocal, no one having more than another...by an evident and clear appointment, an undoubted right to dominion and sovereignty (Doc. 2). John Locke stated this in 1690 with the meaning that everyone is equal no matter what their rank or power may be. They must all have the same advantages with the except that the person may want to work for someone else. To renounce liberty is to renounce being a man, to surrender the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For a country to have equality, rank or power does not matter and all people have the same rights. The three branches lead to a more of a democratic governance and more of a self government where one branch does not have more power than another. Finally, rulers are making adjustments to the Age of Enlightenment, starting with a patent and later reforming their own characters. The Age of Enlightenment began a reformation of a society while a new object in mind. This Enlightenment Movement helped Europe...and now it ll help American ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Automotive Technician Needing Computer Based Training Like nearly every other professional today, automotive technicians need to be comfortable with computer based equipment. Cars are more computerized than ever before. It takes more than just mechanical know how and the turning of a wrench to become a certified automotive technician. Experienced technicians can work anywhere in the country along with the right mindset and attitude. Irrefutably the more educated you are, the better your opportunities are to find employment. You will also learn that most of what you need to know will be from doing hands on work, like working in the shop, or watching others do it hands on. As with everything, it starts with a high school diploma. If you do not have at least a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As with any other job, this one changes with time and technology. Some people can get jobs 2 days after receiving their diploma; some take longer to find one. If you cannot find a job, try going back to the college you attended to see if they have any leads, some people have also said that they do not help but it definitely does not hurt to try. (Satterfield) This field takes a special person. Every driver has been through it at least one time in their life; the engine that will not crank start, the check engine light that keeps flashing at you every time you start your car, there is the dead battery, brakes that just don t apply or they make a high pitched squeal. These are unavoidable moments for anyone that owns a machine that house and engine. Technicians deal with these instants every day, and this is what makes them extraordinary. Although technicians do not go to school for their English or their ability to speak and interact with customers, they need to be very good at both. Everyday technicians will speak with customers, so the techs need to come across as professional and smart. Techs also need to know how to comfort the customers to make them feel like they and their vehicle are in good hands. (Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics) Technicians also need to have faith in their tools and know that they will perform at their full potential. If one is not, then the technician needs to figure out ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Corporate Governance Of A Company s Shareholders, Board,...  INTRODUCTION Corporate Governance is the set of relationships between a company s shareholders, board, the executive management and other stakeholders. The conflict of interest between these parties has resulted in what is called the agency problem, which arises from the separation of ownership and control at a corporation. Good corporate governance practices attempt to resolve the agency problems by aligning the interests of managers and shareholders. The same corporate governance is not followed by all countries; it differs according to the culture, practices, legal, and history, economic and social environment. Each company follows its own procedure for governing on the lines of the model given by the country. Corporations today have laid down the policies of CG in their own manner as a result of which an important question is whether standard CG can be established and achieved at a global level. In each country, the corporate governance structure has certain characteristics or constituent elements, which distinguish it from structures in other countries. CG component factors can be classified into three groups those related to top management organization, the board as whole or shareholders, and stakeholders.  PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The purpose of this study is to know the different rules and practices and models followed by different countries and how the companies manage to thereby maximize their wealth and also maintain good relations. Good corporate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Essay On Orthodontists Orthodontists are types dentists who specialize in straightening teeth and fixing misaligned jaws. Orthodontists do not only straighten teeth so that people can have a straight smile, they straighten teeth for overall functionality of the teeth. While researching I found that the average dentist makes $160,000 a year, an orthodontist makes upwards of $200,000 a year (after paying everything off). Why do I want to be an orthodontist? I would like to be an orthodontist so that I can see the result of my work from start to finish. I would also like to see people have a better smile and improve their life from me. I personally would not like to do oral surgery at this point in time but, there is more money possibly if I were to do oral surgery. As an orthodontist I will also like doing this job because, here is a very systematic process and there is steps involved. I like this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Caring for patients is really important because, without a caring attitude for your parents no one would come to your practice. People like others who care because they feel happier and calmer when you are nice to them. Many people also like to have caring orthodontists so that they are not as scared when they are having things done in their mouths. When people are scared they like to be comforted by people who care about them and how they are doing. I would like to be a nice and helpful orthodontist so that I can have a lot of patients that will feel comforted. All and all, orthodontists need to be caring, smart, good with money, and most of all caring for their patients. I want to be all of these things so that I can be a really good orthodontist. Of course this isn t all that makes you a good orthodontist, you need to have the skills and training but, these things make you an even better orthodontist. And these things make you an orthodontist that people can trust and can feel comfortable ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Badlands Research Paper The Badlands Quickly pulling over to view the stark landscape, which was similar to being on the moon. I began driving the Badlands Loop a 40.03 mile road around Badlands National Park, South Dakota. The scenery did not have the splendor of the Grand Canyon or the natural geysers of Yellowstone. However, the sandstone formations, surround by the prairie grassland were special. Just after sunrise, the long theatrical shadows on the water and wind carved features, created an eerie landscape. Nevertheless, this did not deter a group of bighorn sheep from grazing on the side of the gravel road. After a brief stop to admire the large towering sandstone formations, I had a great view; high on a distant mesa sat a large plot of green grass with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Thomas Hobbes And John Locke Essay Hobbes, Locke and the meaning of the English civil war Thomas Hobbes and john Locke are considered some of the most influential people in Political thought. Both men lived during and around the time of the English civil war. It can be assumed that this event had a profound effect on each man s perspective and thinking. Locke and Hobbes do differ on their ideas and beliefs. Hobbes living through the civil war was a supporter of an absolute monarchy. Locke believed in what can be seen as a representative democracy. It s clear from this examination of facts that both the ideas Hobbes and Locke were greatly influential. The ideas set forth by Locke certainly have had a profound influence on later political thinkers. Locke s beliefs would profoundly shape the views of the American founding fathers. It can be argued that the United States is a Lockean nation. Both Hobbes and Locke were strong believers in property rights and believed that government must protect these rights. Using the English war as a starting point, the beliefs and ideas of Lock and Hobbes can be examined. Some questions to consider are challenging sovereign power, stability and justice and the effects of the English civil war. By understanding these ideas, we can better appreciate these perspectives and thoughts and a better understanding can be reached. The main event that these ideas draw their influence from is the English Civil war. The English civil war happened between 1642 and 1651. The two ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Outline Of A Child Immunization Destiny Caldwell Mr. Nordlund Honors English I May 21, 2015 Child Immunization: Diseases Becoming More Prevalent in Children Vaccines are crucial in a child s life. Immunizations and vaccines help prevent future diseases such as pneumonia, polio, and HPV. Polio is a disease that can cause paralysis (Poliomyelitis). This disease is most commonly found in Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan (Childhood). One out of every five children in Pakistan don t have their necessary vaccines and immunizations (Childhood). In rural areas 2/3 of their children don t get their vaccinations (Childhood). Pakistan health issues are mainly due to the slow economic growth. They can t pay for the health advancements because they don t have the funds. After the U.S. killed Osama bin Laden who was found in Pakistan, the Taliban banned the polio vaccine which will affect thousands of children(Park). The growth of child immunization, the structure of Pakistan, and the contrast between Pakistan and the U.S. all show what influences fluctuations in child immunizations. Child immunizations have grown over the past few centuries. In most countries they are 100% free of certain diseases due to new developments of vaccines. Many disease don t have a cure but can be prevented at an early stage. At least 103 million cases of childhood diseases have been prevented by vaccines since 1924... (Vaccine vindication). Polio was an epidemic in the twentieth century until 1955 when by Jonas Salk created a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Habermas Theory Of The Public Sphere Having examined and defined mass media and the contemporary democracy it is important however to consider Habermas theory of the public sphere. Habermas defines the public sphere as a realm of our social life in which something approaching public opinion can be formed. Access is guaranteed to all citizens (1974, p.49). It is Habermas theory that the public sphere helps to facilitate the rational communication of public affairs independently from the government and state. Similar to the paragraphs on the mass media and contemporary democracies Habermas himself backs up the point of the mass media negatively affecting the democracy. He argues that commercialised media in the new public sphere have turned the public sphere into a place where advertising is prioritised (Habermas, Lennox and Lennox 1974). A point that backs this theory up is the way the mass media influences television in a political way, as it is deteriorating the public sphere (Hart,1994). This opinion is key in the context of explaining the public sphere theory as it helps to highlight a key point in the modern democracy. Harts opinion highlights one of the main tools of influence within the mass media, news organisations influence the audiences view point through what they broadcast on their television channels. (Quoted in Papacharissi, 2010, p.232) Habermas (2004) suggests that main stream media content have colonized the public sphere and compromised rational and democratic public discourse. This ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Masyarakat Cina Di Malaysia MASYARAKAT CINA DI MALAYSIA PENGENALAN Masyarakat Cina di Malaysia merujuk kepada sekelompok manusia iaitu orang Cina yang mengamalkan budaya yang hampir seragam, termasuk adat resam, pakaian, bahasa, dan kegiatan ekonomi di negara kita. Mereka biasanya berasal dari luar negara yang menjadi warganegara atau penduduk tetap di Malaysia. Kebanyakan daripada mereka adalah pendatang dari China yang tiba di Malaysia sekitar abad ke 15 hingga pertengahan abad ke 20. Pendatang Cina awal telah membentuk suku kaum Cina Peranakan atau Cina Selat yang memeluk adat Melayu, berbahasa Melayu, tetapi mengekalkan amalan agama Cina. Pendatang pendatang seterusnya (seawalnya abad ke 19) yang mengekalkan adat Cina pula dikenali sebagai Sinkheh (新客) dan ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sebagai pemerintah yang bukan bersifat kecinaan tulen, tentu kerajaan Manchu kurang prihatin terhadap masalah orang Cina. Bahkan mereka dianggap menindas orang Cina. Disebabkan ada faktor penolak dari negara China, ramai yang mengambil keputusan berhijrah terutama ke Asia Tenggara. Peluang peluang ekonomi di Nanyang pula menjadi faktor tarikan penting kerana kebanyakan penghijrah terdiri daripada penghijrah ekonomi. Pemerintahan Inggeris yang mengamalkan sistem ekonomi bebas telah membuka peluang perkembangan ekonomi. Buruh buruh yang ramai diperlukan untuk mempercepatkan pertumbuhan. Langkah langkah diambil oleh Inggeris untuk mempercepatkan kemasukan buruh dengan memperkenalkan undang undang dan peraturan imigrasi di Tanah Melayu. Dasar penghijrahan British liberal dan dapat menjamin keselamatan dan peluang peluang ekonomi yang lebih baik. Di negeri negeri Selat, perdagangan menjadi pendorong penting penghijrah orang Cina. Di negeri negeri Melayu pula, perlombongan bijih timah menjadi faktor penarik yang penting. Ini berlaku apabila endapan bijih timah yang banyak ditemui. Pembesar pembesar Melayu tidak mahu bergantung dengan orang Melayu yang melombong secara sambilan. Pemerintah pemerintah Melayu mendorong masuk pelombong Cina dan berpuas hati dengan mengutip komisen serta cukai. Terdapat juga kemasukan orang Cina kerana pertanian tetapi bilangannya tidak seramai pelombong. Kumpulan pertanian terlibat dengan ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Deep Rooted Work On A Hard Man Research Paper: Deep Rooted Work on a Hard Man Flannery O Connor was born March 25, 1925, in Savanah, Georgia. She went to what is, now Iowa University and majored in literature. She s primarily known for her short stories but was a novelist. Flannery O Connor passed away in 1964 after losing a battle with lupus. The piece of writing that I will be discussing is titled: A Good Man is Hard to Find, she wrote this work in 1953 along with several other short stories (Biography.com Editors). To summarize an individual s life is not what is being established in this writing. What will be discussed, however, is the titled piece: A Good Man is Hard to Find. Analyzing the writing, looking with a critical eye about what the writing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The reader starts to realize that the grandmother is someone that tends to get their way. Or, that they will continue to be a nuisance. What occurs is not what the grandmother intended so she begrudgingly goes about her business making it a point not to be left behind also be dressed to the nine s. She takes pride in her appearance and Flannery lets the readers know this by stating, anybody seeing her dead on the highway would know that she was a lady. (O Connor). Still the foreshadowing of death and turmoil looms but this was also a lot of writing styles during this time. Their trip continues as planned with the grandmother telling stories to the family, unsuccessfully communicating with the other adults in the vehicle. The children seem to be the only participants in the grandmother s tales. The readers are introduced to another glimpse of turmoil when O Connor writes, the trees were full of silver white sunlight, and the meanest of them sparkled. (O Connor) The illusion demonstrates the battle between good and evil and how sometimes even the darker side seems to be more pleasant with a taste of charm and falsehood. Again, O Connor always wrote about her belief in God, and this demonstrates to the reader again how she works her beliefs into her work. As the grandmother continues to share ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. School Teacher Role The role of an elementary school teacher is an important role because they are one of the first role models that young children can look up to. They are the first few individuals that have the opportunity to shape a child s life, and they may sometimes inspire their students to follow up in their footsteps. To begin with, the general duties of an elementary school teacher is to create daily lesson plans and instruct students on subjects such as science, literature, and math. More specific job duties would be to manage the student behavior in the classroom, create a positive learning environment for their students, grade papers, work with other staff members, and teachers must be responsible for their students health and safety. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In order to reach this long term life goal of mine, I will need to develop my own education plan. To begin with I will need to graduate high school. It is currently my senior year and I only have about 6 months until graduation. A few of the steps that I have taken include applying for colleges and the FAFSA application. These first two steps are crucial because they will determine where I continue my education and if I will be able to afford it or how much debt I will be in. I have thought about several different colleges that I would like to go to and my first option would be Grand Canyon University(GCU). If I can t make it into GCU then my next option would be Cal State Fullerton, Cal State Long Beach, or Cal State Dominguez Hills. Getting into a University or a Cal State University seems like a big goal to me. I have hope that I will make it into one of them but if I don t, then my last option would be to go to Cypress or Fullerton community college and then transfer out into the university of my dreams. Getting into the early childhood education field will hopefully not be as tough as I expect due to my prior experience of working with younger children. Throughout my teenage years, I have been able to bond and communicate with my four younger siblings. Not only have I had the opportunity of gaining experience from my siblings, but I have also taken part in an ROP class. The ROP class, careers with children, furthered my interest in working with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Special Interest Group Theory Vs Public Interest Theory I. Review Questions Public Interest vs. Special Interest Theory of Government Policy in Health Care 1. Contrast the predictions of the public interest and economic theories of government with regard to redistributive policies. There are two general economic models that describe why the government intervenes in market based health care, known as public interest theory and special interest group theory. Public interest theory allows the government to promote the general interest of society as a whole and chose policies that enhance both efficiency and equity (Santerre Neun, 2013). The theory predicts that the public interest is best severed when the government determines market failure and corrects instances in the market when resources ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the matter of justifying the use of government subsidies for medical education to ensure proper allocation of resources the argument can be made that if I am required to pay for a service that does not directly benefit me then an externality occurs. For example, if the state of GA decides to increase their sales tax and use the additional revenue to target smoking cessation amongst Medicare users to aid in decreasing the overall cost of healthcare consumption, then I as a non smoker and non Medicare recipient am paying for a service that I directly do not need and gain no value from as I am not directly involved in the transaction. Because the goal of the subsidy is to create an incentive for more buyers to engage in a socially beneficial activity (Santerre Neun, 2013), if I am already engaged in the socially beneficial activity, paying the cost for other buyers to engage in the activity through medical education is an otherwise non beneficial factor. From this perspective, it can be assumed that the benefit is concentrated on a targeted population, but the general population at large, a high percentage who are not in the targeted population are incurring costs that will go uncompensated for in the private market (Santerre Neun, 2013). The majority of individuals who do not drive, or do not drive long distances are elderly and have a higher probability of receiving ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Boo Radley Theory To Kill a Mockingbird is about a little girl named Jean Louise Finch, called Scout, and her brother, Jeremy Finch, called Jem. A few houses down from theirs is the Radley s house. Throughout the story, they try to lure Arthur Radley, sometimes referred to as Boo Radley, out of the house; he s always inside. Some people are puzzled as to why Boo Radley doesn t prefer to come out of his house, and I have a theory. This world is a cruel place, but few people realize that. Boo Radley, unlike most, realized this about the world, and had no desire to have anything with it. He didn t approve of the monsters people had become, so he stayed inside to stay away from the world. When Boo Radley was a teenager, he joined a group that was the closest to a gang ever in Maycomb. Once, he caused mischief, and instead of being punished, his father said that he would be sure Boo never made trouble again. When they returned to the house, Boo wasn t heard ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ewell tries to kill Scout and Jem as they re walking home at night. They were shouting loudly, but no one heard them; they were either sleeping or listening to a loud radio. That is, everyone except Boo. Mr. Ewell broke Jem s arm and was going for Scout when Boo came and killed Mr. Ewell with his own knife. He carried Jem home, but I don t think he saw Scout; it was dark. He saved Jem and Scout from the vilest person in Maycomb. Killing a mockingbird, hence the title, is referred to by this; since Mr. Ewell was cruel, it was similar to killing a mockingbird, which in the story is considered a sin because they don t do anything to you. So in the end he paid for his sin by dying. But this incident added to why Boo Radley stayed inside, and why he was never seen again after it. Actually experiencing the cruelty, he desired even further to stay away from it. I can understand why, and if a Mr. Ewell lived in Alpena, I d try and stay inside, too. Being around that kind of person is not in my list of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Northwest Mounted Police Research Paper The beginning of it all, NorthWest Mounted Police was created in 1873. Canada didn t really need any more enforcements or groups, at this time until they needed a permit force to protect Canada s new Northwest Territories ( Northwest mounted police ). They were sent northwest to enforce Canadian authorities, which is now present day Alberta and Saskatchewan. After a while of being known they grew into the Yukon in 1865, Arctic Coast in 1903 and Northern Manitoba in 1912. They were mostly needed to patrol the new lands Domain of Canada had just purchased, from Hudson s bay company ( northwest mounted police ). Also another good reason they were created would be they really needed some law and order, and a good representation of Canadian sovereignty, was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even though they were quiet small not very many law enforcements accomplished so much with so little violence and very little men. The whole law enforcement all started in Canada, and Canada was who was in control of what they did and where they went. When Canada was planning this group America felt threatened because they thought it was a military base, when all it was, was a group to protect the new lands. They never really had any big problems with anything, or other people ( Northwest mounted police ). This group had many names actually. Their first original name that didn t stick with it was Northwest Mounted rifles, but it sounded to threatening. So they just went with Northwest Mounted police, after they decided on the name it was changed another good two or three times. When Northwest Mounted police got old their name was changed by adding in Royal to their name. The group actually United with another group called the Domain Police and that was when their name changed to Royal Canadian Mounted Police . The last time this group changed names was in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Who Is The Narrator In The Yellow Wall-Paper By Charlotte... The short story, The Yellow Wall Paper , written by Charlotte Perkins Stetson, illustrates the mental downfall of the narrator. The narrator, a wife and mother, is suffering from the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Her husband, John, who is a physician, diagnoses her with a nervous disease and suggests that she stay in a summer home until she recovers from it. He advises her not to write because he believes that it will only add to the progression of her illness. She continues to write in spite of John who is attempting to understand her loneliness. She thinks her nervous depression is only temporary, so she complies with the order to stay in the summer house. This period of rest negatively impacts the narrator s psychological well being, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She sleeps in the nursery where there are bars on the windows. This could lead readers to believe that she could be in a mental institution. All her time is spent in this room. She notices the ripped yellow wallpaper around her bed. She describes the wallpaper as stripped off... in great patches all around the head of my bed (Stetson 648). The first time she notices the unusual nature of the wallpaper is when she says the paper looks at her. She starts to notice people in the wall looking at her with different expressions. She sees them crawl up, down, and sideways as their unblinking eyes stare her. She observes that her walls are a mess, and assumes that the kids tore the wallpaper. Her obsession with the yellow wallpaper makes her condition worse until she finally goes totally ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Hillary Clinton s Speech Analysis The United Nation Conference on Women The exploration of inequalities of women in the United Nation Conference occurred September 5,1995 in Beijing, China. Having the United Nations Fourth World Conference to be specifically over women, was a great pleasure. During the conference, Hillary Clinton on many occasions explains in depth on how far women has come in the world. For example, women are now seen as wives, sisters, daughters, educators, workers, citizens, and leaders. We are no longer viewed as property . Before the 19th amendment was ratified, American women partake in a lot of trials and tribulations. For an example the suffrage for rights, the temperance movement, better jobs / work conditions, healthcare, pay wages and the list goes on and on. Why? Female citizens were not found to share the same rights as men, not even to vote. Changes did not come forth until 1848 when women s rights were launched on a national level in Seneca Falls. Throughout all the inconvenience s still women have managed to consume responsibilities in the home, on the job, in their communities, and as mothers. As the perception of women not being worthy is changing Hillary say s this is a celebration not only for me, but for all women across the world. One thing about this woman you can say is that she makes great correlations between ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Clinton brought forth many events that women and men had previously collaborated on. For prime example the 75th anniversary of women s suffrage, the struggle of a 150 years after the signing of the Declaration of independence for women to win the right to vote and 72 years of organized struggle on the part of many courageous women and men. Another event of collaboration the V J Day the good experience that comes forth when men and women join to combat forces of tyranny and build a better world. The allusions of just those two events are great because it displays that the collaboration produced ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Thematic Analysis Of Photography A systematic examination of photographs can reveal many insights into the individual taking the picture. For example, Dijck (2008) explains that picture taking has been widely used as a way for people to save memories of events, a tool for communication and experience, and more recently, as a tool for identity development. For example, in the 20th century, people used photography to save memories to remember their lives (Dijck,2008). As time moved forward it evolved into using photography to communicate with others by sharing their experiences with social media. By using social media like Twitter for example, people share different types of pictures from selfies, to video game screenshots, to a photograph of a new jacket; which occurs not just in the United States but, all over the world (Thelwall, Goriunvova, Vis, Faulkner, Burns, Aulich, Mas Bleda, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Our sample includes photo libraries from 11 travelers who took part in an 11 day trip to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. We also analyzed photo collections from 10 individuals participating in a 9 day trip to Cuba. Taken together, the two groups include 17 students and 3 faculty members. In the first step of our analysis, we have used a qualitative content analysis to identify themes in the content of photographs that were taken by one of the faculty members on the trip to Cuba. This initial analysis revealed six main categories: (people of the country, people from the group, research interests, nature scenes, selfies, and miscellaneous). In the next part of our analysis (the quantitative analysis currently underway), we have determined whether these categories are consistent across the more experienced travelers and whether these categories also provide a good descriptive fit for the content of photographs taken by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Playing My Best Game Of My Life Goodish, Badish Basketball The day I played my best. It was in the morning we had to get up to go to are basketball games. Like all morning I was slow and then I played the best game of my life so far. It was a hard game one of the hardest game ever, no it was the hardest game ever. I know what you re thinking,the team played so well together that it was the best they ever played with each other. Even the shy people scored it was great. The score was unbelievable 200 points to 0. But we actually lost 89 to 58. Yeah I knew, how did I play the best. If we didn t even win and are team wasn t playing together like we always do. Maybe it was because they just wanted the ball or maybe they were just scared. It was the last game before the finals. I always go in thinking that we are going to lose. So I don t feel mad or disappointed if we lose. It also helps me play harder. But this time I was sure we were gonna lose. They were two times the size of me. They were like trees towering over me. Even their smallest girl was taller than our tallest girl. But they were in our division. We ve never even seen them play before, but we knew they were good. They were all wearing orange pixel shorts. We were joking that they were pooping out pixels. Then we headed in for warm up s the crowd was cheering, but then the other team comes in and it went crazy. As we were doing leg up lines they were shooting three s and making all of them. But they were slow and that s where we had an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. How To Write A Classic Novel When I read your fascinating novel I could not help but feel very curious and inclined to read more. May I ask, what was your inspiration to write your book and what made you want to bring your story to others? Also, how does it feel and what did you go through when writing a classic novel in a time period where women did not have equal rights and were not as highly respected as men? I thought that your writing technique showed how classy and intelligent your story is. Considering that education was not in your reach, you made your story sound educated and significant among other stories. I could tell that you spent a long period of time educating yourself in literature and in language. There are many quotes in your book that i can not seem ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Rise Of Rarlo Trujillo Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina was the President of the Dominican Republic. He ruled the country as a dictator. In order to maintain his power, he eliminated people who disagreed with him by dismissing them from their jobs or even murdering them. He also put his family members in positions of power in the economy. Rafael Trujillo was a dictator that stopped at nothing in order to maintain his power over the Dominican Republic. On October 24, 1891, Rafael Trujillo was born in San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic. He lived with his lower middle class parents and 10 siblings. During his childhood, Trujillo s education consisted of schools that were held in different villagers homes. He was only taught basic principles in these schools. Rafael Trujillo got his first job when he was sixteen years old but subsequently lost his job after he joined a gang and committed various crimes, including forging checks. Trujillo eventually gave up his life of crime after he married his first wife, Aminta Ledesima, and they had two daughters (Biography.com). Rafael Trujillo s rise to power began on January 11, 1919 when he took his oath to become an officer in the Constabulary Guard. Trujillo quickly rose through the military ranks and by 1925 he was the commander in chief of the Northern Department of the Guard (Historic World Leaders). His shot at becoming president came when the then President of the Dominican Republic, President Horacio Vásquez, was forced to resign because of a revolt ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Ransom Of Julius Caesar Research Paper Julius Caesar is one of my favorite Greek leaders. Some of the things that he has done sound unreal, and are very unknown. One time, in 75 B.C., he was kidnapped by pirates. He was in his mid 20s, and had he set out from Rome for the Aegean island of Rhodes. He planned to study with Apollonius who was a Greek rhetorician whose students had included Cicero, who became a famous orator in Rome. However, along the way to Rhodes, Caesar s ship was hijacked by pirates off the southwestern coast of Asia Minor. When the pirates named a ransom price for his release, Caesar thought the number was insultingly low and told them he deserved a higher ransom be demanded. Eventually, the higher ransom was paid and Caesar was freed. Soon after, he sought revenge ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Importance Of Executive Agreements In Foreign Policy In foreign policy, there are two types of executive agreements, treaties and international agreements or executive agreements. The president is able to create a treaty with another country but needs two thirds of the U.S. Senates advice and consent for the treaty to pass. Joint possession of the power in question, by the President and Senate, would afford a greater prospect of security than the separate possession of it by either of them (Milkis and Nelson, 2016). The Constitution believed that it would be safer for the United States if both the executive and legislative branches worked together to create treaties. An example of a treaty is the Jay Treaty. The Jay Treat was between the United States and Great Britain, but there were some issues with this treaty. Other politicians and citizens did not like what the treaty stated. They believed the Jay Treat unconstitutionally undermined the separate of powers (Demmer, 2015). But they could not take any action because senate already gave the two thirds approval. For treaties, Congress has the power to accept or decline what the president writes. The Constitution of the United States, has empowered Congress, and not the president (Demmer, 2015). This means Congress has more power in leading foreign policy. Then there is the executive agreement which brought into force with respect to the United States on a constitutional basis other than with the advice and consent of Senate ( Treaty vs. Executive Agreement ). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Snowball I have played soccer since 2008. I had been playing with them for years, there was Squash, Josh, Jake and more. I was with them for 6 years but got kicked anyway. This is similar to how Boxer and Snowball were betrayed by the pigs and had to get out of the farm even though they were there from the start. In the novel Snowball gives his all at establishing the community in Animal Farm. Without Snowball a lot of the things on the farm wouldn t have happened. He was one of the main reasons that the revolution happened. For Boxer he was used and abused even more than Snowball, while Snowball was giving 100% Boxer would always give 120% putting his all and more into the development of animal farm. When others were not doing much he was giving that much more going above and beyond the call of duty. Snowball and Boxer ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Along the way some came and went while others I am still good friends. With Diamonds the years I was there were good ones and while I wasn t the best I would give my all. The teams I was with over the years slowly went from being one of the dominant teams to being a ok one finishing 7th or 8th. The year I was sacked they had more players than what they wanted. The coach had gotten the superstars from multiple teams so he could make a dream team. Like Snowball and Boxer I was betrayed and others stayed. My coach at the time was like Napoleon in the sense he wanted leadership and power as well as boosting their ego. They were both out for themselves trying to do what they wanted. While Napoleon got what he wanted with having the power that Mr. Jones had, My coach got what he wanted with making the soccer team Murry United adding this local area to a Melbourne league. They both had the sin of greed with wanting these. While they both had positives with Napoleon having a farm with a better production speed than they had with Mr. Jones, and my Coach getting a team that he hoped would win ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Legal Issues Over The Legal System The career that I chose to focus on was legal area as far as becoming an attorney that practices family and criminal court. I chose this area of study because I have become interested in legal issues over the past few years that lead me to the decision to practice law. Upon deciding what I wanted to do with my career, I then decided that I want to first start out as a lawyer and then progress to becoming a judge where I plan on retiring from. I decided I would rather practice criminal law and family law as a prosecutor rather than becoming a defense attorney. I don t feel that my arguments are strong enough to be a defense attorney and do plan on working on those skills for improvement. However I am a firm believe that justice served is the main reason individuals lean to the legal system for help. During my research for my chosen career I found an article that allowed me to look deeper into the legal system. The article focuses on the importance of the local common law in resolving various related disputes (Decker, 2014). Topics discussed include relationship between the local common law with the customs, social norms and local legal culture, role of the local courts of the U.S. in the construction, implementation and enforcement of the common law and relationship between the common law and access to justice (Decker, 2014). It further discusses the importance of the legal scholarship in construction of the common law (Decker, 2014). After reading this article it basically ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Growing Up Research Paper Growing up in Theresa was an experience that will live with me until the day I die. Theresa is a town with a population of roughly 2,000 people and it is very rural. Theresa is a blue collar community where everyone works hard and everyone plays hard. I saw this 24/7 at home. It was a small town. Everyone knew what was going on with everything in the town. The town of Theresa was basically one giant family. I went to school their from Kindergarten through 4th grade. The school was three blocks from my house and I would walk to school and back every single day. I usually had people who would walk with me. Some of those people I am still friends with to this very day. This was were I got my very first taste of school and first taste of friendship. One friend that I have made in Theresa is standing up in my wedding in July. Growing up their was a blessing for so many reasons. Probably for reasons I may realize later in life. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Downtown there is the local shell gas station. It is a fairly dated gas station, but they make due with what they have. There is a sandwich shop inside, along with multiple varieties of coffee. I remember my dad going there every day before work to get his cup of coffee. There were three parks in town and one of them was one block away from my house. I once fell off the slide at this park and was sent to the emergency room. I stayed away from that park for a while after that. The park was a hot spot for kids of all ages. This park was right next to the public school that I attended until 4th grade. My house was also right off a river that leads right into the Mississippi. The river is a great place to fish and kayak. I caught many fish in the river, usually alongside my dad and my sister. The town dump was sometimes a fun place to go. People would bring things that they no longer used or needed there. People would go and search through the stuff and bring home was they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Events That Changed Latin America The Event that Changed Latin America The Latin American countries have been subject to many changes ever since the American continent was discovered. These changes have mainly affected the economy, culture and power changes these countries have suffered throughout the years. According to Jon Charles Chasteen on his book Born in Blood Fire During the twentieth century, there were three main events that changed the course of Latin American countries and their economies. These three events were, the emergence of nationalism, the end of World War II, and the Cuban revolution. However, in my point of view, the event that created more impact in Latin America and the future of these countries has been Cuban Revolution. It is not a secret that the Cuban Revolution created a big impact to the country s future, unfortunately this revolution not only changed Cuba, but also the entire region of Latin America. However, the revolution, led by Fidel Castro, brought hope for those who supported the fight against the repressive government in the island, but it also brought a red signal of danger and fear of Cold War to other countries in America, especially for United States. Even though the revolutionary Fidel Castro was friend with the Soviet Union, Cuba never played a big role outside of the island. Nevertheless, United State anti communism policy encouraged a violent anti revolutionary reaction that spreader all over Latin America in the 60 s and 70 s. They wanted to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Summary Of Twelve By Alexander Blok Peace, land, and bread ; the battle cry for the country during the Russian Revolution. With this in mind, in the early 1900s, a rebellion swept through one of the biggest empires in Asia. This revolution was unparalleled event in modern history (History: The Russian Revolution). Nonetheless, the historical background of this time period can be displayed in various forms. In this case, Twelve by Alexander Blok, is a poem that reflects the Russian Revolution and the struggles in that time period. Moreover, the text takes place throughout a night and ironically begins at twelve midnight. During the Russian Revolution, a lot of political and economic struggles plagued one of the biggest empires (History: The Russian Revolution). Twelve fabricates the appropriate figurative language to correlate with the historical facts of the revolutions. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Alexander Blok makes use of juxtaposition to compare the revolution in Russia to how Russia was before. To specify, black night, white snow was included to reveal contrast and set up the scene for the poem (Blok 1). Setting the scene for the poem in this way allowed Blok to evidently display how contrasting these two settings are. The black night expounds the dark cloud that was the revolution and the white snow connotes how Russia was before everything derailed. Hence, setting the correct scene for the twelfth hour in Russia and everything that occurred. To illustrate, the Russian Revolution was a groundbreaking event that shaped modern history...World War I provided the catalyst for the revolution in Russia (The Russian Revolution). World War I, was the catalyst which increased to the detriment of the revolution. The way the Russian Revolution swept through the country was very detrimental and changed Russia drastically. Therefore, juxtaposition exposes the transformation of Russia and connects the text to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Glue In Romeo And Juliet Glue can be viewed as a sticky mess; however, it is the mold and foundation for the basis of many things. Glue is a binder for many things including art projects and practical crafts. Much like how literal glue sticks objects together, metaphoric glue keeps order. For instance, a father is the glue of a family because he is a protector, a money maker, and a lover. In the dramatic play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, two families feuds have to keep lovers apart until their deaths. Their families start to fall apart as the mold holding them together does as well. Young Juliet ends her life far too early because her father, Lord Capulet, has a wrath that is too much to put up a fight with. Her father gives her orders that she refuses to take, but unfortunately he does not like to hear the word no. Nonetheless, chaos unfolds to what seems to be no end. Ultimately, Lord Capulet s power and temper both weakens and strengthens the glue that holds together the Capulet name. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A father s most precious moments are the ones he spends with his little girl. When Lord Capulet is first introduced, he is illustrated as the loving father all girls are lucky to have. He cares for and protects his daughter from many dangers, including boys with their own agendas. For instance, Lord Capulet says, My child is yet a stranger in the world, She hath not seen the change of fourteen years; Let two more summers wither in their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Water Contamination Using The Filtration Process Water contamination using the filtration process was observed on a smaller scale using liquid laundry detergent, vegetable oil, and vinegar. These products were tested and observed for differences in color, smell, and consistency. Three different kinds of water products from; tap water, Dasani water, to Fiji bottled water were tested and observed using chemical test strips. This was to understand that bottled water did not have a difference from regular tap water. When contaminates are introduced to the elements and effect the water supply they can have an adverse effect on the human health system. The water that we drink and use in our day to day lives is vital and understanding how to keep it clean is the responsibility of all. Introduction Research of water quality is vital to our future, we must understand it and learn how to improve a process in order to secure our future. Since the passage of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SWDA) by the United States (US) Congress in 1974, the number of regulated contaminates has increased from an initial 22 to currently 91 (venkatamaran, 2013) these standards developed by the SWDA help correct the issues of contamination that we face today. Common household products found in everyone s home, and common practices found in our crop fields introduce the contaminates to our water. The water quality has an overall effect on our ecological system from the ocean, to the lakes found in our backyards. This includes plant life, marshes, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Friends or Enemies I sat there for the longest time. No one spoke, or if they did, I certainly wasn t listening. I mulled over everything I had thought about him. The way we spoke with each other. How I felt when I was with him. Everything pointed back to one answer, but it only made me depressed. I really liked Ciel. Alice? someone asked. I snapped out of my daze. I d know that voice anywhere. I turned in my chair and smiled, Ciel! I got up and hugged him tightly. He seemed a bit awkward about it, but wrapped his arms around me. When I pulled away, I was full of concern, Are you okay? Did you get hurt? I m so sorry, Ciel! I... I didn t know how to help you. It s fine. We re back together now, right? That s what matters, he said. I nodded in agreement. I was a little surprised he was brushing it off so easily. With anyone else, he would have chewed them out for it. I was grateful for the reaction, of course, but considering the recent revelation, my thoughts drifted to reasons of the change. There is no more room, March Hare told Ciel. Yes, no more room at all, Hatter joked. He gave me a knowing smile. He knew that I had figured it out. If I hadn t, I wouldn t have hugged Ciel. I averted my eyes, angry for him being right at all. He had just made things a zillion times harder because of pointing out that little fact. I really hadn t needed it. Come, don t say that. Have a seat, Dormouse talked in his sleep. I haven t said anything, yet, Ciel pointed out. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Short Note On Arm Abduction IN SITTING 1) Arm Abduction In sitting position, move your right arm up and out to your shoulder level Hold it for 2 seconds and bring it back down slowly. Breathe out slowly while moving your arm up. Breathe in slowly while moving your arm down. Repeat the same on your left arm. Repeat the exercise 10 times on both sides. (Healthwise, 2014) 2) Elbow Circles In sitting position, bend your elbows and place your fingers on your shoulders with the elbows at your shoulder level. Move your elbows slowly in circles. Breathe out slowly as you start the circle. Breathe in slowly as you finish the circle. Repeat 10 times. (Healthwise, 2014) 3) Arm Extension In sitting position, place your hands on your chest and keep ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Move your right leg up, to straighten your knee. Hold it for 2 seconds and bring it back down. Breathe out slowly as you move your leg up. Breathe in slowly as you bring it back down. Repeat the same on the left leg. Repeat the exercise 10 times on both sides. (Healthwise, 2014) 6) Pedal exercises for legs In sitting position with the pedals on the floor and set the resistance to low. Place your feet on the pedals and pedal it for 5 minutes (take breaks if required). Breathe in and out slow and relaxed as you do the exercise. 7) Pedal exercises arms In sitting position, place the pedals on a table in front of you and set the resistance to low. Hold the pedals with your hands and pedal for 5 minutes (take breaks if required). Breathe in and out slow and relaxed as you do the exercise. NOTE: Do the above seven exercises in the morning when you are sitting in your chair. Maintain your RPE between 10 12 during the exercises. Do pursed lip breathing while exercising. IN LYING 1) Ankle pumps
  • 47. Lie on your back with a pillow under your head and keep your legs straight on the bed with your toes pointing towards the ceiling. Move your feet towards you, hold it for 2 seconds and move them away from you. Breathe out slowly as you move your feet towards you. Breathe in slowly as you move your feet away from you. Repeat 10 times. (Borgess Health, 2015) 2) Knee Rolling Lie on your back with a pillow under your head. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Discuss the Relationship Between the Principles of... Discuss the relationship between the principles of training, physiological adaptations and improved performance The relationship between the principles of training and physiological adaptations has a significant impact on performance. Many factors need to be addressed in a training program to make it a successful one for a particular athlete and thus improve their performance. The first principles are warm up and cool down. The purpose of any warm up and cool down is to reduce the risk of injury and soreness. For this to be applicable, a warm up must be sustained for no less than 10min and for elite athletes, at least 30min. Included in this warm up must be stretching to loosen up the muscles. There are no physiological adaptations that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These adaptations are relevant because the body is being stressed which leads to more blood being needed by the working muscles. With this increase in stroke volume and cardiac output, it also increases the heart rate. Heart rate is the amount of times the heart beats per minute. This means that the heart is working hard and being progressively overloaded increases the efficiency and will improve the performance of the athlete. Another adaptation is oxygen uptake. When the body is being progressively overloaded oxygen uptake is really important because it is the amount of oxygen being delivered to working muscles. This amount increases when exercise begins but decreases as adaptations occur. This is very similar to lung capacity as lung capacity is the amount of air that the lungs can hold. Another physiological adaptation in relation to progressive overload is haemoglobin levels. Haemoglobin is the substance in the blood that binds to oxygen and transports it around the body. These levels are important because it s telling us how much oxygen and blood is being used and directly relates to stroke volume and oxygen uptake. Muscle hypertrophy is a term that refers to muscle growth together with an increase in the size of muscle cells. For a sprinter this adaptation is very important because it indicates that the muscles have been stimulated and grown and an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Star Wars Mythology Gomeau 6 Killian Gomeau Ms. Vyse English 2 Honors April 2nd, 2016 Star Wars and Mythology Close connections can be made from Greek Mythology into pop culture, especially into fictional stories such as Star Wars. Introduced to the world in 1977, Star Wars was a cultural phenomenon that took the whole world by storm. It broke new ground in cinematic storytelling, visual effects, and what a director could do with a film, paving the way for many other great films to come. The world of Star Wars is also rich with history and lore, and a lot of that can be connected to Greek Mythology. Two main characters in Star Wars are Luke and Leia Skywalker, twins who are separated at birth but eventually reunite on their journeys to defeat the dark side. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Star Wars, the same happens to Luke Skywalker, though not in exactly the same way. He is given his father?s lightsaber, the weapon of a Jedi by a former friend of his father?s, Ben. Ben tells Luke as he gives him the weapon: ?I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn t allow it. He feared you might follow old Obi Wan on some damn fool idealistic crusade like your father did. Your father s lightsaber. This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age. For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times... before the Empire.? (Star Wars). As Ben is giving Luke the lightsaber, he explains its extraordinary qualities and purpose, therefore passing its extraordinary meaning and symbolism down to a new generation, similar to Artemis and Apollo. These weapons used by these characters would go on to aide them greatly in their journeys, as Luke used his lightsaber as a tool to defeat his enemies, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. How Does Chaucer Describe The Wife Of Bath The medieval period is the period in history beginning with the Renaissance, literally meaning the middle period in history. Clothing, tradition, religion and lifestyle were viewed much differently than they are in today s modern society. The best example of all the different types of people and their lifestyles is Chaucer s Canterbury Tales, in which he opens with a description of twenty nine people going on a pilgrimage. The way people behave today allows readers to recognize each character s distinct personality. In the General Prologue , Chaucer describes the Wife of Bath in a way that is much different than how he describes the other twenty eight characters. His use of imagery, word choice, tone and rhythm to describe the Wife lure ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He describes the Wife as a self confident person who thinks highly of herself and had been respectable throughout her life due to her incredible skills as a cloth maker (Chaucer 461). She wore ten pounds of clothing that she wove herself. She loves showing off her cloth making expertise and is not shy at presenting herself in front of other people. Chaucer describes her physical appearance in ways that express a lustful and almost seductive person during this time period. The description of her clothing, legs, feet, hips, and her gap tooth is an accurate representation of what seemed to attract a man to a lady during this time. She was a very open minded woman who adored the idea of love and marriage which can be proved by her ...five churched husbands bringing joy and strife (Chaucer 462). She goes on pilgrimages to several different places which gives the impression that she is a devout Christian and portrays her as a religious woman. Chaucer s description of the Wife of Bath makes the readers think about the other characters in the general prologue and how she is much different than the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...