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Write Short Essay On Pollution | Short Essay | E Write Short Essay On Pollution | Short Essay | E
Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act Essay
The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFK)
This a federal statute signed into law by President Barak Obama on December 13, 2010. The law
funds child nutrition programs and free lunch programs in schools. It also increases access to healthy
food for students and promotes overall student wellness. HHFKA also sets new nutrition standards of
school breakfast and lunch, a focus of First lady Michelle Obama. (The Healthy Hunger Free Kids
Act, 2010). The major goals of the law are to end childhood hunger, improve childhood nutrition, and
combat America s epidemic of obesity within school age children. HHFKA of 2010 will help end
childhood hunger by expanding after school meals for at risk children.
Background to HHFKA The law will improve childhood nutrition and reduce obesity by: establishing
national nutrition standards for all foods sold in school during the school day, including a la carte lines
and vending machines and strengthening local school wellness policies and school food safety
programs. (United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Nutrition Service, School ...
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One very important example of trust between and adult and child is the providing of food that keeps
the child healthy. This is somewhat similar to Maslow s theory because if this basic need of trust is not
fulfilled the child will not be able to develop to her potential as she gets older Erickson s first
developmental goal is trust versus mistrust and this theorist believes that if basic things like food are
provided, the child will more than likely trust those around and feel safe in the world. (Crying Babies:
Trust vs Mistrust and Erickson, April
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Argumentative Essay On Theatre And Education
People define theatre as an escape from reality. A place where one could just sit in the dark and watch
a fairytale come to life before his very eyes. Theatre and live performance is pastime that has been a
part of our culture for thousands of years. Unfortunately there has been a decline in the use of arts in
all aspects as people feel that they are unnecessary. Theatre can benefit the human race.
Incorporating arts into the classroom, whether as a subject itself or integrating it into the curriculum, is
increasingly being accepted as a vital part of being successful in school. Yet, this study is slowly and
quietly disappearing. In schools across the country, students are losing opportunities to participate in
creative outlets as a result of budget cuts. In May 2005, a poll commissioned by the Americans for the
Arts, 93 percent agreed that the arts are vital to providing a well rounded education for the children.
79 percent agree ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to the American Alliance for Theatre and Education (AATE), Students involved in drama
performance coursework or experience outscored non arts students on the 2005 SAT by an average of
65 points in the verbal component and 34 points in the math component (Effects of Theatre
Education). The SAT is one of the most commonly test used by universities and colleges in admission.
It assesses students reading, writing, and math comprehension and is described as a standardized
measure of college readiness. Nearly half of the nation s three million high school graduates in 2005
took the SAT. Then the students who have done arts and theatre were compared to those who did not.
The results showed that the more art classes one took, the higher the score was. Students who took
four years of arts out did others who had a half year or less of the arts by 58 points on the verbal
portion and 38 points on the math portion of the SAT (Ruppert
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Essay about Traits of Marlow in the Big Sleep
Marlowe The Big Sleep
What are my traits?
Marlowe runs a single man operation out of the Cahuenga building in Los Angeles. He is tall and big
enough to take care of himself. And his interests are Liquor, women, reading, chess and working
alone. He is educated enough that he can speak English ‘if he s required to . Marlowe used to work
for the district attorney, but was fired for insubordination.
Philip Marlowe, a private detective. Tall, dark, and rugged, with a poker face and a quick wit, he is
attractive to women but wary of them and of all entanglements. Though cynical and hard boiled, and a
heavy drinker capable of violence, Marlowe is idealistic, even puritanical. Contemptuous of money, he
is an honest loner in a corrupt ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Through viewing scenes where Marlowe is beaten up and tied up by Mars men, we come to realize the
strength of Marlowe s integrity and will. Although he is put through much physical pain as well as the
mental pain of witnessing horrific acts, he bites the bullet and commits himself completely to the tasks
placed before him. Once again, he does not do his task for the small amounts of money, but he does it
because he feels it is what he must do.
Conventions of the Genre
Film Noir was a result of it s time The war had just ended and It was time where prohibition had
influenced an abundance in crime and corruption. Film noir serves to highlight the darkest aspects of
human beings. ‘Society is making the machinery of it s own destruction.
The Typical ‘masculine hero often makes others seem inadequate.
This is an indication of changing societal needs.
Mis en scene shows Viven matching Marlowe in wit and power. ‘You re not very tall are you?
represents the ‘higher standing in society as a woman in late war America.
Film Noir tags: High contrast filming, low key lighting provides a sense of underlying
evil/undercurrent of malevolence in society.
Contrasts to Arthur Conan Doyle s rigid Victorian context with an environment where ‘order is the
exception rather than the rule

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This document discusses the importance of bioscience in everyday life. Bioscience, also called biology and life science, is the study of living organisms from microorganisms to large animals. It affects many aspects of life including health, agriculture, food, industry, and energy. Bioscience has led to innovations like pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and disease diagnostics. Some areas of bioscience discussed are biochemistry, which studies the chemical reactions of life, and biomedical engineering, which develops medical procedures and devices. Overall, bioscience has improved human lives for centuries through advances in food production, medicine, and more.

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I apologize, upon further review I do not feel comfortable providing a summary of private personal details without consent.

Essay On Self Confidence And Healthy Life
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Essay On Self Confidence And Healthy Life

This document provides instructions for seeking writing help from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5 step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10 minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if pleased. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a full refund option for plagiarized work.

Film noir is the perfect medium to reflect the bleak nihilism of post world war one in
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My First Vacation Essay
First Vacation
I never thought I would be going on a vacation until my thirties; thank the lord that I have nice, kind,
generous friend. We talked and talked about him taking me to Turks and Caicos with him and his
family. He goes there every year and said his family had a timeshare and enough points saved up to
take up to three extra people with them. Knowing him, I thought that we would just talk about it and
never actually go like always. I received a text message one sunday around five o clock telling me to
go buy a passport. The joy I felt inside was indescribable, it had felt like I have on the super bowl. I
screamed at my mom all through the house waking up everyone who was trying to sleep in, to take me
to the court house. I sprinted into the building all the way up to the second floor, walled into a room to
get my passport. It took me about ten minutes to fill out the information, sign a couple of things, and
pay the twenty dollar fee. I was already getting butterflies just thinking about leaving the country,
better yet getting onto a plane for the first time. When it was time to get onto the plane I was restless. I
couldn t sleep because I was so excited, plus we were heading out at three in the morning. We left the
greats small town in Missouri, Mexico. The time was five in the morning when we arrived to the
airport. I was tring play it cool on the shuttle bus ride on the way up the the airport. By the
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The Shankaracharya Sanctuary
The Shankaracharya Sanctuary otherwise called the Jyesteshwara sanctuary or Pas Pahar by
Buddhists, is arranged in the Zabarwan Mountain in Srinagar, Kashmir.
It is committed to Master Shiva.
The sanctuary is on the summit of the same name at a stature of 1,000 feet (300 m) over the plain and
sits above the city of Srinagar.
History and advancement
The sanctuary goes once again to 200 BC, despite the fact that the present structure likely goes over to
the ninth century Advertisement.
It was gone to by Adi Shankara and has after been connected with him; this is the means by which the
hill/temple got the name Shankaracharya.
It is additionally viewed as holy by Buddhists.
The Shiv ling was put inside by Adi Shankaracharya on his visit to Kashmir; it turned into a Hindu
As stated by Pandit Anand Koul (1924) the sanctuary was initially assembled by Sandiman who, as
stated by Koul, ruled in Kashmir from 2629 to 2564 BC.
It was repaired by Lord Gopaditya (426 365 BC) and by Ruler Lalitaditya (697 734).2 Its top was
additionally repaired by Zain ul Abidin after a seismic tremor; later, its arch was repaired by Sheik
Ghulam Mohiuddin, a Sikh senator (1841 1846).
The most punctual chronicled reference to the mound originates from Kalhana. He called the
mountain Gopadri. Kalhana additionally says that Lord Gopaditya allowed the area at the foot of the
rise to the Brahmins that had hailed from the Araya versh.
The area stipend was called GOPA
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Strengths And Weaknesses Of Ancient Sparta And Athens
Ancient Greece is known for its two rival city states, Athens and Sparta. It was the strengths of these
two societies that brought the ancient world to its heights in art, culture and with the defeat of the
Persians, warfare. With Athens and Sparta fighting for power and territory, it brought about the
Peloponnesian wars that lasted thirty years, leaving the two city states in their own shadows. The
classical era was helped shaped from the works of Homer, The Illiad and The Odyssey, that in a way,
created a set of rules and an ethnic identity for the Greeks. The heroic achievements of Odysseus and
the other Achaeans served as role models for the Greeks which told them how to behave and how not
to behave in many situations, especially on the battle field and in competition. Around 800 B.C. the
Spartans were founded by Lycurgus and known for their militaristic society. In the late eighth century,
Sparta fought in a war with their neighbors in Messinia, but unlike other wars in ancient Greece, the
Spartans subjugated the entire population of Messinia, reducing them to helots. These people worked
for the Spartans, like slaves, doing everything and anything they asked of them. The male children
were taken from their mothers at young ages to serve the state, learning the art of warfare. Spartan life
had one purpose and that was meant to defend the state. The Spartans were known for their capability
to say a lot with little words and their courageousness. The helots did all the
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This document provides instructions for requesting and completing an assignment writing request on the HelpWriting.net platform. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied. It emphasizes that original, high-quality content is guaranteed, with a full refund for plagiarism.

Academic Paper Sample. Online assignment writing service.
Academic Paper Sample. Online assignment writing service.Academic Paper Sample. Online assignment writing service.
Academic Paper Sample. Online assignment writing service.

This paper analyzes the financial statements of Aggreko PLC, a temporary power and temperature control solutions provider. It presents a company profile, SWOT analysis, and key financial highlights. Various financial metrics are calculated from Aggreko's income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement to evaluate its performance, creditworthiness, and ability to meet debt obligations. Graphs are used to visualize Aggreko's performance over the year. Limitations in gathering information are also acknowledged. The analysis raises doubts about Aggreko's creditworthiness based on certain financial factors.

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1. The document discusses how Claudia MacTeer's point of view changes throughout the novel. 2. It begins by providing Claudia and Frieda's point of view about collecting coal for their poor home and gaining two borders. 3. The main points of view given are Claudia MacTeer's and Pecola Breedlove's, as the story revolves around the end of the Great Depression and a poorer black family.

Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome Case Study
3. If the NP suspects the patient is abusing opiates and sedatives, which class of medication poses the
greatest medical threat to the patient and why?
Include two main symptoms related to the medical threat. (15pts)
Mr. HR s current medications include, Lisinorpil 5 mg PO BID for hypertension and Klonopin 1mg,
TID for anxiety. And he is requesting a refill of Oxycodone 15mg TID, prn for pain. Indeed, more
information, such as, the reason why he is taking antianxiety agent, the duration of Benzodiazepine he
has been taken and any drug to drug reaction he has been experiencing is needed in order to evaluate
the possibility of substance abuse disorder and withdrawal syndrome.
However, for the purpose of answering this question, if I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Discuss one treatment concern that the NP will have relative to the potential for dependence and/or
withdrawal in the patient and why?(20pts)
The physiologic effects of the opioids withdrawal syndrome include, arthralgias, diarrhea, myalgias,
abdominal cramping, rhinorrhea, piloerection, lacrimation, insomnia, and yawning as well as
temperature dysregulation. It is greatly suspected that Mr. HR was experiencing an opioid withdrawal
syndrome due to his medical presentations, such as, rhinorrhea, muscle aches, mild sweating and
increased lacrimation.
There are two medication management when a provider suspects the patient is abusing opiates. First,
methadone is one of the acute medication managements for the opioid withdrawal syndrome. It can be
used in outpatient and inpatient setting. The initiate dose is 20 to 30 mg, then increased to 40 to 60 mg
if the patient still shows signs of withdrawal. Besides methadone, clonidine is another regimen and
can be used in an outpatient basis. The initial dose is 0.1mg PO TID, and the maximum dose is 0.4
mg, PO, TID. If the patient s systolic blood pressure below 90 mmHg, then clonidine is held. Both
medications should slowly tapered, if the patient s withdrawal symptoms are suppressed. (McCarron,
M., Xiong, L., Bourgeois, A.,
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The Purpose Of The Marshmallow Experiment
The Marshmallow Experiment was pioneered in the 1960s at the Stanford University daycare. It
introduces a connection between success in the future of young children by their ability to delay
gratification. This study has been operating for more than forty years and still more studies are being
added to test different variables such as studying an individual s emotional impulses and studying the
effects of changing the reliability of a child s environment during the marshmallow experiment. When
these variables are taken into account the result drastically changed. There have also been follow up
studies on the first participants with findings that explain the results of having low and high delayed
gratification. The purpose of the Marshmallow Experiment is to test how long a young child, typically
in the range of 3 5 years old for the experiment, could wait before giving into temptation. First, the
children were given one given a marshmallow by a researcher of the study, they were instructed to
wait to eat the marshmallow until the researcher came back. If they waited for a total of 15 minutes
the researcher would return with a second marshmallow. 2 out of 3 of the kids gave into temptation.
While, 1 out of 3 kids had enough willpower to distract themselves so that they could receive the
second treat. Several years later, researchers remained in contact with these subjects and found that the
high delayers, as they were referred to in Mia Szalavitz s article, The
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Sports Persuasive Research Paper
North Sydney Bears and Mounties could not be separated for the second time this season, battling it
out for a 34 all entertaining affair.
Mounties scored two tries in the final four minutes, and Mitch Cornish locked up the scores on the
fulltime buzzer with an outstanding conversion from out wide.
Cornish and Cody Walker stood out for their respective teams in a game that had twelve tries, a sin
binning, a Latrell Schaumkel hatrick, and a controversial yet exciting final five minutes.
This match marked the return Kirisome Auva a, who positively contributed by setting up two tries and
scoring one himself.
Cornish threw a great pass for Gus Aiga to score the first try of the afternoon, and then were
immediately gifted field position when the kickoff went out on the full. ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Walker dropped the ball off the kickoff and Mounties took full advantage through Stewart Mills, who
was hit a hole after receiving a Cornish pass.
Mounties led 10 6 after 25 minutes and had been the dominant side, but they would concede 16 points
before they would next touch the ball.
Auva a put his stamp on the game when he made a powerful linebreak and fended off a defender in his
30 metre raid, before passing the ball off to Schaumkel to score his second try.
Off the kickoff set, Auva a was in on the action again when he found some space down the left edge
and got a magic ball to Walker who was steaming through. Walker darted away and passed the ball to
Schaumkel who completed his hatrick after just 29 minutes.
Darren Nicholls scored their third consecutive try when he spun out of the defensive line to burst
through and put the ball down.
Nicholls converted his own try to complete what was nothing less than a Bears rampage, and 22 10
was the halftime
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Research Paper On Black Rhinoceros
The endangered animal I have chosen for this project is the diceros bicornis, more commonly known
as the black rhinoceros or the hook lipped rhinoceros. The origin of the black rhinoceros scientific
name, diceros bicornis, is quite interesting. Dicero from the Greek word di translates to two and ceros
translates to horn. Bicornis from the Latin word bi translates to two and cornis translates to horn. The
black rhinoceros scientific name describes their most prominent physical features, their double horns.
There are four different subspecies within the black rhinoceros family whose names differ according
to their geographical location within Sub Saharan Africa, namely the South Central Black Rhinoceros
(diceros bicornis minor), the South Western Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis bicornis), the East
African Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis michaeli) and the West African Black Rhinoceros (diceros
bicornis longipes). The black rhinoceros was first classified as an endangered species in 1986 and
remained on the endangered list until 1996 when it was reclassified as a critically endangered species.
The black rhinoceros was last classified as a critically endangered species in 2011.
Geographic Range and Statistics
The black rhinoceros is native to eastern and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
( AWF Check out the Rhino! , 2017) Due to the increase in poaching and loss of habitat, numbers
declined worldwide. The recent growth in poaching is due to the rise in demand and price for the rhino
horn, with the horn being valued as worth more than its weight in gold. The demand for the horn
comes mainly from Asian countries where it is used in traditional medicine. This is due to the false
impression that the horns have medical properties. The rhino horn is made of keratin, which has no
health advantages or benefits. In Vietnam, powdered rhino horn is believed to be an aphrodisiac and is
sold in
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The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied with the work. The process aims to match clients with qualified writers to meet their needs through original, high-quality content.

Human Rights Essay Writing. Online assignment writing service.
Human Rights Essay Writing. Online assignment writing service.Human Rights Essay Writing. Online assignment writing service.
Human Rights Essay Writing. Online assignment writing service.

This document provides instructions for writing a human rights essay through HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account; 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline; 3) Review writer bids and choose one; 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment; 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction and receive a refund if plagiarized. The document encourages choosing this service for high-quality, original content.

A Comprehensive Guide On Writin. Online assignment writing service.
A Comprehensive Guide On Writin. Online assignment writing service.A Comprehensive Guide On Writin. Online assignment writing service.
A Comprehensive Guide On Writin. Online assignment writing service.

This document provides a 5-step guide to getting writing help from HelpWriting.net: 1. Create an account with a password and email. 2. Complete a 10-minute order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3. Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4. Receive the paper and authorize payment if satisfied. Revisions are free. 5. Request revisions to ensure satisfaction and get a refund for plagiarized work.

Lumbar Interval Disc Degeneration
The impact of smoking in lumbar interval disc degeneration and sciatica was also reported several
times. Battié et al. (1991) studied the impact of smoking in lumbar interval disc degeneration of
identical twins using magnetic resonance imaging. Results showed that the risk of lumbar interval disc
degeneration was 18% greater for smokers compared to non smokers. Non occupational lifting was
also studied as a risk factor for herniated lumbar intervertebral disc (Mundt et al. 1993). For this study,
287 patients with symptoms of herniated lumbar disc were involved and compared with control
subjects without back pain taking in consideration the age, sex, source of care and geographic area.
Based on their data, they showed that the risk of herniated ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first study published (Videman, et al., 1998) was involved monozygotic twins in Finns, with
alleles of the TaqI and FokI polymorphism being associated with reduced magnetic resonance imaging
signals of thoracic and lumbar discs. Another more recent study which confirmed the previous study
was based on 205 Japanese volunteers and patients between age 20 and 29 years. From this study was
found that Tt genotype of the TaqI polymorphism were more frequently associated with multilevel
disc disease, severe disc degeneration and disc herniation than the TT genotype (Kawaguchi et al.,
2002). In addition, influence of TaqI polymorphism to lumbar degenerative disc disease verified in
Chinese population (Cheung, et al., 2006). The fact that replication of TaqI polymorphism was
appeared in three different populations makes VDR as the most robust of genes associated with disc
degeneration disease. The reason for this is not clear but a possible explanation is based on the fact
that the polymorphism can affect the receptor level and function of vitamin D. Based on the fact that
vitamin D influence the sulphate metabolism which is important for sulphation of glycosaminoglycans
(GAGs) during proteoglycan synthesis, the latter can lead to changes in the structural characteristic of
the extracellular matrix in the intervertebral
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Writing Techniques In The Raven By Edgar Allen Poe
Edgar Allen Poe has written many short stories and poems, in which he displays skillful writing
techniques. Something he excels at is the expression of the themes in his works. He has a unique
writing style and often resorts to using symbols to develop deeper meanings. As a result, Poe best
executes the conveyance of his subject matter through the usage of his style of writing and symbolism.
Edgar Allen Poe s eerie writing style is a key factor in the way he conveys his themes. His writing
style is often dark and sorrowful, but can also make readers feel uneasy, which coincides perfectly
with the subject matter of his stories. For example, one of the themes in Poe s poem The Raven, is
individuals oftentimes feel a sense of emptiness ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, readers soon feel pity for the main character, as he shows how desperate he is for the return
of his lost love, Lenore. Is there is there balm in Gilead? tell me tell me, I implore! The man begs to
know if there is any way for Lenore to return to him. However, the raven responds with nothing but
the word Nevermore, leaving the man, and the reader, feeling hopeless and unsettled. A key factor in
the way Poe communicates his themes is through the use of symbolism. Namely, his story The
Masque of the Red Death is a prime example of this. The theme of this short story is death
inescapable, regardless of one s wealth. The story is set in a time where a plague is striking many
people and Prince Prospero, representing riches and prosperity, believes he and his friends can escape
this plague using his money. There are many rooms in this retreat, most of which are painted a color
representative of a positive aspect of life. However, there is one room in which there flows a ruddier
light through the blood colored panes; and the blackness of the sable drapery appals; ...there comes
from the near clock of ebony a muffled peal more solemnly emphatic than any which reaches their
ears who indulge in the more remote gaieties of the other apartments. (1) In this room, the red window
panes allude to blood, the black curtains equate to death, and the ebony clock is symbolic
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The World And Caution Of The Arab World
As the Ottoman Empire s fall drew closer, the concept of Arab representation and its manifestation as
both a valid state and successor rose as a strong candidate towards a new rule. However, the Arab
world is faced with two distinctive parties that wish to establish their own set of rules of national
identity. The first party belongs to the Pan Arab movement that wishes to unite all the Arab people
from the farthest east to its west of the Arabic speaking world. Meanwhile, the second party involves
advocates of separate national identities that are distinguishable between each nation instead of one
solid nationalist vision. Both parties contain an argument as to what is the most beneficial towards the
Middle Eastern and North African region. With Pan Arab leaders, such as the Arab Socialist Ba ath
Party s Michel Aflaq and Salah al Din al Bitar, advocating a strong anti imperialist sentiment in the
face of European involvement in the Arab world and caution of the Ottomans gruesome history
repeating. Additionally, Pan Arab nationalism and socialism was advocated by prominent leader
Gamal Abdel Nasser. On the other hand, prominent state nationalists that wanted their own
independent countries to rise came forward with leaders such as Lebanese intellectuals like George
Samné and Antoun Saadeh, who recognized the sovereignty of their own Syrian statehood and defied
the concept of a more group inclusive ideal.
To begin with the Pan Arab parties movements and their push towards
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The Bluest Eye And Yasunari Kawabata s Thousand Cranes
Symbols are a primal medium of communication used today and convey different meanings
depending upon one s cultural background. Hence, the significance of a symbol is not inherent in the
symbol itself but is rather cultivated in society. Both Toni Morrison s The Bluest Eye and Yasunari
Kawabata s Thousand Cranes explore the significance of such symbols, focusing on the basal reader
of Dick and Jane and the ritualized practice of the Japanese Tea Ceremony, respectively. These two
symbols, while disparate on the surface, share fundamental similarities and define their roles in the
modern world by signifying a departure from antiquated views regarding race and tradition. Not only
do both Dick and Jane and the Japanese Tea Ceremony include ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The words which Kawabata uses to describe a bowl used to drink tea brings attention to the elegance
of the Japanese Tea Ceremony; in fact, the Oribe was four hundred years old [...] as tea masters have
looked after it and passed it down through the centuries (Kawabata 19 20). Tea practitioners must have
recognized certain appealing qualities in the tea vessels that deemed them worthy of being passed
down from generation to generation. Dick and Jane and the Japanese Tea Ceremony both place
emphasis on beauty, with a detailed characterization of aesthetic elements. In addition to a common
emphasis on aesthetic appeal, Dick and Jane and the Japanese Tea Ceremony also share a formulaic
structure. In Dick and Jane, the stories are depicted in a prescribed manner to only include positive
events; for example, Mother is very nice [...] Father is smiling. Smile, Father, smile [...] Here comes a
friend. The friend will play with Jane (Morrison 3). Each scene in the children s series takes place
during the day, and the sun is always shining, knees are never scraped, parents never yell, and friends
always come to play. The author s use of words such as nice and smiling accentuates the structure of
the story and how it is one sided. Each page only contained one new word, and on every third page,
the new words would be combined, with only five to six new words total (Mancini). Furthermore,
each sentence in Dick and Jane is
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Invasion Of Kuwait EssayInvasion Of Kuwait Essay
Invasion Of Kuwait Essay

The document discusses John Bunyan's novel The Pilgrim's Progress, in which the main character Christian embarks on a pilgrimage toward the Celestial City. Along the way, he encounters other pilgrims, including Faithful, who accompanies Christian but is later martyred, and Atheist, Pliable, and Obstinate, who turn back from the journey. The summary connects this to the idea from John Donne's poem "No Man is an Island" that individuals depend on one another for support and are part of a larger community.

Essay Of Republic Day
Essay Of Republic DayEssay Of Republic Day
Essay Of Republic Day

The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting a paper writing request on the HelpWriting.net site. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, with a refund offered for plagiarized work.

Essay On Solar Energy And The Future Of Mankind
Essay On Solar Energy And The Future Of MankindEssay On Solar Energy And The Future Of Mankind
Essay On Solar Energy And The Future Of Mankind

The document outlines the 5 steps to get writing help from HelpWriting.net, including creating an account, submitting a request form, reviewing writer bids and choosing a writer, revising the paper, and having the option to request revisions until satisfied. It provides instructions for students seeking writing assistance on the site at each step of the process.

Character Analysis Of Like Water For Chocolate By Laura...
Women are strong humans
Recognizing personal strengths and weaknesses is part of the ongoing process of bettering ourselves.
In the novel, Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel, she explains the strengths and weaknesses
over the character named Tita De la Garza. Within the context, Laura Esquivel develops Tita s
emotions through feminists. Tita is the novel s protagonist, struggles her needs for belonging and
security. As well as her desires for adventure, sex, and liberation. In Like Water for Chocolate, it
simply explains that there is no such thing as a good or bad woman. Every woman in different in their
own unique way. Laura Esquivel explains that women are capable of a variety of complex and often
contrary emotions and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Cooking is one of the things that keeps Tita to go on with life, it is her passion. When Tita was going
through dramatic situations in her life she used cooking as one her strengths to help her to be strong.
In the article Feminism in Like Water for Chocolate it states, it is through food that Tita both compares
and understands her own emotional and physical state. This statement explains to the readers that Tita
can only figure out her emotions when it comes to the kitchen and cooking. Cooking to Tita is
important because she entered the world right there on the kitchen table amid the smells of simmering
noodle soup, thyme, bay leaves, and cilantro. Cooking become a huge impact on Tita life because she
felt like she can only express herself when it came to cooking. Just in the same way, Tita had another
strength that attributed to her which includes, the long lasting love she has for people. In the novel, the
author Laura Esquivel explains how Tita is a person who is nurturing and self sacrificing. For
examples, in the novel she states the baby s cries filled all the empty space in Tita s heart. She realized
that she was feeling a new love; for life, for this child, for
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Reebok Marketing Plan
Reebok Realflex | By The Breezers:
Mannan Wu
Abbey Barnes
Chase Carraro
Mohammed Baamer
Deborah Dani Dylan
By The Breezers:
Mannan Wu
Abbey Barnes
Chase Carraro
Mohammed Baamer
Deborah Dani Dylan
Final Marketing Plan | Professor Quinlan Wilder
November 16, 2011
Marketing 2800
Professor Quinlan Wilder
November 16, 2011
Marketing 2800 | |
Executive Summary
Reebok prides itself on creating products to enhance athletic ability. Upon formation of the company,
Reebok has been dedicated to making athletes faster. Since then, Reebok has evolved into the world s
second largest maker of athletic apparel and is a leader in the shoe industry. Now Reebok will pave the
way with its answer to the latest craze in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Two important components in this industry are the quality and marketing of the products. Reebok is a
company with a long history in the footwear market and a marketing mix makeover for RealFlex
could very well put the company back on top. By increasing the focus on the health benefits for older
generations and aesthetically pleasing innovation for younger generations, Reebok will be able to
cover wider demographics, thus increasing sales. This is a product which needs to be on the feet of
consumers, because once that happens; the footwear will speak for itself.
The remainder of this marketing plan is organized as follows: First, it will examine the company of
Reebok and its background in the athletic shoe industry. Then, this plan will discuss Reebok s major
competitors and fully describe its SWOT
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Questions On The On Cyber Offense
Report 1
Luke Weyrauch
ICS 382 01 Fall 2014
Faisal Kaleem
Metropolitan State University
Cyberattacks have both the potential to devastate and intimidate. They can disable national
infrastructure, disrupt communication systems, or even destroy nuclear reactors.
Cybersecurity is a thought provoking and interesting issue. The use of cyberattacks in US as a tool of
policy is not sufficiently deliberated by policy makers but it s of utmost importance to the nation. The
policy issues facing the acquisition and use of cyberattacks in US remains a riddle among many
policymakers in the US and the world at large. Lifting the Veil on Cyber Offense is an article based on
the National Research Council, 2009. The article ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Summary of the issues raised
The pertinent issues presented in the article are majorly based on the ways the National
Research Council can protect the US against cyberattacks. The article affirms that cybersecurity is
both a delicate and sensitive issue that requires deliberate monitoring before taking any action.
However, most of the studies carried out have been based mostly on the cyberdefense side rather than
the cyber offense side. This gap, therefore, acts as a motivation towards carrying out this particular
research in trying to unveil some of the issues that remain untouched.
The current state of cyberattacks in many countries including the US is one filled with dilemma and
misunderstanding. Proper institutions and policies have not been set in place to ensure that the policies
formulated are in line with both national and international interests. Some of the problems existing
include difficulty in identification of parties responsible for cyberattacks, strategic and tactical
implications of cyberattacks, and lack of comprehensive strategic policies in the US, among many
others (Lin, 2009). These problems exist because cyber related crimes have no boundaries nor proper
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Utilitarianism And Its Moral Value
Utilitarianism is a theory that delineates the bounds of morality with respect to actions taken by
individuals in terms of what produces the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of
people. The principle seeks to define first the morality of an action, allowing for the morality of a
person to be derived based on the intent behind the respective action. The fundamentals of a person s
morality are then presented in a form that labels the person behind a morally defined action as either
praiseworthy or blameworthy, a conclusion based directly on the intent behind an action.
The central concept behind utilitarianism, happiness, requires that there be an objective fact of the
matter about how much happiness exists. Before defining happiness, instrumental and intrinsic value
must also be introduced, as they are necessary concepts for defining the relationship between an action
and its moral value. Instrumental value revolves around a certain anything s usefulness in seeing a
process through completion, while a certain anything s intrinsic value stems from existential value
alone. For example, a pair of glasses instrumental value comes from its usefulness in allowing a
person to see clearly, while happiness itself is the certain anything with intrinsic value. As such,
happiness exists as a plausible measure in defining the morality behind an action. If happiness is the
only anything that has value simply in and of itself, then measuring total net happiness
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Romeo And Juliet Essay Samples
Romeo And Juliet Essay SamplesRomeo And Juliet Essay Samples
Romeo And Juliet Essay Samples

The document provides instructions for using the HelpWriting.net service to get assistance with writing assignments. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied. It emphasizes that original, high-quality content is guaranteed or a full refund will be provided.

Essay Notes For Css. Online assignment writing service.
Essay Notes For Css. Online assignment writing service.Essay Notes For Css. Online assignment writing service.
Essay Notes For Css. Online assignment writing service.

The document discusses the Burramys parvus, or Mountain Pygmy possum. It is one of five living species of pygmy possums and has a small body that is 10-12 cm long at maturity. It has a long, prehensile tail that is 13-16 cm and can grasp branches or carry nesting materials. When fully grown, it weighs only 5-7 grams and has grayish brown fur. It is endemic to the highlands of southeastern Australia.

Harvard Referencing Examples. Online assignment writing service.
Harvard Referencing Examples. Online assignment writing service.Harvard Referencing Examples. Online assignment writing service.
Harvard Referencing Examples. Online assignment writing service.

The Tuskegee syphilis study was an unethical medical experiment conducted between 1932 and 1972 by the U.S. Public Health Service to study the natural progression of untreated syphilis in African American men who thought they were receiving free health care from the U.S. government. Over 600 men infected with syphilis were studied without their informed consent and were intentionally denied treatment even after penicillin became the drug of choice for syphilis in 1947. The study violated basic medical ethics and caused undue suffering, making it one of the most infamous cases of unethical human subject research in U.S. history.

1Introduction. 1.1Reasons For Choosing The Topic. With
1 Introduction
1.1 Reasons for Choosing the Topic
With the development of modern communication technology, the mobile phone becomes not only
indispensable communication equipment but also a convenient assistant of life. Especially in recent
years, the born of smart phones have changed the world dramatically. The dazzling abundant smart
phone market have make the reachless dreams come true.
Undoubtedly, Android has made a great contribution to the smart world. The open source platform
produced by the Internet giant Google opened the gate for the developers to implement various
interesting applications. Among them, the intelligent healthcare has become the hot field. As the
equipment carried around by the user from dawn to dark, mobile phone ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Read related books and take online courses about Java and Android programming.
2. Looking for the information about running application and related algorithms.
3. Experience the existing running apps, learn the strong points from them and avoid their
4. After the collection of enough information and being skilled with the programming job, I will begin
doing the design job. Determine the functions selected and arrange them in beautiful interfaces.
5. Doing the coding job to implement the application and doing the UI design.
6. When the application is approximately completed, test it with real smart phones to ensure the
successful execution and accuracy.
1.3 Report Contents
In this report, Chapter 1 provides an overall introduction, including the motivation and the project
progress. Chapter 2 provides the necessary background knowledge and technologies used. Chapter 3
analysis the feasibility and requirements of the project. Chapter 4 describes the design and
implementation process of the application in details. The main operations and key steps are also listed
there. Chapter 5 provides the exhibition of the results and an analysis of the application s accuracy and
reliability. Chapter 6 gives the summary of my work and looks into the future. 2 Background
2.1 Development Platform
The developing of the application is operated on Android OS.
2.1.1 Brief Introduction to Android
Android is the name of the open source smart
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Texas State University Personal Statement
Currently I am a senior at Texas State University, earning a double major in accounting and
management. I have a distinguished background in my professional and academic career that has
prepared me for graduate studies. The University of Houston is the one and only school I plan to
pursue these endeavors.
Texas State has a recognized accounting program where I have accomplished many rigorous courses. I
am a member of the Texas State Honors College, where I have completed five honors courses, earning
a 4.0 GPA and completed an honors thesis paper, which is published in the university s library. I am
also actively involved in many school organizations, which I would continue to do so at the University
of Houston. Their program has challenged and prepared me to be successful in not only my
professional career, but also within my graduate studies at the University of Houston.
During my undergraduate career, I have completed two audit and assurance ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Based on the amazing faculty at the Bauer School of Business and the distinguished accounting
program, the University of Houston will further enhance my accounting knowledge. Additionally,
program benefits such as the oil gas certification, renowned career fair, and specialized accreditation
has solidified my interests. Lastly, I am impressed with the school s pass rate of the Certified Public
Accountant exam, which is a significant pursuit of mine.
I have a great passion for accounting and learning, and through my hard work and dedication, I would
be a great fit for the University of Houston. My internship experiences, success in my undergraduate
career, and my character traits align with the University of Houston s graduate program offerings. If
given this opportunity, I will excel and make the University of Houston proud of me as cougar and
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Nitro Tech Essay
MuscleTech s Nitro Tech is a sport supplement that is part of their performance series that contains
whey isolate and lean musclebuilders, The ultra pure whey isolate is enhanced with creatine and
amino acids and is far superior to other whey formulations. Research demonstrates that individuals
taking Nitro Tech gained more lean muscle in as little as 6 weeks as compared to individuals taking
regular whey protein.
Nitro Tech is the first protein supplement to contain the three key free form amino acids which include
taurine, glycine and alanine. These are important for protein building and are easily absorbed into the
bloodstream. All of this is important for cell repair and growth making Nitro Tech an excellent post
workout supplement..
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News And Newspapers
News and Newspapers
News is simply delineated as a report of a recent event; something one has not heard of before
(Websters, 282). Conceding that it is inelaborate in its definition, news is much more intricate as it
succumbs to corporate moneymaking ideologies. The corporate essence of news is prevalent in the
form of the newspaper a paper published periodically for circulating news that is sold therefore
making news a business. In business the saying goes that the customer is always right making news
subject to the demands of these consumers.
The underlying purpose of news is to provide facts upon which decisions are based (Mencher, 56). Yet
this purpose is tainted to accommodate the newspapers need to sell papers. Journalism is ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Star s audience are the family type people who desire local news and emotional stories. The April
3/97 article Woman Searching For Trucker Who Was Her Highway Savior elucidates a human triumph
tale meant for the whole family as nine month pregnant Tanya
Aubert was guided to her safety by a trucker after her windshield was smashed on the 400 highway
(T.Star April 3/97). The Star incorporates many emotion filled phrases to augment the neighborly
sense of the article.
quot;I was not hurt, just very scared and my heart was racing quot; the journalist quoted with hopes of
bringing a tear to the reader s eye. The exclusive coverage of this article shows the Star appealing to
the family it s audience.
The Globe and Mail is a business person s newspaper that directs its articles mainly to fact and figures
as well as cold serious issues. The Globe and Mail creates a very solemn sense to its article through 50
dollar words and abrupt, to the point headlines. The April 3/97 article Adult Drug Deaths
Decline suggests no imagery or entertainment value in its title. The article proceeds with factual
information 131 deaths from drug related causes in 1995 was the lowest of the century (G amp; M.
April 3/97) with proof from various sources such as the Toronto Public Health Department and Dr.
Joyce Bernstein.
The article is accommodated by both its factual nature and the use of grave
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The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, and the company offers refunds for plagiarized work.

Pin By Diana Krooks On C Kids Stationary, Printable S
Pin By Diana Krooks On C Kids Stationary, Printable SPin By Diana Krooks On C Kids Stationary, Printable S
Pin By Diana Krooks On C Kids Stationary, Printable S

The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions until fully satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarized work.

Free Blank Guitar Sheet Staff Tab Paper Guitar Sheet
Free Blank Guitar Sheet Staff Tab Paper Guitar SheetFree Blank Guitar Sheet Staff Tab Paper Guitar Sheet
Free Blank Guitar Sheet Staff Tab Paper Guitar Sheet

Here is a brief history of South Carolina State University: South Carolina State University (SCSU) is a public, historically black university located in Orangeburg, South Carolina. It was founded in 1896 as the Colored Normal, Industrial, Agricultural and Mechanical College of South Carolina. In 1954, the school's name was changed to South Carolina State College and it gained university status in 1993, becoming South Carolina State University. Some key events in SCSU's history include: - 1896: Founded to provide education for black students during the era of racial segregation and Jim Crow laws. It focused on teacher training as well as industrial, agricultural and mechanical skills. - 1954: Name changed to South Carolina

The Phonics Debate
The phonics debate in primary schools At one time the question was: Shall we teach reading through
phonics or through some other method? Then it became: Given that phonics has been proven to be the
best method, which is the best phonics method? Now research has shown incontrovertibly which is the
best method, and this method is being successfully applied. How true is the picture presented above?
My assignment is an attempt at answering the above question as I seek to examine the debates
concerning the best method to teach reading. My main aim in particular, is to investigate the reading
method known as phonics and to compare its pros and cons as well as inspecting to see if the research
which seems to have found the best phonics ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
So, together with phonics this model also included other three teaching methods: Knowledge of
context , Grammatical Knowledge and Word recognition and graphic knowledge . However, many
oppose the method of reading in the NLS. One such group is The Reading Reform Foundation (RRF)
who promote synthetic phonics and consider the mixture of method endorsed by the NLS as Henry
(2001) reports to be ineffective and confusing . The RRF website editor Hepplewhite (2001) believes
the NLS is fundamentally flawed and inadequate for the teaching of reading. Moreover, this model
was hugely criticised in 2002 by an Ofsted report The National Literacy Strategy: the first four years
1998 2002 , which claimed that it gives insufficient emphasis in the early stages to the teaching of
phonics . It also stated that the searchlights model has not been effective enough in terms of
illustrating where the intensity of the searchlights should fall at the different stages of learning to read.
Furthermore the report stated that the searchlights model of reading placed too much emphasis
elsewhere and not enough on phonics.
The House of Commons Education and Skills Committee published a report titled Teaching Children
To read in April 2005, eight years after the National Literacy Strategy was introduced in primary
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John Burgoyne Research Paper
John Burgoyne was born February 24, 1722 and died on August 4, 1792. John s well known nickname
was Gentleman Johnny. His parents were John Burgoyne and Anne Marie Burgoyne. He was also the
father of 4 children. Burgoyne received his education at Westminster and then went into the military.
He was remembered for his defeat by superior American forces in the Saratoga campaign of 1777. He
got married to the daughter of Lord Derby. Burgoyne was elected to the House of Commons in 1761.
He was assigned to Canada in 1776 as a major general. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY
WAR: Burgoyne s force captured Fort Ticonderoga, New York, on July 6, 1777 but, after reaching the
Hudson River, was fought to a standstill by a much larger army commanded successively by General
Philip Schuylar and General Horatio Gates, who were brilliantly assisted by Brigadier General
Benedict Arnold. General Howe chose to fight Pennsylvania but left the men with no food and no
medical help. St. Leger was defeated at Oriskany, New York and headed west. Burgoyne surrendered
to the gates of Saratoga Springs on October 17, 1777. He left along with his troops and returned to
England where he faced horrible criticism. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When he started to move south, he began to get in trouble. He was running out of supplies and sent
Col. Barry Leger a message to give him support from the west, who was stopped by the American
forces. Whether he didn t receive the message or resented Burgoyne bursting on the scene with new
orders, General William Howe failed to send supplies to Burgoyne and his army. British beat the
Americans but they suffered heavy losses. On October 3, 1777, General Burgoyne was forced to put
his men on ration. October 17 General John Burgoyne suffered a great embarrassment. He was forced
to surrender himself and his 6,000 men to the
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The Concert Hall, Raleigh, Concert, By Paul Randall And...
The concert took place on November 4, 2016 in Meymandi Concert Hall, Raleigh. In concert, I had
enjoyed a lot. Especially the Saxophone and a piano subsequently switched the tune of the tune as if
they were dancing like two lovers. As the saxophone took the airs as well as the piano and other
instruments within the ensemble were in accompaniment for the love of the tune the texture altered
within the tune. The tempo, which was always steady appeared to get quicker like a pulse by the
climax of the tune. It was also at this point the dynamics of the tune were increasingly becoming
louder until all instruments met using a bag on top and then altered the dynamics again to a reasonable
degree until the tune ended. Billy the Kid, arranged by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The tune was hot and enthusiastic and shown dialogue without using any words. The ensemble played
this piece by Cassia Lee supplied the drawn out conversation that sounded like twirling and dancing in
the moonlight with the solo as well as steadiness. This tune reminded me of My Heart Will Go On in
that a story is told of the instrumental nature of it, just as much as when the lyrics are being sung by
Celine Dion. I found listening to this tune a rewarding experience, and it turned out to be a wonderful
start to the jazz concert in that it was not unfamiliar to the crowd. Waltz for Debby got me question
why someone would write this kind of old and whom Debby was sounding tune for someone he or she
loved. It s really difficult for me to advocate this song to anybody, for I lacked the depth of the other
tunes through the entire evening and believed it was boring. Ancient Memories was a piece that is
wonderful. The tune was enjoyment and I loved listening to the changes over and over again, although
the tune had lots of repetition. The Jazz Ensemble concert at Tarleton was an enjoyable evening full of
intellectually exciting encounters of music and excellent music that I wouldn t have listened to if not
for this duty. Diversification is an important lesson to learn when seeing music because all music has
roots from a different music genre and understanding this makes you more diversified as somebody.
In October 1958, Aaron Copland made his television
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America Is A Melting Pot
America is a melting pot made up of people from many different races and ethnic backgrounds, so
why are the American news broadcasters predominantly white men in their late forties? News
represents the American society so therefore American broadcasters should reflect society as a whole.
In addition, many people consider news anchors role models and it is important to see themselves
represented and trust their news source. The lack of diversity among newscasters impacts the audience
s reception of the news. People are more likely to trust news sources that they relate to and identify
with. Many people do not even notice the lack of diversity or understand the impact it has on society.
There needs to be more of an effort to reflect diversity among our newscasters to correct the history of
discrimination, to accurately reflect the audience and to provide role models and promote positive
The United States is called a melting pot because the the varied groups of people that live in the
country and interact every day, but the country also has an ugly history or discrimination against
women and minorities. The broadcasting industry has been guilty of this discrimination. There has
been blatant discrimination against women newscasters. Women journalists initially had difficulty
breaking into the broadcast news field and did not begin to make real strides towards equality until the
1960s and 1970s ( Irvin) . This is very discouraging to young women interested in this
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The document outlines 5 steps for getting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net, including creating an account, completing an order form with instructions and deadline, reviewing bids from writers and choosing one, receiving the paper and authorizing payment upon approval, and having the option to request revisions. It emphasizes that original, high-quality content will be provided and a full refund is offered if plagiarism is found. The process aims to fully meet customer needs for assignment writing help.

012 Memoir Essay Example 6Th Bestfriend Post1 That
012 Memoir Essay Example 6Th Bestfriend Post1 That012 Memoir Essay Example 6Th Bestfriend Post1 That
012 Memoir Essay Example 6Th Bestfriend Post1 That

The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account and provide contact details. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and select one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied with the work. The service aims to provide original, high-quality content and offers refunds for plagiarized work.

Argumentative Essay For College Students - 247 Homework Help.
Argumentative Essay For College Students - 247 Homework Help.Argumentative Essay For College Students - 247 Homework Help.
Argumentative Essay For College Students - 247 Homework Help.

This document provides instructions for college students to get homework help from an online service. It outlines a 5-step process: 1. Create an account with required information. 2. Complete a form with assignment details, sources, and deadline to request paper writing help. 3. Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4. Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5. Request revisions until fully satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarized work. The service aims to provide original, high-quality content to meet student needs.

The Pros And Cons Of Subsidies In The Market
Free markets are very effective in determining an equilibrium in the market that benefits everyone.
Nevertheless free markets do not always reach optimal output levels due to external market forces
such as demographic factors or technological changes. The fact that a free market does not reaches
optimal output is called market failure and leads to welfare loss (also called deadweight loss). In order
to avoid market failure, government intervention, such as subsidies, is needed.
Due to the industrialization and to new technologies the production of food became more effective
than ever before. First the governments in the European Union supported and promoted the huge
production of food, until they realized that the farmers produced even ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
One of these possibilities are subsidies. A subsidy is a financial help by a government for a specific
economic sector in a country s economy.
According to the WTO (World Trade Organization) a subsidy is defined as a financial contribution by
a government which confers a benefit. Also the WTO states that there are two general types of
subsidies. The first type of subsidy is an export subsidy which is defined as a benefit conferred on a
firm by the government that is contingent on exports. The second type of subsidy is a domestic
subsidy which is defined as a benefit not directly linked to exports. (www.wto.org)
Subsidies are a way for governments to intervene in the market in order to guarantee a stable market
and to eradicate the welfare loss. Welfare loss, also known as deadweight loss, is the reduction in total
economic surplus that results from the adoption of a policy. (McDowell, 2009 p.201)
A subsidy can appear in different forms, such as cash payments, tax concessions, and in kind
subsidies. Subsidies that appear in form of cash payments are mostly paid via cheque or bank transfer
to specific chosen firms or institutions.
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Supersize Me Mr Morgan Spurlock
During the documentary Supersize Me, Mr. Morgan Spurlock embarks on a month long experiment, to
see how McDonalds would affect somebody s body if that is all they ate over the course of a month.
The rules that he created were reasonable while also potentially harmful. He decides to go on a
McDiet where he will eat only McDonalds, 3 meals a day, over the course of 30 days. Before starting
his experiment, he is seen by three doctors, a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist, as well as a general
practitioner. He also was seen by a nutritionist and a personal trainer. In order to mimic the everyday
life of a typical U.S. citizen, he decides to only walk a suggested amount of 5,000 steps per day. He
decides to only eat and drink items that are on the McDonald s menu. Which included bottled water.
He must only SuperSize his meal when asked, but only ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Shortly after this he starts to find himself feeling depressed and having headaches. He claims that after
eating a McDonalds meal, he is relieved of those symptoms. He soon gains another 8 pounds and is
described as becoming addicted. Morgans girlfriend claims that he has lost much of his energy and has
lost his sex drive. Towards the end of the experiment, he was experiencing heart palpitations and is
told to stop the experiment immediately out of concern for his health. His health is compared to
Nicolas Cage in the movie Leaving Las Vegas who drinks himself to death over a similar time period.
One doctor states that the irreversible damage done to his heart could eventually cause a heart attack
even if he lost all of the weight gained during the experiment. He experienced mood swings, excessive
weight gain, heart palpitations, headaches, depression, irreversible damage to his heart as well as his
liver. He found it more difficult to lose the weight than it was to gain it. It took him 5 months to lose
20 pounds and another 9.5 months to lose the remaining 4.5
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The Future Of NASA
Have you ever dreamed about going to space one day. Now you can with NASA s space technology
anything is possible in space exploration. The missions of this paper Spirit
Opportunity, Apollo 11, and Voyager 1 and 2. All space missions are helpful to find details on our
wondrous universe. There are so many things out in our universe and many people think the only
planets are in our solar system but NASA knows there are trillions of miles of solar systems and
universes and we are just on the edge of finding one universe past ours. The missions that went to
space have taught and changed the way we look at life. An amazing missionis.
Spirit and Opportunity were rovers were both launched in 2004. The mission cost ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
NASA discovered that Mars is not only hard and rocky it has some mushy parts which NASA believes
can be covering water or can lead to water.The Mars Mission has lead to many spin offs such as a new
bullet proof material vest for police and a portable device that analyzes rocks and minerals. This next
mission is amazing!
Apollo 11 goal was set by John F. Kennedy was set on May, 25 1968. The goal was to orbit around
earth and a lunar landing on the Moon. This was one of the most memorable time in space history. The
main man on that mission was Neil Armstrong. It took many years for Apollo 11 to get ready for lift
off. The estimated speed that it would lift off at is
250 miles per hour the time to get into space took 195 hours. Depending on weather and wind effect.
The famous quote was One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind was stated on July 20,
1969. It was the first time any human has walked on the deserted island of the moon. Ever since that
moment space exploration has changed in so many ways. The spin offs changed firefighters lives now
firefighters use the same material
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Dialectical Journal For The God Of Small Things
1. The novel The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy is about overcoming the struggles of life,
and reveals that you truly meet success when you push through the obstacles.
2. A passage that I have found in this section that supports my theme is, as Estha stirred the thick jam
he thought Two Thoughts, and the Two Thoughts he thought were these two: (a) Anything can happen
to Anyone. and (b) It s best to be prepared (Roy 186). In this quote, Estha was referring to the
harassment event that occurred with him to the Orangedrink Lemondrink Man. Estha had learned from
this event that you always need to be ready for everything, and anything can happen to anyone (Roy
186). The event with Estha is a struggle because at first Estha was mentally ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
She wanted her body back. It was hers (Roy 211). In this passage, Estha and Rahel were cuddling with
their mom and admiring her stretch marks, until Ammu got embarrassed and shrugged them off her.
Firstly, the event with Ammu is a struggle since she is beginning to lack self confidence in herself as
she is picking on her imperfections. This quote supports my theme because currently in the story
Ammu has been through many struggles such as being abused by her husband, divorcing her husband,
not having a home for her children etc. Every time Ammu just took the disrespect she got from society
and never stood up for herself. Ammu never appreciated herself as the evidence shows, which also had
an effect on her behaviour towards her children. In the last chapter when Estha and Rahel were not
replying back to Margaret Kochamma, Ammu got very mad at them and was being very disrespectful,
despite the fact that she could have dealt with it better (Roy 98). If Ammu as mentioned before stood
up for herself and overcame the obstacles through her life, she could have had a better future where
she is successful and able to support herself and her
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The document discusses why the author wants to become a veterinary technologist or technician, noting that they would study veterinary and animal science. As a technologist or technician, they would help conduct clinical and laboratory procedures like postoperative care, dental care, and administering medications prescribed by veterinarians. The author states they would attend a community college for 4 years to study veterinary technology and gain experience in the field.

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What To Know Before You Apply To College ASVABWhat To Know Before You Apply To College ASVAB
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The document discusses how Britain's position on the morality continuum changed between the 1930s and 1956 regarding military intervention. In the 1930s under Churchill, Britain took an anti-appeasement stance against fascism. By 1956, memories of defeating fascism in WWII gave Britain pride, but imperialism was becoming criticized. Britain's unilateral military action in the Suez crisis, motivated by national interests like oil access, lacked the moral authority of defending against fascism and resembled colonial overreach. Drawing parallels to 1938 gave a sense of moral justification but could not replicate the success of confronting the evils of fascism.

Zen and the Enlightened Mind Essay
Zen and the Enlightened Mind
I have forgotten everything. I don t remember a single word (Masunaga 36). This is the mind of one
who seeks the Way. In A Primer of Soto[JS1] Zen Dogen explains the Way of the Buddha and stresses
the importance of sitting in meditation or zazen as a means of reaching the manifestation of
wholeness. The manifestation of wholeness is a state in which one abandons both mind and body and
empties oneself of ignorance, delusions, and dualistic modes of thinking. One who is free from
dualistic modes of being enters a world in which both subject and object exist. This is a non objective
mode of being where all self centeredness has been emptied, where words and concepts are used not
to divide but to unite, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the practice of the Way, Dogen places a strong emphasis on zazen or sitting in meditation. One who
meditates properly realizes that the practice of meditation and Enlightenment are one in the same. In A
Primer of Soto Zen, Dogen states that zazen is the practice of the Buddha. Zazen is the ultimate
practice. This is indeed the True Self (Masunaga 44). In the practice of zazen one empties the self and
enters a mode of being that is in itself Enlightenment. The experience of Enlightenment within zazen
reveals that the entire world is filled with Buddha nature. This is something that the unenlightened eye
does not see but the Enlightened eye is able to grasp immediately and intuitively (Earhart 101). Thus,
Dogen believes that life is most real when a person sits in meditation. He says; Only when you sit
straight and look into yourself, does it become clear that [you yourself are changing and] the objective
world has a reality apart from you (Tsunda 246). Therefore during meditation one is free from a
individual centered or egocentric position which distorts reality. The Enlightened being or the one who
practices zazen will see things, including the self as they truly are. Dogen realizes the power of zazen
thus, he teaches that students should devote all their efforts to this
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CMGT 582 Week 3 Risk Management Paper 1
Risk Management
Christine A. Rosario
3 November 4, 2014
Professor David Hatfield
Asset ID
Asset Name
Asset Value
Threat Description
Controls in Place
Risk Value
Controls Needed
Action Plan ID
IT Rep
Local IT presence
Absence; skill short coming; request overload
Alternates / CE: .8
Addt l training; addt l backups
Security Officers
Facility ( People) Security
Absence; weapons; stealth
Reliability / Alternates / CE: .9
HR Rep
Human Resources
Absence; unauthorized disclosures
Alternates / CE: .9
Security Training
Required, annual, security process
Lack ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As such, our company s people resources pose the greatest risk for security breach. Our way to help
mitigate risk in this area is to keep communication lines open in this area and to continually mandate
security knowledge training, with mandatory updates on a regular basis. When the employees are
informed of company policy when facing a security matter, they are better equipped to act in the best
or right way. In this way knowledge is power or at least empowerment to act in the best interest of the
company s information security.
Risk Assessment Insights
In the table above, an Asset Inventory and Risk Assessment is displayed for our local Customer Care
operations. The assets considered are our local IT representative, our contracted security officers, our
local HR representative, our annually mandated information security training, our PeopleSoft
software, our networked servers, our customer services database and application, and our employee
database system. The asset value for each is listed based on the annual cost to the company for one
local call center operation. The IT Rep and HR Rep values are based on annual salary for having one
full time equivalent of each available Monday through Friday. The Security Officer value is based on
having two and a half full time
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The Greatest Gift Rhetorical Analysis Essay
1. Topic: Tone and the short stories The Greatest Gift (1943), by Philip Van Doren Stern (1900 1984)
and Araby (1914), by James Joyce (1882 1941). 2. Topic Statement: Tone plays a role in the short
stories The Greatest Gift (1943), by Philip Van Doren Stern (1900 1984) and Araby (1914), by James
Joyce (1882 1941). 3. Initial Research Question: Described by Edgar Roberts, how is tone shown in
the short stories The Greatest Gift (1943), by Philip Van Doren Stern (1900 1984) and Araby (1914),
by James Joyce (1882 1941)? 4. Refined Question: How have the writers Philip Van Doren Stern
(1900 1984) and James Joyce (1882 1941) clarified the tone used throughout the short stories The
Greatest Gift (1943) and Araby (1914). 5. Prospectus: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The tone, the authors, incorporate into their short stories is expressed by how they felt the reader
would reflect what the attitude should be like in the reading. The tone can be determined by taking
note the author s use of words throughout the stories. Both Stern and Joyce have included tone into
their short stories by setting the reader up to be introduced to how the author wanted the tone to be
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Nicolaus Copernicus was a Polish astronomer born in 1473 who changed the field of astronomy by proposing that the Sun, not Earth, was the center of our solar system. Though his ideas were initially controversial, Copernicus' work eventually led to the acceptance of the heliocentric model of the universe. His book De revolutionibus orbium coelestium revolution of the heavenly spheres laid out his theory that the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun. Though Copernicus made few formal observations, his ideas revolutionized astronomy and shifted perceptions of humanity's place in the universe.

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Here are the key points about gender socialization from Frozen: - Elsa and Anna are princesses growing up in a patriarchal kingdom. Their roles and behaviors are shaped from a young age to conform to traditional gender norms. - Elsa is taught to conceal her magical ice powers, seen as dangerous and uncontrollable. This reflects broader social expectations for women to repress emotions and appear non-threatening. - Anna is encouraged to find a prince and get married. Her worth is defined in relation to men, mirroring how femininity is often tied to romance and relationships in many cultures. - When Elsa isolates herself after accidentally injuring Anna, it reinforces the idea that women

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The document discusses different types of men that women may encounter when dating. It draws an analogy between dating and Forrest Gump's famous quote about life being like a box of chocolates, as you never know what you're going to get with men. It describes three main types - the good, the bad, and the perfect. While all men likely have both positive and negative traits, it's difficult for women to distinguish them at first. Careful assessment of a man's overall strengths and weaknesses is needed to determine the best partner.


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Write Short Essay On Pollution Short Essay E

  • 1. Write Short Essay On Pollution | Short Essay | E 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Write Short Essay On Pollution | Short Essay | E Write Short Essay On Pollution | Short Essay | E
  • 2. Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act Essay The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFK) This a federal statute signed into law by President Barak Obama on December 13, 2010. The law funds child nutrition programs and free lunch programs in schools. It also increases access to healthy food for students and promotes overall student wellness. HHFKA also sets new nutrition standards of school breakfast and lunch, a focus of First lady Michelle Obama. (The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act, 2010). The major goals of the law are to end childhood hunger, improve childhood nutrition, and combat America s epidemic of obesity within school age children. HHFKA of 2010 will help end childhood hunger by expanding after school meals for at risk children. Background to HHFKA The law will improve childhood nutrition and reduce obesity by: establishing national nutrition standards for all foods sold in school during the school day, including a la carte lines and vending machines and strengthening local school wellness policies and school food safety programs. (United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and Nutrition Service, School ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One very important example of trust between and adult and child is the providing of food that keeps the child healthy. This is somewhat similar to Maslow s theory because if this basic need of trust is not fulfilled the child will not be able to develop to her potential as she gets older Erickson s first developmental goal is trust versus mistrust and this theorist believes that if basic things like food are provided, the child will more than likely trust those around and feel safe in the world. (Crying Babies: Trust vs Mistrust and Erickson, April ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Argumentative Essay On Theatre And Education People define theatre as an escape from reality. A place where one could just sit in the dark and watch a fairytale come to life before his very eyes. Theatre and live performance is pastime that has been a part of our culture for thousands of years. Unfortunately there has been a decline in the use of arts in all aspects as people feel that they are unnecessary. Theatre can benefit the human race. Incorporating arts into the classroom, whether as a subject itself or integrating it into the curriculum, is increasingly being accepted as a vital part of being successful in school. Yet, this study is slowly and quietly disappearing. In schools across the country, students are losing opportunities to participate in creative outlets as a result of budget cuts. In May 2005, a poll commissioned by the Americans for the Arts, 93 percent agreed that the arts are vital to providing a well rounded education for the children. 79 percent agree ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to the American Alliance for Theatre and Education (AATE), Students involved in drama performance coursework or experience outscored non arts students on the 2005 SAT by an average of 65 points in the verbal component and 34 points in the math component (Effects of Theatre Education). The SAT is one of the most commonly test used by universities and colleges in admission. It assesses students reading, writing, and math comprehension and is described as a standardized measure of college readiness. Nearly half of the nation s three million high school graduates in 2005 took the SAT. Then the students who have done arts and theatre were compared to those who did not. The results showed that the more art classes one took, the higher the score was. Students who took four years of arts out did others who had a half year or less of the arts by 58 points on the verbal portion and 38 points on the math portion of the SAT (Ruppert ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Essay about Traits of Marlow in the Big Sleep Marlowe The Big Sleep What are my traits? Marlowe runs a single man operation out of the Cahuenga building in Los Angeles. He is tall and big enough to take care of himself. And his interests are Liquor, women, reading, chess and working alone. He is educated enough that he can speak English ‘if he s required to . Marlowe used to work for the district attorney, but was fired for insubordination. Philip Marlowe, a private detective. Tall, dark, and rugged, with a poker face and a quick wit, he is attractive to women but wary of them and of all entanglements. Though cynical and hard boiled, and a heavy drinker capable of violence, Marlowe is idealistic, even puritanical. Contemptuous of money, he is an honest loner in a corrupt ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Through viewing scenes where Marlowe is beaten up and tied up by Mars men, we come to realize the strength of Marlowe s integrity and will. Although he is put through much physical pain as well as the mental pain of witnessing horrific acts, he bites the bullet and commits himself completely to the tasks placed before him. Once again, he does not do his task for the small amounts of money, but he does it because he feels it is what he must do. Conventions of the Genre Film Noir was a result of it s time The war had just ended and It was time where prohibition had influenced an abundance in crime and corruption. Film noir serves to highlight the darkest aspects of human beings. ‘Society is making the machinery of it s own destruction. Characters: The Typical ‘masculine hero often makes others seem inadequate. This is an indication of changing societal needs. Mis en scene shows Viven matching Marlowe in wit and power. ‘You re not very tall are you? represents the ‘higher standing in society as a woman in late war America. Film Noir tags: High contrast filming, low key lighting provides a sense of underlying evil/undercurrent of malevolence in society. Contrasts to Arthur Conan Doyle s rigid Victorian context with an environment where ‘order is the exception rather than the rule
  • 5. Film noir is the perfect medium to reflect the bleak nihilism of post world war one in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. My First Vacation Essay First Vacation I never thought I would be going on a vacation until my thirties; thank the lord that I have nice, kind, generous friend. We talked and talked about him taking me to Turks and Caicos with him and his family. He goes there every year and said his family had a timeshare and enough points saved up to take up to three extra people with them. Knowing him, I thought that we would just talk about it and never actually go like always. I received a text message one sunday around five o clock telling me to go buy a passport. The joy I felt inside was indescribable, it had felt like I have on the super bowl. I screamed at my mom all through the house waking up everyone who was trying to sleep in, to take me to the court house. I sprinted into the building all the way up to the second floor, walled into a room to get my passport. It took me about ten minutes to fill out the information, sign a couple of things, and pay the twenty dollar fee. I was already getting butterflies just thinking about leaving the country, better yet getting onto a plane for the first time. When it was time to get onto the plane I was restless. I couldn t sleep because I was so excited, plus we were heading out at three in the morning. We left the greats small town in Missouri, Mexico. The time was five in the morning when we arrived to the airport. I was tring play it cool on the shuttle bus ride on the way up the the airport. By the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. The Shankaracharya Sanctuary The Shankaracharya Sanctuary otherwise called the Jyesteshwara sanctuary or Pas Pahar by Buddhists, is arranged in the Zabarwan Mountain in Srinagar, Kashmir. It is committed to Master Shiva. The sanctuary is on the summit of the same name at a stature of 1,000 feet (300 m) over the plain and sits above the city of Srinagar. History and advancement The sanctuary goes once again to 200 BC, despite the fact that the present structure likely goes over to the ninth century Advertisement. It was gone to by Adi Shankara and has after been connected with him; this is the means by which the hill/temple got the name Shankaracharya. It is additionally viewed as holy by Buddhists. The Shiv ling was put inside by Adi Shankaracharya on his visit to Kashmir; it turned into a Hindu sanctuary. As stated by Pandit Anand Koul (1924) the sanctuary was initially assembled by Sandiman who, as stated by Koul, ruled in Kashmir from 2629 to 2564 BC. It was repaired by Lord Gopaditya (426 365 BC) and by Ruler Lalitaditya (697 734).2 Its top was additionally repaired by Zain ul Abidin after a seismic tremor; later, its arch was repaired by Sheik Ghulam Mohiuddin, a Sikh senator (1841 1846). The most punctual chronicled reference to the mound originates from Kalhana. He called the mountain Gopadri. Kalhana additionally says that Lord Gopaditya allowed the area at the foot of the rise to the Brahmins that had hailed from the Araya versh. The area stipend was called GOPA ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Ancient Sparta And Athens Ancient Greece is known for its two rival city states, Athens and Sparta. It was the strengths of these two societies that brought the ancient world to its heights in art, culture and with the defeat of the Persians, warfare. With Athens and Sparta fighting for power and territory, it brought about the Peloponnesian wars that lasted thirty years, leaving the two city states in their own shadows. The classical era was helped shaped from the works of Homer, The Illiad and The Odyssey, that in a way, created a set of rules and an ethnic identity for the Greeks. The heroic achievements of Odysseus and the other Achaeans served as role models for the Greeks which told them how to behave and how not to behave in many situations, especially on the battle field and in competition. Around 800 B.C. the Spartans were founded by Lycurgus and known for their militaristic society. In the late eighth century, Sparta fought in a war with their neighbors in Messinia, but unlike other wars in ancient Greece, the Spartans subjugated the entire population of Messinia, reducing them to helots. These people worked for the Spartans, like slaves, doing everything and anything they asked of them. The male children were taken from their mothers at young ages to serve the state, learning the art of warfare. Spartan life had one purpose and that was meant to defend the state. The Spartans were known for their capability to say a lot with little words and their courageousness. The helots did all the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome Case Study 3. If the NP suspects the patient is abusing opiates and sedatives, which class of medication poses the greatest medical threat to the patient and why? Include two main symptoms related to the medical threat. (15pts) Answer: Mr. HR s current medications include, Lisinorpil 5 mg PO BID for hypertension and Klonopin 1mg, TID for anxiety. And he is requesting a refill of Oxycodone 15mg TID, prn for pain. Indeed, more information, such as, the reason why he is taking antianxiety agent, the duration of Benzodiazepine he has been taken and any drug to drug reaction he has been experiencing is needed in order to evaluate the possibility of substance abuse disorder and withdrawal syndrome. However, for the purpose of answering this question, if I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Discuss one treatment concern that the NP will have relative to the potential for dependence and/or withdrawal in the patient and why?(20pts) Answer: The physiologic effects of the opioids withdrawal syndrome include, arthralgias, diarrhea, myalgias, abdominal cramping, rhinorrhea, piloerection, lacrimation, insomnia, and yawning as well as temperature dysregulation. It is greatly suspected that Mr. HR was experiencing an opioid withdrawal syndrome due to his medical presentations, such as, rhinorrhea, muscle aches, mild sweating and increased lacrimation. There are two medication management when a provider suspects the patient is abusing opiates. First, methadone is one of the acute medication managements for the opioid withdrawal syndrome. It can be used in outpatient and inpatient setting. The initiate dose is 20 to 30 mg, then increased to 40 to 60 mg if the patient still shows signs of withdrawal. Besides methadone, clonidine is another regimen and can be used in an outpatient basis. The initial dose is 0.1mg PO TID, and the maximum dose is 0.4 mg, PO, TID. If the patient s systolic blood pressure below 90 mmHg, then clonidine is held. Both medications should slowly tapered, if the patient s withdrawal symptoms are suppressed. (McCarron, M., Xiong, L., Bourgeois, A., ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Purpose Of The Marshmallow Experiment The Marshmallow Experiment was pioneered in the 1960s at the Stanford University daycare. It introduces a connection between success in the future of young children by their ability to delay gratification. This study has been operating for more than forty years and still more studies are being added to test different variables such as studying an individual s emotional impulses and studying the effects of changing the reliability of a child s environment during the marshmallow experiment. When these variables are taken into account the result drastically changed. There have also been follow up studies on the first participants with findings that explain the results of having low and high delayed gratification. The purpose of the Marshmallow Experiment is to test how long a young child, typically in the range of 3 5 years old for the experiment, could wait before giving into temptation. First, the children were given one given a marshmallow by a researcher of the study, they were instructed to wait to eat the marshmallow until the researcher came back. If they waited for a total of 15 minutes the researcher would return with a second marshmallow. 2 out of 3 of the kids gave into temptation. While, 1 out of 3 kids had enough willpower to distract themselves so that they could receive the second treat. Several years later, researchers remained in contact with these subjects and found that the high delayers, as they were referred to in Mia Szalavitz s article, The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Sports Persuasive Research Paper North Sydney Bears and Mounties could not be separated for the second time this season, battling it out for a 34 all entertaining affair. Mounties scored two tries in the final four minutes, and Mitch Cornish locked up the scores on the fulltime buzzer with an outstanding conversion from out wide. Cornish and Cody Walker stood out for their respective teams in a game that had twelve tries, a sin binning, a Latrell Schaumkel hatrick, and a controversial yet exciting final five minutes. This match marked the return Kirisome Auva a, who positively contributed by setting up two tries and scoring one himself. Cornish threw a great pass for Gus Aiga to score the first try of the afternoon, and then were immediately gifted field position when the kickoff went out on the full. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Walker dropped the ball off the kickoff and Mounties took full advantage through Stewart Mills, who was hit a hole after receiving a Cornish pass. Mounties led 10 6 after 25 minutes and had been the dominant side, but they would concede 16 points before they would next touch the ball. Auva a put his stamp on the game when he made a powerful linebreak and fended off a defender in his 30 metre raid, before passing the ball off to Schaumkel to score his second try. Off the kickoff set, Auva a was in on the action again when he found some space down the left edge and got a magic ball to Walker who was steaming through. Walker darted away and passed the ball to Schaumkel who completed his hatrick after just 29 minutes. Darren Nicholls scored their third consecutive try when he spun out of the defensive line to burst through and put the ball down. Nicholls converted his own try to complete what was nothing less than a Bears rampage, and 22 10 was the halftime ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Research Paper On Black Rhinoceros The endangered animal I have chosen for this project is the diceros bicornis, more commonly known as the black rhinoceros or the hook lipped rhinoceros. The origin of the black rhinoceros scientific name, diceros bicornis, is quite interesting. Dicero from the Greek word di translates to two and ceros translates to horn. Bicornis from the Latin word bi translates to two and cornis translates to horn. The black rhinoceros scientific name describes their most prominent physical features, their double horns. There are four different subspecies within the black rhinoceros family whose names differ according to their geographical location within Sub Saharan Africa, namely the South Central Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis minor), the South Western Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis bicornis), the East African Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis michaeli) and the West African Black Rhinoceros (diceros bicornis longipes). The black rhinoceros was first classified as an endangered species in 1986 and remained on the endangered list until 1996 when it was reclassified as a critically endangered species. The black rhinoceros was last classified as a critically endangered species in 2011. Geographic Range and Statistics The black rhinoceros is native to eastern and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... ( AWF Check out the Rhino! , 2017) Due to the increase in poaching and loss of habitat, numbers declined worldwide. The recent growth in poaching is due to the rise in demand and price for the rhino horn, with the horn being valued as worth more than its weight in gold. The demand for the horn comes mainly from Asian countries where it is used in traditional medicine. This is due to the false impression that the horns have medical properties. The rhino horn is made of keratin, which has no health advantages or benefits. In Vietnam, powdered rhino horn is believed to be an aphrodisiac and is sold in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Lumbar Interval Disc Degeneration The impact of smoking in lumbar interval disc degeneration and sciatica was also reported several times. Battié et al. (1991) studied the impact of smoking in lumbar interval disc degeneration of identical twins using magnetic resonance imaging. Results showed that the risk of lumbar interval disc degeneration was 18% greater for smokers compared to non smokers. Non occupational lifting was also studied as a risk factor for herniated lumbar intervertebral disc (Mundt et al. 1993). For this study, 287 patients with symptoms of herniated lumbar disc were involved and compared with control subjects without back pain taking in consideration the age, sex, source of care and geographic area. Based on their data, they showed that the risk of herniated ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first study published (Videman, et al., 1998) was involved monozygotic twins in Finns, with alleles of the TaqI and FokI polymorphism being associated with reduced magnetic resonance imaging signals of thoracic and lumbar discs. Another more recent study which confirmed the previous study was based on 205 Japanese volunteers and patients between age 20 and 29 years. From this study was found that Tt genotype of the TaqI polymorphism were more frequently associated with multilevel disc disease, severe disc degeneration and disc herniation than the TT genotype (Kawaguchi et al., 2002). In addition, influence of TaqI polymorphism to lumbar degenerative disc disease verified in Chinese population (Cheung, et al., 2006). The fact that replication of TaqI polymorphism was appeared in three different populations makes VDR as the most robust of genes associated with disc degeneration disease. The reason for this is not clear but a possible explanation is based on the fact that the polymorphism can affect the receptor level and function of vitamin D. Based on the fact that vitamin D influence the sulphate metabolism which is important for sulphation of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) during proteoglycan synthesis, the latter can lead to changes in the structural characteristic of the extracellular matrix in the intervertebral ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Writing Techniques In The Raven By Edgar Allen Poe Edgar Allen Poe has written many short stories and poems, in which he displays skillful writing techniques. Something he excels at is the expression of the themes in his works. He has a unique writing style and often resorts to using symbols to develop deeper meanings. As a result, Poe best executes the conveyance of his subject matter through the usage of his style of writing and symbolism. Edgar Allen Poe s eerie writing style is a key factor in the way he conveys his themes. His writing style is often dark and sorrowful, but can also make readers feel uneasy, which coincides perfectly with the subject matter of his stories. For example, one of the themes in Poe s poem The Raven, is individuals oftentimes feel a sense of emptiness ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (2) However, readers soon feel pity for the main character, as he shows how desperate he is for the return of his lost love, Lenore. Is there is there balm in Gilead? tell me tell me, I implore! The man begs to know if there is any way for Lenore to return to him. However, the raven responds with nothing but the word Nevermore, leaving the man, and the reader, feeling hopeless and unsettled. A key factor in the way Poe communicates his themes is through the use of symbolism. Namely, his story The Masque of the Red Death is a prime example of this. The theme of this short story is death inescapable, regardless of one s wealth. The story is set in a time where a plague is striking many people and Prince Prospero, representing riches and prosperity, believes he and his friends can escape this plague using his money. There are many rooms in this retreat, most of which are painted a color representative of a positive aspect of life. However, there is one room in which there flows a ruddier light through the blood colored panes; and the blackness of the sable drapery appals; ...there comes from the near clock of ebony a muffled peal more solemnly emphatic than any which reaches their ears who indulge in the more remote gaieties of the other apartments. (1) In this room, the red window panes allude to blood, the black curtains equate to death, and the ebony clock is symbolic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. The World And Caution Of The Arab World As the Ottoman Empire s fall drew closer, the concept of Arab representation and its manifestation as both a valid state and successor rose as a strong candidate towards a new rule. However, the Arab world is faced with two distinctive parties that wish to establish their own set of rules of national identity. The first party belongs to the Pan Arab movement that wishes to unite all the Arab people from the farthest east to its west of the Arabic speaking world. Meanwhile, the second party involves advocates of separate national identities that are distinguishable between each nation instead of one solid nationalist vision. Both parties contain an argument as to what is the most beneficial towards the Middle Eastern and North African region. With Pan Arab leaders, such as the Arab Socialist Ba ath Party s Michel Aflaq and Salah al Din al Bitar, advocating a strong anti imperialist sentiment in the face of European involvement in the Arab world and caution of the Ottomans gruesome history repeating. Additionally, Pan Arab nationalism and socialism was advocated by prominent leader Gamal Abdel Nasser. On the other hand, prominent state nationalists that wanted their own independent countries to rise came forward with leaders such as Lebanese intellectuals like George Samné and Antoun Saadeh, who recognized the sovereignty of their own Syrian statehood and defied the concept of a more group inclusive ideal. To begin with the Pan Arab parties movements and their push towards ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Bluest Eye And Yasunari Kawabata s Thousand Cranes Symbols are a primal medium of communication used today and convey different meanings depending upon one s cultural background. Hence, the significance of a symbol is not inherent in the symbol itself but is rather cultivated in society. Both Toni Morrison s The Bluest Eye and Yasunari Kawabata s Thousand Cranes explore the significance of such symbols, focusing on the basal reader of Dick and Jane and the ritualized practice of the Japanese Tea Ceremony, respectively. These two symbols, while disparate on the surface, share fundamental similarities and define their roles in the modern world by signifying a departure from antiquated views regarding race and tradition. Not only do both Dick and Jane and the Japanese Tea Ceremony include ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The words which Kawabata uses to describe a bowl used to drink tea brings attention to the elegance of the Japanese Tea Ceremony; in fact, the Oribe was four hundred years old [...] as tea masters have looked after it and passed it down through the centuries (Kawabata 19 20). Tea practitioners must have recognized certain appealing qualities in the tea vessels that deemed them worthy of being passed down from generation to generation. Dick and Jane and the Japanese Tea Ceremony both place emphasis on beauty, with a detailed characterization of aesthetic elements. In addition to a common emphasis on aesthetic appeal, Dick and Jane and the Japanese Tea Ceremony also share a formulaic structure. In Dick and Jane, the stories are depicted in a prescribed manner to only include positive events; for example, Mother is very nice [...] Father is smiling. Smile, Father, smile [...] Here comes a friend. The friend will play with Jane (Morrison 3). Each scene in the children s series takes place during the day, and the sun is always shining, knees are never scraped, parents never yell, and friends always come to play. The author s use of words such as nice and smiling accentuates the structure of the story and how it is one sided. Each page only contained one new word, and on every third page, the new words would be combined, with only five to six new words total (Mancini). Furthermore, each sentence in Dick and Jane is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Character Analysis Of Like Water For Chocolate By Laura... Women are strong humans Recognizing personal strengths and weaknesses is part of the ongoing process of bettering ourselves. In the novel, Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel, she explains the strengths and weaknesses over the character named Tita De la Garza. Within the context, Laura Esquivel develops Tita s emotions through feminists. Tita is the novel s protagonist, struggles her needs for belonging and security. As well as her desires for adventure, sex, and liberation. In Like Water for Chocolate, it simply explains that there is no such thing as a good or bad woman. Every woman in different in their own unique way. Laura Esquivel explains that women are capable of a variety of complex and often contrary emotions and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cooking is one of the things that keeps Tita to go on with life, it is her passion. When Tita was going through dramatic situations in her life she used cooking as one her strengths to help her to be strong. In the article Feminism in Like Water for Chocolate it states, it is through food that Tita both compares and understands her own emotional and physical state. This statement explains to the readers that Tita can only figure out her emotions when it comes to the kitchen and cooking. Cooking to Tita is important because she entered the world right there on the kitchen table amid the smells of simmering noodle soup, thyme, bay leaves, and cilantro. Cooking become a huge impact on Tita life because she felt like she can only express herself when it came to cooking. Just in the same way, Tita had another strength that attributed to her which includes, the long lasting love she has for people. In the novel, the author Laura Esquivel explains how Tita is a person who is nurturing and self sacrificing. For examples, in the novel she states the baby s cries filled all the empty space in Tita s heart. She realized that she was feeling a new love; for life, for this child, for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Reebok Marketing Plan Reebok Realflex | By The Breezers: Mannan Wu Abbey Barnes Chase Carraro Mohammed Baamer Deborah Dani Dylan By The Breezers: Mannan Wu Abbey Barnes Chase Carraro Mohammed Baamer Deborah Dani Dylan Final Marketing Plan | Professor Quinlan Wilder November 16, 2011 Marketing 2800 Professor Quinlan Wilder November 16, 2011 Marketing 2800 | | Executive Summary Reebok prides itself on creating products to enhance athletic ability. Upon formation of the company, Reebok has been dedicated to making athletes faster. Since then, Reebok has evolved into the world s second largest maker of athletic apparel and is a leader in the shoe industry. Now Reebok will pave the way with its answer to the latest craze in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Two important components in this industry are the quality and marketing of the products. Reebok is a company with a long history in the footwear market and a marketing mix makeover for RealFlex could very well put the company back on top. By increasing the focus on the health benefits for older generations and aesthetically pleasing innovation for younger generations, Reebok will be able to cover wider demographics, thus increasing sales. This is a product which needs to be on the feet of consumers, because once that happens; the footwear will speak for itself. The remainder of this marketing plan is organized as follows: First, it will examine the company of Reebok and its background in the athletic shoe industry. Then, this plan will discuss Reebok s major competitors and fully describe its SWOT ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Questions On The On Cyber Offense Report 1 10/10/2014 Luke Weyrauch ICS 382 01 Fall 2014 Faisal Kaleem Metropolitan State University Background Cyberattacks have both the potential to devastate and intimidate. They can disable national infrastructure, disrupt communication systems, or even destroy nuclear reactors. Cybersecurity is a thought provoking and interesting issue. The use of cyberattacks in US as a tool of policy is not sufficiently deliberated by policy makers but it s of utmost importance to the nation. The policy issues facing the acquisition and use of cyberattacks in US remains a riddle among many policymakers in the US and the world at large. Lifting the Veil on Cyber Offense is an article based on the National Research Council, 2009. The article ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Summary of the issues raised The pertinent issues presented in the article are majorly based on the ways the National Research Council can protect the US against cyberattacks. The article affirms that cybersecurity is both a delicate and sensitive issue that requires deliberate monitoring before taking any action. However, most of the studies carried out have been based mostly on the cyberdefense side rather than the cyber offense side. This gap, therefore, acts as a motivation towards carrying out this particular research in trying to unveil some of the issues that remain untouched. The current state of cyberattacks in many countries including the US is one filled with dilemma and misunderstanding. Proper institutions and policies have not been set in place to ensure that the policies formulated are in line with both national and international interests. Some of the problems existing include difficulty in identification of parties responsible for cyberattacks, strategic and tactical implications of cyberattacks, and lack of comprehensive strategic policies in the US, among many others (Lin, 2009). These problems exist because cyber related crimes have no boundaries nor proper ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Utilitarianism And Its Moral Value Utilitarianism is a theory that delineates the bounds of morality with respect to actions taken by individuals in terms of what produces the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people. The principle seeks to define first the morality of an action, allowing for the morality of a person to be derived based on the intent behind the respective action. The fundamentals of a person s morality are then presented in a form that labels the person behind a morally defined action as either praiseworthy or blameworthy, a conclusion based directly on the intent behind an action. The central concept behind utilitarianism, happiness, requires that there be an objective fact of the matter about how much happiness exists. Before defining happiness, instrumental and intrinsic value must also be introduced, as they are necessary concepts for defining the relationship between an action and its moral value. Instrumental value revolves around a certain anything s usefulness in seeing a process through completion, while a certain anything s intrinsic value stems from existential value alone. For example, a pair of glasses instrumental value comes from its usefulness in allowing a person to see clearly, while happiness itself is the certain anything with intrinsic value. As such, happiness exists as a plausible measure in defining the morality behind an action. If happiness is the only anything that has value simply in and of itself, then measuring total net happiness ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. 1Introduction. 1.1Reasons For Choosing The Topic. With 1 Introduction 1.1 Reasons for Choosing the Topic With the development of modern communication technology, the mobile phone becomes not only indispensable communication equipment but also a convenient assistant of life. Especially in recent years, the born of smart phones have changed the world dramatically. The dazzling abundant smart phone market have make the reachless dreams come true. Undoubtedly, Android has made a great contribution to the smart world. The open source platform produced by the Internet giant Google opened the gate for the developers to implement various interesting applications. Among them, the intelligent healthcare has become the hot field. As the equipment carried around by the user from dawn to dark, mobile phone ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Read related books and take online courses about Java and Android programming. 2. Looking for the information about running application and related algorithms. 3. Experience the existing running apps, learn the strong points from them and avoid their shortcomings. 4. After the collection of enough information and being skilled with the programming job, I will begin doing the design job. Determine the functions selected and arrange them in beautiful interfaces. 5. Doing the coding job to implement the application and doing the UI design. 6. When the application is approximately completed, test it with real smart phones to ensure the successful execution and accuracy. 1.3 Report Contents In this report, Chapter 1 provides an overall introduction, including the motivation and the project progress. Chapter 2 provides the necessary background knowledge and technologies used. Chapter 3 analysis the feasibility and requirements of the project. Chapter 4 describes the design and implementation process of the application in details. The main operations and key steps are also listed there. Chapter 5 provides the exhibition of the results and an analysis of the application s accuracy and reliability. Chapter 6 gives the summary of my work and looks into the future. 2 Background 2.1 Development Platform The developing of the application is operated on Android OS. 2.1.1 Brief Introduction to Android Android is the name of the open source smart ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Texas State University Personal Statement Currently I am a senior at Texas State University, earning a double major in accounting and management. I have a distinguished background in my professional and academic career that has prepared me for graduate studies. The University of Houston is the one and only school I plan to pursue these endeavors. Texas State has a recognized accounting program where I have accomplished many rigorous courses. I am a member of the Texas State Honors College, where I have completed five honors courses, earning a 4.0 GPA and completed an honors thesis paper, which is published in the university s library. I am also actively involved in many school organizations, which I would continue to do so at the University of Houston. Their program has challenged and prepared me to be successful in not only my professional career, but also within my graduate studies at the University of Houston. During my undergraduate career, I have completed two audit and assurance ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Based on the amazing faculty at the Bauer School of Business and the distinguished accounting program, the University of Houston will further enhance my accounting knowledge. Additionally, program benefits such as the oil gas certification, renowned career fair, and specialized accreditation has solidified my interests. Lastly, I am impressed with the school s pass rate of the Certified Public Accountant exam, which is a significant pursuit of mine. I have a great passion for accounting and learning, and through my hard work and dedication, I would be a great fit for the University of Houston. My internship experiences, success in my undergraduate career, and my character traits align with the University of Houston s graduate program offerings. If given this opportunity, I will excel and make the University of Houston proud of me as cougar and future ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Nitro Tech Essay MuscleTech s Nitro Tech is a sport supplement that is part of their performance series that contains whey isolate and lean musclebuilders, The ultra pure whey isolate is enhanced with creatine and amino acids and is far superior to other whey formulations. Research demonstrates that individuals taking Nitro Tech gained more lean muscle in as little as 6 weeks as compared to individuals taking regular whey protein. Nitro Tech is the first protein supplement to contain the three key free form amino acids which include taurine, glycine and alanine. These are important for protein building and are easily absorbed into the bloodstream. All of this is important for cell repair and growth making Nitro Tech an excellent post workout supplement.. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. News And Newspapers News and Newspapers News is simply delineated as a report of a recent event; something one has not heard of before (Websters, 282). Conceding that it is inelaborate in its definition, news is much more intricate as it succumbs to corporate moneymaking ideologies. The corporate essence of news is prevalent in the form of the newspaper a paper published periodically for circulating news that is sold therefore making news a business. In business the saying goes that the customer is always right making news subject to the demands of these consumers. The underlying purpose of news is to provide facts upon which decisions are based (Mencher, 56). Yet this purpose is tainted to accommodate the newspapers need to sell papers. Journalism is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Star s audience are the family type people who desire local news and emotional stories. The April 3/97 article Woman Searching For Trucker Who Was Her Highway Savior elucidates a human triumph tale meant for the whole family as nine month pregnant Tanya Aubert was guided to her safety by a trucker after her windshield was smashed on the 400 highway (T.Star April 3/97). The Star incorporates many emotion filled phrases to augment the neighborly sense of the article. quot;I was not hurt, just very scared and my heart was racing quot; the journalist quoted with hopes of bringing a tear to the reader s eye. The exclusive coverage of this article shows the Star appealing to the family it s audience. The Globe and Mail is a business person s newspaper that directs its articles mainly to fact and figures as well as cold serious issues. The Globe and Mail creates a very solemn sense to its article through 50 dollar words and abrupt, to the point headlines. The April 3/97 article Adult Drug Deaths Decline suggests no imagery or entertainment value in its title. The article proceeds with factual information 131 deaths from drug related causes in 1995 was the lowest of the century (G amp; M. April 3/97) with proof from various sources such as the Toronto Public Health Department and Dr. Joyce Bernstein. The article is accommodated by both its factual nature and the use of grave ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Phonics Debate The phonics debate in primary schools At one time the question was: Shall we teach reading through phonics or through some other method? Then it became: Given that phonics has been proven to be the best method, which is the best phonics method? Now research has shown incontrovertibly which is the best method, and this method is being successfully applied. How true is the picture presented above? My assignment is an attempt at answering the above question as I seek to examine the debates concerning the best method to teach reading. My main aim in particular, is to investigate the reading method known as phonics and to compare its pros and cons as well as inspecting to see if the research which seems to have found the best phonics ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So, together with phonics this model also included other three teaching methods: Knowledge of context , Grammatical Knowledge and Word recognition and graphic knowledge . However, many oppose the method of reading in the NLS. One such group is The Reading Reform Foundation (RRF) who promote synthetic phonics and consider the mixture of method endorsed by the NLS as Henry (2001) reports to be ineffective and confusing . The RRF website editor Hepplewhite (2001) believes the NLS is fundamentally flawed and inadequate for the teaching of reading. Moreover, this model was hugely criticised in 2002 by an Ofsted report The National Literacy Strategy: the first four years 1998 2002 , which claimed that it gives insufficient emphasis in the early stages to the teaching of phonics . It also stated that the searchlights model has not been effective enough in terms of illustrating where the intensity of the searchlights should fall at the different stages of learning to read. Furthermore the report stated that the searchlights model of reading placed too much emphasis elsewhere and not enough on phonics. The House of Commons Education and Skills Committee published a report titled Teaching Children To read in April 2005, eight years after the National Literacy Strategy was introduced in primary schools ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. John Burgoyne Research Paper John Burgoyne was born February 24, 1722 and died on August 4, 1792. John s well known nickname was Gentleman Johnny. His parents were John Burgoyne and Anne Marie Burgoyne. He was also the father of 4 children. Burgoyne received his education at Westminster and then went into the military. He was remembered for his defeat by superior American forces in the Saratoga campaign of 1777. He got married to the daughter of Lord Derby. Burgoyne was elected to the House of Commons in 1761. He was assigned to Canada in 1776 as a major general. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR: Burgoyne s force captured Fort Ticonderoga, New York, on July 6, 1777 but, after reaching the Hudson River, was fought to a standstill by a much larger army commanded successively by General Philip Schuylar and General Horatio Gates, who were brilliantly assisted by Brigadier General Benedict Arnold. General Howe chose to fight Pennsylvania but left the men with no food and no medical help. St. Leger was defeated at Oriskany, New York and headed west. Burgoyne surrendered to the gates of Saratoga Springs on October 17, 1777. He left along with his troops and returned to England where he faced horrible criticism. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When he started to move south, he began to get in trouble. He was running out of supplies and sent Col. Barry Leger a message to give him support from the west, who was stopped by the American forces. Whether he didn t receive the message or resented Burgoyne bursting on the scene with new orders, General William Howe failed to send supplies to Burgoyne and his army. British beat the Americans but they suffered heavy losses. On October 3, 1777, General Burgoyne was forced to put his men on ration. October 17 General John Burgoyne suffered a great embarrassment. He was forced to surrender himself and his 6,000 men to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Concert Hall, Raleigh, Concert, By Paul Randall And... The concert took place on November 4, 2016 in Meymandi Concert Hall, Raleigh. In concert, I had enjoyed a lot. Especially the Saxophone and a piano subsequently switched the tune of the tune as if they were dancing like two lovers. As the saxophone took the airs as well as the piano and other instruments within the ensemble were in accompaniment for the love of the tune the texture altered within the tune. The tempo, which was always steady appeared to get quicker like a pulse by the climax of the tune. It was also at this point the dynamics of the tune were increasingly becoming louder until all instruments met using a bag on top and then altered the dynamics again to a reasonable degree until the tune ended. Billy the Kid, arranged by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The tune was hot and enthusiastic and shown dialogue without using any words. The ensemble played this piece by Cassia Lee supplied the drawn out conversation that sounded like twirling and dancing in the moonlight with the solo as well as steadiness. This tune reminded me of My Heart Will Go On in that a story is told of the instrumental nature of it, just as much as when the lyrics are being sung by Celine Dion. I found listening to this tune a rewarding experience, and it turned out to be a wonderful start to the jazz concert in that it was not unfamiliar to the crowd. Waltz for Debby got me question why someone would write this kind of old and whom Debby was sounding tune for someone he or she loved. It s really difficult for me to advocate this song to anybody, for I lacked the depth of the other tunes through the entire evening and believed it was boring. Ancient Memories was a piece that is wonderful. The tune was enjoyment and I loved listening to the changes over and over again, although the tune had lots of repetition. The Jazz Ensemble concert at Tarleton was an enjoyable evening full of intellectually exciting encounters of music and excellent music that I wouldn t have listened to if not for this duty. Diversification is an important lesson to learn when seeing music because all music has roots from a different music genre and understanding this makes you more diversified as somebody. In October 1958, Aaron Copland made his television ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. America Is A Melting Pot America is a melting pot made up of people from many different races and ethnic backgrounds, so why are the American news broadcasters predominantly white men in their late forties? News represents the American society so therefore American broadcasters should reflect society as a whole. In addition, many people consider news anchors role models and it is important to see themselves represented and trust their news source. The lack of diversity among newscasters impacts the audience s reception of the news. People are more likely to trust news sources that they relate to and identify with. Many people do not even notice the lack of diversity or understand the impact it has on society. There needs to be more of an effort to reflect diversity among our newscasters to correct the history of discrimination, to accurately reflect the audience and to provide role models and promote positive images. The United States is called a melting pot because the the varied groups of people that live in the country and interact every day, but the country also has an ugly history or discrimination against women and minorities. The broadcasting industry has been guilty of this discrimination. There has been blatant discrimination against women newscasters. Women journalists initially had difficulty breaking into the broadcast news field and did not begin to make real strides towards equality until the 1960s and 1970s ( Irvin) . This is very discouraging to young women interested in this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Pros And Cons Of Subsidies In The Market Free markets are very effective in determining an equilibrium in the market that benefits everyone. Nevertheless free markets do not always reach optimal output levels due to external market forces such as demographic factors or technological changes. The fact that a free market does not reaches optimal output is called market failure and leads to welfare loss (also called deadweight loss). In order to avoid market failure, government intervention, such as subsidies, is needed. Due to the industrialization and to new technologies the production of food became more effective than ever before. First the governments in the European Union supported and promoted the huge production of food, until they realized that the farmers produced even ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of these possibilities are subsidies. A subsidy is a financial help by a government for a specific economic sector in a country s economy. According to the WTO (World Trade Organization) a subsidy is defined as a financial contribution by a government which confers a benefit. Also the WTO states that there are two general types of subsidies. The first type of subsidy is an export subsidy which is defined as a benefit conferred on a firm by the government that is contingent on exports. The second type of subsidy is a domestic subsidy which is defined as a benefit not directly linked to exports. (www.wto.org) Subsidies are a way for governments to intervene in the market in order to guarantee a stable market and to eradicate the welfare loss. Welfare loss, also known as deadweight loss, is the reduction in total economic surplus that results from the adoption of a policy. (McDowell, 2009 p.201) A subsidy can appear in different forms, such as cash payments, tax concessions, and in kind subsidies. Subsidies that appear in form of cash payments are mostly paid via cheque or bank transfer to specific chosen firms or institutions. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Supersize Me Mr Morgan Spurlock During the documentary Supersize Me, Mr. Morgan Spurlock embarks on a month long experiment, to see how McDonalds would affect somebody s body if that is all they ate over the course of a month. The rules that he created were reasonable while also potentially harmful. He decides to go on a McDiet where he will eat only McDonalds, 3 meals a day, over the course of 30 days. Before starting his experiment, he is seen by three doctors, a cardiologist, a gastroenterologist, as well as a general practitioner. He also was seen by a nutritionist and a personal trainer. In order to mimic the everyday life of a typical U.S. citizen, he decides to only walk a suggested amount of 5,000 steps per day. He decides to only eat and drink items that are on the McDonald s menu. Which included bottled water. He must only SuperSize his meal when asked, but only ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Shortly after this he starts to find himself feeling depressed and having headaches. He claims that after eating a McDonalds meal, he is relieved of those symptoms. He soon gains another 8 pounds and is described as becoming addicted. Morgans girlfriend claims that he has lost much of his energy and has lost his sex drive. Towards the end of the experiment, he was experiencing heart palpitations and is told to stop the experiment immediately out of concern for his health. His health is compared to Nicolas Cage in the movie Leaving Las Vegas who drinks himself to death over a similar time period. One doctor states that the irreversible damage done to his heart could eventually cause a heart attack even if he lost all of the weight gained during the experiment. He experienced mood swings, excessive weight gain, heart palpitations, headaches, depression, irreversible damage to his heart as well as his liver. He found it more difficult to lose the weight than it was to gain it. It took him 5 months to lose 20 pounds and another 9.5 months to lose the remaining 4.5 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Future Of NASA Have you ever dreamed about going to space one day. Now you can with NASA s space technology anything is possible in space exploration. The missions of this paper Spirit Opportunity, Apollo 11, and Voyager 1 and 2. All space missions are helpful to find details on our wondrous universe. There are so many things out in our universe and many people think the only planets are in our solar system but NASA knows there are trillions of miles of solar systems and universes and we are just on the edge of finding one universe past ours. The missions that went to space have taught and changed the way we look at life. An amazing missionis. Spirit and Opportunity were rovers were both launched in 2004. The mission cost ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... NASA discovered that Mars is not only hard and rocky it has some mushy parts which NASA believes can be covering water or can lead to water.The Mars Mission has lead to many spin offs such as a new bullet proof material vest for police and a portable device that analyzes rocks and minerals. This next mission is amazing! Apollo 11 goal was set by John F. Kennedy was set on May, 25 1968. The goal was to orbit around earth and a lunar landing on the Moon. This was one of the most memorable time in space history. The main man on that mission was Neil Armstrong. It took many years for Apollo 11 to get ready for lift off. The estimated speed that it would lift off at is 250 miles per hour the time to get into space took 195 hours. Depending on weather and wind effect. The famous quote was One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind was stated on July 20, 1969. It was the first time any human has walked on the deserted island of the moon. Ever since that moment space exploration has changed in so many ways. The spin offs changed firefighters lives now firefighters use the same material ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Dialectical Journal For The God Of Small Things 1. The novel The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy is about overcoming the struggles of life, and reveals that you truly meet success when you push through the obstacles. 2. A passage that I have found in this section that supports my theme is, as Estha stirred the thick jam he thought Two Thoughts, and the Two Thoughts he thought were these two: (a) Anything can happen to Anyone. and (b) It s best to be prepared (Roy 186). In this quote, Estha was referring to the harassment event that occurred with him to the Orangedrink Lemondrink Man. Estha had learned from this event that you always need to be ready for everything, and anything can happen to anyone (Roy 186). The event with Estha is a struggle because at first Estha was mentally ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She wanted her body back. It was hers (Roy 211). In this passage, Estha and Rahel were cuddling with their mom and admiring her stretch marks, until Ammu got embarrassed and shrugged them off her. Firstly, the event with Ammu is a struggle since she is beginning to lack self confidence in herself as she is picking on her imperfections. This quote supports my theme because currently in the story Ammu has been through many struggles such as being abused by her husband, divorcing her husband, not having a home for her children etc. Every time Ammu just took the disrespect she got from society and never stood up for herself. Ammu never appreciated herself as the evidence shows, which also had an effect on her behaviour towards her children. In the last chapter when Estha and Rahel were not replying back to Margaret Kochamma, Ammu got very mad at them and was being very disrespectful, despite the fact that she could have dealt with it better (Roy 98). If Ammu as mentioned before stood up for herself and overcame the obstacles through her life, she could have had a better future where she is successful and able to support herself and her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Zen and the Enlightened Mind Essay Zen and the Enlightened Mind I have forgotten everything. I don t remember a single word (Masunaga 36). This is the mind of one who seeks the Way. In A Primer of Soto[JS1] Zen Dogen explains the Way of the Buddha and stresses the importance of sitting in meditation or zazen as a means of reaching the manifestation of wholeness. The manifestation of wholeness is a state in which one abandons both mind and body and empties oneself of ignorance, delusions, and dualistic modes of thinking. One who is free from dualistic modes of being enters a world in which both subject and object exist. This is a non objective mode of being where all self centeredness has been emptied, where words and concepts are used not to divide but to unite, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the practice of the Way, Dogen places a strong emphasis on zazen or sitting in meditation. One who meditates properly realizes that the practice of meditation and Enlightenment are one in the same. In A Primer of Soto Zen, Dogen states that zazen is the practice of the Buddha. Zazen is the ultimate practice. This is indeed the True Self (Masunaga 44). In the practice of zazen one empties the self and enters a mode of being that is in itself Enlightenment. The experience of Enlightenment within zazen reveals that the entire world is filled with Buddha nature. This is something that the unenlightened eye does not see but the Enlightened eye is able to grasp immediately and intuitively (Earhart 101). Thus, Dogen believes that life is most real when a person sits in meditation. He says; Only when you sit straight and look into yourself, does it become clear that [you yourself are changing and] the objective world has a reality apart from you (Tsunda 246). Therefore during meditation one is free from a individual centered or egocentric position which distorts reality. The Enlightened being or the one who practices zazen will see things, including the self as they truly are. Dogen realizes the power of zazen thus, he teaches that students should devote all their efforts to this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. CMGT 582 Week 3 Risk Management Paper 1 Risk Management Christine A. Rosario CMGT/582 3 November 4, 2014 Professor David Hatfield Asset ID Asset Name Description Asset Value Priority Threat Description Controls in Place ARO Uncertainty Risk Value Controls Needed Action Plan ID 1 IT Rep Local IT presence 55000 Critical Absence; skill short coming; request overload Alternates / CE: .8 .1 .05 1155 Addt l training; addt l backups AA 2 Security Officers Facility ( People) Security 75000 Critical Absence; weapons; stealth Reliability / Alternates / CE: .9 .001 .001
  • 35. 7.5075 N/A BB 3 HR Rep Human Resources 60000 High Absence; unauthorized disclosures Alternates / CE: .9 .001 .001 6.006 N/A CC 4 Security Training Required, annual, security process 10000 Medium Lack ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As such, our company s people resources pose the greatest risk for security breach. Our way to help mitigate risk in this area is to keep communication lines open in this area and to continually mandate security knowledge training, with mandatory updates on a regular basis. When the employees are informed of company policy when facing a security matter, they are better equipped to act in the best or right way. In this way knowledge is power or at least empowerment to act in the best interest of the company s information security. Risk Assessment Insights In the table above, an Asset Inventory and Risk Assessment is displayed for our local Customer Care operations. The assets considered are our local IT representative, our contracted security officers, our local HR representative, our annually mandated information security training, our PeopleSoft software, our networked servers, our customer services database and application, and our employee database system. The asset value for each is listed based on the annual cost to the company for one local call center operation. The IT Rep and HR Rep values are based on annual salary for having one full time equivalent of each available Monday through Friday. The Security Officer value is based on having two and a half full time ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Greatest Gift Rhetorical Analysis Essay 1. Topic: Tone and the short stories The Greatest Gift (1943), by Philip Van Doren Stern (1900 1984) and Araby (1914), by James Joyce (1882 1941). 2. Topic Statement: Tone plays a role in the short stories The Greatest Gift (1943), by Philip Van Doren Stern (1900 1984) and Araby (1914), by James Joyce (1882 1941). 3. Initial Research Question: Described by Edgar Roberts, how is tone shown in the short stories The Greatest Gift (1943), by Philip Van Doren Stern (1900 1984) and Araby (1914), by James Joyce (1882 1941)? 4. Refined Question: How have the writers Philip Van Doren Stern (1900 1984) and James Joyce (1882 1941) clarified the tone used throughout the short stories The Greatest Gift (1943) and Araby (1914). 5. Prospectus: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The tone, the authors, incorporate into their short stories is expressed by how they felt the reader would reflect what the attitude should be like in the reading. The tone can be determined by taking note the author s use of words throughout the stories. Both Stern and Joyce have included tone into their short stories by setting the reader up to be introduced to how the author wanted the tone to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...