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Essays On Heroes
Writing an essay on the topic of "Essays on Heroes" can be both challenging and intriguing. On
one hand, the concept of heroes is subjective, as individuals may perceive heroism differently
based on their values, cultures, and personal experiences. This subjectivity adds a layer of
complexity to the task, as one must navigate through various perspectives to create a well-
rounded and comprehensive essay.
Furthermore, the definition of a hero has evolved over time and varies across different societies.
Traditional heroic figures from mythology and literature may differ significantly from modern-
day heroes, including everyday individuals who exhibit acts of courage, selflessness, or
leadership. Addressing this evolution and the diversity of hero archetypes requires careful
research and consideration.
Crafting a compelling essay on heroes also involves delving into the psychological and societal
aspects that contribute to the creation of heroes. Analyzing the impact of culture, media, and
historical context on the perception of heroism adds depth to the exploration. Additionally,
incorporating real-life examples and case studies can provide a tangible connection between
theoretical concepts and the practical manifestations of heroism.
However, amidst the challenges, the process of writing an essay on heroes offers an opportunity
for introspection and exploration of one's own values and beliefs. It requires a delicate balance of
critical analysis, empathy, and creativity to present a well-rounded and engaging perspective on
the topic.
In conclusion, tackling the subject of "Essays on Heroes" demands careful consideration of the
diverse nature of heroism, historical and cultural contexts, and the evolving definition of heroes.
It's a task that not only requires research and analytical skills but also an understanding of the
human experience and the factors that shape our perception of heroism.
And if you find yourself needing assistance with this or similar essays, a resource like
HelpWriting.net can provide support and guidance, offering a platform where you can order
essays and access a wealth of information on various topics.
Essays On Heroes Essays On Heroes
Disobedience Wrong
Disobedience is a valuable human trait, it promotes progress in society, and social
correctness. It is one of the most basic and powerful tools for adaption and
evolution mankind has ever possessed. Wrong does not cease to be wrong because
the majority share in it. (Leo Tolstoy, A Confession). If those that believe they are
right do not put their opinions out there, or fight for what they believe in, the wrong
majority shall never change. If no one questions what they are taught, nothing
changes, and if they are wrong they shall never know. Change for better or worse is
not for the weak it is for the brave, and those who disobey the natural order are the
ones who make change and bring the normalcy of any situation into question. Right is
Queer Culture Has Long Been K.d. Lang, Ellen Degeneres,...
The faces of Queer Culture has long been K.D. Lang, Ellen Degeneres, and Elton
John. While these icons represent the queer community in that they are gay
individuals, they are not wholly representative of the community because there is no
one queer story. However, these icons all have cisgender, white privilege which
results in a great dearth of representation for transgender, non binary, and people of
color in the media. Another issue with queer representation in the media is the
differentiation between genderexpression and sexual orientation. Gender expression
associated with masculinity such as short hair, loose clothing, and rough materials
such as denim when worn by a woman is seen as a demarcation of alternative
sexualities. However, those assumptions neglect to recognize the diversity of
gender expression. Gender expression among heterosexuals varies greatly with
some men presenting as metrosexual and some women presenting as tomboys.
Similarly, this type of variation exists within the LGBTQ+ community as members
can range from femme to butch to androgynous. Portia de Rossi would be a classic
example of a femme lesbian in terms of her long hair and frequent wearing of
dresses. Often times these feminine lesbians, if they are portrayed at all, are often
used to attract male audiences. However, Orange is the New Black challenges these
conventions through the genres of Sophia Burset, Piper Chapman, and Big Boo.
Sophia Burset breaks the cisgender, white
Essay on Egyptian, Babylonian, And Hebrew Religions
Egyptian, Babylonian, and Hebrew Religions
Egyptians, Babylonians, and Hebrews have similarities yet also differences in their
religions. The importance is not in the similarities as much as it is in the differences
that distinguish the cultures from each other and their views on life. I would like to
point out each civilization s creation and flood story.
By analyzing these stories we can come to a better understanding of their world
views. The Hebrew creation story from the book of Genesis is one that most people
know well. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. The earth was
without form and void. God said, quot;let there be light, quot; and there was light. He
then separated the light from the darkness. He also ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Thus the physical universe was created. People were created from Ra s tears. Time
passed and Ra grew frail, so the ungrateful race of men plotted against Ra.
When Ra learned of this he called the gods together. The gods decided that
mankind must be destroyed. Tens of thousands of men were killed until only a few
were left. Then Ra relented and man was spared. Nevertheless Ra was sick of the
world and retreated into the heavens, leaving Shu to reign in his place.
At that time the present world was established. The Babylonians have their own
interpretation of the beginning. All things came from the water. From the mixture of
sweet water, Aspu, with salt water, Tiamat, the gods arose. Aspu and
Tiamat gave birth to a pair of gigantic serpents, Lakhmu and Lakhamu. These two
serpents produced Anshar and Kishar, the heavens and the earth. Anshar and
Kishar then conceived Anu, Enlil, and Ea. Aspu and Tiamat grew angry because
the younger gods were noisy. So, they decided to destroy the new gods. Ea, the all
knowing, learned of this plan and used his magic to capture Apsu. Tiamat became
furious and created and army of gods and monsters to punish Ea and the others.
Marduk was asked to stand against Tiamat and her army. Marduk promised to defeat
Tiamat if he was given supremacy over the gods. Marduk defeated
Tiamat and her army. While he was cutting up Tiamat s body he used half her body
and created the dome of the heavens. With the other half he made the earth.
Then to

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What Does The Yellow Symbolize In The Great Gatsby
Laura Emberson
Mr. Carroll
English Comp II
Literary Analysis Final Copy
16 April 2015
Symbolism in The Great Gatsby Symbolism prevails above all other things
throughout F. Scott Fitzgerald s, The Great Gatsby. The author s use of symbolism
creates many themes throughout the story. Some of the main themes recognized
throughout the story are those regarding lies and deceit, marriage, money, religion,
and isolation. The symbols creating these themes are represented with colors. The
author uses color throughout the story to symbolize deceit, innocence, envy,
lifelessness, and sadness.
The color yellow is used to symbolize deceit. Gatsby s yellow car is used to represent
his deceiving life. He wants everyone to perceive him as a well off, impressive ...
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The color gray is used to describe the desolate valley of ashes, which then makes
anyone or anything else associated with the color gray lifeless as well. George
Wilson is described as being covered in ashen dust along with everything else in the
valley of ashes which suggests that he has lost hope in his marriage with Myrtle
and is depressed as a result. More than once, it is suggested that Dr. TJ Eckelburg s
eyes are the all seeing eyes of God. The association of Eckelburg to God may lead
readers to associate the valley of ashes to a place such as purgatory, where lifeless,
hopeless souls remain under the eyes of God, hoping to one day be freed. The
religious references made in the book obviously suggest that one of the themes is
religion or perhaps the lack of it. The only mention of God is in reference to eyes on
a billboard, which suggests that maybe the obsession with wealth and fortune has
surpassed the importance of
Macromolecules In Research
Polymer is a compound consisting of long chain molecules, each molecule made up
of repeating unit connected together by a covalent bond. Most polymers are based
on carbon and are therefore considered organic chemicals. Groover (2011) suggests
that ?the word polymer is derived from Greek, poly and meros, meaning many and
parts, respectively. Some scientists prefer to use the word macromolecules or large
molecules, instead of polymer?. The polymers are created by connecting many small
molecules forms together to make molecules are large. The small units are called
monomers. The atoms in molecules use covalent bond to connect together; and these
atoms are connected a polymer is considered to be the links of the chain. Carraher
(2010) states
Algebra Research Paper
Algebra is the bridge between basic and complex math; it ties together basic
arithmetic with complex formulas and proofs. The first time I encountered algebra
was in 7th grade after learning about graphing equations. Our curriculum is set up so
that our minds learn what they have to first so that when special maths such as
Algebra. A person must first master the basic tools of mathematics before they go
into learning algebra. Perhaps what makes algebra so special is the fact that it can
be used along side any other math. It is never impossible to incomplete Algebra when
problem solving.
Algebra first began in ancient Egypt and Babylon people first began solving linear
equations. Babylonians solved arbitrary quadratic equations by
Character Analysis Of Farley Drexel Hatcher And Fudge
SuperfudgeKyler Brisk
Judy BlumePeriod 8B
Farley Drexel Hatcher or Fudge is the protagonist character. He is both a funny and
naughty boy who is always causing trouble. He is a very curious boy. He was
shoving crackers in his mouth and laughing like a loon. (1, Peter) Peter Hatcher is
Fudge s older brother. He doesn t like Fudge to hangout with him and thinks he is
annoying. You re the biggest pain ever invented! (2, Peter) Tamara Roxanne
Hatcher or Tootsie is Peter and Fudge s baby sister who cries a lot. Uncle Feather is
Peter and Fudge s pet myna bird that is very annoying and can say hello in French.
Bonjour. (3, Uncle Feather) Warren Hatcher is Peter Fudge and Tootsie s... Show
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Why did Peter want to run away? His mom was having a baby
2.At the end of school party what did Peter drink? Island Punch
3.Where does the family move? Princeton, New Jersey
4.What is the name of Peter s friend in New York? Jimmy
5.What is the name of Peter s friend in Princeton? Alex
6.What does Fudge nickname his teacher? Rat Face
7.What does Fudge name his pet bird? Uncle Feather
8.What did Frank name his painting? Anita s Anger
9.What did Peter get on Christmas? Gift Certificate
10.What is Fudge s favorite author? Brian Tumpkin
11.What is Tootsie s first word? Yuck
12.What do Peter and Alex sell? Worms
13.What does Daniel not like on his bread? Crust
14.What language can Uncle Feather say hello? French
15.What kind of bird is Uncle Feather? Myna Bird
16.Who is Peter and Alex s teacher? Mrs. Muldour
17.What is Peter s favorite drink? Island Punch
18.What is Fudge s real name? Farley Drexel
19.What is Tootsie s real name? Tamara Roxanne
20.Who does Fudge describe to Brian Tumpkin? Mr. Green
21.What does Fudge want to be for Halloween? Ghost
22.What kind of food does Warren like to cook? Chinese
23.Where are the Hatchers from? New York City
24.Who runs away with Fudge? Daniel
25.Where are the brownies from? The

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Rabindranath Tagore Essay
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Rabindranath Tagore Essay

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Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps Scholarship
From the beginning of my junior year, I came across the Naval Reserve Officer
Training Corps website and I decided to apply for the scholarship program. I
analyzed every single information on the internet and took every part of the
application process seriously, after all, this commitment affects a considerable
amount of my future. I continued to research more about the Navy and prepared for
the physical assessment test by running a few miles every day and beating my
previous push up and sit up records. A few months later, after I had enough courage
and hope, I excitedly sat down with my whole familyand friends to discuss my plan.
As I explained through the process, I cannot forget the anxious faces across the table;
my parents were very uncertain
Changes From The Progressive Era
Some of the most important changes from the Progressive Era were the Savers
ability to expand the role of the state. Public health increased which decreased infant
mortality, playgrounds were made for children to play in, and better school systems
were established leading to better educations (Mintz, 2004, p.173). The reduction in
infant mortality was due to cleaner living quarters and other health safeguards such
as pasteurized milk that was safer to drink (Mintz, 2004, p.176). School systems
today still separate childreninto their respective age groups as to not expose children
to things before they are ready.
During the Progressive Era, Children s Court was also established. This was an
important development because it gave children ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Over the past few decades many scientific advancements have led to the reform of
childrearing practices and the modern concept of adolescence. Three men, Charles
Darwin, G. Stanley Hall and Dr. Holt [what is Dr. Holt s first name? put that], made
some of the most crucial scientific advancements in this area. Studies by these three
men led to child rearing advice and drastically changed the way children were viewed.
After having a son of his own, Charles Darwin began to observe and study his child.
He examined whether behavior was learned or instinctual. He thought that children
needed to have freedom and express themselves. He helped society understand that
the minds, attitudes and emotions of children need to slowly be shaped overtime,
they are not naturally instilled at birth.
G. Stanley Hall was another great contributor to the advancements in the child
rearing reformation. In 1880, Hall conducted a set of experiments on 400 Boston
school children. Results of his study showed that children have minimal basic
knowledge like being able to identify body parts. In 1904, Hall wrote a book stating
that children were growing up too fast and needed to be in environments away from
adult temptation. He advocated for more child like environments such as schools
catering to the student s ages like kindergarten, middle school and high school. He
also indicated that extracurricular activities such sports were a great thing for children.
[First Name] Holt had somewhat of a
Media Coverage Affects The Nfl Players Essay
While 70% of the NFL players having African American descent, there s a
difference between journalist and sports reporters, with 80% of the radio and TV
broadcasters being White and 9% being Black. These articles, The Experience of
Media and Race in the National Football League An Existential Phenomenological
Study (Fisher 2008), Depicting the Quarterback in Black and White: A Content
Analysis of College and Professional Football Broadcast Commentary (Billings
2004), and Race and ethnicity in U.S. sports media (Davis Harris 1998) examined
the connections between Black NFL players and experienced media reporters. The
data was recorded and studied, and main themes were acknowledged. The athletes
report themes of: (1) the players view of how media coverage affects the NFL
players, (2) the players perceptions of media personnel, and (3) the athletes
perception of black quarterbacks. The study of the experienced media reporters
meetings uncovers three major themes: (1) perceptions of how the media cover the
NFL, (2) interrelationships with NFL players, and (3) playing quarterback in the
NFL. Introduction As these first couple of weeks of the NFL regular season start
up, Reporters and Journalists look out into the grand fields, where professional
football players make their living. The black athletes, like most players in the league,
are always looking
So This Is Nibraska
So this is Nebraska is a poem by Ted Kooser in the postmodern age. The poem had
been written in present tense, probably to emphasize the current state of rural
Nebraska, which is a small village in America.
The poem describes a Sunday afternoon in July in Nebraska and this is mentioned in
the third stanza of the poem all the other descriptive language in the poem is used to
explain this setting.
The very first paragraph is a compound complex sentence. The purpose of this is to
slow the pace of the poem. In the first line the gravel road rides, the road is being
personified, further description of telephone lines is given to create the image of a
long monotones. A visual image below of dust and redwing blackbirds exposes the
reader to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Tactile imagery is used with the phrase squeezing the air, this immediately makes the
reader identify with the environment and feel like he/she is there in Nebraska. In the
4th line of this stanza anthropomorphism has been used because the meadowlarks are
waiting and the author had given them human qualities. The word waiting suggests
that it is very still and silent in Nebraska.
The fourth stanza talks about a shelterbelt of cedars and a visual image is used here
to make the trees seem big and protected. An auditory image is used to describe the
staring up of the engine of the pick up truck.
The 5th stanza the phrase you feel has been repeated several times to elaborate the
feeling that the u in the poem is yearning to feel which is laid back and care free.
The 5th stanza also suggests that the u in the poem wants to fit into the environment.
The phrase tires go flat implies silence and lack of movement. The 5th stanza is also
one big long compound complex, which runs into the next stanza to slow the pace
and contribute to this feeling of silence. The tone of this stanza is laid back
suggesting that the u in the poem wants to be off card and calm. The 6th stanza starts
with an onomatopoeic word clucking to describe the various sounds in the
environment. The narrator says that the u in the poem feels like holding a skinny old
man in his/her lap... Waiting for someone to wave to.

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A Separate Peace Essay Topics. A Separate Peace Study Guide Questions And Ans...A Separate Peace Essay Topics. A Separate Peace Study Guide Questions And Ans...
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The Depth of Diction in Richard Hayden’s Those
Winter Sundays
When reading a poem it is important to understand that the chosen diction possesses
more depth beyond what is literally meant. Information hidden beneath metaphorical
verses serves to not only give insight into the writers thinking process, but also to
communicate with readers. Richard Hayden s, Those Winter Sundays, serves as a
poetic narrative describing the actions taken by a father to ensure his family s well
being. Hayden s modern sonnetgenerates multiple concepts of love, sacrifice and
regret which assist the reader in understanding the limitless capacity of someone s
devotion and the recipients of this affection lack of gratitude. The title of any given
work of literature is always significant to the author s meaning and intent of the
work. Hayden meticulously inserts an emotional symbolism in the title of the poem
which already opens the reader s eyes to the incoming melodramatic nostalgic mood
of the poem. Reading the title as a whole, one will assume that because the words are
in past tenseform, the work will have a reminiscent feel to it. Nevertheless, when the
words are broken down and analyzed individually, more information about its
meaning can be derived. Firstly, the wordthose from the title serves a dual purpose.
On one level, those illustrates distance which will possibly allude to the speakers
distance with his father during childhood. Secondly, being that the word is pluralized,
the use of those in the title also suggests something that is
Words Will Break Cement The Passion Of Pussy Riot
Section 1: Thesis:Masha Gessen, in her book Words will break cement: the
passion of Pussy Riot, follows the women of the band, Pussy Riot during their
prison sentence. Their crime? Protesting the disapproval of LGBT exposure,
freedom of speech and feminist culture through the punk rock voice. Their backlash
depicted the inevitable protest of the Russian oppressive rule and brought forth the
divide between artistic expression and the Putin administration. Prologue: IK 14: In
this chapter, the author, Masha Gessen is visiting Pussy Riot member, Nadya in a
penal colony in Russia, known as IK 14. Nadya has been imprisoned in this colony
for one year and has another year to follow, in order to serve out her sentence. The
prologue goes into extensive
Conformity In The Age Of Innocence
Edith Wharton s The Age of Innocence can be interpreted in a variety of ways; it is
both an analysis of a prelapsarian aristocracy and a narrative recounting a man s
struggle to balance passion with moral conformity. Under a sociological lens, the
motif of innocence within The Age of Innocence can be used to explore the conflict
of interests between New York high society and an individualist ideology in the
midst of social change. The novel begins with a joint description of the protagonist,
Newland Archer, and 19th century New York haut monde. Society is governed by
the dictates of form and convention, in which all things considered unpleasant are
avoided at all costs, and the precepts of decorum and appearances are strictly adhered
to. The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
To Archer, she symbolizes disintegration of tradition and lack of stability. At the
same time, she offers honesty and genuine emotion to a culture sorely lacking in
these qualities (Davis 2). She provides Archer with a new and intriguing view of
the world outside of his social sphere, drawing him away from the moral and social
dictates to which he has so closely complied. Through her, he sees the incongruities
in New York society and becomes increasingly disenchanted with his lot in life. He
realizes that, in reality, they all lived in a kind of hieroglyphic world, where the
real thing was never said or done or even thought, but only represented by a set of
arbitrary signs (Wharton 38). He finds the ambiguity and hypocrisy prevalent
among the elite especially repulsing, spurring him into seeking another way of life,
one that does not esteem shallow affability over authenticity, compliance over
individuality, and propriety over personal liberty. As a result, he creates his own
set of values and ideals centered on his growing love for Ellen Olenska. As they
discuss her growing reputation as an adulteress, he reveals to her his idea of the
perfect society. He exclaims, I want somehow to get away with you into a world
where words like that . . . won t exist. Where we shall be simply two human beings
who love each other . . . and nothing else on earth will matter. To which Ellen
promptly replies, Oh, my dear where is that country? Have you ever been there?
(Wharton 235). With one fell swoop, she has crushed Archer s naГЇve belief that true
love conquers all. She further reveals that the world outside of New York s social
bubble is one of duplicity and harsh realities, for which Archer is completely
unprepared. It thus becomes apparent that Archer is the most innocent character of all;
Monica Ferrell s Of The Irresoubleness Of Diamonds
Monica Ferrell s, Of the Irresoubleness of Diamonds, Harmless, As Recalled by a
Fairy Tale, Gerburt des Monicakinds, and Beautiful Funeral each employ four
different grammatical issues such as attributive adjectives, finite verb strings, non
finite verb strings, active voice and the known new contract throughout her poems.
By incorporating these grammatical issues into her work, Ferrell intends to
develop a clear and sharp image to ignite the imagination of her readers. The poems
Of the Irresoubleness of Diamonds, Harmless, As Recalled by a Fairy Tale, Gerburt
des Monicakinds and Anatomy were written by poet and novelist Monica Ferrell.
Ferrell s poems are raphsodic she uses pathos to convey her emotions related... Show
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Active voice describes the sentences where the action or verb is occurring from the
subject. Furthermore, there are three examples of Ferrell as she uses several
examples of active voice throughout her poems. Ferrell begins her poem, Harmless
as Recalled by a Fairy Tale by recalling , After our rendez vous this is the last word
he said, waving to me as the train pulled away from the station (1 2), in this
sentence the active voice she is conveying is through the word waving. In this
sentence the subject is the train and the action being done is waving. In another
example of her poem of, Harmless as Recalled by a Fairy Tale , she vindicates,
Hunting out clues, I went over the roses and snows of his departed face like a
treasure map, over ( 15 16), in this sentence the word she uses to convey active
voice is through the word hunting. In this sentence she describes how as she was
departed from her lover, her world had come crashing down and sets out a
mysterious tone for the poem. In addition to the example of an active voice is in
her poem Gerburt des Monica kinds when she asserts, I was the actor who forgets
his lines and enters on stage suddenly wanting to stay, I am ( 5 6), the author is
conveying active

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Color Of Water Essay. The Color of Water: A Story Told by James McBride - Fre...
Color Of Water Essay. The Color of Water: A Story Told by James McBride - Fre...Color Of Water Essay. The Color of Water: A Story Told by James McBride - Fre...
Color Of Water Essay. The Color of Water: A Story Told by James McBride - Fre...

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Managing Emotions Free Essay Example. ️ Essay about thoughts and feelings. Feelings and Emotions: The Essay .... Emotional Intelligence Essay | PDF | Emotional Intelligence | Leadership. 022 Essay Example About Feeling And Emotions Vocabulary For Writing .... Emotions relationships essay - eyeofthedaygdc.web.fc2.com. How to Do Things with Emotions | Princeton University Press. 019 Essay About Feeling And Emotions Feelings Vocab Wheel ~ Thatsnotus. Basic Emotions Essay. Reflective Essay | Feeling | Emotions. Emotional Intelligence Essay Example for Free - 795 Words | EssayPay. Scholarship essay: Essays on emotions. Essay Writing Skills, English Writing Skills, Book Writing Tips .... Emotions relationships essay. Emotional Intelligence Essay | Essay on Emotional Intelligence for .... Emotions are the feelings aroused in a human - Free Essay Example .... Pin by Miranda McBride on resources | Emotions, Words, Writing tips.

Virtual Schooling Is A Viable Entity For Educating Students
Virtual Schooling is a viable entity for educating students ranging from kindergarten
to graduate school. The benefits of virtual schooling are continuously being realized
as additional avenues for educating students. Additionally, having virtual schooling as
a choice, rather than a requirement for all classes, enables educational institutions to
maintain and, in some cases, increase their retention and graduation rates. Recent
trends in school reporting data supporting the benefits of virtual schooling prove that
educating students through distance learning can provide significant benefits,
including to those students that learn in a traditional setting. In Michigan, online
learning is increasing at an incredible rate. In 2015, over... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Today, online learning is used in the K 12 setting to provide courses the local
school is unable to offer, to benefit student scheduling, and to help learners with
specific needs, including accelerated learners as well as those who don t thrive in
traditional classes. As virtual schooling increases and access to technology grows,
the areas of need that it addresses continue to expand.. There are several key steps
that must be addressed in order for successful virtual schooling to take place: Be
realistic about technology. Outdated computer labs are not going to support virtual
schooling. Technology has to be up to date in order to support the online learner,
including computers and internet service. Programs will not be able to run on
computers with outdated browsers. Even if you have to bring in two to four updated
computers, that will at least give you a start. Prepare the students. Offer an
orientation on online learning skills. Virtual schooling requires a different type of
skill set than traditional classrooms. This includes comfort with the needed
technology as well as soft skills such as time management, independence, and self
motivation. Students who lack or have never been introduced to this skill set will not
be successful in an online learning platform. Provide opportunities for collaboration.
Just because students are learning online doesn t mean they have to miss out on class
discussion and collaboration with peers. Courses must be
Miss Fozzard in Alan Bennett s Talking Heads Essay
Miss Fozzard in Alan Bennett s Talking Heads
The video, Talking Heads Two was made in 1998. It is a collection of six dramatic
monologues by various different actors, each one telling their own story. Bennett
wrote a series of monologues in 1988 for BBC 2 at a time when they were having
financial difficulties. Monologues were chosen as they only required a few actors
and cameramen. They were successful and Bennett decided to write a second series
of monologues, the one which I am going to study is called Miss Fozzard finds her
feet and I will be discussing how Alan Bennett creates her character and how her
story is told.
The monologues were written for, and shown on television. The use of ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
The title Miss Fozzard finds her feet lets the audience guess at what might happen in
the monologue. The use of the pun finds her feet tells us two things about the story
she is going to tell. Firstly, that Miss Fozzard has to find a new chiropodist to look
after her feet when her old chiropodist Mr Suddaby moves away. Secondly, before
this monologue was written, Miss Fozzard seems to have a fairly uneventful life,
now however, she seems to have plenty of stories to tell the audience. By the end of
the monologue she seems to have an eventful and fulfilling life. So in other words
she has Found her feet in life and chiropody.
Also in the title there is humour. The name Miss Fozzard suggests humour and a
character whose traits suggest they are rather ditzy and slow to catch on which is
true in Miss Fozzard s case. For example when Bernard calls Miss Fozzard a cow
she doesn t realise he is insulting her. This type of humour is very tongue in cheek
as it is used in her name. Her name is a source of humour and she judges people by
their names. She repeats her name a lot in the monologue especially when someone
she respects says it in conversation.
In the opening section, Miss Fozzard s character is built up immediately with the
use of the phrase Bit of a bombshell today which introduces the war imagery which I
will later explain. Miss
Julia Agrippina s Role In The Julio-Claudian Dynasty
Julia Agrippina, most commonly referred to as Agrippina the Younger or Agrippina
Minor, played a notable role in the Julio Claudian dynasty and Roman imperial
politics. She wielded considerable authority in tradition, depicted as a woman of
political ascendancy, virtually in control of public affairs as wife of one emperor and
mother of another (Wife of Claudius). The term empress, often incorporated into
literature about Agrippina, has a misleading connotation. No such word existed in the
Latin language, and no woman publically or technically governed the affairs of Rome
(Ginsberg, 5). Nevertheless, the forceful personality, extensive influence, and
ambition that she exuded triggered a fascination for ancient writers and modern
scholars.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Tiberius, already suspected of playing a role in Germanicus s death, came to detest
the man s widow and children because he thought they were capable of plotting
against him. In the years after Germanicus s death, Agrippina the Elder worked
diligently to promote her sons as possible candidates for the emperorship
(Agrippina the Younger). In doing so, her relationship with the emperor declined
and in AD 29 Agrippina the Elder and her sons, excluding Caligula, were arrested
as conspirators and exiled to prison islands. By AD 33, Agrippina the Elder had
starved to death by her own resolved. All three of them died there (Agrippina the
Younger). In a move to reduce the family s potential threat and ability to make
alliances, Tiberius decided that Agrippina the Younger would marry the much older
Cnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus in AD 28 (The Woman Who Would Rule Rome).
Little is known concerning the early life of Agrippina the Younger or her marriage to
Cnaeus Domitus Ahenobarbus. The ancient writer Suetonius described him as a
wholly despicable character who was remarkably dishonest (The Twelve Caesars,
Nero, 5, 6). Suetonius even termed Ahenobarbus as detestable in every aspect of his
life (Suetonius. Nero. 5.1). Nonetheless, he was a wealthy man which meant that
Agrippina lived
Mahindra Mahindr Mahindra
Mahindra Mahindra: Rise
Mahindra Mahindra Ltd (M M) is an Indian multinational company which
manufactures automobiles of various kind. The company was founded in 1945 in
Ludhiana as Mahindra Mohammed by brothers K.C. Mahindra, J.C Mahindra and
Malik Ghulam Mohammed. Later the company changed its name to Mahindra
Mahindra in 1948 and is headquartered in Mumbai, India. It s segments of operation
are automotive, farm equipment, automotive components, information
technology(IT) and infrastructure sectors. In 2003, M M received Deming
Application prize from Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) in the
FES (Mahindra amp; Mahindra Ltd., 2015). In 2007 M M won Japan Quality Medal
in the FES for implementing Total Quality Management(TQM) in its entire business
W. Edwards Deming was born in 20th century who eventually became the father of
quality evolution. He designed 14 principles of quality management. These principles
were actualized by Japan and built up its economy in only 10 years (SkyMark
Corporation, 2016).
Deming Principle#1: Create Constancy of the Purpose
This concept explains how it is important to improve products and services
continuously in order to meet the requirements of the customer and their growing
needs (see Appendix for more information on the Deming s 14 points). To become a
leading pioneer in business, it requires continuous innovation and a competitive spirit.
The continuous and creative innovation is acquired by providing

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Essay on Book Reading - Value & Importance For Students. The Importance Of Reading Books Free Essay Example. Essay on Books | Books on Essay for Students and Children in English .... Essay on Books for Students & Children | Long & Short Books Essays. Book Essay Writing: Prompts on Good Topic and Free Examples. Essay on Books for Class6, Class7, Class8 School Children.

Athena In Homer s The Odyssey
In Homer s, The Odyssey, Athena emerges as a hero because of her continuous
guidance of Odysseus throughout his odyssey home. Not only did she plead to other
gods for their sympathy, ensuring Odysseus safe return home, but also changing
identities to help Odysseus make the right decision.
Athena, the greek goddess of Wisdom, the daughter of Zeus, the most powerful god
and of the Sky. She looked out for Odysseus throughout his journey home to Ithaca
from Troy. On his trip home, as told by fate, Odysseus lost all of his crew members
and barely made it home to his loyal wife, Penelope, who had been avoiding her
suitors who had infested her home for years now as they prayed for Odysseus to
never return home or for word of his death, and son, ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Odysseus s cunning thoughts that had allowed him to escape from the cyclops s
cave holding him and some of his crew members captive, but it was Odysseus s
egotistical self that revealed his true identity to Polyphemus as he sailed away and
resulted in almost drowning his ship and everyone aboard. After hardly escaping,
Polyphemus prayed to his father, Poseidon, the god of the seas, . . . hear me
Poseidon, god of the sea blue mane who rocks the earth! If I really am your son
and you claim to be my father come, grant that Odysseus, raider of cities, Laertes
son who makes his home in Ithaca, never reaches home. Or if he is fated to see his
people once again and reach his well built house and his own native country, let him
come home late and come a broken man all shipmates lost, alone in a stranger s ship
and let him find a world of pain at home! (Homer 228).
And Poseidon was already unquestionably set on getting revenge on Odysseus, but
now he had a new fire in his heart. Athena already had plead to gods in council to
assure Odysseus s life. (Homer 153) And saved him when he shipwrecked, per
Poseidon s storm, to Nausicaa s home (Homer 166). If Athena had not saved
Odysseus from the storm, he would ve died a broken
Penitus Rimor
A long time ago crabs used to walk straight and forward. They lived in an oasis by a
desert. They were happy there, they had all that they needed, food, water, shelter
and entertainment in a paradise. The oasis was sacred to Poseidon, and he blessed
them so they would never have any problems under the oasis boundaries. He did
also say that danger lurks out of the perimeters, and to never go outside at night. The
crabs were happy with life and listened to him, because why not? They had all that
they needed so they were peaceful. But one crabwas not happy. His name was
Penitus Rimor, which means great explorer in Latin. He was not happy with the
oasis. He wanted more adventure and more action. He wanted to go out and explore
the world. He was... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You must be wary. The path is very dangerous. He said. The oracle told him to
walk sideways across a narrow ledge to sneak behind the lion and stab him in the
nape of his neck. He gathered a small group of volunteers to help him carry the
supplies to the village. He told the people to wait at the cave opening, and not to
come into the cave no matter what. Penitus walked across the ledge exactly as the
oracle told him to, and snuck up behind the lion. He stabbed him in the neck and as
he was leaving the room, a deep voice rumbled behind him. You have disturbed me.
Penitus new who that voice was, and he stopped to listen. You have killed my
sacred animal and must suffer the consequences. he said, Now you must always
walk sideways as reminder of what you did. Penitus hung his head in sorrow. I am
sorry he said, I know I have done wrong and I accept my punishment. He scuttled
back to the kingdom to find out that everyone was walking normal. Poseidon has
blessed us the elder said, Our children may be cursed but not us. And every
generation of crabs now walk sideways. And to this day if you ever see a crab, it is
sure to be walking
Hebrew Wisdom Essay
Found in The Old Testament of the Holy Bible is a variety of teaching of Hebrew
wisdom. I find Proverbs and Ecclesiastes to lend much instruction to the subject of
diligence and laziness. The Hebrew teaching is quick to point out that diligence
leads to wisdom and laziness is folly. Choices in life and sinful behavior ends up in
disastrous circumstances. In the essence of (The Essence of the Old Testament)
Hebrew wisdom literature teaches us how to make good decisions in life, but also
how to make godly decisions. This essay will explore how the Hebrew wisdom
teaches the repercussions of living wise and diligent verses living lazy and excluding
The Bible offers an abundance of teachings that enlighten us to the value of
diligence verses the pitfalls of laziness. All too often we see people who are either
looking for an easy contribution or, a way to better their current circumstances.
The goal is to show and help the ones who have a sense of desire to contribute to
society and afford them the opportunity to prosper. Definition of diligence is
careful and continued hard work much like the Ant. Notice, none of them have
defined leaders, all of them live in colonies, have separation of labor, and collect and
store up food for those long days. They can also carry 10 50 times its weight.
Laziness is described as a person who is a slothful or indolent. (Proverbs 6:6 NSV)
teaches us Go to the ant, you lazy man! Observe its ways and become wise .
Wisdom is imparted to us
Business Ethics and Credit Cards
What ethical issues should the senior management team of our financial company
address relative to the marketing of credit cards to college aged consumers, and what
processes should senior management use to address those issues?
The increased use of credit cards among college aged students has become a concern
as credit card debt continues to grow. While credit card usage has its advantages, we
are concerned that credit card solicitors unfairly exploit inexperienced young adults
into adopting excessive spending habits when they may not understand the long term
implications of their credit card spending and payment practices. This paper will
investigate the ethical issues that the senior management team of your financial
company should ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Additionally, the law prohibits issuers from providing any tangible item as a gift to
induce enrollment (e.g. frisbees, t shirts, etc.); instead, companies bypass this
stipulation by offering online coupons or bonuses credited to accounts. Some banks
even evade the on campus marketing restriction by selling checking accounts, with
the intent of promoting a credit card to the student at a future time.
Many colleges and alumni groups have a stake in marketing to students. One would
like to think that colleges operate solely under the best interest of their students. For
the first time in U.S. history, student debt has surprised credit card debt; the amount
of outstanding student loans is expected to exceed $1 trillion in 2011, according to
the Project on Student Debt (Sourcebooks 2011). With the growth in number of
college applicants over the past decade, universities and colleges seem to be
capitalizing on market principles by charging what the market will bear. This brings
satisfaction to university presidents and leaders and allows for additional school
expenditures. Many students would not be able to afford their college expenses
without the use of student loans and credit cards.
In addition, many institutions negotiate deals with credit card companies to have
their school logo appear on the card. Prior to the Credit CARD Act, the terms of the
contracts were kept

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How To Write A Law Essay Like A Pro | CustomEssayMeister.com. How to Write a Law Essay Introduction (Law Lecturer's Guide ....

John Adams Research Paper Outline
Did you know John Adams that John Adams was the first president to live in the
white house? John Adams was the 2nd president of the united state. Some people
called him by his nickname Rotundity John Adams served two terms as George
Washington s vice president, a role he found boring.
Early life
Did you know that John Adams John Adams was born in October 30,1735. John
Adams grow up on a small farm where he enjoyed kites, hunting, marbles, books,
and toy boats and also as a child, he attended a small school and later went to harvard
university in 1751 1755. John adam was one of the founding fathers of the united
states. He grew up in an English colony of Massachusetts bay. As a John Adams
married Abigail on
CACHE Early Years Education And Care
CACHE Early Years Education and Care LEVEL 2 THEME 1: Introducing the role
of the early years practitioner Unit 1.3 Y/505/9283 Support physical care routines for
1.1 and 1.2: Physical care needs for children in relation to nappy changing, would
be keeping children clean and dry, by changing soiled nappies as soon as possible.
Making sure to wear an apron and gloves, use the right sized nappy and by using the
appropriate wipes and creams (if needed). Toilet training routine care needs would
be asking children to go to the toilet at regular intervals. Learning to wipe, clean
them selves up and to flush. Making sure they wash and dry their hands after use of
toilet. Washing and bath time care needs would be to make sure... Show more content
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Cover and boil at least for 10mins. It is best to remove equipment. Hygienic
practice for preparing formula feeds is to clean hands and all surfaces before
preparation. It is best to make up feeds just before use. Use fresh boiled water and
then leave to cool. Once cooled, use the exact amount of formula as instructed then
re assemble bottle. Shake bottle making sure everything well mixed. Holding under
tap or put in container cool formula to right feeding temperature. Always check
temperature of feed on the inside of wrist by squirting a few drops, before giving it to
baby. Always discard any left over feed after 2hours.
2.2: There are all varieties of formula milk, so they should be used in accordance to
the needs of each child, as certain children may need a different formula to another
child. Using the wrong formula, adding to much/little or not having the feed, at the
right temp can affect the health of babies. If the feed has been left or stored to long
it can cause the growth of bacteria. If the person or surrounding areas have not been
washed/cleaned thoroughly that can also cause bacteria growth, and bacteria transfer
onto sterilised equipment. If equipment has not been cleaned or sterilised properly
then that can also cause bacteria to grow and not be eliminated.
Unit 1.3 Y/505/9283 Support physical care routines for children
3.1: The role of an early years practitioner in relation to hand washing would be to
Sojourner Truth By Nell Irvin
Sojourner Truth is an ex slave and fiery abolitionist who dazzles listeners with her
wit and originality. She is straight talking and unsentimental, Truth became a national
symbol for strong black woman. Like Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass, she
is regarded as a radical of immense and enduring influence; however, she is more
remembered more for her myths than her personality. In the book, Sojourner TruthA
Life, A Symbol, the author Nell Irvin Painter, goes beyond the myths, words, and
photographs to uncover the life of a complex woman who was born into slaveryand
died a legend. Inspired by religion, Truth transforms herself from a domestic servant
named Isabella into a nomadic preacher named Sojourner. Her words of
empowerment have inspired black women and poor people of the world over to this
Through the combination of understanding and her scholarly attributes, Nell Painter
has managed to advance the fabled ideas about Sojourner Truth by uncovering her
complex slave life to her death as a legend in the history of black women. In this
book, Painter argues that Sojourner was inspired by religion, this is an inspiration to
the black women and the needy; her inspirational voice for the unfortunate black in
the South, women in the North though she spent a lot of her free life with the
middle class. Gradually Sojourner managed to lift her head beyond slavery, securing
respect for herself and utilizing the otherness of her skin color and race, becoming the
Analysis Of Taxi Driver
Written by Paul Schrader and directed by Martin Scorsese Taxi Driver is a movie
designed around a marine veteran, Travis, who becomes a taxi driver in New
York. He sets off to have a relationship like he sees all over town. However, Travis
is pretty bad about forming relationships even with coworkers which spill into a
relationship he tries to form and utterly fails. Besides being rejected he originally
seems like he is going down the wrong path, but the sequence of events changes and
he becomes a hero . Overall, this movie was created wonderfully and the amazing
acting performance from Robert De Niroas Travis really took this filmto another
level. The acting on top of the music and the background of the city throughout the
movie allows the viewer to feel like they are in the streets of New York with them.
One of the best scenes was when Travis went on a date with Betsy after taking her
to breakfast. For the date Travis decides to take her to an adult film playing at a
movie theater and she even says she doesn t like these types of movies. Travis
assures her the movie is good and during the movie Betsy leaves the theater telling
Travis how horrible it was. This is one of the first scenes that allow us to understand
something is not exactly right with Travis. This with the inability to sleep and being
a veteran leads the audience to believe he has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The
fact that Travis sees nothing wrong with the movie selection is a key part to

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Mindless Eating Analysis
As for mindless eating I believe this approach would be a novel. There are points
about making the decisions to using a bigger plate so you think you have eaten
more food then you did (Wansink, Just, Payne, 2009). I also think the way products
are packaged can cause people to overeat. I agree that our surroundings can cause us
to eat too much too. For example, if your in a restaurant that serves a certain amount
of foodand items on a plate. That is all a person would eat. Now if you go to a
carnival where they have concession stands everywhere and each one has different
food items, you may find yourself buying a lot of food, eatingit, and after all the food
is not good for you. I also believe the size of a container would determine
Theravada Buddhism Compare And Contrast
Comparing and Contrasting Theravada Buddhism and Socially Engaged Buddhism
Introduction: Buddhism is a very intricate and fascinating major religion of the world.
There are many parts and parts and practices that make Buddhism complex. The root
of the Buddhist religion favors to the traditions and practices that surround the
enlightened one known as the Buddha. Although Buddhism is a very hard religion to
comprehend, it can be split into three main categories, Theravada, Mahayana and
Vajrayana. This paper will go into Theravada Buddhism and how it correlates and
differentiates with socially engaged Buddhism. The Theravada tradition preserves a
wide variety of meditation techniques for cultivating the mind, derived from the early
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With socially engaged Buddhism, you can take parts of Theravada Buddhism and
the suffering in your personal life while being able to be socially engaged in
society, and also worry about others sufferings in the real world. Socially engaged
Buddhism originated from those wanting a voice towards corrupt governments. This
Practice shows that you can have a say in a peaceful manner. (Although there have
been instances where socially engaged Buddhism and governments have not always
been peaceful). Either way, peaceful or not, there has always been some sort of
social change. That is the main lesson those should take away from socially engaged
Buddhism. With the power of religion (Buddhism), and taking away other lessons
from the other main branches, such as Theravada, important social can come through
the power of those who practice religion and that is the lesson we should take
What Is The Cause Of San Francisco
that caused many people to die and things to get destroyed or damaged changed a
lot of things in people s lives. By:Jia Yong Sun, AIMS sixth grader On April 18,
1906, a powerful, destructive earthquake and decimating fire crept up on the
inhabitants of San Francisco, causing many injuries and deaths. At 5:13 a.m., when
most people were not even conscious from their sleep, a tremor spread throughout
San Francisco. It startled people and caused many to panic. Since the first tremor
caused a lot of shock andpanic, the aftershock was even more intense. The quaking
began as crowds gathered around bulletin boards to read the latest telegraphic
dispatches from San Francisco.
The Travelling Salesman Problem
Travelling Salesman Problem
A salesman is required to visit all the cities with a known distance between every
two cities keeping in mind that the cities have to be visited once. The problem facing
the salesman is to determine the shortest possible route the salesman has to use to
visit the towns just once and goes back to the original city.
The Travelling Salesman Problem first statement was made by a Viennese
mathematician Karl Menger. It brought a connection and relation with the definition
of the curve length proposed by Menger that stated that the stretch of a curves
distance can be defined as the lower limit upper bound of the groups of all numbers
that can be contained by taking each group of points of the curve and producing the
shortest length of the polygonal graph. This problem is called the messenger problem.
The Travelling Salesman Problem can be stated as where a network has n cities or
nodes, and one of the nodes (node 1) is the origin and the cost of travelling which
include the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
No one has come up with the efficient way of coming up with the solution to large
size problems as the NP complete problems are much intractable.
The exact methods provide an exact optimal solution to the problem. One of the ways
of solving the Travelling Salesman Problem is simply taking all the available and
feasible solutions and evaluating their function values and selecting the best out of
the solutions. The process might be inefficient, impractical and time consuming due
to a large number of a possible solution that applies to the problem. Travelling
Salesman Problem focuses on getting the heuristically good solution to the problem
within a short period.
The solution to the problem can be obtained by carrying numerous trials in the given
cities less than their

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##thodontics And Dentofacial Orthopaedics
The present (in vivo) study was carried out in the Department of Orthodontics and
Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Faculty of Dental Sciences, King George s Medical
University, Lucknow (U.P.), India; in association with C.I.P.E.T (Central Institute of
Plastics and Engineering Technology), Lucknow (U.P.), India to evaluate and
compare the effect of intraoral environment on the properties of different alignment
wires retrieved from the patients mouth(72 arches) after initial alignment (4 months) .
Selection criteria of subjects were as follows: Inclusion criteria: 1.Upper and lower
fixed orthodontic treatment required. 2.Had not undergone orthodontic fixed
appliance therapy before. 3.The patient between 12 ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The constant stress allows the design of orthodontic archwires that generate the
continuous and biomechanical forces that are communicated through the brackets for
the leveling and alignment stages of tooth movement. Cu NiTi or Thermoelastic NiTi
(Group III) thermally activated nickel titanium has transition temperature close to the
level of body temperature(Rohit Sachdeva, 19944). An 0.014 inch(Type III, 35вЃ° Cu
NiTi) round wire is used for this study(Fig.3).The martensitic active alloy employs
the thermoelastic effect to achieve shape memory. Copper NiTi generates a more
constant force over a long activation span, is more resistant to permanent
deformation and exhibit excellent springback characteristics. Graded
thermodynamic NiTi(Group IV) 0.016 x 0.022 inch rectangular arch wire is chosen
for the study (Fig.4).A graded thermodynamic wire is a superelastic shape memory
nickel titanium wire that provides gradually increasing forces from anterior to
posterior segment, all within one arch wire. Therefore, graded thermodynamic wire
can be deflected or activated in such a way that it will produce significantly lower
forces when deflecting it in the area that engages relatively small anterior teeth, while
it will gradually increase the force moving from the anterior to the posterior segment
of the wire(Kuftinec and StomD,20085). Hence, Group
Theory of Errors and Least Squares Adjustment
Theory of Errors and Least Squares Adjustment Huaan Fan ISBN 91 7170 200 8
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Division of Geodesy and Geoinformatics
100 44 Stockholm Sweden August 2010 Theory of Errors and Least Squares
Adjustment Huaan Fan, PhD Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Division of
Geodesy and Geoinformatics Teknikringen 72, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden Phone:
+46 8 7907340 Fax: +46 8 7907343 E mail: hfan@kth.se URL: http:/
/www.infra.kth.se/impgg With 22 illustrations and 49 numerical examples ISBN 91
7170 200 8 Copyright c 1997 by Huaan Fan All Rights Reserved Geodesy Report
No. 2015 TRITA GEOFOTO 1997:21 Printed by Universitetsservice AB, Drottning
Kristinas väg 53 B, Stockholm October 1997, August 1998, August 1999, May...
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . 1 3 3 4 6 8 8 10 13 14 17 17 18 21 22 25 25 30 31 34 38 43 44 44 46 47 49
49 57 59 61 63 63 65 66 71 71 73 75 79 79 83 86 86 91 2 Condition Adjustment 2.1
Condition Adjustment with Linear Condition Equations . 2.1.1 Basic Formulas . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 A Posteriori Unit Weight Standard Error . . . . . 2.1.3
Variance Covariance Matrices of Adjusted Results 2.2 Condition Equations . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Number of Condition Equations . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.2 Linear
Correlation of Condition Equations . . . . . 2.2.3 Linearization of Non Linear
Condition Equations . 2.3 Condition Adjustment in Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1
KrГјger Condition Adjustment in Groups . . . . . s 2.3.2 Sequential Condition
Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Condition Adjustment with Unknowns . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4.1 Basic Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.2 Special Cases . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Building Loyalty, Quality, And High Quality Entertainment
Building Loyalty
Everyone bought into the vision, says Rodney. Most importantly, we got the crew
to sell the product. We taught them to anticipate the guests needs and to take pride
in the product. The Crystal Harmony entered service in July 1990 and immediately
the accolades began to acknowledge their success. We put out an incredibly good
product right from the beginning, says Sbarsky with great service, excellent food,
and high quality entertainment. In 1991 Crystal was awarded a 5+ star rating; in
1993 Crystal was voted Best Large Ship Cruise Line by CondГ© Nast Traveler; and
in 1996 voted World s Best by Travel + Leisure.
While the industry awards were important, the management knew Crystal s success
would come from the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One woman booked three cruises right away, say Sbarsky and within a year, Crystal
was sailing on average with forty percent repeaters. Rodney, like everyone in the
industry, soon realized Crystal was achieving a phenomenal repeater business. The
Crystal Society (the repeaters group) was critical to the success, says Sbarsky.
Early Challenges
The start up however was not without its challenges. The original plan had
anticipated that the Crystal Harmony would sail between the Orient and Alaska, but
due to political troubles, the Asian cruises were replaced with European cruises
beginning in 1991. Then, weeks after Crystal s first cruise the Gulf War began in the
Middle East. Global tensions forced Crystal to substitute New England/Canada
cruises for the originally planned Mediterranean trips. However, by far, the biggest
challenge came just sixty nine days into business when the Crystal Harmony
suffered an auxiliary engine room fire. As the damaged ship proceeded at slow speed
without air conditioning towards Panama, Art Rodney heard the news after a long
distance flight to Japan for meetings with NYK. Thirty minutes later, he was on his
way back to the United States. When the ship reached port, Rodney and his team
meet with the passengers, handing out full refunds and future cruise discounts while
three chartered planes were waiting to take the passengers home. Crystal won praise
for its response to the crisis, so much so that,
Gothic Story Essay
I will not tell you Of my name Nor the reason I am here I only tell you I am
watching, And that I am near X I send you these instructions As desire for some
revenge So do not fly When I tell you this Kill orphans Or you die X As the
carriage stopped beneath the archway, Elizabeth Cockles jumped out and looked
around her. Above her head was a tall archway of trees that edged the pathway to
the house. As she got closer, Elizabeth realised that mansion was a more correct
way to describe it. Once one got nearer, the archway opened up until one could see
the whole front of the house in a somehow eerie way. Around the windows grew ivy
and creepers, twisting their way up to the roof in a claw like fashion. The windows...
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Auntie Cockles gave Elizabeth a grand welcome, and sat her down by the kitchen
fire and told her all the latest news of the orphanage. What interested Elizabeth
most was the appearance of a new housemistress, and the disappearance of four
girls her age in the six months after Miss Samuels arrival. And now dear, it is time
for bed. Charlotte will show you up to your dormitory, won t you Charlotte? smiled
Auntie Cockles, before giving Charlotte such a stare, that she at once stood up and
began to lead the way. During the next weeks, Elizabeth was plagued by the
memories of her aunt s face as she spoke of the missing girls, and told her friends
of her suspicions, and they told her that the cellar was supposedly haunted, and
dared her to go down and talk to the ghost, or whatever was down there. Not being
one to ever back out of a dare, Elizabeth took her candle and crept down to the cellar
that night. As she opened the door, a horrible smell met her nostrils, and she recoiled
from the stench, and, breathing through her mouth, quietly stepped from step to step.
As she reached the bottom, the flame from her candle illuminated the stinking cellar.
At first, she could not make out anything, but as her eyes became accustomed to the
dark, she found four bodies, all wrapped up in cloth except the feet. Those feet were
enough to put almost anyone off, but as Elizabeth could not see them properly, she
ignored them, and with what was either immense

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Lab Report On Bacterial Growth
Abstract This experiment is about bacterial growth. We will demonstrate a
bacterial growth curve using a closed system. Bacterial growth usually takes up to
12 24 hours to get an accurate result so we will be monitoring this growth between
two classes. We also used different methods to determine bacterial growth as well as
a few different calculations. One way of receiving data is by using a
spectrophotometer where we will record the absorption at a given time to create the
bacterial growthcurve. We also used the plate count method after performing a serial
dilution to calculate the actual cell density at different times given. By using this
method we can count the population number of the same given and see the maximum
cell density... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The lag phase is when the organisms are first place into a new medium and will
take time to get used the their new environment. During this phase, organisms will
grow in size but cannot replicate. The next phase is the log phase. In this phase
cells are dividing and growing at a very fast rate. DNA replication begins in this
phase as well as their metabolic rate starts to increase rapidly. (Bacterial Growth
Curve) Cells divide by binary fission. The organisms will eventually reach maximum
growth and start to level off beginning the next phase, the stationary phase. In this
phase, the bacterial population will start to slow down and stop dividing because the
nutrients needed for them to grow are being used up. The pH and temperatures start
to shift making the environment and unfavorable one and the accumulation of waste
and toxic metabolites the growth starts to die off, transitioning into the last and final
stage. (Bacterial Growth Curve) The death phase is when there is longer any
nutrients to grow and to much waste has built up along with toxic materials, killing
the cells. However, some organisms can withstand this environment and begin to
produce endospores. (Bacterial Growth Curve) A few different factors that affect
bacterial growth are the availability of resources and nutrients, temperature and pH.
(Act For Libraries) stated in the above paragraph, once the resources and nutrients are
The Reader, By Bernhard Schlink, And Was Later
The Reader is a romantic drama text written by Bernhard Schlink, and was later
developed into a film directed by Stephen Daltry. At the beginning of the film, the
audience is introduced to a young, sick boy who is struggling to get home in the
pouring rain. In this scene, Michael is introduced to Hanna Schmitz, a middle aged
womanwho helps him back to his home. Michael recalls, When rescue came, it was
almost an assault. The woman seized my arm and pulled me through the dark
entryway into the courtyard (4). Hanna is quite cold towards Michael, and as he
continues to pursue her throughout the story, their interactions form a unique
dynamic. In The Reader, both the author and director make the audiencesympathize
with the main... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Michael is falling in love with Hanna, but it appears as though she is using him for
sexual favors and attention. Michael becomes so infatuated, he says, She came
home at noon, and I cut my last class every day so as to be waiting for her on the
landing outside her apartment (32). The audience is shown that Michael s
relationship with Hanna is beginning to take a negative toll on him, and he is
oblivious to it. Here, it seems like Michael is blind to the rest of the world and can
only see Hanna. He is losing his innocence, and instead of being at school learning
and socializing with his peers, he is cutting class to have sexual encounters with a
middle aged woman. This is frustrating to the audience, as they wish to be able to
guide him and correct his poor decision making.
Michael develops a routine with Hanna. One early morning when Hanna is working,
Michael wakes up and makes his way to the streetcar that she works on. Michael
finds the streetcar that Hanna is working on, but she ignores him. This fuels an
argument between the two characters. Michael admits that Hanna treated him poorly
when he says, I sat down on the sofa. She had treated me badly and I had wanted to
call her on it. But I hadn t got through to her. Instead, she was the one who d attacked
me (48). The relationship that Hanna has encouraged with Michael
Essay On Charmaine And Stan
No matter what problems come up in someone s life, it is important to remember to
stay focused. To help stay focused Troy Bolton from High School Musical says,
You gotta keep your head in the game. Focusing on a relationship comes along with
appreciating one another, caring for one another, and loving one another. Charmaine
and Stan are a strong couple that do not live in stable conditions. Charmaine is a
determined but very gullible woman who decides what is best for the both of their
lives together. A T.V. advertisement struck her eyes and immediately convinced her
that the dystopian society is where they need to be. With Stan not leaving her side,
together they start a new life in Consilience, and Charmaine was living a successful
life there until her love with Stan is put to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
An event that comes up in someone s life affects their relationship with others. The
couple, now starting their new and improved lives in Consilience excites Charmaine
and Stan. Charmaine is open minded and ecstatic about everything Consilience has to
offer. The beginning of their time together is getting used to everything and
experiencing the first for everything. Charmaine s excitement exceeds Stan s,
Charmaine can t get over it; she s so happy she s warbling (53). Charmaine shows
much more enthusiasm towards having a better life than their car, in which they
lived in before. In this case the changes that occur to Charmaine and Stan s
relationship strengthen them personally, but as a couple start to tear them apart.
Charmaine is putting all her attention and energy toward their new lifestyle instead of
investing time and energy into her relationship and how it can grow with their new
lives. The beginning of their fresh life consisted a lot of new beginnings and
traditions, which goes along with Charmaine not able to stay consistent with her
hmying rhythms. Charmaine s warbling symbolizes the inconsistency of their new
life at the
Vice Presidential Debates
Olesya Tipikina
October, 9th, 2016
Vice Presidential Debate
I was not able to watch the debate the day it took place, however I did watch the
entire debate online a few days after. It has been extremely difficult for me to watch
this debate as well as the presidential debates focusing solely on their speaking styles,
without paying much attention to the content that they are speaking about. It was
also difficult to understand both candidates in some places, for they continuously
talked over one another! Kain seemed to have more thought out answers. At one
point Pence even asked, Did you work on that one a long time? Cause that had a lot
of really creative lines in it. They both used lots of personal examples throughout the
debate. For

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Garmin Primary Customer
In determining who the customer is there is a lot of additional work that I needs to be
determined before making this assumption. In my present role I currently handle four
different segments of the business therefore there are different primary customers. A
primary customer to the outdoor handheld GPS world would be anyone wants to
explorer the outdoors while having a situational awareness. A secondary customer
would be multiple layers of the business and consumer base. This would include
customers, managements, investors, engineers, marketingprofessionals and
executives. Another segment of the business that I work with is the dog tracking and
training individual. The primary customer in this segment if quite different in
comparison to the outdoor GPS handheld segment. The primary customer for the dog
business would be an individual that is interested in combining electronics and
training equipment to better train and track a dog s behavior.... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Garmin provides value to each one of the segments of business that they cater to. This
value is created by giving customers superior made products, easy to use interfaces,
industry leading technology and unique features. Another way that the customer
offers value to the customer is by providing ongoing training in regards to the
products that they produce. This allows the customer to continually learn more about
the products in which they have and how to get the most out of them. Within Garmin
s existing structure it plays to the strengths of the company s values. By having the
correct staffing and technology within the building we can react quickly and provide
the customer an experience quickly and
The Negro Digs Up His Past Essay
I analyzed the ideological connection between Arthur Schomburg s essay, The
Negro Digs up His Past and an excerpt from W.E.B. Du Bois s The Souls of Black
Folk. Both essays depict the struggles African Americans faced, but also attempt to
inspire African Americans to see beyond their struggles and establish their
identities in America. Both essays begin by stating the issues that African
Americans are facing at that time. Du Bois reflects on the way people viewed
African Americans as problems and how that affected one s own self awareness,
regardless of what they previously thought. Constantly feeling like a problem and
constantly being reminded of it elicits a lack of self worth. Du Bois says, That sky
was bluest when I could beat my mates at examination time, or beat them at a foot
race, or even beat their stingy heads. Alas, with the years all this fine contempt
began to fade; for the worlds I longed for, and all their dazzling... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Both come together to fulfill goals set in Defining Black Identity in 21st Century
America by Ewauare Osayande. The first two motivate and inspire African Americans
to be proud of themselves, how far they have come, and the effort they have taken
into pioneering society. The main objective Osayande wants to convey is to establish
an identity while resisting dehumanization and power against them (Osayande 6). Du
Bois s essay describes the feeling of a double consciousness (Du Bois 11). This helps
establish the unique identity that Osayande wanted to accomplish. One can mix
together the African culture with the American culture and create something unique.
Schomburg s idea of revisiting history and what ancestors experienced will also help
accomplish that goal. His essay discusses the immensely appreciated initiative taken
in the past that serves as a prideful accomplishment to help African Americans realize
their potential
Historical Analysis Of Of Beowulf s Poem, Beowulf, Sir...
The study of British literature is an incredible journey that begins with battles
against Anglo Saxon monsters and takes us on a journey to a time where writers
try to tackle modern problems. Along the way we come across characters such as
Beowulf, Sir Gawain, King Arthur and other legends who remain a vital part of
popular culture. History offers us a variety of heroes and legends that we can read
and learn about. The historical poem of Beowulf not only reveals to us the
importance cultural values of the warrior society, but also the importance of
literature. The warrior culture at this time reflects the values of the society of the
6th century. There are a couple of key features of Beowulf s characterization that
reflect what was important in Anglo Saxon society. For example. Beowulf comes
across as arrogant and bigheaded, but Anglo Saxon society valued the daring and
confident young man who was proud of his actions and could use his past
experiences and journeys to motivate himself toward future success. Our modern
world leans towards modesty rather than arrogance. Anglo Saxon society also
believed in a concept of revenge that resulted in a vicious cycle. If someone killed
one of your men, you were obligated to avenge their death, but then that group
could come back and avenge that death and so on. This is shown in Beowulf by the
killing of Grendel and then Grendel s mother seeking revenge. The only reason this
cycle was broken is because there wasn t anyone else to
Research Paper On Hercules
The oldest tower is the Tower of Hercules. This is not the towers Native name. This
towers first name was Torre de Hercules. This tower is in Corunna, Galicia, Spain.
This tower is 180 feet tall. This tower is an ancient Roman lighthouse and it is on a
peninsula about 1.5 miles from the centre of A Coruna, Galicia, in the north
western Spain. Until the 20th Century, but this tower itself was know as the Farum
Brigantium. The word Farum is a Latin word and it is derived from the Greek
pharaohs for the Lighthouse of Alexandria. This tower overlooks the North Atlantic
coast of Spain. This tower is 1900 years old and it was restored in 1791. This is the
oldest Roman lighthouse in use today. This Tower of Hercules is a National
Monument of Spain,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 1788 the original tower which was only 112 feet, which was only 3 stories high,
was giving a neoclassical restoration, including a new 69 foot 4th Story. The
restoration was undertaken by a naval engineer Eustaquio Gianini during the reign of
Charles. When the Roman Empire fell, this lighthouse was the only thing left. Some
Legends of the Tower of Hercules is it all begins with Breogan, the mythical founder
of the Galician Nation. There are sereral versions of the legend, highlighted in the
19th century. It was at this time that characters like Vercingetorix, Arminus, or
Boadicea and Viriathus are rediscovered. The rise of the Europeans Nationalists of
that time did much to rediscover those now who transformed into hero characters, but
have not been completely honest with the true history of the peoples concerned. The
Tower of Hercules has served as a lighthouse and landmark at the entrance of La
Coruna harbour in the north western Spain since the laste 1st century A.D. when the
Romans built the Farum Brigantium. The people who built the tower was Eustaquio
Gianni , Gauis Sevius

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Essays On Heroes

  • 1. Essays On Heroes Writing an essay on the topic of "Essays on Heroes" can be both challenging and intriguing. On one hand, the concept of heroes is subjective, as individuals may perceive heroism differently based on their values, cultures, and personal experiences. This subjectivity adds a layer of complexity to the task, as one must navigate through various perspectives to create a well- rounded and comprehensive essay. Furthermore, the definition of a hero has evolved over time and varies across different societies. Traditional heroic figures from mythology and literature may differ significantly from modern- day heroes, including everyday individuals who exhibit acts of courage, selflessness, or leadership. Addressing this evolution and the diversity of hero archetypes requires careful research and consideration. Crafting a compelling essay on heroes also involves delving into the psychological and societal aspects that contribute to the creation of heroes. Analyzing the impact of culture, media, and historical context on the perception of heroism adds depth to the exploration. Additionally, incorporating real-life examples and case studies can provide a tangible connection between theoretical concepts and the practical manifestations of heroism. However, amidst the challenges, the process of writing an essay on heroes offers an opportunity for introspection and exploration of one's own values and beliefs. It requires a delicate balance of critical analysis, empathy, and creativity to present a well-rounded and engaging perspective on the topic. In conclusion, tackling the subject of "Essays on Heroes" demands careful consideration of the diverse nature of heroism, historical and cultural contexts, and the evolving definition of heroes. It's a task that not only requires research and analytical skills but also an understanding of the human experience and the factors that shape our perception of heroism. And if you find yourself needing assistance with this or similar essays, a resource like HelpWriting.net can provide support and guidance, offering a platform where you can order essays and access a wealth of information on various topics. Essays On Heroes Essays On Heroes
  • 2. Disobedience Wrong Disobedience is a valuable human trait, it promotes progress in society, and social correctness. It is one of the most basic and powerful tools for adaption and evolution mankind has ever possessed. Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it. (Leo Tolstoy, A Confession). If those that believe they are right do not put their opinions out there, or fight for what they believe in, the wrong majority shall never change. If no one questions what they are taught, nothing changes, and if they are wrong they shall never know. Change for better or worse is not for the weak it is for the brave, and those who disobey the natural order are the ones who make change and bring the normalcy of any situation into question. Right is
  • 3. Queer Culture Has Long Been K.d. Lang, Ellen Degeneres,... The faces of Queer Culture has long been K.D. Lang, Ellen Degeneres, and Elton John. While these icons represent the queer community in that they are gay individuals, they are not wholly representative of the community because there is no one queer story. However, these icons all have cisgender, white privilege which results in a great dearth of representation for transgender, non binary, and people of color in the media. Another issue with queer representation in the media is the differentiation between genderexpression and sexual orientation. Gender expression associated with masculinity such as short hair, loose clothing, and rough materials such as denim when worn by a woman is seen as a demarcation of alternative sexualities. However, those assumptions neglect to recognize the diversity of gender expression. Gender expression among heterosexuals varies greatly with some men presenting as metrosexual and some women presenting as tomboys. Similarly, this type of variation exists within the LGBTQ+ community as members can range from femme to butch to androgynous. Portia de Rossi would be a classic example of a femme lesbian in terms of her long hair and frequent wearing of dresses. Often times these feminine lesbians, if they are portrayed at all, are often used to attract male audiences. However, Orange is the New Black challenges these conventions through the genres of Sophia Burset, Piper Chapman, and Big Boo. Sophia Burset breaks the cisgender, white
  • 4. Essay on Egyptian, Babylonian, And Hebrew Religions Egyptian, Babylonian, and Hebrew Religions Egyptians, Babylonians, and Hebrews have similarities yet also differences in their religions. The importance is not in the similarities as much as it is in the differences that distinguish the cultures from each other and their views on life. I would like to point out each civilization s creation and flood story. By analyzing these stories we can come to a better understanding of their world views. The Hebrew creation story from the book of Genesis is one that most people know well. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. The earth was without form and void. God said, quot;let there be light, quot; and there was light. He then separated the light from the darkness. He also ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Thus the physical universe was created. People were created from Ra s tears. Time passed and Ra grew frail, so the ungrateful race of men plotted against Ra. When Ra learned of this he called the gods together. The gods decided that mankind must be destroyed. Tens of thousands of men were killed until only a few were left. Then Ra relented and man was spared. Nevertheless Ra was sick of the world and retreated into the heavens, leaving Shu to reign in his place. At that time the present world was established. The Babylonians have their own interpretation of the beginning. All things came from the water. From the mixture of sweet water, Aspu, with salt water, Tiamat, the gods arose. Aspu and Tiamat gave birth to a pair of gigantic serpents, Lakhmu and Lakhamu. These two serpents produced Anshar and Kishar, the heavens and the earth. Anshar and Kishar then conceived Anu, Enlil, and Ea. Aspu and Tiamat grew angry because the younger gods were noisy. So, they decided to destroy the new gods. Ea, the all knowing, learned of this plan and used his magic to capture Apsu. Tiamat became furious and created and army of gods and monsters to punish Ea and the others. Marduk was asked to stand against Tiamat and her army. Marduk promised to defeat Tiamat if he was given supremacy over the gods. Marduk defeated Tiamat and her army. While he was cutting up Tiamat s body he used half her body and created the dome of the heavens. With the other half he made the earth. Then to
  • 5. What Does The Yellow Symbolize In The Great Gatsby Laura Emberson Mr. Carroll English Comp II Literary Analysis Final Copy 16 April 2015 Symbolism in The Great Gatsby Symbolism prevails above all other things throughout F. Scott Fitzgerald s, The Great Gatsby. The author s use of symbolism creates many themes throughout the story. Some of the main themes recognized throughout the story are those regarding lies and deceit, marriage, money, religion, and isolation. The symbols creating these themes are represented with colors. The author uses color throughout the story to symbolize deceit, innocence, envy, lifelessness, and sadness. The color yellow is used to symbolize deceit. Gatsby s yellow car is used to represent his deceiving life. He wants everyone to perceive him as a well off, impressive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The color gray is used to describe the desolate valley of ashes, which then makes anyone or anything else associated with the color gray lifeless as well. George Wilson is described as being covered in ashen dust along with everything else in the valley of ashes which suggests that he has lost hope in his marriage with Myrtle and is depressed as a result. More than once, it is suggested that Dr. TJ Eckelburg s eyes are the all seeing eyes of God. The association of Eckelburg to God may lead readers to associate the valley of ashes to a place such as purgatory, where lifeless, hopeless souls remain under the eyes of God, hoping to one day be freed. The religious references made in the book obviously suggest that one of the themes is religion or perhaps the lack of it. The only mention of God is in reference to eyes on a billboard, which suggests that maybe the obsession with wealth and fortune has surpassed the importance of
  • 6. Macromolecules In Research Polymer is a compound consisting of long chain molecules, each molecule made up of repeating unit connected together by a covalent bond. Most polymers are based on carbon and are therefore considered organic chemicals. Groover (2011) suggests that ?the word polymer is derived from Greek, poly and meros, meaning many and parts, respectively. Some scientists prefer to use the word macromolecules or large molecules, instead of polymer?. The polymers are created by connecting many small molecules forms together to make molecules are large. The small units are called monomers. The atoms in molecules use covalent bond to connect together; and these atoms are connected a polymer is considered to be the links of the chain. Carraher (2010) states
  • 7. Algebra Research Paper Algebra is the bridge between basic and complex math; it ties together basic arithmetic with complex formulas and proofs. The first time I encountered algebra was in 7th grade after learning about graphing equations. Our curriculum is set up so that our minds learn what they have to first so that when special maths such as Algebra. A person must first master the basic tools of mathematics before they go into learning algebra. Perhaps what makes algebra so special is the fact that it can be used along side any other math. It is never impossible to incomplete Algebra when problem solving. Algebra first began in ancient Egypt and Babylon people first began solving linear equations. Babylonians solved arbitrary quadratic equations by
  • 8. Character Analysis Of Farley Drexel Hatcher And Fudge SuperfudgeKyler Brisk Judy BlumePeriod 8B 178 #1 CHARACTER IDENTIFICATION Farley Drexel Hatcher or Fudge is the protagonist character. He is both a funny and naughty boy who is always causing trouble. He is a very curious boy. He was shoving crackers in his mouth and laughing like a loon. (1, Peter) Peter Hatcher is Fudge s older brother. He doesn t like Fudge to hangout with him and thinks he is annoying. You re the biggest pain ever invented! (2, Peter) Tamara Roxanne Hatcher or Tootsie is Peter and Fudge s baby sister who cries a lot. Uncle Feather is Peter and Fudge s pet myna bird that is very annoying and can say hello in French. Bonjour. (3, Uncle Feather) Warren Hatcher is Peter Fudge and Tootsie s... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Why did Peter want to run away? His mom was having a baby 2.At the end of school party what did Peter drink? Island Punch 3.Where does the family move? Princeton, New Jersey 4.What is the name of Peter s friend in New York? Jimmy 5.What is the name of Peter s friend in Princeton? Alex 6.What does Fudge nickname his teacher? Rat Face 7.What does Fudge name his pet bird? Uncle Feather 8.What did Frank name his painting? Anita s Anger 9.What did Peter get on Christmas? Gift Certificate 10.What is Fudge s favorite author? Brian Tumpkin 11.What is Tootsie s first word? Yuck 12.What do Peter and Alex sell? Worms 13.What does Daniel not like on his bread? Crust 14.What language can Uncle Feather say hello? French 15.What kind of bird is Uncle Feather? Myna Bird 16.Who is Peter and Alex s teacher? Mrs. Muldour 17.What is Peter s favorite drink? Island Punch 18.What is Fudge s real name? Farley Drexel 19.What is Tootsie s real name? Tamara Roxanne 20.Who does Fudge describe to Brian Tumpkin? Mr. Green 21.What does Fudge want to be for Halloween? Ghost 22.What kind of food does Warren like to cook? Chinese 23.Where are the Hatchers from? New York City 24.Who runs away with Fudge? Daniel 25.Where are the brownies from? The
  • 9. Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps Scholarship Application From the beginning of my junior year, I came across the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps website and I decided to apply for the scholarship program. I analyzed every single information on the internet and took every part of the application process seriously, after all, this commitment affects a considerable amount of my future. I continued to research more about the Navy and prepared for the physical assessment test by running a few miles every day and beating my previous push up and sit up records. A few months later, after I had enough courage and hope, I excitedly sat down with my whole familyand friends to discuss my plan. As I explained through the process, I cannot forget the anxious faces across the table; my parents were very uncertain
  • 10. Changes From The Progressive Era Some of the most important changes from the Progressive Era were the Savers ability to expand the role of the state. Public health increased which decreased infant mortality, playgrounds were made for children to play in, and better school systems were established leading to better educations (Mintz, 2004, p.173). The reduction in infant mortality was due to cleaner living quarters and other health safeguards such as pasteurized milk that was safer to drink (Mintz, 2004, p.176). School systems today still separate childreninto their respective age groups as to not expose children to things before they are ready. During the Progressive Era, Children s Court was also established. This was an important development because it gave children ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Over the past few decades many scientific advancements have led to the reform of childrearing practices and the modern concept of adolescence. Three men, Charles Darwin, G. Stanley Hall and Dr. Holt [what is Dr. Holt s first name? put that], made some of the most crucial scientific advancements in this area. Studies by these three men led to child rearing advice and drastically changed the way children were viewed. After having a son of his own, Charles Darwin began to observe and study his child. He examined whether behavior was learned or instinctual. He thought that children needed to have freedom and express themselves. He helped society understand that the minds, attitudes and emotions of children need to slowly be shaped overtime, they are not naturally instilled at birth. G. Stanley Hall was another great contributor to the advancements in the child rearing reformation. In 1880, Hall conducted a set of experiments on 400 Boston school children. Results of his study showed that children have minimal basic knowledge like being able to identify body parts. In 1904, Hall wrote a book stating that children were growing up too fast and needed to be in environments away from adult temptation. He advocated for more child like environments such as schools catering to the student s ages like kindergarten, middle school and high school. He also indicated that extracurricular activities such sports were a great thing for children. [First Name] Holt had somewhat of a
  • 11. Media Coverage Affects The Nfl Players Essay While 70% of the NFL players having African American descent, there s a difference between journalist and sports reporters, with 80% of the radio and TV broadcasters being White and 9% being Black. These articles, The Experience of Media and Race in the National Football League An Existential Phenomenological Study (Fisher 2008), Depicting the Quarterback in Black and White: A Content Analysis of College and Professional Football Broadcast Commentary (Billings 2004), and Race and ethnicity in U.S. sports media (Davis Harris 1998) examined the connections between Black NFL players and experienced media reporters. The data was recorded and studied, and main themes were acknowledged. The athletes report themes of: (1) the players view of how media coverage affects the NFL players, (2) the players perceptions of media personnel, and (3) the athletes perception of black quarterbacks. The study of the experienced media reporters meetings uncovers three major themes: (1) perceptions of how the media cover the NFL, (2) interrelationships with NFL players, and (3) playing quarterback in the NFL. Introduction As these first couple of weeks of the NFL regular season start up, Reporters and Journalists look out into the grand fields, where professional football players make their living. The black athletes, like most players in the league, are always looking
  • 12. So This Is Nibraska So this is Nebraska is a poem by Ted Kooser in the postmodern age. The poem had been written in present tense, probably to emphasize the current state of rural Nebraska, which is a small village in America. The poem describes a Sunday afternoon in July in Nebraska and this is mentioned in the third stanza of the poem all the other descriptive language in the poem is used to explain this setting. The very first paragraph is a compound complex sentence. The purpose of this is to slow the pace of the poem. In the first line the gravel road rides, the road is being personified, further description of telephone lines is given to create the image of a long monotones. A visual image below of dust and redwing blackbirds exposes the reader to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Tactile imagery is used with the phrase squeezing the air, this immediately makes the reader identify with the environment and feel like he/she is there in Nebraska. In the 4th line of this stanza anthropomorphism has been used because the meadowlarks are waiting and the author had given them human qualities. The word waiting suggests that it is very still and silent in Nebraska. The fourth stanza talks about a shelterbelt of cedars and a visual image is used here to make the trees seem big and protected. An auditory image is used to describe the staring up of the engine of the pick up truck. The 5th stanza the phrase you feel has been repeated several times to elaborate the feeling that the u in the poem is yearning to feel which is laid back and care free. The 5th stanza also suggests that the u in the poem wants to fit into the environment. The phrase tires go flat implies silence and lack of movement. The 5th stanza is also one big long compound complex, which runs into the next stanza to slow the pace and contribute to this feeling of silence. The tone of this stanza is laid back suggesting that the u in the poem wants to be off card and calm. The 6th stanza starts with an onomatopoeic word clucking to describe the various sounds in the environment. The narrator says that the u in the poem feels like holding a skinny old man in his/her lap... Waiting for someone to wave to.
  • 13. The Depth of Diction in Richard Hayden’s Those Winter Sundays When reading a poem it is important to understand that the chosen diction possesses more depth beyond what is literally meant. Information hidden beneath metaphorical verses serves to not only give insight into the writers thinking process, but also to communicate with readers. Richard Hayden s, Those Winter Sundays, serves as a poetic narrative describing the actions taken by a father to ensure his family s well being. Hayden s modern sonnetgenerates multiple concepts of love, sacrifice and regret which assist the reader in understanding the limitless capacity of someone s devotion and the recipients of this affection lack of gratitude. The title of any given work of literature is always significant to the author s meaning and intent of the work. Hayden meticulously inserts an emotional symbolism in the title of the poem which already opens the reader s eyes to the incoming melodramatic nostalgic mood of the poem. Reading the title as a whole, one will assume that because the words are in past tenseform, the work will have a reminiscent feel to it. Nevertheless, when the words are broken down and analyzed individually, more information about its meaning can be derived. Firstly, the wordthose from the title serves a dual purpose. On one level, those illustrates distance which will possibly allude to the speakers distance with his father during childhood. Secondly, being that the word is pluralized, the use of those in the title also suggests something that is
  • 14. Words Will Break Cement The Passion Of Pussy Riot Analysis Section 1: Thesis:Masha Gessen, in her book Words will break cement: the passion of Pussy Riot, follows the women of the band, Pussy Riot during their prison sentence. Their crime? Protesting the disapproval of LGBT exposure, freedom of speech and feminist culture through the punk rock voice. Their backlash depicted the inevitable protest of the Russian oppressive rule and brought forth the divide between artistic expression and the Putin administration. Prologue: IK 14: In this chapter, the author, Masha Gessen is visiting Pussy Riot member, Nadya in a penal colony in Russia, known as IK 14. Nadya has been imprisoned in this colony for one year and has another year to follow, in order to serve out her sentence. The prologue goes into extensive
  • 15. Conformity In The Age Of Innocence Edith Wharton s The Age of Innocence can be interpreted in a variety of ways; it is both an analysis of a prelapsarian aristocracy and a narrative recounting a man s struggle to balance passion with moral conformity. Under a sociological lens, the motif of innocence within The Age of Innocence can be used to explore the conflict of interests between New York high society and an individualist ideology in the midst of social change. The novel begins with a joint description of the protagonist, Newland Archer, and 19th century New York haut monde. Society is governed by the dictates of form and convention, in which all things considered unpleasant are avoided at all costs, and the precepts of decorum and appearances are strictly adhered to. The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To Archer, she symbolizes disintegration of tradition and lack of stability. At the same time, she offers honesty and genuine emotion to a culture sorely lacking in these qualities (Davis 2). She provides Archer with a new and intriguing view of the world outside of his social sphere, drawing him away from the moral and social dictates to which he has so closely complied. Through her, he sees the incongruities in New York society and becomes increasingly disenchanted with his lot in life. He realizes that, in reality, they all lived in a kind of hieroglyphic world, where the real thing was never said or done or even thought, but only represented by a set of arbitrary signs (Wharton 38). He finds the ambiguity and hypocrisy prevalent among the elite especially repulsing, spurring him into seeking another way of life, one that does not esteem shallow affability over authenticity, compliance over individuality, and propriety over personal liberty. As a result, he creates his own set of values and ideals centered on his growing love for Ellen Olenska. As they discuss her growing reputation as an adulteress, he reveals to her his idea of the perfect society. He exclaims, I want somehow to get away with you into a world where words like that . . . won t exist. Where we shall be simply two human beings who love each other . . . and nothing else on earth will matter. To which Ellen promptly replies, Oh, my dear where is that country? Have you ever been there? (Wharton 235). With one fell swoop, she has crushed Archer s naГЇve belief that true love conquers all. She further reveals that the world outside of New York s social bubble is one of duplicity and harsh realities, for which Archer is completely unprepared. It thus becomes apparent that Archer is the most innocent character of all; everyone
  • 16. Monica Ferrell s Of The Irresoubleness Of Diamonds Monica Ferrell s, Of the Irresoubleness of Diamonds, Harmless, As Recalled by a Fairy Tale, Gerburt des Monicakinds, and Beautiful Funeral each employ four different grammatical issues such as attributive adjectives, finite verb strings, non finite verb strings, active voice and the known new contract throughout her poems. By incorporating these grammatical issues into her work, Ferrell intends to develop a clear and sharp image to ignite the imagination of her readers. The poems Of the Irresoubleness of Diamonds, Harmless, As Recalled by a Fairy Tale, Gerburt des Monicakinds and Anatomy were written by poet and novelist Monica Ferrell. Ferrell s poems are raphsodic she uses pathos to convey her emotions related... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Active voice describes the sentences where the action or verb is occurring from the subject. Furthermore, there are three examples of Ferrell as she uses several examples of active voice throughout her poems. Ferrell begins her poem, Harmless as Recalled by a Fairy Tale by recalling , After our rendez vous this is the last word he said, waving to me as the train pulled away from the station (1 2), in this sentence the active voice she is conveying is through the word waving. In this sentence the subject is the train and the action being done is waving. In another example of her poem of, Harmless as Recalled by a Fairy Tale , she vindicates, Hunting out clues, I went over the roses and snows of his departed face like a treasure map, over ( 15 16), in this sentence the word she uses to convey active voice is through the word hunting. In this sentence she describes how as she was departed from her lover, her world had come crashing down and sets out a mysterious tone for the poem. In addition to the example of an active voice is in her poem Gerburt des Monica kinds when she asserts, I was the actor who forgets his lines and enters on stage suddenly wanting to stay, I am ( 5 6), the author is conveying active
  • 17. Virtual Schooling Is A Viable Entity For Educating Students Virtual Schooling is a viable entity for educating students ranging from kindergarten to graduate school. The benefits of virtual schooling are continuously being realized as additional avenues for educating students. Additionally, having virtual schooling as a choice, rather than a requirement for all classes, enables educational institutions to maintain and, in some cases, increase their retention and graduation rates. Recent trends in school reporting data supporting the benefits of virtual schooling prove that educating students through distance learning can provide significant benefits, including to those students that learn in a traditional setting. In Michigan, online learning is increasing at an incredible rate. In 2015, over... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Today, online learning is used in the K 12 setting to provide courses the local school is unable to offer, to benefit student scheduling, and to help learners with specific needs, including accelerated learners as well as those who don t thrive in traditional classes. As virtual schooling increases and access to technology grows, the areas of need that it addresses continue to expand.. There are several key steps that must be addressed in order for successful virtual schooling to take place: Be realistic about technology. Outdated computer labs are not going to support virtual schooling. Technology has to be up to date in order to support the online learner, including computers and internet service. Programs will not be able to run on computers with outdated browsers. Even if you have to bring in two to four updated computers, that will at least give you a start. Prepare the students. Offer an orientation on online learning skills. Virtual schooling requires a different type of skill set than traditional classrooms. This includes comfort with the needed technology as well as soft skills such as time management, independence, and self motivation. Students who lack or have never been introduced to this skill set will not be successful in an online learning platform. Provide opportunities for collaboration. Just because students are learning online doesn t mean they have to miss out on class discussion and collaboration with peers. Courses must be
  • 18. Miss Fozzard in Alan Bennett s Talking Heads Essay Miss Fozzard in Alan Bennett s Talking Heads The video, Talking Heads Two was made in 1998. It is a collection of six dramatic monologues by various different actors, each one telling their own story. Bennett wrote a series of monologues in 1988 for BBC 2 at a time when they were having financial difficulties. Monologues were chosen as they only required a few actors and cameramen. They were successful and Bennett decided to write a second series of monologues, the one which I am going to study is called Miss Fozzard finds her feet and I will be discussing how Alan Bennett creates her character and how her story is told. The monologues were written for, and shown on television. The use of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The title Miss Fozzard finds her feet lets the audience guess at what might happen in the monologue. The use of the pun finds her feet tells us two things about the story she is going to tell. Firstly, that Miss Fozzard has to find a new chiropodist to look after her feet when her old chiropodist Mr Suddaby moves away. Secondly, before this monologue was written, Miss Fozzard seems to have a fairly uneventful life, now however, she seems to have plenty of stories to tell the audience. By the end of the monologue she seems to have an eventful and fulfilling life. So in other words she has Found her feet in life and chiropody. Also in the title there is humour. The name Miss Fozzard suggests humour and a character whose traits suggest they are rather ditzy and slow to catch on which is true in Miss Fozzard s case. For example when Bernard calls Miss Fozzard a cow she doesn t realise he is insulting her. This type of humour is very tongue in cheek as it is used in her name. Her name is a source of humour and she judges people by their names. She repeats her name a lot in the monologue especially when someone she respects says it in conversation. In the opening section, Miss Fozzard s character is built up immediately with the use of the phrase Bit of a bombshell today which introduces the war imagery which I will later explain. Miss
  • 19. Julia Agrippina s Role In The Julio-Claudian Dynasty Julia Agrippina, most commonly referred to as Agrippina the Younger or Agrippina Minor, played a notable role in the Julio Claudian dynasty and Roman imperial politics. She wielded considerable authority in tradition, depicted as a woman of political ascendancy, virtually in control of public affairs as wife of one emperor and mother of another (Wife of Claudius). The term empress, often incorporated into literature about Agrippina, has a misleading connotation. No such word existed in the Latin language, and no woman publically or technically governed the affairs of Rome (Ginsberg, 5). Nevertheless, the forceful personality, extensive influence, and ambition that she exuded triggered a fascination for ancient writers and modern scholars.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Tiberius, already suspected of playing a role in Germanicus s death, came to detest the man s widow and children because he thought they were capable of plotting against him. In the years after Germanicus s death, Agrippina the Elder worked diligently to promote her sons as possible candidates for the emperorship (Agrippina the Younger). In doing so, her relationship with the emperor declined and in AD 29 Agrippina the Elder and her sons, excluding Caligula, were arrested as conspirators and exiled to prison islands. By AD 33, Agrippina the Elder had starved to death by her own resolved. All three of them died there (Agrippina the Younger). In a move to reduce the family s potential threat and ability to make alliances, Tiberius decided that Agrippina the Younger would marry the much older Cnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus in AD 28 (The Woman Who Would Rule Rome). Little is known concerning the early life of Agrippina the Younger or her marriage to Cnaeus Domitus Ahenobarbus. The ancient writer Suetonius described him as a wholly despicable character who was remarkably dishonest (The Twelve Caesars, Nero, 5, 6). Suetonius even termed Ahenobarbus as detestable in every aspect of his life (Suetonius. Nero. 5.1). Nonetheless, he was a wealthy man which meant that Agrippina lived
  • 20. Mahindra Mahindr Mahindra Mahindra Mahindra: Rise Mahindra Mahindra Ltd (M M) is an Indian multinational company which manufactures automobiles of various kind. The company was founded in 1945 in Ludhiana as Mahindra Mohammed by brothers K.C. Mahindra, J.C Mahindra and Malik Ghulam Mohammed. Later the company changed its name to Mahindra Mahindra in 1948 and is headquartered in Mumbai, India. It s segments of operation are automotive, farm equipment, automotive components, information technology(IT) and infrastructure sectors. In 2003, M M received Deming Application prize from Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) in the FES (Mahindra amp; Mahindra Ltd., 2015). In 2007 M M won Japan Quality Medal in the FES for implementing Total Quality Management(TQM) in its entire business operations. W. Edwards Deming was born in 20th century who eventually became the father of quality evolution. He designed 14 principles of quality management. These principles were actualized by Japan and built up its economy in only 10 years (SkyMark Corporation, 2016). Deming Principle#1: Create Constancy of the Purpose This concept explains how it is important to improve products and services continuously in order to meet the requirements of the customer and their growing needs (see Appendix for more information on the Deming s 14 points). To become a leading pioneer in business, it requires continuous innovation and a competitive spirit. The continuous and creative innovation is acquired by providing
  • 21. Athena In Homer s The Odyssey In Homer s, The Odyssey, Athena emerges as a hero because of her continuous guidance of Odysseus throughout his odyssey home. Not only did she plead to other gods for their sympathy, ensuring Odysseus safe return home, but also changing identities to help Odysseus make the right decision. Athena, the greek goddess of Wisdom, the daughter of Zeus, the most powerful god and of the Sky. She looked out for Odysseus throughout his journey home to Ithaca from Troy. On his trip home, as told by fate, Odysseus lost all of his crew members and barely made it home to his loyal wife, Penelope, who had been avoiding her suitors who had infested her home for years now as they prayed for Odysseus to never return home or for word of his death, and son, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Odysseus s cunning thoughts that had allowed him to escape from the cyclops s cave holding him and some of his crew members captive, but it was Odysseus s egotistical self that revealed his true identity to Polyphemus as he sailed away and resulted in almost drowning his ship and everyone aboard. After hardly escaping, Polyphemus prayed to his father, Poseidon, the god of the seas, . . . hear me Poseidon, god of the sea blue mane who rocks the earth! If I really am your son and you claim to be my father come, grant that Odysseus, raider of cities, Laertes son who makes his home in Ithaca, never reaches home. Or if he is fated to see his people once again and reach his well built house and his own native country, let him come home late and come a broken man all shipmates lost, alone in a stranger s ship and let him find a world of pain at home! (Homer 228). And Poseidon was already unquestionably set on getting revenge on Odysseus, but now he had a new fire in his heart. Athena already had plead to gods in council to assure Odysseus s life. (Homer 153) And saved him when he shipwrecked, per Poseidon s storm, to Nausicaa s home (Homer 166). If Athena had not saved Odysseus from the storm, he would ve died a broken
  • 22. Penitus Rimor A long time ago crabs used to walk straight and forward. They lived in an oasis by a desert. They were happy there, they had all that they needed, food, water, shelter and entertainment in a paradise. The oasis was sacred to Poseidon, and he blessed them so they would never have any problems under the oasis boundaries. He did also say that danger lurks out of the perimeters, and to never go outside at night. The crabs were happy with life and listened to him, because why not? They had all that they needed so they were peaceful. But one crabwas not happy. His name was Penitus Rimor, which means great explorer in Latin. He was not happy with the oasis. He wanted more adventure and more action. He wanted to go out and explore the world. He was... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You must be wary. The path is very dangerous. He said. The oracle told him to walk sideways across a narrow ledge to sneak behind the lion and stab him in the nape of his neck. He gathered a small group of volunteers to help him carry the supplies to the village. He told the people to wait at the cave opening, and not to come into the cave no matter what. Penitus walked across the ledge exactly as the oracle told him to, and snuck up behind the lion. He stabbed him in the neck and as he was leaving the room, a deep voice rumbled behind him. You have disturbed me. Penitus new who that voice was, and he stopped to listen. You have killed my sacred animal and must suffer the consequences. he said, Now you must always walk sideways as reminder of what you did. Penitus hung his head in sorrow. I am sorry he said, I know I have done wrong and I accept my punishment. He scuttled back to the kingdom to find out that everyone was walking normal. Poseidon has blessed us the elder said, Our children may be cursed but not us. And every generation of crabs now walk sideways. And to this day if you ever see a crab, it is sure to be walking
  • 23. Hebrew Wisdom Essay Found in The Old Testament of the Holy Bible is a variety of teaching of Hebrew wisdom. I find Proverbs and Ecclesiastes to lend much instruction to the subject of diligence and laziness. The Hebrew teaching is quick to point out that diligence leads to wisdom and laziness is folly. Choices in life and sinful behavior ends up in disastrous circumstances. In the essence of (The Essence of the Old Testament) Hebrew wisdom literature teaches us how to make good decisions in life, but also how to make godly decisions. This essay will explore how the Hebrew wisdom teaches the repercussions of living wise and diligent verses living lazy and excluding God. The Bible offers an abundance of teachings that enlighten us to the value of diligence verses the pitfalls of laziness. All too often we see people who are either looking for an easy contribution or, a way to better their current circumstances. The goal is to show and help the ones who have a sense of desire to contribute to society and afford them the opportunity to prosper. Definition of diligence is careful and continued hard work much like the Ant. Notice, none of them have defined leaders, all of them live in colonies, have separation of labor, and collect and store up food for those long days. They can also carry 10 50 times its weight. Laziness is described as a person who is a slothful or indolent. (Proverbs 6:6 NSV) teaches us Go to the ant, you lazy man! Observe its ways and become wise . Wisdom is imparted to us
  • 24. Business Ethics and Credit Cards What ethical issues should the senior management team of our financial company address relative to the marketing of credit cards to college aged consumers, and what processes should senior management use to address those issues? The increased use of credit cards among college aged students has become a concern as credit card debt continues to grow. While credit card usage has its advantages, we are concerned that credit card solicitors unfairly exploit inexperienced young adults into adopting excessive spending habits when they may not understand the long term implications of their credit card spending and payment practices. This paper will investigate the ethical issues that the senior management team of your financial company should ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Additionally, the law prohibits issuers from providing any tangible item as a gift to induce enrollment (e.g. frisbees, t shirts, etc.); instead, companies bypass this stipulation by offering online coupons or bonuses credited to accounts. Some banks even evade the on campus marketing restriction by selling checking accounts, with the intent of promoting a credit card to the student at a future time. Many colleges and alumni groups have a stake in marketing to students. One would like to think that colleges operate solely under the best interest of their students. For the first time in U.S. history, student debt has surprised credit card debt; the amount of outstanding student loans is expected to exceed $1 trillion in 2011, according to the Project on Student Debt (Sourcebooks 2011). With the growth in number of college applicants over the past decade, universities and colleges seem to be capitalizing on market principles by charging what the market will bear. This brings satisfaction to university presidents and leaders and allows for additional school expenditures. Many students would not be able to afford their college expenses without the use of student loans and credit cards. In addition, many institutions negotiate deals with credit card companies to have their school logo appear on the card. Prior to the Credit CARD Act, the terms of the contracts were kept
  • 25. John Adams Research Paper Outline Introduction Did you know John Adams that John Adams was the first president to live in the white house? John Adams was the 2nd president of the united state. Some people called him by his nickname Rotundity John Adams served two terms as George Washington s vice president, a role he found boring. Early life Did you know that John Adams John Adams was born in October 30,1735. John Adams grow up on a small farm where he enjoyed kites, hunting, marbles, books, and toy boats and also as a child, he attended a small school and later went to harvard university in 1751 1755. John adam was one of the founding fathers of the united states. He grew up in an English colony of Massachusetts bay. As a John Adams married Abigail on
  • 26. CACHE Early Years Education And Care CACHE Early Years Education and Care LEVEL 2 THEME 1: Introducing the role of the early years practitioner Unit 1.3 Y/505/9283 Support physical care routines for children 1.1 and 1.2: Physical care needs for children in relation to nappy changing, would be keeping children clean and dry, by changing soiled nappies as soon as possible. Making sure to wear an apron and gloves, use the right sized nappy and by using the appropriate wipes and creams (if needed). Toilet training routine care needs would be asking children to go to the toilet at regular intervals. Learning to wipe, clean them selves up and to flush. Making sure they wash and dry their hands after use of toilet. Washing and bath time care needs would be to make sure... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cover and boil at least for 10mins. It is best to remove equipment. Hygienic practice for preparing formula feeds is to clean hands and all surfaces before preparation. It is best to make up feeds just before use. Use fresh boiled water and then leave to cool. Once cooled, use the exact amount of formula as instructed then re assemble bottle. Shake bottle making sure everything well mixed. Holding under tap or put in container cool formula to right feeding temperature. Always check temperature of feed on the inside of wrist by squirting a few drops, before giving it to baby. Always discard any left over feed after 2hours. 2.2: There are all varieties of formula milk, so they should be used in accordance to the needs of each child, as certain children may need a different formula to another child. Using the wrong formula, adding to much/little or not having the feed, at the right temp can affect the health of babies. If the feed has been left or stored to long it can cause the growth of bacteria. If the person or surrounding areas have not been washed/cleaned thoroughly that can also cause bacteria growth, and bacteria transfer onto sterilised equipment. If equipment has not been cleaned or sterilised properly then that can also cause bacteria to grow and not be eliminated. Unit 1.3 Y/505/9283 Support physical care routines for children 3.1: The role of an early years practitioner in relation to hand washing would be to make
  • 27. Sojourner Truth By Nell Irvin Sojourner Truth is an ex slave and fiery abolitionist who dazzles listeners with her wit and originality. She is straight talking and unsentimental, Truth became a national symbol for strong black woman. Like Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass, she is regarded as a radical of immense and enduring influence; however, she is more remembered more for her myths than her personality. In the book, Sojourner TruthA Life, A Symbol, the author Nell Irvin Painter, goes beyond the myths, words, and photographs to uncover the life of a complex woman who was born into slaveryand died a legend. Inspired by religion, Truth transforms herself from a domestic servant named Isabella into a nomadic preacher named Sojourner. Her words of empowerment have inspired black women and poor people of the world over to this day. Through the combination of understanding and her scholarly attributes, Nell Painter has managed to advance the fabled ideas about Sojourner Truth by uncovering her complex slave life to her death as a legend in the history of black women. In this book, Painter argues that Sojourner was inspired by religion, this is an inspiration to the black women and the needy; her inspirational voice for the unfortunate black in the South, women in the North though she spent a lot of her free life with the middle class. Gradually Sojourner managed to lift her head beyond slavery, securing respect for herself and utilizing the otherness of her skin color and race, becoming the only
  • 28. Analysis Of Taxi Driver Written by Paul Schrader and directed by Martin Scorsese Taxi Driver is a movie designed around a marine veteran, Travis, who becomes a taxi driver in New York. He sets off to have a relationship like he sees all over town. However, Travis is pretty bad about forming relationships even with coworkers which spill into a relationship he tries to form and utterly fails. Besides being rejected he originally seems like he is going down the wrong path, but the sequence of events changes and he becomes a hero . Overall, this movie was created wonderfully and the amazing acting performance from Robert De Niroas Travis really took this filmto another level. The acting on top of the music and the background of the city throughout the movie allows the viewer to feel like they are in the streets of New York with them. One of the best scenes was when Travis went on a date with Betsy after taking her to breakfast. For the date Travis decides to take her to an adult film playing at a movie theater and she even says she doesn t like these types of movies. Travis assures her the movie is good and during the movie Betsy leaves the theater telling Travis how horrible it was. This is one of the first scenes that allow us to understand something is not exactly right with Travis. This with the inability to sleep and being a veteran leads the audience to believe he has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The fact that Travis sees nothing wrong with the movie selection is a key part to
  • 29. Mindless Eating Analysis As for mindless eating I believe this approach would be a novel. There are points about making the decisions to using a bigger plate so you think you have eaten more food then you did (Wansink, Just, Payne, 2009). I also think the way products are packaged can cause people to overeat. I agree that our surroundings can cause us to eat too much too. For example, if your in a restaurant that serves a certain amount of foodand items on a plate. That is all a person would eat. Now if you go to a carnival where they have concession stands everywhere and each one has different food items, you may find yourself buying a lot of food, eatingit, and after all the food is not good for you. I also believe the size of a container would determine
  • 30. Theravada Buddhism Compare And Contrast Comparing and Contrasting Theravada Buddhism and Socially Engaged Buddhism 00327444 Introduction: Buddhism is a very intricate and fascinating major religion of the world. There are many parts and parts and practices that make Buddhism complex. The root of the Buddhist religion favors to the traditions and practices that surround the enlightened one known as the Buddha. Although Buddhism is a very hard religion to comprehend, it can be split into three main categories, Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana. This paper will go into Theravada Buddhism and how it correlates and differentiates with socially engaged Buddhism. The Theravada tradition preserves a wide variety of meditation techniques for cultivating the mind, derived from the early ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With socially engaged Buddhism, you can take parts of Theravada Buddhism and the suffering in your personal life while being able to be socially engaged in society, and also worry about others sufferings in the real world. Socially engaged Buddhism originated from those wanting a voice towards corrupt governments. This Practice shows that you can have a say in a peaceful manner. (Although there have been instances where socially engaged Buddhism and governments have not always been peaceful). Either way, peaceful or not, there has always been some sort of social change. That is the main lesson those should take away from socially engaged Buddhism. With the power of religion (Buddhism), and taking away other lessons from the other main branches, such as Theravada, important social can come through the power of those who practice religion and that is the lesson we should take
  • 31. What Is The Cause Of San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO S DISASTROUS EARTHQUAKE AND FIRE An earthquake that caused many people to die and things to get destroyed or damaged changed a lot of things in people s lives. By:Jia Yong Sun, AIMS sixth grader On April 18, 1906, a powerful, destructive earthquake and decimating fire crept up on the inhabitants of San Francisco, causing many injuries and deaths. At 5:13 a.m., when most people were not even conscious from their sleep, a tremor spread throughout San Francisco. It startled people and caused many to panic. Since the first tremor caused a lot of shock andpanic, the aftershock was even more intense. The quaking began as crowds gathered around bulletin boards to read the latest telegraphic dispatches from San Francisco.
  • 32. The Travelling Salesman Problem Travelling Salesman Problem Institution Name Introduction A salesman is required to visit all the cities with a known distance between every two cities keeping in mind that the cities have to be visited once. The problem facing the salesman is to determine the shortest possible route the salesman has to use to visit the towns just once and goes back to the original city. The Travelling Salesman Problem first statement was made by a Viennese mathematician Karl Menger. It brought a connection and relation with the definition of the curve length proposed by Menger that stated that the stretch of a curves distance can be defined as the lower limit upper bound of the groups of all numbers that can be contained by taking each group of points of the curve and producing the shortest length of the polygonal graph. This problem is called the messenger problem. The Travelling Salesman Problem can be stated as where a network has n cities or nodes, and one of the nodes (node 1) is the origin and the cost of travelling which include the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... No one has come up with the efficient way of coming up with the solution to large size problems as the NP complete problems are much intractable. The exact methods provide an exact optimal solution to the problem. One of the ways of solving the Travelling Salesman Problem is simply taking all the available and feasible solutions and evaluating their function values and selecting the best out of the solutions. The process might be inefficient, impractical and time consuming due to a large number of a possible solution that applies to the problem. Travelling Salesman Problem focuses on getting the heuristically good solution to the problem within a short period. The solution to the problem can be obtained by carrying numerous trials in the given cities less than their
  • 33. ##thodontics And Dentofacial Orthopaedics The present (in vivo) study was carried out in the Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Faculty of Dental Sciences, King George s Medical University, Lucknow (U.P.), India; in association with C.I.P.E.T (Central Institute of Plastics and Engineering Technology), Lucknow (U.P.), India to evaluate and compare the effect of intraoral environment on the properties of different alignment wires retrieved from the patients mouth(72 arches) after initial alignment (4 months) . Selection criteria of subjects were as follows: Inclusion criteria: 1.Upper and lower fixed orthodontic treatment required. 2.Had not undergone orthodontic fixed appliance therapy before. 3.The patient between 12 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The constant stress allows the design of orthodontic archwires that generate the continuous and biomechanical forces that are communicated through the brackets for the leveling and alignment stages of tooth movement. Cu NiTi or Thermoelastic NiTi (Group III) thermally activated nickel titanium has transition temperature close to the level of body temperature(Rohit Sachdeva, 19944). An 0.014 inch(Type III, 35вЃ° Cu NiTi) round wire is used for this study(Fig.3).The martensitic active alloy employs the thermoelastic effect to achieve shape memory. Copper NiTi generates a more constant force over a long activation span, is more resistant to permanent deformation and exhibit excellent springback characteristics. Graded thermodynamic NiTi(Group IV) 0.016 x 0.022 inch rectangular arch wire is chosen for the study (Fig.4).A graded thermodynamic wire is a superelastic shape memory nickel titanium wire that provides gradually increasing forces from anterior to posterior segment, all within one arch wire. Therefore, graded thermodynamic wire can be deflected or activated in such a way that it will produce significantly lower forces when deflecting it in the area that engages relatively small anterior teeth, while it will gradually increase the force moving from the anterior to the posterior segment of the wire(Kuftinec and StomD,20085). Hence, Group
  • 34. Theory of Errors and Least Squares Adjustment Theory of Errors and Least Squares Adjustment Huaan Fan ISBN 91 7170 200 8 Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Division of Geodesy and Geoinformatics 100 44 Stockholm Sweden August 2010 Theory of Errors and Least Squares Adjustment Huaan Fan, PhD Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Division of Geodesy and Geoinformatics Teknikringen 72, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden Phone: +46 8 7907340 Fax: +46 8 7907343 E mail: hfan@kth.se URL: http:/ /www.infra.kth.se/impgg With 22 illustrations and 49 numerical examples ISBN 91 7170 200 8 Copyright c 1997 by Huaan Fan All Rights Reserved Geodesy Report No. 2015 TRITA GEOFOTO 1997:21 Printed by Universitetsservice AB, Drottning Kristinas vГ¤g 53 B, Stockholm October 1997, August 1998, August 1999, May... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 3 4 6 8 8 10 13 14 17 17 18 21 22 25 25 30 31 34 38 43 44 44 46 47 49 49 57 59 61 63 63 65 66 71 71 73 75 79 79 83 86 86 91 2 Condition Adjustment 2.1 Condition Adjustment with Linear Condition Equations . 2.1.1 Basic Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 A Posteriori Unit Weight Standard Error . . . . . 2.1.3 Variance Covariance Matrices of Adjusted Results 2.2 Condition Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Number of Condition Equations . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.2 Linear Correlation of Condition Equations . . . . . 2.2.3 Linearization of Non Linear Condition Equations . 2.3 Condition Adjustment in Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 KrГјger Condition Adjustment in Groups . . . . . s 2.3.2 Sequential Condition Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . 2.4 Condition Adjustment with Unknowns . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.1 Basic Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4.2 Special Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  • 35. Building Loyalty, Quality, And High Quality Entertainment Building Loyalty Everyone bought into the vision, says Rodney. Most importantly, we got the crew to sell the product. We taught them to anticipate the guests needs and to take pride in the product. The Crystal Harmony entered service in July 1990 and immediately the accolades began to acknowledge their success. We put out an incredibly good product right from the beginning, says Sbarsky with great service, excellent food, and high quality entertainment. In 1991 Crystal was awarded a 5+ star rating; in 1993 Crystal was voted Best Large Ship Cruise Line by CondГ© Nast Traveler; and in 1996 voted World s Best by Travel + Leisure. While the industry awards were important, the management knew Crystal s success would come from the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One woman booked three cruises right away, say Sbarsky and within a year, Crystal was sailing on average with forty percent repeaters. Rodney, like everyone in the industry, soon realized Crystal was achieving a phenomenal repeater business. The Crystal Society (the repeaters group) was critical to the success, says Sbarsky. Early Challenges The start up however was not without its challenges. The original plan had anticipated that the Crystal Harmony would sail between the Orient and Alaska, but due to political troubles, the Asian cruises were replaced with European cruises beginning in 1991. Then, weeks after Crystal s first cruise the Gulf War began in the Middle East. Global tensions forced Crystal to substitute New England/Canada cruises for the originally planned Mediterranean trips. However, by far, the biggest challenge came just sixty nine days into business when the Crystal Harmony suffered an auxiliary engine room fire. As the damaged ship proceeded at slow speed without air conditioning towards Panama, Art Rodney heard the news after a long distance flight to Japan for meetings with NYK. Thirty minutes later, he was on his way back to the United States. When the ship reached port, Rodney and his team meet with the passengers, handing out full refunds and future cruise discounts while three chartered planes were waiting to take the passengers home. Crystal won praise for its response to the crisis, so much so that,
  • 36. Gothic Story Essay I will not tell you Of my name Nor the reason I am here I only tell you I am watching, And that I am near X I send you these instructions As desire for some revenge So do not fly When I tell you this Kill orphans Or you die X As the carriage stopped beneath the archway, Elizabeth Cockles jumped out and looked around her. Above her head was a tall archway of trees that edged the pathway to the house. As she got closer, Elizabeth realised that mansion was a more correct way to describe it. Once one got nearer, the archway opened up until one could see the whole front of the house in a somehow eerie way. Around the windows grew ivy and creepers, twisting their way up to the roof in a claw like fashion. The windows... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Auntie Cockles gave Elizabeth a grand welcome, and sat her down by the kitchen fire and told her all the latest news of the orphanage. What interested Elizabeth most was the appearance of a new housemistress, and the disappearance of four girls her age in the six months after Miss Samuels arrival. And now dear, it is time for bed. Charlotte will show you up to your dormitory, won t you Charlotte? smiled Auntie Cockles, before giving Charlotte such a stare, that she at once stood up and began to lead the way. During the next weeks, Elizabeth was plagued by the memories of her aunt s face as she spoke of the missing girls, and told her friends of her suspicions, and they told her that the cellar was supposedly haunted, and dared her to go down and talk to the ghost, or whatever was down there. Not being one to ever back out of a dare, Elizabeth took her candle and crept down to the cellar that night. As she opened the door, a horrible smell met her nostrils, and she recoiled from the stench, and, breathing through her mouth, quietly stepped from step to step. As she reached the bottom, the flame from her candle illuminated the stinking cellar. At first, she could not make out anything, but as her eyes became accustomed to the dark, she found four bodies, all wrapped up in cloth except the feet. Those feet were enough to put almost anyone off, but as Elizabeth could not see them properly, she ignored them, and with what was either immense
  • 37. Lab Report On Bacterial Growth Abstract This experiment is about bacterial growth. We will demonstrate a bacterial growth curve using a closed system. Bacterial growth usually takes up to 12 24 hours to get an accurate result so we will be monitoring this growth between two classes. We also used different methods to determine bacterial growth as well as a few different calculations. One way of receiving data is by using a spectrophotometer where we will record the absorption at a given time to create the bacterial growthcurve. We also used the plate count method after performing a serial dilution to calculate the actual cell density at different times given. By using this method we can count the population number of the same given and see the maximum cell density... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The lag phase is when the organisms are first place into a new medium and will take time to get used the their new environment. During this phase, organisms will grow in size but cannot replicate. The next phase is the log phase. In this phase cells are dividing and growing at a very fast rate. DNA replication begins in this phase as well as their metabolic rate starts to increase rapidly. (Bacterial Growth Curve) Cells divide by binary fission. The organisms will eventually reach maximum growth and start to level off beginning the next phase, the stationary phase. In this phase, the bacterial population will start to slow down and stop dividing because the nutrients needed for them to grow are being used up. The pH and temperatures start to shift making the environment and unfavorable one and the accumulation of waste and toxic metabolites the growth starts to die off, transitioning into the last and final stage. (Bacterial Growth Curve) The death phase is when there is longer any nutrients to grow and to much waste has built up along with toxic materials, killing the cells. However, some organisms can withstand this environment and begin to produce endospores. (Bacterial Growth Curve) A few different factors that affect bacterial growth are the availability of resources and nutrients, temperature and pH. (Act For Libraries) stated in the above paragraph, once the resources and nutrients are
  • 38. The Reader, By Bernhard Schlink, And Was Later Developed... The Reader is a romantic drama text written by Bernhard Schlink, and was later developed into a film directed by Stephen Daltry. At the beginning of the film, the audience is introduced to a young, sick boy who is struggling to get home in the pouring rain. In this scene, Michael is introduced to Hanna Schmitz, a middle aged womanwho helps him back to his home. Michael recalls, When rescue came, it was almost an assault. The woman seized my arm and pulled me through the dark entryway into the courtyard (4). Hanna is quite cold towards Michael, and as he continues to pursue her throughout the story, their interactions form a unique dynamic. In The Reader, both the author and director make the audiencesympathize with the main... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Michael is falling in love with Hanna, but it appears as though she is using him for sexual favors and attention. Michael becomes so infatuated, he says, She came home at noon, and I cut my last class every day so as to be waiting for her on the landing outside her apartment (32). The audience is shown that Michael s relationship with Hanna is beginning to take a negative toll on him, and he is oblivious to it. Here, it seems like Michael is blind to the rest of the world and can only see Hanna. He is losing his innocence, and instead of being at school learning and socializing with his peers, he is cutting class to have sexual encounters with a middle aged woman. This is frustrating to the audience, as they wish to be able to guide him and correct his poor decision making. Michael develops a routine with Hanna. One early morning when Hanna is working, Michael wakes up and makes his way to the streetcar that she works on. Michael finds the streetcar that Hanna is working on, but she ignores him. This fuels an argument between the two characters. Michael admits that Hanna treated him poorly when he says, I sat down on the sofa. She had treated me badly and I had wanted to call her on it. But I hadn t got through to her. Instead, she was the one who d attacked me (48). The relationship that Hanna has encouraged with Michael
  • 39. Essay On Charmaine And Stan No matter what problems come up in someone s life, it is important to remember to stay focused. To help stay focused Troy Bolton from High School Musical says, You gotta keep your head in the game. Focusing on a relationship comes along with appreciating one another, caring for one another, and loving one another. Charmaine and Stan are a strong couple that do not live in stable conditions. Charmaine is a determined but very gullible woman who decides what is best for the both of their lives together. A T.V. advertisement struck her eyes and immediately convinced her that the dystopian society is where they need to be. With Stan not leaving her side, together they start a new life in Consilience, and Charmaine was living a successful life there until her love with Stan is put to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An event that comes up in someone s life affects their relationship with others. The couple, now starting their new and improved lives in Consilience excites Charmaine and Stan. Charmaine is open minded and ecstatic about everything Consilience has to offer. The beginning of their time together is getting used to everything and experiencing the first for everything. Charmaine s excitement exceeds Stan s, Charmaine can t get over it; she s so happy she s warbling (53). Charmaine shows much more enthusiasm towards having a better life than their car, in which they lived in before. In this case the changes that occur to Charmaine and Stan s relationship strengthen them personally, but as a couple start to tear them apart. Charmaine is putting all her attention and energy toward their new lifestyle instead of investing time and energy into her relationship and how it can grow with their new lives. The beginning of their fresh life consisted a lot of new beginnings and traditions, which goes along with Charmaine not able to stay consistent with her hmying rhythms. Charmaine s warbling symbolizes the inconsistency of their new life at the
  • 40. Vice Presidential Debates Olesya Tipikina October, 9th, 2016 Vice Presidential Debate I was not able to watch the debate the day it took place, however I did watch the entire debate online a few days after. It has been extremely difficult for me to watch this debate as well as the presidential debates focusing solely on their speaking styles, without paying much attention to the content that they are speaking about. It was also difficult to understand both candidates in some places, for they continuously talked over one another! Kain seemed to have more thought out answers. At one point Pence even asked, Did you work on that one a long time? Cause that had a lot of really creative lines in it. They both used lots of personal examples throughout the debate. For
  • 41. Garmin Primary Customer In determining who the customer is there is a lot of additional work that I needs to be determined before making this assumption. In my present role I currently handle four different segments of the business therefore there are different primary customers. A primary customer to the outdoor handheld GPS world would be anyone wants to explorer the outdoors while having a situational awareness. A secondary customer would be multiple layers of the business and consumer base. This would include customers, managements, investors, engineers, marketingprofessionals and executives. Another segment of the business that I work with is the dog tracking and training individual. The primary customer in this segment if quite different in comparison to the outdoor GPS handheld segment. The primary customer for the dog business would be an individual that is interested in combining electronics and training equipment to better train and track a dog s behavior.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Garmin provides value to each one of the segments of business that they cater to. This value is created by giving customers superior made products, easy to use interfaces, industry leading technology and unique features. Another way that the customer offers value to the customer is by providing ongoing training in regards to the products that they produce. This allows the customer to continually learn more about the products in which they have and how to get the most out of them. Within Garmin s existing structure it plays to the strengths of the company s values. By having the correct staffing and technology within the building we can react quickly and provide the customer an experience quickly and
  • 42. The Negro Digs Up His Past Essay I analyzed the ideological connection between Arthur Schomburg s essay, The Negro Digs up His Past and an excerpt from W.E.B. Du Bois s The Souls of Black Folk. Both essays depict the struggles African Americans faced, but also attempt to inspire African Americans to see beyond their struggles and establish their identities in America. Both essays begin by stating the issues that African Americans are facing at that time. Du Bois reflects on the way people viewed African Americans as problems and how that affected one s own self awareness, regardless of what they previously thought. Constantly feeling like a problem and constantly being reminded of it elicits a lack of self worth. Du Bois says, That sky was bluest when I could beat my mates at examination time, or beat them at a foot race, or even beat their stingy heads. Alas, with the years all this fine contempt began to fade; for the worlds I longed for, and all their dazzling... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both come together to fulfill goals set in Defining Black Identity in 21st Century America by Ewauare Osayande. The first two motivate and inspire African Americans to be proud of themselves, how far they have come, and the effort they have taken into pioneering society. The main objective Osayande wants to convey is to establish an identity while resisting dehumanization and power against them (Osayande 6). Du Bois s essay describes the feeling of a double consciousness (Du Bois 11). This helps establish the unique identity that Osayande wanted to accomplish. One can mix together the African culture with the American culture and create something unique. Schomburg s idea of revisiting history and what ancestors experienced will also help accomplish that goal. His essay discusses the immensely appreciated initiative taken in the past that serves as a prideful accomplishment to help African Americans realize their potential
  • 43. Historical Analysis Of Of Beowulf s Poem, Beowulf, Sir... The study of British literature is an incredible journey that begins with battles against Anglo Saxon monsters and takes us on a journey to a time where writers try to tackle modern problems. Along the way we come across characters such as Beowulf, Sir Gawain, King Arthur and other legends who remain a vital part of popular culture. History offers us a variety of heroes and legends that we can read and learn about. The historical poem of Beowulf not only reveals to us the importance cultural values of the warrior society, but also the importance of literature. The warrior culture at this time reflects the values of the society of the 6th century. There are a couple of key features of Beowulf s characterization that reflect what was important in Anglo Saxon society. For example. Beowulf comes across as arrogant and bigheaded, but Anglo Saxon society valued the daring and confident young man who was proud of his actions and could use his past experiences and journeys to motivate himself toward future success. Our modern world leans towards modesty rather than arrogance. Anglo Saxon society also believed in a concept of revenge that resulted in a vicious cycle. If someone killed one of your men, you were obligated to avenge their death, but then that group could come back and avenge that death and so on. This is shown in Beowulf by the killing of Grendel and then Grendel s mother seeking revenge. The only reason this cycle was broken is because there wasn t anyone else to
  • 44. Research Paper On Hercules The oldest tower is the Tower of Hercules. This is not the towers Native name. This towers first name was Torre de Hercules. This tower is in Corunna, Galicia, Spain. This tower is 180 feet tall. This tower is an ancient Roman lighthouse and it is on a peninsula about 1.5 miles from the centre of A Coruna, Galicia, in the north western Spain. Until the 20th Century, but this tower itself was know as the Farum Brigantium. The word Farum is a Latin word and it is derived from the Greek pharaohs for the Lighthouse of Alexandria. This tower overlooks the North Atlantic coast of Spain. This tower is 1900 years old and it was restored in 1791. This is the oldest Roman lighthouse in use today. This Tower of Hercules is a National Monument of Spain,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1788 the original tower which was only 112 feet, which was only 3 stories high, was giving a neoclassical restoration, including a new 69 foot 4th Story. The restoration was undertaken by a naval engineer Eustaquio Gianini during the reign of Charles. When the Roman Empire fell, this lighthouse was the only thing left. Some Legends of the Tower of Hercules is it all begins with Breogan, the mythical founder of the Galician Nation. There are sereral versions of the legend, highlighted in the 19th century. It was at this time that characters like Vercingetorix, Arminus, or Boadicea and Viriathus are rediscovered. The rise of the Europeans Nationalists of that time did much to rediscover those now who transformed into hero characters, but have not been completely honest with the true history of the peoples concerned. The Tower of Hercules has served as a lighthouse and landmark at the entrance of La Coruna harbour in the north western Spain since the laste 1st century A.D. when the Romans built the Farum Brigantium. The people who built the tower was Eustaquio Gianni , Gauis Sevius