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Best Essays Ever Written Best Essays Ever Written
Comparing Two Different Versions Of Romeo And Juliet
Im Shakespeare tragedy , Romeo and Juliet have fallen for each other.They are faced with many
challenges throughout their love which eventually lead to their death. They´re two different versions
of this play;one is by Baz Luhrmann which is more modern and has really nothing to do with the play
then there is the one by Franco Zeffirelli which has more things in common with the actual play. In
Act V Scene iii ¨The Death Scene¨ both directors have different ways of showing how the ¨two star
crossed lovers¨ die. There were many differences between the Zeffirelli and Luhrmann film.The part
that stood out to me the most was how Juliet takes her life away when she sees that Romeo is dead. In
the Zeffirelli version Juliet grabs Romeoś dagger and stabs herself because she sees Romeo had killed
himself with poison.However,in the Luhrmann version Juliet sees Romeo before he dies and actually
gets to talk to him and Juliet sees him die.Juliet can not take the pain of seeing her Romeo die so she
decides to take her own life to but instead of using a dagger she uses a gun.
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Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Essay
Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) play s a critical role in the function of contraction and relaxation of the
muscle (John Wiley and Sons, 2003). It provides the ability to control and balance the amount of
calcium being released/uptake and for storage (John Sons, 2003). There is a correlation between
defects in calcium transport by SR and the ability for the heart to function (Alpert, Arai, MacLennan,
and Periasamy, 1993). By alternating the gene expression that encodes SR proteins, it will show if the
abnormalities in calcium uptake and release has a association with heat failure (Alpert et al., 1993).
Defects in the ability of the sarcoplasmic reticulum to uptake/release calcium could cause dysfunction
in systolic and diastolic rhythm in the heart (Donald M. Bers, David A Eisner and ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Valdivia, 2003). It is considered heart failure if there is an improper function of systolic and diastolic
for the heart to pump blood (Donald et al., 2003). It was difficult to obtain normal healthy hearts to
compare to therefore, looked at levels of mRNA and phospholamban (regulate Ca2+ pump) that
encodes SR to see the rate at which calcium is being uptake/released (Alpert et al., 1993). Patients
with heart failure, showed a delay in the rate of the calcium uptake/release of about 50% decrease in
the right ventricle by SR (Alpert et al., 1993).Furthermore, there was a 48% decrease of messenger
mRNA in binding with ATP and uptake of calcium in the left ventricle (Alpert et al., 1993).
Sarcoplasmic reticulum had a decrease rate in pumping calcium, which caused low rhythm that lead to
heart failure (Alpert et al., 1993). The gene expression mRNA is important for the sarcoplasmic
reticulum to
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19th Century Charity Dbq
During the nineteenth century charity was viewed as a way the rich could earn salvation by caring for
the less fortunate. Being apart of this group disabled people were affected by the inequalities in the
system. The growth of capitalism and industrialization led to a change in family dynamics as more
people were leaving the home and working in factories and disabled people were in need of aid that
they had been receiving from the family. The wealthy controlled the conditions for these workers
entering the workforce and because welfare was paid for through taxation it became a way of social
control. The wealthy paid more taxes so recipients of these charities were dependent on them. Any
civil disobedience could lead in less aide for disabled
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The document discusses the history of milk consumption by humans and changing views about milk's health benefits. It notes that until the 1900s, milk was mainly used for cooking, not drinking. In the 1900s, the dairy industry promoted milk as healthy due to its calcium and protein content. However, recent studies have questioned this view, finding no evidence that three servings of milk per day is beneficial. Osteoporosis rates have increased despite increased milk consumption. The dairy industry may have promoted milk primarily due to its sugar content appealing to children rather than proven nutrition benefits.

Essay On The Lego Movie
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Essay On The Lego Movie

The document summarizes key details about the film Mommy by Xavier Dolan, including its plot about a widowed mother struggling with her psychotic teenage son, and the filmmaking techniques Dolan employs. Specifically, it notes that Dolan shot the film in a 1:1 aspect ratio, an unconventional choice that provides a restrained perspective but works well aesthetically and metaphorically in telling the film's tragic yet hopeful story about grief, violence, and the bond between a mother and son.

Satire Essay On Abortion
Satire Essay On AbortionSatire Essay On Abortion
Satire Essay On Abortion

The document discusses Chinese culture and its effects on the country's economy. It begins by defining culture and noting that the essay will explore how Chinese culture impacts China's economic development. Specifically, it will examine how cultural aspects like social habits, language, arts, and music shape the country's economy. The document then provides examples of academic sources that will be used to support the analysis of the relationship between Chinese culture and its economy.

Selecting An Real Estate Agent Essay
Buying Resale Properties
If you are looking to buy a private property or HDB flat in Singapore, make sure that you know all the
pitfalls before you sign on the dotted line. Here are some of the major things you should look out for
to avoid getting into a legal or financial tangle during the transaction.
Selecting an Real Estate Agent
You need to select an agent to service you. Find one who is familiar with the location and type of
property you have in mind. Make sure the agent is from a Listed Housing Agency and also a member
of the Institute of Estate Agents (IEA). Discuss your requirements with him and be specific. This will
allow him to advise and service you in a professional manner.
Always ensure that the seller is the actual owner of the property. You may wish to request for proof
when you are making the purchase.
Eligibility to sell
Ensure that the seller of the property is eligible to sell the property. For a private property that is
mortgaged to a bank, if the seller has lost money on the sale, and is unable to top up the shortfall on
his bank loan, the bank may not allow the seller to go through with the transaction.
For an HDB flat (except one room flats), there is a minimum occupation period whereby the seller
must physically occupy the flat before he would be eligible to sell the flat. For a flat bought directly
from the HDB or a resale flat bought with a CPF housing grant, the seller must physically occupy the
flat for five years before he can sell
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The Importance Of Anonymous Sources In Journalism
Anonymous sources in Journalism
Journalism scholars, critics, and the public continue to debate the wisdom of using unnamed sourcing
in news reports. Proponents argue that granting sources anonymity is necessary to ensure the free flow
of information that otherwise would go unreported. Critics of the practice charge that journalists too
readily grant anonymity and thus risk undermining media credibility. (Duffy).
Anonymous sourcing is defined as the use of information from someone who is not willing to put their
name behind whatever they are saying. This type of sourcing has always been incredibly controversial
for obvious reasons. Many argue that anonymous sourcing is unethical and unbelievable, while others
think that information must be legit if sources are skeptical about admitting to it.
Anonymous sources are one of the sexiest things in journalism. The idea conjures images of late night
meetings in parking garages, voice modulators and Watergate era intrigue. The fact that someone feels
the need to be protected makes their information feel more valuable, (Dobbs).
There are many reasons why sources choose to keep their identity private, a few of these include the
fear of losing employment, and as a security clearance from the public when giving out information
that might be controversial at the time being.
A flurry of inaccurate stories about O.J. Simpson based on unnamed sources has rekindled the debate
over their use. Detractors say they hurt the media s
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Workplace Observation Report
I have learned several valuable skills over the course of my 8 month co op term. Organization and
attention to detail are two important capabilities required in any job, which I have been able to
develop as I faced a variety of tasks that challenged me to improve these skills. Through my
commitment to learn I have come a long way since my first day on the job.
As most people are, I was nervous on my first day because I wanted to make a good first impression
and show that I was the right candidate for the job. I started by picking an outfit that would fit in with
the office culture. In this case, I was told that business casual was the expected attire. While it sounds
simple, I had to make sure that my outfit was professional yet ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
After being a student at SFU for 4 years, I have come to understand the importance of organization in
finding success. All jobs require organization in order to keep track of tasks and to avoid failure in
keeping up with responsibilities. At this job the two primary programs that I used to keep organized
were Excel and Outlook. Excel is helpful to stay organized because it can be used as a record keeping
platform. I used Excel to gather information and presented is as statistics in graphs. However, I
benefited from using Excel the most by tracking the tasks that were on my to do list. I kept separate
spreadsheets for different responsibilities and had a chart that included each task that I had to
complete. I would check off when I had completed a task, which would then indicate what the next
step would be. Additionally, it left a paper trail that I could use if I had to look back to determine if
something was completed. I tracked everything in Excel and integrated it into my daily routine. This
practice significantly reduced the margin of error in my daily responsibilities. Excel is very beneficial
because it can be used to further organization in any job. Outlook was a key program that I utilized
every day. I would organize my emails by keeping them in labeled folders. Instead of deleting old
emails, I would opt to put in them in a folder. I found
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Use of Irony to Portray Morality in Lord Byron s Don Juan...
Use of Irony to Portray Morality in Lord Byron s Don Juan
In Don Juan, George Gordon, Lord Byron, diverges from his name sake characterization with an un
Byronic hero, Don Juan. The poem has been viewed as nihilistic and immoral. Actually there is plenty
present in the first canto to show morality and hope for humanity. The poem should be viewed as the
author intended: a satire on abuses of the present state of Society, an not an eulogy on vice... (Bostetter
9). Don Juan is a satire and therefore the morals present are shown in an ironic way. If fact, he wrote
in such an obvious ironic fashion that it is hard to imagine the message was lost on many. His ironic
theme is based on what people think and what they actually do. In effect ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Byron pokes fun at the hypocritical nature of people. An overabundant curiosity in other s affairs is
certainly looked down upon yet it is rampant among people. Thus within in one sentence Byron points
this idea out; people say one thing yet do another. This problem is central to what Byron sees as wrong
with society, the basic hypocritical nature of people. There is truth to his thinking and by directing the
reader to notice this, he can be said to be wanting to change that. Change usually does not occur until
the fault is presented outright. Indeed, one form taken by the philosophic irony underlying the first
canto suggests that cant and hypocrisy may endanger the very continuity of civilized tradition
(Bostetter 22).
The narrator, using his particular talent in prying in people s affairs feels fit to speak of Juan s
upbringing. Instead of quarreling, had they been but both in,/ Their senses, they d have sent young
master forth/ To school, or had him soundly whipp d at home,/ To teach him manners for the time to
come (Byron 197 200). This presents a sort of paradox the reader may find it immoral for the narrator
to judge Juan s parents and yet without this view Juan s later episodes would have less meaning
behind them; for we would not know the reasons behind his behavior. Perhaps we would find the
narrator s opinion of Juan s parents biased. Therefore we are told more of their immoral behavior.
They lived an unhappy sort of life,/ Wishing each other,
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The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting an assignment request on the HelpWriting.net website. It outlines a 4-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete a 10-minute order form with instructions, sources, deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment or request revisions. It emphasizes the bidding system used to match requests with qualified writers, and notes the site's guarantee of original, high-quality work or a full refund.

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The document provides instructions for creating a bedroom for a child. It recommends asking the child what they want, then planning and budgeting for the design. When decorating, use durable materials that can withstand play. Include storage like shelves and hooks to organize toys and save space. Paint the walls a bright color and add prints and other accents to make the room fun for the child.

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The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling features many magical beasts that play important roles. Some of the most prominent include dragons, which are powerful fire-breathing creatures guarded by wizards. Hippogriffs are proud magical beasts that are part eagle and part horse. They will attack if not shown proper respect. Unicorns are beautiful but lethal horned horses that only females can touch. Their blood has healing properties but drinking it curses the drinker. Three-headed dogs like Fluffy can be used to guard important items. Phoenixes are noble bird-like creatures

Samaritan Woman
It was high noon on a hot day. Jesus, tired from traveling, chose to rest at Jacob s well near the town of
Sychar, while waiting for His disciples to go into town for food. An unnamed Samaritan woman came
to draw water at a well. She hated facing others because the Jews despised her people, and she was an
outcast looked down upon even by her own people. This woman was ostracized and marked as
immoral, an unmarried woman living openly with the sixth in a series of men. She could not have
guessed the surprise she was about to encounter that day.
An Offer She Couldn t Refuse
Grace often comes as a surprise when we are least expecting it. When the Samaritan woman appeared
with clay jar in hand, Jesus made a simple request: Will you give me a
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A Study on Conservative Resurgence
Conservative Resurgence (Order #A2065848) For many years the Republican party and its
conservative base was the central point of blame for the economic woes that had occurred in America
during the Great Depression. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and his liberal Democratic party were
portrayed as the saviors of the United States economy and the only intellectual and political tradition
that remained for America. However, the social excesses, political instability and economic turmoil
that the liberals of the late 1960 s and early 1970 s created, led to a resurgence in conservative
thinking. Americans began to reject the complete dependence on the government, and the inefficiency
and corruption associated with it, in favor of a more independent and politically conservative way of
thinking. As a result, 1980 saw the election of Ronald Reagan, a hard core conservative Republican as
President of the United States. Reagan s victory over then President Jimmy Carter signaled a distinct
resurgence in conservative values and political activity. In the 1950 s, Lionel Trilling, famous literary
critic and writer, stated that in the United States at this time liberalism is not only the dominant but
even the sole intellectual tradition. (McPherson, 2008, p.30) This belief was maintained throughout
the 1960 s and 1970 s within the American intellectual and political community. In addition, the
conservative opposition to the civil rights movement, although for constitutional reasons, had
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Colonialism In Teresia
What is colonialism? Colonialism is occupying one s land with or without the permission of the
natives of the land and later on occupying it with settlers and utilizing it economically.
Colonialism began in 1500s by European nations such as France, Portugal, England, and Spain.
European nations began to colonize through Americas, India, Middle East, and South East Asia.
Part of the logic behind colonialism was to modernize the colonized countries. Various
European nations had also control over the south pacific islands. The first Oceania colonies were
Australia and New Zealand. Soon after, French seized French Polynesia and New Caledonia.
Writers such Kathy Jetnil Kijiner, Teresia Teaiwa, and Dina El Dessouky have spoken about the harsh
reality of colonialism in south pacific. Kathy Jentil Kijiner is a Marshall Islander poet and spoken
word artist. Kathy has spoken against the environmental injustice in the Marshall islands, she has
spoken out against the nuclear testing in her home islands through her poems. Teresia
Teaiwa, a scholar in research of the cultures of the pacific islands. Teresia has also written about the
nuclear testing in the pacific islands, Teresia Teaiwa s Bikinis and other s/pacific n/oceans is written in
an academic manner, targeted mainly for educated audience. Dina El Dessouky s,
Fish, Coconuts, and Ocean People: Nuclear Violations of Oceania s Earthly Design, takes on the
nuclear testing in the French Polynesia and fake promises
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The Book Of Genesis Is Submerged With Revelation
The Book of Genesis is submerged with revelation(s) which shows similarities between the first
Adam(s) and the last Adam(s). Revelation is the knowledge which the owner of the land gives unto his
subjects to execute his purpose in the land, in his place, see John 16:7 16; As the first Adam is the son
of God, see Luke 3:38. The last Adam is God the Son, see Hebrews 1:8. Adam was given the
knowledge to execute the Father s purpose in the garden, this is a type of revelation, see Genesis 2:15
19. Adam is the prince of this word, he owns the land by inheritance, and obeys the will of the Father,
by operating in the spirit of revelation, see Genesis 2:17. When is, the inheritance given to Adam,
Genesis 1:26; says, let them have dominion over ALL the earth. The only thing that was greater than
Adam was God s word. God himself has now made himself subject to Adam decisions. In Genesis
2:17, Death here refers to dominion over principalities and powers, see Ephesians 1:19 23. When
Adam disobeyed, SIN entered the world, and DEATH gained dominion over the laws of Adam. Since
God was in Adam, DEATH separated Adam from the Father because of the new law in his spirit, see
Genesis 3:7 22. Adam was now born again, but to death. Thus, death entered the world and became
the new schoolmaster, see Romans 5:12. Subsequently, God removes himself from the body of man,
began his redemptive work, by reducing mans life to 120 years, see Genesis 6:3; and permitting the
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The document provides instructions for requesting writing assistance from HelpWriting.net in 5 steps: 1. Create an account with a password and email. 2. Complete a 10-minute order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3. Choose a writer bid based on qualifications, history, and feedback. Place a deposit to start. 4. Review the paper and authorize full payment if satisfied, or request revisions. 5. Multiple revisions are allowed to ensure satisfaction, and plagiarized work results in a full refund.

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Mary Warren argues that abortion should be a private choice left to the woman as it is her body and life that are most directly affected by pregnancy. She believes a woman has a basic right to control her own body and make private medical decisions without interference from the state. Warren's position is that early abortions do not violate any right of the fetus to life since it is not yet a person, and that the woman's right to privacy and self-determination should take precedence over any fetal rights.

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This summary provides the key details from the document in 3 sentences: The document describes a delivery driver's late night journey to deliver pizza to a remote, creepy house located down a dark dirt road surrounded by dense forest. Upon arriving at the ominous looking house at the end of the long drive, the driver thinks their boss has played a joke by sending them to this strange location late at night. The driver is tired and just wants to finish the delivery and go home, but is uneasy about approaching the strange house alone in the darkness.

Multinational Firms Are Inherently Regional Rather Than...
Multinational Firms are inherently Regional, rather than Global 1
Oxford Economics, (2011). Economic Benefits from Air Transport in Singapore. Russell, E. (2007, 07,
06). Prying open ASEAN s skies GlobalEDGE, Michigan State University, (2013). Singapore:
Economy Singapore Airlines, (2013). Where We Fly. Singapore Airlines, (2013). About Singapore
Airlines. Singapore Airlines, (2013). Where We Fly. Mutzabaugh, (2010, 12, 14). U.S., European
airlines no longer world s biggest, IATA says. Rugman, A.M. Cecilia, B. (2004). The Regional Nature
of the World s Banking Sector , Management International Review,12 (3): 5 22. Rugman, A.M.
Collinson, S. (2008). International Business, 5th Edition. U.S: Prentice Hall. Rugman, A.M. Cecilia,
B. (2003). Multinational Firms are Regional, Not Global , Multinational Business Review, 11 (1): 3
12. Rugman, A.M. Verbeke, A. (2004). A perspective on regional and global strategies of multinational
enterprises , Journal of International Business Studies, 35 (1): 3 18. Collinson, S. Rugman, A.M.
(2007). The Regional Focus of Asian Multinational Enterprises , Working Papers 2007 08, Indiana
University, Kelley School of Business, Department of Business Economics and Public Policy.
Rugman, A.M. Sukpanich, N. (2006). Firm Specific Advantages Intra Regional Sales and Performance
of Multinational Enterprises , Working Papers 2006 19, Indiana University, Kelley School of Business,
Department of Business Economics and
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Business Plan For A Company
Liverpool John Moores University
Event Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (6076TEF)
Business Plan
Ashley McDonald/ 614170
Tea Off
Ashley McDonald
Business plan contents
1.1 Executive summary
1.2 Mission statement
1.3 Aims and objectives
1.4 SWOT analysis
1.5 Keys to success
Company Information
2.1 Company Summary
2.2 Company Ownership
2.3 Company Location and Facilities
Market Research
3.1 Market Segmentation
3.2 Target Market Segmentation
3.3 Market Trends
3.4 Market Growth
3.5 Market Needs
3.6 Primary Market Research
3.7 PEST Analysis
Competitor Profiling
4.1 Industry Analysis
4.2 Distribution Patterns
4.3 Competition and Buying Patterns
4.4 Main Competitors
Market Plan
5.1 Strategy and Implementation Summary
5.2 Strategy Pyramid
5.3 Value Proposition
5.4 Competitive Edge
5.5 Marketing Strategy
5.6 Distribution Strategy
5.7 Monthly Marketing Plan
Marketing Programs
6.1 Products
6.2 Products Description
6.3 Competitive Comparison
6.4 Sourcing
6.5 Future Products
7.1 Distinctive Logo
7.2 Distinctive Refreshment Cart
7.3 Advertising and Promotion
7.4 Positioning Statement
7.5 Pricing Strategy
8.1 Sales Strategy
8.2 Sales Forecast
8.3 Sales Programs
8.4 Strategic Alliances
9.1 Management Summary
9.2 Management Team
9.3 Management Team Gaps
9.4 Organisational Structure
9.5 Personal Plan
9.6 Human Resource Management
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This document discusses a study on the effects of child labor on academic performance. The study will focus on children aged 7-15 years old who are working in Barangay Ilang, Davao City. The hypothesis is that child labor decreases academic performance. The study is limited to this location and school year. It aims to understand how child labor impacts schooling to help agencies address this issue.

Research Paper On Racial Inequality
Racial Inequality
What do you think about racial inequality in the classroom, at work companies, and in the society?
Racism plays a big role in the United States. For Blacks racial inequality existed from the very
beginning. The whole black society wasn t free. Americans overwhelmingly agree that prejudice on
the basis of race, ethnicity, and sex is not good. To begin with, what do u thinks about racism in the
classroom? All students no matter what color of skin should be allowed in any classroom they want to
be in. The issue of inequality seems to be obvious in our classrooms nowadays. It is said that although
everyone, regardless of race or religion, have been given equivalent opportunities. anyway the color of
our skin it makes them no different. Students of color face rough punishments in school than their
peers. it has been 50 years ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Racial inequality in the workplace isn t always an argument of simply who is and isn t hired it can also
be about who is build up and who is able to move into positions of function Some people may never
get to work at their dream work due to racial problems. One of the biggest problems in the United
States. Working should not define what you cannot do or who you really are. Everyone is human and
will be doing the same thing that others are doing, which makes no one different. In the past years
Americans have been committed in two mutual conversations referring to inequality which includes
racial inequality. Blacks remain less likely to be hired and more likely to earn smaller pay, to be owed
for higher prices for consumer goods. If a company gets sued for racial injustice, it can point to its
distinction listing program as a good effort to disqualify racial discrimination and hopefully win the
case. Blacks are not allowed to enjoy life in the American work force because of their
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Traumatic Effects Of Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is one of the most common causes of death and long term disability in
children (Kraus, 1995). It is an acquired brain injury that occurs when a sudden trauma causes damage
to the brain (NIH,2016). The symptoms for Traumatic Brain Injury include frequent headaches,
lightheadedness and dizziness. An individual may experience having blurred vision tired eyes, and
fatigue. Even stressors prior to having an injury can contribute to the result of post injury. A person
will experience a change in their sleep patterns, behavioral or mood changes, and trouble with their
memory, concentration, attention, or thinking when they have Traumatic Brain Injury. Traumatic Brain
Injuries can conclude to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A neurological exam will assess motor and sensory skills and the functioning of one or more cranial
nerves (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2012). Initially, health care providers
can rank a person s functioning based on how long that person has been conscious, the length of their
memory loss and their score on the Glasgow Coma Scale. The Glasgow Coma Scale is able to
measure the individual s functioning by looking at their ability to speak, open their eyes and ability to
move. The RAVLT has been shown to be insensitive to psychiatric illness such as depression and
anxiety. However, there is some evidence that psychological distress (including depression, post
traumatic stress, and other anxiety disorders) has some effect on RAVLT performance (Spreen
Strauss, 1998).
Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test
Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) is a neuropsychological assessment designed to evaluate
verbal memory in patients that vary from 16 years of age and older (Strauss, Sherman, Spreen, 2006).
It provides scores for assessing immediate memory, new verbal learning, susceptibility to interference
(proactive and retroactive), retention of information after a period of time, and memory recognition
(Malloy Diniz, Lasmar, Gazinelli, Fuentes, Salgado, 2007). It involves an oral presentation of 15
nouns (List A) which is over 5 learning trials, then it is followed by an immediate recall trial. Then
another list of
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Implementing An Improved Management Process
Create an Innovation Being a part of a family business that has been running for a twenty years helped
me evaluate their overall performance. Some internal processes and strategies are apparent, but also
need improvement. After learning all the different methods to innovate in this course the decision to
find a specific area of improvement in the organization was easy to find. Furthermore, implementing
an improved management process will definitely improve the company s overall performance and
work efficiency.
Describe the problem your innovation targets. What is the scope of the problem and which
stakeholders, both within the organization and without, does it impact?
The problem about this innovation is it can create conflict within the employees because this will be a
major change to them. Change is difficult and when it comes to innovating in a business that has been
working the same way for twenty years it can become difficult. It is important to consider the scope of
the problem, is it too broad or is it nonrealistic. In this organization the stakeholders involved and that
will be affected are the employees, and the suppliers. This innovation entails for the stakeholder to
understand the importance of defining their roles, decision power, and commitment for the innovation
plan (Deschamps, 2013).
Describe your innovation and explain how it addresses the problem. How will it meet the needs of the
organization and all stakeholders involved? The plan to innovating is
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The Controversy Between Pro-Life And Pro Life
The issue of Abortions has been a controversy for years now. There are two main groups for this
problem, Pro Life, and Pro Choice. Pro Life supports the human rights of life should be embraced, by
religion and ethics. Pro choice is when someone wants to make this choice without no remorse of
human life, but because someone wants no part of it raising one. First up for discussion is the root of a
problem is a feminist. A feminist is the Pro choice in abortions, meaning that one believes that is the
woman s choice and right to have. Also, a feminist is someone who believes that a woman should not
mess up her body and should be worrying about her health. Pro choice believes that a fetus does not
have any right to life until twenty four weeks (Gupta, 2014). For example, someone that the writer
know has had four abortions and told her that she was not able to have another child because of having
so many procedures done. Next up for discussion the pro life. The pro life comes from those with
religion; these individuals believe that aborting something or someone is a sin. The writer thought and
understood as well, that this is an endangerment not just for the health of someone doing so, but
anyone who wants a child later on in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The two groups have always been one of the main controversies in the world today. Pro life deals with
religion and pro choice is when a woman has her choice of what to do with herself. Nevertheless, the
approach that the writer has chosen will have a better strategy for women today, instead of what others
may think. The approach will also be better by talking to these women and young adults before even
doing the procedure, meaning most of these procedures are not successful. To conclude, if on would
want children in the future may not be able to have or carry a child, compared to those who had a
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Hearts And Valentines Lined Writing Paper By Linda Be
Hearts And Valentines Lined Writing Paper By Linda BeHearts And Valentines Lined Writing Paper By Linda Be
Hearts And Valentines Lined Writing Paper By Linda Be

John Winthrop delivered a sermon titled "A Model of Christian Charity" to Puritans on a ship heading to the new world. In the sermon, he motivates the Puritans by encouraging them to not worry about wealth and material possessions, but to instead depend on one another through brotherly love and affection. He calls them to love their neighbors and even their enemies, acting with compassion for those in need according to Jesus' teachings. Winthrop aimed to prepare the Puritans for hardship and interdependence in the new land through emphasizing Christian virtues of community and charity over individual wealth or status.

002 Essay Example Third P
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002 Essay Example Third P

The document outlines 5 steps for requesting and receiving writing assistance from HelpWriting.net: 1) Create an account, 2) Complete a 10-minute order form providing instructions and deadline, 3) Review bids from writers and select one, 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment, 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction and receive a refund if plagiarized.

Essay Logos. Online assignment writing service.
Essay Logos. Online assignment writing service.Essay Logos. Online assignment writing service.
Essay Logos. Online assignment writing service.

The document provides instructions for requesting and completing an assignment writing request on the website HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with an email and password. 2) Complete a form with assignment details and attach a sample if wanting the writer to mimic your style. 3) Review bids from writers and select one. 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment if satisfied. 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction, and the company offers refunds for plagiarized work.

Relationship Between A Mother And Daughters Essay
Almost every woman in North America has some form of a relationship with their daughter or mother,
or both. However, these relationships can vary in amiability and affection. Whether due to similarities
or differences in personality or circumstances in life, mothers and daughters can be close confidants or
fierce foes. These familial relationships have been studied in part by Marianne Hirsch and Sharon M.
Varallo in their essays on the familial gaze and the genre of family photographs, respectively. In this
essay, I will be using the work previously done by Hirsch and Varallo to analyze two different mother
daughter relationships presented in the television show Gilmore Girls. The two relationships differ
vastly in their outward appearance, however both relationships show underlying characteristics of both
friendship and animosity. Overall, these two mother daughter relationships demonstrate that the love
between a mother and a daughter can be expressed in various ways.
Gilmore Girls follows the lives of three women in the Gilmore family. Rory, the youngest, is a
teenager at the beginning of the show. She is an only child and was raised by her single mother,
Lorelai, in the small town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut. Lorelai is in her thirties throughout the show.
She became pregnant with Rory when she was sixteen, and left her wealthy parents home to raise
Rory alone. Emily, the eldest Gilmore girl, is in her fifties and sixties during the show. She and her
husband are
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Phantom Limbs, Phantom Pain, And The Essay
Phantom Limbs, Phantom Pain, And The I Function
The so called I function which describes the brain s sense of self takes on interesting connotations
when discussing phantom limbs and associated phantom pain. The loss of an arm or leg through
amputation is not an easy experience to endure, and is even more difficult when the patient begins to
feel sensations in their now missing limb. These feelings, sometimes referred to as stump
hallucination , is the subjective sensation, not arising from an external stimulus, that an amputated
limb is still present (1). Although they no longer exist, patients perceive these limbs as still being
essential components of their body image, and continues to move in sync with their torso and other ...
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Since there is no visual feedback, initiating motor intention does not activate proprioreceptors (4).
Over time, phantom limbs are deemed by the amputee to be overflexed, which causes a cramping
pain. The question that arises is, if the inconsistency between the intention of the brain and the
perception of the body s actions was to be resolved, could the phantom pain also be eliminated?
Several theories have been developed over the years that have attempted to answer this question, most
notably by Ronald Melzack and Vilayanur Ramachandran.
The earliest hypothesis regarding the cause of phantom limbs and pain was that of neuromas. These
were thought to be nodules comprised of remaining nerves located at the end of the stump. These
neuromas presumably continued to generate impulses that traveled up the spinal cord to portions of
the thalamus and somatosensory domains of the cortex. As a result, treatment involved cutting the
nerves just above the neuroma in an attempt to interrupt signaling at each somatosensory level (5).
This and other related theories were deemed unsatisfactory because of the fact the phantom pain
always returned, indicating that there was a more complex reason.
Psychologist Ronald Melzack developed the concept of the neuromatrix and the neurosignature. This
idea held that the brain contained a neuromatrix or a network of neurons that analyzed the sensory
information and allowed the perception of
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The Latin Root Of Genocide
According to Wikipedia, humiliation is the abasement of pride, which creates mortification, or leads to
a state of being humbled or reduced to lowliness or submission. The Latin root of humiliation is
humus , which means earth or dirt translating to reduce to dirt ; representing ones rank in society. No
one should have to experience the awful feeling of being humiliated, but it has been happening for
centuries, and it continues to happen in our society to this very day. Humiliation promotes negative
psychological thinking; it is used for punishment, to some it defines their status, and it could prompt a
terrible situation if intertwined with anger. A friend told me once that she is a firm believer in
humbling by humiliation. She feels
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Beauty Pageants Objectify Women
Many people (most of which are women believe that) beauty pageants objectify women . The
definition of objectify is: to present as an object. What s really happening is more similar to
glorification. The definition of glorification is: to make something or someone appear better than it
actually is. Beauty pageants do not objectify women because the contestants are not judged solely on
physical appearance, the contestants are being glorified not objectified and all contestants pass a
screening to make sure they fulfill all criteria beforehand. One of the most common reasons that make
beauty pageants objectifying is that the contestants are judged solely on their physical appearance.
While that may have been true a few years ago now ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many people believe that beauty pageants are objectifying since they often give young people the
wrong definition of beauty, however it is just showing them a glorified version. Glorification is still a
problem not it is not as bad as objectification. However some people like to glorify themselves either
in real life, or by using photoshop and other online editors to glorify themselves digitally. Many
people believe thats it is objectifying for each contestant to undergo a screening before they enter to
make sure that they fulfil all criteria beforehand, However this is to make sure that it is fair for all
contestants. It is also to make they all meet the standards for the pageant. This is not objectification
because it is mandatory for all contestants and if they contestants refuse to do the screening they will
not be able to participate. Hopefully after reading this text one will know that beauty pageants do not
objectify women. What people believe to be objectification is more likely to be a case of glorification.
Glorification is still a problem though it is not as bad as objectification. Steps should still be taken to
try and stop doing it. Beauty pageants may have lots of problems but objectification is not one of
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Outsiders Essay Questions 8Th Grade
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Outsiders Essay Questions 8Th Grade

Diane Nemerov was born in New York City in 1923. She had a privileged upbringing in Manhattan but was also exposed to art and progressive education as a child. At age 13, she met her future husband Allan Arbus who introduced her to photography. During World War 2, Allan was a photographer in the Army and taught Diane photography skills. They later co-founded a photography studio together in New York City.

Poetry Analysis Essay Outline. Online assignment writing service.
Poetry Analysis Essay Outline. Online assignment writing service.Poetry Analysis Essay Outline. Online assignment writing service.
Poetry Analysis Essay Outline. Online assignment writing service.

The essay discusses the theme of poverty portrayed in Frank McCourt's memoir "Angela's Ashes". It describes how the main character Frank grew up in extreme poverty, often wearing the same clothes and not having enough food. His family lived in a small, flea-infested apartment in New York and later a cramped room in Ireland, struggling to survive on his father's meager wages. The pervasive poverty took a toll on the family and their health and well-being.

How To Write The Why This Major College Essay
How To Write The Why This Major College EssayHow To Write The Why This Major College Essay
How To Write The Why This Major College Essay

This document provides instructions for using the HelpWriting.net service to have essays written. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email; 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline; 3) Review writer bids and qualifications and place a deposit; 4) Review the completed paper and authorize payment; 5) Request revisions until satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarism. The service aims to provide original, high-quality content through a bidding system and revision process.

Dreams from My Father (Barack Obama) Essay example
What is My Identity?
Dreams from My Father archives Barack Obama s journey, and struggles, to find his identity. Obama
quickly admits that race is an important part of himself, and it is that quest of race and identity that
pushes him to question his own uniqueness. Ultimately spanning both worlds of the vastly different
cultures of his life in America and his roots in Kenya causes Obama confusion and self doubt. It is
through the steady love of his family that allows Obama to truly find acceptance and identity. Linking
the two very different worlds not only causes Barack Obama to find an identity, but to find an identity
and take it as his own. Obama could be considered to be a third culture kid . These are children that ...
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It is when his sister reveals the truth about his father that is causes a new perception of his father.
Obama s sister revealed that not only was he abusive but that he was a bitter drunk. After hearing what
his sister said, Obama started to think of ways to salvage the best parts of his father but could not.
Instead, the stories his sister told him about Barack Obama Sr. provided a way for Obama to revise his
life and to really dig deeper to find the true him. Not only did Barack s father help him get off the path
and create his own, but his father was another source of gaining essential principles that would help
him later on in life. It could be said that the most important principle Obama gained from his father
was the principle of forgiveness. This is seen when Obama is crying at his father s grave. While he
was there and crying he told his father that there was no shame in your confusion . Saying this could
also be seen as a way for Barack Obama to remind himself that even though he is confused about his
identity he has no reason to be. While being split between two worlds caused Barack Obama to long
for an identity and to take on anything that made sense at the time, his father pushed him to search for
his own uniqueness, his own true identity. Although other factors catalyze Obama and cause him to be
at a loss for an identity, he was finally able to find it in the end when he traveled
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The Modern Day System Of International Commerce
The modern day system of international commerce has developed over roughly 200 years. Much until
about the end of the eighteenth century it was most unlikely to transact export trade as it is today
because of lack of technological infrastructure. The important legal framework which would have
made for the use of the bill of lading as a document of transfer was lacking. Today much of the world
s tonnage is transacted under cif contracts which debuted about 150 years ago.
In international trade, the sales contract is the heart of an export import transaction. It is however,
always supported by several other related contracts, reflecting the complexity of the transaction and
number of parties involved. Basic among these ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is because most of the statements as to the passing of risk under fob are as regards whether goods
are on board/loaded or not. They essentially do not deal with the constraint of damage or loss of goods
during loading. In Pyrene Co. Ltd v Scindia Navigation Co. Ltd a fire tender sold fob London
previously was damaged through the fault of the carrier while being carried onboard. This damage in
question occurred prior to the tender crossing the rail and the question that arose was whether the
shipowner was entitled to limit his liability as under the Hague Rules . If risk doesn t pass at the
beginning of the loading, when does it then pass? Is it when the goods move across the rail or when
goods are loaded onboard? Devlin J pointed out in Pyrene thus; The division of loading into two parts
are suited to more antiquated methods of loading than are now generally adopted and the ship s rail
has lost much of its nineteenth century significance. Only the most enthusiastic lawyer could watch
with satisfaction the spectacle of liablities shifting uneasily as the cargo sways at the end of a derrick
across a notional perpendicular projecting from the ship s rail
He went further to hold that parties were free to define their obligations as regards loading ; and that in
the case before him the carrier s had obligations which began
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Different Cell Types Of The Stomach Essay
The stomach is an organ that is part of the digestive system. The stomach is located in the upper left
part of the abdominal cavity, below the diaphragm and next to the liver (Stomach, 2013). The inner
walls of the stomach contain small pores called gastric pits. The gastric pits contain cells that secrete
chemicals that aid in the digestion of food (Nguyen, 2015). In this essay, I will discuss the different
cell types of the stomach, how they work together to provide the overall function of the stomach, why
each organ requires different cell types, why the stomach can t be comprised of just one cell type, and
the advantage of having different types of cells.
The stomach is made up of multiple cells that all have a certain job. The cells that I will be discussing
are the Surface mucous cells, Mucous Neck cells, Parietal Cells, Chief cells, and the G cells.
Surface mucous cells
Surface mucous cells are the protective epithelial cells that line the surface of the stomach including
the gastric pits. The function of the surface mucous cells is to serve as a physical and chemical barrier.
The surface mucous cells secretes a bicarbonate rich mucus that forms a thick gel like coat that
adheres to the surface epithelium and protects the gastric tissue from abrasion and the acid content of
the stomach (The Stomach, n.d.).
Mucous Neck cell
The mucous neck cells are located in the neck section of the stomach often squeezed between two
parietal cells. The mucous neck cells job is to
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Crime And Crime
Possible explanations
To find a correlation between immigration and crime we must look at cultural differences. Thorsten
Sellin, a sociologist from the University of Pennsylvania, argues that conflicting conduct norms
between the old and new societies is the principal cause of crime among youth. Sellin points to
immigrant s values in that they often deviate from receiving societies (Sellin, 1938). To summarize, in
the absence of clear cut rules, individuals are likely to deviate from norms that are not self evident.
Sellin s argument points to an increase in crime and delinquency because migrant populations are
unable or unsuccessful to cultural adaption to the hosting society. Edwin Sutherland, a criminologist in
Pennsylvania, also points to acculturation as a connection to crime regarding immigrants (Sutherland,
1978). Sutherland argues that the blame should not be on immigrant s cultural origins but instead the
acculturation into American Society, which would naturally affect the second generation immigrants.
Sutherlands view has led some to believe that second generation immigrants may be more crime
prone. Sutherland states that ..this acculturation perspective addresses the problem of cultural
assimilation and its effect on delinquency and risky behavior (Sutherland, 1978). Sutherland brings up
a valid point in that the reason we statistically see later generations of immigrants committing crime is
that they are naturalizing to American society. However, even
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The document discusses the ethical issues surrounding the creation, distribution, and use of metadata. It begins by defining metadata as data that describes other data and provides context about how it is used. It then discusses metadata standards and the need for standardized metadata to organize large amounts of digital information across different platforms. The document provides examples of metadata standards and discusses the debate around minimal standards that allow broad use versus more rigorous standards that ensure high accuracy.

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The document provides instructions for creating an account and submitting assignment requests on the website HelpWriting.net. Users complete a registration with an email and password, then fill out a 10-minute order form providing instructions, sources, and deadline. Writers bid on the request and the user selects a writer based on qualifications. After receiving the paper, the user can request revisions until satisfied. The website guarantees original, high-quality content and refunds plagiarized work.

Argumentative Paper Format Argumentative Essay Outlin
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This document outlines the steps to request and receive writing assistance from the HelpWriting.net service. It explains that users must first create an account with a password and email. They can then submit a request with instructions, sources, and deadline. Writers will bid on the request and the user can choose a writer based on qualifications. The writer will complete the paper and the user can request revisions until satisfied before authorizing final payment. HelpWriting.net guarantees original, high-quality work or a full refund.

The Social Problem Of Family Violence And Abuse
The social problem I decided to discuss is the subject of family violence and abuse, which includes
spouses and children. Now, as Ember and Ember explain in the text, in order to deal with violence
within families, we must first decide on what should be classified as abuse and what is not (Ember
Ember, pg. 230). The word abuse can have various definitions across cultures, as not everyone thinks
of it in the same way. To some, hitting a child is a perfectly acceptable form of punishment and of wife
beating can be seen in a male dominating household as a necessary act to keep a spouse in check. I
personally believe that abuse can be defined as the repeatedly cruel or violent treatment of someone,
mainly intended to do harm against that person. I believe that in order to combat this problem, there is
a few main actions that can be done that can at least reduce the amount of family violence we see
throughout cultures. For one, people need to acknowledge that family violence, both domestic
violence and child abuse is real and exists throughout countless societies and communities. The
second is to realize that family violence is not a necessary behavior and can actually have long lasting
and damaging effects on the people we love the most. The third action is to educate people in
alternative ways they can deal with their family members without having to resort to violence.
The first most important step in solving any problem is to actually express that there is a problem in
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A Lot Of People See Gun Control In Every Way, Shape And
A lot of people see gun control in every way, shape and form as taking a bit of our freedom away.
Others do not have an issue with gun control. Gun control is an issue of safety, education, race, and
politics. Most gun owning Americans believe that just because certain people do not know how to use
their freedom of having control over their own guns does not mean everyone else should have their
freedom of gun control and ownership taken away by liberal politicians, most who have not even
owned or shot a gun in their whole entire life. The Second Amendment of the United States
Constitutions says that the people have the right to bear arms and it is not to be infringed. There is a
reason why it is in the Bill of Rights and there is also a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Therefore, when a person is going to commit a crime upon someone they might think twice about
what they are going to do, because they have no idea if that person is carrying a gun or not. The
United States has become very restrictive when granting a person to own guns. Certain states have
come up with the Shall Issue law, which prevents anyone to own, or carry firearms if that person has a
criminal record with a felony or has a mental disorder. Many states even require a permit to carry a
concealed gun in public.
Most people learn about responsibility during their childhood and what they learn reflects what they
do and how they act when they get older and become adults. Children that live in a good household
tend to have better understandings of life and respect other people and their lives. Children would also
have a better idea of recreation, for example hunting, and for a mean of protection from criminals. On
the other hand, the children who grow up in problematic homes and that have uncaring parents, who
are usually criminals themselves, tend to turn to crime. They are just doing what they believe is right,
since that is how they were raised. So, we need to educate children about the potential dangers of
firearms if they are not respected and treated with care.
Most Americans who believe that more guns equal more crime are afraid of the people who carry guns
in public places, open
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Proclamation Of 1763 Was Offensive To The Colonists
Proclamation of 1763 Forbade all American settlement West of the Appalachian Mountains to appease
the Natives. The Proclamation was offensive to the Colonists because the Colonists thought they
deserved the land after fighting with the British in the Seven Years War. Colonists rebelled against this
and settled on the land anyways . The Proclamation was significant because it was one of the first
times that Americans were being restricted by the Crown. Virtual Representation Stated that
Parliament members spoke on behalf of all British subjects instead of the interests of one region.
Colonists were angered by this because they knew that Parliament has British interests as the highest
priority instead of the colonies. Colonists also felt ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The committee organized responses to England led by Patriots. The committee promoted patriotism
and home manufacturing in an effort to boycott Britain s trade. This was significant because the
committee helped impose and influence patriot views on American and encouraged citizens to rebel
against Great Britain. Lexington and Concord The first military battles of the American Revolutionary
War. British men were tasked with seizing arms in Concord. The minutemen and redcoats crossed
paths in Lexington and Britain was forced to retreat back to Boston. This was a major victory for the
Patriots which bolstered their confidence and influenced other people to join the Patriot cause because
they had a fighting chance. Bunker Hill The area near Boston where colonists fortified Bunker Hill
which overlooked Boston. From the hill, the Colonists easily fight the town and the British ships near
them. By morning the Americans had soldiers ready at cannons posed at the British. Eventually
Britain were able to take charge of the hill but twice the British soldiers died in comparison to the
Colonists. The battle reassured the Patriots that they had a good chance in defeating the British in the
war since inexperience militiamen were able to put up a good fight when they were outnumbered by
trained British
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Battle Of Wilderness Research Paper
The war had begun in the spring of 1861 and somewhat ominously for the Union. On March 7th ,1862
Glen Joseph Johnston, commander of the Confederates Army of Northern Virginia ordered his troops
to march out of Centreville,Virginia and head about forty miles South to Fredericksburg on the
Rappahannock River. Johnston reasoned that keeping his troops closer to Washington was no longer
an advantage. Johnston s move may have been the result of an economic consideration. Lee was sent
to west Texas, where he served from 1857 through 1861. General Winfield Scott recalled Lee from
Texas when the Lower South seceded from the Union. Lee and grant exchanged awkward personal
inquiries due to knowing each other during the mexican war. In April, 1863 General ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Grant wasted very little time trying to hopefully finish the war. Soon enough the Battle of Wilderness
began on May, 5 1864. For a couple days the Union and Confederate forces struggled. In 1852, Lee
became superintendent of the Military Academy. In 1855, secretary of war, Jefferson Davis transfered
Lee from staff to line. Robert, E lee was born in 1807 into a wealthy family that owned a large
plantation in Arlington, Virginia. Robert E lee like many young men of the landowning class, was
brought up to be a gentleman soldier. In 1829 Robert E Lee graduated second class from the U.S.
Military Academy. Robert E Lee was the fifth born he grew up in an area where george Washington
was still a living memory. At Appomattox, Virginia confederate General Robert E Lee surrenders his
28,000 troops to t General Ulysses S Grant, effectively ending the American Civil
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The document provides a 5-step guide for using the HelpWriting.net writing service: 1. Create an account with a password and email. 2. Complete a 10-minute order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3. Review bids from writers and choose one based on qualifications. 4. Ensure the paper meets expectations and authorize payment. 5. Request revisions until fully satisfied, with a refund option for plagiarism.

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1. The document discusses a proposal to implement a gigabit internet setup for ABC Inc. that is cost effective. It recommends using category 6 cabling that can support speeds up to 10 gigabits per second to future proof the network. 2. It also analyzes Abraham Lincoln's justification for restricting civil liberties like habeas corpus during the U.S. Civil War to prioritize national security and protect citizens. Lincoln argued that the president has inherent emergency powers. 3. Additionally, it covers how the bankruptcy of a former top chocolate company in England called Rosewood due to lower prices from competitors impacted its owner's family, especially a young boy having to adjust to doing household chores for the first time.

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The document provides steps for seeking writing help from the website HelpWriting.net. It explains that users must first create an account, then submit a request with instructions and deadline. Writers will bid on the request, and the user can choose a writer based on qualifications. The writer will complete the assignment, which the user can request revisions for until satisfied. The website aims to provide original, high-quality content and offers refunds for plagiarized work.

Essay about Symbolism in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
Symbolism in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Thesis: The short story The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
found in Perrine s Literature written by Thomas R. Arp is a story full of symbolism.
I. Names are used to represent different aspects of the story.
a. Mr. Summers is a bright and cheerful man. His attitude, demeanor, and name represent the summer.
Mr.Graves name represents what is about to happen. They are sending someone to their grave. These
names are obvious as to what they mean.
b. Mrs. Delacroix s name comes from the Latin word for crucifix. Mr. And Mrs. Adams name is used
to represent humanity. These names you have to look a little more deeply into.
II. The items used to hide the lottery are also significant in their own ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Author Summary Shirley Jackson was born in San Francisco, California on December 14, 1919. The
family left California and moved to New York when she was sixteen. At age twenty Shirley enrolled at
the University of Syracuse. There she met Stanley Edgar Hyman. Her and Hyman were later married
in 1940. Her literary production increased tremendously after her marriage and the birth of their four
children. Unfortunately with all of her success she was still human, with human problems. She was an
agoraphobic and severely depressed. The may be why her stories are so far out in left field compared
to what was being written at the time, and even today. Her writing was an outlet for her and this lead
so many successful works of literature. Shirley Jackson s stories always seem to center on one thing:
almost every story is about a protagonist s discovering or failing to discover or successfully ignoring
an alternate way of perceiving a set of circumstances or the world. Often a change in the character s
perspective leads to terror, anxiety, neurosis, or even loss of their identity. Jackson s most notable
work The Lottery is a ghastly story that tells of the way people blindly follow traditions and conform
to their society. She also published many short stories in periodicals such as the New Yorker, Good
Housekeeping, Woman s Day, The Hudson Review, and The Yale Review. She also published novels
such as The
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Kiwi Forest Birds
Before pests were introduced into New Zealand, it was home to thousands of birds and these all
evolved without the threat of predatory land mammals. Except for two species of bat, there were no
land mammals in New Zealand before humans arrived. Because of this, plants and animals did not
evolve defence mechanisms or any way to protect themselves from the predators. For instance, the
leaves of plants do not contain poisons to deter browsing mammals, while many birds and insects have
lost their ability to fly. Possums, rats, stoats, ferrets and feral cats all kill adult birds, their chicks and
raid their nests for eggs. They are also major competitors for sometimes wiping out entirely critical
food sources such as supplies of fruits, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In Tongariro Forest, the survival of kiwi chicks increased by 57% after a dramatic reduction in pest
numbers following the 2006 aerial 1080 drop. This increase in native bird population helps to stabilise
the functioning of the ecosystem as a whole. However, some aerial 1080 drops may negatively impact
the population of local birds if not carried out with enough care. There have been individuals found
dead after aerial 1080 drops from 19 species of native birds, although this mainly occurred in the
1970s. 7 of the 38 tagged kea in Ōkārito Forest in August 2011 were killed during an aerial possum
control 1080 drop kea are particularly susceptible to 1080 poison baits because of their omnivorous
and inquisitive nature.
1080 is biodegradable and breaks down in the environment quickly because it dissolves readily in
water and is diluted quickly. Micro organisms also usually help to degrade it quickly, meaning it is
unlikely the environment will have any long term contamination. Any trace 1080 will usually have
disappeared from baits and soil by 1 4 weeks in mild conditions, although it may take up to several
months to disappear under cold or dry conditions. Once in water, 1080 is biodegraded into non toxic
by products within two to six days, although the breakdown rate is slower in colder conditions. 1080 is
diluted quickly to very low concentrations in water. 1080 can also be taken up by plants from the soil
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Brain Supplement Research Paper
Today, information is anywhere and everywhere. Within several minutes of messing around with your
smart phone and you will get practically every bit of information on just about everything. This has
created an urban society by which everyone is aware of everything in their own environment and
themselves, such as the chemical processes inside their bodies that constitute life. Combine this with
the current bombardment by a lot of promotional initiatives that inform us about new products that are
proposed to be possible to in enhancing our cognitive functioning, and the possibilities for brain
enhancement become very tangible. The array of brain supplements and nootropics is incredibly wide
and various. The fundamental question: do they actual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
No business or brand could report that and the majority of them tend to be intelligent enough not to.
So, if they re really not trying to pull a fast one on you, exactly what are they? What these brain
supplements and nootropics do, though, is providing you with an enhanced dose of specific chemical
substances that may stimulate your nervous system as well as always keep you alert. A lot of them
contain natural substances that have been proved to be good for brain activity as well as overall health.
Nonetheless, to actually become smarter you still have to put in the effort yourself. Nootropics are
only able to facilitate the process.
Let s again repeat a very important factor because a lot of the individuals who look at these brain
supplements and turn away do not understand it. Smart drugs will not make you smarter, nor can they
increase your memory orr all of a sudden provide you with unique abilities. These products are made
to fill in the gaps in your diet so that you have enough of the brain activity enhancing vitamins and
nutrients that will help you remain alert and stimulate the synapses within your brain. If you are taking
care, you can definitely obtain a large amount of benefit from the cognitive enhancers available these
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Ethics and Social Justice
Nakita Davis
Walden University
Final Project: Ethics and Social Justice
Non Profit organization
A non profit organization is an organization that generally has the aim of serving the interests of the
public. A nonprofit organization is a charitable organization that legally does not declare its profit but
rather, it goes ahead and utilizes the revenue they have accumulated after their normal operating
expenses in their services to the public interest. Therefore, the organization uses the surplus revenues
to achieve their mission and purpose rather than dividing the income among the directors as dividends
or profits.
Recently, in many countries all over the world, many nonprofit organizations have been exempted
from income tax, as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are quite some nonprofit organizations in the world that are very well known by people all over.
The top nonprofit organizations include the United Nations Children s Fund (UNICEF), Human
Rights Watch (HRW), National Public Radio (NPR), as well as the Human Rights Campaign. These
are some of the widely known and recognized nonprofit organization of the generation that we are
today. Therefore, it will be a great chance for me to give a critical outlook of one of these nonprofit
organizations. I will point out key issues in the United Nations Children s Funds that is widely
recognized (Sinuany Stern amp; Sherman, 2014).
The United Nations Children s Fund (UNICEF)
It is a nonprofit organization under the United Nations that has its headquarters in New York City.
UNICEF was established way back on December 11, 1946, by the United Nations General Assembly
(Morris, 2015). The main aim why the United Nations General Assembly created the organization was
to provide emergency food, as well as healthcare to those children that had been ruined by the Second
World War. Ludwik Rajchman was the first individual to be the chairman of the organization. Ludwik
served as chairman of the organization for a period of five years from the year 1946 to 1950 (Morris,
Initially, the organization was known as the
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This document describes the author's experience with his wife and first child. They found out in 2008 that they were expecting their fourth child together. Due to issues with their landlord, they moved their family from Florida back to North Carolina over the holidays. The author continued working in Florida for six more months before transferring to a new job in Georgia. They decided to have the baby in North Carolina where the wife was comfortable with her doctor. The author was able to be home for the birth during his time off between jobs.

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Duplicate Persuasive Speech
The Intro Is it true that you are a supporter? Supporters are individuals who depend on a pioneer kind
of, similar to sheep since when one sheep moves the various sheep tail it. I ll ask you again would you
say you are a devotee? There dependably a gathering of devotees at school. They depend on each
other to settle on choices they ought to be making themselves. Regardless of whether it is the thing
that they ought to do at lunch or what brandish they ought to play when one accomplishes something
they all take after. In any case, this needs to stop in light of the fact that without yourself you are only
a duplicate of someone else. In the event that your only a duplicate of another you won t go anyplace
in life. John Mason cites You are conceived a unique don t kick the bucket a duplicate . The Story ...
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I discarded my companions to run play posse up with the greater part of alternate children so more
individuals might want me. This worked for some time until the football season began. Everybody
was greatly improved than I was at football. Each session of preparing, I heard consistent gab about
the amount I suck at football I couldn t have cared less toward the begin, yet then I began to get
discouraged about it. I began to loathe football. It resembled each instructional meeting was torment,
however I kept on tailing them since I thought in the event that I ceased they would all loathe me. At
football games, I lost all enthusiasm for the amusement in view of these remarks. I gradually begun to
feel better in light of the fact that these remarks begun to stop, however a few people on the group still
made these
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Criticalpaper And A Rose For Emily
During the nineteenth century, many women were pressured to fit into their societal roles. Both
Charlotte Perkins Gilman and William Faulkner wrote stories inspired by those nineteenth century
social issues. Even though Faulkner wrote his story, A Rose for Emily , 40 years after Gilman s story,
The Yellow Wall paper , both stories portray several types of nineteenth century social issues
accurately. Because of their knowledge about these social issues, Gilman and Faulkner were able to
portray the main characters struggles. Both main characters of these stories, the narrator and Emily,
become oppressed by their social environments because of the expectations that were placed on them
and the values that were instilled. Because ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Because of her experience as a woman in the nineteenth century, Gilman based her story on the
treatment of hysteria . While Gilman s story focuses on late nineteen century issues, Faulkner writes
about a town stuck in early nineteenth century ideals. Before the Civil War, upper class women were
held to the ideal of a southern belle . The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture explains that because
much of the ideals remained in the late century, the pre Civil War era women were strongly held to
their class hierarchy (268). After the Civil War had ended, the South began to change rapidly.
According to The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture, the Civil War changed the class dynamics
of the region (231). Although the story is set throughout the change of the south, many of the older
townspeople are stuck treasuring old ideals and expectations. Emily is continuously held to these
grand expectations and eventually falls into hysteria because of them. While the contexts of the issues
are different, both of the main characters struggle with the expectations and ideals that are placed on
them. Through the expectations and values of women in the nineteenth century, Gilman is able to
portray the reason for the narrator s hysteria . Throughout the story, the narrator s husband seems to
belittle most of her statements. In her essay, critic Rula Quawas suggests that the
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Schizophrenia Is A Heterogeneous Illness
Schizophrenia is a heterogeneous illness that may involve several pathophysiological gender
differences. For men and women incidence risk peaks between 20 29 years of age, and women also
have a second risk peak between 30 39 years of age. Negative symptoms including low motivation
and withdrawal are more frequent in men and appear up to six years before diagnosis (Hafner, 2005;
Hafner et al., 1993; Morgan et al., 2008). Women exhibit greater levels of depression and positive
symptoms including sexual inappropriateness, impulsivity and delusions (Mendrek et al., 2015; Van
der Werf et al., 2014). Sex differences in either age of onset or prevalence of negative symptoms are
not as evident in patients that have a family history of schizophrenia (Bergen et al., 2014; Hafner et
al., 1998).
Estrogen has been proposed to have a possible protective role that may account for a later age of
disease onset in women, when levels are lowest during post response rates to antipsychotic drugs are
also higher in women menopause (Allen et al., 2013; Hafner, 2005; Leung M.D. Chue M. R. C.
Psych., 2000; Ochoa et al., 2012). Obstetric complications have also been connected with an increased
risk of developing schizophrenia, an earlier age of disease onset, poorer outcomes and ventricular
enlargement. Such complications appear to be more frequent and severe in males than females. (Allen
et al., 2013; Dalman et al., 1999; Kelly et al., 2004). Prenatal exposure to influenza 5 months before
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Henrietta Lacks
Ethical issues:
The main ethical issues in this case is that researches at Johns Hopkins Hospital used Henrietta s cell
in multiple researches and send her cells to other researchers around the world without her family s
consent. Moreover, the Lackes themselves were used in medical research without informed consent,
and Henrietta s medical records were release to journalists without her family knowing.
These are issues because the cells of Henrietta lack were used to create immortal cells that provided a
steady supply of cells for medical research and allowed to find cure for multiple diseases, and
guaranteed the medical industry millions of dollar when her family his struggling to pay for
healthcare. Moreover, researchers at Johns ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Stakeholders Evaluation
Clearly, these researchers had their own agenda to acquire a medical breakthrough that would change
the history of science and contribute to the greater good of society. However, their authority was used
in an unwarranted manner to accomplish their goals, regardless of their respectable intentions in
wanting to make medical progress. In reviewing these researchers and medical practitioners actions
during the 1950 s which entails series of unethical behaviors and violation of human right, it develops
an essential need to establish guidelines in the attempt to protect patient s rights and privacy.
Furthermore, due to the alternatives that arise throughout this case, there are many possible outcomes
to be considered that could have a significant impact on stakeholders if these courses of action are
fallowed. These solutions consequences may involve the tentative research, an advance way of life for
the Lack s family, political turmoil, economic health impact and a society whose cells may have
similar experience.
The impact of any solution to the Lacks situation could be far reaching. Stakeholders in any identified
solutions include the dignity and memory of Henrietta Lacks herself, her family and descendents, the
community in which she lived, medical researchers, medical practitioners, medical institutions and
organisations, pharmaceutical companies and the financial world, governments and the
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The document discusses various financial ratios that can be used to analyze the financial health and liquidity of a company called FirstRate, including the current ratio, acid test ratio, accounts receivable ratio, and inventory turnover ratio. The current ratio and acid test ratio for FirstRate are trending down, indicating increased liquidity risk. Accounts receivable and days to sell inventory are also trending upward, which is not ideal as it increases credit risk and carrying costs. The ratios provide insights into FirstRate's short-term financial management and ability to meet obligations.

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The document provides instructions for using the writing service HelpWriting.net. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account with a password and email. 2) Complete an order form with instructions, sources, and deadline. 3) Review bids from writers and choose one. 4) Review the paper and authorize payment. 5) Request revisions until satisfied. It promises original, high-quality content or a full refund.

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1. The document provides instructions for creating an account on HelpWriting.net to request that a writer complete an assignment paper. It outlines registering, submitting a request with instructions and deadline, reviewing writer bids, selecting a writer, and revising the completed paper. 2. The bidding system matches requests with qualified writers. Customers can choose a writer based on qualifications, history, and feedback, then pay a deposit to start the assignment. 3. Customers can request multiple revisions to ensure satisfaction. HelpWriting.net promises original, high-quality content and offers refunds for plagiarized papers. The process aims to fully meet customer needs.

Summary Of A Pair Of Tickets
Travis Marzina
Professor Stephen Graf
ELIT 1050
2 November 2014
Short Fiction Response Paper How much can a story differ if someone else tells it? Moreover, just
how much can we get out of a story based on narrative voice alone? After reading A Pair of Tickets by
Amy Tan and Cathedral by Raymond Carver, it is clear that narrative viewpoint truly drives the
emotions and understanding a reader experiences while reading. Both A Pair of Tickets and Cathedral
are told from a first person viewpoint, and that dictates the tone and message the story sends to
readers. A Pair of Tickets is a story about a middle aged woman who is embarking on her first trip to
China. The 36 year old woman named Jing Mei never really embraced the idea of being Chinese. She
notes that in middle school all of her friends talked about how they were more Chinese than she was.
The bulk of the story takes place while Jing Mei is en route to China, and along the way her father
who is accompanying her on the trip tells her several stories about her recently deceased Chinese
mother. As the story progresses, Jing Mei begins to embrace her Chinese heritage, and realizes that
although she was raised with an American way of thinking, it does not truly define who she is or has o
be. The emotion the narrator in A Pair of Tickets had was brought forward instantly in the beginning
of the story. In the second line alone, the narrator (Jing Mei) says that she can feel the skin on her
forehead tingling and
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How Implementing Best Practices Would Have Reduced The...
Evaluate how implementing best practices would have reduced the chances for failure. Provide
support for your rationale. The chances of failures can be decreased by executing the checks on the
systems. These keep an eye on the systems preventing risks from occurring, and these checks are
avoided as the interior controls. The motivation behind the inner controls is to keep the organization
safe from risks associated with the modernized accounting system risks. Organizations change their
manual accounting systems to computerized accounting systems for different reasons, this
incorporates the points of interest, and the explanation behind utilizing electronic accounting
information is instinct. The organizations embrace the policies of their ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The same starting information will be accessed by PC from the memory gadget, the recovery of the
information will be automatic and the speed of recovery will be a few times faster than that of the
manual systems. The movement of the information in the accounting system is the first step, however,
movement of information is not the catalyst for business opportunities; supplanting the system obliges
customization as per the new system, nevertheless, the current information additionally should be
moved into new system (Castle, 2008). The movement of the information does not bring new
opportunities as it is expected after the computerization of the accounting systems. The new system
will have distinctive risks, and the prerequisites will be diverse for the information operations and
recovery. The inside controls will be distinctive, and the regulations will be diverse. The recovery of
the information turns out to be simple and snappy due to the modernized systems. However, it has the
dangers identified with the utilization of information for the reason other than that for which it was
gathered. An employee is not supposed to use confidential information of other employees, and
therefore confidentiality must be up held. Personal information should be kept classified and utilized
just for the planned reason. The information assurance acts have confined the entrance of information
by an unauthorized
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The Benefits Of Bilingualism And The Human Brain
The human brain is capable of the most remarkable abilities. It doesn t just manage the human body,
but it also allows us to communicate by processing, interpreting, and understanding language. Human
beings use language as the main source of communication, it allows an individual to express
her/himself with greater precision. Each country has their own language, and with language comes
different accents and dialects. Speaking one language alone is enough for the brain to develop, as that
language is being constantly used. When it comes to speaking two languages, that s when the brain is
strengthened, the individual is more intelligent and is able to acquire knowledge more easily. The use
of two languages is described by the phenomenon of bilingualism.The effects of bilingualism are
linked to the functional neuroplasticity the ability of the brain to modify its structure and function with
experience. This neuroplastic effect leads to changes in personality in which a bilinguist is capable of
not just switching languages but switching personalities as well. One can argue that it takes more than
being bilingual to change brain activity and function, but most would agree that the benefits of
bilingualism outweigh the drawbacks. Advanced technology has shown that bilingualism has
improved cognitive control, changed brain activity over time to strengthen its neurons, and protect
against age related diseases. A major recent discovery over the effects of bilingualism is a
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  • 2. Comparing Two Different Versions Of Romeo And Juliet Im Shakespeare tragedy , Romeo and Juliet have fallen for each other.They are faced with many challenges throughout their love which eventually lead to their death. They´re two different versions of this play;one is by Baz Luhrmann which is more modern and has really nothing to do with the play then there is the one by Franco Zeffirelli which has more things in common with the actual play. In Act V Scene iii ¨The Death Scene¨ both directors have different ways of showing how the ¨two star crossed lovers¨ die. There were many differences between the Zeffirelli and Luhrmann film.The part that stood out to me the most was how Juliet takes her life away when she sees that Romeo is dead. In the Zeffirelli version Juliet grabs Romeoś dagger and stabs herself because she sees Romeo had killed himself with poison.However,in the Luhrmann version Juliet sees Romeo before he dies and actually gets to talk to him and Juliet sees him die.Juliet can not take the pain of seeing her Romeo die so she decides to take her own life to but instead of using a dagger she uses a gun. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Essay Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) play s a critical role in the function of contraction and relaxation of the muscle (John Wiley and Sons, 2003). It provides the ability to control and balance the amount of calcium being released/uptake and for storage (John Sons, 2003). There is a correlation between defects in calcium transport by SR and the ability for the heart to function (Alpert, Arai, MacLennan, and Periasamy, 1993). By alternating the gene expression that encodes SR proteins, it will show if the abnormalities in calcium uptake and release has a association with heat failure (Alpert et al., 1993). Defects in the ability of the sarcoplasmic reticulum to uptake/release calcium could cause dysfunction in systolic and diastolic rhythm in the heart (Donald M. Bers, David A Eisner and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Valdivia, 2003). It is considered heart failure if there is an improper function of systolic and diastolic for the heart to pump blood (Donald et al., 2003). It was difficult to obtain normal healthy hearts to compare to therefore, looked at levels of mRNA and phospholamban (regulate Ca2+ pump) that encodes SR to see the rate at which calcium is being uptake/released (Alpert et al., 1993). Patients with heart failure, showed a delay in the rate of the calcium uptake/release of about 50% decrease in the right ventricle by SR (Alpert et al., 1993).Furthermore, there was a 48% decrease of messenger mRNA in binding with ATP and uptake of calcium in the left ventricle (Alpert et al., 1993). Sarcoplasmic reticulum had a decrease rate in pumping calcium, which caused low rhythm that lead to heart failure (Alpert et al., 1993). The gene expression mRNA is important for the sarcoplasmic reticulum to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. 19th Century Charity Dbq During the nineteenth century charity was viewed as a way the rich could earn salvation by caring for the less fortunate. Being apart of this group disabled people were affected by the inequalities in the system. The growth of capitalism and industrialization led to a change in family dynamics as more people were leaving the home and working in factories and disabled people were in need of aid that they had been receiving from the family. The wealthy controlled the conditions for these workers entering the workforce and because welfare was paid for through taxation it became a way of social control. The wealthy paid more taxes so recipients of these charities were dependent on them. Any civil disobedience could lead in less aide for disabled ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Selecting An Real Estate Agent Essay Buying Resale Properties If you are looking to buy a private property or HDB flat in Singapore, make sure that you know all the pitfalls before you sign on the dotted line. Here are some of the major things you should look out for to avoid getting into a legal or financial tangle during the transaction. Selecting an Real Estate Agent You need to select an agent to service you. Find one who is familiar with the location and type of property you have in mind. Make sure the agent is from a Listed Housing Agency and also a member of the Institute of Estate Agents (IEA). Discuss your requirements with him and be specific. This will allow him to advise and service you in a professional manner. Ownership Always ensure that the seller is the actual owner of the property. You may wish to request for proof when you are making the purchase. Eligibility to sell Ensure that the seller of the property is eligible to sell the property. For a private property that is mortgaged to a bank, if the seller has lost money on the sale, and is unable to top up the shortfall on his bank loan, the bank may not allow the seller to go through with the transaction. For an HDB flat (except one room flats), there is a minimum occupation period whereby the seller must physically occupy the flat before he would be eligible to sell the flat. For a flat bought directly from the HDB or a resale flat bought with a CPF housing grant, the seller must physically occupy the flat for five years before he can sell ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. The Importance Of Anonymous Sources In Journalism Anonymous sources in Journalism Journalism scholars, critics, and the public continue to debate the wisdom of using unnamed sourcing in news reports. Proponents argue that granting sources anonymity is necessary to ensure the free flow of information that otherwise would go unreported. Critics of the practice charge that journalists too readily grant anonymity and thus risk undermining media credibility. (Duffy). Anonymous sourcing is defined as the use of information from someone who is not willing to put their name behind whatever they are saying. This type of sourcing has always been incredibly controversial for obvious reasons. Many argue that anonymous sourcing is unethical and unbelievable, while others think that information must be legit if sources are skeptical about admitting to it. Anonymous sources are one of the sexiest things in journalism. The idea conjures images of late night meetings in parking garages, voice modulators and Watergate era intrigue. The fact that someone feels the need to be protected makes their information feel more valuable, (Dobbs). There are many reasons why sources choose to keep their identity private, a few of these include the fear of losing employment, and as a security clearance from the public when giving out information that might be controversial at the time being. A flurry of inaccurate stories about O.J. Simpson based on unnamed sources has rekindled the debate over their use. Detractors say they hurt the media s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Workplace Observation Report I have learned several valuable skills over the course of my 8 month co op term. Organization and attention to detail are two important capabilities required in any job, which I have been able to develop as I faced a variety of tasks that challenged me to improve these skills. Through my commitment to learn I have come a long way since my first day on the job. As most people are, I was nervous on my first day because I wanted to make a good first impression and show that I was the right candidate for the job. I started by picking an outfit that would fit in with the office culture. In this case, I was told that business casual was the expected attire. While it sounds simple, I had to make sure that my outfit was professional yet ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After being a student at SFU for 4 years, I have come to understand the importance of organization in finding success. All jobs require organization in order to keep track of tasks and to avoid failure in keeping up with responsibilities. At this job the two primary programs that I used to keep organized were Excel and Outlook. Excel is helpful to stay organized because it can be used as a record keeping platform. I used Excel to gather information and presented is as statistics in graphs. However, I benefited from using Excel the most by tracking the tasks that were on my to do list. I kept separate spreadsheets for different responsibilities and had a chart that included each task that I had to complete. I would check off when I had completed a task, which would then indicate what the next step would be. Additionally, it left a paper trail that I could use if I had to look back to determine if something was completed. I tracked everything in Excel and integrated it into my daily routine. This practice significantly reduced the margin of error in my daily responsibilities. Excel is very beneficial because it can be used to further organization in any job. Outlook was a key program that I utilized every day. I would organize my emails by keeping them in labeled folders. Instead of deleting old emails, I would opt to put in them in a folder. I found ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Use of Irony to Portray Morality in Lord Byron s Don Juan... Use of Irony to Portray Morality in Lord Byron s Don Juan In Don Juan, George Gordon, Lord Byron, diverges from his name sake characterization with an un Byronic hero, Don Juan. The poem has been viewed as nihilistic and immoral. Actually there is plenty present in the first canto to show morality and hope for humanity. The poem should be viewed as the author intended: a satire on abuses of the present state of Society, an not an eulogy on vice... (Bostetter 9). Don Juan is a satire and therefore the morals present are shown in an ironic way. If fact, he wrote in such an obvious ironic fashion that it is hard to imagine the message was lost on many. His ironic theme is based on what people think and what they actually do. In effect ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Byron pokes fun at the hypocritical nature of people. An overabundant curiosity in other s affairs is certainly looked down upon yet it is rampant among people. Thus within in one sentence Byron points this idea out; people say one thing yet do another. This problem is central to what Byron sees as wrong with society, the basic hypocritical nature of people. There is truth to his thinking and by directing the reader to notice this, he can be said to be wanting to change that. Change usually does not occur until the fault is presented outright. Indeed, one form taken by the philosophic irony underlying the first canto suggests that cant and hypocrisy may endanger the very continuity of civilized tradition (Bostetter 22). The narrator, using his particular talent in prying in people s affairs feels fit to speak of Juan s upbringing. Instead of quarreling, had they been but both in,/ Their senses, they d have sent young master forth/ To school, or had him soundly whipp d at home,/ To teach him manners for the time to come (Byron 197 200). This presents a sort of paradox the reader may find it immoral for the narrator to judge Juan s parents and yet without this view Juan s later episodes would have less meaning behind them; for we would not know the reasons behind his behavior. Perhaps we would find the narrator s opinion of Juan s parents biased. Therefore we are told more of their immoral behavior. They lived an unhappy sort of life,/ Wishing each other, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Samaritan Woman It was high noon on a hot day. Jesus, tired from traveling, chose to rest at Jacob s well near the town of Sychar, while waiting for His disciples to go into town for food. An unnamed Samaritan woman came to draw water at a well. She hated facing others because the Jews despised her people, and she was an outcast looked down upon even by her own people. This woman was ostracized and marked as immoral, an unmarried woman living openly with the sixth in a series of men. She could not have guessed the surprise she was about to encounter that day. An Offer She Couldn t Refuse Grace often comes as a surprise when we are least expecting it. When the Samaritan woman appeared with clay jar in hand, Jesus made a simple request: Will you give me a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. A Study on Conservative Resurgence Conservative Resurgence (Order #A2065848) For many years the Republican party and its conservative base was the central point of blame for the economic woes that had occurred in America during the Great Depression. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and his liberal Democratic party were portrayed as the saviors of the United States economy and the only intellectual and political tradition that remained for America. However, the social excesses, political instability and economic turmoil that the liberals of the late 1960 s and early 1970 s created, led to a resurgence in conservative thinking. Americans began to reject the complete dependence on the government, and the inefficiency and corruption associated with it, in favor of a more independent and politically conservative way of thinking. As a result, 1980 saw the election of Ronald Reagan, a hard core conservative Republican as President of the United States. Reagan s victory over then President Jimmy Carter signaled a distinct resurgence in conservative values and political activity. In the 1950 s, Lionel Trilling, famous literary critic and writer, stated that in the United States at this time liberalism is not only the dominant but even the sole intellectual tradition. (McPherson, 2008, p.30) This belief was maintained throughout the 1960 s and 1970 s within the American intellectual and political community. In addition, the conservative opposition to the civil rights movement, although for constitutional reasons, had ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Colonialism In Teresia What is colonialism? Colonialism is occupying one s land with or without the permission of the natives of the land and later on occupying it with settlers and utilizing it economically. Colonialism began in 1500s by European nations such as France, Portugal, England, and Spain. European nations began to colonize through Americas, India, Middle East, and South East Asia. Part of the logic behind colonialism was to modernize the colonized countries. Various European nations had also control over the south pacific islands. The first Oceania colonies were Australia and New Zealand. Soon after, French seized French Polynesia and New Caledonia. Writers such Kathy Jetnil Kijiner, Teresia Teaiwa, and Dina El Dessouky have spoken about the harsh reality of colonialism in south pacific. Kathy Jentil Kijiner is a Marshall Islander poet and spoken word artist. Kathy has spoken against the environmental injustice in the Marshall islands, she has spoken out against the nuclear testing in her home islands through her poems. Teresia Teaiwa, a scholar in research of the cultures of the pacific islands. Teresia has also written about the nuclear testing in the pacific islands, Teresia Teaiwa s Bikinis and other s/pacific n/oceans is written in an academic manner, targeted mainly for educated audience. Dina El Dessouky s, Fish, Coconuts, and Ocean People: Nuclear Violations of Oceania s Earthly Design, takes on the nuclear testing in the French Polynesia and fake promises ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Book Of Genesis Is Submerged With Revelation Introduction The Book of Genesis is submerged with revelation(s) which shows similarities between the first Adam(s) and the last Adam(s). Revelation is the knowledge which the owner of the land gives unto his subjects to execute his purpose in the land, in his place, see John 16:7 16; As the first Adam is the son of God, see Luke 3:38. The last Adam is God the Son, see Hebrews 1:8. Adam was given the knowledge to execute the Father s purpose in the garden, this is a type of revelation, see Genesis 2:15 19. Adam is the prince of this word, he owns the land by inheritance, and obeys the will of the Father, by operating in the spirit of revelation, see Genesis 2:17. When is, the inheritance given to Adam, Genesis 1:26; says, let them have dominion over ALL the earth. The only thing that was greater than Adam was God s word. God himself has now made himself subject to Adam decisions. In Genesis 2:17, Death here refers to dominion over principalities and powers, see Ephesians 1:19 23. When Adam disobeyed, SIN entered the world, and DEATH gained dominion over the laws of Adam. Since God was in Adam, DEATH separated Adam from the Father because of the new law in his spirit, see Genesis 3:7 22. Adam was now born again, but to death. Thus, death entered the world and became the new schoolmaster, see Romans 5:12. Subsequently, God removes himself from the body of man, began his redemptive work, by reducing mans life to 120 years, see Genesis 6:3; and permitting the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Multinational Firms Are Inherently Regional Rather Than... Multinational Firms are inherently Regional, rather than Global 1 Oxford Economics, (2011). Economic Benefits from Air Transport in Singapore. Russell, E. (2007, 07, 06). Prying open ASEAN s skies GlobalEDGE, Michigan State University, (2013). Singapore: Economy Singapore Airlines, (2013). Where We Fly. Singapore Airlines, (2013). About Singapore Airlines. Singapore Airlines, (2013). Where We Fly. Mutzabaugh, (2010, 12, 14). U.S., European airlines no longer world s biggest, IATA says. Rugman, A.M. Cecilia, B. (2004). The Regional Nature of the World s Banking Sector , Management International Review,12 (3): 5 22. Rugman, A.M. Collinson, S. (2008). International Business, 5th Edition. U.S: Prentice Hall. Rugman, A.M. Cecilia, B. (2003). Multinational Firms are Regional, Not Global , Multinational Business Review, 11 (1): 3 12. Rugman, A.M. Verbeke, A. (2004). A perspective on regional and global strategies of multinational enterprises , Journal of International Business Studies, 35 (1): 3 18. Collinson, S. Rugman, A.M. (2007). The Regional Focus of Asian Multinational Enterprises , Working Papers 2007 08, Indiana University, Kelley School of Business, Department of Business Economics and Public Policy. Rugman, A.M. Sukpanich, N. (2006). Firm Specific Advantages Intra Regional Sales and Performance of Multinational Enterprises , Working Papers 2006 19, Indiana University, Kelley School of Business, Department of Business Economics and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Business Plan For A Company Liverpool John Moores University Event Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (6076TEF) Business Plan Ashley McDonald/ 614170 BUSINESS NAME Tea Off NAMES OF OWNERS/DIRECTORS Ashley McDonald DATE 30/03/15 Business plan contents 1.1 Executive summary 1.2 Mission statement 1.3 Aims and objectives 1.4 SWOT analysis 1.5 Keys to success Company Information 2.1 Company Summary 2.2 Company Ownership 2.3 Company Location and Facilities Market Research 3.1 Market Segmentation 3.2 Target Market Segmentation 3.3 Market Trends
  • 15. 3.4 Market Growth 3.5 Market Needs 3.6 Primary Market Research 3.7 PEST Analysis Competitor Profiling 4.1 Industry Analysis 4.2 Distribution Patterns 4.3 Competition and Buying Patterns 4.4 Main Competitors Market Plan 5.1 Strategy and Implementation Summary 5.2 Strategy Pyramid 5.3 Value Proposition 5.4 Competitive Edge 5.5 Marketing Strategy 5.6 Distribution Strategy 5.7 Monthly Marketing Plan Marketing Programs 6.1 Products 6.2 Products Description 6.3 Competitive Comparison 6.4 Sourcing 6.5 Future Products Promotion 7.1 Distinctive Logo 7.2 Distinctive Refreshment Cart 7.3 Advertising and Promotion 7.4 Positioning Statement 7.5 Pricing Strategy Sales 8.1 Sales Strategy 8.2 Sales Forecast 8.3 Sales Programs 8.4 Strategic Alliances Management 9.1 Management Summary 9.2 Management Team 9.3 Management Team Gaps
  • 16. 9.4 Organisational Structure 9.5 Personal Plan 9.6 Human Resource Management ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Research Paper On Racial Inequality Racial Inequality What do you think about racial inequality in the classroom, at work companies, and in the society? Racism plays a big role in the United States. For Blacks racial inequality existed from the very beginning. The whole black society wasn t free. Americans overwhelmingly agree that prejudice on the basis of race, ethnicity, and sex is not good. To begin with, what do u thinks about racism in the classroom? All students no matter what color of skin should be allowed in any classroom they want to be in. The issue of inequality seems to be obvious in our classrooms nowadays. It is said that although everyone, regardless of race or religion, have been given equivalent opportunities. anyway the color of our skin it makes them no different. Students of color face rough punishments in school than their peers. it has been 50 years ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Racial inequality in the workplace isn t always an argument of simply who is and isn t hired it can also be about who is build up and who is able to move into positions of function Some people may never get to work at their dream work due to racial problems. One of the biggest problems in the United States. Working should not define what you cannot do or who you really are. Everyone is human and will be doing the same thing that others are doing, which makes no one different. In the past years Americans have been committed in two mutual conversations referring to inequality which includes racial inequality. Blacks remain less likely to be hired and more likely to earn smaller pay, to be owed for higher prices for consumer goods. If a company gets sued for racial injustice, it can point to its distinction listing program as a good effort to disqualify racial discrimination and hopefully win the case. Blacks are not allowed to enjoy life in the American work force because of their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Traumatic Effects Of Traumatic Brain Injury Traumatic Brain Injury Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is one of the most common causes of death and long term disability in children (Kraus, 1995). It is an acquired brain injury that occurs when a sudden trauma causes damage to the brain (NIH,2016). The symptoms for Traumatic Brain Injury include frequent headaches, lightheadedness and dizziness. An individual may experience having blurred vision tired eyes, and fatigue. Even stressors prior to having an injury can contribute to the result of post injury. A person will experience a change in their sleep patterns, behavioral or mood changes, and trouble with their memory, concentration, attention, or thinking when they have Traumatic Brain Injury. Traumatic Brain Injuries can conclude to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A neurological exam will assess motor and sensory skills and the functioning of one or more cranial nerves (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 2012). Initially, health care providers can rank a person s functioning based on how long that person has been conscious, the length of their memory loss and their score on the Glasgow Coma Scale. The Glasgow Coma Scale is able to measure the individual s functioning by looking at their ability to speak, open their eyes and ability to move. The RAVLT has been shown to be insensitive to psychiatric illness such as depression and anxiety. However, there is some evidence that psychological distress (including depression, post traumatic stress, and other anxiety disorders) has some effect on RAVLT performance (Spreen Strauss, 1998). Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) is a neuropsychological assessment designed to evaluate verbal memory in patients that vary from 16 years of age and older (Strauss, Sherman, Spreen, 2006). It provides scores for assessing immediate memory, new verbal learning, susceptibility to interference (proactive and retroactive), retention of information after a period of time, and memory recognition (Malloy Diniz, Lasmar, Gazinelli, Fuentes, Salgado, 2007). It involves an oral presentation of 15 nouns (List A) which is over 5 learning trials, then it is followed by an immediate recall trial. Then another list of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Implementing An Improved Management Process Create an Innovation Being a part of a family business that has been running for a twenty years helped me evaluate their overall performance. Some internal processes and strategies are apparent, but also need improvement. After learning all the different methods to innovate in this course the decision to find a specific area of improvement in the organization was easy to find. Furthermore, implementing an improved management process will definitely improve the company s overall performance and work efficiency. Describe the problem your innovation targets. What is the scope of the problem and which stakeholders, both within the organization and without, does it impact? The problem about this innovation is it can create conflict within the employees because this will be a major change to them. Change is difficult and when it comes to innovating in a business that has been working the same way for twenty years it can become difficult. It is important to consider the scope of the problem, is it too broad or is it nonrealistic. In this organization the stakeholders involved and that will be affected are the employees, and the suppliers. This innovation entails for the stakeholder to understand the importance of defining their roles, decision power, and commitment for the innovation plan (Deschamps, 2013). Describe your innovation and explain how it addresses the problem. How will it meet the needs of the organization and all stakeholders involved? The plan to innovating is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Controversy Between Pro-Life And Pro Life The issue of Abortions has been a controversy for years now. There are two main groups for this problem, Pro Life, and Pro Choice. Pro Life supports the human rights of life should be embraced, by religion and ethics. Pro choice is when someone wants to make this choice without no remorse of human life, but because someone wants no part of it raising one. First up for discussion is the root of a problem is a feminist. A feminist is the Pro choice in abortions, meaning that one believes that is the woman s choice and right to have. Also, a feminist is someone who believes that a woman should not mess up her body and should be worrying about her health. Pro choice believes that a fetus does not have any right to life until twenty four weeks (Gupta, 2014). For example, someone that the writer know has had four abortions and told her that she was not able to have another child because of having so many procedures done. Next up for discussion the pro life. The pro life comes from those with religion; these individuals believe that aborting something or someone is a sin. The writer thought and understood as well, that this is an endangerment not just for the health of someone doing so, but anyone who wants a child later on in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The two groups have always been one of the main controversies in the world today. Pro life deals with religion and pro choice is when a woman has her choice of what to do with herself. Nevertheless, the approach that the writer has chosen will have a better strategy for women today, instead of what others may think. The approach will also be better by talking to these women and young adults before even doing the procedure, meaning most of these procedures are not successful. To conclude, if on would want children in the future may not be able to have or carry a child, compared to those who had a successful ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Relationship Between A Mother And Daughters Essay Almost every woman in North America has some form of a relationship with their daughter or mother, or both. However, these relationships can vary in amiability and affection. Whether due to similarities or differences in personality or circumstances in life, mothers and daughters can be close confidants or fierce foes. These familial relationships have been studied in part by Marianne Hirsch and Sharon M. Varallo in their essays on the familial gaze and the genre of family photographs, respectively. In this essay, I will be using the work previously done by Hirsch and Varallo to analyze two different mother daughter relationships presented in the television show Gilmore Girls. The two relationships differ vastly in their outward appearance, however both relationships show underlying characteristics of both friendship and animosity. Overall, these two mother daughter relationships demonstrate that the love between a mother and a daughter can be expressed in various ways. Gilmore Girls follows the lives of three women in the Gilmore family. Rory, the youngest, is a teenager at the beginning of the show. She is an only child and was raised by her single mother, Lorelai, in the small town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut. Lorelai is in her thirties throughout the show. She became pregnant with Rory when she was sixteen, and left her wealthy parents home to raise Rory alone. Emily, the eldest Gilmore girl, is in her fifties and sixties during the show. She and her husband are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Phantom Limbs, Phantom Pain, And The Essay Phantom Limbs, Phantom Pain, And The I Function The so called I function which describes the brain s sense of self takes on interesting connotations when discussing phantom limbs and associated phantom pain. The loss of an arm or leg through amputation is not an easy experience to endure, and is even more difficult when the patient begins to feel sensations in their now missing limb. These feelings, sometimes referred to as stump hallucination , is the subjective sensation, not arising from an external stimulus, that an amputated limb is still present (1). Although they no longer exist, patients perceive these limbs as still being essential components of their body image, and continues to move in sync with their torso and other ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since there is no visual feedback, initiating motor intention does not activate proprioreceptors (4). Over time, phantom limbs are deemed by the amputee to be overflexed, which causes a cramping pain. The question that arises is, if the inconsistency between the intention of the brain and the perception of the body s actions was to be resolved, could the phantom pain also be eliminated? Several theories have been developed over the years that have attempted to answer this question, most notably by Ronald Melzack and Vilayanur Ramachandran. The earliest hypothesis regarding the cause of phantom limbs and pain was that of neuromas. These were thought to be nodules comprised of remaining nerves located at the end of the stump. These neuromas presumably continued to generate impulses that traveled up the spinal cord to portions of the thalamus and somatosensory domains of the cortex. As a result, treatment involved cutting the nerves just above the neuroma in an attempt to interrupt signaling at each somatosensory level (5). This and other related theories were deemed unsatisfactory because of the fact the phantom pain always returned, indicating that there was a more complex reason. Psychologist Ronald Melzack developed the concept of the neuromatrix and the neurosignature. This idea held that the brain contained a neuromatrix or a network of neurons that analyzed the sensory information and allowed the perception of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Latin Root Of Genocide According to Wikipedia, humiliation is the abasement of pride, which creates mortification, or leads to a state of being humbled or reduced to lowliness or submission. The Latin root of humiliation is humus , which means earth or dirt translating to reduce to dirt ; representing ones rank in society. No one should have to experience the awful feeling of being humiliated, but it has been happening for centuries, and it continues to happen in our society to this very day. Humiliation promotes negative psychological thinking; it is used for punishment, to some it defines their status, and it could prompt a terrible situation if intertwined with anger. A friend told me once that she is a firm believer in humbling by humiliation. She feels ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Beauty Pageants Objectify Women Many people (most of which are women believe that) beauty pageants objectify women . The definition of objectify is: to present as an object. What s really happening is more similar to glorification. The definition of glorification is: to make something or someone appear better than it actually is. Beauty pageants do not objectify women because the contestants are not judged solely on physical appearance, the contestants are being glorified not objectified and all contestants pass a screening to make sure they fulfill all criteria beforehand. One of the most common reasons that make beauty pageants objectifying is that the contestants are judged solely on their physical appearance. While that may have been true a few years ago now ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many people believe that beauty pageants are objectifying since they often give young people the wrong definition of beauty, however it is just showing them a glorified version. Glorification is still a problem not it is not as bad as objectification. However some people like to glorify themselves either in real life, or by using photoshop and other online editors to glorify themselves digitally. Many people believe thats it is objectifying for each contestant to undergo a screening before they enter to make sure that they fulfil all criteria beforehand, However this is to make sure that it is fair for all contestants. It is also to make they all meet the standards for the pageant. This is not objectification because it is mandatory for all contestants and if they contestants refuse to do the screening they will not be able to participate. Hopefully after reading this text one will know that beauty pageants do not objectify women. What people believe to be objectification is more likely to be a case of glorification. Glorification is still a problem though it is not as bad as objectification. Steps should still be taken to try and stop doing it. Beauty pageants may have lots of problems but objectification is not one of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Dreams from My Father (Barack Obama) Essay example What is My Identity? Dreams from My Father archives Barack Obama s journey, and struggles, to find his identity. Obama quickly admits that race is an important part of himself, and it is that quest of race and identity that pushes him to question his own uniqueness. Ultimately spanning both worlds of the vastly different cultures of his life in America and his roots in Kenya causes Obama confusion and self doubt. It is through the steady love of his family that allows Obama to truly find acceptance and identity. Linking the two very different worlds not only causes Barack Obama to find an identity, but to find an identity and take it as his own. Obama could be considered to be a third culture kid . These are children that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is when his sister reveals the truth about his father that is causes a new perception of his father. Obama s sister revealed that not only was he abusive but that he was a bitter drunk. After hearing what his sister said, Obama started to think of ways to salvage the best parts of his father but could not. Instead, the stories his sister told him about Barack Obama Sr. provided a way for Obama to revise his life and to really dig deeper to find the true him. Not only did Barack s father help him get off the path and create his own, but his father was another source of gaining essential principles that would help him later on in life. It could be said that the most important principle Obama gained from his father was the principle of forgiveness. This is seen when Obama is crying at his father s grave. While he was there and crying he told his father that there was no shame in your confusion . Saying this could also be seen as a way for Barack Obama to remind himself that even though he is confused about his identity he has no reason to be. While being split between two worlds caused Barack Obama to long for an identity and to take on anything that made sense at the time, his father pushed him to search for his own uniqueness, his own true identity. Although other factors catalyze Obama and cause him to be at a loss for an identity, he was finally able to find it in the end when he traveled ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Modern Day System Of International Commerce Introduction The modern day system of international commerce has developed over roughly 200 years. Much until about the end of the eighteenth century it was most unlikely to transact export trade as it is today because of lack of technological infrastructure. The important legal framework which would have made for the use of the bill of lading as a document of transfer was lacking. Today much of the world s tonnage is transacted under cif contracts which debuted about 150 years ago. In international trade, the sales contract is the heart of an export import transaction. It is however, always supported by several other related contracts, reflecting the complexity of the transaction and number of parties involved. Basic among these ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is because most of the statements as to the passing of risk under fob are as regards whether goods are on board/loaded or not. They essentially do not deal with the constraint of damage or loss of goods during loading. In Pyrene Co. Ltd v Scindia Navigation Co. Ltd a fire tender sold fob London previously was damaged through the fault of the carrier while being carried onboard. This damage in question occurred prior to the tender crossing the rail and the question that arose was whether the shipowner was entitled to limit his liability as under the Hague Rules . If risk doesn t pass at the beginning of the loading, when does it then pass? Is it when the goods move across the rail or when goods are loaded onboard? Devlin J pointed out in Pyrene thus; The division of loading into two parts are suited to more antiquated methods of loading than are now generally adopted and the ship s rail has lost much of its nineteenth century significance. Only the most enthusiastic lawyer could watch with satisfaction the spectacle of liablities shifting uneasily as the cargo sways at the end of a derrick across a notional perpendicular projecting from the ship s rail He went further to hold that parties were free to define their obligations as regards loading ; and that in the case before him the carrier s had obligations which began ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Different Cell Types Of The Stomach Essay The stomach is an organ that is part of the digestive system. The stomach is located in the upper left part of the abdominal cavity, below the diaphragm and next to the liver (Stomach, 2013). The inner walls of the stomach contain small pores called gastric pits. The gastric pits contain cells that secrete chemicals that aid in the digestion of food (Nguyen, 2015). In this essay, I will discuss the different cell types of the stomach, how they work together to provide the overall function of the stomach, why each organ requires different cell types, why the stomach can t be comprised of just one cell type, and the advantage of having different types of cells. The stomach is made up of multiple cells that all have a certain job. The cells that I will be discussing are the Surface mucous cells, Mucous Neck cells, Parietal Cells, Chief cells, and the G cells. Surface mucous cells Surface mucous cells are the protective epithelial cells that line the surface of the stomach including the gastric pits. The function of the surface mucous cells is to serve as a physical and chemical barrier. The surface mucous cells secretes a bicarbonate rich mucus that forms a thick gel like coat that adheres to the surface epithelium and protects the gastric tissue from abrasion and the acid content of the stomach (The Stomach, n.d.). Mucous Neck cell The mucous neck cells are located in the neck section of the stomach often squeezed between two parietal cells. The mucous neck cells job is to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Crime And Crime Possible explanations To find a correlation between immigration and crime we must look at cultural differences. Thorsten Sellin, a sociologist from the University of Pennsylvania, argues that conflicting conduct norms between the old and new societies is the principal cause of crime among youth. Sellin points to immigrant s values in that they often deviate from receiving societies (Sellin, 1938). To summarize, in the absence of clear cut rules, individuals are likely to deviate from norms that are not self evident. Sellin s argument points to an increase in crime and delinquency because migrant populations are unable or unsuccessful to cultural adaption to the hosting society. Edwin Sutherland, a criminologist in Pennsylvania, also points to acculturation as a connection to crime regarding immigrants (Sutherland, 1978). Sutherland argues that the blame should not be on immigrant s cultural origins but instead the acculturation into American Society, which would naturally affect the second generation immigrants. Sutherlands view has led some to believe that second generation immigrants may be more crime prone. Sutherland states that ..this acculturation perspective addresses the problem of cultural assimilation and its effect on delinquency and risky behavior (Sutherland, 1978). Sutherland brings up a valid point in that the reason we statistically see later generations of immigrants committing crime is that they are naturalizing to American society. However, even ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Social Problem Of Family Violence And Abuse The social problem I decided to discuss is the subject of family violence and abuse, which includes spouses and children. Now, as Ember and Ember explain in the text, in order to deal with violence within families, we must first decide on what should be classified as abuse and what is not (Ember Ember, pg. 230). The word abuse can have various definitions across cultures, as not everyone thinks of it in the same way. To some, hitting a child is a perfectly acceptable form of punishment and of wife beating can be seen in a male dominating household as a necessary act to keep a spouse in check. I personally believe that abuse can be defined as the repeatedly cruel or violent treatment of someone, mainly intended to do harm against that person. I believe that in order to combat this problem, there is a few main actions that can be done that can at least reduce the amount of family violence we see throughout cultures. For one, people need to acknowledge that family violence, both domestic violence and child abuse is real and exists throughout countless societies and communities. The second is to realize that family violence is not a necessary behavior and can actually have long lasting and damaging effects on the people we love the most. The third action is to educate people in alternative ways they can deal with their family members without having to resort to violence. The first most important step in solving any problem is to actually express that there is a problem in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. A Lot Of People See Gun Control In Every Way, Shape And A lot of people see gun control in every way, shape and form as taking a bit of our freedom away. Others do not have an issue with gun control. Gun control is an issue of safety, education, race, and politics. Most gun owning Americans believe that just because certain people do not know how to use their freedom of having control over their own guns does not mean everyone else should have their freedom of gun control and ownership taken away by liberal politicians, most who have not even owned or shot a gun in their whole entire life. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitutions says that the people have the right to bear arms and it is not to be infringed. There is a reason why it is in the Bill of Rights and there is also a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore, when a person is going to commit a crime upon someone they might think twice about what they are going to do, because they have no idea if that person is carrying a gun or not. The United States has become very restrictive when granting a person to own guns. Certain states have come up with the Shall Issue law, which prevents anyone to own, or carry firearms if that person has a criminal record with a felony or has a mental disorder. Many states even require a permit to carry a concealed gun in public. Most people learn about responsibility during their childhood and what they learn reflects what they do and how they act when they get older and become adults. Children that live in a good household tend to have better understandings of life and respect other people and their lives. Children would also have a better idea of recreation, for example hunting, and for a mean of protection from criminals. On the other hand, the children who grow up in problematic homes and that have uncaring parents, who are usually criminals themselves, tend to turn to crime. They are just doing what they believe is right, since that is how they were raised. So, we need to educate children about the potential dangers of firearms if they are not respected and treated with care. Most Americans who believe that more guns equal more crime are afraid of the people who carry guns in public places, open ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Proclamation Of 1763 Was Offensive To The Colonists Proclamation of 1763 Forbade all American settlement West of the Appalachian Mountains to appease the Natives. The Proclamation was offensive to the Colonists because the Colonists thought they deserved the land after fighting with the British in the Seven Years War. Colonists rebelled against this and settled on the land anyways . The Proclamation was significant because it was one of the first times that Americans were being restricted by the Crown. Virtual Representation Stated that Parliament members spoke on behalf of all British subjects instead of the interests of one region. Colonists were angered by this because they knew that Parliament has British interests as the highest priority instead of the colonies. Colonists also felt ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The committee organized responses to England led by Patriots. The committee promoted patriotism and home manufacturing in an effort to boycott Britain s trade. This was significant because the committee helped impose and influence patriot views on American and encouraged citizens to rebel against Great Britain. Lexington and Concord The first military battles of the American Revolutionary War. British men were tasked with seizing arms in Concord. The minutemen and redcoats crossed paths in Lexington and Britain was forced to retreat back to Boston. This was a major victory for the Patriots which bolstered their confidence and influenced other people to join the Patriot cause because they had a fighting chance. Bunker Hill The area near Boston where colonists fortified Bunker Hill which overlooked Boston. From the hill, the Colonists easily fight the town and the British ships near them. By morning the Americans had soldiers ready at cannons posed at the British. Eventually Britain were able to take charge of the hill but twice the British soldiers died in comparison to the Colonists. The battle reassured the Patriots that they had a good chance in defeating the British in the war since inexperience militiamen were able to put up a good fight when they were outnumbered by trained British ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Battle Of Wilderness Research Paper The war had begun in the spring of 1861 and somewhat ominously for the Union. On March 7th ,1862 Glen Joseph Johnston, commander of the Confederates Army of Northern Virginia ordered his troops to march out of Centreville,Virginia and head about forty miles South to Fredericksburg on the Rappahannock River. Johnston reasoned that keeping his troops closer to Washington was no longer an advantage. Johnston s move may have been the result of an economic consideration. Lee was sent to west Texas, where he served from 1857 through 1861. General Winfield Scott recalled Lee from Texas when the Lower South seceded from the Union. Lee and grant exchanged awkward personal inquiries due to knowing each other during the mexican war. In April, 1863 General ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Grant wasted very little time trying to hopefully finish the war. Soon enough the Battle of Wilderness began on May, 5 1864. For a couple days the Union and Confederate forces struggled. In 1852, Lee became superintendent of the Military Academy. In 1855, secretary of war, Jefferson Davis transfered Lee from staff to line. Robert, E lee was born in 1807 into a wealthy family that owned a large plantation in Arlington, Virginia. Robert E lee like many young men of the landowning class, was brought up to be a gentleman soldier. In 1829 Robert E Lee graduated second class from the U.S. Military Academy. Robert E Lee was the fifth born he grew up in an area where george Washington was still a living memory. At Appomattox, Virginia confederate General Robert E Lee surrenders his 28,000 troops to t General Ulysses S Grant, effectively ending the American Civil ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Essay about Symbolism in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Symbolism in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Thesis: The short story The Lottery by Shirley Jackson found in Perrine s Literature written by Thomas R. Arp is a story full of symbolism. I. Names are used to represent different aspects of the story. a. Mr. Summers is a bright and cheerful man. His attitude, demeanor, and name represent the summer. Mr.Graves name represents what is about to happen. They are sending someone to their grave. These names are obvious as to what they mean. b. Mrs. Delacroix s name comes from the Latin word for crucifix. Mr. And Mrs. Adams name is used to represent humanity. These names you have to look a little more deeply into. II. The items used to hide the lottery are also significant in their own ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Author Summary Shirley Jackson was born in San Francisco, California on December 14, 1919. The family left California and moved to New York when she was sixteen. At age twenty Shirley enrolled at the University of Syracuse. There she met Stanley Edgar Hyman. Her and Hyman were later married in 1940. Her literary production increased tremendously after her marriage and the birth of their four children. Unfortunately with all of her success she was still human, with human problems. She was an agoraphobic and severely depressed. The may be why her stories are so far out in left field compared to what was being written at the time, and even today. Her writing was an outlet for her and this lead so many successful works of literature. Shirley Jackson s stories always seem to center on one thing: almost every story is about a protagonist s discovering or failing to discover or successfully ignoring an alternate way of perceiving a set of circumstances or the world. Often a change in the character s perspective leads to terror, anxiety, neurosis, or even loss of their identity. Jackson s most notable work The Lottery is a ghastly story that tells of the way people blindly follow traditions and conform to their society. She also published many short stories in periodicals such as the New Yorker, Good Housekeeping, Woman s Day, The Hudson Review, and The Yale Review. She also published novels such as The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Kiwi Forest Birds Before pests were introduced into New Zealand, it was home to thousands of birds and these all evolved without the threat of predatory land mammals. Except for two species of bat, there were no land mammals in New Zealand before humans arrived. Because of this, plants and animals did not evolve defence mechanisms or any way to protect themselves from the predators. For instance, the leaves of plants do not contain poisons to deter browsing mammals, while many birds and insects have lost their ability to fly. Possums, rats, stoats, ferrets and feral cats all kill adult birds, their chicks and raid their nests for eggs. They are also major competitors for sometimes wiping out entirely critical food sources such as supplies of fruits, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Tongariro Forest, the survival of kiwi chicks increased by 57% after a dramatic reduction in pest numbers following the 2006 aerial 1080 drop. This increase in native bird population helps to stabilise the functioning of the ecosystem as a whole. However, some aerial 1080 drops may negatively impact the population of local birds if not carried out with enough care. There have been individuals found dead after aerial 1080 drops from 19 species of native birds, although this mainly occurred in the 1970s. 7 of the 38 tagged kea in Ōkārito Forest in August 2011 were killed during an aerial possum control 1080 drop kea are particularly susceptible to 1080 poison baits because of their omnivorous and inquisitive nature. 1080 is biodegradable and breaks down in the environment quickly because it dissolves readily in water and is diluted quickly. Micro organisms also usually help to degrade it quickly, meaning it is unlikely the environment will have any long term contamination. Any trace 1080 will usually have disappeared from baits and soil by 1 4 weeks in mild conditions, although it may take up to several months to disappear under cold or dry conditions. Once in water, 1080 is biodegraded into non toxic by products within two to six days, although the breakdown rate is slower in colder conditions. 1080 is diluted quickly to very low concentrations in water. 1080 can also be taken up by plants from the soil through ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Brain Supplement Research Paper Today, information is anywhere and everywhere. Within several minutes of messing around with your smart phone and you will get practically every bit of information on just about everything. This has created an urban society by which everyone is aware of everything in their own environment and themselves, such as the chemical processes inside their bodies that constitute life. Combine this with the current bombardment by a lot of promotional initiatives that inform us about new products that are proposed to be possible to in enhancing our cognitive functioning, and the possibilities for brain enhancement become very tangible. The array of brain supplements and nootropics is incredibly wide and various. The fundamental question: do they actual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... No business or brand could report that and the majority of them tend to be intelligent enough not to. So, if they re really not trying to pull a fast one on you, exactly what are they? What these brain supplements and nootropics do, though, is providing you with an enhanced dose of specific chemical substances that may stimulate your nervous system as well as always keep you alert. A lot of them contain natural substances that have been proved to be good for brain activity as well as overall health. Nonetheless, to actually become smarter you still have to put in the effort yourself. Nootropics are only able to facilitate the process. Let s again repeat a very important factor because a lot of the individuals who look at these brain supplements and turn away do not understand it. Smart drugs will not make you smarter, nor can they increase your memory orr all of a sudden provide you with unique abilities. These products are made to fill in the gaps in your diet so that you have enough of the brain activity enhancing vitamins and nutrients that will help you remain alert and stimulate the synapses within your brain. If you are taking care, you can definitely obtain a large amount of benefit from the cognitive enhancers available these ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Ethics and Social Justice Nakita Davis Walden University Final Project: Ethics and Social Justice Non Profit organization A non profit organization is an organization that generally has the aim of serving the interests of the public. A nonprofit organization is a charitable organization that legally does not declare its profit but rather, it goes ahead and utilizes the revenue they have accumulated after their normal operating expenses in their services to the public interest. Therefore, the organization uses the surplus revenues to achieve their mission and purpose rather than dividing the income among the directors as dividends or profits. Recently, in many countries all over the world, many nonprofit organizations have been exempted from income tax, as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are quite some nonprofit organizations in the world that are very well known by people all over. The top nonprofit organizations include the United Nations Children s Fund (UNICEF), Human Rights Watch (HRW), National Public Radio (NPR), as well as the Human Rights Campaign. These are some of the widely known and recognized nonprofit organization of the generation that we are today. Therefore, it will be a great chance for me to give a critical outlook of one of these nonprofit organizations. I will point out key issues in the United Nations Children s Funds that is widely recognized (Sinuany Stern amp; Sherman, 2014). The United Nations Children s Fund (UNICEF) It is a nonprofit organization under the United Nations that has its headquarters in New York City. UNICEF was established way back on December 11, 1946, by the United Nations General Assembly (Morris, 2015). The main aim why the United Nations General Assembly created the organization was to provide emergency food, as well as healthcare to those children that had been ruined by the Second World War. Ludwik Rajchman was the first individual to be the chairman of the organization. Ludwik served as chairman of the organization for a period of five years from the year 1946 to 1950 (Morris, 2015). Initially, the organization was known as the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Duplicate Persuasive Speech The Intro Is it true that you are a supporter? Supporters are individuals who depend on a pioneer kind of, similar to sheep since when one sheep moves the various sheep tail it. I ll ask you again would you say you are a devotee? There dependably a gathering of devotees at school. They depend on each other to settle on choices they ought to be making themselves. Regardless of whether it is the thing that they ought to do at lunch or what brandish they ought to play when one accomplishes something they all take after. In any case, this needs to stop in light of the fact that without yourself you are only a duplicate of someone else. In the event that your only a duplicate of another you won t go anyplace in life. John Mason cites You are conceived a unique don t kick the bucket a duplicate . The Story ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I discarded my companions to run play posse up with the greater part of alternate children so more individuals might want me. This worked for some time until the football season began. Everybody was greatly improved than I was at football. Each session of preparing, I heard consistent gab about the amount I suck at football I couldn t have cared less toward the begin, yet then I began to get discouraged about it. I began to loathe football. It resembled each instructional meeting was torment, however I kept on tailing them since I thought in the event that I ceased they would all loathe me. At football games, I lost all enthusiasm for the amusement in view of these remarks. I gradually begun to feel better in light of the fact that these remarks begun to stop, however a few people on the group still made these ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Criticalpaper And A Rose For Emily During the nineteenth century, many women were pressured to fit into their societal roles. Both Charlotte Perkins Gilman and William Faulkner wrote stories inspired by those nineteenth century social issues. Even though Faulkner wrote his story, A Rose for Emily , 40 years after Gilman s story, The Yellow Wall paper , both stories portray several types of nineteenth century social issues accurately. Because of their knowledge about these social issues, Gilman and Faulkner were able to portray the main characters struggles. Both main characters of these stories, the narrator and Emily, become oppressed by their social environments because of the expectations that were placed on them and the values that were instilled. Because ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Because of her experience as a woman in the nineteenth century, Gilman based her story on the treatment of hysteria . While Gilman s story focuses on late nineteen century issues, Faulkner writes about a town stuck in early nineteenth century ideals. Before the Civil War, upper class women were held to the ideal of a southern belle . The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture explains that because much of the ideals remained in the late century, the pre Civil War era women were strongly held to their class hierarchy (268). After the Civil War had ended, the South began to change rapidly. According to The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture, the Civil War changed the class dynamics of the region (231). Although the story is set throughout the change of the south, many of the older townspeople are stuck treasuring old ideals and expectations. Emily is continuously held to these grand expectations and eventually falls into hysteria because of them. While the contexts of the issues are different, both of the main characters struggle with the expectations and ideals that are placed on them. Through the expectations and values of women in the nineteenth century, Gilman is able to portray the reason for the narrator s hysteria . Throughout the story, the narrator s husband seems to belittle most of her statements. In her essay, critic Rula Quawas suggests that the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Schizophrenia Is A Heterogeneous Illness Schizophrenia is a heterogeneous illness that may involve several pathophysiological gender differences. For men and women incidence risk peaks between 20 29 years of age, and women also have a second risk peak between 30 39 years of age. Negative symptoms including low motivation and withdrawal are more frequent in men and appear up to six years before diagnosis (Hafner, 2005; Hafner et al., 1993; Morgan et al., 2008). Women exhibit greater levels of depression and positive symptoms including sexual inappropriateness, impulsivity and delusions (Mendrek et al., 2015; Van der Werf et al., 2014). Sex differences in either age of onset or prevalence of negative symptoms are not as evident in patients that have a family history of schizophrenia (Bergen et al., 2014; Hafner et al., 1998). Estrogen has been proposed to have a possible protective role that may account for a later age of disease onset in women, when levels are lowest during post response rates to antipsychotic drugs are also higher in women menopause (Allen et al., 2013; Hafner, 2005; Leung M.D. Chue M. R. C. Psych., 2000; Ochoa et al., 2012). Obstetric complications have also been connected with an increased risk of developing schizophrenia, an earlier age of disease onset, poorer outcomes and ventricular enlargement. Such complications appear to be more frequent and severe in males than females. (Allen et al., 2013; Dalman et al., 1999; Kelly et al., 2004). Prenatal exposure to influenza 5 months before birth ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Henrietta Lacks Ethical issues: The main ethical issues in this case is that researches at Johns Hopkins Hospital used Henrietta s cell in multiple researches and send her cells to other researchers around the world without her family s consent. Moreover, the Lackes themselves were used in medical research without informed consent, and Henrietta s medical records were release to journalists without her family knowing. These are issues because the cells of Henrietta lack were used to create immortal cells that provided a steady supply of cells for medical research and allowed to find cure for multiple diseases, and guaranteed the medical industry millions of dollar when her family his struggling to pay for healthcare. Moreover, researchers at Johns ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Stakeholders Evaluation Clearly, these researchers had their own agenda to acquire a medical breakthrough that would change the history of science and contribute to the greater good of society. However, their authority was used in an unwarranted manner to accomplish their goals, regardless of their respectable intentions in wanting to make medical progress. In reviewing these researchers and medical practitioners actions during the 1950 s which entails series of unethical behaviors and violation of human right, it develops an essential need to establish guidelines in the attempt to protect patient s rights and privacy. Furthermore, due to the alternatives that arise throughout this case, there are many possible outcomes to be considered that could have a significant impact on stakeholders if these courses of action are fallowed. These solutions consequences may involve the tentative research, an advance way of life for the Lack s family, political turmoil, economic health impact and a society whose cells may have similar experience. The impact of any solution to the Lacks situation could be far reaching. Stakeholders in any identified solutions include the dignity and memory of Henrietta Lacks herself, her family and descendents, the community in which she lived, medical researchers, medical practitioners, medical institutions and organisations, pharmaceutical companies and the financial world, governments and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Summary Of A Pair Of Tickets Travis Marzina Professor Stephen Graf ELIT 1050 2 November 2014 Short Fiction Response Paper How much can a story differ if someone else tells it? Moreover, just how much can we get out of a story based on narrative voice alone? After reading A Pair of Tickets by Amy Tan and Cathedral by Raymond Carver, it is clear that narrative viewpoint truly drives the emotions and understanding a reader experiences while reading. Both A Pair of Tickets and Cathedral are told from a first person viewpoint, and that dictates the tone and message the story sends to readers. A Pair of Tickets is a story about a middle aged woman who is embarking on her first trip to China. The 36 year old woman named Jing Mei never really embraced the idea of being Chinese. She notes that in middle school all of her friends talked about how they were more Chinese than she was. The bulk of the story takes place while Jing Mei is en route to China, and along the way her father who is accompanying her on the trip tells her several stories about her recently deceased Chinese mother. As the story progresses, Jing Mei begins to embrace her Chinese heritage, and realizes that although she was raised with an American way of thinking, it does not truly define who she is or has o be. The emotion the narrator in A Pair of Tickets had was brought forward instantly in the beginning of the story. In the second line alone, the narrator (Jing Mei) says that she can feel the skin on her forehead tingling and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. How Implementing Best Practices Would Have Reduced The... Evaluate how implementing best practices would have reduced the chances for failure. Provide support for your rationale. The chances of failures can be decreased by executing the checks on the systems. These keep an eye on the systems preventing risks from occurring, and these checks are avoided as the interior controls. The motivation behind the inner controls is to keep the organization safe from risks associated with the modernized accounting system risks. Organizations change their manual accounting systems to computerized accounting systems for different reasons, this incorporates the points of interest, and the explanation behind utilizing electronic accounting information is instinct. The organizations embrace the policies of their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The same starting information will be accessed by PC from the memory gadget, the recovery of the information will be automatic and the speed of recovery will be a few times faster than that of the manual systems. The movement of the information in the accounting system is the first step, however, movement of information is not the catalyst for business opportunities; supplanting the system obliges customization as per the new system, nevertheless, the current information additionally should be moved into new system (Castle, 2008). The movement of the information does not bring new opportunities as it is expected after the computerization of the accounting systems. The new system will have distinctive risks, and the prerequisites will be diverse for the information operations and recovery. The inside controls will be distinctive, and the regulations will be diverse. The recovery of the information turns out to be simple and snappy due to the modernized systems. However, it has the dangers identified with the utilization of information for the reason other than that for which it was gathered. An employee is not supposed to use confidential information of other employees, and therefore confidentiality must be up held. Personal information should be kept classified and utilized just for the planned reason. The information assurance acts have confined the entrance of information by an unauthorized ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Benefits Of Bilingualism And The Human Brain The human brain is capable of the most remarkable abilities. It doesn t just manage the human body, but it also allows us to communicate by processing, interpreting, and understanding language. Human beings use language as the main source of communication, it allows an individual to express her/himself with greater precision. Each country has their own language, and with language comes different accents and dialects. Speaking one language alone is enough for the brain to develop, as that language is being constantly used. When it comes to speaking two languages, that s when the brain is strengthened, the individual is more intelligent and is able to acquire knowledge more easily. The use of two languages is described by the phenomenon of bilingualism.The effects of bilingualism are linked to the functional neuroplasticity the ability of the brain to modify its structure and function with experience. This neuroplastic effect leads to changes in personality in which a bilinguist is capable of not just switching languages but switching personalities as well. One can argue that it takes more than being bilingual to change brain activity and function, but most would agree that the benefits of bilingualism outweigh the drawbacks. Advanced technology has shown that bilingualism has improved cognitive control, changed brain activity over time to strengthen its neurons, and protect against age related diseases. A major recent discovery over the effects of bilingualism is a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...