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How To Properly Cite An Essay.
How To Cite A Poem In MLA
Properly. 2019 ...
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How To Properly Cite An Essay. How To Cite A Poem In MLA Properly. 2019 ... How To Properly Cite An Essay.
How To Cite A Poem In MLA Properly. 2019 ...
Hernan Cortes To Mexico
To begin with, the turning point in Aztec empire was the time when Spanish conquisadors entered into
the empire in 1519, with their chief general, Hernan Cortes. He is well known for conquering the
Aztec empire and also for being the first governor of Mexico. This led to complete transformation of
Mexico to new world forming new lifestyle for the native people. This essay would talk about Hernan
Cortes s life and achievements, his intentions behind his every step, in my opinion and according to
some sources and also comparison between Aztec and Cortes s way.
Before anything else, let s talk about his nature. From where I am sitting, Cortes was ambitious, ...
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The factors were after reading about conquest of Inca empire:
In my view, Aztec Empire had many enemies both insiders and outsiders. In the other words, people
who were captured by Aztec and also the one who were never got conquered by them. These alliances
helped Cortes in increasing the size of armed forces and also helped him in getting information about
the size of forces of Aztec, their strategies and how they could recognize the leaders, which lead to
ultimate win win situation.
Second point could be the differences in their warfare, as Cortes just fought to kill and conquer but
Aztec believed in keep people alive. Cortes had different strategies that were mind oriented than
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Nursing Supervisor Essay
A nursing supervisor is a versatile and productive member of the healthcare team. This position
involves managing staff, recruiting new employees, ensuring that rules and policies are being followed
and plays a huge role in patient care. With a positive job outlook growing rapidly this is a great
position for someone who wants to be involved on the floor of the hospital both clinically and
The nursing supervisor has many responsibilities in a healthcare setting. They are responsibly for clear
communication between the staff. They are to make sure that the proper amount of nurses are on shift
as well as ensuring that the nurse to patient ratio is sufficient. Communication is also essential when
they are dealing with patients, patient s families, administrators and physicians on a daily basis. They
must be willing and able to answer questions from each aspect of the healthcare system. Nursing
supervisors must also contribute to the hiring and training process for new nurses; they must find the
perfect fit for their facility as well as train them to be at the standard of the other nurses. The
supervisor usually plans and organizes orientation for newly hired nurses, and in service training for
existing nurses as well (Friedman ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics the predicted demand for medical and health services
managers, like nursing shift supervisors, will rise by 17% over the 2014 2014 decade, an increase
above the average when compared to other professions (Nurse Shift Supervisor: Job Description and
Education Requirements, n.d.). Annually nursing supervisors make about $94,500 per year or $45.43
per hour (Medical and Health Services Managers, n.d.).This is one of the main reasons I chose this
specific career to focus on; it is constantly evolving and growing and is also very stable. It is a
position of leadership; it is clinical, and also
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Mayor De Blasio Case Study
Mayor de Blasio Obviously Pleased Prosecutors Didn t Bring Charges in Fundraising Probes New
York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is might easily win a second term, all thanks to the state and federal
prosecutors clearing two separate year long probes into his campaign fundraising practices.
Addressing the decision Thursday afternoon in City Hall, de Blasio repeatedly denied any
wrongdoing, deflecting reporters questions by responding the issue has been exhaustively investigated
and told reporters this would be the final time he would discuss this matter. It simply confirms what I
ve said all along and I was obviously pleased to see the issue closed, de Blasio said in a combative
news conference with reporters. My staff, my colleagues ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They had to make a judgement on whether anything inappropriate happened and their judgement was
it did not. The move to conclude de Blasio parallel criminal probes came just days after Preet Bharara,
the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, was fired by President Trump. Bharara led
the year long investigation into the mayor fundraising after a lead investigator at the state Board of
Elections asked prosecutors to investigate whether de Blasio broke the law by funneling campaign
contributions to Democratic state Senate candidates through state committee groups to evade donation
contribution limits. Just last month, de Blasio met with Bharara voluntary for four hours regarding the
probe. The meeting was considered to be the final step in determining whether or not charges would
be brought. Since the meeting with Bharara, de Blasio refused to go into detail about what was
discussed due to the matter being an active investigation. Now with the investigation closed, half the
question the mayor faced during Thursday press conference were about disclosing the details of the
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Allusions In The Metamorphosis
Though many strive for a degree of stability in life, our lives are largely dependent on change. It is
necessary for both mental and physical development, and our survival as a species has relied on our
ability to react to changes in our environment. Furthermore, certain situations show that change is
actually critical in reaching stability. This is evident in Franz Kafka s The Metamorphosis, as Gregor s
transformation from household breadwinner to loathsome insect to be essential in allowing his family
to become self sufficient as well as provide the opportunity for a better, more stable life. This essay
will explore how biblical symbols and allusions in the novella support the role change of Gregor
Samsa as the savior of his family. At the beginning of The Metamorphosis Gregor Samsa is introduced
as a hard working traveling salesman who works long arduous hours in order to maintain his family
and pay back his parent s debts. This debt symbolizes inherited sin, which in Christianity stems from
the first humans: Adam and Eve. This sinful nature is what Gregor aims to relinquish through his
monotone routine of work. However, despite ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During this time Gregor is starved, forced to live under filthy conditions and is even ridiculed by the
household charwomen. As tensions in the family rise, the Samsa family openly discusses their desire
for Gregor s departure. Though Gregor is largely bothered by his treatment, his loyalty and care for his
family never waivers. Ultimately, realizing his family would be better off without him he decides to
sacrifice himself. His thoughts, full of tenderness and love, went back to his family. He was even more
firmly convinced than his sister, if possible, that he should disappear. (48) Gregor s death parallels that
of Christ, who like Gregor sacrificed himself so that others could live, forgave them for their sins and
carried their
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The Affordable Care Act And Its Effects
The Affordable Care Act And Its effects Health Care reform is not a new thing to people of United
States. It has revised and altered on many occasions. The health care system is subjected to change
due to the influences of several factors. Having an acceptable and affordable form of health care
system is needed to insure the good health of the citizens. In today s news, we hear many headlines
along the line of The new Affordable Care Act...... and to some of us we might not have any idea what
this new act is. This act is known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act created by
President Obama and his administration, which still is a work in progress and houses many different
public opinions. As a result of passing this act, many ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This act,when described, seems to have a positive impact yet there are many issues concerning this
act. The affordable care act illustrates the idea of public policy in that it took various representatives of
the Obama administration to draw up a plan for this act. For an idea to become a possibility of passing
and being implemented, it needs countless hours of crafting and reviewing by the men and women in
Congress so that it can be a success. The New York Times summarized the overall impact of the
Affordable Care Act on a variety of dimensions. The number of uninsured people have reduced
significantly, as a result of this act. Yet, about 7.3 million people remain enrolled in their own private
insurance coverage through the online marketplaces but this act still has insured more than enough
people and has become a great success story. Additionally, 85% of those who qualified for federal
subsidies were aided in paying their premiums. (Tavenner) Moreover, for those who qualified for
subsidies through the federal exchange, the subsidies lowered their insurance premium by 76% on
average. Yet, the challenge is for middle income persons who don t qualify for subsidies and are more
likely to have a hard time accepting premium costs of this act.(Tavenner) New York Times also states
that it is too early to tell whether the act has affected health outcomes. Even though healthcare costs
have been driven
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The Distribution of Alu Genotypes
The Distribution of Alu Genotypes in a Group of Level 4 Students The Distribution of Alu Genotypes
Introduction DNA is mostly found in the nucleus of nearly every cell in the human body, it contains
the biological instructions that make us unique. Located on the genome at different locations are short,
identifiable sequences known as Alu insertion polymorphisms. The application of Alu elements has
recently become used in forensic identification and paternity testing. Alu elements are found in nearly
one million copies per haploid gene which approximately 5 10% of the human genome. The Alu
elements can be found bordering genes or gathered with other interspersed repeated sequences
(Primrose 1998). Alu elements are repeated ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
2 (+ +) 14 (+ ) 15 ( ) TPA 25 n = 31 Total alleles = 62 9 (+ +) 18 + alleles 11 (+ ) 11 + alleles 11 alleles
11 ( ) 22 alleles Frequency of + allele = 29 62 Frequency of + allele = 0.47 Frequency of allele = Total
number of + alleles Total alleles Frequency of allele = 33 62 Frequency of allele = 0.53 The Hardy
Weinberg Equilibrium equation is as follows, with the fraction of + alleles denoted by p and the
fraction of alleles denoted by q. p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 0.472 + 2(0.47)(0.53) + 0.532 = 1 0.2209 + 0.4982
+ 0.2809 = 1 Expected number of individuals with (+ +) genotype = p2N = 0.2209 X 31 = 6.8479
Expected number of individuals with (+ ) genotype = 2pq = 0.4982 X 31 = 15.4442 Expected number
of individuals with ( ) genotype
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Harwich Case Study
5. Harvard
Within this rural community, residents will find a small population and green, open spaces. Located
only 25 miles to the northwest of Boston, this community is a part of Worcester County. It began as a
farming community, but is now known for its affluent population and top school system.
Because of the safe environment, bucolic streets and good schools, home prices are rapidly rising in
the area. In just the last year, real estate prices advanced by $72,750. Currently, home buyers can
expect to pay a median price of $653,750. While a two bedroom receives an asking price of $495,000,
the median three bedroom property fetches a sales price of $597,500. Meanwhile, a four bedroom
home receives a sales price of $675,000. In the last ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Located on Cape Cod, this city is a part of beautiful Barnstable County. Known for being a vacation
spot, this town includes a number of beaches along the Nantucket Sound. In addition, Harwich is the
home of three active ports and several villages. Within this community, residents will find the villages
of East Harwich, Harwich Center, South Harwich, Harwich Port, West Harwich, North Harwich and
Pleasant Lake.
Within this community, the median home price is at $360,000. In the last year, home prices have
advanced by about 1 percent. During the same time, the average price per square foot rose from $240
to $253. For a one bedroom home, residents can expect to pay $208,750. For a two bedroom property,
the median sales price is at $266,000. While the typical three bedroom home fetches a price of
$370,000, a four bedroom home receives a price of $332,000.
Enjoy a Beautiful Location
Spanning 33.1 square miles in size, this tranquil community consists of seven different villages. It is
placed on the southern section of Cape Cod. On the northeast side of town, residents will find the
community of Orleans. Dennis borders the community on the west. On the south, residents will find
the Nantucket South. While Chatham borders the city on the east, Brewster makes up the city s
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Deborah Tannen There Is No Unmarked Woman
There is something subtle about attitudes toward women, something that many people act in
accordance to but are only subconsciously aware of. It is the constant judgment that women face, and
it is also something Deborah Tannen noticed while sitting in an ordinary meeting one day. During that
meeting, she found herself noticing only the females of the room, not the men. Tannen then realized
that it was because The men s styles were unmarked (Tannen 389). While there are standard hairstyles
and clothing for men, there are none for women. Everything that a woman wears is a reflection of who
she is. In her piece titled There Is No Unmarked Woman, she writes about her experience and
concludes that women cannot escape judgment no matter what they do.
Since ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In this piece, Tannen is sad and disappointed that women are still treated differently than men are.
According to Tannen, there is nothing a woman can resort to if she does not want to be judged. That is,
no woman is unmarked . For example, she states that There is no woman s hair style that can be called
standard, that says nothing about her. The range of women s hair styles is staggering, but a woman
whose hair has no particular style is perceived as not caring about how she looks... (390). If a woman
were to opt for a plain hairstyle, it would still give a message. In writing about this, Tannen comes to a
startling conclusion. She finds that, even today, women have less
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Role Of Feudalism In Ancient Japan
Emperor The emperor of Japan was regarded as the spiritual and symbolic head of the country and
descended from the Gods. From 1185 onwards, however, the emperor had no real power and his role
was mainly ceremonial. He was still seen as the head of state and was expected to officially give the
shogun his title and right rule. The emperor lived in the imperial Palace in Kyoto.
Shogun The shogun was the emperor s leading general. Between 1185 and 1867, shoguns formed their
own governments and controlled Japan. As well as commanding the military, shoguns ran the
everyday affairs of the country and were responsible for collecting taxes.
Daimyo Daimyo were regional landowners allowed to rule provinces in return for providing loyalty
and military ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They wore plain, dark clothes baring a clan crest so they could be easily identified. Male samurai wore
two swords denoting their warrior status. Female samurai would also train in martial arts such as
Peasants Peasants were the largest single group in Japanese society, making up around 80% of the
population. Most peasants were farmer, but this group also included woodcutters, fishermen and in
workers. Unlike European peasants, peasants in Japan were given a higher rank than merchants and
craftspeople, because it was believed that they performed an essential and important role in society
that is, producing food on which everyone depended. Despite this higher status, peasants lived a harsh
Craftspeople and Merchants Craftspeople were those who made goods and tools, including sword
smiths, printers, boat builders and carpenters. Craftspeople received less official respect than peasants
because, according to Confucian thought, people could love without the goods they made. Merchants
lived by trading and transporting goods, lending money and running shops. They were given little
respect because it was considered that they produced nothing useful themselves, only profited from
hard work of others. Merchants tended to live in the larger towns and cities and, despite their low
status, they could be very
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Compare and contrast the organization structure and...
ORGANISATION BEHAVIOUR TABLE OF CONTENT LO 1. Understand the relationship between
organization structure and culture. LO 1.1. Compare and contrast the organization structure and
culture of ASDA PLC to that of British Airways. LO 1.2. Explain how the relationship between ASDA
s structure and culture impacts on its performance. LO 1.3. Discuss the factors which influence the
behaviour of ASDA s employees at work giving relevant examples. LO 2. Understand different
approaches to management and leadership. LO 2.1. Compare the effectiveness of the leadership styles
used by the CEO in ASDA to that used by British Airways CEO. LO 2.2. Identify any organizational
theory practiced at ASDA and Explain how organization theory underpin the ... Show more content on
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Constitutions and Bylaws state the actors and way to alter in the structure itself. The total
membership, annual assembly or congress, is exclusively authorized to change the basic structure.
Policy matters are typically left to leadership bodies meeting more frequently. And management is
often delegated to staff. Culture: Cultural aspects are those that evolve in discussion and are in
fluctuation, constantly modifying. Many cases organizational culture describes what things signify,
whether good or bad, right or wrong, and how to accomplish them when can t be set up by formal
process. The culture encourages effective philosophy for possibility in the organization s daily work
done. Comparing with basic principles, it s the fleeting operational philosophy fashioned, shaped, and
broadcasted in common knowledge and conversation about that understanding that tells a corporate
flack catcher. The culture progresses the organization forward when it fixes the jobs and the category
of labour. Culture shows some other crucial and equivalent role by reflecting experiences in the past
and keeping away from occurring again of emergency. For example, when an organization learnt
about relying on a sole leader to broker of its inner interest. Likewise, relying totally on one source of
money doesn t continue long life. Culture can be felt more in its definition of roles than other way.
Culture defines how people visualize of the
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The Evolution Of The Hokulea
The Evolution of the Hokulea The story of the Hokulea, a model of the first canoes that brought the
first Polynesians to Hawaii, is a story that restores cultural pride and history to Hawaiians. Her legacy
was almost extinct, but survived and restored the relationship that society has with its island home.
More than 600 years had gone by without seeing one of these canoes, until artist Herb Kane thought to
build a sailing canoe just like the ones his ancestors sailed (Hokulea.com).
Polynesia was a massive country forming a triangle that stretched between New Zealand in the west,
Rapa Nui in the east, and Hawaii in the north. This triangle covered 10 million square miles. It was
discovered by these amazing people who were like the astronauts of the time, because of their
amazing exploration skills. Remarkably, these Polynesians arrived in Hawaii 1,000 years before
Columbus sailed to the Americas. They were considered some of the greatest explorers in all of
history. These explorers were able to discover every livable land mass and island in the Pacific,
without the use of modern technology. All they had were canoes that were very similar to the Hokulea.
Polynesian explorers relied heavily on the stars, winds, waves, and other signs from nature to navigate
the ocean. Hawaii has a very historical and traditionally rooted culture, and the Hokulea is the
beginning and the very center of it. Hawaiians were able to develop the islands and mastered the art of
living sustainably.
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Information And Database Management Systems
Week 1: Overview of Information and Database Management Systems 6411 2 Main Post
The Database Management System of a healthcare organization is an application to perform
administrative tasks on a database and interacts with the data stored in the databases. Years ago
information was managed by a hands on method such as files in the file cabinet. Now, databases are
utilized by technology to drive and manage information. These databases are an organized collection
of data typically stored in an electronic format. Databases allow input, manage, organize, and retrieve
data quickly (Cornell, and Morris, 2015). Then Technology takes the data collected and transforms it
into information which becomes knowledge to the users. The purpose of the study is to examine the
use of the database system in nursing and to determine the benefits and challenges of the healthcare
organization to use database systems and data.
Analyze the use of database systems and data in nursing practice
Select a database system that you encounter at work or with which you are familiar.
As the introduction of the study states, many healthcare organizations are exploring new ways to use
this data to improve health outcomes and the quality of patient care (Laureate edu, 2015). For
instance, Methodist Hospital of Houston Texas embraces the use of database system in their laboratory
which is just one example of technology. What s helpful about using the database systems? For
example, the database
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The Affordable Care Act Of Congress
The affordable care act was passed into law by congress and the president in 2010. This plan was
established to help all individuals obtain health insurance, regardless of having a pre existing
condition through the government marketplace as an affordable amount, or if you did not meet the set
standards, was offered a state based health care coverage (HHS, 2015). Those individuals who did not
have qualified medical coverage for the majority of the tax year, they would be penalized and have to
pay a certain amount or a percentage based off of their income. Also under the ACA employers are
now responsible, depending on how many employees are employed with their company, to offer their
full time employees health care coverage, or also face a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Under the ACA for individuals, they are able to select their health care coverage either through their
employer, through the government, by finding a plan on their own, or have no insurance coverage at
all and face the tax penalty, year after year that the taxpayer goes without coverage. There are actually
ways that the individual can benefit from when filing their taxes. An option for selecting health care
coverage is through the government s website exchange, this is referenced to the Premium tax credit.
Under this credit as defined in 26 C.F.R. § 1.36B 1 , individuals are able to select their own health care
coverage with the plans being labeled as on silver, bronze, gold, or platinum plans, and gives the
taxpayer a refund on the premium amount. If a taxpayer plans on selecting one of these, the
government will give you a tax break if your income places you under the 400% of the poverty level
(Obamacare, 2015). Under ACA, employers are now faced with a challenge of their own, if they have
50 or more employees they are now required to offer healthcare coverage to their full time employees,
and if they do not they will be faced to pay a tax penalty. With smaller employers they would be
offered a tax break on offering their employees coverage through the government marketplace.
Another way that the ACA changed the tax on other companies is
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Medical Diagnostic Devices
Healthcare, and all that it provides, is considered one of the most precious resources in the United
States today. Everyone has been there. After days of feeling crummy you break down and go the
doctor. After all, there is so much you need to do. From your child s soccer game your little one has
been talking about for days, your cousin s wedding with the perfect dress hanging in the closet and of
course, you cannot afford to miss work. So there you are, in the doctor s office with the all important
question. What is wrong with me? Thankfully, with modern day science, there is technology available
to peer inside and discover what stands between you, the soccer field sideline, and embarrassing your
family by dancing the Macarena. With each passing year, the sophistication of medical diagnostic
devices increases with disruption to the traditional and centralized diagnostic delivery model. A
review of five medical diagnostic devices available today, or coming soon to a healthcare facility near
you, will be reviewed along with how it will disrupt the current model.
Capsule Endoscopy According to Christensen, Grossman, and Hwang (2009), medical device and
diagnostic equipment (MDDE) is progressively decentralized with each pass year in a predictable and
consistent fashion. This pattern of change may be seen in every discipline of medicine including the
arena of endoscopy, which involves a visual examination of the gastrointestinal tract. The capsule
endoscopy is one such
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Brothers and Keepers
English 300
Dr. Clemons
April 21, 2013
Outline: I. Introduction: Introduce and provide information on the book Brothers and Keepers by John
Edgar Wideman. II. Thesis: Wideman was affected by a wide range of challenges. While he wrote
under such unbearable conditions, it is convincing that one could take a cultural studies approach to
examine the hardships of poverty and the racist mindsets that had taken place during the time in which
he wrote. III. Body: Provide evidence from text that supports my thesis. a. Pennsylvania during the
1960 s and 1970 s with some quotes from the book. a. John s Life b. Robby s life IV. Conclusion
Maria Riley
English 300
Dr. Clemons ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Those feelings are what caused high poverty rates, the formation of gangs, and the high level of
violence into Homewood, Pennsylvania.
John and Robert always dreamed about running away from the poverty embracing their community.
Even though they shared the same dream, each considered different means of achieving this dream.
John realized at an early age that education was his was out of poverty in Pittsburgh. In his book
Brothers and Keepers, John explains how he was running away from Pittsburgh because of the
poverty. He explained that the only logical way to get out of these unbearable conditions were to go to
For many African Americans growing up in the 1960 s college was not an option. The only thing that
was option for African Americans, were to get a job to support their family. Most of the African
American communities did not have enough money to send their child to college. John understood this
situation and did not let it hinder him. He knew that the first step to his exile, his flight from home
would be getting good grades.
While attending school John did not only get good grades, he played basketball. The people in the
African American culture in the 1960 s believed that the only way for a black person to get into
college was to play sports for the white man. With many African Americans having this mind set, it
pushed John to excel on
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Essay on George Lopez
The television show, George Lopez, is a series in which Latinos make up the entire cast of the family.
It takes place in the present day Los Angeles and focuses on a family and their daily lifestyle. This is
one of two television shows that are directed to the English speaking population that has the Latino
minority as the main ethnicity of the cast.
Only 4% of Hispanics make up the cast of prime time television shows, a miniscule amount
considering that Hispanic Americans are the largest minority group in the US. The ways in which
minorities are portrayed in the show have their good aspects as well as bad aspects. This is to be
expected since showing all good points or all the bad points isn t a fair perspective of the Latino ...
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She also shows her human side when she volunteers for several charities just because she has spare
They also have positive points as a family. George and Angie filled in at a dunk tank in one episode in
order to be involved in their children s school life. In another episode, The Lopez Family turns their
home into a haunted house in order to raise money for the factory workers who had lost their salaries
as a result of a plane crash investigation. Their daughter Carmen, made baked goods for the American
Bake Sale showing that she was involved and the traditional image of an innocent girl baking. Also,
Carmen breaks up with her boyfriend at the time, Duncan, because he tried to pressure her into having
sex too soon. That demonstrates her morals and how she has control and the ability to say no. All
together, the family does noble things like volunteering and making well thought out decisions giving
the watchers of the show a certain perception of the television show.
Negative Aspects
The George Lopez show is truly one of a kind. Only two sitcoms in the history of television have been
completely cast by Hispanic Americans, The George Lopez Show and Greetings From Tuscan. The
two shows combined account for 44% of all Latino characters in prime time television, an enormous
number considering the amount of shows that air every week. Only 4% of Hispanics make up the cast
of prime time television shows, a miniscule amount considering that
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Reflections on Syndicate Group Work
Reflections about syndicate group work
I always had a different opinion to our group leader, but he always made me give in, even when I was
not at all persuaded by his arguments, I can t explain how that happened . This statement made by one
of my group members is quite revealing. While she recognizes the dominance of our leader´, she is
perplexed because she fails to understand how she was manipulated.
How did he do it? Was it only his dominance or were there perhaps Machiavellic elements in his
behaviour who made his opinion prevail? And was it beneficial to our groups effectiveness? I will try
to solve this question in the main part of the essay.
First, I will give a short overview of our groups development and then ... Show more content on
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The groups last meeting, Sunday night before the presentation is characterized by a high level of
motivation, since there is only one more night left until the deadline. It was only then when we start
filming the interview and make the final adjustments.
I will use Vroom s (1964) expectancy theory in order to analyse the level of motivation by our group
members. According to Mento, Cartledge and Locke (1980), Expectancy theory emphasises that the
motivation to perform is dependent on the strength of the expectancy that the act will be followed by a
certain outcome (reward) . It focuses on three relationships: Effort performance, performance reward
and reward personal goal. (Reinharth, Leon, Wahba, Mahmoud, 1975) In order for the motivation to
be maximized, these relationships must be positive. According to a non directive qualitative interview
of 10 minutes with each group member, I found the first relationship to be strongly positive, i.e. all of
the members admitted that their effort would lead to a certain performance.
The second relationship, namely the fact that my group members thought that their performance
would lead to a desired outcome, was significantly weak, i.e. there was no contingency between
contributing and achieving. Every single team member argued that the statistical probability of having
the desired outcome, i.e. winning the price, was low, given the fact that there would be more than 15
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The Cause And Effects Of Climate Change And Its Causes
Natural disasters have killed more than 600,000 people and left behind trillions of dollars in damages
in the last two decades, the United Nations said Monday. (Chan) Extreme weather has caused millions
of casualties and extreme damages over the years, but lately there has been an increase in severe
weather events. This is causing problems in the US, with the amount of tornadoes rising in tornado
alley Tennessee experienced a 67 percent increase in tornado activity in 1983 2013 compared to the
1954 1983 time period. Oklahoma experienced a nearly 35 percent decrease in tornadoes in 1983 2013
compared to 1954 1983.
Climate change is defined as a change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change
apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of
atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels. Climate change has happened as a
cycle throughout history, with ice ages occurring, and then warming. The earth naturally warms and
cools, but due to the burning of fossil fuels the rate is growing exponentially.
The climate changing was first suspected in the 19th century when scientists in britain debated
whether Europe was covered by ice in the past. Guy S Callender suggested that the warming trend
revealed in the 19th century had been caused by a 10% increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide from
the burning of fossil fuels. (Harding) The debate intensified by 2005 when a study was published
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Monologue Of Mrs Light
In stark contrast, to Roderick s recklessness towards Christina, James shows Mrs Light s ardent
devotion towards her daughter, whom she once regarded as, a very ugly baby; for the first two years I
could hardly bear to look at her... (208), and such dedication is the direct result of a religious
revelation that, in fact, Christina is profoundly beautiful. Mrs Light s about face concerning Christina
s prettiness, she conveys to Rowland as a mythological tale in which she sees a little girl of four or
five, very fantastically dressed (208) whom she is taken aback by the child s beauty and wishes if my
poor Christina were only like that! (208) Then Mrs Light realises the child standing before her in a
queer little dress is, in fact, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This helplessness is apparent by his emotional outburst to her astute comments: thus proving her point
that he is weak. While the couple talk, Rowland observes them in secret and hears the twosomes
discuss among other things Roderick s fiancée, Miss Garland. Again, Christina strikes a nerve
concerning Roderick s treatment of his fiancée, I believe that, really, you don t greatly care for your
friend in America... (216), and what she says next is the trait of someone who is perceptive in judging
the moral conduct of others, any more than you do for me. You are one of the men who care only for
themselves and for what they can make of themselves. (216) Miss Light s statement seems
hypocritical as she too is self absorbed, nevertheless, her awareness of this fault in Roderick and even
herself alerts the reader to the possibility she cares enough for the artist in order for him to leave her
with some semblance of dignity.
At any rate, Roderick tries to disprove her theory that he is
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Symbols In The Prodigal Son
The change over the time is described through various symbols. The sounds, smells, silences, and
even visual experiences contribute to this change. There is a sense of terror everywhere around. Sound
and silence contrast with each other but both appear as terrorizing in the text. No one speaks to Malte
but he can listen to their silences. He can sense the terror inside them. Past and present are woven so
well one loses track of time like Malte s grandfather. Everything around Malte that he can sense or see
contributes to the situation that Malte faces when he feels threatened.
The text is divided into two parts by a space between the sections 38 and 39. There is no other specific
sign of the division except that space. The first part largely ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
However, it has been recreated in a new way. Rilke has transformed the whole story into something
else. The prodigal son is not the wasteful man as depicted in the Bible. He is the one whom everyone
loves, and it makes him feel vulnerable. He does not leave the house because he is wasteful but
because he cannot bear their love. Being loved is being overpowered and possessed. It suffocates the
one who is loved. He cannot be himself or be anything else than what the lover imagines him to be.
On the other hand, if he is the lover, there are immense possibilities for him. He can be anything he
wills because he is the one to control his life and his choices. When the prodigal son comes to
understand this, he is able to transcend himself. He is able to understand the love of his family, and
feels no more threatened by it. He is able to accept himself as he becomes a changed self. He does not
remain the beloved but turns into the lover. However, he wants to be loved but in a way in which he
would not feel suffocated as before. There is only One who can love him like that because He lets man
be and find himself. And only then, He showers His love upon him. The prodigal son is yet to know
himself completely. He is on the way to find meanings. He is yet becoming. Therefore, there is still
time for him to accomplish what he needs to before He would love
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The Cultural Value Of Food Market
In recent years the average consumer is often faced with a choice on where to buy their groceries. The
food that we purchase in stores sometimes makes us ask ourselves if the groceries that consumers are
buying daily are real items found in nature or a substance that was created by a scientist in a
laboratory. The foods that we eat as consumers of the United States are usually created by genetically
modified ingredients while other foods can be classified as organic and not contain any of the harmful
additives and preservatives that consumers are addicted to in food that they consume everyday. Some
grocery stores care about mass profits and getting the consumer into their store, while others are more
concerned about the source of where ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Hence, purity from such thoughts would be a cure from pain and suffering. (The Complete Idiot s
Guide to Buddhism) The idea of purity also helped the young Gautama make moral choices in which
would impact his future for the rest of his young life.
In the book entitled Ethical Wisdom, Journalist Mark Matousek captures ideas from cognitive
psychology, philosophy, and evolutionary biology to explain why people choose (or not) to do the
right thing. Matousek also exposes many of our behaviors, including why we overestimate our
goodness and misevaluate the power of situations to bring out our sense of living a moral life, and
why we allow ourselves to cheat. Extracting on the latest scientific discoveries and interviews with
social scientists, spiritual leaders, ex cons, and philosophers, Ethical Wisdom is a helpful and
important book for readers discovering their own sense of a moral path. After reading Ethical Wisdom
readers will have a better mindset on what it means to live a moral life. With the theme of morality,
comes a happier and healthier life. This allows consumers to have a better understanding on what
kinds of foods are healthier for you versus those are bad for you your overall health. Living a life of
purity relates to the way that Whole Foods is portraying the image of purity to their consumers.
In the article entitled, On Truth and Lie in an Extra Moral Sense written by Friedrich Nietzsche. The
main viewpoint
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Intentional Interference With Property Case Summary
Interference with Property What is Interference with Property: Intentional interference with property is
the section under intentional tort law that protects a citizen from having their land trespassed on,
chattels stolen or obtained by people that should not have their items.It is also the act that protects
your rights as a Canadian citizen to privacy and protection of property. Types of Interference with
Property: There are four main sections under which intentional interference with property can be
broken into; Trespass to Land, Nuisance, Trespass, to Chattels, and Conversion, each put in place to
preserve the rights each citizen has when it comes to privacy. Trespass to Land deals with the most
well known type of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Half way through the payment schedule, you sell the big screen because it s the only thing you have
that can get you a chunk of money What kind of interference with property is here? (Trespass to Land,
Nuisance, Chattels, Conversion) Case Study Rogers v. Board of Road Com rs for Kent County BRIEF
SUMMARY ON THE CASE: The Board of Road Commissioners for Kent County (Board)
(defendant) had a license agreement to place a snow fence on land owned by Rogers (plaintiff)
husband. The Board set up the snow fence pursuant to the license agreement. Under the license
agreement, the fence, including the anchor posts, would be removed by the Board at the end of the
winter season. At the end of one winter season the Board removed the snow fence but did not remove
a steel anchor post that protruded six to eight inches above the ground. The grass in the area where the
post was located grew to a height that completely hid the post from one s view. On one particular day
in July, while Rogers husband was mowing an area where the snow fence had been located, the
mowing bar on her husband s tractor struck the steel post that was hidden from view. As a result of the
impact, Rogers husband was thrown from the seat of the tractor. Rogers husband died from the
accident. Rogers sued the Board for
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Chikungunya In Central America
Throughout the recent transmission of chikungunya, it has affected many countries in Central America
and the Caribbean. The ones that are primarily up for discussion include just a few. Some examples of
the Central American countries include Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Guatemala(CDC). Some
examples of the Caribbean countries would include Anguilla, the Bahamas, the Cayman Islands, Haiti,
Jamaica, and many more(CDC). Each of these countries share a major thing in common, all of their
economies rely a great amount on Tourism and the people visiting their scenic lands(ABS 1 5). That
being said, the negative effects that came to these places with chikungunya can be and already are
devastating to these populations.
To start off, the chikungunya virus negatively affected the countries of the Caribbean and Central
America by the initial outbreak of the virus in their populations. How the chikungunya Virus actually
reached St. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Another is that an infected mosquito with chikungunya traveled to St. Martin
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Imagery In Gerard Hopkins s Gods Grander
Gerard Hopkins Gods Grander is a poem illustrating a person concern over how the environment is
being treated in the world. The narrator in the poem dislikes, how the world is being treated because of
the human race not respecting or caring for the environment. The narrator wants the world to be
treated with respect because God created the world with love and care. The poem introduces several
literary elements like symbolism, imagery, and alliteration. The three literary elements help prove that
people can be joyful when the environment is damage and poorly care for.
Imagery is one of the artistic tools used in Gods Grander . In the first stanza Hopkins writes The world
is charged with the grandeur of God. / It will flame out, like shining from shook foil ; ( 1 2). In the
second line the word foil is used. Foil is used to show how God can strike out an electrical ray on
metal and encompassing all. The third line is also another example of imagery It gathers to a
greatness, like the ooze of oil/ crushed. Why do men then now reck his rod (Hopkins, 3 4)? The ooze
of oil shows God is kind and rich which represent the ooze that does not stop. A third example of
imagery in the poem is the second stanza in the poem (And though the last lights off the black West
went/ Oh, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs (Hopkins 11 12). In the two lines, one can
image the sun in the west bringing with it night and the sun rising in the east bringing morning. Each
day starts
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Jonathan Kozol s Amazing Grace
Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come; Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far
and grace will lead me home . This was taken from a section of the song Amazing Grace and is quoted
in the book as The verse that belongs to us by Reverend Groover. I found this to be one of the most
pivotal moments in the book. This story contains the lives of those who, in a sense have been left
behind and discarded. Like the man behind the story, of the song Amazing Grace, Jonathan Kozol
portrays the heart breaking reality of a population left behind and forgotten, that is until now. The
realities of how the children, parents and grandparents cope with their situations, sheds light on some
very ugly truths. Jonathan provides his readers ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Mrs. Washington explains that once when she coming back to her daughter Charlayne s apartment
they found that it had been robbed. When they called the police to report it, no one showed up until
three hours later. When they did show they mentioned how they had heard the call but that no one
wanted to come to that side of town. One of officers said I m 24 years old. I got a new baby baby that
was just born and I got a wife and I don t want to die . Mrs. Washington answered him saying she
could relate but that if this place was that awful, how and why would the city allow small children to
grow up here. This really struck me and it deeply saddens me that anyone and especially children
could be surrounded in an environment so toxic to the development of themselves. All I wanted to do
while reading this passage was to take these children and wrap them up and provide them with the
same care and treatment I was given. It is not the parents fault who live there, it s the city s. The city
sections off these people like they are lepers. For example, they put murals of beautiful flowers and
pretty rooms on the walls facing the highway. These murals were done not for the people in Mott
Haven but for the tourist, so that when they pass by they do not have to see how horribly the people
are being treated. It is almost like the government is trying to hide the fact that people do indeed live
there. The people who live Mott Haven and anywhere in the world should not be looked as black or
Hispanic but as citizens who deserve the same rights as we are offered. No one in this world should be
treated the way these people
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The Perfect Nature Of Love And Sonnet 130 By William...
The English, or Shakespearian, sonnet has the simplest and most flexible patterns of all sonnets. It
consists of three quatrains of alternation rhyme and an ending couplet which concludes the sonnet.
William Shakespeare is known for his works such as Romeo and Juliet, but he is well known for his
sonnets. William Shakespeare s sonnet 116 and sonnet 130 describe love in a different way; however,
the sonnets center around the same idea. Sonnet 116 is about love in its most ideal form. The first four
lines, or the first quatrain, show that love is constant and will not alter when it alteration finds (l. 3).
The lines that comes after that say true love is indeed an ever fixed mark (l. 5) that can make it
through anything. Shakespeare claims that we can measure love, whose worth s unknown (ll. 7 8),
only to a degree or not in an understandable way. The perfect nature of love is unshakeable throughout
time, and it remains so even to the edge of doom, (l. 12) or death. In the couplet, he declares that if he
is wrong about the constant, unmovable nature of love then he must take back his writings on love. He
states that if he has judged love in the wrong way, no individual has ever loved. Sonnet 130 is about a
mistress who does not have much beauty. Shakespeare compares her to things that are supposed to be
beautiful. This comparison tells the reader that her eyes are nothing like the sun (l. 1). He also says
that her lips are not as coral; compared to white show,
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Stress at Work
What is work related stress?
It is well recognised that stress at work is a massive problem. Any stress can reduce employee well
being and it is well recognised that excessive or sustained work pressure can lead to stress.
Occupational stress poses a risk to most businesses and compensation payments for stress are
increasing. It is important to meet the challenge by dealing with excessive and long term causes of
Our annual absence management surveys show that stress is one of the most important reasons behind
sickness from work and stress related absence is increasing. * See our latest absence management
Pressure and stress
There is sometimes confusion between the terms pressure and stress. It is healthy and essential ...
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So anxiety , stress and depression may be sufficient to qualify a person as disabled and therefore
covered by the DDA, as long as there is a substantial and long term effect (for at least a year) on their
ability to carry out normal day to day duties. Those with clinically recognised mental health diagnoses
are very likely to be covered by the Act.
If an employee is covered by the DDA the organisation has a responsibility to make reasonable
adjustments to accommodate the needs of that employee. Find out more on disability in the workplace
in our factsheet. * Go to our Disability and employment factsheet
Dealing with stress at work
There are four main approaches that organisations can adopt to address stress at work. These can be
used together as a single initiative or may be adopted individually in a more step by step well being
programme. * Policy, procedures and systems audit requires the organisation to undertake an audit of
its policies, procedures and systems to ensure that it provides a working environment that protects the
well being of the workforce and that it is is able to identify troubled employees and provide them with
an appropriate level of support. * Problem centred approach provides a problem solving model for
dealing with stress and other psycho social issues. It takes
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Exploring the Purpose of the Indian Gaming Regulation Act...
When the word Native American is mentioned, the first thing most people will think of is Indian
gaming. As many people know, only Native Americans can conduct gaming while people from other
ethnicity cannot. This leads to the belief that it is an indirect way for the American government to
repay the tribal government for taking their lands. This is partially true. The right to conduct gaming
on reservations begins with the Indian Gaming Regulation Act (IGRA). Since its establishment in
1988, hundreds of tribes are able to negotiate an agreement with the governments to operate casinos
on reservation lands. However, this is not the only intention of IGRA. Although Congress says that the
real purpose of IGRA is to allow Indians to open ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was also created to ensure legality and to protect the financial interests of tribes (Light and Rand,
44). IGRA is viewed differently among the Native and the non Native people. To many Americans,
IGRA is a compromise between the American government and the tribal government because it
enables tribes to support themselves, while it meets the Congress intention of opening more jobs to
control poverty related crimes. According to a survey by the National Indian Gaming Association
(NIGA) in 2006, as much as 75% of Americans believe that Indians benefit from gaming ( The
Economic Impact of Indian Gaming in 2006 ). It is approximated that the tribal gaming industry
generates $15.9 billion in revenue in 2003 ( National Indian Gaming Association ), and has created
over 550,000 jobs (Light and Rand, 85). Even though there is only a small change in the number of
crimes as a result of casinos, it is enough to conclude that crime rates were reduced, but not in an
overwhelming way (Light and Rand, 97). On the contrary, Native Americans believe that it is a one
sided negotiations that gives the state and federal government power over tribal authority (Light and
Rand, 3). IGRA limits the tribe s ability to fully express its tribal sovereignty. Most people know that
only Native Americans have the right to operate gaming, however, they do not know how or why do
they possess these rights. To understand this, one must first
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How Is Power Corrupted In Animal Farm
Animal Farm Essay By: Robert Long
George Orwell s novel, Animal Farm, is based on the theory that leaders, if given the chance to
completely possess power, will be corrupted. Animal Farm is to show the people what is happening
with power. That it can corrupt and absolutely will. People should trust leadership but keep watch on
it. If power is required share it don t leave it to one person.
Look at Snowball a hero to the animals of the farm. He even becomes corrupt when the apples and
milk were taken, because; he kept it to himself instead of telling the animals. Then when Snowball
came up with the windmill it was to help the animals. He wants to help the animals but the power
corrupted Napoleon.
Napoleon was immediately corrupted when
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Muscular De Duchenne E Uma Doenca
A Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne é uma doença hereditária, caracterizada por uma degeneração
muscular progressiva, causando fraqueza (Emery, 1993). Por ser uma condição recessiva ligada ao
cromossomo X , a DMD afeta predominantemente meninos, e estudos recentes reportam que sua
incidência geral corresponde a 1:4087 (Mendell at al., 2012).
Esta distrofia está relacionada à ausência da proteína distrofina em diversos tecidos, a qual
corresponde a cerca de 0.002% da massa proteica da célula muscular estriada. Com o
desenvolvimento da DMD, a ausência e/ou disfunção desta proteína resulta em necrose e
comprometimento da capacidade de regeneração da fibra muscular (Chargé Rudnick 2004).
Mutações espontâneas do gene da distrofina têm sido observadas em animais, tornando os modelos
experimentais para DMD. Camundongos são frequentemente utilizados como modelo para a doença,
incluindo animais com mutação espontânea ou modelos knockout, ainda que ambos apresentem um
fenótipo menos severo do que o humano (Berg et al., 2011; Sicinski et al., 1989; Itagaki et al., 1995;
Grady et al., 1997).
Como o gene da distrofina é conservado em relação ao seu tamanho e função em mamíferos, as
distrofinopatias derivadas de mutações espontâneas em animais como cães e gatos foram relatadas,
demonstrando a similaridade genética da doença entre humanos e principalmente cães (Kornegay et
al., 1988). Nestes animais, a distrofia tem sido registrada com maior incidência em cães da raça
Golden Retriever,
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Analysis Of Self-Portrait On The Border Line Between...
Self Portrait on the Border Line between Mexico and the United States Reflection
While visiting the Museum of Fine Arts Houston, the infamous Paint the Revolution: Mexican
Modernism, 1910 1950 exhibits on display. According to the museum label, this exhibit displays the
development of modern art in Mexico and the social, political, and cultural forces that shaped it over
the course of nearly half a century (MFA Houston), mainly images depicted of the Mexican
Revolution from the eyes of artists during this time period. This monumental revolution transformed
In 1932, through use of oil on metal, Frida Kahlo paints herself as many other Mexican citizens after
the revolution in Self Portrait on the Border Line between Mexico and the United States. In the image,
the sun and moon only stand over Mexico, which Kahlo is telling us where her heart truly lies. It is
evident as she stands in her pink dress, bare chest showing through, with cigarette in one hand and
Mexican flag in the other that she stands true to her feminist mind and Mexican culture. Kahlo stands
on a cement block reading Carmen Rivera painted her picture in 1932 (PBS.org), which marks the
border between Mexico and the United States. In 1930, when her husband and fellow artist, Diego
Rivera, received several commissions to paint murals in the United States, they packed their bags and
moved north. Although Diego was content in America, Frida was homesick and miserable, thus
inspiring this
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Herbarium Specimens Demonstrate Earlier Flowers
Herbarium Specimens Demonstrate Earlier Flowering Times In Response To Warming In Boston
Primack, D, et. al.
The background information. 1. In museums the specimen are used to see what their responses to the
climate change are. In addition phenological studies provide a response indicator within this research
of earlier dates of flowering in certain locations. 2. In this experiment flowering dates were recorded
in the spring time from the Arnold Arboretum in Boston, Massachusetts. Key factors that play a role in
climate change of earlier flowering dates include, population size and temperature.
B. Why did the scientists do this research? 1. The scientists did the research to test the records of the
herbarium plants to see if they had (if any) affects from the climate change. 2. The ... Show more
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Results A. If the temperature is not included as an explanation in the equation then over the many
years of following the earlier flowering times the outcome might have been different. B. Once the
calculations were completed in each category the mean turned out to be the same as before.
IV. Discussion A. What did the results mean? 1. The results could reflect the responses of native
species to the climate change. The scientists said, Using such data, analyses could allow scientists to
clarify the extent and character of local variation in natural responses to climate change. (Primack et,
al. 345) 2. There are more precise patterns that can be observed from the herbarium plants over any
other kind of plant. B. What are the limitations to this study? Local conditions of road way
construction around the arboretum could have caused a warming that affected the flowering times.
Works Cited
Daniel Primack, Carolyn Imbres, Richard B. Primack, Abraham J. Miller Rushing, and Peter Del
Tredict. Herbarium Specimens Demonstrate Earlier Flowering Times In Response To Warming In
Boston. American Journal of Botany 91(8): 1260 1264.
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Fashion Is A Fashion For Last 75years
Fashion is a manner and style especially clothes, shoes, makeup and hairstyle. When I came from my
home country, I have not much knowledge about fashion, and even do not know more about fashion
brand. I was learning from technology, school and start follows American fashion. In eighteen century,
people were also very fashionable as we are mostly seeing in the old films and pictures. The fashion
was started from Europe and England because on that time Kings and Queens were fashionable and
spends money on luxury items. The Queen Elizabeth has famous because of fashion and style, because
she is wearing bright dresses, necklace etc. The brands we are use now a day s also established in
many years back like Coach is in the fashion for last 75years. Now a day s fashion is change every
spring, summer and fall because people are more creative to do something different. Social media is
the main source to develop the latest fashion between new generations. People are follows facebook,
twitter, instagram because celebrities, models, and companies share their fashion with public. In the
twenty century people have jobs and money that s why they start spending on technology, and fashion,
on the other side there are competition in the fashion industry so it s difficult to compete it.
Women and Men both were fashionable from the thirties but women were more fashionable as
compare to men. Women s fashion during the early to mid thirties reflected the American culture and
this ideology of
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Drugs And Drug Abuse
For the research on drug use and societal or natural disaster, there is various findings on drug users
lives, before and after disasters. This paper gives a broad explanation of their trauma stress, housing
life styles, and health risk during times of disaster. These topics show the studies on people whom
partake in drugs such as Crack/Cocaine Heroine on the day to day basis. The researched for this paper
worked with the usagers directly to affect the health of those in these situations. Trauma Stress People
that are users of drugs, and more specifically crack, heroine, and other cocaine based drugs have
various reasons for their continued drug use. One of the many reasons for these drug users to abuse the
drugs they use extend from earlier traumas and events in their lives. The events of natural and
unnatural disaster cause an immediate amount of stress for those whom fall in this category. The
people falling under this category not only have the stress from their past, present events and possible
disaster events, but also the high chance of mental illness. Fifty four African Americans from New
Orléans were compared to a sample of 162 people from Houston, in this study that lasted from June
2002 to December 2005, there are no significant differences between the two groups on either
depression or anxiety, but the New Orléans sample scored higher on the self esteem scale and scored
lower on the risk taking scale (Timpson, Ratliff, Ross,
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Allograft Sterilization Essay
A combined method of allograft sterilization appears to be the best method to reduce the possibility of
viral, bacterial and fungal infection as well as preserve the bio mechanical properties of the graft.
Sterilization methods should involve a low dose of gamma radiation ( 25 KGy), chemical sterilization
and antibiotic soaking. The use of radio protective solutions (i.e. propylene glycol, dimethyl sulfoxide,
mannitol and trehalose) can be effective in reducing the risk of free radical attack to the collagen from
the gamma radiation. Electron based radiation in combination with tissue protective measure (i.e. low
temperature, carbon dioxide) can be an alternative method of sterilization, but further studies are
required to validate this procedure.
Strength of Recommendation: Moderate
Septic arthritis after ACL reconstruction is a rare event, occurring in 0.14 1.8% of cases.1 3
Several studies have demonstrated a lower rate of deep infection after ACL reconstruction (ACLR)
using allograft compered to hamstring autograft tendons and equal possibilities with the use of bone
patellar tendon bone (BPTB) autograft.4 8 The increasing use of primary allograft ACLR during the
last few decades9 can be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
HIV type I II; HBV surface antigen; HBV core antibody; HCV antibody).17 The Nucleic Acid Testing
(NAT) is the best test for screening HIV and HCV, because seroconversion occurs 15 days after the
first contact with the virus.17 Blood cultures are necessary to check bacterial and fungal infection.
Aerobic and anaerobic cultures last for a minimum of 15 days, according with the AATB and the
FDA.18 The successive step is the tissue retrieval, that it is performed in a sterile operating room with
sterile technique.19 After that the graft is treated with a bactericidal antimicrobial disinfection
solution. At this stage the graft cannot be considered sterile
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Grief Scenarios
The question for this reflective journal was to demonstrate how I would assist a patient that has gone
through a traumatic event. Therefore, I have decided to create a scenario to practically show the steps I
would take during each stage of grief.
Erin Reuben is a 26 year old female that just finished her degree in teaching. She is a newlywed and
on her honeymoon, she and her husband went horseback riding. She fell off the horse and the horse
stepped on her right leg. The trauma was so severe that they could not save the leg and that she was
amputated roughly 10cm above the knee.
It is important to remember that a person that went through a traumatic experience is not in the same
state of mind as a regular ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Seeing and hearing that she is still able to achieve great things could motivate her to push forward and
give her the drive to live her life.
This is the final stage of grief. This is when the patient starts to make peace with what happened to
them and they start to move on. Common phrases used are: There is nothing I can do about it so I
might as well make the best of it.
Erin will start to grow accustomed to her life as an amputee. She will start getting into a routine and
become more and more independent. She will still have various struggles in her day to day life but she
would have worked through the traumatic event.
When a patient reaches this stage, it does not mean that their treatment is over. You must always be
available to listen to any problems that the patient needs to discuss. Try to keep an eye on their
emotion and psychological state.
A patient can easily slip back into depression and therefore we as practitioners need to constantly be
vigilant to identify any problems or needs and try to help a patient through
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Comparing Belgium s Contributions To The Congo During The...
Belgium, a country in europe, was considered superior to other counties in the general area. Belgium
had a lot of advanced technology compared to the Congo. For example, the Congo was very poor, it
wasn t important as a developing nation, however, the Congo did have many resources, Belgium for
example, became interested in the Congo s, copper, gold, diamonds, rubber, cobalt, and many more
resources. Thus, a lot of european countries wanted Congo s resources as well, as a result, twelve
nations got together debated dividing these resources equally. These thirteen nations in europe
comprised the Berlin Conference. However King Leopold, the ruler of Belgium, wanted Africa all to
himself. In response, King Leopold said he was going to take ... Show more content on
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I used this information in my introduction and my second paragraph on how leopold tortured the
people in the congo. It helps me answer questions on how belgium impacted the congo It s important
because if leopold wasn t selfish and wanting all of Africa to himself people in the Congo/Africa never
would have gone through all the stuff that happened, for all we know. Vern Cleary, King Leopold and
the conquest of the Congo , modern world history, accessed february 16, 2017,
This document had all three reasons on why Belgium influenced the Congo, it had how/when Stanley
got hired, tells me about how the people were getting abused, and it tells me how he planned to exploit
the country. I used this document, because it had evidence and backing to support my claim. It helps
me answer questions because it has enough evidence/backing which tells me how events transcribes
on Leopold s and Stanley s point of view as well as the intentions of twelve nations of the Berlin
conference . Mojimba, King Leopold and the conquest of the Congo , modern world history, accessed
february 16, 2017,
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Cold Blood Is A Book By Truman Capote
In Cold Blood is a book written by Truman Capote. It s a non fictional book written in the style of a
creative fictional book. The story follows two criminals, Dick and Perry, after they ve murdered four
members of the Clutter family. The already experienced murderers make sure to leave no evidence,
clues, or traces to them in the crime scene. As investigators attempt to figure out the mystery of the
Clutter family murders, Dick and Perry make their way to Mexico until they get found out and get
taken to prison. After several years and trials, the duo are given the ultimate punishment. Because this
novel is a real story, Capote has to make sure the readers get all the details from the actual event. Just
like any other journalism from the newspaper or the TV news report, these details can get tedious and
boring. When writing this book, Capote had the intention of giving the story a creative style that
would capture the reader as any fictional book would. And so, the challenge for Capote would be how
to mix his writing style between realistic and at the same time creatively intriguing. At the start of the
story, Truman Capote has the intention to make sure the reader gets deeply invested into the
environment of the story. He wants us to feel the realistic tone of the story that it s following. In order
to do so, he creates a lot of buildup to the scenery before any major events crop up. Before the main
murder of the Clutter family occurs, Capote spends a decent amount of
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Thyroid Radiation Essay
Radioactive Iodine I 131(131I) therapy is a treatment for an overactive thyroid, a condition called
hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism can be caused by Graves disease, in which the entire thyroid gland
is overactive, or by nodules within the gland which are locally overactive in producing too much
thyroid hormone.
One of the way to treat hyperthyroidism is to damage or destroy the thyroid cells that make thyroid
hormone. Because these cells need iodine to make thyroid hormone, they will take up any form of
iodine in the blood stream, whether it is radioactive or not. The radioactive iodine used in this
treatment is administered by mouth, usually take about 1 GBq of 131I( IAEA, VIENNA, 1996).Once
swallowed, the radioactive iodine gets into your bloodstream and quickly is taken up by the overactive
thyroid cells. The radioactive iodine that is not taken up by the thyroid cells disappears from the body
within days. Over a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Both thyroid cancer and thyroid tissue absorb iodine. This helps us locate and treat sites of active
thyroid cancer. Patients undergoing treatment for cancer therapy often take from 3 to 6 GBq of 131I
(IAEA, VIENNA, 1996).When swallows a capsule that contains a dose of 131I, it will enter the
bloodstream very quickly.The 131I will then go to the thyroid and to any thyroid cancer sites, where it
will be absorbed. Most of what the thyroid tissue does not absorb will leave the body in the urine over
the next 24 to 48 hours. The iodine taken up by the thyroid or thyroid cancer will stay in the body for a
longer time. The 131I in thyroid tissue will give off beta particles (tiny particles that some radioactive
atoms give off). The beta particles will go to the thyroid tissue or cancer sites, very close to where
they are given off (within about 1 millimeter). They damage tissue, and this damage will cause thyroid
and any thyroid cancer cells to die over time. (UWMC Imaging
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Time India Brian Smith Summary
According to the article, Time India Bibliography by Brian Smith, the author mentions about how time
represented within the Indian culture, including religion and philosophy. From the India tradition, they
recognize the contingent temporality to be the world of suffering, which is the change and
impermanence. It knows as samsara, which is the cycle of death and rebirth of things. The author says,
the ultimate goal of all of the religious traditions that have sprung forth in India is indeed to overcome
and transcend time and the death it entails. The main point that the Indian people were looking is the
ending time of their life. In the religions tradition, the Indian people try to overcome and transcend the
death. In other words, the
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Bass Pro Argumentative Essay
This quote said by Henry David Thoreau, I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the
trees. This explains the effects from being in the wilderness and the outdoors will affect your life. A
outdoorsman also has to have the right equipment for what they will be doing. The outdoors has been
a big part of my life, and has impacted how I live. To get equipment to go hunting and fish you need to
go to a sporting goods store. The biggest two are Cabela s and Bass Pro. Cabela s and Bass Pro are
similar and different in many ways including equipment, clothing, and locations.
The first subject is how they are different and the same with the equipment they sell. They both sell
about every outdoor product you can think of. The stores mainly ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The location has the biggest impact on why they sell different products. Cabela s stores are mostly
located in the northwest region of the United States, so for this reason that is why they sell more
hunting than fishing equipment. They do have stores all across the country, but are mostly in this area.
Bass Pro is mostly based out of the southeast corner of the United States. The reason for this is
because bass fishing and fishing in general is more popular in this area of the country. This is also why
they sell sea fishing equipment, and not as much hunting equipment. The two companies have stores
all over the midwest. This is the area where hunting, and fishing is more popular and practiced.
Cabela s and Bass Pro are similar and different in many ways including equipment, clothing, and
locations. Now that I have told you how they are the same and different, I hope that the next time you
go to either of the stores you take into consideration what I have talked about. Even though they are
both owned by the same company I hope you pick the one that fits your needs and products you want.
Make sure when you go into the outdoors you have the right equipment. Just like Thoreau said, I took
a walk in the woods... The outdoors can impact your life, and make you
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
Subtypes Of Internet Addiction
In the previous decade, the growth rate of internet addiction is increasing all over the world (Goel.D,
et.al, 2013). In the urban India there were almost 5 million active users of internet present as per 2000
stats but now as per 2008 it has been increased to 42 million active users of internet.
Adolescents are more likely to be vulnerable to internet addiction as compared to any other sections of
the society. This is because of the leisure and liberty children are exposed to these days. There are
many different aspects such as ease of internet use among adolescents, availability of time, unlimited
access to internet, curiosity to know more and psychological support that young one seeks through
their peers and online friends.
According ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Computer addiction Computer Gaming has a very important role to play with today s scenario be it for
kids, young adults or working adults. Virtual reality games or Stimulation games are addicting enough
to get them engrossed and compromised on their working performance.
The study published related to cyberpsychology, behaviour, social networking and internet addiction
became a concern due to abnormal difficulties as well as cognitive dysfunctions which were found to
be correlated with substance and behavioral addiction. Moreover, internet addiction is often found to
be comorbid with depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Self esteem is defined as how an individual evaluate oneself. It is an individual s self worth how s/he
feels about oneself. It is also known to as how one approves or appreciates him or herself. It is an
effective response to one s description. Self esteem is the value that we consider how much we worth
ourselves. These values might differ from individual to individual. In psychology, this term is used to
understand an individual s sense of self worth and personal values. It is considered to be the
evaluation of one s own self concept. Self esteem is an effective response to one s description. It is the
value that we consider how much we worth ourselves. These values might differ from individual to
individual. In psychology, the
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Thesis Statement For Condoms And Contraceptives
Title: Free Condoms and Contraceptives to Highschoolers
Thesis Statement: Condoms and contraceptives should be freely given to high school students because
of its effectiveness against the risks they face caused by their sexual lifestyle of today.
Problem: Should the high school students be given condoms and contraceptives for free?
1. Introduction
1.1 Information about condoms and contraceptives
2. Sexual lifestyle of teenagers
2.1 Opinions about sexual lifestyle of teenagers
2.2 Sexually active teens
3. Risks that sexually active teens face
3.1 Increasing number of STDs/HIV
3.2 Increase in unwanted pregnancy
3.3 Possible death
4. Effectiveness of condom usage
4.1 Protection against STDs/HIV
4.2 Study results
5. Programs of the government in the U.S.
5.1 Condom availability programs
5.2 Abstinence only programs
5.3 Study results
6. Conclusion
7. Recommendation Condoms, as defined by Delvin (2012), are sheathes that trap the sperm when a
man climaxes. Crall (1999) explains the meaning of a contraceptive as a method, device or
pharmaceutical drug that prevents pregnancy. Both are used in reducing the chances of pregnancy.
Young people today especially high ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Knowledge about condoms and contraceptives provide the teenagers a better understanding which
may lessen the incidence of early pregnancies and infections brought about by sexual intercourse. The
author also recommends the government to sponsor condom availability programs for high school
students to provide more access to condoms and contraceptives. Prohibiting the young people of today
from using condoms and contraceptives may only increase the problems of illnesses and unwanted
pregnancies so it may be more beneficial to do
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
Country Music Openness
My conjecture, then, is that country music functions in part to reinforce in low openness individuals
the idea that life s most powerful, meaningful experiences are precisely those to which conservative
personalities living conventional lives are most likely to have access. This excerpt is from an essay
titled Country Music, Openness to Experience, and the Psychology of the Culture War, in which the
author, Will Wilkinson, is arguing that country music is made solely for conservative ears. Reading
such a statement is perplexing. The author is telling the audience that country music is made for close
minded individuals who seek comfort in the little things in life because the changing world around
them is too frightening.
Growing up in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This song creates yet another heartwarming story by incorporating the values of love and marriage
into its lyrics. For example, the line So, we planned it all out for the middle of June, from the wedding
cake to the honeymoon, and your momma cried when you walked down the aisle, gives the audience
the classic, lovely vision of getting married. Similar lyrics in the song such as Yeah baby I love you a
lot and I think we ve got a real good shot also tie in the human desire to be loved by another
individual. These specific lyrics are significant because they all appeal to human nature s yearning for
interpersonal connection. This means an audience member can connect to the lyrics in this song on a
deep level. It does not matter what your political alignment may be, human empathy for topics such as
marriage and love fosters connection, therefore to the story created by the lyrics in the song and to
other songs like it within the genre. This further proves the fact that not just conservatives can enjoy
and connect to the stories created within country
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...

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How To Properly Cite An Essay. How To Cite A Poem In MLA Properly. 2019

  • 1. How To Properly Cite An Essay. How To Cite A Poem In MLA Properly. 2019 ... 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. How To Properly Cite An Essay. How To Cite A Poem In MLA Properly. 2019 ... How To Properly Cite An Essay. How To Cite A Poem In MLA Properly. 2019 ...
  • 2. Hernan Cortes To Mexico HERNAN CORTES AND THE CONQUEST OF AZTEC EMPIRE To begin with, the turning point in Aztec empire was the time when Spanish conquisadors entered into the empire in 1519, with their chief general, Hernan Cortes. He is well known for conquering the Aztec empire and also for being the first governor of Mexico. This led to complete transformation of Mexico to new world forming new lifestyle for the native people. This essay would talk about Hernan Cortes s life and achievements, his intentions behind his every step, in my opinion and according to some sources and also comparison between Aztec and Cortes s way. Before anything else, let s talk about his nature. From where I am sitting, Cortes was ambitious, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The factors were after reading about conquest of Inca empire: In my view, Aztec Empire had many enemies both insiders and outsiders. In the other words, people who were captured by Aztec and also the one who were never got conquered by them. These alliances helped Cortes in increasing the size of armed forces and also helped him in getting information about the size of forces of Aztec, their strategies and how they could recognize the leaders, which lead to ultimate win win situation. Second point could be the differences in their warfare, as Cortes just fought to kill and conquer but Aztec believed in keep people alive. Cortes had different strategies that were mind oriented than ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Nursing Supervisor Essay A nursing supervisor is a versatile and productive member of the healthcare team. This position involves managing staff, recruiting new employees, ensuring that rules and policies are being followed and plays a huge role in patient care. With a positive job outlook growing rapidly this is a great position for someone who wants to be involved on the floor of the hospital both clinically and administratively. The nursing supervisor has many responsibilities in a healthcare setting. They are responsibly for clear communication between the staff. They are to make sure that the proper amount of nurses are on shift as well as ensuring that the nurse to patient ratio is sufficient. Communication is also essential when they are dealing with patients, patient s families, administrators and physicians on a daily basis. They must be willing and able to answer questions from each aspect of the healthcare system. Nursing supervisors must also contribute to the hiring and training process for new nurses; they must find the perfect fit for their facility as well as train them to be at the standard of the other nurses. The supervisor usually plans and organizes orientation for newly hired nurses, and in service training for existing nurses as well (Friedman ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics the predicted demand for medical and health services managers, like nursing shift supervisors, will rise by 17% over the 2014 2014 decade, an increase above the average when compared to other professions (Nurse Shift Supervisor: Job Description and Education Requirements, n.d.). Annually nursing supervisors make about $94,500 per year or $45.43 per hour (Medical and Health Services Managers, n.d.).This is one of the main reasons I chose this specific career to focus on; it is constantly evolving and growing and is also very stable. It is a position of leadership; it is clinical, and also ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Mayor De Blasio Case Study Mayor de Blasio Obviously Pleased Prosecutors Didn t Bring Charges in Fundraising Probes New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is might easily win a second term, all thanks to the state and federal prosecutors clearing two separate year long probes into his campaign fundraising practices. Addressing the decision Thursday afternoon in City Hall, de Blasio repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, deflecting reporters questions by responding the issue has been exhaustively investigated and told reporters this would be the final time he would discuss this matter. It simply confirms what I ve said all along and I was obviously pleased to see the issue closed, de Blasio said in a combative news conference with reporters. My staff, my colleagues ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They had to make a judgement on whether anything inappropriate happened and their judgement was it did not. The move to conclude de Blasio parallel criminal probes came just days after Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, was fired by President Trump. Bharara led the year long investigation into the mayor fundraising after a lead investigator at the state Board of Elections asked prosecutors to investigate whether de Blasio broke the law by funneling campaign contributions to Democratic state Senate candidates through state committee groups to evade donation contribution limits. Just last month, de Blasio met with Bharara voluntary for four hours regarding the probe. The meeting was considered to be the final step in determining whether or not charges would be brought. Since the meeting with Bharara, de Blasio refused to go into detail about what was discussed due to the matter being an active investigation. Now with the investigation closed, half the question the mayor faced during Thursday press conference were about disclosing the details of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Allusions In The Metamorphosis Though many strive for a degree of stability in life, our lives are largely dependent on change. It is necessary for both mental and physical development, and our survival as a species has relied on our ability to react to changes in our environment. Furthermore, certain situations show that change is actually critical in reaching stability. This is evident in Franz Kafka s The Metamorphosis, as Gregor s transformation from household breadwinner to loathsome insect to be essential in allowing his family to become self sufficient as well as provide the opportunity for a better, more stable life. This essay will explore how biblical symbols and allusions in the novella support the role change of Gregor Samsa as the savior of his family. At the beginning of The Metamorphosis Gregor Samsa is introduced as a hard working traveling salesman who works long arduous hours in order to maintain his family and pay back his parent s debts. This debt symbolizes inherited sin, which in Christianity stems from the first humans: Adam and Eve. This sinful nature is what Gregor aims to relinquish through his monotone routine of work. However, despite ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During this time Gregor is starved, forced to live under filthy conditions and is even ridiculed by the household charwomen. As tensions in the family rise, the Samsa family openly discusses their desire for Gregor s departure. Though Gregor is largely bothered by his treatment, his loyalty and care for his family never waivers. Ultimately, realizing his family would be better off without him he decides to sacrifice himself. His thoughts, full of tenderness and love, went back to his family. He was even more firmly convinced than his sister, if possible, that he should disappear. (48) Gregor s death parallels that of Christ, who like Gregor sacrificed himself so that others could live, forgave them for their sins and carried their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. The Affordable Care Act And Its Effects The Affordable Care Act And Its effects Health Care reform is not a new thing to people of United States. It has revised and altered on many occasions. The health care system is subjected to change due to the influences of several factors. Having an acceptable and affordable form of health care system is needed to insure the good health of the citizens. In today s news, we hear many headlines along the line of The new Affordable Care Act...... and to some of us we might not have any idea what this new act is. This act is known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act created by President Obama and his administration, which still is a work in progress and houses many different public opinions. As a result of passing this act, many ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This act,when described, seems to have a positive impact yet there are many issues concerning this act. The affordable care act illustrates the idea of public policy in that it took various representatives of the Obama administration to draw up a plan for this act. For an idea to become a possibility of passing and being implemented, it needs countless hours of crafting and reviewing by the men and women in Congress so that it can be a success. The New York Times summarized the overall impact of the Affordable Care Act on a variety of dimensions. The number of uninsured people have reduced significantly, as a result of this act. Yet, about 7.3 million people remain enrolled in their own private insurance coverage through the online marketplaces but this act still has insured more than enough people and has become a great success story. Additionally, 85% of those who qualified for federal subsidies were aided in paying their premiums. (Tavenner) Moreover, for those who qualified for subsidies through the federal exchange, the subsidies lowered their insurance premium by 76% on average. Yet, the challenge is for middle income persons who don t qualify for subsidies and are more likely to have a hard time accepting premium costs of this act.(Tavenner) New York Times also states that it is too early to tell whether the act has affected health outcomes. Even though healthcare costs have been driven ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. The Distribution of Alu Genotypes The Distribution of Alu Genotypes in a Group of Level 4 Students The Distribution of Alu Genotypes Introduction DNA is mostly found in the nucleus of nearly every cell in the human body, it contains the biological instructions that make us unique. Located on the genome at different locations are short, identifiable sequences known as Alu insertion polymorphisms. The application of Alu elements has recently become used in forensic identification and paternity testing. Alu elements are found in nearly one million copies per haploid gene which approximately 5 10% of the human genome. The Alu elements can be found bordering genes or gathered with other interspersed repeated sequences (Primrose 1998). Alu elements are repeated ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2 (+ +) 14 (+ ) 15 ( ) TPA 25 n = 31 Total alleles = 62 9 (+ +) 18 + alleles 11 (+ ) 11 + alleles 11 alleles 11 ( ) 22 alleles Frequency of + allele = 29 62 Frequency of + allele = 0.47 Frequency of allele = Total number of + alleles Total alleles Frequency of allele = 33 62 Frequency of allele = 0.53 The Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium equation is as follows, with the fraction of + alleles denoted by p and the fraction of alleles denoted by q. p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 0.472 + 2(0.47)(0.53) + 0.532 = 1 0.2209 + 0.4982 + 0.2809 = 1 Expected number of individuals with (+ +) genotype = p2N = 0.2209 X 31 = 6.8479 Expected number of individuals with (+ ) genotype = 2pq = 0.4982 X 31 = 15.4442 Expected number of individuals with ( ) genotype ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Harwich Case Study 5. Harvard Within this rural community, residents will find a small population and green, open spaces. Located only 25 miles to the northwest of Boston, this community is a part of Worcester County. It began as a farming community, but is now known for its affluent population and top school system. Because of the safe environment, bucolic streets and good schools, home prices are rapidly rising in the area. In just the last year, real estate prices advanced by $72,750. Currently, home buyers can expect to pay a median price of $653,750. While a two bedroom receives an asking price of $495,000, the median three bedroom property fetches a sales price of $597,500. Meanwhile, a four bedroom home receives a sales price of $675,000. In the last ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Harwich Located on Cape Cod, this city is a part of beautiful Barnstable County. Known for being a vacation spot, this town includes a number of beaches along the Nantucket Sound. In addition, Harwich is the home of three active ports and several villages. Within this community, residents will find the villages of East Harwich, Harwich Center, South Harwich, Harwich Port, West Harwich, North Harwich and Pleasant Lake. Within this community, the median home price is at $360,000. In the last year, home prices have advanced by about 1 percent. During the same time, the average price per square foot rose from $240 to $253. For a one bedroom home, residents can expect to pay $208,750. For a two bedroom property, the median sales price is at $266,000. While the typical three bedroom home fetches a price of $370,000, a four bedroom home receives a price of $332,000. Enjoy a Beautiful Location Spanning 33.1 square miles in size, this tranquil community consists of seven different villages. It is placed on the southern section of Cape Cod. On the northeast side of town, residents will find the community of Orleans. Dennis borders the community on the west. On the south, residents will find the Nantucket South. While Chatham borders the city on the east, Brewster makes up the city s northern ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Deborah Tannen There Is No Unmarked Woman There is something subtle about attitudes toward women, something that many people act in accordance to but are only subconsciously aware of. It is the constant judgment that women face, and it is also something Deborah Tannen noticed while sitting in an ordinary meeting one day. During that meeting, she found herself noticing only the females of the room, not the men. Tannen then realized that it was because The men s styles were unmarked (Tannen 389). While there are standard hairstyles and clothing for men, there are none for women. Everything that a woman wears is a reflection of who she is. In her piece titled There Is No Unmarked Woman, she writes about her experience and concludes that women cannot escape judgment no matter what they do. Since ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this piece, Tannen is sad and disappointed that women are still treated differently than men are. According to Tannen, there is nothing a woman can resort to if she does not want to be judged. That is, no woman is unmarked . For example, she states that There is no woman s hair style that can be called standard, that says nothing about her. The range of women s hair styles is staggering, but a woman whose hair has no particular style is perceived as not caring about how she looks... (390). If a woman were to opt for a plain hairstyle, it would still give a message. In writing about this, Tannen comes to a startling conclusion. She finds that, even today, women have less ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Role Of Feudalism In Ancient Japan Emperor The emperor of Japan was regarded as the spiritual and symbolic head of the country and descended from the Gods. From 1185 onwards, however, the emperor had no real power and his role was mainly ceremonial. He was still seen as the head of state and was expected to officially give the shogun his title and right rule. The emperor lived in the imperial Palace in Kyoto. Shogun The shogun was the emperor s leading general. Between 1185 and 1867, shoguns formed their own governments and controlled Japan. As well as commanding the military, shoguns ran the everyday affairs of the country and were responsible for collecting taxes. Daimyo Daimyo were regional landowners allowed to rule provinces in return for providing loyalty and military ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They wore plain, dark clothes baring a clan crest so they could be easily identified. Male samurai wore two swords denoting their warrior status. Female samurai would also train in martial arts such as archery. Peasants Peasants were the largest single group in Japanese society, making up around 80% of the population. Most peasants were farmer, but this group also included woodcutters, fishermen and in workers. Unlike European peasants, peasants in Japan were given a higher rank than merchants and craftspeople, because it was believed that they performed an essential and important role in society that is, producing food on which everyone depended. Despite this higher status, peasants lived a harsh lifestyle. Craftspeople and Merchants Craftspeople were those who made goods and tools, including sword smiths, printers, boat builders and carpenters. Craftspeople received less official respect than peasants because, according to Confucian thought, people could love without the goods they made. Merchants lived by trading and transporting goods, lending money and running shops. They were given little respect because it was considered that they produced nothing useful themselves, only profited from hard work of others. Merchants tended to live in the larger towns and cities and, despite their low status, they could be very ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Compare and contrast the organization structure and... ORGANISATION BEHAVIOUR TABLE OF CONTENT LO 1. Understand the relationship between organization structure and culture. LO 1.1. Compare and contrast the organization structure and culture of ASDA PLC to that of British Airways. LO 1.2. Explain how the relationship between ASDA s structure and culture impacts on its performance. LO 1.3. Discuss the factors which influence the behaviour of ASDA s employees at work giving relevant examples. LO 2. Understand different approaches to management and leadership. LO 2.1. Compare the effectiveness of the leadership styles used by the CEO in ASDA to that used by British Airways CEO. LO 2.2. Identify any organizational theory practiced at ASDA and Explain how organization theory underpin the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Constitutions and Bylaws state the actors and way to alter in the structure itself. The total membership, annual assembly or congress, is exclusively authorized to change the basic structure. Policy matters are typically left to leadership bodies meeting more frequently. And management is often delegated to staff. Culture: Cultural aspects are those that evolve in discussion and are in fluctuation, constantly modifying. Many cases organizational culture describes what things signify, whether good or bad, right or wrong, and how to accomplish them when can t be set up by formal process. The culture encourages effective philosophy for possibility in the organization s daily work done. Comparing with basic principles, it s the fleeting operational philosophy fashioned, shaped, and broadcasted in common knowledge and conversation about that understanding that tells a corporate flack catcher. The culture progresses the organization forward when it fixes the jobs and the category of labour. Culture shows some other crucial and equivalent role by reflecting experiences in the past and keeping away from occurring again of emergency. For example, when an organization learnt about relying on a sole leader to broker of its inner interest. Likewise, relying totally on one source of money doesn t continue long life. Culture can be felt more in its definition of roles than other way. Culture defines how people visualize of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Evolution Of The Hokulea The Evolution of the Hokulea The story of the Hokulea, a model of the first canoes that brought the first Polynesians to Hawaii, is a story that restores cultural pride and history to Hawaiians. Her legacy was almost extinct, but survived and restored the relationship that society has with its island home. More than 600 years had gone by without seeing one of these canoes, until artist Herb Kane thought to build a sailing canoe just like the ones his ancestors sailed (Hokulea.com). Polynesia was a massive country forming a triangle that stretched between New Zealand in the west, Rapa Nui in the east, and Hawaii in the north. This triangle covered 10 million square miles. It was discovered by these amazing people who were like the astronauts of the time, because of their amazing exploration skills. Remarkably, these Polynesians arrived in Hawaii 1,000 years before Columbus sailed to the Americas. They were considered some of the greatest explorers in all of history. These explorers were able to discover every livable land mass and island in the Pacific, without the use of modern technology. All they had were canoes that were very similar to the Hokulea. Polynesian explorers relied heavily on the stars, winds, waves, and other signs from nature to navigate the ocean. Hawaii has a very historical and traditionally rooted culture, and the Hokulea is the beginning and the very center of it. Hawaiians were able to develop the islands and mastered the art of living sustainably. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Information And Database Management Systems Week 1: Overview of Information and Database Management Systems 6411 2 Main Post The Database Management System of a healthcare organization is an application to perform administrative tasks on a database and interacts with the data stored in the databases. Years ago information was managed by a hands on method such as files in the file cabinet. Now, databases are utilized by technology to drive and manage information. These databases are an organized collection of data typically stored in an electronic format. Databases allow input, manage, organize, and retrieve data quickly (Cornell, and Morris, 2015). Then Technology takes the data collected and transforms it into information which becomes knowledge to the users. The purpose of the study is to examine the use of the database system in nursing and to determine the benefits and challenges of the healthcare organization to use database systems and data. Analyze the use of database systems and data in nursing practice Select a database system that you encounter at work or with which you are familiar. As the introduction of the study states, many healthcare organizations are exploring new ways to use this data to improve health outcomes and the quality of patient care (Laureate edu, 2015). For instance, Methodist Hospital of Houston Texas embraces the use of database system in their laboratory which is just one example of technology. What s helpful about using the database systems? For example, the database ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Affordable Care Act Of Congress The affordable care act was passed into law by congress and the president in 2010. This plan was established to help all individuals obtain health insurance, regardless of having a pre existing condition through the government marketplace as an affordable amount, or if you did not meet the set standards, was offered a state based health care coverage (HHS, 2015). Those individuals who did not have qualified medical coverage for the majority of the tax year, they would be penalized and have to pay a certain amount or a percentage based off of their income. Also under the ACA employers are now responsible, depending on how many employees are employed with their company, to offer their full time employees health care coverage, or also face a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Under the ACA for individuals, they are able to select their health care coverage either through their employer, through the government, by finding a plan on their own, or have no insurance coverage at all and face the tax penalty, year after year that the taxpayer goes without coverage. There are actually ways that the individual can benefit from when filing their taxes. An option for selecting health care coverage is through the government s website exchange, this is referenced to the Premium tax credit. Under this credit as defined in 26 C.F.R. § 1.36B 1 , individuals are able to select their own health care coverage with the plans being labeled as on silver, bronze, gold, or platinum plans, and gives the taxpayer a refund on the premium amount. If a taxpayer plans on selecting one of these, the government will give you a tax break if your income places you under the 400% of the poverty level (Obamacare, 2015). Under ACA, employers are now faced with a challenge of their own, if they have 50 or more employees they are now required to offer healthcare coverage to their full time employees, and if they do not they will be faced to pay a tax penalty. With smaller employers they would be offered a tax break on offering their employees coverage through the government marketplace. Another way that the ACA changed the tax on other companies is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Medical Diagnostic Devices Healthcare, and all that it provides, is considered one of the most precious resources in the United States today. Everyone has been there. After days of feeling crummy you break down and go the doctor. After all, there is so much you need to do. From your child s soccer game your little one has been talking about for days, your cousin s wedding with the perfect dress hanging in the closet and of course, you cannot afford to miss work. So there you are, in the doctor s office with the all important question. What is wrong with me? Thankfully, with modern day science, there is technology available to peer inside and discover what stands between you, the soccer field sideline, and embarrassing your family by dancing the Macarena. With each passing year, the sophistication of medical diagnostic devices increases with disruption to the traditional and centralized diagnostic delivery model. A review of five medical diagnostic devices available today, or coming soon to a healthcare facility near you, will be reviewed along with how it will disrupt the current model. Capsule Endoscopy According to Christensen, Grossman, and Hwang (2009), medical device and diagnostic equipment (MDDE) is progressively decentralized with each pass year in a predictable and consistent fashion. This pattern of change may be seen in every discipline of medicine including the arena of endoscopy, which involves a visual examination of the gastrointestinal tract. The capsule endoscopy is one such ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Brothers and Keepers English 300 Dr. Clemons April 21, 2013 Maria_antwanette@yahoo.com Outline: I. Introduction: Introduce and provide information on the book Brothers and Keepers by John Edgar Wideman. II. Thesis: Wideman was affected by a wide range of challenges. While he wrote under such unbearable conditions, it is convincing that one could take a cultural studies approach to examine the hardships of poverty and the racist mindsets that had taken place during the time in which he wrote. III. Body: Provide evidence from text that supports my thesis. a. Pennsylvania during the 1960 s and 1970 s with some quotes from the book. a. John s Life b. Robby s life IV. Conclusion Maria Riley English 300 Dr. Clemons ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Those feelings are what caused high poverty rates, the formation of gangs, and the high level of violence into Homewood, Pennsylvania. John and Robert always dreamed about running away from the poverty embracing their community. Even though they shared the same dream, each considered different means of achieving this dream. John realized at an early age that education was his was out of poverty in Pittsburgh. In his book Brothers and Keepers, John explains how he was running away from Pittsburgh because of the poverty. He explained that the only logical way to get out of these unbearable conditions were to go to college. For many African Americans growing up in the 1960 s college was not an option. The only thing that was option for African Americans, were to get a job to support their family. Most of the African American communities did not have enough money to send their child to college. John understood this situation and did not let it hinder him. He knew that the first step to his exile, his flight from home would be getting good grades. While attending school John did not only get good grades, he played basketball. The people in the African American culture in the 1960 s believed that the only way for a black person to get into college was to play sports for the white man. With many African Americans having this mind set, it pushed John to excel on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Essay on George Lopez The television show, George Lopez, is a series in which Latinos make up the entire cast of the family. It takes place in the present day Los Angeles and focuses on a family and their daily lifestyle. This is one of two television shows that are directed to the English speaking population that has the Latino minority as the main ethnicity of the cast. Only 4% of Hispanics make up the cast of prime time television shows, a miniscule amount considering that Hispanic Americans are the largest minority group in the US. The ways in which minorities are portrayed in the show have their good aspects as well as bad aspects. This is to be expected since showing all good points or all the bad points isn t a fair perspective of the Latino ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She also shows her human side when she volunteers for several charities just because she has spare time. They also have positive points as a family. George and Angie filled in at a dunk tank in one episode in order to be involved in their children s school life. In another episode, The Lopez Family turns their home into a haunted house in order to raise money for the factory workers who had lost their salaries as a result of a plane crash investigation. Their daughter Carmen, made baked goods for the American Bake Sale showing that she was involved and the traditional image of an innocent girl baking. Also, Carmen breaks up with her boyfriend at the time, Duncan, because he tried to pressure her into having sex too soon. That demonstrates her morals and how she has control and the ability to say no. All together, the family does noble things like volunteering and making well thought out decisions giving the watchers of the show a certain perception of the television show. Negative Aspects The George Lopez show is truly one of a kind. Only two sitcoms in the history of television have been completely cast by Hispanic Americans, The George Lopez Show and Greetings From Tuscan. The two shows combined account for 44% of all Latino characters in prime time television, an enormous number considering the amount of shows that air every week. Only 4% of Hispanics make up the cast of prime time television shows, a miniscule amount considering that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Reflections on Syndicate Group Work Reflections about syndicate group work I always had a different opinion to our group leader, but he always made me give in, even when I was not at all persuaded by his arguments, I can t explain how that happened . This statement made by one of my group members is quite revealing. While she recognizes the dominance of our leader´, she is perplexed because she fails to understand how she was manipulated. How did he do it? Was it only his dominance or were there perhaps Machiavellic elements in his behaviour who made his opinion prevail? And was it beneficial to our groups effectiveness? I will try to solve this question in the main part of the essay. First, I will give a short overview of our groups development and then ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The groups last meeting, Sunday night before the presentation is characterized by a high level of motivation, since there is only one more night left until the deadline. It was only then when we start filming the interview and make the final adjustments. I will use Vroom s (1964) expectancy theory in order to analyse the level of motivation by our group members. According to Mento, Cartledge and Locke (1980), Expectancy theory emphasises that the motivation to perform is dependent on the strength of the expectancy that the act will be followed by a certain outcome (reward) . It focuses on three relationships: Effort performance, performance reward and reward personal goal. (Reinharth, Leon, Wahba, Mahmoud, 1975) In order for the motivation to be maximized, these relationships must be positive. According to a non directive qualitative interview of 10 minutes with each group member, I found the first relationship to be strongly positive, i.e. all of the members admitted that their effort would lead to a certain performance. The second relationship, namely the fact that my group members thought that their performance would lead to a desired outcome, was significantly weak, i.e. there was no contingency between contributing and achieving. Every single team member argued that the statistical probability of having the desired outcome, i.e. winning the price, was low, given the fact that there would be more than 15 groups ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Cause And Effects Of Climate Change And Its Causes Natural disasters have killed more than 600,000 people and left behind trillions of dollars in damages in the last two decades, the United Nations said Monday. (Chan) Extreme weather has caused millions of casualties and extreme damages over the years, but lately there has been an increase in severe weather events. This is causing problems in the US, with the amount of tornadoes rising in tornado alley Tennessee experienced a 67 percent increase in tornado activity in 1983 2013 compared to the 1954 1983 time period. Oklahoma experienced a nearly 35 percent decrease in tornadoes in 1983 2013 compared to 1954 1983. Climate change is defined as a change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels. Climate change has happened as a cycle throughout history, with ice ages occurring, and then warming. The earth naturally warms and cools, but due to the burning of fossil fuels the rate is growing exponentially. The climate changing was first suspected in the 19th century when scientists in britain debated whether Europe was covered by ice in the past. Guy S Callender suggested that the warming trend revealed in the 19th century had been caused by a 10% increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels. (Harding) The debate intensified by 2005 when a study was published ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Monologue Of Mrs Light In stark contrast, to Roderick s recklessness towards Christina, James shows Mrs Light s ardent devotion towards her daughter, whom she once regarded as, a very ugly baby; for the first two years I could hardly bear to look at her... (208), and such dedication is the direct result of a religious revelation that, in fact, Christina is profoundly beautiful. Mrs Light s about face concerning Christina s prettiness, she conveys to Rowland as a mythological tale in which she sees a little girl of four or five, very fantastically dressed (208) whom she is taken aback by the child s beauty and wishes if my poor Christina were only like that! (208) Then Mrs Light realises the child standing before her in a queer little dress is, in fact, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This helplessness is apparent by his emotional outburst to her astute comments: thus proving her point that he is weak. While the couple talk, Rowland observes them in secret and hears the twosomes discuss among other things Roderick s fiancée, Miss Garland. Again, Christina strikes a nerve concerning Roderick s treatment of his fiancée, I believe that, really, you don t greatly care for your friend in America... (216), and what she says next is the trait of someone who is perceptive in judging the moral conduct of others, any more than you do for me. You are one of the men who care only for themselves and for what they can make of themselves. (216) Miss Light s statement seems hypocritical as she too is self absorbed, nevertheless, her awareness of this fault in Roderick and even herself alerts the reader to the possibility she cares enough for the artist in order for him to leave her with some semblance of dignity. At any rate, Roderick tries to disprove her theory that he is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Symbols In The Prodigal Son The change over the time is described through various symbols. The sounds, smells, silences, and even visual experiences contribute to this change. There is a sense of terror everywhere around. Sound and silence contrast with each other but both appear as terrorizing in the text. No one speaks to Malte but he can listen to their silences. He can sense the terror inside them. Past and present are woven so well one loses track of time like Malte s grandfather. Everything around Malte that he can sense or see contributes to the situation that Malte faces when he feels threatened. The text is divided into two parts by a space between the sections 38 and 39. There is no other specific sign of the division except that space. The first part largely ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, it has been recreated in a new way. Rilke has transformed the whole story into something else. The prodigal son is not the wasteful man as depicted in the Bible. He is the one whom everyone loves, and it makes him feel vulnerable. He does not leave the house because he is wasteful but because he cannot bear their love. Being loved is being overpowered and possessed. It suffocates the one who is loved. He cannot be himself or be anything else than what the lover imagines him to be. On the other hand, if he is the lover, there are immense possibilities for him. He can be anything he wills because he is the one to control his life and his choices. When the prodigal son comes to understand this, he is able to transcend himself. He is able to understand the love of his family, and feels no more threatened by it. He is able to accept himself as he becomes a changed self. He does not remain the beloved but turns into the lover. However, he wants to be loved but in a way in which he would not feel suffocated as before. There is only One who can love him like that because He lets man be and find himself. And only then, He showers His love upon him. The prodigal son is yet to know himself completely. He is on the way to find meanings. He is yet becoming. Therefore, there is still time for him to accomplish what he needs to before He would love ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Cultural Value Of Food Market In recent years the average consumer is often faced with a choice on where to buy their groceries. The food that we purchase in stores sometimes makes us ask ourselves if the groceries that consumers are buying daily are real items found in nature or a substance that was created by a scientist in a laboratory. The foods that we eat as consumers of the United States are usually created by genetically modified ingredients while other foods can be classified as organic and not contain any of the harmful additives and preservatives that consumers are addicted to in food that they consume everyday. Some grocery stores care about mass profits and getting the consumer into their store, while others are more concerned about the source of where ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hence, purity from such thoughts would be a cure from pain and suffering. (The Complete Idiot s Guide to Buddhism) The idea of purity also helped the young Gautama make moral choices in which would impact his future for the rest of his young life. In the book entitled Ethical Wisdom, Journalist Mark Matousek captures ideas from cognitive psychology, philosophy, and evolutionary biology to explain why people choose (or not) to do the right thing. Matousek also exposes many of our behaviors, including why we overestimate our goodness and misevaluate the power of situations to bring out our sense of living a moral life, and why we allow ourselves to cheat. Extracting on the latest scientific discoveries and interviews with social scientists, spiritual leaders, ex cons, and philosophers, Ethical Wisdom is a helpful and important book for readers discovering their own sense of a moral path. After reading Ethical Wisdom readers will have a better mindset on what it means to live a moral life. With the theme of morality, comes a happier and healthier life. This allows consumers to have a better understanding on what kinds of foods are healthier for you versus those are bad for you your overall health. Living a life of purity relates to the way that Whole Foods is portraying the image of purity to their consumers. In the article entitled, On Truth and Lie in an Extra Moral Sense written by Friedrich Nietzsche. The main viewpoint ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Intentional Interference With Property Case Summary Interference with Property What is Interference with Property: Intentional interference with property is the section under intentional tort law that protects a citizen from having their land trespassed on, chattels stolen or obtained by people that should not have their items.It is also the act that protects your rights as a Canadian citizen to privacy and protection of property. Types of Interference with Property: There are four main sections under which intentional interference with property can be broken into; Trespass to Land, Nuisance, Trespass, to Chattels, and Conversion, each put in place to preserve the rights each citizen has when it comes to privacy. Trespass to Land deals with the most well known type of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Half way through the payment schedule, you sell the big screen because it s the only thing you have that can get you a chunk of money What kind of interference with property is here? (Trespass to Land, Nuisance, Chattels, Conversion) Case Study Rogers v. Board of Road Com rs for Kent County BRIEF SUMMARY ON THE CASE: The Board of Road Commissioners for Kent County (Board) (defendant) had a license agreement to place a snow fence on land owned by Rogers (plaintiff) husband. The Board set up the snow fence pursuant to the license agreement. Under the license agreement, the fence, including the anchor posts, would be removed by the Board at the end of the winter season. At the end of one winter season the Board removed the snow fence but did not remove a steel anchor post that protruded six to eight inches above the ground. The grass in the area where the post was located grew to a height that completely hid the post from one s view. On one particular day in July, while Rogers husband was mowing an area where the snow fence had been located, the mowing bar on her husband s tractor struck the steel post that was hidden from view. As a result of the impact, Rogers husband was thrown from the seat of the tractor. Rogers husband died from the accident. Rogers sued the Board for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Chikungunya In Central America Throughout the recent transmission of chikungunya, it has affected many countries in Central America and the Caribbean. The ones that are primarily up for discussion include just a few. Some examples of the Central American countries include Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Guatemala(CDC). Some examples of the Caribbean countries would include Anguilla, the Bahamas, the Cayman Islands, Haiti, Jamaica, and many more(CDC). Each of these countries share a major thing in common, all of their economies rely a great amount on Tourism and the people visiting their scenic lands(ABS 1 5). That being said, the negative effects that came to these places with chikungunya can be and already are devastating to these populations. To start off, the chikungunya virus negatively affected the countries of the Caribbean and Central America by the initial outbreak of the virus in their populations. How the chikungunya Virus actually reached St. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another is that an infected mosquito with chikungunya traveled to St. Martin ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Imagery In Gerard Hopkins s Gods Grander Gerard Hopkins Gods Grander is a poem illustrating a person concern over how the environment is being treated in the world. The narrator in the poem dislikes, how the world is being treated because of the human race not respecting or caring for the environment. The narrator wants the world to be treated with respect because God created the world with love and care. The poem introduces several literary elements like symbolism, imagery, and alliteration. The three literary elements help prove that people can be joyful when the environment is damage and poorly care for. Imagery is one of the artistic tools used in Gods Grander . In the first stanza Hopkins writes The world is charged with the grandeur of God. / It will flame out, like shining from shook foil ; ( 1 2). In the second line the word foil is used. Foil is used to show how God can strike out an electrical ray on metal and encompassing all. The third line is also another example of imagery It gathers to a greatness, like the ooze of oil/ crushed. Why do men then now reck his rod (Hopkins, 3 4)? The ooze of oil shows God is kind and rich which represent the ooze that does not stop. A third example of imagery in the poem is the second stanza in the poem (And though the last lights off the black West went/ Oh, morning, at the brown brink eastward, springs (Hopkins 11 12). In the two lines, one can image the sun in the west bringing with it night and the sun rising in the east bringing morning. Each day starts ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Jonathan Kozol s Amazing Grace Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come; Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home . This was taken from a section of the song Amazing Grace and is quoted in the book as The verse that belongs to us by Reverend Groover. I found this to be one of the most pivotal moments in the book. This story contains the lives of those who, in a sense have been left behind and discarded. Like the man behind the story, of the song Amazing Grace, Jonathan Kozol portrays the heart breaking reality of a population left behind and forgotten, that is until now. The realities of how the children, parents and grandparents cope with their situations, sheds light on some very ugly truths. Jonathan provides his readers ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mrs. Washington explains that once when she coming back to her daughter Charlayne s apartment they found that it had been robbed. When they called the police to report it, no one showed up until three hours later. When they did show they mentioned how they had heard the call but that no one wanted to come to that side of town. One of officers said I m 24 years old. I got a new baby baby that was just born and I got a wife and I don t want to die . Mrs. Washington answered him saying she could relate but that if this place was that awful, how and why would the city allow small children to grow up here. This really struck me and it deeply saddens me that anyone and especially children could be surrounded in an environment so toxic to the development of themselves. All I wanted to do while reading this passage was to take these children and wrap them up and provide them with the same care and treatment I was given. It is not the parents fault who live there, it s the city s. The city sections off these people like they are lepers. For example, they put murals of beautiful flowers and pretty rooms on the walls facing the highway. These murals were done not for the people in Mott Haven but for the tourist, so that when they pass by they do not have to see how horribly the people are being treated. It is almost like the government is trying to hide the fact that people do indeed live there. The people who live Mott Haven and anywhere in the world should not be looked as black or Hispanic but as citizens who deserve the same rights as we are offered. No one in this world should be treated the way these people ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Perfect Nature Of Love And Sonnet 130 By William... The English, or Shakespearian, sonnet has the simplest and most flexible patterns of all sonnets. It consists of three quatrains of alternation rhyme and an ending couplet which concludes the sonnet. William Shakespeare is known for his works such as Romeo and Juliet, but he is well known for his sonnets. William Shakespeare s sonnet 116 and sonnet 130 describe love in a different way; however, the sonnets center around the same idea. Sonnet 116 is about love in its most ideal form. The first four lines, or the first quatrain, show that love is constant and will not alter when it alteration finds (l. 3). The lines that comes after that say true love is indeed an ever fixed mark (l. 5) that can make it through anything. Shakespeare claims that we can measure love, whose worth s unknown (ll. 7 8), only to a degree or not in an understandable way. The perfect nature of love is unshakeable throughout time, and it remains so even to the edge of doom, (l. 12) or death. In the couplet, he declares that if he is wrong about the constant, unmovable nature of love then he must take back his writings on love. He states that if he has judged love in the wrong way, no individual has ever loved. Sonnet 130 is about a mistress who does not have much beauty. Shakespeare compares her to things that are supposed to be beautiful. This comparison tells the reader that her eyes are nothing like the sun (l. 1). He also says that her lips are not as coral; compared to white show, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Stress at Work What is work related stress? It is well recognised that stress at work is a massive problem. Any stress can reduce employee well being and it is well recognised that excessive or sustained work pressure can lead to stress. Occupational stress poses a risk to most businesses and compensation payments for stress are increasing. It is important to meet the challenge by dealing with excessive and long term causes of stress. Our annual absence management surveys show that stress is one of the most important reasons behind sickness from work and stress related absence is increasing. * See our latest absence management survey Pressure and stress There is sometimes confusion between the terms pressure and stress. It is healthy and essential ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So anxiety , stress and depression may be sufficient to qualify a person as disabled and therefore covered by the DDA, as long as there is a substantial and long term effect (for at least a year) on their ability to carry out normal day to day duties. Those with clinically recognised mental health diagnoses are very likely to be covered by the Act. If an employee is covered by the DDA the organisation has a responsibility to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate the needs of that employee. Find out more on disability in the workplace in our factsheet. * Go to our Disability and employment factsheet Dealing with stress at work There are four main approaches that organisations can adopt to address stress at work. These can be used together as a single initiative or may be adopted individually in a more step by step well being programme. * Policy, procedures and systems audit requires the organisation to undertake an audit of its policies, procedures and systems to ensure that it provides a working environment that protects the well being of the workforce and that it is is able to identify troubled employees and provide them with an appropriate level of support. * Problem centred approach provides a problem solving model for dealing with stress and other psycho social issues. It takes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Exploring the Purpose of the Indian Gaming Regulation Act... When the word Native American is mentioned, the first thing most people will think of is Indian gaming. As many people know, only Native Americans can conduct gaming while people from other ethnicity cannot. This leads to the belief that it is an indirect way for the American government to repay the tribal government for taking their lands. This is partially true. The right to conduct gaming on reservations begins with the Indian Gaming Regulation Act (IGRA). Since its establishment in 1988, hundreds of tribes are able to negotiate an agreement with the governments to operate casinos on reservation lands. However, this is not the only intention of IGRA. Although Congress says that the real purpose of IGRA is to allow Indians to open ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was also created to ensure legality and to protect the financial interests of tribes (Light and Rand, 44). IGRA is viewed differently among the Native and the non Native people. To many Americans, IGRA is a compromise between the American government and the tribal government because it enables tribes to support themselves, while it meets the Congress intention of opening more jobs to control poverty related crimes. According to a survey by the National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA) in 2006, as much as 75% of Americans believe that Indians benefit from gaming ( The Economic Impact of Indian Gaming in 2006 ). It is approximated that the tribal gaming industry generates $15.9 billion in revenue in 2003 ( National Indian Gaming Association ), and has created over 550,000 jobs (Light and Rand, 85). Even though there is only a small change in the number of crimes as a result of casinos, it is enough to conclude that crime rates were reduced, but not in an overwhelming way (Light and Rand, 97). On the contrary, Native Americans believe that it is a one sided negotiations that gives the state and federal government power over tribal authority (Light and Rand, 3). IGRA limits the tribe s ability to fully express its tribal sovereignty. Most people know that only Native Americans have the right to operate gaming, however, they do not know how or why do they possess these rights. To understand this, one must first ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. How Is Power Corrupted In Animal Farm Animal Farm Essay By: Robert Long George Orwell s novel, Animal Farm, is based on the theory that leaders, if given the chance to completely possess power, will be corrupted. Animal Farm is to show the people what is happening with power. That it can corrupt and absolutely will. People should trust leadership but keep watch on it. If power is required share it don t leave it to one person. Look at Snowball a hero to the animals of the farm. He even becomes corrupt when the apples and milk were taken, because; he kept it to himself instead of telling the animals. Then when Snowball came up with the windmill it was to help the animals. He wants to help the animals but the power corrupted Napoleon. Napoleon was immediately corrupted when ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Muscular De Duchenne E Uma Doenca A Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne é uma doença hereditária, caracterizada por uma degeneração muscular progressiva, causando fraqueza (Emery, 1993). Por ser uma condição recessiva ligada ao cromossomo X , a DMD afeta predominantemente meninos, e estudos recentes reportam que sua incidência geral corresponde a 1:4087 (Mendell at al., 2012). Esta distrofia está relacionada à ausência da proteína distrofina em diversos tecidos, a qual corresponde a cerca de 0.002% da massa proteica da célula muscular estriada. Com o desenvolvimento da DMD, a ausência e/ou disfunção desta proteína resulta em necrose e comprometimento da capacidade de regeneração da fibra muscular (Chargé Rudnick 2004). Mutações espontâneas do gene da distrofina têm sido observadas em animais, tornando os modelos experimentais para DMD. Camundongos são frequentemente utilizados como modelo para a doença, incluindo animais com mutação espontânea ou modelos knockout, ainda que ambos apresentem um fenótipo menos severo do que o humano (Berg et al., 2011; Sicinski et al., 1989; Itagaki et al., 1995; Grady et al., 1997). Como o gene da distrofina é conservado em relação ao seu tamanho e função em mamíferos, as distrofinopatias derivadas de mutações espontâneas em animais como cães e gatos foram relatadas, demonstrando a similaridade genética da doença entre humanos e principalmente cães (Kornegay et al., 1988). Nestes animais, a distrofia tem sido registrada com maior incidência em cães da raça Golden Retriever, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Analysis Of Self-Portrait On The Border Line Between... Self Portrait on the Border Line between Mexico and the United States Reflection While visiting the Museum of Fine Arts Houston, the infamous Paint the Revolution: Mexican Modernism, 1910 1950 exhibits on display. According to the museum label, this exhibit displays the development of modern art in Mexico and the social, political, and cultural forces that shaped it over the course of nearly half a century (MFA Houston), mainly images depicted of the Mexican Revolution from the eyes of artists during this time period. This monumental revolution transformed Mexico. In 1932, through use of oil on metal, Frida Kahlo paints herself as many other Mexican citizens after the revolution in Self Portrait on the Border Line between Mexico and the United States. In the image, the sun and moon only stand over Mexico, which Kahlo is telling us where her heart truly lies. It is evident as she stands in her pink dress, bare chest showing through, with cigarette in one hand and Mexican flag in the other that she stands true to her feminist mind and Mexican culture. Kahlo stands on a cement block reading Carmen Rivera painted her picture in 1932 (PBS.org), which marks the border between Mexico and the United States. In 1930, when her husband and fellow artist, Diego Rivera, received several commissions to paint murals in the United States, they packed their bags and moved north. Although Diego was content in America, Frida was homesick and miserable, thus inspiring this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Herbarium Specimens Demonstrate Earlier Flowers Herbarium Specimens Demonstrate Earlier Flowering Times In Response To Warming In Boston Primack, D, et. al. Introduction The background information. 1. In museums the specimen are used to see what their responses to the climate change are. In addition phenological studies provide a response indicator within this research of earlier dates of flowering in certain locations. 2. In this experiment flowering dates were recorded in the spring time from the Arnold Arboretum in Boston, Massachusetts. Key factors that play a role in climate change of earlier flowering dates include, population size and temperature. B. Why did the scientists do this research? 1. The scientists did the research to test the records of the herbarium plants to see if they had (if any) affects from the climate change. 2. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Results A. If the temperature is not included as an explanation in the equation then over the many years of following the earlier flowering times the outcome might have been different. B. Once the calculations were completed in each category the mean turned out to be the same as before. IV. Discussion A. What did the results mean? 1. The results could reflect the responses of native species to the climate change. The scientists said, Using such data, analyses could allow scientists to clarify the extent and character of local variation in natural responses to climate change. (Primack et, al. 345) 2. There are more precise patterns that can be observed from the herbarium plants over any other kind of plant. B. What are the limitations to this study? Local conditions of road way construction around the arboretum could have caused a warming that affected the flowering times. Works Cited Daniel Primack, Carolyn Imbres, Richard B. Primack, Abraham J. Miller Rushing, and Peter Del Tredict. Herbarium Specimens Demonstrate Earlier Flowering Times In Response To Warming In Boston. American Journal of Botany 91(8): 1260 1264. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Fashion Is A Fashion For Last 75years Fashion is a manner and style especially clothes, shoes, makeup and hairstyle. When I came from my home country, I have not much knowledge about fashion, and even do not know more about fashion brand. I was learning from technology, school and start follows American fashion. In eighteen century, people were also very fashionable as we are mostly seeing in the old films and pictures. The fashion was started from Europe and England because on that time Kings and Queens were fashionable and spends money on luxury items. The Queen Elizabeth has famous because of fashion and style, because she is wearing bright dresses, necklace etc. The brands we are use now a day s also established in many years back like Coach is in the fashion for last 75years. Now a day s fashion is change every spring, summer and fall because people are more creative to do something different. Social media is the main source to develop the latest fashion between new generations. People are follows facebook, twitter, instagram because celebrities, models, and companies share their fashion with public. In the twenty century people have jobs and money that s why they start spending on technology, and fashion, on the other side there are competition in the fashion industry so it s difficult to compete it. Women and Men both were fashionable from the thirties but women were more fashionable as compare to men. Women s fashion during the early to mid thirties reflected the American culture and this ideology of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Drugs And Drug Abuse For the research on drug use and societal or natural disaster, there is various findings on drug users lives, before and after disasters. This paper gives a broad explanation of their trauma stress, housing life styles, and health risk during times of disaster. These topics show the studies on people whom partake in drugs such as Crack/Cocaine Heroine on the day to day basis. The researched for this paper worked with the usagers directly to affect the health of those in these situations. Trauma Stress People that are users of drugs, and more specifically crack, heroine, and other cocaine based drugs have various reasons for their continued drug use. One of the many reasons for these drug users to abuse the drugs they use extend from earlier traumas and events in their lives. The events of natural and unnatural disaster cause an immediate amount of stress for those whom fall in this category. The people falling under this category not only have the stress from their past, present events and possible disaster events, but also the high chance of mental illness. Fifty four African Americans from New Orléans were compared to a sample of 162 people from Houston, in this study that lasted from June 2002 to December 2005, there are no significant differences between the two groups on either depression or anxiety, but the New Orléans sample scored higher on the self esteem scale and scored lower on the risk taking scale (Timpson, Ratliff, Ross, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Allograft Sterilization Essay Response/Recommendation: A combined method of allograft sterilization appears to be the best method to reduce the possibility of viral, bacterial and fungal infection as well as preserve the bio mechanical properties of the graft. Sterilization methods should involve a low dose of gamma radiation ( 25 KGy), chemical sterilization and antibiotic soaking. The use of radio protective solutions (i.e. propylene glycol, dimethyl sulfoxide, mannitol and trehalose) can be effective in reducing the risk of free radical attack to the collagen from the gamma radiation. Electron based radiation in combination with tissue protective measure (i.e. low temperature, carbon dioxide) can be an alternative method of sterilization, but further studies are required to validate this procedure. Strength of Recommendation: Moderate Rationale: Septic arthritis after ACL reconstruction is a rare event, occurring in 0.14 1.8% of cases.1 3 Several studies have demonstrated a lower rate of deep infection after ACL reconstruction (ACLR) using allograft compered to hamstring autograft tendons and equal possibilities with the use of bone patellar tendon bone (BPTB) autograft.4 8 The increasing use of primary allograft ACLR during the last few decades9 can be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... HIV type I II; HBV surface antigen; HBV core antibody; HCV antibody).17 The Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) is the best test for screening HIV and HCV, because seroconversion occurs 15 days after the first contact with the virus.17 Blood cultures are necessary to check bacterial and fungal infection. Aerobic and anaerobic cultures last for a minimum of 15 days, according with the AATB and the FDA.18 The successive step is the tissue retrieval, that it is performed in a sterile operating room with sterile technique.19 After that the graft is treated with a bactericidal antimicrobial disinfection solution. At this stage the graft cannot be considered sterile ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Grief Scenarios Introduction. The question for this reflective journal was to demonstrate how I would assist a patient that has gone through a traumatic event. Therefore, I have decided to create a scenario to practically show the steps I would take during each stage of grief. Scenario Erin Reuben is a 26 year old female that just finished her degree in teaching. She is a newlywed and on her honeymoon, she and her husband went horseback riding. She fell off the horse and the horse stepped on her right leg. The trauma was so severe that they could not save the leg and that she was amputated roughly 10cm above the knee. Treatment. It is important to remember that a person that went through a traumatic experience is not in the same state of mind as a regular ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Seeing and hearing that she is still able to achieve great things could motivate her to push forward and give her the drive to live her life. Acceptance This is the final stage of grief. This is when the patient starts to make peace with what happened to them and they start to move on. Common phrases used are: There is nothing I can do about it so I might as well make the best of it. Erin will start to grow accustomed to her life as an amputee. She will start getting into a routine and become more and more independent. She will still have various struggles in her day to day life but she would have worked through the traumatic event. When a patient reaches this stage, it does not mean that their treatment is over. You must always be available to listen to any problems that the patient needs to discuss. Try to keep an eye on their emotion and psychological state. A patient can easily slip back into depression and therefore we as practitioners need to constantly be vigilant to identify any problems or needs and try to help a patient through ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Comparing Belgium s Contributions To The Congo During The... Belgium, a country in europe, was considered superior to other counties in the general area. Belgium had a lot of advanced technology compared to the Congo. For example, the Congo was very poor, it wasn t important as a developing nation, however, the Congo did have many resources, Belgium for example, became interested in the Congo s, copper, gold, diamonds, rubber, cobalt, and many more resources. Thus, a lot of european countries wanted Congo s resources as well, as a result, twelve nations got together debated dividing these resources equally. These thirteen nations in europe comprised the Berlin Conference. However King Leopold, the ruler of Belgium, wanted Africa all to himself. In response, King Leopold said he was going to take ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I used this information in my introduction and my second paragraph on how leopold tortured the people in the congo. It helps me answer questions on how belgium impacted the congo It s important because if leopold wasn t selfish and wanting all of Africa to himself people in the Congo/Africa never would have gone through all the stuff that happened, for all we know. Vern Cleary, King Leopold and the conquest of the Congo , modern world history, accessed february 16, 2017, https://webs.dcp.org/sites/cleary/modernworldhistorytextbook/imperialism/section_6/kingleopold.html This document had all three reasons on why Belgium influenced the Congo, it had how/when Stanley got hired, tells me about how the people were getting abused, and it tells me how he planned to exploit the country. I used this document, because it had evidence and backing to support my claim. It helps me answer questions because it has enough evidence/backing which tells me how events transcribes on Leopold s and Stanley s point of view as well as the intentions of twelve nations of the Berlin conference . Mojimba, King Leopold and the conquest of the Congo , modern world history, accessed february 16, 2017, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Cold Blood Is A Book By Truman Capote In Cold Blood is a book written by Truman Capote. It s a non fictional book written in the style of a creative fictional book. The story follows two criminals, Dick and Perry, after they ve murdered four members of the Clutter family. The already experienced murderers make sure to leave no evidence, clues, or traces to them in the crime scene. As investigators attempt to figure out the mystery of the Clutter family murders, Dick and Perry make their way to Mexico until they get found out and get taken to prison. After several years and trials, the duo are given the ultimate punishment. Because this novel is a real story, Capote has to make sure the readers get all the details from the actual event. Just like any other journalism from the newspaper or the TV news report, these details can get tedious and boring. When writing this book, Capote had the intention of giving the story a creative style that would capture the reader as any fictional book would. And so, the challenge for Capote would be how to mix his writing style between realistic and at the same time creatively intriguing. At the start of the story, Truman Capote has the intention to make sure the reader gets deeply invested into the environment of the story. He wants us to feel the realistic tone of the story that it s following. In order to do so, he creates a lot of buildup to the scenery before any major events crop up. Before the main murder of the Clutter family occurs, Capote spends a decent amount of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Thyroid Radiation Essay Radioactive Iodine I 131(131I) therapy is a treatment for an overactive thyroid, a condition called hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism can be caused by Graves disease, in which the entire thyroid gland is overactive, or by nodules within the gland which are locally overactive in producing too much thyroid hormone. One of the way to treat hyperthyroidism is to damage or destroy the thyroid cells that make thyroid hormone. Because these cells need iodine to make thyroid hormone, they will take up any form of iodine in the blood stream, whether it is radioactive or not. The radioactive iodine used in this treatment is administered by mouth, usually take about 1 GBq of 131I( IAEA, VIENNA, 1996).Once swallowed, the radioactive iodine gets into your bloodstream and quickly is taken up by the overactive thyroid cells. The radioactive iodine that is not taken up by the thyroid cells disappears from the body within days. Over a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both thyroid cancer and thyroid tissue absorb iodine. This helps us locate and treat sites of active thyroid cancer. Patients undergoing treatment for cancer therapy often take from 3 to 6 GBq of 131I (IAEA, VIENNA, 1996).When swallows a capsule that contains a dose of 131I, it will enter the bloodstream very quickly.The 131I will then go to the thyroid and to any thyroid cancer sites, where it will be absorbed. Most of what the thyroid tissue does not absorb will leave the body in the urine over the next 24 to 48 hours. The iodine taken up by the thyroid or thyroid cancer will stay in the body for a longer time. The 131I in thyroid tissue will give off beta particles (tiny particles that some radioactive atoms give off). The beta particles will go to the thyroid tissue or cancer sites, very close to where they are given off (within about 1 millimeter). They damage tissue, and this damage will cause thyroid and any thyroid cancer cells to die over time. (UWMC Imaging ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Time India Brian Smith Summary According to the article, Time India Bibliography by Brian Smith, the author mentions about how time represented within the Indian culture, including religion and philosophy. From the India tradition, they recognize the contingent temporality to be the world of suffering, which is the change and impermanence. It knows as samsara, which is the cycle of death and rebirth of things. The author says, the ultimate goal of all of the religious traditions that have sprung forth in India is indeed to overcome and transcend time and the death it entails. The main point that the Indian people were looking is the ending time of their life. In the religions tradition, the Indian people try to overcome and transcend the death. In other words, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Bass Pro Argumentative Essay This quote said by Henry David Thoreau, I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees. This explains the effects from being in the wilderness and the outdoors will affect your life. A outdoorsman also has to have the right equipment for what they will be doing. The outdoors has been a big part of my life, and has impacted how I live. To get equipment to go hunting and fish you need to go to a sporting goods store. The biggest two are Cabela s and Bass Pro. Cabela s and Bass Pro are similar and different in many ways including equipment, clothing, and locations. The first subject is how they are different and the same with the equipment they sell. They both sell about every outdoor product you can think of. The stores mainly ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The location has the biggest impact on why they sell different products. Cabela s stores are mostly located in the northwest region of the United States, so for this reason that is why they sell more hunting than fishing equipment. They do have stores all across the country, but are mostly in this area. Bass Pro is mostly based out of the southeast corner of the United States. The reason for this is because bass fishing and fishing in general is more popular in this area of the country. This is also why they sell sea fishing equipment, and not as much hunting equipment. The two companies have stores all over the midwest. This is the area where hunting, and fishing is more popular and practiced. Cabela s and Bass Pro are similar and different in many ways including equipment, clothing, and locations. Now that I have told you how they are the same and different, I hope that the next time you go to either of the stores you take into consideration what I have talked about. Even though they are both owned by the same company I hope you pick the one that fits your needs and products you want. Make sure when you go into the outdoors you have the right equipment. Just like Thoreau said, I took a walk in the woods... The outdoors can impact your life, and make you ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Subtypes Of Internet Addiction In the previous decade, the growth rate of internet addiction is increasing all over the world (Goel.D, et.al, 2013). In the urban India there were almost 5 million active users of internet present as per 2000 stats but now as per 2008 it has been increased to 42 million active users of internet. Adolescents are more likely to be vulnerable to internet addiction as compared to any other sections of the society. This is because of the leisure and liberty children are exposed to these days. There are many different aspects such as ease of internet use among adolescents, availability of time, unlimited access to internet, curiosity to know more and psychological support that young one seeks through their peers and online friends. According ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Computer addiction Computer Gaming has a very important role to play with today s scenario be it for kids, young adults or working adults. Virtual reality games or Stimulation games are addicting enough to get them engrossed and compromised on their working performance. The study published related to cyberpsychology, behaviour, social networking and internet addiction became a concern due to abnormal difficulties as well as cognitive dysfunctions which were found to be correlated with substance and behavioral addiction. Moreover, internet addiction is often found to be comorbid with depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. SELF ESTEEM AND INTERNET ADDICTION Self esteem is defined as how an individual evaluate oneself. It is an individual s self worth how s/he feels about oneself. It is also known to as how one approves or appreciates him or herself. It is an effective response to one s description. Self esteem is the value that we consider how much we worth ourselves. These values might differ from individual to individual. In psychology, this term is used to understand an individual s sense of self worth and personal values. It is considered to be the evaluation of one s own self concept. Self esteem is an effective response to one s description. It is the value that we consider how much we worth ourselves. These values might differ from individual to individual. In psychology, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Thesis Statement For Condoms And Contraceptives Title: Free Condoms and Contraceptives to Highschoolers Thesis Statement: Condoms and contraceptives should be freely given to high school students because of its effectiveness against the risks they face caused by their sexual lifestyle of today. Problem: Should the high school students be given condoms and contraceptives for free? 1. Introduction 1.1 Information about condoms and contraceptives 2. Sexual lifestyle of teenagers 2.1 Opinions about sexual lifestyle of teenagers 2.2 Sexually active teens 3. Risks that sexually active teens face 3.1 Increasing number of STDs/HIV 3.2 Increase in unwanted pregnancy 3.3 Possible death 4. Effectiveness of condom usage 4.1 Protection against STDs/HIV 4.2 Study results 5. Programs of the government in the U.S. 5.1 Condom availability programs 5.2 Abstinence only programs 5.3 Study results 6. Conclusion 7. Recommendation Condoms, as defined by Delvin (2012), are sheathes that trap the sperm when a man climaxes. Crall (1999) explains the meaning of a contraceptive as a method, device or pharmaceutical drug that prevents pregnancy. Both are used in reducing the chances of pregnancy. Young people today especially high ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Knowledge about condoms and contraceptives provide the teenagers a better understanding which may lessen the incidence of early pregnancies and infections brought about by sexual intercourse. The author also recommends the government to sponsor condom availability programs for high school students to provide more access to condoms and contraceptives. Prohibiting the young people of today from using condoms and contraceptives may only increase the problems of illnesses and unwanted pregnancies so it may be more beneficial to do ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Country Music Openness My conjecture, then, is that country music functions in part to reinforce in low openness individuals the idea that life s most powerful, meaningful experiences are precisely those to which conservative personalities living conventional lives are most likely to have access. This excerpt is from an essay titled Country Music, Openness to Experience, and the Psychology of the Culture War, in which the author, Will Wilkinson, is arguing that country music is made solely for conservative ears. Reading such a statement is perplexing. The author is telling the audience that country music is made for close minded individuals who seek comfort in the little things in life because the changing world around them is too frightening. Growing up in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This song creates yet another heartwarming story by incorporating the values of love and marriage into its lyrics. For example, the line So, we planned it all out for the middle of June, from the wedding cake to the honeymoon, and your momma cried when you walked down the aisle, gives the audience the classic, lovely vision of getting married. Similar lyrics in the song such as Yeah baby I love you a lot and I think we ve got a real good shot also tie in the human desire to be loved by another individual. These specific lyrics are significant because they all appeal to human nature s yearning for interpersonal connection. This means an audience member can connect to the lyrics in this song on a deep level. It does not matter what your political alignment may be, human empathy for topics such as marriage and love fosters connection, therefore to the story created by the lyrics in the song and to other songs like it within the genre. This further proves the fact that not just conservatives can enjoy and connect to the stories created within country ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...