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10 Communication Secrets
In 2012, Forbes Magazine revealed 10 communication secrets but I may borrow 8 in carrying out
discussions/ face to face meetings with executives:
1. Speak openly– This would also require setting out a plan on the issues that need to be addressed
primarily. Perhaps by creating an agenda, it would keep the conversation on track. Building trust and
rapport would begin then as members have to be able to feel comfortable. At this point, choosing the
right meeting venue is helpful. Somewhere calm yet inviting but where ideas can be exchanged,
recognition given or loud, enthusiastic conversations can occur. I may reserve a meeting room or
utilize an office space during a less than heavy traffic flow period. I can find out which meeting
rooms or group rooms are assigned to the organization. In the College of Business at Grambling
State University, most of its departmental groups, that is, AMA, Management Club, NABA are
assigned office space in the building which have become a room for executive meetings and
carrying out group projects. It also helps the stability of the group and established recognition for
the organization. Make sure to check with the Office of Student Affairs/ Activities if any such rooms
are available on another campus.
2. Get Personal– To build rapport, a dialogue and true discussion needs to take place. I cannot
control the entire meeting without letting the members get a word in. Although having a monologue
may be great in the beginning where information is
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10 Communication Secrets
BSBADM502B Manage meetings 2
What are the different types of formal meetings that might be held in a workplace and what purpose
do they serve?
– Board meetings
Information on current organisational status
– Staff meetings
Productivity, current procedures and changes in procedures
– Union meetings
Ensure all staff know their rights in the workplace
– Occupational health and safety meetings
For staff and OH&S officials to ensure organisation is running safely and within compliances
How do you ensure that the formal meetings you organise are productive and effective, not simply
– Clearly identify the purpose of the meeting
– Identify major points and topics to be discussed before the meeting
– Also by staying on track and bringing it back to topic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The chairperson should bring the meeting back to order. The chairperson can even opt to writing the
ideas on a board and they can be brought out for discussion later on if time persists.
Why is a chairperson necessary?
The chairperson ensure the meeting time is well spent and not wasted. They bring the conversation
back to the agenda if participants begin to digress from the topics of discussion.
Who should chair meetings? Why?
The role of chair should rotate with each meeting. This allows those to gain experience
communicating with colleagues and staff.
How long should each meeting last? Why?
The meeting should only last as long as necessary in order to achieve its purpose.
How can active participation in meetings be encouraged?
Acknowledge the participants when ideas are spoken. Thank them for their input. Allow participants
to put something on the agenda either before the meeting or for the next.
Why are minutes necessary?
Minutes are necessary for the organizations records. They allow those who did not participate to
know where the organization is at with decisions. This is the same for stake holders and
Prevents any misunderstanding if who is responsible for any changes. They can also enable people
to look back on actionable items and give a starting point for the following meeting.
What confidentiality
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10 Communication Secrets
Stonehaven Case Analysis Essay
Stonehaven, Inc.
Case Analysis
March 19, 2013
Part A
For this part of the analysis, consider each department in the Gdansk factory in isolation. Assume
that the rest of the production system has no impact on the department you are considering. Assume
that material handling times are negligible and ignore variability in processing times.
1. For the typical 100–pair batch, what is the daily capacity and manufacturing lead time within each
of the following departments?
a. Cutting
8 hrs/day x 60 min/hr = 480 min/day
Machine 1 = (0.05 x 4)(100) + (5.25 x 4) = 41 min/batch
Machine 2 = (0.05 x 4)(100) + (5.00 x 4) = 40 min/batch
Machine 3 = (0.04 x 4)(100) + (4.00 x 4) = 32 min/batch
Manufacturing Lead Time (MLT) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Therefore, the time given is the time it takes to stamp 1 of the 4 components on one machine.
Another assumption I have made is the workers performing the stitching are all equally paced. It
takes each worker the exact same amount of time to perform their duties and pass the product along
to the next group.
Part B
Now consider the factory as a system, and take into account interactions between the departments.
3. Assuming production is done in 100–pair batches, what is the factory's daily capacity?
Cutting 41 min/batch
Stitching 133 min/batch
Lasting 33.2 min/batch
Capacity of the Factory = 480 min/day ÷ 133 min/batch = 3.6 batches/day
4. What is the total MLT for a 100–pair batch?
Cutting = 41 min/batch
Kitting = 10 min/batch
Stitching = 133 min/batch
Steaming = 6 hrs x 60 min = 360 min/batch
Lasting = 33.2 min/batch
TOTAL MLT = 577.2 min/batch
Part C
5. How would you go about deciding the appropriate batch size for the Stonehaven factory? What
factors would you consider? How do they interrelate? (You may wish to do some calculations, but
concentrate on thinking conceptually.)
6. Focus only on your highest priorities for improving the production process at Stonehaven's
Gdansk factory (be specific). Explain why they are important. What actions do you recommend?
How would you implement your recommendations? What do you predict will be the consequences?
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10 Communication Secrets
Personality In Jodi Picoult's 'Nineteen Minutes'
A person's image is one of the most important social aspects from day one. It will decide a person's
friends, career, and level of success. Personality is a fluid aspect that ties a person's image together.
A person's personality or image will change with company. In Nineteen Minutes, Jodi Picoult
presents a motif of public vs. private self through many of her characters to show that things are not
always how they seem and to make the reader evaluate who they are as a person. Humans need
social interaction to flourish and they tend to select a few people to become closest with. They share
secrets, gossip about others, and support each other in times of need, but how well can someone
really know another person? In Nineteen Minutes the reader watches Josie Cormier get ready for
school, hiding her private personality away for the day. "Either Josie was someone she didn't want to
be, or she was someone who nobody wanted" (Picoult 8). To all of Josie's classmates, friends,
teachers, and even her own mother she seems like the perfect child. Josie hangs out with the right
crowd, gets great grades, and follows all of society's rules perfectly, but no one really knows who
she is. Behind the mask perfection Josie is just another teenager struggling with depression and
identity issues. The author chooses to make the most popular girl in school also one of the most
depressed to show that although things may seem beautiful on the outside, they can be rotting from
the inside. Picoult is proving how that easy it is for people to hide their personalities to the world.
Additionally, Josie is in one of the most popular relationships at her high school. Everybody praised
her beautiful relationship with Matt but it's all just another façade. Throughout most of part one the
author builds sympathy for Matt and Josie because the boy who seems to be a loving boyfriend was
murdered, but later the truth becomes clear, "The smile faded from Josie's face. 'When I told you I
slipped on the ice. Matt and I were having a fight and he hit me'" (Picoult 239). Even the most
perfect people have secrets they are hiding. Matt seemed like he truly loved Josie but it is clear that
he is just an abusive boyfriend, hiding who he truly is whenever
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10 Communication Secrets
Reflection Paper On Regular Council Meeting
Regular City Council Meeting
I have always prided myself as a person who knows virtually everything that happens around my
community. It is common for humans to judge or misjudge what they do not know or understand.
Too often we are quick to criticize and lash after what other people say or do simply because we do
not understand it. This fact describes the character and attitude of many people especially when it
comes to politics and how a country is run right from the top to the bottom. The average people is
generally unconcerned with political affairs like how politicians spend their tax money. You only
need to look at the dismally low voter turn out to confirm this fact. This should to change and for
me, this change came on 26th October 2017, when I decided to attend The Tempe City Regular
Council Meeting. I had never attended such a meeting before. Part of the reason is perhaps owing to
the attitude of most people as I explained earlier but more particularly, I had not seen any local issue
that moved me enough to demand the necessity to have my voice heard or to be curious enough to
want to find out about the secrets of the operations of the local government. Generally, I knew that
the decisions made and policies developed by the city government affected my life directly or
indirectly. However, to sit and watch all the work and grind that goes to the formulation of these
policies and decisions has made me realize that democracy is not self–driving.
The Chambers
After completing my classes for the day, I went directly to Tempe City Hall City Council Chambers
which is housed in the Harry E. Mitchell Government Center. As I got in two minutes before the
official starting time, the room was almost fully occupied but I was lucky to secure a seat at a
position where I could follow the proceedings comfortably. The chamber is divided into two seating
areas one for the Council Members and the other for the members of the public. The two areas face
each other and are separated in the middle by a corridor that connects to two main entrance/exit
points. The area accommodating the councilmembers is at a relatively elevated angle compared to
the area where the citizens sit to facilitate easy and effective engagement.
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10 Communication Secrets
19 Minutes Character Analysis
Nineteen Minutes, by Jodi Picoult, centers around thenineteen minutes of a high school shooting
rampage that scars the lives of the perpetrator, 17–year–old Peter Houghton, and all those whom his
life touches.19 min... that's how long it took Peter Houghton to get his revenge.In the novel the main
character,Peter deals with with many struggles in his high school career. To begin, we know in those
19 mins the impossible happen.But do we know why?Peter was bullied all his life,by people who he
thought was his friends.He may feel like he's been bullied by his own family.For example Peter was
constantly bullied by matt and his friends and he constantly put up with it until he made the final
decision.Matt and his friends embarrass peter in front
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10 Communication Secrets
Informal Meetings And Formal Meetings
Purpose: Meetings are held in all organisations for a range of purposes, some being formal but many
being more informal. At all Informal meeting one or more people will take notes on what has been
agreed, but at all formal meetings there is always an appointed minute taker. Informal meetings
include occasions such as where two or more members of the team would get together to discuss an
immediate problem or where an unplanned discussion would take place. Formal meetings usually
full in to one of the categories, such as; Shareholder meetings, board meetings, management
meetings, team meetings and committee meetings. Also, Minutes and other meeting records would
be used to share information between people in which this would help make ... Show more content
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Make sure you keep reminding people of the meeting, this could be by text or email.
Make sure the structure of the meeting is the same in each meeting as this would help engage
people, as they would know what to expect.
Finally, you should make clear why you need a meeting as it might be clear to you but no the rest of
the attendees.
AC1.2: Explain why it is important to have a minimum number of attendees for a meeting:
Importance of having a minimum number of attendees: A Quorum is the minimum number of
people that is needed to be in attendance for a meeting to be the legitimate and so it can commence.
Due to legal requirement you have to have a minimum number of people to attend a meeting so that
the voting methods can be fair. This would also help prevent a small number of attendees that are
acting in different ways that are not representing the majority of people who attended.
AC1.3: Explain ways to achieve maximum attendance at meetings:
Ways to achieve maximum attendance: As well planning meeting purposes is very important to help
people know what the meeting will be. For this type of meeting you would need to send invitations
out in a good amount of time with full details about the meeting. Also you should follow up
acceptances and non–acceptances. To get the maximum amount of people attending these meetings
they would
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10 Communication Secrets
Strategic Issues the Association Should Address Essay
TO: APSA Council
RE: Council Discussion Topic: Organized Sections
This overview is designed to help launch a Council small group discussion about journals, and about
strategic issues the Association may wish to address. The memo notes salient issues the Association
is or will soon face. The themes included here are surely not complete and the goal is for a
discussion that helps ferret out or sharpen heretofore unarticulated issues as well as the ones we see
I. Introduction
APSA Organized Sections have been a mainstay of the Association since first formed in the early
1980's. There has not been a comprehensive review of Sections and the ways in which the
prominence of Sections has shaped the Association since then, ... Show more content on
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This increases the total cost of APSA membership commensurately, especially consequential if a
member seeks to join multiple sections. We worry this may discourage multiple section
membership, diminish opportunity for "cross–fertilization" among fields; and create sticker shock
for APSA membership in general.
At the same time, there may be potential value for the Association of being aligned with a "bundle"
of journal content organized across topical areas – a kind of journal–based analogue to the annual
meeting division structure.
As a specific matter, APSA has the opportunity help the State Politics and Policy Organized Section
purchase its journal from the university press that now owns it, by lending the Section money with
payback revenues over 10 years. Assuming the business deal made sense, would such a step make
sense from the standpoint of an Association–wide journals policy.
APSA might seek to bring Section journals more under the Association umbrella itself and applying
journal guidelines, unbundling subscriptions from Section membership (while leaving editorial
control with the Sections.)
C. Governance and Liabilities
APSA's Organized Sections operate under the Association's Tax ID number, and legally are elements
of APSA as a corporation. A few APSA sections engage in outside activities such as separate
conferences. Generally, these are handled entirely by section members
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10 Communication Secrets
Church Meeting Summary
The meeting was about the City of Commission of Deland on March six, at seven pm. First, starts
discussing how people can address an agenda or an unattended issue that can be given to City Clerk
at the proper time. Also, the meeting gives information on how later in the meeting they are going to
explain a new resolution of the surplus of the house abandonment. Something very nice that they did
at first is how they made a program called "Super Stars Students of the month" to reward kids for
doing greats in school as a way trying to push them to become something important in the future,
and not giving up their dreams. Not only had they rewarded the kids but also two employees who
were great in services for a long time. As part of the introduction, they give the quarterly financial
report prepared by Dan Stauffer, which basically shows that the City is doing well so far into each
financial position.
The public comments were very professionally done as I saw there not many arguments into the
agendas ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
My conclusion with this meeting is that the city does take care of the opinion of the public as they
try to explain the issue in a very clear matter; we could see that the city is trying to become better
each day and trying to resolve the problems presented but again is something that the people has to
have patience into knowing that these agendas take a long period into being analyzed, approved and
executed. This meeting brought me back to what in class we been discussing on how a policy is
being made and how it first needs to have a solid argument so it could be approved. So far I never
expected for this meet to go very coordinated and smoothly as sometimes is normal for the argument
from the public but in this case that was not the
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10 Communication Secrets
Meeting Of Linden Knoll Condominium Units Owners
Your March 5 dated "Notice of Meeting of Linden Knoll Condominium Units Owners" had as it
stated purpose a single agenda item: "Budget vote to ratify or reject the Operating Budget Fiscal
Year June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017".
Subsequently, on Friday, March 11, 2016 another "Notice of Homeowner Budget Meeting" was
posted on the townhouse bulletin board, listing a different agenda to include: "HVAC upgrades –
phase 3 (buildings 3 and 4), Elevator upgrades – engineer VTX, Townhouse Roof – proposal update,
Ongoing Assessment, Budget – 2016 – 2017 Operating budget ratification of budget adopted by
Council on 2/15/2016"
The meeting was called to order and a Roll Call of Council Members taken, presumably to
determine the presence of a quorum of Council. What was the purpose for the Roll Call if this was a
unit owners meeting? The meeting then proceeded with discussions of the HVAC phase 3 upgrade
cost ($94,880) and the elevator engineer phase 1 and 2 costs, $4,662 and $8,609 respectively. With
respect to each separate item motions were made, seconded and passed by Council to authorize
these expenditures. At no time was input on these motions sought from homeowners.
Next, some comments were made about the townhouse roofs but no action was taken. Recollection
is that the agenda topic "Ongoing Assessment ' was not addressed or reported. Finally, a presentation
of a 'proposed budget ', approval of which cannot be documented in posted Council meeting
minutes, was offered and
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10 Communication Secrets
Iron Ore Case Analysis Essay
MBA 816 Operations & Production MGMT
Iron Ore Company of Ontario "A3 Written Assignment"
December 12, 2011
Presented to: Dr. James Mason
Presented by: Ahmed Omar Afify Student ID: 200–305–478
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Issues * To minimize total waiting
time and stockpile re–handling costs (Keep operations costs as low as possible). * To improve
productivity process and decreasing idle time of machines and labor.
Background * Iron Ore Company of Ontario is working in the business field of processing iron ore.
* Production was scheduled on a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Each Shovel takes 11.5 m3 / load with 480 m3 / hr to get 0.024 hr/load. Each Truck takes 36 m3 /
load with 128 m3 / hr to get 0.28 hr/load. Load a truck 36 m3 / load with Shovel 480 m3 / hr to get
0.075 hr/load. Dump time by a truck in hr is given as 1.7 min or 0.028 hr. Calculations | Shovels |
Trucks | Hr / load | 0.024 | 0.28 | Load time for a truck / shovel by hr | 0.075 | Dump time for truck
by hr | 0.028 | Trip time for truck without load and dump time by hr | 0.177 |
The whole trip takes 0.28 hrs or "16.8 mins".
Trip= time taken to load truck by shovel + time taken from shovel to crusher+ time taken for
dumping+ time taken to drive back from crusher to shovel.
So 0.28 = 0.075+ time taken between shovel and crusher (twice) + 0.028
So time taken between shovel and crusher (twice) is 0.177 hrs, so each trip takes 0.0885hrs (5.31
Exhibit 8 "Distribution of crusher delays during day shift"
From summary Statistics, we found that: * Mean Delay = 12.86 minutes = 0.214 hrs * Number of
Delays = 332 * Sampling Interval = 120
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10 Communication Secrets
The Role Of Parenthood In Jodi Picoult's Nineteen Minutes
"In nineteen minutes, you can mow the front lawn, color your hair, watch a third of a hockey game.
You can bake scones or get a tooth filled by a dentist.... Or, as Peter Houghton knows... in nineteen
minutes, you can bring the whole world to a screeching halt"(Picoult 363). In Nineteen Minutes by
Jodi Picoult, Peter had been bullied his whole life, and he wanted revenge. Peter felt the only way to
get revenge was to pull the trigger towards classmates and teachers.
Nineteen Minutes takes place in a small town known as Sterling. In Sterling, everybody knows
everybody. You stop at an intersection, and you know the person stopped next to you. You see your
neighbors at the grocery store, and your teacher at Olive Garden. So obviously, everyone in the
small town knew Peter and his family. Could you imagine the looks Peter's parents receive from the
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They can't imagine their son doing something so terrible. They feel out of place when they get their
groceries now, like every eye is on them. Lacy and Lewis think they have completely failed at
parenthood, and it is secretly eating both of them up internally.
Conflict was created between Peter and his parents. Peter did not meet the standards his deceased
brother held. Peter's parents were disappointed in the difference between sons. To adulterate Peter's
situation, he was constantly bullied by classmates in and out of school. One day Peter could not
handle it anymore, and the last string of the braided rope broke.
The conflict Peter was struggling with himself was impossible to conquer without support from
others, and Peter never truly had the support he needed to thrive. Peter was suffering from post–
traumatic stress disorder as a result of chronic victimization. Peter had a foggy ending, which made
it seem like the bullying would never stop, so he figured he was the one who had to stop
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10 Communication Secrets
Conducting An Effective Professional Meeting
Conducting an Effective Professional Meeting
Darius Jagminas, Sam Wogan
Clark University
Author Note
This paper was prepared for Managerial Communications (MGMT 170) by two students enrolled at
Clark University
Conducting an Effective Professional Meeting
Preparation Before Meeting Identify Purpose
Gregorio Billikopf, University of California–Berkeley, described meetings as, "...are held to inform
people about policies or operations, gather information, conduct training, resolve problems, or make
decisions." Meetings can be a useful tool in directly communicating to members of the organization.
In order to conduct a successful meeting, identify the purpose and ensure that all members are on the
same page. A meeting ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Setting Agenda
Most failed professional meetings are due to a lack of focus and unclear goals. It is extremely
important to come prepared with a specific agenda and a clear understanding of what must be
accomplished. While one can be flexible, the agenda must list the topics that will be discussed as
well as the goals; it is really the road map to a successful meeting. The agenda should include; a
review from previous business meetings, a dialogue of new issues, and a clear evaluation of the
group 's goals. One can use judgment to add or subtract items from the agenda as the meeting
develops, as long as the route still leads towards the final goals. Using colleagues time efficiently is
necessary to make ones meeting enjoyable and helps to build group morale. It is recommended that
supervisors of the meeting should not be too optimistic about what should be accomplished in a
single meeting.
During Meeting
It is of paramount importance that the person running the meeting keeps it on topic, while making
sure that everyone 's opinions are heard. At times, subjects can arouse strong emotions, and it must
be recognized as a time to better understand one's needs. Members should discuss problems that are
occurring. Other factors influencing group interaction include seating, refreshments, temperature,
lighting, and ventilation. While one should never be late for a meeting, there is a correct way to
enter prior to the
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10 Communication Secrets
19 Minutes, By Jodi Picoult
19 minutes is a book written by Jodi Picoult that describes a school shooting. This book was written
in a pretty unique way, because instead of having story told by sequential events from one
perspective, it is told from many perspectives, from different times, and in different orders. For
example, one moment you could be reading from the point of view of the shooter during the event,
and the next you're reading from the point of view of a student 6 months after. The author uses
different points of view and a non–linear timeline to tell a unique story. Jodi Picoult uses different
points in time for each chapter, but it isn't a random order. Whenever there is a change in time, it is
because it logically follows what you just read. What ends ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
During the book, you get to see through the eyes of the shooter, the judge, the judge's daughter, the
shooter's parents, the shooter's lawyer, and the main detective on the case. I might even be missing a
few, but these viewpoints were the most used. This ties in well with my previous point where I said
the author used different points in time. Not only do you get to see different views, but also you get
to see each viewpoint at many different times. One chapter you could be reading about what the
judge was doing before her daughter was born, and the next chapter you could be reading about
what the lawyer and his family is going through near the end of the case. There are a few characters
and moments that I think showcase how well these viewpoints were done in this book. One of them
is the different viewpoints during the shooting. While the first time the shooting is described we
only see from the detective, later on we get to witness it again from other's eyes. This line is from
Patrick's view, "Turning a corner, Patrick slipped on blood and heard another gunshot, this one loud
enough to ring her ears." (Picoult, 22) and this line is from Josie's view, "As the gun fires, it ripper
two stripes of her skin from the base of her thumb. Her hands jerked upwards." (Picoult, 440). These
two lines are talking about the same gun shot, but Patrick's line is from the beginning of the book,
and Josie's line is from the very end. Another part of the book that I think benefited well from
different viewpoints is the relationship between Josie and her mother, Alex. The two don't have a
very deep relationship in the beginning, which is shown by Josie many times, "The last place Josie
wanted to go was out to dinner with her mother." (Picoult, 150). Josie usually tries to avoid her
mother and thinks she doesn't understand her. From Alex's view, she feels like she hasn't been a very
good mother to Josie and often is
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10 Communication Secrets
Meeting At Seward County Community College Essay
Meeting Characteristics for Conflict Management and Resolution Meetings are a common tool used
by companies and organizations for a variety of purposes, and they can be implemented in a variety
of ways. Properly implemented, meetings can be effective, productive, and increase involvement of
the participants at the meetings. If not implemented properly, meetings can be costly as well as
unproductive for both the leader and the participants. By examining recent meeting characteristics of
Wheatridge Park Care Center and the Phi Theta Kappa organization at Seward County Community
College, a better understanding of the positive and negative aspects of various meeting styles may
be explored through applying and analyzing the events of the meeting against conflict management
principles recommended in Raines (2013).
Wheatridge Park Care Center Meeting Wheatridge Park Care Center has demonstrated several
aspects that adhere to the suggestions of Raines (2013), and that have worked well for the
participants at the meetings. Wheatridge Park's meetings can be broken down into two parts, which
are the department meetings and the all staff meetings. Each of the five departments at Wheatridge
Park Care Center conducts department meetings once a month with the employees in that
department. The department meetings typically address issues such as information employees need
to know, changes in the department, dealing with nonstructural sources of conflict, and build on
team cognition.
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10 Communication Secrets
Integrated Master Schedule: A Case Study
Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) Management
OSP IMS Administration: Continue to work with OSP Staff and PMs to facilitate the update of
identified milestones, activities, and completion status in the FY2016 IMS for Programming,
Strategic Planning, Front Office and TIFC schedules. (AV Team)
IMS Reporting: Generate HR, Strategic Planning, TIFC, and Programming IMS Look–Ahead
reports as needed. (AV Team)
SharePoint Administration and Support
SharePoint Administration and Support: Continue SharePoint site management and administration
as needed. (AV Team)
SharePoint Optimization: o Continue to review the TIFC SharePoint site, identify requirements for
restructuring navigation buttons and links, update outdated information within the Design Team ...
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(AV Team)
OSP Conference Room Scheduling: Continue to schedule and manage the OSP conference room
calendars, communicate availability to staff members, and confirm appointments. (AV Team)
OSP Standard Operating Procedures: o Review Operations Overview Report to evaluate current
OSP SOP inventory and determine prioritization and approach for updating the documents. (AS) o
Continue to draft the document lifecycle portion of the Document Management SOP. (LD) o
Continue to compile data and make updates accordingly to the Document Management SOP. (SM) o
Continue to review assigned SOPs and update as needed. (AK, VN, SM)
Ad–Hoc: Continue to archive old paper documents, scan, and upload them to the respective
SharePoint site. (AV Team)
Project/Program Management Support
Weekly/Monthly Status Report: Prepare, review, and submit the Weekly and Monthly Status reports.
(SM, VN)
Weekly Status Update Meeting: Meet with COR B. Mroczek and Project Manager C. Chen to
provide status and content of the AV Weekly Status report and obtain guidance and concurrence on
ongoing activities and action plans.
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10 Communication Secrets
Flexible work timings Essay
Activity 1
List the types of meetings that might be held in business situations.
Meetings help to solve a lot of problems and issues at hand, faced by a business organization. The
types of meeting that might be held in a business situation are: face–to–face, teleconference, video
conference, annual general meeting, board meetings, staff meetings, union meetings and health and
safety meetings.
List at least 3 advantages of conducting a formal meeting in a workplace.
Meetings purpose to enhance the qualities and services of a business organization. It is very
important to pre define the purpose of a meeting and accordingly note down the mojor points of
discussion in the meeting. A formal meeting has the following advantages:
a. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
An emergency meeting to discuss an important issue.
Strategies to inform participants about the meeting: Email or Microsoft Outlook
Timeframe: An hour before the commencement of the meeting if possible.
Activity 9
Why is it a good idea to prepare a extra sets of meeting papers?
We should make extra sets of copies of the meeting papers as it would have a bad reflection of self if
we ran out of paper. It also reflects that the holder of the meeting is prepared. Also, and extra set
should be maintained in the computer and your email. Just in case you misplace your document
there are chances of retaining them. Extra set is always beneficial and saves time and stress.
Activity 10
Why is it important to take accurate minutes of a meeting without recording the conversation
It is important to take accurate minutes of a meeting for the following reasons:
a. it provides a transcript of the meeting.
b. People can review what they said and what they are committed to.
c. Any disputes arising from meeting can in most cases be solved from the minutes of the meeting.
d. People are more accountable if they are aware that somebody is documenting the outcomes of the
Activity 11
Provide an example for each of the following items that should be recorded in minutes of a meeting:
Issues for discussion.
Issues for discussion at the meeting: The reasons for why the production has practically gone down
in this month.
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10 Communication Secrets
Explain Why It Is Important To Have A Maximum Attendance...
The purpose of a meeting is to inform team members of ideas as well as problems that may arise.
During meetings, attendees will have the opportunity to voice their opinions and views whilst
listening to others points of views. The attendees of a meeting should be people who have got a
purpose and opinion towards the agenda of the meeting. Also, a meeting should include a minute
taker to record important notes and also a chair. A chair's main responsibility is to lead the meeting
by beginning the conversation of all the topics and also to open and close the meeting.
Q – Explain why it is important to have a minimum number of attendees for a meeting. (1.2)
A – It important to achieve a minimum amount of people at a meeting as if a certain person cannot
make ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Within this meeting, there will be representatives from Quantity Surveyors, Engineers to Architects.
If there are no engineers at this meeting, then there should be serious doubt to whether the meeting
goes ahead. The important to having the right amount of attendees is so no one can miss out on
anything important and also so no decisions are made without their opinion.
Q – Explain ways to achieve maximum attendance at meetings. (1.3)
A – One way of achieving maximum attendance at a meeting is by sending out an invitation email
which gives the recipient the chance to accept, decline or hold the invitation to the meeting. This
way, it automatically updates their calendar if they accept the invitation and allows you to know
who is attending. Another way to achieve maximum attendance is arranging a time and location that
accommodates everyone that you want to be at the meeting. Choosing a time and place when
someone is busy will ultimately mean that one person already can't make it.
Q – Explain the access, health, safety and security requirements relating to meetings.
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10 Communication Secrets
Jodi Picoult's Nineteen Minutes
For the most part, I enjoyed Nineteen Minutes. It was an extremely emotional novel about a teen
boy that killed ten people in his high school. Describing the school shooting was not the book's main
idea, the real purpose was to explain the events leading up to and the events after the shooting. In
my opinion, Jodi Picoult started the book out beautifully when she described how long the school
shooting was by relating it to basic everyday things that most people could relate to.
Most of Nineteen Minutes took place after the shooting, when the community was trying to recover
and rebuild trust after the horrific deed of Peter Houghton. Honestly, at first I was shocked because I
couldn't understand why Jodi Picoult kept backing up Peter and
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10 Communication Secrets
Donner Case
Question 1:
What is the normal process flow of the production system at Donner? Draw a process flow diagram.
Question 2:
What orders would you schedule on the CNC drill? On CNC router?
Operation Setup Time (min) Run Time/board
Manual Drill 15 0.08*500 = 40
CNC Drill 240 0.004*500 = 2
Punch Press 50 1
CNC Router 150 0.5
a) CNC Drill vs Manual Drill
Let x be order size than –
15 + 40x = 240 + 2x; x = 5.92;
From this equation we get x approximately equal to 6. So Donner Company should use the CNC
Drill for orders of more than or equal to 6 boards. The Manual Drill process should be used for all
orders of less than 6 boards. This is because production time for CNC is less than manual for order
size of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In spite of huge increase in sales in large quarter, the profit and loss summary of the company shows
that net profit before taxes decreased considerably from $14,800 in August of 1987 to $3,100 in
September of the same year. Also net sales and gross profit margin decreased in this period. All this
can be attributed to huge inefficiencies that exist in the manufacturing processes of Donner.
Major issues are –
• Poor Quality – Items returned by customers increased from 1% to 3%. One tenth of the boards
returned to the Donner Company were damaged or out of tolerance while the rest were returned due
to the company not completing one or two different required operations.
• Process Flow – One of Donner's major problems lies in their process flow. There are many
bottlenecks and employee downtime which arise from poor process flow setup and unforeseen
• Low Productivity – For example Plater spent 15% of her time walking between her desk and the
plating tank. Also, plating and etching processes were located far form the machining operation.
• Late Deliveries – In 1987, Donner was faced with problems in meeting delivery schedules and
growing customer returns.
Question 6:
What are the information
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10 Communication Secrets
n n n n n n 2nd Edition
Manage meetings
lnnovotion 8. Business Skills Australio
Creati ng Australia 's Future
u u 0
n n n n n
n n n
n n n
Student Workbook
BSBADM502B Manage meetings
2nd Edition 2010
u u u
Part of a suite of support materials for the
BSB07 Business Services Training Package
lnnovaflon & Business Skills Australia
Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council (IBSA) would like to acknowledge Impact Training
and Development Solutions for their assistance with the development of ... Show more content on
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Features of the training program ..................................................................... 1
Structure of the training program .................................................................... 1
Section 1– Prepare for Meetings .......................................................................... 3
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 4
Identifying meeting requirements .................................................................... 4
Recommended reading .................................................................................... 2
What skills will you need? ................................................................................ 3
Developing the meeting agenda ...................................................................... 6
Determining the appropriate meeting format ............................................... 11
Making meeting arrangements ...................................................................... 15
Notifying participants ...................................................................................... 16
Distributing meeting papers ........................................................................... 19
Delegating preparation activities
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10 Communication Secrets
Assess The Difference Between Online Meetings And Web...
The online meetings and web conferencing, there is face–to–face meeting many advantages,
cultural, logistical and technical challenges, we must take into account: technical problem
Online meetings and web conferencing are productive, participants need the appropriate hardware,
software and Internet connection. Poor web conferencing technology or the use of technology to
undermine its success inadequate training.
Infrastructure issues
You need a Web conference participants appropriate facilities. Camera, microphone, monitors and
computer keyboard must be in a quiet room with comfortable seating and proper lighting conditions.
Cultural issues
Web conferencing is often dependent on the Internet savvy, computer savvy person. However, many
people are uncomfortable with new technology. The transition to ... Show more content on
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setting deadlines
The time limit of the meetings can greatly improve productivity and help to extract a much higher
value for a limited time you have. For example, you can set the duration of the meeting for 30
minutes and give 10 minutes to each of the items on the agenda. Thus, participants stay focused and
the meeting did not go off–track.
Related article: Meeting Mania: How to curb corporate Addiction
5. minimal disruption
Distractions can easily cause misunderstandings online meetings. In order to avoid them, ensuring
that all participants sitting in a well–lit room, and closed with a clear background. Moreover, it is
better to use a headset and microphone collar instead of a laptop microphone for clear
6. Decide Clear action items
Many corporate meetings end with vague promises and assurances from the participants. It is
responsible for the moderator to pick up points for every action items on the agenda and to receive
recognition for all participants. The key rule is to identify the target, set it to an individual and agree
on the amount of time. Without these three things, no action element is monitored effectively.
7. Share Meeting
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10 Communication Secrets
Denison Street Methadone Clinic Meeting
I have not personally attended in a workplace meeting as I am only a casual worker. However, I
have witnessed some meetings at Portobello PR as well as witnessing one at Denison street
methadone clinic. As I have seen and learnt I do understand the structure and requirements of having
a meeting and the different types of meetings. Most meetings require a few preparation steps before
the meeting will happened this is usually organized by the manager or the owner. Tasks you need to
do first is letting the meeting attendees know the Time, Location, attendees Requirements eg a data
sheet. And, you will need to let them know what their roles are and responsibilities are. You may get
this message out to staff or attendees by a few diverse ways ... Show more content on
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If meetings do not happen then issues come up and they are not resolved this may cause friction
between staff and may cause the business to lose money and customers. It also makes the business
much more organized and keeps the business innovative and relevant. This means these meeting
may bring modern changes to the workplace for example going digital with systems and not just file
pages of information. It is best to have staff meeting once a month or when required or when
something happens and you need an answer urgently using a phone or video conference is the best
way to get answers fast these are also examples of other meeting types. So, overall meetings need to
happen and all staff need to attend and take them seriously. And there needs to be preparation prior
to the meeting to make it a
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10 Communication Secrets
Rules And Requirements Of The Records Required From A Hui...
A typical Agenda: 1
The Process and Regulations: 1
The records required from a hui meeting: 2
a copy of the attendance register 2
any apologies from those who may have wanted to attend and could not 2
discussion items listed separately and a general overview of the discussion 2
any decisions made 2
any action items with timeframes and who is responsible 2
records of people who have offered to help and exactly what they will be doing 2
any data or data source that may assist the group in contacting those in the target population 2
if there is to be another meeting, a record of the time and date 2
a record of how people can get access to the minutes 2
any other information that the group feels is relevant 2
(education, 2015) 2
Regulations and statutory requirements associated with such a meetings: 3
A typical agenda: 3
The process required for such meetings: 4
The records required for such meetings: 4
Bibliography 6
Formal Meeting Guide for two NZ Cultures, one to include Maori:
Part 1: Maori Culture:
A typical Agenda:
Hui is a Maori meeting or gathering. To discuss a meeting, this group has a problem in the series
that is used to guide the bending process and include protocol. Hui can last the length of time from
three days to one hour. Hui is also very difficult for recording, audio–visual, including written and
verbal account may require the use of multiple methods. Absolutely central to Maori marae way of
life, it is the focus
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10 Communication Secrets
Meetings Can Be Beneficial If They Are Organized
Meetings can be beneficial if they are organized correctly. A meeting needs to have a purpose. An
agenda should be created so that everyone in attendance knows what to expect. The individual who
is in charge of planning the meeting has a very important job when it comes to preparing an
actionable meeting. Tasks need to be assigned as well as deadlines for those tasks to ensure
everything that needs to get done will get done.
Unorganized Meeting I have attended a poorly organized meeting. The staff is left to wonder what
needs to be done and why did we meet here in the first place. Although we talk about things that are
being done in the office and things that have yet to be done, those tasks are just thrown out there.
The coordinator to the meeting does not have a list of individuals whom they think would be good
for the task, or either loosely asks for volunteers who may or may not volunteer during that session.
If an individual does volunteer to complete a task we are not notified, and if no one volunteers I feel
we are working it creating a duplication of effort. This session was highly unorganized.
Four Steps to Overcome Ineffectiveness Next, I will discuss four steps mentioned in the textbook
that are utilized to overcome the ineffectiveness of meetings. These steps are assigning specific tasks
to specific people, review all actions and responsibilities at the end of the meeting, provide meeting
summary with assigned deliverables included, and finally, follow up on
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10 Communication Secrets
Nineteen Minutes Essay
Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult
Fiction Novel
Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult is a novel based on a school shooting in the small town of
Sterling, but focuses more importantly on the feelings of the main characters, Peter Houghton and
Josie Cormier, who experience insecurities and social acceptance, or lack of.
The novel explores the damaging effects of bullying, peer pressure and the dynamics of group
interaction within teenagers in a modern day society.
Picoult's novels are aimed at a mature audience, whether that is from adult to young adult–if they are
emotionally ready to read it. Nineteen Minutes is a tragic and emotional novel, but teenagers are
able to relate more due to the teenage characters and high school setting. ... Show more content on
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We both know I didn't get here by myself" (Kindle location 84).
Groups are portrayed in Nineteen Minutes from when they started kindergarten to high school.
"Every kid in the school played a role; Jock, Nerd, Beauty and freak" (Kindle loc. 11600) Peter was
viewed as an easy target throughout his school years, but had always had Josie to stand up for him.
Josie gravitates away from Peter to be in the 'cool' group, and becomes to focused on how everyone
views her and struggles with her own issues of acceptance, image and her sense of 'belonging'.
Both Strictly Ballroom and Nineteen Minutes have used similar techniques of portraying 'belonging'
and 'not belonging'.
Peter Houghton and Dough Hastings are viewed as similar characters, although they both have
different thoughts they are both showcased as a loner or someone not important. Peter, unlike Doug,
wants to belong but his peers are holding him back by bullying him and he is unable to feel a sense
of belonging, whereas Doug rejects belonging to any group in the film.
Scott Hastings is ridiculed and abused for dancing his own steps, and Josie Cormier from Nineteen
Minutes believes that if she doesn't put on a mask everyday to 'belong' to a certain group, she too
will be bullied and unhappy. Scott and Josie can be contrasted, as Scott wants to belong to the
ballroom world, but he wants to be himself and dance his own moves, unlike Scott, Josie tries to
'belong' by being untrue to
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10 Communication Secrets
The Time Management Procedures I Have Developed
Two time management procedures I have developed in my internship are keeping a weekly agenda
and using a monthly calendar to keep track of larger tasks. Each Linbeck employee is asked to keep
up with a PPC (promised percent complete) agenda. At the end of the week, you are expected to
enter the meetings and tasks into a standard form. As you complete the tasks throughout the
following week, you check off the line items. At the close of business on Friday, you are asked to
grade your PPC. Any tasks that were not completed are marked as such, and you are required to
explain why the task was not finished as promised. This practice gets me to work on only promising
tasks that can be managed in the course of a week. In order to accommodate ... Show more content
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Utilizing a white board in your office promotes a community atmosphere that allows for productive
The main problem I have encountered is planning for the future. In the business world, it is
impossible to tell what problems will come up. On any given day your priorities can change from
that you have planned. It is important to recognize the highest priorities and to tackle those items
first so that you can get to the items of lower priority before they become critical.
I get to work each morning at 6:30. The first thing I do is check my PPC, email, and outstanding
RFIs (requests for information) and submittals. Shortly afterwards I go to a daily engineer huddle
where there is a discussion of each engineer's planned tasks for the day. If there is time after the
meeting, I like to walk the jobsite in order to get a feel for the work of all the disciplines onsite.
Next, I get to work on the promised tasks for the day. Throughout the day, I am in and out of the
jobsite office and visiting the work in the field to keep up with progress and make note of any
The three types of meetings I am a part of are OAC (owner, architect, contractor), preconstruction,
and BIM (Building Information Modeling) coordination meetings. There is an OAC meeting on the
first and third Tuesday of every month. Our architect flies in from California on the morning of the
meeting, and spends
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10 Communication Secrets
Unit 32: Take Minutes
Unit 32: Take Minutes
Unit code: Q209
Unit reference number: M/601/2478
1 Understand the task of taking minutes at meetings
1.1 Describe the purpose of meetings
1.2 Describe legal and organisational requirements that may apply to minute taking
1.3 Explain the purpose of minutes as an accurate record of discussions and decisions
The purpose of holding a meeting is to discuss topics that are relevant to the running of the business
and to keep all working together towards the same goals. During the meeting it is important to
record what actions have been decided upon, who is responsible and what the milestones and
deadlines are. The minutes accurately record summaries of the discussions held and decisions made
at the meeting. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Honorary Secretary
Information, Point of: the drawing of attention in a meeting to a relevant item of fact
Intra vires: within the power of the committee or meeting to discuss, carry out
Lie on the table: leave item to be considered instead at the next meeting (see table)
Lobbying: a practice of seeking members' support before a meeting
Motion: the name given to a 'proposal' when it is being discussed at a meeting
Mover: one who speaks on behalf of a motion
Nem con: from Latin, literally, 'no one speaking against'
Opposer: one who speaks against a motion
Order, point of: the drawing of attention to a breach of rules or procedures
Other business: either items left over from a previous meeting, or items discussed after the main
business of a meeting
Point of order: proceedings may be interrupted on a 'point of order' if procedures or rules are not
being kept to in a meeting
Proposal: the name given to a submitted item for discussion (usually written) before a meeting takes
Proxy: literally 'on behalf of another person' – proxy vote
Quorum: the number of people needed to be in attendance for a meeting to be legitimate and so
Refer back: to pass an item back for further consideration
Resolution: the name given to a 'motion' which has been passed or carried; used after the decision
has been reached
Seconder: one who
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10 Communication Secrets
X Opoly
Case Analysis
"X–Opoly, Inc."
1 Summary
The text deals with the topic of developing and producing a board game, called X–Opoly. The game
is similar to the famous game ''Monopoly''. It was the idea of two students. Their business has grown
rapidly. This year they are expecting that they will sell 50,000 units. Over next 5 years the sales will
grow 25 percent annually.
The order of the game has to be differentiated in ordering a new game and ordering a game, which
was already produced. For every new game one employee of the art department and the client have
to set the design. The required time can vary because it depends on the customer's specification. The
next step is printing. In the printing department the design of the ... Show more content on
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Capacity per year = time available x stations = days x hours per daytotal task time x stations =
200days x 7.5h0.18h x stations = 8,333 units for 1 station = 50,000 units for 6 stations
= 158,333 units for 19 stations
Capacity per day = Capacity p.a. / 200days = 791,67units for 19 persons
Number of theoretical workstations:
NT = ∑task time / cycle time = 650108 = 6.02 select 7 workstations
The line's maximum capacity amounts to 791.67 units per day assuming that it is operated for 7.5
hours. Assuming that X–Opoly operates 200 days per year, the capacity is 58,333 units per year.
Compared with the expected demand the capacity is three times higher than the demand (50,000
units). Therefore there is an overcapacity of more than 100,000. One consequence could be a falling
price and the production of waste. A fall in the price would lead to a decline of the return on
investment as well as the cash flow. That is why it is necessary to use fewer stations in order to save
In the calculation it can be said that they only 7 stations are needed. With this number of
workstations one could achieve the highest efficiency at this moment. But the company will grow
rapidly. Therefore they had to add new stations every year.
However, the company expects that its sales will grow 25 percent annually for the next five years.
As illustrated in Table 1 the demand after 5 years will be approx.
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10 Communication Secrets
Nineteen Minutes Themes
A person can do a lot in a matter of nineteen minutes. Although it may not seem like a very long
time, nineteen minutes forever changed the lives of nearly everyone living in Sterling, New
Hampshire. Beginning at 10:16, 10 lives would be lost, 19 would be injured, and countless people
would live in fear and constantly be brought back to that day. On March 6, 2007, Peter Houghton
brought 4 guns into his high school and began shooting, and shooting, and shooting. Peter's life had
been filled with relentless bullying, ever since his first day of Kindergarten. The book, Nineteen
Minutes, shows the lies and faults of different members of the community during the trial. In this
journal, I will be evaluating the themes of identity and love found in the novel. ... Show more
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Josie and Peter Houghton used to be best friends. They would spend every second together: at
school, at home, and anyplace in–between that. When Matt Royston, Josie's boyfriend, introduced
Josie to a different lifestyle, their friendship quickly demised. Josie fell under peer pressure and
became a part of the popular group, who happened to initiate most of the bullying. She was half of
"the perfect couple" in Sterling High School, went to every party, and had the best friends a high
school girl could ask for. Even though every girl was head–over–heals jealous of her, she also felt
like her life was a movie, and she was just an actress; always acting like someone other than her true
self. It was evident that Josie did not want to act the way she did: "I have to act the way people
expect me to act. It's part of the whole...thing. If you don't... it's complicated. You wouldn't
understand" (Picoult 239). Josie felt trapped between being herself and being who everyone else
wanted her to
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10 Communication Secrets
Essay On Critical Reflection
Part one: Critical Reflection on your team as whole
I believe our group has struggled from the very beginning with being organized. I think some of the
difficulties started with the team strategic plan. The team would have benefited more, from an
outline of information that would be presented during the final speech (Adler, Ronald B., et al.,
2013). I think our organization was lacking the first day we met to work on the team strategic plan.
We all pushed off the meeting because we thought we had more time and as the due date approached
we quickly met up to discuss what needed to be in the strategic plan. Then asked everyone to work
on it on their own time. I don't think this was the most beneficial way to divide tasks. We should
have spent more time doing group work, and not assigned as much individual work (Adler, Ronald
B., et al., 2013). I think we should have used part of the designated meeting times to do group work,
that would have been the most beneficial for our group due to all members of the group having so
much going on outside of the project, that the time would have allowed each of us to have a
required/designated time to work on the project. Allowing for us to get more done, earlier on. I think
the anticipation of some members to get the team strategic plan done also caused them to take on too
much responsibility which affected their stress level and in return affect their quality of work. Also
causing us to get a lower grade due to other minds not checking
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10 Communication Secrets
Questions And Questions On Meetings
What are Meetings?
Meetings are where two or more people gather to discuss one or more topics, often in a formal
Purposes of Meetings
There can really be diverse purposes for meetings. Some of which can be for: Commemorating a
milestone or accomplishment Engaging in meaningful dialogues in order to reach decisions To learn
new things or acquire new skills To generate new ideas and develop new ways of thinking To hear
reports from certain individuals To consult and get feedback on issues To plan strategies needed to
achieve objectives To gain co–operation and support for the plans
Types of Meetings
There are different types of meetings. Most meetings fall into one of four category types, namely:
1. Report and information oriented meetings
2. Decision making and problem solving meetings
3. Creative and brain storming meetings
4. Training and skill building meetings
Meetings may also be: Ad Hoc Meetings – These are meetings which take place at short notices to
deal with a problem that has arisen. Formal Meetings – These are meetings which have set
procedures. They are planned and run in an agreed way. Examples of such would be school staff
meetings, an AGM of a club or monthly growth meetings of a business. Virtual Meetings – This is
where a number of participants may not be physically present for the meeting; however they are still
able to participate in it via use of a video connection, commonly known as video conferencing.
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10 Communication Secrets
Nineteen Minutes
The book Nineteen Minutes is a tragic story about a teenage boy going into his high school one day
and start to shoot at people after being constantly bullied since kindergarten. The book Please Stop
Laughing at Me is a true story about the author's own experiences being bullied in school. These two
books both deal with the trauma of growing up being bullied and how they both handled it. Peter
Houghton, the bullied victim in Nineteen Minutes, decided to take action himself because no one
else was helping him. Jodee Blanco, after years of bullying, decided to make a book about her own
experiences with bullying in her years after high school. Both books share lots in common, starting
from their main characters to the characters experiences, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Like how both characters grew up, the people that help them through all of the bullying, and the end
result of it all. Peter Houghton grew up with a golden boy brother, who was also one of his bullies
until his death the previous year before the shooting and always made him feel unimportant in his
own home. His parents weren't very helpful when Peter was getting bullied. Even from a young age
Peter's mom wanted him to be strong about it and deal with the bullying rather than actually help
him through it. He also had a best friend Josie Cormier, a best friend who used to defend from the
bullies until she decided to leave him for the popular crowd in sixth grade.So after so many years
and years of bullying, with no support from his family and due to the fact that he only had one
friend who was also being bullied, Peter took it into his own hands to end the harassment and he
went into his school and enacted his revenge. Unlike Peter, Jodee grew up as an only child in a
loving supportive family. She had friends the moment she was in school, she wasn't popular but she
had friends. She never had a constant friend that always defended her and was always there for her.
Her parents were supportive of her when she told them about the bullying, even if she may not of
liked their methods of helping her which was her going to the therapists, they were still supportive.
As she grew up she began to notice
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10 Communication Secrets
Public Participation At San Diego Unified District School...
Public participation is an important aspect of any community and benefits realized from inculcating
it in the system of any public setup treats any possible problem. Some of the core merits any public
institution produces is enabling the community to participate in decision–making and planning. For
this reason, they are more likely to interact with established mechanisms. Moreover, apart from
helping bring about a sense of community, public participation enables institutions to set goals and
objectives that suit that long–term service delivery. San Diego Unified district school is among the
many educational centers in the United States that have embraced this useful method to warrant
continuous progress. Therefore, they recently organized a school board meeting on 27th September
2016 to provide an update on what was going on in the institution as well give the public an
opportunity to discuss their concerns and contributions. This paper analyzes the nature and role of
public participation in uniting the community and institutions that serve its members. Evidently,
although the meeting had some hitches in terms of short notices and low ethnic representation, it
was successful because the community and the institution discussed agenda and non–agenda matters
and settled for proposals to increase engagement in the future.
The meeting was intended to highlight key issues as stipulated in the agenda. These were
recognizing achievements of Maya Salameh who won a national poetry
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10 Communication Secrets
Duty, Agenda Creator
As a team, we agreed on the accompanied logo above, was a great representation of us. With all of
us having different backgrounds, but with a common theme, that being a love of nature with an
interest twist. That our interest in nature didn't only start at a young age, but with trees. Representing
more than just a place for shade, but as an escape, an outline for great things that we all would later
enjoy. From picture taking, to rocking climb, to fishing and just like a tree our love for nature
branched out from just looking at the trees in our backyards but something more. Something no
matter how busy our lives can get, our sweet escape is nature, whether it be a trip to Yosemite,
fishing at a river or even day dreaming while staring at some ... Show more content on
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With an addition pre–deadline of Thursdays prior to 10:30am, allowing for editing window of
11:00am –2:30pm. Following that is the final pre–deadline, which individuals/group work has been
reviewed for any additional edits to be made by individuals/group and re–submitted for final edits
by 7:00pm. At which point the team leader, Gilbert, will be responsible for final edits of the groups
with result in the submission of the project no later than 9:00 am Fridays. In case of technical error,
computer crash, internet issues, personal complaining reason of a family matter, and anything
deemed fit by the group the backup submitter(s) will by Marcus or Andrew or Jesus.
Consequences for not completing your part of the project in a timely manner will be not getting full
credit for your work. Additionally, a meeting between all the other group members to decide the fate
of your continuation as a group member will be held and the group member in question must build a
case for why they should be allowed to stay in the group. If the reason for their slacking is found to
be excusable will have a pass but the incident will influence future action if they continue to not pull
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10 Communication Secrets
Ilm Level 3 Unit 328 Understand How to Lead Effective...
Unit 328:– Understand how to lead effective meetings
AC 1.1
Explain the purpose of a meeting
Staff meetings
The purpose of regular staff meetings helps an organisation become much more organised and
efficient and places both employees and managers on the same page, it makes it easier to establish
roles and collaborates to finish projects and achieve goals. They make it possible for all members of
a company to work together with less confusion and accomplish objectives faster.
They cover a range of relevant information, and provide a platform for employees to ask questions
and discuss concerns with management enabling staff to offer ideas and solutions directly to
managers and team members within the company. Staff meetings inform ... Show more content on
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It is an opportunity to discuss strengths, give constructive suggestions and consider each other's
points of view.
AC 1.2
Explain the purpose and structure of an agenda
A meeting agenda ensures that the meeting will be a productive use of everyone's time. It can focus
the attendee's efforts and provide a structure to accomplish the meeting purpose. It defines
outcomes, and important information, attendee roles and responsibilities and a meeting timeline. It
allows attendee's to prepare for the meeting as it is made available a week before. It also works as a
checklist of those attending, goals and topics for discussion to make sure that all the necessary
information is covered and keeps team members focused on the specific goals and stay on track with
the subject matter.
A well written meeting agenda makes it easy for everyone to go through the meeting process
smoothly and in an organised manner.
AC 1.3
Explain how to select and invite the right people to attend the meeting
When inviting people to a meeting, make it a point to mention why they are expected to attend. This
gives them time to prepare, and keeps them alert and interactive throughout, it is best to only have
people who can contribute to the meeting for example were they given any action points to achieve
in a previous meeting that need to be followed up?, would the individual bring anything new to the
table? Do they
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10 Communication Secrets
Nineteen Minutes
Nineteen minutes can be everything and nothing, it can be an end or beginning . . . what is nineteen
minutes in one person's life. In the realistic novel Nineteen Minutes Jodi Picoult explains how
nineteen minutes can destroy a person's life. She shows how time is the one thing people will always
underestimate. In the tiny town of Sterling, New Hampshire, Peter, a senior in highschool, a
seventeen year old boy changed their world in nineteen minutes . . . one boy who stopped time . . . .
Judge Alex Cormier, a dynamic character, woke up late on the morning of March 6, 2007, she found
her daughter, Josie, the protagonist, awake studying for a chemistry test. It was any typical school
day in Sterling, with Matt Royston, her boyfriend picking her ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
"In nineteen minutes, you can mow the front lawn; color your hair; watch a third of a hockey game.
In nineteen minutes, you can bake scones or get a tooth filled by a dentist; you can fold laundry for a
family of five. Nineteen minutes is how long it took the Tennessee Titans to sell out of tickets to the
playoffs. It's the amount of time it takes to listen to the Yes song Close to the Edge. It's the length of
a sitcom, minus the commercials. It's the driving distance from the Vermont border to the town of
Sterling, NH. In nineteen minutes, you can order a pizza and get it delivered. You can read a story to
a child or have your oil changed. You can walk two miles. You can sew a hem. In nineteen minutes,
you can stop the world; or you can just jump off it. In nineteen minutes, you can get revenge"(5).
The narrator in this passage is the Picoult. She is describing the effects of time and this is the
opening of the first chapter of the book. On the page before this there is a letter from Peter
discussing how he hopes to be dead by the time someone reads this letter. He tells how he didn't get
to the state he is in on his own, and people may cry but really they are the ones at fault. So this
speaks to the readers in the beginning and this comes to foreshadow Peter's actions. For many
people underestimate time and the power it posses; within a second a life
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10 Communication Secrets
60 Minutes Research Paper
60 Minutes is the longest running and most iconic prime–time news program in television history.
Since first airing in 1968, the show has provided viewers with hard–hitting, investigative journalism
and stories of national interest on a near–regular basis for nearly five decades. Read on to learn more
about 60 Minutes, and keep an eye out for part two of our list, coming soon.
Number Fifteen: The Program Has Been in the Same Time Slot for 40 Years.
After bouncing around time slots for a while, mostly due to FCC programing regulations, CBS
scheduled 60 Minutes for 7 PM on Sunday nights starting in 1975. With the exception of sports
presentations going overtime, it remains in this time slot to this day, making it the longest–running
prime–time show in history.
Number Fourteen: It Floundered at First, but Now Has the Highest Ratings of Any Prime–Time
Show Ever.
News programs were never seen as a big draw during prime–time hours when 60 Minutes first
began. For its first three years, CBS wasn't confident that the program could pull in the ratings it
needed. However, after the program's move to Sunday nights and the addition of popular CBS News
reporter Dan Rather, it's ratings steadily improved. In 1976, 60 Minutes was the top–watched show
on Sunday nights and in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 1996, they decided to update old stories with 60 Minutes More, but the series only lasted one
season. When 60 Minutes II premiered in 1999, it had moderate success, but the station kept
changing its title and time slot, with it eventually going off the air in 2005 (with its original title) due
to poor ratings. There are currently two spin–offs still running: 60 Minutes on CNBC, which focuses
more on business stories and never–before–seen footage, and 60 Minutes Sports, which airs on the
premium channel
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10 Communication Secrets
Production & Operation Management
Production & Operations
Session 3–2
More on Processes
 Multi–product, multi–flow process analysis
– So far: 1 product, 1 flow
– Differing process times, yield issues, machine breakdown
 Big Takeaway:
– Product–mix becomes critical in multiple flows
– Implications in capital investment, scaling business, and risk management  Calculating capacity
when you have
– Multiple flows
With the same processing time at each resource
With different processing times at a single resource
– Yield issues
– Machine Breakdown
Measure: Implied Utilization
 Implied Utilization captures the mismatch between the capacity requested from a resource by
demand and the capacity currently available at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Processing time: 10 min / unit
10 mins
10 mins
10 mins
10 mins
10 mins
 Flow Time (FT) = processing time= 10 mins for all units
 Workstation capacity = Flow Rate
= (1/10) units/min*60 mins/hr = 6 units/hr
Ex. 2: Capacity with two processing times
 Workstation makes two products
– Product 1 processing time 10 min / unit
– Product 2 processing time 12 min / unit
10 mins
10 mins
10 mins
12 mins
 Product mix is 3:1, i.e. (3/4)th of the output is Product 1 and
(1/4)th of the output is Product 2
 What is the capacity of the workstation?
Ex. 2: Capacity with two processing times
 PT1=10 mins/unit
 PT2=12 mins/unit
 Think of a "typical" unit:
– Weighted average of FT1 and FT2
= (3/4)*10+(1/4)12=10.5 mins/unit
 Capacity of Resource
= (1/10.5)*60min/hr = 5.71 units/hr
Same as capacity of process because only one resource
Ex. 2 (Alternate way)
 An alternate method is to consider time to make a cycle, i.e. 3 units of product 1 and one unit of
– Total Processing Time for a cycle = 3*10 + 1*12 = 42 mins
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10 Communication Secrets

  • 1. 10 Communication Secrets In 2012, Forbes Magazine revealed 10 communication secrets but I may borrow 8 in carrying out discussions/ face to face meetings with executives: 1. Speak openly– This would also require setting out a plan on the issues that need to be addressed primarily. Perhaps by creating an agenda, it would keep the conversation on track. Building trust and rapport would begin then as members have to be able to feel comfortable. At this point, choosing the right meeting venue is helpful. Somewhere calm yet inviting but where ideas can be exchanged, recognition given or loud, enthusiastic conversations can occur. I may reserve a meeting room or utilize an office space during a less than heavy traffic flow period. I can find out which meeting rooms or group rooms are assigned to the organization. In the College of Business at Grambling State University, most of its departmental groups, that is, AMA, Management Club, NABA are assigned office space in the building which have become a room for executive meetings and carrying out group projects. It also helps the stability of the group and established recognition for the organization. Make sure to check with the Office of Student Affairs/ Activities if any such rooms are available on another campus. 2. Get Personal– To build rapport, a dialogue and true discussion needs to take place. I cannot control the entire meeting without letting the members get a word in. Although having a monologue may be great in the beginning where information is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. BSBADM502B Manage meetings 2 What are the different types of formal meetings that might be held in a workplace and what purpose do they serve? – Board meetings Information on current organisational status – Staff meetings Productivity, current procedures and changes in procedures – Union meetings Ensure all staff know their rights in the workplace – Occupational health and safety meetings For staff and OH&S officials to ensure organisation is running safely and within compliances How do you ensure that the formal meetings you organise are productive and effective, not simply time–wasters? – Clearly identify the purpose of the meeting – Identify major points and topics to be discussed before the meeting – Also by staying on track and bringing it back to topic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The chairperson should bring the meeting back to order. The chairperson can even opt to writing the ideas on a board and they can be brought out for discussion later on if time persists. Why is a chairperson necessary? The chairperson ensure the meeting time is well spent and not wasted. They bring the conversation back to the agenda if participants begin to digress from the topics of discussion. Who should chair meetings? Why? The role of chair should rotate with each meeting. This allows those to gain experience communicating with colleagues and staff. How long should each meeting last? Why? The meeting should only last as long as necessary in order to achieve its purpose. How can active participation in meetings be encouraged? Acknowledge the participants when ideas are spoken. Thank them for their input. Allow participants to put something on the agenda either before the meeting or for the next. Why are minutes necessary?
  • 4. Minutes are necessary for the organizations records. They allow those who did not participate to know where the organization is at with decisions. This is the same for stake holders and shareholders. Prevents any misunderstanding if who is responsible for any changes. They can also enable people to look back on actionable items and give a starting point for the following meeting. What confidentiality ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Stonehaven Case Analysis Essay Stonehaven, Inc. Case Analysis March 19, 2013 Part A For this part of the analysis, consider each department in the Gdansk factory in isolation. Assume that the rest of the production system has no impact on the department you are considering. Assume that material handling times are negligible and ignore variability in processing times. 1. For the typical 100–pair batch, what is the daily capacity and manufacturing lead time within each of the following departments? a. Cutting 8 hrs/day x 60 min/hr = 480 min/day Machine 1 = (0.05 x 4)(100) + (5.25 x 4) = 41 min/batch Machine 2 = (0.05 x 4)(100) + (5.00 x 4) = 40 min/batch Machine 3 = (0.04 x 4)(100) + (4.00 x 4) = 32 min/batch Manufacturing Lead Time (MLT) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore, the time given is the time it takes to stamp 1 of the 4 components on one machine. Another assumption I have made is the workers performing the stitching are all equally paced. It takes each worker the exact same amount of time to perform their duties and pass the product along to the next group. Part B Now consider the factory as a system, and take into account interactions between the departments. 3. Assuming production is done in 100–pair batches, what is the factory's daily capacity? Cutting 41 min/batch Stitching 133 min/batch
  • 7. Lasting 33.2 min/batch Capacity of the Factory = 480 min/day ÷ 133 min/batch = 3.6 batches/day 4. What is the total MLT for a 100–pair batch? MLT Cutting = 41 min/batch Kitting = 10 min/batch Stitching = 133 min/batch Steaming = 6 hrs x 60 min = 360 min/batch Lasting = 33.2 min/batch TOTAL MLT = 577.2 min/batch Part C 5. How would you go about deciding the appropriate batch size for the Stonehaven factory? What factors would you consider? How do they interrelate? (You may wish to do some calculations, but concentrate on thinking conceptually.) 6. Focus only on your highest priorities for improving the production process at Stonehaven's Gdansk factory (be specific). Explain why they are important. What actions do you recommend? How would you implement your recommendations? What do you predict will be the consequences? The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Personality In Jodi Picoult's 'Nineteen Minutes' A person's image is one of the most important social aspects from day one. It will decide a person's friends, career, and level of success. Personality is a fluid aspect that ties a person's image together. A person's personality or image will change with company. In Nineteen Minutes, Jodi Picoult presents a motif of public vs. private self through many of her characters to show that things are not always how they seem and to make the reader evaluate who they are as a person. Humans need social interaction to flourish and they tend to select a few people to become closest with. They share secrets, gossip about others, and support each other in times of need, but how well can someone really know another person? In Nineteen Minutes the reader watches Josie Cormier get ready for school, hiding her private personality away for the day. "Either Josie was someone she didn't want to be, or she was someone who nobody wanted" (Picoult 8). To all of Josie's classmates, friends, teachers, and even her own mother she seems like the perfect child. Josie hangs out with the right crowd, gets great grades, and follows all of society's rules perfectly, but no one really knows who she is. Behind the mask perfection Josie is just another teenager struggling with depression and identity issues. The author chooses to make the most popular girl in school also one of the most depressed to show that although things may seem beautiful on the outside, they can be rotting from the inside. Picoult is proving how that easy it is for people to hide their personalities to the world. Additionally, Josie is in one of the most popular relationships at her high school. Everybody praised her beautiful relationship with Matt but it's all just another façade. Throughout most of part one the author builds sympathy for Matt and Josie because the boy who seems to be a loving boyfriend was murdered, but later the truth becomes clear, "The smile faded from Josie's face. 'When I told you I slipped on the ice. Matt and I were having a fight and he hit me'" (Picoult 239). Even the most perfect people have secrets they are hiding. Matt seemed like he truly loved Josie but it is clear that he is just an abusive boyfriend, hiding who he truly is whenever ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Reflection Paper On Regular Council Meeting Regular City Council Meeting I have always prided myself as a person who knows virtually everything that happens around my community. It is common for humans to judge or misjudge what they do not know or understand. Too often we are quick to criticize and lash after what other people say or do simply because we do not understand it. This fact describes the character and attitude of many people especially when it comes to politics and how a country is run right from the top to the bottom. The average people is generally unconcerned with political affairs like how politicians spend their tax money. You only need to look at the dismally low voter turn out to confirm this fact. This should to change and for me, this change came on 26th October 2017, when I decided to attend The Tempe City Regular Council Meeting. I had never attended such a meeting before. Part of the reason is perhaps owing to the attitude of most people as I explained earlier but more particularly, I had not seen any local issue that moved me enough to demand the necessity to have my voice heard or to be curious enough to want to find out about the secrets of the operations of the local government. Generally, I knew that the decisions made and policies developed by the city government affected my life directly or indirectly. However, to sit and watch all the work and grind that goes to the formulation of these policies and decisions has made me realize that democracy is not self–driving. The Chambers After completing my classes for the day, I went directly to Tempe City Hall City Council Chambers which is housed in the Harry E. Mitchell Government Center. As I got in two minutes before the official starting time, the room was almost fully occupied but I was lucky to secure a seat at a position where I could follow the proceedings comfortably. The chamber is divided into two seating areas one for the Council Members and the other for the members of the public. The two areas face each other and are separated in the middle by a corridor that connects to two main entrance/exit points. The area accommodating the councilmembers is at a relatively elevated angle compared to the area where the citizens sit to facilitate easy and effective engagement. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. 19 Minutes Character Analysis Nineteen Minutes, by Jodi Picoult, centers around thenineteen minutes of a high school shooting rampage that scars the lives of the perpetrator, 17–year–old Peter Houghton, and all those whom his life touches.19 min... that's how long it took Peter Houghton to get his revenge.In the novel the main character,Peter deals with with many struggles in his high school career. To begin, we know in those 19 mins the impossible happen.But do we know why?Peter was bullied all his life,by people who he thought was his friends.He may feel like he's been bullied by his own family.For example Peter was constantly bullied by matt and his friends and he constantly put up with it until he made the final decision.Matt and his friends embarrass peter in front ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Informal Meetings And Formal Meetings Purpose: Meetings are held in all organisations for a range of purposes, some being formal but many being more informal. At all Informal meeting one or more people will take notes on what has been agreed, but at all formal meetings there is always an appointed minute taker. Informal meetings include occasions such as where two or more members of the team would get together to discuss an immediate problem or where an unplanned discussion would take place. Formal meetings usually full in to one of the categories, such as; Shareholder meetings, board meetings, management meetings, team meetings and committee meetings. Also, Minutes and other meeting records would be used to share information between people in which this would help make ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Make sure you keep reminding people of the meeting, this could be by text or email. Make sure the structure of the meeting is the same in each meeting as this would help engage people, as they would know what to expect. Finally, you should make clear why you need a meeting as it might be clear to you but no the rest of the attendees. AC1.2: Explain why it is important to have a minimum number of attendees for a meeting: Importance of having a minimum number of attendees: A Quorum is the minimum number of people that is needed to be in attendance for a meeting to be the legitimate and so it can commence. Due to legal requirement you have to have a minimum number of people to attend a meeting so that the voting methods can be fair. This would also help prevent a small number of attendees that are acting in different ways that are not representing the majority of people who attended. AC1.3: Explain ways to achieve maximum attendance at meetings: Ways to achieve maximum attendance: As well planning meeting purposes is very important to help people know what the meeting will be. For this type of meeting you would need to send invitations out in a good amount of time with full details about the meeting. Also you should follow up acceptances and non–acceptances. To get the maximum amount of people attending these meetings they would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Strategic Issues the Association Should Address Essay TO: APSA Council RE: Council Discussion Topic: Organized Sections This overview is designed to help launch a Council small group discussion about journals, and about strategic issues the Association may wish to address. The memo notes salient issues the Association is or will soon face. The themes included here are surely not complete and the goal is for a discussion that helps ferret out or sharpen heretofore unarticulated issues as well as the ones we see now. I. Introduction APSA Organized Sections have been a mainstay of the Association since first formed in the early 1980's. There has not been a comprehensive review of Sections and the ways in which the prominence of Sections has shaped the Association since then, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This increases the total cost of APSA membership commensurately, especially consequential if a member seeks to join multiple sections. We worry this may discourage multiple section membership, diminish opportunity for "cross–fertilization" among fields; and create sticker shock for APSA membership in general. At the same time, there may be potential value for the Association of being aligned with a "bundle" of journal content organized across topical areas – a kind of journal–based analogue to the annual meeting division structure. As a specific matter, APSA has the opportunity help the State Politics and Policy Organized Section purchase its journal from the university press that now owns it, by lending the Section money with payback revenues over 10 years. Assuming the business deal made sense, would such a step make sense from the standpoint of an Association–wide journals policy. APSA might seek to bring Section journals more under the Association umbrella itself and applying journal guidelines, unbundling subscriptions from Section membership (while leaving editorial control with the Sections.) C. Governance and Liabilities
  • 18. APSA's Organized Sections operate under the Association's Tax ID number, and legally are elements of APSA as a corporation. A few APSA sections engage in outside activities such as separate conferences. Generally, these are handled entirely by section members ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Church Meeting Summary The meeting was about the City of Commission of Deland on March six, at seven pm. First, starts discussing how people can address an agenda or an unattended issue that can be given to City Clerk at the proper time. Also, the meeting gives information on how later in the meeting they are going to explain a new resolution of the surplus of the house abandonment. Something very nice that they did at first is how they made a program called "Super Stars Students of the month" to reward kids for doing greats in school as a way trying to push them to become something important in the future, and not giving up their dreams. Not only had they rewarded the kids but also two employees who were great in services for a long time. As part of the introduction, they give the quarterly financial report prepared by Dan Stauffer, which basically shows that the City is doing well so far into each financial position. The public comments were very professionally done as I saw there not many arguments into the agendas ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... My conclusion with this meeting is that the city does take care of the opinion of the public as they try to explain the issue in a very clear matter; we could see that the city is trying to become better each day and trying to resolve the problems presented but again is something that the people has to have patience into knowing that these agendas take a long period into being analyzed, approved and executed. This meeting brought me back to what in class we been discussing on how a policy is being made and how it first needs to have a solid argument so it could be approved. So far I never expected for this meet to go very coordinated and smoothly as sometimes is normal for the argument from the public but in this case that was not the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Meeting Of Linden Knoll Condominium Units Owners Bob, Your March 5 dated "Notice of Meeting of Linden Knoll Condominium Units Owners" had as it stated purpose a single agenda item: "Budget vote to ratify or reject the Operating Budget Fiscal Year June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017". Subsequently, on Friday, March 11, 2016 another "Notice of Homeowner Budget Meeting" was posted on the townhouse bulletin board, listing a different agenda to include: "HVAC upgrades – phase 3 (buildings 3 and 4), Elevator upgrades – engineer VTX, Townhouse Roof – proposal update, Ongoing Assessment, Budget – 2016 – 2017 Operating budget ratification of budget adopted by Council on 2/15/2016" The meeting was called to order and a Roll Call of Council Members taken, presumably to determine the presence of a quorum of Council. What was the purpose for the Roll Call if this was a unit owners meeting? The meeting then proceeded with discussions of the HVAC phase 3 upgrade cost ($94,880) and the elevator engineer phase 1 and 2 costs, $4,662 and $8,609 respectively. With respect to each separate item motions were made, seconded and passed by Council to authorize these expenditures. At no time was input on these motions sought from homeowners. Next, some comments were made about the townhouse roofs but no action was taken. Recollection is that the agenda topic "Ongoing Assessment ' was not addressed or reported. Finally, a presentation of a 'proposed budget ', approval of which cannot be documented in posted Council meeting minutes, was offered and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Iron Ore Case Analysis Essay MBA 816 Operations & Production MGMT Iron Ore Company of Ontario "A3 Written Assignment" December 12, 2011 Presented to: Dr. James Mason Presented by: Ahmed Omar Afify Student ID: 200–305–478 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Issues * To minimize total waiting time and stockpile re–handling costs (Keep operations costs as low as possible). * To improve productivity process and decreasing idle time of machines and labor. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Background * Iron Ore Company of Ontario is working in the business field of processing iron ore. * Production was scheduled on a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Each Shovel takes 11.5 m3 / load with 480 m3 / hr to get 0.024 hr/load. Each Truck takes 36 m3 / load with 128 m3 / hr to get 0.28 hr/load. Load a truck 36 m3 / load with Shovel 480 m3 / hr to get 0.075 hr/load. Dump time by a truck in hr is given as 1.7 min or 0.028 hr. Calculations | Shovels | Trucks | Hr / load | 0.024 | 0.28 | Load time for a truck / shovel by hr | 0.075 | Dump time for truck by hr | 0.028 | Trip time for truck without load and dump time by hr | 0.177 | The whole trip takes 0.28 hrs or "16.8 mins". Trip= time taken to load truck by shovel + time taken from shovel to crusher+ time taken for dumping+ time taken to drive back from crusher to shovel. So 0.28 = 0.075+ time taken between shovel and crusher (twice) + 0.028 So time taken between shovel and crusher (twice) is 0.177 hrs, so each trip takes 0.0885hrs (5.31 mins). Exhibit 8 "Distribution of crusher delays during day shift" From summary Statistics, we found that: * Mean Delay = 12.86 minutes = 0.214 hrs * Number of Delays = 332 * Sampling Interval = 120 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Role Of Parenthood In Jodi Picoult's Nineteen Minutes "In nineteen minutes, you can mow the front lawn, color your hair, watch a third of a hockey game. You can bake scones or get a tooth filled by a dentist.... Or, as Peter Houghton knows... in nineteen minutes, you can bring the whole world to a screeching halt"(Picoult 363). In Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult, Peter had been bullied his whole life, and he wanted revenge. Peter felt the only way to get revenge was to pull the trigger towards classmates and teachers. Nineteen Minutes takes place in a small town known as Sterling. In Sterling, everybody knows everybody. You stop at an intersection, and you know the person stopped next to you. You see your neighbors at the grocery store, and your teacher at Olive Garden. So obviously, everyone in the small town knew Peter and his family. Could you imagine the looks Peter's parents receive from the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They can't imagine their son doing something so terrible. They feel out of place when they get their groceries now, like every eye is on them. Lacy and Lewis think they have completely failed at parenthood, and it is secretly eating both of them up internally. Conflict was created between Peter and his parents. Peter did not meet the standards his deceased brother held. Peter's parents were disappointed in the difference between sons. To adulterate Peter's situation, he was constantly bullied by classmates in and out of school. One day Peter could not handle it anymore, and the last string of the braided rope broke. The conflict Peter was struggling with himself was impossible to conquer without support from others, and Peter never truly had the support he needed to thrive. Peter was suffering from post– traumatic stress disorder as a result of chronic victimization. Peter had a foggy ending, which made it seem like the bullying would never stop, so he figured he was the one who had to stop ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Conducting An Effective Professional Meeting Conducting an Effective Professional Meeting Darius Jagminas, Sam Wogan Clark University Author Note This paper was prepared for Managerial Communications (MGMT 170) by two students enrolled at Clark University Conducting an Effective Professional Meeting Preparation Before Meeting Identify Purpose Gregorio Billikopf, University of California–Berkeley, described meetings as, "...are held to inform people about policies or operations, gather information, conduct training, resolve problems, or make decisions." Meetings can be a useful tool in directly communicating to members of the organization. In order to conduct a successful meeting, identify the purpose and ensure that all members are on the same page. A meeting ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Setting Agenda Most failed professional meetings are due to a lack of focus and unclear goals. It is extremely important to come prepared with a specific agenda and a clear understanding of what must be accomplished. While one can be flexible, the agenda must list the topics that will be discussed as well as the goals; it is really the road map to a successful meeting. The agenda should include; a review from previous business meetings, a dialogue of new issues, and a clear evaluation of the group 's goals. One can use judgment to add or subtract items from the agenda as the meeting develops, as long as the route still leads towards the final goals. Using colleagues time efficiently is necessary to make ones meeting enjoyable and helps to build group morale. It is recommended that supervisors of the meeting should not be too optimistic about what should be accomplished in a single meeting. During Meeting Interactions It is of paramount importance that the person running the meeting keeps it on topic, while making sure that everyone 's opinions are heard. At times, subjects can arouse strong emotions, and it must be recognized as a time to better understand one's needs. Members should discuss problems that are occurring. Other factors influencing group interaction include seating, refreshments, temperature, lighting, and ventilation. While one should never be late for a meeting, there is a correct way to enter prior to the
  • 29. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. 19 Minutes, By Jodi Picoult 19 minutes is a book written by Jodi Picoult that describes a school shooting. This book was written in a pretty unique way, because instead of having story told by sequential events from one perspective, it is told from many perspectives, from different times, and in different orders. For example, one moment you could be reading from the point of view of the shooter during the event, and the next you're reading from the point of view of a student 6 months after. The author uses different points of view and a non–linear timeline to tell a unique story. Jodi Picoult uses different points in time for each chapter, but it isn't a random order. Whenever there is a change in time, it is because it logically follows what you just read. What ends ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During the book, you get to see through the eyes of the shooter, the judge, the judge's daughter, the shooter's parents, the shooter's lawyer, and the main detective on the case. I might even be missing a few, but these viewpoints were the most used. This ties in well with my previous point where I said the author used different points in time. Not only do you get to see different views, but also you get to see each viewpoint at many different times. One chapter you could be reading about what the judge was doing before her daughter was born, and the next chapter you could be reading about what the lawyer and his family is going through near the end of the case. There are a few characters and moments that I think showcase how well these viewpoints were done in this book. One of them is the different viewpoints during the shooting. While the first time the shooting is described we only see from the detective, later on we get to witness it again from other's eyes. This line is from Patrick's view, "Turning a corner, Patrick slipped on blood and heard another gunshot, this one loud enough to ring her ears." (Picoult, 22) and this line is from Josie's view, "As the gun fires, it ripper two stripes of her skin from the base of her thumb. Her hands jerked upwards." (Picoult, 440). These two lines are talking about the same gun shot, but Patrick's line is from the beginning of the book, and Josie's line is from the very end. Another part of the book that I think benefited well from different viewpoints is the relationship between Josie and her mother, Alex. The two don't have a very deep relationship in the beginning, which is shown by Josie many times, "The last place Josie wanted to go was out to dinner with her mother." (Picoult, 150). Josie usually tries to avoid her mother and thinks she doesn't understand her. From Alex's view, she feels like she hasn't been a very good mother to Josie and often is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Meeting At Seward County Community College Essay Meeting Characteristics for Conflict Management and Resolution Meetings are a common tool used by companies and organizations for a variety of purposes, and they can be implemented in a variety of ways. Properly implemented, meetings can be effective, productive, and increase involvement of the participants at the meetings. If not implemented properly, meetings can be costly as well as unproductive for both the leader and the participants. By examining recent meeting characteristics of Wheatridge Park Care Center and the Phi Theta Kappa organization at Seward County Community College, a better understanding of the positive and negative aspects of various meeting styles may be explored through applying and analyzing the events of the meeting against conflict management principles recommended in Raines (2013). Wheatridge Park Care Center Meeting Wheatridge Park Care Center has demonstrated several aspects that adhere to the suggestions of Raines (2013), and that have worked well for the participants at the meetings. Wheatridge Park's meetings can be broken down into two parts, which are the department meetings and the all staff meetings. Each of the five departments at Wheatridge Park Care Center conducts department meetings once a month with the employees in that department. The department meetings typically address issues such as information employees need to know, changes in the department, dealing with nonstructural sources of conflict, and build on team cognition. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Integrated Master Schedule: A Case Study Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) Management OSP IMS Administration: Continue to work with OSP Staff and PMs to facilitate the update of identified milestones, activities, and completion status in the FY2016 IMS for Programming, Strategic Planning, Front Office and TIFC schedules. (AV Team) IMS Reporting: Generate HR, Strategic Planning, TIFC, and Programming IMS Look–Ahead reports as needed. (AV Team) SharePoint Administration and Support SharePoint Administration and Support: Continue SharePoint site management and administration as needed. (AV Team) SharePoint Optimization: o Continue to review the TIFC SharePoint site, identify requirements for restructuring navigation buttons and links, update outdated information within the Design Team ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (AV Team) OSP Conference Room Scheduling: Continue to schedule and manage the OSP conference room calendars, communicate availability to staff members, and confirm appointments. (AV Team) OSP Standard Operating Procedures: o Review Operations Overview Report to evaluate current OSP SOP inventory and determine prioritization and approach for updating the documents. (AS) o Continue to draft the document lifecycle portion of the Document Management SOP. (LD) o Continue to compile data and make updates accordingly to the Document Management SOP. (SM) o Continue to review assigned SOPs and update as needed. (AK, VN, SM) Ad–Hoc: Continue to archive old paper documents, scan, and upload them to the respective SharePoint site. (AV Team) Project/Program Management Support Weekly/Monthly Status Report: Prepare, review, and submit the Weekly and Monthly Status reports. (SM, VN) Weekly Status Update Meeting: Meet with COR B. Mroczek and Project Manager C. Chen to provide status and content of the AV Weekly Status report and obtain guidance and concurrence on ongoing activities and action plans. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Flexible work timings Essay Activity 1 1 List the types of meetings that might be held in business situations. Meetings help to solve a lot of problems and issues at hand, faced by a business organization. The types of meeting that might be held in a business situation are: face–to–face, teleconference, video conference, annual general meeting, board meetings, staff meetings, union meetings and health and safety meetings. 2 List at least 3 advantages of conducting a formal meeting in a workplace. Meetings purpose to enhance the qualities and services of a business organization. It is very important to pre define the purpose of a meeting and accordingly note down the mojor points of discussion in the meeting. A formal meeting has the following advantages: a. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 3 An emergency meeting to discuss an important issue. Strategies to inform participants about the meeting: Email or Microsoft Outlook Timeframe: An hour before the commencement of the meeting if possible. Activity 9 Why is it a good idea to prepare a extra sets of meeting papers? We should make extra sets of copies of the meeting papers as it would have a bad reflection of self if we ran out of paper. It also reflects that the holder of the meeting is prepared. Also, and extra set should be maintained in the computer and your email. Just in case you misplace your document there are chances of retaining them. Extra set is always beneficial and saves time and stress. Activity 10 Why is it important to take accurate minutes of a meeting without recording the conversation verbatim? It is important to take accurate minutes of a meeting for the following reasons: a. it provides a transcript of the meeting. b. People can review what they said and what they are committed to. c. Any disputes arising from meeting can in most cases be solved from the minutes of the meeting. d. People are more accountable if they are aware that somebody is documenting the outcomes of the meeting.
  • 38. Activity 11 Provide an example for each of the following items that should be recorded in minutes of a meeting: 1 Issues for discussion. Issues for discussion at the meeting: The reasons for why the production has practically gone down in this month. 2 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Explain Why It Is Important To Have A Maximum Attendance... The purpose of a meeting is to inform team members of ideas as well as problems that may arise. During meetings, attendees will have the opportunity to voice their opinions and views whilst listening to others points of views. The attendees of a meeting should be people who have got a purpose and opinion towards the agenda of the meeting. Also, a meeting should include a minute taker to record important notes and also a chair. A chair's main responsibility is to lead the meeting by beginning the conversation of all the topics and also to open and close the meeting. Q – Explain why it is important to have a minimum number of attendees for a meeting. (1.2) A – It important to achieve a minimum amount of people at a meeting as if a certain person cannot make ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Within this meeting, there will be representatives from Quantity Surveyors, Engineers to Architects. If there are no engineers at this meeting, then there should be serious doubt to whether the meeting goes ahead. The important to having the right amount of attendees is so no one can miss out on anything important and also so no decisions are made without their opinion. Q – Explain ways to achieve maximum attendance at meetings. (1.3) A – One way of achieving maximum attendance at a meeting is by sending out an invitation email which gives the recipient the chance to accept, decline or hold the invitation to the meeting. This way, it automatically updates their calendar if they accept the invitation and allows you to know who is attending. Another way to achieve maximum attendance is arranging a time and location that accommodates everyone that you want to be at the meeting. Choosing a time and place when someone is busy will ultimately mean that one person already can't make it. Q – Explain the access, health, safety and security requirements relating to meetings. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Jodi Picoult's Nineteen Minutes For the most part, I enjoyed Nineteen Minutes. It was an extremely emotional novel about a teen boy that killed ten people in his high school. Describing the school shooting was not the book's main idea, the real purpose was to explain the events leading up to and the events after the shooting. In my opinion, Jodi Picoult started the book out beautifully when she described how long the school shooting was by relating it to basic everyday things that most people could relate to. Most of Nineteen Minutes took place after the shooting, when the community was trying to recover and rebuild trust after the horrific deed of Peter Houghton. Honestly, at first I was shocked because I couldn't understand why Jodi Picoult kept backing up Peter and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Donner Case Question 1: What is the normal process flow of the production system at Donner? Draw a process flow diagram. Question 2: What orders would you schedule on the CNC drill? On CNC router? Operation Setup Time (min) Run Time/board Manual Drill 15 0.08*500 = 40 CNC Drill 240 0.004*500 = 2 Punch Press 50 1 CNC Router 150 0.5 a) CNC Drill vs Manual Drill Let x be order size than – 15 + 40x = 240 + 2x; x = 5.92; From this equation we get x approximately equal to 6. So Donner Company should use the CNC Drill for orders of more than or equal to 6 boards. The Manual Drill process should be used for all orders of less than 6 boards. This is because production time for CNC is less than manual for order size of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In spite of huge increase in sales in large quarter, the profit and loss summary of the company shows that net profit before taxes decreased considerably from $14,800 in August of 1987 to $3,100 in September of the same year. Also net sales and gross profit margin decreased in this period. All this can be attributed to huge inefficiencies that exist in the manufacturing processes of Donner. Major issues are – • Poor Quality – Items returned by customers increased from 1% to 3%. One tenth of the boards returned to the Donner Company were damaged or out of tolerance while the rest were returned due to the company not completing one or two different required operations. • Process Flow – One of Donner's major problems lies in their process flow. There are many bottlenecks and employee downtime which arise from poor process flow setup and unforeseen problems. • Low Productivity – For example Plater spent 15% of her time walking between her desk and the plating tank. Also, plating and etching processes were located far form the machining operation. • Late Deliveries – In 1987, Donner was faced with problems in meeting delivery schedules and growing customer returns.
  • 45. Question 6: What are the information ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. BSBADM502B MANAGE MEETINGS STUDENT n n n n n n 2nd Edition Manage meetings 0 BSBADM502B ~ 1 StudentVVorkbook CJ 0 CJ 0 IBSA lnnovotion 8. Business Skills Australio INDUSTRY SKILLS COUNCILS Creati ng Australia 's Future 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  • 49. 0 0 0 Student Workbook BSBADM502B Manage meetings 2nd Edition 2010 u u u u u (__, L; 8 u Part of a suite of support materials for the BSB07 Business Services Training Package lnnovaflon & Business Skills Australia n 0 n Acknowledgment Q Q Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council (IBSA) would like to acknowledge Impact Training and Development Solutions for their assistance with the development of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 1 Features of the training program ..................................................................... 1 n Structure of the training program .................................................................... 1
  • 50. n Section 1– Prepare for Meetings .......................................................................... 3 (") Introduction ....................................................................................................... 4 0 0 Identifying meeting requirements .................................................................... 4 n n Recommended reading .................................................................................... 2 What skills will you need? ................................................................................ 3 Developing the meeting agenda ...................................................................... 6 Determining the appropriate meeting format ............................................... 11 Making meeting arrangements ...................................................................... 15 Notifying participants ...................................................................................... 16 Distributing meeting papers ........................................................................... 19 Delegating preparation activities ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Assess The Difference Between Online Meetings And Web... The online meetings and web conferencing, there is face–to–face meeting many advantages, cultural, logistical and technical challenges, we must take into account: technical problem Online meetings and web conferencing are productive, participants need the appropriate hardware, software and Internet connection. Poor web conferencing technology or the use of technology to undermine its success inadequate training. Infrastructure issues You need a Web conference participants appropriate facilities. Camera, microphone, monitors and computer keyboard must be in a quiet room with comfortable seating and proper lighting conditions. Cultural issues Web conferencing is often dependent on the Internet savvy, computer savvy person. However, many people are uncomfortable with new technology. The transition to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... setting deadlines The time limit of the meetings can greatly improve productivity and help to extract a much higher value for a limited time you have. For example, you can set the duration of the meeting for 30 minutes and give 10 minutes to each of the items on the agenda. Thus, participants stay focused and the meeting did not go off–track. Related article: Meeting Mania: How to curb corporate Addiction 5. minimal disruption Distractions can easily cause misunderstandings online meetings. In order to avoid them, ensuring that all participants sitting in a well–lit room, and closed with a clear background. Moreover, it is better to use a headset and microphone collar instead of a laptop microphone for clear communications. 6. Decide Clear action items Many corporate meetings end with vague promises and assurances from the participants. It is responsible for the moderator to pick up points for every action items on the agenda and to receive recognition for all participants. The key rule is to identify the target, set it to an individual and agree on the amount of time. Without these three things, no action element is monitored effectively. 7. Share Meeting ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Denison Street Methadone Clinic Meeting I have not personally attended in a workplace meeting as I am only a casual worker. However, I have witnessed some meetings at Portobello PR as well as witnessing one at Denison street methadone clinic. As I have seen and learnt I do understand the structure and requirements of having a meeting and the different types of meetings. Most meetings require a few preparation steps before the meeting will happened this is usually organized by the manager or the owner. Tasks you need to do first is letting the meeting attendees know the Time, Location, attendees Requirements eg a data sheet. And, you will need to let them know what their roles are and responsibilities are. You may get this message out to staff or attendees by a few diverse ways ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If meetings do not happen then issues come up and they are not resolved this may cause friction between staff and may cause the business to lose money and customers. It also makes the business much more organized and keeps the business innovative and relevant. This means these meeting may bring modern changes to the workplace for example going digital with systems and not just file pages of information. It is best to have staff meeting once a month or when required or when something happens and you need an answer urgently using a phone or video conference is the best way to get answers fast these are also examples of other meeting types. So, overall meetings need to happen and all staff need to attend and take them seriously. And there needs to be preparation prior to the meeting to make it a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 56. Rules And Requirements Of The Records Required From A Hui... Contents A typical Agenda: 1 The Process and Regulations: 1 The records required from a hui meeting: 2 a copy of the attendance register 2 any apologies from those who may have wanted to attend and could not 2 discussion items listed separately and a general overview of the discussion 2 any decisions made 2 any action items with timeframes and who is responsible 2 records of people who have offered to help and exactly what they will be doing 2 any data or data source that may assist the group in contacting those in the target population 2 if there is to be another meeting, a record of the time and date 2 a record of how people can get access to the minutes 2 any other information that the group feels is relevant 2 (education, 2015) 2 Regulations and statutory requirements associated with such a meetings: 3 A typical agenda: 3 The process required for such meetings: 4 The records required for such meetings: 4 Bibliography 6 Formal Meeting Guide for two NZ Cultures, one to include Maori: Part 1: Maori Culture: A typical Agenda: Hui is a Maori meeting or gathering. To discuss a meeting, this group has a problem in the series that is used to guide the bending process and include protocol. Hui can last the length of time from three days to one hour. Hui is also very difficult for recording, audio–visual, including written and verbal account may require the use of multiple methods. Absolutely central to Maori marae way of life, it is the focus ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 58. Meetings Can Be Beneficial If They Are Organized Meetings can be beneficial if they are organized correctly. A meeting needs to have a purpose. An agenda should be created so that everyone in attendance knows what to expect. The individual who is in charge of planning the meeting has a very important job when it comes to preparing an actionable meeting. Tasks need to be assigned as well as deadlines for those tasks to ensure everything that needs to get done will get done. Unorganized Meeting I have attended a poorly organized meeting. The staff is left to wonder what needs to be done and why did we meet here in the first place. Although we talk about things that are being done in the office and things that have yet to be done, those tasks are just thrown out there. The coordinator to the meeting does not have a list of individuals whom they think would be good for the task, or either loosely asks for volunteers who may or may not volunteer during that session. If an individual does volunteer to complete a task we are not notified, and if no one volunteers I feel we are working it creating a duplication of effort. This session was highly unorganized. Four Steps to Overcome Ineffectiveness Next, I will discuss four steps mentioned in the textbook that are utilized to overcome the ineffectiveness of meetings. These steps are assigning specific tasks to specific people, review all actions and responsibilities at the end of the meeting, provide meeting summary with assigned deliverables included, and finally, follow up on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 60. Nineteen Minutes Essay Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult Fiction Novel Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult is a novel based on a school shooting in the small town of Sterling, but focuses more importantly on the feelings of the main characters, Peter Houghton and Josie Cormier, who experience insecurities and social acceptance, or lack of. The novel explores the damaging effects of bullying, peer pressure and the dynamics of group interaction within teenagers in a modern day society. Picoult's novels are aimed at a mature audience, whether that is from adult to young adult–if they are emotionally ready to read it. Nineteen Minutes is a tragic and emotional novel, but teenagers are able to relate more due to the teenage characters and high school setting. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We both know I didn't get here by myself" (Kindle location 84). Groups are portrayed in Nineteen Minutes from when they started kindergarten to high school. "Every kid in the school played a role; Jock, Nerd, Beauty and freak" (Kindle loc. 11600) Peter was viewed as an easy target throughout his school years, but had always had Josie to stand up for him. Josie gravitates away from Peter to be in the 'cool' group, and becomes to focused on how everyone views her and struggles with her own issues of acceptance, image and her sense of 'belonging'. Both Strictly Ballroom and Nineteen Minutes have used similar techniques of portraying 'belonging' and 'not belonging'. Peter Houghton and Dough Hastings are viewed as similar characters, although they both have different thoughts they are both showcased as a loner or someone not important. Peter, unlike Doug, wants to belong but his peers are holding him back by bullying him and he is unable to feel a sense of belonging, whereas Doug rejects belonging to any group in the film. Scott Hastings is ridiculed and abused for dancing his own steps, and Josie Cormier from Nineteen Minutes believes that if she doesn't put on a mask everyday to 'belong' to a certain group, she too will be bullied and unhappy. Scott and Josie can be contrasted, as Scott wants to belong to the ballroom world, but he wants to be himself and dance his own moves, unlike Scott, Josie tries to 'belong' by being untrue to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 62. The Time Management Procedures I Have Developed Two time management procedures I have developed in my internship are keeping a weekly agenda and using a monthly calendar to keep track of larger tasks. Each Linbeck employee is asked to keep up with a PPC (promised percent complete) agenda. At the end of the week, you are expected to enter the meetings and tasks into a standard form. As you complete the tasks throughout the following week, you check off the line items. At the close of business on Friday, you are asked to grade your PPC. Any tasks that were not completed are marked as such, and you are required to explain why the task was not finished as promised. This practice gets me to work on only promising tasks that can be managed in the course of a week. In order to accommodate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Utilizing a white board in your office promotes a community atmosphere that allows for productive conversation. The main problem I have encountered is planning for the future. In the business world, it is impossible to tell what problems will come up. On any given day your priorities can change from that you have planned. It is important to recognize the highest priorities and to tackle those items first so that you can get to the items of lower priority before they become critical. I get to work each morning at 6:30. The first thing I do is check my PPC, email, and outstanding RFIs (requests for information) and submittals. Shortly afterwards I go to a daily engineer huddle where there is a discussion of each engineer's planned tasks for the day. If there is time after the meeting, I like to walk the jobsite in order to get a feel for the work of all the disciplines onsite. Next, I get to work on the promised tasks for the day. Throughout the day, I am in and out of the jobsite office and visiting the work in the field to keep up with progress and make note of any issues. The three types of meetings I am a part of are OAC (owner, architect, contractor), preconstruction, and BIM (Building Information Modeling) coordination meetings. There is an OAC meeting on the first and third Tuesday of every month. Our architect flies in from California on the morning of the meeting, and spends ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 64. Unit 32: Take Minutes Unit 32: Take Minutes Unit code: Q209 Unit reference number: M/601/2478 1 Understand the task of taking minutes at meetings 1.1 Describe the purpose of meetings 1.2 Describe legal and organisational requirements that may apply to minute taking 1.3 Explain the purpose of minutes as an accurate record of discussions and decisions The purpose of holding a meeting is to discuss topics that are relevant to the running of the business and to keep all working together towards the same goals. During the meeting it is important to record what actions have been decided upon, who is responsible and what the milestones and deadlines are. The minutes accurately record summaries of the discussions held and decisions made at the meeting. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Honorary Secretary Information, Point of: the drawing of attention in a meeting to a relevant item of fact Intra vires: within the power of the committee or meeting to discuss, carry out Lie on the table: leave item to be considered instead at the next meeting (see table) Lobbying: a practice of seeking members' support before a meeting Motion: the name given to a 'proposal' when it is being discussed at a meeting Mover: one who speaks on behalf of a motion Nem con: from Latin, literally, 'no one speaking against' Opposer: one who speaks against a motion Order, point of: the drawing of attention to a breach of rules or procedures Other business: either items left over from a previous meeting, or items discussed after the main business of a meeting Point of order: proceedings may be interrupted on a 'point of order' if procedures or rules are not being kept to in a meeting Proposal: the name given to a submitted item for discussion (usually written) before a meeting takes place Proxy: literally 'on behalf of another person' – proxy vote Quorum: the number of people needed to be in attendance for a meeting to be legitimate and so commence Refer back: to pass an item back for further consideration Resolution: the name given to a 'motion' which has been passed or carried; used after the decision
  • 65. has been reached Seconder: one who ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 67. X Opoly Case Analysis "X–Opoly, Inc." 1 Summary The text deals with the topic of developing and producing a board game, called X–Opoly. The game is similar to the famous game ''Monopoly''. It was the idea of two students. Their business has grown rapidly. This year they are expecting that they will sell 50,000 units. Over next 5 years the sales will grow 25 percent annually. The order of the game has to be differentiated in ordering a new game and ordering a game, which was already produced. For every new game one employee of the art department and the client have to set the design. The required time can vary because it depends on the customer's specification. The next step is printing. In the printing department the design of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Capacity per year = time available x stations = days x hours per daytotal task time x stations = 200days x 7.5h0.18h x stations = 8,333 units for 1 station = 50,000 units for 6 stations = 158,333 units for 19 stations Capacity per day = Capacity p.a. / 200days = 791,67units for 19 persons Number of theoretical workstations: NT = ∑task time / cycle time = 650108 = 6.02 select 7 workstations The line's maximum capacity amounts to 791.67 units per day assuming that it is operated for 7.5 hours. Assuming that X–Opoly operates 200 days per year, the capacity is 58,333 units per year. Compared with the expected demand the capacity is three times higher than the demand (50,000 units). Therefore there is an overcapacity of more than 100,000. One consequence could be a falling price and the production of waste. A fall in the price would lead to a decline of the return on investment as well as the cash flow. That is why it is necessary to use fewer stations in order to save resources. In the calculation it can be said that they only 7 stations are needed. With this number of workstations one could achieve the highest efficiency at this moment. But the company will grow rapidly. Therefore they had to add new stations every year. However, the company expects that its sales will grow 25 percent annually for the next five years. As illustrated in Table 1 the demand after 5 years will be approx.
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  • 70. Nineteen Minutes Themes A person can do a lot in a matter of nineteen minutes. Although it may not seem like a very long time, nineteen minutes forever changed the lives of nearly everyone living in Sterling, New Hampshire. Beginning at 10:16, 10 lives would be lost, 19 would be injured, and countless people would live in fear and constantly be brought back to that day. On March 6, 2007, Peter Houghton brought 4 guns into his high school and began shooting, and shooting, and shooting. Peter's life had been filled with relentless bullying, ever since his first day of Kindergarten. The book, Nineteen Minutes, shows the lies and faults of different members of the community during the trial. In this journal, I will be evaluating the themes of identity and love found in the novel. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Josie and Peter Houghton used to be best friends. They would spend every second together: at school, at home, and anyplace in–between that. When Matt Royston, Josie's boyfriend, introduced Josie to a different lifestyle, their friendship quickly demised. Josie fell under peer pressure and became a part of the popular group, who happened to initiate most of the bullying. She was half of "the perfect couple" in Sterling High School, went to every party, and had the best friends a high school girl could ask for. Even though every girl was head–over–heals jealous of her, she also felt like her life was a movie, and she was just an actress; always acting like someone other than her true self. It was evident that Josie did not want to act the way she did: "I have to act the way people expect me to act. It's part of the whole...thing. If you don't... it's complicated. You wouldn't understand" (Picoult 239). Josie felt trapped between being herself and being who everyone else wanted her to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 72. Essay On Critical Reflection Part one: Critical Reflection on your team as whole I believe our group has struggled from the very beginning with being organized. I think some of the difficulties started with the team strategic plan. The team would have benefited more, from an outline of information that would be presented during the final speech (Adler, Ronald B., et al., 2013). I think our organization was lacking the first day we met to work on the team strategic plan. We all pushed off the meeting because we thought we had more time and as the due date approached we quickly met up to discuss what needed to be in the strategic plan. Then asked everyone to work on it on their own time. I don't think this was the most beneficial way to divide tasks. We should have spent more time doing group work, and not assigned as much individual work (Adler, Ronald B., et al., 2013). I think we should have used part of the designated meeting times to do group work, that would have been the most beneficial for our group due to all members of the group having so much going on outside of the project, that the time would have allowed each of us to have a required/designated time to work on the project. Allowing for us to get more done, earlier on. I think the anticipation of some members to get the team strategic plan done also caused them to take on too much responsibility which affected their stress level and in return affect their quality of work. Also causing us to get a lower grade due to other minds not checking ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 74. Questions And Questions On Meetings Introduction What are Meetings? Meetings are where two or more people gather to discuss one or more topics, often in a formal setting. Purposes of Meetings There can really be diverse purposes for meetings. Some of which can be for: Commemorating a milestone or accomplishment Engaging in meaningful dialogues in order to reach decisions To learn new things or acquire new skills To generate new ideas and develop new ways of thinking To hear reports from certain individuals To consult and get feedback on issues To plan strategies needed to achieve objectives To gain co–operation and support for the plans Types of Meetings There are different types of meetings. Most meetings fall into one of four category types, namely: 1. Report and information oriented meetings 2. Decision making and problem solving meetings 3. Creative and brain storming meetings 4. Training and skill building meetings Meetings may also be: Ad Hoc Meetings – These are meetings which take place at short notices to deal with a problem that has arisen. Formal Meetings – These are meetings which have set procedures. They are planned and run in an agreed way. Examples of such would be school staff meetings, an AGM of a club or monthly growth meetings of a business. Virtual Meetings – This is where a number of participants may not be physically present for the meeting; however they are still able to participate in it via use of a video connection, commonly known as video conferencing. AGM ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 76. Nineteen Minutes The book Nineteen Minutes is a tragic story about a teenage boy going into his high school one day and start to shoot at people after being constantly bullied since kindergarten. The book Please Stop Laughing at Me is a true story about the author's own experiences being bullied in school. These two books both deal with the trauma of growing up being bullied and how they both handled it. Peter Houghton, the bullied victim in Nineteen Minutes, decided to take action himself because no one else was helping him. Jodee Blanco, after years of bullying, decided to make a book about her own experiences with bullying in her years after high school. Both books share lots in common, starting from their main characters to the characters experiences, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Like how both characters grew up, the people that help them through all of the bullying, and the end result of it all. Peter Houghton grew up with a golden boy brother, who was also one of his bullies until his death the previous year before the shooting and always made him feel unimportant in his own home. His parents weren't very helpful when Peter was getting bullied. Even from a young age Peter's mom wanted him to be strong about it and deal with the bullying rather than actually help him through it. He also had a best friend Josie Cormier, a best friend who used to defend from the bullies until she decided to leave him for the popular crowd in sixth grade.So after so many years and years of bullying, with no support from his family and due to the fact that he only had one friend who was also being bullied, Peter took it into his own hands to end the harassment and he went into his school and enacted his revenge. Unlike Peter, Jodee grew up as an only child in a loving supportive family. She had friends the moment she was in school, she wasn't popular but she had friends. She never had a constant friend that always defended her and was always there for her. Her parents were supportive of her when she told them about the bullying, even if she may not of liked their methods of helping her which was her going to the therapists, they were still supportive. As she grew up she began to notice ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 78. Public Participation At San Diego Unified District School... Public participation is an important aspect of any community and benefits realized from inculcating it in the system of any public setup treats any possible problem. Some of the core merits any public institution produces is enabling the community to participate in decision–making and planning. For this reason, they are more likely to interact with established mechanisms. Moreover, apart from helping bring about a sense of community, public participation enables institutions to set goals and objectives that suit that long–term service delivery. San Diego Unified district school is among the many educational centers in the United States that have embraced this useful method to warrant continuous progress. Therefore, they recently organized a school board meeting on 27th September 2016 to provide an update on what was going on in the institution as well give the public an opportunity to discuss their concerns and contributions. This paper analyzes the nature and role of public participation in uniting the community and institutions that serve its members. Evidently, although the meeting had some hitches in terms of short notices and low ethnic representation, it was successful because the community and the institution discussed agenda and non–agenda matters and settled for proposals to increase engagement in the future. The meeting was intended to highlight key issues as stipulated in the agenda. These were recognizing achievements of Maya Salameh who won a national poetry ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 80. Duty, Agenda Creator As a team, we agreed on the accompanied logo above, was a great representation of us. With all of us having different backgrounds, but with a common theme, that being a love of nature with an interest twist. That our interest in nature didn't only start at a young age, but with trees. Representing more than just a place for shade, but as an escape, an outline for great things that we all would later enjoy. From picture taking, to rocking climb, to fishing and just like a tree our love for nature branched out from just looking at the trees in our backyards but something more. Something no matter how busy our lives can get, our sweet escape is nature, whether it be a trip to Yosemite, fishing at a river or even day dreaming while staring at some ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With an addition pre–deadline of Thursdays prior to 10:30am, allowing for editing window of 11:00am –2:30pm. Following that is the final pre–deadline, which individuals/group work has been reviewed for any additional edits to be made by individuals/group and re–submitted for final edits by 7:00pm. At which point the team leader, Gilbert, will be responsible for final edits of the groups with result in the submission of the project no later than 9:00 am Fridays. In case of technical error, computer crash, internet issues, personal complaining reason of a family matter, and anything deemed fit by the group the backup submitter(s) will by Marcus or Andrew or Jesus. Consequences Consequences for not completing your part of the project in a timely manner will be not getting full credit for your work. Additionally, a meeting between all the other group members to decide the fate of your continuation as a group member will be held and the group member in question must build a case for why they should be allowed to stay in the group. If the reason for their slacking is found to be excusable will have a pass but the incident will influence future action if they continue to not pull their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 82. Ilm Level 3 Unit 328 Understand How to Lead Effective... Unit 328:– Understand how to lead effective meetings AC 1.1 Explain the purpose of a meeting Staff meetings The purpose of regular staff meetings helps an organisation become much more organised and efficient and places both employees and managers on the same page, it makes it easier to establish roles and collaborates to finish projects and achieve goals. They make it possible for all members of a company to work together with less confusion and accomplish objectives faster. They cover a range of relevant information, and provide a platform for employees to ask questions and discuss concerns with management enabling staff to offer ideas and solutions directly to managers and team members within the company. Staff meetings inform ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is an opportunity to discuss strengths, give constructive suggestions and consider each other's points of view. AC 1.2 Explain the purpose and structure of an agenda A meeting agenda ensures that the meeting will be a productive use of everyone's time. It can focus the attendee's efforts and provide a structure to accomplish the meeting purpose. It defines outcomes, and important information, attendee roles and responsibilities and a meeting timeline. It allows attendee's to prepare for the meeting as it is made available a week before. It also works as a checklist of those attending, goals and topics for discussion to make sure that all the necessary information is covered and keeps team members focused on the specific goals and stay on track with the subject matter. A well written meeting agenda makes it easy for everyone to go through the meeting process smoothly and in an organised manner. AC 1.3 Explain how to select and invite the right people to attend the meeting When inviting people to a meeting, make it a point to mention why they are expected to attend. This gives them time to prepare, and keeps them alert and interactive throughout, it is best to only have people who can contribute to the meeting for example were they given any action points to achieve
  • 83. in a previous meeting that need to be followed up?, would the individual bring anything new to the table? Do they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 85. Nineteen Minutes Nineteen minutes can be everything and nothing, it can be an end or beginning . . . what is nineteen minutes in one person's life. In the realistic novel Nineteen Minutes Jodi Picoult explains how nineteen minutes can destroy a person's life. She shows how time is the one thing people will always underestimate. In the tiny town of Sterling, New Hampshire, Peter, a senior in highschool, a seventeen year old boy changed their world in nineteen minutes . . . one boy who stopped time . . . . Judge Alex Cormier, a dynamic character, woke up late on the morning of March 6, 2007, she found her daughter, Josie, the protagonist, awake studying for a chemistry test. It was any typical school day in Sterling, with Matt Royston, her boyfriend picking her ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... "In nineteen minutes, you can mow the front lawn; color your hair; watch a third of a hockey game. In nineteen minutes, you can bake scones or get a tooth filled by a dentist; you can fold laundry for a family of five. Nineteen minutes is how long it took the Tennessee Titans to sell out of tickets to the playoffs. It's the amount of time it takes to listen to the Yes song Close to the Edge. It's the length of a sitcom, minus the commercials. It's the driving distance from the Vermont border to the town of Sterling, NH. In nineteen minutes, you can order a pizza and get it delivered. You can read a story to a child or have your oil changed. You can walk two miles. You can sew a hem. In nineteen minutes, you can stop the world; or you can just jump off it. In nineteen minutes, you can get revenge"(5). The narrator in this passage is the Picoult. She is describing the effects of time and this is the opening of the first chapter of the book. On the page before this there is a letter from Peter discussing how he hopes to be dead by the time someone reads this letter. He tells how he didn't get to the state he is in on his own, and people may cry but really they are the ones at fault. So this speaks to the readers in the beginning and this comes to foreshadow Peter's actions. For many people underestimate time and the power it posses; within a second a life ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 87. 60 Minutes Research Paper 60 Minutes is the longest running and most iconic prime–time news program in television history. Since first airing in 1968, the show has provided viewers with hard–hitting, investigative journalism and stories of national interest on a near–regular basis for nearly five decades. Read on to learn more about 60 Minutes, and keep an eye out for part two of our list, coming soon. Number Fifteen: The Program Has Been in the Same Time Slot for 40 Years. After bouncing around time slots for a while, mostly due to FCC programing regulations, CBS scheduled 60 Minutes for 7 PM on Sunday nights starting in 1975. With the exception of sports presentations going overtime, it remains in this time slot to this day, making it the longest–running prime–time show in history. Number Fourteen: It Floundered at First, but Now Has the Highest Ratings of Any Prime–Time Show Ever. News programs were never seen as a big draw during prime–time hours when 60 Minutes first began. For its first three years, CBS wasn't confident that the program could pull in the ratings it needed. However, after the program's move to Sunday nights and the addition of popular CBS News reporter Dan Rather, it's ratings steadily improved. In 1976, 60 Minutes was the top–watched show on Sunday nights and in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1996, they decided to update old stories with 60 Minutes More, but the series only lasted one season. When 60 Minutes II premiered in 1999, it had moderate success, but the station kept changing its title and time slot, with it eventually going off the air in 2005 (with its original title) due to poor ratings. There are currently two spin–offs still running: 60 Minutes on CNBC, which focuses more on business stories and never–before–seen footage, and 60 Minutes Sports, which airs on the premium channel ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 89. Production & Operation Management Production & Operations Management Session 3–2 More on Processes 1 Outline  Multi–product, multi–flow process analysis – So far: 1 product, 1 flow – Differing process times, yield issues, machine breakdown  Big Takeaway: – Product–mix becomes critical in multiple flows – Implications in capital investment, scaling business, and risk management  Calculating capacity when you have – Multiple flows With the same processing time at each resource With different processing times at a single resource – Yield issues – Machine Breakdown 2 Measure: Implied Utilization  Implied Utilization captures the mismatch between the capacity requested from a resource by demand and the capacity currently available at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Processing time: 10 min / unit 10 mins 10 mins 10 mins
  • 90. 10 mins 10 mins  Flow Time (FT) = processing time= 10 mins for all units  Workstation capacity = Flow Rate = (1/10) units/min*60 mins/hr = 6 units/hr 10 Ex. 2: Capacity with two processing times  Workstation makes two products – Product 1 processing time 10 min / unit – Product 2 processing time 12 min / unit 10 mins 10 mins 10 mins 12 mins  Product mix is 3:1, i.e. (3/4)th of the output is Product 1 and (1/4)th of the output is Product 2  What is the capacity of the workstation? 11 Ex. 2: Capacity with two processing times  PT1=10 mins/unit  PT2=12 mins/unit  Think of a "typical" unit: – Weighted average of FT1 and FT2 = (3/4)*10+(1/4)12=10.5 mins/unit – NOTE THIS RELIES ON DEMAND MIX  Capacity of Resource = (1/10.5)*60min/hr = 5.71 units/hr Same as capacity of process because only one resource 12 Ex. 2 (Alternate way)  An alternate method is to consider time to make a cycle, i.e. 3 units of product 1 and one unit of product 2 – Total Processing Time for a cycle = 3*10 + 1*12 = 42 mins (see
  • 91. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...