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Agile Fundamentals: One
Step Guide for Agile
Soumik Das
NetCom Learning
© 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com
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What is Agile
Common Agile misconceptions and mistakes
Major advantages and disadvantages Q & A
Overview of SCRUM
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© 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com
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Agile is an iterative approach to project management that helps
teams deliver value faster and with fewer headaches. Instead of
betting everything on a big launch, agile teams deliver work in
small, consumable increments. There are numerous widely used
agile methodologies, including Scrum, Extreme Programming, and
the Dynamic Systems Development Method.
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Agile Manifesto values and focuses on:
Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools
- Key actors in any project are the people
Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation
- Focus on delivering business value to the customer
Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation
- Customers to be seen as collaborators because Agile believes in
shared value approach
Responding to Change over Following a Plan
- Product Development to be approached in an adaptive manner
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The declaration of interdependence is a set of six management principles intended for project managers of
software development projects. The principles are:
“We …
• increase return on investment by — making continuous flow of value our focus.
• deliver reliable results by — engaging customers in frequent interactions and shared ownership.
• expect uncertainty and manage for it through — iterations, anticipation and adaptation.
• unleash creativity and innovation by — recognizing that individuals are the ultimate source of value and creating
an environment where they can make a difference.
• boost performance through — group accountability for results and shared responsibility for team effectiveness.
• improve effectiveness and reliability through — situationally specific strategies, processes and practices.”
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1. The twelve Agile Principles are:
2. Early and continuous delivery of valuable software
3. Welcome changing requirements
4. Deliver working software frequently
5. Business people and developers must work together
6. Build projects around motivated individuals
7. Face-to-face conversation
8. Working software
9. Sustainable development
10. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design
11. Maximizing the amount of work not done
12. Self-organizing teams
13. Team reflection on how to be more effective
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1. Agile development’s primary goal is speed, to churn out applications quickly – Speed comes secondary to quality. To
continuously deliver software that provides value at regular intervals, good quality assurance practices must be part of the
2. Agile doesn’t work for fixed deadline projects – Quite the contrary, it works best in fixed deadline projects.
3. Agile development only requires new tools – To be successful, Agile development requires cultural, process, and tools
4. Agile adoption only involves developers – Agile requires changes and continuous improvement throughout the organization.
5. Agile means no planning – Some upfront planning is required for Agile development projects and should include details such
as development principles, an estimate of the work and tasks involved, priorities, and overall budget to act as a guide for
decisions during development. The key here is that it is a “guide” and open to change rather than a rigid plan. Planning
continues throughout development and is the work of everyone involved.
6. Agile needs no architect or project management – Agile is commonly combined with Scrum to provide the needed structure
and control points in the development process.
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7. Individual developers get to do what they want – Agile requires the development team to work together and be disciplined.
What gets done and when is lead from a designated role and agreed upon by the team as a whole.
8. Documentation is bad – When there are distributed development teams or a high rate of turnover in teams, key knowledge
needs to be documented to supplement face-to-face communication. Documenting key decisions and rationale also helps
teams from repeating mistakes. The key to documentation is that it needs to be created when truly needed and contain
details that will be used going forward.
9. Realizing the benefits of Agile only takes a couple of months – New to Agile development teams often take years, not
months, to fully implement Agile in an organization.
10. Agile “out of the box” is good for every project – When applying Agile to large projects and distributed development teams
or very large teams, some modifications and care need to be taken to provide for their unique needs and requirements.
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Scrum Flow for one Sprint
Scrum is one of the most popular Agile methodologies. It is an adaptive, iterative, fast, flexible, and effective
methodology designed to deliver significant value quickly and throughout a project. A key strength of Scrum lies in
its use of cross-functional, self-organized, and empowered teams who divide their work into short, concentrated
work cycles called Sprints.
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Scrum principles are the core guidelines for applying the Scrum framework and should mandatorily be used in all
Scrum projects. The six Scrum principles are:
• Empirical Process Control
• Self-organization
• Collaboration
• Value-based Prioritization
• Time-boxing
• Iterative Development
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© 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com
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1. Represents the stakeholders
2. Is responsible for ensuring that the Scrum Team delivers value
3. Writes the business requirements in the form of User Stories
4. Manages the Prioritized Product Backlog
5. Is responsible for ensuring clear communication of product functionalities tothe Scrum Team
6. Is commonly called the Voice of Customer.
1. Ensures that Scrum processes are correctly followed by all Scrum Core Team members, including the Product Owner
2. Oversees Release Planning Sessions and convenes other meetings.
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A group or team of people who are responsible for understanding the business requirements specified by the
Product Owner, estimating User Stories, and creating the project deliverables
Scrum Team Characteristics:
1. Self-organized
2. Cross-functional
3. Colocation and face-to-face communication
4. Iterative product delivery
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eam membersare
involved in all decisions
related to the delivery
of the project and
choose how best to
accomplish work
The team model in
Scrum isdesigned to
optimize flexibility and
productivity, and to
enable the team to
focusmore on a
common goal
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Scrum of
1. What has your team
been working on since
the last meeting?
2. What is your team
going to get done by the
next meeting?
3. What are your
impediments and can
other teams help you?
4. What are the
decisions made in your
team which could
impact other teams?
Large projects require multiple Scrum teams working in parallel. Maintaining coordination and collaboration
among these teams is the responsibility of Chief Scrum Master through the Scrum of Scrums (SoS) Meeting.
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There are a number of factors that should be considered before a methodology is adopted – we’ve summed them up to help
you decide which is more suitable for your project.
1) Many Initial Product Requirements & Strict Regulatory Requirements: If your project has strict regulatory requirements
and there is little room to make changes, this will push you toward a Waterfall software development methodology. ✅
2) Few Initial Product & Regulatory Requirements: If your project has few initial requirements and doesn’t need to meet
strict regulations, an Agile development methodology will result in project creativity and decreased time to market. ✅
3) Strict Processes in Place: If you’re in an organization that has strict processes that they have to adhere to, trying to
introduce Agile processes cross-functionally could be challenging, and so the Waterfall methodology will be more suitable.
✅ Waterfall
4) Lenient Processes in Place: If your organization doesn’t have strict processes to follow and you have the luxury of being
able to work flexibly, then Agile offers enough benefits to introduce the methodology. ✅ Agile
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5) High Product Owner Involvement: If the product owner wants to be more hands-on, an Agile development methodology
allows for the product owner to be deeply involved. The product owner is a member of the team and is the owner of the
product requirements. The product owner ultimately makes all decisions on the scope and the functionality of the product.
✅ Agile
6) Greenfield Product: If your team is trying to build something innovative that does not exist in any form today, these types
of projects are served well by an Agile software development methodology. It allows the product owner to discover the
project’s features and requirements in an iterative way. ✅ Agile
7) Fixed & Firm Timeline: If the project timeline is fixed and can not be moved, Waterfall will offer a more predictable
outcome. ✅ Waterfall
8) Short, Flexible Timeline: If you need to get the project delivered in a short amount of time, Agile is the appropriate
choice here where action and getting things built is more important than documentation and process. ✅ Agile
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When to Use the Waterfall Methodology
The Waterfall methodology prevails when the project is constrained by cost and/or time, and the
requirements and scope are well understood. In these cases, the Waterfall methodology provides a set of
processes that are built on the principle of approval of the previous phase.
The bottom line is that the Waterfall methodology does a better job at providing a well-defined feature set
within a constrained budget or timeline.
When to Use an Agile Methodology
Agile wins the day when the product team is unsure at the onset what needs to be built or they wish to
discover what should be built based on adjustments they make along the way. Agile will produce more
features in a shorter period of time and also gives the team more flexibility throughout the process so that
they can take advantage of opportunities as the project unfolds.
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To watch the recorded webinar video for live demos, please access the link:
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© 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266
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NetCom Learningis an award-winning
global leader in managedlearning
services, training and talentdevelopment.
Founded : 1998
Headquarters : NewYorkCity
Delivery Capability : Worldwide
CEO : RussellSarder
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NetCom Learning offers a comprehensive portfolio for Business process
» Introduction To Agile And Scrum Methodologies
» PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® - Class Schedule on May 09
» Introduction To Agile Project Management
» Introduction To Agile Project Management - Class Scheduled on May 26
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You can also access the below Marketing Assets
» Free 1hr Training - Simplify Complex Projects with SCRUM
» Free On-Demand Training - An Overview of Agile Methods and Agile Project Management
» Blog - Agile Project Manager vs Product Owner
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▪ AWS Discovery Day - An official introduction to the core concepts of cloud and AWS
▪ Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Master Class with FREE Access to SC -900
▪ Visual Analytics: Best Practices, Sharing & Collaboration
▪ Designing the New Creative Experience for Businesses
▪ Microsoft 365: How to Build a Modern Digital Workplace
▪ AWS security: Getting started with cloud encryption
▪ What Is New with CompTIA Network+ N10-008
▪ CCNP Enterprise Networks: Move One Step Closer to Advanced Networking
▪ How to Mitigate Malware and Ransomware Attacks Efficiently
▪ How to Migrate and Modernize with Microsoft Azure
& More
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  • 1. Agile Fundamentals: One Step Guide for Agile Projects Soumik Das NetCom Learning © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com | | |
  • 2. AGENDA What is Agile Common Agile misconceptions and mistakes Major advantages and disadvantages Q & A Overview of SCRUM © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com | | |
  • 3. © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com | | | Agile is an iterative approach to project management that helps teams deliver value faster and with fewer headaches. Instead of betting everything on a big launch, agile teams deliver work in small, consumable increments. There are numerous widely used agile methodologies, including Scrum, Extreme Programming, and the Dynamic Systems Development Method. WHAT IS AGILE?
  • 4. © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com | | | Agile Manifesto values and focuses on: Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools - Key actors in any project are the people Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation - Focus on delivering business value to the customer Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiation - Customers to be seen as collaborators because Agile believes in shared value approach Responding to Change over Following a Plan - Product Development to be approached in an adaptive manner AGILE MANIFESTO
  • 5. © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com | | | The declaration of interdependence is a set of six management principles intended for project managers of software development projects. The principles are: “We … • increase return on investment by — making continuous flow of value our focus. • deliver reliable results by — engaging customers in frequent interactions and shared ownership. • expect uncertainty and manage for it through — iterations, anticipation and adaptation. • unleash creativity and innovation by — recognizing that individuals are the ultimate source of value and creating an environment where they can make a difference. • boost performance through — group accountability for results and shared responsibility for team effectiveness. • improve effectiveness and reliability through — situationally specific strategies, processes and practices.” DECLARATION OF INTERDEPENDENCE
  • 6. © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com | | | 1. The twelve Agile Principles are: 2. Early and continuous delivery of valuable software 3. Welcome changing requirements 4. Deliver working software frequently 5. Business people and developers must work together 6. Build projects around motivated individuals 7. Face-to-face conversation 8. Working software 9. Sustainable development 10. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design 11. Maximizing the amount of work not done 12. Self-organizing teams 13. Team reflection on how to be more effective AGILE PRINCIPLES
  • 7. © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com | | | 1. Agile development’s primary goal is speed, to churn out applications quickly – Speed comes secondary to quality. To continuously deliver software that provides value at regular intervals, good quality assurance practices must be part of the process. 2. Agile doesn’t work for fixed deadline projects – Quite the contrary, it works best in fixed deadline projects. 3. Agile development only requires new tools – To be successful, Agile development requires cultural, process, and tools changes. 4. Agile adoption only involves developers – Agile requires changes and continuous improvement throughout the organization. 5. Agile means no planning – Some upfront planning is required for Agile development projects and should include details such as development principles, an estimate of the work and tasks involved, priorities, and overall budget to act as a guide for decisions during development. The key here is that it is a “guide” and open to change rather than a rigid plan. Planning continues throughout development and is the work of everyone involved. 6. Agile needs no architect or project management – Agile is commonly combined with Scrum to provide the needed structure and control points in the development process. 10 COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT AGILE DEVELOPMENT
  • 8. © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com | | | 7. Individual developers get to do what they want – Agile requires the development team to work together and be disciplined. What gets done and when is lead from a designated role and agreed upon by the team as a whole. 8. Documentation is bad – When there are distributed development teams or a high rate of turnover in teams, key knowledge needs to be documented to supplement face-to-face communication. Documenting key decisions and rationale also helps teams from repeating mistakes. The key to documentation is that it needs to be created when truly needed and contain details that will be used going forward. 9. Realizing the benefits of Agile only takes a couple of months – New to Agile development teams often take years, not months, to fully implement Agile in an organization. 10. Agile “out of the box” is good for every project – When applying Agile to large projects and distributed development teams or very large teams, some modifications and care need to be taken to provide for their unique needs and requirements. 10 COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT AGILE DEVELOPMENT
  • 9. © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com | | | Scrum Flow for one Sprint Scrum is one of the most popular Agile methodologies. It is an adaptive, iterative, fast, flexible, and effective methodology designed to deliver significant value quickly and throughout a project. A key strength of Scrum lies in its use of cross-functional, self-organized, and empowered teams who divide their work into short, concentrated work cycles called Sprints. SCRUM
  • 10. © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com | | | SCRUM PRINCIPLES Scrum principles are the core guidelines for applying the Scrum framework and should mandatorily be used in all Scrum projects. The six Scrum principles are: • Empirical Process Control • Self-organization • Collaboration • Value-based Prioritization • Time-boxing • Iterative Development
  • 11. © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com | | | SCRUM ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE
  • 12. © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com | | | 1. Represents the stakeholders 2. Is responsible for ensuring that the Scrum Team delivers value 3. Writes the business requirements in the form of User Stories 4. Manages the Prioritized Product Backlog 5. Is responsible for ensuring clear communication of product functionalities tothe Scrum Team 6. Is commonly called the Voice of Customer. 1. Ensures that Scrum processes are correctly followed by all Scrum Core Team members, including the Product Owner 2. Oversees Release Planning Sessions and convenes other meetings. CORE ROLE: PRODUCT OWNER CORE ROLE: SCRUM MASTER
  • 13. © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com | | | CORE ROLE : SCRUM TEAM A group or team of people who are responsible for understanding the business requirements specified by the Product Owner, estimating User Stories, and creating the project deliverables Scrum Team Characteristics: 1. Self-organized 2. Cross-functional 3. Colocation and face-to-face communication 4. Iterative product delivery
  • 14. © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com | | | Self-organized T eam membersare involved in all decisions related to the delivery of the project and choose how best to accomplish work Cross-functional The team model in Scrum isdesigned to optimize flexibility and productivity, and to enable the team to focusmore on a common goal SCRUM TEAM - CHARACTERISTICS (CONTD.)
  • 15. © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com | | | Scrum of Scrums 1. What has your team been working on since the last meeting? 2. What is your team going to get done by the next meeting? 3. What are your impediments and can other teams help you? 4. What are the decisions made in your team which could impact other teams? SCRUM TEAM Large projects require multiple Scrum teams working in parallel. Maintaining coordination and collaboration among these teams is the responsibility of Chief Scrum Master through the Scrum of Scrums (SoS) Meeting.
  • 16. © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com | | | DECIDING BETWEEN WATERFALL AND AGILE FOR YOUR PROJECT There are a number of factors that should be considered before a methodology is adopted – we’ve summed them up to help you decide which is more suitable for your project. 1) Many Initial Product Requirements & Strict Regulatory Requirements: If your project has strict regulatory requirements and there is little room to make changes, this will push you toward a Waterfall software development methodology. ✅ Waterfall 2) Few Initial Product & Regulatory Requirements: If your project has few initial requirements and doesn’t need to meet strict regulations, an Agile development methodology will result in project creativity and decreased time to market. ✅ Agile 3) Strict Processes in Place: If you’re in an organization that has strict processes that they have to adhere to, trying to introduce Agile processes cross-functionally could be challenging, and so the Waterfall methodology will be more suitable. ✅ Waterfall 4) Lenient Processes in Place: If your organization doesn’t have strict processes to follow and you have the luxury of being able to work flexibly, then Agile offers enough benefits to introduce the methodology. ✅ Agile
  • 17. © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com | | | DECIDING BETWEEN WATERFALL AND AGILE FOR YOUR PROJECT 5) High Product Owner Involvement: If the product owner wants to be more hands-on, an Agile development methodology allows for the product owner to be deeply involved. The product owner is a member of the team and is the owner of the product requirements. The product owner ultimately makes all decisions on the scope and the functionality of the product. ✅ Agile 6) Greenfield Product: If your team is trying to build something innovative that does not exist in any form today, these types of projects are served well by an Agile software development methodology. It allows the product owner to discover the project’s features and requirements in an iterative way. ✅ Agile 7) Fixed & Firm Timeline: If the project timeline is fixed and can not be moved, Waterfall will offer a more predictable outcome. ✅ Waterfall 8) Short, Flexible Timeline: If you need to get the project delivered in a short amount of time, Agile is the appropriate choice here where action and getting things built is more important than documentation and process. ✅ Agile
  • 18. © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com | | | DECIDING BETWEEN WATERFALL AND AGILE FOR YOUR PROJECT When to Use the Waterfall Methodology The Waterfall methodology prevails when the project is constrained by cost and/or time, and the requirements and scope are well understood. In these cases, the Waterfall methodology provides a set of processes that are built on the principle of approval of the previous phase. The bottom line is that the Waterfall methodology does a better job at providing a well-defined feature set within a constrained budget or timeline. When to Use an Agile Methodology Agile wins the day when the product team is unsure at the onset what needs to be built or they wish to discover what should be built based on adjustments they make along the way. Agile will produce more features in a shorter period of time and also gives the team more flexibility throughout the process so that they can take advantage of opportunities as the project unfolds.
  • 19. RECORDED WEBINAR VIDEO © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com | | | To watch the recorded webinar video for live demos, please access the link: https://bit.ly/3sMHlwa
  • 20. 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | | | ABOUT NETCOM LEARNING NetCom Learningis an award-winning global leader in managedlearning services, training and talentdevelopment. Founded : 1998 Headquarters : NewYorkCity Delivery Capability : Worldwide CEO : RussellSarder 100K+ Professionals trained | | © 1998-2019 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888- 563-8266 14K+ C orporate clients 3500 IT,Business& Soft Skillscourses 96% Of customers recommend usto others 8.6/9 Instructor evaluations 20+ Leadingvendors recognitions Microsoft’s Worldwidetraining partner of the year 80% Trainedofthe Fortune100 T op20 ITTraining Company © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com
  • 21. RECOMMENDED COURSES AND MARKETING ASSETS NetCom Learning offers a comprehensive portfolio for Business process » Introduction To Agile And Scrum Methodologies » PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® - Class Schedule on May 09 » Introduction To Agile Project Management » Introduction To Agile Project Management - Class Scheduled on May 26 | | © 1998-2019 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 You can also access the below Marketing Assets » Free 1hr Training - Simplify Complex Projects with SCRUM » Free On-Demand Training - An Overview of Agile Methods and Agile Project Management » Blog - Agile Project Manager vs Product Owner © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com
  • 22. UPCOMING WEBINARS ▪ What is new with CompTIA PenTest+- PT0 002 ▪ Microsoft 365 Master Class with FREE Access to Microsoft Official Curriculum (MS-900) ▪ AWS Discovery Day - An official introduction to the core concepts of cloud and AWS ▪ Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Master Class with FREE Access to SC -900 MOC ▪ Visual Analytics: Best Practices, Sharing & Collaboration ▪ Designing the New Creative Experience for Businesses ▪ Microsoft 365: How to Build a Modern Digital Workplace ▪ AWS security: Getting started with cloud encryption ▪ What Is New with CompTIA Network+ N10-008 ▪ CCNP Enterprise Networks: Move One Step Closer to Advanced Networking ▪ How to Mitigate Malware and Ransomware Attacks Efficiently ▪ How to Migrate and Modernize with Microsoft Azure & More | | © 1998-2019 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com
  • 23. | | © 1998-2019 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 © 1998-2022 NetCom Learning www.netcomlearning.com info@netcomlearning.com 1-888-563-8266 | | PROMOTIONS FREE Project Management Training Now achieve project success and fulfill your organizational goals in just 2 hours! NetCom Learning brings a complimentary 2-Hour Project Management Professional (PMP) training to support your teams and help boost your organizations' productivity. Get updated on the latest in Project Management, Agile, Hybrid concepts, tools, and more with this free training course. Learn more 1998-2022 NetCom Learning Interested in training? Contact us! www.netcomlearning.com (888) 563-8266 Pmi@netcomlearning.com
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