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Unilever is a multinational consumer product manufacturing giant operating
in over hundred countries all around the globe. Unilever Bangladesh is the
Bangladesh chapter of Unilever, where the company holds 60.75% share
whereas the Government of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh holds 39.25%

Unilever’s one of the most popular brand is LUX. They segments LUX.’s
market according to geographical locations. It further differentiates these
segments into Socio Economic Cluster (SEC) which takes into account the
criteria of education and profession which ultimately measures the financial
ability of consumers. The cluster is divided into five parts starting from A to
E. Unilever targets the urban and sub urban upper middle class and middle
class segment of the population, who falls under A to C of SEC.

Tactical marketing tools, 4P’s, are extensively used by the company to
market LUX. Though LUX is produced in Bangladesh, Unilever Bangladesh
maintains the same standard all around the globe. The product is available
in six different fragrances under three different sizes. Since the demand for
beauty soap market is to a great extent oligopolistic, variations in price lead
to price war which can eventually break down the company’s market share.
Thus Unilever cannot provide a better price than its competitors. But the
price is affordable by most of the people. Unilever Bangladesh has
outsourced its distribution channels to third party distributors which allow
them to distribute LUX in massive bulks amounting to around ten million
pieces. It undertakes the largest promotional activities in the beauty soap

The beauty soap industry has a few major producers of which Unilever holds
market share of slightly less than 50%. Other competing brands like Tibbet,
Aromatic and Keya have started to have a strong consumer base, but LUX.’s
product features distribution and promotional activities have created high
                                           Analyzing The Market Of Lux
brand loyalty for which it is still the market leader.

Unilever, with the aid of its heavy promotional activities, has been able to
penetrate the market. But the other producers in the industry are posing a
threat towards Unilever’s market share as they have moved towards the rural
masses of the population. Therefore, Unilever Bangladesh should undertake
further steps such as moving towards the rural and/or poorer segment;
attract children (by making a special product for kids) and other innovative
promotional activities to retain its command in the industry.

                                 Chapter 1
1.1 Unilever at a Glance:
Unilever is one of the world’s largest and leading multinational companies;
Unilever commenced their business activities on a larger scale by setting up
their first factory in Netherlands, in the year of 1872. Operating in
Bangladesh for over the last four decades the company is trying to
significantly contribute towards the augmentation of the standard of living
by bringing world class high quality products at the door step of their
customers. The usage of Unilever products by over 90% of the people in
Bangladesh stands a testimony to their successful operation. . Their array of
products show that they produce household care, fabric cleaning, skin
cleansing, skin care, oral care, hair care, personal grooming, and tea based
beverage products under worldwide famous brand names Wheel, LUX,
Lifebuoy, Fair & Lovely, Pond's, Close Up, Sunsilk, Lipton, Lipton Taaza,
Pepsodent, All Clear, Vim, Surf Excel, and Rexona.

1.2    Objective of this report:
This report is an outcome of an analysis of marketing strategies used by
Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. The main purpose of the report is to find what
strategies the company uses to market its world famous beauty soap, LUX,
                                                Analyzing The Market Of Lux
in Bangladesh; the positive and negative aspects of those strategies. The
report further analyzes the position of Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. in the
toiletry industry in comparison to its competitors. The report discusses the
process of using market segmentation, target marketing, the product,
pricing, promotional and distribution strategies and a competitive analysis.

1.3    Methodology of this report:
For accessibility and availability of information we have chosen to work on
the strategies of Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. As the company operates in the
market with a huge number of products in different industries, we have
decided to focus on one of their world wide successful brands, LUX. Most of
the information used in this report is from primary sources. The main
source of information was the focus group discussion. In addition
information was also collected from websites.

                                Chapter 2
   Product Category, Market Segmentation, Target
             Marketing and Positioning
This chapter describes the category of the selected product. The chapter is
organized into four sections. Section 1 states under which category the
product falls. Section 2 describes how Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. differentiates
the population and categorizes them into different segments. Section 3
analyzes which segment the company targets and why they target that
specific segment. Finally section 4 describes the process through which the
company tries to capture a place in the buyers mind i.e. the product
positioning method.

2.1 Product Category:
LUX falls under the category of toiletry product as a beauty soap.

2.2 Market Segmentation:

                                              Analyzing The Market Of Lux
The company claims that LUX is the highest selling beauty soap in
Bangladesh. Moreover some survey reports also reveal the same result.

Though LUX is the highest selling beauty soap in Bangladesh, it does not go
for traditional mass marketing. Moreover as a beauty soap LUX does not
even segment its market according to gender.

Figure 2.1 (P-9) shows that Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. segments their market
according to geographical areas. The population of the country is segmented
into three parts which are urban, sub urban and rural area consumers.

The company further differentiate the geographical segments according to
Socio Economic Cluster (SEC) i.e. education and Income. The Table 2.1 (P-9)
overleaf shows the Socio Economic Clusters the company uses.

The SEC divides the population in five segments starting from A to E, where
A categorizes the highly educated and high income earners holders, and
sequentially in descending order E categorizes the opposite.

2.3 Target Market:
Figure 2.1 (P-9) shows that urban and sub urban middle class, and rural
poor people are the largest part of Bangladesh population. A research
carried out by Unilever Bangladesh reveals that urban rich people are more
likely to buy imported and expensive products. Moreover rural poor people
tend to buy cheap products even without evaluating its quality. However
urban and sub urban upper middle and middle class people tend to buy
affordable and quality products.

LUX is not a highly expensive but an affordable product. That is why the
company targets urban and sub urban upper middle and middle class people

                                             Analyzing The Market Of Lux

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Sales and Distribution Channel of HUL

Hindustan Unilever Ltd (HUL) is a leading consumer goods company in India, operating across various product categories including home and personal care, foods, and exports. It has a wide distribution network covering over 1 million retail outlets in India. However, the study found some issues like orders not being fulfilled properly, lack of seasonal products and new products at outlets, and infrequent retailer visits. It recommended more frequent company officer visits, timely delivery of products, proper order fulfillment, and availability of a variety of products to address these issues.

Segmentation Targeting Positioning OF Hindustan Unilever limited
Segmentation Targeting Positioning OF Hindustan Unilever limitedSegmentation Targeting Positioning OF Hindustan Unilever limited
Segmentation Targeting Positioning OF Hindustan Unilever limited

This document discusses Hindustan Unilever's segmentation, targeting, and positioning of their soaps and detergents segment. It outlines how they segment soaps based on hygiene, beauty, fragrance, and ayurvedic attributes and how they segment detergents based on value, social image, and emotional connections. It also discusses the product concepts, branding, and packaging of some of their popular soap and detergent brands like Lifebuoy, Lux, Pears, Dove, Hamam, Wheel, Sunlight, and Surf Excel targeted towards different segments.

HUL Distribution Model
HUL Distribution ModelHUL Distribution Model
HUL Distribution Model

HUL has expanded its rural distribution network through 4 phases: 1) Direct coverage of large villages through van-based routes. 2) Indirect coverage of smaller nearby villages through local distributors. 3) Operation Streamline established sub-distributors called "Star Sellers" to reach more remote areas. 4) Project Shakti engaged women's self-help groups as direct sales agents in small villages (<2,000 people). This network now covers over 500,000 outlets. HUL continues improving its rural distribution through technology, data collection, and targeted initiatives.

sales & distributiondistribution modelfmcg
who are the second highest population of segment of the country. From the
segmentation of customer according to SEC they target category A, B and C,
because they are assumed to be financially well-off and can afford to buy

2.4 Product Positioning:
Unilever Bangladesh Ltd obtained a good position in the buyers’ mind
through better product attributes, price and quality, offering the product in a
different way than the competitors do. The company offers improved quality
of products in the industry at an affordable price with high branding, which
ultimately helps to position the product in the buyers’ mind as the best
quality beauty soap.

The market share of the company in the beauty soap industry is somewhere
around 43%.Since in the beauty soap industry all products are of same price
Unilever cannot provide its consumers with better price but it is in a great
position in reference with its packaging, fragrances and product designing.

A positioning map of the company is shown Figure 2.2 (P-10) to describe
LUX’s position in the consumers mind on two dimensions, price and quality.

Figure 2.2 (P-10) has been drawn with information gathered by conducting
a consumer survey. It states that though in comparison to its competitors
the pricing of LUX is same but consumers rate it as the product which gives
them the highest quality. This positioning created a strong customer loyalty
for LUX, for which it the market leader in the industry.

                         Chapter 3
             Using the Tactical Marketing Tools
This chapter describes the way Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. use the tactical
marketing tools for marketing LUX in Bangladesh. The chapter comprises of
four sections. Section 3.1 discusses the product attributes of LUX. Section
3.2 visualizes the price of LUX according to different size. Section 3.3
                                               Analyzing The Market Of Lux
conceptualizes the distribution channel of Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. This
section includes a table that shows the location of the company’s
warehouses all around the country. Finally section 3.4 discusses the
promotional activities that the company undertakes for LUX.

3.1 Product:
LUX is an internationally renowned beauty soap brand of Unilever. Though
manufactured in Bangladesh for the local market by Unilever Bangladesh Ltd,
as an international brand, it maintains an international quality for the
product. Formula given by Research and Development departments in
foreign countries, LUX is produced in Bangladesh from imported raw
materials like sodium soap, glycerol and different extracts according to
flavors, coming from Unilever plants situated abroad.

LUX is offered in Bangladesh in six different flavors which are: LUX
Energizing Honey, LUX Golden Glow, LUX Nature Pure, LUX Orchid Touch,
LUX Almond Delight and LUX Aqua Sparkle. Taking into account the
convenience of its customers, the company manufactures all flavors of LUX
in three different sizes, 40gm, 80gm and 120gm.

3.2 Price:
Though Unilever Bangladesh gives its LUX customers a lot in terms of the
product itself, it cannot provide a better pricing. This is due to some
constraints in the beauty soap industry. Beauty soap is a product with a
vulnerable demand in Bangladesh. A change in price has a high risk of
creating price war among the rivals which will eventually cause a loss of
profit. Its prices are almost equal to its competitor. Table 3.1 (p-10)
compares Lux’s price with its major competitor. Company carries out
research on competitors’ price and brand loyalty when it feels extreme
necessaity of chaging price. The brand loyalty test is an exploratory research
which is known as Brand Health Check-Up (BHCU).

                                              Analyzing The Market Of Lux
3.3 Place:
Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. has a huge distribution channel for LUX all over the
country as its sales reach more than 10 million pieces a year. The company
has six huge warehouses, one in each division of Bangladesh, where the
product goes after they are manufactured at Kalurghat factory. Table 3.2
(P-10) shows the location of its six warehouses in Bangladesh.

The company does not use its own fleet of transport for distributing its
product. However, it has outsourced its distribution process to various third
party distributors, exclusively dedicated to Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. These
distributors then supply the product all over Bangladesh to a huge number
of retailers. Even though LUX targets the urban and sub urban middle and
upper middle class people they are distributing their products all over
Bangladesh because of a recent increase in demand of its product to all
segments of the population.

3.4 Promotion:
Unilever Bangladesh undertakes huge promotional activities to promote LUX
which has topped the beauty soap industry of Bangladesh. It spends almost
20% to 25% of its Net Proceeds from Sales (NPC) of LUX for promotional
activities for LUX   1

It’s certain annual promotional campaigns like LUX Channel i Superstar and
LUX Channel i Annual Cinema Awards has made the product a part of the
glamour world. Since the 1930s, over 400 of the world’s most stunning and
sensuous women have been proudly associated with Lux advertisements.
They do not only promote LUX in Bangladesh for the beauty conscious
females, it also promotes the brand for males and the company proved that,
by including world famous male celebrity Shahrukh Khan for their
advertising campaign.

                                             Analyzing The Market Of Lux
Unilever Bangladesh Ltd spends a huge amount of money for promoting LUX
through   TV   commercials,   newspaper    advertisements        and   billboards.
Moreover it also undertakes small promotional campaigns at different
schools, colleges, universities and recreational parks with winners of its
Zonal Beauty Contests. Till now promotional activities of LUX has always
been successful which has made it a household common name and helped it
reach almost one billion taka sale value in the year 2004   2.

                          Chapter 4
                 Analyzing the Market for LUX

For better comprehension of Unilever Bangladesh, its marketing strategy,
product quality, positioning and placement, we present here a comparative
analysis of its competitors. This part of the report illustrates the market
share of different companies in the beauty soap industry.

4.1 Market Share:
The beauty soap industry in Bangladesh consists of only seven major
producers. Unilever Bangladesh Ltd is operating in the industry with its
world famous brand LUX. Out of these giant companies Unilever Bangladesh
Ltd is the market leader with a share of around 43%.

Figure 4.1 (P-11) shows the market share of all the companies in the sector.
Unilever Bangladesh Ltd is leading the market. The other competitors are
very competitive among themselves but they cannot put a intense
competition with Unilever Bangladesh Ltd, as they have market share much
less than Unilever Bangladesh Ltd.

Table 4.1 (P-11) overleaf shows a detailed description of the major
competitors in the market, their operating brand, estimated annual sales

                                             Analyzing The Market Of Lux

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The document summarizes market research findings about the brand Lux soap from Hindustan Unilever. It finds that Lux has near 100% brand awareness in India and is known as a premium beauty soap. Television is the main source of awareness about Lux. The brand is strongly associated with actress Aishwarya Rai. Strawberry and cream is the best-selling variant. Lux has a large distribution and sales network in India.

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HUL has traditionally positioned the Lux soap brand by featuring popular film stars in advertisements to influence consumer beliefs and attitudes. This approach creates a strong connection with consumers by implying the soap has qualities that attract top celebrities to endorse it. It also helps the brand stand out among competitors. Going forward, Lux could expand its market by developing new product lines featuring natural ingredients or herbal formulations. It could also venture into personal care categories like fragrances. Lux would differentiate itself through educating customers about product variations and benefits while continuing to build the brand's trusted legacy.

case studyhulbrand
Lux Lux

HUL is India's largest FMCG company touching 2 out of 3 Indian consumers. It has a wide product mix of 20 categories including home and personal care products and food and beverages. Lux soap was launched in India in 1929 and over the years has been positioned as the beauty soap of stars and common girls aged 16-35 from middle income groups. HUL has a strong distribution network reaching over 1 million retail outlets across India using its IT-powered RSNet system. Lux soap comes in various variants with different fragrances and packaging sizes and is promoted through celebrity endorsements.

revenue and market share.

Other companies in the industry are not as big as Unilever Bangladesh Ltd
but they are posing threat to the company by a tendency of a gradual
increase in their market share. Kohinoor Chemicals which is operating with
the brand name Tibet is an extremely famous brand to the rural segment of
the population and possess a significant share in that segment which is the
largest population group in Bangladesh. Moreover Keya Cosmetics Ltd
operating with the brand name Keya and Marks & Allys Ltd operating with
the brand name Aromatic are also uprising brands to both the rural and sub
urban segment of the population.

Moreover a recent takeover of Aromatic by multinational consumer product
giant MARICO who operates with famous brands in other industries like
Parachute Coconut Oil is posing to be a threat to Unilever Bangladesh’s
market share.

                              Chapter 5
The beauty soap industry of Bangladesh consists of a few producers in the
industry. The demand for this product is very much vulnerable in terms of
pricing. Unilever Bangladesh is providing LUX. at a price which is affordable
to most of the people in the country. Beauty soap is an uprising product in
Bangladesh as a greater portion of the population, both male and female,
are now getting more beauty conscious. As a multinational company
Unilever Bangladesh with heavy promotional activities, has been able to
penetrate the market.

With six different fragrances, three different sizes, international standard
and high quality design, as a product, LUX has been highly successful over
the years. Its distribution process is highly efficient. Its promotional

                                             Analyzing The Market Of Lux
activities, like the beauty contest has been a milestone in attracting a huge
number of customers. Overall with its marketing activities LUX has been a
successful brand.
The only place where rival companies are progressing is in giving customers
redemption offers. Research revealed that Bangladeshi customers are highly
attracted to this sort of offers. These offers are not sustainable in the long
run but still it takes away a considerable part of LUX’s sale in the short run.

                             Chapter 6
In this chapter the team would suggest some recommendations to Unilever
Bangladesh Ltd. to adopt more successful operation in Bangladesh. Since a
huge portion of the rural poor people is demanding LUX in recent days,
Unilever Bangladesh Ltd should expand their target market also towards the
rural people. They should also conduct different promotional activities in
rural fairs and socially responsible promotional activities to attract rural
consumers and social awareness .Because Lux has different skin type soap
so now if they provide different types of beauty soaps for male and female
soapunder the same brand name i.e. LUX it might increase their sales. Lastly,
as Bangladeshi culture children have a huge say in shopping so they should
also promote the product to children like their another brand “Dove”. These
are the recommendations suggested by teem members to Unilever
Bangladesh Ltd. to adopt for a more successful operation in Bangladesh with
large market share.


                                               Analyzing The Market Of Lux

                             Urban and Sub Urban Upper
                              Middle and Middle Class

                                    Rural Poor

                      (Figur2.1): Market Segments         1.

                               Socio Economic Clusters
               A              B            C           D                 E
Income    High          Upper          Mid       Lower               Low
          Income        Middle         Level     Middle              Income
                        Level          Income    Income
Education High Level Educated          Educated Educated             Very Low
          of            Slightly       Slightly  Slightly Less       Level    of
          Education     Less than      Less      than Cluster        Literacy
                        Cluster A      than      C
                                       Cluster B
          (Table 2.1): Socio Economic Cluster Segmentation          1

                                                   Analyzing The Market Of Lux
(Figure 2.2): Positioning Map


           (Table 3.1): Comparative scenario of soaps price

             Division                     Location of Warehouse
              Dhaka                             Dhaka City
           Chittagong                      Kalurghat Heavy I/A
              Sylhet                            Sylhet City
             Rajshahi                         Rajshahi City
              Khulna                           Khulna City
              Barisal                          Barisal City
(Table 3.2): Location of Unilever Bangladesh Ltd’s Divisional Warehouses

                                          Analyzing The Market Of Lux

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Distribution System of HUL
Distribution System of HUL Distribution System of HUL
Distribution System of HUL

HUL distributes its products through a network of around 7,000 redistribution stockists covering over one million retail outlets. It uses a point of purchase method for direct contact with customers through in-store facilitators, sampling, education and experiences. HUL has developed supply chain capabilities for partnering with emerging self-service stores and supermarkets, and its decentralized factories are served by 2,000 suppliers and 7,500 distributors across 2 million square miles.

Integrated Marketing Communication Project on LUX
Integrated Marketing Communication Project on LUXIntegrated Marketing Communication Project on LUX
Integrated Marketing Communication Project on LUX

Lux soap was founded in 1899 and launched toilet soap versions in the 1920s. It has since expanded its product line. While Lux lacks unisex appeal and has a high wear rate, its strengths include a wide range of products, strong market research, and delivering value. Historically, Lux used celebrity endorsements in its advertising but has since shifted to portraying regular women in ads to seem more contemporary. Lux engages in various promotional activities like limited edition soaps, contests offering prizes like gold bars and meetings with celebrities, and sponsoring awards shows. Its target audience is urban and sub-urban middle class individuals.

Case study on HUL
Case study on HULCase study on HUL
Case study on HUL

learn and discover the profile of one of the most famous and worldwide products of HINDUSTAN UNILEVER LTD. ITS SUCCESS JOURNEY WILL MESMERIZE U.

hindustan unilever ltd.rcmcollege
(Figure 4.1): Market Share

Sl. No.   Company                Brand Name                  Yearly   Market
                                                             Share on Toilet
1         Unilever (BD). Ltd        Lux International Beauty Tk. 312 43.33%
                                    Soap                     Core
2         Square        (Toiletries Meril Beauty Soap        48 Core 6.66
3         Keya Cosmetics Ltd.       Keya Beauty Soap         72 Core 10.00%
4         Aromatic     Cosmetics Aromatic Beauty Soap        48 Core 6.66%
5         Lily Cosmetics Ltd.       Lily Beauty Soap         72 Core 10.00%
6         Kohinoor Chemical Co. Tibet Beauty Soap            72 Core 10.00%
7         Marks & Allys Ltd.        Camelia Beauty Soap      60 Core 8.35%
                                               Analyzing The Market Of Lux
8                                  Others                   36 Core    5.00%
                                   Total Market             720 Core   100%
         (Table 4.1): Estimated Annual Sales Revenue and Market Share .


    1.   www.unilever.com
    2.   www.unileverbd.com
    3.   Report on “Competition Scenario in Bangladesh”, page 18, prepared
         by Bangladesh Enterprise Institute, July 2005.)
    4.   http://www.gfk.be/ProductsAndServices/ConsumerDiagnosticTools/S
    5.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unilever
    6.   http://ladytobaby.com/show.php?item=155

                                                  Analyzing The Market Of Lux

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Annalysing market of lux

  • 1. Unilever is a multinational consumer product manufacturing giant operating in over hundred countries all around the globe. Unilever Bangladesh is the Bangladesh chapter of Unilever, where the company holds 60.75% share whereas the Government of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh holds 39.25% share. Unilever’s one of the most popular brand is LUX. They segments LUX.’s market according to geographical locations. It further differentiates these segments into Socio Economic Cluster (SEC) which takes into account the criteria of education and profession which ultimately measures the financial ability of consumers. The cluster is divided into five parts starting from A to E. Unilever targets the urban and sub urban upper middle class and middle class segment of the population, who falls under A to C of SEC. Tactical marketing tools, 4P’s, are extensively used by the company to market LUX. Though LUX is produced in Bangladesh, Unilever Bangladesh maintains the same standard all around the globe. The product is available in six different fragrances under three different sizes. Since the demand for beauty soap market is to a great extent oligopolistic, variations in price lead to price war which can eventually break down the company’s market share. Thus Unilever cannot provide a better price than its competitors. But the price is affordable by most of the people. Unilever Bangladesh has outsourced its distribution channels to third party distributors which allow them to distribute LUX in massive bulks amounting to around ten million pieces. It undertakes the largest promotional activities in the beauty soap industry. The beauty soap industry has a few major producers of which Unilever holds market share of slightly less than 50%. Other competing brands like Tibbet, Aromatic and Keya have started to have a strong consumer base, but LUX.’s product features distribution and promotional activities have created high 1 Analyzing The Market Of Lux
  • 2. brand loyalty for which it is still the market leader. Unilever, with the aid of its heavy promotional activities, has been able to penetrate the market. But the other producers in the industry are posing a threat towards Unilever’s market share as they have moved towards the rural masses of the population. Therefore, Unilever Bangladesh should undertake further steps such as moving towards the rural and/or poorer segment; attract children (by making a special product for kids) and other innovative promotional activities to retain its command in the industry. Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Unilever at a Glance: Unilever is one of the world’s largest and leading multinational companies; Unilever commenced their business activities on a larger scale by setting up their first factory in Netherlands, in the year of 1872. Operating in Bangladesh for over the last four decades the company is trying to significantly contribute towards the augmentation of the standard of living by bringing world class high quality products at the door step of their customers. The usage of Unilever products by over 90% of the people in Bangladesh stands a testimony to their successful operation. . Their array of products show that they produce household care, fabric cleaning, skin cleansing, skin care, oral care, hair care, personal grooming, and tea based beverage products under worldwide famous brand names Wheel, LUX, Lifebuoy, Fair & Lovely, Pond's, Close Up, Sunsilk, Lipton, Lipton Taaza, Pepsodent, All Clear, Vim, Surf Excel, and Rexona. 1.2 Objective of this report: This report is an outcome of an analysis of marketing strategies used by Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. The main purpose of the report is to find what strategies the company uses to market its world famous beauty soap, LUX, 2 Analyzing The Market Of Lux
  • 3. in Bangladesh; the positive and negative aspects of those strategies. The report further analyzes the position of Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. in the toiletry industry in comparison to its competitors. The report discusses the process of using market segmentation, target marketing, the product, pricing, promotional and distribution strategies and a competitive analysis. 1.3 Methodology of this report: For accessibility and availability of information we have chosen to work on the strategies of Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. As the company operates in the market with a huge number of products in different industries, we have decided to focus on one of their world wide successful brands, LUX. Most of the information used in this report is from primary sources. The main source of information was the focus group discussion. In addition information was also collected from websites. Chapter 2 Product Category, Market Segmentation, Target Marketing and Positioning This chapter describes the category of the selected product. The chapter is organized into four sections. Section 1 states under which category the product falls. Section 2 describes how Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. differentiates the population and categorizes them into different segments. Section 3 analyzes which segment the company targets and why they target that specific segment. Finally section 4 describes the process through which the company tries to capture a place in the buyers mind i.e. the product positioning method. 2.1 Product Category: LUX falls under the category of toiletry product as a beauty soap. 2.2 Market Segmentation: 3 Analyzing The Market Of Lux
  • 4. The company claims that LUX is the highest selling beauty soap in Bangladesh. Moreover some survey reports also reveal the same result. Though LUX is the highest selling beauty soap in Bangladesh, it does not go for traditional mass marketing. Moreover as a beauty soap LUX does not even segment its market according to gender. Figure 2.1 (P-9) shows that Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. segments their market according to geographical areas. The population of the country is segmented into three parts which are urban, sub urban and rural area consumers. The company further differentiate the geographical segments according to Socio Economic Cluster (SEC) i.e. education and Income. The Table 2.1 (P-9) overleaf shows the Socio Economic Clusters the company uses. The SEC divides the population in five segments starting from A to E, where A categorizes the highly educated and high income earners holders, and sequentially in descending order E categorizes the opposite. 2.3 Target Market: Figure 2.1 (P-9) shows that urban and sub urban middle class, and rural poor people are the largest part of Bangladesh population. A research carried out by Unilever Bangladesh reveals that urban rich people are more likely to buy imported and expensive products. Moreover rural poor people tend to buy cheap products even without evaluating its quality. However urban and sub urban upper middle and middle class people tend to buy affordable and quality products. LUX is not a highly expensive but an affordable product. That is why the company targets urban and sub urban upper middle and middle class people 4 Analyzing The Market Of Lux
  • 5. who are the second highest population of segment of the country. From the segmentation of customer according to SEC they target category A, B and C, because they are assumed to be financially well-off and can afford to buy LUX. 2.4 Product Positioning: Unilever Bangladesh Ltd obtained a good position in the buyers’ mind through better product attributes, price and quality, offering the product in a different way than the competitors do. The company offers improved quality of products in the industry at an affordable price with high branding, which ultimately helps to position the product in the buyers’ mind as the best quality beauty soap. The market share of the company in the beauty soap industry is somewhere around 43%.Since in the beauty soap industry all products are of same price Unilever cannot provide its consumers with better price but it is in a great position in reference with its packaging, fragrances and product designing. A positioning map of the company is shown Figure 2.2 (P-10) to describe LUX’s position in the consumers mind on two dimensions, price and quality. Figure 2.2 (P-10) has been drawn with information gathered by conducting a consumer survey. It states that though in comparison to its competitors the pricing of LUX is same but consumers rate it as the product which gives them the highest quality. This positioning created a strong customer loyalty for LUX, for which it the market leader in the industry. Chapter 3 Using the Tactical Marketing Tools This chapter describes the way Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. use the tactical marketing tools for marketing LUX in Bangladesh. The chapter comprises of four sections. Section 3.1 discusses the product attributes of LUX. Section 3.2 visualizes the price of LUX according to different size. Section 3.3 5 Analyzing The Market Of Lux
  • 6. conceptualizes the distribution channel of Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. This section includes a table that shows the location of the company’s warehouses all around the country. Finally section 3.4 discusses the promotional activities that the company undertakes for LUX. 3.1 Product: LUX is an internationally renowned beauty soap brand of Unilever. Though manufactured in Bangladesh for the local market by Unilever Bangladesh Ltd, as an international brand, it maintains an international quality for the product. Formula given by Research and Development departments in foreign countries, LUX is produced in Bangladesh from imported raw materials like sodium soap, glycerol and different extracts according to flavors, coming from Unilever plants situated abroad. LUX is offered in Bangladesh in six different flavors which are: LUX Energizing Honey, LUX Golden Glow, LUX Nature Pure, LUX Orchid Touch, LUX Almond Delight and LUX Aqua Sparkle. Taking into account the convenience of its customers, the company manufactures all flavors of LUX in three different sizes, 40gm, 80gm and 120gm. 3.2 Price: Though Unilever Bangladesh gives its LUX customers a lot in terms of the product itself, it cannot provide a better pricing. This is due to some constraints in the beauty soap industry. Beauty soap is a product with a vulnerable demand in Bangladesh. A change in price has a high risk of creating price war among the rivals which will eventually cause a loss of profit. Its prices are almost equal to its competitor. Table 3.1 (p-10) compares Lux’s price with its major competitor. Company carries out research on competitors’ price and brand loyalty when it feels extreme necessaity of chaging price. The brand loyalty test is an exploratory research which is known as Brand Health Check-Up (BHCU). 6 Analyzing The Market Of Lux
  • 7. 3.3 Place: Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. has a huge distribution channel for LUX all over the country as its sales reach more than 10 million pieces a year. The company has six huge warehouses, one in each division of Bangladesh, where the product goes after they are manufactured at Kalurghat factory. Table 3.2 (P-10) shows the location of its six warehouses in Bangladesh. The company does not use its own fleet of transport for distributing its product. However, it has outsourced its distribution process to various third party distributors, exclusively dedicated to Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. These distributors then supply the product all over Bangladesh to a huge number of retailers. Even though LUX targets the urban and sub urban middle and upper middle class people they are distributing their products all over Bangladesh because of a recent increase in demand of its product to all segments of the population. 3.4 Promotion: Unilever Bangladesh undertakes huge promotional activities to promote LUX which has topped the beauty soap industry of Bangladesh. It spends almost 20% to 25% of its Net Proceeds from Sales (NPC) of LUX for promotional activities for LUX 1 It’s certain annual promotional campaigns like LUX Channel i Superstar and LUX Channel i Annual Cinema Awards has made the product a part of the glamour world. Since the 1930s, over 400 of the world’s most stunning and sensuous women have been proudly associated with Lux advertisements. They do not only promote LUX in Bangladesh for the beauty conscious females, it also promotes the brand for males and the company proved that, by including world famous male celebrity Shahrukh Khan for their advertising campaign. 7 Analyzing The Market Of Lux
  • 8. Unilever Bangladesh Ltd spends a huge amount of money for promoting LUX through TV commercials, newspaper advertisements and billboards. Moreover it also undertakes small promotional campaigns at different schools, colleges, universities and recreational parks with winners of its Zonal Beauty Contests. Till now promotional activities of LUX has always been successful which has made it a household common name and helped it reach almost one billion taka sale value in the year 2004 2. Chapter 4 Analyzing the Market for LUX For better comprehension of Unilever Bangladesh, its marketing strategy, product quality, positioning and placement, we present here a comparative analysis of its competitors. This part of the report illustrates the market share of different companies in the beauty soap industry. 4.1 Market Share: The beauty soap industry in Bangladesh consists of only seven major producers. Unilever Bangladesh Ltd is operating in the industry with its world famous brand LUX. Out of these giant companies Unilever Bangladesh Ltd is the market leader with a share of around 43%. Figure 4.1 (P-11) shows the market share of all the companies in the sector. Unilever Bangladesh Ltd is leading the market. The other competitors are very competitive among themselves but they cannot put a intense competition with Unilever Bangladesh Ltd, as they have market share much less than Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. Table 4.1 (P-11) overleaf shows a detailed description of the major competitors in the market, their operating brand, estimated annual sales 8 Analyzing The Market Of Lux
  • 9. revenue and market share. Other companies in the industry are not as big as Unilever Bangladesh Ltd but they are posing threat to the company by a tendency of a gradual increase in their market share. Kohinoor Chemicals which is operating with the brand name Tibet is an extremely famous brand to the rural segment of the population and possess a significant share in that segment which is the largest population group in Bangladesh. Moreover Keya Cosmetics Ltd operating with the brand name Keya and Marks & Allys Ltd operating with the brand name Aromatic are also uprising brands to both the rural and sub urban segment of the population. Moreover a recent takeover of Aromatic by multinational consumer product giant MARICO who operates with famous brands in other industries like Parachute Coconut Oil is posing to be a threat to Unilever Bangladesh’s market share. Chapter 5 Conclusion The beauty soap industry of Bangladesh consists of a few producers in the industry. The demand for this product is very much vulnerable in terms of pricing. Unilever Bangladesh is providing LUX. at a price which is affordable to most of the people in the country. Beauty soap is an uprising product in Bangladesh as a greater portion of the population, both male and female, are now getting more beauty conscious. As a multinational company Unilever Bangladesh with heavy promotional activities, has been able to penetrate the market. With six different fragrances, three different sizes, international standard and high quality design, as a product, LUX has been highly successful over the years. Its distribution process is highly efficient. Its promotional 9 Analyzing The Market Of Lux
  • 10. activities, like the beauty contest has been a milestone in attracting a huge number of customers. Overall with its marketing activities LUX has been a successful brand. The only place where rival companies are progressing is in giving customers redemption offers. Research revealed that Bangladeshi customers are highly attracted to this sort of offers. These offers are not sustainable in the long run but still it takes away a considerable part of LUX’s sale in the short run. Chapter 6 Recommendation In this chapter the team would suggest some recommendations to Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. to adopt more successful operation in Bangladesh. Since a huge portion of the rural poor people is demanding LUX in recent days, Unilever Bangladesh Ltd should expand their target market also towards the rural people. They should also conduct different promotional activities in rural fairs and socially responsible promotional activities to attract rural consumers and social awareness .Because Lux has different skin type soap so now if they provide different types of beauty soaps for male and female soapunder the same brand name i.e. LUX it might increase their sales. Lastly, as Bangladeshi culture children have a huge say in shopping so they should also promote the product to children like their another brand “Dove”. These are the recommendations suggested by teem members to Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. to adopt for a more successful operation in Bangladesh with large market share. Appendices 10 Analyzing The Market Of Lux
  • 11. Urban Rich Urban and Sub Urban Upper Middle and Middle Class Rural Poor (Figur2.1): Market Segments 1. Socio Economic Clusters A B C D E Income High Upper Mid Lower Low Income Middle Level Middle Income Level Income Income Income Education High Level Educated Educated Educated Very Low of Slightly Slightly Slightly Less Level of Education Less than Less than Cluster Literacy Cluster A than C Cluster B (Table 2.1): Socio Economic Cluster Segmentation 1 11 Analyzing The Market Of Lux
  • 12. (Figure 2.2): Positioning Map Brand Lux Aromatic keya Tibet (Table 3.1): Comparative scenario of soaps price Division Location of Warehouse Dhaka Dhaka City Chittagong Kalurghat Heavy I/A Sylhet Sylhet City Rajshahi Rajshahi City Khulna Khulna City Barisal Barisal City (Table 3.2): Location of Unilever Bangladesh Ltd’s Divisional Warehouses 1. 12 Analyzing The Market Of Lux
  • 13. (Figure 4.1): Market Share Sl. No. Company Brand Name Yearly Market Share on Toilet Soap 1 Unilever (BD). Ltd Lux International Beauty Tk. 312 43.33% Soap Core 2 Square (Toiletries Meril Beauty Soap 48 Core 6.66 Division) 3 Keya Cosmetics Ltd. Keya Beauty Soap 72 Core 10.00% 4 Aromatic Cosmetics Aromatic Beauty Soap 48 Core 6.66% Ltd. 5 Lily Cosmetics Ltd. Lily Beauty Soap 72 Core 10.00% 6 Kohinoor Chemical Co. Tibet Beauty Soap 72 Core 10.00% 7 Marks & Allys Ltd. Camelia Beauty Soap 60 Core 8.35% 13 Analyzing The Market Of Lux
  • 14. 8 Others 36 Core 5.00% Total Market 720 Core 100% (Table 4.1): Estimated Annual Sales Revenue and Market Share . Bibliography 1. www.unilever.com http://www.unileverea.com/ourbrands/personalcare/lux.asp http://www.unilever.co.uk/ourbrands/personalcare/lux.asp 2. www.unileverbd.com 3. Report on “Competition Scenario in Bangladesh”, page 18, prepared by Bangladesh Enterprise Institute, July 2005.) 4. http://www.gfk.be/ProductsAndServices/ConsumerDiagnosticTools/S pecialAnalyses/BrandHealthCheckUp 5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unilever 6. http://ladytobaby.com/show.php?item=155 14 Analyzing The Market Of Lux