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VGGP Presentation 
Biomethane in the Netherlands 
– current state and future outlook - 
Conference of European Biogas Association 
Egmond aan Zee, Oktober 1st 2014 
Michael Sanders 
VGGP, president
VGGP, who we are: 
Dutch Renewable Gas Producers Association 
• The Dutch national organisation representing 
biomethane producers and associated members 
• Mission: To stimulate good conditions and markets 
for biomethane production and to represent the 
interests of biomethane producers at government, 
policy and regulatory level 
• VGGP represents Dutch national branche interests 
via European Biogas Assocation (EBA)
VGGP, our producers 
starting 1989 
up to 2014
VGGP, our members 
• Produce bio-methane from biogas at product 
specifications to directly substitute fossil natural gas 
• Some members make their own biogas from biomass 
• Some members upgrade biogas from waste water 
treatment or landfill gas (also 100% biomass) 
• All producers feed “Green Gas” (bio-methane) into 
the national Natural Gas grids at NG specifications 
• Production started of liquid bio-methane (Bio-LNG) 
• Some members are producing Bio-CO2 (gas+liquid)
VGGP, Technologies 
• Digestion and biomethane upgrading 
– Large scale (industrial up to 2200cm/h) 
– Medium scale (agriculture waste 500cm/h) 
– Small scale (rural / agriculture 40cm/h) 
– Biogas grids with central upgrading unit 
• CO2 recovery plus liquefraction 
• Liquid biomethane (BioLNG) 
– Medium scale operational (semi industrial) 
• Power to gas (P2G) 
– 2 demonstration projects in planning at medium scale (semi industrial) 
• Biomass gasifcation (syngas) to CH4 
– Research & demonstration (small scale) 
– Technology needs further development
VGGP, facts and numbers 
Also see: EBA NL country profile 
• Production started 1989, in 2014 approx. 21 public 
grid connections feed-in at natural gas specifications 
• There are currently 5-10 companies involved 
• All Green Gas made from ‘soft’ biomass feedstock 
– Landfilled biomass (no new landfilling since 1990’s) 
– Biomass recovered from municipal waste water streams 
– Digesting solid/wet biomass (mostly from biowaste streams) 
• Output 2013 remained below 100Mcm/a 
• Subsidies (granted) could boost up to 300Mcm/a 
• National ambitions 2020(downgraded!): 0,75BcmGG
VGGP, 200Mcm NL in plans…… 
IEA view on fossil investments 
How about renewables? 
Other issues, 
Same problem ! 
Same issues ! 
Total costs renewables 
may get to expensive 
Same issue for 
base-load renewables 
Consequence of grid 
imbalance is socially 
Biomass market issues 
Same issues !
VGGP, sustainable issues? 
• “we have enough fossil fuels” 
• “there is no climate change” 
• “wind and solar will fix all needs” 
• “hydrogen will fix the problem” 
• “there is not enough biomass” 
• “all biomass is needed for food” 
• Etc. etc. etc. 
• Mixed signals, who can we trust?
VGGP, what do we know..? 
• … about security of supply? 
One year of energy production 
– 1000 eff. hours solarPV 
– 2500 eff. hours wind 
– Still > 6000h fossil? 
• … about heat? 
8760 hours 
1000h PV 
2500h wind 
>> Can NL afford not-to-use biomass for energy? <<
VGGP, Biomass = carbon 
Biomass is already cyclic at a rate 20 times fossil carbon emissions 
• Biomethane substitutes bio-decomposition (and CH4 emissions) 
• NL policy optimising biomass usage: key role for biomethane!
VGGP, Bio-methane ranking 
• European Commission Joint Research Centre 
2014 report: JRC85326 EUR 26237 EN 
Code Description gCO2/MJ 
OWCG1 Upgraded biogas from municipal organic waste 15 
OWEL1a Biogas ex municipal waste, local Electricity from biogas plant ex municipal waste, Gas engine 20 
OWCG4 Upgraded biogas from maize (whole plant) 40 
CRET2 Maize, NG GT+CHP, DDGS as AF Maize (average used in EU) to ethanol 50 
ROFA1 RME: Meal as AF, glycerine as chem, Rapeseed to biodiesel (Rapeseed Methylester), Meal export (animal feed) 60 
GMCG1 EU-mix CNG from EU-mix NG supply 70 
GRSD1 Rem GTL, diesel pool Remote NG to Syndiesel (GTL): GTL plant near remote gas field, 75 
GRLG1 LNG, road Remote LNG, use as LNG in vehicle 80 
GPCG1a Pipeline 7000 km CNG from imported NG 7000 km (typically Russia) 85 
EMEL2 EU-mix medium Electricity from average EU supply. Medium voltage 140 
KOEL2 EU-mix Coal IGCC Electricity from (hard) coal (EU supply mix), IGCC 260 
Bio-methane and biogas CHP rank most favourable in benchmark
VGGP, Social Acceptance 
Social Acceptance of renewable energy projects: 
(Project: use biomass => produce energy => sell energy) 
– The energy product is socially accepted, there are markets 
– Production facilities are socially accepted: IPPC permits 
– The renewable feedstock’s are socially accepted: NTA 8080 
– Society accepts the costs for energy transition via SDE+
VGGP, renewable issues? 
….…., because we are still searching for more 
sustainable fossil fuels to keep our economies going!
VGGP, NL on renewable 
Technical circle waste management 
• Reduce 
• Re-use 
• Recycle 
• Replace / Re-design 
• Recover energy 
Biological circle BBE 
• Pyramid cascading biomass: 
Requires big volumes 
Large volumes remain unused 
Transit to technical circle 
• Minerals and organic matter are 
essential for life on earth!
VGGP, Renewable feedstock 
Biomass for energy is an essential part of the chain: 
(Project: use biomass => produce energy => sell energy) 
– Avoid direct use of biomass, priority for food and cascading BBE 
– Cascading shares the effect of iLUC, biodiversity, depletion 
– P2G further increases digesting process carbon efficiency +60% 
Sunlight + Water + CO2 
Food & products 
Minerals and organic matter 
Loss of all minerals and organic matter 
End use for energy 
CO2 & fuels 
Cement and chemical waste! 
VGGP, Biomass feedstock 
• There is still al lot to be organised: 
Biomass sources >...production capacity, logistics and storage, 
technology for cascading biomass, solutions for by-products, 
biomass certification, matching supply and demand, spot 
markets, exchanges for long term contracts, market makers and 
brokers, clearing and financial services… > Physical delivery. 
• For Social Acceptance and Subsidies on energy we 
need a transparent and efficient biomass market. 
• An incomplete market may lead to unwanted market 
behaviour, free-riders and leakage of subsidies.
VGGP, Markets 
For biomass projects there are three mayor “markets”: 
Energy market 
and subsidies 
Subsidies “leak” if there is an incomplete biomass market 
Subsidies “leak” into the energy “market” via costs and fees
VGGP, Products & markets 
“Your product may not be sold in my market, because I 
want you to fully comply with my standards!” 
Digestate use as 
compost & 
End of waste 
Bio methane 
Open market + 
Gas grid access 
– Open market: No barriers via “product safety issues” 
Biomass based end of waste products and biofuels contain 
impurities and are very easy to discriminate via “fossil based 
standards” like NG based Feed-in specifications and 
VGGP, Products & markets 
NL regulation perceived as a grave financial risk 
(no project bank-loans) and causing severe 
financial losses for operational VGGP members: 
• Gas spec issue: EC standards Bio-methane (Dutch GasLAW changes as 
of today, Oct 1st, this will solve NL feed-in problems in time) 
• Transport tariffs charged to Bio-methane on NG gas grids, issue is 
disputed by VGGP members. GasLAW change will prohibit this at last. 
• Demand to exceed fossil gas HHV (Hs in MWh) without compensating 
Bio-methane producer for economic vallue. HHV rises in NG plus as a 
physical result from gas safety setpoints resulting from specifictions! 
• By-law’s (netcode) to be set by Regulator (ACM), current proposals are 
set for less efficiency and additional costs for Bio-methane feed-in. 
• Netting on CO2 for Bio-methane Certificate of Origin (ReC) now proposed 
(implies selective cut on SDE+ subsidies “after the fact”)
VGGP, Netting ReC on CO2 
Favours pathway’s electricity over bio-methane and favours farmed crops over bio-waste! 
Local pathways on 
NL sites CO2/MJ may 
be netted in ReC by 
LAW (-% less income) 
-/- 3,9 (-25%) 
-/- 0,5 (-2,5%) 
Remote pathways 25gCO2/MJ 
not netted in ReC 
-/- 3,9 (-10%) 
-/- 0,5 (-1,1%)
VGGP, ReC transparency 
• Renewable energy Certificates: Keep it transparent! 
VGGP, Level playing field! 
• Production and end-use may conflict. Level the playing 
field! Gas volume and CO2 balancing between countries 
Supply CER Cancel CER => CO2 emitted 
Subsidies Taxes for RE 
ReC value Trader A Trader B 
Country A 
Renewable surplus 
Renewable deficit 
CO2 costs in power pricing 
Customer A Customer B 
Customer C 
no CO2 costs 
In power 
pricing but 
“no free rider” 
Energy lost 
Fossil gas 
• Physical energy exchange obligatory for gas. Country B corrects ReC for transmission losses. 
• Country targets set for Production mix or residual mix? How about EC targets RE and RED? 
• Customer C should compensate both ReC value + CER CO2 costs for Country A.
VGGP, Transition costs 
Power price effect on SDE+ subsidies 8760 hours 
1000h PV 
2500h wind 
There is no free lunch!
VGGP, Transition in general 
>> Can NL afford not-to-use biomass for energy? << 
<“YES, we will use biomass for energy, but with care!”>
VGGP, The way forward! 
• If we have established a common ground to for a 
renewable energy production mix (including biomass) 
• And we have also found socially acceptable places to 
develop energy projects 
• Plus there is a common ground about using the 
project feedstock biomass for energy production 
• And if there are budgets to enable the transition 
Public Acceptance for renewable energy phase 2 : 
We have to re-assure stakeholders why they accepted! 
Example: Dutch Green Gas as renewable transport fuel.
VGGP, Biogas fuels 1.0
VGGP, Transport fuels 1.5 
”Why mobility using Bio-methane as a fuel?” 
Well to Wheel CO2 emissions 
Impact on local air quality 
VGGP, Transport fuels 2.0 
”Mobility using bio-methane for fuel”
VGGP, Transport fuels 3.0 
”Mobility using your own biomass for fuel” 
….. Collect your bio 
wastes for us and…..
VGGP, Transport fuels 3.1 
”Mobility using your own biomass for fuel” 
….. We will digest your 
biowaste and inject bio 
methane into the 
national gas grid…..
VGGP, Transport fuels 3.2 
… via our partners we 
deliver Green Gas to your 
local filling stations ……. 
VGGP, Transport fuels 4.0 
+CO2 +P2G 
+ BioLNG 
Green Gas 
+ CO2 
Regional gas grid 
National gas grid 
Green Gas 
+ Organic matter 
Waste water & 
Proces water 
Green Gas 
and BioLNG 
Bio-waste & 
energy recovery 
BBE Cascaded 
VGGP, Q&A / comments?

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Biomethane in the Netherlands - current state and future outlook - Michael Sanders

  • 1. VGGP Presentation Biomethane in the Netherlands – current state and future outlook - Conference of European Biogas Association Egmond aan Zee, Oktober 1st 2014 Michael Sanders VGGP, president
  • 2. VGGP, who we are: Dutch Renewable Gas Producers Association • The Dutch national organisation representing biomethane producers and associated members • Mission: To stimulate good conditions and markets for biomethane production and to represent the interests of biomethane producers at government, policy and regulatory level • VGGP represents Dutch national branche interests via European Biogas Assocation (EBA)
  • 3. VGGP, our producers Projects starting 1989 up to 2014
  • 4. VGGP, our members • Produce bio-methane from biogas at product specifications to directly substitute fossil natural gas • Some members make their own biogas from biomass • Some members upgrade biogas from waste water treatment or landfill gas (also 100% biomass) • All producers feed “Green Gas” (bio-methane) into the national Natural Gas grids at NG specifications • Production started of liquid bio-methane (Bio-LNG) • Some members are producing Bio-CO2 (gas+liquid)
  • 5. VGGP, Technologies • Digestion and biomethane upgrading – Large scale (industrial up to 2200cm/h) – Medium scale (agriculture waste 500cm/h) – Small scale (rural / agriculture 40cm/h) – Biogas grids with central upgrading unit • CO2 recovery plus liquefraction • Liquid biomethane (BioLNG) – Medium scale operational (semi industrial) • Power to gas (P2G) – 2 demonstration projects in planning at medium scale (semi industrial) • Biomass gasifcation (syngas) to CH4 – Research & demonstration (small scale) – Technology needs further development
  • 6. VGGP, facts and numbers Also see: EBA NL country profile • Production started 1989, in 2014 approx. 21 public grid connections feed-in at natural gas specifications • There are currently 5-10 companies involved • All Green Gas made from ‘soft’ biomass feedstock – Landfilled biomass (no new landfilling since 1990’s) – Biomass recovered from municipal waste water streams – Digesting solid/wet biomass (mostly from biowaste streams) • Output 2013 remained below 100Mcm/a • Subsidies (granted) could boost up to 300Mcm/a • National ambitions 2020(downgraded!): 0,75BcmGG
  • 7. VGGP, 200Mcm NL in plans…… IEA view on fossil investments How about renewables? Other issues, Same problem ! Same issues ! Total costs renewables may get to expensive Same issue for base-load renewables Consequence of grid imbalance is socially unacceptable Biomass market issues Same issues !
  • 8. VGGP, sustainable issues? • “we have enough fossil fuels” • “there is no climate change” • “wind and solar will fix all needs” • “hydrogen will fix the problem” • “there is not enough biomass” • “all biomass is needed for food” • Etc. etc. etc. • Mixed signals, who can we trust?
  • 9. VGGP, what do we know..? • … about security of supply? One year of energy production – 1000 eff. hours solarPV – 2500 eff. hours wind – Still > 6000h fossil? • … about heat? 8760 hours 1000h PV 2500h wind >> Can NL afford not-to-use biomass for energy? <<
  • 10. VGGP, Biomass = carbon Biomass is already cyclic at a rate 20 times fossil carbon emissions • Biomethane substitutes bio-decomposition (and CH4 emissions) • NL policy optimising biomass usage: key role for biomethane!
  • 11. VGGP, Bio-methane ranking • European Commission Joint Research Centre 2014 report: JRC85326 EUR 26237 EN Code Description gCO2/MJ OWCG1 Upgraded biogas from municipal organic waste 15 OWEL1a Biogas ex municipal waste, local Electricity from biogas plant ex municipal waste, Gas engine 20 OWCG4 Upgraded biogas from maize (whole plant) 40 CRET2 Maize, NG GT+CHP, DDGS as AF Maize (average used in EU) to ethanol 50 ROFA1 RME: Meal as AF, glycerine as chem, Rapeseed to biodiesel (Rapeseed Methylester), Meal export (animal feed) 60 GMCG1 EU-mix CNG from EU-mix NG supply 70 GRSD1 Rem GTL, diesel pool Remote NG to Syndiesel (GTL): GTL plant near remote gas field, 75 GRLG1 LNG, road Remote LNG, use as LNG in vehicle 80 GPCG1a Pipeline 7000 km CNG from imported NG 7000 km (typically Russia) 85 EMEL2 EU-mix medium Electricity from average EU supply. Medium voltage 140 KOEL2 EU-mix Coal IGCC Electricity from (hard) coal (EU supply mix), IGCC 260 Bio-methane and biogas CHP rank most favourable in benchmark
  • 12. VGGP, Social Acceptance Social Acceptance of renewable energy projects: (Project: use biomass => produce energy => sell energy) – The energy product is socially accepted, there are markets – Production facilities are socially accepted: IPPC permits – The renewable feedstock’s are socially accepted: NTA 8080 – Society accepts the costs for energy transition via SDE+
  • 13. VGGP, renewable issues? ….…., because we are still searching for more sustainable fossil fuels to keep our economies going!
  • 14. VGGP, NL on renewable Technical circle waste management • Reduce • Re-use • Recycle • Replace / Re-design • Recover energy Biological circle BBE • Pyramid cascading biomass: Requires big volumes Large volumes remain unused Transit to technical circle • Minerals and organic matter are essential for life on earth!
  • 15. VGGP, Renewable feedstock Biomass for energy is an essential part of the chain: (Project: use biomass => produce energy => sell energy) – Avoid direct use of biomass, priority for food and cascading BBE – Cascading shares the effect of iLUC, biodiversity, depletion – P2G further increases digesting process carbon efficiency +60% Biomass Cascaded feedstock Sunlight + Water + CO2 Food & products Consumption Benzene Toluene Xylene Lignine Cellulose Hemicellulose Minerals and organic matter Loss of all minerals and organic matter End use for energy Chemicals Energy CO2 & fuels P2G Cement and chemical waste! Bio- Based- Economy
  • 16. VGGP, Biomass feedstock • There is still al lot to be organised: Biomass sources >...production capacity, logistics and storage, technology for cascading biomass, solutions for by-products, biomass certification, matching supply and demand, spot markets, exchanges for long term contracts, market makers and brokers, clearing and financial services… > Physical delivery. • For Social Acceptance and Subsidies on energy we need a transparent and efficient biomass market. • An incomplete market may lead to unwanted market behaviour, free-riders and leakage of subsidies.
  • 17. VGGP, Markets For biomass projects there are three mayor “markets”: Biomass market Energy project Energy market and subsidies By-product market Subsidies “leak” if there is an incomplete biomass market Subsidies “leak” into the energy “market” via costs and fees
  • 18. VGGP, Products & markets “Your product may not be sold in my market, because I want you to fully comply with my standards!” Biomass Digestate use as compost & fertilizers End of waste criteria Bio methane specifications Conventional fertilizer REACH Open market + Regulated Gas grid access Natural Gas – Open market: No barriers via “product safety issues” Biomass based end of waste products and biofuels contain impurities and are very easy to discriminate via “fossil based standards” like NG based Feed-in specifications and REACH.
  • 19. VGGP, Products & markets NL regulation perceived as a grave financial risk (no project bank-loans) and causing severe financial losses for operational VGGP members: • Gas spec issue: EC standards Bio-methane (Dutch GasLAW changes as of today, Oct 1st, this will solve NL feed-in problems in time) • Transport tariffs charged to Bio-methane on NG gas grids, issue is disputed by VGGP members. GasLAW change will prohibit this at last. • Demand to exceed fossil gas HHV (Hs in MWh) without compensating Bio-methane producer for economic vallue. HHV rises in NG plus as a physical result from gas safety setpoints resulting from specifictions! • By-law’s (netcode) to be set by Regulator (ACM), current proposals are set for less efficiency and additional costs for Bio-methane feed-in. • Netting on CO2 for Bio-methane Certificate of Origin (ReC) now proposed (implies selective cut on SDE+ subsidies “after the fact”)
  • 20. VGGP, Netting ReC on CO2 Favours pathway’s electricity over bio-methane and favours farmed crops over bio-waste! Local pathways on NL sites CO2/MJ may be netted in ReC by LAW (-% less income) 15gCO2/MJ -/- 3,9 (-25%) 20gCO2/MJ -/- 0,5 (-2,5%) Remote pathways 25gCO2/MJ not netted in ReC 40gCO2/MJ -/- 3,9 (-10%) 45gCO2/MJ -/- 0,5 (-1,1%)
  • 21. VGGP, ReC transparency • Renewable energy Certificates: Keep it transparent! 100%
  • 22. VGGP, Level playing field! • Production and end-use may conflict. Level the playing field! Gas volume and CO2 balancing between countries Supply CER Cancel CER => CO2 emitted Subsidies Taxes for RE ReC value Trader A Trader B Country A Renewable surplus Renewable deficit CO2 costs in power pricing Customer A Customer B Customer C no CO2 costs In power pricing but “no free rider” Energy lost Fossil gas • Physical energy exchange obligatory for gas. Country B corrects ReC for transmission losses. • Country targets set for Production mix or residual mix? How about EC targets RE and RED? • Customer C should compensate both ReC value + CER CO2 costs for Country A.
  • 23. VGGP, Transition costs Power price effect on SDE+ subsidies 8760 hours 1000h PV 2500h wind There is no free lunch!
  • 24. VGGP, Transition in general >> Can NL afford not-to-use biomass for energy? << <“YES, we will use biomass for energy, but with care!”>
  • 25. VGGP, The way forward! • If we have established a common ground to for a renewable energy production mix (including biomass) • And we have also found socially acceptable places to develop energy projects • Plus there is a common ground about using the project feedstock biomass for energy production • And if there are budgets to enable the transition Public Acceptance for renewable energy phase 2 : We have to re-assure stakeholders why they accepted! Example: Dutch Green Gas as renewable transport fuel.
  • 27. VGGP, Transport fuels 1.5 ”Why mobility using Bio-methane as a fuel?” Well to Wheel CO2 emissions Impact on local air quality Bio-methane
  • 28. VGGP, Transport fuels 2.0 ”Mobility using bio-methane for fuel”
  • 29. VGGP, Transport fuels 3.0 ”Mobility using your own biomass for fuel” ….. Collect your bio wastes for us and…..
  • 30. VGGP, Transport fuels 3.1 ”Mobility using your own biomass for fuel” ….. We will digest your biowaste and inject bio methane into the national gas grid…..
  • 31. VGGP, Transport fuels 3.2 … via our partners we deliver Green Gas to your local filling stations ……. CNGnet
  • 32. VGGP, Transport fuels 4.0 Bio LNG
  • 33. Biomethane +CO2 +P2G + BioLNG 33 Digestate Green Gas + CO2 for Sustainable feedstock Regional gas grid National gas grid Green Gas Biogas Minerals + Organic matter REGIONAAL NATIONAL CHP/Heat Agriculture Waste water & Proces water Green Gas and BioLNG Transport fuels Bio-waste & energy recovery BBE Cascaded Products
  • 34. VGGP, Q&A / comments?