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Okoronkwo Sunday (Project Manager CS-SUNN)
1. Budget Advocacy
2. Developing Budget Advocacy
Action plan
What is budget advocacy?
Strategic approach to influence
governments’ budget choices,
aimed at achieving clear and
specific outcomes- e.g. healthier
people, less poverty, improved
governance for nutrition or any
other worthy course International Budget Partnership

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A series of course modules on project cycle, planning and the logical framework, aimed at team leaders of international NGOs in developing countries. This is part 6 of 11, beginning with 2 modules on leadership and conflict resolution, then 9 modules on project cycle management. This module has 3 handouts and presenter notes as separate documents. Sample Proposal: http://www.slideshare.net/Makewa/6-watsan-training-sample-proposal-09 Slides as a handout: http://www.slideshare.net/Makewa/6-me-handout Presenter notes: http://www.slideshare.net/Makewa/6-module-6-presenter-notes

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Monitoring and evaluation (2)
Monitoring and evaluation (2)Monitoring and evaluation (2)
Monitoring and evaluation (2)

This document provides an overview of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) for programs and interventions. It discusses what M&E is, the differences between monitoring and evaluation, why M&E is important, how to develop an M&E plan, and key components of an M&E plan. Monitoring involves routine data collection to track progress towards objectives, while evaluation assesses overall impact by comparing outcomes between program and non-program groups. Developing a strong M&E plan from the beginning is essential to demonstrate accountability and guide effective implementation.

Components of a monitoring and evaluation system
Components of a monitoring and evaluation system  Components of a monitoring and evaluation system
Components of a monitoring and evaluation system

At the end of this presentation you will understand the M&E System, its objectives, components and criteria for assesment.

monitoring and evaluation systemm&e frameworklogical framework
Budget Advocacy Steps
• Step 1: Selecting an issue or problem to address
• Step 2: Developing a goal and objectives for budget advocacy
• Step 3: Assessing your external and internal context
• Step 4: Identifying your target audiences
• Step 5: Crafting your budget advocacy message(s)
• Step 6: Creating an action plan
• Step 8: Measuring success
Budget Advocacy Essential capacities
1.Budget Analysis: The capacity to secure budget
information, analyze it and explain its
implications in clear and compelling ways
2.Engaging for change: Implementing budget
advocacy strategies that will yield results,
Selecting the most effective way/channels to
reach your targets (politicians, stakeholders),
mobilizing the public
3. Budget Execution:
The Executive collects
the Revenue and
spend the money as
per the allocation
made in the budget
2. Budget Approval:
The Legislature reviews
and amends the budget
and then enacts it into
4. Budget Oversight:
The Budget Accounts are
audited & Audit findings
are reviewed by NASS,
which requires action to
be taken by the Executive
to correct Audit findings
Key budget
budget reports
Key Budget
Budget Law;
Reports of
Key Budget
Reports; Mid-
Year Report;
Key Budget
Audit Reports;
PRESTON © 2013
The Budget Cycle
1. Guidelines
and ceilings
2. Draft
3. Negotiation
4. Review and

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The Stakeholder Engagement tool helps ensure that the appropriate stakeholders in decision processes have been identified and involved. Tool: https://www.cpc.unc.edu/measure/publications/ms-11-46-e Webinar Recording: http://universityofnc.adobeconnect.com/p99y8bhnosx/

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Public Policy Formulation and Analysis

Defines the policy,lists the main features of a policy , the step by step process of policy formulation and implementation,describes the criteria to judge the efficacy and chances of success of policy and lastly the weaknesses of policy formulation in a developing country like Pakistan

essential skillspublic policypolicy implementation

A thinking and action approach to navigate in the complexity of social change processes. © UNDP/Hivos

The Budget Cycle: Entry Points
1. Guidelines
and ceilings
2. Draft
and consulted
3. Negotiation
4. Review and
WHAT: health Ceiling, geographic
distribution, new priorities
HOW: Shape dialogue at national
level, targeting ministry of finance
Adapted From: R. Mbuya-Brown and H. Sapuwa, Health Budget Advocacy: A Guide for Civil Society in Malawi (Washington, DC: Futures Group, 2015).
•Prepare medium term strategic goal
•Campaign promises
•Economic and fiscal goals
At this phase, you can:
•Seek to know what plan the party in power has for the
•Communicate the people’s needs to the party
•Document and cost the promise
Line Ministries
• Work with NGOs/CBOs by making relevant information availably
The Budget Cycle: Entry Points
1. Guidelines
and ceilings
2. Draft
and consulted
3. Negotiation
4. Review and
Adapted From: R. Mbuya-Brown and H. Sapuwa, Health Budget Advocacy: A Guide for Civil Society in Malawi (Washington, DC: Futures Group, 2015).
WHAT: Allocations within
health budget
HOW: Outreach to ministry of

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The document introduces resource mobilization, outlining its training objectives. It defines resource mobilization as identifying essential resources for achieving an organization's mission through developing relationships with resource providers and ensuring proper resource use. Resource mobilization is a means to an end, a team effort with shared accountabilities, and a management process without quick fixes. It is not just about funds but also managing relationships with people sharing the organization's values. The document notes resource mobilization incorporates three integrated concepts and discusses its importance and features.

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Concepts in Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
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Concepts in Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation

The document discusses concepts related to participatory monitoring and evaluation (PM&E). It defines key terms like participation, monitoring, evaluation, and PM&E. It describes the importance of stakeholder engagement in planning, designing, and implementing PM&E. The document also outlines the typical PM&E process, including planning the process, gathering data through both quantitative and qualitative methods, analyzing data, and sharing results to define actions. Finally, it provides examples of PM&E frameworks from the Philippines.

public administrationmpadpa
Importance of M&E
Importance of M&EImportance of M&E
Importance of M&E

This document discusses the importance of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) for programs and projects. It defines monitoring as an ongoing process of collecting and analyzing data to track progress and make adjustments, while evaluation assesses relevance, effectiveness, impact and sustainability. The key aspects of building an M&E system are agreeing on outcomes to measure, selecting indicators, gathering baseline data, setting targets, monitoring implementation and results, reporting findings, and sustaining the system long-term. A strong M&E system provides evidence of achievements and challenges, enables learning and improvement, and helps ensure resources are allocated to effective programs.

Budget Formulation (Drafting)
At this phase, CSO’s can influence budget allocations by:
• Researching nutrition needs of different groups
• Disseminating findings of budget analysis
• Producing alternative or ‘shadow’ budgets
• Making suggestions about additions/reallocations to the budget
Line Ministries can ensure:
• Budget is line with nutrition plans and is adequate
• Be armed with evidence to defend before department
• Lobby influential individuals in MDAs to ensure budget is not removed
• Work closely with NGOs/CSOs for technical assistance in generating
evidence for advocacy/lobbying.
The Budget Cycle: Entry Points
1. Guidelines
and ceilings
2. Draft
and consulted
3. Negotiation
4. Review and
Adapted From: R. Mbuya-Brown and H. Sapuwa, Health Budget Advocacy: A Guide for Civil Society in Malawi (Washington, DC: Futures Group, 2015).
WHAT: Support
state actors in
HOW: Provide
evidence to justify
budget request
The Budget Cycle: Entry Points
1. Guidelines
and ceilings
2. Draft
and consulted
3. Negotiation
4. Review and
Adapted From: R. Mbuya-Brown and H. Sapuwa, Health Budget Advocacy: A Guide for Civil Society in Malawi (Washington, DC: Futures Group,
WHAT: Build
support among
HOW: Outreach
to committee
members and
Enactment (Approval by Parliament)
At this phase, CSOs can increase public awareness of the nutrition
budget by:
• Campaigning to make the enactment process open and transparent
• Publishing a critical synopsis of the budget
• Engaging with the media (to act as a watchdog), officials (to gain access
to information) and the public (to increase pressure to make the process
more open and transparent)
• Working with parliamentarians to influence reallocations or changes to the
budget proposal
Line Ministries
• Supply relevant information to shape campaign in favour of nutrition
• Budget defense done by one educated on nutrition issues

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Resource Mobilization Process/strategy

This presentation provides an overview of resource mobilization and fundraising. It discusses key topics like the types of resources, defining resource mobilization, the resource mobilization process, challenges, and the importance of resource mobilization. The presentation outlines the development and management of a resource mobilization program, including preparing a strategy, identifying stakeholders, developing messages, selecting vehicles, monitoring and evaluation, and ensuring readiness. It also covers funding proposal writing. The overall goal is to help organizations attract resources and broaden donor support through effective resource mobilization.

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Monitoring and evaluation
Monitoring and evaluationMonitoring and evaluation
Monitoring and evaluation

The document provides an overview of monitoring and evaluation methods for programs. It discusses key concepts like monitoring, evaluation, attributes of each, and who conducts them. The five phases of evaluation are outlined: planning, method selection, data collection and analysis, reporting, and implementing recommendations. Specific monitoring and evaluation tools are also described. The overall summary is: Monitoring and evaluation follow a five phase process including planning, method selection, data collection and analysis, reporting, and implementing recommendations to improve programs. Key concepts like monitoring, evaluation, attributes of each, tools used, and who conducts them are outlined.

Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder EngagementStakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder Engagement

Process to assess the effectiveness of the engagement and techniques to involve the stakeholders in the design and implementation

The Budget Cycle: Entry Points
1. Guidelines
and ceilings
2. Draft
and consulted
3. Negotiation
4. Review and
Adapted From: R. Mbuya-Brown and H. Sapuwa, Health Budget Advocacy: A Guide for Civil Society in Malawi (Washington, DC: Futures Group, 2015).
WHAT: Highlight issues
and increase
HOW: Track
expenditures against
allocations and
Execution (Implementation)
At this phase, CSOs can help citizens hold the government to
account by:
• Organizing local budget advocacy groups
• Measuring the impact of budget allocations and disseminating findings
• Monitoring implementation/budget spending throughout the budget
Line Ministries
• Collaborate with local budget groups to promote transparency &
accountability and efficient use of scarce resources
• Submit you memos on time and lobby to get approval/releases/cash
• Focus spending on high impact nutrition intervention
• Make sure your burn rate is high
Auditing (Checking that funds were spent as planned)
• At this phase, CSOs can contribute to the review of the budget
• Researching the impact on specific population groups (e.g. urban and
rural communities, women, children, people with disabilities, or people
from minority ethnic communities)
• Weighing up inputs against outputs
• Making recommendations about how the following year’s budget
allocation for the nutrition sector needs to change
Line Ministries
• Efficient documentation to show impact of intervention
• Efficient use of resources for maximum impact
Monitoring Budget Outcomes for Accountability
•Level of spending: Is the amount spent adequate? Do
expenditures match allocations?
•Composition of spending: Are expenditures aligned
with needs and priorities?
•Efficiency of spending: Are funds spent well? Is
wastage minimized?
Adapted From: Save the Children, Health Sector Budget Advocacy: A Guide for Civil Society Organisations, 2013.

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Evaluation is an important part of any project that helps check progress, collect necessary information for final reports, and learn lessons for future projects. It involves reviewing project goals, collecting both quantitative and qualitative information through methods like questionnaires, interviews and feedback forms, analyzing the findings including identifying strengths, weaknesses, problems and evidence, and sharing results with relevant stakeholders. Developing and following an evaluation plan from the beginning of a project is crucial for ensuring success.

What is a policy?
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What is a policy?

The document discusses policies, procedures, vision, mission, values, and goals for organizations. It provides examples of policies and procedures from cooperatives and explains that policies outline general guidelines while procedures provide specific steps for implementation. Together, policies and procedures help organizations achieve goals and objectives in a standardized, compliant, and efficient manner.

Project Monitoring & Evaluation
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Project Monitoring & Evaluation

This presentation explains about the basic concepts related to monitoring & evaluation for the MSW students and development workers

Success factors
• Partnerships and alliances - Government, CSOs, Legislators, people
directly affected
• Access to credible and timely information
• Persistence, dedication and ongoing work
• Sustainability of gains is more when those directly affected are
• Understanding of how to navigate political terrain
• Local – National – International (Interconnect for greater results)
• Strong coalition building- great strategy
• Readiness to seize moments that presents itself to engage for change
3. Budget
Action Plan
“What is an Action Plan?”
“An action plan is a document that lists what steps must
be taken in order to achieve a specific goal. The purpose
of an action plan is to clarify what resources are required
to reach the goal, formulate a timeline for when specific
tasks need to be completed and determine what
resources are required”

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Fall Global Health Practitioner Conference 2017 Planning and Conducting Advocacy at National and Subnational Levels Kavita Sethuraman, Annie Toro, & Danielle Heilberg

•The action plan should meet several criteria.
•Is the action plan:
Complete? Does it list all the action steps or changes to be
Clear? Is it apparent who will do what by when?
Current? Does the action plan reflect the current work? Does
it anticipate newly emerging opportunities and barriers
Benefits of action planning
Budget Advocacy Strategy Development
•Objective (SMARTER)
•Audience (Constituents, opponents, allies)
•Partners and alliances
•Message delivery
•Action plan
Key Considerations in budget advocacy Action Planning
•Working with insiders (SNOs, Directors, PS etc.)
•working with Influencers (Governors wife, Friends
of Governor etc.)
•working with allies and champions (Any person
with influence & is passionate about issues)
•working with coalitions or networks
•working with media

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NCCMT Spotlight Webinar: Guide to Policy-Influence Evaluation
NCCMT Spotlight Webinar: Guide to Policy-Influence EvaluationNCCMT Spotlight Webinar: Guide to Policy-Influence Evaluation
NCCMT Spotlight Webinar: Guide to Policy-Influence Evaluation

Interested in learning how to evaluate your policy influence? Do you promote the uptake and dissemination of population health interventions? Are you interested in exploring public health–related case studies of policy influence? The Guide to Policy-Influence Evaluation can help! This guide was developed by the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Innovation Strategy and produced by Cathexis Consulting. How can the Guide to Policy-Influence Evaluation help you? The Guide to Policy-Influence Evaluation was developed to help organizations use policy influence to improve the uptake and evaluation of evidence-based population health interventions. This process is divided into the four steps of evaluation planning. Each step includes two or more resources to support it. The resources are then summarized and important highlights are presented as they related to each step. This webinar includes an overview of the Guide by its developers, followed by a presentation from a community based organization who evaluated the impact on policies within their work to promote healthier weights. The Guide to Policy-Influence Evaluation includes three public health–related case studies: •Healthy weights among Aboriginal children and youth •Anti-bullying for primary schools •Food security and healthy weights To see the summary statement of this method developed by NCCMT, click here: http://www.nccmt.ca/resources/search/241 The National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools is funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada and affiliated with McMaster University. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Public Health Agency of Canada. NCCMT is one of six National Collaborating Centres (NCCs) for Public Health. The Centres promote and improve the use of scientific research and other knowledge to strengthen public health practices and policies in Canada.

Health Financing Miano Munene
Health Financing   Miano MuneneHealth Financing   Miano Munene
Health Financing Miano Munene

The document discusses strategies for students to get involved in analyzing government health budgets and financing at various stages of the budget process. It outlines how students can collaborate with policymakers during planning, scrutinize implementation, and advocate for priorities like preventative health and access for underserved groups. The document also notes challenges like lack of capacity and secretive processes that students must address.

Evaluating Advocacy: Challenges, Methodologies and Solutions
Evaluating Advocacy:  Challenges, Methodologies and SolutionsEvaluating Advocacy:  Challenges, Methodologies and Solutions
Evaluating Advocacy: Challenges, Methodologies and Solutions

This document discusses challenges, methodologies, and solutions for evaluating advocacy efforts. It begins by defining advocacy and distinguishing it from other types of campaigns. Key challenges include focusing on activities rather than outcomes and proving impact. The document recommends understanding the desired changes, monitoring progress, selecting appropriate evaluation methods, estimating influence on changes, and sharing lessons learned. A variety of evaluation methods are described, from stakeholder interviews to contribution analysis. The goal is to integrate evaluation into advocacy strategies to continually improve efforts and demonstrate successes.

Group Work: Action plan on Budget Advocacy
Participants working in groups will use template below to draw up plans on how to implement
budget advocacy in their states
Specific objectives
Expected Results
Advocacy Targets & allies
S/N Activity By whom Timeline Budget
Risks/Challenges to Achieve
Specific Objectives
Strategies to Mitigate
• PRB NA4L - Budget Mapping2.pptx: Adapted From: Save the Children, Health Sector
Budget Advocacy: A Guide for Civil Society Organisations, 2013.
• https://www.internationalbudget.org
• CS-SUNN Budgeting for Health and Nutrition: Trend Analysis 2017
Budget advocacy & Action Planning

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Budget advocacy & Action Planning

  • 1. BUDGET ADVOCACY & ACTION PLANNING Okoronkwo Sunday (Project Manager CS-SUNN)
  • 2. PRESENTATION OUTLINE 1. Budget Advocacy 2. Developing Budget Advocacy Action plan
  • 4. What is budget advocacy? Strategic approach to influence governments’ budget choices, aimed at achieving clear and specific outcomes- e.g. healthier people, less poverty, improved governance for nutrition or any other worthy course International Budget Partnership
  • 5. Budget Advocacy Steps • Step 1: Selecting an issue or problem to address • Step 2: Developing a goal and objectives for budget advocacy • Step 3: Assessing your external and internal context • Step 4: Identifying your target audiences • Step 5: Crafting your budget advocacy message(s) • Step 6: Creating an action plan • Step 8: Measuring success
  • 6. Budget Advocacy Essential capacities 1.Budget Analysis: The capacity to secure budget information, analyze it and explain its implications in clear and compelling ways 2.Engaging for change: Implementing budget advocacy strategies that will yield results, Selecting the most effective way/channels to reach your targets (politicians, stakeholders), mobilizing the public
  • 7. 3. Budget Execution: The Executive collects the Revenue and spend the money as per the allocation made in the budget law 2. Budget Approval: The Legislature reviews and amends the budget and then enacts it into law 4. Budget Oversight: The Budget Accounts are audited & Audit findings are reviewed by NASS, which requires action to be taken by the Executive to correct Audit findings Key budget Documents: Executive’s Budget Proposal; supporting budget reports ie MTEF Key Budget Documents: Budget Law; Reports of Legislative Budget Committee Key Budget Documents: In-Year Reports; Mid- Year Report; Year-end Reports; Supplementary Budgets Key Budget Documents: Audit Reports; Legislative Audit Committee Reports KEY STAGES IN THE BUDGET CYCLE PRESTON © 2013
  • 8. The Budget Cycle 1. Guidelines and ceilings established 2. Draft budget developed and consulted 3. Negotiation 4. Review and approval 5. Disbursement, expenditure, monitoring
  • 9. The Budget Cycle: Entry Points 1. Guidelines and ceilings established 2. Draft budget developed and consulted 3. Negotiation 4. Review and approval 5. Disbursement, expenditure, monitoring WHAT: health Ceiling, geographic distribution, new priorities HOW: Shape dialogue at national level, targeting ministry of finance Adapted From: R. Mbuya-Brown and H. Sapuwa, Health Budget Advocacy: A Guide for Civil Society in Malawi (Washington, DC: Futures Group, 2015).
  • 10. Review •Prepare medium term strategic goal •Campaign promises •Needs •Economic and fiscal goals •Targets
  • 11. Review At this phase, you can: •Seek to know what plan the party in power has for the people •Communicate the people’s needs to the party •Document and cost the promise Line Ministries • Work with NGOs/CBOs by making relevant information availably
  • 12. The Budget Cycle: Entry Points 1. Guidelines and ceilings established 2. Draft budget developed and consulted 3. Negotiation 4. Review and approval 5. Disbursement, expenditure, monitoring Adapted From: R. Mbuya-Brown and H. Sapuwa, Health Budget Advocacy: A Guide for Civil Society in Malawi (Washington, DC: Futures Group, 2015). WHAT: Allocations within health budget HOW: Outreach to ministry of health
  • 13. Budget Formulation (Drafting) At this phase, CSO’s can influence budget allocations by: • Researching nutrition needs of different groups • Disseminating findings of budget analysis • Producing alternative or ‘shadow’ budgets • Making suggestions about additions/reallocations to the budget proposal Line Ministries can ensure: • Budget is line with nutrition plans and is adequate • Be armed with evidence to defend before department • Lobby influential individuals in MDAs to ensure budget is not removed • Work closely with NGOs/CSOs for technical assistance in generating evidence for advocacy/lobbying.
  • 14. The Budget Cycle: Entry Points 1. Guidelines and ceilings established 2. Draft budget developed and consulted 3. Negotiation 4. Review and approval 5. Disbursement, expenditure, monitoring Adapted From: R. Mbuya-Brown and H. Sapuwa, Health Budget Advocacy: A Guide for Civil Society in Malawi (Washington, DC: Futures Group, 2015). WHAT: Support state actors in negotiations HOW: Provide evidence to justify budget request
  • 15. The Budget Cycle: Entry Points 1. Guidelines and ceilings established 2. Draft budget developed and consulted 3. Negotiation 4. Review and approval 5. Disbursement, expenditure, monitoring Adapted From: R. Mbuya-Brown and H. Sapuwa, Health Budget Advocacy: A Guide for Civil Society in Malawi (Washington, DC: Futures Group, 2015). WHAT: Build support among parliament HOW: Outreach to committee members and media
  • 16. Enactment (Approval by Parliament) At this phase, CSOs can increase public awareness of the nutrition budget by: • Campaigning to make the enactment process open and transparent • Publishing a critical synopsis of the budget • Engaging with the media (to act as a watchdog), officials (to gain access to information) and the public (to increase pressure to make the process more open and transparent) • Working with parliamentarians to influence reallocations or changes to the budget proposal Line Ministries • Supply relevant information to shape campaign in favour of nutrition • Budget defense done by one educated on nutrition issues
  • 17. The Budget Cycle: Entry Points 1. Guidelines and ceilings established 2. Draft budget developed and consulted 3. Negotiation 4. Review and approval 5. Disbursement, expenditure, monitoring Adapted From: R. Mbuya-Brown and H. Sapuwa, Health Budget Advocacy: A Guide for Civil Society in Malawi (Washington, DC: Futures Group, 2015). WHAT: Highlight issues and increase transparency HOW: Track expenditures against allocations and disseminate discrepancies
  • 18. Execution (Implementation) At this phase, CSOs can help citizens hold the government to account by: • Organizing local budget advocacy groups • Measuring the impact of budget allocations and disseminating findings • Monitoring implementation/budget spending throughout the budget cycle Line Ministries • Collaborate with local budget groups to promote transparency & accountability and efficient use of scarce resources • Submit you memos on time and lobby to get approval/releases/cash backing • Focus spending on high impact nutrition intervention • Make sure your burn rate is high
  • 19. Auditing (Checking that funds were spent as planned) • At this phase, CSOs can contribute to the review of the budget by: • Researching the impact on specific population groups (e.g. urban and rural communities, women, children, people with disabilities, or people from minority ethnic communities) • Weighing up inputs against outputs • Making recommendations about how the following year’s budget allocation for the nutrition sector needs to change Line Ministries • Efficient documentation to show impact of intervention • Efficient use of resources for maximum impact
  • 20. Monitoring Budget Outcomes for Accountability •Level of spending: Is the amount spent adequate? Do expenditures match allocations? •Composition of spending: Are expenditures aligned with needs and priorities? •Efficiency of spending: Are funds spent well? Is wastage minimized? Adapted From: Save the Children, Health Sector Budget Advocacy: A Guide for Civil Society Organisations, 2013.
  • 21. Success factors • Partnerships and alliances - Government, CSOs, Legislators, people directly affected • Access to credible and timely information • Persistence, dedication and ongoing work • Sustainability of gains is more when those directly affected are involved • Understanding of how to navigate political terrain • Local – National – International (Interconnect for greater results) • Strong coalition building- great strategy • Readiness to seize moments that presents itself to engage for change
  • 23. “What is an Action Plan?”
  • 24. Definition “An action plan is a document that lists what steps must be taken in order to achieve a specific goal. The purpose of an action plan is to clarify what resources are required to reach the goal, formulate a timeline for when specific tasks need to be completed and determine what resources are required”
  • 25. GOOD ACTION PLAN •The action plan should meet several criteria. •Is the action plan: Complete? Does it list all the action steps or changes to be sought Clear? Is it apparent who will do what by when? Current? Does the action plan reflect the current work? Does it anticipate newly emerging opportunities and barriers
  • 26. Benefits of action planning
  • 27. Budget Advocacy Strategy Development •Objective (SMARTER) •Audience (Constituents, opponents, allies) •Message •Partners and alliances •Message delivery •Action plan
  • 28. Key Considerations in budget advocacy Action Planning •Working with insiders (SNOs, Directors, PS etc.) •working with Influencers (Governors wife, Friends of Governor etc.) •working with allies and champions (Any person with influence & is passionate about issues) •working with coalitions or networks •working with media
  • 29. Group Work: Action plan on Budget Advocacy Participants working in groups will use template below to draw up plans on how to implement budget advocacy in their states Specific objectives Expected Results Advocacy Targets & allies Resources S/N Activity By whom Timeline Budget Risks/Challenges to Achieve Specific Objectives Strategies to Mitigate Risks/Challenges:
  • 30. References • PRB NA4L - Budget Mapping2.pptx: Adapted From: Save the Children, Health Sector Budget Advocacy: A Guide for Civil Society Organisations, 2013. • https://www.internationalbudget.org • CS-SUNN Budgeting for Health and Nutrition: Trend Analysis 2017