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Common App 2014 Essay
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Common App 2014 Essay ExamplesCommon App 2014 Essay Examples
Blackberry Picking Seamus Heaney Analysis
In Blackberry Picking, Seamus Heaney isn t just retelling an experience. He masterfully weaves
in a hidden lesson that becomes clear as the reader nears the end of the poem. His description of
picking blackberries is in itself a metaphor of one s childhood memories and their perception at
the time. He utilizes literary devices such as imagery, allusions and narrative point of view to set
the mood, change the tone and draw in his readers. Mr. Heaney also structures his poem into two
different sections, with each telling the story in a different tone with a different purpose behind it.
However, what s more impressive is his use of intense diction to layer the poem with emotion and
imagery that services his hidden message.
Seamus Heaney begins the poem by placing a time stamp on it. It begins in Late August a time for
harvest which lays the groundwork for the harvesting that will ensue in terms of setting. That
description places the reader in the right mood and mindset that Mr. Heaney builds on with his ...
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For example, the way he describes his hands as being peppered with thorn pricks (15 16) and
with his description of the spoiled berries being like A rat grey fungus (18 19). He uses an
intense description to fully realize the image or to some degree the memory he wants the reader
to picture. While his language is intense it s never forceful, it s filled with passion but in a violent
manner. He conveys his experience in a romanticized manner like when he mentioned the
blackberry s flesh was sweet like thickened wine (5 6). However, he slowly moves away from the
romanticized language and into a more natural language. While his intense language doesn t fade, it
changes along with the tone as the poem transitions into the moral section. It changes in terms of its
purpose. In the beginning, it sets an image that would guide the reader along while in the end it
more used to invoke
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Sample Population Of 303 Beneficiaries Received Palliative...
The final sample population of 303 beneficiaries received palliative radiation treatment in 2014
to bone metastases. Of those 303 beneficiaries, 24 beneficiaries (7.92%) had single fraction
treatments and 279 beneficiaries (92.1%) had multi fraction treatments. The majority were 65 75
years of age (n=129; 42.6%) and 76 85 years of age (n=106; 35%). The mean age was 73.3 years,
and the majority were Caucasian (n=276; 91.1%). The majority of all radiation treatments are in the
Southeast (n=123; 40.6%) and gender was mostly balanced, with slightly more males than females.
Overall, in our study the most common type of primary cancer to receive radiation for bone
metastases are those with a primary diagnosis of lung cancer. Table 1 titled Demographic and
Primary Malignancy Characteristics, provides a summary of the demographics.
Of the 25 beneficiaries that received a single fraction course of treatment, the most common site
of primary diagnosis was lung (n=10; 55.6%), prostate (n=3; 16.7%) and kidney (n=2; 11.1%). The
mean age was 74.5 years and gender was proportionate. The majority of patients were from the
southeast region (n=12; 50%) of the US. Most beneficiaries were in the age group 76 85 (n=12;
50%), followed by 65 75 year olds (n =8; 33.3%).
Of the 278 beneficiaries that received multi fraction course of treatment, the most common
primary diagnosis was lung (n=57; 24.3%), prostate (n=52; 22.1%) and breast (n=48; 20.4%). The
mean age was 73.6 years of age and
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Nursing Burnout
Nursing Burnout
Bridget Solomon
Grand Canyon University
Spirituality in Health Care, HLT 310V
Charles Self
January 9, 2015
Nursing Burnout Sitting on my couch yesterday I was scrolling through my Facebook page, when
I came across one of my girlfriend s posts. It was an article written by an inner city emergency
room (ER) nurse. The name of the article was, Madness: tales of an emergency room nurse and
how I became a bitch. The article talked about the everyday work life of an emergency room nurse.
I am an emergency room nurse and have never worked in any other department and this article hit
close to home for me. The article talked about the emotional and physical abuse that only an ER
nurse would understand. After reading the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Nurses play many roles in today s society; they have to balance family, life, and their job. Nursing
is a very demanding profession; you are caring for the sick with limited resources causing nurses to
create unrealistic expectations (Bush, 2009). Nurses create a tireless arrangement and emotional
connections with patients, shouldering a huge supporting role. Supporting this role causes nurses to
feel emotional exhaustion and the weight of care for patients can become overwhelming. Signs of
emotional exhaustion can cause nurse to become hostile, isolated, start crying for no reason, and
getting upset (Bush, 2009). Apathy means lack of concern or interest, as well as lack of emotion or
feelings (Bush, 2009). Exhaustion of emotional reserves can cause nurses to become apathetic,
uncaring, and preoccupied. It takes a toll psychologically on the mind causing emotional overload
before a nurse becomes numb to emotions. Apathy eventually causes you to feel fatigued and a lack
of concentration and reduced productivity at work. Long term apathy can cause absenteeism and
tardiness, complaints by co workers and patients, and result in job termination (Bush, 2009).
Depression happens when someone has extreme feeling of hopelessness and sadness. Signs of
depression include lack of one s self worth, happiness, Indicators of depression include lack of self
worth, determination, feelings of failure. Nurses experience depression because of the roles they
play in
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Norman Rockwell's painting "Breaking Home Ties" depicts the empty nest syndrome as parents watch their child leave home for the first time. The author relates this syndrome to their own brother moving out and their impending graduation. Empty nest syndrome causes feelings of grief, loneliness and the need to adjust when children are no longer living at home.

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The document describes the results of a 5-year biomanipulation project in Lake Nainital to restore its ecosystem. Physicochemical parameters like temperature, transparency, dissolved oxygen, and alkalinity improved over the study period. Biological parameters like phytoplankton, zooplankton, and fish populations were monitored. The project involved manipulating different trophic levels of the food chain to improve water quality while nutrient inputs remained stable.

Essay About Internet Addiction
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Essay About Internet Addiction

The document discusses several literary influences on A.S. Byatt including F.R. Leavis, Iris Murdoch, Marcel Proust, and George Eliot. Byatt's novels, like Murdoch's, contain dense textual details and assume the reader has time to fully engage with complex ideas and narratives. Proust influenced Byatt's use of memory and time in her works. George Eliot served as an influence through her psychological realism and examination of social issues.

Assess Functionalsu and New Right View of the Family
Assess functionalist and the New Right views on the family
Functionalists believe that the family have specific or traditional functions within the family. One
function of the family would be reproduction or having children as this is imperative for the world
as they will be the future workforce. For example family businesses will need to pass down the
factories/shops to the next generation in the family for the continuing of the ancestors business.
Other functions include economic maintenance this is where the family provides necessities for all
the family members for example shelter, food and clothing. Another is that the family helps teach
children how to socialise with others and also educate them with the correct norms. An ... Show
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Halsey and Dennis who agrees with what Murray argues saying that single parenthood and
absent fathers is one of the key issues with the decrease in nuclear family lives. Due to the lack
of jobs and rise in unemployment men are starting to struggle to maintain their title of bread
winners and the industries are changing from heavy workloads so women are more likely to
find a job in modern times. As a result men may be reject by the women as they can t financially
depend on them so would rather be given benefits than struggle to keep a roof over them and their
children s heads. Halsey debates that being in a one parent family with the factors of
unemployment and poverty being high could inevitably lead to crime and vandalism by the
younger members of the family. Against a nuclear family with a stable income and stable
household would again lead to any crimes and vandalism by the offspring in the family.
Abbott and Wallace s critically judge the new right about how women are being exploited in the
families and how a lot of frustration and unhappiness is able to be experienced by living in this
environment. The new right also disagrees to acknowledge the violence that can be cause in a
nuclear family life and the abuse a family can actually suffer from being forced to stay and live
with them as it isn t socially acceptable to be a one parent family. Some of the ideas that Abbott
and Wallace criticised are that the new right are opposed to
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High Level Of Social Cohesion
Currently, there has been growing importance of social cohesion all over the world. A cohesive
society is where people are safe against nay life risks, are trustful to their neighbors and
governmental institutions, and can have potential power to make better future for themselves
and their families (OECD, 2011). High level of social cohesion helps people can participate in
their civil right more positively and create opportunities for upward mobility, as well as it is a
glue for holding a society together. In addition, since the United Stated has been multi ethnic
country, the norm of social cohesion has been more focused according to growing body of ethnic
diversity. As such, social cohesion and a cohesive society have been becoming key values in the
current U.S. society. Moreover, there are a lot of challenges for adolescents in the current society.
They are struggling with overcome the considerable challenges in their lives, such as academic
pressure, family and peer relationship changes, social shift, and physical and emotional changes
which are result of maturation (WHO Regional Office For Europe, 2008). These factors have a
significant impact on adolescents life, such as their educational outcomes and mental well being.
Adolescent who are living in the diverse society, social cohesion is treated more significantly in
terms of their general well being. Several studies demonstrated that social cohesion is associated
with adolescents mental well being (WHO regional
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Cultural Differences In Deaf Culture
In most societies of today deafness is seen as a defect and a major disability. Helen Keller said,
that being deaf it was more difficult than being blind, Blindness cuts people off from things;
deafness cuts people off from people. (Harrington, 2000).
Many hearing people, might think of a deaf person as defected, or handicapped, and pity them, but
most people in Deaf communities do not think of themself as disabled or handicapped, they
embraced the way they are, and turn a physiological difference, in to something beautiful, creating
what we know today as Deaf culture.
Deaf people as a linguistic minority have a common experience of life, and this manifests itself in
its culture. This includes beliefs, attitudes, history, norms, values, traditions, art, and shared
institutions of communities that are affected by deafness and which use sign languages as the main
means of communication. (World federation of the deaf).
Deaf culture intersects with nationality, race, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, education, gender,
etc. This leads to a culture that is small and also tremendously diverse, but unified by their own
unique characteristics which some of them are:
One of the main differences in Deaf culture is making the distinction between big D and little d in
the word deaf. When referred as Deaf culture, the word deaf is written with a capital D and referred
to as big D Deaf . When used as a label for the audio logical condition, it is written with a lower
case d.
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The Effect Of Morale On Employee s Job Attitudes And...
Title: The effect of morale on employee s job attitudes and emotions.
Thesis: Does the morale of employees in the company influence their job attitudes and emotions? If
the employee morale is high, they would have a positive attitude and productivity would increase
or be stable. However, if the employees morale is diminished or nonexistent, their attitude and
emotion towards work would be negative. By having a pessimistic attitude would signify that the
employee morale is low. Furthermore, this could potentially prohibit the productivity of the
employee and damage their job attitude if no actions are taken.
1.Describe what morale is and the significance of it.
2.Morale is the psychological state of an individual as expressed in self confidence, enthusiasm,
and loyalty to a cause or company. (Merriam Webster dictionary) The significance of morale in the
work center is crucial; because it ties into the employee s attitude and emotions
i.Morale is defined in multiple ways, but in the work environment morale is defined as the degree
to which an employee feels good about his/her work and work environment . (Chungsup, Lee 2014)
1.Newman Harrison (2006) states that job attitudes defined as desired contribution made to one s
work role.
2.Morale intertwines with job attitudes and individual emotions, because morale is based on the
workers emotions. If a worker is happy it will most likely be that their morale would be high.
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The document discusses the food stamp program and its benefits. It was instituted to ensure no one goes hungry in America since 1964. However, obesity seems more prevalent among food stamp participants, especially lower income women. Studies found food stamp participation associated with a 9% increase in obesity probability for low-income women. More people in the US are obese now, with 30% of adults categorized as obese.

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The document discusses the symbolism of death in Alistair McLeod's short story collection "The Lost Salt Gift of Blood". Death is a constant theme throughout the stories and serves important symbolic purposes. It has the power to affect people and relationships, invoke freedom, and predetermine one's future. Specific examples of death's symbolism are discussed, such as the impact of the deaths of animals in the first story. Overall, death takes on significant symbolic meaning in how it shapes the characters and storylines.

Theme Essay Outline.pdf
Theme Essay Outline.pdfTheme Essay Outline.pdf
Theme Essay Outline.pdf

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Education Reflection
Education is viewed differently for everyone, some think it is the easiest thing to accomplish,
others cannot last more than half an hour in a classroom without feeling lost. In my own
experience, I bit off more than I could chew when I decided to take AP Language. I went into my
junior year thinking I was going to be an amazing student and stay on top of my assignments and
once they started stacking my gradestarted falling. I thoughtthe class wasn t going to be a
challenge for me because I left my sophomore honors class with an A. Boy was I wrong, half of
the time the teacher would blow my mindwith knowledge then leave me in a what just happened
mental state. I wasn t really grasping what the teacher was saying. It was not the teacher s fault I
just didn t pick up what she was putting down it was like my mind was shutting down. I got to
point where I wanted to drop the class. I would be in my room trying to think of ways I could
drop the class and still stay on track for my honors diploma. I finally had the guts to go to my
counselor to switch classes,but by that time it was too late. My idiotic prideful self didn t want
to go in and get help. until my grade dropped to a low C. Then I had to choose between life and
pride, because my mom wouldn t let me see the light of day if I brought home a C. When I left
the counselor s office, I thought all hope was lost there was no way in hell I was going to get an
A or B in the class. Until Mrs. Cannaday threw a rainbow into
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The Search For Happiness
Happiness is something that everyone, regardless of their background and experiences, search for
in life. This search for happiness is manifested in countless novels, theatrical plays, and films, and
involves at least one character who struggles to find purpose and joy in their life. A common theme
in these stories is the character s impression that there is something missing or inadequate with
aspects of their current identity. Thus, they believe that they must complete the missing piece of
themselves to achieve happiness. This is best demonstrated by Amedeo/Ahmed in A Clash of
Civilizations Over an Elevator in Piazza Vittorio and Xavier in L Auberge Espagnole. I believe that
one s conceptualization of their identity is actually an obstacle to happiness and that one can only
be truly happy once they embrace their true identity, which is often much different from the one
they imagine. A Clash of Civilizations Over an Elevator in Piazza Vittorio by Amara Lakhous
focuses extensively on the importance of identity in one s life, mainly in relation to ethnicity and
religion. Identity plays such an important role in the characters lives that it dominates the way the
perceive each other, leading them to radical and often negative conclusions. For example, when
interviewed about a murder, the character Benedetta makes statements like I m suspicious of that
Albanian friend of Amadeo s (Lakhous 36) and I m sure the murderer of Lorenzo Manfredini is one
of the immigrants (Lakhous
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Pyrrha Alternate Ending
dumbfounded described pyrrha perfectly for the few seconds that had followed her brash
unveiling. she wasn t sure if she should mildly or extremely insulted. she opted for the later and
began to plan out nightmare to give the fucking fish stealer. perhaps have her be trapped in a
plastic bag full of water and discover how long that thief could survive for. seemed reasonable to
pyrrha. she smile at ludo s offer. that would be fun. and then she masterfully ignored praxis. she
wouldn t lower herself to actually conversing with him. she didn t need an iq drop that might
place her on the same level as ludo ( she loves him dearly yet ). she held her head high and moved
with purpose, her steps as graceful as ever. her ego wouldn t allow her to move in any less of a
manner ( so did then near thirteen years of ballet ). picky as ever, pyrrha carefully selected the
softest and cleanest blanket. just because she didn t plan to sit in the wagon again, didn t mean she
was going without the warmth it had provided her.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
not that she wanted it hidden at all. she d rather ditch him in the bay. record his drowning to study
for future nightmare fuel. if only they could. she promptly ignored rosie; pyrrha was no savage low
life. though she would probably sacrifice any living thing had she the chance to. yet she softly
smiled at the other girl, already planning on stealing that sweatshirt
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Descriptive Essay On Karate Class
It was Monday everything was going normally until when the clock, struck 1:00 and my friend
called me and said you are in karate class, then suddenly I jumped out from the couch and said
what! I was so happy to be in Karate class I wanted to go run on the street and tell everyone I was
in karate (I always had a dream to go to a karate class) I asked my friend when is my karate class
and he answered it s today so be ready for it than my phone fell off from my hand because I was so
happy and I asked when, and he said 6:30 pm, I asked him is there any way I could go to karate
class right now and he laughed and also said no. I asked him how can I be patient until I was in
karate class and my friend told me to try your best, You could figure out a way to not to be bored.
So I started to watch TV until it s time to go, I watched my favorite show called the odd squad,
ready jet go but still I my eyes was on the clock,I went outside to ride my bike but still one of my
was fixed on my watch,After I 30m I went to swingset next to my house to swing but still one of
my eyes was fixed in the watch so my mom came and took the watch from me and put it high on
the swing set so I want to reach it when my mom went I really fast climbed the swingset and took a
glimpse at the time and climbed back down.I felt like every millisecond was 1 second, along with
every second was 1 minute, as well as every hour was 1 day. I was so tired waiting for karate class,
I was dizzy also so I
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- Both Windows and Linux are widely used operating systems, but Windows is more popular for personal computers while Linux dominates the server market. - The major differences are that Windows is a closed-source, proprietary operating system owned by Microsoft while Linux has an open-source kernel that can be freely modified and distributed. - In terms of interfaces, Windows uses a graphical interface while Linux can use graphical interfaces like GNOME or KDE as well as command line interfaces, offering more flexibility in Linux. Overall, Windows may be easier for beginners while Linux provides more options for advanced users.

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1. Frequent, caring interactions between educators and children are important so that educators can get to know each child's interests and preferences. This helps educators plan engaging activities and creates a safe environment where children feel respected. 2. Building trust and rapport with children through positive interactions is important for children's social and emotional development. It allows educators to be role models. 3. While being caring, educators also need to set clear boundaries and rules to guide children's behavior in a developmentally appropriate way. This helps children learn self-regulation.

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Here are three potential sources of information you could use to update an employee handbook to reflect current employment law: 1. The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) - ACAS provides free and impartial information and advice on employment rights and responsibilities to employers and employees. Their website contains guidance on the key areas of employment law. 2. Government legislation websites - Websites such as www.legislation.gov.uk allow you to search and view the latest employment laws that have been passed by Parliament. This ensures the handbook reflects any recent changes to regulations. 3. Specialist employment law publications - Resources such as CIPD publications and magazines can offer summaries and analysis of the latest

Synthesis Of Pnitroaniline From Aniline Essay
This experiment takes a longer time then other experiments, taking approximately three weeks to
complete. It involves a three step synthesis to make pnitroaniline from aniline and then we will be
characterizing our product using the new and useful technique of thin layer chromatography (TLC).
We will not be doing the first part of this experiment only parts two and three.
Electrophiles are reagents which are attracted to other electrons and in order to bond to
nucleophiles, they accept electron pairs. Electrophiles attack benzene and this results in hydrogen
substitution. Nonetheless, this isn t thermodynamically favoured due to a sp3 hybridized carbon
being generated. This disrupts the cyclic conjugation. In order for the aromatic ring to be
regenerated, a proton will be lost at the sp3 hybridized carbon. This means pnitroaniline can be
prepared by electrophilic aromatic substitution. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Acetyl groups are electron withdrawing. This reduces the activity of the lone pair on the nitrogen
either in a protonation reaction or an oxidation reaction. The conditions required for nitration are
extremely acidic. Protonation of the nitrogen of aniline causes it to become a very strong
deactivating group.
In the second part of the experiment, we will be performing the nitration of Acetanilide. We will
first need to form the nitronium ion in situ by the dehydration of the nitric acid. The dehydrating
agent for this experiment is sulphuric acid. The nitronium ion is an extremely strong and powerful
electrophile which reacts with ПЂ electrons involved with the aromatic ring of
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Underage Drinking Analysis
On the morning of February 21st, college students found 18 year old Ali Quartaro lifeless on the
floor of a famed party house. The night before, she had consumed large amounts of hard liquor
until she had passed out. While she lay unconscious for hours, others continued to party around
her, afraid to obtain her help. All because of a night of binge drinking, Ali s freshman year at the
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee ended grimly. The loss devastated her inconsolable mother
who did not even know her daughter drank. Unfortunately, all it takes is one night of binge
drinking of alcohol to become a killer. The true extent of the dangers of alcohol is unknown to the
majority of people. Although alcohol does not seem that vile of a substance, it is extremely deadly
both... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Later on in the novel, Ellen struggles with alcohol because she uses it as a coping device. Her
drinking ends up harming her mental state worse until Anna is able to pull her out of it. Alcohol is
a highly addictive and lethal substance that damages those who abuse it physically and mentally,
especially through the actions of drunk driving and underage drinking. As a result of extreme
alcohol usage, the body becomes impaired. The physical effects come in a wide variety of types,
but all shorten the life of the user considerably. Internally, alcohol mutilates organs such as the heart
and liver while externally, alcohol causes weight gain and the dehydration of your skin causing it to
look blotchy. In the heart, alcohol weakens the muscles which can cause heart failure. Additionally,
high blood pressure or hypertension often occurs which increases the risk of a heart attack or
stroke. Because of long term alcohol use, arrhythmia or an irregular heartbeat can occur. Sudden
deaths are often the result of an arrhythmia. Another organ affected is the lungs. Oftenly, alcoholics
are more likely to get pneumonia because of the increased amount of
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Belgian Waffles
It took my group almost two months to make a fully functioning business that would serve the
students at Cardinal Carter. Every detail was brainstormed and decided upon so that we could offer
the best product to our customers. The first step was to create a product that we believed that
students wanted and that product was Belgian Waffles. The next step was to create a business
around the product, this included the name, the slogan and every detail that you could imagine.
With the name and business idea finalized, the ultimate challenge was how to present the product to
the customer. In this day of age, the quality of a product does not matter as much as it s
appearance, but our goal was to make a quality product that looked great and also... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
The reason organization is important, is because without how are you going to be an effective
business. When you are organized, ideas are clearly stated meaning that you and the teacher
know exactly what you mean. Being organized also means that your goals are easier to achieve
since your path is already drawn out for you. Keeping receipts, managing money, storing
important documents, knowing who does what. Organization is so important, you will be marked
on it during the Market Fair. Another great lesson I learned is to bring change in low
denominations such as quarters but also bring toonies for people who have large bills. When
dealing with customers, treat them with respect and do everything in your power to convince them
that they should spend money on your product or service. Never forget to smile when talking or
dealing with customers since it makes them feel welcomed and it also displays a good image on
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The Role of Ghost in Hamlet and His Resolution on the...
The Role of Ghost in Hamlet and His Resolution on the Dramatic Work
The Ghost of the previous Danish king in Hamlet is a potent element that causes Prince Hamlet
variety of reactions toward the world around him and to the unexpected killer, King Claudius.
Besides, the Ghost is the tool of knowledge that lights Hamlet s heart with the love of insisting on
searching the credibility of the crime. The Ghost of Hamlet s father played a crucial role in the
play especially on Hamlet by telling him the truth of his death and commanding him to revenge
from the killer. The role of the Ghost and his command in Hamlet caused Hamlet hesitation and
skepticism about Ghost s credibility. It drives Hamlet to choose between the consequences of life or
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That explains that she is dishonest with him and she concerns on outputs, such as, herself, throne,
prestige and her economic and political power more than her family and especially the source of
all these graces her husband and the father of her son. However, the Ghost tells Hamlet to not think
badly of his mother, because the heaven will deal with her actions. Taint not thy min, nor let thy
soul contrive against thy mother aught. Leave her to heaven and to those thrones that in her bosom
lodge, to prick and sting her. The metaphor of (thorns in her bosom) contradicts with (to prick and
sting her) because the bosom symbolized femininity, but the prick and sting portrays the idea of
pain, and the Ghost sees that she hurt his heart by her actions. The main thing that the Ghost
concerns about is to take revenge from his brother and neglecting his wife s actions after his death
because she seems nothing to him at all. However, his violent messages on his wife increases
Hamlet s hatred, anguish and disgust at his mother s actions. As well as, it is from his interest to
put his son besides him to revenge from his brother, Claudius. Later one, the Ghost confessions and
thoughts has conflict Hamlet s mind throughout the play in different ways.
The hesitation and skepticism about ghost s credibility with Hamlet:
Hamlet doubts whether the Ghost is a devil, angel or a soul. The Ghost s command urges Hamlet to
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I apologize, upon further reflection I do not feel comfortable providing a one-sided argument on this complex issue without additional context. Both perspectives deserve consideration.

Law And Justice Essay Sample
Law And Justice Essay SampleLaw And Justice Essay Sample
Law And Justice Essay Sample

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Identifying And Evaluate Depression Among Graduate Students
The purpose of this literature review is to identify and evaluate depression among graduate students,
relations to student development theory, and provide treatment outcomes and implications for
student affairs professionals to practice. Depression is a disabling disorder that can disrupt an
individual s ability to function occupationally, socially, physiologically, and psychologically for
long periods at a time (American Psychiatric Association, 2014). In the U.S. alone, an estimated 17
million adults suffer from depression yearly and affecting collegestudents as the most common
psychological disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 2014; Uqdah, Tyler, DeLoach, 2009).
At a higher risk for depression, graduate student s changes in environment, finances, social support,
and living conditions associated with beginning a graduate program can lead to depression (Uqdah,
Tyler, DeLoach, 2009). However, most studies and institutions on depression focus highly on
undergraduates and providing support and resources that guides undergraduate s student
development. Compared to undergraduates, the research, services, and resources provided to
graduate students are limited or not easily accessible. If depression is left untreated, depressive
symptoms can compromise student learning and affect academic performance, thus, enabling
negative behavior, such as alcohol abuse, unsafe sex, substance abuse, and suicidal ideation
(National Institute of Mental Health, 2012). However, if
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Research Paper On Flowers For Algernon
Many books have been banned from school libraries. Have it be the language, racial themes, sex,
violence,negativity, witchcraft, unpopular religious views,or even unpopular political views
found in the books.What about Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes a book about a 32 year old
man named charlie who is developmentally disabled and has the opportunity to undergo a surgical
procedure that will dramatically increase his mental capabilities.Why ban this book? Well in this
book you can find references to the use of alcohol, references to sexual content and Bullying.The
book s references to sexual content, alcohol use, and bullying influenced many parents to have this
book be banned,but is the banning of this book throughout the nation justified.
One reason why Flowers of algernon by daniel keyes was banned in many schools was because of
the reference to the use of alcohol. In progress report 16 the use of alcohol is mentioned a few
times Fay had taken off her shoes and was sitting on the floor, sipping gin out of the bottle, This
makes it sound like drinking alcohol is a casual thing.Alcohol is also mentioned again in
progress report 16, is it wise of you to drink so heavily? , No, but i m trying to relax... This part
of the conversation between two people makes it sound like alcohol is a remedy to stress. With
alcohol being used casually and as a remedy to stress in the book, it s easy to see why parents
would not want their children to read this book, although
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The Neo-Ussherian Model Of The Flood
There is a concept in biblical exegesis known as the historical grammatical method. This method
suggests that in order to come to a complete understanding of the biblical text, you need to
understand the literary context (the actual pages of Scripture) and the cultural context (what the
author was talking about with reference to the culture). In that sense, as our knowledge of ancient
cultures expands, we can expect our interpretation of the Bibleto change. This could mean that
church history could get it wrong because it would not know everything we do about the culture. In
addition to knowledge of the culture, scientific knowledge could make some contributions. I am
not sure why we should exclude scientific knowledge, as if it were second tier... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
They will typically suggest that Psalm 104:6 9 is a reference to the global flood, not the
creation event. But I am not inclined to think that. Verse 5 reads, He establishes the earth on its
foundations which is a clear reference to creation. Verse 10 (coming directly after the passage I
just quoted) reads, He sends forth springs in the valleys; They flow between the mountains. He
goes on to talk about how this fresh water feeds the animals. David also writes about vegetation
and other aspects of the creation event. For us to think that David departed from the creation
event in the middle of a creation psalm, surrounded by texts that reiterate the events of Genesis 1
would seem like eisegesis. So, Psalm 104:6 9 really does restrict against a global flood. Second,
some Neo Ussherians suggest that if that interpretation is correct, it would also restrict against
local floods. That is a sort of reductio ad absurdum. The problem is that the boundary is this larger
landmass. David is looking at the original creation and telling his audience that this will never
again be the state of the earth; God has set a
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Japanese Education Vs America
In America, education is very different in learning, teaching, and dedication compared to other
countries. In Japan, education is shorter, harder, and very different than America. Japan is very
dedicated to education and are honored for it. Education is one of the most important things to the
people of Japan. By examining Japanese education, it shows how Japan is able to teach and learn
history, environmental, transportation, religion, teaching, and mostly math. Japanese history is
most interesting in my opinion. Japan was first discovered in the 1st century B.C.(Watanabe, Akira
and Yasuo Masai). Japanese history is mostly known for their fierce and brave warriors, the
samurai. The samurai are honored warriors who protected and saved Japan... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
In fact, students are honored by their family if they attend school. Students are very focussed
and intelligent. In schools, they teach students how to teach. The teacher walks over, glances at
the problem and circles it to signal it was correct. The student then gets up and away from his
seat. Another hand shot up. But, this time the first student takes role of the teacher, or corrector
(Novak Djokotic Foundation).According to NCEE, Japan has one of the top teaching methods
compared to America. Elementary schools learn how to multiply with lines. Also, they learn
1,130 letters compared to America who has 26. Another thing that was interesting to me, was
that students in Japan only go to school for 9 years. In America, we go to school for 12. They
have 6 years in elementary, 3 years of junior high, and 3 years of high school ( Novak Djokotic
Foundation). After high school, students spend 4 years in college. But, for them, college is a
place to relax and have fun. Usually college is a place for studying and looking for a career.
Japanese do that during elementary, junior high, and high school. They have to be dedicated and
focussed all the time. That is why college is a paradise. Compared to America, school in Japan
seems hard but it would be worth it in the end. By researching Japanese education I was able to
learn a lot more about other schools, what they learn, and how they learn
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Important Essay For Cpf Ac ExamImportant Essay For Cpf Ac Exam
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3 Tips For Writing Your Williams College Supplement
3 Tips For Writing Your Williams College Supplement3 Tips For Writing Your Williams College Supplement
3 Tips For Writing Your Williams College Supplement

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The Case Of Philo Riggs Vs. Elmer E. Palmer
In this paper, I will consider the case of Philo Riggs vs Elmer E. Palmer in The Court of Appeals
of New York in 1889. In this suit, Mr. Palmer s grandfather and Mrs. Riggs father created a will
where he bequeathed his wealth upon his death. Most of his wealth he left to Mr. Palmer and the
rest he left to Mrs. Riggs and her sister, Mrs. Preston. At the time the case was brought to court,
Palmer was in prison for murdering his grandfather. As a result of his actions, Mrs. Riggs and Mrs.
Preston brought this case to court in order to annul the portions of the will that favored Mr. Palmer.
I will be reviewing the arguments of the arguments of the dissenting judge, Judge Gray and the
majority judge, Judge Earl and the merits behind their... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He was already tried for murder and was punished sufficiently. Even, if you were to use the
argument that there was some intention from Francis Palmer to change his will so Elmer wouldn t
get what was promised in the current will, that intention is not enough without action to back it up
and change the will. The laws of the state describing how a will may be altered state that Mere
intention to revoke a will does not have the effect of revocation. The intention to revoke is
necessary to constitute the effective revocation of a willНѕ But it must be demonstrated by one of
the acts contemplated by the statute. Judge Gray s reasoning follows closely with Legal
Positivism, which includes the following two principles; 1) a legal system is a closed logical
system where legal decisions are logically deduced from predetermined legal rules, and 2) moral
judgments cannot be defended in the same way that facts can be defended by rational argument,
evidence or proof. As we can see, Gray does not concern himself with morals if they cannot be
logically justified. He believes the legal decisions of this case should be one based off the laws
that are written, not based on whether we have moral qualms about giving property to a man who
murdered his grandfather to obtain that property. Unless there can be a logical reason for not
giving him what he deserved even after he was properly punished, then according to legal
positivism Mr. Palmer should get what was
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Essay On Jazz Dance
Jazz dance historical background
Jazz dancing has a unique history and has been influenced by many other dance styles and
techniques. Like jazz music, its roots can be found in African and slave traditions. It then took
inspiration from the tap, Minstrel shows, vaudeville, swing, and Broadway. Consequently, the
styles associated with jazz dancing change regularly.
When African slaves in the 1800s were traveling to America, they were allowed to danceto sustain
their fitness. Such dances proceeded when they arrived at the plantations on which they worked in
South America. Amid the early 1900s, this contributed to black Americans to lead the jazz
movement. The movement quickly spread to the audience and public, resulting in the development
of dances like the Charleston, Jitterbug, Boogie Woogie and Swing.
Jack Cole was one of the greatest individual influencers of jazz dance, as we know it today. He was
a choreographer and theatre director born in 1911, and is sometimes referred to as the father of
jazz dance. He developed some of the ballet based movements and theatrical expression which have
become cornerstones in contemporary jazz dance.
Different jazz dance styles
Ballet is cool because it has been the backbone of dance for centuries. Many other styles or genres
are based on the fundamentals of ballet. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Kids dance classes can bring a lot of positive benefits to your child such as the improvement of the
process of learning. The systems they nourish include their integrated sensory, cognitive, attention,
emotional and motor activities. These are shown to be the driving forces behind all other learning.
It can also release inner tensions. It also improves your child s memory, balance, grace, poise and
motor skills, but strongly contributes to the building of your kid s
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Jack The Ripper Impact
What was the impact of Jack the ripper in Victorian England? Why is he so infamous?
WORD LIMIT: 1350 1650
In the year 1888, Whitechapel of London was targeted in a stream of ferocious murders so
explicit that it grew to a response that came from all of Victorian England. The media, police
investigators and local civilians were deeply impacted upon these occurrences in several ways. Jack
The Ripper is to this day infamously known as the killer of at least 5 female prostitutes in the span
of only one month, and is recognised to have changed society forever.
Jack the Ripper specifically had a rather large impact upon the media in Victoria England. As such,
major headlines of large and successful papers suddenly took an interest in the ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
The term Lipski was a known insult to the Jews of the East End, and Abberline would have been
aware of this as it was used in reference to Israel Lipski s murder of Miriam Angel in 1887. This
meant that the prospect of one Jew addressing another by the term Lipski was extremely unlikely.)
Why he s so infamous.
To this day, Jack the Ripper is still infamously recognised as the brutal murderer of at least 5
victims. With such great attention by the media, he was able to cause a dramatic fright to the
civilians and have his name voiced throughout Victorian England. Even today, many scholars are
seduced by the prospect of uncovering identity of the man behind one of the most infamous
whodunits in history.
Ripologists still are looking for his identity
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Examples Of Fear In Into Thin Air
What is your biggest fear? In the nonfiction story Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer climbing to the top
of Mount Everest is his biggest dream but also their greatest fear. The intense journey of climbing
up and ascending down the mountain Krakauer and his climbing companions push through many
obstacles including nature, their mind, and fear. Fear is a common theme in Into Thin Airit also
occurs in the novel The Alchemist. Paulo Coelho s The Alchemist is an inspiring story about a
boy named Santiago. He has a recurring dream about going to the pyramids to find his treasure.
He goes on a long journey to follow his dreams and also struggles with the obstacle of fear along
the way. Fear becomes a big obstacle for Santiago and Krakauer in reaching... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
One of the first obstacles Krakauer and his team have to face is the Khumbu Icefall. The Icefall
is an area of huge ice blocks called seracs, some as big office buildings. Climbing through the
icefall is extremely dangerous and can cost a climber their life. Krakauer writes The Icefall was
a different story. No parts of the South Col route was feared more by climbers. This was the
infamous Khumbu Icefall, the most technically demanding section on the entire route (79).
Krakauer also describes the Icefall as a game of Russian Roulette. Russian Roulette is a game
where one puts a bullet in a revolver, put the gun at their head and pulls the trigger. It is a very
deadly game and survival is not guaranteed. Another example of Krakauer having to face his
fears is on his way down to base camp four. At this point he has run out of oxygen again and
moving forward is a slow processes. There is only one obstacle between him and the tents,
descending on an incline of hard glassy ice with no rope. Krakauer states There was no margin
for error. Worried about making a critical blunder, I sat down to marshal my energy before
descending further (201). After resting for a while at the top of the ice Krakauer is able to make it
down. Fear got in Krakauer s way but never stopped
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Advent Research Paper
Advent is a season observed in many Western Christian churches as a time of expectant waiting and
preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas. The term is a version of the
Latin word meaning coming .
Latin adventus is the translation of the Greek word parousia, commonly used to refer to the Second
Coming of Christ. For Christians, the season of Advent anticipates the coming of Christ from three
different perspectives. Since the time of Bernard of Clairvaux(d.1153) Christians have spoken of
the three comings of Christ: in the flesh in Bethlehem, in our hearts daily, and in glory at the end of
time. [1] The season offers the opportunity to share in the ancient longing for the coming of the
Messiah, and to be alert ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first clear references to the Western Church to Advent occur in the Gelasian Sacramentary,
which provides Advent Collects, Epistles, and Gospels for the five Sundays preceding Christmas
and for the corresponding Wednesdays and Fridays.[14] While the Sunday readings relate to the
first coming of Jesus Christ as savior as well as to his second coming as judge, traditions vary in
the relative importance of penitence and expectation during the weeks in Advent.
Liturgical colors[edit]
Censing during solemn Advent vespers.
See also: Liturgical colors
The usual liturgical color in Western Christianity for Advent is either violet (or purple) or blue.[15]
The violet or purple color is often used for hangings around the church, the vestments of the clergy,
and often also the tabernacle. In some Christian denominations, blue, a color representing hope, is
an alternative liturgical color for Advent, a custom traced to the usage of
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Dramatic Tension in Miller s All My Sons Essay
Dramatic Tension in Miller s All My Sons
This extract begins with Chris and Ann deciding how they re going to break the news to the
Kellers. They start with Joe Keller, and he somewhat approves. The scene is lighthearted until
Keller finds out the George is on the phone for Ann from Columbia. This drives is suspicions and
gets him very protective. He begins to try and hint to Chris that Ann is here to try and convict him
of the death of Larry. Chris then gets very angry with him, and Joe compensates by bringing out
his extreme love and care for the success of his family. The tension of the scene gradually builds
up until this part, where Joe Keller abruptly gets very content and jokes about how ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
The audience can sense this with the direct tone in Chris speech to his father.
Miller very effectively uses contrast between the tension in a scene with the skillful use of light
hearted preludes or interludes. The contrast means the dramatic tension has increased. This is
usually done with characters like Frank or Sue. This helps the audience distinguish the tension
better. In this extract, Miller uses Keller s overriding affection and graduated self confidence at
the end of the extract to bring down the tension. Keller becomes very witty and cheerful: There s
gonna be a wedding, kid, like there never was scene! Champagne, tuxedos ! The tension is very
abruptly brought down, as it directly follows Chris and Keller s argument. The contrast in tension
creates a morbid curiosity in the audience, where they can no longer predict what is to come, which
makes the play even better. This increases the rate of anticipation.
The most obvious feature of drama is perhaps the dialogue. Miller uses the skill of using offensive
speech to bring about the tension. He deliberately causes conflict between two characters to
increase the tension. More over, Miller uses stage directions as a dramatic device to bring about the
tension in a scene. Keller makes a distracted entrance onto
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Case Study Of Dobbs Wholesale Antique
Under the terms of FOB shipping point, Dobbs Wholesale Antiques should record the sale when
the merchandise leaves their warehouse. And, if Dobbs Wholesale Antiques usually ships
approximately one week after receiving the order, they should continue to do this no matter what
the profits look like for the period. I worked for a corporation that would do this on a monthly
basis depending on their numbers because they didn t want to report to much of a profit for the
month and, of course, did not want their numbers to be short. If Dobbs Wholesale Antiques wants
to boost their profits, they can ship earlier than usual and likely not attract any attention by doing
so. But, I believe that if you do not stick to a normal schedule for shipping,
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
The Problem Of Aging Population
An aging population is a population with an increased median age due to an increase in life
expectancy, accompanied by a decrease in fertility rates. This phenomena is already occurring in
other countries, and the United States is expected to undergo a similar demographic shift. The
population of citizens aged 65 and over is projected to double in the next few decades, from 43.1
million in 2012, to 83.7 million in 2050, and life expectancy is expected to rise at the same time
(Ortman, Velkoff, Hogan, others, 2014). The most important consequence of this is an increase in
the percentage of older people from 13% to 20%. An increase of these amount while seemingly
insignificant is going to pose a significant burden on the societal support systems set in place to
help older individuals. These burden while widespread across different departments, is poised to
heavily impact a healthcare climate that is already stretched to the brink. It is essential for adequate
preparation to be made in form of public policies that plan for the future. The three most important
public policy issues facing the United States are reauthorizing the Older Americans Act, ensuring
long termservices and supports, and health coverage for older individuals. The Older Americans
Act of 1965 was the first comprehensive federal policy directed towards ensuring increased care for
older citizens. It created the Administration on Aging(AoA), National Eldercare Locator Service,
National Family Caregiver
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How Did Abigail Adams Contribute To The American Revolution
Abigail Adams: Born November 11, 1774 in Weymouth, MA. She s the wife of John Adams, first
lady of the United States, and the son of John Quincy Adams. In particular, she played a huge role
in the American Revolution. Abigail Adams served as the Massachusetts Colony General Court
who commissioned her, along with a few other women, to talk to ladies in the area who were loyal
to the British. This was only the first of her dealings with women s influence in politics. Because
she and her husband were away from each other often for extended periods, the two of them
corresponded through lengthy letters. In some of these letters, Abigail urged her husband, during
the days surrounding the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War, to pay attention
to the rights of women. She believed women s rights should equal those of the men. She did not
bring the founding fathers around to her way of thinking, but she continued to campaign for various
equalities for females, including the right to a formal education. Her husband went on to become
the second President of the United States. Abigail Adams died before her son, John Quincy, became
the sixth President. As a result of Abigail Adams, women became powerful and impacting figures
during the American revolution, thus bringing them closer to gaining civil rights.
John Adams (1735 1826) :An American patriot who served as the second President of the United
States from 1797 1801 and the first Vice President. He also was a
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The Compromise of 1850 Essay
The compromise of 1850 was a settlement on a series of issues plaguing the unity of the states.
The primary issue to address was the institution of slavery, which was causing much dissension
between the north and the south. Additional items to be addressed were territory issues and to
prevent secession by the south. Henry Clay stepped forward to present a compromise, which had
Congress in an eight month discussion known as the Great Debate . As a result of the proposal,
there were strong oppositions. One outspoken person who opposed the proposal was John C
Calhoun. Calhoun was an intellectual southern politician, political philosopher and a proponent to
the protection of Southern interests. He was an advocate for states rights and... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Webster believed the issue of slavery was settled long ago, when the regions were divided into
slave and free states, and he also believed an agreement could be reached between the pro slavery
positions in the south and anti slavery position in the north. Comparatively, Calhoun and Webster
both saw the union was in danger of falling apart, they also both believed the issues of slavery
between the north and the south was the major cause. Where they disagreed was on the future
state of slavery. Calhoun saw the compromise as a betrayal of the south; he sought to have the
northerners agree to the protection of slavery in the south so the south would remain in the union.
Calhoun knew slavery pre existed and believed it must continue to exist. Webster was more of a
pacifist, he pleaded with the northerners to accept demands of the south in order to save the
union, even though he did not accept the fact slavery needed to continue. Webster deeply believed
that preservation of the union was more important than any other issue. In addition, William
Henry Seward also opposed the proposed compromise. Seward was a New York politician and
secretary of state and was one of the major political figures of the mid nineteenth century; he
became one of the most outspoken anti slavery politicians of the period. Seward condemned Clay s
resolutions on the
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Nauert And Humanism
Nauert, Charles G. Humanism and the Culture of Renaissance Europe (Cambridge University
Press, 2006)
In Humanism and the Culture of Renaissance Europe, Charles G. Nauert synthesizes the
development of humanism during the Renaissance while also illustrating the importance of the
development of humanism to the age of the Renaissance. Nauert was Professor Emeritus of History
at the University of Missouri, Columbia and his specialty was Renaissance Reformation Europe. His
purpose in writing is to prove that the establishment and expansion of humanism during the
Renaissance contributed to the subsequent development of Western society in the modern era.
Nauert s research is thorough and sufficiently covers the growth, expansion, and tenacity of ... Show
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Nauert illustrates how humanism affected religion, platonic revival, and magic, beliefs on human
nature, popular culture, and Renaissance art. The art of printing helped ignite the growth of
humanism and enables humanists to share their ideas. Nauert argues that the humanists criticism of
texts in the fields of law, medicine, natural science, and theology allowed them to assume control
over these fields. They gained this control because they claimed that their critical methods revealed
whether a document was authentic, furthermore, they rejected documents that they discovered
were forged or misinterpreted. In Florence during the mid fifteenth century, humanists became less
interested in civic humanism, and grew interested in spiritual, religious, and philosophical
questions. Nauert suggests that NiccolГІ Machiavelli was the sixteenth century heir of Florentine
civic humanism. Nauert illustrates how Renaissance art was connected to humanism. He writes,
The veneration felt by humanists for ancient works of art was widely regarded as a rediscovery of
the principles of the principles a spirit of ancient art, a three sided influence among ancient work,
modern artist, and modern humanist was only natural (91). The papacy also became patrons of
humanistic art and scholarship; and their support facilitated the expansion of humanism. The
achievements of Renaissance Italy did begin to lessen in the sixteenth century; and the influence of
humanism faded, but did not perish. Italian humanism was transported across the Alps and ignited
humanist movements in Germany, France, England, and Spain. The basic elements of northern
humanism derived from Italian humanism; however, in each country that humanism spread to the
people adapted or altered the elements of Italian humanism in order to fulfill their needs. The
primary way that humanism
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Light And Darkness In Toni Morrison s Beloved
Hope in the face of difficulty. Hope in the face of uncertainty. The audacity of hope! A belief in
things not seen. A belief that there are better days ahead. President Obama s 2004 keynote speech
gives a timeless message of hope, which especially resonates with minorities who face an uncertain
future. Similarly, in her novel Beloved, Toni Morrison demonstrates through the relationship
between darkness and light that hope gives the oppressed a sense of purpose and the strength to
overcome persecution. The contrast between light and darkness is prominent throughout the novel
and parallels the polar opposites of hope and despair. The relationship between good and evil is the
most basic example of this symbolism. Denver is persistent... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Schoolteacher strips the slaves of their humanity when he and his boys [come] in... and [take]
[Sethe s] milk. [Hold] [her] down and [take] it (Morrison 19). They treat the slaves like savage
animals, which have no place in society. The abuse and violence that Sethe endures makes her feel
inferior and unworthy of respectful treatment. This darkness can only be resolved by Sethe
focusing on her light, i.e. towards emancipation. Another mechanism of this dehumanization is
when the African American slaves overhear Schoolteacher reducing their human identity to
monetary value. The white slave master talks about the slaves as a matter of price... [and]
property that reproduce[s] itself without cost (Morrison 228). The continuous talk of slaves being
property causes members of Sweet Home, like Paul D, to think of himself as a commodity rather
than a human individual. This is key because dehumanization operates both internally and
externally; Schoolteacher abuses the slaves so much that they may begin to believe that are just
material objects. This eventually motivates Paul D to find his light and escape; he then travels as
a nomad before making it Ohio, where he can live a life free of
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Multiple Perspectives Psactivity
Name: ______________________________
Date: _____________
Multiple Perspectives: Primary Source Activity
Directions: On the night of March 5, 1770, several Boston residents were shot and killed by
British soldiers in what became known as the Boston Massacre. What follows are several images
and first hand accounts from eyewitness to and participants in the event. Following each primary
source are questions to help you examine and interpret the information.
Primary source #1: Report of the Committee of the Town of Boston (patriot viewpoint)
On Friday, the 2d instant, a quarrel arose between some soldiers of the 29th, and the ropemakers
journeymen and apprentices, which was carried to that length, as to become dangerous to the lives
of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
. . fire . . . At this time I was between the soldiers and the mob, parleying with and endeavoring all
in my power to persuade them to retire peacefully, but to no purpose. Is this a different
perspective? Let s see . . .
1. At 9:00 at night, why were the bells ringing in Boston? Was it some sort of signal?
2. The event took place near a customs house. Why might this be important information to
consider? 3. From Captain Preston s point of view, what was the intent of this unruly crowd?
4. How did Captain Preston attempt to settle this matter?
2009 †he çolonial  ƒoundation
Primary source #4: Continuing with Captain Preston s recollection of this event (provides an
entirely different perspective on the events of March 5, 1770)
They [the mob] advanced to the points of the bayonets, struck some of them and even the
muzzles [the front of the muskets] of the pieces, and seemed to be endeavoring to close with the
soldiers . . . some well behaved persons asked me if the guns were charged [loaded] and I replied
yes . . . they then asked if I intended to order the men to fire. I answered no, by no means,
observing to them that I was advanced before the muzzles of the men s pieces [he was standing in
front of their guns] and must fall a sacrifice if they fired; and my giving the word fire under those
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Analysis Of The Movie Shiloh
Shiloh is a short story about a middle aged Kentucky Truck Driver named Leroy Moffitt , his
wife Norma Jean, and his mother in law Mabel Beasley. Leroy was recently placed on temporary
disability due to injuries being sustained when he jackknifed his tractor trailer on the highway.
Leroy and Norma were married at 18 and had a son a few months afterward Randy who died
from sudden infant death just weeks later, but Norma doesn t like to talk about it. Leroy now 34
years old was constantly on the road being a truck driver, and has found himself lost, not
wanting to be back on the road he sits at home making models or plotting to build a log cabin
occasionally smoking a joint. Norma Jean works at a drugstore. Since Leroy s return she has
become irritated with him as she isn t used to his constant presence. She began working out
when Leroy started therapy with the use of weights and pulleys. Now attending adult education
classes for body building and composition. Not only does Norma Jean have to put up with her
handicapped husband, but it seems like her mother Mable is always checking up on her or
giving her unwanted advice. Mable frequently brings up Shiloh saying that Leroy and Norma
Jean should take a trip and visit the same places she did so long ago. Mable also catches Norma
Jean smoking which causes Norma Jean to break down into tears at one point in the story. Leroy
begins to feel that Norma Jean was happier when he was gone. He confides in Mable realizing that
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Henry Ford Biography
Henry Ford was born July 30, 1863 in Dearborn, Michigan. Ford had a knack for putting stuff
together from an early age. When he was thirteen he received a pocket watch, he then proceeded
to take it apart, and then reassemble it. People heard about his skill with watches, and started
asking him to fix theirs. He even made his own tools out of nails, and a corset stay. When he got a
little older he got a few boys together to build simple water wheels and steam engines. He gained a
lot of his knowledge about steam engines by becoming friends with the men that ran them.
When he was 16, he realized farming just wasn t for him, and left home to become an apprentice to
a machinist who manufactured railroad cars. He quickly realized that he didn t ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
It had to also be something that not just the wealthy could afford. In 1896, that was exactly what
he did, well developed the plans for it anyways. He called it the Ford Quadricycle. Soon he d be
presenting his idea to Thomas Edison, where he would encourage him to make a better model.
He got together a group of businessmen to help him with this. He learned how to do everything
he did by using trial and error. His experience with his new business was the same way, but with
this method comes failure which Ford soon learned. He didn t give up easily though, the more he
failed the bigger the risk that he wanted to take. Which is why he began building, and driving race
cars. This brought just the right kind of attention in from the right kind of people. A few tries later
and, Ford established his own company in 1903, Ford Motor Company. In 1907, he created a four
cylinder, known as the Model N. It was $600, and soon became the best selling car in America.
That wasn t enough for him. He wanted to make a better, cheaper vehicle, in 1908 he released
the Ford Model T. This model was made with nine different body styles. Soon, half of all the cars
in America would be the Model T s. Later, the company would move to a bigger factory. He
wanted to increase production and lower cost. He began observing many different kinds of jobs,
and combined the ideas he got from them with his own, and soon got the idea of a moving
assembly line for automobiles. He wasn t the first to think of the assembly line, but he was the first
to think of it to manufacture an
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Uber Executive Summary
| | [uber] HOW A TECHNOLOGY FIRM IS changing the traditional transportation model| | By
Mark Boeckel, Brent Sprunger, Kevin Smith, and Emily WorkMarch 6th, 2012| Executive
Summary Uber is an App Powered on demand car service provider for smart phones.
Notwithstanding its very unique name, investors have begun to take note of Uber during the past
year as it has stolen market share from traditional transportation companies. We will analyze the
value proposition of its technology and examine the differentiation Uber creates to stay ahead of
both potential competition and the various cab laws and regulations across the United States and
Europe. Based upon this analysis, we will provide detail to investors about... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
This is very convenient for business accounts, which is preferred when entertaining customers.
The final and most controversial pricing structure is Uber s use of dynamic pricing for high
volume days such as New Year s or Halloween and also during inclement weather conditions.
Uber notifies customers of the increased pricing structure when ordering a car in an effort to
reduce demand, but because fares are computed after the service is complete, this pricing
structure has become very controversial. Technology Technology can be divided into two
components, the app technology for consumers and the demand calculation technology at the
firm. The app technology is available for iPhone/Android devices and uses GPS from the
requested pickup destination to display a map of all available Uber cars in the area. Uber
calculates the nearest driver and plots your pickup time accordingly (see right). Each driver is
also given an iPhone with an app to manage incoming customer requests. The firm employs
prediction algorithms and heat maps to predict expected demand at different times of the day. It
analyzes how many times the app is open and where clusters are located to help manage taxi
supply and demand. The result: shorter waits for riders and busier, more efficient days for drivers .
Another source of operations management is what the
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The document discusses modernity and modernization in Latin America. It notes that while some forms of pre-colonial communication existed, professional journalism developed as a product of modernity. Modernity originated in the West but its conditions were rooted in colonialism, as colonialism spread both Enlightenment ideals and imperial domination. When introduced to Latin America, modern technologies like press and journalism brought both Enlightenment concepts and embedded colonization. The concept of modernity remains an unfinished project in the West and was adopted in complex ways in Latin America due to the colonial history.

The, The Royal Slave, A True History
People of certain social classes sometimes have stereotyped characteristics pinned to them. Rich
people might be seen as snobbish while poor people might be seen as unmotivated to improve
themselves. The characters in Oroonoko, The Royal Slave, A True History, also have
characteristics based on the social classto which they belong. During the eighteenth century, social
class became a topic of interest in Britain. The characters in Oroonoko can be grouped into three
social classes based on the level of power they have. One class is the rulers such as the King of
Coramatien and Deputy Governor Byam. Next are the people who are neither rulers nor slaves
such as Aboan, Mr. Trefry, and Colonel Martin. Finally, there are the slaves. Because of
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The narrator says that when the King saw how Imoinda, a young woman with whom he has
fallen in love, reacted to the gift he sent her in Oroonoko s name, it gave him some affliction, but
he salved it (Behn 2143). Here, the narrator explains that the King was very upset when he saw
that Imoinda was in love with Oroonoko, but he ridded himself of these sad feelings by sending
her the royal veil which forced her to become one of his wives. This shows that the King has a
selfish nature because he could not overcome his desire for Imoinda and let her marry
Oroonoko. This selfishness leads him to betray Oroonoko. Both the King and Byam show
disloyalty since they betray Oroonoko which establishes negative character. This disloyalty is
also distinct to those who are of a high social class position because they are deliberately
betraying Oroonoko as opposed to doing it unintentionally. Because negative traits, such as
disloyalty, are given to characters who have governmental power, a link between negative
character and high social class characters can be established. Another link which can be seen
between social class positon and character is through the characters who are neither rulers nor
slaves having positive character traits. These characters are a middle class by the fact that they do
not rule a colony or country, but they also are not slaves. Also, all of these characters exhibit positive
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Examples Of Existentialism In The Myth Of Sisyphus
At the point when France was involved amid WWII, ended up noticeably dynamic in the resistance
development and acted as the supervisor in boss in the daily paper named battle . Taking a shot at
his three books to be specific the outsider, the torment, and the fall alongside his short stories the
myth of Sisyphus and the revolt in the mid century got him global readership and notoriety. It was
in these works that he presented and built up the twin philosophical thoughts the idea of the silly
and the idea of revolt that made him well known. His assemblage of work additionally incorporates
a gathering of short fiction, banish and the kingdom; a self portraying novel, the primary man;
various emotional works, most quite Caligula, the misconception, the condition of attack, and the
equitable professional killers; a few interpretations and adjustments, including new forms of works
by Calderon, lope de Vega, Dostoyevsky, and Faulkner; and a protracted arrangement of expositions,
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In his book length essay, The Myth of Sisyphus, Camus presents a philosophy that contests
philosophy itself. This essay belongs squarely in the philosophical tradition of existentialism but
Camus denied being an existentialist. Both The Myth of Sisyphus and his other philosophical work,
The Rebel, are systematically skeptical of conclusions about the meaning of life, yet both works
assert objectively valid answers to key questions about how to live. Though Camus seemed modest
when describing his intellectual ambitions, he was confident enough as a philosopher to articulate
not only his own philosophy but also a critique of religion and a fundamental critique of modernity.
While rejecting the very idea of a philosophical system, Camus constructed his own original edifice
of ideas around the key terms of absurdity and rebellion, aiming to resolve the life or death issues
that motivated
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Essay On Plasma Wave Acceleration
During the last few decades, the laser driven plasma wave acceleration was investigated as an
effective mechanism for electron acceleration owing to the plasma ability to sustain large
acceleration gradients. ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 1 ( removed HTML ) ( removed
HTML ) Currently, the most efficient mechanism to accelerate electrons in a plasma by a laser
pulse is the cavitated wakefield regime (bubble regime) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 2 (
removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) when electrons are accelerated in a nonlinear plasma wave
driven by the ultrashort intense laser pulse. ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) Nowadays, the
main challenge is to produce electronbunches with... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Thus, some of them can gain sufficient forward momentum to be trapped by the wakefield and get
accelerated there. The injection pulse laser strength parameter ( removed HTML ) ( removed
HTML ) 43 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) is usually high (i.e., ( removed HTML ) (
removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) a ( removed HTML )
( removed HTML ) 1 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML )
( removed HTML ) 1 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML )
), which can influence the wakefield of the plasma wave driving pulse. Additionally, numerical
simulations ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 11,12 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML
) pointed out that another injection mechanism may occur due to an influence of the wake
dragged by the injection pulse. ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) The alternative to the
aforementioned schemes based on ponderomotive force connected with the envelope of the
injection pulse is the beatwave injection using collinear colliding laser pulses. The principle of
this injection mechanism is the action of the ponderomotive force associated with the slow
beatwave of two intersecting pulses. This concept in its original configuration was introduced as a
colliding pulse injection. ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 21 ( removed
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The Impact Of Video Games On Child Development
Technology innovation usually changes the world in certain aspects that affects human life,
especially when it comes to childhood development. There are strong arguments on both sides
regarding about how video games affects child development. Yet, itВґs common knowledge that
everything that is overused, like playgames for more than certain amount of hours, is not good for
your health, even drinking too much water can be harmful. On one hand we have scientists
claiming that video games are the future of education but on the other hand, some games have
aggressive exposure that might reflect in child comportment.
After recent studies made by NPD, New Product Development, who showed that more than 90
percent of children play video games and the rate for the children between three and five years old
that play video games is the one that increased the most, parents started to wonder how this
phenomenon affects child development since video games have been attracted children all over the
Explain why it is compelling to you
I was three years old when I played video game for the first time in my life. My dad played all the
classics, from Megadrive and Nintendo 64 to Xbox One and PlayStation 4, so video games were
something very close to me when I was growing up. Also, every kid that plays video games will
spend a couple of hours in front of the screen so it is a great opportunity for parents to use the
technology in their favor by mixing fun time with education time.
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Regionalism In The Return By W. B. Yeats And Dylan Thomas...
Introduction If Southern writers deny their inner beings, the South can be only an exporter of raw
materials, perhaps an exporter of man power, and a consumer of imported cultural products. It will
cease to export them. In the creative sense it will be numb and sterile. During the 1920s and 1930s,
regionalism played an important part in American art. Throughout the English speaking world, the
minority culture of the province was reflecting and criticizing on the dominant culture in society.
The Ireland created by W.B. Yeats and Dylan Thomas Wales were examples of regionalism in the
British Empire. In America, regionalism arose in New England, the Midwest and the South.
Southern regionalism started with what was called the Southern Renaissance.... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
In these Kentucky poems, the passage from innocence into a harsh and cruel reality and the
impossibility of proceeding into a paradise in the next world are recurrent topics. The changing
seasons appear to bring nothing but animal like passion and death, and the passing time changes
everything into a state that cannot be recognized anymore. The real paradise lies in the innocence
and serenity of a long gone childhood and the future brings nothing
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Life And Actions Of Charles Carroll Of Carrollton
The life and actions of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, including his wealth and business skills, and
his active patriotism, positively affected American life in early American times, as well as today.
The Carrollton family legacy and wealth influenced Charles in his upbringing; Charles parents
instilled within him an appreciation for business, and he later became a talented businessman,
providing jobs and opportunities for others. He was also actively involved in politics and
patriotism, despite his Catholic religion. His involvement in politics and his patriotism ultimately
led to his signing of the Declaration of Independence, which was a huge milestone of achieving
freedom in American history.
Charles Carroll of Carrollton came from a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Charles Carroll of Carrollton challenged Catholic standings, much like John F. Kennedy ( Charles
Carroll of Carrollton The Signer ).
Charles frequently wrote anti tax pieces in newspapers under the pseudonym First Citizen (
Primary and Secondary Sources: Guidelines for Authors ). Another popular anonymous author,
Daniel Dulaney who wrote under the pseudonym Antilon also debated with Charles through his
articles ( Charles Carroll of Carrollton The Signer ). Through his anti tax writings as First
Citizen and the debates with Antilon , Charles Carroll of Carrollton gained a following. It s no
secret that Charles Carroll came from an extremely wealthy family. The Carroll family
maintained a legacy of both wealth and prestige ( Charles Carroll of Carrollton The Signer ).
Charles Carroll, in fact, was one of the wealthiest men in the colonies during his adulthood
(Yost, Russell). Charles was also heir to the Carrollton Manor, which was made up of
approximately 10,000 acres of land. However, he never lived on the land ( Charles Carroll of
Carrollton The Signer ). Currently, descendants of Charles own the largest land plot in Howard
County, Maryland (Yost, Russell). With money easily available, Charles Carroll had the
opportunity to make a substantial difference in the lives of others, as well as with the colonial
Maryland economy. While poor people could often not defend themselves,
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A Research Study On Photosynthetic Active Radiation
All sites in the study were sampled over a one to two week time frame during each sample period
to reduce any effect that might be associated with changing temperature or light availability,
between weeks or months. Photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) was measured every 15 min,
using an Odyssey light logger (Data flow systems, Christchurch, New Zealand) to monitor
changing light availability across days and weeks. Light loggers were placed at a subset of sites in
an area adjacent to the stream under similar light conditions as the stream channel. The percentage
of shading from streamside trees at light logger stations was calculated and used to convert
measured light to full sunlight and values across all sites were averaged to create... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
A mean value of turbidity over each day the sonde was deployed was used as the estimate of base
flow turbidity.
Siphon samplers, constructed similarly to Graczyk et al. (2000), were used to collect water
samples during storm flows. They were positioned next to the stream at 10 and 30 cm above base
flow. Additionally, base flow unfiltered grab samples were collected from the thalweg of each
stream during each sample period and stored on ice until returning to the laboratory. Subsets of
both the storm and base flow grab water samples were stored at 20ВєC until analysis for total
nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP). Total nitrogen was analyzed using a Shimadzu TOC V
CSH equipped with the TNM 1 analyzer (Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD). For
TP analysis, water samples were digested using persulfate and then analyzed for SRP using the
standard colorimetric molybdate/ascorbic acid method (APHA 2005). Geometric means were
calculated for TN and TP annually from two base flow and two storm flow samples, due to the
expectation that both base flow and storm flow conditions drive patterns of algal biomass and GPP.
The geometric mean reduces the influence of extreme values and allows for a better estimation of
annual nutrient concentrations than the arithmetic mean.
Algal Biomass Two cobble samples from three sets of riffles and pools across each study reach
were used to determine algal biomass. Each cobble was scraped and the
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Home Theater Synthesis Essay
Nothing is more fun than watching a movie on the big screen, in your own living room, and with
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Case Study Kelly s Assignment in Japan
Intercultural Management
Case study: Kelly s Assignment in Japan
Read the case: Kelly s Assignment in Japan (Chapter 9 pages: 363 365) posted on Connect learning
platform study reflectively and identify the characters and the principal issues in this case.
Answer the following questions:
Drawing from you understanding on the assigned readings (Deresky), explain the clashes in
cultural, customs, and experiences that occurred in this situation.
In this case Kelly s Assignment in Japan , we have an example of expatriation poorly managed and
unprepared. Different cultures, customs seem very important between Japanese and Westerners.
Added to this barrier, we also not that there ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Firstly, the whole family did not expect to have as small spaces to live.
Kelly s husband, himself has struggled to find a job, with no contact, and having gaps in understand
and functioning of this new culture. Despite all his efforts, he has not successfully attempted to find
a job when he was previously a good position.
The children also had difficulties adapting to this new country and a new culture. The language
barrier was for them a very big problem, in fact, in their new school the greater part of the children
did not speak their language. Children themselves could not speak Japanese, and it was difficult for
them to adapt.
Added to this, the difficulties met with Kelly to lead his communicate with customers; have
discouraged the family, who has become aware regret. Finally, the family even wanted to return to
their front, with its culture and customs.
Turn back the clock to when Kelly was offered the position in Tokyo. What, if anything, should
have been done differently, and by whom?
Kelly s boss offered her a new position abroad, in Japan, even though she had no knowledge of
custom and Japanese culture. Confident she could do a good job in a very short time, as in last
issue missions.
However, his boss did take into account the fact that the countries in which it had already been
proven a culture similar to theirs.
He thought it was enough to offer him
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Effects Of Mongolian Westernization
Chapter 18 Winter Break Assignment
2. How did the Mongol occupation affect Russian civilization?
The Mongols didn t affect the base of Russian culture because they left local administration to
locals. As the economy evolved to more emphasis on agriculture and peasant labor, the focus on
literacy declined.
3. What was the nature of Russian expansion under Ivan III and Ivan IV?
The reign of the Ivan III resulted in the formation of a new political structure that featured a
centralized government and became tsar of Russia. The Russian economy flourished during the
time of the Ivans due to the lots of new trade routes. During Ivan IV s time, many Russian nobles
were killed so that the throne could be kept for him.
4. What was the impact of Westernization under Peter I?
Peter I had a large impact on Russian westernization in many different aspects. For example, the
Russian army became a force in European power politics and was modernized along Western lines.
Peter I educated himself on concepts of construction and city planning from Manchester that he
was able to hire an army of men to help create Petersburg. Peter I introduced and enforced new
social etiquettes, dress codes, and grooming practices to help to blend with modern European
culture. Peter I imported new technologies through his life and visited several different countries to
hire craftsmen to come to Russia for shipbuilding. Peter built Russia s first navy.
5. What was the extent of Westernization
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A Jazz Concert Analysis
Composed by Leonardo Bernstein in 1949, Prelude, Fugue, and Riffs for Solo Clarinet and Jazz
Ensemble is the short music which is classified as the classical concert but has more musical
elements of jazz music. The instruments used in this music are solo clarinet, saxes and trumpets in
fives, four trombones, piano, string bass, and drums. ( Leonard Bernstein Prelude, Fugue Riffs, for
Clarinet JazzEnsemble. ) The musichas three movements and each title of these clearly represent
what kind pieces are these. (ThePhiladelphiaOrchestra 23) The first movement is the prelude, an
introduction to the music, played by brass instruments. The texture of this movement is mostly
homophonic, the energetic melodies of brasses accompanied by beats... Show more content on
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Thus, many people would think that there is no reason to participate actual concerts by spending
money. I have the same opinion, even since I have fascinated by some music the orchestra played.
The technology like digital records today allows us to listen to high quality music, or sometimes
these have even better quality than real concerts. In fact, the symphony I listed was almost nothing
different from the video on YouTube except the feeling in terms of the atmosphere. However, I
realized this atmosphere is the most important advantage of actual concert and the reason why still
so many people love to listen to music at concert halls. Without these enthusiastic audiences, the
field of music has never developed and won t develop in the future.
The program guide was not only useful to get information about music that the orchestra played but
also contained interesting facts. The one thing I did not know before is how widely this concert
hall and orchestra are supported by communities, companies, and even individuals. On the last some
pages of the program guide, there are hundreds of names which or who donated for The
Philadelphia Orchestra. (ThePhiladelphiaOrchestra 42 60) In addition, it was my new discovery
that this organization globally active and contribute for the regional vitalization.
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Mr. Walter Elias Disney was an Innovator and a Pioneer, An...
A.During a 43 year Hollywood career, Walter Elias Disney was an innovator and pioneer. His
creations brought a foundation of animated entertainment, and the use of his imagination to create
new and great ideas. Walt Disney had many unique and creative ideas, none of which where to
impossible to make into reality.
I)Disney s life
A.Walt Disney was born on December 5 1901 in Chicago Illinois.
B.After waltz birth, the Disney family moved to Missouri Where Walt lived out his childhood.
C.Walt had an interest in art; he would often sell hand written drawings to the local people in his
town to get extra money.
D.In 1917 the family moved to Chicago, where Walt attended McKinley high school. And studied
drawing in the evenings, at the Chicago academy of fine arts. He did not graduate high school,
instead he had bigger and better plans. He was enlisted as a Red Cross driver in world war one.
II)Walt and cartooning
a.A couple decades later Walt began to have an interest in animation. Walt Disney began his carrier
creating animated commercials, later he moved on to creating animation films. Producing his own
company laugh o grams films, These films allowed him to experiment with cartoon animation.
B.Walt s first type of production was a combination of cartoon animation, along side with live
action. He integrated some of his animation characters with the actions of a live girl.
C . Disney won more than 100 prizes for his films, including 29 academy awards. In
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Common App 2014 Essay Examples

  • 1. Common App 2014 Essay Examples 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help fromHelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Common App 2014 Essay ExamplesCommon App 2014 Essay Examples
  • 2. Blackberry Picking Seamus Heaney Analysis In Blackberry Picking, Seamus Heaney isn t just retelling an experience. He masterfully weaves in a hidden lesson that becomes clear as the reader nears the end of the poem. His description of picking blackberries is in itself a metaphor of one s childhood memories and their perception at the time. He utilizes literary devices such as imagery, allusions and narrative point of view to set the mood, change the tone and draw in his readers. Mr. Heaney also structures his poem into two different sections, with each telling the story in a different tone with a different purpose behind it. However, what s more impressive is his use of intense diction to layer the poem with emotion and imagery that services his hidden message. Seamus Heaney begins the poem by placing a time stamp on it. It begins in Late August a time for harvest which lays the groundwork for the harvesting that will ensue in terms of setting. That description places the reader in the right mood and mindset that Mr. Heaney builds on with his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, the way he describes his hands as being peppered with thorn pricks (15 16) and with his description of the spoiled berries being like A rat grey fungus (18 19). He uses an intense description to fully realize the image or to some degree the memory he wants the reader to picture. While his language is intense it s never forceful, it s filled with passion but in a violent manner. He conveys his experience in a romanticized manner like when he mentioned the blackberry s flesh was sweet like thickened wine (5 6). However, he slowly moves away from the romanticized language and into a more natural language. While his intense language doesn t fade, it changes along with the tone as the poem transitions into the moral section. It changes in terms of its purpose. In the beginning, it sets an image that would guide the reader along while in the end it more used to invoke ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Sample Population Of 303 Beneficiaries Received Palliative... Results The final sample population of 303 beneficiaries received palliative radiation treatment in 2014 to bone metastases. Of those 303 beneficiaries, 24 beneficiaries (7.92%) had single fraction treatments and 279 beneficiaries (92.1%) had multi fraction treatments. The majority were 65 75 years of age (n=129; 42.6%) and 76 85 years of age (n=106; 35%). The mean age was 73.3 years, and the majority were Caucasian (n=276; 91.1%). The majority of all radiation treatments are in the Southeast (n=123; 40.6%) and gender was mostly balanced, with slightly more males than females. Overall, in our study the most common type of primary cancer to receive radiation for bone metastases are those with a primary diagnosis of lung cancer. Table 1 titled Demographic and Primary Malignancy Characteristics, provides a summary of the demographics. Of the 25 beneficiaries that received a single fraction course of treatment, the most common site of primary diagnosis was lung (n=10; 55.6%), prostate (n=3; 16.7%) and kidney (n=2; 11.1%). The mean age was 74.5 years and gender was proportionate. The majority of patients were from the southeast region (n=12; 50%) of the US. Most beneficiaries were in the age group 76 85 (n=12; 50%), followed by 65 75 year olds (n =8; 33.3%). Of the 278 beneficiaries that received multi fraction course of treatment, the most common primary diagnosis was lung (n=57; 24.3%), prostate (n=52; 22.1%) and breast (n=48; 20.4%). The mean age was 73.6 years of age and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Nursing Burnout Nursing Burnout Bridget Solomon Grand Canyon University Spirituality in Health Care, HLT 310V Charles Self January 9, 2015 Nursing Burnout Sitting on my couch yesterday I was scrolling through my Facebook page, when I came across one of my girlfriend s posts. It was an article written by an inner city emergency room (ER) nurse. The name of the article was, Madness: tales of an emergency room nurse and how I became a bitch. The article talked about the everyday work life of an emergency room nurse. I am an emergency room nurse and have never worked in any other department and this article hit close to home for me. The article talked about the emotional and physical abuse that only an ER nurse would understand. After reading the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Nurses play many roles in today s society; they have to balance family, life, and their job. Nursing is a very demanding profession; you are caring for the sick with limited resources causing nurses to create unrealistic expectations (Bush, 2009). Nurses create a tireless arrangement and emotional connections with patients, shouldering a huge supporting role. Supporting this role causes nurses to feel emotional exhaustion and the weight of care for patients can become overwhelming. Signs of emotional exhaustion can cause nurse to become hostile, isolated, start crying for no reason, and getting upset (Bush, 2009). Apathy means lack of concern or interest, as well as lack of emotion or feelings (Bush, 2009). Exhaustion of emotional reserves can cause nurses to become apathetic, uncaring, and preoccupied. It takes a toll psychologically on the mind causing emotional overload before a nurse becomes numb to emotions. Apathy eventually causes you to feel fatigued and a lack of concentration and reduced productivity at work. Long term apathy can cause absenteeism and tardiness, complaints by co workers and patients, and result in job termination (Bush, 2009). Depression happens when someone has extreme feeling of hopelessness and sadness. Signs of depression include lack of one s self worth, happiness, Indicators of depression include lack of self worth, determination, feelings of failure. Nurses experience depression because of the roles they play in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Assess Functionalsu and New Right View of the Family Assess functionalist and the New Right views on the family Functionalists believe that the family have specific or traditional functions within the family. One function of the family would be reproduction or having children as this is imperative for the world as they will be the future workforce. For example family businesses will need to pass down the factories/shops to the next generation in the family for the continuing of the ancestors business. Other functions include economic maintenance this is where the family provides necessities for all the family members for example shelter, food and clothing. Another is that the family helps teach children how to socialise with others and also educate them with the correct norms. An ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Halsey and Dennis who agrees with what Murray argues saying that single parenthood and absent fathers is one of the key issues with the decrease in nuclear family lives. Due to the lack of jobs and rise in unemployment men are starting to struggle to maintain their title of bread winners and the industries are changing from heavy workloads so women are more likely to find a job in modern times. As a result men may be reject by the women as they can t financially depend on them so would rather be given benefits than struggle to keep a roof over them and their children s heads. Halsey debates that being in a one parent family with the factors of unemployment and poverty being high could inevitably lead to crime and vandalism by the younger members of the family. Against a nuclear family with a stable income and stable household would again lead to any crimes and vandalism by the offspring in the family. Abbott and Wallace s critically judge the new right about how women are being exploited in the families and how a lot of frustration and unhappiness is able to be experienced by living in this environment. The new right also disagrees to acknowledge the violence that can be cause in a nuclear family life and the abuse a family can actually suffer from being forced to stay and live with them as it isn t socially acceptable to be a one parent family. Some of the ideas that Abbott and Wallace criticised are that the new right are opposed to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. High Level Of Social Cohesion Currently, there has been growing importance of social cohesion all over the world. A cohesive society is where people are safe against nay life risks, are trustful to their neighbors and governmental institutions, and can have potential power to make better future for themselves and their families (OECD, 2011). High level of social cohesion helps people can participate in their civil right more positively and create opportunities for upward mobility, as well as it is a glue for holding a society together. In addition, since the United Stated has been multi ethnic country, the norm of social cohesion has been more focused according to growing body of ethnic diversity. As such, social cohesion and a cohesive society have been becoming key values in the current U.S. society. Moreover, there are a lot of challenges for adolescents in the current society. They are struggling with overcome the considerable challenges in their lives, such as academic pressure, family and peer relationship changes, social shift, and physical and emotional changes which are result of maturation (WHO Regional Office For Europe, 2008). These factors have a significant impact on adolescents life, such as their educational outcomes and mental well being. Adolescent who are living in the diverse society, social cohesion is treated more significantly in terms of their general well being. Several studies demonstrated that social cohesion is associated with adolescents mental well being (WHO regional ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Cultural Differences In Deaf Culture In most societies of today deafness is seen as a defect and a major disability. Helen Keller said, that being deaf it was more difficult than being blind, Blindness cuts people off from things; deafness cuts people off from people. (Harrington, 2000). Many hearing people, might think of a deaf person as defected, or handicapped, and pity them, but most people in Deaf communities do not think of themself as disabled or handicapped, they embraced the way they are, and turn a physiological difference, in to something beautiful, creating what we know today as Deaf culture. Deaf people as a linguistic minority have a common experience of life, and this manifests itself in its culture. This includes beliefs, attitudes, history, norms, values, traditions, art, and shared institutions of communities that are affected by deafness and which use sign languages as the main means of communication. (World federation of the deaf). Deaf culture intersects with nationality, race, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, education, gender, etc. This leads to a culture that is small and also tremendously diverse, but unified by their own unique characteristics which some of them are: One of the main differences in Deaf culture is making the distinction between big D and little d in the word deaf. When referred as Deaf culture, the word deaf is written with a capital D and referred to as big D Deaf . When used as a label for the audio logical condition, it is written with a lower case d. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. The Effect Of Morale On Employee s Job Attitudes And... Title: The effect of morale on employee s job attitudes and emotions. Thesis: Does the morale of employees in the company influence their job attitudes and emotions? If the employee morale is high, they would have a positive attitude and productivity would increase or be stable. However, if the employees morale is diminished or nonexistent, their attitude and emotion towards work would be negative. By having a pessimistic attitude would signify that the employee morale is low. Furthermore, this could potentially prohibit the productivity of the employee and damage their job attitude if no actions are taken. I.Introduction 1.Describe what morale is and the significance of it. 2.Morale is the psychological state of an individual as expressed in self confidence, enthusiasm, and loyalty to a cause or company. (Merriam Webster dictionary) The significance of morale in the work center is crucial; because it ties into the employee s attitude and emotions i.Morale is defined in multiple ways, but in the work environment morale is defined as the degree to which an employee feels good about his/her work and work environment . (Chungsup, Lee 2014) II.Background 1.Newman Harrison (2006) states that job attitudes defined as desired contribution made to one s work role. 2.Morale intertwines with job attitudes and individual emotions, because morale is based on the workers emotions. If a worker is happy it will most likely be that their morale would be high. However, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Education Reflection Education is viewed differently for everyone, some think it is the easiest thing to accomplish, others cannot last more than half an hour in a classroom without feeling lost. In my own experience, I bit off more than I could chew when I decided to take AP Language. I went into my junior year thinking I was going to be an amazing student and stay on top of my assignments and once they started stacking my gradestarted falling. I thoughtthe class wasn t going to be a challenge for me because I left my sophomore honors class with an A. Boy was I wrong, half of the time the teacher would blow my mindwith knowledge then leave me in a what just happened mental state. I wasn t really grasping what the teacher was saying. It was not the teacher s fault I just didn t pick up what she was putting down it was like my mind was shutting down. I got to point where I wanted to drop the class. I would be in my room trying to think of ways I could drop the class and still stay on track for my honors diploma. I finally had the guts to go to my counselor to switch classes,but by that time it was too late. My idiotic prideful self didn t want to go in and get help. until my grade dropped to a low C. Then I had to choose between life and pride, because my mom wouldn t let me see the light of day if I brought home a C. When I left the counselor s office, I thought all hope was lost there was no way in hell I was going to get an A or B in the class. Until Mrs. Cannaday threw a rainbow into ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Search For Happiness Happiness is something that everyone, regardless of their background and experiences, search for in life. This search for happiness is manifested in countless novels, theatrical plays, and films, and involves at least one character who struggles to find purpose and joy in their life. A common theme in these stories is the character s impression that there is something missing or inadequate with aspects of their current identity. Thus, they believe that they must complete the missing piece of themselves to achieve happiness. This is best demonstrated by Amedeo/Ahmed in A Clash of Civilizations Over an Elevator in Piazza Vittorio and Xavier in L Auberge Espagnole. I believe that one s conceptualization of their identity is actually an obstacle to happiness and that one can only be truly happy once they embrace their true identity, which is often much different from the one they imagine. A Clash of Civilizations Over an Elevator in Piazza Vittorio by Amara Lakhous focuses extensively on the importance of identity in one s life, mainly in relation to ethnicity and religion. Identity plays such an important role in the characters lives that it dominates the way the perceive each other, leading them to radical and often negative conclusions. For example, when interviewed about a murder, the character Benedetta makes statements like I m suspicious of that Albanian friend of Amadeo s (Lakhous 36) and I m sure the murderer of Lorenzo Manfredini is one of the immigrants (Lakhous ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Pyrrha Alternate Ending dumbfounded described pyrrha perfectly for the few seconds that had followed her brash unveiling. she wasn t sure if she should mildly or extremely insulted. she opted for the later and began to plan out nightmare to give the fucking fish stealer. perhaps have her be trapped in a plastic bag full of water and discover how long that thief could survive for. seemed reasonable to pyrrha. she smile at ludo s offer. that would be fun. and then she masterfully ignored praxis. she wouldn t lower herself to actually conversing with him. she didn t need an iq drop that might place her on the same level as ludo ( she loves him dearly yet ). she held her head high and moved with purpose, her steps as graceful as ever. her ego wouldn t allow her to move in any less of a manner ( so did then near thirteen years of ballet ). picky as ever, pyrrha carefully selected the softest and cleanest blanket. just because she didn t plan to sit in the wagon again, didn t mean she was going without the warmth it had provided her.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... not that she wanted it hidden at all. she d rather ditch him in the bay. record his drowning to study for future nightmare fuel. if only they could. she promptly ignored rosie; pyrrha was no savage low life. though she would probably sacrifice any living thing had she the chance to. yet she softly smiled at the other girl, already planning on stealing that sweatshirt ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Descriptive Essay On Karate Class It was Monday everything was going normally until when the clock, struck 1:00 and my friend called me and said you are in karate class, then suddenly I jumped out from the couch and said what! I was so happy to be in Karate class I wanted to go run on the street and tell everyone I was in karate (I always had a dream to go to a karate class) I asked my friend when is my karate class and he answered it s today so be ready for it than my phone fell off from my hand because I was so happy and I asked when, and he said 6:30 pm, I asked him is there any way I could go to karate class right now and he laughed and also said no. I asked him how can I be patient until I was in karate class and my friend told me to try your best, You could figure out a way to not to be bored. So I started to watch TV until it s time to go, I watched my favorite show called the odd squad, ready jet go but still I my eyes was on the clock,I went outside to ride my bike but still one of my was fixed on my watch,After I 30m I went to swingset next to my house to swing but still one of my eyes was fixed in the watch so my mom came and took the watch from me and put it high on the swing set so I want to reach it when my mom went I really fast climbed the swingset and took a glimpse at the time and climbed back down.I felt like every millisecond was 1 second, along with every second was 1 minute, as well as every hour was 1 day. I was so tired waiting for karate class, I was dizzy also so I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Synthesis Of Pnitroaniline From Aniline Essay This experiment takes a longer time then other experiments, taking approximately three weeks to complete. It involves a three step synthesis to make pnitroaniline from aniline and then we will be characterizing our product using the new and useful technique of thin layer chromatography (TLC). We will not be doing the first part of this experiment only parts two and three. Electrophiles are reagents which are attracted to other electrons and in order to bond to nucleophiles, they accept electron pairs. Electrophiles attack benzene and this results in hydrogen substitution. Nonetheless, this isn t thermodynamically favoured due to a sp3 hybridized carbon being generated. This disrupts the cyclic conjugation. In order for the aromatic ring to be regenerated, a proton will be lost at the sp3 hybridized carbon. This means pnitroaniline can be prepared by electrophilic aromatic substitution. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Acetyl groups are electron withdrawing. This reduces the activity of the lone pair on the nitrogen either in a protonation reaction or an oxidation reaction. The conditions required for nitration are extremely acidic. Protonation of the nitrogen of aniline causes it to become a very strong deactivating group. In the second part of the experiment, we will be performing the nitration of Acetanilide. We will first need to form the nitronium ion in situ by the dehydration of the nitric acid. The dehydrating agent for this experiment is sulphuric acid. The nitronium ion is an extremely strong and powerful electrophile which reacts with ПЂ electrons involved with the aromatic ring of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Underage Drinking Analysis On the morning of February 21st, college students found 18 year old Ali Quartaro lifeless on the floor of a famed party house. The night before, she had consumed large amounts of hard liquor until she had passed out. While she lay unconscious for hours, others continued to party around her, afraid to obtain her help. All because of a night of binge drinking, Ali s freshman year at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee ended grimly. The loss devastated her inconsolable mother who did not even know her daughter drank. Unfortunately, all it takes is one night of binge drinking of alcohol to become a killer. The true extent of the dangers of alcohol is unknown to the majority of people. Although alcohol does not seem that vile of a substance, it is extremely deadly both... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Later on in the novel, Ellen struggles with alcohol because she uses it as a coping device. Her drinking ends up harming her mental state worse until Anna is able to pull her out of it. Alcohol is a highly addictive and lethal substance that damages those who abuse it physically and mentally, especially through the actions of drunk driving and underage drinking. As a result of extreme alcohol usage, the body becomes impaired. The physical effects come in a wide variety of types, but all shorten the life of the user considerably. Internally, alcohol mutilates organs such as the heart and liver while externally, alcohol causes weight gain and the dehydration of your skin causing it to look blotchy. In the heart, alcohol weakens the muscles which can cause heart failure. Additionally, high blood pressure or hypertension often occurs which increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Because of long term alcohol use, arrhythmia or an irregular heartbeat can occur. Sudden deaths are often the result of an arrhythmia. Another organ affected is the lungs. Oftenly, alcoholics are more likely to get pneumonia because of the increased amount of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Belgian Waffles It took my group almost two months to make a fully functioning business that would serve the students at Cardinal Carter. Every detail was brainstormed and decided upon so that we could offer the best product to our customers. The first step was to create a product that we believed that students wanted and that product was Belgian Waffles. The next step was to create a business around the product, this included the name, the slogan and every detail that you could imagine. With the name and business idea finalized, the ultimate challenge was how to present the product to the customer. In this day of age, the quality of a product does not matter as much as it s appearance, but our goal was to make a quality product that looked great and also... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The reason organization is important, is because without how are you going to be an effective business. When you are organized, ideas are clearly stated meaning that you and the teacher know exactly what you mean. Being organized also means that your goals are easier to achieve since your path is already drawn out for you. Keeping receipts, managing money, storing important documents, knowing who does what. Organization is so important, you will be marked on it during the Market Fair. Another great lesson I learned is to bring change in low denominations such as quarters but also bring toonies for people who have large bills. When dealing with customers, treat them with respect and do everything in your power to convince them that they should spend money on your product or service. Never forget to smile when talking or dealing with customers since it makes them feel welcomed and it also displays a good image on your ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Role of Ghost in Hamlet and His Resolution on the... The Role of Ghost in Hamlet and His Resolution on the Dramatic Work The Ghost of the previous Danish king in Hamlet is a potent element that causes Prince Hamlet variety of reactions toward the world around him and to the unexpected killer, King Claudius. Besides, the Ghost is the tool of knowledge that lights Hamlet s heart with the love of insisting on searching the credibility of the crime. The Ghost of Hamlet s father played a crucial role in the play especially on Hamlet by telling him the truth of his death and commanding him to revenge from the killer. The role of the Ghost and his command in Hamlet caused Hamlet hesitation and skepticism about Ghost s credibility. It drives Hamlet to choose between the consequences of life or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... That explains that she is dishonest with him and she concerns on outputs, such as, herself, throne, prestige and her economic and political power more than her family and especially the source of all these graces her husband and the father of her son. However, the Ghost tells Hamlet to not think badly of his mother, because the heaven will deal with her actions. Taint not thy min, nor let thy soul contrive against thy mother aught. Leave her to heaven and to those thrones that in her bosom lodge, to prick and sting her. The metaphor of (thorns in her bosom) contradicts with (to prick and sting her) because the bosom symbolized femininity, but the prick and sting portrays the idea of pain, and the Ghost sees that she hurt his heart by her actions. The main thing that the Ghost concerns about is to take revenge from his brother and neglecting his wife s actions after his death because she seems nothing to him at all. However, his violent messages on his wife increases Hamlet s hatred, anguish and disgust at his mother s actions. As well as, it is from his interest to put his son besides him to revenge from his brother, Claudius. Later one, the Ghost confessions and thoughts has conflict Hamlet s mind throughout the play in different ways. The hesitation and skepticism about ghost s credibility with Hamlet: Hamlet doubts whether the Ghost is a devil, angel or a soul. The Ghost s command urges Hamlet to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Identifying And Evaluate Depression Among Graduate Students The purpose of this literature review is to identify and evaluate depression among graduate students, relations to student development theory, and provide treatment outcomes and implications for student affairs professionals to practice. Depression is a disabling disorder that can disrupt an individual s ability to function occupationally, socially, physiologically, and psychologically for long periods at a time (American Psychiatric Association, 2014). In the U.S. alone, an estimated 17 million adults suffer from depression yearly and affecting collegestudents as the most common psychological disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 2014; Uqdah, Tyler, DeLoach, 2009). At a higher risk for depression, graduate student s changes in environment, finances, social support, and living conditions associated with beginning a graduate program can lead to depression (Uqdah, Tyler, DeLoach, 2009). However, most studies and institutions on depression focus highly on undergraduates and providing support and resources that guides undergraduate s student development. Compared to undergraduates, the research, services, and resources provided to graduate students are limited or not easily accessible. If depression is left untreated, depressive symptoms can compromise student learning and affect academic performance, thus, enabling negative behavior, such as alcohol abuse, unsafe sex, substance abuse, and suicidal ideation (National Institute of Mental Health, 2012). However, if ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Research Paper On Flowers For Algernon Many books have been banned from school libraries. Have it be the language, racial themes, sex, violence,negativity, witchcraft, unpopular religious views,or even unpopular political views found in the books.What about Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes a book about a 32 year old man named charlie who is developmentally disabled and has the opportunity to undergo a surgical procedure that will dramatically increase his mental capabilities.Why ban this book? Well in this book you can find references to the use of alcohol, references to sexual content and Bullying.The book s references to sexual content, alcohol use, and bullying influenced many parents to have this book be banned,but is the banning of this book throughout the nation justified. One reason why Flowers of algernon by daniel keyes was banned in many schools was because of the reference to the use of alcohol. In progress report 16 the use of alcohol is mentioned a few times Fay had taken off her shoes and was sitting on the floor, sipping gin out of the bottle, This makes it sound like drinking alcohol is a casual thing.Alcohol is also mentioned again in progress report 16, is it wise of you to drink so heavily? , No, but i m trying to relax... This part of the conversation between two people makes it sound like alcohol is a remedy to stress. With alcohol being used casually and as a remedy to stress in the book, it s easy to see why parents would not want their children to read this book, although ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Neo-Ussherian Model Of The Flood There is a concept in biblical exegesis known as the historical grammatical method. This method suggests that in order to come to a complete understanding of the biblical text, you need to understand the literary context (the actual pages of Scripture) and the cultural context (what the author was talking about with reference to the culture). In that sense, as our knowledge of ancient cultures expands, we can expect our interpretation of the Bibleto change. This could mean that church history could get it wrong because it would not know everything we do about the culture. In addition to knowledge of the culture, scientific knowledge could make some contributions. I am not sure why we should exclude scientific knowledge, as if it were second tier... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They will typically suggest that Psalm 104:6 9 is a reference to the global flood, not the creation event. But I am not inclined to think that. Verse 5 reads, He establishes the earth on its foundations which is a clear reference to creation. Verse 10 (coming directly after the passage I just quoted) reads, He sends forth springs in the valleys; They flow between the mountains. He goes on to talk about how this fresh water feeds the animals. David also writes about vegetation and other aspects of the creation event. For us to think that David departed from the creation event in the middle of a creation psalm, surrounded by texts that reiterate the events of Genesis 1 would seem like eisegesis. So, Psalm 104:6 9 really does restrict against a global flood. Second, some Neo Ussherians suggest that if that interpretation is correct, it would also restrict against local floods. That is a sort of reductio ad absurdum. The problem is that the boundary is this larger landmass. David is looking at the original creation and telling his audience that this will never again be the state of the earth; God has set a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Japanese Education Vs America In America, education is very different in learning, teaching, and dedication compared to other countries. In Japan, education is shorter, harder, and very different than America. Japan is very dedicated to education and are honored for it. Education is one of the most important things to the people of Japan. By examining Japanese education, it shows how Japan is able to teach and learn history, environmental, transportation, religion, teaching, and mostly math. Japanese history is most interesting in my opinion. Japan was first discovered in the 1st century B.C.(Watanabe, Akira and Yasuo Masai). Japanese history is mostly known for their fierce and brave warriors, the samurai. The samurai are honored warriors who protected and saved Japan... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In fact, students are honored by their family if they attend school. Students are very focussed and intelligent. In schools, they teach students how to teach. The teacher walks over, glances at the problem and circles it to signal it was correct. The student then gets up and away from his seat. Another hand shot up. But, this time the first student takes role of the teacher, or corrector (Novak Djokotic Foundation).According to NCEE, Japan has one of the top teaching methods compared to America. Elementary schools learn how to multiply with lines. Also, they learn 1,130 letters compared to America who has 26. Another thing that was interesting to me, was that students in Japan only go to school for 9 years. In America, we go to school for 12. They have 6 years in elementary, 3 years of junior high, and 3 years of high school ( Novak Djokotic Foundation). After high school, students spend 4 years in college. But, for them, college is a place to relax and have fun. Usually college is a place for studying and looking for a career. Japanese do that during elementary, junior high, and high school. They have to be dedicated and focussed all the time. That is why college is a paradise. Compared to America, school in Japan seems hard but it would be worth it in the end. By researching Japanese education I was able to learn a lot more about other schools, what they learn, and how they learn ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Case Of Philo Riggs Vs. Elmer E. Palmer In this paper, I will consider the case of Philo Riggs vs Elmer E. Palmer in The Court of Appeals of New York in 1889. In this suit, Mr. Palmer s grandfather and Mrs. Riggs father created a will where he bequeathed his wealth upon his death. Most of his wealth he left to Mr. Palmer and the rest he left to Mrs. Riggs and her sister, Mrs. Preston. At the time the case was brought to court, Palmer was in prison for murdering his grandfather. As a result of his actions, Mrs. Riggs and Mrs. Preston brought this case to court in order to annul the portions of the will that favored Mr. Palmer. I will be reviewing the arguments of the arguments of the dissenting judge, Judge Gray and the majority judge, Judge Earl and the merits behind their... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He was already tried for murder and was punished sufficiently. Even, if you were to use the argument that there was some intention from Francis Palmer to change his will so Elmer wouldn t get what was promised in the current will, that intention is not enough without action to back it up and change the will. The laws of the state describing how a will may be altered state that Mere intention to revoke a will does not have the effect of revocation. The intention to revoke is necessary to constitute the effective revocation of a willНѕ But it must be demonstrated by one of the acts contemplated by the statute. Judge Gray s reasoning follows closely with Legal Positivism, which includes the following two principles; 1) a legal system is a closed logical system where legal decisions are logically deduced from predetermined legal rules, and 2) moral judgments cannot be defended in the same way that facts can be defended by rational argument, evidence or proof. As we can see, Gray does not concern himself with morals if they cannot be logically justified. He believes the legal decisions of this case should be one based off the laws that are written, not based on whether we have moral qualms about giving property to a man who murdered his grandfather to obtain that property. Unless there can be a logical reason for not giving him what he deserved even after he was properly punished, then according to legal positivism Mr. Palmer should get what was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Essay On Jazz Dance Jazz dance historical background Jazz dancing has a unique history and has been influenced by many other dance styles and techniques. Like jazz music, its roots can be found in African and slave traditions. It then took inspiration from the tap, Minstrel shows, vaudeville, swing, and Broadway. Consequently, the styles associated with jazz dancing change regularly. When African slaves in the 1800s were traveling to America, they were allowed to danceto sustain their fitness. Such dances proceeded when they arrived at the plantations on which they worked in South America. Amid the early 1900s, this contributed to black Americans to lead the jazz movement. The movement quickly spread to the audience and public, resulting in the development of dances like the Charleston, Jitterbug, Boogie Woogie and Swing. Jack Cole was one of the greatest individual influencers of jazz dance, as we know it today. He was a choreographer and theatre director born in 1911, and is sometimes referred to as the father of jazz dance. He developed some of the ballet based movements and theatrical expression which have become cornerstones in contemporary jazz dance. Different jazz dance styles Ballet Ballet is cool because it has been the backbone of dance for centuries. Many other styles or genres are based on the fundamentals of ballet. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Kids dance classes can bring a lot of positive benefits to your child such as the improvement of the process of learning. The systems they nourish include their integrated sensory, cognitive, attention, emotional and motor activities. These are shown to be the driving forces behind all other learning. It can also release inner tensions. It also improves your child s memory, balance, grace, poise and motor skills, but strongly contributes to the building of your kid s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Jack The Ripper Impact What was the impact of Jack the ripper in Victorian England? Why is he so infamous? WORD LIMIT: 1350 1650 In the year 1888, Whitechapel of London was targeted in a stream of ferocious murders so explicit that it grew to a response that came from all of Victorian England. The media, police investigators and local civilians were deeply impacted upon these occurrences in several ways. Jack The Ripper is to this day infamously known as the killer of at least 5 female prostitutes in the span of only one month, and is recognised to have changed society forever. media Jack the Ripper specifically had a rather large impact upon the media in Victoria England. As such, major headlines of large and successful papers suddenly took an interest in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The term Lipski was a known insult to the Jews of the East End, and Abberline would have been aware of this as it was used in reference to Israel Lipski s murder of Miriam Angel in 1887. This meant that the prospect of one Jew addressing another by the term Lipski was extremely unlikely.) Why he s so infamous. To this day, Jack the Ripper is still infamously recognised as the brutal murderer of at least 5 victims. With such great attention by the media, he was able to cause a dramatic fright to the civilians and have his name voiced throughout Victorian England. Even today, many scholars are seduced by the prospect of uncovering identity of the man behind one of the most infamous whodunits in history. Ripologists still are looking for his identity ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Examples Of Fear In Into Thin Air What is your biggest fear? In the nonfiction story Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer climbing to the top of Mount Everest is his biggest dream but also their greatest fear. The intense journey of climbing up and ascending down the mountain Krakauer and his climbing companions push through many obstacles including nature, their mind, and fear. Fear is a common theme in Into Thin Airit also occurs in the novel The Alchemist. Paulo Coelho s The Alchemist is an inspiring story about a boy named Santiago. He has a recurring dream about going to the pyramids to find his treasure. He goes on a long journey to follow his dreams and also struggles with the obstacle of fear along the way. Fear becomes a big obstacle for Santiago and Krakauer in reaching... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the first obstacles Krakauer and his team have to face is the Khumbu Icefall. The Icefall is an area of huge ice blocks called seracs, some as big office buildings. Climbing through the icefall is extremely dangerous and can cost a climber their life. Krakauer writes The Icefall was a different story. No parts of the South Col route was feared more by climbers. This was the infamous Khumbu Icefall, the most technically demanding section on the entire route (79). Krakauer also describes the Icefall as a game of Russian Roulette. Russian Roulette is a game where one puts a bullet in a revolver, put the gun at their head and pulls the trigger. It is a very deadly game and survival is not guaranteed. Another example of Krakauer having to face his fears is on his way down to base camp four. At this point he has run out of oxygen again and moving forward is a slow processes. There is only one obstacle between him and the tents, descending on an incline of hard glassy ice with no rope. Krakauer states There was no margin for error. Worried about making a critical blunder, I sat down to marshal my energy before descending further (201). After resting for a while at the top of the ice Krakauer is able to make it down. Fear got in Krakauer s way but never stopped ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Advent Research Paper Advent is a season observed in many Western Christian churches as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas. The term is a version of the Latin word meaning coming . Latin adventus is the translation of the Greek word parousia, commonly used to refer to the Second Coming of Christ. For Christians, the season of Advent anticipates the coming of Christ from three different perspectives. Since the time of Bernard of Clairvaux(d.1153) Christians have spoken of the three comings of Christ: in the flesh in Bethlehem, in our hearts daily, and in glory at the end of time. [1] The season offers the opportunity to share in the ancient longing for the coming of the Messiah, and to be alert ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first clear references to the Western Church to Advent occur in the Gelasian Sacramentary, which provides Advent Collects, Epistles, and Gospels for the five Sundays preceding Christmas and for the corresponding Wednesdays and Fridays.[14] While the Sunday readings relate to the first coming of Jesus Christ as savior as well as to his second coming as judge, traditions vary in the relative importance of penitence and expectation during the weeks in Advent. Liturgical colors[edit] Censing during solemn Advent vespers. See also: Liturgical colors The usual liturgical color in Western Christianity for Advent is either violet (or purple) or blue.[15] The violet or purple color is often used for hangings around the church, the vestments of the clergy, and often also the tabernacle. In some Christian denominations, blue, a color representing hope, is an alternative liturgical color for Advent, a custom traced to the usage of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Dramatic Tension in Miller s All My Sons Essay Dramatic Tension in Miller s All My Sons This extract begins with Chris and Ann deciding how they re going to break the news to the Kellers. They start with Joe Keller, and he somewhat approves. The scene is lighthearted until Keller finds out the George is on the phone for Ann from Columbia. This drives is suspicions and gets him very protective. He begins to try and hint to Chris that Ann is here to try and convict him of the death of Larry. Chris then gets very angry with him, and Joe compensates by bringing out his extreme love and care for the success of his family. The tension of the scene gradually builds up until this part, where Joe Keller abruptly gets very content and jokes about how ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The audience can sense this with the direct tone in Chris speech to his father. Miller very effectively uses contrast between the tension in a scene with the skillful use of light hearted preludes or interludes. The contrast means the dramatic tension has increased. This is usually done with characters like Frank or Sue. This helps the audience distinguish the tension better. In this extract, Miller uses Keller s overriding affection and graduated self confidence at the end of the extract to bring down the tension. Keller becomes very witty and cheerful: There s gonna be a wedding, kid, like there never was scene! Champagne, tuxedos ! The tension is very abruptly brought down, as it directly follows Chris and Keller s argument. The contrast in tension creates a morbid curiosity in the audience, where they can no longer predict what is to come, which makes the play even better. This increases the rate of anticipation. The most obvious feature of drama is perhaps the dialogue. Miller uses the skill of using offensive speech to bring about the tension. He deliberately causes conflict between two characters to increase the tension. More over, Miller uses stage directions as a dramatic device to bring about the tension in a scene. Keller makes a distracted entrance onto ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Case Study Of Dobbs Wholesale Antique Under the terms of FOB shipping point, Dobbs Wholesale Antiques should record the sale when the merchandise leaves their warehouse. And, if Dobbs Wholesale Antiques usually ships approximately one week after receiving the order, they should continue to do this no matter what the profits look like for the period. I worked for a corporation that would do this on a monthly basis depending on their numbers because they didn t want to report to much of a profit for the month and, of course, did not want their numbers to be short. If Dobbs Wholesale Antiques wants to boost their profits, they can ship earlier than usual and likely not attract any attention by doing so. But, I believe that if you do not stick to a normal schedule for shipping, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Problem Of Aging Population An aging population is a population with an increased median age due to an increase in life expectancy, accompanied by a decrease in fertility rates. This phenomena is already occurring in other countries, and the United States is expected to undergo a similar demographic shift. The population of citizens aged 65 and over is projected to double in the next few decades, from 43.1 million in 2012, to 83.7 million in 2050, and life expectancy is expected to rise at the same time (Ortman, Velkoff, Hogan, others, 2014). The most important consequence of this is an increase in the percentage of older people from 13% to 20%. An increase of these amount while seemingly insignificant is going to pose a significant burden on the societal support systems set in place to help older individuals. These burden while widespread across different departments, is poised to heavily impact a healthcare climate that is already stretched to the brink. It is essential for adequate preparation to be made in form of public policies that plan for the future. The three most important public policy issues facing the United States are reauthorizing the Older Americans Act, ensuring long termservices and supports, and health coverage for older individuals. The Older Americans Act of 1965 was the first comprehensive federal policy directed towards ensuring increased care for older citizens. It created the Administration on Aging(AoA), National Eldercare Locator Service, National Family Caregiver ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. How Did Abigail Adams Contribute To The American Revolution Abigail Adams: Born November 11, 1774 in Weymouth, MA. She s the wife of John Adams, first lady of the United States, and the son of John Quincy Adams. In particular, she played a huge role in the American Revolution. Abigail Adams served as the Massachusetts Colony General Court who commissioned her, along with a few other women, to talk to ladies in the area who were loyal to the British. This was only the first of her dealings with women s influence in politics. Because she and her husband were away from each other often for extended periods, the two of them corresponded through lengthy letters. In some of these letters, Abigail urged her husband, during the days surrounding the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War, to pay attention to the rights of women. She believed women s rights should equal those of the men. She did not bring the founding fathers around to her way of thinking, but she continued to campaign for various equalities for females, including the right to a formal education. Her husband went on to become the second President of the United States. Abigail Adams died before her son, John Quincy, became the sixth President. As a result of Abigail Adams, women became powerful and impacting figures during the American revolution, thus bringing them closer to gaining civil rights. John Adams (1735 1826) :An American patriot who served as the second President of the United States from 1797 1801 and the first Vice President. He also was a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Compromise of 1850 Essay The compromise of 1850 was a settlement on a series of issues plaguing the unity of the states. The primary issue to address was the institution of slavery, which was causing much dissension between the north and the south. Additional items to be addressed were territory issues and to prevent secession by the south. Henry Clay stepped forward to present a compromise, which had Congress in an eight month discussion known as the Great Debate . As a result of the proposal, there were strong oppositions. One outspoken person who opposed the proposal was John C Calhoun. Calhoun was an intellectual southern politician, political philosopher and a proponent to the protection of Southern interests. He was an advocate for states rights and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Webster believed the issue of slavery was settled long ago, when the regions were divided into slave and free states, and he also believed an agreement could be reached between the pro slavery positions in the south and anti slavery position in the north. Comparatively, Calhoun and Webster both saw the union was in danger of falling apart, they also both believed the issues of slavery between the north and the south was the major cause. Where they disagreed was on the future state of slavery. Calhoun saw the compromise as a betrayal of the south; he sought to have the northerners agree to the protection of slavery in the south so the south would remain in the union. Calhoun knew slavery pre existed and believed it must continue to exist. Webster was more of a pacifist, he pleaded with the northerners to accept demands of the south in order to save the union, even though he did not accept the fact slavery needed to continue. Webster deeply believed that preservation of the union was more important than any other issue. In addition, William Henry Seward also opposed the proposed compromise. Seward was a New York politician and secretary of state and was one of the major political figures of the mid nineteenth century; he became one of the most outspoken anti slavery politicians of the period. Seward condemned Clay s resolutions on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Nauert And Humanism Nauert, Charles G. Humanism and the Culture of Renaissance Europe (Cambridge University Press, 2006) In Humanism and the Culture of Renaissance Europe, Charles G. Nauert synthesizes the development of humanism during the Renaissance while also illustrating the importance of the development of humanism to the age of the Renaissance. Nauert was Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Missouri, Columbia and his specialty was Renaissance Reformation Europe. His purpose in writing is to prove that the establishment and expansion of humanism during the Renaissance contributed to the subsequent development of Western society in the modern era. Nauert s research is thorough and sufficiently covers the growth, expansion, and tenacity of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Nauert illustrates how humanism affected religion, platonic revival, and magic, beliefs on human nature, popular culture, and Renaissance art. The art of printing helped ignite the growth of humanism and enables humanists to share their ideas. Nauert argues that the humanists criticism of texts in the fields of law, medicine, natural science, and theology allowed them to assume control over these fields. They gained this control because they claimed that their critical methods revealed whether a document was authentic, furthermore, they rejected documents that they discovered were forged or misinterpreted. In Florence during the mid fifteenth century, humanists became less interested in civic humanism, and grew interested in spiritual, religious, and philosophical questions. Nauert suggests that NiccolГІ Machiavelli was the sixteenth century heir of Florentine civic humanism. Nauert illustrates how Renaissance art was connected to humanism. He writes, The veneration felt by humanists for ancient works of art was widely regarded as a rediscovery of the principles of the principles a spirit of ancient art, a three sided influence among ancient work, modern artist, and modern humanist was only natural (91). The papacy also became patrons of humanistic art and scholarship; and their support facilitated the expansion of humanism. The achievements of Renaissance Italy did begin to lessen in the sixteenth century; and the influence of humanism faded, but did not perish. Italian humanism was transported across the Alps and ignited humanist movements in Germany, France, England, and Spain. The basic elements of northern humanism derived from Italian humanism; however, in each country that humanism spread to the people adapted or altered the elements of Italian humanism in order to fulfill their needs. The primary way that humanism ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Light And Darkness In Toni Morrison s Beloved Hope in the face of difficulty. Hope in the face of uncertainty. The audacity of hope! A belief in things not seen. A belief that there are better days ahead. President Obama s 2004 keynote speech gives a timeless message of hope, which especially resonates with minorities who face an uncertain future. Similarly, in her novel Beloved, Toni Morrison demonstrates through the relationship between darkness and light that hope gives the oppressed a sense of purpose and the strength to overcome persecution. The contrast between light and darkness is prominent throughout the novel and parallels the polar opposites of hope and despair. The relationship between good and evil is the most basic example of this symbolism. Denver is persistent... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Schoolteacher strips the slaves of their humanity when he and his boys [come] in... and [take] [Sethe s] milk. [Hold] [her] down and [take] it (Morrison 19). They treat the slaves like savage animals, which have no place in society. The abuse and violence that Sethe endures makes her feel inferior and unworthy of respectful treatment. This darkness can only be resolved by Sethe focusing on her light, i.e. towards emancipation. Another mechanism of this dehumanization is when the African American slaves overhear Schoolteacher reducing their human identity to monetary value. The white slave master talks about the slaves as a matter of price... [and] property that reproduce[s] itself without cost (Morrison 228). The continuous talk of slaves being property causes members of Sweet Home, like Paul D, to think of himself as a commodity rather than a human individual. This is key because dehumanization operates both internally and externally; Schoolteacher abuses the slaves so much that they may begin to believe that are just material objects. This eventually motivates Paul D to find his light and escape; he then travels as a nomad before making it Ohio, where he can live a life free of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Multiple Perspectives Psactivity 1 Name: ______________________________ Date: _____________ Multiple Perspectives: Primary Source Activity Directions: On the night of March 5, 1770, several Boston residents were shot and killed by British soldiers in what became known as the Boston Massacre. What follows are several images and first hand accounts from eyewitness to and participants in the event. Following each primary source are questions to help you examine and interpret the information. Primary source #1: Report of the Committee of the Town of Boston (patriot viewpoint) On Friday, the 2d instant, a quarrel arose between some soldiers of the 29th, and the ropemakers journeymen and apprentices, which was carried to that length, as to become dangerous to the lives of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... . . fire . . . At this time I was between the soldiers and the mob, parleying with and endeavoring all in my power to persuade them to retire peacefully, but to no purpose. Is this a different perspective? Let s see . . . 1. At 9:00 at night, why were the bells ringing in Boston? Was it some sort of signal? 2. The event took place near a customs house. Why might this be important information to consider? 3. From Captain Preston s point of view, what was the intent of this unruly crowd? 4. How did Captain Preston attempt to settle this matter? 2009 †he Г§olonial Г‚ Ж’oundation 4 Primary source #4: Continuing with Captain Preston s recollection of this event (provides an entirely different perspective on the events of March 5, 1770) They [the mob] advanced to the points of the bayonets, struck some of them and even the muzzles [the front of the muskets] of the pieces, and seemed to be endeavoring to close with the soldiers . . . some well behaved persons asked me if the guns were charged [loaded] and I replied yes . . . they then asked if I intended to order the men to fire. I answered no, by no means, observing to them that I was advanced before the muzzles of the men s pieces [he was standing in front of their guns] and must fall a sacrifice if they fired; and my giving the word fire under those circumstances ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Analysis Of The Movie Shiloh Shiloh is a short story about a middle aged Kentucky Truck Driver named Leroy Moffitt , his wife Norma Jean, and his mother in law Mabel Beasley. Leroy was recently placed on temporary disability due to injuries being sustained when he jackknifed his tractor trailer on the highway. Leroy and Norma were married at 18 and had a son a few months afterward Randy who died from sudden infant death just weeks later, but Norma doesn t like to talk about it. Leroy now 34 years old was constantly on the road being a truck driver, and has found himself lost, not wanting to be back on the road he sits at home making models or plotting to build a log cabin occasionally smoking a joint. Norma Jean works at a drugstore. Since Leroy s return she has become irritated with him as she isn t used to his constant presence. She began working out when Leroy started therapy with the use of weights and pulleys. Now attending adult education classes for body building and composition. Not only does Norma Jean have to put up with her handicapped husband, but it seems like her mother Mable is always checking up on her or giving her unwanted advice. Mable frequently brings up Shiloh saying that Leroy and Norma Jean should take a trip and visit the same places she did so long ago. Mable also catches Norma Jean smoking which causes Norma Jean to break down into tears at one point in the story. Leroy begins to feel that Norma Jean was happier when he was gone. He confides in Mable realizing that she ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Henry Ford Biography Henry Ford was born July 30, 1863 in Dearborn, Michigan. Ford had a knack for putting stuff together from an early age. When he was thirteen he received a pocket watch, he then proceeded to take it apart, and then reassemble it. People heard about his skill with watches, and started asking him to fix theirs. He even made his own tools out of nails, and a corset stay. When he got a little older he got a few boys together to build simple water wheels and steam engines. He gained a lot of his knowledge about steam engines by becoming friends with the men that ran them. When he was 16, he realized farming just wasn t for him, and left home to become an apprentice to a machinist who manufactured railroad cars. He quickly realized that he didn t ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It had to also be something that not just the wealthy could afford. In 1896, that was exactly what he did, well developed the plans for it anyways. He called it the Ford Quadricycle. Soon he d be presenting his idea to Thomas Edison, where he would encourage him to make a better model. He got together a group of businessmen to help him with this. He learned how to do everything he did by using trial and error. His experience with his new business was the same way, but with this method comes failure which Ford soon learned. He didn t give up easily though, the more he failed the bigger the risk that he wanted to take. Which is why he began building, and driving race cars. This brought just the right kind of attention in from the right kind of people. A few tries later and, Ford established his own company in 1903, Ford Motor Company. In 1907, he created a four cylinder, known as the Model N. It was $600, and soon became the best selling car in America. That wasn t enough for him. He wanted to make a better, cheaper vehicle, in 1908 he released the Ford Model T. This model was made with nine different body styles. Soon, half of all the cars in America would be the Model T s. Later, the company would move to a bigger factory. He wanted to increase production and lower cost. He began observing many different kinds of jobs, and combined the ideas he got from them with his own, and soon got the idea of a moving assembly line for automobiles. He wasn t the first to think of the assembly line, but he was the first to think of it to manufacture an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Uber Executive Summary | | [uber] HOW A TECHNOLOGY FIRM IS changing the traditional transportation model| | By Mark Boeckel, Brent Sprunger, Kevin Smith, and Emily WorkMarch 6th, 2012| Executive Summary Uber is an App Powered on demand car service provider for smart phones. Notwithstanding its very unique name, investors have begun to take note of Uber during the past year as it has stolen market share from traditional transportation companies. We will analyze the value proposition of its technology and examine the differentiation Uber creates to stay ahead of both potential competition and the various cab laws and regulations across the United States and Europe. Based upon this analysis, we will provide detail to investors about... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is very convenient for business accounts, which is preferred when entertaining customers. The final and most controversial pricing structure is Uber s use of dynamic pricing for high volume days such as New Year s or Halloween and also during inclement weather conditions. Uber notifies customers of the increased pricing structure when ordering a car in an effort to reduce demand, but because fares are computed after the service is complete, this pricing structure has become very controversial. Technology Technology can be divided into two components, the app technology for consumers and the demand calculation technology at the firm. The app technology is available for iPhone/Android devices and uses GPS from the requested pickup destination to display a map of all available Uber cars in the area. Uber calculates the nearest driver and plots your pickup time accordingly (see right). Each driver is also given an iPhone with an app to manage incoming customer requests. The firm employs prediction algorithms and heat maps to predict expected demand at different times of the day. It analyzes how many times the app is open and where clusters are located to help manage taxi supply and demand. The result: shorter waits for riders and busier, more efficient days for drivers . Another source of operations management is what the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The, The Royal Slave, A True History People of certain social classes sometimes have stereotyped characteristics pinned to them. Rich people might be seen as snobbish while poor people might be seen as unmotivated to improve themselves. The characters in Oroonoko, The Royal Slave, A True History, also have characteristics based on the social classto which they belong. During the eighteenth century, social class became a topic of interest in Britain. The characters in Oroonoko can be grouped into three social classes based on the level of power they have. One class is the rulers such as the King of Coramatien and Deputy Governor Byam. Next are the people who are neither rulers nor slaves such as Aboan, Mr. Trefry, and Colonel Martin. Finally, there are the slaves. Because of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The narrator says that when the King saw how Imoinda, a young woman with whom he has fallen in love, reacted to the gift he sent her in Oroonoko s name, it gave him some affliction, but he salved it (Behn 2143). Here, the narrator explains that the King was very upset when he saw that Imoinda was in love with Oroonoko, but he ridded himself of these sad feelings by sending her the royal veil which forced her to become one of his wives. This shows that the King has a selfish nature because he could not overcome his desire for Imoinda and let her marry Oroonoko. This selfishness leads him to betray Oroonoko. Both the King and Byam show disloyalty since they betray Oroonoko which establishes negative character. This disloyalty is also distinct to those who are of a high social class position because they are deliberately betraying Oroonoko as opposed to doing it unintentionally. Because negative traits, such as disloyalty, are given to characters who have governmental power, a link between negative character and high social class characters can be established. Another link which can be seen between social class positon and character is through the characters who are neither rulers nor slaves having positive character traits. These characters are a middle class by the fact that they do not rule a colony or country, but they also are not slaves. Also, all of these characters exhibit positive ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Examples Of Existentialism In The Myth Of Sisyphus PHILOSOPHY IN HIS WORKS: At the point when France was involved amid WWII, ended up noticeably dynamic in the resistance development and acted as the supervisor in boss in the daily paper named battle . Taking a shot at his three books to be specific the outsider, the torment, and the fall alongside his short stories the myth of Sisyphus and the revolt in the mid century got him global readership and notoriety. It was in these works that he presented and built up the twin philosophical thoughts the idea of the silly and the idea of revolt that made him well known. His assemblage of work additionally incorporates a gathering of short fiction, banish and the kingdom; a self portraying novel, the primary man; various emotional works, most quite Caligula, the misconception, the condition of attack, and the equitable professional killers; a few interpretations and adjustments, including new forms of works by Calderon, lope de Vega, Dostoyevsky, and Faulkner; and a protracted arrangement of expositions, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In his book length essay, The Myth of Sisyphus, Camus presents a philosophy that contests philosophy itself. This essay belongs squarely in the philosophical tradition of existentialism but Camus denied being an existentialist. Both The Myth of Sisyphus and his other philosophical work, The Rebel, are systematically skeptical of conclusions about the meaning of life, yet both works assert objectively valid answers to key questions about how to live. Though Camus seemed modest when describing his intellectual ambitions, he was confident enough as a philosopher to articulate not only his own philosophy but also a critique of religion and a fundamental critique of modernity. While rejecting the very idea of a philosophical system, Camus constructed his own original edifice of ideas around the key terms of absurdity and rebellion, aiming to resolve the life or death issues that motivated ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Essay On Plasma Wave Acceleration During the last few decades, the laser driven plasma wave acceleration was investigated as an effective mechanism for electron acceleration owing to the plasma ability to sustain large acceleration gradients. ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 1 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) Currently, the most efficient mechanism to accelerate electrons in a plasma by a laser pulse is the cavitated wakefield regime (bubble regime) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 2 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) when electrons are accelerated in a nonlinear plasma wave driven by the ultrashort intense laser pulse. ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) Nowadays, the main challenge is to produce electronbunches with... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Thus, some of them can gain sufficient forward momentum to be trapped by the wakefield and get accelerated there. The injection pulse laser strength parameter ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 43 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) is usually high (i.e., ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) a ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 1 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 1 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ), which can influence the wakefield of the plasma wave driving pulse. Additionally, numerical simulations ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 11,12 ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) pointed out that another injection mechanism may occur due to an influence of the wake dragged by the injection pulse. ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) The alternative to the aforementioned schemes based on ponderomotive force connected with the envelope of the injection pulse is the beatwave injection using collinear colliding laser pulses. The principle of this injection mechanism is the action of the ponderomotive force associated with the slow beatwave of two intersecting pulses. This concept in its original configuration was introduced as a colliding pulse injection. ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) 21 ( removed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Impact Of Video Games On Child Development Technology innovation usually changes the world in certain aspects that affects human life, especially when it comes to childhood development. There are strong arguments on both sides regarding about how video games affects child development. Yet, itВґs common knowledge that everything that is overused, like playgames for more than certain amount of hours, is not good for your health, even drinking too much water can be harmful. On one hand we have scientists claiming that video games are the future of education but on the other hand, some games have aggressive exposure that might reflect in child comportment. After recent studies made by NPD, New Product Development, who showed that more than 90 percent of children play video games and the rate for the children between three and five years old that play video games is the one that increased the most, parents started to wonder how this phenomenon affects child development since video games have been attracted children all over the world. Explain why it is compelling to you I was three years old when I played video game for the first time in my life. My dad played all the classics, from Megadrive and Nintendo 64 to Xbox One and PlayStation 4, so video games were something very close to me when I was growing up. Also, every kid that plays video games will spend a couple of hours in front of the screen so it is a great opportunity for parents to use the technology in their favor by mixing fun time with education time. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Regionalism In The Return By W. B. Yeats And Dylan Thomas... Introduction If Southern writers deny their inner beings, the South can be only an exporter of raw materials, perhaps an exporter of man power, and a consumer of imported cultural products. It will cease to export them. In the creative sense it will be numb and sterile. During the 1920s and 1930s, regionalism played an important part in American art. Throughout the English speaking world, the minority culture of the province was reflecting and criticizing on the dominant culture in society. The Ireland created by W.B. Yeats and Dylan Thomas Wales were examples of regionalism in the British Empire. In America, regionalism arose in New England, the Midwest and the South. Southern regionalism started with what was called the Southern Renaissance.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In these Kentucky poems, the passage from innocence into a harsh and cruel reality and the impossibility of proceeding into a paradise in the next world are recurrent topics. The changing seasons appear to bring nothing but animal like passion and death, and the passing time changes everything into a state that cannot be recognized anymore. The real paradise lies in the innocence and serenity of a long gone childhood and the future brings nothing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Life And Actions Of Charles Carroll Of Carrollton The life and actions of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, including his wealth and business skills, and his active patriotism, positively affected American life in early American times, as well as today. The Carrollton family legacy and wealth influenced Charles in his upbringing; Charles parents instilled within him an appreciation for business, and he later became a talented businessman, providing jobs and opportunities for others. He was also actively involved in politics and patriotism, despite his Catholic religion. His involvement in politics and his patriotism ultimately led to his signing of the Declaration of Independence, which was a huge milestone of achieving freedom in American history. Charles Carroll of Carrollton came from a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Charles Carroll of Carrollton challenged Catholic standings, much like John F. Kennedy ( Charles Carroll of Carrollton The Signer ). Charles frequently wrote anti tax pieces in newspapers under the pseudonym First Citizen ( Primary and Secondary Sources: Guidelines for Authors ). Another popular anonymous author, Daniel Dulaney who wrote under the pseudonym Antilon also debated with Charles through his articles ( Charles Carroll of Carrollton The Signer ). Through his anti tax writings as First Citizen and the debates with Antilon , Charles Carroll of Carrollton gained a following. It s no secret that Charles Carroll came from an extremely wealthy family. The Carroll family maintained a legacy of both wealth and prestige ( Charles Carroll of Carrollton The Signer ). Charles Carroll, in fact, was one of the wealthiest men in the colonies during his adulthood (Yost, Russell). Charles was also heir to the Carrollton Manor, which was made up of approximately 10,000 acres of land. However, he never lived on the land ( Charles Carroll of Carrollton The Signer ). Currently, descendants of Charles own the largest land plot in Howard County, Maryland (Yost, Russell). With money easily available, Charles Carroll had the opportunity to make a substantial difference in the lives of others, as well as with the colonial Maryland economy. While poor people could often not defend themselves, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. A Research Study On Photosynthetic Active Radiation All sites in the study were sampled over a one to two week time frame during each sample period to reduce any effect that might be associated with changing temperature or light availability, between weeks or months. Photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) was measured every 15 min, using an Odyssey light logger (Data flow systems, Christchurch, New Zealand) to monitor changing light availability across days and weeks. Light loggers were placed at a subset of sites in an area adjacent to the stream under similar light conditions as the stream channel. The percentage of shading from streamside trees at light logger stations was calculated and used to convert measured light to full sunlight and values across all sites were averaged to create... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A mean value of turbidity over each day the sonde was deployed was used as the estimate of base flow turbidity. Siphon samplers, constructed similarly to Graczyk et al. (2000), were used to collect water samples during storm flows. They were positioned next to the stream at 10 and 30 cm above base flow. Additionally, base flow unfiltered grab samples were collected from the thalweg of each stream during each sample period and stored on ice until returning to the laboratory. Subsets of both the storm and base flow grab water samples were stored at 20ВєC until analysis for total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP). Total nitrogen was analyzed using a Shimadzu TOC V CSH equipped with the TNM 1 analyzer (Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Columbia, MD). For TP analysis, water samples were digested using persulfate and then analyzed for SRP using the standard colorimetric molybdate/ascorbic acid method (APHA 2005). Geometric means were calculated for TN and TP annually from two base flow and two storm flow samples, due to the expectation that both base flow and storm flow conditions drive patterns of algal biomass and GPP. The geometric mean reduces the influence of extreme values and allows for a better estimation of annual nutrient concentrations than the arithmetic mean. Algal Biomass Two cobble samples from three sets of riffles and pools across each study reach were used to determine algal biomass. Each cobble was scraped and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Home Theater Synthesis Essay Nothing is more fun than watching a movie on the big screen, in your own living room, and with home theater systems Frisco TX you can do just that. You can create an atmosphere of a real movie theater with just a few easy steps. It s not cheap, but it will save you money on going to the real theater. Your home theater with home theater systems Frisco TX can be as simple or as elaborate as you want it to be. Simply take these ideas and determine which works best for you and your home. Start With The Right Equipment The right equipment for your home theater means considering the right home theater systems Frisco TX. Do you want something smaller to fit in an apartment, or something larger for your home. Maybe you want to show movies in your ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Case Study Kelly s Assignment in Japan Intercultural Management Case study: Kelly s Assignment in Japan Read the case: Kelly s Assignment in Japan (Chapter 9 pages: 363 365) posted on Connect learning platform study reflectively and identify the characters and the principal issues in this case. Answer the following questions: 1. Drawing from you understanding on the assigned readings (Deresky), explain the clashes in cultural, customs, and experiences that occurred in this situation. In this case Kelly s Assignment in Japan , we have an example of expatriation poorly managed and unprepared. Different cultures, customs seem very important between Japanese and Westerners. Added to this barrier, we also not that there ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Firstly, the whole family did not expect to have as small spaces to live. Kelly s husband, himself has struggled to find a job, with no contact, and having gaps in understand and functioning of this new culture. Despite all his efforts, he has not successfully attempted to find a job when he was previously a good position. The children also had difficulties adapting to this new country and a new culture. The language barrier was for them a very big problem, in fact, in their new school the greater part of the children did not speak their language. Children themselves could not speak Japanese, and it was difficult for them to adapt. Added to this, the difficulties met with Kelly to lead his communicate with customers; have discouraged the family, who has become aware regret. Finally, the family even wanted to return to their front, with its culture and customs. 3. Turn back the clock to when Kelly was offered the position in Tokyo. What, if anything, should have been done differently, and by whom? Kelly s boss offered her a new position abroad, in Japan, even though she had no knowledge of custom and Japanese culture. Confident she could do a good job in a very short time, as in last issue missions. However, his boss did take into account the fact that the countries in which it had already been proven a culture similar to theirs.
  • 46. He thought it was enough to offer him ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Effects Of Mongolian Westernization Chapter 18 Winter Break Assignment 1.Timeline 2. How did the Mongol occupation affect Russian civilization? The Mongols didn t affect the base of Russian culture because they left local administration to locals. As the economy evolved to more emphasis on agriculture and peasant labor, the focus on literacy declined. 3. What was the nature of Russian expansion under Ivan III and Ivan IV? The reign of the Ivan III resulted in the formation of a new political structure that featured a centralized government and became tsar of Russia. The Russian economy flourished during the time of the Ivans due to the lots of new trade routes. During Ivan IV s time, many Russian nobles were killed so that the throne could be kept for him. 4. What was the impact of Westernization under Peter I? Peter I had a large impact on Russian westernization in many different aspects. For example, the Russian army became a force in European power politics and was modernized along Western lines. Peter I educated himself on concepts of construction and city planning from Manchester that he was able to hire an army of men to help create Petersburg. Peter I introduced and enforced new social etiquettes, dress codes, and grooming practices to help to blend with modern European culture. Peter I imported new technologies through his life and visited several different countries to hire craftsmen to come to Russia for shipbuilding. Peter built Russia s first navy. 5. What was the extent of Westernization ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. A Jazz Concert Analysis Composed by Leonardo Bernstein in 1949, Prelude, Fugue, and Riffs for Solo Clarinet and Jazz Ensemble is the short music which is classified as the classical concert but has more musical elements of jazz music. The instruments used in this music are solo clarinet, saxes and trumpets in fives, four trombones, piano, string bass, and drums. ( Leonard Bernstein Prelude, Fugue Riffs, for Clarinet JazzEnsemble. ) The musichas three movements and each title of these clearly represent what kind pieces are these. (ThePhiladelphiaOrchestra 23) The first movement is the prelude, an introduction to the music, played by brass instruments. The texture of this movement is mostly homophonic, the energetic melodies of brasses accompanied by beats... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Thus, many people would think that there is no reason to participate actual concerts by spending money. I have the same opinion, even since I have fascinated by some music the orchestra played. The technology like digital records today allows us to listen to high quality music, or sometimes these have even better quality than real concerts. In fact, the symphony I listed was almost nothing different from the video on YouTube except the feeling in terms of the atmosphere. However, I realized this atmosphere is the most important advantage of actual concert and the reason why still so many people love to listen to music at concert halls. Without these enthusiastic audiences, the field of music has never developed and won t develop in the future. The program guide was not only useful to get information about music that the orchestra played but also contained interesting facts. The one thing I did not know before is how widely this concert hall and orchestra are supported by communities, companies, and even individuals. On the last some pages of the program guide, there are hundreds of names which or who donated for The Philadelphia Orchestra. (ThePhiladelphiaOrchestra 42 60) In addition, it was my new discovery that this organization globally active and contribute for the regional vitalization. (ThePhiladelphiaOrchestra ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Mr. Walter Elias Disney was an Innovator and a Pioneer, An... A.During a 43 year Hollywood career, Walter Elias Disney was an innovator and pioneer. His creations brought a foundation of animated entertainment, and the use of his imagination to create new and great ideas. Walt Disney had many unique and creative ideas, none of which where to impossible to make into reality. I)Disney s life A.Walt Disney was born on December 5 1901 in Chicago Illinois. B.After waltz birth, the Disney family moved to Missouri Where Walt lived out his childhood. C.Walt had an interest in art; he would often sell hand written drawings to the local people in his town to get extra money. D.In 1917 the family moved to Chicago, where Walt attended McKinley high school. And studied drawing in the evenings, at the Chicago academy of fine arts. He did not graduate high school, instead he had bigger and better plans. He was enlisted as a Red Cross driver in world war one. II)Walt and cartooning a.A couple decades later Walt began to have an interest in animation. Walt Disney began his carrier creating animated commercials, later he moved on to creating animation films. Producing his own company laugh o grams films, These films allowed him to experiment with cartoon animation. B.Walt s first type of production was a combination of cartoon animation, along side with live action. He integrated some of his animation characters with the actions of a live girl. C . Disney won more than 100 prizes for his films, including 29 academy awards. In ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...