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Compare And Contrast Essay
Topics For Fifth Graders
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Compare And Contrast Essay Topics For Fifth GradersCompare And Contrast Essay Topics For Fifth Graders
Ending Welfare
Ending Welfare as We Know It by Meredith Vieira
Before Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) became what it is known as today, it
was called Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC). AFDC was a grant program created
to allow states to fund cash welfare payments for needy children who struggle with parental support
because of a father or mother s absence, unemployment, incapacity, or death. It was established by
the Social Security Act of 1935. When President Clinton signed the Personal Responsibility and
Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) in 1996, it replaced AFDC and its
administration, the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training (JOBS) program, and the
Emergency Assistance (EA) program with TANF, a cash welfareblock grant. The belief for this
transition was that Americans should become ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The purpose of TANF was to discourage teens from having more babies by requiring them to live
at home and also stay in school to qualify for the benefits. The child exclusion law was also
created to reduce the birth of children since the old system allowed access for women to receive
a raise in welfare benefits for every child they had. AFDC seems to work for Elba compared to
TANF. In my opinion, I feel that the policies are actually helpful because it is designed for
women to focus on other ways for support, instead of the sole reliance of welfare. I believe the
policies promote self sufficiency and responsibility by requiring minors to continue their
education. It also encourages women to work towards a more financially stable future. In Elba s
case, however, I find this very difficult for her to attain, considering the fact that she is a minor
and may not have all the education on what resources or services are available. She may not
understand what she actually needs to do in order to receive benefits or have guidance on how to
become more
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Journal 2 Excalibur
Hamse Mohamed
Media Communication
Journal 2 Excalibur
Is a film that revolves around king Arthur who was merely a squire before lifting the sword
Excalibur from it stones. Where his farther king Uther had place it when he was killed in battle in
hopes of a new king shall rise and lead the people of Camelot. The film revolves around betrayal
romance friendship and death. In my opinion I believe Excalibur was a good film I thought it was
interesting and fascinating. mostly because I had enjoyed reading about king Arthur and the knight
of the round table in high school. I especially like the fight scene between king Arthur and sir
Lancelot which later end with them becoming best friends.
Until Lancelot betrays Arthur when he ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The main character Bobby Bow Finger played by Steve Martin is extremely eager to direct a
film and gain recognition as a talented film producer. He s a fast talking, very sneaky and
determined person who wants to accomplish his dream of being recognized in Hollywood.
Another cast member is Eddie Murphy who was one of the supporting characters that play Kit
Ramsey and Jefferson Jiff Ramsey. Eddie Murphy had done a great job in this movie because
every time he was on screen I started burst out in
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Review Of Things Fall Apart
Duke Garlin February 29, 2016 English period 3 How Strength and Manliness Shows Weakness
There are many recurring themes in the novel, Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe; however,
for the purpose of this paper a detailed analysis from a specific quote would be conducted. The
story of Okonkwo is in a way the story of our culture; he pays a price because he places too much
emphasis on strength and manliness. Strength and manliness can promote an array of
translations in order to justify actions within the novel and within today s American society. If it
s comparing an egotistical mindset of a character of this novel or certain beings that tend to
portray these features, there are always certain characteristics that are consistent. It isn t
coincidental that strength is in association with manliness, however asserting these words in
extreme forms of actions is far from powerful. There are many phrases within this novel and
within today s society that are used to degrade a man s ego. The similarities are resorting to
some form of femininity one is displaying. That was why he had called him a woman. Okonkwo
knew how to kill a man s spirit (Achebe 32). This quote emphasizes on the word, woman in the
degradation of a man s spirit, and quite frankly in modern America, the phrase such as, stop acting
like a girl, is used often as a form of a male not obtaining enough manliness in a situation. Later on
in the novel Okonkwo believe that though his strength seems up to
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Norovirus Research Paper
Taking a cruise can be a fun and amazing experience, but what about the hidden illnesses? Many
cruises have had the so called Norovirus onboard, and that has kept many people from sailing. I
personally think that if the right measures are taken, such as washing your hands and using the
utensils when getting the food from the buffet, everything will be okay. What is the Norovirus?
It is a acute gastroenteritis that is highly contagious and can affect anyone of any age
(CDC.gov). Basically, a relative of the stomach flu. It can be seen anywhere, but it is most
commonly found on a Cruise ship because it can spread quickly in the tight spaces. It is also
called the Norwalk virus, mainly because it was first identified as the cause of an outbreak at a
school in Norwalk, Ohio (Disabilitytravel.com). There is no known cure, only certain treatments to
relieve the symptoms that come with it (Disabilitytravel.com). It has been seen often in the media
over the past few years that it is scaring people away from cruising, thinking if they cruise, they
will get sick. This is a disease that has made cruise line companies cut... Show more content on
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But many cruise lines are working alongside the CDC to help with setting these standards. Many
ships have frequent cleanings and each passenger is asked to frequently wash their hands or use
the sanitizer provided on the ship. The Cruise lines and the CDC started up the Vessel Sanitation
program, which is when the ships are required to report the total number of gastrointestinal (GI)
illness cases including zero evaluated by the medical staff before the ship arrives at a U.S. port,
when sailing from a foreign port (CDC.gov). According to a Cruise Critic article called Norovirus
What you Need to Know , it was said that the CDC in Atlanta estimates that there more than 20
million cases of the Norovirus annually
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The American Dream In The Overnighters And The California...
Since the inception of this country, the concept of the American Dream has been driven forward by
men and women who believe that they can be as successful as they desire if they only roll up their
sleeves, take charge of their lives, and work hard to accomplish their goals. Indeed, it was this idea
that brought many foreigners to settle in this country in the first place. These types of men and
women jump at any opportunity to better their lives, such as when hundreds of thousands flocked
out to California in 1849 to become wealthy through the search and acquisition of gold. The
underlying situation at play in The Overnighters is no different from the search for the New World
or the California Gold Rush. The communities that form around such fountains of opportunity often
strain the surrounding areas, however, and the Overnighter community of vagabonds and strangers
that formed in the town of Williston, North Dakotawas no different, ultimately becoming a source
of conflict that forced the metaphorical moral hands of nearly everyone they surrounded. In recent
years, the North Dakota oil boom has attracted men and women looking for wealth and success
from all over the United States. In some cases, these people packed up nearly everything they
have, left everything they had ever known, and made the hike to North Dakota to seek a job in the
oil industry that they did not know they would receive once there. These individuals no doubt heard
stories of plentiful jobs with
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Informative Speech About Dota
In recent years, the number of people who are interested in computer games began to grow, and
it is not a secret for anybody. Some people began to play because of new games with constantly
evolving and improving graphics, and another people like the opportunity to leave the real
world that is full of pressures and stress for a while, but most of them play because of games
which exist for a long time and only becomes more popular every day. About one of these games
I would like to talk. So, today we will talk about one of the most popular games all over the world
established by excellent company called Valve В«Defense of the Ancients 2В», better known under
the name of DotA 2.
DotA 2 has captured the hearts of many people: boys and girls, ... Show more content on
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The Dota series began in 2003 with Defense of the Ancients (DotA) a mod for Blizzard
Entertainment s Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. Later the company Valve led by Gabe Newell
became interested in this game, and in the process bought the rights to the idea and some of the
characters. So in 2010 this addition to Warcraft became a separate, independent game, which
develops to this day. Of course from time to time between the companies appears quarrels about
who owns what character, Blizzard banned Valve to use some of the images, heroes and their
names, but that didn t stop Gabe and Icefrog to develop the idea and the game and to conquer the
hearts of many people.( The Beta Is Over, 2013) Now a few words about DotA 2 and its game
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Ethical Issues In Genetic Research
As the effects of genes on human physiology and disease are increasingly being examined in
laboratories and clinics across the world, the discussion surrounding informing the family members
of tested patients needs to be explored. Previous research has discovered that certain genetic
mutations can predict with a high degree of accuracy the rate of occurrence of disease not only in
the tested participant but in the family as a whole. One such genetic mutation is a change in the
Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (APC) geneand a corresponding increase in the rate of occurrence of
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP). Researchers need to address the question of whether or
not to inform the family members of a participant if one of these genes is discovered. In this paper,
we discuss whether the researchers have the ethical responsibility to inform the family of a tested
participant s APC status and the implications that will... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These adenomatous colorectal polyps will eventually develop into colorectal cancer if a
prophylactic colostomy is not completed [2]. FAP affects both sexes equally with an incidence
rate of 1/8300 [3]. A mutation in the APC gene causes 60% of FAP [4]. In people with the APC
mutation there is an almost 100% chance colorectal cancer will appear by the age of forty years
without treatment [5]. FAP is an autosomal dominant syndrome, and thus the offspring of an
affected parent has a 50% risk of inheriting the defective APC gene [3]. With genetic testing of his
parents, a child s risk of developing late stage cancer is significantly reduced due to the increased
detection of early stage polyps [6]. Due to this, the psychological, moral and ethical issues
associated with genetic testing and the subsequent reporting of the results to the family members of
those tested must be considered due to the ethical dilemmas this
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Lululemon Internal Analysis Essay
Submitted to: Professor Ken Grant
Course: BUS 800 Date: October 22,
2014 Team Members: Samia Attlassy,
Peter Burkholder, Maria Castellanos,
Bobby Panesar Feroze Shah
Team #9: Strategy+
Internal Analysis
Overall Current Strategy
*The following information taken directly from the case*
Grow the store base in North America, primarily United States
Open additional stores outside North America
Increase awareness of the lululemon brand and apparel line
Incorporate next generation fabrics and technologies in the company s products to strengthen
consumer association of the lululemon brand with technically advanced apparel products and
enable lululemon to command higher prices for its apparel ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Although some years the value did decrease by a few percent, in 2012 the gross profit margin is the
highest it has ever been since the fruition of the business.
Net Profit Margin o In summary this analysis shows the percent of every dollar in sales that is
profit. As seen in Figure 1, in the Appendix, the boxes highlighted in red showcase the net profit
margin values. From 2007 lululemon has had growth in their net profit margin, which in summary
showcases their ability to be an efficient business resulting in increased profitability. From 2007,
with a net profit margin of 5% to a current net profit margin of 18% in 2012, lululemon is
essentially making $0.18 profit for every dollar in revenue.
Key Conclusions
Based off lululemon s comprehensive financial data, it shows continuous growth and stability in
revenue and profits. This fused with effective cost controlling measures allow for greater
profitability year to year. With lululemon s strategy primarily focusing on growing the store base
and filling those stores with differentiated products, it puts emphasis towards capital expenditures
being made by the organization. It can be assumed heavy efforts are being placed on Research and
Development, which adhere to luluemon s strategy of developing next generation fabrics that make
their products superior to competition.
Additional research would be toward the site selection of future lululemon corporate owned stores.
The financial data shows a
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Pr Exercises ( Grunig, 2011 )
PR exercises (Grunig, 2011). Figure 7 is also showing the percentage of the participants companies
and their most selected PR programs.
Figure 7 Most practiced PR activities In order to identify the issues that the MNCs are facing
regarding the PR exercises, the participants were asked about the issues faced by their companies
while conducting the PR activities in home and host countries. It was found that the 39%
participants companies have to face misconceptions about the company and products among the
public due to which public become hesitated and non interested for developing trust on the
company. 21% companies representatives mentioned that their company face problems in
understanding and realizing the change of public interests and requirements with respect to the
time while 40% companies representative mentioned that their company have to face lack of
appreciation and response by the public on the PR programs of the company. As Alon et. al. (2010)
stated that these issues can be perceived as the significant issues for the MNCs and the appropriate
solutions should be found to resolve the problems.
Figure 8 PR programs in Home countries Despite of the issues in the home countries, there are
different types of issues that have to be faced by the MNCs in host countries where their branches
and offices operate. The participants were asked about the problems faced by their companies in
practicing PR in host countries. It was found that the most common issues
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An Autumn Sunset By William J. Long
William J. Long wrote in his book Outlines of English and American Literature, a book divulging
the (then) modern literature of the late 1800s and early 1900s, that Edith Wharton s works were
a little snobbish: she deals with society, and confines herself to that corner of society which
complacently regards itself as best. In consequence, there are no wide horizons in her books,
which are distinctly of the indoor variety (Long 570). He also stated that every novel is marred
(or improved, as some think) by analytical details that seldom repay a reader for the lack of action.
(Long 570) The criticisms raised by Long are fallacious, and it s proved by Wharton s poem An
Autumn Sunset, written in 1895. Universality, the daily grind, and the human experience were
major facets of American Realism, and, in contrast to Long s criticisms, were shown in An Autumn
Summer through its focus on war, its imagery of a commonplace setting, and its melancholic tone.
Edith Wharton was born in a wealthy home where she was sheltered to such an extent that she
didn t even know there was a civil war. In her autobiography, A Backwards Glance, she called her
youth safe, guarded monotonous (Wharton 7). This upbringing caused a haughty tone to seep in
to many of her works, one of which stated, What can you expect of a girl who was allowed to
wear black satin to her coming out ball? (Turkington 69). Even though her early life was sheltered
from the effects of the Civil War, Wharton
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Friar Lawrence Research Paper
Friar Lawrence: Positive or Negative Presence? Option A According to the prompt, critics have
remarked that Friar Lawrence serves as a kind of surrogate parent to both Romeo and Juliet. I
agree with their statement, but whether he was a positive or negative presence is the question.
While Friar Lawrence ultimately let to the character s demise, I believe he was a positive
presence in the lives of both Romeo and Juliet because he listened to their dilemmas, helped them
solve their dilemmas, and helped them obtain happiness. The first time we are introduced to Friar
Lawrence Romeo wants Friar to join himself and Juliet in marriage. He listens to Romeo talk
about his issues and thinks of a way to help him. Even though Friar Lawrence advises Romeo to
calm down... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He did this through plans he would come up with. For example, when Romeo wanted to marry
Juliet Friar married them. When Romeo gets banished from Verona, Friar helps him come up
with a plan so him and Juliet can still be together and live happily. He tells Romeo to go to Juliet
but by morning escape to Mantua and he will send a letter explaining the rest of the plan. After
Romeo is gone Juliet comes to Friar Lawrence because Capulet and Lady Capulet are making her
marry Paris. She wholeheartedly disagrees and expresses that she would rather kill herself than
marry Paris. Friar comes up with the plan to fake her death which would happen when she drank
a potion. The liquid would make her fall into a deep death like sleep that would would falsely
make her parents believe she was dead, therefore she wouldn t have to marry Paris. All of the
plans Friar Lawrence created were almost perfect. They all had the ability to work out perfectly,
but sadly in every one there was a flaw. It wasn t until the last plan that the flaw was
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Weight Intrusion Detection Systems Analysis
In some cases, redundant features can lead to noisy data that distract the learning algorithm and
degrade the accuracy of the IDS through which, training and testing processes will be slowed
down. Significant features are confessed to have a high significance on the performance of the
classifiers. And handling appropriate feature selection methods renders the models to make them
feasible to construe, reducing the training times and augment the generalization [10] [11]. Filtering
approach is used as a robust one in building IDS, a set of features is chosen which are treated as
most effective correlating to the classification procedure [12].
2.2. Ensemble technique The ensemble organization is beneficial in constructing light weight ...
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3. THE PROPOSED MODEL The proposed IDS model presents an entire structure for selecting
the best sub set of KDD cup 99 dataset which will proficiently characterize normal traffic and
abnormal traffic through which computationally capable IDS is built. Here, a Robust feature
selection (RFS) algorithm works by combining three filtering methods for fastening the training
process. The main intention of this approach is to use fuzziness to integrate filtering methods.
The proposed Framework of the IDS was given in figure 1. It states the procedure of feature
selection method. In essence, it has four steps 1) Pre processing 2) Applying Filter approach for
three methods 3) Ensemble Feature Selection 4) Classification through SVM. While the proposed
method is generic and can be pertained to any dataset, for testifying the proposed method on
KDDCup99 dataset in IDS has been done.
In some cases, redundant features can lead to noisy data that distract the learning algorithm and
degrade the accuracy of the IDS through which, training and testing processes will be slowed
down. Significant features are confessed to have a high significance on the performance of the
classifiers. And handling appropriate feature selection methods renders the models to make them
feasible to construe, reducing the training times and augment the generalization [10] [11]. Filtering
approach is used as a robust one in building IDS, a set of features is chosen which are
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Recommending Continued Sponsorship of the Posse Ride Essay
Recommending Continued Sponsorship of the Posse Ride
This is to recommend continued sponsorship of the Posse ride. In order to maximize the
effectiveness and profit making potential, I propose the following changes in this program 1)
Repeating successful routes. 2) Involvement of HOG members in route selection. 3) Follow up with
Posse participants
30 days after the completion of events. 4) Creating spontaneity during the ride. 5) Increased
participation of employees on the rides. These new initiatives would help us better understand
customer needs and build long lasting relationship with customers.
A Harley Davidson motorcycle is more than just a mode of transportation or ordinary product. It s
an American icon that is much ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Reinforcement of the brand leads to more sales and profits. In addition, it provides our dealers to
generate revenue and sell merchandise at stores.
Currently only 1 in 1,000 members took part in 1999 Posse ride. Repeating successful routes
attracts new riders who have heard stories from other HOG members. Using the same route leads
to greater efficiency and builds better relationship with dealers. We could also utilize the
experience of existing riders in ironing out rough patches on existing routes and building new
routes. This would lead to active participation from members in creating new rallies and
increasing participation as well. We need to follow up with Posse participants after the rally as
well, rather than take a survey immediately after the end of the rally, we should get feedback
after 30 days. This would provide us with candid refection and input for improvement with future
rides. In order to negate the effect of overdose of Posse Rides we should add some creative
spontaneity to each event. This would provide the riders with flair of expecting the unexpected. In
order to understand and gel with the customer I recommend increased involvement of employees in
Posse rides. The involvement should not be from outside but they should actually ride with HOG
members and experience the same feeling. This would enable employees to build lasting
relationship and gather feedback from riders.
Through the Posse Ride we can
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Film Analysis Of Two Cars One Night
The films Two cars one night and Boy directed by Taika Waititi are based in New Zealand. Two
cars one night is a short film and the idea for the movie Boy was derived from it. Taika Waititi
uses the film aspects of light and dark lighting and symbolism to portray the themes and his style of
directing through his movie Boy and his short filmtwo cars one night. Waititi uses the lens of a
child to portray what is happening throughout the movie plot to show the lasting moments in
childhood. As a director Taika Waititi expresses his concerns of viewing through the lens of
innocence or a child. He explains that what being creative is about having fun and looking at life
through like a sort of the lens of a child s eye through a ted talk. As it... Show more content on
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The lighting in this point in the film almost camouflages the car as it is pitch black at nighttime.
It enables the audience to only see the car s window and the faces inside the car. This gives the
audience a feeling of mystery as they re trying to work out who is inside the car. Waititi uses this
aspect as well in his other film, Two Cars One Night. He uses the lightning to control the audience s
emotions around who in what cars. By weaving the dark lightning around.
Set in 1984 The short film, Two cars one night utilizes the filming aspect of lightand dark lighting
to the contrast between the two cars with children in a pub car park. The long shot exhibited in
the scene gives the picture of the two cars in the car parking lot while the adults are inside the
pub. It shows the aspect of safety and danger for the children as they wait for their parents to
come out from inside of the bar and pub. It also signifies the familiar and unknown as the
children explore with their eyes what is around them. Taika uses the aspect of light and dark light
to symbolize danger and create tension within this scene because as an audience we associate
nighttime with being unsafe for children, and he uses the dark light and children in this scene to
create a sense of danger. An example of this is when the car the two Boys are in is captured sitting
still while the surrounding everything is moving, such as the people and the dark night sky. It
portrays the darkness
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Planning Issue Within The City Of Boston Essay
As part of our final report we are expected to select a planning issue within the City of Boston and
undertake an analysis of the issue from a planning perspective. An issue that the City of Boston
is dealing with that caught my attention was the lack of affordable housing available to its
current and future residents. As cities start to evolve and attract large amounts of people, they
also face some drawbacks that can affect where and how city residents can live. Our trip to
Boston, Massachusetts opened my eyes to the city s housing issue and its increasing housing and
land values. An issue of this nature often causes residents to be pushed out of the city, into the
suburbs or can cause homelessness. Low to moderate income families and youth across the City
of Boston are struggling to pay rent and make ends meet. After our meeting with the Boston
Housing Authority, I wanted to further explore the issue of housing affordability so I reached out
to the City s Department of Neighborhood Development for more information This paper will
look into some topics such as when housing became an issue in the city, if Boston s student
population plays a role, if there any shortcomings in terms of how the city plans for affordable
housing, if there are any specific programs in place that deal with affordable housing and if Boston
is looking into what other cities may be doing. I think that in order to fully understand the issue that
this city is dealing with, you must first be informed
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Maxen Prologue
Maxen stomped up to him. Do not speak of your mother like that. I will not accept it.
You re right, I shouldn t. Shaking with fury, anger burning bright red on his cheeks, Rory grabbed
the front of Maxen s tunic in his fist and spoke through clenched teeth. This is your fault. My
mother was a young, innocent queen when you met. You took advantage of her. Seduced her. She
did nothing wrong, you did.
Rory, stop it, Audra pleaded. I love Maxen and I always have. I loved your father, too, but there are
different kinds of love...
No. Rory kept his grip on Maxen s tunic. He confused you, Mother. You were young. You don t
know what you re saying. But don t worry; I lay the blame squarely at this vile man s feet.
Maxen remained calm and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He might be a man now and a proven warrior, but he was her child and reeling. The urge to
comfort and protect him was impossible to dismiss.
Please, son... she whispered, sliding to the ground. Maxen crouched next to her and held her.
If he has not returned in two days, I will go after him.
Audra nodded, allowing the Maxen s strong arms to offer comfort.
Not long after Rory s hasty departure, Audra sent for Vaughan and Rignuth. They sat across from
her and Maxen at the dining table, looking on in worry. She hadn t bothered to inspect herself in
the mirror, but after more than an hour of nonstop sobbing and pacing, she assumed she looked like
a right mess.
Through her hysterical sobs, she d told Maxen that she would disclose their secret to Vaughan and
Rignuth. She sensed they d always known the truth, but since she needed their help more than ever,
she did not want to hold back anything. There was no point.
My lady, can I get you a tonic? Rignuth reached across the table and took her hand. You seem very
No, thank you, my old friend.
Maxen pulled his seat close and dropped his arm around Audra s shoulder. Both Rignuth and
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Military Drone Strikes Against Terrorism
Military Drone Strikes Against Terrorism It was the day February 4, 2002 in Afghanistan, the
day of the first authorized drone strike by the U.S. A CIA Predator drone prowled the skies in
search of prey. It was searching for a group that the CIA suspected to include Osama Bin Laden.
After some time, the group was located, and the Predator drone fired on the group, killing all of the
targets. After further insight, it was discovered that the targets, now all dead, were just civilians
gathering scrap metal ( Should the United ). Should drones be used for military strikes on terrorism?
This is an ongoing modern debate, which has very contrasting viewpoints. Drones are used in
military operations, usually in sudden aerial strikes aimed to quickly... Show more content on
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When targets are disposed of through means of remote controlled drones, the U.S becomes
disconnected with the war itself. Drone Pilot Colonel D. Scott Brenton himself admitted that in
conducting drone strikes with just a screen and controls, he feels no connection or emotion for
the people he kills ( Should the United ). This should not be so. Through this, the U.S is able to
go to any measure and continue any conflict as it pleases with no remorse for the cost of human
lives. This further enables the U.S to disregard moral principles, at the cost of as many human
lives as the U.S pleases. War should have restrictions, and every life should be bargained and
reasoned with. With this disconnect though, the U.S uses as much force as it pleases in conflicts
that threaten their interest. This disconnect through drone strikes also allows the U.S not to
notice or care for how it is spreading to the general civilian life in the affected regions. According
to witnesses and researchers, drone strikes are harming local populations beyond death and
physical injury ( Should the United ). Many witness that the people in affected regions live in
constant fear of drone strikes, and are afraid to travel or participate in any sort of meeting. Many
incidents of local deaths and injuries due to these drone strikes plague the population, and many
people consider the drones to be
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Avoidance Spirals Case Study
Avoidance spirals are a type of destructive conflict pattern that continuously reinforces conflict
between individuals, thus reducing the possibility of positive conflict resolution. As the model
suggests, the continual avoidance of conflict with others is likely to create a downward spiral in
managing conflictwith others since most individuals who prefer the avoidance conflict style, as
mentioned above, become more and more uncomfortable confronting problems directly since they
have little to no practice or experience in doing so. As such, the personbecomes more and more
fearful of using other conflict styles since they perceive their ability to effectively communicate
their feelings as being poor. The avoidance spiral occurs primarily because
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How Is Hector An Epic Hero
Some may contemplate why Hector is considered one of the heroes, in Homer s The Iliad, without
truly understanding the meaning and characteristics of a heroic man. First and foremost, Hector in
particular is one of the most important figures of The Iliad because he embodies general ideas and
essential qualities of an epic hero. Throughout the entire book Hector, prince of Troy, is presented
as a man going to dire straights to protect the city he so dearly loves. He also bravely faces his
opponent, at the end of the book, with great courage and true heroism, despite the fact he knows
he is doomed. Hector is a hero because he exemplifies key qualities and general ideas, fights for
his family and city, and bravely faces his greatest opponent, Achilles.... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Throughout The Iliad Homer portrays Hector as dignified, dazzling, and brilliant. He uses epithets
like, ...breaker of horses , man killing Hector... , and noble Hector... to describe the Trojan warrior.
These epithets all describe the skill and strength Hector possess. Hector, the mightiest warrior in
the Trojan army, exhibits immense strength and skill in Book 12 when he leads the assault that
finally penetrates the Achaean ramparts. This courageous action gave Hector great kleos, which
was greatly valued in Ancient Greece. In Book 16 Hector also bravely faces Patroclus, whom he
thought was Achilles, and kills him. The endurance, vigor, and dignity Hector acquires are all
characteristics of an epic
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When Is The Last Time You Fought With Someone For Hours
When is the last time you fought with someone for hours and still did not get your way? You may
have begged your teacher to let you hand in an assignment late, or tried to convince your parents to
extend your curfew. You may have been disappointed when you failed to succeed in this, most
likely because the lack of proper argumentation technique. Argumentation takes place all around the
world in messages designed to influence other beliefs and behaviors. A rational argumentadapts to
the audience in an ethical manner, fulfills the requirements of presumption and burden of proof and
effectively supports the claims while avoiding common fallacies.
Audience analysis is one of the most important aspects of creating a respectable argument. Since ...
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The audience plays a crucial part here, as they are active participants. It is important that all
participants be knowledgeable, open minded, and respectful. Lastly, the logical perspective relies
on the audience s knowledge of logical patterns such as a cause effect reasoning. The audience in
this case, acts as disinterested and is more of a third party judge (Rybacki 10). Regardless of
perspective, the argumentation for the intended audience must abide by certain ethical standards.
Argumentation is based around the conscious choices of what to say to influence the audience.
Advocates have an ethical responsibility not to deceive their audiences or other arguers by using
obscure or ambiguous language, confusing patterns of organization, or ideas encumbered by
nonessential information or ideas (Rybacki 16). With this said, choosing clear and concrete
language in an organized structure gives the arguer assurance that their message was not
misinterpreted. Honesty is also extremely important in a successful argument, and the arguer should
know their topic thoroughly to avoid false information. Moreover, stating the opposing viewpoints
allows for a more effective and ethical discussion. Efficiency as an ethical standard gives the
advocate the obligation to develop arguments that have the necessary rational power to make their
point (Rybacki 17). Karyn
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Aristophanes s Speech from Plato s Symposium
Global Symposium on Engaging Men and Boys on Achieving Gender Equality
Rio de Janeiro
March 29 April 3, 2009
We come from eighty countries. We are men and women, young and old, working side by side
with respect and shared goals. We are active in community organizations, religious and educational
institutions; we are representatives of governments, NGOs and the United Nations. We speak
many languages, we look like the diverse peoples of the world and carry their diverse beliefs and
religions, cultures, physical abilities, and sexual and gender identities. We are indigenous peoples,
immigrants, and ones whose ancestors moved across the planet. We are fathers and mothers,
daughters and sons, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We know how critical it is that institutions traditionally controlled by men reshape their policies
and priorities to support gender equality and the well being of women, children, and men. And we
know that a critical part of that is to reshape the world of men and boys, the beliefs of men and
boys, and the lives of men and boys.
The Evidence Base is There: New initiatives and programs to engage men and boys in gender
equality provides a growing body of evidence that confirms it is possible to change men s gender
related attitudes and practices. Effective programs and processes have led men and boys to stand
up against violence and for gender equality in both their personal lives and their communities.
These initiatives not only help deconstruct harmful masculinities, but reconstruct more gender
equitable ones. Global research makes it increasingly clear that working with men and boys can
reduce violence, improve relationships, strengthen the work of the women s movement, improve
health outcomes of women and men, girls and boys, and that it is possible to accelerate this change
through deliberate interventions.
Working with the Women s Movement: The work with men and boys stems from and honors the
pioneering work and ongoing leadership of the women s movement. We stand in solidarity with the
ongoing struggles for women s empowerment and rights in our commitment to contribute to the
myriad efforts to achieve
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Summary Of A Northbound Path By Manny Fernandezs
In Manny Fernandez s article A Northbound Path, Marked by More and More Bodies he makes
the argument that migrants trying to cross the border and dying on their way over is a
humanitarian crisis. He mentions that the people who died are given case numbers and not a
name and that this is unfair. Fernandez s argument is good, but it is also a little bit indifferent.
His argument is strong because he offers a lot of evidence that is very descriptive and credible
and some of his evidence is something that the reader can relate to. Having accurate evidence from
a credible source is very important to an author s argument because it gives the argument support
and reliability. If that evidence comes with a story that the reader can relate to it... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Being promoted to the Bureau Chief is a big deal and proves that Fernandez has been a reliable
worker and reporter and is outstanding at what he does. Fernandez s argument has a lot of strong
evidence. For example, he shares stories about different cases numbers and the belongings that
these people had with them. These stories are reliable because they come from the Brooks County
Sherriff s Department in Texas. The Sherriff s Department is a reliable, legitimate source. We know
that the stories are true because Fernandez gives real case numbers that came from this Sherriff s
Department. This evidence is extremely effective because it is true stories that the reader can
picture in their minds. Since these are real people that Fernandez is talking about, the reader gets
the chance to empathize with them. In just one county, the bodies and remains of more than 500
migrants have been found since 2009, Fernandez says in his article. He does not directly cite where
this information came from, but an article published by Think Progress ( https://thinkprogress.org
/texas walmart deaths 3d57eaf43279/ ) confirms this statistic. According to this article, roughly 500
migrants have been recovered along the Texas border since 2009 which supports the evidence that
Fernandez gives in his article. Later in Fernandez s article, he mentions that more
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SLU Mission Statement
Narrow hallways walled by human heads and limbs crowding every space between metal bars
surrounded me. Children starved on unpaved streets with only rags that wrapped their bodies. I
ended my high school career by serving a foreign community. In Chinandega, Nicaragua I had the
opportunity to befriend and support the sick, the imprisoned, the orphaned and impoverished. This
experience among others shaped me to appreciate the value of philanthropy and social justice.
Throughout High School, I led multiple philanthropic projects. As president of the Ignite
Organization, I involved students to raise funds for, and volunteer at a pregnancy center. I
assembled a team of volunteers, and initiated fundraisers. This effort transpired over a year and
continues to affect my community. I also developed a supply drive to assist Hurricane Sandy
victims through benefit events. Furthermore, I volunteered at summer camps as well as at my
Parish as a counselor.
At Auburn University, I have continued to make differences. I regularly volunteer at Lee County
Special Olympics and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Mission statement of SLU is the pursuit of truth for the greater glory of God and for the
service of humanity. SLU is an environment that I can reflect the value I place in philanthropy in.
By working with the SLU family, I can impact St. Louis citizens and instill a love for charity in
my peers. Additionally, SLU is a body of driven individuals who appreciate rigorous academics
and strive toward excellence. As an alumnus of Pinecrest Academy, I firmly believe in its motto,
Semper Altius, meaning, always higher. I strive to never settle for who I am and always work to
become a person of better character, scholarship and servitude. Saint Louis University, as a school
of charity and faith, is the ideal environment in which I can integrate myself to advance toward this
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Upon his grandfather s death, it fell to Samuel to sort...
Upon his grandfather s death, it fell to Samuel to sort through former possessions. Samuel found
himself now in the dusty, cobwebbed attic of the old home, surrounded by a constellation of aged
trinkets: faded old photographs, medals and trophies from long distant contests, a plethora of dusty
and worthless relics. Samuel quickly surveyed the items, shuffling through boxes and turning the
occasional object over in his hand. It was depressing, sorting through this collection. It reminded
him of death and the ephemerality of existence. These objects had meaning once, but that meaning
died along with Samuel s grandfather.
What happens to an item when its owner dies? Nothing physical changes, but there is a
fundamental transformation; an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The mist coalesced before him, forming at last into a monstrous blue dragon head, which looked
down at him and grinned.
Samuel, the dragon spoke in a deep, booming voice, by touching the arcane tablet, you have
summoned me from the realm of spirits. I have awoken in order to grant you three wishes. Only
when your wishes have been granted, may I return to my slumber.
Samuel was stunned, his mind reeling as he struggled to come to grips with what he was
experiencing. Is this a dream? Am I hallucinating? When he finally got a hold of himself, he turned
his attention back to the dragon head floating before him.
What are you? Samuel asked.
I am a Djinn , the dragon answered, I exist to serve one purpose.
To grant wishes?
Yes I will grant you three wishes, the dragon repeated.
Well... Samuel thought for a moment, what can I wish for?
You may wish for anything you desire. If it is in my power, then your wish will be granted, the
dragon answered. Samuel believed the dragon.
Samuel thought long and hard. He had to be careful what he wished for. Whatever wish he made,
he had to leave no loopholes and make sure to avoid any unintended consequences. Sometimes the
most seemingly insignificant actions can have profound and unexpected consequences. Maybe it is
simply too dangerous to make any wishes, Samuel thought. Maybe no one is smart enough to
ensure the complete safety of a wish. Then an idea occurred to him. He had an idea for the perfect
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Essay about Perceptions of Persistence of Memory
Perceptions of Persistence of Memory
Although visual art is looked upon differently by all, everyone has a either a favorite piece or at
least something that catches their eye. Personally, I don t have a piece of art that I would label
my absolute favorite, but during a Spanish research project found that Salvador Dali s work really
stood out. The Persistence of Memory painted in 1931 by Dali, a highly renowned surrealist
painter, is among the most interesting works I have ever seen. Even though the painting itself is
rather simple in quality at first glance, what Dali s must have been thinking about while creating
this work is strikingly complex. The painting is attractive to me because it deals with the concept of
time, something ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is reasonable, I think, to assume that most people could have created a landscape painting with
mountains being reflected into a sea, and that may have been Dali s goal when he started to paint
The Persistence of Memory. However, there remains no doubt that Dali s subconscious was at
work here because no one else could ever imagine the exact image depicting melting time as seen
here. The conscious part of the brain is the area that is alive and comprehends what is happening to
one and the world around one. The landscape, Catalonia, Spain (Dali s hometown), was the result
of Dali s conscious mind because he was living it and taking it in with his own two eyes. Everything
stemmed from thoughts of daydreams, bad memories, and other possible goods or evils that dwell
in the subconscious mind. Wikipedia explains that Sigmund Freud believed that the unconscious
mind was a depository of wishes, desires, socially unacceptable ideas, traumatic memories, and/or
painful emotions.
Dali s painting appears to be representative of mainly the subconscious mind because many of the
elements in the painting express objects or ideas that are highly characteristic of memories, dreams,
or even socially unacceptable elements. More importantly, The Museum of Modern Art explains
that a year before this painting was made Dali began to undergo his paranoiac critical method which
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Taxi Driver Movie Analysis
Taxi Driver (1976) follows Travis Bickle s life in New York after being honorably discharged.
The film is a psychological thriller that deals with Travis Bickle s mental instability and desire to
do something meaningful with his life. The narrative centers around Travis loneliness and
disconnect from society. The inciting incident occurs when Travis notices Betsy for the first
time. Travis becomes obsessed with Betsy, who works in a presidential campaign office for
Charles Palantine. His pursuit for Betsy comes to a halt when he takes her out to a
pornographic film, and Betsy understandably feels very uncomfortable. Betsy starts to ignore
Travis calls after this mishap, leading him to march into the campaign office and have a public
falling out with her. The falling out finishes off act one and spirals Travis into planning an
assassination on Palantine. Before Travis attempts the assassination, he meets and underage
prostitute, Iris, who is the twist/midpoint. Travis sees innocence in Iris, and tries to lead her
away from her pimp, Sport. Travis assassination attempt on Palantine is foiled when he is caught
reaching for his firearm. This act two crisis pushes him in a new direction, to go after Sport
instead. Travis shout out at Sport s brothel is the climax of the film. The dГ©nouement follows,
with Travis being heralded as a hero in newspapers and Iris parents thanking Travis for saving Iris.
Later, Betsy gets in Travis taxi, he drops her off and rides off looking
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Folk Hero Funny Guy
Folk Hero Funny Guy won t go down in anyone s book as a great film. On the other hand, you
would be hard pressed to find someone to hate it. It is simply fine. One of those movies where
using the phrase a pretty good flick to describe it would be accurate. Folk Hero Funny Guy is a
light, amusing bromance road trip movie. The filmwas started on Kickstarter, and is the directorial
debut of actor Jeff Grace. It follows Paul (Alex Karpovsky), a failing stand up comedian in the
midst of a for lack of a better term quarter life crisis. Paul s friend Jason (Wyatt Russell), on the
other hand, is a successful folk rock musician who is looking for a change of pace by going on a
solo, acoustic tour to smaller, more intimate crowds. After a night of drinking and catching up,
Jason invites Paul to be the opening act on his new tour in order to get Paul out of the house and
out of his rut. After much convincing, Paul eventually accepts. Think sort of like if Father John
Misty went on tour, and his opening act was your sort of funny friend. What follows is your pretty
typical road trip movie, complete with hijinx, misadventures, and montages.... Show more content
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The concept itself is an interesting one, the ending is deserved (if wildly predictable), and in
between there is enough chemistry, good folk music, and comedy to keep you engaged. While
Karpovsky and Russell do a fine job, the real show stealer is Meredith Hagner, playing Bryn, a
small town folk singer who the duo meet on the first night of the tour, and whom Jason drunkenly
invites to join them on the rest of the tour. Hagner brings her A game here, adding heart and
realism to a part which is essentially a plot device for Paul and Jason to have a falling out over.
The soundtrack is another strong point, featuring songs written by folk singer Adam Ezra, as well
as some of the cast
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Letter To Greg Gallegos
Your Honor,
I am writing this letter on behalf of a good friend Greg Gallegos. I met Greg through his son and
my close friend Damian Gallegos. Almost immediately after meeting Greg he accepted me as if I
was family and I know that almost all of Greg s friends could agree. I quickly learned that Greg
was a family orientated person. He was always involved and very supportive of his children and
grandchildren. Greg is also a person I could always rely on. Whether it was picking me up when
I was stranded in the middle of the night when my motorcycle broke down, helping me get a job
after I returned from basic training or always welcoming and including me in whatever he had
going on. I honestly can t think of a time that he has ever let me down
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Harley Davidson s A Car That Didn t Require Work Like...
Background Harley Davidson was founded in 1903 by William Harley and Arthur Davidson.
These two men decided to create a bicycle that didn t require work like pedaling. The company
quickly grew and by 1920 it was the largest motorcycle manufacturer in the world. By 1998 the
company produced over 150,000 motorcycles and showed a 14% increase in production over
2007. Harley Davidson employed over 6,000 people and supported over 600 independent
dealerships. The company s headquarters is based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The typical customer
has been perceived to be young however, the recent growth in customers has come from adults in
their 40s. These adults are usually transitioning out of parenthood and are enticed by the promise of
freedom... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Major Enterprise Architectural Issues Culture: Embracing the Harley Davidson Attitude
Information Technology: Is it functional People: Presentation matters Organizational: Prior
business relationships Culture: Embracing the Harley Davidson Attitude Harley Davidson
values its culture. They are more of a laid back company and one of the criteria they used to
judge providers was how well their people fit in with Harley Davidson s team and embraced its
business values. These values are: Tell the truth, be fair, keep your promises, respect the
individual, and encourage intellectual curiosity. Provider 1 embraced the Harley culture the
most. They even went so far as to buy Harley Davidson gear. This conveyed a signal that they
were in line with the company s way of thinking. It was a big hit with the Harley team . Provider
2 was more of a suit and tie company. Although the Harley team noted the professionalism of the
team, they also noticed that they were not as laid back as the Harley team would have liked.
They also gave off an appearance that they catered more to upper management types. The Harley
team also noticed the company seemed to be more of a consultant type firm which made them
nervous. Provider 3 did not convey the laid back mentality that provider 1 did. Provider 3 did not
receive any marks from the Harley team for embracing Harley Davidson s business values even
though this was
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The Punic Wars
The Punic Wars were made of three major wars. The last war was kind of a punishment for
Carthage from Rome. The two powers in these wars were Rome and Carthage. Rome was
controlling the main peninsula of Italy while Carthage was controlling the islands and trade of
the Mediterranean. Rome and Carthage were once on a friendly term until things went south
well. The Punic Wars have major historical content that involve both leaders on opposite side as
well as the battles among the two city states. These wars were about two powerful city states
trying to see who is more dominant. These wars were like the US and Russia trying to show
imperial power and show who is the bigger person in town.
1The first Punic War was from 264 241 BC. In 264 BC, Rome intervened in a dispute on the
western coast on the island of Sicily which at that time was a Carthage province. The intervention
was about an attack by soldiers from Syracuse against Messina. Carthage supported Syracuse and
Rome supported Messina. The control of Sicily was at stake when both Carthage and Rome went
into direct conflict. Before the war started, Rome had been rebuilding its entire fleet in order to
confront Carthage powerful navy. Rome won its first naval victory at Mylae in 260 BC. At the end
of the first Punic War, the Roman fleet indecisive won against the Carthaginians at sea which ended
the Carthaginians legendary naval superiority. Sicily became Rome s first overseas province.
After its victorious win, Rome took
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Purgatory Dantes Inferno
Virgil brings Dante to the Gates of Hell where the initiation part of the monomyth begins.
The intertwined with the initiation is also the beginning of the long journey which related to the
temple pattern. Dante begins this journey at the Vestibule of Hell, where he begins to see spiritual
indifference of neutrality. He quickly passes through this level of upper hellto come to the River
Acheron. Dante begins to go through one of his many trials at this point. He sees the souls that are
standing on the banks waiting to be ferried by the Charon. He is refused the living man there!
Stand aside.. but Virgil helps him to gain entrance. Dante enters into the 10 levels of Hell, which
are have 3 different divisions. Each level is to signify the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The first lines in the Cantos of Paradise are The glory of Him who moves all things penetrates
the universe and shines in one part more and in another less. I was in the heaven that most
receives His light and I saw things which he that descends from it has not the knowledge or the
power to tell again; for our intellect, drawing near to its desire, sinks so deep that memory
cannot follow. Nevertheless, so much of the holy kingdom as I was able to treasure in my mind
shall now be matter of my song. This statement is bearing that all that arrive at paradise
acknowledge that God is a supreme being. Dante has finally gained a moral compass and a
spiritual map. Paradise teaches about contemplative life. In the 21st Cantos we encounter the the
metaphor of the Golden Ladder. This ladder is compared to Jacobs ladder as the throngs of angels
are seen ascending and descending
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King Henry Viii s Conquest
Three years before Henry s death, he impulsively declared war on France and tried to gain
Scotland and Ireland into England s powers. Henry wanted to merge England, Scotland, and Ireland
together so, he could rule over all three countries. Although, Henry VII had not involved Parliament
in his affairs very much after Cromwell had reformed, he had to turn to Parliament during his reign
for money, for grants to fund his wars. Throughout 1543 and 1544, Englandfought wars above and
below it and, The French and Scottish campaigns cost England, in the five years leading up to
Henry s death, the stupendous total of more than ВЈ2.2 million... (Meyer 296). The war plunged
England back into bankruptcy like before King Henry stole money from the monasteries... Show
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He should be credited with the initiating of the English Reformation. Henry VIII s desire for a
divorce from Catherine of Aragon showed that he did not respect some the rules of the Catholic
faith which he practiced. His divorce caused kindle of a religious disputes between England and
the Roman Catholic Church, which eventually created the Church of England. Even though, the
Church of England did practice the Catholic religion, Henry shut down every Catholic
monastery in England just to upset Rome. It is said that, Henry cannot be seen apart from his
occupation, it s nature and its diseases. He was a man before everything, but his Kingship colors
his drama and sets his scene (Hackett 550). Henry VIII s reign became one of the most pivotal
regimes in England s history because he started the initial jump into Protestantism. However,
many people remember Henry VIII as a horrible tyrant because of his actions, and oversee all the
dramatic changes he made throughout his reign. Henry VIII was not the first Protestant king of
England, unlike his son Edward VI. However, King Henry VIII was the first domino to tip in the
English Religious Reformation. Further noted that, Edward VI grew up watching his father rule,
so he had many ideas from observing his effects on the country and was the first monarch of
England to be raised a
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Mohegan Tribe Research Paper
Sovereignty is defined as unlimited power over a country or a country s independent authority
and the right to govern itself according to Merriam Webster dictionary. The Mohegan Tribe is one
of the oldest Tribes in the United States as it can be traced back ten thousand years. The Mohegan
Tribe is located on the Thames River in Uncasville, Connecticut , which is a federally recognized
Indian Nation, with its own constitution and government. Chief Uncas aided the English secure a
victory in the Pequot War. The Mohegan Tribe s sovereigntycan be traced back to 1836 when the
English formally recognized the Mohegan Tribe through the Treaty of Hartford . The United States
Supreme Court ruled all Native American tribes had full legal rights to internally govern
themselves, manage their affairs, as well as to engage in political and legal relationships with the
federal government in the 1830s. Currently the United States Constitution Article I, Section 8,
guarantees sovereign rights to the 566 federally recognized Indian nations and federal government
laws require that the individual states that have Native Tribes living ... Show more content on
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The constitution for the Mohegan Tribe states that a Tribal Council of nine tribal members and
seven members of the Council of Elders shall govern the tribe. All executive and legislative powers
that are not granted to the Council of Elders are vested with the Tribal Council. All judicial matters
and the Tribe s cultural integrity are overseen by the Council of Elders, who also have the authority
to exercise legislative powers with respect to the stringent rules and regulations in regard to tribal
membership and enrollment with the tribal court adjudicating all non gaming
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The Stark Law Essays
The Stark Law
Some federal statutes address fraud in government health care programs, and many of these laws
vary considerably (Krause 2004). Some of these laws specifically target health care fraud. Example
of the laws that the government direct at inappropriate health care activities includes the Medicare
and Medicaid Anti Kickback Statute and Ethics in Patient Referrals Act (EPRA).
In 1989, Congress enacted the Ethics in Patient Referrals Act. Commonly known as Stark law,
Congress named it in honor of Rep. Pete Stark, a Democrat from California, and original sponsor
of the bill (Sprague 2004). This law places limitations on self referrals by physicians and prohibits
physicians from referring patients to organizations in which ... Show more content on
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Considering the provisions of the Stark law, it is clear that Congress enacted the law to curb the
self referrals that were prevalent among medical practitioners due to the sprawling specialty
hospitals and health facilities (Choudhry, Choudhry, and Brennan 2005). Furthermore, Congress
saw the need to prevent a physician s referral decision that is dependent on a selfish, financial gain.
The idea was to preclude overutilization of certain health care facilities that may arise from
objectionable referrals and the resultant increase in health care cost (Staman 2010).
Congress created the Stark law, which is compiled as Section 1877 of the Social Security Act, as
part of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, Public Law 101 239, 103 Stat. 2423
(1989); the Stark law is codified at 42 U.S.C. В§ 1395nn. In 1993, Congress passed the Omnibus
Budget Reconciliation Act that significantly amended the Stark law, and the amendment is
commonly known as Stark II (Staman 2010). In essence, Stark I and Stark II were not created as
stand alone laws but as provisions in the Omnibus Budget Reconciliations of 1989 and 1993. The
Stark law defines a financial relationship at 42 U.S.C. В§ 1395nn to include either (1) an ownership
or investment interest in the entity or (2) a compensation arrangement between
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Measuring The Load Pattern Of Measuring A Minimum Of Two...
In some cases, lateral force shapes result to good approximation of demand displacements.
Nevertheless, there has not been found any constant loading for exact approximation of local
mechanisms and plastic hinges. Earthquake codes have made it mandatory to use a minimum of
two lateral load patterns in nonlinear static procedure. These two load patterns are chosen to cover
resulting forces in actual dynamic response of the structure. There are two load patterns which are
used mostly in usual studies: uniform and modal load pattern. When using uniform load pattern,
called also constant acceleration pattern, lateral forces applied to the structure are proportional to
the mass of the building stories. This load pattern emphasizes on bottom floors demands more than
top floor demands. It also increases the importance of shear in stories against overturning moment
while modal load pattern emphasizes overturning moment and story demands. The FEMA356 code
allows using comparative load pattern instead of constant load pattern. In this method the load
pattern varies by plastic hinges as the displacements in the structure increase. Obviously, none of
these shapes of constant loading can perform redistribution of inertia forces which occur with the
first local mechanism and change of dynamic properties of the structure. Therefore, it is interesting
to find a load shape which is closer to the variation of inertia forces distribution and gives a better
approximationof the behavior of
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Don John s Character Foil In Much Ado About Nothing
MANN Character Foil Essay
The worst in others, sometimes brings out the best in people. The differences in the characters
sometimes even brings them closer together. William Shakespeare s characters in Much Ado About
Nothing are complete opposites, character foils. Don John and Don Pedro are brothers in Much
Ado About Nothing. Don Pedro is advised as the greater brother, the more auspicious one. Don
John is contemplated as a knave, the one who is less fortunate. Don Pedro also gets the name as
the Prince of Aragon and the winner of the war they had just come back from. Don John is seen as
a loser. Not only did he lose in the war he fought against his brother, but he also was not able to live
up to being a prince. Don Pedro is considered the hero and a leader while Don John is considered as
a villain. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He wants to see his brothers plans deteriorate. In Much Ado About Nothing Don John is trying to
convince Claudio that Don Pedro is trying to get Hero for himself. Signor, you are very near my
brother in his love. He is enamoured on Hero, I pray you dissuade him from her. She is no equal for
his birth. You may do the part of an honest man in it (Shakespeare, 22 23). Don John is trying to
disengage Claudio s trust in Don Pedro by telling him a lie. Claudio originally believed that Don
Pedro would get Hero to marry Claudio, but after hearing this deceiving lie, he has lost all trust in
Don Pedro. After Don Pedro stuck to his word he called over Claudio saying I faith lady, I think
your blazon to be true, though I ll be sworn, if he be so, his conceit is false. Here, Claudio, I have
wooed in thy name, and fair Hero is won. I have broke with her father and his good will obtained
(Shakespeare, 27). Don Pedro won over Hero to take Claudio s hand in marriage. After hearing the
lie told by Don John, he is relieved. Don Pedro is conveyed as a man of his word. This now makes
Don John look like a
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Sheldon Norberg s Confessions Of A Dope Dealer
How did society impact Sheldon? Let me tell you about a man named Sheldon, he fought against
society s views on drugs his whole life until it was too late and he realized it was pointless. In the
autobiography Confessions of a Dope Dealer author, Sheldon Norberg introduces readers in the
beginning of the story to himself as a 14 year old who was against drugs. However, his views
quickly change as the story progresses, and he experiences life through the assistance of mind
expanding substances. Sheldon was a rebel of sorts; he spent most of his life fighting society s
views on drugs by using, to growing, to selling. Sheldon later on came to realize he had wasted his
time; as he witnessed his brother lose his job from being, Tooo wasted, (Norberg,... Show more
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At first he realizes small things such as in saying, Weed production is both an art and a science,
(Norberg, 200), in this he realizes that society adores art and science, yet society as a whole is
strongly opposed to drugs. He soon comes to realize all his wasted time and in addition, the
downfalls of drugs following his brother losing his job. He says, I spent a long time looking at
the mural the first time I took acid, (Norberg, 236). At this place in his life he realizes all his
wasted time reflecting back on the time wasted on drugs. Than he hears about his brother being
fired from his job for being, Tooo wasted, (Norberg, 279). This shows Sheldon bad drugs really
are, and what they can do to a person, his brother went from having a decent job to having nothing.
Later on towards the end of the book the one thing that finally pushes him to get out of the drug
business is when he realizes how risky the business is as in when he says, Hey, Horn started in,
Our weeds been ripped off. (Norberg, 314). By this point Sheldon has already come to realize the
downfalls and now the risks of the business and he came to the realization that the risk wasn t worth
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How Does Adichie s Collection Explore The Notion Of...
How does Adichie s collection explore the notion of identity? In the anthology The Thing Around
Your Neck, our author exposes her readers to various characters who face challenges about their
identity and sense of belonging. Many of Adichie s characters weigh their value and sense of self
against their gender. Some of her characters find security in the fact that they are male. Conversely,
some of her other characters feel lost and in despair, and this may be contributed by the fact that
they are at the receiving end of prejudiced treatment. Also, Adichie uses narrativestrategies in order
to explore some deep rooted mentalities regarding identity. By keeping some of her characters
unnamed and describing them using only their race or nationality, she seems to be challenging
the concept of homogenous identity. She also seems to be encouraging her readers to recognize
her characters as singular people, not as representatives of certain a certain race or nationality.
Adichie also uses second person narration in some of her short stories in order for her readers to
be more involved in the narrative. She exposes her readers to feelings of loneliness, anonymity
and loss faced by her characters in order for them to have a more relatable grasp of their situation
in the hopes that they would be able to understand and accept her characters more readily. By
subjecting some of her characters to sexist and biased treatment, Adichie seeks to expose her
readers to the reality of how a
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Galactosemia Essay
Galactosemia missing works cited Galactosemia is a potentially fatal genetic defect that prevents
the body from metabolizing milk. It is fatal because an infant s early diet consists mostly of milk.
The disease does not usually hinder the development of children in North America or Europe; it is a
not uncommon cause of death, however, in third world nations, where lactosefree milk is not readily
So, what impacts people afflicted with galactosemia more, the fact that they have the disease, or the
question of whether or not it can be treated? A child who is not lactose intolerant would not die
from shock, whether or not treatment was available, and so nature determined the fate of the child.
A child with galactosemia ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are numerous intimate emotions that factor into the equation of media fascination, Mulvey
argues. Among them are eroticism, voyeurism, and imagery. These feelings would not exist,
however, without a world ordered by sexual imbalance... (Mulvey 523) or without pleasure in
looking [that] has been split between active/male and passive/female, (Mulvey 523). She says that
in media, women are presented as objects, while men control the film fantasy and also emerge as
the representative of power, (Mulvey 524).
Mimi White discusses a broad range of topics in Ideological Analysis and Television, but the
sections The Viewer as Consumer and as Commodity, Ideology in Narrative, and Ideology and
Contradiction in the Texts of Television are uniquely important to proving her thesis. In these
sections she disputes that media viewers become consumed and commodified, that media handles
social tensions and contradictions (White 891), that media perpetuates ideology (giving specific
examples ), and that media uses tactics to impose these ideologies on the viewer.
In summation, then, White says that media uses Ideological State Apparatuses to perpetuate
ideology in a particular society. Mulvey says that these ideologies are gender bias because they are
products of a phallocentric society.
Before we can examine other points of view, let s first lay down the ground rules: there is no
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The Effect of Historical Influences on The Development Of...
The Effect of Historical Influences on The Development Of The Theatre Royal Bath In The 18th
And 19th Century
During the 18th and 19th centuries going to the theatre became very popular, and was a common
pastime in the evening. During the first half of the 19th century the theatre was at its most popular
throughout the two centuries, and throughout the whole of the 19th century it was as popular as it
was during the 18th, attracting the same sort of audience size. Today you would take a trip to the
cinema, out to a fancy restaurant or nightclub; in the Victorian times you would pay a visit to the
theatre. As going to the theatre was one of the main social events of the time, changes in society
would ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It became so successful that in the year of 1805 it closed down and re opened on a new larger site,
to accommodate the increasing audience sizes. It moved form Orchard Street to Beufort Square in
the new more popular, modern, area of Bath. On the 12th October 1805, the curtain first went up on
Beaufort Square.
Both sites the Theatre Royal occupied underwent many developments during the 18th and 19th
centuries. The plans for the design of the theatre were changed many times until it was settled that
it would be built in the style of the Doric order, which at the time was expensive and fashionable.
Other buildings in the city were also being built like this. The Assembly Rooms Designed by John
Wood the Younger in 1769, were both a meeting place and a venue for public functions.
Assembly Rooms, Bath
The first site on Orchard Street underwent its most noticeable changes when people first started
accusing it of being too small to house the audience numbers it was attracting. Plans were drawn
up to improve the appearance of the Theatre in 1766. Money was spent on general improvements
of the auditorium and a lofty dome decorated with statues of Apollo and Muses replaced the initial
flat ceiling. However, when re opened the renovations were far from satisfactory, and in 1775 the
auditorium was again re constructed, this
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Scholarly Journals On The Other Hand
A.There are three different types of sources: scholarly journals, popular journals, and trade
journals. A scholarly journal is written by subject specialist that inform readers with their in depth
analysis and research. Scholarly journals are prepared with relevant terminology for the field they
have researched, there are very few images, and lists references in a works cited. Poplar journals
on the other hand, are written by journalists with the objective to entertain not inform. Popular
journals appeal to the broad segment of the population and are very brief articles with many images
and advertisements. Lastly, trade journals provide readers with industry trends useful for people in
business. They are written by specialist and intended... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Experts believe that without devaluation, UK s interest rates could ve gotten even higher and they
would ve faced deflationary pressure.
In 2002, the Argentina government devalued the peso after a deep recession. This disaster began in
the 1980s when Argentina faced high inflation rates and dreadful debt. Insurmountable debt grew
due to poor tax collection, government spending, and a decrease in tax revenue. In attempt to create
a fixed exchange rate, Argentina set in law a peg of a one to one ratio of the Argentina peso and the
dollar (Pettinger 2012). Eventually appreciation in Argentina s currency led to an 15%
unemployment rate. In the early 2000s Argentina ditched the fixed exchange rate causing a
devaluation in their currency. The effects of that devaluation had both an upside and downside.
After the devaluation, Argentinians were forced to stop purchasing imports and purchase mostly
domestic goods. The economy of Argentina also has annually increased their GDP. However, the
devaluation also caused a decrease in living standards and inflation.
In 1991, India faced an economic downfall which resulted in a devaluation of their currency. The
Indian rupee decreased in value by 9% and not so long after that, the value of the rupee went down
to 11%. Their economic downfall began when the rupee was fixed to other common trading
partners. A series of Indian balance issues caused the devaluation. Since the devaluation,
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Case Study Cannonball
I think the cannonball should go with Omniture to market their company. The reason being,
Omniture is the most popular Internet marketing on the web. They re have many reputable
sources such as timeinc.com. Omniture makes wonderful websites not to mention their program
based file share is really good as well. If Marti needs to sell any type of model trains, books,
spare parts you name it I think Omniture could do it. All their sites look clean and professional
and have good reviews. I also looked at another marketer, Linkshare. If Marti wanted to go for a
smaller company that feels intimate with it s customers I think he should go with them. They are
not the biggest or most popular but, they specialize in affiliate marketingin which the users
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African American Family Research Paper
As a black American, I not only identify with African American culture. My family origins are of
African American and Jamaican culture. As an African American, I identify with traditions such
has kwanzaa, black history month, superstitions, and religion. As a Jamaican, it s quite similar but
there s Rastafari, carnival, independence celebration, and more. Being African American, there s
tradition of close kinfolk relationship and dependence upon my familys matriarch. While, as a
Jamaican descent my family has a more dependent deposition and most Jamaican families have
patriarchal ties. Both culture side has a strong belief in Christianity; however, my Jamaican family
is more liberated and not held down by the deep rooted conditioning of Christianity instilled in by
slave owners. With Jamaicans have an understanding from Rastafari education, many have a deeper
connection to the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many people in my family have mental, drug, or financial disadvantages, so many depend on the
matriarch of our family for housing and financial reasons. While, my Jamaican family have
separate families, homes, and careers that make them independent. Most of my Jamaican family
members are proud of being independent and hard workers, so depending on family makes them
feel less than or lazy. My African American family, my aunt is the head of our family system. My
parents passed when I was 8 years old, so my aunt became my guardian. My aunt and her 4 adult
children is my immediate family. My aunt s 4 children also have children as well, and my aunt
hold most us together financially. There s not many roles in my family, but my aunt s son and I
are important in my aunt s stability for transportation, helping with house chores, and organizing
family issues and events. My Jamaican family all are separate and do not have a strong
connection. I have not spoken to them in years, so I have a disconnect to their
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Literary Analysis And Exegesis From Paul The Apostle Of...
Justin Rhoden
Literary Analysis and Exegesis
Mr. Gibson
Annotated Outline: Romans
I Opening remarks (1:1 17)
Greetings from Paul the Apostle of the Gospel of God (1:1 7) Paul identifies himself as the
Apostle of the Gospel of God . Although Paul has been sent with this gospel specifically for the
Gentiles, he greets all the believers in Rome, wanting every person including Jews and Gentiles to
hear the message of God and Jesus and come be saved.
Self introduction (1:8 15) Paul attempts to establish a relationship with the Roman church by
telling them of his interest and concern and of his desire that he wants to be blessed by them and
also to be a blessing to their church.
Thesis: the Power of the Gospel (1:16 17) The power of Paul s gospel of the universal lordship is
that in Christ, God has taken in brought together all peoples of the world, Jews and Gentiles alike,
For the righteous man shall live by faith. .
II The Gentiles, like the Jews, are made part of God s people by faith (1:18 8:39)
A) Righteousness is by faith in Christ for Jew and Greek (1:18 5:21) Paul eliminates every escape
from the wrath of God but one: God s Mercy.
1) Under the law, all people are condemned (1:18 3:20) All humanity is condemned for its
repentance (1:18 32) Particularly, God shows his wrath by giving over humanity to do as humanity
wants to show that they need God to lead them.
Even the Jews are condemned (2:1 3:20) The Jews regarded themselves as privileged as opposed to
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Essay On Shipping Container Home
How to Insulate Shipping Container Home The reason to insulate shipping container home
Shipping container home is a new emerging industry for those looking for something new, sleek,
modern, affordable structure but strong and quick deployed. However, as shipping container home
is quite new, few concerns remain to be responded in order to gain people s trust in its reliability.
One of the main concerns is the insulation. The shipping container is actually built for cargo
shipping, it is weather tight and keeps its contain safe and secure. It is initially designed to carry
products, not to house humans! As such, insulation appears to be an essential issue to turn this steel
structure into a comfortable living or working area. The interior... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
External insulation helps you to not reduce your internal space. It prevents hot or cold weather to
reach the steel surface thus maintaining the internal space relatively conditioned. It also keeps
the water away from the steel and prevents corrosion and helps prolong its life. Internal
insulation is more preferred as it hides the corrugated steel walls from inside and you would not
feel you re inside a shipping container at all. However, internal insulation has similar impact in
keeping the building conditioned but the external surface remains vulnerable to water and
moisture which lead to corrosion in the welding parts, though the containers are initially specially
epoxy paint treated in order to resist humidity in ports and though ocean conditions. However,
there are a third option; combination of internal and external. Besides you use internal insulation,
we highly recommend those living in hot or rainy climate areas to have a second roof and wall
sidings in order to make the external more aesthetic but foremost, it helps you greatly to save the
container shell from direct sunshine in hot climate and corrosion and likely leakage in rainy
conditions. What type of insulation should be used? There are various types of insulation products.
Most of our customers choose to go with Fiberglass material insulation which is the same type of
insulation you find in many conventional homes. As shown in the chart above, at a thickness of 3
ВЅ , it
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Chimpanzee s and Tool Use
Chimpanzees are part of the non human primate group. Though we share a common ancestor,
evolution has pushed us in different directions. However this common ancestor causes humans to
be curious about these creatures. As discussed in Jane Goodall s video Among the Wild
Chimpanzees we were once considered to be human because of our use of tools but once we
observed these non human primates using tools, this perception was changed forever. The question
now at hand is if having the chimpanzees that we study in captivity makes a difference between
studying wild chimps. These interesting creatures can be found naturally in the rainforests of Africa.
Development of tool use:
Tool use is rare in animals, and the chimpanzees stand ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Tool use: In the article Socioecological Influences on Tool Use in Captive Chimpanzees by
Maura L. Celli, Satoshi Hirata, and Masaki Tomonaga the experiment of honey fishing is
discussed. The chimps were placed outside provided with a bottle of honey but no tool. Most
were able to create a tool and were successful. This shows that both wild and captive chimpanzees
have the capability to manufacture tools, observe how to use them and ultimately have some sort
of unique thought because at one point a single chimp had to commit the act of tool
manufacturing in the first place in both captivity and in the wild. In the article Handedness for
tool use in captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): sex differences, performance, heritability and
comparison to the wild by W.D. Hopkins, J.L. Russell, J.A. Schaeffer, M. Gardner and S.J.
Schapiro the differences in tool use and leaning among chimps in the wild versus captivity shows
that captive chimps may have a tendency to be right handed and use the right hand for tool making
where as in the wild there is no particular tendency. The article aslo says that the reason for the right
handedness of captive chimpanzees has to do with the fact that they are being raised in a
predominantly right handed human world and that their tendency to learn from
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Essay On Social Observation
Part A: Focused Observation
1.Student #1: Laila (typical)
a.Social Emotional Observation #1:
i.Context: I observed Laila on October 23, 2017 from 9:10 A.M. 9:40 A.M. in her kindergarten
classroom. During this time period, the students were participating in calendar time that was led
by their classroom teacher. The activities of calendar time include counting up to 100, saying their
alphabet forwards and backwards, saying the letter sounds, discussing the names of the months and
days of the weeks, reciting their weekly poems, and reviewing their sight words. During this time,
which is referred to as calendar time, the students were expected to sit with crossed legs on the
carpet. They do not have assigned seating, so they are permitted ... Show more content on
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The classroom teacher has also expressed concern for my atypical student, because it can become
difficult to manage the classroom when my atypical student is not following the given directions.
By observing a typical student, such as Laila, I am able to compare and contract my atypical
student s behavior to Laila s in relation to the stated standard. iii. Transcription of Observations:
Frequency Count
Student did not follow directions after a teacher prompt.
Date: Monday, October 23, 2017Time Start 9:10 A.M.Time End 9:40 A.M. Total Count: 1
b.Social Emotional Observation #2:
i.Context: I observed Laila on October 23, 2017 from 1:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M. For this half an hour
period, Laila was working with myself and Anastasia, the atypical student observed for this
assignment. We worked at a small group table in an empty classroom. We all pulled up chairs to
work at the small group table. The 30 minute period went undisturbed and uninterrupted from any
outsiders. During the activity, the two students were participating in was a math game. The goal of
the math game was to count the tokens by their color and write the number in the corresponding
box. I chose this activity to observe the students social/emotional development to see if they were
able to follow directions
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Compare And Contrast Essay Topics For Fifth Graders

  • 1. Compare And Contrast Essay Topics For Fifth Graders 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help fromHelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Compare And Contrast Essay Topics For Fifth GradersCompare And Contrast Essay Topics For Fifth Graders
  • 2. Ending Welfare Ending Welfare as We Know It by Meredith Vieira Before Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) became what it is known as today, it was called Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC). AFDC was a grant program created to allow states to fund cash welfare payments for needy children who struggle with parental support because of a father or mother s absence, unemployment, incapacity, or death. It was established by the Social Security Act of 1935. When President Clinton signed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) in 1996, it replaced AFDC and its administration, the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Training (JOBS) program, and the Emergency Assistance (EA) program with TANF, a cash welfareblock grant. The belief for this transition was that Americans should become ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The purpose of TANF was to discourage teens from having more babies by requiring them to live at home and also stay in school to qualify for the benefits. The child exclusion law was also created to reduce the birth of children since the old system allowed access for women to receive a raise in welfare benefits for every child they had. AFDC seems to work for Elba compared to TANF. In my opinion, I feel that the policies are actually helpful because it is designed for women to focus on other ways for support, instead of the sole reliance of welfare. I believe the policies promote self sufficiency and responsibility by requiring minors to continue their education. It also encourages women to work towards a more financially stable future. In Elba s case, however, I find this very difficult for her to attain, considering the fact that she is a minor and may not have all the education on what resources or services are available. She may not understand what she actually needs to do in order to receive benefits or have guidance on how to become more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Journal 2 Excalibur Hamse Mohamed Papageorge Media Communication 12/4/17 Journal 2 Excalibur Is a film that revolves around king Arthur who was merely a squire before lifting the sword Excalibur from it stones. Where his farther king Uther had place it when he was killed in battle in hopes of a new king shall rise and lead the people of Camelot. The film revolves around betrayal romance friendship and death. In my opinion I believe Excalibur was a good film I thought it was interesting and fascinating. mostly because I had enjoyed reading about king Arthur and the knight of the round table in high school. I especially like the fight scene between king Arthur and sir Lancelot which later end with them becoming best friends. Until Lancelot betrays Arthur when he ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The main character Bobby Bow Finger played by Steve Martin is extremely eager to direct a film and gain recognition as a talented film producer. He s a fast talking, very sneaky and determined person who wants to accomplish his dream of being recognized in Hollywood. Another cast member is Eddie Murphy who was one of the supporting characters that play Kit Ramsey and Jefferson Jiff Ramsey. Eddie Murphy had done a great job in this movie because every time he was on screen I started burst out in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Review Of Things Fall Apart Duke Garlin February 29, 2016 English period 3 How Strength and Manliness Shows Weakness There are many recurring themes in the novel, Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe; however, for the purpose of this paper a detailed analysis from a specific quote would be conducted. The story of Okonkwo is in a way the story of our culture; he pays a price because he places too much emphasis on strength and manliness. Strength and manliness can promote an array of translations in order to justify actions within the novel and within today s American society. If it s comparing an egotistical mindset of a character of this novel or certain beings that tend to portray these features, there are always certain characteristics that are consistent. It isn t coincidental that strength is in association with manliness, however asserting these words in extreme forms of actions is far from powerful. There are many phrases within this novel and within today s society that are used to degrade a man s ego. The similarities are resorting to some form of femininity one is displaying. That was why he had called him a woman. Okonkwo knew how to kill a man s spirit (Achebe 32). This quote emphasizes on the word, woman in the degradation of a man s spirit, and quite frankly in modern America, the phrase such as, stop acting like a girl, is used often as a form of a male not obtaining enough manliness in a situation. Later on in the novel Okonkwo believe that though his strength seems up to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Norovirus Research Paper Taking a cruise can be a fun and amazing experience, but what about the hidden illnesses? Many cruises have had the so called Norovirus onboard, and that has kept many people from sailing. I personally think that if the right measures are taken, such as washing your hands and using the utensils when getting the food from the buffet, everything will be okay. What is the Norovirus? It is a acute gastroenteritis that is highly contagious and can affect anyone of any age (CDC.gov). Basically, a relative of the stomach flu. It can be seen anywhere, but it is most commonly found on a Cruise ship because it can spread quickly in the tight spaces. It is also called the Norwalk virus, mainly because it was first identified as the cause of an outbreak at a school in Norwalk, Ohio (Disabilitytravel.com). There is no known cure, only certain treatments to relieve the symptoms that come with it (Disabilitytravel.com). It has been seen often in the media over the past few years that it is scaring people away from cruising, thinking if they cruise, they will get sick. This is a disease that has made cruise line companies cut... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But many cruise lines are working alongside the CDC to help with setting these standards. Many ships have frequent cleanings and each passenger is asked to frequently wash their hands or use the sanitizer provided on the ship. The Cruise lines and the CDC started up the Vessel Sanitation program, which is when the ships are required to report the total number of gastrointestinal (GI) illness cases including zero evaluated by the medical staff before the ship arrives at a U.S. port, when sailing from a foreign port (CDC.gov). According to a Cruise Critic article called Norovirus What you Need to Know , it was said that the CDC in Atlanta estimates that there more than 20 million cases of the Norovirus annually ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. The American Dream In The Overnighters And The California... Since the inception of this country, the concept of the American Dream has been driven forward by men and women who believe that they can be as successful as they desire if they only roll up their sleeves, take charge of their lives, and work hard to accomplish their goals. Indeed, it was this idea that brought many foreigners to settle in this country in the first place. These types of men and women jump at any opportunity to better their lives, such as when hundreds of thousands flocked out to California in 1849 to become wealthy through the search and acquisition of gold. The underlying situation at play in The Overnighters is no different from the search for the New World or the California Gold Rush. The communities that form around such fountains of opportunity often strain the surrounding areas, however, and the Overnighter community of vagabonds and strangers that formed in the town of Williston, North Dakotawas no different, ultimately becoming a source of conflict that forced the metaphorical moral hands of nearly everyone they surrounded. In recent years, the North Dakota oil boom has attracted men and women looking for wealth and success from all over the United States. In some cases, these people packed up nearly everything they have, left everything they had ever known, and made the hike to North Dakota to seek a job in the oil industry that they did not know they would receive once there. These individuals no doubt heard stories of plentiful jobs with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Informative Speech About Dota In recent years, the number of people who are interested in computer games began to grow, and it is not a secret for anybody. Some people began to play because of new games with constantly evolving and improving graphics, and another people like the opportunity to leave the real world that is full of pressures and stress for a while, but most of them play because of games which exist for a long time and only becomes more popular every day. About one of these games I would like to talk. So, today we will talk about one of the most popular games all over the world established by excellent company called Valve В«Defense of the Ancients 2В», better known under the name of DotA 2. DotA 2 has captured the hearts of many people: boys and girls, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Dota series began in 2003 with Defense of the Ancients (DotA) a mod for Blizzard Entertainment s Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. Later the company Valve led by Gabe Newell became interested in this game, and in the process bought the rights to the idea and some of the characters. So in 2010 this addition to Warcraft became a separate, independent game, which develops to this day. Of course from time to time between the companies appears quarrels about who owns what character, Blizzard banned Valve to use some of the images, heroes and their names, but that didn t stop Gabe and Icefrog to develop the idea and the game and to conquer the hearts of many people.( The Beta Is Over, 2013) Now a few words about DotA 2 and its game ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Ethical Issues In Genetic Research As the effects of genes on human physiology and disease are increasingly being examined in laboratories and clinics across the world, the discussion surrounding informing the family members of tested patients needs to be explored. Previous research has discovered that certain genetic mutations can predict with a high degree of accuracy the rate of occurrence of disease not only in the tested participant but in the family as a whole. One such genetic mutation is a change in the Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (APC) geneand a corresponding increase in the rate of occurrence of Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP). Researchers need to address the question of whether or not to inform the family members of a participant if one of these genes is discovered. In this paper, we discuss whether the researchers have the ethical responsibility to inform the family of a tested participant s APC status and the implications that will... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These adenomatous colorectal polyps will eventually develop into colorectal cancer if a prophylactic colostomy is not completed [2]. FAP affects both sexes equally with an incidence rate of 1/8300 [3]. A mutation in the APC gene causes 60% of FAP [4]. In people with the APC mutation there is an almost 100% chance colorectal cancer will appear by the age of forty years without treatment [5]. FAP is an autosomal dominant syndrome, and thus the offspring of an affected parent has a 50% risk of inheriting the defective APC gene [3]. With genetic testing of his parents, a child s risk of developing late stage cancer is significantly reduced due to the increased detection of early stage polyps [6]. Due to this, the psychological, moral and ethical issues associated with genetic testing and the subsequent reporting of the results to the family members of those tested must be considered due to the ethical dilemmas this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Lululemon Internal Analysis Essay Internal Analysis Submitted to: Professor Ken Grant Course: BUS 800 Date: October 22, 2014 Team Members: Samia Attlassy, Peter Burkholder, Maria Castellanos, Bobby Panesar Feroze Shah Team #9: Strategy+ Internal Analysis Overall Current Strategy *The following information taken directly from the case* Grow the store base in North America, primarily United States Open additional stores outside North America Increase awareness of the lululemon brand and apparel line Incorporate next generation fabrics and technologies in the company s products to strengthen consumer association of the lululemon brand with technically advanced apparel products and enable lululemon to command higher prices for its apparel ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although some years the value did decrease by a few percent, in 2012 the gross profit margin is the highest it has ever been since the fruition of the business. Net Profit Margin o In summary this analysis shows the percent of every dollar in sales that is profit. As seen in Figure 1, in the Appendix, the boxes highlighted in red showcase the net profit margin values. From 2007 lululemon has had growth in their net profit margin, which in summary showcases their ability to be an efficient business resulting in increased profitability. From 2007, with a net profit margin of 5% to a current net profit margin of 18% in 2012, lululemon is essentially making $0.18 profit for every dollar in revenue. Key Conclusions Based off lululemon s comprehensive financial data, it shows continuous growth and stability in revenue and profits. This fused with effective cost controlling measures allow for greater profitability year to year. With lululemon s strategy primarily focusing on growing the store base and filling those stores with differentiated products, it puts emphasis towards capital expenditures being made by the organization. It can be assumed heavy efforts are being placed on Research and Development, which adhere to luluemon s strategy of developing next generation fabrics that make their products superior to competition. Additional research would be toward the site selection of future lululemon corporate owned stores. The financial data shows a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Pr Exercises ( Grunig, 2011 ) PR exercises (Grunig, 2011). Figure 7 is also showing the percentage of the participants companies and their most selected PR programs. Figure 7 Most practiced PR activities In order to identify the issues that the MNCs are facing regarding the PR exercises, the participants were asked about the issues faced by their companies while conducting the PR activities in home and host countries. It was found that the 39% participants companies have to face misconceptions about the company and products among the public due to which public become hesitated and non interested for developing trust on the company. 21% companies representatives mentioned that their company face problems in understanding and realizing the change of public interests and requirements with respect to the time while 40% companies representative mentioned that their company have to face lack of appreciation and response by the public on the PR programs of the company. As Alon et. al. (2010) stated that these issues can be perceived as the significant issues for the MNCs and the appropriate solutions should be found to resolve the problems. Figure 8 PR programs in Home countries Despite of the issues in the home countries, there are different types of issues that have to be faced by the MNCs in host countries where their branches and offices operate. The participants were asked about the problems faced by their companies in practicing PR in host countries. It was found that the most common issues ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. An Autumn Sunset By William J. Long William J. Long wrote in his book Outlines of English and American Literature, a book divulging the (then) modern literature of the late 1800s and early 1900s, that Edith Wharton s works were a little snobbish: she deals with society, and confines herself to that corner of society which complacently regards itself as best. In consequence, there are no wide horizons in her books, which are distinctly of the indoor variety (Long 570). He also stated that every novel is marred (or improved, as some think) by analytical details that seldom repay a reader for the lack of action. (Long 570) The criticisms raised by Long are fallacious, and it s proved by Wharton s poem An Autumn Sunset, written in 1895. Universality, the daily grind, and the human experience were major facets of American Realism, and, in contrast to Long s criticisms, were shown in An Autumn Summer through its focus on war, its imagery of a commonplace setting, and its melancholic tone. Edith Wharton was born in a wealthy home where she was sheltered to such an extent that she didn t even know there was a civil war. In her autobiography, A Backwards Glance, she called her youth safe, guarded monotonous (Wharton 7). This upbringing caused a haughty tone to seep in to many of her works, one of which stated, What can you expect of a girl who was allowed to wear black satin to her coming out ball? (Turkington 69). Even though her early life was sheltered from the effects of the Civil War, Wharton ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Friar Lawrence Research Paper Friar Lawrence: Positive or Negative Presence? Option A According to the prompt, critics have remarked that Friar Lawrence serves as a kind of surrogate parent to both Romeo and Juliet. I agree with their statement, but whether he was a positive or negative presence is the question. While Friar Lawrence ultimately let to the character s demise, I believe he was a positive presence in the lives of both Romeo and Juliet because he listened to their dilemmas, helped them solve their dilemmas, and helped them obtain happiness. The first time we are introduced to Friar Lawrence Romeo wants Friar to join himself and Juliet in marriage. He listens to Romeo talk about his issues and thinks of a way to help him. Even though Friar Lawrence advises Romeo to calm down... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He did this through plans he would come up with. For example, when Romeo wanted to marry Juliet Friar married them. When Romeo gets banished from Verona, Friar helps him come up with a plan so him and Juliet can still be together and live happily. He tells Romeo to go to Juliet but by morning escape to Mantua and he will send a letter explaining the rest of the plan. After Romeo is gone Juliet comes to Friar Lawrence because Capulet and Lady Capulet are making her marry Paris. She wholeheartedly disagrees and expresses that she would rather kill herself than marry Paris. Friar comes up with the plan to fake her death which would happen when she drank a potion. The liquid would make her fall into a deep death like sleep that would would falsely make her parents believe she was dead, therefore she wouldn t have to marry Paris. All of the plans Friar Lawrence created were almost perfect. They all had the ability to work out perfectly, but sadly in every one there was a flaw. It wasn t until the last plan that the flaw was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Weight Intrusion Detection Systems Analysis In some cases, redundant features can lead to noisy data that distract the learning algorithm and degrade the accuracy of the IDS through which, training and testing processes will be slowed down. Significant features are confessed to have a high significance on the performance of the classifiers. And handling appropriate feature selection methods renders the models to make them feasible to construe, reducing the training times and augment the generalization [10] [11]. Filtering approach is used as a robust one in building IDS, a set of features is chosen which are treated as most effective correlating to the classification procedure [12]. 2.2. Ensemble technique The ensemble organization is beneficial in constructing light weight ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 3. THE PROPOSED MODEL The proposed IDS model presents an entire structure for selecting the best sub set of KDD cup 99 dataset which will proficiently characterize normal traffic and abnormal traffic through which computationally capable IDS is built. Here, a Robust feature selection (RFS) algorithm works by combining three filtering methods for fastening the training process. The main intention of this approach is to use fuzziness to integrate filtering methods. The proposed Framework of the IDS was given in figure 1. It states the procedure of feature selection method. In essence, it has four steps 1) Pre processing 2) Applying Filter approach for three methods 3) Ensemble Feature Selection 4) Classification through SVM. While the proposed method is generic and can be pertained to any dataset, for testifying the proposed method on KDDCup99 dataset in IDS has been done. In some cases, redundant features can lead to noisy data that distract the learning algorithm and degrade the accuracy of the IDS through which, training and testing processes will be slowed down. Significant features are confessed to have a high significance on the performance of the classifiers. And handling appropriate feature selection methods renders the models to make them feasible to construe, reducing the training times and augment the generalization [10] [11]. Filtering approach is used as a robust one in building IDS, a set of features is chosen which are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Recommending Continued Sponsorship of the Posse Ride Essay Recommending Continued Sponsorship of the Posse Ride This is to recommend continued sponsorship of the Posse ride. In order to maximize the effectiveness and profit making potential, I propose the following changes in this program 1) Repeating successful routes. 2) Involvement of HOG members in route selection. 3) Follow up with Posse participants 30 days after the completion of events. 4) Creating spontaneity during the ride. 5) Increased participation of employees on the rides. These new initiatives would help us better understand customer needs and build long lasting relationship with customers. A Harley Davidson motorcycle is more than just a mode of transportation or ordinary product. It s an American icon that is much ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Reinforcement of the brand leads to more sales and profits. In addition, it provides our dealers to generate revenue and sell merchandise at stores. Currently only 1 in 1,000 members took part in 1999 Posse ride. Repeating successful routes attracts new riders who have heard stories from other HOG members. Using the same route leads to greater efficiency and builds better relationship with dealers. We could also utilize the experience of existing riders in ironing out rough patches on existing routes and building new routes. This would lead to active participation from members in creating new rallies and increasing participation as well. We need to follow up with Posse participants after the rally as well, rather than take a survey immediately after the end of the rally, we should get feedback after 30 days. This would provide us with candid refection and input for improvement with future rides. In order to negate the effect of overdose of Posse Rides we should add some creative spontaneity to each event. This would provide the riders with flair of expecting the unexpected. In order to understand and gel with the customer I recommend increased involvement of employees in Posse rides. The involvement should not be from outside but they should actually ride with HOG members and experience the same feeling. This would enable employees to build lasting relationship and gather feedback from riders. Through the Posse Ride we can ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Film Analysis Of Two Cars One Night The films Two cars one night and Boy directed by Taika Waititi are based in New Zealand. Two cars one night is a short film and the idea for the movie Boy was derived from it. Taika Waititi uses the film aspects of light and dark lighting and symbolism to portray the themes and his style of directing through his movie Boy and his short filmtwo cars one night. Waititi uses the lens of a child to portray what is happening throughout the movie plot to show the lasting moments in childhood. As a director Taika Waititi expresses his concerns of viewing through the lens of innocence or a child. He explains that what being creative is about having fun and looking at life through like a sort of the lens of a child s eye through a ted talk. As it... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The lighting in this point in the film almost camouflages the car as it is pitch black at nighttime. It enables the audience to only see the car s window and the faces inside the car. This gives the audience a feeling of mystery as they re trying to work out who is inside the car. Waititi uses this aspect as well in his other film, Two Cars One Night. He uses the lightning to control the audience s emotions around who in what cars. By weaving the dark lightning around. Set in 1984 The short film, Two cars one night utilizes the filming aspect of lightand dark lighting to the contrast between the two cars with children in a pub car park. The long shot exhibited in the scene gives the picture of the two cars in the car parking lot while the adults are inside the pub. It shows the aspect of safety and danger for the children as they wait for their parents to come out from inside of the bar and pub. It also signifies the familiar and unknown as the children explore with their eyes what is around them. Taika uses the aspect of light and dark light to symbolize danger and create tension within this scene because as an audience we associate nighttime with being unsafe for children, and he uses the dark light and children in this scene to create a sense of danger. An example of this is when the car the two Boys are in is captured sitting still while the surrounding everything is moving, such as the people and the dark night sky. It portrays the darkness ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Planning Issue Within The City Of Boston Essay As part of our final report we are expected to select a planning issue within the City of Boston and undertake an analysis of the issue from a planning perspective. An issue that the City of Boston is dealing with that caught my attention was the lack of affordable housing available to its current and future residents. As cities start to evolve and attract large amounts of people, they also face some drawbacks that can affect where and how city residents can live. Our trip to Boston, Massachusetts opened my eyes to the city s housing issue and its increasing housing and land values. An issue of this nature often causes residents to be pushed out of the city, into the suburbs or can cause homelessness. Low to moderate income families and youth across the City of Boston are struggling to pay rent and make ends meet. After our meeting with the Boston Housing Authority, I wanted to further explore the issue of housing affordability so I reached out to the City s Department of Neighborhood Development for more information This paper will look into some topics such as when housing became an issue in the city, if Boston s student population plays a role, if there any shortcomings in terms of how the city plans for affordable housing, if there are any specific programs in place that deal with affordable housing and if Boston is looking into what other cities may be doing. I think that in order to fully understand the issue that this city is dealing with, you must first be informed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Maxen Prologue Maxen stomped up to him. Do not speak of your mother like that. I will not accept it. You re right, I shouldn t. Shaking with fury, anger burning bright red on his cheeks, Rory grabbed the front of Maxen s tunic in his fist and spoke through clenched teeth. This is your fault. My mother was a young, innocent queen when you met. You took advantage of her. Seduced her. She did nothing wrong, you did. Rory, stop it, Audra pleaded. I love Maxen and I always have. I loved your father, too, but there are different kinds of love... No. Rory kept his grip on Maxen s tunic. He confused you, Mother. You were young. You don t know what you re saying. But don t worry; I lay the blame squarely at this vile man s feet. Maxen remained calm and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He might be a man now and a proven warrior, but he was her child and reeling. The urge to comfort and protect him was impossible to dismiss. Please, son... she whispered, sliding to the ground. Maxen crouched next to her and held her. If he has not returned in two days, I will go after him. Audra nodded, allowing the Maxen s strong arms to offer comfort. XXXX Not long after Rory s hasty departure, Audra sent for Vaughan and Rignuth. They sat across from her and Maxen at the dining table, looking on in worry. She hadn t bothered to inspect herself in the mirror, but after more than an hour of nonstop sobbing and pacing, she assumed she looked like a right mess. Through her hysterical sobs, she d told Maxen that she would disclose their secret to Vaughan and Rignuth. She sensed they d always known the truth, but since she needed their help more than ever, she did not want to hold back anything. There was no point. My lady, can I get you a tonic? Rignuth reached across the table and took her hand. You seem very distressed. No, thank you, my old friend. Maxen pulled his seat close and dropped his arm around Audra s shoulder. Both Rignuth and Vaughan ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Military Drone Strikes Against Terrorism Military Drone Strikes Against Terrorism It was the day February 4, 2002 in Afghanistan, the day of the first authorized drone strike by the U.S. A CIA Predator drone prowled the skies in search of prey. It was searching for a group that the CIA suspected to include Osama Bin Laden. After some time, the group was located, and the Predator drone fired on the group, killing all of the targets. After further insight, it was discovered that the targets, now all dead, were just civilians gathering scrap metal ( Should the United ). Should drones be used for military strikes on terrorism? This is an ongoing modern debate, which has very contrasting viewpoints. Drones are used in military operations, usually in sudden aerial strikes aimed to quickly... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When targets are disposed of through means of remote controlled drones, the U.S becomes disconnected with the war itself. Drone Pilot Colonel D. Scott Brenton himself admitted that in conducting drone strikes with just a screen and controls, he feels no connection or emotion for the people he kills ( Should the United ). This should not be so. Through this, the U.S is able to go to any measure and continue any conflict as it pleases with no remorse for the cost of human lives. This further enables the U.S to disregard moral principles, at the cost of as many human lives as the U.S pleases. War should have restrictions, and every life should be bargained and reasoned with. With this disconnect though, the U.S uses as much force as it pleases in conflicts that threaten their interest. This disconnect through drone strikes also allows the U.S not to notice or care for how it is spreading to the general civilian life in the affected regions. According to witnesses and researchers, drone strikes are harming local populations beyond death and physical injury ( Should the United ). Many witness that the people in affected regions live in constant fear of drone strikes, and are afraid to travel or participate in any sort of meeting. Many incidents of local deaths and injuries due to these drone strikes plague the population, and many people consider the drones to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Avoidance Spirals Case Study Avoidance spirals are a type of destructive conflict pattern that continuously reinforces conflict between individuals, thus reducing the possibility of positive conflict resolution. As the model suggests, the continual avoidance of conflict with others is likely to create a downward spiral in managing conflictwith others since most individuals who prefer the avoidance conflict style, as mentioned above, become more and more uncomfortable confronting problems directly since they have little to no practice or experience in doing so. As such, the personbecomes more and more fearful of using other conflict styles since they perceive their ability to effectively communicate their feelings as being poor. The avoidance spiral occurs primarily because ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. How Is Hector An Epic Hero Some may contemplate why Hector is considered one of the heroes, in Homer s The Iliad, without truly understanding the meaning and characteristics of a heroic man. First and foremost, Hector in particular is one of the most important figures of The Iliad because he embodies general ideas and essential qualities of an epic hero. Throughout the entire book Hector, prince of Troy, is presented as a man going to dire straights to protect the city he so dearly loves. He also bravely faces his opponent, at the end of the book, with great courage and true heroism, despite the fact he knows he is doomed. Hector is a hero because he exemplifies key qualities and general ideas, fights for his family and city, and bravely faces his greatest opponent, Achilles.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Throughout The Iliad Homer portrays Hector as dignified, dazzling, and brilliant. He uses epithets like, ...breaker of horses , man killing Hector... , and noble Hector... to describe the Trojan warrior. These epithets all describe the skill and strength Hector possess. Hector, the mightiest warrior in the Trojan army, exhibits immense strength and skill in Book 12 when he leads the assault that finally penetrates the Achaean ramparts. This courageous action gave Hector great kleos, which was greatly valued in Ancient Greece. In Book 16 Hector also bravely faces Patroclus, whom he thought was Achilles, and kills him. The endurance, vigor, and dignity Hector acquires are all characteristics of an epic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. When Is The Last Time You Fought With Someone For Hours When is the last time you fought with someone for hours and still did not get your way? You may have begged your teacher to let you hand in an assignment late, or tried to convince your parents to extend your curfew. You may have been disappointed when you failed to succeed in this, most likely because the lack of proper argumentation technique. Argumentation takes place all around the world in messages designed to influence other beliefs and behaviors. A rational argumentadapts to the audience in an ethical manner, fulfills the requirements of presumption and burden of proof and effectively supports the claims while avoiding common fallacies. Audience analysis is one of the most important aspects of creating a respectable argument. Since ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The audience plays a crucial part here, as they are active participants. It is important that all participants be knowledgeable, open minded, and respectful. Lastly, the logical perspective relies on the audience s knowledge of logical patterns such as a cause effect reasoning. The audience in this case, acts as disinterested and is more of a third party judge (Rybacki 10). Regardless of perspective, the argumentation for the intended audience must abide by certain ethical standards. Argumentation is based around the conscious choices of what to say to influence the audience. Advocates have an ethical responsibility not to deceive their audiences or other arguers by using obscure or ambiguous language, confusing patterns of organization, or ideas encumbered by nonessential information or ideas (Rybacki 16). With this said, choosing clear and concrete language in an organized structure gives the arguer assurance that their message was not misinterpreted. Honesty is also extremely important in a successful argument, and the arguer should know their topic thoroughly to avoid false information. Moreover, stating the opposing viewpoints allows for a more effective and ethical discussion. Efficiency as an ethical standard gives the advocate the obligation to develop arguments that have the necessary rational power to make their point (Rybacki 17). Karyn ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Aristophanes s Speech from Plato s Symposium [pic][pic] Global Symposium on Engaging Men and Boys on Achieving Gender Equality Rio de Janeiro March 29 April 3, 2009 PART ONE: PREAMBLE We come from eighty countries. We are men and women, young and old, working side by side with respect and shared goals. We are active in community organizations, religious and educational institutions; we are representatives of governments, NGOs and the United Nations. We speak many languages, we look like the diverse peoples of the world and carry their diverse beliefs and religions, cultures, physical abilities, and sexual and gender identities. We are indigenous peoples, immigrants, and ones whose ancestors moved across the planet. We are fathers and mothers, daughters and sons, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We know how critical it is that institutions traditionally controlled by men reshape their policies and priorities to support gender equality and the well being of women, children, and men. And we know that a critical part of that is to reshape the world of men and boys, the beliefs of men and boys, and the lives of men and boys. PART TWO: THE PLAN OF ACTION The Evidence Base is There: New initiatives and programs to engage men and boys in gender equality provides a growing body of evidence that confirms it is possible to change men s gender related attitudes and practices. Effective programs and processes have led men and boys to stand up against violence and for gender equality in both their personal lives and their communities. These initiatives not only help deconstruct harmful masculinities, but reconstruct more gender equitable ones. Global research makes it increasingly clear that working with men and boys can reduce violence, improve relationships, strengthen the work of the women s movement, improve health outcomes of women and men, girls and boys, and that it is possible to accelerate this change through deliberate interventions. Working with the Women s Movement: The work with men and boys stems from and honors the pioneering work and ongoing leadership of the women s movement. We stand in solidarity with the ongoing struggles for women s empowerment and rights in our commitment to contribute to the myriad efforts to achieve ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Summary Of A Northbound Path By Manny Fernandezs In Manny Fernandez s article A Northbound Path, Marked by More and More Bodies he makes the argument that migrants trying to cross the border and dying on their way over is a humanitarian crisis. He mentions that the people who died are given case numbers and not a name and that this is unfair. Fernandez s argument is good, but it is also a little bit indifferent. His argument is strong because he offers a lot of evidence that is very descriptive and credible and some of his evidence is something that the reader can relate to. Having accurate evidence from a credible source is very important to an author s argument because it gives the argument support and reliability. If that evidence comes with a story that the reader can relate to it... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Being promoted to the Bureau Chief is a big deal and proves that Fernandez has been a reliable worker and reporter and is outstanding at what he does. Fernandez s argument has a lot of strong evidence. For example, he shares stories about different cases numbers and the belongings that these people had with them. These stories are reliable because they come from the Brooks County Sherriff s Department in Texas. The Sherriff s Department is a reliable, legitimate source. We know that the stories are true because Fernandez gives real case numbers that came from this Sherriff s Department. This evidence is extremely effective because it is true stories that the reader can picture in their minds. Since these are real people that Fernandez is talking about, the reader gets the chance to empathize with them. In just one county, the bodies and remains of more than 500 migrants have been found since 2009, Fernandez says in his article. He does not directly cite where this information came from, but an article published by Think Progress ( https://thinkprogress.org /texas walmart deaths 3d57eaf43279/ ) confirms this statistic. According to this article, roughly 500 migrants have been recovered along the Texas border since 2009 which supports the evidence that Fernandez gives in his article. Later in Fernandez s article, he mentions that more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. SLU Mission Statement Narrow hallways walled by human heads and limbs crowding every space between metal bars surrounded me. Children starved on unpaved streets with only rags that wrapped their bodies. I ended my high school career by serving a foreign community. In Chinandega, Nicaragua I had the opportunity to befriend and support the sick, the imprisoned, the orphaned and impoverished. This experience among others shaped me to appreciate the value of philanthropy and social justice. Throughout High School, I led multiple philanthropic projects. As president of the Ignite Organization, I involved students to raise funds for, and volunteer at a pregnancy center. I assembled a team of volunteers, and initiated fundraisers. This effort transpired over a year and continues to affect my community. I also developed a supply drive to assist Hurricane Sandy victims through benefit events. Furthermore, I volunteered at summer camps as well as at my Parish as a counselor. At Auburn University, I have continued to make differences. I regularly volunteer at Lee County Special Olympics and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Mission statement of SLU is the pursuit of truth for the greater glory of God and for the service of humanity. SLU is an environment that I can reflect the value I place in philanthropy in. By working with the SLU family, I can impact St. Louis citizens and instill a love for charity in my peers. Additionally, SLU is a body of driven individuals who appreciate rigorous academics and strive toward excellence. As an alumnus of Pinecrest Academy, I firmly believe in its motto, Semper Altius, meaning, always higher. I strive to never settle for who I am and always work to become a person of better character, scholarship and servitude. Saint Louis University, as a school of charity and faith, is the ideal environment in which I can integrate myself to advance toward this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Upon his grandfather s death, it fell to Samuel to sort... Upon his grandfather s death, it fell to Samuel to sort through former possessions. Samuel found himself now in the dusty, cobwebbed attic of the old home, surrounded by a constellation of aged trinkets: faded old photographs, medals and trophies from long distant contests, a plethora of dusty and worthless relics. Samuel quickly surveyed the items, shuffling through boxes and turning the occasional object over in his hand. It was depressing, sorting through this collection. It reminded him of death and the ephemerality of existence. These objects had meaning once, but that meaning died along with Samuel s grandfather. What happens to an item when its owner dies? Nothing physical changes, but there is a fundamental transformation; an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The mist coalesced before him, forming at last into a monstrous blue dragon head, which looked down at him and grinned. Samuel, the dragon spoke in a deep, booming voice, by touching the arcane tablet, you have summoned me from the realm of spirits. I have awoken in order to grant you three wishes. Only when your wishes have been granted, may I return to my slumber. Samuel was stunned, his mind reeling as he struggled to come to grips with what he was experiencing. Is this a dream? Am I hallucinating? When he finally got a hold of himself, he turned his attention back to the dragon head floating before him. What are you? Samuel asked. I am a Djinn , the dragon answered, I exist to serve one purpose. To grant wishes? Yes I will grant you three wishes, the dragon repeated. Well... Samuel thought for a moment, what can I wish for? You may wish for anything you desire. If it is in my power, then your wish will be granted, the dragon answered. Samuel believed the dragon. Samuel thought long and hard. He had to be careful what he wished for. Whatever wish he made, he had to leave no loopholes and make sure to avoid any unintended consequences. Sometimes the most seemingly insignificant actions can have profound and unexpected consequences. Maybe it is simply too dangerous to make any wishes, Samuel thought. Maybe no one is smart enough to ensure the complete safety of a wish. Then an idea occurred to him. He had an idea for the perfect wish ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Essay about Perceptions of Persistence of Memory Perceptions of Persistence of Memory Although visual art is looked upon differently by all, everyone has a either a favorite piece or at least something that catches their eye. Personally, I don t have a piece of art that I would label my absolute favorite, but during a Spanish research project found that Salvador Dali s work really stood out. The Persistence of Memory painted in 1931 by Dali, a highly renowned surrealist painter, is among the most interesting works I have ever seen. Even though the painting itself is rather simple in quality at first glance, what Dali s must have been thinking about while creating this work is strikingly complex. The painting is attractive to me because it deals with the concept of time, something ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is reasonable, I think, to assume that most people could have created a landscape painting with mountains being reflected into a sea, and that may have been Dali s goal when he started to paint The Persistence of Memory. However, there remains no doubt that Dali s subconscious was at work here because no one else could ever imagine the exact image depicting melting time as seen here. The conscious part of the brain is the area that is alive and comprehends what is happening to one and the world around one. The landscape, Catalonia, Spain (Dali s hometown), was the result of Dali s conscious mind because he was living it and taking it in with his own two eyes. Everything stemmed from thoughts of daydreams, bad memories, and other possible goods or evils that dwell in the subconscious mind. Wikipedia explains that Sigmund Freud believed that the unconscious mind was a depository of wishes, desires, socially unacceptable ideas, traumatic memories, and/or painful emotions. Dali s painting appears to be representative of mainly the subconscious mind because many of the elements in the painting express objects or ideas that are highly characteristic of memories, dreams, or even socially unacceptable elements. More importantly, The Museum of Modern Art explains that a year before this painting was made Dali began to undergo his paranoiac critical method which stimulated ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Taxi Driver Movie Analysis Taxi Driver (1976) follows Travis Bickle s life in New York after being honorably discharged. The film is a psychological thriller that deals with Travis Bickle s mental instability and desire to do something meaningful with his life. The narrative centers around Travis loneliness and disconnect from society. The inciting incident occurs when Travis notices Betsy for the first time. Travis becomes obsessed with Betsy, who works in a presidential campaign office for Charles Palantine. His pursuit for Betsy comes to a halt when he takes her out to a pornographic film, and Betsy understandably feels very uncomfortable. Betsy starts to ignore Travis calls after this mishap, leading him to march into the campaign office and have a public falling out with her. The falling out finishes off act one and spirals Travis into planning an assassination on Palantine. Before Travis attempts the assassination, he meets and underage prostitute, Iris, who is the twist/midpoint. Travis sees innocence in Iris, and tries to lead her away from her pimp, Sport. Travis assassination attempt on Palantine is foiled when he is caught reaching for his firearm. This act two crisis pushes him in a new direction, to go after Sport instead. Travis shout out at Sport s brothel is the climax of the film. The dГ©nouement follows, with Travis being heralded as a hero in newspapers and Iris parents thanking Travis for saving Iris. Later, Betsy gets in Travis taxi, he drops her off and rides off looking ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Folk Hero Funny Guy Folk Hero Funny Guy won t go down in anyone s book as a great film. On the other hand, you would be hard pressed to find someone to hate it. It is simply fine. One of those movies where using the phrase a pretty good flick to describe it would be accurate. Folk Hero Funny Guy is a light, amusing bromance road trip movie. The filmwas started on Kickstarter, and is the directorial debut of actor Jeff Grace. It follows Paul (Alex Karpovsky), a failing stand up comedian in the midst of a for lack of a better term quarter life crisis. Paul s friend Jason (Wyatt Russell), on the other hand, is a successful folk rock musician who is looking for a change of pace by going on a solo, acoustic tour to smaller, more intimate crowds. After a night of drinking and catching up, Jason invites Paul to be the opening act on his new tour in order to get Paul out of the house and out of his rut. After much convincing, Paul eventually accepts. Think sort of like if Father John Misty went on tour, and his opening act was your sort of funny friend. What follows is your pretty typical road trip movie, complete with hijinx, misadventures, and montages.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The concept itself is an interesting one, the ending is deserved (if wildly predictable), and in between there is enough chemistry, good folk music, and comedy to keep you engaged. While Karpovsky and Russell do a fine job, the real show stealer is Meredith Hagner, playing Bryn, a small town folk singer who the duo meet on the first night of the tour, and whom Jason drunkenly invites to join them on the rest of the tour. Hagner brings her A game here, adding heart and realism to a part which is essentially a plot device for Paul and Jason to have a falling out over. The soundtrack is another strong point, featuring songs written by folk singer Adam Ezra, as well as some of the cast ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Letter To Greg Gallegos Your Honor, I am writing this letter on behalf of a good friend Greg Gallegos. I met Greg through his son and my close friend Damian Gallegos. Almost immediately after meeting Greg he accepted me as if I was family and I know that almost all of Greg s friends could agree. I quickly learned that Greg was a family orientated person. He was always involved and very supportive of his children and grandchildren. Greg is also a person I could always rely on. Whether it was picking me up when I was stranded in the middle of the night when my motorcycle broke down, helping me get a job after I returned from basic training or always welcoming and including me in whatever he had going on. I honestly can t think of a time that he has ever let me down ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Harley Davidson s A Car That Didn t Require Work Like... Background Harley Davidson was founded in 1903 by William Harley and Arthur Davidson. These two men decided to create a bicycle that didn t require work like pedaling. The company quickly grew and by 1920 it was the largest motorcycle manufacturer in the world. By 1998 the company produced over 150,000 motorcycles and showed a 14% increase in production over 2007. Harley Davidson employed over 6,000 people and supported over 600 independent dealerships. The company s headquarters is based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The typical customer has been perceived to be young however, the recent growth in customers has come from adults in their 40s. These adults are usually transitioning out of parenthood and are enticed by the promise of freedom... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Major Enterprise Architectural Issues Culture: Embracing the Harley Davidson Attitude Information Technology: Is it functional People: Presentation matters Organizational: Prior business relationships Culture: Embracing the Harley Davidson Attitude Harley Davidson values its culture. They are more of a laid back company and one of the criteria they used to judge providers was how well their people fit in with Harley Davidson s team and embraced its business values. These values are: Tell the truth, be fair, keep your promises, respect the individual, and encourage intellectual curiosity. Provider 1 embraced the Harley culture the most. They even went so far as to buy Harley Davidson gear. This conveyed a signal that they were in line with the company s way of thinking. It was a big hit with the Harley team . Provider 2 was more of a suit and tie company. Although the Harley team noted the professionalism of the team, they also noticed that they were not as laid back as the Harley team would have liked. They also gave off an appearance that they catered more to upper management types. The Harley team also noticed the company seemed to be more of a consultant type firm which made them nervous. Provider 3 did not convey the laid back mentality that provider 1 did. Provider 3 did not receive any marks from the Harley team for embracing Harley Davidson s business values even though this was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Punic Wars The Punic Wars were made of three major wars. The last war was kind of a punishment for Carthage from Rome. The two powers in these wars were Rome and Carthage. Rome was controlling the main peninsula of Italy while Carthage was controlling the islands and trade of the Mediterranean. Rome and Carthage were once on a friendly term until things went south well. The Punic Wars have major historical content that involve both leaders on opposite side as well as the battles among the two city states. These wars were about two powerful city states trying to see who is more dominant. These wars were like the US and Russia trying to show imperial power and show who is the bigger person in town. 1The first Punic War was from 264 241 BC. In 264 BC, Rome intervened in a dispute on the western coast on the island of Sicily which at that time was a Carthage province. The intervention was about an attack by soldiers from Syracuse against Messina. Carthage supported Syracuse and Rome supported Messina. The control of Sicily was at stake when both Carthage and Rome went into direct conflict. Before the war started, Rome had been rebuilding its entire fleet in order to confront Carthage powerful navy. Rome won its first naval victory at Mylae in 260 BC. At the end of the first Punic War, the Roman fleet indecisive won against the Carthaginians at sea which ended the Carthaginians legendary naval superiority. Sicily became Rome s first overseas province. After its victorious win, Rome took ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Purgatory Dantes Inferno Virgil brings Dante to the Gates of Hell where the initiation part of the monomyth begins. The intertwined with the initiation is also the beginning of the long journey which related to the temple pattern. Dante begins this journey at the Vestibule of Hell, where he begins to see spiritual indifference of neutrality. He quickly passes through this level of upper hellto come to the River Acheron. Dante begins to go through one of his many trials at this point. He sees the souls that are standing on the banks waiting to be ferried by the Charon. He is refused the living man there! Stand aside.. but Virgil helps him to gain entrance. Dante enters into the 10 levels of Hell, which are have 3 different divisions. Each level is to signify the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first lines in the Cantos of Paradise are The glory of Him who moves all things penetrates the universe and shines in one part more and in another less. I was in the heaven that most receives His light and I saw things which he that descends from it has not the knowledge or the power to tell again; for our intellect, drawing near to its desire, sinks so deep that memory cannot follow. Nevertheless, so much of the holy kingdom as I was able to treasure in my mind shall now be matter of my song. This statement is bearing that all that arrive at paradise acknowledge that God is a supreme being. Dante has finally gained a moral compass and a spiritual map. Paradise teaches about contemplative life. In the 21st Cantos we encounter the the metaphor of the Golden Ladder. This ladder is compared to Jacobs ladder as the throngs of angels are seen ascending and descending ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. King Henry Viii s Conquest Three years before Henry s death, he impulsively declared war on France and tried to gain Scotland and Ireland into England s powers. Henry wanted to merge England, Scotland, and Ireland together so, he could rule over all three countries. Although, Henry VII had not involved Parliament in his affairs very much after Cromwell had reformed, he had to turn to Parliament during his reign for money, for grants to fund his wars. Throughout 1543 and 1544, Englandfought wars above and below it and, The French and Scottish campaigns cost England, in the five years leading up to Henry s death, the stupendous total of more than ВЈ2.2 million... (Meyer 296). The war plunged England back into bankruptcy like before King Henry stole money from the monasteries... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He should be credited with the initiating of the English Reformation. Henry VIII s desire for a divorce from Catherine of Aragon showed that he did not respect some the rules of the Catholic faith which he practiced. His divorce caused kindle of a religious disputes between England and the Roman Catholic Church, which eventually created the Church of England. Even though, the Church of England did practice the Catholic religion, Henry shut down every Catholic monastery in England just to upset Rome. It is said that, Henry cannot be seen apart from his occupation, it s nature and its diseases. He was a man before everything, but his Kingship colors his drama and sets his scene (Hackett 550). Henry VIII s reign became one of the most pivotal regimes in England s history because he started the initial jump into Protestantism. However, many people remember Henry VIII as a horrible tyrant because of his actions, and oversee all the dramatic changes he made throughout his reign. Henry VIII was not the first Protestant king of England, unlike his son Edward VI. However, King Henry VIII was the first domino to tip in the English Religious Reformation. Further noted that, Edward VI grew up watching his father rule, so he had many ideas from observing his effects on the country and was the first monarch of England to be raised a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Mohegan Tribe Research Paper Sovereignty Sovereignty is defined as unlimited power over a country or a country s independent authority and the right to govern itself according to Merriam Webster dictionary. The Mohegan Tribe is one of the oldest Tribes in the United States as it can be traced back ten thousand years. The Mohegan Tribe is located on the Thames River in Uncasville, Connecticut , which is a federally recognized Indian Nation, with its own constitution and government. Chief Uncas aided the English secure a victory in the Pequot War. The Mohegan Tribe s sovereigntycan be traced back to 1836 when the English formally recognized the Mohegan Tribe through the Treaty of Hartford . The United States Supreme Court ruled all Native American tribes had full legal rights to internally govern themselves, manage their affairs, as well as to engage in political and legal relationships with the federal government in the 1830s. Currently the United States Constitution Article I, Section 8, guarantees sovereign rights to the 566 federally recognized Indian nations and federal government laws require that the individual states that have Native Tribes living ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The constitution for the Mohegan Tribe states that a Tribal Council of nine tribal members and seven members of the Council of Elders shall govern the tribe. All executive and legislative powers that are not granted to the Council of Elders are vested with the Tribal Council. All judicial matters and the Tribe s cultural integrity are overseen by the Council of Elders, who also have the authority to exercise legislative powers with respect to the stringent rules and regulations in regard to tribal membership and enrollment with the tribal court adjudicating all non gaming ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Stark Law Essays The Stark Law Some federal statutes address fraud in government health care programs, and many of these laws vary considerably (Krause 2004). Some of these laws specifically target health care fraud. Example of the laws that the government direct at inappropriate health care activities includes the Medicare and Medicaid Anti Kickback Statute and Ethics in Patient Referrals Act (EPRA). In 1989, Congress enacted the Ethics in Patient Referrals Act. Commonly known as Stark law, Congress named it in honor of Rep. Pete Stark, a Democrat from California, and original sponsor of the bill (Sprague 2004). This law places limitations on self referrals by physicians and prohibits physicians from referring patients to organizations in which ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Considering the provisions of the Stark law, it is clear that Congress enacted the law to curb the self referrals that were prevalent among medical practitioners due to the sprawling specialty hospitals and health facilities (Choudhry, Choudhry, and Brennan 2005). Furthermore, Congress saw the need to prevent a physician s referral decision that is dependent on a selfish, financial gain. The idea was to preclude overutilization of certain health care facilities that may arise from objectionable referrals and the resultant increase in health care cost (Staman 2010). Congress created the Stark law, which is compiled as Section 1877 of the Social Security Act, as part of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, Public Law 101 239, 103 Stat. 2423 (1989); the Stark law is codified at 42 U.S.C. В§ 1395nn. In 1993, Congress passed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act that significantly amended the Stark law, and the amendment is commonly known as Stark II (Staman 2010). In essence, Stark I and Stark II were not created as stand alone laws but as provisions in the Omnibus Budget Reconciliations of 1989 and 1993. The Stark law defines a financial relationship at 42 U.S.C. В§ 1395nn to include either (1) an ownership or investment interest in the entity or (2) a compensation arrangement between ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Measuring The Load Pattern Of Measuring A Minimum Of Two... In some cases, lateral force shapes result to good approximation of demand displacements. Nevertheless, there has not been found any constant loading for exact approximation of local mechanisms and plastic hinges. Earthquake codes have made it mandatory to use a minimum of two lateral load patterns in nonlinear static procedure. These two load patterns are chosen to cover resulting forces in actual dynamic response of the structure. There are two load patterns which are used mostly in usual studies: uniform and modal load pattern. When using uniform load pattern, called also constant acceleration pattern, lateral forces applied to the structure are proportional to the mass of the building stories. This load pattern emphasizes on bottom floors demands more than top floor demands. It also increases the importance of shear in stories against overturning moment while modal load pattern emphasizes overturning moment and story demands. The FEMA356 code allows using comparative load pattern instead of constant load pattern. In this method the load pattern varies by plastic hinges as the displacements in the structure increase. Obviously, none of these shapes of constant loading can perform redistribution of inertia forces which occur with the first local mechanism and change of dynamic properties of the structure. Therefore, it is interesting to find a load shape which is closer to the variation of inertia forces distribution and gives a better approximationof the behavior of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Don John s Character Foil In Much Ado About Nothing MANN Character Foil Essay The worst in others, sometimes brings out the best in people. The differences in the characters sometimes even brings them closer together. William Shakespeare s characters in Much Ado About Nothing are complete opposites, character foils. Don John and Don Pedro are brothers in Much Ado About Nothing. Don Pedro is advised as the greater brother, the more auspicious one. Don John is contemplated as a knave, the one who is less fortunate. Don Pedro also gets the name as the Prince of Aragon and the winner of the war they had just come back from. Don John is seen as a loser. Not only did he lose in the war he fought against his brother, but he also was not able to live up to being a prince. Don Pedro is considered the hero and a leader while Don John is considered as a villain. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He wants to see his brothers plans deteriorate. In Much Ado About Nothing Don John is trying to convince Claudio that Don Pedro is trying to get Hero for himself. Signor, you are very near my brother in his love. He is enamoured on Hero, I pray you dissuade him from her. She is no equal for his birth. You may do the part of an honest man in it (Shakespeare, 22 23). Don John is trying to disengage Claudio s trust in Don Pedro by telling him a lie. Claudio originally believed that Don Pedro would get Hero to marry Claudio, but after hearing this deceiving lie, he has lost all trust in Don Pedro. After Don Pedro stuck to his word he called over Claudio saying I faith lady, I think your blazon to be true, though I ll be sworn, if he be so, his conceit is false. Here, Claudio, I have wooed in thy name, and fair Hero is won. I have broke with her father and his good will obtained (Shakespeare, 27). Don Pedro won over Hero to take Claudio s hand in marriage. After hearing the lie told by Don John, he is relieved. Don Pedro is conveyed as a man of his word. This now makes Don John look like a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Sheldon Norberg s Confessions Of A Dope Dealer How did society impact Sheldon? Let me tell you about a man named Sheldon, he fought against society s views on drugs his whole life until it was too late and he realized it was pointless. In the autobiography Confessions of a Dope Dealer author, Sheldon Norberg introduces readers in the beginning of the story to himself as a 14 year old who was against drugs. However, his views quickly change as the story progresses, and he experiences life through the assistance of mind expanding substances. Sheldon was a rebel of sorts; he spent most of his life fighting society s views on drugs by using, to growing, to selling. Sheldon later on came to realize he had wasted his time; as he witnessed his brother lose his job from being, Tooo wasted, (Norberg,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At first he realizes small things such as in saying, Weed production is both an art and a science, (Norberg, 200), in this he realizes that society adores art and science, yet society as a whole is strongly opposed to drugs. He soon comes to realize all his wasted time and in addition, the downfalls of drugs following his brother losing his job. He says, I spent a long time looking at the mural the first time I took acid, (Norberg, 236). At this place in his life he realizes all his wasted time reflecting back on the time wasted on drugs. Than he hears about his brother being fired from his job for being, Tooo wasted, (Norberg, 279). This shows Sheldon bad drugs really are, and what they can do to a person, his brother went from having a decent job to having nothing. Later on towards the end of the book the one thing that finally pushes him to get out of the drug business is when he realizes how risky the business is as in when he says, Hey, Horn started in, Our weeds been ripped off. (Norberg, 314). By this point Sheldon has already come to realize the downfalls and now the risks of the business and he came to the realization that the risk wasn t worth the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. How Does Adichie s Collection Explore The Notion Of... How does Adichie s collection explore the notion of identity? In the anthology The Thing Around Your Neck, our author exposes her readers to various characters who face challenges about their identity and sense of belonging. Many of Adichie s characters weigh their value and sense of self against their gender. Some of her characters find security in the fact that they are male. Conversely, some of her other characters feel lost and in despair, and this may be contributed by the fact that they are at the receiving end of prejudiced treatment. Also, Adichie uses narrativestrategies in order to explore some deep rooted mentalities regarding identity. By keeping some of her characters unnamed and describing them using only their race or nationality, she seems to be challenging the concept of homogenous identity. She also seems to be encouraging her readers to recognize her characters as singular people, not as representatives of certain a certain race or nationality. Adichie also uses second person narration in some of her short stories in order for her readers to be more involved in the narrative. She exposes her readers to feelings of loneliness, anonymity and loss faced by her characters in order for them to have a more relatable grasp of their situation in the hopes that they would be able to understand and accept her characters more readily. By subjecting some of her characters to sexist and biased treatment, Adichie seeks to expose her readers to the reality of how a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Galactosemia Essay Galactosemia missing works cited Galactosemia is a potentially fatal genetic defect that prevents the body from metabolizing milk. It is fatal because an infant s early diet consists mostly of milk. The disease does not usually hinder the development of children in North America or Europe; it is a not uncommon cause of death, however, in third world nations, where lactosefree milk is not readily available. So, what impacts people afflicted with galactosemia more, the fact that they have the disease, or the question of whether or not it can be treated? A child who is not lactose intolerant would not die from shock, whether or not treatment was available, and so nature determined the fate of the child. A child with galactosemia ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are numerous intimate emotions that factor into the equation of media fascination, Mulvey argues. Among them are eroticism, voyeurism, and imagery. These feelings would not exist, however, without a world ordered by sexual imbalance... (Mulvey 523) or without pleasure in looking [that] has been split between active/male and passive/female, (Mulvey 523). She says that in media, women are presented as objects, while men control the film fantasy and also emerge as the representative of power, (Mulvey 524). Mimi White discusses a broad range of topics in Ideological Analysis and Television, but the sections The Viewer as Consumer and as Commodity, Ideology in Narrative, and Ideology and Contradiction in the Texts of Television are uniquely important to proving her thesis. In these sections she disputes that media viewers become consumed and commodified, that media handles social tensions and contradictions (White 891), that media perpetuates ideology (giving specific examples ), and that media uses tactics to impose these ideologies on the viewer. In summation, then, White says that media uses Ideological State Apparatuses to perpetuate ideology in a particular society. Mulvey says that these ideologies are gender bias because they are products of a phallocentric society. Before we can examine other points of view, let s first lay down the ground rules: there is no disagreement ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Effect of Historical Influences on The Development Of... The Effect of Historical Influences on The Development Of The Theatre Royal Bath In The 18th And 19th Century During the 18th and 19th centuries going to the theatre became very popular, and was a common pastime in the evening. During the first half of the 19th century the theatre was at its most popular throughout the two centuries, and throughout the whole of the 19th century it was as popular as it was during the 18th, attracting the same sort of audience size. Today you would take a trip to the cinema, out to a fancy restaurant or nightclub; in the Victorian times you would pay a visit to the theatre. As going to the theatre was one of the main social events of the time, changes in society would ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It became so successful that in the year of 1805 it closed down and re opened on a new larger site, to accommodate the increasing audience sizes. It moved form Orchard Street to Beufort Square in the new more popular, modern, area of Bath. On the 12th October 1805, the curtain first went up on Beaufort Square. Both sites the Theatre Royal occupied underwent many developments during the 18th and 19th centuries. The plans for the design of the theatre were changed many times until it was settled that it would be built in the style of the Doric order, which at the time was expensive and fashionable. Other buildings in the city were also being built like this. The Assembly Rooms Designed by John Wood the Younger in 1769, were both a meeting place and a venue for public functions. [IMAGE] Assembly Rooms, Bath The first site on Orchard Street underwent its most noticeable changes when people first started accusing it of being too small to house the audience numbers it was attracting. Plans were drawn up to improve the appearance of the Theatre in 1766. Money was spent on general improvements of the auditorium and a lofty dome decorated with statues of Apollo and Muses replaced the initial flat ceiling. However, when re opened the renovations were far from satisfactory, and in 1775 the auditorium was again re constructed, this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Scholarly Journals On The Other Hand A.There are three different types of sources: scholarly journals, popular journals, and trade journals. A scholarly journal is written by subject specialist that inform readers with their in depth analysis and research. Scholarly journals are prepared with relevant terminology for the field they have researched, there are very few images, and lists references in a works cited. Poplar journals on the other hand, are written by journalists with the objective to entertain not inform. Popular journals appeal to the broad segment of the population and are very brief articles with many images and advertisements. Lastly, trade journals provide readers with industry trends useful for people in business. They are written by specialist and intended... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Experts believe that without devaluation, UK s interest rates could ve gotten even higher and they would ve faced deflationary pressure. In 2002, the Argentina government devalued the peso after a deep recession. This disaster began in the 1980s when Argentina faced high inflation rates and dreadful debt. Insurmountable debt grew due to poor tax collection, government spending, and a decrease in tax revenue. In attempt to create a fixed exchange rate, Argentina set in law a peg of a one to one ratio of the Argentina peso and the dollar (Pettinger 2012). Eventually appreciation in Argentina s currency led to an 15% unemployment rate. In the early 2000s Argentina ditched the fixed exchange rate causing a devaluation in their currency. The effects of that devaluation had both an upside and downside. After the devaluation, Argentinians were forced to stop purchasing imports and purchase mostly domestic goods. The economy of Argentina also has annually increased their GDP. However, the devaluation also caused a decrease in living standards and inflation. In 1991, India faced an economic downfall which resulted in a devaluation of their currency. The Indian rupee decreased in value by 9% and not so long after that, the value of the rupee went down to 11%. Their economic downfall began when the rupee was fixed to other common trading partners. A series of Indian balance issues caused the devaluation. Since the devaluation, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Case Study Cannonball I think the cannonball should go with Omniture to market their company. The reason being, Omniture is the most popular Internet marketing on the web. They re have many reputable sources such as timeinc.com. Omniture makes wonderful websites not to mention their program based file share is really good as well. If Marti needs to sell any type of model trains, books, spare parts you name it I think Omniture could do it. All their sites look clean and professional and have good reviews. I also looked at another marketer, Linkshare. If Marti wanted to go for a smaller company that feels intimate with it s customers I think he should go with them. They are not the biggest or most popular but, they specialize in affiliate marketingin which the users ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. African American Family Research Paper As a black American, I not only identify with African American culture. My family origins are of African American and Jamaican culture. As an African American, I identify with traditions such has kwanzaa, black history month, superstitions, and religion. As a Jamaican, it s quite similar but there s Rastafari, carnival, independence celebration, and more. Being African American, there s tradition of close kinfolk relationship and dependence upon my familys matriarch. While, as a Jamaican descent my family has a more dependent deposition and most Jamaican families have patriarchal ties. Both culture side has a strong belief in Christianity; however, my Jamaican family is more liberated and not held down by the deep rooted conditioning of Christianity instilled in by slave owners. With Jamaicans have an understanding from Rastafari education, many have a deeper connection to the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many people in my family have mental, drug, or financial disadvantages, so many depend on the matriarch of our family for housing and financial reasons. While, my Jamaican family have separate families, homes, and careers that make them independent. Most of my Jamaican family members are proud of being independent and hard workers, so depending on family makes them feel less than or lazy. My African American family, my aunt is the head of our family system. My parents passed when I was 8 years old, so my aunt became my guardian. My aunt and her 4 adult children is my immediate family. My aunt s 4 children also have children as well, and my aunt hold most us together financially. There s not many roles in my family, but my aunt s son and I are important in my aunt s stability for transportation, helping with house chores, and organizing family issues and events. My Jamaican family all are separate and do not have a strong connection. I have not spoken to them in years, so I have a disconnect to their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Literary Analysis And Exegesis From Paul The Apostle Of... Justin Rhoden Literary Analysis and Exegesis Mr. Gibson Annotated Outline: Romans I Opening remarks (1:1 17) Greetings from Paul the Apostle of the Gospel of God (1:1 7) Paul identifies himself as the Apostle of the Gospel of God . Although Paul has been sent with this gospel specifically for the Gentiles, he greets all the believers in Rome, wanting every person including Jews and Gentiles to hear the message of God and Jesus and come be saved. Self introduction (1:8 15) Paul attempts to establish a relationship with the Roman church by telling them of his interest and concern and of his desire that he wants to be blessed by them and also to be a blessing to their church. Thesis: the Power of the Gospel (1:16 17) The power of Paul s gospel of the universal lordship is that in Christ, God has taken in brought together all peoples of the world, Jews and Gentiles alike, For the righteous man shall live by faith. . II The Gentiles, like the Jews, are made part of God s people by faith (1:18 8:39) A) Righteousness is by faith in Christ for Jew and Greek (1:18 5:21) Paul eliminates every escape from the wrath of God but one: God s Mercy. 1) Under the law, all people are condemned (1:18 3:20) All humanity is condemned for its repentance (1:18 32) Particularly, God shows his wrath by giving over humanity to do as humanity wants to show that they need God to lead them. Even the Jews are condemned (2:1 3:20) The Jews regarded themselves as privileged as opposed to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Essay On Shipping Container Home How to Insulate Shipping Container Home The reason to insulate shipping container home Shipping container home is a new emerging industry for those looking for something new, sleek, modern, affordable structure but strong and quick deployed. However, as shipping container home is quite new, few concerns remain to be responded in order to gain people s trust in its reliability. One of the main concerns is the insulation. The shipping container is actually built for cargo shipping, it is weather tight and keeps its contain safe and secure. It is initially designed to carry products, not to house humans! As such, insulation appears to be an essential issue to turn this steel structure into a comfortable living or working area. The interior... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... External insulation helps you to not reduce your internal space. It prevents hot or cold weather to reach the steel surface thus maintaining the internal space relatively conditioned. It also keeps the water away from the steel and prevents corrosion and helps prolong its life. Internal insulation is more preferred as it hides the corrugated steel walls from inside and you would not feel you re inside a shipping container at all. However, internal insulation has similar impact in keeping the building conditioned but the external surface remains vulnerable to water and moisture which lead to corrosion in the welding parts, though the containers are initially specially epoxy paint treated in order to resist humidity in ports and though ocean conditions. However, there are a third option; combination of internal and external. Besides you use internal insulation, we highly recommend those living in hot or rainy climate areas to have a second roof and wall sidings in order to make the external more aesthetic but foremost, it helps you greatly to save the container shell from direct sunshine in hot climate and corrosion and likely leakage in rainy conditions. What type of insulation should be used? There are various types of insulation products. Most of our customers choose to go with Fiberglass material insulation which is the same type of insulation you find in many conventional homes. As shown in the chart above, at a thickness of 3 ВЅ , it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Chimpanzee s and Tool Use Introduction: Chimpanzees are part of the non human primate group. Though we share a common ancestor, evolution has pushed us in different directions. However this common ancestor causes humans to be curious about these creatures. As discussed in Jane Goodall s video Among the Wild Chimpanzees we were once considered to be human because of our use of tools but once we observed these non human primates using tools, this perception was changed forever. The question now at hand is if having the chimpanzees that we study in captivity makes a difference between studying wild chimps. These interesting creatures can be found naturally in the rainforests of Africa. Development of tool use: Tool use is rare in animals, and the chimpanzees stand ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Tool use: In the article Socioecological Influences on Tool Use in Captive Chimpanzees by Maura L. Celli, Satoshi Hirata, and Masaki Tomonaga the experiment of honey fishing is discussed. The chimps were placed outside provided with a bottle of honey but no tool. Most were able to create a tool and were successful. This shows that both wild and captive chimpanzees have the capability to manufacture tools, observe how to use them and ultimately have some sort of unique thought because at one point a single chimp had to commit the act of tool manufacturing in the first place in both captivity and in the wild. In the article Handedness for tool use in captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): sex differences, performance, heritability and comparison to the wild by W.D. Hopkins, J.L. Russell, J.A. Schaeffer, M. Gardner and S.J. Schapiro the differences in tool use and leaning among chimps in the wild versus captivity shows that captive chimps may have a tendency to be right handed and use the right hand for tool making where as in the wild there is no particular tendency. The article aslo says that the reason for the right handedness of captive chimpanzees has to do with the fact that they are being raised in a predominantly right handed human world and that their tendency to learn from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Essay On Social Observation Part A: Focused Observation 1.Student #1: Laila (typical) a.Social Emotional Observation #1: i.Context: I observed Laila on October 23, 2017 from 9:10 A.M. 9:40 A.M. in her kindergarten classroom. During this time period, the students were participating in calendar time that was led by their classroom teacher. The activities of calendar time include counting up to 100, saying their alphabet forwards and backwards, saying the letter sounds, discussing the names of the months and days of the weeks, reciting their weekly poems, and reviewing their sight words. During this time, which is referred to as calendar time, the students were expected to sit with crossed legs on the carpet. They do not have assigned seating, so they are permitted ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The classroom teacher has also expressed concern for my atypical student, because it can become difficult to manage the classroom when my atypical student is not following the given directions. By observing a typical student, such as Laila, I am able to compare and contract my atypical student s behavior to Laila s in relation to the stated standard. iii. Transcription of Observations: Frequency Count Student did not follow directions after a teacher prompt. Date: Monday, October 23, 2017Time Start 9:10 A.M.Time End 9:40 A.M. Total Count: 1 b.Social Emotional Observation #2: i.Context: I observed Laila on October 23, 2017 from 1:30 P.M. 2:00 P.M. For this half an hour period, Laila was working with myself and Anastasia, the atypical student observed for this assignment. We worked at a small group table in an empty classroom. We all pulled up chairs to work at the small group table. The 30 minute period went undisturbed and uninterrupted from any outsiders. During the activity, the two students were participating in was a math game. The goal of the math game was to count the tokens by their color and write the number in the corresponding box. I chose this activity to observe the students social/emotional development to see if they were able to follow directions ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...