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Building Successful Online
Frances Coronel and Zhen Liu
So what are online
“By online communities we mean any
virtual space where people come
together with others to converse,
exchange information or other
resources, learn, play, or just be with
each other (Kraut 2012).
In order to become successful, online communities
have to succeed in a number of different challenges.
The first two we will be discussing are:
» Starting a new community
» Attracting and socializing new members

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This week, we distill insights around the Participant Media model of using powerful stories and social advocacy platform TakePart to inspire and energize people to take social action. 100+ thinkers and planners within MSLGROUP share and discuss inspiring projects on social data, crowdsourcing, storytelling and citizenship on the MSLGROUP Insights Network. Every week, we pick up one project and do a deep dive into conversations around it -- on the MSLGROUP Insights Network itself but also on the broader social web -- to distill insights and foresights. We share these insights and foresights with you on our People’s Insights blog and compile the best insights from the network and the blog in the iPad-friendly People’s Lab Quarterly Magazine, as a showcase of our capabilities. For more, see: http://peopleslab.mslgroup.com

by MSL
participant mediapeople's insightscitizenship
Online communities can be designed to achieve the
goals that their owners and members desire. These
are levers of change which are features that are
deliberately and strategically chosen, e.g.
» Community structure
» Selection, sorting, & highlighting
» Feedback & rewards
Challenge: Starting a new
Lever: Feedback and rewards
Quora is a question-and-answer
site where questions are asked,
answered, edited and organized by
its community of users.
This platform seems to have achieved
where its competitors have failed by
successfully drawing the participation
of both a rapidly growing user
population and specific domain
experts that generate invaluable
content in response to questions.
Wang, Gang, et al. "Wisdom in the social crowd: an analysis of quora."
Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web. ACM, 2013.
Challenge: Attracting and
socializing new members
Lever: Content, tasks, & activities
Goodreads is a "social cataloging"
website that allows individuals to
freely search Goodreads' extensive
user-populated database of books,
annotations, and reviews.

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stan garfield20adoptione20
Challenge: Attracting and
socializing new members
Lever: Content, tasks, & activities
Users can signup and register books
to generate reading lists. They can
also create their own groups of book
suggestions, surveys/polls, blogs,
and discussions.
Challenge: Encouraging commitment
Lever: Selection, access controlling
Linkedin, the online networking tool,
encourage the commitment of their
members by offering valuable content. Not
only through selection and sorting useful
information, but also by access controls.
Power of being the best 11
Research from Putnam Investment, Oct 2013
Power of being the best 12

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This document discusses how business models are evolving due to changes in technology and society. It defines the business model as an organization's approach to creating and capturing value. Traditional closed models that keep knowledge internal are giving way to more open models that leverage both internal and external resources. The most collaborative model is the co-created model where organizations encourage knowledge sharing between internal and external stakeholders for mutual benefit. The document also discusses how information technology enables user-driven innovation and private-collective knowledge communities that blur organizational boundaries.

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These slides were used in a webinar presentation for the National Center for Media Engagement by Amy Sample Ward in June 2011. For more information, visit: http://amysampleward.org

“Lurkers are reported to make up
over 90% of several online groups
Lurker demographics: Counting the silent
Nonnecke, Blair, and Jenny Preece (CHI2000)
Google Maps
Challenge: Encouraging contribution
Lever: Feedback and rewards
Google Maps has a sub-community
which uses level and points to provide
feedback and reward contributors.
Also, they have offline events and
activities to extend the
Combining online or virtual
rewards with rewards services
which have monetary value is a
way Google using to encourage
Challenge: Regulating behavior
Lever: Roles, rules, policies
Most large online discussion groups,
and especially those that deal with
controversial topics, attract trolls as
well as commercial spammers. But
does regulating behavior always
imply good behavior?

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Today is a good day to work... with Happy Melly!
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When we are happy at work, we are more motivated to engage and contribute. Happy Melly believes that a business is a community of people working together for a shared purpose and creating value – and it’s best to grow it like that. We want you to join us, and help grow healthy, adaptive organizations that are more like communities, so that we can increase happiness at work and do great things together. For more information, visit http://www.happymelly.com/ To watch the intro video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=RUTcvcWssnQ

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This document outlines six strategies for non-profits to increase member/donor engagement and retention using private social networks. The strategies are: 1) Appoint a dedicated community manager. 2) Identify champions both within and outside the community. 3) Generously share resources. 4) Make participation easy and fun. 5) Inspire dialogue. 6) Allow organic growth of the community. Implementing these strategies through a private social network can help non-profits engage and retain members and donors.

engagementvirtual private network
New York Times have a group of
40+ people for monitoring the
comments on their website all
the time.
Reddit CEO Steve Huffman: How I Work
a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person
who sows discord on the Internet by
starting arguments or upsetting
people, by posting inflammatory,[1]
extraneous, or off-topic messages in
an online community
What are the 5 major
challenges an online
community faces?
In order to become successful,
online communities have to
succeed in a number of different
» Starting a new community
» Attracting and socializing
new members
» Encouraging commitment
» Encouraging contribution
» Regulating behavior
What are the 8 categories
of levers an online
community can utilize?
Levers are features that are
deliberately and strategically
» Community structure
» Content, tasks, & activities
» Selection, sorting, highlighting
» External communication
» Feedback and rewards
» Roles, rules, policies, and
» Access controls
» Presentation & framing

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Introducing private social networks: from implementation to engagement
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GoLightly helps organizations implement private social networks to engage members through collaboration. It provides tools like communities, profiles, maps and tags to help people network globally. GoLightly also offers resources for thought leadership and guides customers through configuration and engagement strategies to meet their goals. It provides ongoing support like trainings and prioritized help to ensure successful implementation and use of private social networks.

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This talk covers how to create value with social media through cost reduction, revenue enhancement, and innovation. It also says why social media is here to stay due to the phenomenon of the the "three clouds" -- connectivity, resources & social.

Discussion Time!
“The stratospheric rise of emoji is essentially
fulfilling the functions of nonverbal cues in
spoken communication.”
Discussion Time!
What communities online do you use daily? What
part of these communities is attracting you the
Discussion Time!
One of the design challenges we discussed was
“encouraging contribution” - how would you say
any online community you’re a part of addresses
this challenge?

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The document profiles four winners of the inaugural ThinkSocial Awards: 1. Kiva uses social media like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to raise awareness and crowdsource projects for their microfinancing platform that provides loans to entrepreneurs around the world. It has loaned over $101 million benefiting over 250,000 entrepreneurs. 2. SocialVibe connects people to charitable causes through branded activities on social networks. Members support brand sponsors to generate over $1 million in donations without spending their own money. 3. The March 18th Movement advocates for bloggers' rights in remembrance of an Iranian blogger who died in prison. They use video, social media, and campaigns to spread awareness and free imprisoned bloggers

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A look at how participatory learning can change education. Comments from Clay Shirky, Cathy Davidson, John Seely Brown, among others.

Using Social Media and Online Technologies in the Public Workforce System
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Using Social Media and Online Technologies in the Public Workforce System The document discusses how social media and online technologies can be leveraged in the public workforce system. It defines social media as internet-based applications that allow users to create and share user-generated content. Social media fosters interactive dialogue and strengthens relationships. The document outlines various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs and their uses. It discusses how professionals in different industries are using social media to share best practices and make connections. The document provides examples of how workforce professionals can collaborate with economic developers using social media. It emphasizes controlling one's online image and presence on social media.

workforce developmentemploymententrepreneurship
Discussion Time!
One of the levers discussed was “feedback and rewards”.
Besides those already discussed, can you think of any
other online communities that use this lever?
» Presentation template by SlidesCarnival
» Kraut, Robert E., Paul Resnick. Building successful online communities: Evidence-based
social design. MIT Press, 2012. Chapter 1.
» Research from Putnam Investment, Oct 2013
» Lurker demographics: Counting the silent, Nonnecke, Blair, and Jenny Preece (CHI2000)
» Wang, Gang, et al. "Wisdom in the social crowd: an analysis of quora." Proceedings of
the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web. ACM, 2013.

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Connective Media Technologies - Building Successful Online Communities

  • 2. 2 So what are online communities anyways? Definition
  • 3. “By online communities we mean any virtual space where people come together with others to converse, exchange information or other resources, learn, play, or just be with each other (Kraut 2012).
  • 4. Challenges In order to become successful, online communities have to succeed in a number of different challenges. The first two we will be discussing are: » Starting a new community » Attracting and socializing new members 4
  • 5. Levers Online communities can be designed to achieve the goals that their owners and members desire. These are levers of change which are features that are deliberately and strategically chosen, e.g. » Community structure » Selection, sorting, & highlighting » Feedback & rewards 5
  • 6. Quora Challenge: Starting a new community Lever: Feedback and rewards Quora is a question-and-answer site where questions are asked, answered, edited and organized by its community of users.
  • 7. Quora This platform seems to have achieved where its competitors have failed by successfully drawing the participation of both a rapidly growing user population and specific domain experts that generate invaluable content in response to questions. Wang, Gang, et al. "Wisdom in the social crowd: an analysis of quora." Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web. ACM, 2013.
  • 8. Goodreads Challenge: Attracting and socializing new members Lever: Content, tasks, & activities Goodreads is a "social cataloging" website that allows individuals to freely search Goodreads' extensive user-populated database of books, annotations, and reviews.
  • 9. Goodreads Challenge: Attracting and socializing new members Lever: Content, tasks, & activities Users can signup and register books to generate reading lists. They can also create their own groups of book suggestions, surveys/polls, blogs, and discussions.
  • 10. Linkedin Challenge: Encouraging commitment Lever: Selection, access controlling Linkedin, the online networking tool, encourage the commitment of their members by offering valuable content. Not only through selection and sorting useful information, but also by access controls.
  • 11. Power of being the best 11 Research from Putnam Investment, Oct 2013
  • 12. Power of being the best 12
  • 13. “Lurkers are reported to make up over 90% of several online groups Lurker demographics: Counting the silent Nonnecke, Blair, and Jenny Preece (CHI2000)
  • 14. Google Maps Challenge: Encouraging contribution Lever: Feedback and rewards Google Maps has a sub-community which uses level and points to provide feedback and reward contributors. Also, they have offline events and activities to extend the encouragement.
  • 15. Rewards Combining online or virtual rewards with rewards services which have monetary value is a way Google using to encourage contribution. 15
  • 16. Reddit Challenge: Regulating behavior Lever: Roles, rules, policies Most large online discussion groups, and especially those that deal with controversial topics, attract trolls as well as commercial spammers. But does regulating behavior always imply good behavior?
  • 17. Rules New York Times have a group of 40+ people for monitoring the comments on their website all the time. 17
  • 18. 18 Reddit CEO Steve Huffman: How I Work a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community —Wikipedia
  • 19. Summary What are the 5 major challenges an online community faces? 19 In order to become successful, online communities have to succeed in a number of different challenges. » Starting a new community » Attracting and socializing new members » Encouraging commitment » Encouraging contribution » Regulating behavior
  • 20. Summary What are the 8 categories of levers an online community can utilize? 20 Levers are features that are deliberately and strategically chosen. » Community structure » Content, tasks, & activities » Selection, sorting, highlighting » External communication » Feedback and rewards » Roles, rules, policies, and procedures » Access controls » Presentation & framing
  • 21. Discussion Time! “The stratospheric rise of emoji is essentially fulfilling the functions of nonverbal cues in spoken communication.”
  • 22. Discussion Time! What communities online do you use daily? What part of these communities is attracting you the most?
  • 23. Discussion Time! One of the design challenges we discussed was “encouraging contribution” - how would you say any online community you’re a part of addresses this challenge?
  • 24. 24
  • 25. Discussion Time! One of the levers discussed was “feedback and rewards”. Besides those already discussed, can you think of any other online communities that use this lever?
  • 26. References » Presentation template by SlidesCarnival » Kraut, Robert E., Paul Resnick. Building successful online communities: Evidence-based social design. MIT Press, 2012. Chapter 1. » Research from Putnam Investment, Oct 2013 » Lurker demographics: Counting the silent, Nonnecke, Blair, and Jenny Preece (CHI2000) » Wang, Gang, et al. "Wisdom in the social crowd: an analysis of quora." Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web. ACM, 2013. 26