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Designing Brand

a name given to a product or service
A name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s            www.cogsci.princeton.edu/cgi-bin/webwn
     good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. The legal term for     a recognizable kind; "there's a new brand of hero in the movies now"; "what
     brand is trademark. A brand may identify one item, a family of items, or              make of car is that?"
     all items of that seller.                                                             www.cogsci.princeton.edu/cgi-bin/webwn
A name, number, term, sign, symbol, design         What is Brand?
or combination of these elements that an organization uses to identify one or
                                                                                                                           A unique and identifiable symbol,
                                                                                                                           association, name or trademark which
                                                                                                                           serves to differentiate competing products
                                                                                            or services. Both a physical and emotional trigger to create a
       more products.                                                                       relationship between consumers and the product/service.
       www.bcbstx.com/glossary/                                                             www.allaboutbranding.com/index.lasso
                                                                                     A name, number, term, sign, symbol, design, or combination of these elements
A design, mark, symbol or other device that distinguishes one line or type of               that an organization uses to identify one or more products.
       goods from those of a competitor.                                                    www.healthadvantage-hmo.com/customer_service/terms.asp
       www.powerhomebiz.com/Glossary/glossary-B.htm                                  a trademark or trade name that identifies a product, a distributor, a producer
A name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's             or a manufacturer.
       good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. The legal term for          www.abc.net.au/eightdays/glossary/default.htm
       brand is trademark. A brand may identify one item ,a family of items, or      Product identification by word, name, symbol, design, or a combination of
       all items of that seller.                                                            these.
       www.pdmamn.org/NPD%20Glossary.htm                                                    www.fluidcommunications.biz/marketing/marketing_definitions.htm
That combination of name, words, symbols, or design that identifies the product      A brand is a mixture of attributes, tangible and intangible, symbolised in a
       and its source and distinguishes it from competing products-the                      trademark, which, if managed properly, creates value and influence.
                                                                                            "Value" has different interpretations: from a marketing or consumer
       fundamental differentiating device for all products. (Ch. 5, 6)                      perspective it is "the promise and delivery of an experience"; from a
       highered.mcgraw-                                                                     business perspective it is "the security of future earnings"; from a legal
       hill.com/sites/0072415444/student_view0/glossary.html                                perspective it is "a separable piece of intellectual property." Brands
a mark or symbol identifying or describing a product and/or manufacturer, that              offer customers a means to choose and enable recognition within
       is embossed, inlaid or printed.                                                      cluttered markets.
       www.nahad.org/ihag/section_2.htm                                                     www.hidp.org/programmer/glossary.html
                                                                                     A name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's
A noun. A proper noun that is attached to an individual, a firm, a product or a             good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. The legal term for
       service. Any proper noun may be a brand. Any individual or firm is a                 brand is trademark. A brand may identify one item, a family of items, or
       brand. A successful brand offers differentiating values for buyer                    all items of that seller.
       appreciation.                                                                        www.shapetomorrow.com/resources/b.html
       www.jaffeassociates.com/JaffeNews/00BrandGlossary.html                        A name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's
The Clicquot brand, etc., the best brand, etc. That is the merchant's or excise             good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. p. 269
       mark branded on the article itself, the vessel which contains the article,           users.wbs.warwick.ac.uk/dibb_simkin/student/glossary/ch09.html
       the wrapper which covers it, the cork of the bottle, etc., to guarantee its   A printed symbol of ownership that a company hopes consumers will associate
       being genuine, etc. Madame Clicquot, of champagne notoriety, died in                 with quality.
       1866. He has the brand of villain in his looks. It was once customary to             www.jscfcu.org/kidglossary.htm
       brand the cheeks of felons with an F. The custom was abolished by law in
jargon for those things associated with a product name, such as the image or
       concept in customers' minds about what it means to them
Umbrella term applied to everything from a name or logo, to the overall
       reputation of an organization or product.
“I don’t know who you are.
I don’t know your company.
I don’t know your company’s products.
I don’t know what your company stands for.
I don’t know your company’s customers.
I don’t know your company’s reputation.
Now - What was it you wanted to sell me?”
                     McGraw-Hill Magazine Ad
This is a logo
         • AKA a “mark”
         • Not a brand…
           brand is more
Brian Collins says…
          • A brand is a symbol
            that makes a promise
            of an experience
          • Pirates uses pirate
            flags to promise
          • Customers recognize
            this promise and flee
            or surrender.
David Aaker says
           A mental box with
           • Advertisements
           • PR
           • News articles
           • Product
           • Customer
Brand and the User Experience

  Creating a good customer
  experience is the essence of
  good branding

Hugh Dubberly’s Model of Brand
Designing Brand
What is a brand?
Strawman: A collectively held idea of a
         company by its customers in reaction
         to the messages the company sends
         via advertising, product design and
         public relations.
What is Brand Identity?
Brand Identity is the unique set of brand
associations that the brand strategist aspires to
create or maintain. These associations represent
what the brand stands for and imply a promise
to customers for the organization members.
Aspects of Brand
  – How the brand is now perceived

  – How strategists want the brand to
    be perceived

  – The part of the brand identity and
    value proposition to be actively
    communicated to a target
Brand Management



                                  Brand Strategist



        Customers & Potential   Messaging            Marketing, PR,
Brand Management

                                                     Popular, fun,

                           Brand Strategist

                                                                  Do you

 Customers & Potential   Messaging            Marketing, PR,
You deserve a break

                                                            Audience: Adults
                                                            Message: Treat
                                                            yourself, don’t
Audience: Anyone                                            cook

Message: Every eats here, must
be good

                                                             Audience: Teens,
                                                             young adults
                   Families                                  Message: We’re
                   it’s fun

                               Did these emerge from audience feedback, or
Internal & External

Walmart’s greeters
Ritz-Carleton's “how may we be of
What’s going on here?
More than a Product

              Associations                   Brand Personality

Country of                       Scope
Origin                          Attributes
                                  Uses                       Brand-customer

    User Imagery
                         Self-Expressive        Benefits
Brand Identity Planning



Brand As Product    Brand as            Brand As         Brand As
                    Organization        Person           Symbol
1. Product Scope
                    1. Organizational   1. Personality   1. Visual
2. Product
                    Attributes                           Imagery and
   Attributes                           2. Brand-
                    2. Local vs.        customer
3. Quality/Value
                    Global              relationship     2. Brand
4. Uses                                                  Hreritage
5. Users
6. Country


Brand As Product     Brand as          Brand As         Brand As
                     Organization      Person           Symbol
1. Search
                     1. Hardworking,   1. Honest, but   1. Simple
2. Fast,
                     fun, cult         playful.         design, basic
                                                        html. Logo is
                     2.Global view     2. Always
3. “The best”                                           not sacred.
                                       there for you.
4. Find anything:                                       2. “old
   research to fun                                      internet’
5. Everyone
6. International



 Brand As Product        Brand as            Brand As       Brand As
                         Organization        Person         Symbol
 1. ____________
                         1. ___________      1.__________   1. __________
 2. ____________
                         2. ___________                     2. __________
 3. ____________                             ____________
 4. ____________                             2.__________
 5. ____________
 6. ____________

From David Aaker’s Building Strong Brands. On Amazon
Designing Brand
What can be customized?
Designing Brand
The Nature of Consistency
is how consistent must the property design be
        to keep the brand consistent?
Everything on brand
Brand checklist
1. I can clearly define my mission when asked: Why do I exist?
2. I have a clearly defined promise for my customers.
3. My brand has a personality.
4. I have a tagline that communicates my brand promise in a
memorable way.
5. I have a logo that is simple and works (and I use it everywhere)
6. I have mapped my promise and personality into my customer’s
7. I have defined new hiring criteria for all new employees.
8. I have implemented training for new and existing employees.
9. I am my brand.

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Designing Brand

  • 3. a name given to a product or service A name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s www.cogsci.princeton.edu/cgi-bin/webwn good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. The legal term for a recognizable kind; "there's a new brand of hero in the movies now"; "what brand is trademark. A brand may identify one item, a family of items, or make of car is that?" all items of that seller. www.cogsci.princeton.edu/cgi-bin/webwn www.scottmcnealy.com/businessplanning/GlossaryProductDevelopment Terms.htm A name, number, term, sign, symbol, design What is Brand? or combination of these elements that an organization uses to identify one or A unique and identifiable symbol, association, name or trademark which serves to differentiate competing products or services. Both a physical and emotional trigger to create a more products. relationship between consumers and the product/service. www.bcbstx.com/glossary/ www.allaboutbranding.com/index.lasso A name, number, term, sign, symbol, design, or combination of these elements A design, mark, symbol or other device that distinguishes one line or type of that an organization uses to identify one or more products. goods from those of a competitor. www.healthadvantage-hmo.com/customer_service/terms.asp www.powerhomebiz.com/Glossary/glossary-B.htm a trademark or trade name that identifies a product, a distributor, a producer A name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's or a manufacturer. good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. The legal term for www.abc.net.au/eightdays/glossary/default.htm brand is trademark. A brand may identify one item ,a family of items, or Product identification by word, name, symbol, design, or a combination of all items of that seller. these. www.pdmamn.org/NPD%20Glossary.htm www.fluidcommunications.biz/marketing/marketing_definitions.htm That combination of name, words, symbols, or design that identifies the product A brand is a mixture of attributes, tangible and intangible, symbolised in a and its source and distinguishes it from competing products-the trademark, which, if managed properly, creates value and influence. "Value" has different interpretations: from a marketing or consumer fundamental differentiating device for all products. (Ch. 5, 6) perspective it is "the promise and delivery of an experience"; from a highered.mcgraw- business perspective it is "the security of future earnings"; from a legal hill.com/sites/0072415444/student_view0/glossary.html perspective it is "a separable piece of intellectual property." Brands a mark or symbol identifying or describing a product and/or manufacturer, that offer customers a means to choose and enable recognition within is embossed, inlaid or printed. cluttered markets. www.nahad.org/ihag/section_2.htm www.hidp.org/programmer/glossary.html A name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's A noun. A proper noun that is attached to an individual, a firm, a product or a good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. The legal term for service. Any proper noun may be a brand. Any individual or firm is a brand is trademark. A brand may identify one item, a family of items, or brand. A successful brand offers differentiating values for buyer all items of that seller. appreciation. www.shapetomorrow.com/resources/b.html www.jaffeassociates.com/JaffeNews/00BrandGlossary.html A name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's The Clicquot brand, etc., the best brand, etc. That is the merchant's or excise good or service as distinct from those of other sellers. p. 269 mark branded on the article itself, the vessel which contains the article, users.wbs.warwick.ac.uk/dibb_simkin/student/glossary/ch09.html the wrapper which covers it, the cork of the bottle, etc., to guarantee its A printed symbol of ownership that a company hopes consumers will associate being genuine, etc. Madame Clicquot, of champagne notoriety, died in with quality. 1866. He has the brand of villain in his looks. It was once customary to www.jscfcu.org/kidglossary.htm brand the cheeks of felons with an F. The custom was abolished by law in 1822. www.bootlegbooks.com/Reference/PhraseAndFable/data/171.html jargon for those things associated with a product name, such as the image or concept in customers' minds about what it means to them www.journalism-school.com/fgloss.htm Umbrella term applied to everything from a name or logo, to the overall reputation of an organization or product.
  • 4. “I don’t know who you are. I don’t know your company. I don’t know your company’s products. I don’t know what your company stands for. I don’t know your company’s customers. I don’t know your company’s reputation. Now - What was it you wanted to sell me?” McGraw-Hill Magazine Ad
  • 5. This is a logo • AKA a “mark” • Not a brand… brand is more
  • 6. Brian Collins says… • A brand is a symbol that makes a promise of an experience • Pirates uses pirate flags to promise pillaging. • Customers recognize this promise and flee or surrender.
  • 7. David Aaker says A mental box with • Advertisements • PR • News articles • Product experiences • Customer experiences
  • 8. Brand and the User Experience Creating a good customer experience is the essence of good branding Hugh Dubberly’s Model of Brand
  • 10. What is a brand? Strawman: A collectively held idea of a company by its customers in reaction to the messages the company sends via advertising, product design and public relations.
  • 11. What is Brand Identity? Brand Identity is the unique set of brand associations that the brand strategist aspires to create or maintain. These associations represent what the brand stands for and imply a promise to customers for the organization members.
  • 12. Aspects of Brand • BRAND IMAGE – How the brand is now perceived • BRAND IDENTITY – How strategists want the brand to be perceived • BRAND POSITION – The part of the brand identity and value proposition to be actively communicated to a target audience
  • 13. Brand Management Brand Identity Results Strategy Brand Strategist Brand Image Brand Position Customers & Potential Messaging Marketing, PR, Product customers
  • 14. Brand Management Popular, fun, goofy expressive Results Strategy Brand Strategist Do you Yahoo? Customers & Potential Messaging Marketing, PR, Product customers
  • 15. You deserve a break today Audience: Adults Message: Treat yourself, don’t Audience: Anyone cook Message: Every eats here, must be good Audience: Teens, young adults Audience: Families Message: We’re hip Message: it’s fun here Did these emerge from audience feedback, or strategy?
  • 16. Internal & External Walmart’s greeters Ritz-Carleton's “how may we be of service?”
  • 18. More than a Product BRAND Organizational Associations Brand Personality Symbols PRODUCT Country of Scope Origin Attributes Quality Uses Brand-customer Relationships User Imagery Emotional Self-Expressive Benefits Benfits
  • 19. Brand Identity Planning Extended core Brand As Product Brand as Brand As Brand As Organization Person Symbol 1. Product Scope 1. Organizational 1. Personality 1. Visual 2. Product Attributes Imagery and Attributes 2. Brand- metaphors 2. Local vs. customer 3. Quality/Value Global relationship 2. Brand 4. Uses Hreritage 5. Users 6. Country
  • 20. Extended core Brand As Product Brand as Brand As Brand As Organization Person Symbol 1. Search 1. Hardworking, 1. Honest, but 1. Simple 2. Fast, fun, cult playful. design, basic comprehensive html. Logo is 2.Global view 2. Always 3. “The best” not sacred. there for you. 4. Find anything: 2. “old research to fun internet’ 5. Everyone 6. International
  • 21. YOU Extended core Brand As Product Brand as Brand As Brand As Organization Person Symbol 1. ____________ 1. ___________ 1.__________ 1. __________ 2. ____________ 2. ___________ 2. __________ 3. ____________ ____________ 4. ____________ 2.__________ 5. ____________ 6. ____________ From David Aaker’s Building Strong Brands. On Amazon
  • 24. What can be customized?
  • 26. The Nature of Consistency is how consistent must the property design be to keep the brand consistent?
  • 28. Brand checklist 1. I can clearly define my mission when asked: Why do I exist? 2. I have a clearly defined promise for my customers. 3. My brand has a personality. 4. I have a tagline that communicates my brand promise in a memorable way. 5. I have a logo that is simple and works (and I use it everywhere) 6. I have mapped my promise and personality into my customer’s experience. 7. I have defined new hiring criteria for all new employees. 8. I have implemented training for new and existing employees. 9. I am my brand.