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Reboot Your Team
Christina Wodtke
Author of Radical Focus and Pencil Me In
Lecturer at Stanford University
The Union BBQ Beef
Ribs and Fondue
Reboot Your Team
The Three Jobs
of Product
• Business Owner
• Vision Holder
• Team Coordinator

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OKR meetup Amsterdam may 2018
OKR meetup Amsterdam may 2018OKR meetup Amsterdam may 2018
OKR meetup Amsterdam may 2018

This document summarizes an OKRs meetup in Amsterdam on May 31, 2018. It introduces OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), provides an example, and discusses how OKRs differ from traditional goal setting. The majority of the document outlines best practices for implementing OKRs based on LeanBart's experience, including starting with one company objective, giving objectives 3 months to take effect, keeping objectives inspirational rather than metrics-focused, and emphasizing weekly check-ins and Friday celebrations. It concludes with top 10 takeaways around focus, connection of OKRs, public sharing, and maintaining an upbeat culture.

The European OKR Guide
The European OKR GuideThe European OKR Guide
The European OKR Guide

Learn everything you need to know to get started with Objectives and Key Results. How to implement them, what you should pay attention to, and how the methodology is being applied in Europe today.

The Guide to Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)
The Guide to Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)The Guide to Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)
The Guide to Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

Objectives and Key Results is the goal setting framework used at companies like Google, LinkedIn, and Intel. John Doerr, partner at KPCB, passed on Objectives and Key Results to Google helping them grow from 50 to 50,000 people. This is the complete guide to OKRs, containing everything you need to know (even exclusive slides and examples from Doerr himself.)

betterworksokrsemployee engagement
Reboot Your Team
Reboot Your Team
Are all groups teams?
Reboot Your Team

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Best Practices Of OKR Goals
Best Practices Of OKR GoalsBest Practices Of OKR Goals
Best Practices Of OKR Goals

This document provides guidance on best practices for setting OKR goals. It defines Objectives and Key Results, and explains why OKRs are an effective goal-setting framework. Regular weekly check-ins and closed-loop feedback are identified as critical for connecting goals to results. Examples of objectives and key results at both the company and department level are also provided.

objectives and key resultsokr softwareemployee engagement
Agile Coaching Canvas
Agile Coaching CanvasAgile Coaching Canvas
Agile Coaching Canvas

This document discusses focused agile coaching. It encourages coaches to develop a clear vision and plan for their coaching work. It discusses establishing a coaching product and techniques like helping teams adopt Scrum from zero. The document also discusses starting coaching where teams currently are and focusing on key areas like business involvement, teamwork, and engineering processes. It provides exercises for coaches to navigate these areas and dream big with the teams they support. Finally, it discusses coaching skills and an Agile Coaching Canvas tool to help plan coaching sessions.

How to set goals using OKRs
How to set goals using OKRsHow to set goals using OKRs
How to set goals using OKRs

This document discusses OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), a goal setting technique used by companies like Google and LinkedIn. It describes OKRs as setting ambitious objectives with measurable key results to help align teams and track progress. OKRs should have a 70% completion target and be revisited regularly. The document provides tips for writing OKRs using the SMART model and implementing them by cascading objectives throughout the organization and regularly updating progress.

What is a TEAM?
• Common PURPOSE
• Performance GOALS
• Complimentary SKILLS
The Wisdom of Teams
Jon R. Katzenbach and Douglas K.
Set Objectives
and Key
1. Common Purpose
2. Performance Goals
O: Qualitative
goal (common
KR: Success
Objective: Establish clear value to distributers
as a quality tea provider
Reorders at
KR: 20% of
Revenue of

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OKR (Objective Key Results) Best Practices
OKR (Objective Key Results) Best PracticesOKR (Objective Key Results) Best Practices
OKR (Objective Key Results) Best Practices

This document discusses how to make OKRs more specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound (SMART) to improve focus and coordination among teams. It recommends defining objectives and key results that are clear, quantifiable, regularly reviewed, and can integrate strategic goals across an organization. A case study example shows how applying SMART guidelines to OKRs can clarify responsibilities, dependencies and expectations to better connect work to overall objectives.

objective key resultssmartokr
OKRs Workshop Presentation Template from Gtmhub
OKRs Workshop Presentation Template from GtmhubOKRs Workshop Presentation Template from Gtmhub
OKRs Workshop Presentation Template from Gtmhub

A template we have used to run 1/2-day OKRs workshops. If you're implementing Objectives and Key Results, then you may find this presentation useful for inspiration. Focus on the history of OKRs, why and how OKRs add value, and how to link OKRs to company mission and purpose.

Krezzo OKR Training Slides.pdf
Krezzo OKR Training Slides.pdfKrezzo OKR Training Slides.pdf
Krezzo OKR Training Slides.pdf

Krezzo's "OKR Training Slides" is packed with an operational playbook, training materials, and OKR examples to ensure your program is on the right track. Register to access, and then customize as you wish!

krezzo okrs training software
3. Complimentary
4. Mutual
Objective: Establish clear value to
distributers as a quality tea provider
KR: Reorders at 85% 5/10
KR: 20% of reorders self-serve 5/10
KR: Revenue of 250K
Key Risk Factors: Need new self-serve
system up in first month
Priorities this week
Next 4 weeks - Projects
OKR Confidence
Team Health:
Distributor satisfaction Health:
Org Health
Close deal with TLM Foods
Team struggling with direction
# solid sales canidates in for
Passive reorder notifications
New self serve flow for distributors
Metrics for distributors on tea sales
Hire Customer service head
New Order flow
Or Lean Team
Improves over time

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What to expect in 30 60-90 days in agile transformation journey?
What to expect in 30 60-90 days in agile transformation journey?What to expect in 30 60-90 days in agile transformation journey?
What to expect in 30 60-90 days in agile transformation journey?

In the first 30 days, the focus will be on conducting an as-is assessment of the organization's current agile practices. This includes interviews, exploring the business context, and understanding expectations. The next 30-60 days involve executing discovery sessions for new projects/releases and establishing agile roles, backlogs, and metrics to measure productivity. Teams will start delivering work incrementally. The next 60-90 days focus on refining practices, resolving issues identified in retrospectives, establishing velocity, and measuring improvements in agility health. The goal is to have self-organizing teams incrementally delivering value with transparent metrics by the end of 90 days.

OKR Playbook v2.0.pptx
OKR Playbook v2.0.pptxOKR Playbook v2.0.pptx
OKR Playbook v2.0.pptx

This OKR playbook is the result of several years of OKR coaching. We offer this support to define, structure and communicate your OKR program within your organization. It helps you think through all aspects of setting up OKRs before deployment. We use it in our coaching as a support to define the OKR program with executives; as well as a communication support for the launch of the OKR program with the teams; finally as a reference manual for the whole organization.

objective and key resultobjectivegoal
Google's OKR playbook.pdf
Google's OKR playbook.pdfGoogle's OKR playbook.pdf
Google's OKR playbook.pdf

Google uses a process called Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) to help teams communicate, measure, and achieve ambitious goals. The document provides an overview of Google's approach to OKRs, including how they are used to plan work, track progress, and coordinate priorities between teams. It also outlines best practices for writing effective OKRs, such as differentiating between committed and aspirational objectives, avoiding business-as-usual OKRs, and ensuring key results are measurable and will achieve the stated objective. Common mistakes like insufficient key results or low value objectives are also discussed.

Bruce Tuckman ‘Developmental sequence in small groups’
Reboot Your Team
Reboot Your Team
A Cadence for Learning Teams

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Why Should Your Company Use OKR Goals?
Why Should Your Company Use OKR Goals?Why Should Your Company Use OKR Goals?
Why Should Your Company Use OKR Goals?

This document summarizes the benefits of using OKR (Objectives and Key Results) goals for companies. It states that OKRs help align employees, focus effort on key priorities, improve communication, create transparency, and establish measurable progress indicators. Research shows companies that use goals see higher performance, better employee engagement, clearer priorities for employees, and more alignment. The document promotes Atiim, an OKR platform, as a way for mid-market companies to achieve maximum performance through goals-based alignment and management.

Objectives and Key Results, OKRs
Objectives and Key Results, OKRsObjectives and Key Results, OKRs
Objectives and Key Results, OKRs

Learn how to execute effectively your strategies via the OKR (Objectives and Key Results) system in your organization Schedule in a free Strategy call with me: https://calendly.com/flowyteam/30min Contact me for more information on OKRs: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dirk-schmellenkamp-okr-kpi/ #okrcoach #okrcoaching #okrs #okr

okrsobjectives and key resultsperformance management
OKR Best Practices. Useful tips for creating Objectives & Key Result
OKR Best Practices. Useful tips for creating Objectives & Key ResultOKR Best Practices. Useful tips for creating Objectives & Key Result
OKR Best Practices. Useful tips for creating Objectives & Key Result

Keep your employees Focused, Motivated and Aligned. OKRs make workflow transparent, synchronized between teams and concentrated on the common goal Our OKR Book includes all the things you need to know about OKR, answers to common questions and comments from seasoned HR-consultants. It will help you understand the OKR framework and how to implement it in your company.

employee engagementperformance managmenthrtools
Forming a
Learning Team1.
Reboot Your Team
Set Expertise Roles
Set Informal Roles
• Facilitator
• Tie-Breaker
• Spokesperson
• Schedule Keeper
• Office Housework

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The Executioner's Tale
The Executioner's TaleThe Executioner's Tale
The Executioner's Tale

Making things happen with OKRs! Sign up to learn when the book is out! http://alert.theexecutionerstale.com/

Understanding OKR
Understanding OKRUnderstanding OKR
Understanding OKR

Objectives and Key Results (OKR) is a collaborative goal-setting framework. They are used by teams and individuals to set challenging, ambitious goals with measurable outcomes. 

Radical transparency with performance management
Radical transparency with performance managementRadical transparency with performance management
Radical transparency with performance management

How do Outreach and Business Development professionals measure their impact in the field of behavioral health.

salesperformance outcomesevaluation
Design Norms
If you don’t set norms, you make assumptions. Assumptions lead
to errors. Errors lead to fights.
Reboot Your Team
Culture Map
Reboot Your Team

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Be a better leader, have a richer
Be a better leader, have a richerBe a better leader, have a richer
Be a better leader, have a richer

HBR Article by Stevart D. Friedman This article gives an outline to describe the relationship between possessing good leadership style and enjoying a richer life. Here, the richness not only symbolizes the monetary value but tangible richness.

Midwest Kata Practitioners Day
Midwest Kata Practitioners DayMidwest Kata Practitioners Day
Midwest Kata Practitioners Day

These are the presentations from the first Midwest Kata Practitioners Day held in Appleton, WI on Jan. 2 2017. Great examples from companies implementing Toyota Kata.

leancontinuous improvementtoyota kata
Leancamp Franfurt 2015 Session Lean/Agile Self-Organization
Leancamp Franfurt 2015 Session Lean/Agile Self-OrganizationLeancamp Franfurt 2015 Session Lean/Agile Self-Organization
Leancamp Franfurt 2015 Session Lean/Agile Self-Organization

This document discusses principles and techniques for self-organization, including maintaining a prioritized backlog of tasks, limiting work-in-progress, optimizing on delivered value, measuring velocity, timeboxing work, and reflecting regularly. It emphasizes the importance of steady sustainable pace, finishing tasks, and making time for rest and personal relationships to avoid burnout.

Reboot Your Team
“The problem is that we tend to
assume that our framing represents
the truth, rather than merely
presenting a subjective “map.”
In truth, however, each frame offers
its own image of reality.”
Edmondson, Amy C.
Teaming: How
Organizations Learn,
Innovate, and
Compete in the
Knowledge Economy
Don’t default
into norms.
Set them
Norms Exercise
• Get together in groups of 2-4

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Discuss agile performance enhancement systems for agile teams(shaping up a ...
Discuss agile   performance enhancement systems for agile teams(shaping up a ...Discuss agile   performance enhancement systems for agile teams(shaping up a ...
Discuss agile performance enhancement systems for agile teams(shaping up a ...

The presentation was used during Discuss Agile Summit at Bangalore. Talks about the impending need for radical changes required in performance management systems for agile teams. Talks about CHAMPFROGS model and M.O.R.P.H Reports.

agile software developmentagilecoaching
Leading High Performance Teams
Leading High Performance TeamsLeading High Performance Teams
Leading High Performance Teams

The document discusses behaviors common among high-performing team leaders. It identifies five key behaviors: 1) sharing goals by including individuals in establishing team goals and having individuals share in the team goals, 2) aligning goals with individuals' strengths and aspirations, 3) measuring performance fairly by including individuals in creating measures and focusing on individual impact, 4) delegating authority by empowering the team and avoiding micromanagement, and 5) recognizing results through frequent communication of individual and team achievements. High-performing leaders display these behaviors to develop shared goals, leverage strengths, and engage and reward team members.

Leading high performance teams
Leading high performance teamsLeading high performance teams
Leading high performance teams

The document discusses behaviors common among high-performing team leaders. It identifies five key behaviors: 1) sharing goals by including individuals in establishing team goals and having individuals share in the team goals, 2) aligning goals with individuals' strengths and aspirations, 3) measuring performance fairly by including individuals in creating measures and focusing on individual impact, 4) delegating authority by empowering the team and avoiding micromanagement, and 5) recognizing results through frequent communication of individual and team achievements. High-performing leaders display these behaviors to develop shared goals, leverage strengths, and engage and reward team members.

What was the
best team you
ever had? What
made it great?
What was the worst
team you were ever on?
What made it so bad?
Norms Exercise
• Get in groups, and share.
• Make rules for how you wish to work
Norms Exercise
• Get in groups, and share.
• Make rules for how you wish to work

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Linde WINS 5/28/15: Juggling the Possibilities! Work-Life Balance, Collaborat...
Linde WINS 5/28/15: Juggling the Possibilities! Work-Life Balance, Collaborat...Linde WINS 5/28/15: Juggling the Possibilities! Work-Life Balance, Collaborat...
Linde WINS 5/28/15: Juggling the Possibilities! Work-Life Balance, Collaborat...

The document discusses strategies for achieving work-life balance, effective collaboration, and creating change. It emphasizes building relationships and support networks, prioritizing tasks, embracing challenges, and creative problem solving. Breaking large goals into smaller steps and learning from mistakes is advised. The value of flexibility, patience, and consistent practice in juggling responsibilities is highlighted. Creating change is framed as exploring innovative solutions and building diverse relationships through open communication and teamwork.

Toyota Kata Presentation for ITSM.fi TOP 10 Conference
Toyota Kata Presentation for ITSM.fi TOP 10 ConferenceToyota Kata Presentation for ITSM.fi TOP 10 Conference
Toyota Kata Presentation for ITSM.fi TOP 10 Conference

A presentation about Toyota Kata for the ITSM.fi TOP 10 Conference. The presentation covers: * What is a learning organization * Introduction to Toyota Kata and mapping it to the learning organization model. * Introduction and example of Improvement Kata * Introduction to Coaching Kata * Introduction to A3 - templates

toyota kataproblem solvinga3
FRC Uni - Self Management - Draft 2.1
FRC Uni - Self Management - Draft 2.1FRC Uni - Self Management - Draft 2.1
FRC Uni - Self Management - Draft 2.1

Self-management skills are important for managers to develop an authentic leadership style and create a meaningful work experience for employees. Managers should focus on self-awareness, being trustworthy and extending trust, accountability, and recognizing their own abilities. They should listen to employees, consider new ideas, and serve employees and guests. Pursuing outside interests, taking vacations, and getting a coach can help managers avoid burnout. Poor self-management likely contributes to common stigmas about long hours, low pay, lack of balance, stress, turnover and blame in operations management.

Please try this
at home
Aka at the office
Performing in a
Learning Team2.
Check Weekly

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Sensight Surveys - Delight and Retain Your Senior Living Residents and Staff ...
Sensight Surveys - Delight and Retain Your Senior Living Residents and Staff ...Sensight Surveys - Delight and Retain Your Senior Living Residents and Staff ...
Sensight Surveys - Delight and Retain Your Senior Living Residents and Staff ...

Do you know how your senior living residents and team members feel? A good survey program gives you the honest feedback you need to gauge what you are doing well, what improvements are needed, and how to act on your results in a way that will delight and retain your residents and staff, build positive word of mouth, and grow occupancy. This SMARTwebinar covers: • The truth about customer and employee satisfaction and retention • What a well-designed survey program will help you learn • How to act on your results to create positive change in your community

senior livingskilled nursingresident survey
Staff Skill Development: Soft Skills, Firm Results by Mary Carmen CHimato and...
Staff Skill Development: Soft Skills, Firm Results by Mary Carmen CHimato and...Staff Skill Development: Soft Skills, Firm Results by Mary Carmen CHimato and...
Staff Skill Development: Soft Skills, Firm Results by Mary Carmen CHimato and...

The document summarizes key points from a staff development presentation given by Access & Delivery Services at NCSU Libraries. It discusses the importance of clear organizational goals, values, and expectations communicated to all staff. It also emphasizes providing feedback, training opportunities, and acknowledging achievements to empower staff. The presentation addresses challenges such as performance, attendance, and conduct issues and strategies for improvement through clarifying expectations, identifying knowledge and execution deficiencies, and establishing consequences.

Developing Managing A Training Team
Developing  Managing A Training TeamDeveloping  Managing A Training Team
Developing Managing A Training Team

This document provides an overview of developing and managing a training team. It outlines several learning objectives, such as identifying effective leadership characteristics and the six-step process for building a team culture. It also discusses topics like interviewing candidates, giving feedback, and using different types of questions. The document aims to help participants coach their team and provide an effective training environment.

Team Feedback
Feedback fast and slow
Weekly: Retrospective
Fast and frequent allows for iteration and growth
“Weekly retrospectives build the muscle
of asking why things aren’t working…
learning to say “that’s eff’ed up. Let’s try
something else.”
Rosemary King @rozemaryking
Mindful team take care of the
us AND the I.

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L 191 masiuk-creating an engaged workforce to sustain continuous improvement_ppt
L 191 masiuk-creating an engaged workforce to sustain continuous improvement_pptL 191 masiuk-creating an engaged workforce to sustain continuous improvement_ppt
L 191 masiuk-creating an engaged workforce to sustain continuous improvement_ppt

This document summarizes a presentation about creating an engaged workforce to sustain continuous improvement initiatives. The presentation covers: - Defining sustainment as fully implementing continuous improvement methods so they become standard practice. - The importance of employee engagement and different levels of engagement from actively engaged to actively disengaged. Only about 30% of employees are engaged on average. - Reinforcement being the key to engaging employees and sustaining initiatives through frequent, specific, and timely positive feedback. - Examples of how to reinforce employees through visibility of their work, regular feedback, recognition, and celebration of their efforts and results.

continuous improvementpositive reinforcement6 sigma
Oct 25 CAPHC Concurrent Symposium - Mental Health - Dr. Sharon Clark and Dr. ...
Oct 25 CAPHC Concurrent Symposium - Mental Health - Dr. Sharon Clark and Dr. ...Oct 25 CAPHC Concurrent Symposium - Mental Health - Dr. Sharon Clark and Dr. ...
Oct 25 CAPHC Concurrent Symposium - Mental Health - Dr. Sharon Clark and Dr. ...

CAPHC Concurrent Symposium Demolishing Silos and Lowering Barriers: New Models of Mental Health Services for Children and Youth

Oct 25 CAPHC Concurrent Symposium - Mental Health - Dr. Sharon Clark and Dr...
Oct 25   CAPHC Concurrent Symposium - Mental Health - Dr. Sharon Clark and Dr...Oct 25   CAPHC Concurrent Symposium - Mental Health - Dr. Sharon Clark and Dr...
Oct 25 CAPHC Concurrent Symposium - Mental Health - Dr. Sharon Clark and Dr...

CAPHC Concurrent Symposium Demolishing Silos and Lowering Barriers: New Models of Mental Health Services for Children and Youth

Two kinds of feedback
Individual Team
Reboot Your Team
Fast Peer Feedback
But not too fast
Reboot Your Team

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The document outlines an agenda for a Quality Contacts retreat for caseworkers and supervisors. It includes sessions on coaching for performance, expectations for supervisors, the components of monthly contacts, assessment practices, and using a new desk reference guide. Caseworkers will bring cases to review and supervisors will coach them using the DRG and notes. The goal is to improve documentation of quality contacts and assessment efforts.

Journal Multimedia 30th Anniversary Presentation, 11/7/14
Journal Multimedia 30th Anniversary Presentation, 11/7/14Journal Multimedia 30th Anniversary Presentation, 11/7/14
Journal Multimedia 30th Anniversary Presentation, 11/7/14

The document outlines the agenda and themes of a 30th anniversary party hosted by Jen Slaw focused on redefining what's possible. The agenda includes sessions on creative thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and learning to juggle both individually and in teams. The overarching messages are about embracing challenges, managing change, finding balance, and strengthening connections to create positive change.

Stephanie Fernandez-Cruz posted· · What are you good at-  a.docx
Stephanie Fernandez-Cruz posted· · What are you good at-  a.docxStephanie Fernandez-Cruz posted· · What are you good at-  a.docx
Stephanie Fernandez-Cruz posted· · What are you good at-  a.docx

Stephanie Fernandez-Cruz posted · · What are you good at?-  am very good at using good personal judgement and decision implementation. I  can take a situation and  make a decision  for an effective alternative route.  · What do you need to improve? I need to work on not second guessing my self. This causes me to have  uncertainty.  · What do you enjoy doing? I enjoy making a difference in a positive way. I like feeling involved in important decisions. · What are some of the things that you find unpleasant? I don't like dealing with conflict. It is hard for me to make decisions that can negatively impact others. · Give examples that support your ideas for each statement. when I worked with United healthcare's training department I discovered much about what I was good at and what I was not good at. I was tasked to make group decisions on how to improved the training material and process. I was also faced with walking trainees in not so pleasant processes such as QA. · Identify career opportunities and threat by researching (cite them) job prospects in the industry you’re interested in.   The biggest threat I found in my research would be technology. Sierra Defrancisco- posted What are you good at? Within the workplace I am good at staying on task and focused. I am good at following directions given and helping out others that are confused or overwhelmed. I have always been good at following directions which has helped me to learn so many new things about cooking in the kitchen. What do you need to improve? I can improve on multitasking, working quickly and efficiently, and striving to move up in the workplace. I talk quite a lot and I find it hard to talk to the servers and work at the same time so i need to find the happy medium. What do you enjoy doing? I enjoy helping others, completing tasks from start to finish, and bettering the environment around me any way possible. Every time I come into work I create a to do list and it is very satisfying being able to cross stuff off of the list. What are some of the things that you find unpleasant? I don't like drama, a dirty workplace, liars within the workplace, and cheaters. The kitchen that I work in can get very dirty sometimes and a dirty workplace leads to messy products. There are career opportunities as a cake decorator or assistant bakery manager at a company called Nothing Bundt Cakes. This business has been open for a while and they do wedding and party cakes. This could possibly be competition for the bakery I am looking at opening. There are also positions available at Sam's club, Walmart, and Panera. Nothing Bundt Cakes would be the most competition for the bakery. MGT 301: Principles of Management Course Description: It is an introduction in management as a discipline and a process. Major topics include the evolution and scope of management, decision-making, planning and strategy, organizing and staffing, leading and control and change. The importance of .

Short Cycles
quantity of
Reduce gap
between action
and evaluation
Reduce stakes
Feedback Loop
Feedback Loop
Reboot Your Team

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Stop focusing on busy make visual goals
Stop focusing on busy make visual goalsStop focusing on busy make visual goals
Stop focusing on busy make visual goals

1. The document discusses moving away from focusing on being busy and instead setting visual goals that contribute to the impact you want to make. 2. It introduces the concept of OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) as a way to align goals with values and set measurable objectives and results. 3. The document provides guidance on how to get started with OKRs including defining the impact you want to make, setting timelines, and establishing both qualitative and quantitative key results.

Game Design Fundamentals: The Formal Elements
Game Design Fundamentals: The  Formal ElementsGame Design Fundamentals: The  Formal Elements
Game Design Fundamentals: The Formal Elements

This document contains tweets from Christina Wodtke discussing game design fundamentals and concepts. It covers the 7 formal elements of games (players, objectives, outcomes, rules, procedures, resources, boundaries), mechanics and dynamics, and the MDA framework for understanding how games create experiences through their mechanics, dynamics and aesthetics. It also discusses elements that make games engaging like challenges, story, characters and conflict.

game designvideo gamesformal elements of games
Comunication & Storytelling for Product Managers (and anyone else)
Comunication & Storytelling for Product Managers (and anyone else)Comunication & Storytelling for Product Managers (and anyone else)
Comunication & Storytelling for Product Managers (and anyone else)

Half-Day Interactive Workshop “Get ready to actively participate in your transformation from product manager to product leader” A product manager rarely has any authority beyond what they can talk people into, thus we need to become really strong communicators. In this half-day interactive workshop, we’ll look at the three kinds of communication: managing up, team communications, and the very important roadshow for getting other groups onboard with your vision. We will use the power of story for formal communication and a combination of techniques from NVC (Harvard’s negotiation project) and the GSB’s “touchy feely” class to make sure your message gets through, and that we are listening effectively. This special half-day training workshop, with product author and lecturer, Christina Wodtke, is specifically designed for product managers who are looking to really level up their communications skills and who want to use story-telling to effectively communicate with others.

product managementcommunicationpersuasion
When you behavior I
reaction and it
What can we do about
Adjourning in
a Mindful
Pause, Evaluate, Correct
Formal Feedback
“Shorten your time through the Feedback Loop.”

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Influence Without Authority
Influence Without AuthorityInfluence Without Authority
Influence Without Authority

This document provides advice on how to influence others without direct authority. It recommends first listening to understand others' needs, wants, and definitions of success and failure. Norm-setting exercises can establish expectations for how groups will work together. Understanding different cultural maps and communication styles is also important. Speaking the language of the environment and finding ways to frame individual and group goals as shared ("make an US") can help build influence. Self-awareness of strengths, weaknesses, body language and how one is perceived by others also plays a role in wielding soft power over hard power.

Make the Complex Clear with Maps and Models
Make the Complex Clear with Maps and ModelsMake the Complex Clear with Maps and Models
Make the Complex Clear with Maps and Models

The document discusses different types of visual models for making sense of complex information and communicating concepts. It provides examples and descriptions of mind maps, concept maps, system maps, mental models, and concept models. For each model type, the document explains the purpose and provides one or more illustrative examples. It emphasizes that visual models are useful tools for gathering thoughts, organizing understanding, mapping systems, understanding mental models, and messaging complex ideas.

systems thinkingdesignux
It's complicated
It's complicatedIt's complicated
It's complicated

The problem with unexpected consequences is that they are unexpected. The time of "move fast and break things" is over, as we have broken everything from hearts to democracy. It's time for designers, along with their partners - engineers and business - to embrace a new long term approach to bringing change into the world, that focuses less on disruption and more on evolution. In this talk, Christina will explore various approaches to designing more robust and compassionate change.

Team Feedback
For Learning Teams
Team Check In
“Quarterly seems to be a good starting point though. Every month seems too
often (people get fed up with it, and the data doesn’t change fast enough to
warrant it). Bi-annually seems too seldom (too much happens within that
period). But, again, it varies.” – Spotify Labs
Carbon Five
Spotify Health
Check Model

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Design Strategies for Understanding
Design Strategies for UnderstandingDesign Strategies for Understanding
Design Strategies for Understanding

Lecture from Stanford's cs247 covering Metaphors, Visual Design and Interactions that support understanding.

designiainformation design
Visual Thinking Stanford Continuing Studies
Visual Thinking Stanford Continuing StudiesVisual Thinking Stanford Continuing Studies
Visual Thinking Stanford Continuing Studies

This document provides an overview of using visual models and drawings to communicate complex ideas and concepts. It discusses different types of visual models like mind maps, concept maps, system maps, mental models, and concept models. It provides examples of each type of model and encourages the reader to practice different drawing exercises, like drawing processes, comparisons, and conceptual models. The overall message is that visual models are effective ways to organize thinking, understand relationships, and communicate complex topics in a simple manner.

visual thinkingdesign thinkingdrawing
Lecture 010 Polishing the UI
Lecture 010 Polishing the UILecture 010 Polishing the UI
Lecture 010 Polishing the UI

Lecture from CS247 at Stanford on effect graphic design for UI. http://cs247.stanford.edu/2018-winter/

designgraphic designvisual design
Roll Your
1. List norms
2. Rate performance
3. Discuss
4. Decide on Changes
Team Member Feedback
Mindful Teams
• Sometimes I pretend
• Sometimes I’m afraid
• Sometimes I wonder
• Sometimes I try

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WIAD Boston
WIAD BostonWIAD Boston
WIAD Boston

The document discusses the history and importance of information architecture (IA). It notes that IA was initially an informal practice before becoming a recognized field. However, IA is now more crucial than ever to organize the massive amounts of digital information and data. The document warns that algorithms and search tools are not enough on their own. Effective IA requires considering how organization and classification can impact different groups, employing user-centered design, and acknowledging that IA decisions are political in nature. The overall message is that IA practitioners must work to make information structures meaningful, inclusive and support deeper understanding.

iainformation architecturedesign
Lean Teams are Learning Teams
Lean Teams are Learning TeamsLean Teams are Learning Teams
Lean Teams are Learning Teams

Given at Lean Startup 2017. Using Lean to Create High-Velocity Teams (Until 2:00pm) Great products come from great teams, yet very few companies try their hand at at team design. Too often we rip job descriptions off the web, throw people together without preamble, then simmer in passive-aggressive discontent until someone eventually fires the person we’ve all been rolling our eyes at. Or worse, we avoid firing him until everyone good quits. Can Lean show us a better way to get things done? Christina Wodtke teaches Lean Entrepreneurship at the university level and coaches executives how to create high-performing organizations. From this intersection she has helped a new kind of team emerge: the Lean Team. What is the Lean Team? -Hypothesizes about how we do our work, not just what work we’ll do. -Holds no ao assumptions about the best way to get things done. -Is constantly iterating. -Commits to peer-to-peer accountability and coaching. -Embraces diversity in experience and culture. -Engages in formal reflection to increase learning velocity. The best teams don’t just use Lean Startup methods to create breakthrough products. They use the learning cycle to reduce interpersonal conflict, communicate effectively, and get more done. In this breakout session, we’ll look at the best practices that high velocity, high-learning teams use, and how you can bring them back to your company. #enterprise #startup #leanteams

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Game Design Fundamentals Megadeck
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This was given as a 1.5 hour lecture to the MDES students at CCA, removing the opening game play and the later exercise. It's better at 2-3 one hour lectures, plus game play. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/

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Reboot Your Team
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1. Treat quarters as do-over
2. Set goals, roles and norms
3. Check weekly to make sure you
are living your intention
4. Correct: take time at the end of
the quarter and evaluate and
make major changes

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In school we learn to write as a fundamental building block for communication, and drawing is shunted away to “art class.” But scientists like Darwin and Marie Curie, presidents from Jefferson to Obama, and mathematicians, choreographers, and composers all have used sketching to give form to their ideas. Words are abstract and ambiguous, and can lead to miscommunication. We say a picture is worth a thousand words, so why do we discard this critical tool? Drawing is not just for so-called creatives. Drawing allows you to ideate, communicate, and collaborate with your team. Stop talking around your vision, and get it on the whiteboard where your team can see it! Whether you’re an entrepreneur, an engineer, or a product manager, drawing will make you better at your job. In this workshop, you will go from “can’t draw a straight line” to visually representing complex ideas. First, we’ll demystify the act of sketching. Through a series of activities and exercises, we’ll cover the fundamental building blocks of visual communication. You’ll learn easy ways to draw the most common images, from people to interfaces. Next, we’ll tackle making storyboards, product flows, and interfaces. We’ll finish by working with charts, mental models, and canvases. This is a hands-on workshop, so come with paper, pencils, and pens, and be ready to make your mark.

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Given at UXDC From Starchitects to Design Gurus, the lone designer-hero has been our model for creating impact. But it’s a complete lie. The complex software, smart devices and connected information environments we create require multidisciplinary teams. So we must spend a lot of time getting teamwork right, right? Sadly, no. Instead we rip job descriptions off the web, throw people together without preamble, simmer in passive-aggressive discontent until we eventually fire the person we’ve all been rolling our eyes at. Or worse, we avoid firing him until everyone good quits. It’s time to give teams the same attention and craft we give our products. Christina will share the lessons from top companies in the Silicon Valley for you to take back to your teams. It doesn’t matter if you are a manager or a peer leader, these approaches will make your team thrive. Awesome products come from awesome teams, so it’s time to stop doing business as usual and design a team for impact.

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This document provides an overview and discussion of topics related to developing a business from an initial idea, including: - Researching customer needs and validating ideas through frameworks and brainstorming techniques. - Customer development processes like validating minimum viable products and creating shared visions with teams. - Business model canvases, acquisition channels, revenue streams like marketplace, subscription and advertising models. - Pricing strategies like determining the unit of exchange and capturing customer value while driving desired behaviors. - Examples of pricing models for software and lessons on testing pricing through interviews and mockups.

business modellean startupbusiness
Be kind to everyone you meet, for they
too are fighting a great battle.”
Dr. John Watson (the real one)
@cwodtke | me@cwodtke.com
The Models
Reboot Your Team

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This document discusses how teaching game design can be used to teach interaction design. It provides examples of exercises used in classes that have students create simple paper prototype games to explore mechanics like movement, conflict, and feedback. The document argues that game design and interaction design require many of the same skills, including considering affordances, direct manipulation, conceptual models, information architecture, iteration and playtesting. Teaching game design helps students explore difficult topics and stretch their thinking in new directions. Core concepts from game design like mechanics, dynamics and aesthetics can also be applied to interaction design.

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Pricing sophistication - auto insurance telematics
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Pricing sophistication - auto insurance telematics
➒➌➎➏➑➐➋➑➐➐ Indian Matka Dpboss Matka boss otg
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