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How to Make a SharePoint
Site Intuitive
The Science of “Easy-to-Use”

Presented by Marcy Kellar
SharePoint Saturday New York City #SPSNYC
Your Speaker: Marcy Kellar
                  •   SharePoint Solution Architect at Perficient
                  •   Co-author of Beginning SharePoint Designer
                      2010 (Wrox, October 2010)
                  •   Professor, Art Institute, Intro to User Centered
                      Design” and “Usability Testing.”
                  •   Specialties include
                       –   SharePoint – Over 6 years experience
                       –   User experience design (UX)
                       –   SharePoint Branding and UI customization
                       –   Information architecture
                       –   Web content management
   Marcy Kellar        –   usability testing

                  Twitter: @marcykellar
                  Blog: http://thesharepointmuse.com
                  Linkedin: http://linkedin.com/in/marcykellar
What You Will Learn Today
• How to articulate and define “easy-to-use” (and how to
  measure it)
• Why your users do what they do
• Fundamentals and best practices in usability
• How to take advantage of current web conventions and
• The relationship between “easy-to-use”, psychology and
  user adoption
Designing Intuitive SharePoint Sites: The Science of "Easy to Use"
Designing Intuitive SharePoint Sites: The Science of "Easy to Use"
Designing Intuitive SharePoint Sites: The Science of "Easy to Use"
3 Things Must Be Defined For a Site To
Be “Easy To Use”
This Sink Should Be Easy to Use

Sink, 33rd floor, Hard Rock Hotel, Chicago April 2012
Define the User to make it “Easy to Use”

Sink, 33rd floor, Hard Rock Hotel, Chicago April 2012
Define the Task

Photo Courtesy icanhascheezburger.com
Defining Metrics
• What are you measuring?
   – Time to Task?
   – Completion?
   – User Satisfaction?
• Be Specific
   – %
   – Seconds
• How will you test?
   –   Feedback
   –   Survey
   –   Logs
   –   Usability Testing
Usability is a quality attribute that assesses how easy user interfaces are to
First Law of Usability
                   • Don’t Make Me THINK!!
                   • Thought Bubbles = The
                     Moment When User is
                     Pulled Out of Task
                   • Buy Steve Krug’s book,
                     “Don’t Make Me Think”
Fundamentals of Usability – The 5 E’s

•   Effective
•   Efficient
•   Engaging
•   Error Tolerant
•   Easy to Learn

Photo: Courtesy of http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Elephant_side-view_Kruger.jpg
Fundamentals of Usability – The 5 E’s
Effectiveness – Did you do what you said you were going to
Efficiency ISO 9241 defines efficiency as the total resources
expended in a task.
Engaging -An interface is engaging if it is pleasant and
satisfying to use.
Errors - Make it difficult to take incorrect actions. Make it difficult
to take invalid actions.
Easy to Learn – This one is the part people spend too much
time focusing on. So if your users have to think – make them
only think one time. Easy to learn can still be usable.

Testing Those Metrics
• Qualitative – Users
  provide anecdotal
  evidence; Informal;

• Quantitative – Data.
  Scientific. Don’t Really
  Need User. (Search Fails.
  404s. Logs)

Photo Courtesy of Fox Broadcasting Company
What 3 things should be defined to
successfully make a site “Easy to Use”
Better Requirement Definitions
• Efficient - "The system will improve user performance on expense
  tasks by 3 minutes"
• Effective - "Less than 5% of the registrations will have errors,
  omissions or inconsistencies requiring a follow-up contact by the
• Engaging - "At least 80% of employees will express comfort with
  using the online system rather than visiting the HR office."
• Error Tolerant – "The system will validate all housing, meal and
  tutorial choices and allow the user to confirm pricing for these
  options before completing the registration."
• Easy to Learn – "Users will be able to successfully complete a
  benefits calculation without needing any external instruction or help

Better Requirement Definitions for
“Easy to Use”
• Authors will be able to upload content daily without
• Content authors will report no more than 2 errors per
  month with content uploads
• Email Servers will reduce load by 50%
• Users will be able to complete expense reports 100% of
• Users will be able to complete expense reports without
  errors after receiving training.
What You Design For…

    Steve Krug, Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability
The Reality…

     Steve Krug, Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability
Questions Users Ask
•   What type of site is this?
•   Have I experienced a site like this
•   Have I been to this site before?
•   Where am I?
•   Where have I been?
Questions Users Ask
•   What type of site is this?
•   Have I experienced a site like this
•   Have I been to this site before?
•   Where am I?
•   Where have I been?

                      The answers to these questions are generally
                      first conveyed to the user through visual design.
Intuitive =
Readily learned or
Defining the Intuitive Factor

 What Your Users         What You Want
 Already Know           Your Users To Do

  Current                    Target
  Knowledge                  Knowledge
Defining the Intuitive Factor

 What Your Users          What You Want
 Already Know            Your Users To Do

  Current                     Target
  Knowledge                   Knowledge
Intuitive Sites
• Intuitiveness is based on the user’s current knowledge
• Design around users expectations
• Learn Design Patterns
• Follow Visual Design Best Practices
• Be Consistent
Get Inside Users Minds

Photo Courtesy iStock
“If I had asked people what they
wanted, they would have said faster
 Henry Ford
Users spend most of their
   time on other sites

     Jakob's Law of the Web User Experience
What Users Expect: Conventions

Found at Universal Usability Guidelines
Users don’t like to feel
                dum b

   ~Marcy Kellar and basic general psychology
“We find that people quickly evaluate
 a site by visual design alone.”
               ~ Stanford Guidelines for Web Credibility,
Visual Design
 Isn't About
Making Things
Visual Design
The Presentation Ecosystem

  • Educate users                                         • Maintain consistency to create
  • Establish relationships between                         a sense of place
    content                                               • Effectively convey your
                                                            message to your audience
  • Guide users through actions
                                                          • Emotional impact
  • Focus user attention
  • Make organizational systems clear                     • Engage and invite
                                                          • Give sites a unique personality
  • Provide situational awareness
  Slide Based on information created by Luke Wroblewski
Visual Design Communicates
• Relationships
• Importance
• Relevance
Organizes Information
Conveys Relationships
1. Clear Visual Hierarchy

                            2. Unclear Visual Hierarchy

   Provides Visual Hierarchy
Take Aways
•   “Easy to Use” is not a good enough definition to make it so
•   Usability must be considered at the beginning of a project
•   Usability metrics can be defined by anecdotes or data
•   To build something intuitive means understanding how users think and what
    they expect
•   Anyone can make a SharePoint site easy to use by considering the user, task
    and defining how it will be measured.
•   Users adopt what is easy and engaging
•   If you don’t have user information follow web conventions for where to place
    items, follow visual design guidelines and consider usability
•   Visual design communicates many things to the user before one word is read
Where To Find Me
• Twitter: @marcykellar
• Blog: http://thesharepointmuse.com
• Linkedin: http://linkedin.com/in/marcykellar
•   useit.com                              •   10 Useful Usability Findings and Guidelines
•   boxesandarrows.com                     •   20 Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Web Design

•   uxmatters.com                          •   Usability – More than Ease of Use

•   uxmag.com                              •   http://designingwebinterfaces.com/

•   Usability.gov                          •   Gestalt Principles of Design

•   Usability.net                          •   The Gestalt Principle: Design Theory for
                                               Web Designers
•   Usability Professional’s Association

•   Universal Usability Guidelines

•   Standard Web Components
Resources: Design Patterns
• http://patternry.com

• http://ui-patterns.com

• http://mobile-patterns.com

• QUINCE: X Patterns Explorer

• Interaction Design Pattern Library

• Pattern Tap

• http://designingsocialinterfaces.com/patterns/

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Designing Intuitive SharePoint Sites: The Science of "Easy to Use"

  • 1. How to Make a SharePoint Site Intuitive The Science of “Easy-to-Use” Presented by Marcy Kellar SharePoint Saturday New York City #SPSNYC
  • 2. Your Speaker: Marcy Kellar • SharePoint Solution Architect at Perficient • Co-author of Beginning SharePoint Designer 2010 (Wrox, October 2010) • Professor, Art Institute, Intro to User Centered Design” and “Usability Testing.” • Specialties include – SharePoint – Over 6 years experience – User experience design (UX) – SharePoint Branding and UI customization – Information architecture – Web content management Marcy Kellar – usability testing Twitter: @marcykellar Blog: http://thesharepointmuse.com Linkedin: http://linkedin.com/in/marcykellar
  • 3. What You Will Learn Today • How to articulate and define “easy-to-use” (and how to measure it) • Why your users do what they do • Fundamentals and best practices in usability • How to take advantage of current web conventions and patterns • The relationship between “easy-to-use”, psychology and user adoption
  • 7. 3 Things Must Be Defined For a Site To Be “Easy To Use”
  • 8. This Sink Should Be Easy to Use Sink, 33rd floor, Hard Rock Hotel, Chicago April 2012
  • 9. Define the User to make it “Easy to Use” Sink, 33rd floor, Hard Rock Hotel, Chicago April 2012
  • 10. Define the Task Photo Courtesy icanhascheezburger.com
  • 11. Defining Metrics • What are you measuring? – Time to Task? – Completion? – User Satisfaction? • Be Specific – % – Seconds • How will you test? – Feedback – Survey – Logs – Usability Testing
  • 12. USABILITY Usability is a quality attribute that assesses how easy user interfaces are to use.
  • 13. First Law of Usability • Don’t Make Me THINK!! • Thought Bubbles = The Moment When User is Pulled Out of Task • Buy Steve Krug’s book, “Don’t Make Me Think”
  • 14. Fundamentals of Usability – The 5 E’s • Effective • Efficient • Engaging • Error Tolerant • Easy to Learn Photo: Courtesy of http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Elephant_side-view_Kruger.jpg
  • 15. Fundamentals of Usability – The 5 E’s Effectiveness – Did you do what you said you were going to do? Efficiency ISO 9241 defines efficiency as the total resources expended in a task. Engaging -An interface is engaging if it is pleasant and satisfying to use. Errors - Make it difficult to take incorrect actions. Make it difficult to take invalid actions. Easy to Learn – This one is the part people spend too much time focusing on. So if your users have to think – make them only think one time. Easy to learn can still be usable. http://www.wqusability.com/articles/more-than-ease-of-use.html
  • 16. Testing Those Metrics • Qualitative – Users provide anecdotal evidence; Informal; “feedback” • Quantitative – Data. Scientific. Don’t Really Need User. (Search Fails. 404s. Logs) Photo Courtesy of Fox Broadcasting Company
  • 17. QUESTION: What 3 things should be defined to successfully make a site “Easy to Use”
  • 18. Better Requirement Definitions • Efficient - "The system will improve user performance on expense tasks by 3 minutes" • Effective - "Less than 5% of the registrations will have errors, omissions or inconsistencies requiring a follow-up contact by the staff." • Engaging - "At least 80% of employees will express comfort with using the online system rather than visiting the HR office." • Error Tolerant – "The system will validate all housing, meal and tutorial choices and allow the user to confirm pricing for these options before completing the registration." • Easy to Learn – "Users will be able to successfully complete a benefits calculation without needing any external instruction or help screens." http://www.wqusability.com/articles/more-than-ease-of-use.html
  • 19. Better Requirement Definitions for “Easy to Use” • Authors will be able to upload content daily without complaint • Content authors will report no more than 2 errors per month with content uploads • Email Servers will reduce load by 50% • Users will be able to complete expense reports 100% of attempts. • Users will be able to complete expense reports without errors after receiving training.
  • 21. What You Design For… Steve Krug, Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability
  • 22. The Reality… Steve Krug, Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability
  • 23. Questions Users Ask • What type of site is this? • Have I experienced a site like this before? • Have I been to this site before? • Where am I? • Where have I been?
  • 24. Questions Users Ask • What type of site is this? • Have I experienced a site like this before? • Have I been to this site before? • Where am I? • Where have I been? The answers to these questions are generally first conveyed to the user through visual design.
  • 26. Defining the Intuitive Factor What Your Users What You Want Already Know Your Users To Do Current Target Knowledge Knowledge
  • 27. Defining the Intuitive Factor What Your Users What You Want Already Know Your Users To Do GAP Current Target Knowledge Knowledge
  • 28. Intuitive Sites • Intuitiveness is based on the user’s current knowledge • Design around users expectations • Learn Design Patterns • Follow Visual Design Best Practices • Be Consistent
  • 29. Get Inside Users Minds Photo Courtesy iStock
  • 30. “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” Henry Ford
  • 31. Users spend most of their time on other sites Jakob's Law of the Web User Experience
  • 32. What Users Expect: Conventions Found at Universal Usability Guidelines
  • 33. Users don’t like to feel dum b ~Marcy Kellar and basic general psychology
  • 35. “We find that people quickly evaluate a site by visual design alone.” ~ Stanford Guidelines for Web Credibility,
  • 36. Visual Design Isn't About Making Things “Pretty”
  • 38. The Presentation Ecosystem • Educate users • Maintain consistency to create • Establish relationships between a sense of place content • Effectively convey your message to your audience • Guide users through actions • Emotional impact • Focus user attention • Make organizational systems clear • Engage and invite • Give sites a unique personality • Provide situational awareness Slide Based on information created by Luke Wroblewski
  • 41. Brand
  • 44. Visual Design Communicates • Relationships • Importance • Relevance
  • 47. 1. Clear Visual Hierarchy 2. Unclear Visual Hierarchy Provides Visual Hierarchy
  • 48. Take Aways • “Easy to Use” is not a good enough definition to make it so • Usability must be considered at the beginning of a project • Usability metrics can be defined by anecdotes or data • To build something intuitive means understanding how users think and what they expect • Anyone can make a SharePoint site easy to use by considering the user, task and defining how it will be measured. • Users adopt what is easy and engaging • If you don’t have user information follow web conventions for where to place items, follow visual design guidelines and consider usability • Visual design communicates many things to the user before one word is read
  • 50. Where To Find Me • Twitter: @marcykellar • Blog: http://thesharepointmuse.com • Linkedin: http://linkedin.com/in/marcykellar
  • 51. Resources • useit.com • 10 Useful Usability Findings and Guidelines • boxesandarrows.com • 20 Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Web Design • uxmatters.com • Usability – More than Ease of Use • uxmag.com • http://designingwebinterfaces.com/ • Usability.gov • Gestalt Principles of Design • Usability.net • The Gestalt Principle: Design Theory for Web Designers • Usability Professional’s Association • Universal Usability Guidelines • Standard Web Components
  • 52. Resources: Design Patterns • http://patternry.com • http://ui-patterns.com • http://mobile-patterns.com • QUINCE: X Patterns Explorer • Interaction Design Pattern Library • Pattern Tap • http://designingsocialinterfaces.com/patterns/