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DSM 5: Conditions for further study
Lavanya, Lehar, Natasha, Shruti, Rupali
 2013 update to APA’s Classification
and Diagnostic tool.
 Published on May 18, 2013,
superseding the DSM-IV-TR,
published in 2000.
 Three Sections –
o Section I: Describes chapter
organization, change from the
multiaxial system, and Section III's
dimensional assessments
o Section II: Covers the diagostic
o Section III: Conditions that need
additional research, a glossary
of terms, and other important
 Major Changes –
o No more Multiaxial Assessment
o Restructured Order of Chapters
o New Diagnoses
o Revised Diagnoses
o Conditions for Further Study
Conditions for Further
 Proposed criteria sets for conditions on
which research encouraged
 Set by expert consensus
 Intended to provide a common language
for researchers and clinicians
 Not intended for clinical use
 Following conditions were included –
o Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome
o Depressive Episodes With Short-
Duration Hypomania
o Persistent Complex Bereavement
o Caffeine Use Disorder
o Internet Gaming Disorder
o Neurobehavioral Disorder Associated
With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
o Suicidal Behavior Disorder
o Nonsuicidal Self-Injury
Caffeine Use Disorder
 Caffeine – World’s most widely used
psychoactive substance
 Present in tea, coffee, cocoa beverages,
chocolate bars, soft drinks
 Stimulant
 Legal and Unregulated
 Adults – Coffee
 Children – Soft Drinks
 Mood altering effects depend on the
amount consumed and whether
individual physically dependent or
 People continue to use caffeine
despite medical or psychological
problems to avoid withdrawal
Caffeine Use Disorder
 Withdrawal symptoms –
o Headache
o Irritability
o Inability to concentrate
o Drowsiness
o Insomnia
o Pain in the stomach,
upper body, joints
 These may appear within
12-24 hours after
 Usually last from 1-5 days
Prevelance Rate
 Hughes and colleague(1998)
- This study found that 30%
of 162 current caffeine users
fulfilled the DSM
IV diagnosis for Substance
 Burgalassi et al. (2009) -
Interviewed 58 female
patients with eating
disorders, 16 % of these
patients met the DSM IV
criteria for Substance
Dependence applied to
 Mood disorders and other
substance abuses coexist with
caffeine disorders. Some studies
report 50% comorbidity.
 Lucas et al (1990) - Tested
patients with chronic
schizophrenia with 10 mg/kg,
which led to increased psychosis,
thought disorder, unusual
thought content, and euphoria-
activation. In these patients,
anxiety was not increased by
caffeine, which may be particular
to patients with schizophrenia,
but may also be related to
concurrent treatment with
Biological Factors
Genetic Factors
 Inducer of anxiety at higher doses
(Green & Suls, 1996)
 Axiogenic effect influenced by
individual factors
 Individuals with the 1976T/T
genotypes for A2A adenosine
receptors reported greater increases
in anxiety after caffeine
administration than the other
genotypic groups (Alsene et al.,
 This genotype associated with less
caffeine intake (Comelis, 2007)
 In Western Population (Hamilton et
al., 2004), but not Asians (Yamada
et al., 2001)
Biological Factors
 Twin studies - heritability of caffeine-
related traits range between 0.36 and 0.58
(Yang et al., 2010)
 Twin resemblance for caffeine
consumption, use, intoxication, tolerance
and withdrawal ascribed solely to
genetic factors, with estimated broad
heritabilities of between 35% and 77%.
(Kendler & Prescott, 1999)
 The magnitude of heritability for caffeine
dependence markers is similar to those
for nicotine and alcohol (Kendler et al.,
 Women with a lifetime diagnosis of
caffeine dependence and a family history
of alcoholism had higher levels of
caffeine use and lower rates of
abstinence throughout pregnancy (Svikis
et al., 2005)
Biological Factors
 Caffeine acts as an
 Stimulates
dopaminergic activity
 Paraxanthine and its
Psychological Factors
Behavioral Factors
 Subjective Effects
 Reinforcement
 Conditioned Taste
 Withdrawal
 Tolerance
 No defined treatment option.
 Some researchers (Juliano et al., 2012)
believe the disorder should have similar
treatment approaches in the future as
those people who seek treatment for
substance use disorders.
 Switching types of drink or choosing
decaffeinated drinks.
 Twelve-step program
 medical treatment for exacerbated
physical issues like insomnia,
hypertension etc.
 Juliano and colleagues reported that 47%
of 258 individuals seeking treatment for
caffeine use were interested in one-on-
one counseling, 12% were interested in
group counseling, 25% were interested
in a self-help booklet, and 4% were
interested in phone-based assistance.
Indian Context
 Not much research done in the Indian
 Sharma & Poornima (2015) conducted
a study on the pattern of caffeine use
among teenagers in Bangalore.
 Findings :
o Dairy Milk chocolate most frequently
o Espresso least frequently consumed
o 54.5% expressed a strong desire to
consume caffeinated products
o Withdrawal symptoms, functional
impairment, and craving were cited as
reasons they failed to eliminate or cut
back on caffeine use.
Indian Context
o It includes disturbing social
functioning (5.7%), family
functioning (7.5%), and academic
performance (7.5%).
o 6.6% had a life time abstinence
from caffeine products, which
includes tea (4.7%), coffee,
chocolate and energy drinks
o They attributed its maintenance
of use to personal reasons and
stress (64.3%), interpersonal
disturbance (30.2%), and media
o 14.6% also had the history of use
of other substances like tobacco
and alcohol.
Internet Gaming
 Condition for Further
Study in the DSM-5
(APA 2013)
 Persistent and recurrent
use of the Internet to
engage in games, often
with other players,
leading to clinically
significant impairment
or distress
Diagnostic Criteria
 Preoccupation with such games
 Withdrawal symptoms of irritability,
anxiety, or sadness
 Development of tolerance
 Unsuccessful attempts to control the
 Loss of interest in other activities
 Continued excessive use despite
knowledge of psychosocial problems
 Deceiving others regarding the
amount of time spent gaming
 Use of this behavior to escape or
relieve a negative mood
 Jeopardizing/losing a significant
Diagnostic Criteria
 For a diagnosis of IGD,
the DSM-5 requires at
least five of the nine
criteria for IGD. In
contrast, it requires only
two criteria for a
diagnosis of substance
use disorder.
 Internet-based gambling
is not included in the
diagnostic criteria
 IGD and casual gaming
Year Location Sample Age Prevalan
ce rate (
% )
Kim et
2006 South
15-16 1.6 F = M
1 : 1
Cao and
2007 China 2620
12-18 2.4 M > F
5 : 1
et al.
2008 Greece 2200
12 – 18 8.2 M > F
3 : 1
et al.
2009 Norway 3399
16 – 74 1.0 M > F
2 : 1
2010 Australi
15 – 54 4.6 M > F
1.5 : 1
Table showing prevalence rate
and gender differences in IGD
 More prevalent in Asian countries than in North
America and Europe.
(APA, 2013 ; Ramos et al , 2014)
Table showing prevalence rate
and gender differences in IGD
 A systematic review identified 20
 Of all studies,
75% reported significant
correlations of problematic
internet use with Depression,
57% with Anxiety,
100% of the studies with
symptoms of ADHD,
60% with OCD symptopms,
66% with hostility or aggression.
 No associations with social
 Asociations higher among males
(Carli et al, 2013 )
Biological Factors
 Cue-induced reactivity over
the parahippocampus,
anterior cingulate,
precuneus, and DLPFC
 Higher brain activation
when processing response
inhibition over the left
orbital frontal lobe and
bilateral caudate nucleus.
 Additionally, activation over
the right insula in response
to error processing was
lower in the IGD group than
in the control group.(Ko et
al. , 2009)
Biological Factors
 Impaired functional
connectivity in the
subcortical region
(Hong et al., 2013)
 Increased regional
homogenity over the
Psychological Factors
 Cognitive-behavioural
- Davis (2001):
Problematic cognitions +
behaviours that intensify
/ maintain maladaptive
responses = pathological
internet use.
Maladaptive cognitions
Thoughts about self Thoughts about world
Psychological Factors
 Caplan (2010)
Cognitive features
Preference for
online social
interaction (POSI)
Psychological Factors
 Achievement,
reputation and
admiration from the
gaming community.
 Escapism
 Modeling
 Cognitive Behavior
Therapy (CBT)
 Self-Help Programs
 Family Counseling and
Psychological Education
 Following Approved
Medications is
Anxiolytics, Mood
Stabilizers, and
Indian Context
 Goel et al (2013) conducted a study on
the prevalence of internet addiction
and its association with
psychopathology in indian
adolescents. 987 students of various
faculties across the city of Mumbai
were assessed with a specially
constructed semi- structured performa
and The Internet Addiction Test (IAT ;
Young, 1998). Dukes Health Profile
was used to study physical and
psychosocial quality of life of
Findings : of the total, 74.5% were
moderate users. 0.7% were found to
be addicts. Those with excessive use
internet had high scores on anxiety
and depression
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (Fifth Edition): Caffeine Use Disorder & Internet Gaming Disorder

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Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (Fifth Edition): Caffeine Use Disorder & Internet Gaming Disorder

  • 1. DSM 5: Conditions for further study Lavanya, Lehar, Natasha, Shruti, Rupali
  • 2.  DSM V  2013 update to APA’s Classification and Diagnostic tool.  Published on May 18, 2013, superseding the DSM-IV-TR, published in 2000.  Three Sections – o Section I: Describes chapter organization, change from the multiaxial system, and Section III's dimensional assessments o Section II: Covers the diagostic categories o Section III: Conditions that need additional research, a glossary of terms, and other important information
  • 3.  DSM V  Major Changes – o No more Multiaxial Assessment System o Restructured Order of Chapters o New Diagnoses o Revised Diagnoses o Conditions for Further Study
  • 4.  Conditions for Further Study  Proposed criteria sets for conditions on which research encouraged  Set by expert consensus  Intended to provide a common language for researchers and clinicians  Not intended for clinical use  Following conditions were included – o Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome o Depressive Episodes With Short- Duration Hypomania o Persistent Complex Bereavement Disorder o Caffeine Use Disorder o Internet Gaming Disorder o Neurobehavioral Disorder Associated With Prenatal Alcohol Exposure o Suicidal Behavior Disorder o Nonsuicidal Self-Injury
  • 5.  Caffeine Use Disorder  Caffeine – World’s most widely used psychoactive substance  Present in tea, coffee, cocoa beverages, chocolate bars, soft drinks  Stimulant  Legal and Unregulated  Adults – Coffee  Children – Soft Drinks  Mood altering effects depend on the amount consumed and whether individual physically dependent or tolerant  People continue to use caffeine despite medical or psychological problems to avoid withdrawal symptoms
  • 6.  Caffeine Use Disorder  Withdrawal symptoms – o Headache o Irritability o Inability to concentrate o Drowsiness o Insomnia o Pain in the stomach, upper body, joints  These may appear within 12-24 hours after discontinuation  Usually last from 1-5 days
  • 7.  Prevelance Rate  Hughes and colleague(1998) - This study found that 30% of 162 current caffeine users fulfilled the DSM IV diagnosis for Substance Dependence.  Burgalassi et al. (2009) - Interviewed 58 female patients with eating disorders, 16 % of these patients met the DSM IV criteria for Substance Dependence applied to caffeine.
  • 8.  Comorbidity  Mood disorders and other substance abuses coexist with caffeine disorders. Some studies report 50% comorbidity.  Lucas et al (1990) - Tested patients with chronic schizophrenia with 10 mg/kg, which led to increased psychosis, thought disorder, unusual thought content, and euphoria- activation. In these patients, anxiety was not increased by caffeine, which may be particular to patients with schizophrenia, but may also be related to concurrent treatment with antipsychotics.
  • 9.  Biological Factors Genetic Factors  Inducer of anxiety at higher doses (Green & Suls, 1996)  Axiogenic effect influenced by individual factors  Individuals with the 1976T/T genotypes for A2A adenosine receptors reported greater increases in anxiety after caffeine administration than the other genotypic groups (Alsene et al., 2003)  This genotype associated with less caffeine intake (Comelis, 2007)  In Western Population (Hamilton et al., 2004), but not Asians (Yamada et al., 2001)
  • 10.  Biological Factors  Twin studies - heritability of caffeine- related traits range between 0.36 and 0.58 (Yang et al., 2010)  Twin resemblance for caffeine consumption, use, intoxication, tolerance and withdrawal ascribed solely to genetic factors, with estimated broad heritabilities of between 35% and 77%. (Kendler & Prescott, 1999)  The magnitude of heritability for caffeine dependence markers is similar to those for nicotine and alcohol (Kendler et al., 2008)  Women with a lifetime diagnosis of caffeine dependence and a family history of alcoholism had higher levels of caffeine use and lower rates of abstinence throughout pregnancy (Svikis et al., 2005)
  • 11.  Biological Factors Neurotransmitters  Caffeine acts as an antagonist  Stimulates dopaminergic activity  Paraxanthine and its effects
  • 12.  Psychological Factors Behavioral Factors  Subjective Effects  Reinforcement  Conditioned Taste Preference  Withdrawal  Tolerance
  • 13.  Treatment  No defined treatment option.  Some researchers (Juliano et al., 2012) believe the disorder should have similar treatment approaches in the future as those people who seek treatment for substance use disorders.  Switching types of drink or choosing decaffeinated drinks.  Twelve-step program  medical treatment for exacerbated physical issues like insomnia, hypertension etc.  Juliano and colleagues reported that 47% of 258 individuals seeking treatment for caffeine use were interested in one-on- one counseling, 12% were interested in group counseling, 25% were interested in a self-help booklet, and 4% were interested in phone-based assistance.
  • 14.  Indian Context  Not much research done in the Indian context  Sharma & Poornima (2015) conducted a study on the pattern of caffeine use among teenagers in Bangalore.  Findings : o Dairy Milk chocolate most frequently consumed o Espresso least frequently consumed o 54.5% expressed a strong desire to consume caffeinated products o Withdrawal symptoms, functional impairment, and craving were cited as reasons they failed to eliminate or cut back on caffeine use.
  • 15.  Indian Context o It includes disturbing social functioning (5.7%), family functioning (7.5%), and academic performance (7.5%). o 6.6% had a life time abstinence from caffeine products, which includes tea (4.7%), coffee, chocolate and energy drinks (18%). o They attributed its maintenance of use to personal reasons and stress (64.3%), interpersonal disturbance (30.2%), and media (7.5%). o 14.6% also had the history of use of other substances like tobacco and alcohol.
  • 16.  Internet Gaming Disorder  Condition for Further Study in the DSM-5 (APA 2013)  Persistent and recurrent use of the Internet to engage in games, often with other players, leading to clinically significant impairment or distress
  • 17.  Diagnostic Criteria  Preoccupation with such games  Withdrawal symptoms of irritability, anxiety, or sadness  Development of tolerance  Unsuccessful attempts to control the behavior  Loss of interest in other activities  Continued excessive use despite knowledge of psychosocial problems  Deceiving others regarding the amount of time spent gaming  Use of this behavior to escape or relieve a negative mood  Jeopardizing/losing a significant relationship/job/educational opportunity
  • 18.  Diagnostic Criteria  For a diagnosis of IGD, the DSM-5 requires at least five of the nine criteria for IGD. In contrast, it requires only two criteria for a diagnosis of substance use disorder.  Internet-based gambling is not included in the diagnostic criteria  IGD and casual gaming
  • 19.  Researc her Year Location Sample Age Prevalan ce rate ( % ) Gender Ratio Kim et al. 2006 South Korea 1573 students 15-16 1.6 F = M 1 : 1 Cao and Su 2007 China 2620 students 12-18 2.4 M > F 5 : 1 Siomos et al. 2008 Greece 2200 students 12 – 18 8.2 M > F 3 : 1 Bakken et al. 2009 Norway 3399 adults 16 – 74 1.0 M > F 2 : 1 Thomas and Martin 2010 Australi a 1326 students 15 – 54 4.6 M > F 1.5 : 1 Table showing prevalence rate and gender differences in IGD
  • 20.   More prevalent in Asian countries than in North America and Europe. (APA, 2013 ; Ramos et al , 2014) Table showing prevalence rate and gender differences in IGD
  • 21.  Comorbidity  A systematic review identified 20 studies.  Of all studies, 75% reported significant correlations of problematic internet use with Depression, 57% with Anxiety, 100% of the studies with symptoms of ADHD, 60% with OCD symptopms, 66% with hostility or aggression.  No associations with social phobia.  Asociations higher among males (Carli et al, 2013 ) IGD Depression OCD ADHD Anxiety Hostility
  • 22.  Biological Factors  Cue-induced reactivity over the parahippocampus, anterior cingulate, precuneus, and DLPFC  Higher brain activation when processing response inhibition over the left orbital frontal lobe and bilateral caudate nucleus.  Additionally, activation over the right insula in response to error processing was lower in the IGD group than in the control group.(Ko et al. , 2009)
  • 23.  Biological Factors  Impaired functional connectivity in the subcortical region (Hong et al., 2013)  Increased regional homogenity over the cerebellum
  • 24.  Psychological Factors  Cognitive-behavioural models - Davis (2001): Problematic cognitions + behaviours that intensify / maintain maladaptive responses = pathological internet use. Maladaptive cognitions Thoughts about self Thoughts about world
  • 25.  Psychological Factors  Caplan (2010) Cognitive features Preference for online social interaction (POSI) Preoccupation
  • 26.  Psychological Factors  Achievement, reputation and admiration from the gaming community.  Escapism  Modeling
  • 27.  Treatment  Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)  Self-Help Programs  Family Counseling and Psychological Education Therapies  Following Approved Medications is recommended: Antidepressants, Anxiolytics, Mood Stabilizers, and Naltrexone.
  • 28.  Indian Context  Goel et al (2013) conducted a study on the prevalence of internet addiction and its association with psychopathology in indian adolescents. 987 students of various faculties across the city of Mumbai were assessed with a specially constructed semi- structured performa and The Internet Addiction Test (IAT ; Young, 1998). Dukes Health Profile was used to study physical and psychosocial quality of life of students. Findings : of the total, 74.5% were moderate users. 0.7% were found to be addicts. Those with excessive use internet had high scores on anxiety and depression