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Essay Outline Samples
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essay Outline Samples" presents a unique set of challenges
that can make the process quite intricate. First and foremost, it requires a comprehensive
understanding of the topic itself, which involves delving into various types of essay outlines and
their specific purposes. This task demands not only a strong grasp of the subject matter but also
the ability to articulate thoughts coherently.
One of the difficulties lies in selecting appropriate examples to illustrate different types of essay
outlines. This involves a meticulous review of a myriad of samples, ensuring that each one aligns
with the specific type of essay being discussed. Moreover, one must navigate the fine line
between providing enough detail to elucidate the point and avoiding unnecessary information
that may dilute the clarity of the essay.
Creating a coherent structure is another challenge. Crafting an effective essay outline on essay
outlines requires a meta-awareness of how to organize thoughts and ideas logically. It involves
synthesizing information from various sources and weaving them into a seamless narrative that
guides the reader through the different facets of essay outlines.
Additionally, striking the right balance between theory and practical application can be complex.
While it's crucial to provide theoretical insights into the importance of essay outlines,
incorporating practical examples is equally vital. This necessitates a careful curation of real-world
instances that not only serve as illustrations but also enhance the reader's understanding of the
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Essay Outline Samples" demands a combination of research,
critical thinking, and effective communication skills. It involves navigating through the
intricacies of the topic, selecting suitable examples, and structuring the essay in a way that is
both informative and engaging. Despite the challenges, mastering the art of crafting such essays
can significantly enhance one's writing skills.
For those seeking assistance in tackling similar essay challenges, various resources are available.
Similar essays and more can be ordered on platforms like HelpWriting.net, providing valuable
support in navigating the complexities of essay writing.
Essay Outline Samples Essay Outline Samples
The Operating System ( Os )
The operating system (OS) has two view points it provides services to:
1.User view
2.System view
User view: From user point of view operating system should be convenient and easy
to use and interact with. It should be better performance vice. Following are the two,
some of important services provided by the operating system that are designed for
easy to use computer system.
a)Program Execution: The major purpose of the operating system is to allow the user
to execute programs easily. The operating system provides an environment where
users can conveniently run or execute programs and as well as able to end programs.
Running programs involves memory management (the allocation and de allocation
memory), device management, processor ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
sensors, motion detectors etc.). Almost all programs require some sort of input and
produces output. This involves the use of I/O operations. The operating system hides
the low level hardware communication for I/O operations from the user. User only
specifies device and the operation to perform, and only see that I/O has been
performed (i.e. choosing one of the printer in office for printing service). For security
and efficiency, user level programs cannot control I/O operations. Therefore, the
operating system must facilitate these services.
System view: From a system point of view operating system should allocate
resources (use system hardware) in a fair and efficient manner. This includes
algorithms for CPUs scheduling and avoiding deadlocks etc. Following are two
services for system hardware.
a)Resource Allocation: Modern computers are capable of running multiple programs
and can be used by multiple users at the same time. Resources allocation
/management is the dynamic allocation and de allocation by the operating system of
(hardware) including processors, memory pages, and various types of bandwidth to
the computation that compete for those resources. Operating system kernel, in which
all these functions, algorithms and services reside, is in charge of taking care of
resource allocation. The objective is to allocate resources so as to optimise
responsiveness subject to the finite resources available.
Renee Napier In William Shakespeare s Twelfth Night
Olivia Renee Napier, it s a pretty important name! If I wasn t Olivia I would be
Megan, Megan Renee Napier. I just can t see that! I am Olivia Renee Napier.
Napier is Scottish, it is derived from naperer which in Medieval times is a person
that sold or produced linen. My middle name, Renee (Ruh Nay), is the French
spelling, which means reborn or rebirth there are other forms such as Renae, or
Rene. Now my first name, Olivia, was first used in William Shakespeare s Twelfth
Night . Oliva is also the Latin root word meaning, olive. Olivia was the fourth most
popular name in Ohio, circa 2004. So there are probably a lot of twelve to thirteen
year old Olivia s out there, but there is only one Olivia Renee Napier. Was there
anything unique... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Mr.Finkbine may occasionally be grouchy but his students never see it because he
s learned to look past that. I strive to be as upbeat and positive He also has great
messages to spread, everything he told the 2016 17 Starlet Rams I took to heart. I
truly believe that myself emotionally and socially changed drastically because of
the boost in confidence that I had. Basically what I am trying to say is thank you
Mr.Finkbine, for always being yourself. You have helped me a lot. My advice shall
be given to my best friend who shall remain unnamed to maybe help her out . . .
Please do not spend all of your time in a spiral of shame and regret it really is not
healthy. You re growing up too fast, slow down! You are your worst critic, and I m
my worst critic but you can t spend time reflecting on your flaws, you need to
spend time basking in your perfections. You get stressed (and I understand) you
want to be a golden child, bulletproof and overall perfect! But let me tell ya you re
not and it s ok! Your skin, body, personality and so much more shouldn t have to be
perfect for you to be comfortable with who you are. I m not saying I m perfect and I
never bring myself down, I do and I know you know that. What I am saying is that
you need to learn to pick yourself up. And if you can t I m always here for
Mexican Market Revolution Essay
The Market Revolution in the America was characterized by the development of
technology and the desire to maximize profit. To achieve maximum profit,
Americans turned to illegal means to acquire cheap labor and land. In the case of
the Mexicans, Americans saw the abundance of raw materials in California and
Texas and annexed the territories through border dispute. The Mexican landowners
were left vulnerable to the American legal structures and lost the title to their lands.
Once landowners, the Mexican became the cheap labor for the Americans and some
even became the workers on the land they once owned. Taking a hard look at the
core of the Market Revolution, one will find that the revolution was rooted in greed.
After United Stateswon the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Around sixty ranchers submitted a petition to the Congress protesting the unfair legal
process that each landowner had to go through to prove their claims to the lands.
Although this petition did not stop the legal structures from continuing to exploit the
vulnerability of the Mexicans, it undoubtedly reflected the stark contrast between the
lives of Mexicans before and after entering the American society, served as a
criticism and a challenge for the unjust legal system, and demonstrated that the
Mexicans were very capable of standing up for themselves, as opposed to being
submissive. Aside from this petition, many of the dispossessed Mexicans formed a
community of the dispossessed where they shared their experiences and stories and
showed support for each other (Takaki 169). Through sharing their stories with others,
their stories were passed down to the future generations and through these stories,
history was preserved. Both the petition and the community worked to shed light
upon the inequality in United States, and how the legal system contradicted itself by
serving as the tool of discrimination while advocating for the equality of all
Keys to Win the Cola War with Innovative Marketing
Product Mix: Key to Winning the Cola War Pepsi and Coca Cola have stood the
test of time through one of the strongest competition rivalries ever seen in the
business world. Each time that one of these beverage giants makes an innovative
move to conquer a new or existing beverage market, the other is quick to respond
with even better innovations or products. Through the years, each of these
companies have heralded fabulous discoveries and absolute flops as they continued
their endless search for the right mix of products that might someday give them the
largest market share in an ever growing and ever needed market. The results so far
have been increased competitiveness and long product lines for both companies. In
this essay, I... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Pepsi and Coke have also been targeting this growing consumer market in their
soda lines with new innovations of low or no carb drinks such as Pepsi Edge3 and
Coke s C24, as well as reinvigorations of their already no carb diet drinks. So where
do the sports drinks fit into this low carb craze? The answer is they don t. Each of
these sports drinks is packed with enough carbohydrates to equal a liquid potato,
making them nothing but a memory for people whose daily carb intake is down to
20 60 grams.5 Thus, we have a void in the beverage market that is not being filled.
Further deepening this void is the fact that people losing weight tend to be more
active, craving something besides water or diet soda after their workouts. This is
a perfect example of how a shift in product mix for either company could give them
distinct competitive advantage. By simply creating a no carb line of Gatorade or
PowerAde sports drinks, the company will have altered its product mix and filled
the market void with brand loyal users, adding to the overall market resiliency and
strength of the parent company.6 Further analysis of this product line could also
reveal strong needs for having different strengths of sports drinks for different
levels of activity (i.e. zero carbs for slightly active, 15 grams of carbs for moderately
active, and up to 120 grams for marathon runners) enabling a kind of mass
customization to ensure that the product line can suit any and all
When Doctors Make Mistakes, By Atul Gawande, And
Communication is an essential tool needed to advance several major processes in
society. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, communication is the act or
process of using words, sounds, songs, or behaviors to express your ideas, thoughts,
and feelings to someone else. Such interaction between human being is significant
due to the innate fact that we as humans are social beings. Communicationnot only
aids human beings in expressing ideologies, but in everyday duties such as
education, work, medical care, and other key aspects. A lack of communication is
dangerous in many circumstances. In two essays, When Doctors Make Mistakes , by
Atul Gawande, and Columbia s Last Flight, by William Langewiesche the reader can
perceive how a lack of communication can be lethal.
In the medical field, precision is of the utmost importance when it comes to
successfully ensuring that the job is done. Even the slightest mistake can be lethal,
making communication vital in the medical field. A group of doctors and nurses
must communicate and act like a single unit to complete the procedure. In When
Doctors Make Mistake , the author, Atul Gawande, recalls a case where his team
worked on a specific crash victim and the breathing tube could not fit in the trachea.
Due to a lack of communication, one of the staff members tried to force the tube
down the trachea causing more damage. In the essay, Gawande assesses the situation
and agrees with his team to bring in a specialist to solve the
I Attended The Studio Recital
I attended the Studio Recital: Voice on November 30th at 5pm in Souers Recital
Hall. This was a vocal recital of the students of Professor Mari Opatz Muni. This
concert featured vocal soloists Delaney Roberts, Karl Sissman, Kyra Klontz,
Coartney Freeland, Cameron Warland, Kayla Fields, and Nick Karayianopoulos, as
well as pianists Janice Murray, Kang Ning Yong, Clare Schuch, and Frank Wang. The
only instrument used in this concert was the piano, every song featured just the piano
and the singer. I was very familiar with the environment because we have class in
their every week, but this time the room felt very different. It felt much more
formal for the concert. The stage was up at the front with only the piano on it. The
lights dimmed and then the first solist walked out, this gave it a very professional
feeling. The voices sounded incredible in the recital hall, there was no microphone
needed. All of the performers were wearing very nice clothes and looked very
professional. It was a very intimate concert and there was about 30 people there I
would guess, I noticed that a lot of people were there to support their friends that
were singing.
Most of the music that was played was classical, it was more serious and
established. I believe that because it was just the pianist and the vocalist it gave it
that more serious classical tone. Most of the music was homophonic, the pianist
really went right along with the melody. The song choices also made the concert feel
Blepharisma Americana Case Study
The objective of this experiment was to investigate the response of Blepharisma
americana, Paramecium caudatum, Euplotes, and Vorticella microorganisms to the
acidification of their environment and the impact of acidification on the their
community diversity. We hypothesized that lower pH values would cause Ciliophora
community diversities and health to decline.
Based on our collaborative data from BI107 lab sections (2016), compared to the
starting population, Blepharisma americana, Paramecium caudatum, Euplotes, and
Vorticella s average population size increased in pHconditions 7.0, 5.5, 4.5 and 3.5
(Figure 1). The reason for the ciliates to have a much higher average population size
compared to the starting population is because they had the opportunity to
reproduce for a week. All four ciliates had the lowest average populations at the pH
condition 3.5 and the average population sizes of Euplotes and P. caudatum
decreased as the pH levels decreased, implying that an acidic environment is not
beneficial for their survival (Figure 1). This supports our hypothesis that a decrease
in pH conditions leads to the decrease in average population size. Our results agree
with Tremaine and Mills s (1991) data, which suggests acidification decreased ...
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We can also test the effect of acidification on plants that live in the ocean or lakes
such as seaweed or water lilies to expand our results and include the influences of
acidification on the aquatic plants. Conducting the study for a longer period of time
will provide more opportunities for ciliates to reproduce and allow us to observe the
long term effects of acidification on the ciliates population. Moreover, this would
allow us to determine if the ciliates can eventually adapt to overcome the effects of
acidification and
John The Pigman
John and his Father, Mr. Conlan, always had a bad relationship, in the novel The
Pigman by Paul Zindel. In the seventh chapter, it mentions that John calls Mr.
Conlan, Bore and Mrs. Conlan, Old Lady. It also talks about Mr. Conlan s job at the
Coffee Exchange. Mr. Conlan tries to persuade John into working with him over at
the exchange. They argue over it at dinner which made Mrs. Conlan angry. They
continued to argue until Mrs. Conlan steps in and stops the argument. Mr. Conlan
thinks highly of John s future and their argument gives us a simple lesson the author
is trying to teach and it also shows the essence of familial love.
First off, John s personality has always been influenced by his father, which shows
that John has always idolized ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Conlan s personality before, which caused affected John s personality, and caused
their relationship to deteriorate. Their relationship is used by the author to teach us
a lesson. The lesson is that, every person has different personalities, decisions, and
dreams and to respect these differences helps each person a better future. You can
help a person just by encouraging or supporting them, this lesson is taught by Mr.
Conlan and John s bad relationship and problems, and as we read we try to
understand them and try to find solutions for their problems, which we can then
apply to our own lives. John loves his family more than anything but is afraid to
show it. He respects his father s decisions but sometimes his dreams, like being an
actor, isn t supported by Mr. Conlan. So he rejects him because he wants Mr.
Conlan to be more selfish because Mr. Conlan always puts his family first. Plus,
Mr. Conlan is dying, it is proven when he says, I can t take the strain much longer
(58). Mr. Conlan wants to help his family financially to compensate his past habits.
He wants to give John and his brother experience in the working environment. He
tries to provide his family by working at the exchange. Because of his age, he at
least wants John to have a stable source of income for his future. Mr. Conlan can t
bear the stress anymore ... I ve only got a few years left... (58). The familial love
shown in the piece is very vague, there are a lot of misunderstandings between John
and Mr. Conlan. This negative portrayal of the two also misleads readers, just by
showing arguments between them, but what it really does is strengthen the bond
between Mr. Conlan and
Unprotected Sex Leads to an Increase in Pregnancy, Social...
Unprotected sex is becoming increasingly common today which brings an increase
in the risks of the effects; including pregnancy, social discrimination, and various
diseases. The majority of unprotected sex is acted upon within teenagers. However,
adults act upon this feat as well. While performing sexual proceedings, you use a
condom to prevent the corrupting effects due to unprotected sex from happening to
you. In the absence of using a condom, the effects are amplified. Most people are
aware of the consequences of unprotected sex, although, the choice of using a
condom to protect you during sexual intercourse is still not always the prevailing
decision. Furthermore, people may not be fully aware of the serious impacts of...
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Some teens that become pregnant are still in high school or just beginning a
college education. Pregnancy is a large responsibility that can intermittently be
disregarded. Thus, you don t have a choice but to be prepared for a child and the
responsibility that comes with pregnancy. Not only do you have to help nurture a
child and support them, it costs you a vast amount of money as well. As a teenager
and still in school, having enough money to sustain you and a child on your own is
very intricate. As a result, trying to finish school and accomplish future career goals
is difficult with less money and a child to care for. Social discrimination occurs as a
result of unprotected sex and as a result of pregnancy. Even considering most
teenagers have unprotected sex, girls especially, are discriminated against. Generally
they are discriminated against by other girls who themselves have unprotected sex
too. You become known as promiscuous even though other girls are just as guilty.
While teenagers that are pregnant are around other students their age that are not
pregnant, it sometimes creates a social discrimination against them as well. Even
considering that the majority of teens do have unprotected sex, there is still a strong
and immediate discrimination again teens that are pregnant or have unprotected sex.
With a social discrimination, your friends might turn their backs on you and even
Michael Pollan Omnivore Dilemma
Michael Pollan in 2006, published a work that has to some degree changed the way
that people eat, or at the very least attempted to change the way that we think about
the food we eat. (Shea 54) Pollan demonstrates through fundamentally modern
rhetoric the relationship that people, and more specifically American s have with food
and how very distant we are from it. ( History, Old Favorites in B08) To some
degree Pollan, others like him and internationally challenging food shortages and even
worse food born illnesses and scares are changing the way that food is understood
with regard to an international and national food traceability and accountability
movement. (Popper 365) Pollan challenges the industrial food chain looking at...
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the link between the way we choose to separate ourselves from the farmer and the
market, with little thought and the fact that we use way to much corn and
petroleum to manufacture and obtain our food, then logically get taken by the
marketing of organic food and then the difficulty of a one time experience
challenging the market to forage in the environment we live. The ethos of the
work is derived from the fact that Pollan is willing and able as an individual, on a
very intimate level to trace all these links to a formidable conclusion, as well as his
own credential as a consumer and a food writer. (Shea 54) He vividly describes his
experiences and what he has learned, so the reader can participate in his exploration
of the many worlds of food in the United States. (Flannery 51)
Oil underlines Pollan s story about agribusiness, but corn is its focus. American
cattle fatten on corn. Corn also feeds poultry, pigs and sheep, even farmed fish.
But that s just the beginning. In addition to dairy products from corn fed cows and
eggs from corn fed chickens, corn starch, corn oil and corn syrup make up key
ingredients in prepared foods. High fructose corn syrup sweetens everything from
juice to toothpaste. Even the alcohol in beer is corn based. Corn is in everything
from frozen yogurt to ketchup, from mayonnaise and mustard to hot dogs and
bologna, from salad dressings to vitamin pills. Tell me what you eat, said
What is an American? Early American writers have made long lasting contributions
to developing and explaining American beliefs, values, and culture. St. John de
Crevecoeur s What is an American sets out to describe what makes an American an
American. Through the analysis of American government, beliefs, culture, and
values Crevecoeur explains to the world what an American encompasses. Michel
Guillaume Jean de Crevecoeur was born on December 31, 1735 in Caen,
Normandy. At the age of nineteen, Crevecoeur traveled to England to live with
relatives. In England, Crevecoeur planned on marriage however his bride to be died
prior to their ceremony. In 1755, Crevecoeur immigrated to Canada and enlisted in
the French colonial Militia as a surveyor... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The social hierarchy that exists in America was far different from the hierarchy
present in Europe. The vast geography of land available in America allowed
common men the chance of becoming a land owner. Here no aristocratical
families, no courts, no kings, no bishops, no ecclesiastical dominion, no invisible
power giving to a few a very visible one; no great manufacturers employing
thousands, no great refinements of luxury. (Crevecoeur 658) The opportunity for
common men to own land allowed for less division among the rich and poor,
referring to the existence of a middle class. The rich and the poor are not so far
removed from each other as they are in Europe. (Crevecoeur 658) Due to the less
defined notions of being rich or poor and the ability to become a landowner to
improve ones status easily fostered the American idea of working for one s self.
This important aspect to the American social hierarchy allowed for the
development of industry in America. For example, as the Americans began to
work for themselves and create or provide certain products or services, industries
begin to develop between the groups of common service or product providers. The
cooperation and competition within the various industries helped to create quality
products and services rather than products designed for luxury alone. The lack of a
strict social hierarchy existing in America allows for America to be considered the
land of freedom. We have no princes, for whom we toil, starve,
Societal Values In Homer s Iliad And Women In Genesis
The women in Homer s Iliad and the women in Genesis both exhibit the accepted
societal values in a woman through their duties as wives, which typically consisted of
obedience and the ability to sustain their husband s lineage. Rebekah and
Andromache both assume their roles as wives, but sometimes act in ways outside of
the what was considered normal in their society. Though both Rebekah and
Andromache maintain the classic role of a wife, they occasionally contradict the
expectations of how a womanshould behave by making decisions traditionally made
by men. Through revolutionary behaviors demonstrated by both women, they grant
themselves more authority and power in decision making, which in turn affects the
fate of each woman s family. Both Andromache and Rebekah share a parallel in terms
of their roles in carrying out the fate of their families, however what ultimately
distinguishes one from the other is how successful they are at sustaining those roles.
In the Iliad, Homer displays societal norms placed for wives through the actions of
Andromache, yet at the same time, conveys her as having more power and
involvement in the family than what was expected for a woman at the time to have.
In her encounter with her husband, Hector, Andromache establishes one of her main
roles of trying to manipulate fate (moira) through attempting to prevent him from
returning to the war and facing his inevitable death. She pleas for him to show some
pity and stay here by the tower, don t
Ron Mueck Art Analysis
Ron Mueck. Wildman . A pale, tall figure looms over all who are in its presence,
overwhelming and shockingly real. The Giant, Wildman , a huge modal of a man,
is nude, this nakedness, displayed for all to see. This ultimate exposure is a
symbol to modern culture as one of ultimate indecency and of vulnerability. He sits
on a simple, sturdy wooden stool. His pose is rigid, his knuckles are tightened and
white as he grips his seat, his eyes are wide with fear, accusing the society that has
placed him on this pedestal. Upon his head, a thick mane of curly hair sits, entwining
with his bush like un kept beard with greying strands throughout, reaching past his
shoulders and ending midway down his chest. The majority of his body... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
His legs are brought up to chest height, one leans against the wall with the rest of
the right side of his body. His head rests on a closed hand, disappearing behind the
head and concealing the right ear. The elbow is supported by the right knee of one
of his folded legs. His other hand rests in the crook of the right arm, the elbow of
this arm, supported by the left knee. His round stomach is gently indented by the
thighs that are pressed against it, his navel protrudes from the smoothness of the
surrounding belly. Between the stomach and private area is a shadowed fold
where the belly meets the lower body. The toes of his large feet are slightly bent
inward, with only the largest toes remaining flat against the ground. His skin tone is
pale, with slight pink discoloration in the usual places, such as the area underneath
the nose, natural blush of the cheeks and ears. The added freckles and more slight
facial discolorations create a perfected reality simulation. His eyes, partly shadowed
by the overhanging brow are turned to the left drawn to something in the distance.
His face is creased with the lines of age, more heavily indented around the main
facial features, then fading into thinner lines as they move away from them. Upon his
face is a complicated expression, one which be interpreted as frustration or anger, for
the brow is slightly furrowed and one side his mouth is upturned with the impression
of the hand that supports the face. Alternatively the
The Downside Of Teleporting In Star Trek
An Introduction to Teleporting
Beam me up, Scotty!
When Star Trek was first released in 1966, teleportation was only a dream. Now a
days, people are claiming that future generations as soon as great grandchildren will
be able to teleport with ease. There are, however, many things that Star Trek hasn t
prepared fans for, and although there are many perks to teleportation, people need to
weigh in the risk factors as well. The pros may sound promising but, the cons
tremendously outweigh them.
The Downside of Teleportation
This paper could go on and on about the definition of life or crap like that, however
that would be a large waste of time and space. So, with that in mind, this paper shall
continue on wayward.
First of all, by teleporting, all of the atoms in the human body would essentially
deconstruct and then reconstruct in a new place. With all of this assembling and
disassembling taking place, an issue that needs to be brought up and spoken about
is whether or not there would be any mixed up body parts as a complication. While
the body is disassembling, the heart would temporarily stop beating and the person
would die . However, the person would not really die. The body would continue on
with life . It would just be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
No more super slow text messages being sent in a group chat. Just teleport that
information right over to anyone of choosing. No telling when this will actually be
possible, but it certainly does seem worthy of trying out. The speed of light transfer
of the encoded information from one photon to another demonstrates the possibility
of secure communication between a network of remotely located quantum computers
in the future.[3] This could lead to more secure networks on the governmental level
(if used properly) and maybe it could be open for the public to use in the more distant
The Whale Rider Essay
The Whale Rider, a novel written by Witi Ihimaera which is set on the East coast of
New Zealand at WhДЃngДЃrДЃ.The novel tells the story of the local MДЃori iwi,
Te Tai Rawhiti, and of Kahu, a young MДЃori girl whose spirit and determination
challenges tradition to overcome adversity and lead her people into the advancing
times. In this essay the theme of tradition
The Whale Rider takes place during a time where MДЃori culture was witnessing a
decline, there were concerns of the culture being assimilated by European influences.
Koro Apirana, Kahu s obdurate grandfather fights for the preservation of his culture,
he is expecting a new leader from his first born grandchild, a male warrior that will
bring salvation to his people. However the grandchild is Kahu Apirana, not the male
warrior Koro wilfully sought, but the cultural revolution the time demanded.
The novel presents the need for a cultural evolution, where the people of Te Tai
Rawhiti must adapt to the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Prominent character, known by all as Nanny Flowers, descends from Muriwai, a
powerful woman leader whom Nanny Flowers is said to have always made
constant reference to. Nanny Flowers is described to hold up her arms and declare
her pride that Muriwai s blood flows in [Nanny Flowers ] veins. This great
awareness of their ancestors can benefit the individual, for example during the
beaching of the whales at Whangara, when Koro was instructing for all the boys
and men to met in the meeting house, Nanny Flowers says in a huff to him, What
about us woman! She illustrates them as having the much needed hands to help but
Koro replies to his wife that he does not want [her] to interfere pronouncing the
work tapu. Nanny Flowers then warns Koro that she will be like Muriwai if [she
has] to, Nanny Flowers then adds in that young Kahu will also, if she has to be. Here
Drug Study Assignment Essay
PHAR 1000 Basic Pharmocotherapeutics
Eileen J. Arellano
Norquest College
Practical Nurse Section D01
PHAR 1000 Written Assignment
Heather Zirk RN, BN
September 15, 2014 CASE STUDY:
Name of Client: Maggie Sears
Age: 66 years old
Primary Diagnosis: Cellulitis to left leg
Secondary Diagnosis: Depression Osteoporosis Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Past Surgical History: Tonsillectomy as child Cholecystectomy 15 years ago (51
years old)
Current Medications: migraine pills St. John s wort oil for skin inflammation to left
leg (for a week)
Past History: Smokes ВЅ a pack of cigarettes per day (since she was a teenager)
Weight: 70 kg
Height: 150 cm
Ancef 750 mg IV q12h
Elavil 50 mg po ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If headache recurs, doses may be repeated q 2 hr (not to exceed 200mg/day)
Doctor s Order: 75mg q4H max 2 doses daily
Is this Safe?: NO. The dose should be lesser. 25 50mg for lesser interval of q2H.
Safe Dosages: 500mg twice daily. May increase by 500mg at weekly intervals up to
2000mg/day. If doses 2000mg/day are required, give in 3 divided doses (not to
exceed 2500mg/day)
Doctor s Order: 750mg TID with meals
Is this Safe?: YES
Buffered Aspirin (Salicylates)
Safe Dosages: 2.4g/day initially; increased to maintenance dose of 3.6 5.4g/day in
divided doses (upto 7.8g/day for acute rheumatic fever)
Doctor s Order: 650mg (or .65g) q6H PRN
Is this Safe?: NO. The dose 650mg (or .65g) q 6H PRN that was ordered was lesser
than what is a safe dose according to the drug guide. And dose wouldn t be enough to
help client s pain.
3. What would you do if the dosage ordered was not safe?
Clarify the order with the Physician involved. Refer to the drug guide or any reliable
source if necessary.
4. Indicate potential drug
Indigenous Art And Other Manifestations Of Indigenous
Indigenous Art and other manifestations of Indigenous culture were discovered
during the process of the colonization of Australia. The first Europeans to arrive in
Australia made note of the cultural artifacts they encountered. Artifacts such as
weapons, drawings, sheets of bark and engravings were collected as colonized culture
and housed in scientific and natural history museums where they shared the space
with geological, plant and animal specimens. These objects were initially collected as
curiosities and as sources of information about the exotic native and places. Later they
were ordered in typological sequence to demonstrate the evolution of culture across
different societies. These manifestations of Indigenous culture were regarded as
objective information about the diversity of human culture. They were objects of the
exotic worlds not seen as art, however, but as ethnographic facts. This classification
reflected contemporary socio evolutionary thinking of the time which regarded the
Indigenous as people without art. In the mid twentieth century the discourse
surrounding Indigenous Art began to change when major collections were acquired
by art galleries as opposed to ethnographic museums. These great collections of
Indigenous objects, reaching back to 1770, provide an early record of encounters
between first Australians and European settlers encounters that have irrevocably
changed Indigenous societies. The Encounters exhibition at the National Museum
houses some
Essay James Watt
James Watt
James Watt was born 19th January 1736 at Greenock and at this time no one would
have even imagined his effect on the Industrial Revolution that was to occur within
that century. When James was fifteen he had read books about and become
accustomed to Philosophy (similar to modern physics). He had also completed many
of his own chemical experiments and even started produce and construct his own
products such as a small electronic device that startled his companions.
He soon became interested in astronomy and often spent long hours at night, lying in
a grove near his home studying the night sky. He also enjoyed angling as his hobby
and completed odd jobs to become known as a jack of all trades. He sold and mended
spectacles, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He then turned towards making musical instruments for a period of time, most likely
to keep ahead financially. In 1763 though, he had the greatest influential experience in
his whole life. The University of Glasgow asked James to repair one of Thomas
Newcomen s steam engine models that was not functioning correctly.
It was at this stage in James Watt s life that he began learning the principals behind the
workings of a steam engine. He learnt information from his friend Dr. Black about
heat; temperature and the properties of steam itself. After studying steam engines for
a period he became the only person with enough knowledge to improve on the steam
engine at that time. Even though Newcomen had already developed the steam engine
before James Watt, it was about to be improved substantially without even knowing
the results it would have on the industrial revolution. As Watt was fixing the machine
he was intrigued on how much fuel it burned. He then thought about ways to reduce
the fuel consumption and found out it was mostly caused by the pistons and other
metal work heating cooling, always requiring extra heat.
James Watt then constructed a new steam engine with an insulated main cylinder
that allowed the metal work to stay constantly hot reducing the fuel by almost 75%.
He also worked on a condenser which re uses five sixths (5/6) of the wasted steam by
condensing it back to water. He was also great at adapting a leather
Truffaut On Love Essay
children chase the lovers when the man chases the women. GГ©rard shows his
brutal and child like nature when he chases one of his tormentors, when he gets
him he slaps him, a primal and a beast just like children would curl. The spectacle
of the lovers is always accompanied by either screams or whispers and extremely
agitated and exciting body languages. The children are constantly reactive to the
spectacle of the love that they are seeing. The second motif will be the connection
between love and death. In a perfect way the spectacle in Truffaut s filmconstantly
connected to the looming to the unavoidable death. We noticed through the first part
of the film with the shining presence of the film when she was clothed in light. Not
a coincidence at all that GГ©rard wears all black which foreshadows his fate.
Truffaut very subtly continues the symbolic play with colors, Bernadette will only
wear white until the crucial foreshadow moment of GГ©rard when they kiss
goodbye. For the first time their relationship is connected to sadness. Just like a child
GГ©rard proposes to Bernadette by singing in a very childish way. This moment
is important because the promise of a life together will be derailed by an accident.
The end of the film is sectioned again by the unavoidable reality of death that will
destroy love. Truffaut loves films about goddesses like women and love are
consistently marked by death. The women and the reality of Eros and passion and
love that is deeply connected to the reality of death. The... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
A film epitomizes Truffaut s deep love for and faith of the act of writing and in
literature and his science master piece in Fahrenheit 451. An example of this is that
they will wind up in the last saga Love on the Run and Antoine will become a
writer at the end. The Story of Adele H is related to the personal diary of Adele
Hugo. In The 400 Blows, everything
Gaming Strategies In The Classroom
Leaning, M. (2015). A study of the use of games and gamification to enhance student
engagement, experience and achievement on a theory based course of an
undergraduate media degree. Journal of Media Practice, 16(2), 155 170. Within this
research, Leaning (2015) explores the effectiveness of game techniques to teach
media theory to undergraduate students. The author provides background of the
content being taught within the classroom and how it is often difficult for students to
understand. Therefore the use of gaming techniques is used to improve students
performance. Within the research project, the experimental group showed an increase
on the summative assessment mean scores. Compared to the control group, an almost
2% increase. They... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The experimental group used traditional didactic methods with a gamification
element at the end of instruction in the form of an app. The control group just used
didactic methods. Through coding and analyzing student s responses, an astounding
92.2% of students who used gamification methods reported increase intrinsic
Hamari, J., Koivisto, J., Sarsa, H. (2014, January). Does gamification work? a
literature review of empirical studies on gamification. In System Sciences (HICSS),
2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on (pp. 3025 3034). IEEE. This paper
reviewed peer reviewed studies and articles on gamification. Dissecting the directions
on gamification research and its effects on learning were topics discovered. Also, the
authors aimed to identify gaps in the current literate. Overall, they conclude that
gamification has positive effects, however those effects are dependent on the
gamification elements being implemented, and the users using it. Searches through
databases uncovered a growing number of papers on gamification topics over the last
decade. Altogether the author s used 24 empirical studies to examine in their
literature review. The data reflects the different types of topics covered within the
studies and the types of data that was presented. According to the authors, in multiple
studies user qualities were alleged to have an effects on
Ultrasound Technician Essay
Ultrasound Technician: Catching The Wave It s her first time finding out the gender
of her unborn child. There s a bundle of emotions in the patients body, waiting for
the sonographer to apply the cold gel on the soon to be mothers belly. Then a couple
of months past and the mother doesn t feel good. She then goes to the hospital to find
out what s wrong. As the UltrasoundTechnician, also known as a UT, gets ready for
the procedure the patient wonders what is happening, is she okay? Is the baby
okay? The UT isn t finding a heart beat, she then realizes what is happening.
Having to face a soon to be mother and tell her that her child no longer has a heart
beat must be one of the most horrific things to do as a UT. Therefore... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
As I interviewed a UT she told me that at times its an easy job but you always have to
be on your feet moving around. But for you to handle this you must like it. A
regular day for a UT have up to 10 20 people a day and they work from 8 a.m. 5 p.m.
The more people the have the faster their day goes because they have so many things
to do in a certain amount of time. The job of a UT might seem easy but they re
some things you have to be cautious about. If a client with some type of disease
comes to you and you don t follow the procedures the correct way, there is a chance
you can get sick and catch the disease.( personalinterview ) Therefore, the life of an
Ultrasound technician is like a rollercoaster, it has its ups and downs. This job isn
t for everybody you must come prepared mentally and physically. When a client
receives devastating news from you, you must know how to act and make wise
decisions. Having up to 20 clients a day will cause you back problems and also
having to be on your feet all day isn t going to help. This career isn t going to be the
easiest. You must like this job enough to put up with everything it offers you and
enjoy it at the same time because you will have to deal with it on a daily
Agile Project Management
By Sanjiv Augustine, Bob Payne, Fred Sencindiver, and Susan Woodcock AGILE
management lets software project managers and employees alike adapt to changing
circumstances, rather than try to impose rigid formal controls, as in traditional linear
development methods. Dealing with an increasingly volatile organizational
environment is a serious challenge for managers of any software development project
[11]. Traditional formal software development methodologies can be characterized as
reflecting linear, sequential processes, and the related management approaches can be
effective in developing software with stable, known, consistent requirements. Yet
most real world... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Allowing members to join and leave the team allows dynamic team composition and
supports adaptability to changing external conditions. The team [10] maintains
optimal internal channels of communication while minimizing the effect of an
interaction penalty. Even when a project requires a larger team of, say, more than 15
members, 86 December 2005/Vol. 48, No. 12 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM
their teams by defining, disseminating, and sustaining a vision that influences the
internal models of individual agents. The Agile Manifesto (www.agilemanifesto.org)
created in 2001 by the proponents of these methodologies articulated a core set of
values useful in steering this vision. Simple rules. In CAS, agents follow simple
rules, but their interactions result in complex behavior that emerges over time. The
standard XP practices represent a set of simple rules for agile development projects.
They re accepted by all members of the team at the outset, though the team can adjust
or add new practices as needed. Throughout a project, the manager identifies practices
that aren t being followed, seeks to understand why they re not, and removes
obstacles to their implementation. XP practices provide simple generative rules
without restricting the autonomy and creativity of team members. Free and open
access to information. In CAS, information about plans, progress, objectives, and
The Death Penalty For Juveniles
Research Paper: Death Penalty for Juveniles Capital punishment for juveniles is
one of the most controversial topics to ever be explored in society and in the
criminal justice system. The death penalty is a rare occurrence amongst juveniles
since it is so arguable as to whether they should be tried as adults. Lynn Cothern
from the Juvenile Justice Resource Center suggests that the primary purpose of the
juvenile justice system is to hold juvenile offenders accountable for delinquent acts
while providing treatment, rehabilitative services, and programs designed to prevent
future involvement in law violating behavior (Cothern). The juvenile death penalty
has been argued over for centuries and has stirred enough people to still be around
today. While juveniles have been known to commit heinous crimes, sentencing a
juvenile to death is an inhumane and cruel fate to serve someone who is incapable
of making rational lifelong decisions, and should not be allowed in the juvenile
justice system. Thomas Graunger was the first juvenile known to be executed in
America. He was found guilty after admitting to his crimes of buggary with a mare,
a cow, two goats, five sheep, two calves and a turkey in 1642 in Plymouth Colony,
MA (Bradford). Since then, at least 366 juveniles have been sentenced to death. Of
these, 22 occurred between 1973 2005. The United States essentially remains the only
country in the world to permit the juvenile death sentence. There are 14 states that
Analysis Of Paul Thomas Anderson s Film Magnolia
After viewing and an examination of one of Paul Thomas Anderson success film
Magnolia , I have analysed that Anderson uses multiple themes involving regret and
loneliness in the film which is connected to auteur theory. What I am going to
examine is: How were the themes and the characters are related? How did Anderson
s filmtechniques affect in the film? And why did Anderson use his similar style
within the film? These questions are to give an understanding that focuses mainly on
auteur theory in the film.
The film takes place in San Fernando Valley where it revolves around eleven
characters about their stories in one particular day. These stories have a little
connection with each other as it involves dealing with their past and having
Flight Chapter 1 Summary
Chapter 1 Principles of Flight Section A: Airplanes A.Major Components (or
Sections) of an Airplane 1.Fuselage a.This is the body of the airplane generally
from nose to tail. b. It consists of the main airplane structure like frames, stringers,
longerons, keel beam and skin. 2.Wings a.This is the component or section of the
airplane that is responsible for aerodynamic lift. b.Lift is the force that raises the
airplane up. 3.Empennage a.This is the airplane s tail section which consists of the
vertical stabilizer (or vertical fin) and horizontal stabilizer. On most large airplanes
the empennage also houses the Auxiliary Power Unit or APU. [pic] 4.... Show more
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straight or rectangular, Elliptical, tapered towards the tips, sweptback and delta. d.
Aspect Ratio = this is the ratio of the wing s length to its width. For a given angle
of attack, a higher aspect ratio produces less drag. [pic] ASPECT RATIO
F.Important Wing Characteristics 1.Angle of Incidence a. The wing is attached to
the fuselage at a small angle which is between the chord line and the horizontal
plane. b. The angle of incidence provides a positive angle of attack while the
airplane is in level flight. 2.Coefficient of Lift (CL) a. This is the built in
relationship between wing lift and wing angle of attack. b. CL is measured by
testing the wing airfoil in the wind tunnel. [pic] G.Pilot Control of Lift 1.An
increase in the airplane s forward speed via the thrust lever will increase lift.
2.Changing the shape of the wing by lowering the flaps increases lift. 3.Pulling on
the control column will increase the positive angle of attack on the wing which
will increase lift. 4.Pushing on the control column will produce a negative angle of
attack on the wing. This action will decrease wing lift. 5. An increase in lift is
always followed by an increase in drag. 6. A positive angle of attack up to and beyond
the wing design limit will completely destroy lift and produce excessive
Lesson Plan in Science 5
Date: ____________
I.Objective: вќ– Identify the members of the solar system
Values:Appreciate God s creation.
II.Subject Matter: Unit:The Solar System Topic:Members of the Solar System
A.Science Concept/Idea: вќ– Sun Planets, planetoids, comets, meteor and meteorites
are the members of the solar system.
B.Science Processes: Observing and Identifying
C.Materials: Illustration of nine (9) planets, sun, meteor, meteorites comet and
activity card
References: Science and Health V, Module by: Jessie Villegas and Celia Nacpil p.
100; Into the Future Science and Health, p. 250
III.Procedure: A.Preparatory Activities: 1. Reading of Science news... Show more
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Values:Orderliness/Active participation in performing activity/Cleanliness and
neatness in making a design.
II.Subject Matter: Unit:The Solar System Topic:How Members of the Solar System
Revolve around the Sun
A.Science Concept/Idea: вќ– The members of the solar system revolve around the
sun in the same direction as they follow their own orbits.
B.Science Processes: Observing, Describing and Illustrating
C.Materials: chart, activity card
References: Into the Future Science and Health V, p. 260
III.Procedure: A.Preparatory Activities: 1.Review: Describe the members of the solar
system: a. Sun b. Planets c. Comets d. Meteors and Meteorites e. Planetoids
B.Developmental Activities: 1.Motivation: Have you ever wondered why planets do
not collide as they travel around the sun?
2.Presentation: a. Show an illustration or a model of the nine planets and identify
them. b. Distribute cutouts of the nine (9) planets and nine (9) different colored
string. c. Tell the pupils to arrange the nine (9) planets around the sun on the flannel
board. d. Let the pupils put the colored strings to show the orbit of the planets
(Teacher guide the pupils)
C.Concept Formation: How do the members of the solar system revolve around
Comparing British Welfare Systems with 2 Other
A 2000 word comparative review of the ways different countries approach welfare, as
discussed on the unit.
The aim of this essay is to discuss and compare the British Welfare system with
Germany and Sweden s welfare systems. A welfare system is the structure of
welfare provisions and services that provide a specific social need, but it is not only
provided or organised solely by the government (Blakemore, 2001). It is a view that is
rooted in individual exchanges between five organisations (State/Government,
Market/Private Sector, Family/Kin networks, Local Communities and Civil Society).
It reflects the history and cultures of different countries around the world
(Haralambos, 2012). It is these providers that assume principal ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
DLA is a tax free benefit to help with extra costs you may have because your re
disabled, this is given to all claimants whether they are working or not (Directgov).
Some people who make a claim for DLA may be asked to have a medical
Working tax credits was introduced in 2003 along with disability element to help
people stay in work or to return to work (Mitra, 2009). Then the 2005 Disability
Discrimination Act came into force (Haralambos Holborn, 2009). (Burchardt,
2000) cited that according to the European Commission (1998), people with
disabilities have low levels of participation in society and the employment rate for
people with disabilities is 20 30% lower than people without disabilities (Huang,
2009). From 2013 Disability Living Allowance for disabled people aged 16 to 64
will be replaced by a new Personal Independence Payment programme (Directgov).
This is a non means tested, tax free benefit. The DWP is to run a pilot scheme to
help assist and reintroduce claimants back into the job market (Mitra, 2009), this will
lead to employers paying short term benefits rather than the state.
In Sweden it is the Local government responsibility for welfare services. It was from
the 13th century that the first local legislation was seen as the responsibility of the
local parish to take care of the poor (Bergmark Minas, 2006, p.15). The Swedish
health system for
The Physics Of Aerospace Engineering Essay
1.Loren told me that he has enjoyed problem solving since he was very young.
Growing up he knew he wanted to go into engineering but wasn t completely sure
which type he would enjoy the most. He was most interested in outer space and
also cars and design. After his acceptance to Purdue, he turned to several
upperclassmen for advice and their knowledge of the Engineering school and the
programs. They told him about Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and how
similar they were. After some thought, he decided that in aerospace engineering
because of his interest in outer space. 2.Loren said that at this point, all of his
upper classes are small and have lectures. Also some of the classes have
accompanying lab sections. For example, Loren stated We might have an
aerodynamics class and then a separate class which is a lab that reinforces what we
learn in the aerodynamics class. He also told me that students lean the
fundamentals of aerospace, propulsion, and controls (computer guidance systems,
ex: planes that can land themselves). 3.When talking about his favorite class, Loren
told me about AAE 20400 Mechanics of Materials. This was his first class about
structures. He told me that it has proven to be very useful in all of his major
specific classes. He also expressed that the professor had been the best professor that
he s had during his time at Purdue in terms of explaining information. He was also
genuinely interested in the material that the course had to offer. 4.
Describe How Bacteria Decode Its Genetic Information to...
Describe how Bacteria decode its genetic information to produce proteins?
Bacteria belongs to a group of organism that lacks cell nucleus and membrane
bound organells. This group of organisms are termed as prokaryotes. Prokaryotes
follows the central dogma of molecular biology first proposed by Francis Crick in
1958 to synthesize proteins from mRNA through a process called translation and the
mRNA is being synthesized from the DNA by another process called Transcription.
Temperature, nutrient availibity are some key factors that start the process of
synthesizing proteins in response to these key factors. Example. This paper will
provide an explanation as to how bacteria decode the genetic information to produce
... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Elongation is terminated by a stop codon. Stop codon do not code for any amino acid.
Protein folding
The amino acid sequences derived from decoding the mRNA determines a protein s
final conformation, helper proteins aid the newly formed polypeptide with its folding
to achieve a proper functional shape. These molecular chaperones are essential as the
cytoplasm is often filled with new polypeptide chains and thus these accumulation of
polypeptide chain might accumulate together and fold into a non function shape.
Example of well studied chaperones from E.Coli are DnaK, DnaJ, GroEL and GroES.
And GrpE.
Protein splicing
Some microbial proteins are spliced after translation. In protein splicing, a part of the
polypeptide is removed before folding to its final shape.
Decoding its genetic information refers to the process of transcription while
producing proteins refer to the process of translation.
Body 1(30mins)
DNA transcription.
MRNA Translation
Body 2
Different between
Bacteria belongs to a group of organism that lacks cell nucleus and other membrane
bound organells. This group of organisms are called Prokaryotes and they follow
the central dogma of molecular biology first proposed by Francis Crick in 1958 for
protein synthesize. Protein synthesize is how instruction written by the bacteria DNA
are being copied into a temporary form called mRNA and these mRNA are sent to
The Atomic Weight Of The Middle
North Sydney Girls High
Preliminary Course
Chemistry Assessment Task 1
Research Task
Rachel Stock
Question 1 Question 2
The first use of the triads was in 1817, when Johann Dobereiner observed that
elements could be placed in groups of three based on their properties. When the three
elements were ordered according to atomic weight, the smallest weight would have
the least significant reaction or mildest property, whilst the heaviest would have the
most significant or strongest property. Further, the atomic weight of the middle
element would be almost exactly the average of the two other elements. These
properties were considered too coincidental not to be of some significance. One of the
first triads to be observed was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When ordered with atomic number there are only a few instances where the atomic
masses do not ascend which would have resulted in the two elements being switched
in the original order of elements when atomic weight was used. These errors are
pairs where the second of the pair is placed first when ordered with atomic weight;
three of which are argon and potassium, cobalt and nickel, tellurium and iodine.
The Law of Triads began to direct chemists towards the patterns found in lists or
tables of elements. Many chemists began exploring patterns but it wasn t until 1864
that the next step was made. John Newlands realised that when ordered by atomic
weight a regular pattern of properties formed. He noted that elements seemed to fall
into patterns of eight whereby every eighth element would have the same properties.
This was not entirely true however as Newlands saw this pattern and was reminded of
a musical scale s eight note repetition. Nevertheless, the recognition of this in fact
deterred Newlands from making further inferences as he continued to attempt to force
elements into this musical scale like format which was not entirely applicable.
Furthermore, the noble gases had yet to be discovered when Newlands Law of
Octaves was formed. This meant that the pattern didn t account for an extra element
in the patterns of eight. As can be seen on the right, noble gases are not included and
had they been, they would be placed in
Pros And Cons Of Gamma Knife
The Gamma Knife: Cancer Treatment
Word Count: 1,017 (excluding bibliography and in text citations)
During the last few Physics lessons, we learned about the different types of waves
in the electromagnetic spectrum. These two main types are electromagnetic waves
and sound waves. In this essay I will be explaining what gamma rays are and how
they work, as well as how they function to treat brain and skull based cancer tumors
through the gamma knife. I will then also be stating some advantages and
disadvantages of the Gamma knife, as well as explaining how the science behind this
technique interacts with the two factors social and economical. I will lastly be
writing a short conclusion reviewing what I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Many patients who suffer with cancer cannot afford to pay for treatment because of
the colossal amount of money they demand. This is why many people, especially in
less economically developed countries die of cancer on a regular basis. Fortunately
however, in the western hemisphere, the average person is more likely to be able to
afford proper treatment procedures. However, because the Gamma knife treatment is
a lot cheaper than regular neurosurgery, it is easier for patients to be able to afford it
as their treatment source. But, on the other hand, a con against this source of
treatment would be when the patient does not have health insurance, making it
almost impossible if they have a low income to pay for the treatment from their own.
Also, if someone can t afford the Gamma knife treatment or any others, they may be
forced to turn to other alternatives, such as natural medicine, which isn t necessarily
going to cure them.
However, knowing both the pros and cons of the Gamma Knife treatment in
relationship to economical factors, I think that it should still be used around the
world, as the advantages of it are so much greater than the disadvantages. Even
though some people might find it difficult to pay for the process, most health
insurances will pay for most of it anyways. Lastly, because of the fact that the
Gamma knife treatment is so much cheaper and more affordable than most other
treatments, it is worth it if you want to take the next step in curing your body. (
Services , GRHealth, January
Summary Of Gross s Neighbors
Gross really puts a focus on this one massacre and changed the thought that Poles
did not have any effect on the fate of the Jews living in Jedwabne during World
War ll. Gross is really honing in on the idea that these two different ethnic groups
(Jewish and non Jewish Poles) histories were intertwined in many ways. After
reading some of the back story and Neighbors part 1 its clear that Gross wants to
disturb the cultural disinclination in Poland over the history of their involvement
with anti Semitism, prejudice, and their little to no acknowledgement of Jewish
accounts as far as historical indications goes. In order to do this Gross includes
awful, horrific, and graphic accounts of violence against the Jews. Gross uses sources
such as testimonials,
Effects Of Social Isolation On Health
Social interaction is important to every aspect of our life. This is because it
connect people live together in impart for love, friend and support. Social
interaction and social support are one of the important component in predicting
the health and well being. In fact, there is a relation between the degree to which a
person feels connected to others or community and their health. However, some
individuals are short of participation, activity and communication which is a result
of social isolation. This involves low levels of social interaction and it is
associated with reduce quality of life and health. This can led to a serious health
risks in people who are socially isolated whether they are elderly, adult and
children. Therefore, this essay will argue that social isolation adversely affects
health not only on mental, physical but also heal behaviours. One of the effects of
social isolation on human is mental health. The first issue is depression that is a
part of mental disturbance. Cacioppo et al. (cited in Roberts 2014) report that
loneliness is considerably related with depressive symptoms. Also, the Victorian
Population Health Survey (cited in VicHealth 2005) found that people with few
social networks were likely to suffer of psychological distress, which lead to
depression. According to VicHealth, there is a relationship between depression and
developing Alzheimer s disease. Indeed Wilson et al. (cited in Roberts 2014, p. 25)
report that who is lonely, are 2 times
Bodybuilding Workout Program
What Exercises Do You Need for a Men s Bodybuilding Workout Program? By
Steve Knorr | Submitted On April 25, 2012 Recommend Article Article Comments
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article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Steve Knorr Coming
up with a good men s bodybuilding workout program is actually not that difficult.
There are only certain exercises that need to be added, and all you need to do is sort
out everything to ensure that you mix all of the exercises together. Many guys will
usually give up at... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I highly suggest that you use dumbbells often because of the fact that they give
your arms that specific and targeted workout. Make sure that you don t always do
bicep curls, as there are many other types of exercises that you can do to make
dumbbells more powerful to use. For example, you can place the dumbbells out in
front of you and allow for the weight to take over. Hold onto it as hard as you can
and enjoy the burning sensations in your arms. They can help you out tremendously
with gaining more muscles. You will find out later on that dumbbells are some of the
most important things to do in a men s bodybuilding workout program. The best part
is that you can always do different types of variations in the
Harold Arlen Research Paper
Harold Arlen Harold Arlen, originally Hyman Arluck, was a composer, performer,
and singer. He is known as a brilliant and extremely skilled composer that wrote
many famous songs still known and sung today; however, his true desire was to be
a performer, and make a career of singing and playing music. He tried to follow this
dream throughout his entire life, but his compositions were his true talent and this
took over much of his time that he would have liked to spend performing. Towards
the later of his life, he focused only on composing music for clubs and motion
pictures. Arlen was born on February 15, 1905, along with his twin brother. His
brother s name was originally Hyman, while his was Julius. Unfortunately, his brother
died the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The song was used in the show The Nine Fifteen Review, and the two men were
hired to write more songs for the show. The two musical writers became known for
their bluesy rhythm (Harold 4). The team of Arlen and Koehler began to work at
The Cotton Club. The club was for a higher up class to listen to well known
musicians while drinking during the time of the prohibition. In 1932, Arlen and
Koehler released their newest songs I ve Got the World On A String and Minnie
the Moocher s Wedding Day. In 1933, the two wrote Stormy Weather for Cab
Calloway, which was a jazz singer during that time. It was this same year that the
prohibition was lifted and the Depression ended. This poorly affected the Cotton
Club, which cause the two men to take some time off to go work in Hollywood for
the film Let s Fall in Love. This was an amazing opportunity for the men because it
was their first ever time composing for a film. Arlen and Koehler went back to the
Cotton Club for a couple more years until the Club finally closed in 1936. However,
this was not the only Arlen did during these years at The Cotton
National Hockey Research Paper
The National Hockey League, like any other professional sports league, relies on
statistics to measure and project the success and potential of its players. The NHL
has, and still continues, to use a slightly convoluted and oft misinterpreted statistic
known as plus minus (+/ ) to measure defensive contributions a player makes while
on the ice. In the NHL and in virtually all major sports, the offensive contributions of
playersand teams are easily tracked and calculated. It is often a binary matter, and
not open to interpretation; if an NHL player is on the ice, shoots the puck at the net,
and it goes past the goaltender, it s a goal. That goal is then confirmed, tracked, and
added to the player s Goals Scored statistic. The tracking of... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Ostensibly, this would mean that Jeff Schultz is one of, if not the best, defensive
players in the league. Continued analysis shows that this could not be further from
the truth. During that season, the Capitals as a team scored 318 goals, far and away
surpassing any other team. They also allowed only 233, for a goal differential of
+85.[2] These stats imply that the Washington Capitals were an elite team during the
regular season, and Jeff Schultz was merely a beneficiary of his team s
Different Perspectives In Dickens And Charles Dickens s...
If we want to make changes in our Lives, then we will have to look at the causes
and the way we are using our minds, the way we are thinking. For, No two things
can occupy the same space at the same time. You can t have a positive thought hold
on to the negative one. Choose one. ~Louise Hay. We all have the will and heart,
the courage and braveness to let go of the past and to learn from it, and not to
dwell in it. So, after all how can something, be both positive and Negative at the
same time. Well in a very simple way of putting it, an event can be both positive and
negative at the same time. It all comes down on what perspectiveyou are seeing the
event from. For, different perspectives can show us stories in a whole other way and
in a whole new light. During the book Tale of Two Cities written by Charles Dickens,
you could see this view in many different ways. First, you could see how Carton
spend a lot of time criticizing himself and imagining that he would never be able to
change. This caused him to not even try and to just live life, in a sad state. Next,
sacrifice can be positive and it usually means to have new beginnings. On the other
hand, you are usually losing something dear to you, which hurts you for the rest of
your life. That is why, no one should dwell in the past, but learn from it and move
on. Lastly, courage could be a positive and at the same time a negative aspect. It all
depends on our own personal perspective, or viewpoint.
It was the best
Essay On Physics Of Complex Systems
One of the flourishing and fascinating research areas in physics nowadays is the
physics of complex systems, or the theory of complexity. There is not a single and
straightforward meaning associated with this buzzword due to its vagueness and
polysemy, and very often it depends on the context and the authors. Nevertheless, one
of the interesting points are the tools and methods that the theoryprovides that can be
eventually applied to many different disciplines, ranging from physics, chemistry,
biology, applied sciences and even social sciences.
The main idea of complexity that the author uses in the present monograph stems
from the nonlinear interaction of the individual parts of a dynamical system and the
different sizes of large ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Most of the problems to which the author refers to constitute very recent research
problems in the field of space plasma, and the book contains at the end a very rich
list of important references on the field, that the author uses along the whole book.
The book is very well edited and it contains seven chapters, where key aspects of
complexity theory applied to space plasmas are discussed. It starts with an excellent
introduction where the objectives of the book are clearly outlined, and basically the
rest of the chapters are devoted to either give the terminology that it will be used in
the next chapters, or to describe methods and different applications. A second chapter
deals extensively with the idea of dynamical criticality far from equilibrium. The
theory of self organized criticality is introduced and applied to different examples.
Interestingly, this theory helped to recognize the power law behaviour of the solar
flares. Next, under the title of physics of complexity, the author describes coherent
structures and explores the physical reasons of the origin of complexity in space
plasmas. The next chapters deal with other techniques such as probability
distributions, wavelets, fractals, multifractal analysis, ending with a final chapter on
the dynamical renormalization group and its connection with criticality and
multifractals. The phenomenon of intermittency and fluid turbulence using these
techniques are also discussed. Including such topics as the
Biographical Effects Of The Great Gatsby
Biographical effects in The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald lived during the Jazz age, much like his own experiences, Gatsby
encountered ambitions, challenges and desires. Through the use of important events
in his own life, F. Scott Fitzgerald reflects his own ambitions such as a trying to find
meaning in life Overcoming challenges that arose with the Jazz age, such as the
introduction of liquor, leading to addiction. And desires, including romances and
fortune, through the main character in his novel, The Great Gatsby.
Throughout F. Scott Fitzgerald s life, he struggled to find meaning. He eventually
dropped out of Princeton as he was failing many of his classes, which made him
enlist in WW1. Unfortunately he was unable to achieve anything great while
fighting overseas. In his novel, the character Jay Gatsby is an accomplished war
hero who even received awards for his bravery. contrast from Scott Fitzgerald, and
represents his yearning for achievement during the war, as Jay Gatsby reminisces
with Nick, he flaunts his war achievements, I was promoted to be a major, and
every major allied government gave me a decoration even montenegro... that s the
one from Montenegro. Major Jay Gatsby I read, For Valour Extraordinary. (35)
Gatsby clearly holds impressive titles, however Scott Fitzgerald possessed little
opportunity for anything even remotely as impressive. Jay Gatsby was given the
opportunity to study at Oxford University after the war, in contrast to Scott
Fitzgerald who dropped out of Princeton University to fight in the war, to no avail.
It was an opportunity they gave to some of the officers after the Armistice, he
continued. We could go to any of the universities in England or France. (71) Scott
Fitzgerald s ambition for achievement through war or education are reflected
through Jay Gatsby. Scott Fitzgerald lived during the time of the Jazz age, one of
the U.S.A s rowdiest time periods. As a result, he got into some bad habits, including
heavy drinking which would eventually become a major factor in the deterioration of
his health, this was also during the 20 s when alcohol was illegal and was obtained
Frederick Funston and Empire Essay
Frederick Funston and Empire
In San Francisco between 12th and 14th Avenue is Funston Street. By the Presidio,
the former US Army base, is an old set of military structures collectively called Fort
Funston. To most people these are just names to identify various locations in the
city. But behind the name is a person who is a historical figure that is significant,
not just for San Francisco, but for the United States of America and the Republic of
the Philippines. Frederick Funston was to many a hero of his times but to others he
was also a symbol of his times and not a good one.
1898 saw the United States change from a nation taming a wild frontier to a nation
building an empire. The Spanish American war ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
In May Admiral Dewey and his task force sailed into Manila Bay and destroyed the
Spanish naval force based there. On the way to Manila Dewey picks up exiled
Philippine leader Emilio Aguinaldo. With the help of local Philippine insurgents the
Philippine capital, Manila, falls to Admiral Dewey. War ends on August 12th with
signing of peace treaty.
With the end of the war many people thought that the Philippines would be given its
independence, such as Cuba. But in December 12, 1898 President McKinley released
the Benevolent Assimilation Proclamation . Part of it stated: With the signature of
the treaty of peace between the United States and Spain by their respective
plenipotentiaries at Paris on the 10th instant, and as a result of the victories of
American arms, the future control, disposition, and government of the Philippine
Islands are ceded to the United States. In the fulfillment of the rights of sovereignty
thus acquired and the responsible obligations of government thus assumed, the actual
occupation and administration of the entire group of the Philippine Islands becomes
immediately necessary, and the military government heretofore maintained by the
united states in the city, harbor, and bay of Manila is to be extended with all
possible dispatch to the whole of the ceded territory. Armed conflict broke out among
the US troops and
Film Analysis Of The Sapphires
The Sapphires
The Sapphires, directed by Wayne Blair is a 2012 Australian musical comedy drama
based on a true story. The film is written by Keith Thompson and Tony Briggs,
staring Jessica Mauboy, Deborah Mailman, Shari Sebbens, Miranda Tapselland and
Chris O Dowd. The film was based on a true story exploring the themes of family,
courage and race identity. Wayne Blair explored these themes by using various
techniques throughout the film to have an effect on the audience.
Three Aboriginal sisters, Gail, Cynthia and Julie living in outback Australia in 1968
have a passion for singing. When Julie meets Gail and Cynthia at a talent contest
which Julie wasn t allowed to go to they end up meeting a drunk Irish man called
Dave, who worked as a MC. Gail and Cynthia meet up with an old cousin called
Kay who used to live with them before the government took her for being a non
aborigine. Dave who is desperate for a job becomes their manager and piano player.
The girls blitz the audition and travel around Vietnam performing for Vietnam troops
were one day the 4 girls have no guards protecting them while they keep travelling.
The opening scene is important in any film as it sets the scene and introduced the
characters, Wayne set the scene and introduced the characters in the starting scene
absolutely perfectly by using techniques such as music, camera angles and
characterisation. At the very start of the scene the audience would hear light panting
form Gail and Kay running. The

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  • 1. Essay Outline Samples Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essay Outline Samples" presents a unique set of challenges that can make the process quite intricate. First and foremost, it requires a comprehensive understanding of the topic itself, which involves delving into various types of essay outlines and their specific purposes. This task demands not only a strong grasp of the subject matter but also the ability to articulate thoughts coherently. One of the difficulties lies in selecting appropriate examples to illustrate different types of essay outlines. This involves a meticulous review of a myriad of samples, ensuring that each one aligns with the specific type of essay being discussed. Moreover, one must navigate the fine line between providing enough detail to elucidate the point and avoiding unnecessary information that may dilute the clarity of the essay. Creating a coherent structure is another challenge. Crafting an effective essay outline on essay outlines requires a meta-awareness of how to organize thoughts and ideas logically. It involves synthesizing information from various sources and weaving them into a seamless narrative that guides the reader through the different facets of essay outlines. Additionally, striking the right balance between theory and practical application can be complex. While it's crucial to provide theoretical insights into the importance of essay outlines, incorporating practical examples is equally vital. This necessitates a careful curation of real-world instances that not only serve as illustrations but also enhance the reader's understanding of the topic. In conclusion, writing an essay on "Essay Outline Samples" demands a combination of research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. It involves navigating through the intricacies of the topic, selecting suitable examples, and structuring the essay in a way that is both informative and engaging. Despite the challenges, mastering the art of crafting such essays can significantly enhance one's writing skills. For those seeking assistance in tackling similar essay challenges, various resources are available. Similar essays and more can be ordered on platforms like HelpWriting.net, providing valuable support in navigating the complexities of essay writing. Essay Outline Samples Essay Outline Samples
  • 2. The Operating System ( Os ) The operating system (OS) has two view points it provides services to: 1.User view 2.System view User view: From user point of view operating system should be convenient and easy to use and interact with. It should be better performance vice. Following are the two, some of important services provided by the operating system that are designed for easy to use computer system. a)Program Execution: The major purpose of the operating system is to allow the user to execute programs easily. The operating system provides an environment where users can conveniently run or execute programs and as well as able to end programs. Running programs involves memory management (the allocation and de allocation memory), device management, processor ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... sensors, motion detectors etc.). Almost all programs require some sort of input and produces output. This involves the use of I/O operations. The operating system hides the low level hardware communication for I/O operations from the user. User only specifies device and the operation to perform, and only see that I/O has been performed (i.e. choosing one of the printer in office for printing service). For security and efficiency, user level programs cannot control I/O operations. Therefore, the operating system must facilitate these services. System view: From a system point of view operating system should allocate resources (use system hardware) in a fair and efficient manner. This includes algorithms for CPUs scheduling and avoiding deadlocks etc. Following are two services for system hardware. a)Resource Allocation: Modern computers are capable of running multiple programs and can be used by multiple users at the same time. Resources allocation /management is the dynamic allocation and de allocation by the operating system of (hardware) including processors, memory pages, and various types of bandwidth to the computation that compete for those resources. Operating system kernel, in which all these functions, algorithms and services reside, is in charge of taking care of resource allocation. The objective is to allocate resources so as to optimise responsiveness subject to the finite resources available.
  • 3. Renee Napier In William Shakespeare s Twelfth Night Olivia Renee Napier, it s a pretty important name! If I wasn t Olivia I would be Megan, Megan Renee Napier. I just can t see that! I am Olivia Renee Napier. Napier is Scottish, it is derived from naperer which in Medieval times is a person that sold or produced linen. My middle name, Renee (Ruh Nay), is the French spelling, which means reborn or rebirth there are other forms such as Renae, or Rene. Now my first name, Olivia, was first used in William Shakespeare s Twelfth Night . Oliva is also the Latin root word meaning, olive. Olivia was the fourth most popular name in Ohio, circa 2004. So there are probably a lot of twelve to thirteen year old Olivia s out there, but there is only one Olivia Renee Napier. Was there anything unique... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mr.Finkbine may occasionally be grouchy but his students never see it because he s learned to look past that. I strive to be as upbeat and positive He also has great messages to spread, everything he told the 2016 17 Starlet Rams I took to heart. I truly believe that myself emotionally and socially changed drastically because of the boost in confidence that I had. Basically what I am trying to say is thank you Mr.Finkbine, for always being yourself. You have helped me a lot. My advice shall be given to my best friend who shall remain unnamed to maybe help her out . . . Please do not spend all of your time in a spiral of shame and regret it really is not healthy. You re growing up too fast, slow down! You are your worst critic, and I m my worst critic but you can t spend time reflecting on your flaws, you need to spend time basking in your perfections. You get stressed (and I understand) you want to be a golden child, bulletproof and overall perfect! But let me tell ya you re not and it s ok! Your skin, body, personality and so much more shouldn t have to be perfect for you to be comfortable with who you are. I m not saying I m perfect and I never bring myself down, I do and I know you know that. What I am saying is that you need to learn to pick yourself up. And if you can t I m always here for
  • 4. Mexican Market Revolution Essay The Market Revolution in the America was characterized by the development of technology and the desire to maximize profit. To achieve maximum profit, Americans turned to illegal means to acquire cheap labor and land. In the case of the Mexicans, Americans saw the abundance of raw materials in California and Texas and annexed the territories through border dispute. The Mexican landowners were left vulnerable to the American legal structures and lost the title to their lands. Once landowners, the Mexican became the cheap labor for the Americans and some even became the workers on the land they once owned. Taking a hard look at the core of the Market Revolution, one will find that the revolution was rooted in greed. After United Stateswon the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Around sixty ranchers submitted a petition to the Congress protesting the unfair legal process that each landowner had to go through to prove their claims to the lands. Although this petition did not stop the legal structures from continuing to exploit the vulnerability of the Mexicans, it undoubtedly reflected the stark contrast between the lives of Mexicans before and after entering the American society, served as a criticism and a challenge for the unjust legal system, and demonstrated that the Mexicans were very capable of standing up for themselves, as opposed to being submissive. Aside from this petition, many of the dispossessed Mexicans formed a community of the dispossessed where they shared their experiences and stories and showed support for each other (Takaki 169). Through sharing their stories with others, their stories were passed down to the future generations and through these stories, history was preserved. Both the petition and the community worked to shed light upon the inequality in United States, and how the legal system contradicted itself by serving as the tool of discrimination while advocating for the equality of all
  • 5. Keys to Win the Cola War with Innovative Marketing Strategies Product Mix: Key to Winning the Cola War Pepsi and Coca Cola have stood the test of time through one of the strongest competition rivalries ever seen in the business world. Each time that one of these beverage giants makes an innovative move to conquer a new or existing beverage market, the other is quick to respond with even better innovations or products. Through the years, each of these companies have heralded fabulous discoveries and absolute flops as they continued their endless search for the right mix of products that might someday give them the largest market share in an ever growing and ever needed market. The results so far have been increased competitiveness and long product lines for both companies. In this essay, I... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Pepsi and Coke have also been targeting this growing consumer market in their soda lines with new innovations of low or no carb drinks such as Pepsi Edge3 and Coke s C24, as well as reinvigorations of their already no carb diet drinks. So where do the sports drinks fit into this low carb craze? The answer is they don t. Each of these sports drinks is packed with enough carbohydrates to equal a liquid potato, making them nothing but a memory for people whose daily carb intake is down to 20 60 grams.5 Thus, we have a void in the beverage market that is not being filled. Further deepening this void is the fact that people losing weight tend to be more active, craving something besides water or diet soda after their workouts. This is a perfect example of how a shift in product mix for either company could give them distinct competitive advantage. By simply creating a no carb line of Gatorade or PowerAde sports drinks, the company will have altered its product mix and filled the market void with brand loyal users, adding to the overall market resiliency and strength of the parent company.6 Further analysis of this product line could also reveal strong needs for having different strengths of sports drinks for different levels of activity (i.e. zero carbs for slightly active, 15 grams of carbs for moderately active, and up to 120 grams for marathon runners) enabling a kind of mass customization to ensure that the product line can suit any and all
  • 6. When Doctors Make Mistakes, By Atul Gawande, And Columbia... Communication is an essential tool needed to advance several major processes in society. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, communication is the act or process of using words, sounds, songs, or behaviors to express your ideas, thoughts, and feelings to someone else. Such interaction between human being is significant due to the innate fact that we as humans are social beings. Communicationnot only aids human beings in expressing ideologies, but in everyday duties such as education, work, medical care, and other key aspects. A lack of communication is dangerous in many circumstances. In two essays, When Doctors Make Mistakes , by Atul Gawande, and Columbia s Last Flight, by William Langewiesche the reader can perceive how a lack of communication can be lethal. In the medical field, precision is of the utmost importance when it comes to successfully ensuring that the job is done. Even the slightest mistake can be lethal, making communication vital in the medical field. A group of doctors and nurses must communicate and act like a single unit to complete the procedure. In When Doctors Make Mistake , the author, Atul Gawande, recalls a case where his team worked on a specific crash victim and the breathing tube could not fit in the trachea. Due to a lack of communication, one of the staff members tried to force the tube down the trachea causing more damage. In the essay, Gawande assesses the situation and agrees with his team to bring in a specialist to solve the
  • 7. I Attended The Studio Recital I attended the Studio Recital: Voice on November 30th at 5pm in Souers Recital Hall. This was a vocal recital of the students of Professor Mari Opatz Muni. This concert featured vocal soloists Delaney Roberts, Karl Sissman, Kyra Klontz, Coartney Freeland, Cameron Warland, Kayla Fields, and Nick Karayianopoulos, as well as pianists Janice Murray, Kang Ning Yong, Clare Schuch, and Frank Wang. The only instrument used in this concert was the piano, every song featured just the piano and the singer. I was very familiar with the environment because we have class in their every week, but this time the room felt very different. It felt much more formal for the concert. The stage was up at the front with only the piano on it. The lights dimmed and then the first solist walked out, this gave it a very professional feeling. The voices sounded incredible in the recital hall, there was no microphone needed. All of the performers were wearing very nice clothes and looked very professional. It was a very intimate concert and there was about 30 people there I would guess, I noticed that a lot of people were there to support their friends that were singing. Most of the music that was played was classical, it was more serious and established. I believe that because it was just the pianist and the vocalist it gave it that more serious classical tone. Most of the music was homophonic, the pianist really went right along with the melody. The song choices also made the concert feel very
  • 8. Blepharisma Americana Case Study The objective of this experiment was to investigate the response of Blepharisma americana, Paramecium caudatum, Euplotes, and Vorticella microorganisms to the acidification of their environment and the impact of acidification on the their community diversity. We hypothesized that lower pH values would cause Ciliophora community diversities and health to decline. Based on our collaborative data from BI107 lab sections (2016), compared to the starting population, Blepharisma americana, Paramecium caudatum, Euplotes, and Vorticella s average population size increased in pHconditions 7.0, 5.5, 4.5 and 3.5 (Figure 1). The reason for the ciliates to have a much higher average population size compared to the starting population is because they had the opportunity to reproduce for a week. All four ciliates had the lowest average populations at the pH condition 3.5 and the average population sizes of Euplotes and P. caudatum decreased as the pH levels decreased, implying that an acidic environment is not beneficial for their survival (Figure 1). This supports our hypothesis that a decrease in pH conditions leads to the decrease in average population size. Our results agree with Tremaine and Mills s (1991) data, which suggests acidification decreased ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We can also test the effect of acidification on plants that live in the ocean or lakes such as seaweed or water lilies to expand our results and include the influences of acidification on the aquatic plants. Conducting the study for a longer period of time will provide more opportunities for ciliates to reproduce and allow us to observe the long term effects of acidification on the ciliates population. Moreover, this would allow us to determine if the ciliates can eventually adapt to overcome the effects of acidification and
  • 9. John The Pigman John and his Father, Mr. Conlan, always had a bad relationship, in the novel The Pigman by Paul Zindel. In the seventh chapter, it mentions that John calls Mr. Conlan, Bore and Mrs. Conlan, Old Lady. It also talks about Mr. Conlan s job at the Coffee Exchange. Mr. Conlan tries to persuade John into working with him over at the exchange. They argue over it at dinner which made Mrs. Conlan angry. They continued to argue until Mrs. Conlan steps in and stops the argument. Mr. Conlan thinks highly of John s future and their argument gives us a simple lesson the author is trying to teach and it also shows the essence of familial love. First off, John s personality has always been influenced by his father, which shows that John has always idolized ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Conlan s personality before, which caused affected John s personality, and caused their relationship to deteriorate. Their relationship is used by the author to teach us a lesson. The lesson is that, every person has different personalities, decisions, and dreams and to respect these differences helps each person a better future. You can help a person just by encouraging or supporting them, this lesson is taught by Mr. Conlan and John s bad relationship and problems, and as we read we try to understand them and try to find solutions for their problems, which we can then apply to our own lives. John loves his family more than anything but is afraid to show it. He respects his father s decisions but sometimes his dreams, like being an actor, isn t supported by Mr. Conlan. So he rejects him because he wants Mr. Conlan to be more selfish because Mr. Conlan always puts his family first. Plus, Mr. Conlan is dying, it is proven when he says, I can t take the strain much longer (58). Mr. Conlan wants to help his family financially to compensate his past habits. He wants to give John and his brother experience in the working environment. He tries to provide his family by working at the exchange. Because of his age, he at least wants John to have a stable source of income for his future. Mr. Conlan can t bear the stress anymore ... I ve only got a few years left... (58). The familial love shown in the piece is very vague, there are a lot of misunderstandings between John and Mr. Conlan. This negative portrayal of the two also misleads readers, just by showing arguments between them, but what it really does is strengthen the bond between Mr. Conlan and
  • 10. Unprotected Sex Leads to an Increase in Pregnancy, Social... Unprotected sex is becoming increasingly common today which brings an increase in the risks of the effects; including pregnancy, social discrimination, and various diseases. The majority of unprotected sex is acted upon within teenagers. However, adults act upon this feat as well. While performing sexual proceedings, you use a condom to prevent the corrupting effects due to unprotected sex from happening to you. In the absence of using a condom, the effects are amplified. Most people are aware of the consequences of unprotected sex, although, the choice of using a condom to protect you during sexual intercourse is still not always the prevailing decision. Furthermore, people may not be fully aware of the serious impacts of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some teens that become pregnant are still in high school or just beginning a college education. Pregnancy is a large responsibility that can intermittently be disregarded. Thus, you don t have a choice but to be prepared for a child and the responsibility that comes with pregnancy. Not only do you have to help nurture a child and support them, it costs you a vast amount of money as well. As a teenager and still in school, having enough money to sustain you and a child on your own is very intricate. As a result, trying to finish school and accomplish future career goals is difficult with less money and a child to care for. Social discrimination occurs as a result of unprotected sex and as a result of pregnancy. Even considering most teenagers have unprotected sex, girls especially, are discriminated against. Generally they are discriminated against by other girls who themselves have unprotected sex too. You become known as promiscuous even though other girls are just as guilty. While teenagers that are pregnant are around other students their age that are not pregnant, it sometimes creates a social discrimination against them as well. Even considering that the majority of teens do have unprotected sex, there is still a strong and immediate discrimination again teens that are pregnant or have unprotected sex. With a social discrimination, your friends might turn their backs on you and even
  • 11. Michael Pollan Omnivore Dilemma Michael Pollan in 2006, published a work that has to some degree changed the way that people eat, or at the very least attempted to change the way that we think about the food we eat. (Shea 54) Pollan demonstrates through fundamentally modern rhetoric the relationship that people, and more specifically American s have with food and how very distant we are from it. ( History, Old Favorites in B08) To some degree Pollan, others like him and internationally challenging food shortages and even worse food born illnesses and scares are changing the way that food is understood with regard to an international and national food traceability and accountability movement. (Popper 365) Pollan challenges the industrial food chain looking at... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... the link between the way we choose to separate ourselves from the farmer and the market, with little thought and the fact that we use way to much corn and petroleum to manufacture and obtain our food, then logically get taken by the marketing of organic food and then the difficulty of a one time experience challenging the market to forage in the environment we live. The ethos of the work is derived from the fact that Pollan is willing and able as an individual, on a very intimate level to trace all these links to a formidable conclusion, as well as his own credential as a consumer and a food writer. (Shea 54) He vividly describes his experiences and what he has learned, so the reader can participate in his exploration of the many worlds of food in the United States. (Flannery 51) Oil underlines Pollan s story about agribusiness, but corn is its focus. American cattle fatten on corn. Corn also feeds poultry, pigs and sheep, even farmed fish. But that s just the beginning. In addition to dairy products from corn fed cows and eggs from corn fed chickens, corn starch, corn oil and corn syrup make up key ingredients in prepared foods. High fructose corn syrup sweetens everything from juice to toothpaste. Even the alcohol in beer is corn based. Corn is in everything from frozen yogurt to ketchup, from mayonnaise and mustard to hot dogs and bologna, from salad dressings to vitamin pills. Tell me what you eat, said
  • 12. Crevecoeur What is an American? Early American writers have made long lasting contributions to developing and explaining American beliefs, values, and culture. St. John de Crevecoeur s What is an American sets out to describe what makes an American an American. Through the analysis of American government, beliefs, culture, and values Crevecoeur explains to the world what an American encompasses. Michel Guillaume Jean de Crevecoeur was born on December 31, 1735 in Caen, Normandy. At the age of nineteen, Crevecoeur traveled to England to live with relatives. In England, Crevecoeur planned on marriage however his bride to be died prior to their ceremony. In 1755, Crevecoeur immigrated to Canada and enlisted in the French colonial Militia as a surveyor... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The social hierarchy that exists in America was far different from the hierarchy present in Europe. The vast geography of land available in America allowed common men the chance of becoming a land owner. Here no aristocratical families, no courts, no kings, no bishops, no ecclesiastical dominion, no invisible power giving to a few a very visible one; no great manufacturers employing thousands, no great refinements of luxury. (Crevecoeur 658) The opportunity for common men to own land allowed for less division among the rich and poor, referring to the existence of a middle class. The rich and the poor are not so far removed from each other as they are in Europe. (Crevecoeur 658) Due to the less defined notions of being rich or poor and the ability to become a landowner to improve ones status easily fostered the American idea of working for one s self. This important aspect to the American social hierarchy allowed for the development of industry in America. For example, as the Americans began to work for themselves and create or provide certain products or services, industries begin to develop between the groups of common service or product providers. The cooperation and competition within the various industries helped to create quality products and services rather than products designed for luxury alone. The lack of a strict social hierarchy existing in America allows for America to be considered the land of freedom. We have no princes, for whom we toil, starve,
  • 13. Societal Values In Homer s Iliad And Women In Genesis The women in Homer s Iliad and the women in Genesis both exhibit the accepted societal values in a woman through their duties as wives, which typically consisted of obedience and the ability to sustain their husband s lineage. Rebekah and Andromache both assume their roles as wives, but sometimes act in ways outside of the what was considered normal in their society. Though both Rebekah and Andromache maintain the classic role of a wife, they occasionally contradict the expectations of how a womanshould behave by making decisions traditionally made by men. Through revolutionary behaviors demonstrated by both women, they grant themselves more authority and power in decision making, which in turn affects the fate of each woman s family. Both Andromache and Rebekah share a parallel in terms of their roles in carrying out the fate of their families, however what ultimately distinguishes one from the other is how successful they are at sustaining those roles. In the Iliad, Homer displays societal norms placed for wives through the actions of Andromache, yet at the same time, conveys her as having more power and involvement in the family than what was expected for a woman at the time to have. In her encounter with her husband, Hector, Andromache establishes one of her main roles of trying to manipulate fate (moira) through attempting to prevent him from returning to the war and facing his inevitable death. She pleas for him to show some pity and stay here by the tower, don t
  • 14. Ron Mueck Art Analysis Ron Mueck. Wildman . A pale, tall figure looms over all who are in its presence, overwhelming and shockingly real. The Giant, Wildman , a huge modal of a man, is nude, this nakedness, displayed for all to see. This ultimate exposure is a symbol to modern culture as one of ultimate indecency and of vulnerability. He sits on a simple, sturdy wooden stool. His pose is rigid, his knuckles are tightened and white as he grips his seat, his eyes are wide with fear, accusing the society that has placed him on this pedestal. Upon his head, a thick mane of curly hair sits, entwining with his bush like un kept beard with greying strands throughout, reaching past his shoulders and ending midway down his chest. The majority of his body... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His legs are brought up to chest height, one leans against the wall with the rest of the right side of his body. His head rests on a closed hand, disappearing behind the head and concealing the right ear. The elbow is supported by the right knee of one of his folded legs. His other hand rests in the crook of the right arm, the elbow of this arm, supported by the left knee. His round stomach is gently indented by the thighs that are pressed against it, his navel protrudes from the smoothness of the surrounding belly. Between the stomach and private area is a shadowed fold where the belly meets the lower body. The toes of his large feet are slightly bent inward, with only the largest toes remaining flat against the ground. His skin tone is pale, with slight pink discoloration in the usual places, such as the area underneath the nose, natural blush of the cheeks and ears. The added freckles and more slight facial discolorations create a perfected reality simulation. His eyes, partly shadowed by the overhanging brow are turned to the left drawn to something in the distance. His face is creased with the lines of age, more heavily indented around the main facial features, then fading into thinner lines as they move away from them. Upon his face is a complicated expression, one which be interpreted as frustration or anger, for the brow is slightly furrowed and one side his mouth is upturned with the impression of the hand that supports the face. Alternatively the
  • 15. The Downside Of Teleporting In Star Trek Teleportation An Introduction to Teleporting Beam me up, Scotty! When Star Trek was first released in 1966, teleportation was only a dream. Now a days, people are claiming that future generations as soon as great grandchildren will be able to teleport with ease. There are, however, many things that Star Trek hasn t prepared fans for, and although there are many perks to teleportation, people need to weigh in the risk factors as well. The pros may sound promising but, the cons tremendously outweigh them. The Downside of Teleportation This paper could go on and on about the definition of life or crap like that, however that would be a large waste of time and space. So, with that in mind, this paper shall continue on wayward. First of all, by teleporting, all of the atoms in the human body would essentially deconstruct and then reconstruct in a new place. With all of this assembling and disassembling taking place, an issue that needs to be brought up and spoken about is whether or not there would be any mixed up body parts as a complication. While the body is disassembling, the heart would temporarily stop beating and the person would die . However, the person would not really die. The body would continue on with life . It would just be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... No more super slow text messages being sent in a group chat. Just teleport that information right over to anyone of choosing. No telling when this will actually be possible, but it certainly does seem worthy of trying out. The speed of light transfer of the encoded information from one photon to another demonstrates the possibility of secure communication between a network of remotely located quantum computers in the future.[3] This could lead to more secure networks on the governmental level (if used properly) and maybe it could be open for the public to use in the more distant
  • 16. The Whale Rider Essay The Whale Rider, a novel written by Witi Ihimaera which is set on the East coast of New Zealand at WhДЃngДЃrДЃ.The novel tells the story of the local MДЃori iwi, Te Tai Rawhiti, and of Kahu, a young MДЃori girl whose spirit and determination challenges tradition to overcome adversity and lead her people into the advancing times. In this essay the theme of tradition The Whale Rider takes place during a time where MДЃori culture was witnessing a decline, there were concerns of the culture being assimilated by European influences. Koro Apirana, Kahu s obdurate grandfather fights for the preservation of his culture, he is expecting a new leader from his first born grandchild, a male warrior that will bring salvation to his people. However the grandchild is Kahu Apirana, not the male warrior Koro wilfully sought, but the cultural revolution the time demanded. The novel presents the need for a cultural evolution, where the people of Te Tai Rawhiti must adapt to the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Prominent character, known by all as Nanny Flowers, descends from Muriwai, a powerful woman leader whom Nanny Flowers is said to have always made constant reference to. Nanny Flowers is described to hold up her arms and declare her pride that Muriwai s blood flows in [Nanny Flowers ] veins. This great awareness of their ancestors can benefit the individual, for example during the beaching of the whales at Whangara, when Koro was instructing for all the boys and men to met in the meeting house, Nanny Flowers says in a huff to him, What about us woman! She illustrates them as having the much needed hands to help but Koro replies to his wife that he does not want [her] to interfere pronouncing the work tapu. Nanny Flowers then warns Koro that she will be like Muriwai if [she has] to, Nanny Flowers then adds in that young Kahu will also, if she has to be. Here Nanny
  • 17. Drug Study Assignment Essay PHAR 1000 Basic Pharmocotherapeutics Eileen J. Arellano Norquest College Practical Nurse Section D01 PHAR 1000 Written Assignment Heather Zirk RN, BN September 15, 2014 CASE STUDY: Name of Client: Maggie Sears Age: 66 years old Primary Diagnosis: Cellulitis to left leg Secondary Diagnosis: Depression Osteoporosis Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Past Surgical History: Tonsillectomy as child Cholecystectomy 15 years ago (51 years old) Current Medications: migraine pills St. John s wort oil for skin inflammation to left leg (for a week) Past History: Smokes ВЅ a pack of cigarettes per day (since she was a teenager) Weight: 70 kg Height: 150 cm DOCTOR S ORDER: Medications: Ancef 750 mg IV q12h Elavil 50 mg po ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If headache recurs, doses may be repeated q 2 hr (not to exceed 200mg/day) Doctor s Order: 75mg q4H max 2 doses daily Is this Safe?: NO. The dose should be lesser. 25 50mg for lesser interval of q2H. Metformin Safe Dosages: 500mg twice daily. May increase by 500mg at weekly intervals up to 2000mg/day. If doses 2000mg/day are required, give in 3 divided doses (not to exceed 2500mg/day) Doctor s Order: 750mg TID with meals Is this Safe?: YES Buffered Aspirin (Salicylates) Safe Dosages: 2.4g/day initially; increased to maintenance dose of 3.6 5.4g/day in divided doses (upto 7.8g/day for acute rheumatic fever) Doctor s Order: 650mg (or .65g) q6H PRN Is this Safe?: NO. The dose 650mg (or .65g) q 6H PRN that was ordered was lesser than what is a safe dose according to the drug guide. And dose wouldn t be enough to help client s pain. 3. What would you do if the dosage ordered was not safe? Clarify the order with the Physician involved. Refer to the drug guide or any reliable source if necessary.
  • 19. Indigenous Art And Other Manifestations Of Indigenous Culture Indigenous Art and other manifestations of Indigenous culture were discovered during the process of the colonization of Australia. The first Europeans to arrive in Australia made note of the cultural artifacts they encountered. Artifacts such as weapons, drawings, sheets of bark and engravings were collected as colonized culture and housed in scientific and natural history museums where they shared the space with geological, plant and animal specimens. These objects were initially collected as curiosities and as sources of information about the exotic native and places. Later they were ordered in typological sequence to demonstrate the evolution of culture across different societies. These manifestations of Indigenous culture were regarded as objective information about the diversity of human culture. They were objects of the exotic worlds not seen as art, however, but as ethnographic facts. This classification reflected contemporary socio evolutionary thinking of the time which regarded the Indigenous as people without art. In the mid twentieth century the discourse surrounding Indigenous Art began to change when major collections were acquired by art galleries as opposed to ethnographic museums. These great collections of Indigenous objects, reaching back to 1770, provide an early record of encounters between first Australians and European settlers encounters that have irrevocably changed Indigenous societies. The Encounters exhibition at the National Museum houses some
  • 20. Essay James Watt James Watt James Watt was born 19th January 1736 at Greenock and at this time no one would have even imagined his effect on the Industrial Revolution that was to occur within that century. When James was fifteen he had read books about and become accustomed to Philosophy (similar to modern physics). He had also completed many of his own chemical experiments and even started produce and construct his own products such as a small electronic device that startled his companions. He soon became interested in astronomy and often spent long hours at night, lying in a grove near his home studying the night sky. He also enjoyed angling as his hobby and completed odd jobs to become known as a jack of all trades. He sold and mended spectacles, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He then turned towards making musical instruments for a period of time, most likely to keep ahead financially. In 1763 though, he had the greatest influential experience in his whole life. The University of Glasgow asked James to repair one of Thomas Newcomen s steam engine models that was not functioning correctly. It was at this stage in James Watt s life that he began learning the principals behind the workings of a steam engine. He learnt information from his friend Dr. Black about heat; temperature and the properties of steam itself. After studying steam engines for a period he became the only person with enough knowledge to improve on the steam engine at that time. Even though Newcomen had already developed the steam engine before James Watt, it was about to be improved substantially without even knowing the results it would have on the industrial revolution. As Watt was fixing the machine he was intrigued on how much fuel it burned. He then thought about ways to reduce the fuel consumption and found out it was mostly caused by the pistons and other metal work heating cooling, always requiring extra heat. James Watt then constructed a new steam engine with an insulated main cylinder that allowed the metal work to stay constantly hot reducing the fuel by almost 75%. He also worked on a condenser which re uses five sixths (5/6) of the wasted steam by condensing it back to water. He was also great at adapting a leather
  • 21. Truffaut On Love Essay children chase the lovers when the man chases the women. GГ©rard shows his brutal and child like nature when he chases one of his tormentors, when he gets him he slaps him, a primal and a beast just like children would curl. The spectacle of the lovers is always accompanied by either screams or whispers and extremely agitated and exciting body languages. The children are constantly reactive to the spectacle of the love that they are seeing. The second motif will be the connection between love and death. In a perfect way the spectacle in Truffaut s filmconstantly connected to the looming to the unavoidable death. We noticed through the first part of the film with the shining presence of the film when she was clothed in light. Not a coincidence at all that GГ©rard wears all black which foreshadows his fate. Truffaut very subtly continues the symbolic play with colors, Bernadette will only wear white until the crucial foreshadow moment of GГ©rard when they kiss goodbye. For the first time their relationship is connected to sadness. Just like a child GГ©rard proposes to Bernadette by singing in a very childish way. This moment is important because the promise of a life together will be derailed by an accident. The end of the film is sectioned again by the unavoidable reality of death that will destroy love. Truffaut loves films about goddesses like women and love are consistently marked by death. The women and the reality of Eros and passion and love that is deeply connected to the reality of death. The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A film epitomizes Truffaut s deep love for and faith of the act of writing and in literature and his science master piece in Fahrenheit 451. An example of this is that they will wind up in the last saga Love on the Run and Antoine will become a writer at the end. The Story of Adele H is related to the personal diary of Adele Hugo. In The 400 Blows, everything
  • 22. Gaming Strategies In The Classroom Leaning, M. (2015). A study of the use of games and gamification to enhance student engagement, experience and achievement on a theory based course of an undergraduate media degree. Journal of Media Practice, 16(2), 155 170. Within this research, Leaning (2015) explores the effectiveness of game techniques to teach media theory to undergraduate students. The author provides background of the content being taught within the classroom and how it is often difficult for students to understand. Therefore the use of gaming techniques is used to improve students performance. Within the research project, the experimental group showed an increase on the summative assessment mean scores. Compared to the control group, an almost 2% increase. They... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The experimental group used traditional didactic methods with a gamification element at the end of instruction in the form of an app. The control group just used didactic methods. Through coding and analyzing student s responses, an astounding 92.2% of students who used gamification methods reported increase intrinsic motivation. Hamari, J., Koivisto, J., Sarsa, H. (2014, January). Does gamification work? a literature review of empirical studies on gamification. In System Sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on (pp. 3025 3034). IEEE. This paper reviewed peer reviewed studies and articles on gamification. Dissecting the directions on gamification research and its effects on learning were topics discovered. Also, the authors aimed to identify gaps in the current literate. Overall, they conclude that gamification has positive effects, however those effects are dependent on the gamification elements being implemented, and the users using it. Searches through databases uncovered a growing number of papers on gamification topics over the last decade. Altogether the author s used 24 empirical studies to examine in their literature review. The data reflects the different types of topics covered within the studies and the types of data that was presented. According to the authors, in multiple studies user qualities were alleged to have an effects on
  • 23. Ultrasound Technician Essay Ultrasound Technician: Catching The Wave It s her first time finding out the gender of her unborn child. There s a bundle of emotions in the patients body, waiting for the sonographer to apply the cold gel on the soon to be mothers belly. Then a couple of months past and the mother doesn t feel good. She then goes to the hospital to find out what s wrong. As the UltrasoundTechnician, also known as a UT, gets ready for the procedure the patient wonders what is happening, is she okay? Is the baby okay? The UT isn t finding a heart beat, she then realizes what is happening. Having to face a soon to be mother and tell her that her child no longer has a heart beat must be one of the most horrific things to do as a UT. Therefore... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As I interviewed a UT she told me that at times its an easy job but you always have to be on your feet moving around. But for you to handle this you must like it. A regular day for a UT have up to 10 20 people a day and they work from 8 a.m. 5 p.m. The more people the have the faster their day goes because they have so many things to do in a certain amount of time. The job of a UT might seem easy but they re some things you have to be cautious about. If a client with some type of disease comes to you and you don t follow the procedures the correct way, there is a chance you can get sick and catch the disease.( personalinterview ) Therefore, the life of an Ultrasound technician is like a rollercoaster, it has its ups and downs. This job isn t for everybody you must come prepared mentally and physically. When a client receives devastating news from you, you must know how to act and make wise decisions. Having up to 20 clients a day will cause you back problems and also having to be on your feet all day isn t going to help. This career isn t going to be the easiest. You must like this job enough to put up with everything it offers you and enjoy it at the same time because you will have to deal with it on a daily
  • 24. Agile Project Management By Sanjiv Augustine, Bob Payne, Fred Sencindiver, and Susan Woodcock AGILE PROJECT M A N A G E M E N T: STEERING FROM THE EDGES Agile project management lets software project managers and employees alike adapt to changing circumstances, rather than try to impose rigid formal controls, as in traditional linear development methods. Dealing with an increasingly volatile organizational environment is a serious challenge for managers of any software development project [11]. Traditional formal software development methodologies can be characterized as reflecting linear, sequential processes, and the related management approaches can be effective in developing software with stable, known, consistent requirements. Yet most real world... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Allowing members to join and leave the team allows dynamic team composition and supports adaptability to changing external conditions. The team [10] maintains optimal internal channels of communication while minimizing the effect of an interaction penalty. Even when a project requires a larger team of, say, more than 15 members, 86 December 2005/Vol. 48, No. 12 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM their teams by defining, disseminating, and sustaining a vision that influences the internal models of individual agents. The Agile Manifesto (www.agilemanifesto.org) created in 2001 by the proponents of these methodologies articulated a core set of values useful in steering this vision. Simple rules. In CAS, agents follow simple rules, but their interactions result in complex behavior that emerges over time. The standard XP practices represent a set of simple rules for agile development projects. They re accepted by all members of the team at the outset, though the team can adjust or add new practices as needed. Throughout a project, the manager identifies practices that aren t being followed, seeks to understand why they re not, and removes obstacles to their implementation. XP practices provide simple generative rules without restricting the autonomy and creativity of team members. Free and open access to information. In CAS, information about plans, progress, objectives, and
  • 25. The Death Penalty For Juveniles Research Paper: Death Penalty for Juveniles Capital punishment for juveniles is one of the most controversial topics to ever be explored in society and in the criminal justice system. The death penalty is a rare occurrence amongst juveniles since it is so arguable as to whether they should be tried as adults. Lynn Cothern from the Juvenile Justice Resource Center suggests that the primary purpose of the juvenile justice system is to hold juvenile offenders accountable for delinquent acts while providing treatment, rehabilitative services, and programs designed to prevent future involvement in law violating behavior (Cothern). The juvenile death penalty has been argued over for centuries and has stirred enough people to still be around today. While juveniles have been known to commit heinous crimes, sentencing a juvenile to death is an inhumane and cruel fate to serve someone who is incapable of making rational lifelong decisions, and should not be allowed in the juvenile justice system. Thomas Graunger was the first juvenile known to be executed in America. He was found guilty after admitting to his crimes of buggary with a mare, a cow, two goats, five sheep, two calves and a turkey in 1642 in Plymouth Colony, MA (Bradford). Since then, at least 366 juveniles have been sentenced to death. Of these, 22 occurred between 1973 2005. The United States essentially remains the only country in the world to permit the juvenile death sentence. There are 14 states that permit
  • 26. Analysis Of Paul Thomas Anderson s Film Magnolia After viewing and an examination of one of Paul Thomas Anderson success film Magnolia , I have analysed that Anderson uses multiple themes involving regret and loneliness in the film which is connected to auteur theory. What I am going to examine is: How were the themes and the characters are related? How did Anderson s filmtechniques affect in the film? And why did Anderson use his similar style within the film? These questions are to give an understanding that focuses mainly on auteur theory in the film. The film takes place in San Fernando Valley where it revolves around eleven characters about their stories in one particular day. These stories have a little connection with each other as it involves dealing with their past and having
  • 27. Flight Chapter 1 Summary Chapter 1 Principles of Flight Section A: Airplanes A.Major Components (or Sections) of an Airplane 1.Fuselage a.This is the body of the airplane generally from nose to tail. b. It consists of the main airplane structure like frames, stringers, longerons, keel beam and skin. 2.Wings a.This is the component or section of the airplane that is responsible for aerodynamic lift. b.Lift is the force that raises the airplane up. 3.Empennage a.This is the airplane s tail section which consists of the vertical stabilizer (or vertical fin) and horizontal stabilizer. On most large airplanes the empennage also houses the Auxiliary Power Unit or APU. [pic] 4.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... straight or rectangular, Elliptical, tapered towards the tips, sweptback and delta. d. Aspect Ratio = this is the ratio of the wing s length to its width. For a given angle of attack, a higher aspect ratio produces less drag. [pic] ASPECT RATIO F.Important Wing Characteristics 1.Angle of Incidence a. The wing is attached to the fuselage at a small angle which is between the chord line and the horizontal plane. b. The angle of incidence provides a positive angle of attack while the airplane is in level flight. 2.Coefficient of Lift (CL) a. This is the built in relationship between wing lift and wing angle of attack. b. CL is measured by testing the wing airfoil in the wind tunnel. [pic] G.Pilot Control of Lift 1.An increase in the airplane s forward speed via the thrust lever will increase lift. 2.Changing the shape of the wing by lowering the flaps increases lift. 3.Pulling on the control column will increase the positive angle of attack on the wing which will increase lift. 4.Pushing on the control column will produce a negative angle of attack on the wing. This action will decrease wing lift. 5. An increase in lift is always followed by an increase in drag. 6. A positive angle of attack up to and beyond the wing design limit will completely destroy lift and produce excessive
  • 28. Lesson Plan in Science 5 SCIENCE AND HEALTH V Date: ____________ I.Objective: вќ– Identify the members of the solar system Values:Appreciate God s creation. II.Subject Matter: Unit:The Solar System Topic:Members of the Solar System A.Science Concept/Idea: вќ– Sun Planets, planetoids, comets, meteor and meteorites are the members of the solar system. B.Science Processes: Observing and Identifying C.Materials: Illustration of nine (9) planets, sun, meteor, meteorites comet and activity card References: Science and Health V, Module by: Jessie Villegas and Celia Nacpil p. 100; Into the Future Science and Health, p. 250 III.Procedure: A.Preparatory Activities: 1. Reading of Science news... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Values:Orderliness/Active participation in performing activity/Cleanliness and neatness in making a design. II.Subject Matter: Unit:The Solar System Topic:How Members of the Solar System Revolve around the Sun A.Science Concept/Idea: вќ– The members of the solar system revolve around the sun in the same direction as they follow their own orbits. B.Science Processes: Observing, Describing and Illustrating C.Materials: chart, activity card References: Into the Future Science and Health V, p. 260 III.Procedure: A.Preparatory Activities: 1.Review: Describe the members of the solar system: a. Sun b. Planets c. Comets d. Meteors and Meteorites e. Planetoids B.Developmental Activities: 1.Motivation: Have you ever wondered why planets do not collide as they travel around the sun?
  • 29. 2.Presentation: a. Show an illustration or a model of the nine planets and identify them. b. Distribute cutouts of the nine (9) planets and nine (9) different colored string. c. Tell the pupils to arrange the nine (9) planets around the sun on the flannel board. d. Let the pupils put the colored strings to show the orbit of the planets (Teacher guide the pupils) C.Concept Formation: How do the members of the solar system revolve around
  • 30. Comparing British Welfare Systems with 2 Other Countries... A 2000 word comparative review of the ways different countries approach welfare, as discussed on the unit. The aim of this essay is to discuss and compare the British Welfare system with Germany and Sweden s welfare systems. A welfare system is the structure of welfare provisions and services that provide a specific social need, but it is not only provided or organised solely by the government (Blakemore, 2001). It is a view that is rooted in individual exchanges between five organisations (State/Government, Market/Private Sector, Family/Kin networks, Local Communities and Civil Society). It reflects the history and cultures of different countries around the world (Haralambos, 2012). It is these providers that assume principal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... DLA is a tax free benefit to help with extra costs you may have because your re disabled, this is given to all claimants whether they are working or not (Directgov). Some people who make a claim for DLA may be asked to have a medical examination. Working tax credits was introduced in 2003 along with disability element to help people stay in work or to return to work (Mitra, 2009). Then the 2005 Disability Discrimination Act came into force (Haralambos Holborn, 2009). (Burchardt, 2000) cited that according to the European Commission (1998), people with disabilities have low levels of participation in society and the employment rate for people with disabilities is 20 30% lower than people without disabilities (Huang, 2009). From 2013 Disability Living Allowance for disabled people aged 16 to 64 will be replaced by a new Personal Independence Payment programme (Directgov). This is a non means tested, tax free benefit. The DWP is to run a pilot scheme to help assist and reintroduce claimants back into the job market (Mitra, 2009), this will lead to employers paying short term benefits rather than the state. In Sweden it is the Local government responsibility for welfare services. It was from the 13th century that the first local legislation was seen as the responsibility of the local parish to take care of the poor (Bergmark Minas, 2006, p.15). The Swedish health system for
  • 31. The Physics Of Aerospace Engineering Essay 1.Loren told me that he has enjoyed problem solving since he was very young. Growing up he knew he wanted to go into engineering but wasn t completely sure which type he would enjoy the most. He was most interested in outer space and also cars and design. After his acceptance to Purdue, he turned to several upperclassmen for advice and their knowledge of the Engineering school and the programs. They told him about Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and how similar they were. After some thought, he decided that in aerospace engineering because of his interest in outer space. 2.Loren said that at this point, all of his upper classes are small and have lectures. Also some of the classes have accompanying lab sections. For example, Loren stated We might have an aerodynamics class and then a separate class which is a lab that reinforces what we learn in the aerodynamics class. He also told me that students lean the fundamentals of aerospace, propulsion, and controls (computer guidance systems, ex: planes that can land themselves). 3.When talking about his favorite class, Loren told me about AAE 20400 Mechanics of Materials. This was his first class about structures. He told me that it has proven to be very useful in all of his major specific classes. He also expressed that the professor had been the best professor that he s had during his time at Purdue in terms of explaining information. He was also genuinely interested in the material that the course had to offer. 4.
  • 32. Describe How Bacteria Decode Its Genetic Information to... Describe how Bacteria decode its genetic information to produce proteins? Intro(10mins) Bacteria belongs to a group of organism that lacks cell nucleus and membrane bound organells. This group of organisms are termed as prokaryotes. Prokaryotes follows the central dogma of molecular biology first proposed by Francis Crick in 1958 to synthesize proteins from mRNA through a process called translation and the mRNA is being synthesized from the DNA by another process called Transcription. Temperature, nutrient availibity are some key factors that start the process of synthesizing proteins in response to these key factors. Example. This paper will provide an explanation as to how bacteria decode the genetic information to produce ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Elongation is terminated by a stop codon. Stop codon do not code for any amino acid. Protein folding The amino acid sequences derived from decoding the mRNA determines a protein s final conformation, helper proteins aid the newly formed polypeptide with its folding to achieve a proper functional shape. These molecular chaperones are essential as the cytoplasm is often filled with new polypeptide chains and thus these accumulation of polypeptide chain might accumulate together and fold into a non function shape. Example of well studied chaperones from E.Coli are DnaK, DnaJ, GroEL and GroES. And GrpE. Protein splicing Some microbial proteins are spliced after translation. In protein splicing, a part of the polypeptide is removed before folding to its final shape. Conclusion Decoding its genetic information refers to the process of transcription while producing proteins refer to the process of translation. Body 1(30mins) DNA transcription. MRNA Translation Body 2 Different between Conclusion(10mins) Introduction. Bacteria belongs to a group of organism that lacks cell nucleus and other membrane bound organells. This group of organisms are called Prokaryotes and they follow
  • 33. the central dogma of molecular biology first proposed by Francis Crick in 1958 for protein synthesize. Protein synthesize is how instruction written by the bacteria DNA are being copied into a temporary form called mRNA and these mRNA are sent to
  • 34. The Atomic Weight Of The Middle North Sydney Girls High Preliminary Course Chemistry Assessment Task 1 Research Task Rachel Stock 11CH5 Question 1 Question 2 The first use of the triads was in 1817, when Johann Dobereiner observed that elements could be placed in groups of three based on their properties. When the three elements were ordered according to atomic weight, the smallest weight would have the least significant reaction or mildest property, whilst the heaviest would have the most significant or strongest property. Further, the atomic weight of the middle element would be almost exactly the average of the two other elements. These properties were considered too coincidental not to be of some significance. One of the first triads to be observed was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When ordered with atomic number there are only a few instances where the atomic masses do not ascend which would have resulted in the two elements being switched in the original order of elements when atomic weight was used. These errors are pairs where the second of the pair is placed first when ordered with atomic weight; three of which are argon and potassium, cobalt and nickel, tellurium and iodine. The Law of Triads began to direct chemists towards the patterns found in lists or tables of elements. Many chemists began exploring patterns but it wasn t until 1864 that the next step was made. John Newlands realised that when ordered by atomic weight a regular pattern of properties formed. He noted that elements seemed to fall into patterns of eight whereby every eighth element would have the same properties. This was not entirely true however as Newlands saw this pattern and was reminded of a musical scale s eight note repetition. Nevertheless, the recognition of this in fact deterred Newlands from making further inferences as he continued to attempt to force elements into this musical scale like format which was not entirely applicable. Furthermore, the noble gases had yet to be discovered when Newlands Law of Octaves was formed. This meant that the pattern didn t account for an extra element in the patterns of eight. As can be seen on the right, noble gases are not included and had they been, they would be placed in
  • 35. Pros And Cons Of Gamma Knife The Gamma Knife: Cancer Treatment Word Count: 1,017 (excluding bibliography and in text citations) Introduction: During the last few Physics lessons, we learned about the different types of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum. These two main types are electromagnetic waves and sound waves. In this essay I will be explaining what gamma rays are and how they work, as well as how they function to treat brain and skull based cancer tumors through the gamma knife. I will then also be stating some advantages and disadvantages of the Gamma knife, as well as explaining how the science behind this technique interacts with the two factors social and economical. I will lastly be writing a short conclusion reviewing what I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many patients who suffer with cancer cannot afford to pay for treatment because of the colossal amount of money they demand. This is why many people, especially in less economically developed countries die of cancer on a regular basis. Fortunately however, in the western hemisphere, the average person is more likely to be able to afford proper treatment procedures. However, because the Gamma knife treatment is a lot cheaper than regular neurosurgery, it is easier for patients to be able to afford it as their treatment source. But, on the other hand, a con against this source of treatment would be when the patient does not have health insurance, making it almost impossible if they have a low income to pay for the treatment from their own. Also, if someone can t afford the Gamma knife treatment or any others, they may be forced to turn to other alternatives, such as natural medicine, which isn t necessarily going to cure them. However, knowing both the pros and cons of the Gamma Knife treatment in relationship to economical factors, I think that it should still be used around the world, as the advantages of it are so much greater than the disadvantages. Even though some people might find it difficult to pay for the process, most health insurances will pay for most of it anyways. Lastly, because of the fact that the Gamma knife treatment is so much cheaper and more affordable than most other treatments, it is worth it if you want to take the next step in curing your body. ( Services , GRHealth, January
  • 36. Summary Of Gross s Neighbors Gross really puts a focus on this one massacre and changed the thought that Poles did not have any effect on the fate of the Jews living in Jedwabne during World War ll. Gross is really honing in on the idea that these two different ethnic groups (Jewish and non Jewish Poles) histories were intertwined in many ways. After reading some of the back story and Neighbors part 1 its clear that Gross wants to disturb the cultural disinclination in Poland over the history of their involvement with anti Semitism, prejudice, and their little to no acknowledgement of Jewish accounts as far as historical indications goes. In order to do this Gross includes awful, horrific, and graphic accounts of violence against the Jews. Gross uses sources such as testimonials,
  • 37. Effects Of Social Isolation On Health Social interaction is important to every aspect of our life. This is because it connect people live together in impart for love, friend and support. Social interaction and social support are one of the important component in predicting the health and well being. In fact, there is a relation between the degree to which a person feels connected to others or community and their health. However, some individuals are short of participation, activity and communication which is a result of social isolation. This involves low levels of social interaction and it is associated with reduce quality of life and health. This can led to a serious health risks in people who are socially isolated whether they are elderly, adult and children. Therefore, this essay will argue that social isolation adversely affects health not only on mental, physical but also heal behaviours. One of the effects of social isolation on human is mental health. The first issue is depression that is a part of mental disturbance. Cacioppo et al. (cited in Roberts 2014) report that loneliness is considerably related with depressive symptoms. Also, the Victorian Population Health Survey (cited in VicHealth 2005) found that people with few social networks were likely to suffer of psychological distress, which lead to depression. According to VicHealth, there is a relationship between depression and developing Alzheimer s disease. Indeed Wilson et al. (cited in Roberts 2014, p. 25) report that who is lonely, are 2 times
  • 38. Bodybuilding Workout Program What Exercises Do You Need for a Men s Bodybuilding Workout Program? By Steve Knorr | Submitted On April 25, 2012 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Steve Knorr Coming up with a good men s bodybuilding workout program is actually not that difficult. There are only certain exercises that need to be added, and all you need to do is sort out everything to ensure that you mix all of the exercises together. Many guys will usually give up at... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I highly suggest that you use dumbbells often because of the fact that they give your arms that specific and targeted workout. Make sure that you don t always do bicep curls, as there are many other types of exercises that you can do to make dumbbells more powerful to use. For example, you can place the dumbbells out in front of you and allow for the weight to take over. Hold onto it as hard as you can and enjoy the burning sensations in your arms. They can help you out tremendously with gaining more muscles. You will find out later on that dumbbells are some of the most important things to do in a men s bodybuilding workout program. The best part is that you can always do different types of variations in the
  • 39. Harold Arlen Research Paper Harold Arlen Harold Arlen, originally Hyman Arluck, was a composer, performer, and singer. He is known as a brilliant and extremely skilled composer that wrote many famous songs still known and sung today; however, his true desire was to be a performer, and make a career of singing and playing music. He tried to follow this dream throughout his entire life, but his compositions were his true talent and this took over much of his time that he would have liked to spend performing. Towards the later of his life, he focused only on composing music for clubs and motion pictures. Arlen was born on February 15, 1905, along with his twin brother. His brother s name was originally Hyman, while his was Julius. Unfortunately, his brother died the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The song was used in the show The Nine Fifteen Review, and the two men were hired to write more songs for the show. The two musical writers became known for their bluesy rhythm (Harold 4). The team of Arlen and Koehler began to work at The Cotton Club. The club was for a higher up class to listen to well known musicians while drinking during the time of the prohibition. In 1932, Arlen and Koehler released their newest songs I ve Got the World On A String and Minnie the Moocher s Wedding Day. In 1933, the two wrote Stormy Weather for Cab Calloway, which was a jazz singer during that time. It was this same year that the prohibition was lifted and the Depression ended. This poorly affected the Cotton Club, which cause the two men to take some time off to go work in Hollywood for the film Let s Fall in Love. This was an amazing opportunity for the men because it was their first ever time composing for a film. Arlen and Koehler went back to the Cotton Club for a couple more years until the Club finally closed in 1936. However, this was not the only Arlen did during these years at The Cotton
  • 40. National Hockey Research Paper The National Hockey League, like any other professional sports league, relies on statistics to measure and project the success and potential of its players. The NHL has, and still continues, to use a slightly convoluted and oft misinterpreted statistic known as plus minus (+/ ) to measure defensive contributions a player makes while on the ice. In the NHL and in virtually all major sports, the offensive contributions of playersand teams are easily tracked and calculated. It is often a binary matter, and not open to interpretation; if an NHL player is on the ice, shoots the puck at the net, and it goes past the goaltender, it s a goal. That goal is then confirmed, tracked, and added to the player s Goals Scored statistic. The tracking of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ostensibly, this would mean that Jeff Schultz is one of, if not the best, defensive players in the league. Continued analysis shows that this could not be further from the truth. During that season, the Capitals as a team scored 318 goals, far and away surpassing any other team. They also allowed only 233, for a goal differential of +85.[2] These stats imply that the Washington Capitals were an elite team during the regular season, and Jeff Schultz was merely a beneficiary of his team s
  • 41. Different Perspectives In Dickens And Charles Dickens s... If we want to make changes in our Lives, then we will have to look at the causes and the way we are using our minds, the way we are thinking. For, No two things can occupy the same space at the same time. You can t have a positive thought hold on to the negative one. Choose one. ~Louise Hay. We all have the will and heart, the courage and braveness to let go of the past and to learn from it, and not to dwell in it. So, after all how can something, be both positive and Negative at the same time. Well in a very simple way of putting it, an event can be both positive and negative at the same time. It all comes down on what perspectiveyou are seeing the event from. For, different perspectives can show us stories in a whole other way and in a whole new light. During the book Tale of Two Cities written by Charles Dickens, you could see this view in many different ways. First, you could see how Carton spend a lot of time criticizing himself and imagining that he would never be able to change. This caused him to not even try and to just live life, in a sad state. Next, sacrifice can be positive and it usually means to have new beginnings. On the other hand, you are usually losing something dear to you, which hurts you for the rest of your life. That is why, no one should dwell in the past, but learn from it and move on. Lastly, courage could be a positive and at the same time a negative aspect. It all depends on our own personal perspective, or viewpoint. It was the best
  • 42. Essay On Physics Of Complex Systems One of the flourishing and fascinating research areas in physics nowadays is the physics of complex systems, or the theory of complexity. There is not a single and straightforward meaning associated with this buzzword due to its vagueness and polysemy, and very often it depends on the context and the authors. Nevertheless, one of the interesting points are the tools and methods that the theoryprovides that can be eventually applied to many different disciplines, ranging from physics, chemistry, biology, applied sciences and even social sciences. The main idea of complexity that the author uses in the present monograph stems from the nonlinear interaction of the individual parts of a dynamical system and the different sizes of large ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Most of the problems to which the author refers to constitute very recent research problems in the field of space plasma, and the book contains at the end a very rich list of important references on the field, that the author uses along the whole book. The book is very well edited and it contains seven chapters, where key aspects of complexity theory applied to space plasmas are discussed. It starts with an excellent introduction where the objectives of the book are clearly outlined, and basically the rest of the chapters are devoted to either give the terminology that it will be used in the next chapters, or to describe methods and different applications. A second chapter deals extensively with the idea of dynamical criticality far from equilibrium. The theory of self organized criticality is introduced and applied to different examples. Interestingly, this theory helped to recognize the power law behaviour of the solar flares. Next, under the title of physics of complexity, the author describes coherent structures and explores the physical reasons of the origin of complexity in space plasmas. The next chapters deal with other techniques such as probability distributions, wavelets, fractals, multifractal analysis, ending with a final chapter on the dynamical renormalization group and its connection with criticality and multifractals. The phenomenon of intermittency and fluid turbulence using these techniques are also discussed. Including such topics as the
  • 43. Biographical Effects Of The Great Gatsby Biographical effects in The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald lived during the Jazz age, much like his own experiences, Gatsby encountered ambitions, challenges and desires. Through the use of important events in his own life, F. Scott Fitzgerald reflects his own ambitions such as a trying to find meaning in life Overcoming challenges that arose with the Jazz age, such as the introduction of liquor, leading to addiction. And desires, including romances and fortune, through the main character in his novel, The Great Gatsby. Throughout F. Scott Fitzgerald s life, he struggled to find meaning. He eventually dropped out of Princeton as he was failing many of his classes, which made him enlist in WW1. Unfortunately he was unable to achieve anything great while fighting overseas. In his novel, the character Jay Gatsby is an accomplished war hero who even received awards for his bravery. contrast from Scott Fitzgerald, and represents his yearning for achievement during the war, as Jay Gatsby reminisces with Nick, he flaunts his war achievements, I was promoted to be a major, and every major allied government gave me a decoration even montenegro... that s the one from Montenegro. Major Jay Gatsby I read, For Valour Extraordinary. (35) Gatsby clearly holds impressive titles, however Scott Fitzgerald possessed little opportunity for anything even remotely as impressive. Jay Gatsby was given the opportunity to study at Oxford University after the war, in contrast to Scott Fitzgerald who dropped out of Princeton University to fight in the war, to no avail. It was an opportunity they gave to some of the officers after the Armistice, he continued. We could go to any of the universities in England or France. (71) Scott Fitzgerald s ambition for achievement through war or education are reflected through Jay Gatsby. Scott Fitzgerald lived during the time of the Jazz age, one of the U.S.A s rowdiest time periods. As a result, he got into some bad habits, including heavy drinking which would eventually become a major factor in the deterioration of his health, this was also during the 20 s when alcohol was illegal and was obtained
  • 44. Frederick Funston and Empire Essay Frederick Funston and Empire In San Francisco between 12th and 14th Avenue is Funston Street. By the Presidio, the former US Army base, is an old set of military structures collectively called Fort Funston. To most people these are just names to identify various locations in the city. But behind the name is a person who is a historical figure that is significant, not just for San Francisco, but for the United States of America and the Republic of the Philippines. Frederick Funston was to many a hero of his times but to others he was also a symbol of his times and not a good one. 1898 saw the United States change from a nation taming a wild frontier to a nation building an empire. The Spanish American war ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In May Admiral Dewey and his task force sailed into Manila Bay and destroyed the Spanish naval force based there. On the way to Manila Dewey picks up exiled Philippine leader Emilio Aguinaldo. With the help of local Philippine insurgents the Philippine capital, Manila, falls to Admiral Dewey. War ends on August 12th with signing of peace treaty. With the end of the war many people thought that the Philippines would be given its independence, such as Cuba. But in December 12, 1898 President McKinley released the Benevolent Assimilation Proclamation . Part of it stated: With the signature of the treaty of peace between the United States and Spain by their respective plenipotentiaries at Paris on the 10th instant, and as a result of the victories of American arms, the future control, disposition, and government of the Philippine Islands are ceded to the United States. In the fulfillment of the rights of sovereignty thus acquired and the responsible obligations of government thus assumed, the actual occupation and administration of the entire group of the Philippine Islands becomes immediately necessary, and the military government heretofore maintained by the united states in the city, harbor, and bay of Manila is to be extended with all possible dispatch to the whole of the ceded territory. Armed conflict broke out among the US troops and
  • 45. Film Analysis Of The Sapphires The Sapphires The Sapphires, directed by Wayne Blair is a 2012 Australian musical comedy drama based on a true story. The film is written by Keith Thompson and Tony Briggs, staring Jessica Mauboy, Deborah Mailman, Shari Sebbens, Miranda Tapselland and Chris O Dowd. The film was based on a true story exploring the themes of family, courage and race identity. Wayne Blair explored these themes by using various techniques throughout the film to have an effect on the audience. Three Aboriginal sisters, Gail, Cynthia and Julie living in outback Australia in 1968 have a passion for singing. When Julie meets Gail and Cynthia at a talent contest which Julie wasn t allowed to go to they end up meeting a drunk Irish man called Dave, who worked as a MC. Gail and Cynthia meet up with an old cousin called Kay who used to live with them before the government took her for being a non aborigine. Dave who is desperate for a job becomes their manager and piano player. The girls blitz the audition and travel around Vietnam performing for Vietnam troops were one day the 4 girls have no guards protecting them while they keep travelling. The opening scene is important in any film as it sets the scene and introduced the characters, Wayne set the scene and introduced the characters in the starting scene absolutely perfectly by using techniques such as music, camera angles and characterisation. At the very start of the scene the audience would hear light panting form Gail and Kay running. The