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Facilitation skills
Program Objectives
To Handle difficult Participant.
Understand the trainer and to adapt new learning style.
Train according to learning style of Participant.
To learn and practice facilitation tools and techniques.
To increase the confidence and competence in facilitating meetings and
presenting results.
TTT (Train The Trainer)
Who is a
A facilitator is responsible for structuring groups and
group activities in a manner that supports and inspires
the participation of all members and allows the group
to accomplish its goals and objectives.
Who is a Facilitator?

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The document provides guidance for developing strong facilitation skills to effectively guide group meetings and discussions. It outlines key principles like drawing out diverse opinions, focusing on objectives, and remaining impartial. Good facilitators understand the group's goals, keep the meeting on track and agenda, and ensure all members participate and decisions are made democratically. Planning the logistics and establishing clear ground rules are also important for facilitating productive meetings. The document advises addressing any disruptions respectfully and only as a last resort removing disruptive members if they prevent the group from accomplishing its goals.

faciliationdisruptive behaviorsmeetings
Train the trainer
Train the trainerTrain the trainer
Train the trainer

The document provides guidance on how to design and deliver effective training. It discusses analyzing course material and learner information, establishing credibility as an instructor, managing the learning environment, using appropriate instructional methods, and evaluating learner performance. The design methodology involves envisioning the purpose of the training, analyzing the audience and tasks, defining objectives at the terminal, module, and session levels, and planning content and delivery. Learner behaviors and styles are also addressed to engage all participants. The goal is to equip trainers with best practices for creating and conducting impactful training programs.

trainingeducation and trainingtraining module
Facilitation Skills and Training
Facilitation Skills and TrainingFacilitation Skills and Training
Facilitation Skills and Training

The document discusses facilitation skills for managing conflict. It defines a facilitator as someone who helps a group achieve results through interactive processes using skills like listening, questioning, and giving feedback. The key roles of a facilitator are to be impartial and help without taking sides. Effective facilitation relies on skills such as active listening, paraphrasing, summarizing, questioning, and maintaining eye contact with participants. When facilitating cross-cultural groups, it is important to be aware of differences in communication norms and styles between cultures.

Facilitator’s Job
Connect between participants and
Facilitator =
Mediator Time
Directing the conversation
Facilitator is not:
• Involved in discussion
• Participant
Facilitator’s Job Requirements
Qualities of a Facilitator
3T Formula
Learning Matrix

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This presentation contains training techniques that are used by MMM Training Solutions in our train the trainer program. The trainer skills that are used dictate the effectiveness of any train the trainer courses.

training the trainertrain the trainertrainer skills
Train the trainer part1
Train the trainer part1Train the trainer part1
Train the trainer part1

This document discusses training and teaching. It defines training as a planned effort to modify knowledge, skills, and attitudes to achieve effective performance. Teaching involves giving knowledge, while training focuses on sharing knowledge and active participation. The document also discusses learning styles, including activist, reflector, theorist, and pragmatist learners. Finally, it outlines different types of trainers, including the teacher, relationship builder, drone, and movie star, categorized by their orientation and audience involvement.

train the trainert.o.t
Train the Trainer - Training and Development Session
Train the Trainer - Training and Development SessionTrain the Trainer - Training and Development Session
Train the Trainer - Training and Development Session

This document provides guidance on how to conduct effective trainings. It discusses introducing yourself to participants, key elements of effective presentations such as preparing content, understanding your audience, confident delivery, and controlling the environment. Specific tips are provided, such as identifying a few key points, using examples, practicing, and using participants' names. The document also contrasts telling vs. teaching, provides sample activities for reflection and brainstorming, and discusses using storytelling, grabbing attention, and asking questions.

Learning Matrix
Unconscious(competence): Leads to Perfection
Conscious(competence): Able to Aid and Show
Unconscious(Incompetence): Not Aware what is Supposed to Know.
Conscious(Incompetence): Realized I don’t Know
Ways to Counteract Fatigue while Driving
Adult way of Learning:
• Adults learn through practical experience.
• Have Readiness to Learn.
• Self Concept & Goal Oriented towards Learning.
• Learn from others and mistakes.
• Learn by reading books.
• Child way of Learning:
• Learn by guidance and support.
• Need motivation.
• Learn in Controlled Environment.
• Learn by memorising.
Types Of Learning
Principles of Adult Learning
Accountability: Success Is in the Eyes of the Learner. “Who is accountable to whom”? First, adult learners are
clearly accountable to themselves. No teacher can learn for a learner.
Immediacy: Teaching What is Really Useful. “Without immediacy there is a dullness in the learning situation”.
All the decisions about content, methods, learning tasks, and materials are directed by this principle of
Reinforcement: Knowing Where and How to Begin. It is another basic and vital principle for adult learning.”
Reinforcement means the repetition of facts, skills, and attitudes in diverse, engaging, and interesting ways.
Experience: Learning from Past. Adult learners need to be able to draw upon their past experiences to aid
their learning. need to select case scenarios and examples that they can relate to.
Safety: Creating a Safe Environment for Learning. Create an inviting setting for learners. Begin with simple,
clear, and easy tasks before advancing to more complex or difficult ones. The environment is nonjudgemental.
Principles of Adult Learning
Teamwork: How People Learn Together. It invites to “How People Learn Together,” Teams give the
welcome energy of constructive competition.
Relevance: To Solve Realistic Problems. The content of a training program must be meaningful and
relevant to the adult learners, their lives and their business. They have to very clearly see why and
how this is important to them personally and how it applies to their life.
Activity: Needs Assessment. Discover what the group really needs to learn, what they already know,“
Invite learners to put themselves into the learning task”.

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Facilitator Skills - Guide

The document outlines techniques for effective facilitation. It discusses opening a meeting by setting up the room, setting an enthusiastic tone, and establishing ground rules. For running a meeting, it recommends managing discussion, balancing participation, making transitions, identifying strategic moments, and using team resources. Closing a meeting involves reviewing decisions, determining follow-up actions, and evaluating the meeting. The document provides examples of facilitation techniques to encourage interaction and productivity.

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Facilitator Skills - ParticipantsFacilitator Skills - Participants
Facilitator Skills - Participants

This document outlines an agenda for a training on facilitation skills. The objectives are to understand the roles, responsibilities, and structure of facilitation. The agenda covers getting started, the responsibilities of facilitators, facilitation maps, and basic facilitation techniques. It includes times for breaks, lunch, and concludes with an evaluation. Sample activities include reviewing a video, practicing skills, and giving feedback.

Steps to build an effective team
Steps to build an effective teamSteps to build an effective team
Steps to build an effective team

This document discusses several key factors that affect effective team communication and performance, including cohesiveness, conformity, competition/conflict, leadership, and steps to build an effective team. It explains that cohesiveness involves team members identifying with and feeling proud of their membership. It also lists several advantages of high cohesiveness. Conformity means team members abandon contrary positions in favor of majority views. Productive conflict through debating ideas can lead to more thorough decision making. Shared leadership and intellectual stimulation from leaders are discussed. Finally, steps to build an effective team include clarifying goals, roles, communication, and dealing with conflict.

This is how adults learn
and retain knowledge. Try
to have different activities
based on the topics taught
so that the learners can
learn effectively.
Tell me, I hear
Let me do and
I understand
Show me and I
Retention Pyramid:
Influence of Learning Styles
3 Learning Styles
Types of Training Style

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Learn how to run meetings that produce results every time. 1. Use Foundation Tools to Set the Stage for Success. 2. Proactively Manage the Three Meeting Phases. 3. Keep Participants Engaged and Accountable.

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This is an adult learning train-the-trainer Instructor Guide (IG) developed for Lead Field Engineers.

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This document provides information and instructions for trainers on how to lead a PreciseTM training course. It covers conducting the course introduction, leading topic discussions, concluding the course, and course evaluations. The introduction section discusses introducing prerequisites, audience, instructors, and the course schedule. The topic discussion section provides guidance on presenting instructional materials and improvising. The conclusion section addresses bringing the course to an end and evaluating success.

training development
Types of Training Style
Types of Training Style
Types of Training Style
Learning Objectives
• The learning objectives are the starting point of the development of a learning activity.
They constitute an essential element in the preparation of a training course. Defining
adequate learning objectives can be one of the most time-consuming tasks in training
design. Even though they may be expressed in a single paragraph of a few lines, they are
the foundation of any training course as they relate to the overall training goal.
• Characteristics:
• They determine the behavior changes that will occur, setting the targets that are to be
reached by the end of the training.
• They provide the trainees with a clear understanding of what they will be expected to
know or to do when the course is completed.
• They must be verifiable and measurable even when the training focuses on attitudes.
• They must always have three elements:
– Performance: What the trainee will be able to do as a result of the training, expressed in behavioral
terms with action verbs.
– Conditions: Circumstances under which the performance occurs, which should be aligned with real-
world performance (e.g. role-play, simulation, using job aids, while being observed).
– Standards: They form the basis for trainee’s evaluation, describing how well he/she will be expected to
perform each objective.

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The document provides guidance on effectively dealing with difficult situations that may arise during training sessions by outlining common mistakes facilitators make and recommending more effective responses. It discusses issues like domination by one participant, low participation, disagreements between participants, going off topic, and poor time management, and offers strategies for refocusing discussions, increasing involvement, and addressing conflicts constructively. The overall goal is for facilitators to take control of sessions in a way that keeps things informative yet fun for all individuals involved.

Train the Trainer
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Train the Trainer

The document outlines a "Train the Trainer" initiative to improve guest service at a hotel. It discusses poor reviews about rude staff and lack of attention to guests. The initiative will standardize coaching, accountability, and guest service expectations through workshops. Department heads will ensure team members attend workshops and provide daily coaching to reinforce guest-focused behaviors like smiling, acknowledging guests, and maintaining attention to detail. The goal is to motivate staff and create a guest experience culture.

Facilitation and Meeting Skills
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Facilitation and Meeting Skills

This document provides guidance on facilitating effective meetings. It discusses basic facilitation skills like making participants comfortable, encouraging participation, and guiding the group. It also covers facilitating the opening, discussions/decisions, and conclusion of a meeting. Challenges that may arise are addressed, such as side conversations or an inability to reach consensus. The overall document aims to teach facilitators how to properly structure and manage a meeting to achieve objectives and make quality decisions.

3 Types of Objectives
Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives
• To determine what the trainees will learn: What learning outcomes
participants of this training course need to demonstrate? What should
learners know or be able to do by the end of this training event?
• To determine how one will be able to verify it: With what performance
• The answer will determine the type of objectives that must be developed,
indicating the modalities of assessments that need to be designed. If the
training course is an awareness raising, knowledge based and skills-based
one it needs objectives stating each one of these components and
assessments must be designed accordingly.
Objectives about Behaviors
• Bloom’s taxonomy presents a system of classifying intellectual behavior
that is important to learning as it provides a framework to be used when
deciding which training component will add value. There are three
categories: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Cognitive learning,
which has to do with factual knowledge, is the category within which
most training courses are developed. Bloom’s taxonomy categorizes
knowledge in six progressively complex levels (from simple to more
complex) which facilitate the construction of learning objectives:

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This document outlines the agenda and key points for a "Train the Trainer" seminar. The seminar will cover: 1. Preparation, including understanding adult learning styles, the differences between teachers and instructors, creating checklists and lesson plans, and motivating audiences. 2. Training delivery, including gaining attention, setting aims and objectives, explaining content, facilitating discussions, and demonstrating techniques. 3. Best practices such as using multimedia, facilitating discussions, summarizing, and checking for understanding. The goal is to equip participants to effectively plan, deliver, and facilitate their own training sessions.

Train The Trainer
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Train The Trainer

The document provides an overview of topics covered in a Train the Trainer program, including introduction and learning styles, needs analysis, program design, facilitation skills, and assessment methods. It discusses identifying learning needs, designing a training program, and tips for effective training. The contact information is also included for the training organization.

Slides for a fantastic Train the Trainer Program by Dr. John Persico Jr.
Slides for a fantastic Train the Trainer Program by Dr. John Persico Jr. Slides for a fantastic Train the Trainer Program by Dr. John Persico Jr.
Slides for a fantastic Train the Trainer Program by Dr. John Persico Jr.

If you want a great program for training the trainers in your organization, here it is. I also have the trainee workbooks in Word if you are interested. Send me an email and let me know if you would also to receive the trainee and facilitator workbooks for a small fee. persico.john@gmail.com or call me at 612-310-3803 for a custom made program for your organization.

train the trainertrainingtraining and development
Objectives about Behaviors
How to open the session?
1 Welcome: Always Welcome the Participants for attending the training and
for spending their time.
Greeting: It is always a good practice to greet the audience with a smile .You
are perceived as a warm and friendly person who will be there when they need
you most .
Introduction: Trainers start the session by introducing themselves and
encourage the participants to wish everyone else in the class . This way people
know each other.
4 Expectations: Tell the participants what the training is about and what you are
expecting from them.
Story telling/Theatrics: Start with a story and link it to the training program.
The mind becomes active while listening to a story and tries to connect real
life experiences with it. Or Start the proceedings with a motivational video
on leadership qualities
Tipsfor Facilitation Success(For
• Welcome and Overview What’sAhead
• Individually Greet and Welcome
• Conduct an Icebreaker/Introductions
• Use HumorAppropriately
• Use Inclusive Language
• Do Role plays and Puzzles
• Prepare the Meeting Environment
Opener Options:
Successfulness of a presentation is directly proportional to its
Why planning is required???
• It lets you know what to expect
• It provides logical flow to the presentation
• It ensures a smoother delivery
• It gives you confidence
• It helps you know how effective your presentation is to the
Presentation Planning

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This document discusses four instructional strategies for improving student outcomes: summarizing and note taking, comparing, nonlinguistic representations, and cooperative learning. It provides details on implementing each strategy effectively in the classroom, including the importance of each strategy, examples of application, and ensuring positive interdependence and individual accountability for cooperative learning groups. The document emphasizes that teachers must understand when and how to use these strategies, and not assume they will always improve achievement when used randomly.

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- Internal training utilizes a company's own resources and expertise to develop and deliver training, making it cost-effective and allowing employees to easily understand trainers due to workplace familiarity. Methods include on-the-job training, mentoring, coaching, and internal seminars/sessions. - External training exposes employees to new ideas and forces them out of their comfort zone by learning from outside industry experts, providing a fresh perspective but at a higher cost compared to internal training. Both methods have benefits for employee learning and skill development.

instructional approaches.

This document provides guidance on training of trainers. It discusses what a training is, the aims and objectives of conducting trainings, and important aspects to consider when planning a training session. It covers topics like needs assessment, selecting appropriate content and training techniques. Six commonly used training techniques are described in detail: case study, role play, demonstrations, brainstorming, structured exercises, and group discussions. The advantages and disadvantages of each technique are also summarized.

• Commonalties
• Motive (Audience
• Culture
• Age
• Level of understanding
• Attitude
• Size of class
• Education
• Skill Level
Know Your Audience!!
How to Capture Audience Attention?
Capture the attention of the audience by:
• Asking a tricky question
• Telling a joke
• Telling a story, anecdote, shocking facts
• Using a quotation
• Stating an impressive fact
• Referring to the previous
• Making an Offer
• Do Role plays and Puzzles
• Offering a sincere compliment
• Making an emphatic statement
• Why Questioning is
• It Helps to decide what the participants
know or perceive.
• Facilitates feedback and increases
• Encourages discussion
• Assists the group toward what they are trying
to achieve
Questioning Skills
The various types of questions
• Open-ended
• Close-ended
• Overhead
• Relay
• Reverse
• Rhetoric
Questioning Types

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Instructional approaches

This document discusses various instructional approaches and strategies that can be used for training. It identifies different categories of instructional strategies such as direct instruction, indirect instruction, interactive instruction, experiential learning, and independent study. It provides examples of specific instructional methods that fall under each category and questions to consider when determining the appropriateness of a particular method. The document also discusses traditional and technology-based training methods as well as the benefits of internal and external training approaches.

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This document discusses learning and development in organizations. It begins by outlining learning objectives related to understanding learning organizations, the training process, training design methods, and evaluating training programs. It then defines key terms like education, learning, development and training. The rest of the document details various aspects of the training process including needs assessment, content design using the ADDIE model, delivery methods, and evaluation. It also discusses methods for developing learning organizations and management.

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Safety training techniques aim to keep students actively involved through encouraging participation, immediate recognition of achievements, and providing feedback on progress. The techniques include interactive methods like group discussions, questions, brainstorming, case studies, role-playing and small group activities. These are preferred over lectures as safety training focuses on practical application and problem-solving over theoretical learning. An effective blended learning approach combines in-person classroom instruction with online resources and independent study.

newquist safetyoshatraining
Tips for asking questions are:
• Plan your questions
• Distinguish between questions to get
information (facts) and those to get opinions
• Connect questions to the audience’s
• Move from general to specific
• Maintain one topic at a time
Asking Questions
Handling and
• State questions to entire group
• Pause
• Write the question
• Recognize contributions
• Foster responses
• During silence look for non-verbal cues indicating
• Rephrase the question
• Avoid "yes" or "no" questions
• Avoid creating defensive responses
• Ask "single issues" questions
How to Ask Questions?
Impact of NotUsing
Impact of Not Asking Questions
Tipsfor Facilitation Success(For
• Welcome Nervousness
• Be Organised
• Prepare the Meeting Environment
• Practice, Practice, Practice
• Visualize Success
• Anticipate What Could Go Wrong
• Look Your Best
• Arrive Early
• Breathe Deep
• Keep Something to Drink Handy
• Individually Greet Participants
• Count to 10 Before
Tips for Facilitation Success (For Facilitator)

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1. The document discusses training delivery modes and methods recommended for competency-based training, including dualized mode training, modular/self-paced learning, peer teaching/mentoring, supervised industry training, and distance learning. 2. Various training methods are described, such as lectures, role playing, group discussion, case studies, demonstrations, and field trips. Factors like group size and the purpose of each method are provided. 3. Guiding principles for selecting appropriate training methods are outlined, and a research on perceived effectiveness of different methods is summarized. Enactive learning strategies like role playing and self-experiential work are seen as most effective.

21. Farmers field school (training of trainers to t and ffs)
21. Farmers field school (training of trainers to t and ffs)21. Farmers field school (training of trainers to t and ffs)
21. Farmers field school (training of trainers to t and ffs)

A Series of Lectures By Mr. Allah Dad Khan Provincial Director IPM ( Master Trainer ) KPK Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock (MINFAL) Islamabad Pakistan

Tyler's model of curriculum development by SHAN MAHMOOD, WAQAR TIPU & ISHRAT ...
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Tyler's model of curriculum development involves 4 basic steps: 1) establishing the purpose of education, 2) determining what experiences will achieve that purpose, 3) organizing those experiences effectively, and 4) assessing when the purposes have been met. The first step involves identifying decision-makers and determining societal and student needs to outline broad goals and specific, measurable objectives. The second step is selecting teaching methods and grouping related objectives into courses. The third step is organizing experiences from simple to complex and general to specific. The final step involves follow-up studies, interviews, and reviews to evaluate if the objectives and purposes have been achieved.

• Make eye contact
• Speak loudly & clearly
• Use short simple sentences
• Avoid jargon & abbreviations
• Vary pitch, tone, volume, speed and
• Avoid distracting mannerisms
• Relax, be enthusiastic
• Don’t Apologise
• Keep an eye on the time remaining
• Explain figures, and point to important
• Give a clear and concise summary, then
• Don’t go overtime.
Performance Tips!!
In presentation sessions don't forget
the following:
• Eye contact
• Commitment/enthusiasm
• Body language & motion
• Audience awareness
• Flexibility
• Use humor only to interpret a
seriousissue in a lighter way
Note: No humor is better than
bad humor
• In presentation sessions do not dothe
• Turn away questions
• Ignore signs of audience fatigue
• Be afraid to stray fromyour
• Turn your back to the audience
• Stand at the back of the
room/between the light and the
screen while using audio visuals
• Panic. You’ve practiced andare
• Avoid topics that appear sexist,
Do’s and Don'ts:
After completing this module, you will be able to:
• Use the facilitator guide
• Gain an insight on your facilitation skills
• Understand effective presentation skills
• Conduct a training session
• Understand your short comings during
Overview and Summary:
Facilitation skills

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training climate a very important topic of subject training and development for the trainers or for the freshers..

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Facilitation skills

  • 2. Program Objectives To Handle difficult Participant. Understand the trainer and to adapt new learning style. Train according to learning style of Participant. To learn and practice facilitation tools and techniques. To increase the confidence and competence in facilitating meetings and presenting results.
  • 3. TTT (Train The Trainer)
  • 4. Who is a Facilitator? A facilitator is responsible for structuring groups and group activities in a manner that supports and inspires the participation of all members and allows the group to accomplish its goals and objectives. 4 Who is a Facilitator?
  • 5. Facilitator’s Job Requirements Connect between participants and training objectives Facilitator = Mediator Time guard Directing the conversation Facilitator is not: • Involved in discussion • Participant Facilitator’s Job Requirements
  • 6. Qualities of a Facilitator
  • 9. Learning Matrix Unconscious(competence): Leads to Perfection Conscious(competence): Able to Aid and Show Unconscious(Incompetence): Not Aware what is Supposed to Know. Conscious(Incompetence): Realized I don’t Know
  • 10. Ways to Counteract Fatigue while Driving Adult way of Learning: • Adults learn through practical experience. • Have Readiness to Learn. • Self Concept & Goal Oriented towards Learning. • Learn from others and mistakes. • Learn by reading books. • Child way of Learning: • Learn by guidance and support. • Need motivation. • Learn in Controlled Environment. • Learn by memorising. Types Of Learning
  • 11. Principles of Adult Learning Accountability: Success Is in the Eyes of the Learner. “Who is accountable to whom”? First, adult learners are clearly accountable to themselves. No teacher can learn for a learner. Immediacy: Teaching What is Really Useful. “Without immediacy there is a dullness in the learning situation”. All the decisions about content, methods, learning tasks, and materials are directed by this principle of immediacy. Reinforcement: Knowing Where and How to Begin. It is another basic and vital principle for adult learning.” Reinforcement means the repetition of facts, skills, and attitudes in diverse, engaging, and interesting ways. Experience: Learning from Past. Adult learners need to be able to draw upon their past experiences to aid their learning. need to select case scenarios and examples that they can relate to. Safety: Creating a Safe Environment for Learning. Create an inviting setting for learners. Begin with simple, clear, and easy tasks before advancing to more complex or difficult ones. The environment is nonjudgemental.
  • 12. Principles of Adult Learning Teamwork: How People Learn Together. It invites to “How People Learn Together,” Teams give the welcome energy of constructive competition. Relevance: To Solve Realistic Problems. The content of a training program must be meaningful and relevant to the adult learners, their lives and their business. They have to very clearly see why and how this is important to them personally and how it applies to their life. Activity: Needs Assessment. Discover what the group really needs to learn, what they already know,“ Invite learners to put themselves into the learning task”.
  • 13. Retention Pyramid This is how adults learn and retain knowledge. Try to have different activities based on the topics taught so that the learners can learn effectively. 55 % 38 % 7% Tell me, I hear Let me do and I understand Show me and I see Retention Pyramid:
  • 20. Learning Objectives • The learning objectives are the starting point of the development of a learning activity. They constitute an essential element in the preparation of a training course. Defining adequate learning objectives can be one of the most time-consuming tasks in training design. Even though they may be expressed in a single paragraph of a few lines, they are the foundation of any training course as they relate to the overall training goal. • Characteristics: • They determine the behavior changes that will occur, setting the targets that are to be reached by the end of the training. • They provide the trainees with a clear understanding of what they will be expected to know or to do when the course is completed. • They must be verifiable and measurable even when the training focuses on attitudes. • They must always have three elements: – Performance: What the trainee will be able to do as a result of the training, expressed in behavioral terms with action verbs. – Conditions: Circumstances under which the performance occurs, which should be aligned with real- world performance (e.g. role-play, simulation, using job aids, while being observed). – Standards: They form the basis for trainee’s evaluation, describing how well he/she will be expected to perform each objective.
  • 21. 3 Types of Objectives
  • 23. Learning Objectives • To determine what the trainees will learn: What learning outcomes participants of this training course need to demonstrate? What should learners know or be able to do by the end of this training event? • To determine how one will be able to verify it: With what performance criteria? • The answer will determine the type of objectives that must be developed, indicating the modalities of assessments that need to be designed. If the training course is an awareness raising, knowledge based and skills-based one it needs objectives stating each one of these components and assessments must be designed accordingly.
  • 24. Objectives about Behaviors • Bloom’s taxonomy presents a system of classifying intellectual behavior that is important to learning as it provides a framework to be used when deciding which training component will add value. There are three categories: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Cognitive learning, which has to do with factual knowledge, is the category within which most training courses are developed. Bloom’s taxonomy categorizes knowledge in six progressively complex levels (from simple to more complex) which facilitate the construction of learning objectives:
  • 26. How to open the session? 1 Welcome: Always Welcome the Participants for attending the training and for spending their time. 2 Greeting: It is always a good practice to greet the audience with a smile .You are perceived as a warm and friendly person who will be there when they need you most . 3 Introduction: Trainers start the session by introducing themselves and encourage the participants to wish everyone else in the class . This way people know each other. 4 Expectations: Tell the participants what the training is about and what you are expecting from them. 5 Story telling/Theatrics: Start with a story and link it to the training program. The mind becomes active while listening to a story and tries to connect real life experiences with it. Or Start the proceedings with a motivational video on leadership qualities
  • 27. Tipsfor Facilitation Success(For Audience) • Welcome and Overview What’sAhead • Individually Greet and Welcome Participants • Conduct an Icebreaker/Introductions • Use HumorAppropriately • Use Inclusive Language • Do Role plays and Puzzles • Prepare the Meeting Environment Opener Options:
  • 28. Presentation Planning Successfulness of a presentation is directly proportional to its planning. Why planning is required??? • It lets you know what to expect • It provides logical flow to the presentation • It ensures a smoother delivery • It gives you confidence • It helps you know how effective your presentation is to the audience Presentation Planning
  • 29. KnowYour Audience • Commonalties • Motive (Audience needs) • Culture • Age • Level of understanding • Attitude • Size of class • Education • Skill Level Know Your Audience!!
  • 30. How to Capture Audience Attention? . Capture the attention of the audience by: • Asking a tricky question • Telling a joke • Telling a story, anecdote, shocking facts • Using a quotation • Stating an impressive fact • Referring to the previous speaker/occasion • Making an Offer • Do Role plays and Puzzles • Offering a sincere compliment • Making an emphatic statement 30
  • 31. Questioning Skills • Why Questioning is Important? • It Helps to decide what the participants know or perceive. • Facilitates feedback and increases understanding • Encourages discussion • Assists the group toward what they are trying to achieve Questioning Skills
  • 32. Question Types The various types of questions are: • Open-ended • Close-ended • Overhead • Relay • Reverse • Rhetoric Questioning Types
  • 33. Asking Questions Tips for asking questions are: • Plan your questions • Distinguish between questions to get information (facts) and those to get opinions • Connect questions to the audience’s background • Move from general to specific • Maintain one topic at a time Asking Questions
  • 34. Handling and Responding • State questions to entire group • Pause • Write the question • Recognize contributions • Foster responses • During silence look for non-verbal cues indicating ideas • Rephrase the question • Avoid "yes" or "no" questions • Avoid creating defensive responses • Ask "single issues" questions How to Ask Questions?
  • 35. Impact of NotUsing Questions Impact of Not Asking Questions
  • 36. Tipsfor Facilitation Success(For Facilitator) • Welcome Nervousness • Be Organised • Prepare the Meeting Environment • Practice, Practice, Practice • Visualize Success • Anticipate What Could Go Wrong • Look Your Best • Arrive Early • Breathe Deep • Keep Something to Drink Handy • Individually Greet Participants • Count to 10 Before Reacting/Responding Tips for Facilitation Success (For Facilitator)
  • 37. Performance Tips • Make eye contact • Speak loudly & clearly • Use short simple sentences • Avoid jargon & abbreviations • Vary pitch, tone, volume, speed and pauses • Avoid distracting mannerisms • Relax, be enthusiastic • Don’t Apologise • Keep an eye on the time remaining • Explain figures, and point to important aspects • Give a clear and concise summary, then stop. • Don’t go overtime. Performance Tips!!
  • 38. Do’sand Don’ts In presentation sessions don't forget the following: • Eye contact • Commitment/enthusiasm • Body language & motion • Audience awareness • Flexibility • Use humor only to interpret a seriousissue in a lighter way Note: No humor is better than bad humor • In presentation sessions do not dothe following: • Turn away questions • Ignore signs of audience fatigue • Be afraid to stray fromyour script • Turn your back to the audience • Stand at the back of the room/between the light and the screen while using audio visuals • Panic. You’ve practiced andare ready • Avoid topics that appear sexist, religious,political Do’s and Don'ts:
  • 39. Course Summary After completing this module, you will be able to: • Use the facilitator guide • Gain an insight on your facilitation skills • Understand effective presentation skills • Conduct a training session • Understand your short comings during presentation Overview and Summary: