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Florida Corporate Income/Franchise and Emergency Excise Tax Return                                                                                                       F-1120
                                                                                                                                                                                                    R. 01/09
                                                                                                                                                                                                Rule 12C-1.051
                                                                                                                                                                                    Florida Administrative Code
                                                                                                                                                                                                Effective 01/09
                                                                                                                                                       Check here if any changes have been made to
        Use black ink. Example A - Handwritten Example B - Typed
                                                                                   For calendar year 2008 or tax year                                  name or address
    01      23456789                                                               beginning _________________, 2008
                                                                                   ending __________________________
                                                                                   Year end date ____________
                                                                                                                                                                             /             /
                                                                                                                                                      DoR use
    Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)                                                                                                      only
         Computation of Florida Net Income and Emergency Excise Tax
                                                                                                                                                             US Dollars                              Cents

                                                                                                                                                  ,             ,            ,
 1. Federal taxable income (see instructions).
                                                                                                          Check here
    Attach pages 1–4 of federal return .................................................                  if negative

                                                                                                                                                  ,                          ,
 2. State income taxes deducted in computing federal taxable income
                                                                                                          Check here
    (attach schedule) .................................................................................   if negative

                                                                                                                                                  ,             ,            ,
                                                                                                          Check here
 3. Additions to federal taxable income (from Schedule I) .......................                         if negative

                                                                                                                                                  ,             ,            ,
                                                                                                          Check here
 4. Total of Lines 1, 2, and 3. ....................................................................      if negative

                                                                                                                                                  ,             ,            ,
                                                                                                          Check here

 5. Subtractions from federal taxable income (from Schedule II) .............                             if negative

                                                                                                                                                                ,            ,
                                                                                                          Check here
 6. Adjusted federal income (Line 4 minus Line 5) ...................................                     if negative

                                                                                                                                                                ,            ,
                                                                                                                    Check here
 7. Florida portion of adjusted federal income (see instructions) .........................                                                      7.
                                                                                                                    if negative

                                                                                                                    Check here
 8. Nonbusiness income allocated to Florida (from Schedule R) .........................                                                          8.
                                                                                                                    if negative

 9. Florida exemption ................................................................................................................. 9.

                                                                                                                                                                ,            ,
10. Florida net income (Line 7 plus Line 8 minus Line 9) .............................................................. 10.

                                                                                                                                                                ,            ,
11. Tax due: 5.5% of Line 10 or amount from Schedule VI, whichever is greater
    (see instructions for Schedule VI). ........................................................................................... 11.

                                                                                                                                                                ,            ,
12. Credits against the tax (from Schedule V) ............................................................................... 12.

                                                                                                                                                                ,            ,
13. Emergency excise tax due (from Schedule A)......................................................................... 13.

                                                                                                                                                                ,            ,
14. Total corporate income/franchise and emergency excise tax due (see instructions). ............ 14.

            Payment Coupon for Florida Corporate Income Tax Return                                                                                    Do not detach coupon.                         F-1120
                                                                                                                                                                                                   R. 01/09
                                    To ensure proper credit to your account, enclose your check with tax return when mailing.
                      YEAR                                                             Return is due 1st day of the 4th month after close of the taxable year.
                                                                                                                                                                US DOLLARS                          CENTS

                                                                                                                                                            ,                ,
                                                                                                                Total amount due

                                                                                                                  from Line 18
            Check here if you transmitted funds electronically

                                                                                                                                                            ,                ,
            Enter name and address, if not pre-addressed:                                                            Total credit
                                                                                                                    from Line 19

                                                                                                                                                            ,                ,
                                                                                                                     Total refund
            Name                                                                                                    from Line 20
            City/St/ZIP                                                                                        Enter FEIN if not pre-addressed

                                                                               9100 0 20089999 0002005037 9 3999999999 0000 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     R. 01/09
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Page 2

                                                                                                                                                                      ,                  ,
        15. a) Penalty: F-2220 __________________ b) Other ___________________
            c) Interest: F-2220 _________________ d) Other ___________________ Line 15 Total ➤. .15.

        16. Total of Lines 14 and 15 .......................................................................................................   16.

                                                                                                                                                                      ,                  ,
        17. Payment credits: Estimated tax payments 17a $
                               Tentative tax payment                 17b $                                                   ...............   17.
        18. Total amount due: Subtract Line 17 from Line 16. If positive, enter amount

                                                                                                                                                                      ,                  ,
            due here and on payment coupon. If the amount is negative (overpayment),
            enter on Line 19 and/or Line 20 ............................................................................................       18.

                                                                                                                                                                      ,                  ,
        19. Credit: Enter amount of overpayment credited to next year’s estimated tax
            here and on payment coupon .............................................................................................           19.

        20. Refund: Enter amount of overpayment to be refunded here and on payment coupon ..... 20.

                                                        This return is considered incomplete unless a copy of the federal return is attached.
If	your	return	is	not	signed,	or	improperly	signed	and	verified,	it	will	be	subject	to	a	penalty.	The	statute	of	limitations	will	not	start	until	your	return	is	properly	signed	and	verified.	Your	
return must be completed in its entirety.
                              Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct,
                              and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge.

 Sign here                                                                                                                            Title
                         Signature	of	officer	(must	be	an	original	signature)                                 Date
                     Preparer’s                                                                                                                            PTIN
                                                                                                                                    check if self-
 Paid                signature                                                                                                      employed
 only               Firm’s name (or yours                                                                                              FEIN
                    if self-employed)
                    and address                                                                                                        ZIP

                                                    All Taxpayers Must Answer Questions A Through M Below — See Instructions
   A.        State of incorporation: ______________________________________________________________
                                                                                                                                                                            ❑        ❑ If yes, provide:
                                                                                                                               Part of a federal consolidated return? YES       NO
   B.        Florida Secretary of State document number:__________________________________________
                                                                                                                               FEIN from federal consolidated return: ___________________________________
                                                   YES ❑ NO ❑
   C.        Florida consolidated return?
                                                                                                                               Name of corporation: _______________________________________________
             ❑. Initial return ❑		Final	return	(final	federal	return	filed)
                                                                                                                                                                                                           ❑         ❑
                                                                                                                               The federal common parent has sales, property, or payroll in Florida? YES        NO
   E.        Taxpayer election section (s.) 220.03(5), Florida Statutes (F.S.)         General Rule
                                                                                                                        I.     Location of corporate books: ____________________________________________________________
             ❑                ❑
                 Election A       Election B
                                                                                                                               City: _________________________________________ State: _____________ ZIP: _______________
   F.        Principal Business Activity Code (as pertains to Florida)
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ❑          ❑
                                                                                                                               Taxpayer is a member of a Florida partnership or joint venture? YES         NO

                                                                                                                        K.     Enter date of latest IRS audit: ______________

                                                                                                                               a) List years examined: ____________
                                                                   ❑          ❑
   G.	       A	Florida	extension	of	time	was	timely	filed?		YES
                                                                                                                        L.     Contact person concerning this return: __________________________________________________
                                                                       ❑           ❑
             Corporation is a member of a controlled group? YES               NO
   H-1.                                                                                If yes, attach list.
                                                                                                                               a) Contact person telephone number: ( _______) ___________________________________________

                                                                                                                                                                     ❑ 1120S or __________________
                                                                                                                        M.	    Type	of	federal	return	filed	❑ 1120

Where to Send Payments and Returns                                                                                             Remember:
Make check payable to and send with return to:
                                                                                                                                        Make your check payable to the Florida
     Florida Department of Revenue
                                                                                                                                        Department of Revenue.
     5050 W Tennessee Street
     Tallahassee FL 32399-0135
                                                                                                                                        Write your FEIN on your check.
If you are requesting a refund (Line 20), send your return to:
                                                                                                                                        Sign your check and return.
       Florida Department of Revenue
       PO Box 6440
       Tallahassee FL 32314-6440

                                                                                                                                        Attach a copy of your federal return.

                                                                                                                                        Attach a copy of your Florida Form F-7004
                                                                                                                                        (extension of time) if applicable.
                                                                                                                                                                                R. 01/09
                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 3

NAME                                                                                                       FEIN                               TAXABLE YEAR ENDING

  Schedule A — Computation of Emergency Excise Tax (for assets placed in service 1/1/81 to 12/31/86)
 1.    Total depreciation expense deducted on federal Form 1120                                                                                              1.

 2.    Florida portion of adjusted federal income from F-1120, Page 1, Line 7 or Schedule VI, Line 7 (see instructions)                                      2.

 3.    Loss carry forward (Enter the loss as a positive number)                                                                                              3.
 4.    Subtract Line 3 from Line 2 and enter result here
       Note: If a loss carry forward shown on Line 3 exceeds a loss on Line 2, enter positive difference of the loss amounts shown
 5.    Depreciation deducted pursuant to Internal Revenue Code (IRC.) s. 168 for assets placed in service 1/1/81 to 12/31/86                                 5.
 6.    Straight-line depreciation deducted pursuant to IRC s. 168(b)(3) and 60% of amounts of depreciation previously taxed on Schedule VI (for
       assets placed in service 1/1/81 to 12/31/86)
 7.    All depreciation deducted pursuant to IRC s. 168 directly related to any amount shown as nonbusiness income                                           7.

 8.    Subtract the sum of Lines 6 and 7 from the amount on Line 5 and enter result here                                                                     8.

 9.    Multiply Line 8 by .40 (40%) and enter result here                                                                                                    9.

 10.   Florida apportionment fraction shown in Schedule IIIA or IIID of F-1120 (Taxpayers that are 100% in Florida enter 1.0)                                10.

 11.   Multiply Line 9 by Line 10 and enter result here                                                                                                      11.
 12.   Determine the amount of depreciation deducted pursuant to IRC s. 168 [except pursuant to s. 168(b)(3)] used in computing nonbusiness income
       allocated to Florida, multiply the amount by .40 (40%), and enter result here
 13.   Add Lines 11 and 12 and enter result here                                                                                                             13.

       Loss shown on Line 4. Note: If Line 4 does not show a loss, enter 0                                                                                   14.

 15.   The portion of the exemption provided in s. 220.14, F.S., not used for Chapter 220, F.S. purposes, if any. If none, enter 0                           15.

 16.   Subtract the sum of Lines 14 and 15 from the amount on Line 13 and enter result here                                                                  16.

       Multiply Line 16 by 2.5 (not 2.5 %) and enter result here. Note: If Line 16 shows a loss, enter 0                                                     17.

 18.   Total tax due (2.2% of Line 17)                                                                                                                       18.

 19.   (a) Emergency excise tax credit:                     (b) Emergency excise tax credit carryover:                 (attach schedule) Total ➤             19.

 20.   Balance of tax due (enter on Page 1, Line 13)                                                                                                         20.

                                                                                                                                               Column (a)                Column (b)
               Schedule I — Additions and/or Adjustments to Federal Taxable Income                                                              For page 1          For Schedule VI, AMT

                 1.   Interest excluded from federal taxable income (see instructions)                                                   1.                        1.

                 2.   Undistributed net long-term capital gains (see instructions)                                                       2.                        2.

                 3.   Net operating loss deduction (attach schedule)                                                                     3.                        3.

                 4.   Net capital loss carryover (attach schedule)                                                                       4.                        4.

                 5.   Excess charitable contribution carryover (attach schedule)                                                         5.                        5.

                 6.	 Employee	benefit	plan	contribution	carryover	(attach	schedule)                                                      6.                        6.

                 7.   Enterprise zone jobs credit (Form F-1156Z)                                                                         7.                        7.

                 8.   Ad valorem taxes allowable as enterprise zone property tax credit (Form F-1158Z)                                   8.                        8.

                 9.   Guaranty association assessment(s) credit                                                                          9.                        9.

                 10. Rural and/or urban high crime area job tax credits                                                                  10.                       10.

                 11. State housing tax credit                                                                                            11.                       11.

                 12.	 Credit	for	contributions	to	nonprofit	scholarship	funding	organizations                                            12.                       12.

                 13. Renewable energy tax credits                                                                                        13.                       13.

                 14. Section 179 expense deduction above $25,000                                                                         14.                       14.

                 15. Special 50% depreciation allowance                                                                                  15.                       15.

                 16. Other additions (attach statement)                                                                                  16.                       16.
                 17. Total Lines 1 through 16 in Columns (a) and (b). Enter totals for each column on Line 17. Column (a) total is
                                                                                                                                         17.                       17.
                      also entered on Page 1, Line 3 (of the F-1120 return). Column (b) total is also entered on Schedule VI, Line 3.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             R. 01/09
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 4

NAME                                                                                                                                             FEIN                                               TAXABLE YEAR ENDING

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Column (b)
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Column (a)
  Schedule II — Subtractions from Federal Taxable Income                                                                                                                                                                       For Schedule VI, AMT
                                                                                                                                                                                                            For page 1

  1. Gross foreign source income less attributable expenses
     (a) Enter s. 78, IRC income $ ____________________ (b) plus s. 862, IRC dividends $ ____________________________
     (c) less direct and indirect expenses $ ____________ _________________________________________________                                                                    Total ➤               1.                        1.

  2. Gross subpart F income less attributable expenses
     (a) Enter s. 951, IRC subpart F income $ _________________ (b) less direct and indirect expenses $ _______________                                                        Total ➤.              2.                        2.

      Note: Taxpayers doing business outside Florida enter zero on Lines 3, through 6, and complete Schedule IV.

  3. Florida net operating loss carryover deduction (see instructions)                                                                                                                               3.                        3.

  4. Florida net capital loss carryover deduction (see instructions)                                                                                                                                 4.                        4.

  5. Florida excess charitable contribution carryover (see instructions)                                                                                                                             5.                        5.

	 6.	 Florida	employee	benefit	plan	contribution	carryover	(see	instructions)	                                                                                                            	          6.	                       6.

  7. Nonbusiness income (from Schedule R, Line 3)                                                                                                                                                    7.                        7.

  8. Eligible net income of an international banking facility (see instructions)                                                                                                                     8.                        8.

  9. Other subtractions (attach statement)                                                                                                                                                           9.                        9.

 10. Total Lines 1 through 9 in Columns (a) and (b). Enter totals for each column on Line 10. Column (a) total is also entered on
      Page 1, Line 5 (of the F-1120 return). Column (b) total is also entered on Schedule VI, Line 5.                                                                                                10.                       10.

  Schedule III — Apportionment of Adjusted Federal Income
III-A For use by taxpayers doing business outside Florida, except those providing insurance or transportation services.
                                                                (a)                                  (b)                                  (c)                                                 (d)                                      (e)
                                                                                                                                Col. (a) 4 Col. (b)
                                                     WITHIN FLORIDA                    TOTAL EVERYWHERE                                                                             Weight                                    Weighted Factors
                                                                                                                                                                     If any factor in Column (b) is zero,
                                                           (Numerator)                        (Denominator)                  Rounded to Six Decimal                                                                         Rounded to Six Decimal
                                                                                                                                                                  see note on Page 10 of the instructions.
                                                                                                                                    Places                                                                                         Places

  1. Property (Schedule III-B below)                                                                                                                                              X 25% or ______
  2. Payroll                                                                                                                                                                      X 25% or ______
  3. Sales (Schedule III-C below)                                                                                                                                                 X 50% or ______
  4. Apportionment fraction [Sum of Lines 1, 2, and 3, Column (e)]. Enter here and on Schedule IV, Line 2.
                                                                                                                                     WITHIN FLORIDA                                                          TOTAL EVERYWHERE
III-B For use in computing average value of property (use original cost).
                                                                                                                 a. Beginning of year                     b. End of year                      c. Beginning of year              d. End of year
 	1.	 Inventories	of	raw	material,	work	in	process,	finished	goods
  2. Buildings and other depreciable assets
  3. Land owned
 	4.	 Other	tangible	and	intangible	(financial	org.	only)	assets	(attach	schedule)
  5. Total (Lines 1 through 4)
  6. Average value of property
     a. Add Line 5, Columns (a) and (b) and divide by 2 (for within Florida) .......... 6a.
     b. Add Line 5, Columns (c) and (d) and divide by 2 (for total everywhere) ......................................................................................... 6b.
  7. Rented property (8 times net annual rent)
     a. Rented property in Florida .......................................................................... 7a.
     b. Rented property Everywhere ......................................................................................................................................................... 7b.
  8. Total (Lines 6 and 7). Enter on Line 1, Schedule III-A, Columns (a) and (b).
     a. Enter Lines 6 a. plus 7 a. and also enter on Schedule III-A, Line 1,
        Column (a) for total average property in Florida ......................................... 8a.
     b. Enter Lines 6 b. plus 7 b. and also enter on Schedule III-A, Line 1,
        Column (b) for total average property Everywhere ......................................................................................................................... 8b.
                                                                                                                          Average Florida                                                                      Average Everywhere
                                                                                                                                                                                 (a)                                             (b)
III-C Sales Factor                                                                                                                                                      TOTAL WITHIN FLORIDA                             TOTAL EVERYWHERE
                                                                                                                                                                             (Numerator)                                    (Denominator)
  1. Sales (gross receipts)
  2. Sales delivered or shipped to Florida purchasers
  3. Other gross receipts (rents, royalties, interest, etc. when applicable)
  4. TOTAL SALES [Enter on Schedule III-A, Line 3, Columns (a) and (b)]

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (c) FLORIDA Fraction [(a) 4 (b)]
III-D Special Apportionment Fractions (see instructions)                                                                  (a) WITHIN FLORIDA                            (b) TOTAL EVERYWHERE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Rounded to Six Decimal Places
  1. Insurance companies (attach copy of Schedule T–Annual Report)
  2. Transportation services
                                                                                                                                                                  R. 01/09
                                                                                                                                                                   Page 5

NAME                                                                                                   FEIN                           TAXABLE YEAR ENDING

  Schedule IV — Computation of Florida Portion of Adjusted Federal Income
                                                                                                                             Column (a)              Column (b)
                                                                                                                              Adjusted                Adjusted
                                                                                                                           Federal Income           AMT Income
 1.    Apportionable adjusted federal income from Page 1, Line 6 [or Line 6, Schedule VI for AMT in Col. (b)]         1.                      1.

 2.    Florida apportionment fraction [Schedule III-A, Line 4 or Schedule III-D, Column (c)]                          2.                      2.

 3.    Tentative apportioned adjusted federal income (multiply Line 1 by Line 2)                                      3.                      3.

 4.    Net operating loss carryover apportioned to Florida (attach schedule; see instructions)                        4.                      4.

 5.    Net capital loss carryover apportioned to Florida (attach schedule; see instructions)                          5.                      5.

 6.    Excess charitable contribution carryover apportioned to Florida (attach schedule; see instructions)            6.                      6.

 7.	   Employee	benefit	plan	contribution	carryover	apportioned	to	Florida	(attach	schedule; see instructions)        7.                      7.

 8.    Total carryovers apportioned to Florida (add Lines 4 through 7)                                                8.                      8.

 9.    Adjusted federal income apportioned to Florida (Line 3 less Line 8; see instructions)                          9.                      9.

  Schedule V — Credits Against the Corporate Income/Franchise Tax
 1.    Florida health maintenance organization credit (attach assessment notice)                                                              1.

 2.	   Capital	investment	tax	credit	(attach	certification	letter)                                                                            2.

 3.    Enterprise zone jobs credit (from Form F-1156Z attached)                                                                               3.

 4.	   Community	contribution	tax	credit	(attach	certification	letter)                                                                        4.

 5.    Enterprise zone property tax credit (from Form F-1158Z attached)                                                                       5.

 6.	   Rural	job	tax	credit	(attach	certification	letter)                                                                                     6.

 7.	   Urban	high	crime	area	job	tax	credit	(attach	certification	letter)                                                                     7.

 8.    Emergency excise tax (EET) credit (see instructions and attach schedule)                                                               8.

 9.    Hazardous waste facility tax credit                                                                                                    9.

 10.   Florida alternative minimum tax (AMT) credit                                                                                           10.

 11.	 Contaminated	site	rehabilitation	tax	credit	(attach	tax	credit	certificate)                                                             11.

 12.	 Child	care	tax	credits	(attach	certification	letter)                                                                                    12.

 13.	 State	housing	tax	credit	(attach	certification	letter)                                                                                  13.

       Credit	for	contributions	to	nonprofit	scholarship	funding	organizations	(attach	certificate)
 14.                                                                                                                                          14.

 15.   Florida renewable energy technologies investment tax credit                                                                            15.

 16.   Florida renewable energy production tax credit                                                                                         16.

 17.   Other credits (attach schedule)                                                                                                        17.
 18.   Total credits against the tax (sum of Lines 1 through 17 not to exceed the amount on Page 1, Line 11).
       Enter total credits on Page 1, Line 12

                  Schedule VI — Computation of Florida Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)
                 1.     Federal alternative minimum taxable income after exemption (attach federal Form 4626)                                 1.

                 2.     State income taxes deducted in computing federal taxable income (attach schedule)                                     2.

                 3.     Additions to federal taxable income [from Schedule I, Column (b)]                                                     3.

                 4.     Total of Lines 1 through 3                                                                                            4.

                 5.     Subtractions from federal taxable income [from Schedule II, Column (b)]                                               5.

                 6.     Adjusted federal alternative minimum taxable income (Line 4 minus Line 5)                                             6.

                 7.     Florida portion of adjusted federal income (see instructions)                                                         7.

                 8.     Nonbusiness income allocated to Florida (see instructions)                                                            8.

                 9.     Florida exemption                                                                                                     9.

                 10.    Florida net income (Line 7 plus Line 8 minus Line 9)                                                                  10.

                 11.    Florida alternative minimum tax due (3.3% of Line 10). See instructions for Page 1, Line 11                           11.
                                                                                                                                                                                R. 01/09
                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 6

NAME                                                                                                       FEIN                                TAXABLE YEAR ENDING

  Schedule R — Nonbusiness Income
Line 1. Nonbusiness income (loss) allocated to Florida
                   Type                                                                                                                         Amount
_____________________________________                                                                                            _____________________________________
_____________________________________                                                                                            _____________________________________
_____________________________________                                                                                            _____________________________________
        Total allocated to Florida .................................................................................             1. __________________________________
        (Enter here and on Page 1, Line 8 or Schedule VI, Line 8 for AMT)
Line 2. Nonbusiness income (loss) allocated elsewhere
                Type                           State/country allocated to                                                                       Amount
_____________________________________ ____________________________________                                                       _____________________________________
_____________________________________ ____________________________________                                                       _____________________________________
_____________________________________ ____________________________________                                                       _____________________________________

           Total allocated elsewhere ................................................................................            2. __________________________________
Line 3. Total nonbusiness income
        Grand total. Total of Lines 1 and 2 ..................................................................                   3. __________________________________
        (Enter here and on Schedule II, Line 7)

                                                       Estimated Tax Worksheet
                                        For Taxable Years Beginning on or After January 1, 2009

    1.    Florida income expected in taxable year ...................................................................................................    1. $ _______________
    2.    Florida exemption $5,000 (Members of a controlled group, see instructions on Page 15 of F-1120N) .....                                         2. $ _______________
    3.    Estimated Florida net income (Line 1 less Line 2) ......................................................................................       3. $ _______________
    4.    Total Estimated Florida tax (5.5% of Line 3)* ..................................          $ ____________________________
          Less: Credits against the tax ........................................................... $ ____________________________                       4. $ _______________
          * Taxpayers subject to federal alternative minimum tax must compute Florida alternative
            minimum tax at 3.3% and enter the greater of these two computations.
    5.    Estimated emergency excise tax ............................................................................................................... 5. $ _______________
    6.    Total corporate and emergency excise tax (Line 4 plus Line 5) ................................................................. 6. $ _______________
    	     If	Line	6	is	more	than	$2,500,	file	installment	as	computed	on	Line	7;	if	$2,500	or	less,	no	declaration	(Form	F-1120ES)	is	required.

    7.    Computation of installments:

          Payment due dates and                            Last day of 4th month - Enter 0.25 of Line 6 .....................................           7a.   _________________
          payment amounts:                                 Last day of 6th month - Enter 0.25 of Line 6 ....................................            7b.   _________________
                                                           Last day of 9th month - Enter 0.25 of Line 6 .....................................           7c.   _________________
    	     	     	                                          Last	day	of	fiscal		year	–	Enter	0.25	of	Line	6 ..................................           7d.   _________________

          NOTE: If your estimated tax should change during the year, you may use the amended computation
          below to determine the amended amounts to be entered on the declaration (Form F-1120ES).

    1.    Amended estimated tax ............................................................................................................................. 1. $ _______________
    2.    Less:
          (a) Amount of overpayment from last year elected for credit
          to estimated tax and applied to date ............................................ 2a. — $ __________________________
          (b) Payments made on estimated tax declaration (F-1120ES) .... 2b. — $ __________________________
          (c) Total of Lines 2(a) and 2(b) .................................................................................................................. 2c. $ _______________
    3.    Unpaid balance (Line 1 less Line 2(c)) ........................................................................................................ 3. $ _______________
    4.    Amount to be paid (Line 3 divided by number of remaining installments) ................................................. 4. $ _______________
FEIN of entity

      Change of Address or Business Name
     Complete this form, sign it, and mail Mail to:                                                     New         Business location____________________________________________________
     it to the Department if:                 Florida Department of Revenue                             Address     City_______________________________State_______ZIP__________________
     •	 The	address	below	is	not	correct.     5050 W Tennessee St
     •	 The	business	location	changes.	       Tallahassee FL 32399-0100                                             Business telephone (_______) ___________________County________________
     •	 The	corporation	name	changes.
                                                                                                                    In care of__________________________________________________________

                                                                                                                    Mailing address_____________________________________________________
                                                                                                        Address     City_______________________________State_______ZIP__________________

                                                                                                                    Owner’s telephone (_______) ___________________County_________________

      ______________________________________________________                                            Corporation _________________________________________________________________________
       Signature of officer (Required)                  Date                                            Name

                                                                   9100 0 20089999 0002005999 8 3999999999 0000 2

                                              Florida Department of Revenue - Corporate Income Tax                                                                                    F-7004
Rule 12C-1.051
                                                                                                                                                                                     R. 01/09
                                               Florida Tentative Income / Franchise and Emergency Excise Tax
Florida Administrative Code
Effective 01/09                                  Return and Application for Extension of Time to File Return

       You must write within the boxes. (example) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9                                                                                            0123456789
                                                                                                        If typing, type through the boxes. (example)

                Write your numbers as shown and enter one number per box.
     Name                                                                                                                                                        Corporation Partnership
                                                                                                                          Taxable year end:
                                                                                                                                                       FILING STATUS
                                                                                                                     MMDDY Y                             (Mark “X” in
                                                                                                                                                        one box only)
                                                                                                                                                      US DOLLARS                       CENTS

                                                                                                                   Tentative tax due
                                                                                                                    (See reverse side)
     Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have been authorized by the above-named taxpayer to make this
     application, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements herein are true and correct:
                                                                                                                                                  Check here if you transmitted

     Sign here:___________________________________________ Date:__________________                                                                funds electronically
     Make checks payable and mail to: Florida Department of Revenue, 5050 W Tennessee St, Tallahassee FL 32399-0135

                                                                   9100 0 20089999 0002005030 6 3999999999 0000 2

                                                   Florida Department of Revenue — Corporate Income Tax                                                                            F-1120ES
Rule 12C-1.051
                                                                                                                                                                                    R. 01/09
                                    Declaration/Installment of Florida Estimated Income/Franchise and
Florida Administrative Code
Effective 01/09
                                Emergency Excise Tax for Taxable Year Beginning on or After January 1, 2009
                                                                                                                                                                   Installment #_____
       You must write within the boxes. (example) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9                                                                                            0123456789
                                                                                                        If typing, type through the boxes. (example)
                Write your numbers as shown and enter one number per box.

                                                                                                                                                               MMDDY Y
                                                                                                                                                    year end

                                                                                                                                                Estimated tax payment
     Address                                                                                                                                             (See reverse side)
     City/St/ZIP                                                                                                                                      US DOLLARS                       CENTS

                                                                    Check here if you transmitted                                                Office	use	

                                                                                                                                                               MMDDY Y
                                                                    funds electronically                                                               only
     Make checks payable and mail to: Florida Department of Revenue, 5050 W Tennessee St, Tallahassee FL 32399-0135

                                                                   9100 0 20099999 0002005033 0 3999999999 0000 2
Closing or Sale of Business or Change of Legal Entity
              The legal entity changed on _____ / _____ / _____ . If you change your legal entity and are continuing to do business in Florida and the
              corporation is registered for Sales and Use Tax, you must complete a new Application to Collect and Report Tax in Florida (Form DR-1).
              The business was closed permanently on _____ / _____ / _____ . (The Department will remove your corporate income tax obligation as of this date.)
              Are	you	a	corporation/partnership	required	to	file	sales	and	use	tax	returns?	                                Yes         No

              The business was sold on _____ / _____ / _____ . The new owner information is:

              Name of new owner: ___________________________________________Telephone number of new owner: ( __________) ____________________________
              Mailing address of new owner: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
              City: ___________________________________________County: _____________________________ State: __________ZIP: ____________________________
                                                                                                 Sales and Use Tax
                                                                                                Certificate Number

      Signature	of	officer	(Required) __________________________________________ Date ___________________ Telephone number ( _______) ________________

                                                                              Information for Filing Form F-7004                                                                                      F-7004
                                                                                                                                                                                                     R. 01/09
                                                                                                               B. If applicable, state the reason you need the extension: ______________________
When to file — File this application on or before the original due date of the
taxpayer’s	corporate	income	tax	or	partnership	return.	Do	not	file	before	the	end	of	                               ______________________________________________________________________
the tax year.                                                                                                       ______________________________________________________________________
To	file	online	go	to	www.myflorida.com/dor                                                                     C.		Type	of	federal	return	filed:_______________________________________________
Penalties for failure to pay tax — If you are required to pay tax with this application,                           Contact person for questions: ____________________________________________
failure to pay will void any extension of time and subject the taxpayer to penalties and                           Telephone number: (________) ___________________________________________
interest	for	failure	to	file	a	timely	return(s)	and	pay	all	taxes	due.	There	is	also	a	penalty	
for	a	late-filed	return	when	no	tax	is	due.
Signature — A person authorized by the taxpayer must sign Form F-7004. They
must	be	(a)	an	officer	or	partner	of	the	taxpayer,	(b)	a	person	currently	enrolled	to	
                                                                                                                                                                                    Florida Income/Franchise
practice	before	the	Internal	Revenue	Service	(IRS),	or	(c)	an	attorney	or	Certified	                                         Extension of Time Request                             Emergency Excise Tax Due
Public	Accountant	qualified	to	practice	before	the	IRS	under	Public	Law	89-332.
                                                                                                               1. Tentative amount of Florida tax for the taxable year
A. Have	you	filed	Form	7004	with	the	IRS
                                                                                            ■         ■
                                                                                                Yes       No
   for the taxable year? ................................................................
                                                                                                               2. LESS: Estimated tax payments for the taxable year
    If the answer is “No,” complete Item B.
                                                                                                               3. Balance due — You must pay 100% of the tax
    An extension for Florida tax purposes may be granted, even though no federal                                                                                          3.
                                                                                                                  tentatively determined due with this extension request.
    extension was granted. See Rule 12C-1.0222, F.A.C., for information on the
                                                                                                               Transfer the amount on Line 3 to Tentative tax due on reverse side.
    requirements that must be met for your request for an extension of time to be valid.

                                                                           Information for Filing Form F-1120ES                                                                                    F-1120ES
                                                                                                                                                                                                    R. 01/09
1. Who must make estimated tax payments — Every domestic or foreign
   corporation or other entity subject to taxation under the provisions of Chapter                                Contact person for questions: ____________________________________________
   220 and/or Chapter 221, Florida Statutes, must declare estimated tax for the
   taxable year if the amount of income tax liability and emergency excise tax                                    Phone number: (________) ______________________________________________
   liability for the year will be more than $2,500.
                                                                                                                  To file online go to www.myflorida.com/dor
2. Due Date — Generally, estimated tax must be paid on or before the last day of
   the 4th, 6th, and 9th month of the taxable year and the last day of the taxable
   year; 25 percent of the estimated tax must be paid with each installment.
3. Amended Declaration — To prepare an amended declaration, write “Amended”
   on Florida Form F-1120ES and complete Lines 1 through 3 of the correct                                                                                                     Combined Income/Franchise
                                                                                                                             Estimated Tax Payment
   installment.	You	may	file	an	amendment	during	any	interval	between	installment	                                                                                             and Emergency Excise Tax
   dates prescribed for the taxable year. You must timely pay any increase in the                                                                                        1.
                                                                                                               1. Amount of this installment
   estimated tax.
                                                                                                               2. Amount of overpayment from last year for credit to 2.
4. Interest and Penalties —	If	you	fail	to	comply	with	the	law	about	filing	a	
                                                                                                                  estimated tax and applied to this installment
   declaration or paying estimated tax, you will be assessed interest and penalties.
                                                                                                               3. Amount of this payment (Line 1 minus Line 2)
                                                                                                               Transfer the amount on Line 3 to Estimated tax payment box on front.
Florida Department of Revenue — Corporate Income Tax                                                              F-1120ES
Rule 12C-1.051
                                                                                                                                                                  R. 01/09
                                  Declaration/Installment of Florida Estimated Income/Franchise and
Florida Administrative Code
Effective 01/09
                              Emergency Excise Tax for Taxable Year Beginning on or After January 1, 2009
                                                                                                                                                      Installment #_____
       You must write within the boxes. (example) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9                                                                              0123456789
                                                                                                If typing, type through the boxes. (example)
                Write your numbers as shown and enter one number per box.

                                                                                                                                                   MMDDY Y
                                                                                                                                        year end

                                                                                                                                 Estimated tax payment
     Address                                                                                                                                (See reverse side)
     City/St/ZIP                                                                                                                         US DOLLARS                CENTS

                                                                Check here if you transmitted                                       Office	use	

                                                                                                                                                   MMDDY Y
                                                                funds electronically                                                      only
     Make checks payable and mail to: Florida Department of Revenue, 5050 W Tennessee St, Tallahassee FL 32399-0135

                                                              9100 0 20099999 0002005033 0 3999999999 0000 2

                                               Florida Department of Revenue — Corporate Income Tax                                                              F-1120ES
Rule 12C-1.051
                                                                                                                                                                  R. 01/09
                                  Declaration/Installment of Florida Estimated Income/Franchise and
Florida Administrative Code
Effective 01/09
                              Emergency Excise Tax for Taxable Year Beginning on or After January 1, 2009
                                                                                                                                                      Installment #_____
       You must write within the boxes. (example) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9                                                                              0123456789
                                                                                                If typing, type through the boxes. (example)
                Write your numbers as shown and enter one number per box.

                                                                                                                                                   MMDDY Y
                                                                                                                                        year end

                                                                                                                                 Estimated tax payment
     Address                                                                                                                                (See reverse side)
     City/St/ZIP                                                                                                                         US DOLLARS                CENTS

                                                                Check here if you transmitted                                       Office	use	

                                                                                                                                                   MMDDY Y
                                                                funds electronically                                                      only
     Make checks payable and mail to: Florida Department of Revenue, 5050 W Tennessee St, Tallahassee FL 32399-0135

                                                              9100 0 20099999 0002005033 0 3999999999 0000 2

                                               Florida Department of Revenue — Corporate Income Tax                                                              F-1120ES
Rule 12C-1.051
                                                                                                                                                                  R. 01/09
                                  Declaration/Installment of Florida Estimated Income/Franchise and
Florida Administrative Code
Effective 01/09
                              Emergency Excise Tax for Taxable Year Beginning on or After January 1, 2009
                                                                                                                                                      Installment #_____
       You must write within the boxes. (example) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9                                                                              0123456789
                                                                                                If typing, type through the boxes. (example)
                Write your numbers as shown and enter one number per box.

                                                                                                                                                   MMDDY Y
                                                                                                                                        year end

                                                                                                                                 Estimated tax payment
     Address                                                                                                                                (See reverse side)
     City/St/ZIP                                                                                                                         US DOLLARS                CENTS

                                                                Check here if you transmitted                                       Office	use	

                                                                                                                                                   MMDDY Y
                                                                funds electronically                                                      only
     Make checks payable and mail to: Florida Department of Revenue, 5050 W Tennessee St, Tallahassee FL 32399-0135

                                                              9100 0 20099999 0002005033 0 3999999999 0000 2
Information for Filing Form F-1120ES                                                                         F-1120ES
                                                                                                                                                                     R. 01/09
1. Who must make estimated tax payments — Every domestic or foreign
   corporation or other entity subject to taxation under the provisions of Chapter        Contact person for questions: ____________________________________________
   220 and/or Chapter 221, Florida Statutes, must declare estimated tax for the
   taxable year if the amount of income tax liability and emergency excise tax            Phone number: (________) ______________________________________________
   liability for the year will be more than $2,500.
                                                                                          To file online go to www.myflorida.com/dor
2. Due Date — Generally, estimated tax must be paid on or before the last day of
   the 4th, 6th, and 9th month of the taxable year and the last day of the taxable
   year; 25 percent of the estimated tax must be paid with each installment.
3. Amended Declaration — To prepare an amended declaration, write “Amended”
   on Florida Form F-1120ES and complete Lines 1 through 3 of the correct                                                                         Combined Income/Franchise
                                                                                                    Estimated Tax Payment
   installment.	You	may	file	an	amendment	during	any	interval	between	installment	                                                                 and Emergency Excise Tax
   dates prescribed for the taxable year. You must timely pay any increase in the                                                            1.
                                                                                       1. Amount of this installment
   estimated tax.
                                                                                       2. Amount of overpayment from last year for credit to 2.
4. Interest and Penalties —	If	you	fail	to	comply	with	the	law	about	filing	a	
                                                                                          estimated tax and applied to this installment
   declaration or paying estimated tax, you will be assessed interest and penalties.
                                                                                       3. Amount of this payment (Line 1 minus Line 2)
                                                                                       Transfer the amount on Line 3 to Estimated tax payment box on front.

                                                       Information for Filing Form F-1120ES                                                                         F-1120ES
                                                                                                                                                                     R. 01/09
1. Who must make estimated tax payments — Every domestic or foreign
   corporation or other entity subject to taxation under the provisions of Chapter        Contact person for questions: ____________________________________________
   220 and/or Chapter 221, Florida Statutes, must declare estimated tax for the
   taxable year if the amount of income tax liability and emergency excise tax            Phone number: (________) ______________________________________________
   liability for the year will be more than $2,500.
                                                                                          To file online go to www.myflorida.com/dor
2. Due Date — Generally, estimated tax must be paid on or before the last day of
   the 4th, 6th, and 9th month of the taxable year and the last day of the taxable
   year; 25 percent of the estimated tax must be paid with each installment.
3. Amended Declaration — To prepare an amended declaration, write “Amended”
   on Florida Form F-1120ES and complete Lines 1 through 3 of the correct                                                                         Combined Income/Franchise
                                                                                                    Estimated Tax Payment
   installment.	You	may	file	an	amendment	during	any	interval	between	installment	                                                                 and Emergency Excise Tax
   dates prescribed for the taxable year. You must timely pay any increase in the                                                            1.
                                                                                       1. Amount of this installment
   estimated tax.
                                                                                       2. Amount of overpayment from last year for credit to 2.
4. Interest and Penalties —	If	you	fail	to	comply	with	the	law	about	filing	a	
                                                                                          estimated tax and applied to this installment
   declaration or paying estimated tax, you will be assessed interest and penalties.
                                                                                       3. Amount of this payment (Line 1 minus Line 2)
                                                                                       Transfer the amount on Line 3 to Estimated tax payment box on front.

                                                       Information for Filing Form F-1120ES                                                                         F-1120ES
                                                                                                                                                                     R. 01/09
1. Who must make estimated tax payments — Every domestic or foreign
   corporation or other entity subject to taxation under the provisions of Chapter        Contact person for questions: ____________________________________________
   220 and/or Chapter 221, Florida Statutes, must declare estimated tax for the
   taxable year if the amount of income tax liability and emergency excise tax            Phone number: (________) ______________________________________________
   liability for the year will be more than $2,500.
                                                                                          To file online go to www.myflorida.com/dor
2. Due Date — Generally, estimated tax must be paid on or before the last day of
   the 4th, 6th, and 9th month of the taxable year and the last day of the taxable
   year; 25 percent of the estimated tax must be paid with each installment.
3. Amended Declaration — To prepare an amended declaration, write “Amended”
   on Florida Form F-1120ES and complete Lines 1 through 3 of the correct                                                                         Combined Income/Franchise
                                                                                                    Estimated Tax Payment
   installment.	You	may	file	an	amendment	during	any	interval	between	installment	                                                                 and Emergency Excise Tax
   dates prescribed for the taxable year. You must timely pay any increase in the                                                            1.
                                                                                       1. Amount of this installment
   estimated tax.
                                                                                       2. Amount of overpayment from last year for credit to 2.
4. Interest and Penalties —	If	you	fail	to	comply	with	the	law	about	filing	a	
                                                                                          estimated tax and applied to this installment
   declaration or paying estimated tax, you will be assessed interest and penalties.
                                                                                       3. Amount of this payment (Line 1 minus Line 2)
                                                                                       Transfer the amount on Line 3 to Estimated tax payment box on front.

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If you are self-employed or do not have Maryland income taxes withheld by an ...If you are self-employed or do not have Maryland income taxes withheld by an ...
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ROC Business Tax Corporation
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Declaration of Estimated Maryland Income Tax
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Declaration of Estimated Maryland Income Tax
If you are self-employed or do not have Maryland income taxes withheld by an ...
If you are self-employed or do not have Maryland income taxes withheld by an ...If you are self-employed or do not have Maryland income taxes withheld by an ...
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ROC Business Tax Corporation
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Satta Matta Matka 143 ,Kalyan Matka 420.Satta Matta Matka 143 ,Kalyan Matka 420.
Satta Matta Matka 143 ,Kalyan Matka 420.

Florida Corporate Income/Franchise and Emergency Excise Tax Return for 2008 Tax Year R.01/09

  • 1. Florida Corporate Income/Franchise and Emergency Excise Tax Return F-1120 R. 01/09 Rule 12C-1.051 Florida Administrative Code Effective 01/09 Name Address City/State/ZIP Check here if any changes have been made to Use black ink. Example A - Handwritten Example B - Typed For calendar year 2008 or tax year name or address 0123456789 01 23456789 beginning _________________, 2008 ending __________________________ Year end date ____________ / / DoR use Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) only Computation of Florida Net Income and Emergency Excise Tax US Dollars Cents , , , 1. Federal taxable income (see instructions). Check here 1. Attach pages 1–4 of federal return ................................................. if negative , , , 2. State income taxes deducted in computing federal taxable income Check here 2. (attach schedule) ................................................................................. if negative , , , Check here 3. 3. Additions to federal taxable income (from Schedule I) ....................... if negative , , , Check here 4. 4. Total of Lines 1, 2, and 3. .................................................................... if negative , , , Check here F-1120 5. 5. Subtractions from federal taxable income (from Schedule II) ............. if negative , , , Check here 6. 6. Adjusted federal income (Line 4 minus Line 5) ................................... if negative , , Check here 7. Florida portion of adjusted federal income (see instructions) ......................... 7. if negative , , Check here 8. Nonbusiness income allocated to Florida (from Schedule R) ......................... 8. if negative , 9. Florida exemption ................................................................................................................. 9. , , 10. Florida net income (Line 7 plus Line 8 minus Line 9) .............................................................. 10. , , 11. Tax due: 5.5% of Line 10 or amount from Schedule VI, whichever is greater (see instructions for Schedule VI). ........................................................................................... 11. , , 12. Credits against the tax (from Schedule V) ............................................................................... 12. , , 13. Emergency excise tax due (from Schedule A)......................................................................... 13. , , 14. Total corporate income/franchise and emergency excise tax due (see instructions). ............ 14. Payment Coupon for Florida Corporate Income Tax Return Do not detach coupon. F-1120 R. 01/09 To ensure proper credit to your account, enclose your check with tax return when mailing. YEAR Return is due 1st day of the 4th month after close of the taxable year. MMDDYY ENDING US DOLLARS CENTS , , Total amount due ▼ from Line 18 Check here if you transmitted funds electronically , , Enter name and address, if not pre-addressed: Total credit from Line 19 , , Total refund Name from Line 20 Address FEIN City/St/ZIP Enter FEIN if not pre-addressed F-1120 9100 0 20089999 0002005037 9 3999999999 0000 2
  • 2. F-1120 R. 01/09 Page 2 , , 15. a) Penalty: F-2220 __________________ b) Other ___________________ c) Interest: F-2220 _________________ d) Other ___________________ Line 15 Total ➤. .15. , , 16. Total of Lines 14 and 15 ....................................................................................................... 16. , , 17. Payment credits: Estimated tax payments 17a $ Tentative tax payment 17b $ ............... 17. 18. Total amount due: Subtract Line 17 from Line 16. If positive, enter amount , , due here and on payment coupon. If the amount is negative (overpayment), enter on Line 19 and/or Line 20 ............................................................................................ 18. , , 19. Credit: Enter amount of overpayment credited to next year’s estimated tax here and on payment coupon ............................................................................................. 19. , , 20. Refund: Enter amount of overpayment to be refunded here and on payment coupon ..... 20. This return is considered incomplete unless a copy of the federal return is attached. If your return is not signed, or improperly signed and verified, it will be subject to a penalty. The statute of limitations will not start until your return is properly signed and verified. Your return must be completed in its entirety. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct, and complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge. Sign here Title Signature of officer (must be an original signature) Date Preparer’s Preparer Preparer’s PTIN check if self- Paid signature employed Date preparers only Firm’s name (or yours FEIN if self-employed) and address ZIP All Taxpayers Must Answer Questions A Through M Below — See Instructions A. State of incorporation: ______________________________________________________________ ❑ ❑ If yes, provide: Part of a federal consolidated return? YES NO H-2. B. Florida Secretary of State document number:__________________________________________ FEIN from federal consolidated return: ___________________________________ YES ❑ NO ❑ C. Florida consolidated return? Name of corporation: _______________________________________________ ❑. Initial return ❑ Final return (final federal return filed) D. ❑ ❑ The federal common parent has sales, property, or payroll in Florida? YES NO H-3. ❑ E. Taxpayer election section (s.) 220.03(5), Florida Statutes (F.S.) General Rule I. Location of corporate books: ____________________________________________________________ ❑ ❑ Election A Election B City: _________________________________________ State: _____________ ZIP: _______________ F. Principal Business Activity Code (as pertains to Florida) ❑ ❑ Taxpayer is a member of a Florida partnership or joint venture? YES NO J. K. Enter date of latest IRS audit: ______________ a) List years examined: ____________ ❑ ❑ NO G. A Florida extension of time was timely filed? YES L. Contact person concerning this return: __________________________________________________ ❑ ❑ Corporation is a member of a controlled group? YES NO H-1. If yes, attach list. a) Contact person telephone number: ( _______) ___________________________________________ ❑ 1120S or __________________ M. Type of federal return filed ❑ 1120 Where to Send Payments and Returns Remember: Make check payable to and send with return to: Make your check payable to the Florida ✔. Florida Department of Revenue Department of Revenue. 5050 W Tennessee Street Tallahassee FL 32399-0135 Write your FEIN on your check. ✔ If you are requesting a refund (Line 20), send your return to: Sign your check and return. ✔ Florida Department of Revenue PO Box 6440 Tallahassee FL 32314-6440 Attach a copy of your federal return. ✔ Attach a copy of your Florida Form F-7004 ✔ (extension of time) if applicable.
  • 3. F-1120 R. 01/09 Page 3 NAME FEIN TAXABLE YEAR ENDING Schedule A — Computation of Emergency Excise Tax (for assets placed in service 1/1/81 to 12/31/86) 1. Total depreciation expense deducted on federal Form 1120 1. 2. Florida portion of adjusted federal income from F-1120, Page 1, Line 7 or Schedule VI, Line 7 (see instructions) 2. 3. Loss carry forward (Enter the loss as a positive number) 3. 4. Subtract Line 3 from Line 2 and enter result here 4. Note: If a loss carry forward shown on Line 3 exceeds a loss on Line 2, enter positive difference of the loss amounts shown 5. Depreciation deducted pursuant to Internal Revenue Code (IRC.) s. 168 for assets placed in service 1/1/81 to 12/31/86 5. 6. Straight-line depreciation deducted pursuant to IRC s. 168(b)(3) and 60% of amounts of depreciation previously taxed on Schedule VI (for 6. assets placed in service 1/1/81 to 12/31/86) 7. All depreciation deducted pursuant to IRC s. 168 directly related to any amount shown as nonbusiness income 7. 8. Subtract the sum of Lines 6 and 7 from the amount on Line 5 and enter result here 8. 9. Multiply Line 8 by .40 (40%) and enter result here 9. 10. Florida apportionment fraction shown in Schedule IIIA or IIID of F-1120 (Taxpayers that are 100% in Florida enter 1.0) 10. 11. Multiply Line 9 by Line 10 and enter result here 11. 12. Determine the amount of depreciation deducted pursuant to IRC s. 168 [except pursuant to s. 168(b)(3)] used in computing nonbusiness income 12. allocated to Florida, multiply the amount by .40 (40%), and enter result here 13. Add Lines 11 and 12 and enter result here 13. Loss shown on Line 4. Note: If Line 4 does not show a loss, enter 0 14. 14. 15. The portion of the exemption provided in s. 220.14, F.S., not used for Chapter 220, F.S. purposes, if any. If none, enter 0 15. 16. Subtract the sum of Lines 14 and 15 from the amount on Line 13 and enter result here 16. Multiply Line 16 by 2.5 (not 2.5 %) and enter result here. Note: If Line 16 shows a loss, enter 0 17. 17. 18. Total tax due (2.2% of Line 17) 18. 19. (a) Emergency excise tax credit: (b) Emergency excise tax credit carryover: (attach schedule) Total ➤ 19. 20. Balance of tax due (enter on Page 1, Line 13) 20. Column (a) Column (b) Schedule I — Additions and/or Adjustments to Federal Taxable Income For page 1 For Schedule VI, AMT 1. Interest excluded from federal taxable income (see instructions) 1. 1. 2. Undistributed net long-term capital gains (see instructions) 2. 2. 3. Net operating loss deduction (attach schedule) 3. 3. 4. Net capital loss carryover (attach schedule) 4. 4. 5. Excess charitable contribution carryover (attach schedule) 5. 5. 6. Employee benefit plan contribution carryover (attach schedule) 6. 6. 7. Enterprise zone jobs credit (Form F-1156Z) 7. 7. 8. Ad valorem taxes allowable as enterprise zone property tax credit (Form F-1158Z) 8. 8. 9. Guaranty association assessment(s) credit 9. 9. 10. Rural and/or urban high crime area job tax credits 10. 10. 11. State housing tax credit 11. 11. 12. Credit for contributions to nonprofit scholarship funding organizations 12. 12. 13. Renewable energy tax credits 13. 13. 14. Section 179 expense deduction above $25,000 14. 14. 15. Special 50% depreciation allowance 15. 15. 16. Other additions (attach statement) 16. 16. 17. Total Lines 1 through 16 in Columns (a) and (b). Enter totals for each column on Line 17. Column (a) total is 17. 17. also entered on Page 1, Line 3 (of the F-1120 return). Column (b) total is also entered on Schedule VI, Line 3.
  • 4. F-1120 R. 01/09 Page 4 NAME FEIN TAXABLE YEAR ENDING Column (b) Column (a) Schedule II — Subtractions from Federal Taxable Income For Schedule VI, AMT For page 1 1. Gross foreign source income less attributable expenses (a) Enter s. 78, IRC income $ ____________________ (b) plus s. 862, IRC dividends $ ____________________________ (c) less direct and indirect expenses $ ____________ _________________________________________________ Total ➤ 1. 1. 2. Gross subpart F income less attributable expenses (a) Enter s. 951, IRC subpart F income $ _________________ (b) less direct and indirect expenses $ _______________ Total ➤. 2. 2. Note: Taxpayers doing business outside Florida enter zero on Lines 3, through 6, and complete Schedule IV. 3. Florida net operating loss carryover deduction (see instructions) 3. 3. 4. Florida net capital loss carryover deduction (see instructions) 4. 4. 5. Florida excess charitable contribution carryover (see instructions) 5. 5. 6. Florida employee benefit plan contribution carryover (see instructions) 6. 6. 7. Nonbusiness income (from Schedule R, Line 3) 7. 7. 8. Eligible net income of an international banking facility (see instructions) 8. 8. 9. Other subtractions (attach statement) 9. 9. 10. Total Lines 1 through 9 in Columns (a) and (b). Enter totals for each column on Line 10. Column (a) total is also entered on Page 1, Line 5 (of the F-1120 return). Column (b) total is also entered on Schedule VI, Line 5. 10. 10. Schedule III — Apportionment of Adjusted Federal Income III-A For use by taxpayers doing business outside Florida, except those providing insurance or transportation services. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Col. (a) 4 Col. (b) WITHIN FLORIDA TOTAL EVERYWHERE Weight Weighted Factors If any factor in Column (b) is zero, (Numerator) (Denominator) Rounded to Six Decimal Rounded to Six Decimal see note on Page 10 of the instructions. Places Places 1. Property (Schedule III-B below) X 25% or ______ 2. Payroll X 25% or ______ 3. Sales (Schedule III-C below) X 50% or ______ 4. Apportionment fraction [Sum of Lines 1, 2, and 3, Column (e)]. Enter here and on Schedule IV, Line 2. WITHIN FLORIDA TOTAL EVERYWHERE III-B For use in computing average value of property (use original cost). a. Beginning of year b. End of year c. Beginning of year d. End of year 1. Inventories of raw material, work in process, finished goods 2. Buildings and other depreciable assets 3. Land owned 4. Other tangible and intangible (financial org. only) assets (attach schedule) 5. Total (Lines 1 through 4) 6. Average value of property a. Add Line 5, Columns (a) and (b) and divide by 2 (for within Florida) .......... 6a. b. Add Line 5, Columns (c) and (d) and divide by 2 (for total everywhere) ......................................................................................... 6b. 7. Rented property (8 times net annual rent) a. Rented property in Florida .......................................................................... 7a. b. Rented property Everywhere ......................................................................................................................................................... 7b. 8. Total (Lines 6 and 7). Enter on Line 1, Schedule III-A, Columns (a) and (b). a. Enter Lines 6 a. plus 7 a. and also enter on Schedule III-A, Line 1, Column (a) for total average property in Florida ......................................... 8a. b. Enter Lines 6 b. plus 7 b. and also enter on Schedule III-A, Line 1, Column (b) for total average property Everywhere ......................................................................................................................... 8b. Average Florida Average Everywhere (a) (b) III-C Sales Factor TOTAL WITHIN FLORIDA TOTAL EVERYWHERE (Numerator) (Denominator) N/A 1. Sales (gross receipts) N/A 2. Sales delivered or shipped to Florida purchasers 3. Other gross receipts (rents, royalties, interest, etc. when applicable) 4. TOTAL SALES [Enter on Schedule III-A, Line 3, Columns (a) and (b)] (c) FLORIDA Fraction [(a) 4 (b)] III-D Special Apportionment Fractions (see instructions) (a) WITHIN FLORIDA (b) TOTAL EVERYWHERE Rounded to Six Decimal Places 1. Insurance companies (attach copy of Schedule T–Annual Report) 2. Transportation services
  • 5. F-1120 R. 01/09 Page 5 NAME FEIN TAXABLE YEAR ENDING Schedule IV — Computation of Florida Portion of Adjusted Federal Income Column (a) Column (b) Adjusted Adjusted Federal Income AMT Income 1. Apportionable adjusted federal income from Page 1, Line 6 [or Line 6, Schedule VI for AMT in Col. (b)] 1. 1. 2. Florida apportionment fraction [Schedule III-A, Line 4 or Schedule III-D, Column (c)] 2. 2. 3. Tentative apportioned adjusted federal income (multiply Line 1 by Line 2) 3. 3. 4. Net operating loss carryover apportioned to Florida (attach schedule; see instructions) 4. 4. 5. Net capital loss carryover apportioned to Florida (attach schedule; see instructions) 5. 5. 6. Excess charitable contribution carryover apportioned to Florida (attach schedule; see instructions) 6. 6. 7. Employee benefit plan contribution carryover apportioned to Florida (attach schedule; see instructions) 7. 7. 8. Total carryovers apportioned to Florida (add Lines 4 through 7) 8. 8. 9. Adjusted federal income apportioned to Florida (Line 3 less Line 8; see instructions) 9. 9. Schedule V — Credits Against the Corporate Income/Franchise Tax 1. Florida health maintenance organization credit (attach assessment notice) 1. 2. Capital investment tax credit (attach certification letter) 2. 3. Enterprise zone jobs credit (from Form F-1156Z attached) 3. 4. Community contribution tax credit (attach certification letter) 4. 5. Enterprise zone property tax credit (from Form F-1158Z attached) 5. 6. Rural job tax credit (attach certification letter) 6. 7. Urban high crime area job tax credit (attach certification letter) 7. 8. Emergency excise tax (EET) credit (see instructions and attach schedule) 8. 9. Hazardous waste facility tax credit 9. 10. Florida alternative minimum tax (AMT) credit 10. 11. Contaminated site rehabilitation tax credit (attach tax credit certificate) 11. 12. Child care tax credits (attach certification letter) 12. 13. State housing tax credit (attach certification letter) 13. Credit for contributions to nonprofit scholarship funding organizations (attach certificate) 14. 14. 15. Florida renewable energy technologies investment tax credit 15. 16. Florida renewable energy production tax credit 16. 17. Other credits (attach schedule) 17. 18. Total credits against the tax (sum of Lines 1 through 17 not to exceed the amount on Page 1, Line 11). 18. Enter total credits on Page 1, Line 12 Schedule VI — Computation of Florida Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) 1. Federal alternative minimum taxable income after exemption (attach federal Form 4626) 1. 2. State income taxes deducted in computing federal taxable income (attach schedule) 2. 3. Additions to federal taxable income [from Schedule I, Column (b)] 3. 4. Total of Lines 1 through 3 4. 5. Subtractions from federal taxable income [from Schedule II, Column (b)] 5. 6. Adjusted federal alternative minimum taxable income (Line 4 minus Line 5) 6. 7. Florida portion of adjusted federal income (see instructions) 7. 8. Nonbusiness income allocated to Florida (see instructions) 8. 9. Florida exemption 9. 10. Florida net income (Line 7 plus Line 8 minus Line 9) 10. 11. Florida alternative minimum tax due (3.3% of Line 10). See instructions for Page 1, Line 11 11.
  • 6. F-1120 R. 01/09 Page 6 NAME FEIN TAXABLE YEAR ENDING Schedule R — Nonbusiness Income Line 1. Nonbusiness income (loss) allocated to Florida Type Amount _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Total allocated to Florida ................................................................................. 1. __________________________________ (Enter here and on Page 1, Line 8 or Schedule VI, Line 8 for AMT) Line 2. Nonbusiness income (loss) allocated elsewhere Type State/country allocated to Amount _____________________________________ ____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ____________________________________ _____________________________________ Total allocated elsewhere ................................................................................ 2. __________________________________ Line 3. Total nonbusiness income Grand total. Total of Lines 1 and 2 .................................................................. 3. __________________________________ (Enter here and on Schedule II, Line 7) Estimated Tax Worksheet For Taxable Years Beginning on or After January 1, 2009 1. Florida income expected in taxable year ................................................................................................... 1. $ _______________ 2. Florida exemption $5,000 (Members of a controlled group, see instructions on Page 15 of F-1120N) ..... 2. $ _______________ 3. Estimated Florida net income (Line 1 less Line 2) ...................................................................................... 3. $ _______________ 4. Total Estimated Florida tax (5.5% of Line 3)* .................................. $ ____________________________ Less: Credits against the tax ........................................................... $ ____________________________ 4. $ _______________ * Taxpayers subject to federal alternative minimum tax must compute Florida alternative minimum tax at 3.3% and enter the greater of these two computations. 5. Estimated emergency excise tax ............................................................................................................... 5. $ _______________ 6. Total corporate and emergency excise tax (Line 4 plus Line 5) ................................................................. 6. $ _______________ If Line 6 is more than $2,500, file installment as computed on Line 7; if $2,500 or less, no declaration (Form F-1120ES) is required. 7. Computation of installments: Payment due dates and Last day of 4th month - Enter 0.25 of Line 6 ..................................... 7a. _________________ payment amounts: Last day of 6th month - Enter 0.25 of Line 6 .................................... 7b. _________________ Last day of 9th month - Enter 0.25 of Line 6 ..................................... 7c. _________________ Last day of fiscal year – Enter 0.25 of Line 6 .................................. 7d. _________________ NOTE: If your estimated tax should change during the year, you may use the amended computation below to determine the amended amounts to be entered on the declaration (Form F-1120ES). 1. Amended estimated tax ............................................................................................................................. 1. $ _______________ 2. Less: (a) Amount of overpayment from last year elected for credit to estimated tax and applied to date ............................................ 2a. — $ __________________________ (b) Payments made on estimated tax declaration (F-1120ES) .... 2b. — $ __________________________ (c) Total of Lines 2(a) and 2(b) .................................................................................................................. 2c. $ _______________ 3. Unpaid balance (Line 1 less Line 2(c)) ........................................................................................................ 3. $ _______________ 4. Amount to be paid (Line 3 divided by number of remaining installments) ................................................. 4. $ _______________
  • 7. FEIN of entity Change of Address or Business Name CHANGE IN Complete this form, sign it, and mail Mail to: New Business location____________________________________________________ Location it to the Department if: Florida Department of Revenue Address City_______________________________State_______ZIP__________________ • The address below is not correct. 5050 W Tennessee St • The business location changes. Tallahassee FL 32399-0100 Business telephone (_______) ___________________County________________ • The corporation name changes. In care of__________________________________________________________ F-1120 Mailing address_____________________________________________________ New Mailing Address City_______________________________State_______ZIP__________________ Owner’s telephone (_______) ___________________County_________________ New Business DBA______________________________________________________________ Name New ______________________________________________________ Corporation _________________________________________________________________________ Signature of officer (Required) Date Name 9100 0 20089999 0002005999 8 3999999999 0000 2 Florida Department of Revenue - Corporate Income Tax F-7004 Rule 12C-1.051 R. 01/09 Florida Tentative Income / Franchise and Emergency Excise Tax Florida Administrative Code Effective 01/09 Return and Application for Extension of Time to File Return You must write within the boxes. (example) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0123456789 If typing, type through the boxes. (example) F-7004 Write your numbers as shown and enter one number per box. FEIN Name Corporation Partnership Taxable year end: FILING STATUS Address MMDDY Y (Mark “X” in one box only) City/St/ZIP US DOLLARS CENTS Tentative tax due (See reverse side) Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have been authorized by the above-named taxpayer to make this application, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements herein are true and correct: Check here if you transmitted ▼ Sign here:___________________________________________ Date:__________________ funds electronically Make checks payable and mail to: Florida Department of Revenue, 5050 W Tennessee St, Tallahassee FL 32399-0135 9100 0 20089999 0002005030 6 3999999999 0000 2 Florida Department of Revenue — Corporate Income Tax F-1120ES Rule 12C-1.051 R. 01/09 Declaration/Installment of Florida Estimated Income/Franchise and Florida Administrative Code Effective 01/09 Emergency Excise Tax for Taxable Year Beginning on or After January 1, 2009 Installment #_____ You must write within the boxes. (example) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0123456789 If typing, type through the boxes. (example) Write your numbers as shown and enter one number per box. F-1120ES FEIN Taxable MMDDY Y year end Name Estimated tax payment Address (See reverse side) City/St/ZIP US DOLLARS CENTS Check here if you transmitted Office use ▼ MMDDY Y funds electronically only Make checks payable and mail to: Florida Department of Revenue, 5050 W Tennessee St, Tallahassee FL 32399-0135 9100 0 20099999 0002005033 0 3999999999 0000 2
  • 8. Closing or Sale of Business or Change of Legal Entity The legal entity changed on _____ / _____ / _____ . If you change your legal entity and are continuing to do business in Florida and the corporation is registered for Sales and Use Tax, you must complete a new Application to Collect and Report Tax in Florida (Form DR-1). The business was closed permanently on _____ / _____ / _____ . (The Department will remove your corporate income tax obligation as of this date.) Are you a corporation/partnership required to file sales and use tax returns? Yes No The business was sold on _____ / _____ / _____ . The new owner information is: Name of new owner: ___________________________________________Telephone number of new owner: ( __________) ____________________________ Mailing address of new owner: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________County: _____________________________ State: __________ZIP: ____________________________ Sales and Use Tax FEIN Certificate Number ▼ Signature of officer (Required) __________________________________________ Date ___________________ Telephone number ( _______) ________________ Information for Filing Form F-7004 F-7004 R. 01/09 B. If applicable, state the reason you need the extension: ______________________ When to file — File this application on or before the original due date of the taxpayer’s corporate income tax or partnership return. Do not file before the end of ______________________________________________________________________ the tax year. ______________________________________________________________________ To file online go to www.myflorida.com/dor C. Type of federal return filed:_______________________________________________ Penalties for failure to pay tax — If you are required to pay tax with this application, Contact person for questions: ____________________________________________ failure to pay will void any extension of time and subject the taxpayer to penalties and Telephone number: (________) ___________________________________________ interest for failure to file a timely return(s) and pay all taxes due. There is also a penalty for a late-filed return when no tax is due. Signature — A person authorized by the taxpayer must sign Form F-7004. They must be (a) an officer or partner of the taxpayer, (b) a person currently enrolled to Florida Income/Franchise practice before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), or (c) an attorney or Certified Extension of Time Request Emergency Excise Tax Due Public Accountant qualified to practice before the IRS under Public Law 89-332. 1. 1. Tentative amount of Florida tax for the taxable year A. Have you filed Form 7004 with the IRS ■ ■ Yes No for the taxable year? ................................................................ 2. 2. LESS: Estimated tax payments for the taxable year If the answer is “No,” complete Item B. 3. Balance due — You must pay 100% of the tax An extension for Florida tax purposes may be granted, even though no federal 3. tentatively determined due with this extension request. extension was granted. See Rule 12C-1.0222, F.A.C., for information on the Transfer the amount on Line 3 to Tentative tax due on reverse side. requirements that must be met for your request for an extension of time to be valid. Information for Filing Form F-1120ES F-1120ES R. 01/09 1. Who must make estimated tax payments — Every domestic or foreign corporation or other entity subject to taxation under the provisions of Chapter Contact person for questions: ____________________________________________ 220 and/or Chapter 221, Florida Statutes, must declare estimated tax for the taxable year if the amount of income tax liability and emergency excise tax Phone number: (________) ______________________________________________ liability for the year will be more than $2,500. To file online go to www.myflorida.com/dor 2. Due Date — Generally, estimated tax must be paid on or before the last day of the 4th, 6th, and 9th month of the taxable year and the last day of the taxable year; 25 percent of the estimated tax must be paid with each installment. 3. Amended Declaration — To prepare an amended declaration, write “Amended” on Florida Form F-1120ES and complete Lines 1 through 3 of the correct Combined Income/Franchise Estimated Tax Payment installment. You may file an amendment during any interval between installment and Emergency Excise Tax dates prescribed for the taxable year. You must timely pay any increase in the 1. 1. Amount of this installment estimated tax. 2. Amount of overpayment from last year for credit to 2. 4. Interest and Penalties — If you fail to comply with the law about filing a estimated tax and applied to this installment declaration or paying estimated tax, you will be assessed interest and penalties. 3. 3. Amount of this payment (Line 1 minus Line 2) Transfer the amount on Line 3 to Estimated tax payment box on front.
  • 9. Florida Department of Revenue — Corporate Income Tax F-1120ES Rule 12C-1.051 R. 01/09 Declaration/Installment of Florida Estimated Income/Franchise and Florida Administrative Code Effective 01/09 Emergency Excise Tax for Taxable Year Beginning on or After January 1, 2009 Installment #_____ You must write within the boxes. (example) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0123456789 If typing, type through the boxes. (example) Write your numbers as shown and enter one number per box. F-1120ES FEIN Taxable MMDDY Y year end Name Estimated tax payment Address (See reverse side) City/St/ZIP US DOLLARS CENTS Check here if you transmitted Office use ▼ MMDDY Y funds electronically only Make checks payable and mail to: Florida Department of Revenue, 5050 W Tennessee St, Tallahassee FL 32399-0135 9100 0 20099999 0002005033 0 3999999999 0000 2 Florida Department of Revenue — Corporate Income Tax F-1120ES Rule 12C-1.051 R. 01/09 Declaration/Installment of Florida Estimated Income/Franchise and Florida Administrative Code Effective 01/09 Emergency Excise Tax for Taxable Year Beginning on or After January 1, 2009 Installment #_____ You must write within the boxes. (example) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0123456789 If typing, type through the boxes. (example) Write your numbers as shown and enter one number per box. F-1120ES FEIN Taxable MMDDY Y year end Name Estimated tax payment Address (See reverse side) City/St/ZIP US DOLLARS CENTS Check here if you transmitted Office use ▼ MMDDY Y funds electronically only Make checks payable and mail to: Florida Department of Revenue, 5050 W Tennessee St, Tallahassee FL 32399-0135 9100 0 20099999 0002005033 0 3999999999 0000 2 Florida Department of Revenue — Corporate Income Tax F-1120ES Rule 12C-1.051 R. 01/09 Declaration/Installment of Florida Estimated Income/Franchise and Florida Administrative Code Effective 01/09 Emergency Excise Tax for Taxable Year Beginning on or After January 1, 2009 Installment #_____ You must write within the boxes. (example) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0123456789 If typing, type through the boxes. (example) Write your numbers as shown and enter one number per box. F-1120ES FEIN Taxable MMDDY Y year end Name Estimated tax payment Address (See reverse side) City/St/ZIP US DOLLARS CENTS Check here if you transmitted Office use ▼ MMDDY Y funds electronically only Make checks payable and mail to: Florida Department of Revenue, 5050 W Tennessee St, Tallahassee FL 32399-0135 9100 0 20099999 0002005033 0 3999999999 0000 2
  • 10. Information for Filing Form F-1120ES F-1120ES R. 01/09 1. Who must make estimated tax payments — Every domestic or foreign corporation or other entity subject to taxation under the provisions of Chapter Contact person for questions: ____________________________________________ 220 and/or Chapter 221, Florida Statutes, must declare estimated tax for the taxable year if the amount of income tax liability and emergency excise tax Phone number: (________) ______________________________________________ liability for the year will be more than $2,500. To file online go to www.myflorida.com/dor 2. Due Date — Generally, estimated tax must be paid on or before the last day of the 4th, 6th, and 9th month of the taxable year and the last day of the taxable year; 25 percent of the estimated tax must be paid with each installment. 3. Amended Declaration — To prepare an amended declaration, write “Amended” on Florida Form F-1120ES and complete Lines 1 through 3 of the correct Combined Income/Franchise Estimated Tax Payment installment. You may file an amendment during any interval between installment and Emergency Excise Tax dates prescribed for the taxable year. You must timely pay any increase in the 1. 1. Amount of this installment estimated tax. 2. Amount of overpayment from last year for credit to 2. 4. Interest and Penalties — If you fail to comply with the law about filing a estimated tax and applied to this installment declaration or paying estimated tax, you will be assessed interest and penalties. 3. 3. Amount of this payment (Line 1 minus Line 2) Transfer the amount on Line 3 to Estimated tax payment box on front. Information for Filing Form F-1120ES F-1120ES R. 01/09 1. Who must make estimated tax payments — Every domestic or foreign corporation or other entity subject to taxation under the provisions of Chapter Contact person for questions: ____________________________________________ 220 and/or Chapter 221, Florida Statutes, must declare estimated tax for the taxable year if the amount of income tax liability and emergency excise tax Phone number: (________) ______________________________________________ liability for the year will be more than $2,500. To file online go to www.myflorida.com/dor 2. Due Date — Generally, estimated tax must be paid on or before the last day of the 4th, 6th, and 9th month of the taxable year and the last day of the taxable year; 25 percent of the estimated tax must be paid with each installment. 3. Amended Declaration — To prepare an amended declaration, write “Amended” on Florida Form F-1120ES and complete Lines 1 through 3 of the correct Combined Income/Franchise Estimated Tax Payment installment. You may file an amendment during any interval between installment and Emergency Excise Tax dates prescribed for the taxable year. You must timely pay any increase in the 1. 1. Amount of this installment estimated tax. 2. Amount of overpayment from last year for credit to 2. 4. Interest and Penalties — If you fail to comply with the law about filing a estimated tax and applied to this installment declaration or paying estimated tax, you will be assessed interest and penalties. 3. 3. Amount of this payment (Line 1 minus Line 2) Transfer the amount on Line 3 to Estimated tax payment box on front. Information for Filing Form F-1120ES F-1120ES R. 01/09 1. Who must make estimated tax payments — Every domestic or foreign corporation or other entity subject to taxation under the provisions of Chapter Contact person for questions: ____________________________________________ 220 and/or Chapter 221, Florida Statutes, must declare estimated tax for the taxable year if the amount of income tax liability and emergency excise tax Phone number: (________) ______________________________________________ liability for the year will be more than $2,500. To file online go to www.myflorida.com/dor 2. Due Date — Generally, estimated tax must be paid on or before the last day of the 4th, 6th, and 9th month of the taxable year and the last day of the taxable year; 25 percent of the estimated tax must be paid with each installment. 3. Amended Declaration — To prepare an amended declaration, write “Amended” on Florida Form F-1120ES and complete Lines 1 through 3 of the correct Combined Income/Franchise Estimated Tax Payment installment. You may file an amendment during any interval between installment and Emergency Excise Tax dates prescribed for the taxable year. You must timely pay any increase in the 1. 1. Amount of this installment estimated tax. 2. Amount of overpayment from last year for credit to 2. 4. Interest and Penalties — If you fail to comply with the law about filing a estimated tax and applied to this installment declaration or paying estimated tax, you will be assessed interest and penalties. 3. 3. Amount of this payment (Line 1 minus Line 2) Transfer the amount on Line 3 to Estimated tax payment box on front.