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Free Essay Samples: Rea Free Essay Samples: Rea
Media And Anorexia
Introduction It is apparent that with the increasing popularity of social media today, there has been a
shift in dietary changes within our society. Individuals are subconsciously changing how and what
they eat. The question arises, why are so many young women dissatisfied with their bodies, despite
their size? Although there are several forces believed to play a role in this dissatisfaction such as peer
criticism and parental influences, the thin ideal body is dominating the media (Grabe, Ward, Hyde,
2008). Thinness is largely emphasized and praised for women in magazines, television shows, movies
and commercials (Stice Shaw, 1992). Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder that stems from this
ubiquitous obsession to be thin and is often associated with a pathological fear of gaining weight,
distorted self body image and emaciation (The American Heritage® Science Dictionary).
Various studies have demonstrated that when women are shown both photographs or TV commercials
with extremely slender models they indicate an increase in dissatisfaction with their body (Crouch
Degelman, 1998). A study regarding social media specifically, was conducted by researchers at the
University of Haifa on 248 girls ages 12 to 19; they found that the more time girls spent looking at
pictures on Facebook, the more they suffered from eating disorders such as Anorexia, as well as other
conditions including a heightened urge to diet and lose weight (University of Haifa, 2011). Media
access is
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Essay On Wirrawee Society
WIRRAWEE COUNTY, AUSTRALIA From the start of September, invaders from Nearby countries
captured parts of Australia and fought over months. This invasion affects millions of people across the
country and Wirrawee, trapping them all together in a showground. One particular night in November,
the old bridge located on Lake Heron exploded, causing a great hindrance to enemies as a mode of
transport. The bridge is destroyed because of how people of Wirrawee wanted to take revenge on the
invaders. Surprisingly, the enemies did not see the explosives, and suddenly at that moment, the
soldiers died and fell in the lake. The guerillas mostly trapped inside the showground couldn t get out,
like other renegades, they do not have the ability to fight ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Amazingly, no one knows who in particular set up this successful plan. Mr. Clement explained: I
thought there were a few dozen people like him hiding out, but after the guerillas had seen what
happened to people who, in his words, tried to be heroes, they were all keeping well out of site from
all enemies. Soon after the bridge was blown up, some potential witnesses tracked the group down and
finally knew who they are: Seven College teenagers who camped up the mountains while the war had
happened. When they went back home unnoticed, the town was already in a great mess, and their
families trapped inside the showground. They said firstly the group had gathered petrol tankers, then
concealed motorbikes in full shape, and finally planned a cattle distraction to everyone on the bridge.
Two of them rushed to light up the petrol tankers, and as fast as possible, the four of them out there
reached for the concealed motorbikes. Thankfully, the four teenagers around the event drove for more
than half a minute, and suddenly the bridge went BOOM, but all the feral invaders on the bridge were
too late to
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Safe Yoga Research Paper
Safe yoga is characterized by the following:
Secure (Environment, teacher, student)
Awareness (to fine detail, form, poses, quantities)
Functional (offers modifications, choices, mindful of exercise research)
Effective (provides flexibility, power, ease of use, balance)
Yoga is much more popular than ever. How come? Yoga supplies a total workout which enhances
power, cardio condition, stability and versatility. In addition, it enhances one s body consciousness,
raises physical command and facilitates body mastery. Because it involves a highly comprehensive
and integrated technique, yoga creates a longer, leaner and more graceful physique also currently in
vogue. Yoga likewise helps reduce stress, stress plus exhaustion by means of ... Show more content on
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Just as we do not stretch prior to exercise, we do not want to get into complex yoga poses before our
body is warm and prepared to be there. Each class must start with a minimum of 5 minutes of yoga
breathing. This helps to clear the mind and prepare your body. The breath of air is actually the single
most important part of our yoga exercise training. By inhaling out and in of the nose we maintain the
heat in your body and focus the thoughts. Deep rhythmic breathing is the solid foundation upon which
we build our own Yoga Practice. Instructors must constantly go back to breath concentration and need
to constantly remind students to do the
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Taking a Look at Government Surveillance
Government Surveillance
Government Surveillance, a way that the government says that will keep you safe from foreign
dangers like terrorist attacks, espionage, and perhaps a international war. However you have to
sacrifice your private life, and business for increased protection and surveillance.
Government surveillance, defined by dictionary.com as a noun that states
Close observation or supervision maintained over a person, group, etc, especially one in custody or
under suspicion (Merriam webster.com) the word was also taken from the French word surveiller that
means to watch over and was adopted and changed as the English word surveillance.
Government surveillance has been with us ever since the start of groups, dynasties, government and
more. Back then, in the medieval ages like in the sixteenth century. Surveillance was hardly
surveillance at all. Regular people paid by the enemy, or nation diplomats, or just amateur people
looking for easy money, all mostly did it. As the timeline grows closer to the present. There are factors
that have made up the system that now controversially exists in America as Government Surveillance.
The Timeline starts in 1791, when the 13 colonies still existed. But are now rebelling against the
British where in that year congress passed down the Bill of Rights and the fourth Amendment saying
that it protects every and any citizen of America the right to not be searched in house or work in
unreasonable cases. 137 years
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Dish Network Corporate Social Responsibilities
DISH Network is always searching for ways to remain a successful and competitive company in the
pay television environment. For companies like dish strategic planning is critical as it provides a sense
of direction and outlines the company s goals. DISH Network is struggling to gain new customers, and
is losing current customers to competitors like Netflix, and AT T. DISH Network had subscriber losses
of 281,000 in fiscal 2Q16 and currently have 13.6 million pay television subscribers (Pelts, 2016).
DISH Network latest strategy shows the implementation of a new skinny bundle called Flex Pack.
With Flex Pack DISH Network claimed victory over cable television being the first to offer skinny
bundles of programing, with customers able to pay for channel packages in genres that interest them.
Flex Pack will offer customers a basic channel bundle of 50 channels and allow for one additional
pack of channels for under forty dollars a month, and include broadcasts of networks like Walt ...
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DISH Network does a socially responsible manner and their corporate social responsibility record
helps their overall success, and has one area that needs improvement. One of the primary focus of
corporate social responsibility is the environment, and DISH Network has joined forces with Reworx.
They take the old receivers and recycle everything from plastics and wiring to precious metals and
circuit boards and then resells the equipment. the program operates with an outstanding social
mission: to provide jobs to individuals with disabilities or other barriers to employment. Reworx seeks
to hire the people that many employers overlook. The ones who want to work hard to earn a paycheck
and take pride in their accomplishments, but who often require a bit of extra training and support
(Johnson, 2013). The motto for DISH and Reworx is working together to fill lives instead of
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Democracy Vs Athenian Democracy
Many historian have said that the Athenian created the first society to have democracy. Democracy
was born in the middle of the fifth century B.C. in Athens. A democracy is a government by the people
or rule by the majority. Perhaps the United States took a couple of ideas from the Athenian
constitution to the States constitution. But at the same time there is a difference in both these two
powerful nations. The differences about modern America is what the Founding Fathers planed about
the size of the democracy and how the citizens can have an input in that said democracy. I argue that
there is a comparison between Athenian democracy and modern democracy because Athens was the
first society to create a democracy and constitution. At the time ... Show more content on
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Back then Athens had a direct democracy between 508 to 322 B.C. The Legislative Branch in Athens
consists of two different bodies. A council of around 500 and assembly of around 6,000 people. The
500 councillors from the Legislative Branch were selected randomly from the male populations that
were citizens. The councillors could not serve no more than two terms in Athens. For the Executive
Branch, the Athien could only serve for one term. The remainder of the government was held by the
Magistrates. The Magistrates was a host of commissioners, functionaries, and minor officials. Law
enforcement was not a service offered by the Athenian. In the Judicial Branch had only 6,000
volunteers. Public and private were the two kinds of arbitrations available. For the private, two parties
in the dispute would have selected a mutually agreeable third person or persons to have a decision in
the case. And for the public, it consisted of only all male citizens in their 60 years to have a role. For
the United States also has a Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches in our government system.
In order to pass a single Legislation, sent it to the President for his signature both from the House and
the Senate must pass by majority rule of votes The House of Representatives. The House has up to
435 elected members. The members of the House are selected and elected for every two and must be
25 years old. Also must have been a valid American citizen for at least seven years. For Executive
Branch, it is invested in the President of The United States. To be elected as President, one must be 35
years of age. The President also has Cabinet members. The Cabinet gives advisory to the President,
made up of heads of 15 executive department. In Judicial, Congress has the jurisdiction of the federal
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Social and Economic Development in Colonial Virginia in...
The seventeenth century marked the start of great colonization and immigration to the New World that
was North America. Mainly in on the eastern coast of what is now the United States, England
established colonies on this new land to thrive socially and economically. The English government
readily sent its citizens to America to exploit its abundant source of raw materials and the English
people exponentially came to the colonies to start a new life for themselves and to thrive socially. In
Virginia during the seventeenth century, the geographical attributes in this region allowed the
establishment of the cash crop tobacco to rapidly transform the colony socially and economically.
Particularly in the Chesapeake Bay, the goal of social and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The land became rapidly exploited and cultivated to produce tobacco. After the establishment of this
cash crop, tobacco was glorified and largely advertised in both the colonies and England. As well as
its large cultivation of tobacco, its connection to what became known as the Chesapeake Bay served as
a prominent economic aspect to Virginia. By mid century, the establishment of indentured servants
had been regulated and used frequently by plantation owners. This being a prominent factor to
Virginia s social development, its downfall and rise of slavery also played a prime role in social
transformation. Bacon s Rebellion in 1676 was the first rebellion in the colonies and it largely resulted
in the hardening of racial lines with slavery. The plantation owners and farmers now saw it as a
dangerous asset to have white indentured servants as workers and also saw having slaves as a much
higher profit. By the establishment of the Virginia colony and its use of producing the tobacco cash
crop, boatloads of slaves were brought to work and profit the upper class plantation owners. What
became known as the Middle Passage became nothing more to the white upper class than profit and
population increase. At the end of the seventeenth century, it was established that 40,000 people lived
in Virginia however the number of slaves brought to the colony was unknown. With the progression
within the
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Essay about Online Education Versus Traditional Education
With high speed internet available to potential students of all economic levels, schools are opting to
implement online classes into their traditional teaching curriculum. As a result, our society is divided
in two different ways of thinking on the education. Some believe the modern method is better than the
traditional method of teaching. Personally, I believe both methods should balance one another instead
of attempting to substitute one another; this way their purpose of educating will be far more
Online education, also called long distant learning, can be defined as a new method of learning
through a computer network. This modern way of teaching gives students an opportunity to take
classes online. Bill Gates ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to Barbara Means, the study s lead author and an educational psychologist at SRI
International, online education ultimate goal, is to provide learning experiences that are more tailored
to individual students than is possible in classrooms. That enables more learning by doing, which
many students find more engaging and useful.
However, advocates of classroom learning believe the online method isolates the students from one
another as well as their professor minimizing the overall value of taking the course. They also claim
that students learn better when working together with their instructor and their fellow classmates.
Students learn better when they are given the opportunity to ask questions, join in class discussions,
and they move the process of learning forward through their participation. Face to face advocates
firmly believe that this kind of interaction is not possible over the Internet; and for many types of
education, e learning will never meet the potential of live human interaction in the classroom. An
article in the New York Times titled, Second Thoughts on Online Education, backs up the points made
above. A recent research published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, comes to the
conclusion; A rush to online education
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Gonzaga NT1230 Final Exam Study Guide
1.) PowerShell is an object oriented programming language and interactive command line shell for
Microsoft Windows.
2.) Windows 7 editions Windows 7, a major release of the Microsoft Windows operating system, was
available in six different editions: Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise and
3.) Default Windows Explorer libraries contacts , desktop , downloads , dropbox , favorites , links ,
my music , my pictures , my videos , saved games , searches
4.) Windows Preinstallation Environment (also known as Windows PE and WinPE) is a lightweight
version of Windows used for the deployment of PCs, workstations, and servers, or troubleshooting an
operating system while it is offline.
5.) User profile In a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
17.) A mandatory user profile is a special type of pre configured roaming user profile that
administrators can use to specify settings for users. With mandatory user profiles, a user can modify
his or her desktop, but the changes are not saved when the user logs off.
18.) Brute force When password guessing, this method is very fast when used to check all short
passwords, but for longer passwords other methods such as the dictionary attack are used because of
the time a brute force search takes.
19.) Enforce password history option This security setting determines the number of unique new
passwords that have to be associated with a user account before an old password can be reused. The
value must be between 0 and 24 passwords.
20.) Smart card A smart card is a plastic card about the size of a credit card, with an embedded
microchip that can be loaded with data, used for telephone calling, electronic cash payments, and
other applications, and then periodically refreshed for additional use.
21.) Digital certificate A digital certificate is an electronic passport that allows a person, computer or
organization to exchange information securely over the Internet using the public key infrastructure
(PKI). A digital certificate may also be referred to as a public key certificate.
22.) MMC The Microsoft Management Console (MMC) is an application that
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Men s Lacrosse Research Papers
Lacrosse is a team sport that originated with Native Americans who lived in the northeastern areas of
the US and in Canada. The first documentation of the game came from a Jesuit Missionary in the mid
1600s making it the oldest game in North America. It is believed to have developed around 1100 AD.
Competitions were major events that could go on for days and involve 100 to 1,000 men. The rules
were agreed upon the day before the competition was scheduled to begin. Today the rules of the game
have been codified to help prevent any confusion.
The sport of Lacrosse is played by both men s and women s teams. The rules for each are similar, but
there are differences. For example, body checking is illegal in the women s game. That is why the
amount of protective equipment in the women s game is far less than that for the men s game. The
men s game uses ten players while the women s game uses 12 players. Women s sticks cannot have
mesh for the pockets, and the ball must be located above the sidewall every time it is in the pocket.
This makes shooting and stick handling much more difficult than in the men s game. The field size for
men is 60 yards by 110 yards while that for women is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These 10 positions include 3 attacks, 3 mid fields, 3 defenders, and a goalie. Throughout the game
there are tactical rolling substitutions such as you might see in ice hockey. This gets fresh players on
the field so that the game can be played at an extremely fast pace. The purpose of the game is to score
as many points or goals as possible in the time allotted. The goals are 6 feet by 6 feet, and they are
placed about 10 yards into the playing surface so that players can run behind them, again, much like
ice hockey. The tennis sized ball is made of solid rubber so it can hurt if it hits you at a fast speed. A
game has 4 quarters of 15 minutes each, and the teams with the most points at the end of the fourth
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Sexism In Epic Of Gilgamesh
The world is still sexist. Barbara Broccoli. From the creation story to modern day, women and men
still struggle with a power dynamic of inferiority and superiority. The problem of sexism has been
ever present throughout history, and although it has been acknowledged by many, it has not been
eradicated or resolved. Although the acknowledgment of sexism has grown over the course of the
modern era, it is heavily rooted in society s developmental process, which makes it continuously
difficult to annihilate. Furthermore, throughout many historical texts, women are often represented as
objects instead of real people. Within texts, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Bible, the Quran, and
the Torah, women are constantly regarded as inferiors instead of equals with men. Throughout these
texts, there is a clear separation between the treatment of men and women, with women always being
referred to as property. The Epic of Gilgamesh contains several instances where women are regarded
as objects that solely provide men with pleasure, specifically with the story of Shamat and Enkidu. In
the beginning of the epic, the story is introduced with the creation of Enkidu and his transformation
into a human being; a vital part of Enkidu s transformation being a woman named Shamat. Shamat
acts as the bait or lure that leads Enkidu out of his animalistic lifestyle, and causes him to become
human. In order to do so, Shamat is told to do sexual acts that will arouse Enkidu. For example, the
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The Incas
The Inca were South American Indian people who ruled one of the largest and richest empires in the
America s. The Inca Empire began to expand about 1438 and occupied a vast region that centered on
the capital, Cusco, in southern Peru. The Empire extended more than 2,500 miles (4,020 kilometers)
along the western coast of South America. It included parts of Present Day Colombia, Ecuador, Peru,
Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. The Inca Empire was conquered by Spanish Forces soon after their
arrival in 1532. br br Inca emperors ruled their far reaching territory through a complex political
system. The Inca took over many areas by military force. Their political system kept a balance
between the central authority of the emperor and local ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The members of an ayllu owned an area of land in common. The leader of an ayllu gave each family
as much land as it needed to produce its own food. Men with noble rank could have no more than one
wife,and many marriages were arranged for political reasons. Emperors sometimes gave chosen
women to favored nobles or men who had performed a service for the emperor. These women, who
were selected by government officials, had great beauty and intelligence. Nobles had to marry within
the ayllu. Husbands and wives were expected to help each other with work in the fields and other
tasks. Inca children had little time for play because their families kept them very busy. Most children
helped with the family work after learning to walk. Boys were initiated into manhood when they were
14 years old. Girls were initiated into womanhood after they started to menstruate. Boys and girls
received permanent adult names during the initiation ceremonies. However, young people did not
achieve full adult status until they married and started to pay taxes. br br Religion for the Inca played
an important role in the public and private lives of the Inca. The people believed that nature was
created by their most important god, Viracocha. The ruling family prayed chiefly to Inti, the sun god.
Important goddesses included the earth and the sea. The Inca believed the will of the gods could be
learned through
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NCAA Football Playoff System Essay
NCAA Football Playoff System
Thesis: The Bowl Championship Series (BCS) formula has been used to determine the top twenty five
teams in NCAA Division I college since 1998. Many think this system is inadequate and should be
changed. The alternative is a playoff system that would give more of the top teams a chance to be
named the NCAA football National Champion.
I. BCS formula
A. Computers
1. Where they re from
2. How they work
B. Polls
1. Where they re from
2. How they work
C. Schedule strength
D. Team losses
E. Putting the formula together
II. Why the BCS formula should be changed
A. BCS is inadequate
1. How it s unfair
2. Problems within
B. Give top ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Brad Edwards, a writer for ESPN.com, has this to say about the computer system: Though this may be
the weakest part of the (BCS) equation, it can still make a difference. Last year, pollsters eventually
overlooked Wisconsin s loss to Cincinnati, but the computers didn t. The result: the Badgers had an
average computer ranking of 7.71 despite ranking fourth in both polls. 7.71 is the average of where the
team is in the rankings among the top twenty five teams in the nation according to the seven
The second part of the Bowl Championship Series formula is the two polls. One comes from the
associated press and the other comes from coaches around the league. The Associated Press polls are
organized by a number of different newspapers, magazines, and media. While the NCAA football
coaches put together the Coaches poll. This is probably the most critical element of the four because it
has only two subsets (the media and coaches polls) to be averaged (Edwards). The polls are run
similarly to the computers; the two ranking are simply averaged together. The impact held by each
poll is greater than that of any one computer or any one opponent. It is no coincidence that the top two
poll teams have played for the national title in both years of the
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Importance Of Depository Receipt Is A Negotiable...
The past few decades have witnessed the increased internationalization of various firms through cross
listings on international exchanges. This has been facilitated by market liberalisation, which has led to
greater integration of global securities markets. Cross border listing has become one of the avenues for
the integration of global securities markets.
There are two forms of cross border listing, namely, direct listing and indirect listing. Direct listing
implies that the firm concerned offers ordinary shares to the public. Indirect listing on exchanges is
through Depository Receipts (DRs). Depository receipt is a negotiable certificate issued by a bank in a
domestic country that represent ownership of shares in companies of other countries. Cross listing,
particularly through DRs such as American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) or Global Depositary
Receipts (GDRs), is a popular way of internationalisation among firms from emerging economies. In
addition to Europe and America, International firms are allowed to cross list in other countries through
the DR programme.
There could be several reasons for a domestic company to cross list, such as an expanding investor
base, the desire to improve stock liquidity through its highly liquid secondary market, the increasing
visibility of the company, a growing customer base, and the wish to take advantage of higher
valuations. From the perspective of investors, cross listing mitigates some
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Analysis Of Akira Kurosawa ( 1910-1998 )
Akira Kurosawa (1910 1998) was one of Japan s most important film directors of the twentieth
century. His work spanned over fifty years and included a broad range of genres from historical epics
to gangster dramas. His films not only told interesting stories but also broke new ground. Many of his
innovations were technical, such as his use of the long lens, his penchant for shooting with multiple
cameras, and his virtuosic editing. Other innovations were tied to his emphasis on details within his
films, such as elaborate period costumes and sets, western music, stunning location shots, and detailed
miniature sets. As to specific reasons, I think much of it comes down a confusion between theme and
technique. I don t see any reason to question Kurosawa s word that all his films were Japanese and
aimed solely at a Japanese audience. However, many writers on the topic saw camera movements or
set ups that resembled John Ford, read about Kurosawa s admiration for westerns and American pulp
fiction, and added it up into a bland statement of Kurosawa being an essentially Western film maker.
And Japanese critics, puzzled about why he was so popular in the West compared to other film
makers, decided this is right. He has often been called the most Western of Japanese film directors
(and is certainly the best known of them in Europe and America), but though he freely admits
influence from Western directors and painters and has based several of his films on major Western
texts, he
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Romulus And Remus Belief In Greek Mythology
Did a boy named Romulus and his brother named Remus really found Rome? Most people think they
don t actually exist and they didn t found Rome. It tells that Romulus and Remus are mythological and
others think they are because what they tell about them you have to believe in them as if they were a
Romulus and Remus almost did not survive infancy because Amulius ordered them to be thrown into
the river but they washed ashore the palatine hills. Before the birth of the twins Numitor was
overthrown by his brother Amulius and then forced Rhea Silvia to become a vestal virgin so there
would be no rival claimants.Rhea Silvia got pregnant by Mars a Greek God and then gave birth to
Romulus and Remus.(History.com) Also because their evil uncle Amulius expected them to die they
were nursed to health by a kind she wolf. (Traditions Encounters)They were raised by Faustulus and
his wife. And when they weren t helping Faustulus they were stopping thieves and returning their
livestock to their rightful owners. (History.com) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But one day Remus made fun of Romulus because he kept saying that they wall was too low, and he
jumped over the wall and knocked down a section of a wall. Romulus got mad and before Remus hit
the ground he was dead. (Mccaughrean) Then Romulus establish himself as the first king of Rome.
But because Romulus took in all the outcasts he lacked woman so he abducted the neighboring Sabine
women by holding a festival. The men were going to wage war on the Romans but the women
interfered and stopped the men from ceasing Rome. So there was a peace treaty drawn. (Traditions
Encounters) And the Sabine king had an early death and the people thought that was Romulus doing.
But after many years of kind and wise he died and there were 6 more kings after him.
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The Franchise Owners
This proves the point that the franchise(s) must constantly be aware of what is happening within its
territory. The next case, which is also still going through the system, concerns itself with the supposed
abuse of four franchise owners by 7 Eleven s main office. The four franchise owners are Indians who
felt that they were being labeled incorrectly. When they had informed the main office of their
supposed mistake, 7 Eleven had labeled them as Independent Contractors based on the degree of
control SEI exercised over store operations, including regulation of vendors and product supply,
franchise payroll processing, control over franchising, bookkeeping and accounting, and alleged
intense daily oversight by SEI market and zone managers. Aside from the title argument, everything
which the four defendants mentioned in their legal document is actually what was presented to them
prior to their signing of the franchise agreement. Franchises are in the business to create a profit by
letting other people help in the process of that particular profit making. All of the rules and regulations
are presented to the individual or individuals before they have to sign so they can see what they are
getting into. Adhering to said regulations and practices is somewhat easy because the franchise gives
the beginners programs in which every aspect of the business is explained, such as the accounting and
bookkeeping methods that said company uses. The last case that I will present
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Importance Of Social Networks In Society
Society, Social Interaction, Groups, and Organization Social Networks and their Importance
According to Nicholas Christakis, social networks are like the pairs of people connected. Through his
studies, he realized that socially connected people get embedded in other sorts of relationships such as
marriage, friendship, or even spousal. He discovered that these connections are vast, and all of us are
embedded in the broader set of relationships with each other. Therefore, social networks are the
complex things of beauty that are so elaborate, so sophisticated and so ubiquitous. In his video,
Christakis outlined the importance of social networks with adequate examples. One of the benefits is
the emotional contagion, which is the phenomenon of another person s emotions or behaviors
triggering similar emotions and response in other people. He elaborated this by performing an obesity
epidemic, where he discovered that there is the probability of a person being obese given that a social
contact of his/her friend is overweight. That is, if your friend is obese, there is the risk of you being
obese too, as you will be involved in doing activities that make your friend overweight. Another
benefit is that social connections are essential for the spread of valuable and useful things such as
happiness, kindness, love, altruism, and ideas. In his video, Christakis stated that if individuals realize
how valuable social networks are, they could spend a lot of their time nourishing and
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Sally Hemings Jefferson Case Study
Betty Hemings, concubine of John Wayles, and her children, including Sally Hemings, were legally
slaves, although the children were majority white in ancestry (Gordon Reed, 2008). After Wayles died
in 1773, his daughter Martha and her husband Thomas Jefferson inherited the Hemings family among
a total of 135 slaves from his estate, as well as 11,000 acres of land (Gordon Reed, 2008). In 1787, 14
year old Sally accompanied Jefferson s youngest daughter Polly to London and then to Paris, where
the widowed Jefferson had called for her. Sally spent two years there with Jefferson (Gordon Reed,
2008). Instead of choosing the intimidating option to stay in France alone, Sally Hemings chose to go
back with Jefferson into slavery. This decision was a smart decision on her part based off her trust in
Jefferson, her possible pregnancy and feelings for Jefferson, and her background. In my discussion of
Sally and her decision to go back to America with Jefferson, I will first discuss why and how Sally
trusted Jefferson. Then I will consider the possibility of Sally having romantic feelings for Jefferson,
especially referencing her pregnancy at the time. I will close my argument with a reminder and ...
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At the time that Jefferson was called back to America, Sally was pregnant by Jefferson. Sally, in her
eighteen months in France, had become Jefferson s concubine (Hemings, 1873). Had either Sally s
impregnation or Jefferson s call back to America been at a better time, Sally maybe would have
decided to stay in France with the child or even not became pregnant. While pregnant, Sally would not
have been able to work and live on her own in France. Also, raising a child would have been
extremely hard to do on her own without any financial aid or child care. Her family was all back in
America. Sally knew no one in France who she could count on to help. This lack of support
undoubtedly influenced her decision to come back with
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NCAA Rivalry And Analysis
Throughout history American college sports has been on the rise, attracting people from all walks of
life through the lure of intense passion and competition that is demonstrated by athletes and fans alike.
At the centre of the immense success of American college sports is its governing organization, known
as the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), which has now become one of the most
recognizable organizations in all of sports. As per their mission statement, the NCAA s purpose is, To
be an integral part of higher education and to focus on the development of our student athletes.
(NCAA, 2016) With their recent growth, the NCAA has taken the popularization of college sports
from a national level to an international level, as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Up until now the NCAA was able to get away with keeping college athletes under the category of
amateur meaning that they would not share in the portion of the profits, as that would compromise
their amateur status. Recently, the NCAA was challenged with and lost a lawsuit (O Bannon vs. the
NCAA) filed by former UCLA basketball star Ed O Bannon. The court ruled, Requires that the NCAA
s caps on compensation must at least reflect the full cost of school attendance (rather than merely
tuition and supplies). The court also held that $5,000 trust funds would be acceptable, so long as the
revenue was distributed equally to all players on a team, but rejected direct endorsements as
inconsistent with the valid objectives of the NCAA. (Lemieux, 2014) This ruling will have a big
impact on the business model and structure of the NCAA going forward. According to experts, The
impact of the ruling will not be radical in the short term as scholarships will become more valuable
and players will receive some indirect benefits from licensing of their names and images. In the long
run this ruling will eventually lead to the collapse of the NCAA s business model as undermining
amateurism will undermine fan interest. (Lemieux, 2014) As mentioned in the statement the NCAA
will have to make changes to its amateur rules,
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UMAT Assessment Essay
As a current student striving to be accepted into medicine I will be required to undertake the UMAT
examination. I have always been interested in the relevance of the examination, how it is perceived by
people and whether students are the key people it serves . To gain a basic understanding of the purpose
of the UMAT I conducted preliminary research, utilising the ACER (Australian Council for
Educational Research) website, who were the developers and write the examination every year. I
obtained sources through the use of google scholar to locate relevant and highly reliable sources.
The majority of my sources were secondary obtained from websites, journals and articles. I had
emailed multiple professionals to conduct interviews but received no responses, hence, I was unable to
obtain primary data on my topic. However, sources from the Medical Journal of Australia provided
sufficient information on my topic, providing me with facts and statistics which I utilised throughout
my report. I was assured that information obtained from this journal was highly reliable as the articles
are all peer reviewed and also by the reputation of the journal. Other information was sourced from
either the Adelaide University or the ACER website, which I believe ... Show more content on
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I organised my information and report in informative language. Informative in the informational
genre, I did not want a balanced point of view but one which describes my findings. Due to the fact
that I was writing an investigation I utilised objective language, ensuring that I elaborated my points
out clearly. This will assist in presenting findings in a clear, concise and professional manner, it was
also vital that I structured my report in a manner that was easy to follow and logical. This will ensure
that readers will be able to understand information and examples utilised, and easily comprehend the
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Ethical Problems Faced by Actuaries in Business Some...
Cover Sheet
Executive Summary
Our group, The Super Six focussed our research on the problem of ethics and actuarial science. As
Sholom Feldblum states The actuary has a dual role: an objective professional providing guidance on
insurance issues and a business manager promoting the goals of an insurance company (Sholom
Feldblum, pg.1). The purpose of our research was to determine the most common ethical problems an
actuary faces, and the most appropriate methods to solve these problems. Solutions were necessary so
that our stakeholders, current and prospective actuaries, will have more guidance when faced with
these dilemmas. In the valuation sector, we found that the two main conflicts faced by the actuary
were to use discounted ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Through this report, we will explore these subtopics in great detail, and offer several solutions to these
three most common ethical situations an actuary encounters, as well as recommendations on how to
avoid these ethical problems from ever arising.
Our primary means of research was the internet. We found most of our sources by exploring the many
professional actuarial groups, and looking through their collections of articles and periodicals. We
found that our best sources were from professional organizations such as the Society of Actuaries, and
the Casualty Actuarial Society, both publish periodicals with reliable articles from accredited
actuaries. This method of searching through articles put out by professional organizations was most
effective for us because all of the articles were written by fully qualified actuaries who have first hand
experience working through the ethical conflicts that we describe in our report. All our articles are first
reviewed by the professional organization that publishes them, to ensure that they contain accurate,
and relevant information, which allowed us to keep all our conclusions professional and our
arguments strong. We also used several court documents containing actuarial testimonies about policy
rates, and proper returns on investments. These documents were very useful, as all the information
was very accurate given the legal process required and the extensive background checks and research
that went into
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The Conflict Of The Independent Republic Of Azerbaijan
University did not articulate any references to Azeri nationalism in their slogans. Obviously, the Azeri
community is more likely to play a role in determining the future direction of Iran s political evolution
than in igniting an ethnically based separatist movement. Having proven its centuries long loyalty to
the Iranian state and territorial integrity, Azeris are also likely to work within the current political
system to address their grievances. Although the emergence of the independent Republic of Azerbaijan
has been a source of Azeri ethnic pride, it has not generated popular support from the Iranian Azeri
community to join Azerbaijan. While many Azeris admit to maintaining cultural bonds with their
brethren in the Republic of Azerbaijan, such ties do not translate into aspirations to separate from a
state in which they already exercise tremendous influence, with many of them occupying high level
government positions.
The demands of the Azeri minority remain quite modest, focusing primarily on the expansion of
cultural freedoms. For instance, local control over Azeri language broadcasting, representation in local
government, and the promotion of the Azeri language at all levels of education, including the
university level. In light of the regime s need to avoid exacerbating dual loyalties inside its borders
and the prominent role Azeris play in the government and the business community, the Iranian
government is likely to meet their demands. Although some scholars
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Chagas Disease
Nature History of the disease Chagas disease, also known as American Trypanosomiasis, is a tropical
disease caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, transmitted to humans through contact with the
feces of an infected triatomine bug. The triatomine bug known as the kissing bug is a subspecies of the
Reduviidae family. The bug itself does not cause the disease. Through contact with the fecal matter
from the kissing bug, which is excreted near the bite wound, the parasite enters the bloodstream and
begins to develop and reproduce. Chagas disease was discovered and named after a Brazilian
physician Carlos Chagas, who discovered the disease in 1909. Chagas disease is endemic throughout
much of Mexico, Central America, and South America ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Both drugs are almost 100% effective in curing the disease if given right after the infection, at the
beginning of the acute phase, including the cases of congenital transmission but they have a very low
anti parasitic, activity against the prevalent chronic form of the disease. However, the effectiveness of
these medication decreases, the longer the person has been infected. The treatment is very long and
typically last for about two months and some adverse reactions may occur in up to 40% of the affected
patients. Challenges faced with the management of the Chagas Although there have been many
successes in the area of Chagas treatment in endemic areas there have been many challenges which
includes: · Lack of training and education for medical and health care professional · Maintaining and
strengthening the advances made in disease control · Enhance access to diagnosis and treatment for
millions of infected people · Emergence of Chagas disease in regions previously considered to be free
of the disease such as the Amazon
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Beowulf And Judith Research Paper
In your opinion, what characteristics must a character possess to be considered an epic hero in a story?
Is it someone who can defeat a giant beast? Or is it someone who shows great nobility in completing
tasks for the betterment of others? In the book The Longman Anthology of British Literature, we are
introduced to two heroic poems and characters by the name of Beowulf and Judith. In this Compare
and Contrast Paper, I will break the common misconception of what an Epic Hero must possess as
well as show you that there is no need for mythical creatures or God like weapons. Judith and Beowulf
are both epic heroes, although Judith does not follow the traditional epic hero format, like having
godlike strength, or encountering numinous phenomenon, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although Judith does not experience this phenomenon like Beowulf who must fight beasts, such as
Grendel and the Dragon. In a way, Judith must overcome her own beast, Holofernes. Holofernes is a
beast because he tries to take advantage of Judith and rape her. Similarly, an unrealistic event occurs
when his evilly renowned soldiers bring the holy woman Judith to the Generals pavilion. On page 144
Holofernes is trying to defile the noble lady with filth and with pollution , but the Heaven s Judge
would not consent but instead the Lord, Ruler of the hosts, prevented him from the act. Instead of
giving into temptation and losing her pure virgin reputation or being a holy woman Judith uses all of
her strength along with Gods help to put an end to the beast s life on earth. In this instant, Judith also
displays another Epic hero characteristic which is being a cultural exemplar. Despite their differences,
the poems were built on the same values and morals which people sought to live up to in real life
battles and wars. Being a cultural exemplar is one the Characteristics of the Epic hero list sitting at
number six. This is a person who has something that their cultural values and they carry this
distinctive value in abundance. For Judith, her culture values virginity. Being a virgin is considered
pure and holy in Christianity, this makes you closer to God. Whom Judith uses for her to battle
Holofernes and defeat him, this advance ultimately saves all of the women in her kingdom from being
raped when the Assyrians invade the Hebrew city of
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Gratitude In The Book Thank ! By Robert Emmons
Gratitude doesn t always come naturally. In our day to day lives, it s easy to get caught up in the things
that go wrong and feel like we re living under our own private rain cloud: at the same time, we tend to
adapt to good things and people in our lives. Taking them for granted. As a result. We often overlook
everyday beauty and goodness a kind gesture from a stranger, say hi or hello. In Thanks! Robert
Emmons teaches us about the power of showing gratitude, of exposing our many blessing. He also
shares the challenges that we can face in being able to show gratitude, especially in times of suffering
and hardship. However, showing gratitude benefit us in many ways: we become healthier and happier,
have better relationship, treat other better.
Learning to verbally thanking people can help a deeper understanding of gratitude true wealth. By
taking the time to give verbal thank you for those are grateful for the verbal thank you about how
grateful they are for them. You create a community of love and excitement, which will lead to you to
be more grateful person . In the book Thank!, Robert Emmons writes, It is impossible to imagine a
world where individuals don t receive and give gratitude to one another on a regular basis . Giving
verbal gratitude is the Most important experience to have as a human being, these expressive emotions
give people a deeper level of having to receive gratitude fully to be grateful for, . Emmons stated, To
do thanks. To give thanks.
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The Media s Influence On The Perception Of Media And...
Very few viewers of adverts decode images passively. Marita Sturken and Lisa Cartwright argue that
there are very few viewers who decode images passively because there is no mass culture. This is
because each viewer has different contexts and social backgrounds meaning that the images they view
can be decoded in various ways because of their frame of reference and background. However the
subject of how audiences decode and view media including advertising can be seen in various
different perspectives particularly with Karl Marx and Louis Althusser who have similar but different
theories around audiences as passive and active parts of the decoding process. Through Stuart Hall
also we can understand the different ways audiences can receive a advert.
Sturken and Cartwright s theory of audiences focuses on the idea that everyone has their own
background and frame of reference that determines how they decode an image (57). In advertising this
theory is vital in understanding how audiences perceive images and understanding the effects and
success of advertising on different people around the world. A part of this surrounds the identity of the
viewer and the relevant context of the advert. For example, the Steinlager Pure advert which depicts
the nuclear free image of New Zealand (Steinlager Pure). How this advert is received will depend on
who views it. New Zealanders will have a direct connection to the advert due to its setting and context
around the identity of New Zealand
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Disney Magic Kingdom Description
Images of rocket ships, trains, and flying elephants dance in my head. While turkey legs, pirates, and
haunted mansions toy with my emotions. Memories fade as I grow older with fleeting thoughts as I try
to recall my last Disney adventure. That visit has created some wonderfully vivid memories that will
last a lifetime. Disney s Magic Kingdom was celebrating a major anniversary during a year long
event. A building sized cake, parades stretched a mile long, and fireworks that filled the night sky, all
enhanced just for my viewing pleasure or not. While visiting my favorite areas of the park my
childhood imaginations were awakened. Lifelong vivid memories and a magical experience started as
soon as I arrived.
Upon entering the park, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Magic Kingdom has several wondrous areas for me to explore. Mickey s fable fantasyland
indulges young children to live storybook tales and ride flying elephants. Head out west to
Frontierland, there you could venture a log ride down the rapids or board a crazy train zigzagging
through the mountains. Meet up with Tom Sawyer as you ride a paddle wheel riverboat or visit The
Hall of Presidents in Liberty Square. Head back to Main Street to experience the Disney s night
parade. Don t forget the nightly celebration as the extravaganza of choreographed pyrotechnics flies
over the castle for the concluding spectacle. Disney s magical realm provides wonder and
demonstrates through experiences; how each of us could imagine the impossible if we only dare to
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An Evaluation of Case Studies and Their Contribution to...
Cognitive psychology is the study of the brains internal processes that guide behaviour; to study
cognition, psychologists examine case studies of patients with damaged brains that can infer areas,
and functions involved in particular processes. Patient studies have provided insights into the
processes that take place within our minds, and have enabled psychologists to create models, which
can be tested and fractionated. Cognitive neuropsychology has developed from cognitive psychology
to become a discipline in its own right; it investigates the function and structures of the brain involved
in cognitive processes and should not be confused with cognitive neuroscience, which is primarily
concerned with neural structures and their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Studying unseen processes presents difficulties, it would not be practical or ethical to open a persons
head to try to unravel the processes that take place whilst they make a cup of tea or drive their car to
work. Although examining processes presents difficulties, studying patients who have sustained brain
damage can provide insights into parts that play a role in cognitive processes. Findings from case
studies are extrapolated to the general population to provide an insight into normal cognition. An early
example and often cited case study is Phineas Gage who suffered damage to his frontal lobe because
of an accident in 1848; prior to the accident, he was friendly and dependable, however after the
accident, he became unreliable and his social skills suffered, this suggests the frontal lobe is involved
in planning and social skills. Damasio (1994, (cited in Jansari, 2010)) recreated damage sustained by
Gage, after a patient exhibited the same changes in behaviour after undergoing surgery to remove a
tumour in the frontal lobe. The recreation confirmed the suggestions made at the time of Phineas
Gage, thus providing an insight into how a part of the brain the frontal lobe in this case is involved in
cognitive functioning. The study of Phineas Gage is an early example of the kind of studies that are
used in
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What Is Louis Riel A Martyr
Louis Riel is a martyr. The definition of a martyr is a person fighting for or against a cause in which
Riel has shown in the 2 resistances he has partaken and lead. On the other hand, a political martyr is
someone who struggles in execution. A treason is a horrible act towards a nation and a traitor is
someone who has done the act. Winners may deem the losers as traitors and sometimes execute them.
High treasons are assisting or starting a war against Canada. Metis leader, Louis Riel, main attention
in the Red River and North West resistance, is a martyr for these reasons. The first reason is that he,
himself struggled for the metis freedom. For there ways of life. For the things, others have done to
them. I m referring to the buffalo extinction. As soon as white settlers came to Manitoba and made the
railroad and used the hunt as a sport, the buffalo had a mass extinction causing the metis there home
and ways of life. Louis Riel just came back to Canada to help the Metis stop the settlers. He didn t
want his people to die of starvation. No. Louis wanted freedom. ... Show more content on
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The Metis had their land temporarily and had it taken away because the government tricked them into
losing their land by handing them a slip that confused them deeply. They deserved that right to land
and after, they were poor and homeless. They stole from the HBC because the settlers stole their land
and it was only fair. There was also low prices for wheat and the high prices for tractors and such and
that made the Metis farmers angry so Riel helped them reach their goal. The Mountain police came in
because they were stealing from the HBC. The Metis were hungry and had to attack using all the
ammunition they could get because the Mountain Police started to attack when they could ve just
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The Silly Jokes For Kids
Jokes are simply stories, phrases or sentences that are purely meant to amuse and make people jovial.
Laughter has never failed to light up someone s face and if you ask me, people look more beautiful
and attractive when they are happy. At least I know I do. What better way is there to charm someone if
not by making them laugh? One of the major reasons why kids are usually drawn to people is because
of their abilities to make them happy and keep them laughing all the way to a happy ending. Trust me;
no one can resist a charmer, let alone kids. It is easy to tickle a child s sense of humor. You just have to
have a good joke and get your silly goofy face on board. That kid will fall in love with you instantly.
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Jokes can also help a child relax when faced with a situation that makes them anxious or afraid. As
stated earlier, when endorphins are released, feelings of anxiety and fear subside leaving the child
more relaxed and calm
Happy mood stimulates happy thoughts. When a child is constantly meditating on happy thoughts,
they become more optimistic about life and therefore you will not have to deal with issues like stress
and irritability.
Jokes help develop a child s sense of humor. Let us face it, a child with no sense of humor will grow
to be an adult with no sense of humor. How will this work out? at the end of the day, a person s sense
of humor is what makes them so unique and gives them an ability to fit into certain social groups and
truth be told, everyone craves to fit in. a well developed sense of humor gives a child an upper hand.
Humor helps a child to cope in different environments. No matter the place or time, having lighter
moments every now and then can help a child adjust and eventually cope with the changes. Being able
to stay happy and laugh in the middle of unwanted changes is a great way to help a kid learn how to
easily adjust and cope in different environments and circumstances regardless of how adverse they
There are some elements that a joke should not
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Summary Of The Readers Strike By John Ross
In the reading, The Readers Strike , John Ross emphasizes the lives of cigar makers working in Ybor
City, Florida during the middle of the Great Depression. Although the Great Depression was a hard
time for most people, John Ross states that a few were well off through the great depression such as
fine cigar makers, certain stock brokers and politicians. Furthermore, cigar makers worked long hours
under the hot sun for low wages even though the cigar industry was doing better than most. However,
they still pooled their money together to pay for readers. These cigar makers were often foreigners
who were illiterate or spoke a different language. A contemporary issue arose with readers or los
lectores reading to the workers the words of Zola, Dickens, Cervantes, and Tolstoy that everything
they wrote was about the great depression and specifically the lives of the workers. ... Show more
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Owners sought this act as the readers taking advantage of the poor workers and taking the little money
they had. On the other hand, owners feared of workers being informed of their lives that they already
knew they had but sought the idea that knowledge equals power and attempted to maintain their
hierarchy be keeping the workers in the dark. By getting rid of the readers, owners thought the
workers would forget and continue their repetitive job of rolling cigars but caused a huge backlash.
According to John Ross, workers stopped working not because of the harsh conditions or low wages
but they were denied a reader. The idea that knowledge is more powerful than money is incorporated
in the reading similarly to the reading Learning to Read and Growing in Knowledge by Frederick
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Student Counselling Business Plan
THE BUSINESS CONCEPT MISSION Origin of the idea can be traced back to the situation every
student is confronted with at any significant level of education such as 10th, 12th and graduation.
Most of the students are completely unaware about the array of fields available for pursuing career in
to. The choice of career is mostly governed by the marks one scores in the qualifying exam like 10th.
High scoring students invariably go to science field, while those next in line are always advised to
pursue career in commerce field and remaining supposedly incapable students have to opt for arts
field. Moreover, after 12th exam, science students mainly go for medical or engineering graduation,
ignoring other ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
SOLUTION To address the aforementioned problem, we propose to establish a student guidance
centre with the objective to become the hub of career counselling and personality development. The
facilities currently available fail to cater to these needs of the students. We will provide thorough
counselling to the student which includes aptitude and psychometric tests, detailed profiling,
preliminary guidance and expert counselling for him along with his guardians. Herein, the student will
be provided with various career options tailored to his needs. He will also be suggested some add on
courses which he can enrol in to in order to gain the competitive advantage over the other students.
We will endeavour to enrich him through suggestion of good reading material such as books,
newspapers and magazines, membership of libraries. We will also present him with the options of
educational institutions both in India and abroad. Candidate will also be assisted with obtaining
educational loans, if required. For MBA graduates, special assistance will be provided by informing
him about the various job profiles he can opt for within each area of specialization.
OPPORTUNITY SSC exams for the eight divisions in Maharashtra were held in March this year. A
total of 1203463 students out of 1439180 students appeared have passed the SSC Board Exams held in
March 2010. In Pune board, 228229 candidates registered for the exam, of which 227691
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The Argument Culture By Deborah Tannen
Americans Can Solve More Problems by Using Dialogues As an Alternative to Debates
In the excerpt by Deborah Tannen entitled, The Argument Culture: Moving from Debate to Dialogue
Tannen speaks about the oppositional nature of public discourse. She expressed her thoughts on how
we are determined to seek certainty by using arguments from two different standpoints, as if there are
no additional angles that can be examined. Oftentimes, there are more than two sides of an issue, but
due to the way society has taught us, we only look at issues from two extreme perspectives. I find Dr.
Tannen to be extremely intelligent in her observations of how people communicate using debates and
opposition as a means to express what we believe to be true. Although Americans habitually view
issues from only two extreme points of view, dialogue solves more problems than debates because it
does not cause division among people as frequently as debates does.
In the article entitled, A Tale of Two Schools: How Poor Children Are Lost to the World, by Jonathan
Kozol, the writer is comparing the differences between New Trier High School, a school in Illinois
that s nestled in an affluent neighborhood against Du Sable High School, a school situated in an
impoverished neighborhood that has 100% African American student in attendance. The article sadden
and confirms things that myself and many others are already aware of, but has not been able to
change. Schools located within the poor communities are
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Suggestions For Apsi From Billie Jean Clemens
Suggestions for APSI from Billie Jean Clemens 1. A misunderstanding still exists as to the approach of
the redesign. What does it mean to teach history in the digital age where students have access to facts
at the swipe of a finger? Teachers need to understand that the redesign represents a paradigm shift in
the way history is taught, no longer does one need to cover it all at breakneck speed and hope
something sticks. However, how does one teach a conceptual approach to history that emphasizes the
application of historical thinking skills while still holding students accountable for a core of
knowledge? The workshops, through collaborative conversations and the development of quality
lesson plans, need to educate teachers as to what this really looks like in the classroom. 2. Above all,
the workshops need to emphasize the crucial role of historical thinking skills; how one would teach
those skills; AND, how those skills are assessed on the test. While the new Curriculum Framework
has done a nice job of explaining these skills, teachers need explicit instruction on how the skills are
assessed on the exam. For example, in the CF, neither the description nor the proficient expectations
explain that in a periodization essay students must explain how the period was different AND similar
to the developments that preceded and/or followed. Even though this is clearly stated on the rubrics
for the exam, a teacher new to the course would have to realize that both
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First Impressions In Health And Social Care
First impressions matter, according to Whitmore (2014) we make judgments about the
professionalism, character and competence of others based on first impressions . I believe this to be
true. Healthcare today has become customer based industry. I work for a large insurance company and
our focus is obtaining and maintaining our customer base. We strive to provide the best customer
experience possible. Twenty years ago, that might have not been a concern, but with the increase in
specialization and competition, most providers are aware of the need for superior customer service.
First impressions develop quickly after the initial encounter. In addition, a customer will remember
that initial encounter throughout the rest of the experiences
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Isfj Personality Analysis
My Psychological type is: ENTJ which stands for Extravert, intuitive, Thinking, Judging. In my work
place I realize that that I love being in a leadership position. This gives me an opportunity to showcase
my abilities to manage and supervise personnel in an organization to solving difficult problems, and
enjoy understanding complex systems so that they can determine where improvement is possible. I
thrive in an environment where innovation is encouraged, and where traditions are not held sacred. I
believe in structure and order. When working with co workers I expect us to be provided with clear
and concise guidelines as to what is expected of our team and to formally be notified if any changes
are to come. I ve always been the type that appreciates a professional businesslike working
atmosphere with loyalty and respect for all. I m motivated and hardworking, and want to be
recognized for my efforts with money, power, and prestige. My psychological opposite is: ISFJ which
stands for Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging They have a lot of desire to serve other people and
value people who take the time to understand them and believe and trust in them. They are people of
less words and more reserved. They are dependable, hardworking ... Show more content on
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Since the personality of one is totally different from each other. ENTJ are the authoritative type that
wants to know what should be accomplished, how to accomplish it and then doing what it takes to
accomplish it. While the ISFJ are more inclined to dealing with whatever the current situation is and
carrying it out grace and effectiveness. There is something about ENTJ and a ISFJ that just doesn t
click. ISFJ sometimes think that ENTJ are too confrontational which can make an ISFJ defensive and
want to fight back, they usually always end up arguing with each other. ISFJ are looked at as being too
emotional, as they think that ENTJ s don t show enough
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Dust Bowl Essay
According to answers.com, a dust bowl is a region reduced to aridity by drought and dust storms. The
best known dust bowl is doubtless the one that hit the United States between 1933 and 1939.
One major cause of that Dust Bowl was severe droughts during the 1930 s. The other cause was
capitalism. Over farming and grazing in order to achieve high profits killed of much of the plain s
grassland and when winds approached, nothing was there to hold the devastated soil on the ground.
The Dust Bowl affected the Great Plains which consist of parts of the U.S. states of Colorado, Kansas,
Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming.
Storms also reached the East Coast of the United States. The Dust Bowl ... Show more content on
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With youth and ambition ground into the very dust itself, I can only drift with the tide.
Lawrence Svobida most likely joined the Dust Bowl exodus, the largest migration in American
history. By 1940, 2.5 million people had moved out of the Plains states; of those, 200,000 moved to
California. Arriving in California, the migrants were faced with a life almost as difficult as the one
they had left.
Many California farms were corporate owned. They were larger, and more modernized that those of
the southern plains, and the crops were unfamiliar. Many farmers from the Great Plains ended up
picking cotton and grapes for wages as low as 0.75 $ a day.
Other asylums included Oregon, Washington, Arizona, and New Mexico. The vast majority of Dust
Bowl migrants stayed on the West Coast permanently.
The Dust Bowl also inspired painters and other artists. One of the best known artists in connection
with the Dust Bowl is Alexandre Hogue. His picture s name is simply Dust Bowl .
An artist who compares the Dust Bowl to nowadays air pollution is Heather Watts. Her best known
picture is the New Dustbowl Blues .
Dorothea Lange became a well known photographer with pictures of the Dust Bowl. According to
Garland 2003 her photography obtained government relief for Dust Bowl migrants because she
visually demonstrated the hunger, poverty, hardship, and the plight of the migrants.
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Schindler s List Research Paper
Schindler s list Schindler s List is one of the most important movies ever made, and I also believe it is
one of the best. The subject matter alone makes it a movie worth watching, but this passion project
brought to life the legendary filmmaker Steven Spielberg transcends being just a work of art.
Schindler s List is a true masterpiece. So many movies are just fluff pictures, but Steven Spielberg
made this movie into a masterpiece of cinema.
There is a beautifully framed set of over the shoulder shots when Amon Goeth is having a
conversation with Oskar Schindler when they first meet. It switched from a mid over the shoulder shot
looking at Amon, who is placed on the left, to a similarly framed shot of Oskar on the right. Showing
the hero/villain ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In Steven Spielberg s attempt to show the spontaneity of the events, during scenes like the liquidation
of the ghetto, he would grab a hand held camera and walk around the actors. He was trying to give the
viewer a sense of what it would be like to actually be in those situations, and make the camera as
unobtrusive as possible. When Itzhak Stern leaves his apartment to the street Spielberg uses the hand
held camera to represent the chaos of the moment. The germans are screaming at him, the streets are
packed with people, and they are shooting families.
There is a fantastic panning shot of the Jews and the Germans listening to the radio announcing the
end of the war. The camera pans to the left showing the faces of the Jews as they realize the war is
really over. Then they show the germans faces as they realize they lost the war. It shows the
similarities, and the differences very well of the two situations.
A beautiful dolly shot is right at the end of the movie when oskar is fleeing, and the camera is pointed
at Schindler behind the window of the his car. You see his face, but reflected in the glass are the faces
of the Jews he saved, as the camera moves with the car. The car and camera are moving to the right,
and you get the feeling that everything is over, and they are safe
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Who Is The Protagonist In Treasure Island
Rich! Rich! I says. And I ll tell you what: I ll make a man of you , Jim. Ah, Jim, you ll bless your stars,
you will, you was the first to find me! said Ben Gunn. There is a crazy man named Ben Gunn who
was marooned for three years on an island. He is one of the main people that kept Jim Hawkins and
his crew alive and well. He was impacted by separation, food, and riches in the book Treasure Island
by Robert Louis Stevenson. The first force that changes Ben Gunn is separation. In the book three
years before Jim got to the island Ben Gunn was marooned by his crew because he didn t want to stop
looking for the treasure. After a while he became crazy and insane. When Jim got there he was almost
not understandable. The next force that changed
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...

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  • 1. Free Essay Samples: Rea 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Free Essay Samples: Rea Free Essay Samples: Rea
  • 2. Media And Anorexia Introduction It is apparent that with the increasing popularity of social media today, there has been a shift in dietary changes within our society. Individuals are subconsciously changing how and what they eat. The question arises, why are so many young women dissatisfied with their bodies, despite their size? Although there are several forces believed to play a role in this dissatisfaction such as peer criticism and parental influences, the thin ideal body is dominating the media (Grabe, Ward, Hyde, 2008). Thinness is largely emphasized and praised for women in magazines, television shows, movies and commercials (Stice Shaw, 1992). Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder that stems from this ubiquitous obsession to be thin and is often associated with a pathological fear of gaining weight, distorted self body image and emaciation (The American Heritage® Science Dictionary). Various studies have demonstrated that when women are shown both photographs or TV commercials with extremely slender models they indicate an increase in dissatisfaction with their body (Crouch Degelman, 1998). A study regarding social media specifically, was conducted by researchers at the University of Haifa on 248 girls ages 12 to 19; they found that the more time girls spent looking at pictures on Facebook, the more they suffered from eating disorders such as Anorexia, as well as other conditions including a heightened urge to diet and lose weight (University of Haifa, 2011). Media access is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Essay On Wirrawee Society WIRRAWEE COUNTY, AUSTRALIA From the start of September, invaders from Nearby countries captured parts of Australia and fought over months. This invasion affects millions of people across the country and Wirrawee, trapping them all together in a showground. One particular night in November, the old bridge located on Lake Heron exploded, causing a great hindrance to enemies as a mode of transport. The bridge is destroyed because of how people of Wirrawee wanted to take revenge on the invaders. Surprisingly, the enemies did not see the explosives, and suddenly at that moment, the soldiers died and fell in the lake. The guerillas mostly trapped inside the showground couldn t get out, like other renegades, they do not have the ability to fight ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Amazingly, no one knows who in particular set up this successful plan. Mr. Clement explained: I thought there were a few dozen people like him hiding out, but after the guerillas had seen what happened to people who, in his words, tried to be heroes, they were all keeping well out of site from all enemies. Soon after the bridge was blown up, some potential witnesses tracked the group down and finally knew who they are: Seven College teenagers who camped up the mountains while the war had happened. When they went back home unnoticed, the town was already in a great mess, and their families trapped inside the showground. They said firstly the group had gathered petrol tankers, then concealed motorbikes in full shape, and finally planned a cattle distraction to everyone on the bridge. Two of them rushed to light up the petrol tankers, and as fast as possible, the four of them out there reached for the concealed motorbikes. Thankfully, the four teenagers around the event drove for more than half a minute, and suddenly the bridge went BOOM, but all the feral invaders on the bridge were too late to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Safe Yoga Research Paper Safe yoga is characterized by the following: Secure (Environment, teacher, student) Awareness (to fine detail, form, poses, quantities) Functional (offers modifications, choices, mindful of exercise research) Effective (provides flexibility, power, ease of use, balance) Yoga is much more popular than ever. How come? Yoga supplies a total workout which enhances power, cardio condition, stability and versatility. In addition, it enhances one s body consciousness, raises physical command and facilitates body mastery. Because it involves a highly comprehensive and integrated technique, yoga creates a longer, leaner and more graceful physique also currently in vogue. Yoga likewise helps reduce stress, stress plus exhaustion by means of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Just as we do not stretch prior to exercise, we do not want to get into complex yoga poses before our body is warm and prepared to be there. Each class must start with a minimum of 5 minutes of yoga breathing. This helps to clear the mind and prepare your body. The breath of air is actually the single most important part of our yoga exercise training. By inhaling out and in of the nose we maintain the heat in your body and focus the thoughts. Deep rhythmic breathing is the solid foundation upon which we build our own Yoga Practice. Instructors must constantly go back to breath concentration and need to constantly remind students to do the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Taking a Look at Government Surveillance Government Surveillance Government Surveillance, a way that the government says that will keep you safe from foreign dangers like terrorist attacks, espionage, and perhaps a international war. However you have to sacrifice your private life, and business for increased protection and surveillance. Government surveillance, defined by dictionary.com as a noun that states Close observation or supervision maintained over a person, group, etc, especially one in custody or under suspicion (Merriam webster.com) the word was also taken from the French word surveiller that means to watch over and was adopted and changed as the English word surveillance. Government surveillance has been with us ever since the start of groups, dynasties, government and more. Back then, in the medieval ages like in the sixteenth century. Surveillance was hardly surveillance at all. Regular people paid by the enemy, or nation diplomats, or just amateur people looking for easy money, all mostly did it. As the timeline grows closer to the present. There are factors that have made up the system that now controversially exists in America as Government Surveillance. The Timeline starts in 1791, when the 13 colonies still existed. But are now rebelling against the British where in that year congress passed down the Bill of Rights and the fourth Amendment saying that it protects every and any citizen of America the right to not be searched in house or work in unreasonable cases. 137 years ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Dish Network Corporate Social Responsibilities DISH Network is always searching for ways to remain a successful and competitive company in the pay television environment. For companies like dish strategic planning is critical as it provides a sense of direction and outlines the company s goals. DISH Network is struggling to gain new customers, and is losing current customers to competitors like Netflix, and AT T. DISH Network had subscriber losses of 281,000 in fiscal 2Q16 and currently have 13.6 million pay television subscribers (Pelts, 2016). DISH Network latest strategy shows the implementation of a new skinny bundle called Flex Pack. With Flex Pack DISH Network claimed victory over cable television being the first to offer skinny bundles of programing, with customers able to pay for channel packages in genres that interest them. Flex Pack will offer customers a basic channel bundle of 50 channels and allow for one additional pack of channels for under forty dollars a month, and include broadcasts of networks like Walt ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... DISH Network does a socially responsible manner and their corporate social responsibility record helps their overall success, and has one area that needs improvement. One of the primary focus of corporate social responsibility is the environment, and DISH Network has joined forces with Reworx. They take the old receivers and recycle everything from plastics and wiring to precious metals and circuit boards and then resells the equipment. the program operates with an outstanding social mission: to provide jobs to individuals with disabilities or other barriers to employment. Reworx seeks to hire the people that many employers overlook. The ones who want to work hard to earn a paycheck and take pride in their accomplishments, but who often require a bit of extra training and support (Johnson, 2013). The motto for DISH and Reworx is working together to fill lives instead of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Democracy Vs Athenian Democracy Many historian have said that the Athenian created the first society to have democracy. Democracy was born in the middle of the fifth century B.C. in Athens. A democracy is a government by the people or rule by the majority. Perhaps the United States took a couple of ideas from the Athenian constitution to the States constitution. But at the same time there is a difference in both these two powerful nations. The differences about modern America is what the Founding Fathers planed about the size of the democracy and how the citizens can have an input in that said democracy. I argue that there is a comparison between Athenian democracy and modern democracy because Athens was the first society to create a democracy and constitution. At the time ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Back then Athens had a direct democracy between 508 to 322 B.C. The Legislative Branch in Athens consists of two different bodies. A council of around 500 and assembly of around 6,000 people. The 500 councillors from the Legislative Branch were selected randomly from the male populations that were citizens. The councillors could not serve no more than two terms in Athens. For the Executive Branch, the Athien could only serve for one term. The remainder of the government was held by the Magistrates. The Magistrates was a host of commissioners, functionaries, and minor officials. Law enforcement was not a service offered by the Athenian. In the Judicial Branch had only 6,000 volunteers. Public and private were the two kinds of arbitrations available. For the private, two parties in the dispute would have selected a mutually agreeable third person or persons to have a decision in the case. And for the public, it consisted of only all male citizens in their 60 years to have a role. For the United States also has a Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches in our government system. In order to pass a single Legislation, sent it to the President for his signature both from the House and the Senate must pass by majority rule of votes The House of Representatives. The House has up to 435 elected members. The members of the House are selected and elected for every two and must be 25 years old. Also must have been a valid American citizen for at least seven years. For Executive Branch, it is invested in the President of The United States. To be elected as President, one must be 35 years of age. The President also has Cabinet members. The Cabinet gives advisory to the President, made up of heads of 15 executive department. In Judicial, Congress has the jurisdiction of the federal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Social and Economic Development in Colonial Virginia in... The seventeenth century marked the start of great colonization and immigration to the New World that was North America. Mainly in on the eastern coast of what is now the United States, England established colonies on this new land to thrive socially and economically. The English government readily sent its citizens to America to exploit its abundant source of raw materials and the English people exponentially came to the colonies to start a new life for themselves and to thrive socially. In Virginia during the seventeenth century, the geographical attributes in this region allowed the establishment of the cash crop tobacco to rapidly transform the colony socially and economically. Particularly in the Chesapeake Bay, the goal of social and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The land became rapidly exploited and cultivated to produce tobacco. After the establishment of this cash crop, tobacco was glorified and largely advertised in both the colonies and England. As well as its large cultivation of tobacco, its connection to what became known as the Chesapeake Bay served as a prominent economic aspect to Virginia. By mid century, the establishment of indentured servants had been regulated and used frequently by plantation owners. This being a prominent factor to Virginia s social development, its downfall and rise of slavery also played a prime role in social transformation. Bacon s Rebellion in 1676 was the first rebellion in the colonies and it largely resulted in the hardening of racial lines with slavery. The plantation owners and farmers now saw it as a dangerous asset to have white indentured servants as workers and also saw having slaves as a much higher profit. By the establishment of the Virginia colony and its use of producing the tobacco cash crop, boatloads of slaves were brought to work and profit the upper class plantation owners. What became known as the Middle Passage became nothing more to the white upper class than profit and population increase. At the end of the seventeenth century, it was established that 40,000 people lived in Virginia however the number of slaves brought to the colony was unknown. With the progression within the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Essay about Online Education Versus Traditional Education With high speed internet available to potential students of all economic levels, schools are opting to implement online classes into their traditional teaching curriculum. As a result, our society is divided in two different ways of thinking on the education. Some believe the modern method is better than the traditional method of teaching. Personally, I believe both methods should balance one another instead of attempting to substitute one another; this way their purpose of educating will be far more successful. Online education, also called long distant learning, can be defined as a new method of learning through a computer network. This modern way of teaching gives students an opportunity to take classes online. Bill Gates ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Barbara Means, the study s lead author and an educational psychologist at SRI International, online education ultimate goal, is to provide learning experiences that are more tailored to individual students than is possible in classrooms. That enables more learning by doing, which many students find more engaging and useful. However, advocates of classroom learning believe the online method isolates the students from one another as well as their professor minimizing the overall value of taking the course. They also claim that students learn better when working together with their instructor and their fellow classmates. Students learn better when they are given the opportunity to ask questions, join in class discussions, and they move the process of learning forward through their participation. Face to face advocates firmly believe that this kind of interaction is not possible over the Internet; and for many types of education, e learning will never meet the potential of live human interaction in the classroom. An article in the New York Times titled, Second Thoughts on Online Education, backs up the points made above. A recent research published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, comes to the conclusion; A rush to online education ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Gonzaga NT1230 Final Exam Study Guide 1.) PowerShell is an object oriented programming language and interactive command line shell for Microsoft Windows. 2.) Windows 7 editions Windows 7, a major release of the Microsoft Windows operating system, was available in six different editions: Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate 3.) Default Windows Explorer libraries contacts , desktop , downloads , dropbox , favorites , links , my music , my pictures , my videos , saved games , searches 4.) Windows Preinstallation Environment (also known as Windows PE and WinPE) is a lightweight version of Windows used for the deployment of PCs, workstations, and servers, or troubleshooting an operating system while it is offline. 5.) User profile In a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 17.) A mandatory user profile is a special type of pre configured roaming user profile that administrators can use to specify settings for users. With mandatory user profiles, a user can modify his or her desktop, but the changes are not saved when the user logs off. 18.) Brute force When password guessing, this method is very fast when used to check all short passwords, but for longer passwords other methods such as the dictionary attack are used because of the time a brute force search takes. 19.) Enforce password history option This security setting determines the number of unique new passwords that have to be associated with a user account before an old password can be reused. The value must be between 0 and 24 passwords. 20.) Smart card A smart card is a plastic card about the size of a credit card, with an embedded microchip that can be loaded with data, used for telephone calling, electronic cash payments, and other applications, and then periodically refreshed for additional use. 21.) Digital certificate A digital certificate is an electronic passport that allows a person, computer or organization to exchange information securely over the Internet using the public key infrastructure (PKI). A digital certificate may also be referred to as a public key certificate. 22.) MMC The Microsoft Management Console (MMC) is an application that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Men s Lacrosse Research Papers Lacrosse is a team sport that originated with Native Americans who lived in the northeastern areas of the US and in Canada. The first documentation of the game came from a Jesuit Missionary in the mid 1600s making it the oldest game in North America. It is believed to have developed around 1100 AD. Competitions were major events that could go on for days and involve 100 to 1,000 men. The rules were agreed upon the day before the competition was scheduled to begin. Today the rules of the game have been codified to help prevent any confusion. The sport of Lacrosse is played by both men s and women s teams. The rules for each are similar, but there are differences. For example, body checking is illegal in the women s game. That is why the amount of protective equipment in the women s game is far less than that for the men s game. The men s game uses ten players while the women s game uses 12 players. Women s sticks cannot have mesh for the pockets, and the ball must be located above the sidewall every time it is in the pocket. This makes shooting and stick handling much more difficult than in the men s game. The field size for men is 60 yards by 110 yards while that for women is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These 10 positions include 3 attacks, 3 mid fields, 3 defenders, and a goalie. Throughout the game there are tactical rolling substitutions such as you might see in ice hockey. This gets fresh players on the field so that the game can be played at an extremely fast pace. The purpose of the game is to score as many points or goals as possible in the time allotted. The goals are 6 feet by 6 feet, and they are placed about 10 yards into the playing surface so that players can run behind them, again, much like ice hockey. The tennis sized ball is made of solid rubber so it can hurt if it hits you at a fast speed. A game has 4 quarters of 15 minutes each, and the teams with the most points at the end of the fourth quarter ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Sexism In Epic Of Gilgamesh The world is still sexist. Barbara Broccoli. From the creation story to modern day, women and men still struggle with a power dynamic of inferiority and superiority. The problem of sexism has been ever present throughout history, and although it has been acknowledged by many, it has not been eradicated or resolved. Although the acknowledgment of sexism has grown over the course of the modern era, it is heavily rooted in society s developmental process, which makes it continuously difficult to annihilate. Furthermore, throughout many historical texts, women are often represented as objects instead of real people. Within texts, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Bible, the Quran, and the Torah, women are constantly regarded as inferiors instead of equals with men. Throughout these texts, there is a clear separation between the treatment of men and women, with women always being referred to as property. The Epic of Gilgamesh contains several instances where women are regarded as objects that solely provide men with pleasure, specifically with the story of Shamat and Enkidu. In the beginning of the epic, the story is introduced with the creation of Enkidu and his transformation into a human being; a vital part of Enkidu s transformation being a woman named Shamat. Shamat acts as the bait or lure that leads Enkidu out of his animalistic lifestyle, and causes him to become human. In order to do so, Shamat is told to do sexual acts that will arouse Enkidu. For example, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Incas The Inca were South American Indian people who ruled one of the largest and richest empires in the America s. The Inca Empire began to expand about 1438 and occupied a vast region that centered on the capital, Cusco, in southern Peru. The Empire extended more than 2,500 miles (4,020 kilometers) along the western coast of South America. It included parts of Present Day Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. The Inca Empire was conquered by Spanish Forces soon after their arrival in 1532. br br Inca emperors ruled their far reaching territory through a complex political system. The Inca took over many areas by military force. Their political system kept a balance between the central authority of the emperor and local ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The members of an ayllu owned an area of land in common. The leader of an ayllu gave each family as much land as it needed to produce its own food. Men with noble rank could have no more than one wife,and many marriages were arranged for political reasons. Emperors sometimes gave chosen women to favored nobles or men who had performed a service for the emperor. These women, who were selected by government officials, had great beauty and intelligence. Nobles had to marry within the ayllu. Husbands and wives were expected to help each other with work in the fields and other tasks. Inca children had little time for play because their families kept them very busy. Most children helped with the family work after learning to walk. Boys were initiated into manhood when they were 14 years old. Girls were initiated into womanhood after they started to menstruate. Boys and girls received permanent adult names during the initiation ceremonies. However, young people did not achieve full adult status until they married and started to pay taxes. br br Religion for the Inca played an important role in the public and private lives of the Inca. The people believed that nature was created by their most important god, Viracocha. The ruling family prayed chiefly to Inti, the sun god. Important goddesses included the earth and the sea. The Inca believed the will of the gods could be learned through ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. NCAA Football Playoff System Essay NCAA Football Playoff System Thesis: The Bowl Championship Series (BCS) formula has been used to determine the top twenty five teams in NCAA Division I college since 1998. Many think this system is inadequate and should be changed. The alternative is a playoff system that would give more of the top teams a chance to be named the NCAA football National Champion. I. BCS formula A. Computers 1. Where they re from 2. How they work B. Polls 1. Where they re from 2. How they work C. Schedule strength D. Team losses E. Putting the formula together II. Why the BCS formula should be changed A. BCS is inadequate 1. How it s unfair 2. Problems within B. Give top ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Brad Edwards, a writer for ESPN.com, has this to say about the computer system: Though this may be the weakest part of the (BCS) equation, it can still make a difference. Last year, pollsters eventually overlooked Wisconsin s loss to Cincinnati, but the computers didn t. The result: the Badgers had an average computer ranking of 7.71 despite ranking fourth in both polls. 7.71 is the average of where the team is in the rankings among the top twenty five teams in the nation according to the seven computers. The second part of the Bowl Championship Series formula is the two polls. One comes from the associated press and the other comes from coaches around the league. The Associated Press polls are organized by a number of different newspapers, magazines, and media. While the NCAA football coaches put together the Coaches poll. This is probably the most critical element of the four because it has only two subsets (the media and coaches polls) to be averaged (Edwards). The polls are run similarly to the computers; the two ranking are simply averaged together. The impact held by each poll is greater than that of any one computer or any one opponent. It is no coincidence that the top two poll teams have played for the national title in both years of the
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  • 16. Importance Of Depository Receipt Is A Negotiable... INTRODUCTION The past few decades have witnessed the increased internationalization of various firms through cross listings on international exchanges. This has been facilitated by market liberalisation, which has led to greater integration of global securities markets. Cross border listing has become one of the avenues for the integration of global securities markets. There are two forms of cross border listing, namely, direct listing and indirect listing. Direct listing implies that the firm concerned offers ordinary shares to the public. Indirect listing on exchanges is through Depository Receipts (DRs). Depository receipt is a negotiable certificate issued by a bank in a domestic country that represent ownership of shares in companies of other countries. Cross listing, particularly through DRs such as American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) or Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs), is a popular way of internationalisation among firms from emerging economies. In addition to Europe and America, International firms are allowed to cross list in other countries through the DR programme. There could be several reasons for a domestic company to cross list, such as an expanding investor base, the desire to improve stock liquidity through its highly liquid secondary market, the increasing visibility of the company, a growing customer base, and the wish to take advantage of higher valuations. From the perspective of investors, cross listing mitigates some ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Analysis Of Akira Kurosawa ( 1910-1998 ) Akira Kurosawa (1910 1998) was one of Japan s most important film directors of the twentieth century. His work spanned over fifty years and included a broad range of genres from historical epics to gangster dramas. His films not only told interesting stories but also broke new ground. Many of his innovations were technical, such as his use of the long lens, his penchant for shooting with multiple cameras, and his virtuosic editing. Other innovations were tied to his emphasis on details within his films, such as elaborate period costumes and sets, western music, stunning location shots, and detailed miniature sets. As to specific reasons, I think much of it comes down a confusion between theme and technique. I don t see any reason to question Kurosawa s word that all his films were Japanese and aimed solely at a Japanese audience. However, many writers on the topic saw camera movements or set ups that resembled John Ford, read about Kurosawa s admiration for westerns and American pulp fiction, and added it up into a bland statement of Kurosawa being an essentially Western film maker. And Japanese critics, puzzled about why he was so popular in the West compared to other film makers, decided this is right. He has often been called the most Western of Japanese film directors (and is certainly the best known of them in Europe and America), but though he freely admits influence from Western directors and painters and has based several of his films on major Western texts, he ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Romulus And Remus Belief In Greek Mythology Did a boy named Romulus and his brother named Remus really found Rome? Most people think they don t actually exist and they didn t found Rome. It tells that Romulus and Remus are mythological and others think they are because what they tell about them you have to believe in them as if they were a god. Romulus and Remus almost did not survive infancy because Amulius ordered them to be thrown into the river but they washed ashore the palatine hills. Before the birth of the twins Numitor was overthrown by his brother Amulius and then forced Rhea Silvia to become a vestal virgin so there would be no rival claimants.Rhea Silvia got pregnant by Mars a Greek God and then gave birth to Romulus and Remus.(History.com) Also because their evil uncle Amulius expected them to die they were nursed to health by a kind she wolf. (Traditions Encounters)They were raised by Faustulus and his wife. And when they weren t helping Faustulus they were stopping thieves and returning their livestock to their rightful owners. (History.com) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But one day Remus made fun of Romulus because he kept saying that they wall was too low, and he jumped over the wall and knocked down a section of a wall. Romulus got mad and before Remus hit the ground he was dead. (Mccaughrean) Then Romulus establish himself as the first king of Rome. But because Romulus took in all the outcasts he lacked woman so he abducted the neighboring Sabine women by holding a festival. The men were going to wage war on the Romans but the women interfered and stopped the men from ceasing Rome. So there was a peace treaty drawn. (Traditions Encounters) And the Sabine king had an early death and the people thought that was Romulus doing. But after many years of kind and wise he died and there were 6 more kings after him. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Franchise Owners This proves the point that the franchise(s) must constantly be aware of what is happening within its territory. The next case, which is also still going through the system, concerns itself with the supposed abuse of four franchise owners by 7 Eleven s main office. The four franchise owners are Indians who felt that they were being labeled incorrectly. When they had informed the main office of their supposed mistake, 7 Eleven had labeled them as Independent Contractors based on the degree of control SEI exercised over store operations, including regulation of vendors and product supply, franchise payroll processing, control over franchising, bookkeeping and accounting, and alleged intense daily oversight by SEI market and zone managers. Aside from the title argument, everything which the four defendants mentioned in their legal document is actually what was presented to them prior to their signing of the franchise agreement. Franchises are in the business to create a profit by letting other people help in the process of that particular profit making. All of the rules and regulations are presented to the individual or individuals before they have to sign so they can see what they are getting into. Adhering to said regulations and practices is somewhat easy because the franchise gives the beginners programs in which every aspect of the business is explained, such as the accounting and bookkeeping methods that said company uses. The last case that I will present ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Importance Of Social Networks In Society Society, Social Interaction, Groups, and Organization Social Networks and their Importance According to Nicholas Christakis, social networks are like the pairs of people connected. Through his studies, he realized that socially connected people get embedded in other sorts of relationships such as marriage, friendship, or even spousal. He discovered that these connections are vast, and all of us are embedded in the broader set of relationships with each other. Therefore, social networks are the complex things of beauty that are so elaborate, so sophisticated and so ubiquitous. In his video, Christakis outlined the importance of social networks with adequate examples. One of the benefits is the emotional contagion, which is the phenomenon of another person s emotions or behaviors triggering similar emotions and response in other people. He elaborated this by performing an obesity epidemic, where he discovered that there is the probability of a person being obese given that a social contact of his/her friend is overweight. That is, if your friend is obese, there is the risk of you being obese too, as you will be involved in doing activities that make your friend overweight. Another benefit is that social connections are essential for the spread of valuable and useful things such as happiness, kindness, love, altruism, and ideas. In his video, Christakis stated that if individuals realize how valuable social networks are, they could spend a lot of their time nourishing and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Sally Hemings Jefferson Case Study Betty Hemings, concubine of John Wayles, and her children, including Sally Hemings, were legally slaves, although the children were majority white in ancestry (Gordon Reed, 2008). After Wayles died in 1773, his daughter Martha and her husband Thomas Jefferson inherited the Hemings family among a total of 135 slaves from his estate, as well as 11,000 acres of land (Gordon Reed, 2008). In 1787, 14 year old Sally accompanied Jefferson s youngest daughter Polly to London and then to Paris, where the widowed Jefferson had called for her. Sally spent two years there with Jefferson (Gordon Reed, 2008). Instead of choosing the intimidating option to stay in France alone, Sally Hemings chose to go back with Jefferson into slavery. This decision was a smart decision on her part based off her trust in Jefferson, her possible pregnancy and feelings for Jefferson, and her background. In my discussion of Sally and her decision to go back to America with Jefferson, I will first discuss why and how Sally trusted Jefferson. Then I will consider the possibility of Sally having romantic feelings for Jefferson, especially referencing her pregnancy at the time. I will close my argument with a reminder and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At the time that Jefferson was called back to America, Sally was pregnant by Jefferson. Sally, in her eighteen months in France, had become Jefferson s concubine (Hemings, 1873). Had either Sally s impregnation or Jefferson s call back to America been at a better time, Sally maybe would have decided to stay in France with the child or even not became pregnant. While pregnant, Sally would not have been able to work and live on her own in France. Also, raising a child would have been extremely hard to do on her own without any financial aid or child care. Her family was all back in America. Sally knew no one in France who she could count on to help. This lack of support undoubtedly influenced her decision to come back with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. NCAA Rivalry And Analysis Throughout history American college sports has been on the rise, attracting people from all walks of life through the lure of intense passion and competition that is demonstrated by athletes and fans alike. At the centre of the immense success of American college sports is its governing organization, known as the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), which has now become one of the most recognizable organizations in all of sports. As per their mission statement, the NCAA s purpose is, To be an integral part of higher education and to focus on the development of our student athletes. (NCAA, 2016) With their recent growth, the NCAA has taken the popularization of college sports from a national level to an international level, as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Up until now the NCAA was able to get away with keeping college athletes under the category of amateur meaning that they would not share in the portion of the profits, as that would compromise their amateur status. Recently, the NCAA was challenged with and lost a lawsuit (O Bannon vs. the NCAA) filed by former UCLA basketball star Ed O Bannon. The court ruled, Requires that the NCAA s caps on compensation must at least reflect the full cost of school attendance (rather than merely tuition and supplies). The court also held that $5,000 trust funds would be acceptable, so long as the revenue was distributed equally to all players on a team, but rejected direct endorsements as inconsistent with the valid objectives of the NCAA. (Lemieux, 2014) This ruling will have a big impact on the business model and structure of the NCAA going forward. According to experts, The impact of the ruling will not be radical in the short term as scholarships will become more valuable and players will receive some indirect benefits from licensing of their names and images. In the long run this ruling will eventually lead to the collapse of the NCAA s business model as undermining amateurism will undermine fan interest. (Lemieux, 2014) As mentioned in the statement the NCAA will have to make changes to its amateur rules, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. UMAT Assessment Essay As a current student striving to be accepted into medicine I will be required to undertake the UMAT examination. I have always been interested in the relevance of the examination, how it is perceived by people and whether students are the key people it serves . To gain a basic understanding of the purpose of the UMAT I conducted preliminary research, utilising the ACER (Australian Council for Educational Research) website, who were the developers and write the examination every year. I obtained sources through the use of google scholar to locate relevant and highly reliable sources. The majority of my sources were secondary obtained from websites, journals and articles. I had emailed multiple professionals to conduct interviews but received no responses, hence, I was unable to obtain primary data on my topic. However, sources from the Medical Journal of Australia provided sufficient information on my topic, providing me with facts and statistics which I utilised throughout my report. I was assured that information obtained from this journal was highly reliable as the articles are all peer reviewed and also by the reputation of the journal. Other information was sourced from either the Adelaide University or the ACER website, which I believe ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I organised my information and report in informative language. Informative in the informational genre, I did not want a balanced point of view but one which describes my findings. Due to the fact that I was writing an investigation I utilised objective language, ensuring that I elaborated my points out clearly. This will assist in presenting findings in a clear, concise and professional manner, it was also vital that I structured my report in a manner that was easy to follow and logical. This will ensure that readers will be able to understand information and examples utilised, and easily comprehend the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Ethical Problems Faced by Actuaries in Business Some... Cover Sheet Executive Summary Our group, The Super Six focussed our research on the problem of ethics and actuarial science. As Sholom Feldblum states The actuary has a dual role: an objective professional providing guidance on insurance issues and a business manager promoting the goals of an insurance company (Sholom Feldblum, pg.1). The purpose of our research was to determine the most common ethical problems an actuary faces, and the most appropriate methods to solve these problems. Solutions were necessary so that our stakeholders, current and prospective actuaries, will have more guidance when faced with these dilemmas. In the valuation sector, we found that the two main conflicts faced by the actuary were to use discounted ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Through this report, we will explore these subtopics in great detail, and offer several solutions to these three most common ethical situations an actuary encounters, as well as recommendations on how to avoid these ethical problems from ever arising. Methods Our primary means of research was the internet. We found most of our sources by exploring the many professional actuarial groups, and looking through their collections of articles and periodicals. We found that our best sources were from professional organizations such as the Society of Actuaries, and the Casualty Actuarial Society, both publish periodicals with reliable articles from accredited actuaries. This method of searching through articles put out by professional organizations was most effective for us because all of the articles were written by fully qualified actuaries who have first hand experience working through the ethical conflicts that we describe in our report. All our articles are first reviewed by the professional organization that publishes them, to ensure that they contain accurate, and relevant information, which allowed us to keep all our conclusions professional and our arguments strong. We also used several court documents containing actuarial testimonies about policy rates, and proper returns on investments. These documents were very useful, as all the information was very accurate given the legal process required and the extensive background checks and research that went into ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Conflict Of The Independent Republic Of Azerbaijan University did not articulate any references to Azeri nationalism in their slogans. Obviously, the Azeri community is more likely to play a role in determining the future direction of Iran s political evolution than in igniting an ethnically based separatist movement. Having proven its centuries long loyalty to the Iranian state and territorial integrity, Azeris are also likely to work within the current political system to address their grievances. Although the emergence of the independent Republic of Azerbaijan has been a source of Azeri ethnic pride, it has not generated popular support from the Iranian Azeri community to join Azerbaijan. While many Azeris admit to maintaining cultural bonds with their brethren in the Republic of Azerbaijan, such ties do not translate into aspirations to separate from a state in which they already exercise tremendous influence, with many of them occupying high level government positions. The demands of the Azeri minority remain quite modest, focusing primarily on the expansion of cultural freedoms. For instance, local control over Azeri language broadcasting, representation in local government, and the promotion of the Azeri language at all levels of education, including the university level. In light of the regime s need to avoid exacerbating dual loyalties inside its borders and the prominent role Azeris play in the government and the business community, the Iranian government is likely to meet their demands. Although some scholars ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Chagas Disease Nature History of the disease Chagas disease, also known as American Trypanosomiasis, is a tropical disease caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, transmitted to humans through contact with the feces of an infected triatomine bug. The triatomine bug known as the kissing bug is a subspecies of the Reduviidae family. The bug itself does not cause the disease. Through contact with the fecal matter from the kissing bug, which is excreted near the bite wound, the parasite enters the bloodstream and begins to develop and reproduce. Chagas disease was discovered and named after a Brazilian physician Carlos Chagas, who discovered the disease in 1909. Chagas disease is endemic throughout much of Mexico, Central America, and South America ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both drugs are almost 100% effective in curing the disease if given right after the infection, at the beginning of the acute phase, including the cases of congenital transmission but they have a very low anti parasitic, activity against the prevalent chronic form of the disease. However, the effectiveness of these medication decreases, the longer the person has been infected. The treatment is very long and typically last for about two months and some adverse reactions may occur in up to 40% of the affected patients. Challenges faced with the management of the Chagas Although there have been many successes in the area of Chagas treatment in endemic areas there have been many challenges which includes: · Lack of training and education for medical and health care professional · Maintaining and strengthening the advances made in disease control · Enhance access to diagnosis and treatment for millions of infected people · Emergence of Chagas disease in regions previously considered to be free of the disease such as the Amazon ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Beowulf And Judith Research Paper In your opinion, what characteristics must a character possess to be considered an epic hero in a story? Is it someone who can defeat a giant beast? Or is it someone who shows great nobility in completing tasks for the betterment of others? In the book The Longman Anthology of British Literature, we are introduced to two heroic poems and characters by the name of Beowulf and Judith. In this Compare and Contrast Paper, I will break the common misconception of what an Epic Hero must possess as well as show you that there is no need for mythical creatures or God like weapons. Judith and Beowulf are both epic heroes, although Judith does not follow the traditional epic hero format, like having godlike strength, or encountering numinous phenomenon, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although Judith does not experience this phenomenon like Beowulf who must fight beasts, such as Grendel and the Dragon. In a way, Judith must overcome her own beast, Holofernes. Holofernes is a beast because he tries to take advantage of Judith and rape her. Similarly, an unrealistic event occurs when his evilly renowned soldiers bring the holy woman Judith to the Generals pavilion. On page 144 Holofernes is trying to defile the noble lady with filth and with pollution , but the Heaven s Judge would not consent but instead the Lord, Ruler of the hosts, prevented him from the act. Instead of giving into temptation and losing her pure virgin reputation or being a holy woman Judith uses all of her strength along with Gods help to put an end to the beast s life on earth. In this instant, Judith also displays another Epic hero characteristic which is being a cultural exemplar. Despite their differences, the poems were built on the same values and morals which people sought to live up to in real life battles and wars. Being a cultural exemplar is one the Characteristics of the Epic hero list sitting at number six. This is a person who has something that their cultural values and they carry this distinctive value in abundance. For Judith, her culture values virginity. Being a virgin is considered pure and holy in Christianity, this makes you closer to God. Whom Judith uses for her to battle Holofernes and defeat him, this advance ultimately saves all of the women in her kingdom from being raped when the Assyrians invade the Hebrew city of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Gratitude In The Book Thank ! By Robert Emmons Gratitude doesn t always come naturally. In our day to day lives, it s easy to get caught up in the things that go wrong and feel like we re living under our own private rain cloud: at the same time, we tend to adapt to good things and people in our lives. Taking them for granted. As a result. We often overlook everyday beauty and goodness a kind gesture from a stranger, say hi or hello. In Thanks! Robert Emmons teaches us about the power of showing gratitude, of exposing our many blessing. He also shares the challenges that we can face in being able to show gratitude, especially in times of suffering and hardship. However, showing gratitude benefit us in many ways: we become healthier and happier, have better relationship, treat other better. Learning to verbally thanking people can help a deeper understanding of gratitude true wealth. By taking the time to give verbal thank you for those are grateful for the verbal thank you about how grateful they are for them. You create a community of love and excitement, which will lead to you to be more grateful person . In the book Thank!, Robert Emmons writes, It is impossible to imagine a world where individuals don t receive and give gratitude to one another on a regular basis . Giving verbal gratitude is the Most important experience to have as a human being, these expressive emotions give people a deeper level of having to receive gratitude fully to be grateful for, . Emmons stated, To do thanks. To give thanks. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Media s Influence On The Perception Of Media And... Very few viewers of adverts decode images passively. Marita Sturken and Lisa Cartwright argue that there are very few viewers who decode images passively because there is no mass culture. This is because each viewer has different contexts and social backgrounds meaning that the images they view can be decoded in various ways because of their frame of reference and background. However the subject of how audiences decode and view media including advertising can be seen in various different perspectives particularly with Karl Marx and Louis Althusser who have similar but different theories around audiences as passive and active parts of the decoding process. Through Stuart Hall also we can understand the different ways audiences can receive a advert. Sturken and Cartwright s theory of audiences focuses on the idea that everyone has their own background and frame of reference that determines how they decode an image (57). In advertising this theory is vital in understanding how audiences perceive images and understanding the effects and success of advertising on different people around the world. A part of this surrounds the identity of the viewer and the relevant context of the advert. For example, the Steinlager Pure advert which depicts the nuclear free image of New Zealand (Steinlager Pure). How this advert is received will depend on who views it. New Zealanders will have a direct connection to the advert due to its setting and context around the identity of New Zealand ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Disney Magic Kingdom Description Images of rocket ships, trains, and flying elephants dance in my head. While turkey legs, pirates, and haunted mansions toy with my emotions. Memories fade as I grow older with fleeting thoughts as I try to recall my last Disney adventure. That visit has created some wonderfully vivid memories that will last a lifetime. Disney s Magic Kingdom was celebrating a major anniversary during a year long event. A building sized cake, parades stretched a mile long, and fireworks that filled the night sky, all enhanced just for my viewing pleasure or not. While visiting my favorite areas of the park my childhood imaginations were awakened. Lifelong vivid memories and a magical experience started as soon as I arrived. Upon entering the park, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Magic Kingdom has several wondrous areas for me to explore. Mickey s fable fantasyland indulges young children to live storybook tales and ride flying elephants. Head out west to Frontierland, there you could venture a log ride down the rapids or board a crazy train zigzagging through the mountains. Meet up with Tom Sawyer as you ride a paddle wheel riverboat or visit The Hall of Presidents in Liberty Square. Head back to Main Street to experience the Disney s night parade. Don t forget the nightly celebration as the extravaganza of choreographed pyrotechnics flies over the castle for the concluding spectacle. Disney s magical realm provides wonder and demonstrates through experiences; how each of us could imagine the impossible if we only dare to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. An Evaluation of Case Studies and Their Contribution to... Cognitive psychology is the study of the brains internal processes that guide behaviour; to study cognition, psychologists examine case studies of patients with damaged brains that can infer areas, and functions involved in particular processes. Patient studies have provided insights into the processes that take place within our minds, and have enabled psychologists to create models, which can be tested and fractionated. Cognitive neuropsychology has developed from cognitive psychology to become a discipline in its own right; it investigates the function and structures of the brain involved in cognitive processes and should not be confused with cognitive neuroscience, which is primarily concerned with neural structures and their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Studying unseen processes presents difficulties, it would not be practical or ethical to open a persons head to try to unravel the processes that take place whilst they make a cup of tea or drive their car to work. Although examining processes presents difficulties, studying patients who have sustained brain damage can provide insights into parts that play a role in cognitive processes. Findings from case studies are extrapolated to the general population to provide an insight into normal cognition. An early example and often cited case study is Phineas Gage who suffered damage to his frontal lobe because of an accident in 1848; prior to the accident, he was friendly and dependable, however after the accident, he became unreliable and his social skills suffered, this suggests the frontal lobe is involved in planning and social skills. Damasio (1994, (cited in Jansari, 2010)) recreated damage sustained by Gage, after a patient exhibited the same changes in behaviour after undergoing surgery to remove a tumour in the frontal lobe. The recreation confirmed the suggestions made at the time of Phineas Gage, thus providing an insight into how a part of the brain the frontal lobe in this case is involved in cognitive functioning. The study of Phineas Gage is an early example of the kind of studies that are used in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. What Is Louis Riel A Martyr Louis Riel is a martyr. The definition of a martyr is a person fighting for or against a cause in which Riel has shown in the 2 resistances he has partaken and lead. On the other hand, a political martyr is someone who struggles in execution. A treason is a horrible act towards a nation and a traitor is someone who has done the act. Winners may deem the losers as traitors and sometimes execute them. High treasons are assisting or starting a war against Canada. Metis leader, Louis Riel, main attention in the Red River and North West resistance, is a martyr for these reasons. The first reason is that he, himself struggled for the metis freedom. For there ways of life. For the things, others have done to them. I m referring to the buffalo extinction. As soon as white settlers came to Manitoba and made the railroad and used the hunt as a sport, the buffalo had a mass extinction causing the metis there home and ways of life. Louis Riel just came back to Canada to help the Metis stop the settlers. He didn t want his people to die of starvation. No. Louis wanted freedom. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Metis had their land temporarily and had it taken away because the government tricked them into losing their land by handing them a slip that confused them deeply. They deserved that right to land and after, they were poor and homeless. They stole from the HBC because the settlers stole their land and it was only fair. There was also low prices for wheat and the high prices for tractors and such and that made the Metis farmers angry so Riel helped them reach their goal. The Mountain police came in because they were stealing from the HBC. The Metis were hungry and had to attack using all the ammunition they could get because the Mountain Police started to attack when they could ve just ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Silly Jokes For Kids FIFTY SILLY JOKES FOR KIDS. Jokes are simply stories, phrases or sentences that are purely meant to amuse and make people jovial. Laughter has never failed to light up someone s face and if you ask me, people look more beautiful and attractive when they are happy. At least I know I do. What better way is there to charm someone if not by making them laugh? One of the major reasons why kids are usually drawn to people is because of their abilities to make them happy and keep them laughing all the way to a happy ending. Trust me; no one can resist a charmer, let alone kids. It is easy to tickle a child s sense of humor. You just have to have a good joke and get your silly goofy face on board. That kid will fall in love with you instantly. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jokes can also help a child relax when faced with a situation that makes them anxious or afraid. As stated earlier, when endorphins are released, feelings of anxiety and fear subside leaving the child more relaxed and calm Happy mood stimulates happy thoughts. When a child is constantly meditating on happy thoughts, they become more optimistic about life and therefore you will not have to deal with issues like stress and irritability. Jokes help develop a child s sense of humor. Let us face it, a child with no sense of humor will grow to be an adult with no sense of humor. How will this work out? at the end of the day, a person s sense of humor is what makes them so unique and gives them an ability to fit into certain social groups and truth be told, everyone craves to fit in. a well developed sense of humor gives a child an upper hand. Humor helps a child to cope in different environments. No matter the place or time, having lighter moments every now and then can help a child adjust and eventually cope with the changes. Being able to stay happy and laugh in the middle of unwanted changes is a great way to help a kid learn how to easily adjust and cope in different environments and circumstances regardless of how adverse they are. BASIC ELEMENTS OF A JOKE. There are some elements that a joke should not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Summary Of The Readers Strike By John Ross In the reading, The Readers Strike , John Ross emphasizes the lives of cigar makers working in Ybor City, Florida during the middle of the Great Depression. Although the Great Depression was a hard time for most people, John Ross states that a few were well off through the great depression such as fine cigar makers, certain stock brokers and politicians. Furthermore, cigar makers worked long hours under the hot sun for low wages even though the cigar industry was doing better than most. However, they still pooled their money together to pay for readers. These cigar makers were often foreigners who were illiterate or spoke a different language. A contemporary issue arose with readers or los lectores reading to the workers the words of Zola, Dickens, Cervantes, and Tolstoy that everything they wrote was about the great depression and specifically the lives of the workers. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Owners sought this act as the readers taking advantage of the poor workers and taking the little money they had. On the other hand, owners feared of workers being informed of their lives that they already knew they had but sought the idea that knowledge equals power and attempted to maintain their hierarchy be keeping the workers in the dark. By getting rid of the readers, owners thought the workers would forget and continue their repetitive job of rolling cigars but caused a huge backlash. According to John Ross, workers stopped working not because of the harsh conditions or low wages but they were denied a reader. The idea that knowledge is more powerful than money is incorporated in the reading similarly to the reading Learning to Read and Growing in Knowledge by Frederick ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Student Counselling Business Plan BEACON CAREER COUNCELLING CENTRE THE BUSINESS CONCEPT MISSION Origin of the idea can be traced back to the situation every student is confronted with at any significant level of education such as 10th, 12th and graduation. Most of the students are completely unaware about the array of fields available for pursuing career in to. The choice of career is mostly governed by the marks one scores in the qualifying exam like 10th. High scoring students invariably go to science field, while those next in line are always advised to pursue career in commerce field and remaining supposedly incapable students have to opt for arts field. Moreover, after 12th exam, science students mainly go for medical or engineering graduation, ignoring other ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... SOLUTION To address the aforementioned problem, we propose to establish a student guidance centre with the objective to become the hub of career counselling and personality development. The facilities currently available fail to cater to these needs of the students. We will provide thorough counselling to the student which includes aptitude and psychometric tests, detailed profiling, preliminary guidance and expert counselling for him along with his guardians. Herein, the student will be provided with various career options tailored to his needs. He will also be suggested some add on courses which he can enrol in to in order to gain the competitive advantage over the other students. We will endeavour to enrich him through suggestion of good reading material such as books, newspapers and magazines, membership of libraries. We will also present him with the options of educational institutions both in India and abroad. Candidate will also be assisted with obtaining educational loans, if required. For MBA graduates, special assistance will be provided by informing him about the various job profiles he can opt for within each area of specialization. OPPORTUNITY SSC exams for the eight divisions in Maharashtra were held in March this year. A total of 1203463 students out of 1439180 students appeared have passed the SSC Board Exams held in March 2010. In Pune board, 228229 candidates registered for the exam, of which 227691 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Argument Culture By Deborah Tannen Americans Can Solve More Problems by Using Dialogues As an Alternative to Debates In the excerpt by Deborah Tannen entitled, The Argument Culture: Moving from Debate to Dialogue Tannen speaks about the oppositional nature of public discourse. She expressed her thoughts on how we are determined to seek certainty by using arguments from two different standpoints, as if there are no additional angles that can be examined. Oftentimes, there are more than two sides of an issue, but due to the way society has taught us, we only look at issues from two extreme perspectives. I find Dr. Tannen to be extremely intelligent in her observations of how people communicate using debates and opposition as a means to express what we believe to be true. Although Americans habitually view issues from only two extreme points of view, dialogue solves more problems than debates because it does not cause division among people as frequently as debates does. In the article entitled, A Tale of Two Schools: How Poor Children Are Lost to the World, by Jonathan Kozol, the writer is comparing the differences between New Trier High School, a school in Illinois that s nestled in an affluent neighborhood against Du Sable High School, a school situated in an impoverished neighborhood that has 100% African American student in attendance. The article sadden and confirms things that myself and many others are already aware of, but has not been able to change. Schools located within the poor communities are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Suggestions For Apsi From Billie Jean Clemens Suggestions for APSI from Billie Jean Clemens 1. A misunderstanding still exists as to the approach of the redesign. What does it mean to teach history in the digital age where students have access to facts at the swipe of a finger? Teachers need to understand that the redesign represents a paradigm shift in the way history is taught, no longer does one need to cover it all at breakneck speed and hope something sticks. However, how does one teach a conceptual approach to history that emphasizes the application of historical thinking skills while still holding students accountable for a core of knowledge? The workshops, through collaborative conversations and the development of quality lesson plans, need to educate teachers as to what this really looks like in the classroom. 2. Above all, the workshops need to emphasize the crucial role of historical thinking skills; how one would teach those skills; AND, how those skills are assessed on the test. While the new Curriculum Framework has done a nice job of explaining these skills, teachers need explicit instruction on how the skills are assessed on the exam. For example, in the CF, neither the description nor the proficient expectations explain that in a periodization essay students must explain how the period was different AND similar to the developments that preceded and/or followed. Even though this is clearly stated on the rubrics for the exam, a teacher new to the course would have to realize that both ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. First Impressions In Health And Social Care First impressions matter, according to Whitmore (2014) we make judgments about the professionalism, character and competence of others based on first impressions . I believe this to be true. Healthcare today has become customer based industry. I work for a large insurance company and our focus is obtaining and maintaining our customer base. We strive to provide the best customer experience possible. Twenty years ago, that might have not been a concern, but with the increase in specialization and competition, most providers are aware of the need for superior customer service. First impressions develop quickly after the initial encounter. In addition, a customer will remember that initial encounter throughout the rest of the experiences ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Isfj Personality Analysis My Psychological type is: ENTJ which stands for Extravert, intuitive, Thinking, Judging. In my work place I realize that that I love being in a leadership position. This gives me an opportunity to showcase my abilities to manage and supervise personnel in an organization to solving difficult problems, and enjoy understanding complex systems so that they can determine where improvement is possible. I thrive in an environment where innovation is encouraged, and where traditions are not held sacred. I believe in structure and order. When working with co workers I expect us to be provided with clear and concise guidelines as to what is expected of our team and to formally be notified if any changes are to come. I ve always been the type that appreciates a professional businesslike working atmosphere with loyalty and respect for all. I m motivated and hardworking, and want to be recognized for my efforts with money, power, and prestige. My psychological opposite is: ISFJ which stands for Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging They have a lot of desire to serve other people and value people who take the time to understand them and believe and trust in them. They are people of less words and more reserved. They are dependable, hardworking ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since the personality of one is totally different from each other. ENTJ are the authoritative type that wants to know what should be accomplished, how to accomplish it and then doing what it takes to accomplish it. While the ISFJ are more inclined to dealing with whatever the current situation is and carrying it out grace and effectiveness. There is something about ENTJ and a ISFJ that just doesn t click. ISFJ sometimes think that ENTJ are too confrontational which can make an ISFJ defensive and want to fight back, they usually always end up arguing with each other. ISFJ are looked at as being too emotional, as they think that ENTJ s don t show enough ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Dust Bowl Essay According to answers.com, a dust bowl is a region reduced to aridity by drought and dust storms. The best known dust bowl is doubtless the one that hit the United States between 1933 and 1939. One major cause of that Dust Bowl was severe droughts during the 1930 s. The other cause was capitalism. Over farming and grazing in order to achieve high profits killed of much of the plain s grassland and when winds approached, nothing was there to hold the devastated soil on the ground. The Dust Bowl affected the Great Plains which consist of parts of the U.S. states of Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming. Storms also reached the East Coast of the United States. The Dust Bowl ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With youth and ambition ground into the very dust itself, I can only drift with the tide. Lawrence Svobida most likely joined the Dust Bowl exodus, the largest migration in American history. By 1940, 2.5 million people had moved out of the Plains states; of those, 200,000 moved to California. Arriving in California, the migrants were faced with a life almost as difficult as the one they had left. Many California farms were corporate owned. They were larger, and more modernized that those of the southern plains, and the crops were unfamiliar. Many farmers from the Great Plains ended up picking cotton and grapes for wages as low as 0.75 $ a day. Other asylums included Oregon, Washington, Arizona, and New Mexico. The vast majority of Dust Bowl migrants stayed on the West Coast permanently. The Dust Bowl also inspired painters and other artists. One of the best known artists in connection with the Dust Bowl is Alexandre Hogue. His picture s name is simply Dust Bowl . An artist who compares the Dust Bowl to nowadays air pollution is Heather Watts. Her best known picture is the New Dustbowl Blues . Dorothea Lange became a well known photographer with pictures of the Dust Bowl. According to Garland 2003 her photography obtained government relief for Dust Bowl migrants because she visually demonstrated the hunger, poverty, hardship, and the plight of the migrants. Amongst ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Schindler s List Research Paper Schindler s list Schindler s List is one of the most important movies ever made, and I also believe it is one of the best. The subject matter alone makes it a movie worth watching, but this passion project brought to life the legendary filmmaker Steven Spielberg transcends being just a work of art. Schindler s List is a true masterpiece. So many movies are just fluff pictures, but Steven Spielberg made this movie into a masterpiece of cinema. There is a beautifully framed set of over the shoulder shots when Amon Goeth is having a conversation with Oskar Schindler when they first meet. It switched from a mid over the shoulder shot looking at Amon, who is placed on the left, to a similarly framed shot of Oskar on the right. Showing the hero/villain ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Steven Spielberg s attempt to show the spontaneity of the events, during scenes like the liquidation of the ghetto, he would grab a hand held camera and walk around the actors. He was trying to give the viewer a sense of what it would be like to actually be in those situations, and make the camera as unobtrusive as possible. When Itzhak Stern leaves his apartment to the street Spielberg uses the hand held camera to represent the chaos of the moment. The germans are screaming at him, the streets are packed with people, and they are shooting families. There is a fantastic panning shot of the Jews and the Germans listening to the radio announcing the end of the war. The camera pans to the left showing the faces of the Jews as they realize the war is really over. Then they show the germans faces as they realize they lost the war. It shows the similarities, and the differences very well of the two situations. A beautiful dolly shot is right at the end of the movie when oskar is fleeing, and the camera is pointed at Schindler behind the window of the his car. You see his face, but reflected in the glass are the faces of the Jews he saved, as the camera moves with the car. The car and camera are moving to the right, and you get the feeling that everything is over, and they are safe ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Who Is The Protagonist In Treasure Island Rich! Rich! I says. And I ll tell you what: I ll make a man of you , Jim. Ah, Jim, you ll bless your stars, you will, you was the first to find me! said Ben Gunn. There is a crazy man named Ben Gunn who was marooned for three years on an island. He is one of the main people that kept Jim Hawkins and his crew alive and well. He was impacted by separation, food, and riches in the book Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. The first force that changes Ben Gunn is separation. In the book three years before Jim got to the island Ben Gunn was marooned by his crew because he didn t want to stop looking for the treasure. After a while he became crazy and insane. When Jim got there he was almost not understandable. The next force that changed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...