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023 Wcpp Rar Scholarship
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023 Wcpp Rar Scholarship Announcement Release P 023 Wcpp Rar Scholarship Announcement Release P
Violation Of The Maxims Of Cooperative Principle
Chapter I
For the Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy in English (Ph. D.)
Research Topic
Violation of the Maxims of Cooperative Principle in
Samuel Beckett s Selected Plays.
Research Student
Mr. Mundhe Ganesh Balavantrao
Research Guide
Dr. B. A. Jarange
Place of Research
Institute of Advanced Studies in English, Pune
1) Introduction
2) Rationale of the Study
3) Hypothesis
4) Review of the Research Work
5) Aims and Objectives of the Research Project
6) Data, Methodology and Techniques
7) Plan of Thesis
I) Chapter I (Introduction)
II) Chapter II (Theoretical Framework)
III) Chapter III (Analysis of the play Endgame)
IV) Chapter IV (Analysis of the play Waiting for Godot)
V) Chapter V (Analysis of the plays Happy Days )
VI) Chapter VI (Conclusion and pedagogical implications)
8) Scope And Limitations of the Study
9) Significance of the Study
10) Conclusion
The main aim of the present research is to study how Pragmatics works as a torch in the appreciation
of literature. Pragmatics is associated with the study of meaning as communicated by a speaker and
interpreted by a listener. This type of study necessarily involves the interpretation of what people
mean in a particular context and how the context influences what is said. It requires a consideration of
how the speakers organize what they want to say and under what circumstances. It also focuses on the
social, political and ethical aspects of
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Anchor Baby Research Paper
If three baby pictures were spread out in front of you would you be able to pick which one fell under
the category of an anchor baby ? The answer yet unknown, is doubtful. A baby is a baby, born with
innocence and purity without choice of where they are born. That choice is the mothers to whom the
child belongs to. What is an anchor baby, how did the term come about, how is this allowed, what are
the statistics, and how is it relevant to Mexican American studies will all answered in this paper. When
the word anchor is used we think of a heavy object thrown into the water to hold a boat or ship in
place. In the same since the definition of an anchor baby can be described as according to the Oxford
dictionary as, ... a child born to a noncitizens mother in a country which has birthright citizenship,
especially when viewed as providing an advantage to family members seeking to secure citizenship or
legal residency ( Definition of Anchor Baby in English). The term anchor babies was first used in the,
Race and Racism in the United States: An Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic by author Charles A.
Gallagher. In the encyclopedia it states that, ... first used to describe the children of Vietnamese
immigrants who escaped ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Statistically one and every 10 children born is an anchor baby. According to a video by Top Right
News it cost about 4,700 dollars to have a baby in a hospital (Anchor Baby Outrage: How Americans
Pay BILLIONS for Illegal Alien Births (Video)). The money for illegal immigrants to have anchor
babies be born is paid for my tax payers. But tax payers also pay for killers, rapist, and child molesters
to have health and dental care in prison. Also, everyone has to work to have some sense of security
and immigrants work for less and keep food in the grocery stores and our households. In my opinion,
the cost evens out and I would much rather give my money to the babies than
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United Latin American Citizens
1. Discuss the origin and agenda of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)?
The League of United Latin American Citizens was formed in 1929 in the city of Corpus Christi,
Texas. This league was formed by representatives of three different organizations such as; the League
of Latin American Citizens, the Knights of America, and the Sons of America. Then they adopted a
constitution that pointed out the goals they had for the middle class in political, economic, and social
rights. The organizations mission was to Make Living Conditions Better for Future Generations of
Mexican Americans (Mier/Ribera 201). From there on they began to push for civil rights as well as
education and employment for Mexican Americans. LULAC also wanted ... Show more content on
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This brought a big rivalry between the Mexican Americans and the Anglos. Also on August 2nd of
1942, Jose Diaz a 21 year old male was beaten to death in an Eastside Los Angeles reservoir. Soon
after that, 23 Mexican American teens were young adults were arrested along with on Anglo for
participating in the fight that killed Diaz. These youths were charged with first degree murder, second
degree murder, and assault. One tension that caused the zoot suits riots was because Los Angeles and
Oakland fracases were fighting over girlfriends. Eventually these tensions kept mounting fast and that
is when these zoot suit riots began to happen more often.
3. Discuss the Bracero program and the phases of the program?
The Bracero Program was created in 1943 during World War II by the Mexican and United States
governments. This program allowed Mexican citizens to have a temporary labor permit that allowed
them to work in the United States legally. Mexican citizens were allowed to come to the United States
legally and work for some time and get paid, the money they earned they could take back to Mexico
when the journey was over. The program allowed about 200,000 Mexicans(Braceros) to work in 21
different states with California housing about half the braceros.
4. What led to the arrest of the East LA 13 and Sal Castro s reinstatement as an
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William James s Decision Based On Intellectual Grounds
In his lecture, The Will to Believe, William James addresses how one adopts a belief. There is a
hypothesis and an option, where you choose between two live hypotheses. An option has the
characteristics to be live or dead, forced or avoidable, and momentous or trivial. In his thesis, James
argues how our passional nature must make our decisions about our beliefs when they cannot be
certainly determined on intellectual grounds, however, this is not the case, we can always make the
decision based on intellectual grounds. One can use Bayesian probability to gain some grasp of the
situation and eventually to make a decision. In section I of James lecture, he defines hypothesis,
giving examples of live and dead hypotheses. A hypothesis is ...anything that may be proposed to our
belief. (James, sec. 1) It is anything proposed to be believed, a claim. A hypothesis may be living or
dead, depending on the recipient. James explains the difference between live or dead with an example
of believing in Mahdi. To a person that does not know about the subject at hand, it would be a dead
hypothesis. However, if this claim was presented to someone who knew the subject matter, it would
alive as ... the hypothesis is among the mind s possibilities. (James, sec. 1) A live hypothesis is a claim
that appears to be a real possibility for the one it is proposed to. A dead hypothesis is a claim that does
not appear to be a real possibility for the one it is proposed to. Whether a
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Cleaning A Car Analysis
When you have free time, you can clean your car. There is no better smell of a clean car. There are
many steps to cleaning a car but in the end, it is worth it. The first step to cleaning your car is to clean
everything out. You want to clean out anything that belongs inside of your house. For example, a
bookbag, makeup, clothes, or anything else you have in your car. Next, clean out all the garbage. You
may have plastic bags, food wrappers, or old papers that can be thrown out. You also might want to
take any change out of your car into your piggy bank. After you clean everything out of your car, you
need to get a shop vacuum. Take all of the floor mats out of your car and vacuum them until they are
clean with no marks or stains. Next, you
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My Symbols Of My Life
When you are going through a tough time and having many problems, remember this story. It is
refreshing to sometimes remember that whatever our problem is, there are people in the world that
wish that they have our problems. I aspire to be just like my sister, Erika, for her optimism, everlasting
joy, and determination. No matter what life through at her she always remained happy. Erika is my
symbol of everything I want to be. Erika was born in Rome, Italy just like me in 1986. She lived in
Italy for the majority of her life and enjoyed many things. Such as Italian cuisine, dancing, blogging,
exploring, and spending time with her friends. She loved horses and her favorite color is purple. Erika
was born with spina bifida. Spina bifida is a condition of the spine where it doesn t develop fully or
properly in the womb. Erika was wheel chair bound by the time she was two or three. This didn t hold
her back. Erika went through over twenty five surgeries in her lifetime. She was often in pain and
needed a caretaker, family, or friend to help with every day care and needs. I moved from Rome when
I was about four years old to the United States. Throughout my life in America I took about five
pleasure trips to Italy to visit family including Erika. She moved from Italy when I was about fourteen
years old to live to be more involved in my life and to be with our mother. My sister was determined
to conquer this life given to her. Erika did many of things to be as independent as
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Case Study-Pratt Fine Arts Center
Pratt Fine Arts Center serves as a lasting tribute to Edwin T. Pratt, and the organization seeks to honor
his memory by pursuing its mission of making art education accessible to everyone, for people of all
ages, all skill levels, and all backgrounds. After 40 years of uninterrupted operations, Pratt has had a
huge impact on the creative health of Seattle s art community, and has helped launch the careers of
many established local, regional, and nationally known artists. Over the last four years, a revamped
programming model has produced historic growth in the organization, including record high student
enrollment and studio access for independent artists. During this last fiscal year, Pratt served almost
4,000 students, employed 133
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Business Environment of Pre-British India
Executive Summary
It is the past which shapes what we become in the present. Most of what we do and follow today has
been decided in the past which is why we have to understand who we were to become who we have to
be. India is one of the few civilizations which has been in existence for more than 5000 years. India is
a homogenous culture and it has such strong roots that we have been able to absorb any outside
intervention with ease. Be it the Muslim Kings or the Mughals, we have integrated everyone into our
culture. Everybody looks different and dresses differently. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Their food mainly consisted of fruits, nuts and the flesh of wild beasts. (Technological) They knew
neither the use of metals nor the art of cultivation. They never constructed homes, but lived in natural
caverns. They used sharp edged tools mainly of quartzite stone. Axes, arrow heads, spears, digging
tools, circular stones, hurling choppers, knives, scrapers, hammer stones, were used. There is evidence
of the use of fire at the Kurnul caves.
Mesolithic Man / Middle Stone Age The Mesolithic man was a hunter, who lived on the wild fruits
and vegetables of the forests. He started to use chalcedony and other silicate varities such as jasper,
chert and bloodstone instead of quartzite. His stone implements were extremely small and known as
Neolithic Man / New Stone Age Neolithic man (Social) made granite rocks his abode. He ate fruits,
vegetables, roots, nuts, wild pulses, cereals, flesh of animals, fish, milk produce (curd, butter, ghee)
and used barks and skins to cover his body. He worshipped ancestral spirits, burnt the dead and
performed human and animal sacrifices. (Technology) He learnt the art of fishing and agriculture; and
domesticated animals. As time passed, clothes of cotton and wool evolved. During this period, man
learnt the art of dyeing. Archaeologists have found a rich collection of pottery from the Malabar which
includes bowls, flower pots, lotahs, chatties. Different colors of clay were used. These were fired to
different degrees
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Gender Stereotypes In America
Whether it is watching a show on the television at home, or being outside in the real world, it is pretty
self explanatory that every person wants to feel represented and supported, felt like they are noticed or
acknowledged in today s society. No one wants to feel as if they are an outcast or are inferior to
someone or some group. Lately, there have been cases of certain groups of people being excluded
from TV. Specifically, African American women. Is this really just a coincidence, or is something
going on? Does TV really represent the diversity of Americans yet? It is evident that TV is not that
diverse, but should be more diverse because people should be integrated with each other instead of
separated, it forms stereotypes, and because ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, directors wanting to make their shows centered on people in the LGBT community can
sometimes over exaggerate the idea, tinting the proposition of what people have in their minds of this
community. From this, stereotypes can form, especially in the minds of children that are easy to sway
because they are still forming opinions. People who only go off of the media s portrayal of gays can
have skewed ideas about them. For example, there was a show called The L Word. The L word they
are talking about is Lesbian. With a name like this, you know what the show is about and most likely
what it is going to say. A more familiarized show, Good Luck Charlie does in a small way also taint
minds, geared towards the younger crowd. As you can see, these shows can also form stereotypes for
you. A lot of people, however, would argue that there is more diversity in TV than there ever was. For
example, TV shows such as How to Get Away With Murder and Master of None help to stimulate the
idea of diversity. There are more TV shows now with more than just whites, and no one can argue
with that, but after closer analysis you have to think how many shows are there not featuring them in a
staged way, but everyone is just together in a natural setting? Why can t people just learn to get over
things that happened in the past? Diversity in TV exists more, but there is still a lot more progress to
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Case Study 376 Short Bowel Syndrome
376 Short Bowel Syndrome increasingly dependent upon Jim to maintain and coordinate her care.
Early in their relationship, several of Lynn s doctors and surgeons encouraged Jim to learn as much as
he possibly could about Lynn s condition. They knew, as a scientist living with Lynn and focused on
only one patient, through time and necessity, Jim was going to become an expert in Lynn. Because of
a high output end jejunostomy, Lynn required intravenous (IV) support for many years, some of the
time infusing IV nutrition (i.e., total parenteral nutrition [TPN]) and some of the time infusing IV
hydration with added magnesium. From 2003 to 2006, a customized care plan was painstakingly
developed and personalized for her needs. Over time, Lynn was
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Probability Modeling And Statistics Essay
Project On Probability Modeling Statistics.
Topic : Binomial Poisson and Normal.
Please mention The Measures of central tendency
The use of these distributions (in which cases these distributions are used) with illustrations.
Binomial approximation to the normal distribution.
What is Skewness and Kurtosis? How it is used and interpreted?
Binomial Distribution :
This kind of distribution is applied to single variable discrete data where results are the number of
successful outcomes in a given scenario.
E.g. :
no. of times the lights are red in 20 sets of traffic lights,
No of students with green eyes in class of 40,
No. of plants with diseased leaves from a sample of 50 plants.
Binomial distribution is used to calculate the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Normal Distribution:
The normal distribution is a very common continuous probability distribution. Normal distribution is
important in statistics and is often used in the natural and social sciences to represent real valued
random variables whose distributions are not known.
This distribution is useful because of the central limit theory. In its most general form, under some
conditions which include finite variance), it states that average of random variables independently
drawn from independent distributions converge in distribution to the normal, that is, become normally
distributed when the number of random variables is sufficiently large.
The normal distribution is sometimes informally called the bell curve. However, many other
distributors are bell shaped( such as the Cauchy, students and logistic distribution).
Measure of Central Tendency :
The Mean, Median and Mode are all valid measures of central tendency, but under different
conditions, some measures of central tendency become more appropriate to use than others.
The Mean is essentially a model of your data set. It is the value that is the most common. However,
Mean is not often one of the actual values that you have observed in your data set, but it has one of its
important properties is that it maximizes error in the prediction of any one value in your data set. That
is, it is the value that produces the lowest amount of error
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Hey There Delilah Poetic Techniques
Hey There Delilah, by the Plain White T s, is a touching story about a woman s admirer that wishes to
see her again and promises to go to her no matter how perilous or painstaking the circumstances may
be.To begin, the artist uses a specific diacope over and over in order to express his love for the girl he
is singing about, Delilah. He constantly repeats in the chorus, Oh it s what you do to me (Plain White
T s, line 15 19). The repetition of this diacope makes the song more endearing and shows how much
the singer truly cares about this girl. Next, the author of the song portrays a simile when he says with
longing and admiration in his voice, Times Square can t shine as bright as you. (Plain White T s, line
6) He wants to show his belief
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Muhammad Ali’s Significant Influence on Islam
One of the best known fighters in the world also went through some very tough times. He also stood
for what he believed in and fought for his religious beliefs. This man is Muhammad Ali, who holds a
very big title in the wrestling world as well as in the religion of Islam. His impact and dedication to
Islam may have cost him a lot, but he always stood by it. Ali always stayed with his religion and never
showed doubt in it, he spoke about Islam to make people aware that the assumptions they are making
are wrong and he was risking his own life for preaching about Islam and equality rights. Muhammad
Ali s life went from famous wrestler to broke criminal. The reason for this was because he switched to
Islam and refused to obey the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After those 3 years, he came back and set a world record for 3 heavyweight championships to be won.
Muhammad Ali was dedicated to his religion and never let anyone or anything stop him from devoting
himself to Allah. When he was being convicted for draft evasion, he was losing his money and his
heavyweight title but that didn t cause Ali to doubt Islam at all. People were also angry about his
conversion to Islam because of what Elijah Muhammad was teaching; that white people were the devil
. Ali, and many other Muslim s, realized this was wrong but stayed Islam and started preaching
equality. So, he started going around to colleges and talking about the importance of equality and
accepting people for what they believe in. He was relying on tips because that was his only source of
income at that time. Ali said, I know where I m going and I know the truth, and I don t have to be what
you want me to be. I m free to be what I want. (www.brainyquotes.com) Muhammad Ali never wanted
to be controlled by others and wanted others to feel like it was okay to speak out in this society. He did
this all while being faithful to Allah and Islam, he never hinted towards regretting his decision to
convert but believed it was the best thing he could ve done. When Muhammad Ali first converted,
Elijah Muhammad was preaching that white people were evil and not righteous. Ali admits to
believing in separatism was a
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Analysis Of The Movie Insomnia
In the movie Insomnia, the main character, Will Dormer daydreams, has hallucinations, and
flashbacks often throughout the movie. This attributed to his everyday life by causing him to space out
and veer off track. These symptoms appear to be most similar to those of the insomnia disorder.
Insomnia is not only the inability to get sleep, stay asleep, or get a good quality of sleep, but is also an
altered state of consciousness. Many factors that can contribute to insomnia include medical or
psychiatric illness, sleep disorders, medications, the environment and even poor sleep habits.
Sometimes depression and anxiety can also contribute to this disorder as well. Some symptoms of this
may include daydreaming, fatigue, drowsiness, confusion, tension headaches, anxiety, hallucinations,
flashbacks, sleep deprivation, light sensitivity, and distressing memories and dreams. Even though,
there are many ways to combat this disorder, not everyone will, as seen by Will Dormer s actions
throughout this movie. Insomnia is a sleep disorder that can be caused by various factors. Like in the
beginning of the movie, Insomnia, Will Dormer struggles to fall asleep at the time of investigating a
murder in a town where the sun does not set. A lack of melatonin could have lead to the first few signs
of sleep deprivation. Melatonin is a hormone produced by a gland in the brain, and helps regulate
other hormones and maintains the body s circadian rhythm. Melatonin is produced on a larger
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Greatest Generations, Tom Brokaw
The book The Greatest Generation , by Tom Brokaw, is about the men and women who were born in
the 1920 s and how they are what he deems to be the greatest generation thus far. He believes this
generation is so tremendous because of the fact they did not demand respect for what they did and
went through. Though may sacrificed as much as their lives, they do not think higher of themselves.
Even through all their struggling they managed to have enough strength leave everything behind and
fight for their country. I believe Tom Brokaw is correct when he says they are there greatest
generation. People then would support the war and the men who fought in it, whereas nowadays there
are just as many people against war, fighting, and the men and ... Show more content on
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She quickly rose in the ranks, and was brought to the national headquarters as an organizer. She
learned how to better fight for women s rights and helped enormously. Many of her male friends
thought it was not a women s place to be. Haener said By the time the war ended, I was too
independent to get married. Later she became involved in NOW , the National Organization for
Women. Dorothy got involved because she had felt cheated, and because of her work women like her
niece have maternity leave and child care benefits. After retiring she still helped out by volunteering
and walking picket lines in Detroit. Bob Bush although not very well known, is a great American hero,
awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. When Bush was young, he lived under the hospital with
his mom, barley making any money. As a teenager he started selling cold drinks to the men who were
working in the hot ships during the day. But in 1943 he decided helping with the war was more
important than school so he dropped out and enlisted in the Navy medical corps. Not even one year
later he was loaded on an assault vehicle heading for Okinawa. On May 2, 1945 he was with a rifle
company of Marines on the attack over a ridge against a heavily fortified Japanese positions. He was
scrambling to help wounded soldiers all around him, when we was called upon to hell an officer on
top of the ridge. Without hesitation he rushed to help him, and
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question answer
12.8 Describe how strong and weak entity types differ and provide an example of each.
A strong entity type is an entity type that is not existence dependent on some other entity type
A weak entity type is an entity type that is existence dependent on some other entity type.
Strong entity weak entity
Client is strong entity because it already has primary key and doesn t depend on any other entity, but
the reference is weak entity because depends on client entity and doesn t have primary key. (Section
12.11 You are required to create a conceptual data model of the data requirements for a company that
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A design methodology is a structured approach that uses procedures, techniques, tools, and
documentation aids to support and facilitate the process of design.
16.2 Describe the main phases involved database design.
Database design is made up of three main phases: logical and physical database design.
Conceptual database design: the process of constructing a model of the data used in an enterprise,
independent of all physical consideration. It begin with creating conceptual data model for the
enterprise that is entirely independent of implementation details.
Logical database design is the process of constructing a model of the data used in a company based on
a specific data model, but independent of a particular DBMS and other physical considerations.
In the logical database design phase we build the logical representation of the database, which
includes identification of the important entities and relationships, and then translate this representation
to a set of tables. The logical data model is a source of information for the physical design phase,
providing the physical database designer with a vehicle for making tradeoffs that are very important to
the design of an efficient database.
Physical database design is the process of producing a description of the implementation of the
database on secondary storage; it describes the base tables, file organizations, and indexes used to
achieve efficient access to the data, and any
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The Roles Of The Sutradhar And The Chorus
The Sutradhar and the Chorus are essential in a musical play as they add charm and glory to the
prosaic play with refrain and songs.
The Chorus is a group of people who comment on moral values and also fill in the time span and
action off the stage. It is similar to the role of Sutradhar. In European literary plays both the narrator
and the chorus are not unitedly used. They either have a narrator or the chorus. But in Marathi drama
originated from the Tamasha, the Sutradhar and the Chorus can appear altogether. When both are used
in unison, mostly it serves the purpose of refrain only. It picks up and repeats the last few words
spoken by the main character. However the role of the Chorus is not limited to repetition and
commentary, but sometimes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to Dr. Jabbar Patel, it is different from the effect that Brecht, the German playwright
intended to create. According to Brecht Modem theatre is epic theatre , the effect created by Tendulkar
in Ghashiram is the exact opposite of Brecht s technique and is much more effective for a larger
In Marathi folk tradition the Sutradhar introduces the play and greets the audience and then goes off
the stage. But Ghashiram Kotwal, being a combination of classical, folk, and modern form, the
sutradhar stays on the play from beginning to the end. Tendulkar s brilliant fusion of Bharata s
Lokdharmi and Natyadharmi makes this play one of a kind. It is one such play where the Sutradhar
can comment or even directly talk to the audience, or stand by silently as a spectator. The role of the
Sutradhar is played by Haridasa in the play. He is an actor and a commentator. The Sutradhar
comments on the incidents rhythmically. And it is followed with the last rhyming words by the
Brahmin line. The play is truly an innovative experiment that offers a new direction to modern Indian
Theatre due to Tendulkar s
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The Good The Bad And Your Business
In The Good, the Bad, and Your Business, Jeffery Seglin explains that managers in today s business
world must not only deal with situations pertaining to the workplace, but also make more complicated
decisions regarding their employees personal lives.
Seglin explains that the best managers treat those below them on the corporate ladder not as
subordinates, but as equals. He cites a Gallop Organization study which revealed that employees who
feel cared about, that their opinion matters, and that their companies are family friendly will not only
be happier, but will perform better. This being said, a manager merely saying he values his employees
is not sufficient; rather, the employees must sense that there is substance to the manager s claims.
Similarly, Seglin references Kenneth Goodpaster, who believes that companies have a moral
obligation to avoid harming their employees directly, help employees in need, and respect the rights of
their employees. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The CEO is tasked with weighing his personal obligation to be there for his employee versus any
damage the employee has done to the company. Giving the employee another chance as long as he
seeks treatment follows the team oriented culture of the organization by supporting an employee in a
tough time. In other words, the CEO decided to practice what he preaches regarding caring for his
employees. Unfortunately, the consultant relapses and costs the company once again. This time, the
company has a plan. They have policies in place, and put him on short term disability and in a live in
rehabilitation center. The CEO decides to invest company time and money to rehabilitate him, rather
than terminating him. While this is done with the best intentions, it is a dangerous path. It requires
managerial discretion because if it fails, it is costly both monetarily (for the company) and emotionally
(for the manager and
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Why Apple Should Not Release Information On The San...
Why Apple Should Not Release Information on the San Bernardino Shooting Apple Computer
Company is currently being thrown into a lawsuit in regards to specific information on a customer s
cell phone. The cell phone is known to have been used by the San Bernardino shooter last year. The
information on that phone could be very beneficial to solving the case. However, privacy advocates
argue Apple s interference could be detrimental to basic human rights. Apple themselves argue writing
a master key could cause problems with their cyber security. Not to mention the financial jeopardy it
could put Apple in. The FBI counters the master key argument with the plea that they will only use it
for one device. It s not the use of the key Apple is worried about, it s about the availability of it. If
Apple releases information regarding the San Bernardino shooting, then it should cause a lot more
problems than it could solve. According to Appleinsider.com, the privacy advocates at Apple argue
that if the government is granted the right to access the information on that phone, it could be in
violation of a couple privacy laws. For instance The Privacy Act of 1974. The Privacy Act of 1974
provides safeguards against invasion of personal privacy through the misuse of records by Federal
Agencies (U.S. State Department, 2016). When this law was written, the definition of records
obviously didn t account for text messaging records. However, as the law is written, the government is
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Lilo And Stitch Themes
Lilo and Stitch is an animated science fiction film that is targeted for young kids and families.
Although people may think that the movie is only for enjoyment, it also has a good message to
remember. The importance of family is shown in many scenes throughout the film. The two
completely different worlds of a sad young girl and a reckless fluffy alien come together in this
memorable, action packed family film.
Lilo is a young girl who lives in Hawaii with her older sister, Nani. She is not the happiest child
because of the many troubles in her life. She feels excluded from people more often than not because
she acts differently compared to others. She does not have that many friends and depends on her sister
for most of her needs. Her parents ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Lilo and Nani s parents died in a car accident, so they learned to live with only each other. Lilo was
very young when the accident happened, so Nani had to take over and act as the mother figure. Before
Stitch joined the family, Lilo felt lonely and out of place. It was hard for her to fit in with girls around
her and she did not have a full family. The quote that is most said throughout the movie is, Ohana
means family. Family means nobody gets left behind, or forgotten. Family is so important to Lilo
because she did not have one. When she adopted Stitch, she taught him the meaning of ohana. Stitch
realized the importance of family towards the end when he chose to save Lilo from Captain Gantu. He
risked himself to rescue her, which shows how much he cared. The progress that he made from the
beginning of the movie to the end is profound. He started out as an inconsiderate, evil creature. But
once he realized how much he cared about Lilo and his new family, he did what he could to save the
young girl. A.O. Scott posted his review about Lilo Stitch in the New York Times. He thought the
movie had simple graphics, but he thought the story was sweet and charming. He believed that the
theme of the movie was about one person having to preserve her family while the other must make
one for himself. He also thought of ohana as another theme. Scott presumes that the movie is more
soothing than thrilling with a cozy and familial
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The Odyssey By Homer s Odyssey
Homer s Odyssey is the only surviving poem from a cycle of poems called the Nostoi ( the Returns ),
which told of the returns home of the various Greek heroes at Troy (Norcott, 2012). The Odyssey is
one of many accounts of the Greek heroes that took part in the Trojan War. Odysseus story was just
one that survived after all of these years. The story came out as an Epic only because of how the
people revered the heroes as they started many trends, such as Odysseus Trojan horse. These epics lie
at the beginning of the Western canon of literature, and have had an enormous influence on the history
of literature. (Homer, 2015). These writings were the beginning of understanding and getting
information across many nations. Among many translations, the basis of the epithet is that the
underlying message is important. The said message will be gone into depth later on. Homer s works,
which are about fifty percent speeches, provided models in persuasive speaking and writing... (Homer,
2015). His works seemed too real. ...that were emulated throughout the ancient and medieval Greek
worlds. (Homer, 2015). You can say that The Odyssey has influenced many generations. The style has
been copied for many, many years and was at one point the only way of writing or telling of
monumental journeys like Odysseus . Odysseus adventures and growth are much more prevalent in
the Odyssey than those of any other character (Lower, 2015). He begins on Calypso s island, where he
has everything,
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My Memories Are Important To Me
My memories are important to me, some of them more than others. It was difficult to think of which
memories are important to me because not many major things have happened in my life. Another
reason it was difficult to pick which memories are important is that some things I consider
unimportant are important to others. I chose these memories because of the impact they had on my
life. One of the most important memories in my life was the time I went to Italy. Last year, my family
and I went on a vacation to Italy for about three weeks. I remember the beautiful landscape, delicious
food, and the wonderful architecture of the buildings in Italy. We visited many churches, museums,
landmarks, and historically important buildings while we were ... Show more content on
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My older sister found Shadow in a bush when she was only a couple days old, from then onwards we
took care of her. Pumpkin, on the other hand, we got her from an animal hospital. Shadow is nice but
can sometimes be mean and doesn t like it when you pet her. Pumpkin is very shy and I scared of
people but she will warm up to you after a while. The song that I chose to represent this memory is
Wonderwall by Oasis because they are like best friends to me. The birth of my nephew three years ago
is another important memory to me. I was ten at the time and my family and I all went up to Michigan
to see my older sister because it was expected that she would give birth soon. We rented a hotel room
near the hospital so we could stay there until she gave birth. It was about four in the morning when my
parents got a call that she was going into labor and they rushed to the hospital. A few hours later I got
to meet my nephew and I remember how tiny he was. With Arms Wide Open by Creed is a song that
reminds me of this memory because it is about welcoming change or something new. A sad but
important memory to me is when my dog and cat died. About two years ago my cat, Trembler, went
missing. We live on ten acres where there are many wild animals so we believe that a coyote got him.
A few months after Trembler disappeared, our dog, Tails, died due to an allergic reaction from a
medicine that a vet gave him. Tails was only
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The Monkey s Paw Sparknotes
The Monkey s Paw starts in a middle class cottage located in England. The White family invited a
friend over for dinner. Randall White asked Sergeant Major Morris about the Monkey s Paw .
Sergeant Major Morris doesn t really appreciate the fact that Randall White brings up the Monkey s
Paw . The Monkey s Paw was not a blessing, it was a curse. Sergeant Major Morris tells Randall that
the old talisman was cursed by an wise fakir. The Whites do not believe Sergeant Major Morris one
bit. They think he is joking with them, but in reality Sergeant Morris is right all along. Three men get
the chance to grant three wishes, but with every wish there are consequences to pay. Sergeant Major
Morris and another man received their wishes, but for the first man, death came his way. Still fond of
the idea of getting three free wishes, Randall did not mind the ... Show more content on
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Even though, Howard Carter visited Tut s tomb before Lord Carnarvon, he lived 16 years after Lord
Carnarvon. A doctor, who further examined King Tut s mummified body, lived to an old age. A
soldier, named Richard Adamson, was hired in 1980 to guard King Tut s tomb. He stated that many
people descended on the site each day, so those in charge as well as Richard, came up with the idea of
a curse to keep people away. They even went as far as playing eerie music because the thought of a
curse wasn t working. In the 1970s, a doctor from Cairo by the name of Gamal Mehrez mad his
disbelief in the curse known. Soon after that, while taking charge of the packaging and shipping of Tut
s mask to an exhibit in London, Dr. Gamal Mehrez dropped dead at the age of 52 from circulatory
failure. In 1980, while filming a movie about the discovery of Tutankhamun s (King Tut) tomb, two
actors were injured during the making. One actor collapsed and the other broke his leg in a car
accident. Over the time of the casting, the freaks accidents began to
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Body Toxic Summary
In Susanne Antonetta s environmental memoir, Body Toxic, she explains the story of two immigrant
families who are drawn together from opposite sides of the world, Italy and Barbados, in search of the
American dream. Their intentions circulated around building a summer home in the boglands of the
New Jersey shoreline. They would soon realize that this is where the rural and industrial waste would
gather. The families would enjoy their summertime in the nature that surrounded them, in the trees and
in the water. However, the nuclear plant located nearby would soon create problems for the families.
Gradually, the family members would begin to notice the effects of radiation on their bodies and the
hard future to come.
Antonetta s first hand ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The author writes in detail about the environment that she was exposed to and how it affected her life
in a negative way. Antonetta was able to describe how terrible the environment was due to the nuclear
waste caused by the local industrial plants.
Significance of the title
I would like to believe that the author chose the title Body Toxic, because it does a good job of
capturing what the novel is going to be about. The title is able to explain the book with few words, but
also leaves room for the imagination. It allows for the reader to create the scenario for his or herself
before becoming invested in the book. The author s creativity is powerful, even from just the title.
First Impression
My first impression of the book was that I thought it would be a book that I would like. It combines a
topic that I m not very interested in (Biology) with a topic that I really enjoy learning about (History).
The novel quickly grabbed my attention and I thought it would be the best choice for me. To be
specific, the third sentence on the first chapter is something that really grabbed my attention, He came
for shade. This sentence made me want to read more because of the way that the author chose her
words and wrote her
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Church Visit Response Essay
Church Visit Response Essay I grew up going to Catholic Church my whole life. I have completed all
my sacraments and attended 11 years of catechism. I am very comfortable in a Catholic Church and
feel very at ease with the atmosphere and rituals performed in a Catholic church. The only time I have
ever stepped foot in a church that was not Catholic has only been for a wake or a wedding. So when it
comes to experiencing different kinds of cultural and religious practices, I am very naïve. Catholic
mass is very quiet and serene. We sing the same hymns and keep the decibels very low. Mass always
follows the same pattern and it is very structured. Although I feel connected to the Catholic Church, I
have stopped attending on a regular basis as I have gotten older. I feel that I have stopped attending
because I would often leave church not feeling fulfilled. I have a friend who has been inviting to her
church for a few years. I took this essay as an opportunity to finally attend. I visited Celebration
Church on Easter Sunday 2016. Given that it was a special Christian holiday, the church was
incredibly crowded. They had numerous children activities taking place in the parking lot. The church
volunteers that helped me find a parking and greeted me as I walked through the door were extremely
friendly. I am not trying to sound cynical, but they were almost too friendly. This was the first thing I
noticed that set this church apart from what I have previously experienced. In fact
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Operation Enduring Freedom
While this story wasn t a vacation; it was a six month experience. Living and interacting, and
understanding the culture of a foreign country is a task as most people who travel often can attest to.
To realize that Afghanistan wasn t always in the condition as it is in modern times, it was important to
me in realizing that Afghanistan was a much different place prior to the conflicts taking hold during
the 1970s and beyond. My unit was scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan in support of Operation
Enduring Freedom(OEF) at the beginning of 2010. Most people assume that military units
immediately deploy to these countries. However, that is not the procedure at all and a lot of
preparation is required. There is training that needs to be conducted, ... Show more content on
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There were several chow halls, and each one had a culinary related theme. One location was themed
with Asian cuisine, my personal favorite. Another was American food, and another had British fare as
well. After six months of living with these delightful sights, sounds, and smells. There were occasional
bazaars allowed to come into the installation and sell their wares if you had space in your bag for
something handmade. Haggling with the merchants made me realize how poor this country is because
they would not let you leave without selling you something, even if it was at
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Restaurant Analysis Paper
Houston residents are traveling from all over the city to the Montrose area to get a taste of one of the
hottest new restaurants of 2015. The Burger Joint opened its doors early November to Houston
residents after renovating an old restaurant. Although gourmet burgers are their specialty, they offer
hot dogs, salads, and sandwiches to appeal to the majority of customers. When walking up to this
restaurant, the first apparent thing that draws the customer s attention is the large patio with the giant
TVs. The big red umbrellas that cover each wooden picnic table make for a contemporary feel. At
night, there are string lights above the red umbrellas that provide for a relaxing ambience. When the
temperatures are low, the restaurant offers heat lamps providing just the right amount of warmth. ...
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The menu is written on big black chalkboards placed on the brick wall that covers the entire space
inside. Another element that adds to the contemporary feel of this restaurant is the use of iPads to
place the orders. Once the order is placed, customers are given a number and are free to sit wherever
they please. While the bar offers some seating, the majority of the seating is outside on the patio. For
beverages, the restaurant offers a variety of craft beers on tap as well as bottled beers, wine, and
fountain drinks. The burgers are made from 100% Angus beef and are prepared medium allowing for
the burgers to have the grilled taste but overflow with juices on the inside. The burgers are made to
order, permitting the customer to essentially build their own burger. However, the chef provides an
array of options, putting his best ingredients and toppings on the burger leaving the customer craving
more. The wait to receive the food takes roughly around 15 to 20 minutes. When ready, the staff
brings the food to the table. Served on a tin pan lined with paper, the burger is placed neatly in the
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Comparison Of Ghirardelli s Milk Chocolate
For this essay I compared a Ghirardelli milk chocolate square, that has a cacao content of 32%, with a
99% cacao dark chocolate bar from World Market. Going into this taste testing, I already preferred
dark chocolate to milk chocolate and I was very excited to try the 99%. My mindset was save the best
for last so I started with the Ghirardelli. Taking the first bite, I was immediately hit with an incredibly
sweet flavor that was more sugary than chocolate. I would argue that the sugar almost overrides the
chocolate flavor, though it is certainly there. Going in for the second bite, I decided that even though
milk chocolate is nauseatingly sweet, it was still a very smooth and enjoyable flavor. Now on to the
99%; without thinking, I took a
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Comparison of Federico García Lorca s Poems, Romance de...
Comparison of Federico García Lorca s Poems, Romance de la Pena Negra and La Aurora Romance
de la Pena Negra (Ballad of the Black Sorrow) was written by Lorca on the 30. July 1924
(Catedra:80). It was one of a collection of poems he entitled the Romancero Gitano (Gypsy Ballads)
that, when published, was a huge success, among academics and the general public alike, making this
book one of his most well known pieces of work. There are many reasons why the poems received
such wide acclaim in terms of Lorca s wider audience: It is clear that the ballad, with its simple, eight
syllable line rhyming structure makes for uncomplicated reading, in addition, the subject matter would
have sparked general interest due to the mysterious nature ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What better way to reach the masses than via the ballad, a form of verse with a rhyming metre that
was easy to remember and historically used by those unable to read and write to pass stories on
through the generations since the times of the Reconquista. This move towards social responsibility in
the arts was intensified after the American economy crashed in 1929 and is much more tangible in the
collection of poems Lorca entitled Poeta en Nueva York, which he wrote between 1929 and 1930
when he lived in New York and was able to see the effects of the Great Depression first hand. The
Gypsy Ballads have been described as, una verdadera serie de mitos gitanoandaluces (Catedra: 100)
and this is what Lorca hoped to achieve, a collection of mythical stories set in a part real and part
imaginary ancient Andalusia, told in ballad format and using the gypsies as its main characters
because it was this race, ancient, timeless and mysterious, that, through songs, dances and traditions
passed down through generations, were most able to project the ancient Andalusia that Lorca wanted
to portray. The driving force behind the Gypsy Ballads is the myth of the duende , a spiritual force that
takes possession of the best artists in southern
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Irish And Giblin s Influence On American Culture
Even though both Samberg and Behymer are both German in origin, our family is quite Irish. We do
have more German in us, but that does not make us any less proud to Irish. John and Sara Giblin are
among our Irish ancestors. They traveled to America during a time of unrest in America and after a
horrible tragedy in Ireland. It was not always easy for John and Sara, but they went through everything
for their children. The Giblins went through many struggles in their life to give their children a better
chance at life and we should value what they did. John Giblin was born in 1838 in Drumcliff, Sligo
Ireland. He died on February 1, 1908 in Davenport, Iowa. He married Sara Feeney in 1862 in the same
village where they were both from. They had
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How Does Don Giovanni Contribute To The Enlightenment
Don Giovanni is a one of a kind character, yet so predictable living a certain lifestyle, almost to the
point of being mysterious. It is the enlightenment era however, where a lot of impossibilities were
being explored, and presented to the public in different forms, including this opera, Don Giovanni.
Although Don Giovanni seems like a total embodiment of immorality, he nevertheless carries some
admirable principles, sparkling the enlightenment idea through the story of Don Giovanni.
As we all know, the Enlightenment is known as the era of reasoning. Many had started to realize the
power of rational and logical thinking. Don Giovanni is a great example for this type of thinking.
Although more probably accuse him rather than praise him of seducing so many women, Giovanni has
his own reasoning to it. (How can it be fair if I just marry one woman) ? This is in fact capable of
bearing careful thoughts. It would not be fair for Giovanni to stay with one single woman, for thus not
only would it be unfair to all the other women, but Giovanni would ... Show more content on
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In Lord Byron s Don Juan, Pleasure s a sin, and sometimes sin s a pleasure (Canto the first). It was not
uncommon to consider pleasure as something sinful, but to think the reverse such that sin brings
pleasure is a brand new idea. Just as the Don Giovanni in Mozart s work, the main characters pursue
in their own favor the goal of their lives. Few mortals know what end they would be at, tut whether
glory, power, or love, or treasure, the path is through perplexing ways, and when the goal is gain d, we
die... (Canto the first) In such a shirt a life that one lives, Don Giovanni and Don Juan both seize the
meaning of their lives and bravely pursue their love. This level of liberty cannot be ignored from the
enlightenment idea of
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Essay On Child Advocacy
. Chairperson Report: Matt talks about the State and Federal levels, fairly amount of increase in
federal advocacy with opportunity and needs around children s issues since the elections, no decrease
in state level work. A lot of development around the state budget, plus federal work just beginning and
expecting a lot of federal efforts through the summer. 2 things Matt would like to talk about from an
organization standpoint of where we are going and how we work, also, Matt would like feedback.
a) Council for a Strong America, better known as Fight Crime: Invest for Kids is a group of members
of Law Enforcement, Police Chiefs, Sheriffs, Prosecutors, etc. been very active in child advocacy here
in Michigan for years. K.P. Pelleran ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
e) Matt: I m going to ask Rob we need at least $100,000. We can for a year to take on this role and
serve this function, network. If we don t get the resource then how are we going to help them stay
engaged on their own? It will be bad for Michigan s Children if this goes away.
f) Board Member: We don t have funds or liability to merge with them.
g) Matt: the 2nd thing that Matt would like to talk about the work we are doing around ACEs (Adverse
Childhood Experiences) a grant that focuses on public awareness, public education, and approach to
building awareness. We play a role in directing some public policy. Michele stated that Michigan s
Children have asked to co chair statewide advisory committee for ACEs project and primarily training
people around the state to better understand the impact of brain science, etc. The way Michigan s
Children look at our role has helped to notice people being trained.
5. Policy Update: State budget, we are right at the tail end of state budget process. The Governor
Snyder s proposal his budget and the legislatures have pushed for more cuts, plus lower budget
numbers than what the Governor has proposed to lower income taxes (that kind fell off) also,
Legislature s leaders want to end the pension for new teachers. Look like it will be some conclusion
on the
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history fact files Essay
Haille Selassie Haile Selassie was an emperor of Ethiopia whose influence as an African leader far
surpassed the boundaries of his country. Although his popularity declined near the end of his sixty
year reign, Selassie remains a key figure in turning Ethiopia into a modern civilization. In 1931
Selassie began to develop a written constitution (a system of basic laws of a country) to symbolize his
interest in modernization and intention to increase the power of the African government, Haile
Selassie s efforts were cut short, however, when Benito Mussolini s Italian army invaded the country
in 1935. The Italian military used superior weaponry, airplanes, and poison gas to crush the ill fated
resistance led by the emperor. After the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Hirohito became emperor when his father died in 1926. The emperor was regarded as divine by many
Japanese. In reality he had little power, with civilian and increasingly military officials deciding
national policy. He reluctantly supported the invasion of Manchuria and the war against China, and
attempted to encourage cooperation with Britain and the USA. However, he had no choice but to
approve the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor that led to war between Japan and the United States in
December 1941. Despite his lack of enthusiasm over the decision to go to war, he was pleased with
the Japanese military and naval successes that followed. He frequently appeared in military uniform to
raise morale. By the spring of 1945, the defeat of Japan seemed imminent. The Japanese government
was deeply divided between military leaders who favoured continuing the war and civilians who
wanted to negotiate for peace. Hirohito appears to have favoured peace. Following the atomic bomb
attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Hirohito insisted that Japan surrender. On 15 August 1945, he
made a radio broadcast announcing the end of the war this was the first time the people of Japan had
heard the voice of their emperor. Some Allied leaders wanted to try Hirohito as a war criminal.
General Douglas MacArthur, who was in charge of the United States occupying forces in Japan, felt it
would be easier to introduce democratic reforms if Hirohito
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Hypothyroidism And Thyroid Similarities
The thyroid gland is located in the lower front part of your neck. In this gland, hormones are release
that travel through the bloodstream which affect almost every part of the body all the way from the
heart, brain and muscles to the skin. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are two diseases associated
with the thyroid. These two diseases are both related to the thyroid but affect the body in different
Hypothyroidism, is when your thyroid isn t making enough thyroid hormone. This is also called
underactive thyroid disease. A low level of thyroid hormones can affect the entire body. This butterfly
shaped gland called the thyroid is located in the front of your neck. Did you know that the thyroid
makes hormones that control the way your
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Transportation Plan For A Sustainable Transportation System
For more than 50 years the U.S. has followed a motor vehicle centric transportation policy which
supported dramatic U.S. economic and population growth. Alternate forms of transportation including
walking, biking, rail transit and public transit have been overlooked, even neglected in the auto era
during which the overriding transportation planning philosophy has been to improve the speed of
moving goods, services and people by expanding roads, highways and parking facilities.
Transportation planning has proceeded without regard to health or the environment or the integrity and
vitality of our communities. Early in the 21st century, the threat to national security and the
implications of global climate change plus the rising cost of a ... Show more content on
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o Each year, U.S. businesses indirectly pay billions of dollars in employee congestion tolls comprised
of absenteeism, parking expenses, medical care, employee benefits, turnover, and lowered
productivity. Employer real estate costs are elevated in order to provide employee parking facilities. o
Ten years ago the average American spent 443 hours behind the wheel of a car, or 55 eight hour
workdays. The Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) estimated that in 1999 the total congestion bill
came to $78 billion, the value of 4.5 billion hours of delay and 6.8 billion gallons of excess fuel
consumed. o Paving open space and converting farmland to commercial and residential development
reduces our capacity to produce food products, decreasing food availability and increasing food prices
throughout the world. o Highly skilled employees seek workplaces located in areas with a high quality
of life, with several transportation options and affordable housing nearby. Businesses that can t offer
this high quality have greater difficulty in recruiting workers than those that do. o Reliability and
speed of delivery of goods and services is essential to business success. Businesses are hurt by
disinvestment in existing metropolitan areas. Public funds are often dedicated to create infrastructure
in the next new suburb, benefiting businesses that relocate but not those who stay in place. Businesses
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Essay about Ice Hockey and Lacrosse
Ice Hockey and Lacrosse
Both Lacrosse and Ice hockey are two sports that share similar aspects. One example would be that
they both require plenty of athletic prowess, as well as countless hours of training and practice to
master. The high amount of contact in both sports enables a player to become both physically and
mentally tough . Lacrosse has grown to its highest level of popularity it has ever reached over the last
ten years. Ice hockey has seen a steady climb in its popularity over the past 25 years making it one of
the most popular sports in not only Long Island, but all across the U.S. However, there are many
differences as well, and we should not overlook the fact that there are plenty of distinctions between
the two ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The biggest difference between ice hockey and lacrosse is the playing field. In hockey its ice, in
lacrosse its grass. In addition to this would be the field dimensions. A lacrosse field is rectangular,
while a hockey rink is oval. Another difference would be the number of players present on the field at
one time. In lacrosse, 10 players are allowed at one time to work together at scoring a goal. In hockey,
only 6 players are allowed to grace the field during each shift. Which brings the topic to another
distinction, the length of shifts. In hockey the shifts are only about two to three minutes long, allowing
fresh players to take the ice more often than in lacrosse, where the shifts are about every 10 to 12
minutes. Another major difference is that usually hockey is played during the winter months, lacrosse
in the springtime. I use the word usually because there are ice rinks that will operate and host leagues
during the summer, but its is rare due to the expense of cooling the ice during the hot summer days.
Lacrosse players use cleats, which are sneakers equipped with little studs on the bottom to increase
traction. Hockey players use skates to glide along the ice. A last differentiation would be the origin of
both sports. Hockey was invented by Canadians, and lacrosse was created by American Indians, who
oddly enough, used to use squirrel skulls because an official lacrosse ball had not been invented yet.
Ice hockey and lacrosse are
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Bird Shrinking Research Paper
If your loved one has recently passed away, and you ve chosen to remember them with a laser etched
monument, you ll want to keep it looking beautiful. With proper care, the monument you purchase
will serve as a lasting memorial to your loved one. One of the benefits of laser etching is that the work
will last for years to come. However, it will require some maintenance to ensure lasting beauty. Here
are four simple steps you can follow that will help you protect and preserve your loved ones
Wipe Bird Droppings Away Immediately
Bird droppings are unavoidable, especially when it comes to monuments that are outside.
Unfortunately, bird droppings are highly acidic, which means they can damage your loved ones
monument if left alone for
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Red Hot Chili Peppers Song Calfornication
The Red Hot Chili Peppers song Californication discuss how society has been perverted by
Hollywood and turned society into something that is unrealistic and artificial. Most things in our
society today are artificial, rarely is anything pure. If one was to look back in time societies morals are
very different then they are now. One example of this can be seen in the act of fornication, or better
known as sex before marriage. In today s culture being a virgin at 16 is seen as negative thing, while
in the past it was seen as being pure. Everything we want or need is materialistic and heavily
influenced by Hollywood. In the chorus of the song First born unicorn/Hard core soft porn/Dream of
Californication/ Dream of Californication it mentions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
No matter what happens Hollywood will exist. How we use it is up to us, in the lyric it talks about an
earthquake, its a deadly force ripping apart the earth. This earthquake is used for destruction but what
if you applied it somewhere else differently like with a guitar. The earthquake would just be vibrations
and vibrations make music on a guitar, music is not destructive, its a way of expressing your views
and feelings. In the eighth verse of the song Pay your surgeon very well/To break the spell of
aging/Sicker than the rest/There is no test/But this is what you re craving talks again about how people
crave to be fake, to be ageless. If everyone becomes this ageless non human like being then you
become a person with no identity. People would do this to improve themselves based on Hollywood s
standard, however in an attempt to improve themselves they are really making themselves lower then
the rest of
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  • 2. Violation Of The Maxims Of Cooperative Principle Chapter I For the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in English (Ph. D.) Research Topic Violation of the Maxims of Cooperative Principle in Samuel Beckett s Selected Plays. Research Student Mr. Mundhe Ganesh Balavantrao Research Guide Dr. B. A. Jarange Place of Research Institute of Advanced Studies in English, Pune CONTENTS 1) Introduction 2) Rationale of the Study 3) Hypothesis 4) Review of the Research Work 5) Aims and Objectives of the Research Project 6) Data, Methodology and Techniques 7) Plan of Thesis I) Chapter I (Introduction) II) Chapter II (Theoretical Framework) III) Chapter III (Analysis of the play Endgame) IV) Chapter IV (Analysis of the play Waiting for Godot) V) Chapter V (Analysis of the plays Happy Days ) VI) Chapter VI (Conclusion and pedagogical implications) 8) Scope And Limitations of the Study 9) Significance of the Study 10) Conclusion
  • 3. CHAPTER I Introduction: The main aim of the present research is to study how Pragmatics works as a torch in the appreciation of literature. Pragmatics is associated with the study of meaning as communicated by a speaker and interpreted by a listener. This type of study necessarily involves the interpretation of what people mean in a particular context and how the context influences what is said. It requires a consideration of how the speakers organize what they want to say and under what circumstances. It also focuses on the social, political and ethical aspects of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Anchor Baby Research Paper If three baby pictures were spread out in front of you would you be able to pick which one fell under the category of an anchor baby ? The answer yet unknown, is doubtful. A baby is a baby, born with innocence and purity without choice of where they are born. That choice is the mothers to whom the child belongs to. What is an anchor baby, how did the term come about, how is this allowed, what are the statistics, and how is it relevant to Mexican American studies will all answered in this paper. When the word anchor is used we think of a heavy object thrown into the water to hold a boat or ship in place. In the same since the definition of an anchor baby can be described as according to the Oxford dictionary as, ... a child born to a noncitizens mother in a country which has birthright citizenship, especially when viewed as providing an advantage to family members seeking to secure citizenship or legal residency ( Definition of Anchor Baby in English). The term anchor babies was first used in the, Race and Racism in the United States: An Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic by author Charles A. Gallagher. In the encyclopedia it states that, ... first used to describe the children of Vietnamese immigrants who escaped ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Statistically one and every 10 children born is an anchor baby. According to a video by Top Right News it cost about 4,700 dollars to have a baby in a hospital (Anchor Baby Outrage: How Americans Pay BILLIONS for Illegal Alien Births (Video)). The money for illegal immigrants to have anchor babies be born is paid for my tax payers. But tax payers also pay for killers, rapist, and child molesters to have health and dental care in prison. Also, everyone has to work to have some sense of security and immigrants work for less and keep food in the grocery stores and our households. In my opinion, the cost evens out and I would much rather give my money to the babies than ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. United Latin American Citizens 1. Discuss the origin and agenda of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)? The League of United Latin American Citizens was formed in 1929 in the city of Corpus Christi, Texas. This league was formed by representatives of three different organizations such as; the League of Latin American Citizens, the Knights of America, and the Sons of America. Then they adopted a constitution that pointed out the goals they had for the middle class in political, economic, and social rights. The organizations mission was to Make Living Conditions Better for Future Generations of Mexican Americans (Mier/Ribera 201). From there on they began to push for civil rights as well as education and employment for Mexican Americans. LULAC also wanted ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This brought a big rivalry between the Mexican Americans and the Anglos. Also on August 2nd of 1942, Jose Diaz a 21 year old male was beaten to death in an Eastside Los Angeles reservoir. Soon after that, 23 Mexican American teens were young adults were arrested along with on Anglo for participating in the fight that killed Diaz. These youths were charged with first degree murder, second degree murder, and assault. One tension that caused the zoot suits riots was because Los Angeles and Oakland fracases were fighting over girlfriends. Eventually these tensions kept mounting fast and that is when these zoot suit riots began to happen more often. 3. Discuss the Bracero program and the phases of the program? The Bracero Program was created in 1943 during World War II by the Mexican and United States governments. This program allowed Mexican citizens to have a temporary labor permit that allowed them to work in the United States legally. Mexican citizens were allowed to come to the United States legally and work for some time and get paid, the money they earned they could take back to Mexico when the journey was over. The program allowed about 200,000 Mexicans(Braceros) to work in 21 different states with California housing about half the braceros. 4. What led to the arrest of the East LA 13 and Sal Castro s reinstatement as an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. William James s Decision Based On Intellectual Grounds In his lecture, The Will to Believe, William James addresses how one adopts a belief. There is a hypothesis and an option, where you choose between two live hypotheses. An option has the characteristics to be live or dead, forced or avoidable, and momentous or trivial. In his thesis, James argues how our passional nature must make our decisions about our beliefs when they cannot be certainly determined on intellectual grounds, however, this is not the case, we can always make the decision based on intellectual grounds. One can use Bayesian probability to gain some grasp of the situation and eventually to make a decision. In section I of James lecture, he defines hypothesis, giving examples of live and dead hypotheses. A hypothesis is ...anything that may be proposed to our belief. (James, sec. 1) It is anything proposed to be believed, a claim. A hypothesis may be living or dead, depending on the recipient. James explains the difference between live or dead with an example of believing in Mahdi. To a person that does not know about the subject at hand, it would be a dead hypothesis. However, if this claim was presented to someone who knew the subject matter, it would alive as ... the hypothesis is among the mind s possibilities. (James, sec. 1) A live hypothesis is a claim that appears to be a real possibility for the one it is proposed to. A dead hypothesis is a claim that does not appear to be a real possibility for the one it is proposed to. Whether a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Cleaning A Car Analysis When you have free time, you can clean your car. There is no better smell of a clean car. There are many steps to cleaning a car but in the end, it is worth it. The first step to cleaning your car is to clean everything out. You want to clean out anything that belongs inside of your house. For example, a bookbag, makeup, clothes, or anything else you have in your car. Next, clean out all the garbage. You may have plastic bags, food wrappers, or old papers that can be thrown out. You also might want to take any change out of your car into your piggy bank. After you clean everything out of your car, you need to get a shop vacuum. Take all of the floor mats out of your car and vacuum them until they are clean with no marks or stains. Next, you ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. My Symbols Of My Life When you are going through a tough time and having many problems, remember this story. It is refreshing to sometimes remember that whatever our problem is, there are people in the world that wish that they have our problems. I aspire to be just like my sister, Erika, for her optimism, everlasting joy, and determination. No matter what life through at her she always remained happy. Erika is my symbol of everything I want to be. Erika was born in Rome, Italy just like me in 1986. She lived in Italy for the majority of her life and enjoyed many things. Such as Italian cuisine, dancing, blogging, exploring, and spending time with her friends. She loved horses and her favorite color is purple. Erika was born with spina bifida. Spina bifida is a condition of the spine where it doesn t develop fully or properly in the womb. Erika was wheel chair bound by the time she was two or three. This didn t hold her back. Erika went through over twenty five surgeries in her lifetime. She was often in pain and needed a caretaker, family, or friend to help with every day care and needs. I moved from Rome when I was about four years old to the United States. Throughout my life in America I took about five pleasure trips to Italy to visit family including Erika. She moved from Italy when I was about fourteen years old to live to be more involved in my life and to be with our mother. My sister was determined to conquer this life given to her. Erika did many of things to be as independent as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Case Study-Pratt Fine Arts Center Pratt Fine Arts Center serves as a lasting tribute to Edwin T. Pratt, and the organization seeks to honor his memory by pursuing its mission of making art education accessible to everyone, for people of all ages, all skill levels, and all backgrounds. After 40 years of uninterrupted operations, Pratt has had a huge impact on the creative health of Seattle s art community, and has helped launch the careers of many established local, regional, and nationally known artists. Over the last four years, a revamped programming model has produced historic growth in the organization, including record high student enrollment and studio access for independent artists. During this last fiscal year, Pratt served almost 4,000 students, employed 133 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Business Environment of Pre-British India BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT OF PRE BRITISH INDIA PROJECT BY: BHAVANA BHATIA 7 REUBEN DANTES 9 CRYSTAL D SOUZA 11 ALISHA PEREIRA 38 TANUSHREE SHARMA 47 GAURAV TALERA 52 Executive Summary It is the past which shapes what we become in the present. Most of what we do and follow today has been decided in the past which is why we have to understand who we were to become who we have to be. India is one of the few civilizations which has been in existence for more than 5000 years. India is a homogenous culture and it has such strong roots that we have been able to absorb any outside intervention with ease. Be it the Muslim Kings or the Mughals, we have integrated everyone into our culture. Everybody looks different and dresses differently. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Their food mainly consisted of fruits, nuts and the flesh of wild beasts. (Technological) They knew neither the use of metals nor the art of cultivation. They never constructed homes, but lived in natural caverns. They used sharp edged tools mainly of quartzite stone. Axes, arrow heads, spears, digging tools, circular stones, hurling choppers, knives, scrapers, hammer stones, were used. There is evidence of the use of fire at the Kurnul caves. Mesolithic Man / Middle Stone Age The Mesolithic man was a hunter, who lived on the wild fruits and vegetables of the forests. He started to use chalcedony and other silicate varities such as jasper, chert and bloodstone instead of quartzite. His stone implements were extremely small and known as microliths. Neolithic Man / New Stone Age Neolithic man (Social) made granite rocks his abode. He ate fruits, vegetables, roots, nuts, wild pulses, cereals, flesh of animals, fish, milk produce (curd, butter, ghee) and used barks and skins to cover his body. He worshipped ancestral spirits, burnt the dead and performed human and animal sacrifices. (Technology) He learnt the art of fishing and agriculture; and domesticated animals. As time passed, clothes of cotton and wool evolved. During this period, man learnt the art of dyeing. Archaeologists have found a rich collection of pottery from the Malabar which includes bowls, flower pots, lotahs, chatties. Different colors of clay were used. These were fired to different degrees ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Gender Stereotypes In America Whether it is watching a show on the television at home, or being outside in the real world, it is pretty self explanatory that every person wants to feel represented and supported, felt like they are noticed or acknowledged in today s society. No one wants to feel as if they are an outcast or are inferior to someone or some group. Lately, there have been cases of certain groups of people being excluded from TV. Specifically, African American women. Is this really just a coincidence, or is something going on? Does TV really represent the diversity of Americans yet? It is evident that TV is not that diverse, but should be more diverse because people should be integrated with each other instead of separated, it forms stereotypes, and because ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, directors wanting to make their shows centered on people in the LGBT community can sometimes over exaggerate the idea, tinting the proposition of what people have in their minds of this community. From this, stereotypes can form, especially in the minds of children that are easy to sway because they are still forming opinions. People who only go off of the media s portrayal of gays can have skewed ideas about them. For example, there was a show called The L Word. The L word they are talking about is Lesbian. With a name like this, you know what the show is about and most likely what it is going to say. A more familiarized show, Good Luck Charlie does in a small way also taint minds, geared towards the younger crowd. As you can see, these shows can also form stereotypes for you. A lot of people, however, would argue that there is more diversity in TV than there ever was. For example, TV shows such as How to Get Away With Murder and Master of None help to stimulate the idea of diversity. There are more TV shows now with more than just whites, and no one can argue with that, but after closer analysis you have to think how many shows are there not featuring them in a staged way, but everyone is just together in a natural setting? Why can t people just learn to get over things that happened in the past? Diversity in TV exists more, but there is still a lot more progress to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Case Study 376 Short Bowel Syndrome 376 Short Bowel Syndrome increasingly dependent upon Jim to maintain and coordinate her care. Early in their relationship, several of Lynn s doctors and surgeons encouraged Jim to learn as much as he possibly could about Lynn s condition. They knew, as a scientist living with Lynn and focused on only one patient, through time and necessity, Jim was going to become an expert in Lynn. Because of a high output end jejunostomy, Lynn required intravenous (IV) support for many years, some of the time infusing IV nutrition (i.e., total parenteral nutrition [TPN]) and some of the time infusing IV hydration with added magnesium. From 2003 to 2006, a customized care plan was painstakingly developed and personalized for her needs. Over time, Lynn was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Probability Modeling And Statistics Essay Project On Probability Modeling Statistics. Topic : Binomial Poisson and Normal. Please mention The Measures of central tendency The use of these distributions (in which cases these distributions are used) with illustrations. Binomial approximation to the normal distribution. What is Skewness and Kurtosis? How it is used and interpreted? Binomial Distribution : This kind of distribution is applied to single variable discrete data where results are the number of successful outcomes in a given scenario. E.g. : no. of times the lights are red in 20 sets of traffic lights, No of students with green eyes in class of 40, No. of plants with diseased leaves from a sample of 50 plants. Binomial distribution is used to calculate the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Normal Distribution: The normal distribution is a very common continuous probability distribution. Normal distribution is important in statistics and is often used in the natural and social sciences to represent real valued random variables whose distributions are not known. This distribution is useful because of the central limit theory. In its most general form, under some conditions which include finite variance), it states that average of random variables independently drawn from independent distributions converge in distribution to the normal, that is, become normally distributed when the number of random variables is sufficiently large. The normal distribution is sometimes informally called the bell curve. However, many other distributors are bell shaped( such as the Cauchy, students and logistic distribution). Measure of Central Tendency : The Mean, Median and Mode are all valid measures of central tendency, but under different conditions, some measures of central tendency become more appropriate to use than others. Mean The Mean is essentially a model of your data set. It is the value that is the most common. However, Mean is not often one of the actual values that you have observed in your data set, but it has one of its important properties is that it maximizes error in the prediction of any one value in your data set. That is, it is the value that produces the lowest amount of error ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Hey There Delilah Poetic Techniques Hey There Delilah, by the Plain White T s, is a touching story about a woman s admirer that wishes to see her again and promises to go to her no matter how perilous or painstaking the circumstances may be.To begin, the artist uses a specific diacope over and over in order to express his love for the girl he is singing about, Delilah. He constantly repeats in the chorus, Oh it s what you do to me (Plain White T s, line 15 19). The repetition of this diacope makes the song more endearing and shows how much the singer truly cares about this girl. Next, the author of the song portrays a simile when he says with longing and admiration in his voice, Times Square can t shine as bright as you. (Plain White T s, line 6) He wants to show his belief ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Muhammad Ali’s Significant Influence on Islam One of the best known fighters in the world also went through some very tough times. He also stood for what he believed in and fought for his religious beliefs. This man is Muhammad Ali, who holds a very big title in the wrestling world as well as in the religion of Islam. His impact and dedication to Islam may have cost him a lot, but he always stood by it. Ali always stayed with his religion and never showed doubt in it, he spoke about Islam to make people aware that the assumptions they are making are wrong and he was risking his own life for preaching about Islam and equality rights. Muhammad Ali s life went from famous wrestler to broke criminal. The reason for this was because he switched to Islam and refused to obey the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After those 3 years, he came back and set a world record for 3 heavyweight championships to be won. Muhammad Ali was dedicated to his religion and never let anyone or anything stop him from devoting himself to Allah. When he was being convicted for draft evasion, he was losing his money and his heavyweight title but that didn t cause Ali to doubt Islam at all. People were also angry about his conversion to Islam because of what Elijah Muhammad was teaching; that white people were the devil . Ali, and many other Muslim s, realized this was wrong but stayed Islam and started preaching equality. So, he started going around to colleges and talking about the importance of equality and accepting people for what they believe in. He was relying on tips because that was his only source of income at that time. Ali said, I know where I m going and I know the truth, and I don t have to be what you want me to be. I m free to be what I want. (www.brainyquotes.com) Muhammad Ali never wanted to be controlled by others and wanted others to feel like it was okay to speak out in this society. He did this all while being faithful to Allah and Islam, he never hinted towards regretting his decision to convert but believed it was the best thing he could ve done. When Muhammad Ali first converted, Elijah Muhammad was preaching that white people were evil and not righteous. Ali admits to believing in separatism was a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Analysis Of The Movie Insomnia In the movie Insomnia, the main character, Will Dormer daydreams, has hallucinations, and flashbacks often throughout the movie. This attributed to his everyday life by causing him to space out and veer off track. These symptoms appear to be most similar to those of the insomnia disorder. Insomnia is not only the inability to get sleep, stay asleep, or get a good quality of sleep, but is also an altered state of consciousness. Many factors that can contribute to insomnia include medical or psychiatric illness, sleep disorders, medications, the environment and even poor sleep habits. Sometimes depression and anxiety can also contribute to this disorder as well. Some symptoms of this may include daydreaming, fatigue, drowsiness, confusion, tension headaches, anxiety, hallucinations, flashbacks, sleep deprivation, light sensitivity, and distressing memories and dreams. Even though, there are many ways to combat this disorder, not everyone will, as seen by Will Dormer s actions throughout this movie. Insomnia is a sleep disorder that can be caused by various factors. Like in the beginning of the movie, Insomnia, Will Dormer struggles to fall asleep at the time of investigating a murder in a town where the sun does not set. A lack of melatonin could have lead to the first few signs of sleep deprivation. Melatonin is a hormone produced by a gland in the brain, and helps regulate other hormones and maintains the body s circadian rhythm. Melatonin is produced on a larger ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Greatest Generations, Tom Brokaw The book The Greatest Generation , by Tom Brokaw, is about the men and women who were born in the 1920 s and how they are what he deems to be the greatest generation thus far. He believes this generation is so tremendous because of the fact they did not demand respect for what they did and went through. Though may sacrificed as much as their lives, they do not think higher of themselves. Even through all their struggling they managed to have enough strength leave everything behind and fight for their country. I believe Tom Brokaw is correct when he says they are there greatest generation. People then would support the war and the men who fought in it, whereas nowadays there are just as many people against war, fighting, and the men and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She quickly rose in the ranks, and was brought to the national headquarters as an organizer. She learned how to better fight for women s rights and helped enormously. Many of her male friends thought it was not a women s place to be. Haener said By the time the war ended, I was too independent to get married. Later she became involved in NOW , the National Organization for Women. Dorothy got involved because she had felt cheated, and because of her work women like her niece have maternity leave and child care benefits. After retiring she still helped out by volunteering and walking picket lines in Detroit. Bob Bush although not very well known, is a great American hero, awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. When Bush was young, he lived under the hospital with his mom, barley making any money. As a teenager he started selling cold drinks to the men who were working in the hot ships during the day. But in 1943 he decided helping with the war was more important than school so he dropped out and enlisted in the Navy medical corps. Not even one year later he was loaded on an assault vehicle heading for Okinawa. On May 2, 1945 he was with a rifle company of Marines on the attack over a ridge against a heavily fortified Japanese positions. He was scrambling to help wounded soldiers all around him, when we was called upon to hell an officer on top of the ridge. Without hesitation he rushed to help him, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. question answer 12.8 Describe how strong and weak entity types differ and provide an example of each. A strong entity type is an entity type that is not existence dependent on some other entity type A weak entity type is an entity type that is existence dependent on some other entity type. States Strong entity weak entity Client is strong entity because it already has primary key and doesn t depend on any other entity, but the reference is weak entity because depends on client entity and doesn t have primary key. (Section 12.4). 12.11 You are required to create a conceptual data model of the data requirements for a company that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A design methodology is a structured approach that uses procedures, techniques, tools, and documentation aids to support and facilitate the process of design. 16.2 Describe the main phases involved database design. Database design is made up of three main phases: logical and physical database design. Conceptual database design: the process of constructing a model of the data used in an enterprise, independent of all physical consideration. It begin with creating conceptual data model for the enterprise that is entirely independent of implementation details. Logical database design is the process of constructing a model of the data used in a company based on a specific data model, but independent of a particular DBMS and other physical considerations. In the logical database design phase we build the logical representation of the database, which includes identification of the important entities and relationships, and then translate this representation to a set of tables. The logical data model is a source of information for the physical design phase, providing the physical database designer with a vehicle for making tradeoffs that are very important to the design of an efficient database. Physical database design is the process of producing a description of the implementation of the database on secondary storage; it describes the base tables, file organizations, and indexes used to achieve efficient access to the data, and any ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Roles Of The Sutradhar And The Chorus The Sutradhar and the Chorus are essential in a musical play as they add charm and glory to the prosaic play with refrain and songs. The Chorus is a group of people who comment on moral values and also fill in the time span and action off the stage. It is similar to the role of Sutradhar. In European literary plays both the narrator and the chorus are not unitedly used. They either have a narrator or the chorus. But in Marathi drama originated from the Tamasha, the Sutradhar and the Chorus can appear altogether. When both are used in unison, mostly it serves the purpose of refrain only. It picks up and repeats the last few words spoken by the main character. However the role of the Chorus is not limited to repetition and commentary, but sometimes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Dr. Jabbar Patel, it is different from the effect that Brecht, the German playwright intended to create. According to Brecht Modem theatre is epic theatre , the effect created by Tendulkar in Ghashiram is the exact opposite of Brecht s technique and is much more effective for a larger audience. In Marathi folk tradition the Sutradhar introduces the play and greets the audience and then goes off the stage. But Ghashiram Kotwal, being a combination of classical, folk, and modern form, the sutradhar stays on the play from beginning to the end. Tendulkar s brilliant fusion of Bharata s Lokdharmi and Natyadharmi makes this play one of a kind. It is one such play where the Sutradhar can comment or even directly talk to the audience, or stand by silently as a spectator. The role of the Sutradhar is played by Haridasa in the play. He is an actor and a commentator. The Sutradhar comments on the incidents rhythmically. And it is followed with the last rhyming words by the Brahmin line. The play is truly an innovative experiment that offers a new direction to modern Indian Theatre due to Tendulkar s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Good The Bad And Your Business In The Good, the Bad, and Your Business, Jeffery Seglin explains that managers in today s business world must not only deal with situations pertaining to the workplace, but also make more complicated decisions regarding their employees personal lives. Seglin explains that the best managers treat those below them on the corporate ladder not as subordinates, but as equals. He cites a Gallop Organization study which revealed that employees who feel cared about, that their opinion matters, and that their companies are family friendly will not only be happier, but will perform better. This being said, a manager merely saying he values his employees is not sufficient; rather, the employees must sense that there is substance to the manager s claims. Similarly, Seglin references Kenneth Goodpaster, who believes that companies have a moral obligation to avoid harming their employees directly, help employees in need, and respect the rights of their employees. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The CEO is tasked with weighing his personal obligation to be there for his employee versus any damage the employee has done to the company. Giving the employee another chance as long as he seeks treatment follows the team oriented culture of the organization by supporting an employee in a tough time. In other words, the CEO decided to practice what he preaches regarding caring for his employees. Unfortunately, the consultant relapses and costs the company once again. This time, the company has a plan. They have policies in place, and put him on short term disability and in a live in rehabilitation center. The CEO decides to invest company time and money to rehabilitate him, rather than terminating him. While this is done with the best intentions, it is a dangerous path. It requires managerial discretion because if it fails, it is costly both monetarily (for the company) and emotionally (for the manager and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Why Apple Should Not Release Information On The San... Why Apple Should Not Release Information on the San Bernardino Shooting Apple Computer Company is currently being thrown into a lawsuit in regards to specific information on a customer s cell phone. The cell phone is known to have been used by the San Bernardino shooter last year. The information on that phone could be very beneficial to solving the case. However, privacy advocates argue Apple s interference could be detrimental to basic human rights. Apple themselves argue writing a master key could cause problems with their cyber security. Not to mention the financial jeopardy it could put Apple in. The FBI counters the master key argument with the plea that they will only use it for one device. It s not the use of the key Apple is worried about, it s about the availability of it. If Apple releases information regarding the San Bernardino shooting, then it should cause a lot more problems than it could solve. According to Appleinsider.com, the privacy advocates at Apple argue that if the government is granted the right to access the information on that phone, it could be in violation of a couple privacy laws. For instance The Privacy Act of 1974. The Privacy Act of 1974 provides safeguards against invasion of personal privacy through the misuse of records by Federal Agencies (U.S. State Department, 2016). When this law was written, the definition of records obviously didn t account for text messaging records. However, as the law is written, the government is not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Lilo And Stitch Themes Lilo and Stitch is an animated science fiction film that is targeted for young kids and families. Although people may think that the movie is only for enjoyment, it also has a good message to remember. The importance of family is shown in many scenes throughout the film. The two completely different worlds of a sad young girl and a reckless fluffy alien come together in this memorable, action packed family film. Lilo is a young girl who lives in Hawaii with her older sister, Nani. She is not the happiest child because of the many troubles in her life. She feels excluded from people more often than not because she acts differently compared to others. She does not have that many friends and depends on her sister for most of her needs. Her parents ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Lilo and Nani s parents died in a car accident, so they learned to live with only each other. Lilo was very young when the accident happened, so Nani had to take over and act as the mother figure. Before Stitch joined the family, Lilo felt lonely and out of place. It was hard for her to fit in with girls around her and she did not have a full family. The quote that is most said throughout the movie is, Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind, or forgotten. Family is so important to Lilo because she did not have one. When she adopted Stitch, she taught him the meaning of ohana. Stitch realized the importance of family towards the end when he chose to save Lilo from Captain Gantu. He risked himself to rescue her, which shows how much he cared. The progress that he made from the beginning of the movie to the end is profound. He started out as an inconsiderate, evil creature. But once he realized how much he cared about Lilo and his new family, he did what he could to save the young girl. A.O. Scott posted his review about Lilo Stitch in the New York Times. He thought the movie had simple graphics, but he thought the story was sweet and charming. He believed that the theme of the movie was about one person having to preserve her family while the other must make one for himself. He also thought of ohana as another theme. Scott presumes that the movie is more soothing than thrilling with a cozy and familial ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Odyssey By Homer s Odyssey Homer s Odyssey is the only surviving poem from a cycle of poems called the Nostoi ( the Returns ), which told of the returns home of the various Greek heroes at Troy (Norcott, 2012). The Odyssey is one of many accounts of the Greek heroes that took part in the Trojan War. Odysseus story was just one that survived after all of these years. The story came out as an Epic only because of how the people revered the heroes as they started many trends, such as Odysseus Trojan horse. These epics lie at the beginning of the Western canon of literature, and have had an enormous influence on the history of literature. (Homer, 2015). These writings were the beginning of understanding and getting information across many nations. Among many translations, the basis of the epithet is that the underlying message is important. The said message will be gone into depth later on. Homer s works, which are about fifty percent speeches, provided models in persuasive speaking and writing... (Homer, 2015). His works seemed too real. ...that were emulated throughout the ancient and medieval Greek worlds. (Homer, 2015). You can say that The Odyssey has influenced many generations. The style has been copied for many, many years and was at one point the only way of writing or telling of monumental journeys like Odysseus . Odysseus adventures and growth are much more prevalent in the Odyssey than those of any other character (Lower, 2015). He begins on Calypso s island, where he has everything, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. My Memories Are Important To Me My memories are important to me, some of them more than others. It was difficult to think of which memories are important to me because not many major things have happened in my life. Another reason it was difficult to pick which memories are important is that some things I consider unimportant are important to others. I chose these memories because of the impact they had on my life. One of the most important memories in my life was the time I went to Italy. Last year, my family and I went on a vacation to Italy for about three weeks. I remember the beautiful landscape, delicious food, and the wonderful architecture of the buildings in Italy. We visited many churches, museums, landmarks, and historically important buildings while we were ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... My older sister found Shadow in a bush when she was only a couple days old, from then onwards we took care of her. Pumpkin, on the other hand, we got her from an animal hospital. Shadow is nice but can sometimes be mean and doesn t like it when you pet her. Pumpkin is very shy and I scared of people but she will warm up to you after a while. The song that I chose to represent this memory is Wonderwall by Oasis because they are like best friends to me. The birth of my nephew three years ago is another important memory to me. I was ten at the time and my family and I all went up to Michigan to see my older sister because it was expected that she would give birth soon. We rented a hotel room near the hospital so we could stay there until she gave birth. It was about four in the morning when my parents got a call that she was going into labor and they rushed to the hospital. A few hours later I got to meet my nephew and I remember how tiny he was. With Arms Wide Open by Creed is a song that reminds me of this memory because it is about welcoming change or something new. A sad but important memory to me is when my dog and cat died. About two years ago my cat, Trembler, went missing. We live on ten acres where there are many wild animals so we believe that a coyote got him. A few months after Trembler disappeared, our dog, Tails, died due to an allergic reaction from a medicine that a vet gave him. Tails was only ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Monkey s Paw Sparknotes The Monkey s Paw starts in a middle class cottage located in England. The White family invited a friend over for dinner. Randall White asked Sergeant Major Morris about the Monkey s Paw . Sergeant Major Morris doesn t really appreciate the fact that Randall White brings up the Monkey s Paw . The Monkey s Paw was not a blessing, it was a curse. Sergeant Major Morris tells Randall that the old talisman was cursed by an wise fakir. The Whites do not believe Sergeant Major Morris one bit. They think he is joking with them, but in reality Sergeant Morris is right all along. Three men get the chance to grant three wishes, but with every wish there are consequences to pay. Sergeant Major Morris and another man received their wishes, but for the first man, death came his way. Still fond of the idea of getting three free wishes, Randall did not mind the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even though, Howard Carter visited Tut s tomb before Lord Carnarvon, he lived 16 years after Lord Carnarvon. A doctor, who further examined King Tut s mummified body, lived to an old age. A soldier, named Richard Adamson, was hired in 1980 to guard King Tut s tomb. He stated that many people descended on the site each day, so those in charge as well as Richard, came up with the idea of a curse to keep people away. They even went as far as playing eerie music because the thought of a curse wasn t working. In the 1970s, a doctor from Cairo by the name of Gamal Mehrez mad his disbelief in the curse known. Soon after that, while taking charge of the packaging and shipping of Tut s mask to an exhibit in London, Dr. Gamal Mehrez dropped dead at the age of 52 from circulatory failure. In 1980, while filming a movie about the discovery of Tutankhamun s (King Tut) tomb, two actors were injured during the making. One actor collapsed and the other broke his leg in a car accident. Over the time of the casting, the freaks accidents began to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Body Toxic Summary Summary In Susanne Antonetta s environmental memoir, Body Toxic, she explains the story of two immigrant families who are drawn together from opposite sides of the world, Italy and Barbados, in search of the American dream. Their intentions circulated around building a summer home in the boglands of the New Jersey shoreline. They would soon realize that this is where the rural and industrial waste would gather. The families would enjoy their summertime in the nature that surrounded them, in the trees and in the water. However, the nuclear plant located nearby would soon create problems for the families. Gradually, the family members would begin to notice the effects of radiation on their bodies and the hard future to come. Antonetta s first hand ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The author writes in detail about the environment that she was exposed to and how it affected her life in a negative way. Antonetta was able to describe how terrible the environment was due to the nuclear waste caused by the local industrial plants. Significance of the title I would like to believe that the author chose the title Body Toxic, because it does a good job of capturing what the novel is going to be about. The title is able to explain the book with few words, but also leaves room for the imagination. It allows for the reader to create the scenario for his or herself before becoming invested in the book. The author s creativity is powerful, even from just the title. First Impression My first impression of the book was that I thought it would be a book that I would like. It combines a topic that I m not very interested in (Biology) with a topic that I really enjoy learning about (History). The novel quickly grabbed my attention and I thought it would be the best choice for me. To be specific, the third sentence on the first chapter is something that really grabbed my attention, He came for shade. This sentence made me want to read more because of the way that the author chose her words and wrote her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Church Visit Response Essay Church Visit Response Essay I grew up going to Catholic Church my whole life. I have completed all my sacraments and attended 11 years of catechism. I am very comfortable in a Catholic Church and feel very at ease with the atmosphere and rituals performed in a Catholic church. The only time I have ever stepped foot in a church that was not Catholic has only been for a wake or a wedding. So when it comes to experiencing different kinds of cultural and religious practices, I am very naïve. Catholic mass is very quiet and serene. We sing the same hymns and keep the decibels very low. Mass always follows the same pattern and it is very structured. Although I feel connected to the Catholic Church, I have stopped attending on a regular basis as I have gotten older. I feel that I have stopped attending because I would often leave church not feeling fulfilled. I have a friend who has been inviting to her church for a few years. I took this essay as an opportunity to finally attend. I visited Celebration Church on Easter Sunday 2016. Given that it was a special Christian holiday, the church was incredibly crowded. They had numerous children activities taking place in the parking lot. The church volunteers that helped me find a parking and greeted me as I walked through the door were extremely friendly. I am not trying to sound cynical, but they were almost too friendly. This was the first thing I noticed that set this church apart from what I have previously experienced. In fact ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Operation Enduring Freedom While this story wasn t a vacation; it was a six month experience. Living and interacting, and understanding the culture of a foreign country is a task as most people who travel often can attest to. To realize that Afghanistan wasn t always in the condition as it is in modern times, it was important to me in realizing that Afghanistan was a much different place prior to the conflicts taking hold during the 1970s and beyond. My unit was scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom(OEF) at the beginning of 2010. Most people assume that military units immediately deploy to these countries. However, that is not the procedure at all and a lot of preparation is required. There is training that needs to be conducted, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There were several chow halls, and each one had a culinary related theme. One location was themed with Asian cuisine, my personal favorite. Another was American food, and another had British fare as well. After six months of living with these delightful sights, sounds, and smells. There were occasional bazaars allowed to come into the installation and sell their wares if you had space in your bag for something handmade. Haggling with the merchants made me realize how poor this country is because they would not let you leave without selling you something, even if it was at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Restaurant Analysis Paper Houston residents are traveling from all over the city to the Montrose area to get a taste of one of the hottest new restaurants of 2015. The Burger Joint opened its doors early November to Houston residents after renovating an old restaurant. Although gourmet burgers are their specialty, they offer hot dogs, salads, and sandwiches to appeal to the majority of customers. When walking up to this restaurant, the first apparent thing that draws the customer s attention is the large patio with the giant TVs. The big red umbrellas that cover each wooden picnic table make for a contemporary feel. At night, there are string lights above the red umbrellas that provide for a relaxing ambience. When the temperatures are low, the restaurant offers heat lamps providing just the right amount of warmth. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The menu is written on big black chalkboards placed on the brick wall that covers the entire space inside. Another element that adds to the contemporary feel of this restaurant is the use of iPads to place the orders. Once the order is placed, customers are given a number and are free to sit wherever they please. While the bar offers some seating, the majority of the seating is outside on the patio. For beverages, the restaurant offers a variety of craft beers on tap as well as bottled beers, wine, and fountain drinks. The burgers are made from 100% Angus beef and are prepared medium allowing for the burgers to have the grilled taste but overflow with juices on the inside. The burgers are made to order, permitting the customer to essentially build their own burger. However, the chef provides an array of options, putting his best ingredients and toppings on the burger leaving the customer craving more. The wait to receive the food takes roughly around 15 to 20 minutes. When ready, the staff brings the food to the table. Served on a tin pan lined with paper, the burger is placed neatly in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Comparison Of Ghirardelli s Milk Chocolate For this essay I compared a Ghirardelli milk chocolate square, that has a cacao content of 32%, with a 99% cacao dark chocolate bar from World Market. Going into this taste testing, I already preferred dark chocolate to milk chocolate and I was very excited to try the 99%. My mindset was save the best for last so I started with the Ghirardelli. Taking the first bite, I was immediately hit with an incredibly sweet flavor that was more sugary than chocolate. I would argue that the sugar almost overrides the chocolate flavor, though it is certainly there. Going in for the second bite, I decided that even though milk chocolate is nauseatingly sweet, it was still a very smooth and enjoyable flavor. Now on to the 99%; without thinking, I took a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Comparison of Federico García Lorca s Poems, Romance de... Comparison of Federico García Lorca s Poems, Romance de la Pena Negra and La Aurora Romance de la Pena Negra (Ballad of the Black Sorrow) was written by Lorca on the 30. July 1924 (Catedra:80). It was one of a collection of poems he entitled the Romancero Gitano (Gypsy Ballads) that, when published, was a huge success, among academics and the general public alike, making this book one of his most well known pieces of work. There are many reasons why the poems received such wide acclaim in terms of Lorca s wider audience: It is clear that the ballad, with its simple, eight syllable line rhyming structure makes for uncomplicated reading, in addition, the subject matter would have sparked general interest due to the mysterious nature ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What better way to reach the masses than via the ballad, a form of verse with a rhyming metre that was easy to remember and historically used by those unable to read and write to pass stories on through the generations since the times of the Reconquista. This move towards social responsibility in the arts was intensified after the American economy crashed in 1929 and is much more tangible in the collection of poems Lorca entitled Poeta en Nueva York, which he wrote between 1929 and 1930 when he lived in New York and was able to see the effects of the Great Depression first hand. The Gypsy Ballads have been described as, una verdadera serie de mitos gitanoandaluces (Catedra: 100) and this is what Lorca hoped to achieve, a collection of mythical stories set in a part real and part imaginary ancient Andalusia, told in ballad format and using the gypsies as its main characters because it was this race, ancient, timeless and mysterious, that, through songs, dances and traditions passed down through generations, were most able to project the ancient Andalusia that Lorca wanted to portray. The driving force behind the Gypsy Ballads is the myth of the duende , a spiritual force that takes possession of the best artists in southern ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Irish And Giblin s Influence On American Culture Even though both Samberg and Behymer are both German in origin, our family is quite Irish. We do have more German in us, but that does not make us any less proud to Irish. John and Sara Giblin are among our Irish ancestors. They traveled to America during a time of unrest in America and after a horrible tragedy in Ireland. It was not always easy for John and Sara, but they went through everything for their children. The Giblins went through many struggles in their life to give their children a better chance at life and we should value what they did. John Giblin was born in 1838 in Drumcliff, Sligo Ireland. He died on February 1, 1908 in Davenport, Iowa. He married Sara Feeney in 1862 in the same village where they were both from. They had ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. How Does Don Giovanni Contribute To The Enlightenment Don Giovanni is a one of a kind character, yet so predictable living a certain lifestyle, almost to the point of being mysterious. It is the enlightenment era however, where a lot of impossibilities were being explored, and presented to the public in different forms, including this opera, Don Giovanni. Although Don Giovanni seems like a total embodiment of immorality, he nevertheless carries some admirable principles, sparkling the enlightenment idea through the story of Don Giovanni. As we all know, the Enlightenment is known as the era of reasoning. Many had started to realize the power of rational and logical thinking. Don Giovanni is a great example for this type of thinking. Although more probably accuse him rather than praise him of seducing so many women, Giovanni has his own reasoning to it. (How can it be fair if I just marry one woman) ? This is in fact capable of bearing careful thoughts. It would not be fair for Giovanni to stay with one single woman, for thus not only would it be unfair to all the other women, but Giovanni would ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Lord Byron s Don Juan, Pleasure s a sin, and sometimes sin s a pleasure (Canto the first). It was not uncommon to consider pleasure as something sinful, but to think the reverse such that sin brings pleasure is a brand new idea. Just as the Don Giovanni in Mozart s work, the main characters pursue in their own favor the goal of their lives. Few mortals know what end they would be at, tut whether glory, power, or love, or treasure, the path is through perplexing ways, and when the goal is gain d, we die... (Canto the first) In such a shirt a life that one lives, Don Giovanni and Don Juan both seize the meaning of their lives and bravely pursue their love. This level of liberty cannot be ignored from the enlightenment idea of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Essay On Child Advocacy . Chairperson Report: Matt talks about the State and Federal levels, fairly amount of increase in federal advocacy with opportunity and needs around children s issues since the elections, no decrease in state level work. A lot of development around the state budget, plus federal work just beginning and expecting a lot of federal efforts through the summer. 2 things Matt would like to talk about from an organization standpoint of where we are going and how we work, also, Matt would like feedback. a) Council for a Strong America, better known as Fight Crime: Invest for Kids is a group of members of Law Enforcement, Police Chiefs, Sheriffs, Prosecutors, etc. been very active in child advocacy here in Michigan for years. K.P. Pelleran ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... e) Matt: I m going to ask Rob we need at least $100,000. We can for a year to take on this role and serve this function, network. If we don t get the resource then how are we going to help them stay engaged on their own? It will be bad for Michigan s Children if this goes away. f) Board Member: We don t have funds or liability to merge with them. g) Matt: the 2nd thing that Matt would like to talk about the work we are doing around ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) a grant that focuses on public awareness, public education, and approach to building awareness. We play a role in directing some public policy. Michele stated that Michigan s Children have asked to co chair statewide advisory committee for ACEs project and primarily training people around the state to better understand the impact of brain science, etc. The way Michigan s Children look at our role has helped to notice people being trained. 5. Policy Update: State budget, we are right at the tail end of state budget process. The Governor Snyder s proposal his budget and the legislatures have pushed for more cuts, plus lower budget numbers than what the Governor has proposed to lower income taxes (that kind fell off) also, Legislature s leaders want to end the pension for new teachers. Look like it will be some conclusion on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. history fact files Essay Haille Selassie Haile Selassie was an emperor of Ethiopia whose influence as an African leader far surpassed the boundaries of his country. Although his popularity declined near the end of his sixty year reign, Selassie remains a key figure in turning Ethiopia into a modern civilization. In 1931 Selassie began to develop a written constitution (a system of basic laws of a country) to symbolize his interest in modernization and intention to increase the power of the African government, Haile Selassie s efforts were cut short, however, when Benito Mussolini s Italian army invaded the country in 1935. The Italian military used superior weaponry, airplanes, and poison gas to crush the ill fated resistance led by the emperor. After the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hirohito became emperor when his father died in 1926. The emperor was regarded as divine by many Japanese. In reality he had little power, with civilian and increasingly military officials deciding national policy. He reluctantly supported the invasion of Manchuria and the war against China, and attempted to encourage cooperation with Britain and the USA. However, he had no choice but to approve the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor that led to war between Japan and the United States in December 1941. Despite his lack of enthusiasm over the decision to go to war, he was pleased with the Japanese military and naval successes that followed. He frequently appeared in military uniform to raise morale. By the spring of 1945, the defeat of Japan seemed imminent. The Japanese government was deeply divided between military leaders who favoured continuing the war and civilians who wanted to negotiate for peace. Hirohito appears to have favoured peace. Following the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Hirohito insisted that Japan surrender. On 15 August 1945, he made a radio broadcast announcing the end of the war this was the first time the people of Japan had heard the voice of their emperor. Some Allied leaders wanted to try Hirohito as a war criminal. General Douglas MacArthur, who was in charge of the United States occupying forces in Japan, felt it would be easier to introduce democratic reforms if Hirohito ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Hypothyroidism And Thyroid Similarities The thyroid gland is located in the lower front part of your neck. In this gland, hormones are release that travel through the bloodstream which affect almost every part of the body all the way from the heart, brain and muscles to the skin. Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are two diseases associated with the thyroid. These two diseases are both related to the thyroid but affect the body in different ways. Hypothyroidism, is when your thyroid isn t making enough thyroid hormone. This is also called underactive thyroid disease. A low level of thyroid hormones can affect the entire body. This butterfly shaped gland called the thyroid is located in the front of your neck. Did you know that the thyroid makes hormones that control the way your ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Transportation Plan For A Sustainable Transportation System For more than 50 years the U.S. has followed a motor vehicle centric transportation policy which supported dramatic U.S. economic and population growth. Alternate forms of transportation including walking, biking, rail transit and public transit have been overlooked, even neglected in the auto era during which the overriding transportation planning philosophy has been to improve the speed of moving goods, services and people by expanding roads, highways and parking facilities. Transportation planning has proceeded without regard to health or the environment or the integrity and vitality of our communities. Early in the 21st century, the threat to national security and the implications of global climate change plus the rising cost of a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... o Each year, U.S. businesses indirectly pay billions of dollars in employee congestion tolls comprised of absenteeism, parking expenses, medical care, employee benefits, turnover, and lowered productivity. Employer real estate costs are elevated in order to provide employee parking facilities. o Ten years ago the average American spent 443 hours behind the wheel of a car, or 55 eight hour workdays. The Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) estimated that in 1999 the total congestion bill came to $78 billion, the value of 4.5 billion hours of delay and 6.8 billion gallons of excess fuel consumed. o Paving open space and converting farmland to commercial and residential development reduces our capacity to produce food products, decreasing food availability and increasing food prices throughout the world. o Highly skilled employees seek workplaces located in areas with a high quality of life, with several transportation options and affordable housing nearby. Businesses that can t offer this high quality have greater difficulty in recruiting workers than those that do. o Reliability and speed of delivery of goods and services is essential to business success. Businesses are hurt by disinvestment in existing metropolitan areas. Public funds are often dedicated to create infrastructure in the next new suburb, benefiting businesses that relocate but not those who stay in place. Businesses located ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Essay about Ice Hockey and Lacrosse Ice Hockey and Lacrosse Both Lacrosse and Ice hockey are two sports that share similar aspects. One example would be that they both require plenty of athletic prowess, as well as countless hours of training and practice to master. The high amount of contact in both sports enables a player to become both physically and mentally tough . Lacrosse has grown to its highest level of popularity it has ever reached over the last ten years. Ice hockey has seen a steady climb in its popularity over the past 25 years making it one of the most popular sports in not only Long Island, but all across the U.S. However, there are many differences as well, and we should not overlook the fact that there are plenty of distinctions between the two ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The biggest difference between ice hockey and lacrosse is the playing field. In hockey its ice, in lacrosse its grass. In addition to this would be the field dimensions. A lacrosse field is rectangular, while a hockey rink is oval. Another difference would be the number of players present on the field at one time. In lacrosse, 10 players are allowed at one time to work together at scoring a goal. In hockey, only 6 players are allowed to grace the field during each shift. Which brings the topic to another distinction, the length of shifts. In hockey the shifts are only about two to three minutes long, allowing fresh players to take the ice more often than in lacrosse, where the shifts are about every 10 to 12 minutes. Another major difference is that usually hockey is played during the winter months, lacrosse in the springtime. I use the word usually because there are ice rinks that will operate and host leagues during the summer, but its is rare due to the expense of cooling the ice during the hot summer days. Lacrosse players use cleats, which are sneakers equipped with little studs on the bottom to increase traction. Hockey players use skates to glide along the ice. A last differentiation would be the origin of both sports. Hockey was invented by Canadians, and lacrosse was created by American Indians, who oddly enough, used to use squirrel skulls because an official lacrosse ball had not been invented yet. Ice hockey and lacrosse are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Bird Shrinking Research Paper If your loved one has recently passed away, and you ve chosen to remember them with a laser etched monument, you ll want to keep it looking beautiful. With proper care, the monument you purchase will serve as a lasting memorial to your loved one. One of the benefits of laser etching is that the work will last for years to come. However, it will require some maintenance to ensure lasting beauty. Here are four simple steps you can follow that will help you protect and preserve your loved ones monument. Wipe Bird Droppings Away Immediately Bird droppings are unavoidable, especially when it comes to monuments that are outside. Unfortunately, bird droppings are highly acidic, which means they can damage your loved ones monument if left alone for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Red Hot Chili Peppers Song Calfornication The Red Hot Chili Peppers song Californication discuss how society has been perverted by Hollywood and turned society into something that is unrealistic and artificial. Most things in our society today are artificial, rarely is anything pure. If one was to look back in time societies morals are very different then they are now. One example of this can be seen in the act of fornication, or better known as sex before marriage. In today s culture being a virgin at 16 is seen as negative thing, while in the past it was seen as being pure. Everything we want or need is materialistic and heavily influenced by Hollywood. In the chorus of the song First born unicorn/Hard core soft porn/Dream of Californication/ Dream of Californication it mentions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... No matter what happens Hollywood will exist. How we use it is up to us, in the lyric it talks about an earthquake, its a deadly force ripping apart the earth. This earthquake is used for destruction but what if you applied it somewhere else differently like with a guitar. The earthquake would just be vibrations and vibrations make music on a guitar, music is not destructive, its a way of expressing your views and feelings. In the eighth verse of the song Pay your surgeon very well/To break the spell of aging/Sicker than the rest/There is no test/But this is what you re craving talks again about how people crave to be fake, to be ageless. If everyone becomes this ageless non human like being then you become a person with no identity. People would do this to improve themselves based on Hollywood s standard, however in an attempt to improve themselves they are really making themselves lower then the rest of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...