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Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn
Getting Started with SBT
Ikenna Nwaiwu
Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn
What is SBT ?
Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn
• Compile and run code with SBT
• Add managed dependencies to your project
• Run tests
• Publish to a binary repository
• Use a plugin
• Assemble an run a project jar
• Open an SBT project in Intellij
• Write and SBT task
Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn
Task 1:Write a HelloWorld file
• Create a HelloWorld programe in file “HelloWorld.scala”
• Compile it with >scalac
• Run it with >scala HelloWorld

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Gradle - Build system evolved

Gradle is a general-purpose build automation tool. It combines the power and flexibility of Ant with the dependency management and conventions of Maven into a more effective way to build. Its powered by Groovy DSL. Presentation discusses what and why Gradle with demo for java, groovy, web, multi-project and grails projects.

Basic Gradle Plugin Writing
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Basic Gradle Plugin Writing

This document provides a 3 sentence summary of the presentation "Idiomatic Gradle Plugin Writing" by Schalk W. Cronjé: The presentation discusses best practices for writing Gradle plugins, including using consistent and readable extensions to the Gradle DSL, supporting offline mode, testing plugins against multiple Gradle versions, and extending existing task types when needed rather than forcing users to use standard configurations. It provides examples of idiomatic ways to handle collections, maps, dependencies, and project extensions within Gradle plugins. The presentation aims to promote quality attributes like readability, consistency, flexibility and expressiveness in plugin authoring.

Gradle - Build System
Gradle - Build SystemGradle - Build System
Gradle - Build System

A general- ‐purpose build automation tool. It can automate building, testing, deployment, publishing, generate documentation etc. Designed to take advantage of convention over configuration. Combines the power and flexibility of Ant with the dependency management and conventions of Maven into a more effective way to build.

build toolgradlegroovy
Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn
Task 2: Now lets use SBT for building
• Create a file build.sbt
• Add the following to your sbt file
• name := "Helloworld project”
• version := "1.0"
• - Double space between lines
• Now start sbt in the directory and run >compile and >run
• >exit
Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn
Task 2: SBT for building – ignoring the target
• SBT puts in generated classes and files in the target directory
• You can clean this directory : >clean
• If you use version control, you probably don’t want these files versioned.
Ignore them with .gitignore
$>’echo target/ ‘ > .gitignore
$>git init
$>git status
Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn
Task 3: Lets create the project directory
• Move your HelloWorlds.scala file to
the src/main/scala folder
Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn
Task 4: Add a project dependency
• Got to http://www.scalatest.org/install and
add the scalatest project dependency.
• Run > reload
• Run > update
• Run > test

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Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn
Task 5: Write a test and run it
import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers}
class HelloWorldTest extends FunSuite with Matchers {
val result = HelloWorld.multiply(3, 4)
result shouldBe 12
• Create a file HelloWorldTest in
• Now run > test
• What do you get ?
• Implement the missing method in
• Now run tests again
Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn
Task 6: Using the console and help
• The SBT console loads your project and allows
you invoke your methods and functions from
the command line
• >console
• >scala>:quit
• >help
• >help reload
Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn
Task 6: Publishing your project locally
• Publishing a project: uploading a descriptor (Ivy file or Maven POM) and jar , to
a repository so that other projects can specify your project as a dependency.
• Add the following to your build.sbt
organization := ”com.lagosscala"
• >publishLocal
• You can now create another project and include your HelloWorld code as a
dependency with
libraryDependencies += ”com.lagosscala” %% "helloworld-project" % “1.0”
Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn
Task 7: Adding a plugin to your project
• A plugin can be used to add more tasks to your project
• Lets add a plugin that packages our project with all the dependencies required for
executing it
• sbt assembly - https://github.com/sbt/sbt-assembly
• Create file project/assembly.sbt and add the following addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n"
% "sbt-assembly" % "0.14.3”)
• Now reload, update, and run >assembly
• Note the path of the created assembly jar. Can you run it with
java –jar /path/to/project-assembly.jar ?

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Gradle For Beginners (Serbian Developer Conference 2013 english)
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The document provides an overview of Gradle for beginners. It discusses Gradle basics like build scripts, conventions over configuration, and the configuration and execution phases. It also covers tasks, plugins, dependencies, repositories, testing, quality assurance, and publishing artifacts. An example project is presented that shows how to build an application with Gradle, including tests, dependencies, plugins, and publishing the build artifacts.


This document introduces GradleFx, a Flex build tool that uses Gradle. It discusses key features of GradleFx such as supporting SWC, SWF, and AIR compilation; tasks for cleaning, compiling, packaging, and testing; and conventions for project structure and dependencies. Advanced topics covered include compiler options, JVM arguments, dependency configurations, and additional steps for AIR projects and FlexUnit testing. An example Gradle build script is provided.

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Java build tool_comparison

The document compares several Java build tools: Ant + Ivy, Maven, Gradle, and Buildr. It describes their key features such as dependency management, build lifecycles, and conventions. A results matrix shows how well each tool supports desired build features such as compiling Java code, running tests, and property expansion. The evaluation notes that Ant, Ivy and Maven have been around longest but Gradle is promising. Buildr is considered very flexible but has potential platform issues being built on Ruby.

Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn
Task 8: Open the project in Intellij
• File > Open > Project
• Use the ‘rebuild’ in the sbt pane to reload the project when you need to.
‘Auto import’ detects file changes and does this automatically as well.
Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn
Sbt Concepts: Settings
• An SBT project consists of an immutable map of key- value pairs
• An sbt build definition file, lists Settings (objects of Setting[T]).These are a list of transformations that can be
applied to the sbt project map. For example, they can add an entry to a map or transform an existing entry.
• The sbt build definition is a list of ‘Setting’s.
• A Setting is created by calling methods :=, +=, or ++= on a SettingKey and assigning a value.
• There are 3 kinds of Keys = SettingKey[T], InputKey[T] andTaskKey[T].
• SettingKeys – key for values computed once
• TaskKey – key for value recomputed each time
• InputKey – key for task that takes command line arguments as input
• There are built in keys that come with sbt and these are defined in sbt.Keys._
• You can create a custom key and use that for custom Settings e.g:
• lazy val helloWorld = taskKey[Unit](“My Hello World set task“)
• hello := { println("Hello World!”) }

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Getting started with sbt

  • 1. Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn Getting Started with SBT Ikenna Nwaiwu
  • 2. Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn What is SBT ?
  • 3. Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn Objectives • Compile and run code with SBT • Add managed dependencies to your project • Run tests • Publish to a binary repository • Use a plugin • Assemble an run a project jar • Open an SBT project in Intellij • Write and SBT task
  • 4. Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn Task 1:Write a HelloWorld file • Create a HelloWorld programe in file “HelloWorld.scala” • Compile it with >scalac • Run it with >scala HelloWorld
  • 5. Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn Task 2: Now lets use SBT for building • Create a file build.sbt • Add the following to your sbt file • name := "Helloworld project” • version := "1.0" • - Double space between lines • Now start sbt in the directory and run >compile and >run • >exit
  • 6. Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn Task 2: SBT for building – ignoring the target directory • SBT puts in generated classes and files in the target directory • You can clean this directory : >clean • If you use version control, you probably don’t want these files versioned. Ignore them with .gitignore $>’echo target/ ‘ > .gitignore $>git init $>git status
  • 7. Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn Task 3: Lets create the project directory structure • Move your HelloWorlds.scala file to the src/main/scala folder lib/ src/ main/ resources/ scala/ java/ test/ resources/ scala/ java/
  • 8. Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn Task 4: Add a project dependency • Got to http://www.scalatest.org/install and add the scalatest project dependency. • Run > reload • Run > update • Run > test
  • 9. Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn Task 5: Write a test and run it import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers} class HelloWorldTest extends FunSuite with Matchers { test("Multiplication"){ val result = HelloWorld.multiply(3, 4) result shouldBe 12 } } • Create a file HelloWorldTest in src/test/scala/HelloWorldTest.scala • Now run > test • What do you get ? • Implement the missing method in HelloWorld.scala • Now run tests again
  • 10. Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn Task 6: Using the console and help • The SBT console loads your project and allows you invoke your methods and functions from the command line • >console • >scala>:quit • >help • >help reload
  • 11. Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn Task 6: Publishing your project locally • Publishing a project: uploading a descriptor (Ivy file or Maven POM) and jar , to a repository so that other projects can specify your project as a dependency. • Add the following to your build.sbt organization := ”com.lagosscala" • >publishLocal • You can now create another project and include your HelloWorld code as a dependency with libraryDependencies += ”com.lagosscala” %% "helloworld-project" % “1.0”
  • 12. Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn Task 7: Adding a plugin to your project • A plugin can be used to add more tasks to your project • Lets add a plugin that packages our project with all the dependencies required for executing it • sbt assembly - https://github.com/sbt/sbt-assembly • Create file project/assembly.sbt and add the following addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.14.3”) • Now reload, update, and run >assembly • Note the path of the created assembly jar. Can you run it with java –jar /path/to/project-assembly.jar ?
  • 13. Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn Task 8: Open the project in Intellij • File > Open > Project • Use the ‘rebuild’ in the sbt pane to reload the project when you need to. ‘Auto import’ detects file changes and does this automatically as well.
  • 14. Ikenna Consulting ikenna@ikenna.net Twitter: @ikennacn Sbt Concepts: Settings • An SBT project consists of an immutable map of key- value pairs • An sbt build definition file, lists Settings (objects of Setting[T]).These are a list of transformations that can be applied to the sbt project map. For example, they can add an entry to a map or transform an existing entry. • The sbt build definition is a list of ‘Setting’s. • A Setting is created by calling methods :=, +=, or ++= on a SettingKey and assigning a value. • There are 3 kinds of Keys = SettingKey[T], InputKey[T] andTaskKey[T]. • SettingKeys – key for values computed once • TaskKey – key for value recomputed each time • InputKey – key for task that takes command line arguments as input • There are built in keys that come with sbt and these are defined in sbt.Keys._ • You can create a custom key and use that for custom Settings e.g: • lazy val helloWorld = taskKey[Unit](“My Hello World set task“) • hello := { println("Hello World!”) }

Editor's Notes

  1. Note that SBT can run interactively or in batch mode >sbt compile run Note we are using ‘bare build definitions’ (pre 0.13.7) 1. Multi-project .sbt build definition 2. Bare .sbt build definition 3. .scala build definition
  2. Note that SBT can run interactively or in batch mode >sbt compile run
  3. Note that SBT can run interactively or in batch mode Also note target and project are top level directories
  4. libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.0.0" % "test"
  5. Just tests first
  6. >console You can run scala code on the console >scala> HelloWorld.multiply(4, 6)