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How to Plan and Lead a Meeting for Maximum Results A definitive approach to effectively getting the most out of your meetings for  results   Presented by Mark Troncone, MBA, PMP®
Agenda Why do we hold Meetings? What are the three types of Meetings? Preparing for a Meeting - Pre-Work Preparing for a Meeting - do’s and don’ts Planning the Meeting – why is it necessary The Meeting Structure The Meeting Agenda Meeting Rules Three Statements that set the tone for Success Leading the meeting Meeting discussion techniques Ask the most important question at the end!
About Me – Mark Troncone PMP® Certified – Project Management Institute Certified IT Business Analyst Active career transition mentor MBA – Management BS – Marketing AS – Accounting Previous Employment: *   Starwood Hotels (Present) * Affinion Group * Hewitt Associates * Wachovia Bank * Bayer Pharmaceuticals * Reader’s Digest * James River Corporation
Meetings and Project Management How much percentage of their time does a Project Manager spend Communicating? 90% Would it be fair to say that Leading Meetings takes up a large part of this percentage? Then why not do it effectively and efficiently in order to gain the greatest value for results?
Why do we hold meetings? To exchange information To generate ideas To communicate news To evaluate risks To construct a plan  To assess data To address issues To recognize achievement For almost anything
The Three Types of Meetings One Shot  (Meet once and never again) Informational Recognize achievement Terminal  (For a specific time period, then ends) Project Meetings Short term team On-Going  (Scheduled continually) Department Staff Meetings Quarterly Company Progress Meetings Safety Meetings Group Meetings
In Real Estate – the Rule is…… LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION
In Meetings -  the Rule is…… PREPARE PREPARE PREPARE
Preparing for a Meeting – Pre-Work Check on participants schedules Check on meeting room availability Assess room size and layout Verify any and all necessities: White Board, Easel, Paper, Pens, Pencils Telephone hook-up for conference calls Projector and Lap-Top connections  Cell phone reception Any additional supplies or materials Food, Coffee, Water etc.
Preparing for a Meeting – Pre-Work Verify any and all materials will be delivered and be completed: Brochures Displays Products/Samples Data output/Reports Graphics Binders with contained info
Preparing for a Meeting – Pre-Work If an attendee cannot participate Have the attendee name a substitute Verify all attendees: Email addresses Business Titles Personal/office phone numbers Cell phone numbers Purpose for inviting Corporate addresses
Preparing for a Meeting – Do’s and Don’ts Meeting Do’s Ensure the meeting is needed/warranted Invite  only  the people who should attend Create an agenda and send it out to all participants  before  the meeting – rule 3-5 days Have a defined purpose for the meeting stated in the invite or email Meeting Don’ts Hold a meeting for the sake of holding a meeting Invite someone who is not needed Schedule a meeting without a purpose Hold a meeting without an agenda
Something to Remember Failure to Plan is Planning to Fail Keep this in mind whenever you are tasked with leading a meeting
Planning the Meeting – Why is it Necessary To verify the correct people have been invited Meeting attendees know why they are there The room is ready and can accommodate all Ensures the meeting flows correctly and starts on time To identify and capture: Issues/Risks Action Items Questions Next Steps -  “To Do’s”
The Meeting Structure Define the Meeting Purpose Define Date/Time Schedule a Room or Site Invite Attendees – via email Create and Distribute Agenda Add attachment documents Define necessary “Pre-Work”
The Meeting Structure Define the Meeting Purpose Simply state why are you holding this meeting Define Date and time of the Meeting Start the meeting on time! Schedule a Room or Site An on-site room or off-sight location  Ensure it can accommodate the number of attendees Invite Attendees – via email Only invite people who should be there Ask for alternates – if needed CC all other possible attendees and ask if they will be at the meeting
The Meeting Structure Create and Distribute Agenda Next Slide Add Attachment Documents Any materials that must be read prior to or brought to the meeting by the Attendee Define Necessary “Pre-Work” Any work that must be accomplished before the meeting by an Attendee Any questions that must be brought
The Meeting Agenda The Agenda Should contain: Name of the Company/Group/Department etc. Names of Attendees Meeting Location/Time Purpose Statement Name of Meeting Facilitator Name of Meeting Scribe  Name of Timekeeper Links to materials to “pre-read” Agenda outline with subject, presenter and time allotted Meeting Rules/Etiquette
The 3 Statements that set the tone for a Successful Meeting The Meeting Purpose Statement A  Purpose Statement  defines the meeting  It contains 3 components: TO  – describes what you are going to do. What’s your primary focus. IN A WAY THAT  – describes the value of this effort to others who benefit and indicate how they will benefit. SO THAT  – describes how beneficiaries are enabled to improve the larger system. What can they do as a result of achieving your purpose.
The 3 Statements that set the tone for a Successful Meeting The Meeting Purpose Statement Should be included in  every  agenda Should be read at start of  every  meeting It reinforces why you are having the meeting It defines clarity and reason It ensures purpose, focus and success It reassures to an Attendee why is it  important that they were invited
The 3 Statements that set the tone for a Successful Meeting A Meeting Purpose Statement example: The XYZ Project team is meeting today TO  – develop a risk and issue tracking method. IN A WAY THAT  – ensures issues can be captured, logged, assessed and ranked within risk tolerances.  SO THAT  – the business stakeholders can be communicated in a timely manner, any outstanding issues against the project deliverables and the weighted risks associated with them. This will enable the Business Stakeholders to decide what issues should be corrected in order of importance considering time and cost.
The Meeting Agenda - Roles Meeting Facilitator Leads the meeting Mediates disputes and enforces rules Keeps group on Meeting Agenda and Topics Meeting Scribe Takes Meeting Notes including Action Items Communicates Meeting Re-Cap, open questions,  any  “Parking Lot”  items   Timekeeper Communicates to Facilitator when a topic  is coming to an end
The Meeting Agenda - Rules Rules should be mentioned after the Meeting Purpose Statement They also should be listed on the Agenda Examples of rules: Only one person speaks at a time/no side conversations Topics off of Agenda will be put in a  “Parking Lot” All ideas, opinions, statements are to be respected Additions to Agenda must be sent to Meeting Facilitator 1 day before meeting Come to the meeting  On Time No side work (answering emails) or cells phones allowed
Your Company Logo Here Meeting Rules Area Action Item Area Your Agenda Area With Topics Times Main Body Remains The same Date Time Location XXXXXXXXXXX Team Meeting Agenda Date: November 1, 2011 Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Meeting Room – 2S306  Location –  Meeting Facilitator: John Smith Scribe: Jack Doe Time Keeper: John Williams   Meeting Purpose: To  In a Way That So That   Attendees:   Optional Attendees:   Please Read:   Please Bring: Any new open issues or topics that need to be communicated to the team   Dial in Number: 999-999-9999  Conference Code:   999 9999 Leader Code: 99999   Meeting Webinar URL   AGENDA ITEMS   Topics Presenter Time Allotted   Previous Meeting Recap Facilitator 5 min   Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3  Topic 4 Topic 5 Randy Davis All David Conners All All 5 min 25 min 5 min 5 min   Action Items Update (Refer to previous weeks meeting minutes) Facilitator 10 min   Wrap Up Meeting Scribe 5 min   TEAM ACTION ITEMS   No Action Item Description Assigned to  Date Status   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   TEAM MEETING ROLES/RULES   Topics   1 Meeting Facilitator  – Create agenda and send out to the team by end of day – 1 day before scheduled meeting. Coordinate selection of topic(s), enforce rules, facilitate discussion, determine next steps, and assign owners.   2 Meeting Scribe  - Document all meeting minutes including decisions, issues, and action items and send out meeting minutes by end of day – 1 day after meeting. Delivers meeting wrap-up.   3 Time Keeper  - will keep team on schedule and alert team as to topics coming to end of allotted time.   4 If you are selected for a meeting role and  cannot  attend the meeting, it will be up to you to communicate it to the Meeting Facilitator assigned for that particular weeks meeting so a substitute can be assigned.   5 Any topics that you wish to add as an agenda item or a discussion topic, in addition to the items listed, must be communicated to the Meeting Facilitator by end of day – 1 day before scheduled meeting.   6 Participants  – Be an active listener, have an open mind, one person speaks at a time, all opinions are to be respected.   7 Other work is  not  to be done at this meeting (I.E. answering emails, BA work, cell phones) unless you scribe.  
Leading the Meeting Follow the Agenda Take attendance Introduce Scribe and Time Keeper State Meeting Purpose Review last Meeting Review Action Items for updates Cover each agenda item in order Note Action items Note Questions Parking Lot  items off of purpose Have Scribe read meeting Re-Cap Announce next meeting (if Needed) Ask the most important question! End Meeting
Meeting Discussion Techniques Brainstorming Interviewing Facilitated Workshops – JAD Sessions Nominal Group Technique Delphi Technique Mind Maps Functional Decomposition Root Cause Analysis
Meeting Discussion Techniques Brainstorming Strives for  “Group Think” Produces numerous new ideas  All ideas accepted  Ideas condensed to a list Best used for a group Produces fast results Ideas are non-judgmental Dependent on team members  willingness to participate and  be open
Meeting Discussion Techniques Interviewing Interview team members  for specific information Produces fast results Can be conducted by email,  phone, letters or other methods Produces fast results Must ensure subject matter experts are interviewed Pre-send or come prepared with list of questions
Meeting Discussion Techniques Facilitated Workshops – JAD Sessions Group of stakeholders with different perspectives Issues/concerns are exposed  Group must arrive at an agreed  upon consensus Meeting Leader must facilitate Group must remain focused Best for solving problems
Meeting Discussion Techniques Nominal Group Technique Can be done during a  Brainstorming session Ideas are reviewed and ranked Must have evaluation and ranking criteria developed Best for delivering a “Top #” list or best choices assessment Can be used to reject ideas
Meeting Discussion Techniques Delphi Technique Request for information is sent to a group of experts who participate anonymously The responses are compiled Responses sent back to group  for further review until a consensus  is reached Best for honest feedback Can be time consuming
Meeting Discussion Techniques Mind Maps A group diagram approach of ideas  or notes to understanding a process, problem, or approach A center box is drawn with the main idea From the center trees(limbs) are extended  Each additional limb contains another idea Establishes group interaction Clearly  “Maps”  the idea Can be time consuming Must evaluate each idea
Meeting Discussion Techniques Functional Decomposition Group breaks down a process or problem into component parts to the lowest level possible  It creates a conceptual model Consistent view of scope and effort Can be used for time/cost analysis To be effective the group must fully  understand the problem or process No way to ensure all of the components  have bee captured Can be extremely time consuming
Meeting Discussion Techniques Root Cause Analysis Reorganizing problems or risks  by their root causes and effects Fishbone or Ishikawa diagram Uses a structured method Stimulates thinking Generates discussion Helps to identify more risks Can be time consuming Facilitator must have formal training
Meeting follow-ups Scribe sends out to Attendees and CC’d: Meeting Minutes Action Items Any documents Next steps Next Meeting date/time/loc. At a minimum –  One Business Day after Meeting
Ask the most important question at the end! Before Ending the meeting ask the   MOST   IMPORTMANT QUESTION Did we Accomplish our  Meeting Purpose Statement?
Ask the most important question at the end! IF  YES You ran a GREAT Meeting!!!! IF  NO  – Guess What? You have to schedule  another meeting!
Questions Tell me what you think ??? [email_address]

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How To Plan And Lead A Meeting For Maximum Results

  • 1. How to Plan and Lead a Meeting for Maximum Results A definitive approach to effectively getting the most out of your meetings for results Presented by Mark Troncone, MBA, PMP®
  • 2. Agenda Why do we hold Meetings? What are the three types of Meetings? Preparing for a Meeting - Pre-Work Preparing for a Meeting - do’s and don’ts Planning the Meeting – why is it necessary The Meeting Structure The Meeting Agenda Meeting Rules Three Statements that set the tone for Success Leading the meeting Meeting discussion techniques Ask the most important question at the end!
  • 3. About Me – Mark Troncone PMP® Certified – Project Management Institute Certified IT Business Analyst Active career transition mentor MBA – Management BS – Marketing AS – Accounting Previous Employment: * Starwood Hotels (Present) * Affinion Group * Hewitt Associates * Wachovia Bank * Bayer Pharmaceuticals * Reader’s Digest * James River Corporation
  • 4. Meetings and Project Management How much percentage of their time does a Project Manager spend Communicating? 90% Would it be fair to say that Leading Meetings takes up a large part of this percentage? Then why not do it effectively and efficiently in order to gain the greatest value for results?
  • 5. Why do we hold meetings? To exchange information To generate ideas To communicate news To evaluate risks To construct a plan To assess data To address issues To recognize achievement For almost anything
  • 6. The Three Types of Meetings One Shot (Meet once and never again) Informational Recognize achievement Terminal (For a specific time period, then ends) Project Meetings Short term team On-Going (Scheduled continually) Department Staff Meetings Quarterly Company Progress Meetings Safety Meetings Group Meetings
  • 7. In Real Estate – the Rule is…… LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION
  • 8. In Meetings - the Rule is…… PREPARE PREPARE PREPARE
  • 9. Preparing for a Meeting – Pre-Work Check on participants schedules Check on meeting room availability Assess room size and layout Verify any and all necessities: White Board, Easel, Paper, Pens, Pencils Telephone hook-up for conference calls Projector and Lap-Top connections Cell phone reception Any additional supplies or materials Food, Coffee, Water etc.
  • 10. Preparing for a Meeting – Pre-Work Verify any and all materials will be delivered and be completed: Brochures Displays Products/Samples Data output/Reports Graphics Binders with contained info
  • 11. Preparing for a Meeting – Pre-Work If an attendee cannot participate Have the attendee name a substitute Verify all attendees: Email addresses Business Titles Personal/office phone numbers Cell phone numbers Purpose for inviting Corporate addresses
  • 12. Preparing for a Meeting – Do’s and Don’ts Meeting Do’s Ensure the meeting is needed/warranted Invite only the people who should attend Create an agenda and send it out to all participants before the meeting – rule 3-5 days Have a defined purpose for the meeting stated in the invite or email Meeting Don’ts Hold a meeting for the sake of holding a meeting Invite someone who is not needed Schedule a meeting without a purpose Hold a meeting without an agenda
  • 13. Something to Remember Failure to Plan is Planning to Fail Keep this in mind whenever you are tasked with leading a meeting
  • 14. Planning the Meeting – Why is it Necessary To verify the correct people have been invited Meeting attendees know why they are there The room is ready and can accommodate all Ensures the meeting flows correctly and starts on time To identify and capture: Issues/Risks Action Items Questions Next Steps - “To Do’s”
  • 15. The Meeting Structure Define the Meeting Purpose Define Date/Time Schedule a Room or Site Invite Attendees – via email Create and Distribute Agenda Add attachment documents Define necessary “Pre-Work”
  • 16. The Meeting Structure Define the Meeting Purpose Simply state why are you holding this meeting Define Date and time of the Meeting Start the meeting on time! Schedule a Room or Site An on-site room or off-sight location Ensure it can accommodate the number of attendees Invite Attendees – via email Only invite people who should be there Ask for alternates – if needed CC all other possible attendees and ask if they will be at the meeting
  • 17. The Meeting Structure Create and Distribute Agenda Next Slide Add Attachment Documents Any materials that must be read prior to or brought to the meeting by the Attendee Define Necessary “Pre-Work” Any work that must be accomplished before the meeting by an Attendee Any questions that must be brought
  • 18. The Meeting Agenda The Agenda Should contain: Name of the Company/Group/Department etc. Names of Attendees Meeting Location/Time Purpose Statement Name of Meeting Facilitator Name of Meeting Scribe Name of Timekeeper Links to materials to “pre-read” Agenda outline with subject, presenter and time allotted Meeting Rules/Etiquette
  • 19. The 3 Statements that set the tone for a Successful Meeting The Meeting Purpose Statement A Purpose Statement defines the meeting It contains 3 components: TO – describes what you are going to do. What’s your primary focus. IN A WAY THAT – describes the value of this effort to others who benefit and indicate how they will benefit. SO THAT – describes how beneficiaries are enabled to improve the larger system. What can they do as a result of achieving your purpose.
  • 20. The 3 Statements that set the tone for a Successful Meeting The Meeting Purpose Statement Should be included in every agenda Should be read at start of every meeting It reinforces why you are having the meeting It defines clarity and reason It ensures purpose, focus and success It reassures to an Attendee why is it important that they were invited
  • 21. The 3 Statements that set the tone for a Successful Meeting A Meeting Purpose Statement example: The XYZ Project team is meeting today TO – develop a risk and issue tracking method. IN A WAY THAT – ensures issues can be captured, logged, assessed and ranked within risk tolerances. SO THAT – the business stakeholders can be communicated in a timely manner, any outstanding issues against the project deliverables and the weighted risks associated with them. This will enable the Business Stakeholders to decide what issues should be corrected in order of importance considering time and cost.
  • 22. The Meeting Agenda - Roles Meeting Facilitator Leads the meeting Mediates disputes and enforces rules Keeps group on Meeting Agenda and Topics Meeting Scribe Takes Meeting Notes including Action Items Communicates Meeting Re-Cap, open questions, any “Parking Lot” items Timekeeper Communicates to Facilitator when a topic is coming to an end
  • 23. The Meeting Agenda - Rules Rules should be mentioned after the Meeting Purpose Statement They also should be listed on the Agenda Examples of rules: Only one person speaks at a time/no side conversations Topics off of Agenda will be put in a “Parking Lot” All ideas, opinions, statements are to be respected Additions to Agenda must be sent to Meeting Facilitator 1 day before meeting Come to the meeting On Time No side work (answering emails) or cells phones allowed
  • 24. Your Company Logo Here Meeting Rules Area Action Item Area Your Agenda Area With Topics Times Main Body Remains The same Date Time Location XXXXXXXXXXX Team Meeting Agenda Date: November 1, 2011 Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Meeting Room – 2S306 Location – Meeting Facilitator: John Smith Scribe: Jack Doe Time Keeper: John Williams   Meeting Purpose: To In a Way That So That   Attendees:   Optional Attendees:   Please Read:   Please Bring: Any new open issues or topics that need to be communicated to the team   Dial in Number: 999-999-9999 Conference Code: 999 9999 Leader Code: 99999   Meeting Webinar URL   AGENDA ITEMS   Topics Presenter Time Allotted   Previous Meeting Recap Facilitator 5 min   Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 Randy Davis All David Conners All All 5 min 25 min 5 min 5 min   Action Items Update (Refer to previous weeks meeting minutes) Facilitator 10 min   Wrap Up Meeting Scribe 5 min   TEAM ACTION ITEMS   No Action Item Description Assigned to Date Status   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   TEAM MEETING ROLES/RULES   Topics   1 Meeting Facilitator – Create agenda and send out to the team by end of day – 1 day before scheduled meeting. Coordinate selection of topic(s), enforce rules, facilitate discussion, determine next steps, and assign owners.   2 Meeting Scribe - Document all meeting minutes including decisions, issues, and action items and send out meeting minutes by end of day – 1 day after meeting. Delivers meeting wrap-up.   3 Time Keeper - will keep team on schedule and alert team as to topics coming to end of allotted time.   4 If you are selected for a meeting role and cannot attend the meeting, it will be up to you to communicate it to the Meeting Facilitator assigned for that particular weeks meeting so a substitute can be assigned.   5 Any topics that you wish to add as an agenda item or a discussion topic, in addition to the items listed, must be communicated to the Meeting Facilitator by end of day – 1 day before scheduled meeting.   6 Participants – Be an active listener, have an open mind, one person speaks at a time, all opinions are to be respected.   7 Other work is not to be done at this meeting (I.E. answering emails, BA work, cell phones) unless you scribe.  
  • 25. Leading the Meeting Follow the Agenda Take attendance Introduce Scribe and Time Keeper State Meeting Purpose Review last Meeting Review Action Items for updates Cover each agenda item in order Note Action items Note Questions Parking Lot items off of purpose Have Scribe read meeting Re-Cap Announce next meeting (if Needed) Ask the most important question! End Meeting
  • 26. Meeting Discussion Techniques Brainstorming Interviewing Facilitated Workshops – JAD Sessions Nominal Group Technique Delphi Technique Mind Maps Functional Decomposition Root Cause Analysis
  • 27. Meeting Discussion Techniques Brainstorming Strives for “Group Think” Produces numerous new ideas All ideas accepted Ideas condensed to a list Best used for a group Produces fast results Ideas are non-judgmental Dependent on team members willingness to participate and be open
  • 28. Meeting Discussion Techniques Interviewing Interview team members for specific information Produces fast results Can be conducted by email, phone, letters or other methods Produces fast results Must ensure subject matter experts are interviewed Pre-send or come prepared with list of questions
  • 29. Meeting Discussion Techniques Facilitated Workshops – JAD Sessions Group of stakeholders with different perspectives Issues/concerns are exposed Group must arrive at an agreed upon consensus Meeting Leader must facilitate Group must remain focused Best for solving problems
  • 30. Meeting Discussion Techniques Nominal Group Technique Can be done during a Brainstorming session Ideas are reviewed and ranked Must have evaluation and ranking criteria developed Best for delivering a “Top #” list or best choices assessment Can be used to reject ideas
  • 31. Meeting Discussion Techniques Delphi Technique Request for information is sent to a group of experts who participate anonymously The responses are compiled Responses sent back to group for further review until a consensus is reached Best for honest feedback Can be time consuming
  • 32. Meeting Discussion Techniques Mind Maps A group diagram approach of ideas or notes to understanding a process, problem, or approach A center box is drawn with the main idea From the center trees(limbs) are extended Each additional limb contains another idea Establishes group interaction Clearly “Maps” the idea Can be time consuming Must evaluate each idea
  • 33. Meeting Discussion Techniques Functional Decomposition Group breaks down a process or problem into component parts to the lowest level possible It creates a conceptual model Consistent view of scope and effort Can be used for time/cost analysis To be effective the group must fully understand the problem or process No way to ensure all of the components have bee captured Can be extremely time consuming
  • 34. Meeting Discussion Techniques Root Cause Analysis Reorganizing problems or risks by their root causes and effects Fishbone or Ishikawa diagram Uses a structured method Stimulates thinking Generates discussion Helps to identify more risks Can be time consuming Facilitator must have formal training
  • 35. Meeting follow-ups Scribe sends out to Attendees and CC’d: Meeting Minutes Action Items Any documents Next steps Next Meeting date/time/loc. At a minimum – One Business Day after Meeting
  • 36. Ask the most important question at the end! Before Ending the meeting ask the MOST IMPORTMANT QUESTION Did we Accomplish our Meeting Purpose Statement?
  • 37. Ask the most important question at the end! IF YES You ran a GREAT Meeting!!!! IF NO – Guess What? You have to schedule another meeting!
  • 38. Questions Tell me what you think ??? [email_address]