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How To Write An ACT Essay |
Writing Tips With Great Examples
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How To Write An ACT Essay | Writing Tips With Great Examples How To Write An ACT Essay | Writing Tips
With Great Examples
Character Analysis of Under the Feet of Jesus by Helena...
Finding One s Self in Times of Trouble : An explication of the Helena Maria Viramontes novel
Under the Feet of Jesus.
Helena Maria Viramontes Under the Feet of Jesus portrays the maturing of Estrella, a young Latina
that seems to awaken in many different aspects of her life. The author s use of Estrella give the book
its strength and potency. Estrella is an affectionate character, which is at the center of all the important
issues. She is used a symbol to represent the small amount of strength that lingers at a person s
weakest point. Estrella, throughout the entire novel, serves as the strong base for the family and
through the setting established, the audience is able to see her grow in her social, political,
economical, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The book s main appeal and power is the author s use of Estrella, who serves as the focal point of all
the large issues. In one particular scene, we see Estrella playing with one a naked doll. Estrella asks
the naked doll if she was okay and then shook the doll s head No . This conversation with the doll can
be seen as the sense of denial that takes place in a child s mind that is not allowed to openly express
herself, her fears, her anxieties, and her hopes. She allows the doll to represent her honest feelings
about the lifestyle of living she is placed in. She is a unique and interesting individual, who will not
grow up to be knocked down by economic issues, difficult labor, and especially men.
She is being raised in a world where women are expected to suffer silently and to be at the mercy of
their men. However, men were not expected to return this slave like behavior for the women. This
setting of the novel allows the reader to see exactly how treacherous life can be. This suffering is so
present in Estrella s family s lives, yet she somehow is able to bring the family along no matter how
difficult the situation may be. She is still trapped in between two very different worlds: She tried to
remember which side she was on and which side of the wire mesh she was safe in (59). Her mother
may be taken over by a world of suffering, but she is not so beaten that she cannot pass some of her
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Gamma Rays Are The Most Interesting Wave Of The...
Gamma rays are the most interesting wave in the electromagnetic spectrum. In 1900, Paul Villard
discovered Gamma rays unexpectedly while he was conducting a radioactivity experiment
(ARPANSA). He differentiated gamma rays from x rays because he realized that gamma rays had a
greater penetration power depth through his further study and research (ARPANSA). Gamma
radiation studies revealed that they are very dangerous, but scientist also found a way to protect
against gamma radiation and many beneficial usages.
Gamma radiation is in the highest energy level of the electromagnetic spectrum (Electromagnetic
Spectrum). And the electromagnetic spectrum reveals the different types and range of radiation as well
as their wavelengths, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The research logically proved that if a person was farther away from the radiation, they would be
affected less by the bombing. The research clearly revealed why a high dose of gamma radiation was
dangerous because the bombs and explosions immediately killed people, and had many ways to
destroy person s health.
Unlike high dose of gamma radiation, a small dose of radiation had a significant and negative effects
on the victims in China. This study strongly proved that gamma radiation negatively affected the
health because the accidental Ir 192 gamma radiation caused a variety of cancer even with small doses
of radiation: .05 .65 Gy (Li). Iridium 192 is a radioactive isotope that has a half life of 73.82 days
which means that these radiations may occur rapidly. Also, the victims who were exposed to this
radiation had limited knowledge that certain machinery expelled the gamma radiation (Li). 54 people
were conducted on a 10 year test to check their health. The method was very simple because the
researchers gathered and then studied blood samples, bone marrow, and their T cell subsets (Li). The
results revealed basic clinical symptoms such as an increase in dizziness, fatigue, memory loss,
insomnia for 90.7 % of the people in the first month, but as time passed by, the study
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Emily Grierson s Resistance To Change
In this southern setting after the Civil War, Faulkner exposes the theme of resistance to change. A
Rose for Emily is an assessment of the way some people deal with vicissitudes in their lives. Miss
Emily Grierson who always subsisted under her father s wings, displays serious issues after his death.
The story begins with the end of Emily s life. Poor Emily s sentimental clutter and grotesque
demeanor bring pity on her character. Some may argue that she was just misunderstood, others may
see in her a psychologically unbalanced person, and that her attitude was simply a way of crying out
loud for help. In any cases, Emily appears to be someone that the common mortal would feel
compassion for, enough to deposit flowers on her grave. Her inability
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Essay on Philosophy of Christian Education
The education of children has existed since the beginning of time as parents have taught and molded
their children into the young adults they desired them to be. Initial training of children was not in a
formal setting, although history would see numerous settings, purposes, and methodological changes.
Philosophies of education have also changed through the years as various voices have seemed to grasp
the purpose of educating the next generation, thus laying out objectives to reach those goals of
teaching children. The statement philosophy of Christian education contains much information to be
unwrapped. The term philosophy literally means, in the Greek, love of wisdom. In this case, the study
of philosophy involves a critical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes
of your houses and on your gates (Deuteronomy 6:6 9). Christian education is not all about what takes
place in the formal classroom at school. As Christian educators, we are in a partnership with moms
and dads to help shape and disciple their children. It is the discipleship of children that propels
believing teachers to devote their life to this vital ministry of Christian education. When it comes to
the education of children, there are numerous fundamental factors, to mention a few: parents, teachers,
the student himself, curriculum, methodology, culture, and the Holy Spirit. Students must first take
responsibility for their own education and desire to learn. Even though this key educational factor is
not a prerequisite for learning, all students must eventually hunger for learning or it will never take
root in their lives. Responsible teachers must use responsible materials and methodology in order for
purposeful education to have a lasting impact. Teachers must use their divine calling and materials that
are not sugar coated, censored, vacuous and dry, nor merely politically correct (Holtrop) to challenge
this current generation of students. While secular humanism views children as inherently good, we
know that scripture teaches that all mankind to be innately evil, a
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How Did X-Rays Change The World
Imagine a machine that made what was once invisible, visible. Wilhelm Roentgen discovered the X
ray in 1895. X rays impacted the field of medicine greatly. The discovery of X rays significantly
changed how we could see the human body, treatment options, and how we viewed X rays. Wilhelm
C. Roentgen was a German physicist. He was born on March 27, 1845, and died on February 10,
1923. He was married to, Anna Bertha Ludwig. He received education from the University of Zurich,
the Institute of Martinus Herman van Doorn, ETH Zurich and the University of Strasbourg. He
received the Nobel Prize in physics in 1901 for discovering X rays.
When Roentgen first discovered X rays, he didn t know what they were. He called them X rays to
show that it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This can help them diagnose, monitor, and treat many medical conditions, (Healthline.com). This
changed the world of medicine. Looking inside a human body using X rays made diagnosing and
monitoring medical problems easier and more efficient. They no longer have to make incisions, they
can just use X rays to see what going on inside of your body. Doctors are able to see inside the body
because the way the X rays react with the density of the organs and bones inside of you. Soft tissue,
such as skin and organs, cannot absorb the high energy rays, and the beam passes through them. Dense
materials inside our bodies, like bones, absorb the radiation. (Wonderopolis.org). This is why we are
able to see bones and other things inside our bodies. Black areas on an x ray which is flesh and soft
tissue show where the X rays passed through. White areas on x rays show where denser tissues like
bones have absorbed the X rays. (RadiologyInfo.org). The white areas that show up on the X rays are
what allows the doctors to see the inside of the body. The doctors view the body because of how the
radiation reacts with the differences in density of organs, flesh, bones,
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How Did Sigmund Change The World
Just like Charles Darwin s theories changed the way people look at the world around us, Sigmund
Freud changed the way people look at the world within us. Sigmund was born on May 6th 1856 to
Galician Jewish parents and was the first of 8 kids. His dad Jakob Freud was a wool merchant and his
mother Amalia was a stay at home mom. There isn t much about his child hood but at the age of 17
Sigmund entered the University of Vienna. He had planed to study law but decided to join the medical
faculty at the university. His studies included philosophy under Franz Brentano, and physiology under
Ernst Brucke, and zoology under Darwinist professor Carl Calus. Then in 1876 Sigmund spent four
weeks at Claus s zoological research station, dissecting hundreds ... Show more content on
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Felix advised Sigmund to stop smoking and have the growth excised. Sigmund was treated by Marcus
Hajek, a rainologist whose compentence he had previously questioned. Marcus performed an
unnecessary cosmetic surgery in his clinic s outpatient department. Sigmund bled during and after the
surgery and may narrowly have escaped death. Felix saw that further surgery would be needed but did
not tell Sigmund that he had cancer in fear that Sigmund would want to commit suicide. Then in 1930
Sigmund was awarded the Goethe Prize in recognition of his contribution to psychology and to
German literary culture. Then in 1933 the Nazis took control of Germany and because Sigmunds
books were prominent among those they were burned and destroyed. Sigmund continued with his
positive attitude underestimating the growing Nazi threat and remained determined to stay in Vienna.
Ernest Jones the president of the International Psychoanalytical Association flew into Vienna from
London on March 15th determined to change Sigmund s mind and seek exile in
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The Great City Of New Orleans
In this great city of New Orleans, we have so many extravagant elements that distinguishes us from
other cities. From Mardi Gras to the French Quarters to Canal St., they all play an important part in
this city s history. The different historical statues we have scattered about the city also cause major
attractions and either people love or hate them. Lately, four specific statues have been getting a lot of
attention around town from not only the citizens, but from our very own mayor, Mitch Landrieu. Two
of the four statues are the Robert E. Lee Monument in the center of Lee Circle and the P.G.T
Beauregard Statue on City Park Ave. The mayor feels the statues should be removed not only because
of their confederate backgrounds, but because they don t have anything to do with the history of New
Orleans. So, let s explore the background of these two, controversial statues, beginning with the
Robert E. Lee Monument, and then going to the P.G.T Beauregard Statue, but before we discuss the
statue let s start with the man in the statue.
Robert Edward Lee was born in Stratford Hall, Virginia on the 19th of January 1807. It appears Lee
was destined to be in the military considering he was the son of famous war hero Henry Light Horse
Harry Lee. As soon as Lee was old enough he joined the military. He attended the United States
Military Academy at West Point and graduated second in his class in 1829. After Lee graduated,
military life didn t live up to its reputation, in fact he
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Compare And Contrast The New England And Massachusetts...
Although the New England and Chesapeake colonies were settled by people of English origin, by
1700 they were two distinct societies. What accounts for these differences? Basically, the motives, the
geography and the values of the people in the colonies were combined to form two very separate
societies in Massachusetts and Virginia. Of course both societies contain settlers from Britain.
However, the motives and the values in each society were drastically different from each other. Most
people who went to Massachusetts have done so because they hope to create an utopia for their
religious beliefs. Most people to Virginia, look for economic opportunity in many different ways.
People who have gone to Virginia were seeking economic opportunity. Some were there to look for
gold, but others came to work as indentured servants for a few years. Additionally, there were people
sent to serve as wives for the men already there. In return for their service as servants, they should
have acquired passage to America, shelter, food, and clothes (Indenture Agreement Between Richard
Smyth and Margaret Williams, 1659). Those who were in pursuit for gold, were also traveling because
Spain has found gold in modern Peru, and for pursuit of wealth (History of ... Show more content on
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They had undergone commitments of loyalty to the Church of England (Ship List: Virginia, 1636). It
also implies that the new settlement in Virginia would be composed of young, single men, which
would impact satisfaction in the colony. Some structures built in Virginia shows how their values and
relations with the Church of England impacted the style and property of religious structures. The most
noticeable similarity between European churches and St. Luke s Church is that they both have stained
glass windows (St. Luke s Church, 1682), representing the Virginia s loyalty to the Church of
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Training Pl Landslide Limousines
Training Plan: Landslide Limousines Team B HRM/531: Human Capital Management Gary Woodlin
March 20, 2016 Training Plan Introduction Landslide Limousines is an automobile company which
going to deal in provision of cars that helps in the free mobility of people. It is factual that it has an
impact on environment through emission of dangerous gases like carbon dioxide because of the use of
fossil fuels. Since the company is projected to grow in sales by ten percent, it has considered the
environment as one of its priorities in the training plan. Needs Assessment The organization is
planning to support the training of twenty five employees in the necessary skills needed for efficient
production. The type of employees to be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is because it s cheaper for the company which is going through different challenges. There will
be guidelines to follow in this training. Use of timetables will be recommended for different
departments to make sure that no excuses are made. Employees who miss training will be punished or
suspended if just cause is not provided. This training is intended to equip different workers in different
departments with skills for efficient production. The training is expected to be effective because it will
be carried out by different departments and not general training. Performance sheets of different
departments will be drafted to assess their performance. Since the company s net revenue is going to
be $50,000, a change in net income will mean that the training was effective. If the company hits its
target of ten percent annual turnover, it will prove the training had a serious impact on different
departments. The final results of the impact of this planning will be reached after assessing different
departments before the training. It will be through recording how much each department contributes to
the company. The monitoring of this training will be through supervisors who also act as middle
managers of the company. They will observe and record progress of different employees and give
recommendations. The collection of information will be both oral and practical. The oral part will
involve questionnaires which will
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Beneficial Effects of Probiotics Essay
Probiotics are ingestable microorganisms which gives the consumer a beneficial effect. First coined by
the late eli Metchnikoff probiotics are described to be microorganisms which are ingested in small
amount to increase the diversity of both flora and fauna inside the human body this reaction in turn
affects the adaptation abilities for the human body to react to different surroundings, digest different
things, or just improve the antibody or the mechanism that already exists in the human body.
This mechanism of diversity caused by many flora inside the digestive track of humans are beneficial
because it helps with the digestion of a more diverse product. Even if the probiotic does not help with
digestion some other ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some of the other reasons why lactobacillus plantarum 229v is used is that because it is a gram
positive facultative aerob bacteria it can survive in low oxygen environment like inside the juice box
or in the juice itself.
Although lactobacillus plantarum cost are higher this certain strain of lactobacillus is specifically
engineered to have more commercial benefits.
Some benefits can also benefit the product itself. Like many other lactic acid bacteria lactobacillus
plantarum229v releases lactic acid if in dairy based product lactic acid might bring a negative side
effect of giving it a crude rancid taste and smell in juices with a sour taste like orange, black current,
and mango these lactic acid give or enhance the taste. According to a 2006 study of comparison of
both probiotic and non probiotic juice, juices containing lactobacillus plantarum yields a higher mark
with emphasis on them being more fragrant and tasteful. Another side effect of these lactic acid is that
the lactobacillus plantarum uses the lactic acid to control competing microorganism this affects the
product by giving it a longer shelf life without any excessive amount of sugar and or any other added
preservative.it is also worth mentioning that by eliminating the need of any preservative production
cost can be cut down significantly and the product can now avoid any problems based on the use of
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The Positive And Negative Impact Of Information Technology...
Information Technology In My Life The millennial generation has seen more change in technological
adaptations and advancements than any generation thus far. As a collective group, we have turned
from the CD player, to the IPOD, to Spotify and Pandora. We have gone from viewing our favorite
movies on VCR, to DVD, to watching Netflix on our laptops. We have noticed the landline, the
household phone s, slow but steady irrelevance. These advancements are important and notable.
However, there is something far more important than our literal technological innovations, and that is
how they have affected our children and us. My youngest brother, Caleb was born in 2012.
Understanding that he does not fall under the category of the millennial generation has exhibited this
first hand knowledge that generations do, indeed have different attitudes, opinions, and ideas due to
what they were raised with. Caleb, currently, is growing up in an era surrounded by technology. The
world is at his fingertips and he is only five. Having observed this, I have noticed the positive and
negative affects of growing up in a fully immersed technological age. In my life, information
technology has proven its positive and negative affects in the growth and success of children. This has
occurred by 1) the children of the millennial age understanding technology and how to access it at a
exponentially faster than our generation, 2) our children developing a foundational dependency on
technology, and 3) a
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The United States And Its Impact On The Nation...
There are many challenges when it comes to rebuilding failing states and retraining their militaries.
The practice is done for the purposes of advancement of political objectives, also the attempt to
provide stability within a hostile region, saving a fragile nation from collapse, and to provide support
to oppressed groups and populations aligned with similar value structures. It is not a new policy tactic
for the United States, there have been several cases where America has played a big role in nation
reconstruction and redeveloping regional armed forces. While there have been some successful
campaigns in these efforts to fight insurgency, improve conditions in regional civil conflicts, and
stabilize areas, it has not always been effective policy. The United States has had a pretty varied
legacy with these types of interventions. From different case examples, it can be concluded that when
a liberator is rebuilding a state or a military, and is dealing with a population that is multi ethnic and
has deep religious divisions, the effort is probably more likely to fail than to succeed. Further research
also indicated that acting multilaterally produced much better results with nation
reconstruction/intervention. Usually, during intervention campaigns, short term goals were reached,
although there are often issues with achieving long term goals of peace and stability.
Some scholars have acknowledged that some attempts at saving failing states have resulted in
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The United States Has Engaged In Numerous International
The United States has engaged in numerous international interventions in the Middle East. The two
major events that have shaped the politics of U.S. foreign policy, Israel, and the Arab states are the
Suez Crisis of 1956 and the Six Day War of 1967. President Eisenhower and President Johnson each
took different approaches while confronting these crises. The personalities, motives and
predispositions of the Presidents and their circle of closest advisors explain how they shaped their
policies and how they responded to the events. The decisions these Presidents made have had a long
lasting effect on the region. Over the course of this paper, I will compare Eisenhower s policies in the
1956 Suez Crisis and Johnson s policies in the 1967 Six ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Furthermore, Eisenhower opposed the use of force the U.S. sought a diplomatic solution to the
problem. Unlike the U.S., Britain and France viewed Nasser s action as a threat to their national
interests, which led to Operation Musketeer, involving Israel. On October 26, 1956, when the United
States learned of Israel s military mobilization, President Eisenhower personally sent messages to
Israeli Prime Minister Ben Gurion asking Israel to not take any action that would endanger the peace.
However, on October 29, 1956, Israel attacked the Egyptian army, taking control of the Sinai and the
Straits of Tiran. Britain, France, and Israel kept the operation secret from the United States.
Eisenhower felt personally insulted by his allies UK and France for disregarding the Tripartite
Agreement of 1950 and Operation Musketeer. As a professional solider, he understood and did not
rule out the use of force (Lenczowski, 48). In response to these developments, Eisenhower used
economic threats to force his British, French, and Israeli allies to withdraw from Egypt. Eisenhower
valued the UN system and international law, which explains why he took aggressive action to resolve
the conflict through the UN. In a resolution, the U.S. called for an immediate ceasefire and the
evacuation of Israeli, French, and British forces from Egypt under the supervision of a special United
Nations force.
As Lenczowski put it, Johnson s presidency
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A License Program Can Reduces Car Crash Rates
Teenagers Driving Studies have shown that the Graduated License Program can reduces car crash
rates by 40%. The GDL is available in all 50 states. Since the decrease of teenage accidents have been
declining some states are making the GDL a law in the state.
Car crashes are the number one death of teenagers, a lot of these deaths are by the use of technology
and not buckling up. To begin, the National safety council reports that 28% of vehicle crashes , are
caused by the use of technology (Klass Roney 5). Many accidents are caused by teens looking at their
phones and the use of social media behind the wheel. If more stricter laws are set on phones in cars
that percentage should fall. In general, the use of phones today by people is just about everyone and
people should be more smart and not be using their phones while driving not just for their safety but
others. Furthermore, the amount of teens that die in car accidents is Four times the amount of drivers
twentyfive to sixtynine (Klass Roney 3). Younger drivers do not buckle up as many other older and
experienced drivers. The more young drivers that are taught what the real impacts of not wearing a
seatbelt can cause they would probably be more wise. Generally speaking, some young teen drivers do
not see the seatbelt as being important, when really it is the most important thing in the car. Better
drivers education for young/new drivers should be taken into account, because it better educates
drivers on how to
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How Does Michelle Obama Use Ethos In Equal Rights For Women
The two speeches I will be comparing in this essay are Michelle Obama s Speech at the 2016
Democratic National Convention and Shirley Chisholm s Equal Rights For Women Speech because in
my opinion they re great speeches and they both used the appeals in the rhetorical triangle in order to
prove their point and convince the audience. They both reach out to the audience by the choice of
words they use and the way they word their sentences. Michelle Obama s speech she mainly uses all
three rhetorical appeals logos, pathos, and ethos. Shirley Chisholm s speech uses two of the three
rhetorical triangle appeals pathos, and ethos.
The central message of Michelle Obama s speech is that children are the ones that will help shape the
future ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first example of why I believe this is because she uses powerful statements such as We know that
our words and actions matter not just to our girls, but to children across this country kids who tell us, I
saw you on TV, I wrote a report on you for school. Kids like the little black boy who looked up at my
husband, his eyes wide with hope, and he wondered, Is my hair like yours.? By saying that people s
actions matter to children she s capable of making the audience feel compassionate, she also shows
that she doesn t care about herself that much, she keeps putting children and everyone else in the
country before herself. When she says The little black boy who looked up at my husband, his eyes
wide with hope she helps the audience see how children hope to be like certain adults when they grow
up because children tend to want to grow up and be like their role models. Another great example to
why I believe her speech was better at persuading her target is when she states Police officers and
protesters in Dallas who all desperately want to keep our children safe. People who lined up in
Orlando to donate blood because it could have been their son, their daughter in that club. Leaders like
Tim Kaine who show our kids what decency and devotion looks
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Aylmer s Struggle for Perfection in Nathaniel Hawthome s,...
Aylmer s Struggle for Perfection in Nathaniel Hawthome s, The Birthmark
Aylmer s struggle for scientific perfection transcends human possibility in Nathaniel Hawthome s The
Birthmark. He attempts to perfect that which nature rendered imperfect. When the quest for human
achievement opposes divine design it has no chance of succeeding. This key element in Aylmer s
twisted love leads to the demise of what he seeks so desperately to perfect, his beautiful wife.
Georgianna s fatal flaw of humanity (Hawthorne 167), the birthmark, blocks her from perfection in his
eyes, and thus blemishes Aylmer s prideful ideals. Her alleged inferiority to science leads to her death
and Aylmer s complete failure as both a scientist and a spouse. ... Show more content on
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in what Aylmer deemed an almost fearful distinctness (166). Aylmer s fearful distinction shows how
utterly engrossing and preoccupying his feelings of hatred for the mark had become. Many admire the
mark as a distinction of Georgianna s innate beauty and uniqueness. Some, however, deem it the very
mark that completely obliterates all semblance of her beauty by claiming that the birthmark quite
destroyed the effect of Georgianna s beauty (166). Aylmer represents the latter group. Most, however,
if they did not adore it ... contented themselves with wishing it away so that the world might possess
one living specimen of ideal loveliness without the semblance of a flaw (166). Aylmer proceeds much
farther than this by completely eradicating the birthmark and killing his wife.
The conflict between Aylmer s love of science and love for Georgianna leads to her tragic death. The
birthmark continually taints his ideal love of woman. As far as Aylmer is concerned, the only thing
that keeps Georgianna from perfection is the birthmark; ... seeing her otherwise so perfect, he found
this one defect grow more and more intolerable... (167). This man, intrinsically scientific, would not
deem it necessary to attempt perfection if he did not possess a love for and deep attachment to science:
... had Aylmer not been a scientist, a daring experimenter, the birthmark on his wife s cheek would
hardly have come to obsess him (Brooks and
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Access Control For Local Area Network Performance Essay
Table of Contents Introduction 2 1.Management Access Control to a LAN 2 1.1 Three resources
access can be managed 3 1.2 Access Level of users, operators and administrators 3 1.3 Methods of
Controlling Access 4 1.4 Access control audit trail 5 2. Local area network performance issues 6 2.1
Factors affecting response time 6 2.2. Analyzing Data and identifying problems 7 2.3. Use of
diagnostic tools to collect data 7 2.4. Compare methods for improving performance of the following 8
3.LocalArea Computer Network Support Issues 9 3.1. Role of suppliers, third party professionals, and
local expertise for LAN support issues 9 3.2. User Expectations for the Following Range of Support
Options 9 4. Virus on Local Area Network 11 4.1. Symptoms and Transmission of viruses 11 4.2
Prevention, Detection and Eradication of Virus 12 Conclusion 13 References 14 Introduction: LAN
stands for Local Area Network is a computer network ranging in size from computers in a single
office to hundreds or even thousands of devices spread across several buildings. The major role of
LAN is to link computers together and provide shared access to the printers, fax machines, data
storage, messaging, games, file servers and other services. The concept for developing LAN is to
operate quick data transfer over small geographical area such as school, university, office building. In
today world LAN plays a major and mutual role for mid to large sized businesses to share data to
common devices and its
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Fozen And The Snow Queen Analysis
Frozen, a spinoff of The Snow Queen, promotes feminism within society and proves the bond between
sisters is capable of healing a frozen heart. The 2013 film illuminates female empowerment and also
displays the concept of child development through Bettleheim s theories. In The Uses Of
Enchantment:The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales, Austrian psychoanalyst Bruno Bettelheim
uses fairy tales to display his theories of childhood development. Society questions whether the
updated versions should contain childhood developmental theories by Bettleheim. The film Frozen
and The Snow Queen share commonalities and contrasts through Bettleheim s theories of fatality
within in one s family and the polarities of characters which are revealed through both the plots and
characters. Frozen displays Bettelheim s theory of fatality and its effects on characters through the plot
of the film. Bettelheim discusses how the loss of a parent leads to disastrous events ( Bettleheim 8). In
addition to this theory, the parents death in Frozen symbolizes a period of darkness within the film.
Darkness is displayed through the lacking of communication between the sisters and the insecurities
Elsa faces over her powers.The phrase conceal don t feel, is constantly mentioned throughout the film
(Frozen. Directed by Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee and Yasuhiko Nemoto.). This phrase
is symbolic of her parents wanting her to conform to societal norms by not revealing what makes her
unique. In this case it relates to her powers, however, in a real life situation, it could relate to a person
s sexuality, one s political stance, or one s beliefs in general. These insecurities cause Elsa to develop
social anxiety against her sister .Furthermore, Elsa differs from the Snow Queen, because, she is
illustrated as a conflicted heroine within the film. The performance of Let it Go represents Elsa s
freedom from the criticisms of society. Ironically the plot in Frozen differs from the original tale
entitled, The Snow Queen .
Additionally the theming of darkness within The Snow Queen, is illuminated through Bettleheim s
theory of fatality. Bettelheim s theory of fatality does not occur
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Resistance Of Change And The Application For Nursing And...
Resistance to Change Change is inevitable and affects so many facets of life. Healthcare is
synonymous with change and is a revolving door for changes for very valid reasons. Leadership in
health care is pivotal. The strength of leadership has an unambiguous link to the quality of care and
the reputation of the profession. The paper will review the significance and literature surrounding the
topic of resistance to change and the application to nursing and leadership.
Significance to Leadership
Webster s Dictionary (2016) defines change as to become different; to make (someone or something)
different; to become something else. Many individuals embrace change and others resist change, but
working in the medical world it is inevitable that we will come in contact with change. Many times we
have all worked with someone who does things the old way. Why do they resist something new? In an
article by Dr. Alyn (2011), the reasons why people resist change were reviewed. People resist change
for the following reasons: they do not see how the change is beneficial, they don t recognize the
benefits are worth the investment to adopt change, and they weren t involved in the decisions (Alyn,
2011). Knowledge related to this rationale should provide insight for leaders as they prepare to
influence change.
This understanding is significant because leaders can focus their energy on these elements to help
motivate staff to move forward in a positive direction. Staff members
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The Latin Word La Raza
The Latin word La Raza, spoken by many Latin Americans united by culture and spiritual beliefs, is
translated into the race. This idea of La Raza brings the cultures separated around the world together
based on the similar ideas of a great destiny and culture values. There are many concepts that are
different from the Anglos, which translates to white, English speaking American, but there are many
attributes that are similarly seen within each culture. Among many Anglos, there is a racist assumption
that those who are Mexican are lazy when there are cultural reasons for the way Latin Americans
choose to live. Those among the Mexican culture has a strong belief in a splendid destiny planned by
God that hasn t occurred based on the culture or groups of Mexican people s sins; such as, the thieves
and drunks (William, 1964, p. 15). This belief in God already having a plan for each individual among
the earth has created a calm atmosphere toward planning for the future. Many Mexican Americans
consider the act to plan frivolous because God has already planned their future, and they permit fate to
control their decisions. Instead of planning for the future, the most important role is family
responsibilities among the male and female presently. As stated in William s article, Gregorio said, I
owe everything to my family. Were it not for my parents love for each other, I would never have been
born. They raised me and taught me all I know...When one has a family, one is never alone
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Transitions In The Story Of Tom Brennan
The concept of Exploring Transitions is presented through the text, The Story of Tom Brennan by J.C
Burke. The Story of Tom Brennan, is about the transition of immaturity to maturity and the adversities
that come with moving from one town to another. The transition that are present throughout this story
are mental and physical transitions. Similarly, the aspects of mental transition is also in Song of the
Sea, of Ben who feels little obligation to his sister, Saoirse due to his mother s disappearance. Saoirse
also goes through a mental and physical transition throughout their journey.
Tom s initial perspective of on his transition he and his family must undertake is on of despair and
reluctance. This despair is emphasised through the emotive language that is used throughout the
prologue such as groan, dump, and shuffling. Tom s despair also creates a sense of tension throughout
the family as for the line, no one spoke, the line reinforces the tension and their reluctance to face the
new change in their life. The line down, down we glided in silence, could be interpreted
metaphorically. The metaphorical interpretation of the line represents the unwillingness of the
direction in which Tom s life is going down and the rolling down of a hill demonstrates a forced
change. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Begins with a comforting scene of Ben with his parents. The dreamy filter the scene is given makes it
seem like a dream and/or a flashback. Initially, Ben was excited to have a sister and pleased as he says
to his Mum, I can t wait for the baby to come then we re gonna be best friends, aren t we? However
this is quickly changed when Ben drifts in and out of sleep, his first view being of his Mum singing to
him and the third one of his Mother s hair turning white and the desperation he
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Sherman Antitrust Case Study
As many other students can attest to I was quite young while this case was going on. Now going back
to research this topic sheds a lot of light onto things I did not understand at the time.
The lengthy legal battle began in 1998 when Microsoft was accused of partaking in illegal behavior
that violated many details laid out in the Sherman Antitrust Act. Illegal behavior such as making their
Internet browser a bundle deal with their operating system of their windows computers. The case
would first go to mediation with both sides trying to make a deal so that it would not have to go to
trial but after many close calls to finding a deal it would ultimately fall through causing the case to go
to trial. The trial extended over several years and appeals
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How Doctor Die By Ken Murry
In How Doctor Die, Ken Murry explains the choice of doctors when they have a terminal illness.
From the beginning, Ken gives an example of an orthopedist who was diagnosed with stomach cancer.
He quit his job and spent the rest of his day with his family. A doctor is a person who treats disease
and saves patients; however, when they have an illness, they are also like other patients. They meet
difficult situations with their patients but also feel for them. They tend to be fair because they know
about medicine and its limits. They do not want to die. Surely, each doctor has the preparation for
death, and they want to find a way to die in peace. On the other hand, some patients try to find a
method to overcome their illness although they have to bear pain. What I take from Murray s essay is
that patients have a right to chose how they die . Every one dies, eventually, but I agree with Murray
that the choice needs to be an informed decision. According to Murray, some patients fight death, they
use drugs, chemotherpy, radiation, surgical, or CPR. They believe that they can overcome their illness.
Doctors recommend that people who can not be saved with treatment should just live their life with
their family, enjoying the rest of their days. Therefore, the doctors have to know what is best for their
patients. They should have treatment. When the patients spend a lot of money, this is not the way to
overcome illness. For example, there was a women trying to overcome her
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Dangers Of Male Dominance In Nathaniel Hawthorne s The...
In Nathaniel Hawthorne s short story, The Birthmark, he touches on the dangers of traditional male
dominance within Aylmer and Georgiana s marriage and how this confronts Aylmer s overall
masculinity, as well as identifies the reflection of a male ideal of femininity. Not only does this
masculine facade shape Georgiana s sexuality, but also it allows Aylmer to ultimately be able to live
his life governed by sameness which he feels he can control through Georgiana s feminine Nature
itself. Hawthorne uses The Birthmark, not just as a story about the flawed and imperfect nature of
women, but mainly of a story about the sickness of Aylmer, and how the great American dream of
eliminating women is essentially a demonstration that the only ... Show more content on
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Aylmer s character, the man of science, is initially introduced as the pale philosopher who seems to be
so dedicated to his love of science that he believes he possibly possessed this degree of faith in man s
ultimate control over Nature (Hawthorne 28). Almost immediately, Aylmer pronounces his
masculinity and dominance over Georgiana and her feminine nature when he mentions if it had ever
occurred to her to have this odious hand removed from her face. The desire of removing this crimson
hand from Georgiana s face dictates Aylmer intently, even causing him to have dreams of the
birthmark because the mind is in a sad state when Sleep (Hawthorne 31). Until then, Aylmer wasn t
aware of the tyrannizing influence of the crimson hand, and how it put him in this sad state, yet this
problematic birthmark ultimately causes him to feel the need to express his masculinity over
Georgiana throughout the rest of the short story. This emphasizes Aylmer s character s need for control
over Georgiana indefinitely. We see Aylmer s character being moved to this situation, not because of
the vision of Georgiana s potential perfection, but by his horror at her present condition; Aylmer s
compulsion to perfect Georgiana is a result of his horrified perception of what she actually is, and all
lofty talk about wanting her to be perfect so that just this once the potential of Nature will be fulfilled
is but a cover for his central emotion of revulsion (Fetterley). Since this definition of masculinity is
essentially a reflection of the male ideal of femininity, this threatens Aylmer and causes him to become
resentful of feminine Nature, which can govern all beings, unlike his scientific experiments. This, in
turn, makes Aylmer fundamentally less than women, which undermines his masculinity even more
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Topics For Research Essay
Important Topics for Projects in Marketing
Selection of research topic is the basic and important part of research report, thesis or dissertation. It
requires a lot of energy, resources and time to choose an appropriate topic for the research. There are
numerous factors which need to be taken into consideration before final selection of the research
topic. For example a research topic should neither be too broad nor should be too narrow. Similarly,
the topic should be researchable, interesting, clear and feasible. In order to have an idea of different
types of research topics related to the field of marketing, a list is given:
Topics for Research in Marketing
The effects of pharmaceutical dispensing pattern on consumer ... Show more content on
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sumer purchase behavior in out of stock situations at retail outlets
Understanding consumer response towards sales promotion in the fast food industry
Factors influencing customer satisfaction in health care services
Impact of congruity between self concept and brand image on brand preference in the automobile
The impact of brand extension on brand personality
The impact of personal involvement on store brand selection
A four dimension approach to attitude measurement
Sustainable competitive advantages in hospital industry
Customers evaluation of perceived value of service rendered by physician consultant
Studying consumer reactions to the Von Restorff effect
Effect of personal and personality characteristics on sales performance
Effectiveness of utility bill as promotion medium (a comparative study between company and
The revival of radio advertising in (country name): A comparative study of advertiser and consumer
The effect of corporate characteristic on the choice of CSR
Relationship between organization characteristic and organization response to Gray market
The effect of consumer travel characteristic and billboard characteristics on consumer response to
billboard advertising
A study of waste management and recycling in (country name)
The effects of publicity source characteristics on consumer belief
The effects of search engine optimization on marketing performance of the companies
Impact of parent brand image on the brand
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Controversical Analysis Of A Watcher
The situation of this commercial is critical to its viability on its watchers. Having been put on the web,
this article can possibly connect with a substantially more extensive scope of watchers. Individuals of
all races, ages, financial statuses, and convictions are on the web every day. My idea on this picture, is
that it was planned for a crowd of people outside of the United States since it appeared on a site that
had ads from around the globe. In the United States, kids encounter programs, through school, keeping
in mind the end goal to instruct understudies on the unsafe impacts of cigarettes. Since we have these
projects here in the United States and numerous different commercials, this particular notice is
planned for a group of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The creator needs the watcher to interface smoking cigarettes with death so as to convince somebody
not to smoke. At the point when dull hues are utilized, the all inclusive community of individuals will
expect that something terrible has happened or is being delineated. An interest to rationale likewise
happens with the red shading being appeared on one of the lungs. This red shading is related with
flame. The watcher will relate this fire in somebody s lungs with the decimation of their lungs. The
affiliation that the watcher makes with the fire runs as an inseparable unit with the affiliation they will
make with the words depicting the promotion. The last interest to rationale that happens in this
promotion is the word usage. The notice is joined by one short sentence. In this sentence, the creator
utilizes the expression expending. When somebody who is seeing this notice sees the word devouring,
they will connect that word with sustenance. Individuals eat sustenance so as to give their body the
supplements that their bodies require keeping in mind the end goal to work legitimately. Nonetheless,
for this situation, as per dictionary.com, the word expend signifies to devastate or grow by utilize. The
utilization of this word plays both a sensible interest on the watcher and also an enthusiastic interest to
them. The coherent interest is just the signification of the word. The
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Tagish Lake Research Paper
Most of us are familiar with the panspermia hypothesis that life can be seeded from asteroid, comet,
and planetoid contents but to date, no direct evidence has been discovered. So, why should we
consider meteorites to be possible parents? The truth is out there somewhere and these space rocks
contain the essentials, as far down as to amino acids. Until now, what has been recovered has been
regarded as structured. However, the matter of Tagish Lake arose.
In January of 2000, a huge meteoroid exploded in our planet s atmosphere over Northern British
Columbia in Canada, which resulted in falling debris over Tagish Lake, while frozen. This observed
fall was rare, and the meteorites were harvested meticulously, preserved in their frozen state, and
documented. There are two reasons: to preserve the space stone s integrity and to ensure that no
contamination could take place either to the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It involves more than just documenting the date and time of the observed event and where the
fragments were harvested. To be properly conducted, the field must be measured. Each fragment must
be photographed in it s finding position in addition to the depth being measured and other important
steps to properly document the event. Nothing should be left to speculation.
These first Tagish Lake samples are the nearest we have to an return mission of an asteroid sample in
terms of purity, adds NASA s Godard Space Flight Center s Dr. Michael Callahan in Greenbelt, MD, a
co author on the paper.
The scientists Tagish Lake meteorite discovery is rich in carbon and contains a myriad of organic
matter, which includes amino acids. While amino acids aren t new to meteoritic structure, what was
extraordinary about this discovery was that different pieces had greatly variable amino acid
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Sleep Apnea And Obstructive Sleep
There are many people who struggle to sleep at night. One reason that they might struggle is because
of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is defined as a reduction or cessation of breathing during sleep (Medicine
Net; Nov. 2105). With the help of many types, treatment, medication, and devices changes your
lifestyle Can help with sleep apnea. There are 3 different types of sleep apnea central sleep apnea
obstructive sleep apnea obstructive and mixed sleep apnea . They are all examples of sleep apnea.
Central sleep apnea is caused by a failure of the brain to activate the muscles of breathing during
sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea can also be associated with long term complications if not diagnosed
and treated properly. Obstructive sleep apnea can
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Maycomb County Character Analysis
The history of the Finches, and the ways of Maycomb County is important to the reader s
understanding of the story by placing us in the context of Maycomb County, and by telling us that
Maycomb County is poor. In the novel, the history of the Finches is significant to the understanding of
the reader by placing us into the context of Maycomb County. On pages 4, it stated All we had was
Simon Finch, fur trapping apothecary from Cornwall whose piety was exceed only by his stinginess.
This is important because we are entering a world that is unfamiliar to us due to the time period. In
chapter 1, the ways of Maycomb County are significant to the reader understanding by telling us that
Maycomb County is a poor place. On pages 6, it stated
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Child and Young Person Development
Child and Young Person Development 1) Know the main stages of child and young person s
development. Areas of Development Social, Emotional and Behavioural Taking turns co operating
with social skills + self esteem + self expression learning about the feelings of others Social,
Emotional and Behavioural Taking turns co operating with social skills + self esteem + self expression
learning about the feelings of others Physical Fine Motor Skills Gross Motor Skills General Co
ordination Hand eye Co ordination Physical Fine Motor Skills Gross Motor Skills General Co
ordination Hand eye Co ordination Communication and intellectual Developing creative and
imaginative skills Using skills in different ways Using language to explain ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
12 18 years By now young people will have a clear idea about what their favourite subjects are. They
will be selecting + taking GCSE s and A levels which they are able to achieve. They may lack self
confidence or avoid situations in which they have to do subjects they don t like and may even lead to
truancy. It s often important to teenagers that they feel good about themselves and they belong. 16 19
years By this time they leave school and will begin to think about career and university choices based
on qualifications they have selected, Focus on areas of strength and look forward to developing these
as they move on. Social, Emotional and Behavioural Development 0 3 years Very young children will
be starting to find out about their own identities. They will need to form a strong attachment, the
earliest of which will be a parent/carer. In nursery, children are usually given a Key Worker who will
be their main contact. At this stage they may start to have tantrums through frustration and will want
to do things for themselves. 3 7 years Children will still be developing their identities. They will start
to play with peers and socialise through imaginative play. This will help them develop their concept of
different roles in their lives. They will need to learn the importance of boundaries and why they are
necessary. They respond well to being given responsibility.
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Johnny Cupcakes, a Multi-Million Dollar Clothing Brand
Johnny Cupcakes
Chelsea LaRese
Johnny Cupcakes is a multi million dollar clothing brand. The brand was founded in 2001 by Johnny
Earle. One of Johnny s acquired nicknames was Johnny cupcakes. He thought it would be funny to
make a couple random shirts that said Johnny Cupcakes on them for the fun of it (Earle, 2012). After
massive interest in these shirts, he decided to continue to make more and change up the designs. In
2001, Johnny stated, the band I was in, On Broken Wings, finally got signed to a record label and we
began to tour full time (Earle, 2012). This opened up Johnny and his t shirts to a larger crowd of
customers in different parts of the country. This boosted the brand s popularity and Johnny decided ...
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People not only crave exclusiveness, but will pay top dollar for it. Because they re collectibles and not
just apparel, customers are willing to pay $60 for a Johnny Cupcakes shirt and even stand in line for a
new release like kids waiting for concert tickets (Spaeder 2007). This exclusiveness plays off of our
cultures social classes. Most Americans want to be in a better social class. Exclusiveness is a trait that
is common in the highest of classes. The limited edition shirts not only sets the standards for someone
s social status, but also keeps inventory at a low, making sure the products that are produced are sold.
Having limited edition shirts erases much of the risks and fears of the changing trends of JC s market.
Since there are only a handful of the shirts available, they are long gone before the design and style
gets soggy. Also, this allows the company to be very flexible with the changing market.
The two major internal factors that impact the organization are how they enhance the customer
experience and their product packaging. These are two very important factors that help create the
Johnny Cupcakes brand. They are part of the JC culture and without them, the brand wouldn t be what
it is today. Part of the customer experience lies in JC s three retail store locations. They re set up just
like bakeries, complete with glass display shelves, employees wearing aprons and the smell of vanilla
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How To Write An ACT Essay Writing Tips With Great Examples

  • 1. How To Write An ACT Essay | Writing Tips With Great Examples 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. How To Write An ACT Essay | Writing Tips With Great Examples How To Write An ACT Essay | Writing Tips With Great Examples
  • 2. Character Analysis of Under the Feet of Jesus by Helena... Finding One s Self in Times of Trouble : An explication of the Helena Maria Viramontes novel Under the Feet of Jesus. Helena Maria Viramontes Under the Feet of Jesus portrays the maturing of Estrella, a young Latina that seems to awaken in many different aspects of her life. The author s use of Estrella give the book its strength and potency. Estrella is an affectionate character, which is at the center of all the important issues. She is used a symbol to represent the small amount of strength that lingers at a person s weakest point. Estrella, throughout the entire novel, serves as the strong base for the family and through the setting established, the audience is able to see her grow in her social, political, economical, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The book s main appeal and power is the author s use of Estrella, who serves as the focal point of all the large issues. In one particular scene, we see Estrella playing with one a naked doll. Estrella asks the naked doll if she was okay and then shook the doll s head No . This conversation with the doll can be seen as the sense of denial that takes place in a child s mind that is not allowed to openly express herself, her fears, her anxieties, and her hopes. She allows the doll to represent her honest feelings about the lifestyle of living she is placed in. She is a unique and interesting individual, who will not grow up to be knocked down by economic issues, difficult labor, and especially men. She is being raised in a world where women are expected to suffer silently and to be at the mercy of their men. However, men were not expected to return this slave like behavior for the women. This setting of the novel allows the reader to see exactly how treacherous life can be. This suffering is so present in Estrella s family s lives, yet she somehow is able to bring the family along no matter how difficult the situation may be. She is still trapped in between two very different worlds: She tried to remember which side she was on and which side of the wire mesh she was safe in (59). Her mother may be taken over by a world of suffering, but she is not so beaten that she cannot pass some of her fighting ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Gamma Rays Are The Most Interesting Wave Of The... Gamma rays are the most interesting wave in the electromagnetic spectrum. In 1900, Paul Villard discovered Gamma rays unexpectedly while he was conducting a radioactivity experiment (ARPANSA). He differentiated gamma rays from x rays because he realized that gamma rays had a greater penetration power depth through his further study and research (ARPANSA). Gamma radiation studies revealed that they are very dangerous, but scientist also found a way to protect against gamma radiation and many beneficial usages. Gamma radiation is in the highest energy level of the electromagnetic spectrum (Electromagnetic Spectrum). And the electromagnetic spectrum reveals the different types and range of radiation as well as their wavelengths, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The research logically proved that if a person was farther away from the radiation, they would be affected less by the bombing. The research clearly revealed why a high dose of gamma radiation was dangerous because the bombs and explosions immediately killed people, and had many ways to destroy person s health. Unlike high dose of gamma radiation, a small dose of radiation had a significant and negative effects on the victims in China. This study strongly proved that gamma radiation negatively affected the health because the accidental Ir 192 gamma radiation caused a variety of cancer even with small doses of radiation: .05 .65 Gy (Li). Iridium 192 is a radioactive isotope that has a half life of 73.82 days which means that these radiations may occur rapidly. Also, the victims who were exposed to this radiation had limited knowledge that certain machinery expelled the gamma radiation (Li). 54 people were conducted on a 10 year test to check their health. The method was very simple because the researchers gathered and then studied blood samples, bone marrow, and their T cell subsets (Li). The results revealed basic clinical symptoms such as an increase in dizziness, fatigue, memory loss, insomnia for 90.7 % of the people in the first month, but as time passed by, the study ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Emily Grierson s Resistance To Change In this southern setting after the Civil War, Faulkner exposes the theme of resistance to change. A Rose for Emily is an assessment of the way some people deal with vicissitudes in their lives. Miss Emily Grierson who always subsisted under her father s wings, displays serious issues after his death. The story begins with the end of Emily s life. Poor Emily s sentimental clutter and grotesque demeanor bring pity on her character. Some may argue that she was just misunderstood, others may see in her a psychologically unbalanced person, and that her attitude was simply a way of crying out loud for help. In any cases, Emily appears to be someone that the common mortal would feel compassion for, enough to deposit flowers on her grave. Her inability ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Essay on Philosophy of Christian Education The education of children has existed since the beginning of time as parents have taught and molded their children into the young adults they desired them to be. Initial training of children was not in a formal setting, although history would see numerous settings, purposes, and methodological changes. Philosophies of education have also changed through the years as various voices have seemed to grasp the purpose of educating the next generation, thus laying out objectives to reach those goals of teaching children. The statement philosophy of Christian education contains much information to be unwrapped. The term philosophy literally means, in the Greek, love of wisdom. In this case, the study of philosophy involves a critical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates (Deuteronomy 6:6 9). Christian education is not all about what takes place in the formal classroom at school. As Christian educators, we are in a partnership with moms and dads to help shape and disciple their children. It is the discipleship of children that propels believing teachers to devote their life to this vital ministry of Christian education. When it comes to the education of children, there are numerous fundamental factors, to mention a few: parents, teachers, the student himself, curriculum, methodology, culture, and the Holy Spirit. Students must first take responsibility for their own education and desire to learn. Even though this key educational factor is not a prerequisite for learning, all students must eventually hunger for learning or it will never take root in their lives. Responsible teachers must use responsible materials and methodology in order for purposeful education to have a lasting impact. Teachers must use their divine calling and materials that are not sugar coated, censored, vacuous and dry, nor merely politically correct (Holtrop) to challenge this current generation of students. While secular humanism views children as inherently good, we know that scripture teaches that all mankind to be innately evil, a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. How Did X-Rays Change The World Imagine a machine that made what was once invisible, visible. Wilhelm Roentgen discovered the X ray in 1895. X rays impacted the field of medicine greatly. The discovery of X rays significantly changed how we could see the human body, treatment options, and how we viewed X rays. Wilhelm C. Roentgen was a German physicist. He was born on March 27, 1845, and died on February 10, 1923. He was married to, Anna Bertha Ludwig. He received education from the University of Zurich, the Institute of Martinus Herman van Doorn, ETH Zurich and the University of Strasbourg. He received the Nobel Prize in physics in 1901 for discovering X rays. When Roentgen first discovered X rays, he didn t know what they were. He called them X rays to show that it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This can help them diagnose, monitor, and treat many medical conditions, (Healthline.com). This changed the world of medicine. Looking inside a human body using X rays made diagnosing and monitoring medical problems easier and more efficient. They no longer have to make incisions, they can just use X rays to see what going on inside of your body. Doctors are able to see inside the body because the way the X rays react with the density of the organs and bones inside of you. Soft tissue, such as skin and organs, cannot absorb the high energy rays, and the beam passes through them. Dense materials inside our bodies, like bones, absorb the radiation. (Wonderopolis.org). This is why we are able to see bones and other things inside our bodies. Black areas on an x ray which is flesh and soft tissue show where the X rays passed through. White areas on x rays show where denser tissues like bones have absorbed the X rays. (RadiologyInfo.org). The white areas that show up on the X rays are what allows the doctors to see the inside of the body. The doctors view the body because of how the radiation reacts with the differences in density of organs, flesh, bones, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. How Did Sigmund Change The World Just like Charles Darwin s theories changed the way people look at the world around us, Sigmund Freud changed the way people look at the world within us. Sigmund was born on May 6th 1856 to Galician Jewish parents and was the first of 8 kids. His dad Jakob Freud was a wool merchant and his mother Amalia was a stay at home mom. There isn t much about his child hood but at the age of 17 Sigmund entered the University of Vienna. He had planed to study law but decided to join the medical faculty at the university. His studies included philosophy under Franz Brentano, and physiology under Ernst Brucke, and zoology under Darwinist professor Carl Calus. Then in 1876 Sigmund spent four weeks at Claus s zoological research station, dissecting hundreds ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Felix advised Sigmund to stop smoking and have the growth excised. Sigmund was treated by Marcus Hajek, a rainologist whose compentence he had previously questioned. Marcus performed an unnecessary cosmetic surgery in his clinic s outpatient department. Sigmund bled during and after the surgery and may narrowly have escaped death. Felix saw that further surgery would be needed but did not tell Sigmund that he had cancer in fear that Sigmund would want to commit suicide. Then in 1930 Sigmund was awarded the Goethe Prize in recognition of his contribution to psychology and to German literary culture. Then in 1933 the Nazis took control of Germany and because Sigmunds books were prominent among those they were burned and destroyed. Sigmund continued with his positive attitude underestimating the growing Nazi threat and remained determined to stay in Vienna. Ernest Jones the president of the International Psychoanalytical Association flew into Vienna from London on March 15th determined to change Sigmund s mind and seek exile in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. The Great City Of New Orleans In this great city of New Orleans, we have so many extravagant elements that distinguishes us from other cities. From Mardi Gras to the French Quarters to Canal St., they all play an important part in this city s history. The different historical statues we have scattered about the city also cause major attractions and either people love or hate them. Lately, four specific statues have been getting a lot of attention around town from not only the citizens, but from our very own mayor, Mitch Landrieu. Two of the four statues are the Robert E. Lee Monument in the center of Lee Circle and the P.G.T Beauregard Statue on City Park Ave. The mayor feels the statues should be removed not only because of their confederate backgrounds, but because they don t have anything to do with the history of New Orleans. So, let s explore the background of these two, controversial statues, beginning with the Robert E. Lee Monument, and then going to the P.G.T Beauregard Statue, but before we discuss the statue let s start with the man in the statue. Robert Edward Lee was born in Stratford Hall, Virginia on the 19th of January 1807. It appears Lee was destined to be in the military considering he was the son of famous war hero Henry Light Horse Harry Lee. As soon as Lee was old enough he joined the military. He attended the United States Military Academy at West Point and graduated second in his class in 1829. After Lee graduated, military life didn t live up to its reputation, in fact he ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Compare And Contrast The New England And Massachusetts... Although the New England and Chesapeake colonies were settled by people of English origin, by 1700 they were two distinct societies. What accounts for these differences? Basically, the motives, the geography and the values of the people in the colonies were combined to form two very separate societies in Massachusetts and Virginia. Of course both societies contain settlers from Britain. However, the motives and the values in each society were drastically different from each other. Most people who went to Massachusetts have done so because they hope to create an utopia for their religious beliefs. Most people to Virginia, look for economic opportunity in many different ways. People who have gone to Virginia were seeking economic opportunity. Some were there to look for gold, but others came to work as indentured servants for a few years. Additionally, there were people sent to serve as wives for the men already there. In return for their service as servants, they should have acquired passage to America, shelter, food, and clothes (Indenture Agreement Between Richard Smyth and Margaret Williams, 1659). Those who were in pursuit for gold, were also traveling because Spain has found gold in modern Peru, and for pursuit of wealth (History of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They had undergone commitments of loyalty to the Church of England (Ship List: Virginia, 1636). It also implies that the new settlement in Virginia would be composed of young, single men, which would impact satisfaction in the colony. Some structures built in Virginia shows how their values and relations with the Church of England impacted the style and property of religious structures. The most noticeable similarity between European churches and St. Luke s Church is that they both have stained glass windows (St. Luke s Church, 1682), representing the Virginia s loyalty to the Church of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Training Pl Landslide Limousines Training Plan: Landslide Limousines Team B HRM/531: Human Capital Management Gary Woodlin March 20, 2016 Training Plan Introduction Landslide Limousines is an automobile company which going to deal in provision of cars that helps in the free mobility of people. It is factual that it has an impact on environment through emission of dangerous gases like carbon dioxide because of the use of fossil fuels. Since the company is projected to grow in sales by ten percent, it has considered the environment as one of its priorities in the training plan. Needs Assessment The organization is planning to support the training of twenty five employees in the necessary skills needed for efficient production. The type of employees to be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is because it s cheaper for the company which is going through different challenges. There will be guidelines to follow in this training. Use of timetables will be recommended for different departments to make sure that no excuses are made. Employees who miss training will be punished or suspended if just cause is not provided. This training is intended to equip different workers in different departments with skills for efficient production. The training is expected to be effective because it will be carried out by different departments and not general training. Performance sheets of different departments will be drafted to assess their performance. Since the company s net revenue is going to be $50,000, a change in net income will mean that the training was effective. If the company hits its target of ten percent annual turnover, it will prove the training had a serious impact on different departments. The final results of the impact of this planning will be reached after assessing different departments before the training. It will be through recording how much each department contributes to the company. The monitoring of this training will be through supervisors who also act as middle managers of the company. They will observe and record progress of different employees and give recommendations. The collection of information will be both oral and practical. The oral part will involve questionnaires which will ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Beneficial Effects of Probiotics Essay INTRODUCTION Probiotics are ingestable microorganisms which gives the consumer a beneficial effect. First coined by the late eli Metchnikoff probiotics are described to be microorganisms which are ingested in small amount to increase the diversity of both flora and fauna inside the human body this reaction in turn affects the adaptation abilities for the human body to react to different surroundings, digest different things, or just improve the antibody or the mechanism that already exists in the human body. This mechanism of diversity caused by many flora inside the digestive track of humans are beneficial because it helps with the digestion of a more diverse product. Even if the probiotic does not help with digestion some other ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some of the other reasons why lactobacillus plantarum 229v is used is that because it is a gram positive facultative aerob bacteria it can survive in low oxygen environment like inside the juice box or in the juice itself. Although lactobacillus plantarum cost are higher this certain strain of lactobacillus is specifically engineered to have more commercial benefits. Some benefits can also benefit the product itself. Like many other lactic acid bacteria lactobacillus plantarum229v releases lactic acid if in dairy based product lactic acid might bring a negative side effect of giving it a crude rancid taste and smell in juices with a sour taste like orange, black current, and mango these lactic acid give or enhance the taste. According to a 2006 study of comparison of both probiotic and non probiotic juice, juices containing lactobacillus plantarum yields a higher mark with emphasis on them being more fragrant and tasteful. Another side effect of these lactic acid is that the lactobacillus plantarum uses the lactic acid to control competing microorganism this affects the product by giving it a longer shelf life without any excessive amount of sugar and or any other added preservative.it is also worth mentioning that by eliminating the need of any preservative production cost can be cut down significantly and the product can now avoid any problems based on the use of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Positive And Negative Impact Of Information Technology... Information Technology In My Life The millennial generation has seen more change in technological adaptations and advancements than any generation thus far. As a collective group, we have turned from the CD player, to the IPOD, to Spotify and Pandora. We have gone from viewing our favorite movies on VCR, to DVD, to watching Netflix on our laptops. We have noticed the landline, the household phone s, slow but steady irrelevance. These advancements are important and notable. However, there is something far more important than our literal technological innovations, and that is how they have affected our children and us. My youngest brother, Caleb was born in 2012. Understanding that he does not fall under the category of the millennial generation has exhibited this first hand knowledge that generations do, indeed have different attitudes, opinions, and ideas due to what they were raised with. Caleb, currently, is growing up in an era surrounded by technology. The world is at his fingertips and he is only five. Having observed this, I have noticed the positive and negative affects of growing up in a fully immersed technological age. In my life, information technology has proven its positive and negative affects in the growth and success of children. This has occurred by 1) the children of the millennial age understanding technology and how to access it at a exponentially faster than our generation, 2) our children developing a foundational dependency on technology, and 3) a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The United States And Its Impact On The Nation... There are many challenges when it comes to rebuilding failing states and retraining their militaries. The practice is done for the purposes of advancement of political objectives, also the attempt to provide stability within a hostile region, saving a fragile nation from collapse, and to provide support to oppressed groups and populations aligned with similar value structures. It is not a new policy tactic for the United States, there have been several cases where America has played a big role in nation reconstruction and redeveloping regional armed forces. While there have been some successful campaigns in these efforts to fight insurgency, improve conditions in regional civil conflicts, and stabilize areas, it has not always been effective policy. The United States has had a pretty varied legacy with these types of interventions. From different case examples, it can be concluded that when a liberator is rebuilding a state or a military, and is dealing with a population that is multi ethnic and has deep religious divisions, the effort is probably more likely to fail than to succeed. Further research also indicated that acting multilaterally produced much better results with nation reconstruction/intervention. Usually, during intervention campaigns, short term goals were reached, although there are often issues with achieving long term goals of peace and stability. Some scholars have acknowledged that some attempts at saving failing states have resulted in governments ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The United States Has Engaged In Numerous International The United States has engaged in numerous international interventions in the Middle East. The two major events that have shaped the politics of U.S. foreign policy, Israel, and the Arab states are the Suez Crisis of 1956 and the Six Day War of 1967. President Eisenhower and President Johnson each took different approaches while confronting these crises. The personalities, motives and predispositions of the Presidents and their circle of closest advisors explain how they shaped their policies and how they responded to the events. The decisions these Presidents made have had a long lasting effect on the region. Over the course of this paper, I will compare Eisenhower s policies in the 1956 Suez Crisis and Johnson s policies in the 1967 Six ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Furthermore, Eisenhower opposed the use of force the U.S. sought a diplomatic solution to the problem. Unlike the U.S., Britain and France viewed Nasser s action as a threat to their national interests, which led to Operation Musketeer, involving Israel. On October 26, 1956, when the United States learned of Israel s military mobilization, President Eisenhower personally sent messages to Israeli Prime Minister Ben Gurion asking Israel to not take any action that would endanger the peace. However, on October 29, 1956, Israel attacked the Egyptian army, taking control of the Sinai and the Straits of Tiran. Britain, France, and Israel kept the operation secret from the United States. Eisenhower felt personally insulted by his allies UK and France for disregarding the Tripartite Agreement of 1950 and Operation Musketeer. As a professional solider, he understood and did not rule out the use of force (Lenczowski, 48). In response to these developments, Eisenhower used economic threats to force his British, French, and Israeli allies to withdraw from Egypt. Eisenhower valued the UN system and international law, which explains why he took aggressive action to resolve the conflict through the UN. In a resolution, the U.S. called for an immediate ceasefire and the evacuation of Israeli, French, and British forces from Egypt under the supervision of a special United Nations force. As Lenczowski put it, Johnson s presidency ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. A License Program Can Reduces Car Crash Rates Teenagers Driving Studies have shown that the Graduated License Program can reduces car crash rates by 40%. The GDL is available in all 50 states. Since the decrease of teenage accidents have been declining some states are making the GDL a law in the state. Car crashes are the number one death of teenagers, a lot of these deaths are by the use of technology and not buckling up. To begin, the National safety council reports that 28% of vehicle crashes , are caused by the use of technology (Klass Roney 5). Many accidents are caused by teens looking at their phones and the use of social media behind the wheel. If more stricter laws are set on phones in cars that percentage should fall. In general, the use of phones today by people is just about everyone and people should be more smart and not be using their phones while driving not just for their safety but others. Furthermore, the amount of teens that die in car accidents is Four times the amount of drivers twentyfive to sixtynine (Klass Roney 3). Younger drivers do not buckle up as many other older and experienced drivers. The more young drivers that are taught what the real impacts of not wearing a seatbelt can cause they would probably be more wise. Generally speaking, some young teen drivers do not see the seatbelt as being important, when really it is the most important thing in the car. Better drivers education for young/new drivers should be taken into account, because it better educates drivers on how to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. How Does Michelle Obama Use Ethos In Equal Rights For Women The two speeches I will be comparing in this essay are Michelle Obama s Speech at the 2016 Democratic National Convention and Shirley Chisholm s Equal Rights For Women Speech because in my opinion they re great speeches and they both used the appeals in the rhetorical triangle in order to prove their point and convince the audience. They both reach out to the audience by the choice of words they use and the way they word their sentences. Michelle Obama s speech she mainly uses all three rhetorical appeals logos, pathos, and ethos. Shirley Chisholm s speech uses two of the three rhetorical triangle appeals pathos, and ethos. The central message of Michelle Obama s speech is that children are the ones that will help shape the future ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first example of why I believe this is because she uses powerful statements such as We know that our words and actions matter not just to our girls, but to children across this country kids who tell us, I saw you on TV, I wrote a report on you for school. Kids like the little black boy who looked up at my husband, his eyes wide with hope, and he wondered, Is my hair like yours.? By saying that people s actions matter to children she s capable of making the audience feel compassionate, she also shows that she doesn t care about herself that much, she keeps putting children and everyone else in the country before herself. When she says The little black boy who looked up at my husband, his eyes wide with hope she helps the audience see how children hope to be like certain adults when they grow up because children tend to want to grow up and be like their role models. Another great example to why I believe her speech was better at persuading her target is when she states Police officers and protesters in Dallas who all desperately want to keep our children safe. People who lined up in Orlando to donate blood because it could have been their son, their daughter in that club. Leaders like Tim Kaine who show our kids what decency and devotion looks ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Aylmer s Struggle for Perfection in Nathaniel Hawthome s,... Aylmer s Struggle for Perfection in Nathaniel Hawthome s, The Birthmark Aylmer s struggle for scientific perfection transcends human possibility in Nathaniel Hawthome s The Birthmark. He attempts to perfect that which nature rendered imperfect. When the quest for human achievement opposes divine design it has no chance of succeeding. This key element in Aylmer s twisted love leads to the demise of what he seeks so desperately to perfect, his beautiful wife. Georgianna s fatal flaw of humanity (Hawthorne 167), the birthmark, blocks her from perfection in his eyes, and thus blemishes Aylmer s prideful ideals. Her alleged inferiority to science leads to her death and Aylmer s complete failure as both a scientist and a spouse. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... in what Aylmer deemed an almost fearful distinctness (166). Aylmer s fearful distinction shows how utterly engrossing and preoccupying his feelings of hatred for the mark had become. Many admire the mark as a distinction of Georgianna s innate beauty and uniqueness. Some, however, deem it the very mark that completely obliterates all semblance of her beauty by claiming that the birthmark quite destroyed the effect of Georgianna s beauty (166). Aylmer represents the latter group. Most, however, if they did not adore it ... contented themselves with wishing it away so that the world might possess one living specimen of ideal loveliness without the semblance of a flaw (166). Aylmer proceeds much farther than this by completely eradicating the birthmark and killing his wife. The conflict between Aylmer s love of science and love for Georgianna leads to her tragic death. The birthmark continually taints his ideal love of woman. As far as Aylmer is concerned, the only thing that keeps Georgianna from perfection is the birthmark; ... seeing her otherwise so perfect, he found this one defect grow more and more intolerable... (167). This man, intrinsically scientific, would not deem it necessary to attempt perfection if he did not possess a love for and deep attachment to science: ... had Aylmer not been a scientist, a daring experimenter, the birthmark on his wife s cheek would hardly have come to obsess him (Brooks and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Access Control For Local Area Network Performance Essay Table of Contents Introduction 2 1.Management Access Control to a LAN 2 1.1 Three resources access can be managed 3 1.2 Access Level of users, operators and administrators 3 1.3 Methods of Controlling Access 4 1.4 Access control audit trail 5 2. Local area network performance issues 6 2.1 Factors affecting response time 6 2.2. Analyzing Data and identifying problems 7 2.3. Use of diagnostic tools to collect data 7 2.4. Compare methods for improving performance of the following 8 3.LocalArea Computer Network Support Issues 9 3.1. Role of suppliers, third party professionals, and local expertise for LAN support issues 9 3.2. User Expectations for the Following Range of Support Options 9 4. Virus on Local Area Network 11 4.1. Symptoms and Transmission of viruses 11 4.2 Prevention, Detection and Eradication of Virus 12 Conclusion 13 References 14 Introduction: LAN stands for Local Area Network is a computer network ranging in size from computers in a single office to hundreds or even thousands of devices spread across several buildings. The major role of LAN is to link computers together and provide shared access to the printers, fax machines, data storage, messaging, games, file servers and other services. The concept for developing LAN is to operate quick data transfer over small geographical area such as school, university, office building. In today world LAN plays a major and mutual role for mid to large sized businesses to share data to common devices and its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Fozen And The Snow Queen Analysis Frozen, a spinoff of The Snow Queen, promotes feminism within society and proves the bond between sisters is capable of healing a frozen heart. The 2013 film illuminates female empowerment and also displays the concept of child development through Bettleheim s theories. In The Uses Of Enchantment:The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales, Austrian psychoanalyst Bruno Bettelheim uses fairy tales to display his theories of childhood development. Society questions whether the updated versions should contain childhood developmental theories by Bettleheim. The film Frozen and The Snow Queen share commonalities and contrasts through Bettleheim s theories of fatality within in one s family and the polarities of characters which are revealed through both the plots and characters. Frozen displays Bettelheim s theory of fatality and its effects on characters through the plot of the film. Bettelheim discusses how the loss of a parent leads to disastrous events ( Bettleheim 8). In addition to this theory, the parents death in Frozen symbolizes a period of darkness within the film. Darkness is displayed through the lacking of communication between the sisters and the insecurities Elsa faces over her powers.The phrase conceal don t feel, is constantly mentioned throughout the film (Frozen. Directed by Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee and Yasuhiko Nemoto.). This phrase is symbolic of her parents wanting her to conform to societal norms by not revealing what makes her unique. In this case it relates to her powers, however, in a real life situation, it could relate to a person s sexuality, one s political stance, or one s beliefs in general. These insecurities cause Elsa to develop social anxiety against her sister .Furthermore, Elsa differs from the Snow Queen, because, she is illustrated as a conflicted heroine within the film. The performance of Let it Go represents Elsa s freedom from the criticisms of society. Ironically the plot in Frozen differs from the original tale entitled, The Snow Queen . Additionally the theming of darkness within The Snow Queen, is illuminated through Bettleheim s theory of fatality. Bettelheim s theory of fatality does not occur ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Resistance Of Change And The Application For Nursing And... Resistance to Change Change is inevitable and affects so many facets of life. Healthcare is synonymous with change and is a revolving door for changes for very valid reasons. Leadership in health care is pivotal. The strength of leadership has an unambiguous link to the quality of care and the reputation of the profession. The paper will review the significance and literature surrounding the topic of resistance to change and the application to nursing and leadership. Significance to Leadership Webster s Dictionary (2016) defines change as to become different; to make (someone or something) different; to become something else. Many individuals embrace change and others resist change, but working in the medical world it is inevitable that we will come in contact with change. Many times we have all worked with someone who does things the old way. Why do they resist something new? In an article by Dr. Alyn (2011), the reasons why people resist change were reviewed. People resist change for the following reasons: they do not see how the change is beneficial, they don t recognize the benefits are worth the investment to adopt change, and they weren t involved in the decisions (Alyn, 2011). Knowledge related to this rationale should provide insight for leaders as they prepare to influence change. This understanding is significant because leaders can focus their energy on these elements to help motivate staff to move forward in a positive direction. Staff members ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Latin Word La Raza The Latin word La Raza, spoken by many Latin Americans united by culture and spiritual beliefs, is translated into the race. This idea of La Raza brings the cultures separated around the world together based on the similar ideas of a great destiny and culture values. There are many concepts that are different from the Anglos, which translates to white, English speaking American, but there are many attributes that are similarly seen within each culture. Among many Anglos, there is a racist assumption that those who are Mexican are lazy when there are cultural reasons for the way Latin Americans choose to live. Those among the Mexican culture has a strong belief in a splendid destiny planned by God that hasn t occurred based on the culture or groups of Mexican people s sins; such as, the thieves and drunks (William, 1964, p. 15). This belief in God already having a plan for each individual among the earth has created a calm atmosphere toward planning for the future. Many Mexican Americans consider the act to plan frivolous because God has already planned their future, and they permit fate to control their decisions. Instead of planning for the future, the most important role is family responsibilities among the male and female presently. As stated in William s article, Gregorio said, I owe everything to my family. Were it not for my parents love for each other, I would never have been born. They raised me and taught me all I know...When one has a family, one is never alone ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Transitions In The Story Of Tom Brennan The concept of Exploring Transitions is presented through the text, The Story of Tom Brennan by J.C Burke. The Story of Tom Brennan, is about the transition of immaturity to maturity and the adversities that come with moving from one town to another. The transition that are present throughout this story are mental and physical transitions. Similarly, the aspects of mental transition is also in Song of the Sea, of Ben who feels little obligation to his sister, Saoirse due to his mother s disappearance. Saoirse also goes through a mental and physical transition throughout their journey. Tom s initial perspective of on his transition he and his family must undertake is on of despair and reluctance. This despair is emphasised through the emotive language that is used throughout the prologue such as groan, dump, and shuffling. Tom s despair also creates a sense of tension throughout the family as for the line, no one spoke, the line reinforces the tension and their reluctance to face the new change in their life. The line down, down we glided in silence, could be interpreted metaphorically. The metaphorical interpretation of the line represents the unwillingness of the direction in which Tom s life is going down and the rolling down of a hill demonstrates a forced change. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Begins with a comforting scene of Ben with his parents. The dreamy filter the scene is given makes it seem like a dream and/or a flashback. Initially, Ben was excited to have a sister and pleased as he says to his Mum, I can t wait for the baby to come then we re gonna be best friends, aren t we? However this is quickly changed when Ben drifts in and out of sleep, his first view being of his Mum singing to him and the third one of his Mother s hair turning white and the desperation he ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Sherman Antitrust Case Study As many other students can attest to I was quite young while this case was going on. Now going back to research this topic sheds a lot of light onto things I did not understand at the time. The lengthy legal battle began in 1998 when Microsoft was accused of partaking in illegal behavior that violated many details laid out in the Sherman Antitrust Act. Illegal behavior such as making their Internet browser a bundle deal with their operating system of their windows computers. The case would first go to mediation with both sides trying to make a deal so that it would not have to go to trial but after many close calls to finding a deal it would ultimately fall through causing the case to go to trial. The trial extended over several years and appeals ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. How Doctor Die By Ken Murry In How Doctor Die, Ken Murry explains the choice of doctors when they have a terminal illness. From the beginning, Ken gives an example of an orthopedist who was diagnosed with stomach cancer. He quit his job and spent the rest of his day with his family. A doctor is a person who treats disease and saves patients; however, when they have an illness, they are also like other patients. They meet difficult situations with their patients but also feel for them. They tend to be fair because they know about medicine and its limits. They do not want to die. Surely, each doctor has the preparation for death, and they want to find a way to die in peace. On the other hand, some patients try to find a method to overcome their illness although they have to bear pain. What I take from Murray s essay is that patients have a right to chose how they die . Every one dies, eventually, but I agree with Murray that the choice needs to be an informed decision. According to Murray, some patients fight death, they use drugs, chemotherpy, radiation, surgical, or CPR. They believe that they can overcome their illness. Doctors recommend that people who can not be saved with treatment should just live their life with their family, enjoying the rest of their days. Therefore, the doctors have to know what is best for their patients. They should have treatment. When the patients spend a lot of money, this is not the way to overcome illness. For example, there was a women trying to overcome her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Dangers Of Male Dominance In Nathaniel Hawthorne s The... In Nathaniel Hawthorne s short story, The Birthmark, he touches on the dangers of traditional male dominance within Aylmer and Georgiana s marriage and how this confronts Aylmer s overall masculinity, as well as identifies the reflection of a male ideal of femininity. Not only does this masculine facade shape Georgiana s sexuality, but also it allows Aylmer to ultimately be able to live his life governed by sameness which he feels he can control through Georgiana s feminine Nature itself. Hawthorne uses The Birthmark, not just as a story about the flawed and imperfect nature of women, but mainly of a story about the sickness of Aylmer, and how the great American dream of eliminating women is essentially a demonstration that the only ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Aylmer s character, the man of science, is initially introduced as the pale philosopher who seems to be so dedicated to his love of science that he believes he possibly possessed this degree of faith in man s ultimate control over Nature (Hawthorne 28). Almost immediately, Aylmer pronounces his masculinity and dominance over Georgiana and her feminine nature when he mentions if it had ever occurred to her to have this odious hand removed from her face. The desire of removing this crimson hand from Georgiana s face dictates Aylmer intently, even causing him to have dreams of the birthmark because the mind is in a sad state when Sleep (Hawthorne 31). Until then, Aylmer wasn t aware of the tyrannizing influence of the crimson hand, and how it put him in this sad state, yet this problematic birthmark ultimately causes him to feel the need to express his masculinity over Georgiana throughout the rest of the short story. This emphasizes Aylmer s character s need for control over Georgiana indefinitely. We see Aylmer s character being moved to this situation, not because of the vision of Georgiana s potential perfection, but by his horror at her present condition; Aylmer s compulsion to perfect Georgiana is a result of his horrified perception of what she actually is, and all lofty talk about wanting her to be perfect so that just this once the potential of Nature will be fulfilled is but a cover for his central emotion of revulsion (Fetterley). Since this definition of masculinity is essentially a reflection of the male ideal of femininity, this threatens Aylmer and causes him to become resentful of feminine Nature, which can govern all beings, unlike his scientific experiments. This, in turn, makes Aylmer fundamentally less than women, which undermines his masculinity even more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Topics For Research Essay Important Topics for Projects in Marketing Selection of research topic is the basic and important part of research report, thesis or dissertation. It requires a lot of energy, resources and time to choose an appropriate topic for the research. There are numerous factors which need to be taken into consideration before final selection of the research topic. For example a research topic should neither be too broad nor should be too narrow. Similarly, the topic should be researchable, interesting, clear and feasible. In order to have an idea of different types of research topics related to the field of marketing, a list is given: Topics for Research in Marketing The effects of pharmaceutical dispensing pattern on consumer ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... sumer purchase behavior in out of stock situations at retail outlets Understanding consumer response towards sales promotion in the fast food industry Factors influencing customer satisfaction in health care services Impact of congruity between self concept and brand image on brand preference in the automobile industry The impact of brand extension on brand personality The impact of personal involvement on store brand selection A four dimension approach to attitude measurement Sustainable competitive advantages in hospital industry Customers evaluation of perceived value of service rendered by physician consultant Studying consumer reactions to the Von Restorff effect Effect of personal and personality characteristics on sales performance Effectiveness of utility bill as promotion medium (a comparative study between company and consumer) The revival of radio advertising in (country name): A comparative study of advertiser and consumer The effect of corporate characteristic on the choice of CSR Relationship between organization characteristic and organization response to Gray market The effect of consumer travel characteristic and billboard characteristics on consumer response to billboard advertising A study of waste management and recycling in (country name) The effects of publicity source characteristics on consumer belief The effects of search engine optimization on marketing performance of the companies Impact of parent brand image on the brand ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Controversical Analysis Of A Watcher The situation of this commercial is critical to its viability on its watchers. Having been put on the web, this article can possibly connect with a substantially more extensive scope of watchers. Individuals of all races, ages, financial statuses, and convictions are on the web every day. My idea on this picture, is that it was planned for a crowd of people outside of the United States since it appeared on a site that had ads from around the globe. In the United States, kids encounter programs, through school, keeping in mind the end goal to instruct understudies on the unsafe impacts of cigarettes. Since we have these projects here in the United States and numerous different commercials, this particular notice is planned for a group of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The creator needs the watcher to interface smoking cigarettes with death so as to convince somebody not to smoke. At the point when dull hues are utilized, the all inclusive community of individuals will expect that something terrible has happened or is being delineated. An interest to rationale likewise happens with the red shading being appeared on one of the lungs. This red shading is related with flame. The watcher will relate this fire in somebody s lungs with the decimation of their lungs. The affiliation that the watcher makes with the fire runs as an inseparable unit with the affiliation they will make with the words depicting the promotion. The last interest to rationale that happens in this promotion is the word usage. The notice is joined by one short sentence. In this sentence, the creator utilizes the expression expending. When somebody who is seeing this notice sees the word devouring, they will connect that word with sustenance. Individuals eat sustenance so as to give their body the supplements that their bodies require keeping in mind the end goal to work legitimately. Nonetheless, for this situation, as per dictionary.com, the word expend signifies to devastate or grow by utilize. The utilization of this word plays both a sensible interest on the watcher and also an enthusiastic interest to them. The coherent interest is just the signification of the word. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Tagish Lake Research Paper Most of us are familiar with the panspermia hypothesis that life can be seeded from asteroid, comet, and planetoid contents but to date, no direct evidence has been discovered. So, why should we consider meteorites to be possible parents? The truth is out there somewhere and these space rocks contain the essentials, as far down as to amino acids. Until now, what has been recovered has been regarded as structured. However, the matter of Tagish Lake arose. In January of 2000, a huge meteoroid exploded in our planet s atmosphere over Northern British Columbia in Canada, which resulted in falling debris over Tagish Lake, while frozen. This observed fall was rare, and the meteorites were harvested meticulously, preserved in their frozen state, and documented. There are two reasons: to preserve the space stone s integrity and to ensure that no contamination could take place either to the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It involves more than just documenting the date and time of the observed event and where the fragments were harvested. To be properly conducted, the field must be measured. Each fragment must be photographed in it s finding position in addition to the depth being measured and other important steps to properly document the event. Nothing should be left to speculation. These first Tagish Lake samples are the nearest we have to an return mission of an asteroid sample in terms of purity, adds NASA s Godard Space Flight Center s Dr. Michael Callahan in Greenbelt, MD, a co author on the paper. The scientists Tagish Lake meteorite discovery is rich in carbon and contains a myriad of organic matter, which includes amino acids. While amino acids aren t new to meteoritic structure, what was extraordinary about this discovery was that different pieces had greatly variable amino acid ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Sleep Apnea And Obstructive Sleep There are many people who struggle to sleep at night. One reason that they might struggle is because of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is defined as a reduction or cessation of breathing during sleep (Medicine Net; Nov. 2105). With the help of many types, treatment, medication, and devices changes your lifestyle Can help with sleep apnea. There are 3 different types of sleep apnea central sleep apnea obstructive sleep apnea obstructive and mixed sleep apnea . They are all examples of sleep apnea. Central sleep apnea is caused by a failure of the brain to activate the muscles of breathing during sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea can also be associated with long term complications if not diagnosed and treated properly. Obstructive sleep apnea can ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Maycomb County Character Analysis The history of the Finches, and the ways of Maycomb County is important to the reader s understanding of the story by placing us in the context of Maycomb County, and by telling us that Maycomb County is poor. In the novel, the history of the Finches is significant to the understanding of the reader by placing us into the context of Maycomb County. On pages 4, it stated All we had was Simon Finch, fur trapping apothecary from Cornwall whose piety was exceed only by his stinginess. This is important because we are entering a world that is unfamiliar to us due to the time period. In chapter 1, the ways of Maycomb County are significant to the reader understanding by telling us that Maycomb County is a poor place. On pages 6, it stated ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Child and Young Person Development Child and Young Person Development 1) Know the main stages of child and young person s development. Areas of Development Social, Emotional and Behavioural Taking turns co operating with social skills + self esteem + self expression learning about the feelings of others Social, Emotional and Behavioural Taking turns co operating with social skills + self esteem + self expression learning about the feelings of others Physical Fine Motor Skills Gross Motor Skills General Co ordination Hand eye Co ordination Physical Fine Motor Skills Gross Motor Skills General Co ordination Hand eye Co ordination Communication and intellectual Developing creative and imaginative skills Using skills in different ways Using language to explain ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 12 18 years By now young people will have a clear idea about what their favourite subjects are. They will be selecting + taking GCSE s and A levels which they are able to achieve. They may lack self confidence or avoid situations in which they have to do subjects they don t like and may even lead to truancy. It s often important to teenagers that they feel good about themselves and they belong. 16 19 years By this time they leave school and will begin to think about career and university choices based on qualifications they have selected, Focus on areas of strength and look forward to developing these as they move on. Social, Emotional and Behavioural Development 0 3 years Very young children will be starting to find out about their own identities. They will need to form a strong attachment, the earliest of which will be a parent/carer. In nursery, children are usually given a Key Worker who will be their main contact. At this stage they may start to have tantrums through frustration and will want to do things for themselves. 3 7 years Children will still be developing their identities. They will start to play with peers and socialise through imaginative play. This will help them develop their concept of different roles in their lives. They will need to learn the importance of boundaries and why they are necessary. They respond well to being given responsibility. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Johnny Cupcakes, a Multi-Million Dollar Clothing Brand Johnny Cupcakes Chelsea LaRese Johnny Cupcakes is a multi million dollar clothing brand. The brand was founded in 2001 by Johnny Earle. One of Johnny s acquired nicknames was Johnny cupcakes. He thought it would be funny to make a couple random shirts that said Johnny Cupcakes on them for the fun of it (Earle, 2012). After massive interest in these shirts, he decided to continue to make more and change up the designs. In 2001, Johnny stated, the band I was in, On Broken Wings, finally got signed to a record label and we began to tour full time (Earle, 2012). This opened up Johnny and his t shirts to a larger crowd of customers in different parts of the country. This boosted the brand s popularity and Johnny decided ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... People not only crave exclusiveness, but will pay top dollar for it. Because they re collectibles and not just apparel, customers are willing to pay $60 for a Johnny Cupcakes shirt and even stand in line for a new release like kids waiting for concert tickets (Spaeder 2007). This exclusiveness plays off of our cultures social classes. Most Americans want to be in a better social class. Exclusiveness is a trait that is common in the highest of classes. The limited edition shirts not only sets the standards for someone s social status, but also keeps inventory at a low, making sure the products that are produced are sold. Having limited edition shirts erases much of the risks and fears of the changing trends of JC s market. Since there are only a handful of the shirts available, they are long gone before the design and style gets soggy. Also, this allows the company to be very flexible with the changing market. The two major internal factors that impact the organization are how they enhance the customer experience and their product packaging. These are two very important factors that help create the Johnny Cupcakes brand. They are part of the JC culture and without them, the brand wouldn t be what it is today. Part of the customer experience lies in JC s three retail store locations. They re set up just like bakeries, complete with glass display shelves, employees wearing aprons and the smell of vanilla ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...