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002 Essay Example Rogerian ~
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002 Essay Example Rogerian ~ Thatsnotus 002 Essay Example Rogerian ~ Thatsnotus
Organizational Structures and Systems
Organizational Structures and Systems
Jeffrey Ha
MBA501 Human Interfaces
Instructor: Dr. Eli Sopow
Submission date: October 2, 2010
Organizational Structures and Systems
Introduction This paper will examine organizational structures, organizational systems and how
organizational culture influences both structure and systems. Throughout this paper, there will an
analogy to the human body to help further the understanding of the concepts of structure and systems
in an organization. This analogy is based on the academic work of Goold and Campbell (Goold
Campbell, 2002). The first part of this paper will review different organizational structures. The
second part will look at various organizational systems and how they may be ... Show more content on
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Furthermore, one should think of culture, structure and systems as a whole system (Goold Campbell,
2002) instead of independent, individual elements. The conclusion must be that collectively, these
three elements create the foundation of an organization. When an organization does not use a holistic
approach towards their culture, structure and systems, the organization could create a poor working
environment for its employees and poor results for their customers. An example of culture, structure
and systems not working well together can be seen in General Motors (GM). GM prior to its
bankruptcy was seen to be a highly bureaucratic company in which brands, departments and regions
operated like self governing and competing states with a federation (Smerd, J. 2009). Here is a first
hand account of culture, structure and systems not being in harmony. In 1994, Ticketmaster (TM)
United States became a major presence in the ticketing industry. As part of their growth strategy, they
expanded through the re acquisition of all licensees. One of the licensees was the Canadian
Ticketmaster business. From 1995 to 1997, TM Canada was forced to transform organizationally to
become similar to our American parent. The cultural breakdown occurred when transitioning from
networked (high on sociability; low on solidarity) to mercenary (low on sociability; high on solidarity)
(Langton Robbins, 2007, p. #341 342). For example, the lack of accountability
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Paintings of famous painters
Painting can be done in a variety of media. For example, Oils, Watercolour, Acrylics, Gouache and
Paints are made from a pigment, and a binder. Binder is relatively cheap, while pigment is much more
expensive. Pigments are a colored powder, made from organic or ... Show more content on
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The history of Japanese painting is a long history of synthesis and competition between native
Japanese aesthetics and adaptation of imported ideas. Korean painting, as an independent form, began
around 108 B.C., around the fall of Gojoseon, making it one of the oldest in the world. The artwork of
that time period evolved into the various styles that characterized the Three Kingdoms of Korea
period, most notably the paintings and frescoes that adorn the tombs of Goguryeo s royalty. During the
Three Kingdoms period and through the Goryeo dynasty, Korean painting was characterized primarily
by a combination of Korean style landscapes, facial features, Buddhist centered themes,
Chinese painting:
Further information: History of Chinese art, Tang dynasty art and Ming Dynasty painting
Spring Morning in the Han Palace, by Ming era artist Qiu Ying (1494 1552 AD)
The earliest surviving examples of Chinese painted artwork date to the Warring States Period (481 221
BC), with paintings on silk or tomb murals on rock, brick, or stone. They were often in simplistic
stylized format and in more or less rudimentary geometric patterns. They often depicted mythological
creatures, domestic scenes, labor scenes, or palatial scenes filled with officials at court. Artwork
during this period and the subsequent Qin Dynasty (221 207 BC) and Han Dynasty (202 BC 220 AD)
was made not as a means in and of itself or for higher personal expression; rather artwork was
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Essay on Problems with Eyewitness Testimony
Eyewitness testimony has been used for many centuries and continues to be a part of our criminal
justice system. Although, there has been many controversy debates on whether to allow the
continuation of these testimonies in court, and allow it to be used as evidence. Eyewitness testimony
can either be harmful or useful for an individual. We must fully analysis and see what certain factors
(psychological, and age wise) come into the equation before coming up with final conclusions. A case
study titled Problems with Eyewitness Testimony talks about a famous Canadian case in which a 14
years old boy named Steven Truscott, was convicted in 1959 of rape and murder of a 12 years old,
Lynne Harper. It was later found that the conviction was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A 10 year old boy will unfortunately become a victim quickly to these errors. Taking into
consideration that his recollection of that night wasn t any useful in court. When given the option, it is
likely he will go with the option that makes seems justified. Does this mean that all children have
faulty memories? Absolutely not, but their age does have an influence. According to child
development expert, Dr. Steven Ceci. Children s intake on memories is different from adults. It factors
down to the child s past knowledge of things and whether they can extract real memories rather than
created false ones. Knowing this we still can t deem a child s memory to be as credible as an adults. A
case in 2002, where a 5 year old girl was abducted in front of her home in Stanton, California. Sarah
Ahn, a 6 year old child was the only witness to the crime. Ceci also said there are times when a child
can be a lot more accurate than an adult. This contradicts the point of a child s memory not being as
credible and in this case, it supports what Dr. Steven Ceci was saying. Sarah Ahn, fit into this
exception of being accurate. She was able to give a detailed description of the suspect and his car, that
a few days later the authorities attained the suspect. Although we still need to proceed with caution
and not rely on child s testimonies, because a child s mind can be manipulated to implant a false
memory. (Web 3) Psychologists continue to conduct tests, theories, and studies to
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Organizational Culture at Chrysler
Organizational culture
Organizational culture can loosely be defined as the shared assumptions, beliefs, and normal behaviors
(norms) of a group. These are powerful influences on the way people live and act, and they define
what is normal and how to sanction those who are not normal. To a large degree, what we do is
determined by our culture.
Organizational culture is similar to, say, regional culture. The same person in different organizations
(or parts of the same organization) would act in different ways.
Culture is very powerful. (One example is the cultural change effort at British Airways, which
transformed an unprofitable airline with a poor reputation into a paragon of politeness and profit).
An example: Cultural change at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Rather than have a small number of people control new products, Jeep/Truck product manager Jeff
Trimmer said planners were speaking out for customer wants and needs in the initial stages...and
working along with each of the various functional groups...The role becomes more advisory. Everyone
who would be involved participated to harness the best ideas and creativity.
Even the assembly line workers were included; with the new Ram trucks, they were working with
engineers six months before production started. Mechanics were consulted early, to help prepare the
cars and trucks for real life maintenance.
Product teams followed vehicles through their development to identify systems and process issues.
Today, we feel we have a lot more facts, and more of a groundswell of information that comes from
groups of people who know exactly what we re trying to do, reported Robert Johnson of Dodge
Agreeing on Objectives
One change which helps to keep projects pure is setting down objectives clearly, at the beginning.
Core objectives were agreed on at the beginning by all parties; because Everybody agrees up front and
we stick to the plan, (Bernard Robertson, Jeep/Truck team), there were no last minute changes in
focus, which can result in expensive disasters (such as the Corvair, Vega, and Fiero). Because
everyone was involved in setting goals, they took responsibility for living up to them.
Changes in the way cars were made began
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The Dust Bowl During The Great Plains Region
The dust bowl was a devastating time in the United States history that occurred during the 1930s,
caused by atypically high temperatures, perpetual drought and new farming methods. Vigorous winds
disturbed the topsoil, resulting in overwhelming dust storms which destroyed an immense amount of
farms, in upwards of 100,000. These storms devastated the source of income for the farmers affected.
The dust bowl was located in the Great Plains region, which includes the states of Oklahoma, Kansas,
and Northern Texas. Thousands of workers were faced with an impasse, become a laborer, doing
mindless work for miniscule wages, or move away and search for better work. (San José State
University) The people brought to these decisions that chose to ... Show more content on
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The mother could have effortlessly pawned off her ring, and gotten a few decent meals, or even a new
pair of clothes out of it, however she chose not to. She would rather work so hard that she doesn t even
have time to tell her son not to eat the dirt, or even have time to care for herself. The mother s hair is
unkempt, and her tired eyes tell that she hasn t slept well in a long time, but she would rather provide
for her family than herself. She is trying her best and working towards a better future. Though they are
in the middle of nowhere, the ring means that they are still together. The ring is a beacon through the
storm, a symbol of what was, and hope for what will be. Lange intended for the viewer to apprehend
how vital family was for the migrant workers.
In this image, Lange is also trying to demonstrate that children were still able to be children, and were
still innocent, through all of the turmoil. Although the mother knows that she has security in her
family, she still feels guilt, anger, and regret. The mother was forced to uproot her family and trek
across the country just to find work, and that does not happen without bitter feelings being formed. On
the other hand, her baby has been through these same events, but he remains unscathed, and innocent.
He does not have one worry, he is only concerned about the dirt that he is
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Comparing The School Life In James Mcbride s The Color Of...
In James McBride s The Color of Water, James talks about his school life and his mom s school life.
Both school lives were different and similar. To start off, both James and Ruth were the minority in
their own school. Even though Ruth was white, or light skinned, she was Jewish and that s what made
her different because most kids in her school were not jewish. Since she was the minority, it was easy
for kids to point that out and bully them for that. For example, one kid told Ruth, Hey Ruth, when did
you start being a dirty Jew? James was also the minority and bullied at school. He went to a Jewish
school which mostly consisted of light skinned people and since he was darker, kids took notice. One
time, they were learning about Black
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Open Pits In Canada
Open Pits The very first open pit mines that were built in the world started around when men began to
develop tools and constructing massive stone monuments to their gods. They were known as quarries.
Quarries are open pit mines that produce building materials and dimension stone, such as granite,
marble, limestone, and other tangible rock building materials. However, these open pit mines
produced little to no pollution at all because the technology to extract every last gram of ore from rack
has not been developed. The process basically involves pulverizing every rock that comes out of a
mine with any trace of ore within it. This produces what is known as tailings. Tailings are one of the
biggest pollutants of the world to date. They are so toxic that they have to be mixed with water to
produce sludge and are pumped into ponds (known as tailings ponds) so that they are rendered
obsolete . ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the United States, the Toxics Release Inventory, or TRI, plays the same role. When mining was
added to the TRI in 1997, the mining industry suddenly moved to the top of the list of polluters,
contributing over half the 7.77 billion pounds of toxic chemicals released to the environment. Most of
the pollutants came from the waste rock and tailings that are created at the mine site. (MAC: Mines
and Communities, 2007)
These mines are devastating to everything surrounding them if they are not regulated and managed
correctly, and there is one trying to be built up in Alaska. If built this mine is to be the largest open pit
mine to ever be built in the existence of all mankind. Contrary to its size its name does not give
convey its magnitude. The name being simply known as The Pebble
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What Is Charles Dickens Use Of The Rhetorical Devices In A...
In these passages of marriage proposals the speakers address a different variety of approaches in a
proposing marriage to his proposed. What the speakers use for the rhetorical devices in these passages
are arguments, and diction. In the Jane Austen passage the reverend delivers a point of view that is
more for convenience, while in the passage of Charles Dickens he distributes a type of view for
passion. Mr. Collins who is speaking in Jane Austen s passage has a tone that appears to be
overconfident. He makes it seem in the passage that he supposes his cousin will say yes to the
proposal even though he is not interested in her. Jane Austen shows this by stating in the passage it
will add very greatly to my happiness this shows that Miss de Bourgh thinks it s a great idea for Mr.
Collins to get married. Which means that his cousin wants him to be married to her, but Mr. Collins
only wants this to happen to add happiness to himself. However, His cousin will probably say no to
Mr. Collins marriage proposal because he is a humble, and deleterious man. In Jane Austen s passage
he is using the rhetorical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Collins who was very presumptuous and who cared for no others, Charles Dickens speaker gives more
of a passionate approach towards the woman. In Dickens passage the speaker argues why he needs to
marry the woman and why she should be married to him instead of others. Dickens shows the
rhetorical device of argument in his passage by showing why she should be with him, some examples
of the passages are draw me to fire draw me to water draw me to the gallows draw me to any death .
This tells us something about the person writing this letter to her because it shows that he is very taken
and focused on her. In the Charles Dickens passage the speaker is more dedicated to what he can do
for her and not on what he wants, plus the speaker is more involved in having his loves feeling met
rather than his
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Shark Attack Research Paper
There are over 100 million sharks in the world, and around 440 known species of sharks. Some sharks
are harmless, but there are some types of sharks that are known for attacking and sometimes killing
humans. Because of this, many people are terrified of sharks and when they go to the beach they don t
even want to get into the water. Are people actually even in danger of being killed by a shark? In this
research paper I will be talking about that. Where do shark attacks happen? How often do shark
attacks actually happen? What kinds of sharks are the most dangerous? What do you do if you re
being attacked by a shark? How do we prevent shark attacks from occuring? I will also be including
new types of technology that could save people from future ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
There are a few new really good inventions that could prevent shark attacks without the human not
even having to worry about all those small things. One of them being a camouflaged wetsuit or
surfboard graphics. These scientific patterns essentially make people invisible to the sharks due to the
inability that sharks have of seeing colors. Using these patterns on your wetsuit in conjunction with
the bottom of your board will make it harder for the shark to identify you. Another great invention that
prevents shark attacks is called The Clever Buoy. The Clever Buoy uses sonar, a system for the
detection of objects under water by emitting sound pulses and detecting their return after being
reflected, to detect the size and swimming pattern of a fish near any beach that the buoy is. When the
buoy picks up a signal, it wirelessly sends the information to lifeguards for them to monitor. Next, an
app that will allow you to search for occurrences of shark attacks world wide. It allows you to see any
past shark encounters and details about the encounter. Including the date, location, the type of shark,
and the results of the occurrence. This helps because it could help you decide whether or not you
would like to go out into the water or not. Lastly, drones called Little Rippers. These drones cost
$250,000 and they come with an inflatable raft and a GPS that can be dropped to the person in danger.
The program has been so successful that the inventors are planning on adding more. Including a
camera system that can spot sharks through the water using artificial
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My Experience Of Working As A Pharmacy Technician In CVS...
I had to deal with a difficult customer when I worked as a Pharmacy Technician in CVS Pharmacy.
The customer came up through our drive thru window to pick up her prescriptions. As I was telling her
the prices of her items, she was shaking her head and getting impatient because all of the prices were
not the same as she had paid the last time. I had asked her for her insurance information and checked
the computer whether it matched the records we had in our records. It turned out that we did have the
correct information but it seems like she was in a donut hole, which means the customer had to pay
out of pocket since she had already spent her yearly limit. I had explained to her the circumstance but
she refused to accept it and insisted for
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Online Subscription Based Music Services
Online subscription based music services (like Spotify) compare lists of songs users have played using
if statements and for loops to find recommended songs for us. If a certain percentage of songs are the
same in the list of songs two users have played, the system will recommend songs to the first user
from the list of the other one.
Computer and mobile games use all programming concepts we have covered in this course: they store
lots of data for example boolean variables to check if objectives have been completed and integers or
floats to keep track of the user s score, they use loops and functions for all kinds of things like running
the game while the player s health is above 0 or a function to make the player character move when a
key is pressed. Perhaps the most obvious programming concept used in games is the if statement, to
check if an obstacle is hit (by checking if the distance between the moving object and the obstacle is
smaller than a certain value) or to make enemies stop moving if their health is zero.
Delivery companies use lists (databases) to store tracking numbers and if statements to check if a
number entered into their online tracking system matches any in the list of these numbers. If it does,
they display the estimated delivery date and time (which are stored in variables) and otherwise display
an error message informing the user that the number they entered is incorrect.
Online messaging programs also use lists to store all kinds of user
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The Great Alaskan Voyage
The Great Alaskan Voyage
Waking up feeling the cold, brisk air, I rolled over and hopped off the pull out couch.
The idea of being in a small kayak in the ocean off the coast of Seward, Alaska was a little terrifying.
On July 14th, my family and I cruised on a kayaking trip in the Alaskan Pacific Ocean. From Miller s
Landing, we traveled to a World War II military base in kayaks. My family had been talking about this
kayak adventure since we planned our vacation to Alaska. I had no idea what to expect. All I knew is
that I was a baby kayaker paddling in a gianormous ocean. Little did I know, that I would paddle for
hours, explore not only Alaska s history, but America s, and have a lifetime experience that I will
never forget. I knew nothing about kayaking. Neither did the rest of my family. In the matter of maybe
15 minutes our kayak instructors, Matt and Amy educated us on how to paddle and keep the kayak
afloat, we were then launched into the frigid ocean. No one knew exactly how far we would be
paddling in this vast open water that seemed to engulf us all. In the beginning, I was being very
precise with my newly learned skills, starting the oar at my feet and pulling it up to my hip. I was also
precise on cutting the water correctly to save energy. Shortly after paddling which seemed like forever,
we were only halfway to our destination. Amy yelled out, The island is right up there, by then I was
ready for a break, my arms burned and my hips were stiff.
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Breweries In Texas
Texas is home to thirty five operating breweries, but when speaking of the cultural landscape and the
effects the breweries have had on the environment around them it is best to relate it to our home, the
Dallas Fort Worth metroplex. Going back to when breweries first got their start in Texas, around 1860,
the landscape was the one doing the influencing on the brewing culture. Because, of the lack of
refrigeration and the Texas heat, brewers were forced to only create their local brews in the cool
months. Due to the environment, lack of technological advances, and law enforcement (prohibition),
Texas breweries of the past would not have the impact that they had hoped for when they started. The
beer industry in Texas would find life again around ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Their presence and involvement in the community influences it s customers to give back to their local
community. The younger culture is beginning to show more involvement with giving back to local
businesses and helping them to succeed rather than big businesses that focus more on large nationwide
profit. Breweries like Rahr and Sons, sponsor local events and are popping up at different bars and
locations weekly to help, not only their own growth, but to aid in the growth of local businesses.
Another interesting idea that Rahr has begun is connecting the local businesses. For example, one of
their specialty brews of the season is a brew that is created using a combination of ingredients from
another local business, Avoca Coffee. Ideas such as this only reinforce the idea of aiding in the local
business industry and influencing locals to give to their community and help it prosper. With so many
local breweries, and their spread out location throughout the Metroplex, it ensures that each part of the
metroplex has a local brewery nearest to them and can emerge in the community and nearby bars and
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Essay on Fahrenheit 451 Sybolism of Fire
The Symbolism of Fire
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, is a novel filled with many symbols. The symbolism used in this
novel varies from different animals to things in nature. One of the biggest symbols throughout the
novel is fire. Fire has multiple meanings in Fahrenheit 451, and is usually symbolized as something to
be feared. Throughout the novel, fire is something that people do not want, even though it can be so
much more than a bad thing. Fire can represent knowledge and awareness, rebirth and construction, as
well as destruction. Fire is depicted, throughout history, as a symbol of knowledge and awareness. Fire
is usually a symbol that appears in novels right at a time when the main character has an epiphany or
realizes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is said in ancient Greek and Roman mythology that burning the body helps the soul to be purified
and pass on to the afterlife. Though fire can represent knowledge and rebirth, it is mainly depicted as a
destructive force. In the novel fire is used to burn books which are knowledge. By burning this
knowledge the society was kept in a confined situation where the amount of knowledge in everyone is
evenly distributed. It was a pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed.
(Bradbury 3) This quotation shows Montag s feelings towards burning in the beginning of the novel.
Fire destroyed the books. Fire destroyed homes. Fire destroyed the light in everyone. The fire was not
only used to destroy things but it kept the people of society in line. The fire may have been
represented as a disciplinary tool. By having a constant source of the fire, people had fear distilled in
them from the start. This made them subconsciously obedient even though they seemed to be
insubordinate. The overall theme of fire in Fahrenheit 451 is a feeling of destruction. With the right
surroundings and intentions it was used for so much more than that. It was used as a way to exhibit
knowledge. Above all, though the depiction of destruction is very influential, and the representation of
knowledge is somewhat there, the most important symbolism of fire in the novel
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April 1971 Colonel M.A.G Osmani was selected as Commander...
April 1971 Colonel M.A.G Osmani was selected as Commander of Bengali armed forces. Organized
resistance began. Mukti Bahini (freedom Fighter forces) became increasingly active. July 1971,
Bangladesh forces command was set up.
The Awami League then set up their own plans for a new constitution to achieve an independent for
their state. As a result, the plan did not turned well as expected. The Pakistani army took control and
Mujib was arrested in March 1971 after a violent results. As result from this civil war, about 9.5
million refugees fleeing to India. This led to military intervention by India on the side of the Mukti
Bahini (Bengali freedom fighters ) at the beginning of December. Hence, weeks after that, Pakistan
forces ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The physical distance was insignificant compared to the cultural, economic and environmental
difference of two parts. The only connection religion was not enough to balance the enormous
disparity created through economic oppression and cultural exploitation. Language issue is the most
crucial issue because it was important to have one sole official national language. To some extent,
every province was upset as many were favour for Urdu language hence their language will be a
second class language. The government failed to understand deep attachment of Bengalis with their
mother language. Urdu was spoken in the West and Bangla was spoken in the East. Therefore, because
of this language issue, language movement were set up and riots also took place. In addition, the birth
of Bangladesh and separation of Bangladesh from Pakistan was due to cultural differences. Pakistan
was a multiracial and poly ethnic country and their social customs differed from the rest which this
cultural differences led to the rise of ethics nationalism. It was Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who were aware
about this cultural divide.
Moreover, contemptuous attitudes of West Pakistanis towards Bengal made the East Pakistan (the
Bengal) felt irritated with them. This can be seen from the attitudes of the government official
especially the West
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Cassie Jaye Right To Love
Cassie Jaye was born on May 1st of 1986 in Fort Sill, Oklahoma. However, she spent most of her
childhood in Brier, Washington. After she graduated high school she moved to LA to pursue an acting
career. In LA between 2004 2008 she was in many independent films as well as commercials, but this
changed in 2007 when she decided to start producing documentaries. In 2008 she founded, Jaye Bird
Productions , in San Francisco in hope of creating documentaries that feature current political and
social topics. When she was 21, her first documentary appeared in 2010, Daddy I Do , which won
numerous awards at film festivals. In 2012 her second documentary premiered, The Right to Love: An
American Family , which focused on marriage equality rights
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The Final Episode of Mark Twain s The Adventures of...
The Great Importance of the Final Episode of Huckleberry Finn
One of the things many critics of Huckleberry Finn just can t
seem to understand is the final episode of the novel where Tom returns
and sidetracks Huck from his rescue of Jim through a long series of
silly, boyish plans based on ideas Tom has picked up from Romantic novels,
such as those of Walter Scott. Critic Stephen Railton dismisses these
final chapters as just another version of their Royal Nonesuch (405);
referring, of course, to the silly play put on by the Duke and Dauphin in
chapter 23. From one point of view, this whole evasion sequence seems
funny and humorous in the traditions of frontier and southwestern ... Show more content on
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For one, Stephen
Railton says Jim s role is haplessly comic (401). Several critics argue that Jim
fits into the stereotypical figure of the black face minstrel shows
popular at the time (Carey Webb 24) (an accusation with profound repercussions,
to be addressed shortly). And remember how most of Twain s books
until this one, such as The Innocents Abroad and Roughing It , were
comic travel books. And it also seems likely that Twain is satirizing
Romanticism (another possible idea to be addressed later).
However, despite the humor (or maybe because of it), the book
remains very serious. As V. S. Pritchett puts it, The curious thing
about Huckleberry Finn is that, although it is one of the funniest books
in all literature and really astonishing in the variety of its farce and
character, we are even more moved than we are amused by it (307). Pritchett
goes on to say, The value of a native humor like Twain s
is that it expresses a profound reality in human nature: the ability
of man to adjust himself to circumstance and to live somehow (307).
There is truth in comedy. Comedians can tell us brutal realities that
dramatist cannot. As Pritchett explains later, The subject of
Huckleberry Finn is the comical but also brutal effect of an anarchic
rebellion against civilization and especially
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Quantitative Analysis of Soda Ash by Double Indicator Method
Quantitative Analysis of Soda Ash by Double Indicator Method
Mark Steven R. Santiago and Kristiene B. Sadiwa Institute of Chemistry, University of the
Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines Date/s Performed: July 13, 2012; Date Submitted:
July 19, 2012 Results and Discussions A mixture of carbonate (CO32 ), bicarbonate, (HCO32 ) and
hydroxide (OH ) ions can be analysed and determined by titration with strong standard acid solution.
Volumetric titrimetry can be employed to compute percent compositions of sodium carbonate
(Na2CO3), sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in a soda ash sample
through the application of neutralization concepts and titrimetric analyses. Volumetric titrimetry has
been utilized in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Moreover, NaOH cannot replace Na2CO3 for it generally do not satisfy above requirements and very
hygroscopic in nature. On the other hand, 0.05 M HCl is called the standard solution. An ideal
standard solution[3] is (1) sufficiently stable to determine concentration, (2) reactive with the analyte
so that the time required between additions of titrant is minimized, (3) completely reactive with the
analyte so that satisfactorily end points are realized, and (4) selectively reactive with the analyte that
can be described by a simple balanced equation. The standardization of the titrant aims to know the
exact concentration of the titrant (its deviation from the measurement done). Two basic methods are
used to establish the concentration of standard solutions: (1) direct method, in which a carefully
weighed quantity of a primary standard is dissolved and diluted to an exactly known volume in a
volumetric flask, and (2) standardization by titrating (a) weighed quantity of a primary standard, or (b)
a measured volume of another standard solution. In the
experiment, the standard solution has been standardized using method 2b[3]. The standard solutions
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Summary Of The Virgin Of Guadalupe
The Virgin of Guadalupe represented a melding of indigenous and Western cultures, a woman who
was both a symbol of Catholicism, but appeared to an indigenous man and spoke in Nahuatl. The
Virgin stemmed from syncretism of Catholicism with indigenous religions after Catholics realized that
they needed to accept indigenous idols and beliefs if they wanted to spread their religion in Columbian
era Mexico. However, over time, the Virgin of Guadalupe has come to represent not only religion but
something inherently Mexican due her origins are non polarizing, her being associated with both
indigenous and Western culture. Ideologically, she also came to represent the idea of purity when
contrasted with La Malinche, who Mexicans view as a representation of betrayal. The Virgin s place in
the virgin/whore dichotomy is what cements her place in history not only as a religious symbol but
also as a symbol for all of Mexico, something which represents purity and one s pride in Mexico itself.
Mexican Mosaic, quoting Carlos Fuentes, describes this ironic view of the Virgin s place in a country
with the state sponsored religion as how one may no longer consider himself a Christian, but one
cannot truly be considered a Mexican unless one believes in the Virgin of Guadalupe (Buchenau 23).
The Virgin represents an inherent purity that all Mexicans strive to achieve. Although she is
intrinsically Catholic, she appears to be associated more with the history and culture of Mexico itself.
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Essay on Lesson of the Evils of Liquor
A chemistry teacher wanted to teach his 9th grade class a lesson about the evils of liquor, so he
produced an experiment that involved a glass of water, a glass of whiskey, and two worms.
quot;Now, class, observe the worms closely, quot; he said, putting a worm first into the water. The
worm in the water writhed about, happy as a worm in water could be.
The second worm he put into the whiskey. It writhed painfully, and quickly sank to the bottom, dead
as a doornail.
quot;Now, what lesson can we derive from this experiment? quot; the teacher asked.
One of the students raised his hand and wisely, responded, quot;Drink whiskey and you won t get
worms. quot;
Quotes To Go With Your Beer ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Conserve water. Drink Beer.
You don t like jail? Naw, they got the wrong kind of bars in there.
Charles Bukowski
Beer is good food.
It s better to have beer in hand than gas in tank.
Life is too short to drink cheap beer.
Beer: it s not just for breakfast anymore.
Beer: Nature s laxative.
Beer: If you can t taste it, why bother!
All other nations are drinking Ray Charles beer and we are drinking Barry Manilow.
Dave Barry
When I heated my home with oil, I used an average of 800 gallons a year. I have found that I can keep
comfortably warm for an entire winter with slightly over half that quantity of beer.
Postpetroleum Guzzler, Dave Barry
Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the
wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza.
Dave Barry s Bad Habits, Dave Barry
Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would
be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer.
Dave Barry
My problem with most athletic challenges is training. I m lazy and find that workouts cut into my
drinking time.
The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.
Humphrey Bogart
Friends don t let friends drink Light Beer.
If nothing
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Evaluation Of The Clinical Decision Making Process
Clinical reasoning can be best described by the process of collecting indications, processing,
understand the problem or situation, plan and implement interventions, asses outcomes and learn
reflect on the whole process (del Bueno, 2005). Positive outcomes of this process can be determined
by an individual s preconceptions, attitude, perspective and willingness (mentally and physically)
(McCarthy, 2003). In a report by the clinical excellence commission of NSW Health they conclude
that there are three explanations for negative patient outcomes in which are failure to correctly
diagnose, failure to adequately implement appropriate treatment and inability to manage
complications. In this essay the author will outline a situation in which they were involved in
explaining the background of the situation, factors which influenced a clinical decision to be made
whilst describing the clinical decision making process.
On the last day of a placement block for Nursing clients with chronic conditions at an unnamed Gold
Coast Hospital, I was assigned five patients with the supervision of a registered nurse in the
orthopaedics ward. With awareness of the environment, I noticed and retained times patients were
coming and going from surgery that weren t assigned to me. On completion of the shift with bag in
hand, I walked past an elderly lady in her room whom I remembered had come back from surgery
approximately two hours earlier. I noticed she was quite flushed with a slight grimace on
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A Poison Tree Poem Analysis
A woman frustrated with a friend for betraying her. She doesn t know whether or not to confront her
or hold it in. The rage builds up as she has been holding it in for weeks now. This anger grows and
grows until she snaps and their friendship comes to an end. Holding in that rage and devastation will
cause it to grow more. This is shown throughout many different poems. A Poison Tree by William
Blake and A total stranger one black day by e.e. cummings both convey the message that keeping in
anger can make it grow more than it was before.
Through A Poison Tree, William Blake conveys that burying anger, rather than exposing it, will
develop an anger seed that grows with the continuous wrath that is constantly being added to it. The
use of an extended metaphor in stanza two that compares a nurtured plant to anger expresses this
theme because it shows how the anger is building up. William Blake writes, And I waterd it in fears/
Night Morning with my tears (Blake 5 6). Here, the speaker says that his tears are watering the anger
seed, and goes on saying that this seed grows into a well nurtured plant. The author compared it to a
tree because water makes a tree grow and his tears is making his anger grow, which is the best way to
show us an image of his continuously growing anger. This is saying that the speaker s anger keeps
building up as time goes on. Another device William Blake uses is diction to show the strength of
anger that is needed to express how the speaker
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The Myth Of Fourteenth Century Europe
During a period within fourteenth century Europe, a pestilence known as the bubonic plague swept
across eastern Asia and into England via trade, leaving millions dead in its wake. The Black Plague
arrived at a time of war and famine in Europe, only further devastating the lives of medieval citizens.
Religiously, socially, and politically, there were no immediate changes from the Black Plague,
however, a Catholic schism, the ability for social mobility, and standing armies would develop in the
following years, ultimately leading to sizable differences in life. The essence of fourteenth century
European life revolved around the Roman Catholic Church; the papacy asserted spiritual rule and
every individual was devoted to God and their beliefs. Therefore, when the plague hit Europe and
killed one third to one half of the entire population, people questioned God as to why He would kill
entire towns across the continent. Communities prayed for forgiveness, believing they had committed
a sin large enough to deserve such a disease, however, clergymen, priests, and average citizens alike
fell ill to the Black Plague, and none were spared. After the plague diminished from Europe, the
church had a schism which entailed three popes at a single time, and the Renaissance led to a
humanistic movement where people began to turn to individualism. This new found set of ideals
would further lead to a sixteenth century reformation of the church, altering the course of history. The
citizens of
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Who Is Captain Charles Moore s Our Oceans Are Turning Into...
In the story, Our Oceans Are Turning into Plastic... Are We? by Susan Casey, Captain Charles Moore
experiences what can be described as a living nightmare. In the Northern Pacific subtropical gyre,
known as the Eastern Garbage Patch, Captain Moore sees the piles and piles of used, bottles, nets,
ropes, bath toys, jugs, and traps, all creating a layer of plastic crap above the ocean s surface, staying
completely still in a windless current less body of water. The experience of seeing what you care about
be completely changed because of pollution or simple human neglect. Personally, I have an instance of
this in the first house that I remember living in. What was once a house that had a lot of connections
from not only me, but others in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What was once a beautiful but small lawn with grass is now a patch of dead grass with dirt exposing
itself under the grass. What was once the creaky barn doors are completely destroyed, with broken
glass on the ground on the outside, leading to the inside. What was once the living room where I had
spent so much time watching television and playing games with my siblings, now has its carpet
completely torn up, walls indented, and closet in complete shambles with light gleaming sharply
through the holes of the closet from holes that were made by vandals who never knew the true value
of the humble abode that I used to reside in. My old home, since being lived in by me and my family
has since been abandoned by the family that we had entrusted the house to previously. Now the house
just stays there, an eerie empty shell of what it used to be. A place where I was safe and happy, now a
dark and scary place that no one deserves to live in, a place that humans have indeed used well, so
well that there is nothing left of what it used to be. That image of the house was the last I saw it, back
in 2010, It is possible now that the house had since been destroyed, with the memories that have been
carved into the walls, fireplace, windows, closets, and bedrooms, are now nothing more but a blur of
destroyed objects that will one day be removed, as people pass by the home that once was will never
be able to see its clarity, but instead will only be able to see the blur of colors protruding from the
exterior of the house, or perhaps the brown of the barn like doors, or the patches of green still rising
from the dead grass that surrounds it, until eventually, it simply disappears completely invisible to the
city that used it ever so
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The Contribution Of Gustav Stresemann
Gustav Stresemann is a significant person in Germany history from 1923 1929. How far do I agree?
Explain your answer.
I agree to this statement to a certaint extent. The reason is because of what he accomplished from 1923
to 1929. You have to consider the weight and impact of what he had accomplished in the years 1923
1929. He ended hyperinflation in Germany. Stresemann got Germany back into the League of Nations.
Stresemann increased employment at its lowest. Appointed the Chancellor of Germany in 1923. And
is known for many other things.
In 1921, Germany had just gotten out of World War 1. And they owed France, Britain, and the United
States so much money, due to reparations. They alone had to pay 132 billion gold marks (US$33
billion). And that was required from the Treaty of Versailles, and the 1921 London Schedule of
Payments. Of course Germany and her people were furious. They fell behind on the reparations. Then
they started to buy foreign currency with marks at any price. That meant that their currency would
have to change big time. In the first half of 1922 it took 320 marks to make one dollar. The mark
became worth nothing at one point. It was so worthless they either used it as wallpaper, or destroyed
it. Since the mark was so worthless they had to end up paying off the reparations by products they
make money on. So then France steps in and occupies the Ruhr in January 1923, when they end up
falling back on that as well. Then on August 13, 1923 Gustav
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Mesopotamian Empire And Cyrus Similarities
There were several differences and similarities within the Persian Empire that emerged under Cyrus
the great and earlier Mesopotamian Empires. Not all empires flourished as well as Cyrus the great s
did due to his moral virtues and way of ruling. One king by the name of Tiglath had some similar
values but his empire did not prosper in such ways as Cyrus s. Not only were there differences and
similarities between these different Empires but there were also different ways that Cyrus and his
successors coopt earlier religious, political, and social traditions and i ll give several examples of them
within this essay. To start off with The Persian Empires under Cyrus s control did not flourish off of
brutal murder and harsh ruling as with several other empires operated. Cyrus is talked about as being a
legendary King not only in the battlefield but how he accomplished the goals he wanted to achieve. In
Chapter two page 31 of our book the authors use a very accurate quote By returning the jews to their
home land and helping them rebuild their temple, Cyrus presented himself as a champion of right
order . This quote speaks of Cyrus returning people from conquered territory the their homelands as
well as letting them continuing to practice their own religious beliefs. In cyrus s reign the new regions
he took over were very loyal to him due to the fact he would respect the people in them and their
individual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There is another king Tiglath a king of an earlier Assyrian empire who had some similar attributes as
Cyrus as well as some different ones. In chapter 2 pg 27 the Qualities of a King describes two
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The Music Video For Worth It By The Artist Fifth Harmony...
In the Western World, men are often viewed as more valuable and capable than their female
counterparts; the girl group Fifth Harmony is fighting back on that view. In early 2015, the all female
group of five young adults released the final single from their debut album (Billboard). Fifth Harmony
had yet to have success in mainstream music and were vying for success on the charts. The song they
released was entitled Worth It and it is a traditionally catchy pop song, but the complimenting music
video is far from traditional. The music video for Worth It by the artist Fifth Harmony illustrates
women in stereotypical male jobs in a purposely shocking way to point out institutionalized gender
The video opens with scenes from a large urban city, before flashing to a NASDAQ style stock board
featuring the phrase: Women in power. The stock board appears constantly throughout the remainder
of the video behind the women, as the words and numbers change to include phrases such as glass
ceiling and feminism. The women of Fifth Harmony are first shown in the music video confidently
strutting in business suits and high heels. It should be noted men are in the back of several frames,
keeping the females in the forefront of the video. As the video progresses, there are scenes depicting
men in stereotypical female jobs such as assistant and secretarial positions, and men working for
women in other positions such as drivers appear. One of the most prominent visuals of
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Whole Foods Markets
This paper examines the published case study Whole Foods Markets, 2005: Will There Be Enough
Organic Food to Satisfy the Growing Demand? (Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson, 2007, p. C534).
Although the published study addresses numerous aspects of Whole Foods Market s business as a
leading international retailer of natural organic foods, the analysis provided herein is focused on
Whole Foods Market s ability to meet future growth demands. This paper explores Whole Foods
Market s basic internal environment with subsequent application of Porter s Five Forces Model of
Competition followed by a related Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats (SWOT) breakdown...all
used to determine critical market success factors and looming challenges ... Show more content on
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Whole Foods has also invested in modern information systems which have enabled the company to
promote efficient communications (described in more detail below). With a well established and
accepted vision, mission and market strategy, Whole Foods organization appears cohesive and has
maintained its core business focus throughout its remarkable growth and expansion. Physical
Resources With 270 retail locations each ranging from 45,000 to 75,000 square feet, nine distribution
centers, five commissaries, nine regional bake houses and subsidiaries whose operations encompass
coffee production, seafood processing and produce field inspections, Whole Foods has substantial
capital investment in plant and property totaling over $1.6 billion (Whole Foods 1, n.d., p. 1) and
(MSN Money, 2008, p. 3). Whole Foods also boast a sophisticated distribution system with retail
outlets targeting affluent urban areas with higher income and education demographics. Technical
Resources Whole Foods has made significant investments in technology to support operations and
connectivity in all facets of its business units. In 2003, Whole Foods signed a 3 year multi million
dollar contract
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Androcles And The Lion, Overruled, Pygmalion
Joseph Murnane
Shaw, George Bernard. Androcles and the Lion, Overruled, Pygmalion. New York: Brentano, 1916.
In Pygmalion, language is used as a mark of distinction between the various characters. Elizabeth
desires greater language proficiency as a means to achieve a better career. In contrast, Professor
Higgins, a distinguished and scholarly gentleman who used language as a career, did not speak kindly
to others. Finally, Elizabeth s father, an eloquent garbage man, is forced into the middle class when he
gives speeches. The experiences of these characters demonstrate that language does not define one s
Elizabeth wants more comfort in her life. After seeing a glimpse of prosperity after Professor Higgins
gives her enough ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The moment he learned where his daughter was, he dashed over to see if he could sell her, claiming,
as a daughter she s not worth her keep (149). His speech shows that he is a disreputable character, and
would sell his daughter to oblige a gentleman (150), though not a common man. It could be that this is
his method of making sure that she has a stable home with success. Conversely, he could be trying to
tap her later for money, as he replies to an aghast Colonel Pickering that he can t afford (148),
manners. Higgins, however, admires Doolittle s rhetorical skill, which is praise indeed from the
professor. Just as the professor promised his daughter, Higgins claims that he can make him a middle
class man, offering him a choice between a seat in the cabinet and a popular pulpit in Wales (151).
Doolittle declines, however, claiming that he would not want to be a member of the middle class and
be tied with morality. Surprisingly, he also desires only five pounds, rather than ten pounds, as neither
he nor his wife would ever want to spend such a sum. As a joke, Higgins recommends Doolittle as an
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Education Is An Integral Part Of A Child s Upbringing
Academia Education
Academia education is considered an integral part of a child s upbringing, and therefore it remains
highly important to require academic institutions to educate and inform students regarding substance
use and its consequences. SAMHSA recommends instituting programs at an early age, for example,
the Good Behavior Game introduced in elementary schools, is a management strategy aimed at
reducing aggressive, disruptive classroom behavior, a risk factor for adolescent and illicit drug abuse
(SAMHSA, 2016). Similarly the focus group participants mentioned that Academia Education from K
12 grade needs to incorporate evidence based programs in the academic curriculum in addressing
alcohol and other drug use among the youth. NH young adults emphasized the importance of
introducing substance misuse education in early school age from elementary while strengthening the
current health curriculum in middle and high schools.
early intervention, messages about how it could affect their future.
Start young treat like sex ed starts in 6th grade) Be more thorough and not just saying don t drink or
do drugs.
Majority of the focus group participants identified the weaknesses and drawbacks associated with the
current health education classes particularly in substance misuse education in middle and high
schools. For example, the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) program introduced in the fifth
grade is cited as a weak and ineffective program that employs scare
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002 Essay Example Rogerian Thatsnotus. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. 002 Essay Example Rogerian ~ Thatsnotus 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. 002 Essay Example Rogerian ~ Thatsnotus 002 Essay Example Rogerian ~ Thatsnotus
  • 2. Organizational Structures and Systems Organizational Structures and Systems Jeffrey Ha MBA501 Human Interfaces Instructor: Dr. Eli Sopow Submission date: October 2, 2010 Organizational Structures and Systems Introduction This paper will examine organizational structures, organizational systems and how organizational culture influences both structure and systems. Throughout this paper, there will an analogy to the human body to help further the understanding of the concepts of structure and systems in an organization. This analogy is based on the academic work of Goold and Campbell (Goold Campbell, 2002). The first part of this paper will review different organizational structures. The second part will look at various organizational systems and how they may be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Furthermore, one should think of culture, structure and systems as a whole system (Goold Campbell, 2002) instead of independent, individual elements. The conclusion must be that collectively, these three elements create the foundation of an organization. When an organization does not use a holistic approach towards their culture, structure and systems, the organization could create a poor working environment for its employees and poor results for their customers. An example of culture, structure and systems not working well together can be seen in General Motors (GM). GM prior to its bankruptcy was seen to be a highly bureaucratic company in which brands, departments and regions operated like self governing and competing states with a federation (Smerd, J. 2009). Here is a first hand account of culture, structure and systems not being in harmony. In 1994, Ticketmaster (TM) United States became a major presence in the ticketing industry. As part of their growth strategy, they expanded through the re acquisition of all licensees. One of the licensees was the Canadian Ticketmaster business. From 1995 to 1997, TM Canada was forced to transform organizationally to become similar to our American parent. The cultural breakdown occurred when transitioning from networked (high on sociability; low on solidarity) to mercenary (low on sociability; high on solidarity) (Langton Robbins, 2007, p. #341 342). For example, the lack of accountability ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Intramuros HUMANITIES 1 (RESEARCH PAPER) HISTORY OF PAINTINGS AND ARTISTS IN THE WORLD ADRIAN M SITCHON PROF. PEREZ 4TH YEAR/BS.HRM/NS (SUBMITTED BY) TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION HISTORY BODY * EASTERN PAINTING * WESTERN PAINTING * 20th CENTURY MODERN * AND CONTEMPORARY DEFINITION OF TERMS * FAMOUS PAINTERS * AND BIOGRAPHY * Paintings of famous painters CONCLUSION RECOMMENDATION REFERENCE INTRODUCTION: Painting can be done in a variety of media. For example, Oils, Watercolour, Acrylics, Gouache and Tempera. Paints are made from a pigment, and a binder. Binder is relatively cheap, while pigment is much more expensive. Pigments are a colored powder, made from organic or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The history of Japanese painting is a long history of synthesis and competition between native Japanese aesthetics and adaptation of imported ideas. Korean painting, as an independent form, began around 108 B.C., around the fall of Gojoseon, making it one of the oldest in the world. The artwork of that time period evolved into the various styles that characterized the Three Kingdoms of Korea period, most notably the paintings and frescoes that adorn the tombs of Goguryeo s royalty. During the Three Kingdoms period and through the Goryeo dynasty, Korean painting was characterized primarily by a combination of Korean style landscapes, facial features, Buddhist centered themes, 3 Chinese painting: Further information: History of Chinese art, Tang dynasty art and Ming Dynasty painting
  • 4. Spring Morning in the Han Palace, by Ming era artist Qiu Ying (1494 1552 AD) The earliest surviving examples of Chinese painted artwork date to the Warring States Period (481 221 BC), with paintings on silk or tomb murals on rock, brick, or stone. They were often in simplistic stylized format and in more or less rudimentary geometric patterns. They often depicted mythological creatures, domestic scenes, labor scenes, or palatial scenes filled with officials at court. Artwork during this period and the subsequent Qin Dynasty (221 207 BC) and Han Dynasty (202 BC 220 AD) was made not as a means in and of itself or for higher personal expression; rather artwork was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Essay on Problems with Eyewitness Testimony Eyewitness testimony has been used for many centuries and continues to be a part of our criminal justice system. Although, there has been many controversy debates on whether to allow the continuation of these testimonies in court, and allow it to be used as evidence. Eyewitness testimony can either be harmful or useful for an individual. We must fully analysis and see what certain factors (psychological, and age wise) come into the equation before coming up with final conclusions. A case study titled Problems with Eyewitness Testimony talks about a famous Canadian case in which a 14 years old boy named Steven Truscott, was convicted in 1959 of rape and murder of a 12 years old, Lynne Harper. It was later found that the conviction was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A 10 year old boy will unfortunately become a victim quickly to these errors. Taking into consideration that his recollection of that night wasn t any useful in court. When given the option, it is likely he will go with the option that makes seems justified. Does this mean that all children have faulty memories? Absolutely not, but their age does have an influence. According to child development expert, Dr. Steven Ceci. Children s intake on memories is different from adults. It factors down to the child s past knowledge of things and whether they can extract real memories rather than created false ones. Knowing this we still can t deem a child s memory to be as credible as an adults. A case in 2002, where a 5 year old girl was abducted in front of her home in Stanton, California. Sarah Ahn, a 6 year old child was the only witness to the crime. Ceci also said there are times when a child can be a lot more accurate than an adult. This contradicts the point of a child s memory not being as credible and in this case, it supports what Dr. Steven Ceci was saying. Sarah Ahn, fit into this exception of being accurate. She was able to give a detailed description of the suspect and his car, that a few days later the authorities attained the suspect. Although we still need to proceed with caution and not rely on child s testimonies, because a child s mind can be manipulated to implant a false memory. (Web 3) Psychologists continue to conduct tests, theories, and studies to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Organizational Culture at Chrysler Organizational culture Organizational culture can loosely be defined as the shared assumptions, beliefs, and normal behaviors (norms) of a group. These are powerful influences on the way people live and act, and they define what is normal and how to sanction those who are not normal. To a large degree, what we do is determined by our culture. Organizational culture is similar to, say, regional culture. The same person in different organizations (or parts of the same organization) would act in different ways. Culture is very powerful. (One example is the cultural change effort at British Airways, which transformed an unprofitable airline with a poor reputation into a paragon of politeness and profit). An example: Cultural change at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Rather than have a small number of people control new products, Jeep/Truck product manager Jeff Trimmer said planners were speaking out for customer wants and needs in the initial stages...and working along with each of the various functional groups...The role becomes more advisory. Everyone who would be involved participated to harness the best ideas and creativity. Even the assembly line workers were included; with the new Ram trucks, they were working with engineers six months before production started. Mechanics were consulted early, to help prepare the cars and trucks for real life maintenance. Product teams followed vehicles through their development to identify systems and process issues. Today, we feel we have a lot more facts, and more of a groundswell of information that comes from groups of people who know exactly what we re trying to do, reported Robert Johnson of Dodge Trucks. Agreeing on Objectives One change which helps to keep projects pure is setting down objectives clearly, at the beginning. Core objectives were agreed on at the beginning by all parties; because Everybody agrees up front and we stick to the plan, (Bernard Robertson, Jeep/Truck team), there were no last minute changes in focus, which can result in expensive disasters (such as the Corvair, Vega, and Fiero). Because everyone was involved in setting goals, they took responsibility for living up to them. Learning Changes in the way cars were made began ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. The Dust Bowl During The Great Plains Region The dust bowl was a devastating time in the United States history that occurred during the 1930s, caused by atypically high temperatures, perpetual drought and new farming methods. Vigorous winds disturbed the topsoil, resulting in overwhelming dust storms which destroyed an immense amount of farms, in upwards of 100,000. These storms devastated the source of income for the farmers affected. The dust bowl was located in the Great Plains region, which includes the states of Oklahoma, Kansas, and Northern Texas. Thousands of workers were faced with an impasse, become a laborer, doing mindless work for miniscule wages, or move away and search for better work. (San José State University) The people brought to these decisions that chose to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The mother could have effortlessly pawned off her ring, and gotten a few decent meals, or even a new pair of clothes out of it, however she chose not to. She would rather work so hard that she doesn t even have time to tell her son not to eat the dirt, or even have time to care for herself. The mother s hair is unkempt, and her tired eyes tell that she hasn t slept well in a long time, but she would rather provide for her family than herself. She is trying her best and working towards a better future. Though they are in the middle of nowhere, the ring means that they are still together. The ring is a beacon through the storm, a symbol of what was, and hope for what will be. Lange intended for the viewer to apprehend how vital family was for the migrant workers. In this image, Lange is also trying to demonstrate that children were still able to be children, and were still innocent, through all of the turmoil. Although the mother knows that she has security in her family, she still feels guilt, anger, and regret. The mother was forced to uproot her family and trek across the country just to find work, and that does not happen without bitter feelings being formed. On the other hand, her baby has been through these same events, but he remains unscathed, and innocent. He does not have one worry, he is only concerned about the dirt that he is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Comparing The School Life In James Mcbride s The Color Of... In James McBride s The Color of Water, James talks about his school life and his mom s school life. Both school lives were different and similar. To start off, both James and Ruth were the minority in their own school. Even though Ruth was white, or light skinned, she was Jewish and that s what made her different because most kids in her school were not jewish. Since she was the minority, it was easy for kids to point that out and bully them for that. For example, one kid told Ruth, Hey Ruth, when did you start being a dirty Jew? James was also the minority and bullied at school. He went to a Jewish school which mostly consisted of light skinned people and since he was darker, kids took notice. One time, they were learning about Black ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Open Pits In Canada Open Pits The very first open pit mines that were built in the world started around when men began to develop tools and constructing massive stone monuments to their gods. They were known as quarries. Quarries are open pit mines that produce building materials and dimension stone, such as granite, marble, limestone, and other tangible rock building materials. However, these open pit mines produced little to no pollution at all because the technology to extract every last gram of ore from rack has not been developed. The process basically involves pulverizing every rock that comes out of a mine with any trace of ore within it. This produces what is known as tailings. Tailings are one of the biggest pollutants of the world to date. They are so toxic that they have to be mixed with water to produce sludge and are pumped into ponds (known as tailings ponds) so that they are rendered obsolete . ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the United States, the Toxics Release Inventory, or TRI, plays the same role. When mining was added to the TRI in 1997, the mining industry suddenly moved to the top of the list of polluters, contributing over half the 7.77 billion pounds of toxic chemicals released to the environment. Most of the pollutants came from the waste rock and tailings that are created at the mine site. (MAC: Mines and Communities, 2007) These mines are devastating to everything surrounding them if they are not regulated and managed correctly, and there is one trying to be built up in Alaska. If built this mine is to be the largest open pit mine to ever be built in the existence of all mankind. Contrary to its size its name does not give convey its magnitude. The name being simply known as The Pebble ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. What Is Charles Dickens Use Of The Rhetorical Devices In A... In these passages of marriage proposals the speakers address a different variety of approaches in a proposing marriage to his proposed. What the speakers use for the rhetorical devices in these passages are arguments, and diction. In the Jane Austen passage the reverend delivers a point of view that is more for convenience, while in the passage of Charles Dickens he distributes a type of view for passion. Mr. Collins who is speaking in Jane Austen s passage has a tone that appears to be overconfident. He makes it seem in the passage that he supposes his cousin will say yes to the proposal even though he is not interested in her. Jane Austen shows this by stating in the passage it will add very greatly to my happiness this shows that Miss de Bourgh thinks it s a great idea for Mr. Collins to get married. Which means that his cousin wants him to be married to her, but Mr. Collins only wants this to happen to add happiness to himself. However, His cousin will probably say no to Mr. Collins marriage proposal because he is a humble, and deleterious man. In Jane Austen s passage he is using the rhetorical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Collins who was very presumptuous and who cared for no others, Charles Dickens speaker gives more of a passionate approach towards the woman. In Dickens passage the speaker argues why he needs to marry the woman and why she should be married to him instead of others. Dickens shows the rhetorical device of argument in his passage by showing why she should be with him, some examples of the passages are draw me to fire draw me to water draw me to the gallows draw me to any death . This tells us something about the person writing this letter to her because it shows that he is very taken and focused on her. In the Charles Dickens passage the speaker is more dedicated to what he can do for her and not on what he wants, plus the speaker is more involved in having his loves feeling met rather than his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Shark Attack Research Paper There are over 100 million sharks in the world, and around 440 known species of sharks. Some sharks are harmless, but there are some types of sharks that are known for attacking and sometimes killing humans. Because of this, many people are terrified of sharks and when they go to the beach they don t even want to get into the water. Are people actually even in danger of being killed by a shark? In this research paper I will be talking about that. Where do shark attacks happen? How often do shark attacks actually happen? What kinds of sharks are the most dangerous? What do you do if you re being attacked by a shark? How do we prevent shark attacks from occuring? I will also be including new types of technology that could save people from future ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are a few new really good inventions that could prevent shark attacks without the human not even having to worry about all those small things. One of them being a camouflaged wetsuit or surfboard graphics. These scientific patterns essentially make people invisible to the sharks due to the inability that sharks have of seeing colors. Using these patterns on your wetsuit in conjunction with the bottom of your board will make it harder for the shark to identify you. Another great invention that prevents shark attacks is called The Clever Buoy. The Clever Buoy uses sonar, a system for the detection of objects under water by emitting sound pulses and detecting their return after being reflected, to detect the size and swimming pattern of a fish near any beach that the buoy is. When the buoy picks up a signal, it wirelessly sends the information to lifeguards for them to monitor. Next, an app that will allow you to search for occurrences of shark attacks world wide. It allows you to see any past shark encounters and details about the encounter. Including the date, location, the type of shark, and the results of the occurrence. This helps because it could help you decide whether or not you would like to go out into the water or not. Lastly, drones called Little Rippers. These drones cost $250,000 and they come with an inflatable raft and a GPS that can be dropped to the person in danger. The program has been so successful that the inventors are planning on adding more. Including a camera system that can spot sharks through the water using artificial ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. My Experience Of Working As A Pharmacy Technician In CVS... I had to deal with a difficult customer when I worked as a Pharmacy Technician in CVS Pharmacy. The customer came up through our drive thru window to pick up her prescriptions. As I was telling her the prices of her items, she was shaking her head and getting impatient because all of the prices were not the same as she had paid the last time. I had asked her for her insurance information and checked the computer whether it matched the records we had in our records. It turned out that we did have the correct information but it seems like she was in a donut hole, which means the customer had to pay out of pocket since she had already spent her yearly limit. I had explained to her the circumstance but she refused to accept it and insisted for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Online Subscription Based Music Services 1. Online subscription based music services (like Spotify) compare lists of songs users have played using if statements and for loops to find recommended songs for us. If a certain percentage of songs are the same in the list of songs two users have played, the system will recommend songs to the first user from the list of the other one. Computer and mobile games use all programming concepts we have covered in this course: they store lots of data for example boolean variables to check if objectives have been completed and integers or floats to keep track of the user s score, they use loops and functions for all kinds of things like running the game while the player s health is above 0 or a function to make the player character move when a key is pressed. Perhaps the most obvious programming concept used in games is the if statement, to check if an obstacle is hit (by checking if the distance between the moving object and the obstacle is smaller than a certain value) or to make enemies stop moving if their health is zero. Delivery companies use lists (databases) to store tracking numbers and if statements to check if a number entered into their online tracking system matches any in the list of these numbers. If it does, they display the estimated delivery date and time (which are stored in variables) and otherwise display an error message informing the user that the number they entered is incorrect. Online messaging programs also use lists to store all kinds of user ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Great Alaskan Voyage The Great Alaskan Voyage Waking up feeling the cold, brisk air, I rolled over and hopped off the pull out couch. The idea of being in a small kayak in the ocean off the coast of Seward, Alaska was a little terrifying. On July 14th, my family and I cruised on a kayaking trip in the Alaskan Pacific Ocean. From Miller s Landing, we traveled to a World War II military base in kayaks. My family had been talking about this kayak adventure since we planned our vacation to Alaska. I had no idea what to expect. All I knew is that I was a baby kayaker paddling in a gianormous ocean. Little did I know, that I would paddle for hours, explore not only Alaska s history, but America s, and have a lifetime experience that I will never forget. I knew nothing about kayaking. Neither did the rest of my family. In the matter of maybe 15 minutes our kayak instructors, Matt and Amy educated us on how to paddle and keep the kayak afloat, we were then launched into the frigid ocean. No one knew exactly how far we would be paddling in this vast open water that seemed to engulf us all. In the beginning, I was being very precise with my newly learned skills, starting the oar at my feet and pulling it up to my hip. I was also precise on cutting the water correctly to save energy. Shortly after paddling which seemed like forever, we were only halfway to our destination. Amy yelled out, The island is right up there, by then I was ready for a break, my arms burned and my hips were stiff. When ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Breweries In Texas Texas is home to thirty five operating breweries, but when speaking of the cultural landscape and the effects the breweries have had on the environment around them it is best to relate it to our home, the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex. Going back to when breweries first got their start in Texas, around 1860, the landscape was the one doing the influencing on the brewing culture. Because, of the lack of refrigeration and the Texas heat, brewers were forced to only create their local brews in the cool months. Due to the environment, lack of technological advances, and law enforcement (prohibition), Texas breweries of the past would not have the impact that they had hoped for when they started. The beer industry in Texas would find life again around ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Their presence and involvement in the community influences it s customers to give back to their local community. The younger culture is beginning to show more involvement with giving back to local businesses and helping them to succeed rather than big businesses that focus more on large nationwide profit. Breweries like Rahr and Sons, sponsor local events and are popping up at different bars and locations weekly to help, not only their own growth, but to aid in the growth of local businesses. Another interesting idea that Rahr has begun is connecting the local businesses. For example, one of their specialty brews of the season is a brew that is created using a combination of ingredients from another local business, Avoca Coffee. Ideas such as this only reinforce the idea of aiding in the local business industry and influencing locals to give to their community and help it prosper. With so many local breweries, and their spread out location throughout the Metroplex, it ensures that each part of the metroplex has a local brewery nearest to them and can emerge in the community and nearby bars and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Essay on Fahrenheit 451 Sybolism of Fire The Symbolism of Fire Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, is a novel filled with many symbols. The symbolism used in this novel varies from different animals to things in nature. One of the biggest symbols throughout the novel is fire. Fire has multiple meanings in Fahrenheit 451, and is usually symbolized as something to be feared. Throughout the novel, fire is something that people do not want, even though it can be so much more than a bad thing. Fire can represent knowledge and awareness, rebirth and construction, as well as destruction. Fire is depicted, throughout history, as a symbol of knowledge and awareness. Fire is usually a symbol that appears in novels right at a time when the main character has an epiphany or realizes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is said in ancient Greek and Roman mythology that burning the body helps the soul to be purified and pass on to the afterlife. Though fire can represent knowledge and rebirth, it is mainly depicted as a destructive force. In the novel fire is used to burn books which are knowledge. By burning this knowledge the society was kept in a confined situation where the amount of knowledge in everyone is evenly distributed. It was a pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed. (Bradbury 3) This quotation shows Montag s feelings towards burning in the beginning of the novel. Fire destroyed the books. Fire destroyed homes. Fire destroyed the light in everyone. The fire was not only used to destroy things but it kept the people of society in line. The fire may have been represented as a disciplinary tool. By having a constant source of the fire, people had fear distilled in them from the start. This made them subconsciously obedient even though they seemed to be insubordinate. The overall theme of fire in Fahrenheit 451 is a feeling of destruction. With the right surroundings and intentions it was used for so much more than that. It was used as a way to exhibit knowledge. Above all, though the depiction of destruction is very influential, and the representation of knowledge is somewhat there, the most important symbolism of fire in the novel ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. April 1971 Colonel M.A.G Osmani was selected as Commander... April 1971 Colonel M.A.G Osmani was selected as Commander of Bengali armed forces. Organized resistance began. Mukti Bahini (freedom Fighter forces) became increasingly active. July 1971, Bangladesh forces command was set up. The Awami League then set up their own plans for a new constitution to achieve an independent for their state. As a result, the plan did not turned well as expected. The Pakistani army took control and Mujib was arrested in March 1971 after a violent results. As result from this civil war, about 9.5 million refugees fleeing to India. This led to military intervention by India on the side of the Mukti Bahini (Bengali freedom fighters ) at the beginning of December. Hence, weeks after that, Pakistan forces ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The physical distance was insignificant compared to the cultural, economic and environmental difference of two parts. The only connection religion was not enough to balance the enormous disparity created through economic oppression and cultural exploitation. Language issue is the most crucial issue because it was important to have one sole official national language. To some extent, every province was upset as many were favour for Urdu language hence their language will be a second class language. The government failed to understand deep attachment of Bengalis with their mother language. Urdu was spoken in the West and Bangla was spoken in the East. Therefore, because of this language issue, language movement were set up and riots also took place. In addition, the birth of Bangladesh and separation of Bangladesh from Pakistan was due to cultural differences. Pakistan was a multiracial and poly ethnic country and their social customs differed from the rest which this cultural differences led to the rise of ethics nationalism. It was Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who were aware about this cultural divide. Moreover, contemptuous attitudes of West Pakistanis towards Bengal made the East Pakistan (the Bengal) felt irritated with them. This can be seen from the attitudes of the government official especially the West ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Cassie Jaye Right To Love Cassie Jaye was born on May 1st of 1986 in Fort Sill, Oklahoma. However, she spent most of her childhood in Brier, Washington. After she graduated high school she moved to LA to pursue an acting career. In LA between 2004 2008 she was in many independent films as well as commercials, but this changed in 2007 when she decided to start producing documentaries. In 2008 she founded, Jaye Bird Productions , in San Francisco in hope of creating documentaries that feature current political and social topics. When she was 21, her first documentary appeared in 2010, Daddy I Do , which won numerous awards at film festivals. In 2012 her second documentary premiered, The Right to Love: An American Family , which focused on marriage equality rights ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Final Episode of Mark Twain s The Adventures of... The Great Importance of the Final Episode of Huckleberry Finn One of the things many critics of Huckleberry Finn just can t seem to understand is the final episode of the novel where Tom returns and sidetracks Huck from his rescue of Jim through a long series of silly, boyish plans based on ideas Tom has picked up from Romantic novels, such as those of Walter Scott. Critic Stephen Railton dismisses these final chapters as just another version of their Royal Nonesuch (405); referring, of course, to the silly play put on by the Duke and Dauphin in chapter 23. From one point of view, this whole evasion sequence seems funny and humorous in the traditions of frontier and southwestern ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For one, Stephen Railton says Jim s role is haplessly comic (401). Several critics argue that Jim fits into the stereotypical figure of the black face minstrel shows popular at the time (Carey Webb 24) (an accusation with profound repercussions, to be addressed shortly). And remember how most of Twain s books until this one, such as The Innocents Abroad and Roughing It , were comic travel books. And it also seems likely that Twain is satirizing Romanticism (another possible idea to be addressed later). However, despite the humor (or maybe because of it), the book remains very serious. As V. S. Pritchett puts it, The curious thing
  • 20. about Huckleberry Finn is that, although it is one of the funniest books in all literature and really astonishing in the variety of its farce and character, we are even more moved than we are amused by it (307). Pritchett goes on to say, The value of a native humor like Twain s is that it expresses a profound reality in human nature: the ability of man to adjust himself to circumstance and to live somehow (307). There is truth in comedy. Comedians can tell us brutal realities that dramatist cannot. As Pritchett explains later, The subject of Huckleberry Finn is the comical but also brutal effect of an anarchic rebellion against civilization and especially ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Quantitative Analysis of Soda Ash by Double Indicator Method Quantitative Analysis of Soda Ash by Double Indicator Method Mark Steven R. Santiago and Kristiene B. Sadiwa Institute of Chemistry, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Philippines Date/s Performed: July 13, 2012; Date Submitted: July 19, 2012 Results and Discussions A mixture of carbonate (CO32 ), bicarbonate, (HCO32 ) and hydroxide (OH ) ions can be analysed and determined by titration with strong standard acid solution. Volumetric titrimetry can be employed to compute percent compositions of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in a soda ash sample through the application of neutralization concepts and titrimetric analyses. Volumetric titrimetry has been utilized in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moreover, NaOH cannot replace Na2CO3 for it generally do not satisfy above requirements and very hygroscopic in nature. On the other hand, 0.05 M HCl is called the standard solution. An ideal standard solution[3] is (1) sufficiently stable to determine concentration, (2) reactive with the analyte so that the time required between additions of titrant is minimized, (3) completely reactive with the analyte so that satisfactorily end points are realized, and (4) selectively reactive with the analyte that can be described by a simple balanced equation. The standardization of the titrant aims to know the exact concentration of the titrant (its deviation from the measurement done). Two basic methods are used to establish the concentration of standard solutions: (1) direct method, in which a carefully weighed quantity of a primary standard is dissolved and diluted to an exactly known volume in a volumetric flask, and (2) standardization by titrating (a) weighed quantity of a primary standard, or (b) a measured volume of another standard solution. In the experiment, the standard solution has been standardized using method 2b[3]. The standard solutions ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Summary Of The Virgin Of Guadalupe The Virgin of Guadalupe represented a melding of indigenous and Western cultures, a woman who was both a symbol of Catholicism, but appeared to an indigenous man and spoke in Nahuatl. The Virgin stemmed from syncretism of Catholicism with indigenous religions after Catholics realized that they needed to accept indigenous idols and beliefs if they wanted to spread their religion in Columbian era Mexico. However, over time, the Virgin of Guadalupe has come to represent not only religion but something inherently Mexican due her origins are non polarizing, her being associated with both indigenous and Western culture. Ideologically, she also came to represent the idea of purity when contrasted with La Malinche, who Mexicans view as a representation of betrayal. The Virgin s place in the virgin/whore dichotomy is what cements her place in history not only as a religious symbol but also as a symbol for all of Mexico, something which represents purity and one s pride in Mexico itself. Mexican Mosaic, quoting Carlos Fuentes, describes this ironic view of the Virgin s place in a country with the state sponsored religion as how one may no longer consider himself a Christian, but one cannot truly be considered a Mexican unless one believes in the Virgin of Guadalupe (Buchenau 23). The Virgin represents an inherent purity that all Mexicans strive to achieve. Although she is intrinsically Catholic, she appears to be associated more with the history and culture of Mexico itself. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Essay on Lesson of the Evils of Liquor A chemistry teacher wanted to teach his 9th grade class a lesson about the evils of liquor, so he produced an experiment that involved a glass of water, a glass of whiskey, and two worms. quot;Now, class, observe the worms closely, quot; he said, putting a worm first into the water. The worm in the water writhed about, happy as a worm in water could be. The second worm he put into the whiskey. It writhed painfully, and quickly sank to the bottom, dead as a doornail. quot;Now, what lesson can we derive from this experiment? quot; the teacher asked. One of the students raised his hand and wisely, responded, quot;Drink whiskey and you won t get worms. quot; Quotes To Go With Your Beer ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Coincidence? Anonymous Conserve water. Drink Beer. Anonymous You don t like jail? Naw, they got the wrong kind of bars in there. Charles Bukowski Beer is good food. Anonymous It s better to have beer in hand than gas in tank. Anonymous Life is too short to drink cheap beer. Anonymous Beer: it s not just for breakfast anymore. Anonymous Beer: Nature s laxative. Anonymous
  • 24. Beer: If you can t taste it, why bother! Anonymous All other nations are drinking Ray Charles beer and we are drinking Barry Manilow. Dave Barry When I heated my home with oil, I used an average of 800 gallons a year. I have found that I can keep comfortably warm for an entire winter with slightly over half that quantity of beer. Postpetroleum Guzzler, Dave Barry Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza. Dave Barry s Bad Habits, Dave Barry Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer. Dave Barry My problem with most athletic challenges is training. I m lazy and find that workouts cut into my drinking time. Anonymous The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind. Humphrey Bogart Friends don t let friends drink Light Beer. Anonymous If nothing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Evaluation Of The Clinical Decision Making Process Clinical reasoning can be best described by the process of collecting indications, processing, understand the problem or situation, plan and implement interventions, asses outcomes and learn reflect on the whole process (del Bueno, 2005). Positive outcomes of this process can be determined by an individual s preconceptions, attitude, perspective and willingness (mentally and physically) (McCarthy, 2003). In a report by the clinical excellence commission of NSW Health they conclude that there are three explanations for negative patient outcomes in which are failure to correctly diagnose, failure to adequately implement appropriate treatment and inability to manage complications. In this essay the author will outline a situation in which they were involved in explaining the background of the situation, factors which influenced a clinical decision to be made whilst describing the clinical decision making process. On the last day of a placement block for Nursing clients with chronic conditions at an unnamed Gold Coast Hospital, I was assigned five patients with the supervision of a registered nurse in the orthopaedics ward. With awareness of the environment, I noticed and retained times patients were coming and going from surgery that weren t assigned to me. On completion of the shift with bag in hand, I walked past an elderly lady in her room whom I remembered had come back from surgery approximately two hours earlier. I noticed she was quite flushed with a slight grimace on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. A Poison Tree Poem Analysis A woman frustrated with a friend for betraying her. She doesn t know whether or not to confront her or hold it in. The rage builds up as she has been holding it in for weeks now. This anger grows and grows until she snaps and their friendship comes to an end. Holding in that rage and devastation will cause it to grow more. This is shown throughout many different poems. A Poison Tree by William Blake and A total stranger one black day by e.e. cummings both convey the message that keeping in anger can make it grow more than it was before. Through A Poison Tree, William Blake conveys that burying anger, rather than exposing it, will develop an anger seed that grows with the continuous wrath that is constantly being added to it. The use of an extended metaphor in stanza two that compares a nurtured plant to anger expresses this theme because it shows how the anger is building up. William Blake writes, And I waterd it in fears/ Night Morning with my tears (Blake 5 6). Here, the speaker says that his tears are watering the anger seed, and goes on saying that this seed grows into a well nurtured plant. The author compared it to a tree because water makes a tree grow and his tears is making his anger grow, which is the best way to show us an image of his continuously growing anger. This is saying that the speaker s anger keeps building up as time goes on. Another device William Blake uses is diction to show the strength of anger that is needed to express how the speaker ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Myth Of Fourteenth Century Europe During a period within fourteenth century Europe, a pestilence known as the bubonic plague swept across eastern Asia and into England via trade, leaving millions dead in its wake. The Black Plague arrived at a time of war and famine in Europe, only further devastating the lives of medieval citizens. Religiously, socially, and politically, there were no immediate changes from the Black Plague, however, a Catholic schism, the ability for social mobility, and standing armies would develop in the following years, ultimately leading to sizable differences in life. The essence of fourteenth century European life revolved around the Roman Catholic Church; the papacy asserted spiritual rule and every individual was devoted to God and their beliefs. Therefore, when the plague hit Europe and killed one third to one half of the entire population, people questioned God as to why He would kill entire towns across the continent. Communities prayed for forgiveness, believing they had committed a sin large enough to deserve such a disease, however, clergymen, priests, and average citizens alike fell ill to the Black Plague, and none were spared. After the plague diminished from Europe, the church had a schism which entailed three popes at a single time, and the Renaissance led to a humanistic movement where people began to turn to individualism. This new found set of ideals would further lead to a sixteenth century reformation of the church, altering the course of history. The citizens of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Who Is Captain Charles Moore s Our Oceans Are Turning Into... In the story, Our Oceans Are Turning into Plastic... Are We? by Susan Casey, Captain Charles Moore experiences what can be described as a living nightmare. In the Northern Pacific subtropical gyre, known as the Eastern Garbage Patch, Captain Moore sees the piles and piles of used, bottles, nets, ropes, bath toys, jugs, and traps, all creating a layer of plastic crap above the ocean s surface, staying completely still in a windless current less body of water. The experience of seeing what you care about be completely changed because of pollution or simple human neglect. Personally, I have an instance of this in the first house that I remember living in. What was once a house that had a lot of connections from not only me, but others in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What was once a beautiful but small lawn with grass is now a patch of dead grass with dirt exposing itself under the grass. What was once the creaky barn doors are completely destroyed, with broken glass on the ground on the outside, leading to the inside. What was once the living room where I had spent so much time watching television and playing games with my siblings, now has its carpet completely torn up, walls indented, and closet in complete shambles with light gleaming sharply through the holes of the closet from holes that were made by vandals who never knew the true value of the humble abode that I used to reside in. My old home, since being lived in by me and my family has since been abandoned by the family that we had entrusted the house to previously. Now the house just stays there, an eerie empty shell of what it used to be. A place where I was safe and happy, now a dark and scary place that no one deserves to live in, a place that humans have indeed used well, so well that there is nothing left of what it used to be. That image of the house was the last I saw it, back in 2010, It is possible now that the house had since been destroyed, with the memories that have been carved into the walls, fireplace, windows, closets, and bedrooms, are now nothing more but a blur of destroyed objects that will one day be removed, as people pass by the home that once was will never be able to see its clarity, but instead will only be able to see the blur of colors protruding from the exterior of the house, or perhaps the brown of the barn like doors, or the patches of green still rising from the dead grass that surrounds it, until eventually, it simply disappears completely invisible to the city that used it ever so ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Contribution Of Gustav Stresemann Gustav Stresemann is a significant person in Germany history from 1923 1929. How far do I agree? Explain your answer. . I agree to this statement to a certaint extent. The reason is because of what he accomplished from 1923 to 1929. You have to consider the weight and impact of what he had accomplished in the years 1923 1929. He ended hyperinflation in Germany. Stresemann got Germany back into the League of Nations. Stresemann increased employment at its lowest. Appointed the Chancellor of Germany in 1923. And is known for many other things. In 1921, Germany had just gotten out of World War 1. And they owed France, Britain, and the United States so much money, due to reparations. They alone had to pay 132 billion gold marks (US$33 billion). And that was required from the Treaty of Versailles, and the 1921 London Schedule of Payments. Of course Germany and her people were furious. They fell behind on the reparations. Then they started to buy foreign currency with marks at any price. That meant that their currency would have to change big time. In the first half of 1922 it took 320 marks to make one dollar. The mark became worth nothing at one point. It was so worthless they either used it as wallpaper, or destroyed it. Since the mark was so worthless they had to end up paying off the reparations by products they make money on. So then France steps in and occupies the Ruhr in January 1923, when they end up falling back on that as well. Then on August 13, 1923 Gustav ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Mesopotamian Empire And Cyrus Similarities There were several differences and similarities within the Persian Empire that emerged under Cyrus the great and earlier Mesopotamian Empires. Not all empires flourished as well as Cyrus the great s did due to his moral virtues and way of ruling. One king by the name of Tiglath had some similar values but his empire did not prosper in such ways as Cyrus s. Not only were there differences and similarities between these different Empires but there were also different ways that Cyrus and his successors coopt earlier religious, political, and social traditions and i ll give several examples of them within this essay. To start off with The Persian Empires under Cyrus s control did not flourish off of brutal murder and harsh ruling as with several other empires operated. Cyrus is talked about as being a legendary King not only in the battlefield but how he accomplished the goals he wanted to achieve. In Chapter two page 31 of our book the authors use a very accurate quote By returning the jews to their home land and helping them rebuild their temple, Cyrus presented himself as a champion of right order . This quote speaks of Cyrus returning people from conquered territory the their homelands as well as letting them continuing to practice their own religious beliefs. In cyrus s reign the new regions he took over were very loyal to him due to the fact he would respect the people in them and their individual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is another king Tiglath a king of an earlier Assyrian empire who had some similar attributes as Cyrus as well as some different ones. In chapter 2 pg 27 the Qualities of a King describes two different ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Music Video For Worth It By The Artist Fifth Harmony... In the Western World, men are often viewed as more valuable and capable than their female counterparts; the girl group Fifth Harmony is fighting back on that view. In early 2015, the all female group of five young adults released the final single from their debut album (Billboard). Fifth Harmony had yet to have success in mainstream music and were vying for success on the charts. The song they released was entitled Worth It and it is a traditionally catchy pop song, but the complimenting music video is far from traditional. The music video for Worth It by the artist Fifth Harmony illustrates women in stereotypical male jobs in a purposely shocking way to point out institutionalized gender discrimination. The video opens with scenes from a large urban city, before flashing to a NASDAQ style stock board featuring the phrase: Women in power. The stock board appears constantly throughout the remainder of the video behind the women, as the words and numbers change to include phrases such as glass ceiling and feminism. The women of Fifth Harmony are first shown in the music video confidently strutting in business suits and high heels. It should be noted men are in the back of several frames, keeping the females in the forefront of the video. As the video progresses, there are scenes depicting men in stereotypical female jobs such as assistant and secretarial positions, and men working for women in other positions such as drivers appear. One of the most prominent visuals of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Whole Foods Markets Abstract This paper examines the published case study Whole Foods Markets, 2005: Will There Be Enough Organic Food to Satisfy the Growing Demand? (Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson, 2007, p. C534). Although the published study addresses numerous aspects of Whole Foods Market s business as a leading international retailer of natural organic foods, the analysis provided herein is focused on Whole Foods Market s ability to meet future growth demands. This paper explores Whole Foods Market s basic internal environment with subsequent application of Porter s Five Forces Model of Competition followed by a related Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats (SWOT) breakdown...all used to determine critical market success factors and looming challenges ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Whole Foods has also invested in modern information systems which have enabled the company to promote efficient communications (described in more detail below). With a well established and accepted vision, mission and market strategy, Whole Foods organization appears cohesive and has maintained its core business focus throughout its remarkable growth and expansion. Physical Resources With 270 retail locations each ranging from 45,000 to 75,000 square feet, nine distribution centers, five commissaries, nine regional bake houses and subsidiaries whose operations encompass coffee production, seafood processing and produce field inspections, Whole Foods has substantial capital investment in plant and property totaling over $1.6 billion (Whole Foods 1, n.d., p. 1) and (MSN Money, 2008, p. 3). Whole Foods also boast a sophisticated distribution system with retail outlets targeting affluent urban areas with higher income and education demographics. Technical Resources Whole Foods has made significant investments in technology to support operations and connectivity in all facets of its business units. In 2003, Whole Foods signed a 3 year multi million dollar contract ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Androcles And The Lion, Overruled, Pygmalion Joseph Murnane Shaw, George Bernard. Androcles and the Lion, Overruled, Pygmalion. New York: Brentano, 1916. Print. In Pygmalion, language is used as a mark of distinction between the various characters. Elizabeth desires greater language proficiency as a means to achieve a better career. In contrast, Professor Higgins, a distinguished and scholarly gentleman who used language as a career, did not speak kindly to others. Finally, Elizabeth s father, an eloquent garbage man, is forced into the middle class when he gives speeches. The experiences of these characters demonstrate that language does not define one s character. Elizabeth wants more comfort in her life. After seeing a glimpse of prosperity after Professor Higgins gives her enough ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The moment he learned where his daughter was, he dashed over to see if he could sell her, claiming, as a daughter she s not worth her keep (149). His speech shows that he is a disreputable character, and would sell his daughter to oblige a gentleman (150), though not a common man. It could be that this is his method of making sure that she has a stable home with success. Conversely, he could be trying to tap her later for money, as he replies to an aghast Colonel Pickering that he can t afford (148), manners. Higgins, however, admires Doolittle s rhetorical skill, which is praise indeed from the professor. Just as the professor promised his daughter, Higgins claims that he can make him a middle class man, offering him a choice between a seat in the cabinet and a popular pulpit in Wales (151). Doolittle declines, however, claiming that he would not want to be a member of the middle class and be tied with morality. Surprisingly, he also desires only five pounds, rather than ten pounds, as neither he nor his wife would ever want to spend such a sum. As a joke, Higgins recommends Doolittle as an original ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Education Is An Integral Part Of A Child s Upbringing Academia Education Academia education is considered an integral part of a child s upbringing, and therefore it remains highly important to require academic institutions to educate and inform students regarding substance use and its consequences. SAMHSA recommends instituting programs at an early age, for example, the Good Behavior Game introduced in elementary schools, is a management strategy aimed at reducing aggressive, disruptive classroom behavior, a risk factor for adolescent and illicit drug abuse (SAMHSA, 2016). Similarly the focus group participants mentioned that Academia Education from K 12 grade needs to incorporate evidence based programs in the academic curriculum in addressing alcohol and other drug use among the youth. NH young adults emphasized the importance of introducing substance misuse education in early school age from elementary while strengthening the current health curriculum in middle and high schools. early intervention, messages about how it could affect their future. Start young treat like sex ed starts in 6th grade) Be more thorough and not just saying don t drink or do drugs. Majority of the focus group participants identified the weaknesses and drawbacks associated with the current health education classes particularly in substance misuse education in middle and high schools. For example, the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) program introduced in the fifth grade is cited as a weak and ineffective program that employs scare ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...