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Management 3.0
Change and Innovation Practices
Renato Brazioli
Jurgen Appelo and Happy Melly
2010 2013 2016
All images have an hyperlink associated
The Agile Landscape, and beyond
Many others omitted, either by forgetfulness or by choice
Mike Cohn. Succeeding with Agile: 

Software Development using Scrum, 2010
David Anderson. Kanban: Successful Evolutionary
Change in Your Software Business, 2010
Eric Ries, The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous
Innovation…, 2011
Lean Startup
Desirability Feasibility
Design Thinking
Reasons for Adopting & Scaling Agile
Challenges Experienced Adopting & Scaling Agile
While the vast majority of respondents and their organizations have realized success from
adopting agile practices, they recognize that there are challenges to scaling agile. The top
two challenges cited were organizational culture at odds with agile values (63%), and lack of
skills or experience with agile methods (47%).
Company philosophy or culture at odds with core agile values
Lack of experience with agile methods
Lack of management support
General organization resistance to change
Lack of business/customer/product owner
Insufficient training
Pervasiveness of traditional development
Inconsistent agile practices and process
Fragmented tooling, data, and measurements
Ineffective collaboration
Regulatory compliance and governance
Don’t know
*Respondents were able to make multiple selections.
of respondents said that their
organization has realized
success from agile projects.
Success of
Agile Projects
Reasons for
Adopting Agile
Improving project visibility (4
up three places to become th
popular reason stated for ad
this year and accelerating pr
increased from 62% last year
*Respondents were able to make
Accelerate product delivery
Enhance ability to manage changing priorities
Increase productivity
Improve project visibility
Enhance software quality
Improve business/IT alignment
Reduce project risk
Improve team morale
Enhance delivery predictability
Improve engineering discipline
Better manage distributed teams
Reduce project cost
Increase software maintainability

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An introduction to agile leadership
An introduction to agile leadershipAn introduction to agile leadership
An introduction to agile leadership

Talk by Smoking Brains about what agile leadership means and some of the basic you need to know as an agile leader.

leadership developmentsmoking brainsagile software development
A Leadership Survival Guide to Transformation - Aldo Rall & Andy Cooper - Agi...
A Leadership Survival Guide to Transformation - Aldo Rall & Andy Cooper - Agi...A Leadership Survival Guide to Transformation - Aldo Rall & Andy Cooper - Agi...
A Leadership Survival Guide to Transformation - Aldo Rall & Andy Cooper - Agi...

Agile has become a source of disruption to organisations and leadership. Prevailing trends shows that organisations are de-layering and some are even decimating their hierarchies. This disruption driven by Agile and, more recently, DevOps and Agile Scaling, challenges tradition; there is a call for wider skill sets and controlled, sustainable transformations, pushing leadership and organisations into wider and often conflicting and ambiguous contexts. About Aldo Rall & Andy Cooper: Aldo has over 18 years’ experience in a range of industries including financial services, healthcare, IT, management consulting and education in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the UK. He's worked with a range of clients on Agile transformations as an Agile and Testing Coach. Aldo remains fascinated with continuous change in industry, which ensures there is always something new to learn, regardless of experience levels or qualifications. Over time, Aldo has honed his skills in the practical elements of developing working software but his greatest passion lies in the people dimension of the people-process-technology mix and how this translates into successful IT strategy, teams, projects and practitioners. Andy Cooper is the Group Manager Global for Software Education. Andy is responsible for developing SoftEd’s training and consulting business outside of Australia and New Zealand and works with clients developing their agility around the world. Andy has a strong interest in Agility for Business as an Agile Marketer at CA Technologies and was a track lead on the Business Agility Track for the International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile). Andy has over 20 years' experience working for technology companies such as CA, Oracle and Informix in business and consulting roles and has managed and worked in teams spanning NZ, Australia, Asia and the US.

agileagile software developmentagilenz
Team Topologies - how and why to design your teams - AllDayDevOps 2017
Team Topologies - how and why to design your teams - AllDayDevOps 2017Team Topologies - how and why to design your teams - AllDayDevOps 2017
Team Topologies - how and why to design your teams - AllDayDevOps 2017

From the AllDayDevOps 2017 live stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqowSG2Jxqc For effective, modern, cloud-connected software systems we need to organize our teams in certain ways. Taking account of Conway’s Law, we look to match the team structures to the required software architecture, enabling or restricting communication and collaboration for the best outcomes. This talk will cover the basics of organization design, exploring a selection of key team topologies and how and when to use them in order to make the development and operation of your software systems as effective as possible. The talk is based on experience helping companies around the world with the design of their teams. Takeaways: - The implications of Conway’s Law for software teams - Cognitive Load for teams - Effective team topologies - Team evolution

devopsteamtopologiesconway's law
Benefits Experienced Adopting & Scaling Agile
Benefits of Adopting Agile
Ability to manage changing priorities
Project visibility
Increased team productivity
Delivery speed/time to market
Team morale
Business/IT alignment
Software quality
Project predictability
Project risk reduction
Engineering discipline
Software maintainability
Managing distributed teams
Project cost reduction
Challenges Experienced Adopting & Scaling Agile
While the vast majority of respondents and their organizations have realized success from
adopting agile practices, they recognize that there are challenges to scaling agile. The top
two challenges cited were organizational culture at odds with agile values (63%), and lack of
skills or experience with agile methods (47%).
Company philosophy or culture at odds with core agile values
Lack of experience with agile methods
Lack of management support
General organization resistance to change
Lack of business/customer/product owner
Insufficient training
Pervasiveness of traditional development
Inconsistent agile practices and process
Fragmented tooling, data, and measurements
Ineffective collaboration
Regulatory compliance and governance
Don’t know
*Respondents were able to make multiple selections.
of respondents said that their
organization has realized
success from agile projects.
Success of
Agile Projects
Challenges Experienced Adopting & Scaling Agile
Challenges Experienced Adopting & Scaling Agile
While the vast majority of respondents and their organizations have realized success from
adopting agile practices, they recognize that there are challenges to scaling agile. The top
two challenges cited were organizational culture at odds with agile values (63%), and lack of
skills or experience with agile methods (47%).
Company philosophy or culture at odds with core agile values
Lack of experience with agile methods
Lack of management support
General organization resistance to change
Lack of business/customer/product owner
Insufficient training
Pervasiveness of traditional development
Inconsistent agile practices and process
Fragmented tooling, data, and measurements
Ineffective collaboration
Regulatory compliance and governance
Don’t know
*Respondents were able to make multiple selections.
success from agile projects.
Challenges Experienced Adopting & Scaling Agile
While the vast majority of respondents and their organizations have realized success from
adopting agile practices, they recognize that there are challenges to scaling agile. The top
two challenges cited were organizational culture at odds with agile values (63%), and lack of
skills or experience with agile methods (47%).
Company philosophy or culture at odds with core agile values
Lack of experience with agile methods
Lack of management support
General organization resistance to change
Lack of business/customer/product owner
Insufficient training
Pervasiveness of traditional development
Inconsistent agile practices and process
Fragmented tooling, data, and measurements
Ineffective collaboration
Regulatory compliance and governance
Don’t know
*Respondents were able to make multiple selections.
of respondents said that their
organization has realized
success from agile projects.
Success of
Agile Projects
There are
still challenges to
scaling agile. The top four
challenges cited were organisational
culture at odds with agile values (63%), lack of
skills or experience with agile methods (47%). lack of
management support (45%) and general organisation
resistance to change (41%)
Leadership & Management
Management is
about human beings. Its
task is to make people capable
of joint performance, to make
their strengths effective and their
weaknesses irrelevant. (…) This is
what organisations is all about,
and it is the reason that
management is the critical,
determining factor.
Peter F. Drucker
OK, we know what to do!
©By NASA [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Every corpse on
Everest was once an
extremely motivated
person, highly engaged
with inspired

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Understanding the Six Different Styles of Leadership
Understanding the Six Different Styles of LeadershipUnderstanding the Six Different Styles of Leadership
Understanding the Six Different Styles of Leadership

This is Pepper Rutland's presentation on the different styles of leadership, and the strengths and weaknesses of each. For more information, visit Pepper Rutland's blog on the subject: http://pepperrutland.net/how-to-find-your-leadership-style/


Organized, detail-oriented, logical, and systematic. Prefers structure and procedures. Good at analyzing data and solving complex problems. Prefers written over verbal communication. Enjoys developing and following through on long-term plans. Motivators: Stability and security. Consistent and thorough work. Opportunities for precision, accuracy and planning. Opportunities to use logic to solve problems. Stressors: Disorganization and change. Ambiguity and lack of structure. Emotionalism in decision making. Inconsistent or imprecise standards. Pressure to work with people and lead activities. Communication Style: Factual, analytical. Prefers communication to be clear, logical and well

Stakeholder management
Stakeholder managementStakeholder management
Stakeholder management

This document summarizes a presentation about stakeholder management. It defines stakeholder management as identifying people impacted by a project, analyzing their expectations, and developing engagement strategies. It discusses both the benefits and challenges of effective versus poor stakeholder management. Examples of challenges include stakeholders withholding information or not providing notifications of changes. The presentation emphasizes that stakeholder management is important and can impact product success or failure in the market. It provides tips for effective stakeholder management, such as mapping stakeholders and setting clear expectations.

Complex Adaptive System (CAS)
An organization is a complex adaptive
system (CAS), because it consists of parts
(people) that form a system (organization),
which shows complex behavior while it keeps
adapting to a 

changing environment
Complexity Thinking
Management 1.0
It was engineers who developed scientific management, the command-and-control
style of leadership that was quite successful in the 20th century.
In this style of management, a common practice is that they are managed
like machines. Leaders assume that improvement of the whole requires
monitoring, repairing, and replacing the parts.
Engineers developed most management frameworks
with upfront design, top-down planning and
command-and-control structures and processes.
Frameworks work well with predictable,
repeatable tasks (by machines).
They don’t work with creativity, innovation and
problem-solving (by humans).
Management 2.0
In a Management 2.0 organization, everyone recognizes that “people are the
most valuable assets” and that managers have to become “servant leaders”.
But, at the same time, managers prefer to stick to the hierarchy.
How to deal with middle/senior managers and colleagues in staff
functions is in all likelihood the most challenging issue you will face in a

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Agile Leadership: A Different Mindset
Agile Leadership: A Different MindsetAgile Leadership: A Different Mindset
Agile Leadership: A Different Mindset

PittAgile presentation (September 19, 2018) by Aaron Kopel, Certified Scrum Trainer (CST) from Project Brilliant, LLC entitled Agile Leadership: A Different Mindset.

Agile Leadership introduction
Agile Leadership introductionAgile Leadership introduction
Agile Leadership introduction

This document discusses agile leadership and introduces agile principles and scrum methodology. The key points are: 1. Agile focuses on purpose-driven leadership, social business, and delivering value through small, self-organizing teams. 2. Scrum uses sprints, daily stand-ups, product backlogs and retrospectives to frequently deliver working software. Core roles are the product owner, scrum master and development team. 3. Successful agile adoption requires collaborative leadership that empowers teams, provides transparency, and focuses on relationships, communication, and continuous improvement over documentation and plans.

agileleadership developmentfuture of work
Management 3.0 - An Introduction
Management 3.0 - An IntroductionManagement 3.0 - An Introduction
Management 3.0 - An Introduction

2017年2月23日の東京Management 3.0 Meetup Management 3.0はリーダーシップの達人Jurgen Appeloによって出版された本に基づいたクリエイティブ企業が実績を挙げるための世界80ヶ国で展開している進歩的なアプローチです。Jurgen Appeloはアジャイルで最も影響力のある人です。 Management 3.0ワークショップへの参加を通して、アジャイル組織におけるマネジメントの新たな視点が得られます。

agile software developmentリーダーシップagile
Management 3.0
Some people think of an organization as a community or a city. You can do
what you want, as long as you allow the community to benefit from your work.
We call that Management 3.0.
Management of the work is a crucial activity, but this could be done with or without
dedicated managers. In fact, a business can do a lot of management with almost no
Most creative workers don’t realize that they are also responsible for
management stuff. Management is too important to leave to the managers.
Management 3.0 is a Mindset
It is a mindset,
combined with an
collection of games,
tools, and practices to
help any worker to
manage the
organization. It is a way
of looking at work
Management 3.0 is not yet another
Hello Martie!
Management & 

A model with Six Views
Energize People
Grow Structure

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Leadership in the Digital Age
Leadership in the Digital AgeLeadership in the Digital Age
Leadership in the Digital Age

New leadership in the digital age: Chief Digital Officer, Community Managers and Change Agents and Activists. Based on data from recent digital workplace survey by Jane McConnell.

An agile approach to change management
An agile approach to change managementAn agile approach to change management
An agile approach to change management

Why stop at your IT department? Or an Agile approach to Change Management Business agility is more than the organization’s IT shop adopting an agile delivery method. Business agility depends on three core capabilities: rapid delivery, strategic sensing, and customer rapport. As such it builds resilience to change as a strategic imperative and eventually it allows businesses to build a strategic advantage in driving change. Investments in “agile” from an IT perspective will not increase business agility. So what does a company need in order to successfully drive change rather than react to it? We’ll talk about how creating a resilient organization starts with rapid delivery and why many major organizations are turning their attention to less costly on-demand releases. We’ll look at how customer rapport is the new driver of operational efficiency, where not building something is invariably cheaper than optimizing the operational cost of building anything at all.

Prosci Webinar: Auditing Change Management Maturity
Prosci Webinar: Auditing Change Management MaturityProsci Webinar: Auditing Change Management Maturity
Prosci Webinar: Auditing Change Management Maturity

In today's environment, few core competencies are as important as how change is managed. What is your organisation’s level of maturity in change management? In 2004, Prosci first released the Change Management Maturity Model, describing five different levels of organisational change management maturity. That model has been extended to a full-blown Maturity Model Audit that allows you to determine your organisation’s overall maturity and your maturity in five key capability areas: Leadership, Application, Competencies, Standardization and Socialization. This webinar introduces the framework and tool to evaluate where you are today and how to advance the capability in your organisation.

changebeing humanchange management
Energize People
People are
the most
important parts of an
organization and
managers must do
all they can to
keep people
active, creative,
and motivated
Engagement and Motivation
Business leaders and human resource managers consider the
“lack of employee engagement” one of their top priorities.
But why do many workers not feel engaged?
Technically, we cannot make people feel motivated or engaged.
But we can certainly set up the right conditions that maximize the
probability that it will happen (even though success is never
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
Is employee engagement about intrinsic or
extrinsic motivation?
Does an author write books because she loves the
writing process? Or because she loves the support
and encouragement from readers? Maybe a bit of
It consists of ten motivators that are either
intrinsic, extrinsic, or a bit of both.
The CHAMPFROGS model deals specifically with motivation
in the context of work-life.
๏ Two-Factor Theory, Frederick Herzberg
๏ The Hierarchy of Needs, Abraham Maslow
๏ Theory of Self-Determination, Edward L. Deci and
Richard M. Ryan
๏ 16 Basic Desires Theory, Steven Reiss

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Management 3.0 - How to Energize People
Management 3.0 - How to Energize PeopleManagement 3.0 - How to Energize People
Management 3.0 - How to Energize People

This document summarizes a presentation on improving employee happiness and productivity using Management 3.0 principles. It introduces Management 3.0 and outlines the 12 steps to happiness backed by science, including thanking others, helping others, eating well, exercising, resting, experiencing new things, hiking, meditating, socializing, aiming for goals, smiling, and giving gifts. Examples are given of how companies have implemented these steps, such as having a kudo wall, competence matrix, fitness hours, celebration grids, and work expos. Recommended reading materials on motivation are also listed. The document concludes with contact details for the presenters and information on Management 3.0.

managementmanagement 3.0leadership
Agile, Management 3.0, Holacracy...what next?
Agile, Management 3.0, Holacracy...what next?Agile, Management 3.0, Holacracy...what next?
Agile, Management 3.0, Holacracy...what next?

The document discusses the evolution of organizational structures away from traditional hierarchies towards more agile, self-organizing models like Agile, Management 3.0, Holacracy and #NoManager approaches. It provides background on why hierarchies were established and critiques their limitations in today's environment. Emerging frameworks aim to empower teams, develop competence, and structure organizations for innovation through practices like distributed leadership, cross-functional career paths, and network-based relationships over rigid hierarchies.

holacracymanagement 3.0lattice
Let’s Help Melly
Let’s Help MellyLet’s Help Melly
Let’s Help Melly

Many people don't like their jobs, and many organizations fail to survive in changing environments. Here's a story of what happened before, and what should (or could) happen now, to try and make things better.

Curiosity Honor Acceptance Mastery Power
The workers have
plenty of things to
investigate and to
think about
Workers	feel	proud	that	
their	values	are	
reflected	in	how	they	
Colleagues	approve	of	
what	people	do	and	
who	they	are	
The	work	challenges	
people’s	competence	
but	it	is	within	their	
There’s	enough	room	
for	workers	to	influence	
what	happens	around	
Freedom Relatedness Order Goal Status
People are
independent of
others with their
work and
People have good
social contacts with
the others in their
Workers have
enough rules and
policies for a stable
The people’s
purpose in life is
reflected in the
work that they do
People have a
good position and
are recognized by
their colleagues
Kudo Walls and Kudo Boxes
Get people to offer each
other tokens of appreciation,
either by posting them in a box
or putting them on a wall
Empower Teams
Teams can self-organize,
and this requires
authorization, and trust
from management

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Manfaat kepemimpinan
Manfaat kepemimpinanManfaat kepemimpinan
Manfaat kepemimpinan

This document discusses the benefits of leadership in the workplace. It was presented at a leadership seminar for an electrical engineering student organization. While leadership can provide advantages, it does not only have benefits. Leadership must be a daily habit and attitude. The document lists some crucial leadership qualities like vision, empathy, inspiration, managing change, and communication. It also discusses developing leadership skills over the course of a polytechnic student's studies, with courses focused on self-understanding, relationships, and management. The document ends with a question and answer section.

manfaat kepemimpinanleadershipto lead or be lead
Modern Agile Management and Leadership
Modern Agile Management and LeadershipModern Agile Management and Leadership
Modern Agile Management and Leadership

What changes are needed in management and leadership to move towards the new lean culture of creative and knowledge work? My presentation from Agile Finland's Modern Agile Breakfast.

modern agileagileagile management
Integrating Change Management Into Technology and Outsourcing Implementations
Integrating Change Management Into Technology and Outsourcing ImplementationsIntegrating Change Management Into Technology and Outsourcing Implementations
Integrating Change Management Into Technology and Outsourcing Implementations

The document discusses change management and Solleva Group's approach. It provides an overview of Solleva Group's services, which include managing complex business transitions. Their approach uses both science and art - the science provides structure, while the art provides adaptability to deal with human factors. Their Architecture of Change framework integrates change management into projects using both technical and adaptive capabilities.

Empowerment defined
empower /əmˈpou(ə)r/
1. (authority)
to give official authority or legal power to (by legal
or official means) / to invest with power
2. (ability)
to promote the self-actualization or influence of /
to supply with an ability
Delegate at the proper level
designed by Vectorpouch -
Delegation	levels	are	applied	to	key	decision	areas.		
The	“right”	level	of	delegation	is	a	balancing	act.	It	depends	
on	a	team’s	maturity	level	and	the	impact	of	its	decisions.		
Delegation	is	context-dependent.
Seven Levels of Delegation
The 7 Levels of Delegation is a
symmetrical model.
It works in both directions.
Delegation Board

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CIPD HRBP Conference Evolution as a function the beyond case study of OD & D
CIPD HRBP Conference Evolution as a function   the beyond case study of OD & D CIPD HRBP Conference Evolution as a function   the beyond case study of OD & D
CIPD HRBP Conference Evolution as a function the beyond case study of OD & D

This was the case study and presentation for the HRBP CIPD conference on the 27th March. This includes the case study of Beyond and our use of AgileHR and agile methodologies, along with the approach taken toward organisational design and development

organizational designorganizational developmentod
Strategic management
Strategic managementStrategic management
Strategic management

The document discusses strategies for successful implementation of organizational strategy and business development plans. It outlines three essential elements for strategy realization: 1) motivational leadership, 2) translating strategy into action through a staged process, and 3) performance management. It also discusses threats in mature and declining markets, such as the need to maintain competitive advantage, market share, and amplify volume growth through innovative marketing strategies.

Ignore middle managers at your peril!!!. Why middle managers hold the key to ...
Ignore middle managers at your peril!!!. Why middle managers hold the key to ...Ignore middle managers at your peril!!!. Why middle managers hold the key to ...
Ignore middle managers at your peril!!!. Why middle managers hold the key to ...

Lack of Executive buy-in is known to be one the leading causes of failed Agile transformations! But what about another level of management buy-in that can either make or break your agile transformation efforts… Middle management! Based on my experience in large corporate organisations undergoing an agile transformation, I have encountered massive support and buy-in from senior leadership and executives. Yet, still some of these transformations have failed to see the significant improvement in results that there were expecting. Middle management are often overlooked in Agile transformation initiatives, yet they are the people most effected by the change… and therefore the most likely to resist.

middle managementchangechange management
Align Constraints
can lead to
anything, and it’s
necessary to
protect people
and shared
resources and to
give people a
clear purpose and
defined goals.
People over Process
The “people over process” paradigm is great, until you find
out that your team consists of two trolls, a parrot, and a
hairdresser, and a relatively bright project manager, who
happens to be deaf, blind, and mute
Establishing (Flexible) Constraints
Cross that line,
you little bastard, and
you’re dead!
Leadership & Management
Culture eats
Strategy for
Peter F. Drucker

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HR Competencies - Wyane Brockbank
HR Competencies - Wyane Brockbank HR Competencies - Wyane Brockbank
HR Competencies - Wyane Brockbank

The document summarizes a presentation given by Wayne Brockbank on the HR Competency Study conducted by Dave Ulrich and Wayne Brockbank at the University of Michigan Business School since 1988. The study identifies major competencies needed for HR professionals and tracks trends in the field. It is sponsored by the Ross School of Business and The RBL Group. The presentation outlines six competencies for HR professionals that were redefined in 2012: strategic positioner, capability builder, HR innovator and integrator, change champion, technology proponent, and credible activist. It provides details on each competency and data on their impact on perceptions of HR effectiveness and business success.

Building OD Capabilities
Building OD Capabilities   Building OD Capabilities
Building OD Capabilities

The document provides information on building organization development (OD) capabilities. It discusses the roles of OD professionals, which include being a trusted advisor, change facilitator, communication promoter, and business partner. Building OD capabilities requires identifying requirements, designing interventions to drive culture and performance, and providing leadership on change management. It also discusses tools that OD professionals use, such as action research, communication tools, and analyzing an organization's current and future states. The document emphasizes that extensive practice is needed to build OD skills and capabilities.

organizationorganization developmenthuman resources
Success and failure in organizational design
Success and failure in organizational designSuccess and failure in organizational design
Success and failure in organizational design

This document discusses factors for success and failure in organizational design. For success, it emphasizes having a clear performance focus tied to business results, a winning strategy that plays to strengths, a compelling need for change, specific change criteria, distinguishing between decision-driven and behavior-dependent change, appropriate structure and systems, skills and resources, engaged groups, integrated initiatives, and leaders willing to change. For failure, it cites poor planning, inadequate leadership support, lack of resources, prioritizing systems over people, and inadequate change leadership skills.

Values, Behaviour and Culture
The culture of any
organization is shaped by
the worst behavior the
leader is willing to tolerate.
- Gruenter and Whitaker, School Culture Rewired
Maybe better…
The culture of any
organization is shaped
by the best behavior the
leader is willing to
Create boundaries!
Discourage the bad behaviors
Encourage the good ones
Reiventing Organisations
Develop Competence
Teams cannot
achieve their
goals if team
members aren’t
capable enough,
and managers
must therefore
contribute to the
development of
The ability to do something well.
The ability to do something successfully or efficiently.
Acluster of related abilities, commitments, knowledge,
and skills that enable a person (or an organization) to
act effectively in a job or situation.

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Leading lean
Leading leanLeading lean
Leading lean

1. The document discusses common problems faced by lean managers, including lack of engagement from top leadership, difficulty sustaining process focus, and lack of systems for developing internal talent. 2. It recommends re-examining the values and goals behind lean initiatives to focus more on cultural changes, emphasizing engaging top leadership by assessing management systems rather than technical tools, and sustaining initiatives through developing proud workforces. 3. Engaging top leaders can be achieved through structured "executive gemba walks" focused on diagnostic questions about lean management standards to give leaders specific tasks and make the walks personally meaningful.

Agility At Scale
Agility At ScaleAgility At Scale
Agility At Scale

Major organizations are increasingly adopting agile methodologies across entire segments and at large scales. While agile teams are effective for small, collocated groups, scaling agile presents new challenges like large, distributed teams that are difficult to coordinate. Successful large-scale agile implementation requires understanding these scaling issues and adapting agile strategies, practices and leadership approaches to diverse situations. Leaders must lead agile teams in an agile way by removing constraints and prioritizing client outcomes, while gradually expanding agile adoption based on evaluating costs and benefits.

PDSA Cycle
PDSA CyclePDSA Cycle
PDSA Cycle

The document discusses the Deming Cycle, also known as the PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) cycle, which is a four stage model for continuous improvement. It involves planning a change, implementing it, observing the results, and acting on what is learned. The stages are outlined in detail. Strategic thinking is then defined as focusing on unique opportunities to create value through creative dialogue. Key competencies of strategic thinking are discussed, along with the characteristics of effective strategies. Finally, strategic analysis is defined as the process of conducting research to formulate strategy, using various analytical methods.

each other

Competency Levels
Apprentice Journeyman Master
Generalized Specialists
Journeyman Journeyman
Lead by example
Encourage and enable self-study
Training and certification
Learning from failure/
How do we develop (new) competences?

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Reaching agility: Why aren't we done yet?
Reaching agility: Why aren't we done yet?Reaching agility: Why aren't we done yet?
Reaching agility: Why aren't we done yet?

This document discusses challenges with agile transformation and provides advice. It outlines four common issues that make transformation difficult: not understanding the problem being solved; applying one-size-fits-all solutions without understanding organizational context; underestimating the challenge of changing culture and mindsets; and expecting a clear end point to transformation. The document advises focusing on outcomes over outputs, using agile principles to guide the transformation, and continually adapting as contexts change. The overarching goal of reaching agility is to create an environment where teams can joyfully deliver customer value.

Change Management 2004
Change Management 2004Change Management 2004
Change Management 2004

1. Change management is crucial to the success of any CRM project as it focuses on addressing the behaviors, attitudes, and culture within an organization. 2. An effective change management plan involves formalizing the process, defining the program, establishing management structure, communicating to stakeholders, and involving people to create champions of change. 3. Key components of change management include understanding the business, people, process, and technology dimensions of change and having a plan to address each area.

by jim
Pm role in transformation shebanov pm day - alex shebanov
Pm role in transformation shebanov pm day - alex shebanovPm role in transformation shebanov pm day - alex shebanov
Pm role in transformation shebanov pm day - alex shebanov

The document discusses the roles of project management and change management in organizational transformation. It states that transformation programs often fail due to an imbalance between managing change (attitudes and behaviors) and project management (tasks and activities). Both change management and project management are needed to guide the transition from the current to the future state, implement new processes, and ensure benefits realization. Key factors for successful transformation include strong sponsorship, effective planning, communication, stakeholder engagement, and monitoring of risks, resources and benefits.

Grow Structure
Many teams
operate within
the context of a
organization, and
thus it is
important to
structures that
Conway’s Law
Organizations as cities
An organization should operate like a city. Some parts emerge
bottom-up while others are designed top-down.
The art of management is finding the right balance between
these two approaches.
Find Balance

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Organizational culture can be defined as shared values and beliefs that guide employee behavior. Cultures that foster innovation through enabling policies and values have competitive advantages. Internal integration, where employees work together and develop a shared identity, allows organizations to progress towards innovation. When measuring results, financial incentives do not always increase innovation. Subcultures may contradict the larger culture but can spark needed changes through new approaches. Technology choices are strategic and affect long term performance. Organizations that learn new technologies and keep staff updated tend to be more efficient and productive.

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As the name suggests, Agile HR is the application of “agility” to the function of Human Resource Management

Proactive Governance & Adoption In Microsoft 365
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Organizations are looking to Microsoft 365 to transform and optimize how they work. When organizations are only reactive with governance and adoption efforts, they will continue to fall behind and spend all their time firefighting, supporting, and struggling to manage and get the most out of their Microsoft 365 investments. Proactive governance leads to greater stability, better resiliency, and much greater effectiveness. When paired with proactive adoption, you achieve far more with less. So why don’t organizations all embrace proactive governance and adoption? Why aren’t all organizations proactively tackling Microsoft Teams lifecycle management or how to best drive more significant teams' usage before and after meetings? Because it can be a daunting challenge, especially without help or a proven path forward. Join Richard Harbridge, a Microsoft MVP and internationally recognized expert on Microsoft 365 and the Digital Workplace, as he shares the best ways to accelerate and shift Microsoft 365 governance from being reactive to being proactive. We will explore how proactive adoption aligns and compliments this proven approach and how it and the effectiveness driven by good governance help organizations maximize the value of their digital workplace and Microsoft 365 investments.

microsoft governancemicrosoft 365 governancemicrosoft 365 adoption
Common Patterns
Value Units Small Teams
Replace Job
of PracticeOpen
Ambassadors Local Rules
Improve Everything
People, teams,
need to
to defer
failure for as
long as

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Introduction to management 3.0

  • 1. Management 3.0 Change and Innovation Practices Renato Brazioli me@renatobrazioli.it
  • 2. Jurgen Appelo and Happy Melly elo o.com 2010 2013 2016 All images have an hyperlink associated
  • 3. The Agile Landscape, and beyond Many others omitted, either by forgetfulness or by choice Mike Cohn. Succeeding with Agile: 
 Software Development using Scrum, 2010 Scrum David Anderson. Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change in Your Software Business, 2010 Kanban Eric Ries, The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation…, 2011 learn ideas build product measure data Lean Startup Viability Desirability Feasibility Design Thinking
  • 4. Reasons for Adopting & Scaling Agile AGILE SUCCESS AND METRICS Challenges Experienced Adopting & Scaling Agile While the vast majority of respondents and their organizations have realized success from adopting agile practices, they recognize that there are challenges to scaling agile. The top two challenges cited were organizational culture at odds with agile values (63%), and lack of skills or experience with agile methods (47%). Company philosophy or culture at odds with core agile values Lack of experience with agile methods Lack of management support General organization resistance to change Lack of business/customer/product owner Insufficient training Pervasiveness of traditional development Inconsistent agile practices and process Fragmented tooling, data, and measurements Ineffective collaboration Regulatory compliance and governance Don’t know 63% 47% 45% 43% 41% 34% 34% 31% 20% 19% 15% 2% *Respondents were able to make multiple selections. 98% of respondents said that their organization has realized success from agile projects. Success of Agile Projects COMPANY EXPERIENCE AND ADOPTION Reasons for Adopting Agile Improving project visibility (4 up three places to become th popular reason stated for ad this year and accelerating pr increased from 62% last year year. *Respondents were able to make selections. 69% 61% 53% 43% 43% 37% 30% 21% 20% 18% 18% Accelerate product delivery Enhance ability to manage changing priorities Increase productivity Improve project visibility Enhance software quality Improve business/IT alignment Reduce project risk Improve team morale Enhance delivery predictability Improve engineering discipline Better manage distributed teams Reduce project cost Increase software maintainability 42% 31%
  • 5. Benefits Experienced Adopting & Scaling Agile Benefits of Adopting Agile Ability to manage changing priorities Project visibility Increased team productivity Delivery speed/time to market Team morale Business/IT alignment Software quality Project predictability Project risk reduction Engineering discipline Software maintainability Managing distributed teams Project cost reduction 88% 83% 83% 81% 81% 76% 75% 75% 74% 68% 64% 61% 56% AGILE SUCCESS AND METRICS Challenges Experienced Adopting & Scaling Agile While the vast majority of respondents and their organizations have realized success from adopting agile practices, they recognize that there are challenges to scaling agile. The top two challenges cited were organizational culture at odds with agile values (63%), and lack of skills or experience with agile methods (47%). Company philosophy or culture at odds with core agile values Lack of experience with agile methods Lack of management support General organization resistance to change Lack of business/customer/product owner Insufficient training Pervasiveness of traditional development Inconsistent agile practices and process Fragmented tooling, data, and measurements Ineffective collaboration Regulatory compliance and governance Don’t know 63% 47% 45% 43% 41% 34% 34% 31% 20% 19% 15% 2% *Respondents were able to make multiple selections. 98% of respondents said that their organization has realized success from agile projects. Success of Agile Projects
  • 6. Challenges Experienced Adopting & Scaling Agile Challenges Experienced Adopting & Scaling Agile While the vast majority of respondents and their organizations have realized success from adopting agile practices, they recognize that there are challenges to scaling agile. The top two challenges cited were organizational culture at odds with agile values (63%), and lack of skills or experience with agile methods (47%). Company philosophy or culture at odds with core agile values Lack of experience with agile methods Lack of management support General organization resistance to change Lack of business/customer/product owner Insufficient training Pervasiveness of traditional development Inconsistent agile practices and process Fragmented tooling, data, and measurements Ineffective collaboration Regulatory compliance and governance Don’t know 63% 47% 45% 43% 41% 34% 34% 31% 20% 19% 15% 2% *Respondents were able to make multiple selections. success from agile projects. AGILE SUCCESS AND METRICS Challenges Experienced Adopting & Scaling Agile While the vast majority of respondents and their organizations have realized success from adopting agile practices, they recognize that there are challenges to scaling agile. The top two challenges cited were organizational culture at odds with agile values (63%), and lack of skills or experience with agile methods (47%). Company philosophy or culture at odds with core agile values Lack of experience with agile methods Lack of management support General organization resistance to change Lack of business/customer/product owner Insufficient training Pervasiveness of traditional development Inconsistent agile practices and process Fragmented tooling, data, and measurements Ineffective collaboration Regulatory compliance and governance Don’t know 63% 47% 45% 43% 41% 34% 34% 31% 20% 19% 15% 2% *Respondents were able to make multiple selections. 98% of respondents said that their organization has realized success from agile projects. Success of Agile Projects There are still challenges to scaling agile. The top four challenges cited were organisational culture at odds with agile values (63%), lack of skills or experience with agile methods (47%). lack of management support (45%) and general organisation resistance to change (41%)
  • 7. Leadership & Management Management is about human beings. Its task is to make people capable of joint performance, to make their strengths effective and their weaknesses irrelevant. (…) This is what organisations is all about, and it is the reason that management is the critical, determining factor. Peter F. Drucker
  • 8. OK, we know what to do! ©By NASA [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons Every corpse on Everest was once an extremely motivated person, highly engaged with inspired leaders
  • 9. Complex Adaptive System (CAS) An organization is a complex adaptive system (CAS), because it consists of parts (people) that form a system (organization), which shows complex behavior while it keeps adapting to a 
 changing environment
  • 11. Management 1.0 It was engineers who developed scientific management, the command-and-control style of leadership that was quite successful in the 20th century. In this style of management, a common practice is that they are managed like machines. Leaders assume that improvement of the whole requires monitoring, repairing, and replacing the parts. Engineers developed most management frameworks with upfront design, top-down planning and command-and-control structures and processes. Frameworks work well with predictable, repeatable tasks (by machines). They don’t work with creativity, innovation and problem-solving (by humans).
  • 12. Management 2.0 In a Management 2.0 organization, everyone recognizes that “people are the most valuable assets” and that managers have to become “servant leaders”. But, at the same time, managers prefer to stick to the hierarchy. How to deal with middle/senior managers and colleagues in staff functions is in all likelihood the most challenging issue you will face in a transformation.
  • 13. Management 3.0 Some people think of an organization as a community or a city. You can do what you want, as long as you allow the community to benefit from your work. We call that Management 3.0. Management of the work is a crucial activity, but this could be done with or without dedicated managers. In fact, a business can do a lot of management with almost no managers! Most creative workers don’t realize that they are also responsible for management stuff. Management is too important to leave to the managers.
  • 14. Management 3.0 is a Mindset It is a mindset, combined with an ever-changing collection of games, tools, and practices to help any worker to manage the organization. It is a way of looking at work systems. Management 3.0 is not yet another framework.
  • 15. Hello Martie! Management & 
 Leadership Complexity Thinking
  • 16. A model with Six Views Energize People Empower Teams Align Constraints Develop Competence Grow Structure Improve Everything
  • 17. Energize People People are the most important parts of an organization and managers must do all they can to keep people active, creative, and motivated
  • 18. Engagement and Motivation Business leaders and human resource managers consider the “lack of employee engagement” one of their top priorities. But why do many workers not feel engaged? Technically, we cannot make people feel motivated or engaged. But we can certainly set up the right conditions that maximize the probability that it will happen (even though success is never certain).
  • 19. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Is employee engagement about intrinsic or extrinsic motivation? Does an author write books because she loves the writing process? Or because she loves the support and encouragement from readers? Maybe a bit of both?
  • 20. CHAMPFROGS It consists of ten motivators that are either intrinsic, extrinsic, or a bit of both. The CHAMPFROGS model deals specifically with motivation in the context of work-life. ๏ Two-Factor Theory, Frederick Herzberg ๏ The Hierarchy of Needs, Abraham Maslow ๏ Theory of Self-Determination, Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan ๏ 16 Basic Desires Theory, Steven Reiss
  • 21. Motivators Curiosity Honor Acceptance Mastery Power The workers have plenty of things to investigate and to think about Workers feel proud that their values are reflected in how they work Colleagues approve of what people do and who they are The work challenges people’s competence but it is within their abili=es There’s enough room for workers to influence what happens around them Freedom Relatedness Order Goal Status People are independent of others with their work and responsibilities People have good social contacts with the others in their work Workers have enough rules and policies for a stable environment The people’s purpose in life is reflected in the work that they do People have a good position and are recognized by their colleagues
  • 22. Kudo Walls and Kudo Boxes Get people to offer each other tokens of appreciation, either by posting them in a box or putting them on a wall
  • 24. Empower Teams Teams can self-organize, and this requires empowerment, authorization, and trust from management
  • 25. Empowerment Empowerment defined empower /əmˈpou(ə)r/ 1. (authority) to give official authority or legal power to (by legal or official means) / to invest with power 2. (ability) to promote the self-actualization or influence of / to supply with an ability
  • 26. Delegate at the proper level designed by Vectorpouch - Delegation levels are applied to key decision areas. The “right” level of delegation is a balancing act. It depends on a team’s maturity level and the impact of its decisions. Delegation is context-dependent.
  • 27. Seven Levels of Delegation The 7 Levels of Delegation is a symmetrical model. It works in both directions.
  • 29. Align Constraints Self-organization can lead to anything, and it’s therefore necessary to protect people and shared resources and to give people a clear purpose and defined goals.
  • 30. People over Process The “people over process” paradigm is great, until you find out that your team consists of two trolls, a parrot, and a hairdresser, and a relatively bright project manager, who happens to be deaf, blind, and mute
  • 31. Establishing (Flexible) Constraints Cross that line, you little bastard, and you’re dead! https://youtu.be/Miwb92eZaJg
  • 32. Leadership & Management Culture eats Strategy for breakfast! Peter F. Drucker
  • 33. Values, Behaviour and Culture The culture of any organization is shaped by the worst behavior the leader is willing to tolerate. - Gruenter and Whitaker, School Culture Rewired Maybe better… The culture of any organization is shaped by the best behavior the leader is willing to amplify. Create boundaries! Discourage the bad behaviors Encourage the good ones
  • 35. Develop Competence Teams cannot achieve their goals if team members aren’t capable enough, and managers must therefore contribute to the development of competence
  • 36. Competence The ability to do something well. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/competence The ability to do something successfully or efficiently. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/competence Acluster of related abilities, commitments, knowledge, and skills that enable a person (or an organization) to act effectively in a job or situation. http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/competence.html#ixzz4DSPEy6hA
  • 40. Lead by example Encourage and enable self-study Training and certification Coaching Learning from failure/ experiments How do we develop (new) competences?
  • 41. Grow Structure Many teams operate within the context of a complex organization, and thus it is important to consider structures that enhance communication.
  • 43. Organizations as cities An organization should operate like a city. Some parts emerge bottom-up while others are designed top-down. The art of management is finding the right balance between these two approaches.
  • 45. Common Patterns T-Skilled People Value Units Small Teams Semi-stable Teams Replace Job Titles Communities of PracticeOpen Allocation Ambassadors Local Rules
  • 46. Improve Everything People, teams, and organizations need to improve continuously to defer failure for as long as possible.