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Data Security
  Greg Ashe
  Ross Leahy
Nicholas Hayes
What is Data Security
• Some Definitions – the protecting of a database from destructive forces
  and unwanted actions of unauthorized users.

• Some Problems associated with Data Security

-Data Tampering
-Eavesdropping and Data Theft
-Falsifying User Identities
-Password-Related Threats
-Unauthorized Access to tables and Columns
-Unauthorized Access to Data Rows
-Lack of Accountability

                                IS6120 Data Security                        2
Evolution of Data Security –
     Internet impacts
       By Ross Leahy
• Open reel magnetic tape was introduced in the 1950’s, These tapes
  could store 5MB to 150MB of data and marked an evolutionary step in
  data storage and data protection.
                             IS6120 Data Security                       4
• Physical attacks on data can also be known as tampering

• Tampering is a physical action type defined as unauthorized altering or interfering
  with the normal state or operation of an asset rather than, for instance, altering
  software or system settings. (Verizon 2011)

• Still a Security Threat today due to:

                       • Sensitive Data Left in Plain View
                      Unlocked Accessible Computer Systems               Data Loss
                    • Data Cabling Accessible from Public Areas

                                      IS6120 Data Security                              5
New Avenues to steal data
• Network
• E-mails
• Applications

•   Thirty years ago, the first computer virus appeared. Since then, cybercriminals
    have created millions of viruses and other malware—email
    viruses, Trojans, Internet worms, spyware, keystroke loggers—some spreading
    worldwide and making headlines.

• Internet is providing more opportunities for hackers to steal data –
  Increasing Data theft.

                                   IS6120 Data Security                           6
Data Theft
• Data theft is the deliberate theft of information, rather than its accidental
  loss. Data theft can take place both inside an organization (e.g., by a
  disgruntled employee), or by criminals outside the organization.

• Examples

• 2012- Belgian credit provider, Dexia, where demanded to make payment
  (blackmail) of €150,000 (US$197,000) to prevent hackers from publishing
  confidential information.

• 2011- Sony Corp suffers breaches that place 100M customer accounts at
  risk, costing the company up to $2 billion.

                                 IS6120 Data Security                             7
What types of threats exist?
•   A lot of viruses and other malware exist and can be seen here.
•   More than 403 million unique variants of malware detected by Symantec in 2011

•   Malware
•   A drive-by download
•   Denial-of-service (DoS) attack
•   Trojan
•   Email hoax's – “Good Times”
•   Phishing
•   Spear-phishing
•   SQL Injection

                                     IS6120 Data Security                           8
Definitions of Threats
•   A drive-by download is the infection of a computer with malware when a user
    visits a malicious website. Drive-by downloads occur without the knowledge of the
    user. Simply visiting an infected website may be sufficient for the malware to be
    downloaded and run on a computer.

•   SQL Injection is an attack technique used to exploit how web pages communicate
    with back-end databases. An attacker can issue commands (in the form of specially
    crafted SQL statements) to a database using input fields on a website.

•   Spearphishing is targeted phishing using spoof emails to persuade people within a
    company to reveal sensitive information or credentials. Unlike phishing, which
    involves mass-emailing, spearphishing is small-scale and well-targeted.

                                    IS6120 Data Security                                9
Security software and hardware

•   Antivirus software
•   Firewalls
•   Device control
•   Network access control
•   Application control

                     IS6120 Data Security   10
Threat prevention
•   Firewall acts as a barrier between networks or parts of a network, blocking
    malicious traffic or preventing hacking attempts.
•   Anti-malware software can defend you against viruses and other malware threats
    including Trojans, worms and, depending on the product, spyware.
•   Anti-spam programs can detect unwanted email and prevent it from reaching user
•   Appliances are a combination of hardware and software security elements in one
    solution. This lets you plug appliances in rather than installing the software
•   Intrusion prevention systems (IPS) monitor network and systems for malicious
•   Network access control (NAC) A NAC solution protects your network and the
    information on it from the threats posed by users or devices accessing your

                                   IS6120 Data Security                         11
Ensure data protection
•   Encrypt your computers, emails and other devices and use firewall
•   Use device and application control
•   Only allow compliant computers to access your network.
•   Implement outbound content controls

• Disable AutoRun functionality- In February 2011 Microsoft automatically
  disabled AutoRun, preventing malware from copying itself to host
  computers and shared network drives from devices such as USB drives.

• With more than 403 million unique variants of malware detected by
  Symantec in 2011, enterprises should be updating security virus and
  intrusion prevention definitions at least daily, if not multiple times a day.

                                  IS6120 Data Security                            12
What is Mobile Computing?
• A generic term used to refer to a variety of devices that allow
  people to access data and information from where ever they are

• Mobile Computing embraces a host of portable technologies that
  makes internet access on the go not only possible, but integral to
  every day life

• A recent Gartner report claimed that “Mobile Computing is the

• Report also suggests that mobile phones will overtake PCs as the
  most common web access device worldwide

                             IS6120 Data Security                      13
Security Risks of Mobile Computing

• Fishnet Security survey
  found that Mobile
  Computing is the top
  security concern for                             18%
  organizations                                                35%   Mobile Computing
                                                                     Social Networks

• Of the professionals                    20%                        Other

  surveyed:                                                          Cloud Computing

 35% Mobile Computing                                   27%
 27% Social Networks
 20% Other
 18% Cloud Computing

                            IS6120 Data Security                                14
Security Risks of Mobile Computing
• The popularity of mobile computing is accelerating, as their sales
  reach a critical mass smartphones and tablets will become prime
  targets of malware attacks

• There’s now more than 1 billion active Smartphones, that’s one for
  every seven people on the planet

• As with any computing solution, tablet PC’s and Smartphones are
  exposed to software threats

• However, Mobile brings additional risks like theft or accidental loss
  where sensitive data can be lost

                              IS6120 Data Security                        15
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
• The idea behind BYOD is that users can use a personal device such as a
  Tablet or Smartphone for both personal and business use

• This scenario of users bringing in their own devices to connect to a
  corporate network could result in malware spreading through the
  corporate network

• BYOD multiplies the number of networks, applications, and end-points
  through which data is accessed

• Moving data across different devices and networks is increasing security
  risks by opening sensitive corporate data to leaks and attacks

• This has led to some people dubbing BYOD as “Bring Your Own Disaster”

                                IS6120 Data Security                         16
The Issue With Mobile Browsers
• On Mobile Browsers, even experts have trouble
  determining the legitimacy of a website due to a lack of an
  icon that shows the browser is using Secure Sockets Layer

• These icons, which are present on almost all desktop
  browsers, quickly tells users if the site is secure and
  legitimate eg. The padlock icon

• Once developers figure out a smart and consistent way to
  implement SSL, everyone will be more secure and better

                           IS6120 Data Security                 17
Mobile Payments

• Despite convenient and futuristic qualities, the
  mobile platform not designed as a secure
  application environment

• Lots of sensitive data stored or entered in your
  Smartphone and because it is connected to the
  internet at all times, Smartphone at great risk for
  malware designed to grab sensitive information

                      IS6120 Data Security           18
Example: NASA Data Security Breach

• Last year, data breaches occurred in the space agency NASA as a
  result of the theft of 48 portable electronic devices

• Among the data compromised were International Space Station
  command-and-control codes and employees’ personal information

• As a result NASA has enacted new policies including mandatory full-
  disk encryption for NASA-issued computers that go off the premises

• In addition, NASA will forbid employees from storing sensitive
  information on mobile devices such as Smartphones and Tablets

                             IS6120 Data Security                   19
Possible Steps to Minimise Security
• You’ll never eliminate all of the potential risks, but you
  can minimise the threats

1) Know your hardware and operating systems

2) Think before you store

3) Shop for Apps securely

4) Install updates
                         IS6120 Data Security                  20
Social Networks – Problems with Security &
                 Data Privacy
• Use of the internet is changing
• Huge growth in the volume of personal
  information being shared on the web
• Huge opportunities for businesses

                   IS6120 Data Security        21
Issues with Social Networks
• Personal Information
• National incentives are ineffective

                     IS6120 Data Security   22
Security Issues in the Future of Social
1. Storage of personal data
2. Tools for managing personal data and how it
   is viewed
3. Access control to personal data based on
4. Tools for finding out who has accessed
   personal data

                   IS6120 Data Security          23
Examples of Social Networking Sites

              IS6120 Data Security    24
Examples of Social Networking Sites

• “Just received a job offer. Hooray!”
• “I’m tired of all the rain.”
• “Looking forward to the family vacation next
  week at Disney World.”

                    IS6120 Data Security         25
Clever Boy

  IS6120 Data Security   26
• “The boss just laid off 32 employees. I hear there
  may be more coming on Wednesday.”
• “Rumor has it that the Acme Widgets acquisition fell
• “Working to troubleshoot a major software bug we
  just found.”
• “I just posted a funny video of myself frying a rodent
  at the restaurant where I work.”

                       IS6120 Data Security            27
Brad at it again

    IS6120 Data Security   28
How much will providers actually allow the
 export and open transfer of their data stores?

• Social Networking is becoming the preferred
  way to manage personal data
• Identity Theft & Authentication
• Web of Trust Techniques

                    IS6120 Data Security          29
IS6120 Data Security   30
Possible Steps
1. Each user is issued a token
2. Every time user A is accepted as a friend by a
   user, token given positive/negative trust
3. User A suspects User B is not who they say
   they are
4. User A knows user B personally
5. Scores aggregated
                    IS6120 Data Security        31

6. Tokens are visible
7. Tokens are transferable
8. Key can be extended


                              IS6120 Data Security                    32
Password Protection
• Video explaining password protection:

• Thanks for listening

                      IS6120 Data Security   33

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Is6120 data security presentation

  • 1. Data Security Greg Ashe Ross Leahy Nicholas Hayes
  • 2. What is Data Security • Some Definitions – the protecting of a database from destructive forces and unwanted actions of unauthorized users. • Some Problems associated with Data Security -Data Tampering -Eavesdropping and Data Theft -Falsifying User Identities -Password-Related Threats -Unauthorized Access to tables and Columns -Unauthorized Access to Data Rows -Lack of Accountability IS6120 Data Security 2
  • 3. Evolution of Data Security – Internet impacts By Ross Leahy
  • 4. • Open reel magnetic tape was introduced in the 1950’s, These tapes could store 5MB to 150MB of data and marked an evolutionary step in data storage and data protection. IS6120 Data Security 4
  • 5. • Physical attacks on data can also be known as tampering • Tampering is a physical action type defined as unauthorized altering or interfering with the normal state or operation of an asset rather than, for instance, altering software or system settings. (Verizon 2011) • Still a Security Threat today due to: • Sensitive Data Left in Plain View Unlocked Accessible Computer Systems Data Loss • Data Cabling Accessible from Public Areas IS6120 Data Security 5
  • 6. New Avenues to steal data • Network • E-mails • Applications • Thirty years ago, the first computer virus appeared. Since then, cybercriminals have created millions of viruses and other malware—email viruses, Trojans, Internet worms, spyware, keystroke loggers—some spreading worldwide and making headlines. • Internet is providing more opportunities for hackers to steal data – Increasing Data theft. IS6120 Data Security 6
  • 7. Data Theft • Data theft is the deliberate theft of information, rather than its accidental loss. Data theft can take place both inside an organization (e.g., by a disgruntled employee), or by criminals outside the organization. • Examples • 2012- Belgian credit provider, Dexia, where demanded to make payment (blackmail) of €150,000 (US$197,000) to prevent hackers from publishing confidential information. • 2011- Sony Corp suffers breaches that place 100M customer accounts at risk, costing the company up to $2 billion. IS6120 Data Security 7
  • 8. What types of threats exist? • A lot of viruses and other malware exist and can be seen here. • More than 403 million unique variants of malware detected by Symantec in 2011 • Malware • A drive-by download • Denial-of-service (DoS) attack • Trojan • Email hoax's – “Good Times” • Phishing • Spear-phishing • SQL Injection IS6120 Data Security 8
  • 9. Definitions of Threats • A drive-by download is the infection of a computer with malware when a user visits a malicious website. Drive-by downloads occur without the knowledge of the user. Simply visiting an infected website may be sufficient for the malware to be downloaded and run on a computer. • SQL Injection is an attack technique used to exploit how web pages communicate with back-end databases. An attacker can issue commands (in the form of specially crafted SQL statements) to a database using input fields on a website. • Spearphishing is targeted phishing using spoof emails to persuade people within a company to reveal sensitive information or credentials. Unlike phishing, which involves mass-emailing, spearphishing is small-scale and well-targeted. IS6120 Data Security 9
  • 10. Security software and hardware • Antivirus software • Firewalls • Device control • Network access control • Application control IS6120 Data Security 10
  • 11. Threat prevention • Firewall acts as a barrier between networks or parts of a network, blocking malicious traffic or preventing hacking attempts. • Anti-malware software can defend you against viruses and other malware threats including Trojans, worms and, depending on the product, spyware. • Anti-spam programs can detect unwanted email and prevent it from reaching user inboxes. • Appliances are a combination of hardware and software security elements in one solution. This lets you plug appliances in rather than installing the software separately. • Intrusion prevention systems (IPS) monitor network and systems for malicious activity. • Network access control (NAC) A NAC solution protects your network and the information on it from the threats posed by users or devices accessing your network. IS6120 Data Security 11
  • 12. Ensure data protection • Encrypt your computers, emails and other devices and use firewall • Use device and application control • Only allow compliant computers to access your network. • Implement outbound content controls • Disable AutoRun functionality- In February 2011 Microsoft automatically disabled AutoRun, preventing malware from copying itself to host computers and shared network drives from devices such as USB drives. • With more than 403 million unique variants of malware detected by Symantec in 2011, enterprises should be updating security virus and intrusion prevention definitions at least daily, if not multiple times a day. IS6120 Data Security 12
  • 13. What is Mobile Computing? • A generic term used to refer to a variety of devices that allow people to access data and information from where ever they are • Mobile Computing embraces a host of portable technologies that makes internet access on the go not only possible, but integral to every day life • A recent Gartner report claimed that “Mobile Computing is the future” • Report also suggests that mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common web access device worldwide IS6120 Data Security 13
  • 14. Security Risks of Mobile Computing • Fishnet Security survey found that Mobile Computing is the top security concern for 18% organizations 35% Mobile Computing Social Networks • Of the professionals 20% Other surveyed: Cloud Computing  35% Mobile Computing 27%  27% Social Networks  20% Other  18% Cloud Computing IS6120 Data Security 14
  • 15. Security Risks of Mobile Computing • The popularity of mobile computing is accelerating, as their sales reach a critical mass smartphones and tablets will become prime targets of malware attacks • There’s now more than 1 billion active Smartphones, that’s one for every seven people on the planet • As with any computing solution, tablet PC’s and Smartphones are exposed to software threats • However, Mobile brings additional risks like theft or accidental loss where sensitive data can be lost IS6120 Data Security 15
  • 16. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) • The idea behind BYOD is that users can use a personal device such as a Tablet or Smartphone for both personal and business use • This scenario of users bringing in their own devices to connect to a corporate network could result in malware spreading through the corporate network • BYOD multiplies the number of networks, applications, and end-points through which data is accessed • Moving data across different devices and networks is increasing security risks by opening sensitive corporate data to leaks and attacks • This has led to some people dubbing BYOD as “Bring Your Own Disaster” IS6120 Data Security 16
  • 17. The Issue With Mobile Browsers • On Mobile Browsers, even experts have trouble determining the legitimacy of a website due to a lack of an icon that shows the browser is using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) • These icons, which are present on almost all desktop browsers, quickly tells users if the site is secure and legitimate eg. The padlock icon • Once developers figure out a smart and consistent way to implement SSL, everyone will be more secure and better served IS6120 Data Security 17
  • 18. Mobile Payments • Despite convenient and futuristic qualities, the mobile platform not designed as a secure application environment • Lots of sensitive data stored or entered in your Smartphone and because it is connected to the internet at all times, Smartphone at great risk for malware designed to grab sensitive information IS6120 Data Security 18
  • 19. Example: NASA Data Security Breach • Last year, data breaches occurred in the space agency NASA as a result of the theft of 48 portable electronic devices • Among the data compromised were International Space Station command-and-control codes and employees’ personal information • As a result NASA has enacted new policies including mandatory full- disk encryption for NASA-issued computers that go off the premises • In addition, NASA will forbid employees from storing sensitive information on mobile devices such as Smartphones and Tablets IS6120 Data Security 19
  • 20. Possible Steps to Minimise Security Risks • You’ll never eliminate all of the potential risks, but you can minimise the threats 1) Know your hardware and operating systems 2) Think before you store 3) Shop for Apps securely 4) Install updates IS6120 Data Security 20
  • 21. Social Networks – Problems with Security & Data Privacy • Use of the internet is changing • Huge growth in the volume of personal information being shared on the web • Huge opportunities for businesses IS6120 Data Security 21
  • 22. Issues with Social Networks • Personal Information • National incentives are ineffective IS6120 Data Security 22
  • 23. Security Issues in the Future of Social Networking 1. Storage of personal data 2. Tools for managing personal data and how it is viewed 3. Access control to personal data based on credentials 4. Tools for finding out who has accessed personal data IS6120 Data Security 23
  • 24. Examples of Social Networking Sites IS6120 Data Security 24
  • 25. Examples of Social Networking Sites • “Just received a job offer. Hooray!” • “I’m tired of all the rain.” • “Looking forward to the family vacation next week at Disney World.” IS6120 Data Security 25
  • 26. Clever Boy IS6120 Data Security 26
  • 27. • “The boss just laid off 32 employees. I hear there may be more coming on Wednesday.” • “Rumor has it that the Acme Widgets acquisition fell through.” • “Working to troubleshoot a major software bug we just found.” • “I just posted a funny video of myself frying a rodent at the restaurant where I work.” IS6120 Data Security 27
  • 28. Brad at it again IS6120 Data Security 28
  • 29. How much will providers actually allow the export and open transfer of their data stores? • Social Networking is becoming the preferred way to manage personal data • Identity Theft & Authentication • Web of Trust Techniques IS6120 Data Security 29
  • 31. Possible Steps 1. Each user is issued a token 2. Every time user A is accepted as a friend by a user, token given positive/negative trust training 3. User A suspects User B is not who they say they are 4. User A knows user B personally 5. Scores aggregated IS6120 Data Security 31
  • 32. ..continued 6. Tokens are visible 7. Tokens are transferable 8. Key can be extended Source: http://www.gfi.com/whitepapers/Social_Networking_and_Security_Risks.pdf IS6120 Data Security 32
  • 33. Password Protection • Video explaining password protection: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtqwXzNebeU • Thanks for listening IS6120 Data Security 33