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Joe Johnston - FLEXperience - putting the Flex in UX
Who I am

UX Specialist for Universal Mind
Not a Designer Not a Developer
I sit in between
A real live Catalyst

also known as merhl.com
What is UX?

It’s a term used to
describe the
overarching experience
a person has as a result
of there interactions.
What is UX

“Design is not just about coming up with a solution,
it’s guring out the right way to look at the

The “what” before the “how”

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Visualising the User Experience
Visualising the User ExperienceVisualising the User Experience
Visualising the User Experience

Slides from a talk I did at Web Directions South in Sydney Oct 2009. Outline: Designing for dynamic web applications and mobile devices poses a new set of challenges. Web designers are increasingly being asked to apply their skills to where the page model no longer applies. We need new ways of exploring the user experience and communicating behaviours involving sub-page changes and movement. Enter rapid prototyping. Widely acclaimed as one of the best ways to create great user experiences, it isn't without it's own pitfalls. This session will discuss the pros and cons of different prototyping techniques, and introduce a new technique called "screenflows" that focuses on visualising the user experience. Discover how to combine the best of paper prototyping, wireframes and HTML prototyping into one simple and effective prototyping technique. Learn how using this method can dramatically decrease the need for documentation, while increasing the speed and agility of the development process.

UX Experience Design: Processes and Strategy
UX Experience Design: Processes and StrategyUX Experience Design: Processes and Strategy
UX Experience Design: Processes and Strategy

A presentation on UX Experience Design: Processes and Strategy by Dr Khong Chee Weng from Multimedia University at the UX Indonesia-Malaysia 2014 that was conducted on the 26th April 2014 in the Hotel Bidakara, Jakarta, Indonesia.

malaysiahciservice design
UX Design Process & Methods
UX Design Process & MethodsUX Design Process & Methods
UX Design Process & Methods

The document outlines the steps for a design sprint workshop with a client, including research, testing, content strategy, and prototyping activities. The workshop involves understanding the design problem through research, diverging to generate many solutions, deciding on the best ideas, and building quick prototypes. Key activities include mind mapping, storyboarding, usability testing, and creating a prototype based on a detailed user story. The goal is to rapidly iterate through ideas to identify the most promising solutions to test with users.

ux designuser interfaceuser experience design
UX Process

Design Framework
Vision Prototype

“Customers sometimes do not know what they want,”

“It can be dangerous to just listen to what users say they need.”

        John Seely Brown, the co-chairman of the Deloitte Center for Edge Innovation

“It is more from engaging with users, watching what they do, understanding their
pain points, then you get big leaps in design,”

      Debra Dunn, an associate professor at the Stanford Institute of Design

None of this means that input from users is unimportant.
Designers must find a multitude of ways to understand users’ needs at a deeper

Immerse yourself in the the culture of the user
as fast as possible

Create/Understand the User Goals
A single sentence that defines the goal (ie. iPhoto or Aperture)

User Interviews/observations
Use open ended questions
    What makes a good day or a bad day?
    What Activities currently waste your time?
    How do you find workarounds, shortcuts?
    What did you do when you first came in today?

Types of Users

Are the most important

the Subject Matter Experts (SME’s)

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The Professional Design Process
The Professional Design ProcessThe Professional Design Process
The Professional Design Process

I didn't realize it during the presentation, but I was accidentally showing an older version of the slides!! This is the real thing!

word camp ct 2014design processulrike gencarelle
Ni week no designer, no problem
Ni week no designer, no problem Ni week no designer, no problem
Ni week no designer, no problem

This document provides a summary of a presentation about UX design for developers. The presentation introduces the user-centered design process and a user task-centric mindset. It outlines a 5-step UX design checklist for developers to follow when designing new features: 1) Discover the problem by learning about users and business needs, 2) Model the optimal user flow, 3) Find relevant design patterns, 4) Draft UI concepts, and 5) Gain confidence in the design through validation. The presentation emphasizes understanding users, aligning designs with user goals, and leveraging design best practices to create usable interfaces without reinventing solutions. It does not replace working with expert designers for more polished, user-centered results.

Growth hacking and User Experience: A love story?
Growth hacking and User Experience: A love story?Growth hacking and User Experience: A love story?
Growth hacking and User Experience: A love story?

The document discusses the relationship between growth hacking and user experience (UX). While growth hackers focus on tweaking products or marketing to acquire users in the short term, UX designers take a long term approach of designing products to best serve user needs. The document argues that growth hacking and UX can work together effectively if UX designers are given freedom to prioritize the user experience and not just short term gains. When combined, growth hacking and UX have the potential to generate long term revenue by building products people truly love and want to use.


Immerse yourself into
the industry
Competitive Research
Collage boards/Demos

Personas are fictitious people who represent the
archetypal qualities of your audience. They provide
targets for design and are generally very effective for
communicating design and research activities
throughout an organization.
Personas are

Drawn from field research
Named as individuals
Developed for specific contexts
Typical and believable
Personas are not

Based on demographics or market segments
Drawn from gut feelings about your audience
User profiles or stereotypes e.g. “Soccer mom”

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Flat design is evolving while still maintaining its core principles of simplicity and minimalism. The new flat design incorporates some subtle textures and shadows while retaining clean, bold visuals. Trends in the evolving flat design include more detailed icons, dramatic typography, accented colors used sparingly, consistency of one font across the design, and continued emphasis on minimalism. While flat design grew out of reacting against skeuomorphism, elements from other styles like material design and skeuomorphism may be incorporated if done to maintain the flat aesthetic. Flat principles of usability and readability will likely influence other design philosophies as well.

web design
User Experience in Software Development - A Primer
User Experience in Software Development - A PrimerUser Experience in Software Development - A Primer
User Experience in Software Development - A Primer

I created this presentation as a brief overview on Usability engineering a.k.a user experience in the context of Software Development. For more details, you can log on to www.texavi.com

64 UX Design Interview Questions at Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Sale...
64 UX Design Interview Questions at Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Sale...64 UX Design Interview Questions at Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Sale...
64 UX Design Interview Questions at Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Sale...

See what Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Salesforce and other companies are asking at UX Design job interviews.

Joe Johnston - FLEXperience - putting the Flex in UX

Context Scenarios
concise narrative descriptions of one
or more personas using a product to
achieve a specific goals.

With fellow Designers/Developers/Clients
ie. Affinity Diagrams

Design Studio Session

Wireframe the user screens and interactions
Start to place content

No Design applied
little or no color

Built using Fireworks
Just a personal preference

Several Iterations/Refinement

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User Experience Roles Competencies
User Experience  Roles  CompetenciesUser Experience  Roles  Competencies
User Experience Roles Competencies

The document outlines various roles in user experience design including interaction designer, usability engineer, user researcher, UI prototyper/developer, architecture, graphic designer, and content writer. It provides brief descriptions of the responsibilities for each role and typical educational and technical backgrounds required for the positions. The document also includes career progression paths and key skills/tools for each domain in user experience design.

Propeller UI/UX Process
Propeller UI/UX ProcessPropeller UI/UX Process
Propeller UI/UX Process

This overview details the UI/UX design process at our company, Propeller Labs. We pride ourselves on partnering with leading companies to create digital solutions. Innovative design, through effective process, has positioned us to become a leading partner in building digital products.

designagile software developmentui
The Right Tools for the Job: Designing Your UX Approach
The Right Tools for the Job: Designing Your UX ApproachThe Right Tools for the Job: Designing Your UX Approach
The Right Tools for the Job: Designing Your UX Approach

You've gotten to the point where you realize you need to take steps to improve the user experience on your website, but, if UX isn't your "main gig," you might be thinking, "now what?" How do you get started? Do you know all the tools that are available to you? How do you identify the ones that will return the most bang for your precious budget buck? In this presentation, we first look at the compelling case for investment in UX, and then review a selection of commonly used UX design tools and approaches. Because not every tool is created equal, you'll also get tips on when to introduce them into your process and what benefits you might expect.

user experiencedesignwebsite design
Joe Johnston - FLEXperience - putting the Flex in UX
Joe Johnston - FLEXperience - putting the Flex in UX
Joe Johnston - FLEXperience - putting the Flex in UX
Joe Johnston - FLEXperience - putting the Flex in UX

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Micro Feedback – Maximum Insights? UX Camp Europe 2015, Berlin, #uxce15
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Talk and discussion at uxcamp Europe ux (un)conference in Berlin. Looking at examples of Microfeedback such as micro surveys around the web and a little case study from our own webapp: Brandwatch Analytics.

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UX Workshop Activity: Missions, Methods and Mindframes. Centerline Digital.
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UX Workshop Activity: Missions, Methods and Mindframes. Centerline Digital.

The M3 technique helps stakeholders think from the user's perspective before defining product features. It involves stakeholders brainstorming the missions, mindframes, and methods of target users. Missions are the goals users want to accomplish. Mindframes provide context around the mental states and attitudes driving user goals. Methods are ways to help users achieve their missions. By discussing these three areas, stakeholders reach consensus on priority user needs to inform product strategy, rather than starting with predefined features. The technique surfaces insights and ensures user needs are central to the vision, helping stakeholders avoid a "features first" mentality.

user experienceuxcenterline
What is UX Design?
What is UX Design?What is UX Design?
What is UX Design?

UX focuses on designing products with the user experience in mind. It aims to create products that are satisfying, easy to use and encourage users to return. UX involves understanding users through research, designing interfaces and interactions, then testing and refining the design. The goal is to increase usability, engagement and business metrics like sales and reduce support costs. Research shows that investing in UX can yield returns of 2-100 times the initial investment through improving these factors. The UX process involves strategies like defining personas, wireframing interfaces, testing designs and analyzing results to iteratively improve the user experience.

information architectureuser experience designia

Used by Design
To start the Design Framework

Used by Developers
To start the Back-end Architecture and Services

Used by Clients
Help identify content detail
To show to Stake Holders or other Meetings

Pretend the
interface is magic
Design Framework

Starts after wireframes have been completed
Collaborating with Designer
Several Iterations/Refinement
Design Framework

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User Experience Workshop
User Experience WorkshopUser Experience Workshop
User Experience Workshop

This document provides an overview of a user experience workshop focused on good design. The workshop consists of 5 chapters that cover various aspects of user experience design including an introduction to good design principles, a shift to user-centered design, interaction design, and mobile design considerations. The document emphasizes designing for the user through techniques like personas, customer journeys, prototypes, and optimizing the user interface. It also discusses persuasive design methods and the evolution of elements like the shopping cart to provide a more seamless user experience. The goal of the workshop is to explore standards and trends in user experience design and how they can create a more gratifying experience for users.

graphic designusabilityuser experience
UX Explained
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UX Explained

What UX is, how it works and why it matters. Train your teams to recognize and strengthen the links between customer experience indicators and your overall business performance. Learn how to work with your customers to design successful products, services and experiences.

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Inside Mobile Widgets Publish
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This document discusses mobile widgets and their development. Mobile widgets are offline-capable mobile applications that appear as icons in the device's apps menu and are built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and AJAX. They are supported on platforms like WebOS and Android. The document outlines the benefits and challenges of mobile widgets, compares different widget platforms, and discusses how to build cross-platform mobile widgets.

Vision Prototype

Most important deliverable
A real working application in the deploying technology
Can capture key problems before full application is built
Apply design framework
Rapidly built from a couple days to a couple weeks
building out key sections and UX flows
Vision Prototype

User Testing/Validation
Robust formal to Friends and Family testing, Silverback

Stake Holder buy in
Data/Service Validation
Demos for trade shows, other
Vision Prototype

Created and skinned in Flex/AIR using CSS and Degrafa
Allows for a nice separation between code and skins

Devs can take and reuse the skins/views in the
production application, saving dev time
Vision Prototype


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Atelier Microsoft Dynamics Nav

Présentation de l'atelier Microsoft Dynamics Nav lors du seminaire urbanisation du SI par le Groupe Flow Line

[Harvard CS264] 02 - Parallel Thinking, Architecture, Theory & Patterns
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[Harvard CS264] 02 - Parallel Thinking, Architecture, Theory & Patterns

This document outlines the topics that will be covered in the course on massively parallel computing, including computational thinking skills for parallel programming, hardware limitations and constraints on algorithms, and common parallel programming patterns. The topics include thinking in parallel, computer architecture, programming models, theoretical concepts, and parallel programming patterns. The goal is to provide students with the skills needed to design efficient parallel algorithms that maximize performance on modern parallel hardware.

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This document summarizes a paper about using high-level programming languages for low-level systems programming. It discusses the needs of scientists and engineers for software that is reliable, high-performance, and customizable. The paper aims to address these needs by exploring features of high-level languages that could enable low-level programming tasks typically done in C/C++, like developing device drivers, operating systems, and embedded systems.


About Face 3 - book

merhl.com - joe@merhl.com

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