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        CrSi2 THIN FILMS

          Makram Abd El Qader
Candidate for Master of Science in Electrical
  Department of Electrical and Computer
         Engineering Department
 Thermoelectric Materials and Application
         Clean source of energy – Power generation upon application of heat gradient

                 (a)                                 (b)
           PN couple used as TEG (a)-Seebeck effect, and TEC (b)-
                               Peltier effect
                           Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2                                University of Nevada, Las Vegas
 Thermoelectric phenomena and coefficients
         In Solid state thermoelectric devices
         Diffusion Principle in materials      Mobile charge carriers       Thermal gradient
        Charge build up (e-) & (h+)       Electrostatic potential (voltage)     Seebeck effect-
        thermoelectric generation (TEG)

         The efficiency of power generation in thermoelectric devices is
        determined by its dimensionless figure of merit (ZT):


                        α is the Seebeck coefficient µV/K,
                        σ is the electrical conductivity Ωm, and
                        κ is the thermal conductivity W/m-K.

          The thermoelectric performance can also be evaluated by the
         power factor
                                 ρ is the resistivity Ωm
                              Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
3                                   University of Nevada, Las Vegas
 Background and Thermoelectric Phenomena
    1. Approximately 90% of the world’s electricity is produced by heat energy
       as a result of burning fossil fuel

    2. Production plants typically operate at 30-40 per cent efficiency, loosing
       around 15 terawatts of power in the form of heat to the environment.

    3. Waste Heat sources are found almost in every process and electronic
       devices (Residential heating, automotive exhaust, and industrial

    4. Thermoelectric power generators can convert some of this waste heat
       into useful power

    5. Thermoelectric devices are potential power source due to their direct
       conversion of thermal gradients into electric current.

    6. Electronic devices, International space station and Satellites, Automobile
                              companies, Power plants
                             Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
4                                  University of Nevada, Las Vegas
           Potential thermoelectric materials                         metal silicides
                      CrSi2, FeSi2, CoSi2,…. …

 Characteristics of Silicides
        Partially filled d- orbital's-
       Seebeck value much higher
        High melting point and
       chemical stability at high
        Relatively low thermal
       conductivity values

   Materials with highest figure of merit      A good thermoelectric material should
  BiT2 and SbTe hold the highest ZT values of 3 have low electrical resistivity, low thermal
                                                conductivity, and a large Seebeck
                                          Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
   5                                            University of Nevada, Las Vegas
The issue
The electrical and thermal properties of a material are determined by the same crystal
and electronic structure
They cannot be controlled independently. The challenge is to find ways to decouple the
electrical and thermal properties
Study thermoelectric materials in Thin Film form. This may cause a change in the
material thermal and electrical properties
                                      2-D dimensions
                              Precise controlled composition
                    Easy to create defects-doping, process conditions..
                             Scalable for small/large devices
     Theoretical studies predict better enhanced ZT with low dimensional structures.
    Study the structural, electrical, and thermoelectric properties of CrSi2 thin films to better
    enhance the ZT.

                                    Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
   6                                      University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Literature data on CrSi2

Physical property                                    Value
Energy gap                                            indirect band gap 2.7eV
Carrier type                                         P type 4×109 cm3
Bulk electrical resistivity at (RT)                  0.9 mΩcm
Bulk Seebeck coefficient at (RT)                     96µV/K
Bulk thermal conductivity at (RT)                    10W/mK
Thin film crystallization temperature                300˚C
Crystal structure                                    Hexagonal structure
Space group                                          P6222
Lattice parameters                                   a= b= 4.4220Å, c=6.351Å
 Structural, thermal, and electrical properties of bulk CrSi2 are well studied.”
 “Structural, thermal, and electrical properties of CrSi2”, by T. Dasgupta, J. Etourneau,.”
  electrical and structural properties of ( 50nm) thin film of sputtered CrSi2” Electrical and
 structural properties of thin films of sputtered CrSi2”, by S.F. Gong a, X.-H. Li a..”
 Electrical, structural, and transport properties of CrSi2/ Si (111)
                                Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
7                                     University of Nevada, Las Vegas
    PART 1
    Thin Film Preparation - Experiments on Thin Film samples
              Thin film processing
             Energy Dispersive X-ray diffraction (EDAX)
              X-ray Diffraction (XRD)
              Four probe point resistivity measurement
             Seebeck coefficient measurement
             Power factor measurement
             Results and discussion drawn on thin film samples
    PART 2
    Design and assembly of three gun sputtering system
               Design motivation
               Design methodology
              Results and discussion drawn from system pump down
     Final conclusions and Future work

                             Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
8                                  University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Thin film processing
 quartz glass substrates( κ=1.38W/mK, R=1018Ωm) were prepared by:
Aquasonic deionized water bath, methyl alcohol, dried out with nitrogen
gas, and heated.
 1µm and 0.1µm CrSi2 thin films were prepared by RF sputtering
Process condition          Value
Base pressure (torr)       1.2×10-7
Ar gas pressure (mtorr)    1

RF power supplied (W)      200

Target substrate           3
distance (inch)
Pre- sputtering time       10
Deposition time (min)      7 min for 0.1µm, 37min
                           for 1µm
                                   Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
9                                        University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Sputtering Process chamber

                             Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
10                                 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Thin film thickness measurement

     Surface Profiler Veeco Dektak 6M Stylus Profilometer
                                                     The obtained thin films have a step profile
                                                     similar to the one show below
          Deposition Time
S.No                          Thickness (µm)                                    Deposited CrSi2 material
               (min)                                                                        Glass substrate
                                                     Step Profile

 1.              5                 0.08

 2              10                 0.12

 3              30                 0.75

 4              45                  1.2

 5              60                  1.4

                                 Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
11                                     University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Thin film annealing

      In order to find out the effect of temperature, the thin film samples were
     annealed under argon gas (Ar) ambience.

           Annealing Temperature (T) = 300˚C, 400 ˚C, 500 ˚C, 600 ˚C

           Argon gas Pressure (P) = 695 torr

           Duration time (t) = 60 and 120 minutes

                                  Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
12                                      University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Thin film - Compositional Analysis

       The compositions of processed thin filmsamples were verified by
      performing Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDAX).
            JOEL JSM – 5600 Scanning Electron Microscope, Energy = 15keV

                               Thin film samples with 0.1µm thickness have
                               shown an atomic composition of Cr=37.64%
                               and Si=62.36%.
                                Thin films samples with 1µm thickness have
                               shown an atomic composition of Cr=39.27%
                               and Si=60.73%

                           The obtained results show that the discrepancy between the
                           compositions of the target material and thin films are less than

                              Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
13                                  University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Thin film microstructure images-Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

     0.1 µm thin film as sputtered                     0.1 µm thin film after annealing at 300˚C

     1 µm thin film as sputtered                        1 µm thin film after annealing at 300˚C
14                                 Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
                                         University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Thin film – Structural Analysis

 X-ray diffraction pattern were taken using a Bruker-AXS D8 Vario Advance
 using a Johansson-type primary monochromator with Cu kα1 emission

        Incident beam angle θ= 5˚
        Reflected angle 2θ=10-90˚

The Rietveld structure refinement allows peaks
fitting by calculating the structure factors for
each lattice plane by applying :
pseudo-Voigt type profile functions (Thompson-
 fundamental parameter approach.

                               Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
15                                   University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Thin film structural analysis
The obtained results from the Rietveld refinement for all samples regarding their
                                     X-ray diffraction refinement values for CrSi2 1µm thin films
                                    Sample ID              R-Bragg            Scaling Factor      Refined cell
                                                         Refinement                            parameters, a and c
                                                       Residual (<< 5%)                               (Å)
   Bragg residuals:
  indicates the difference       CriS2 as-sputtered            NA                    NA               NA
  between the calculated and                                 1.103                                4.449, 6.293
                                 CriS2 300C 1h                                     0.000209
  measured intensities                                                                           4.4331, 6.317
  Scaling factor: gives an      CriS2 400C 1h               1.292                 0.000235
  indication about amount of                                                                    4.4152, 6.3359
                                 CriS2 500C 1h               1.705                 0.0001637
  the phase in the material                                                                       4.443, 6.244
  The refined lattice           CriS2 600C 1h               1.309                 0.000280
  parameters                                                 1.249                                4.445, 6.285
                                 CriS2 300C 2h                                     0.000258
                                                                                                 4.4289, 6.304
                                 CriS2 400c 2h               1.353                 0.000299
                                                             1.891                               4.4127, 6.3382
                                 CriS2 500c 2h                                     0.0002248
                                                                                                 4.4304, 6.2981
                                 CriS2 600C 2h               1.388                 0.0002750

                                    Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
   16                                     University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Thin film structural analysis
               X-ray diffraction refinement values for CrSi2 0.1 µm thin films
              Sample ID       R-Bragg Refinement        Scaling Factor            Refined cell
                               Residual (<< 5%)                                parameters, a and c
                                     NA                                               NA
         CriS2 as-sputtered                                   NA
                                    0.646                                          4.438, 6.280
         CriS2 300C 1h                                     0.000219
                                                                                   4.439, 6.253
         CriS2 400C 1h              0.814                  0.000265
                                                                                   4.425, 6.262
         CriS2 500C 1h              0.625                  0.000264
                                                                                   4.435, 6.272
         CriS2 600C 1h              0.538                  0.000452
                                    0.512                                          4.420, 6.286
         CriS2 300C 2h                                     0.000193
         CriS2 400c 2h              0.602                  0.000263                4.433, 6.260
                                    0.581                                          4.423, 6.265
         CriS2 500c 2h                                     0.000225
                                    0.691                                          4.439, 6.271
         CriS2 600C 2h                                     0.000234
R-Bragg Refinement Residual much less than 5%, thus fit is excellent. lattice parameters
obtained for various thin films are in the within the expected values for CrSi2.
                                    Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
17                                        University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Thin film structural analysis- diffraction patterns

  1µm thin film- 1 hour annealing time- 300˚C-                 1µm thin film- 2 hour annealing time-
                     600˚C                                                 300˚C- 600˚C

Crystallization of the hexagonal modification          The diffraction pattern for 1 hr. is dominated
of CrSi2 was observed at 300˚C                          by the (111) and (112) peak intensities, and for
Crystallization became better at higher                2 hr. is dominated by the (111),(112), and (003)
annealing temperatures.                                 peak intensities.
                                    Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
   18                                     University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Thin film structural analysis- diffraction patterns
  0.1µm thin film- 1 hour annealing time-                 0.1µm thin film-2 hour annealing time-
               300˚C- 600˚C                                            300˚C- 600˚C

Crystallization of the hexagonal modification
                                               There is no change in the peak intensities
of CrSi2 was observed at 300˚C
                                               between 1 hr. and in the 2 hr. annealed samples
Crystallization became better at higher
                                               This indicates that 0.1µm CrSi2 thin films are
annealing temperatures.
                                               fully crystallized at 1 hr.
                                    Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
   19                                     University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Seebeck coefficient measurement
Seebeck voltages of 1µm and 0.1µm thin films were measured for various annealing
temperatures in the range of 100˚C-600˚C for two different annealing times, 1hr and 2 hr.
A Seebeck voltage measurement device was designed and built to measure the Seebeck
coefficient of the CrSi2 films at room temperature
The estimated accuracy of the seebeck coefficient measured was ±5%, and was verified by
measuring the Seebeck coefficient of Ni samples in both bulk and thin Film form with
known Seebeck coefficient values

              Seebeck coefficient measurement apparatus at 20˚C ΔT
                                Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
20                                    University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Seebeck coefficient results
      Seebeck coeffcient

                                                                                                   1µm thin film

                           40                                                                       Seebeck coefficient (µV/K)-1hr
                           30                                                                       annealing
                           20                                                                       Seebeck coefficient (µV/K)-2 hr
                           10                                                                       annealing
                                0             200           400           600            800

                                        Annealing temperatures(C˚)
      Seebeck coeffcient

                            60                                                                           0.1µm thin film

                            30                                                                      Seebeck coefficient (µV/K)-1hr
                            20                                                                      annealing
                            10                                                                      Seebeck coefficient (µV/K)-2 hr
                             0                                                                      annealing
                                    0   100         200   300     400    500      600     700

                                         Annealing temperatures(C˚)

                                                          Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
21                                                              University of Nevada, Las Vegas

          Seebeck coefficient discussion
     Seebeck coefficients in general increase with the annealing temperature for both
     thicknesses and annealing times up to 400oC. This behavior is directly related to the
     better crystallinity of the thin films at higher annealing temperatures.

     In the temperature range of 400 to 500oC, all plots show a sudden change in Seebeck

     Seebeck coefficient saturates at around 60µV/K for 0.1 µm thin films

     .For 1 µm thin films annealed for 1 hr. the Seebeck coefficient shows a plateau
     between 400 and 500oC and then increases and reaches 81µV/K close to the reported
     bulk value of 96µV/K, whereas the 2 hr. annealed thin film shows a decrease

     This difference behavior of the 1 µm thin films can be related to the degradation of the
     thin film micro- structurally with the creation of voids and cracks at higher annealing
     temperature and longer annealing times.

     22                             Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
                                          University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Thin Film resistivity measurement
 Resistivity of 1µm and 0.1µm thin films for various annealing temperatures in the range
 300oC-600oC for two different annealing time, 1hr and 2hr.

 Four probe point resistance measurement apparatus (ASU-Newman Group) was used
 at room temperature

 Thin film resistivity values were calculated using

                                  t is the thin film thickness
                            s is the spacing between the probes

                                Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
23                                    University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Thin Film resistivity results


     Resistivity (mΩ-cm)

                                                                                                    0.1µm thin film


                           0.5                                                                       Resistivity (mΩ-cm)- 1
                                                                                                     hr annealing
                                                                                                     Resistivity (mΩ-cm)- 2
                                                                                                     hr annealing


                                 0   100     200   300     400      500       600      700

                                           Annealing temperatures(C˚)

                                                     Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
24                                                         University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Thin Film resistivity results

Resistivity of 1µm thin films couldn’t be measured due to their high resistance values
which exceeded the limitation of the measurement system

It is estimated that 1µm thin films have a resistance value larger than 1MΩ. Based this
estimate, the resistivities of the annealed 1µm thin films were calculated to be larger than
0.000453 MΩ-cm, while the as deposited show to have resistivity of 1.197mΩ-cm.

For both annealing times, 1hr. and 2hr., 0.1 µm thin films show that the resistivity
increases with annealing temperature till 300oC and reaches a value of 0.9 mΩ-cm,
which is close to the reported bulk value and then decreases till 400o C and then saturates

The increase in resistivity is consistent with the film become more crystalline with
temperature. Decrease of resistivity beyond 400oC cannot be explained. This needs to be
investigated further.

                                  Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
25                                      University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Thermoelectric power factor measurement

 The thermoelectric power factors, P, of 0.1µm thin films was calculated and
 plotted for various annealing temperatures in the range of 300˚C-600˚C for two
 different annealing times, 1hr. and 2 hrs.

 The thermoelectric power factor, P for 1µm thin films could not be calculated as
 resistivity, which is necessary for the calculation could not be measured due to the
 limitation instrument.

 The calculations of the power factor were done using the following equation:

                             P=α2/ρ (W/K2 m)
                             α is the Seebeck coefficient
                                   ρ is the resistivity

                                Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
26                                    University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Thermoelectric power factor results
     Power Factor ( W/K2

                           1.00E-03                                                                  0.1µm thin film
                                                                                                     power factor 0.1 1hour

                                                                                                     power factor 0.1 2hour
                                      0   100   200     300     400     500      600     700

                                            Annealing temperature C˚
Thermoelectric power factor increases with annealing temperature from 300oC to
400oC and saturates at about 0.9 x 10-3 W/(K2.m) beyond 400oC for 0.1µm thin films
annealed for 2 hrs
0.1µm thin films annealed for 1 hr, thermoelectric power factor increases with
annealing temperature from 300oC to 500oC and saturates at about 1.1 x 10-3 W/(K2.m)
beyond 500oC
This behavior can be attributed to increase in crystallinity in the higher annealing
temperature range.
                                                      Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
27                                                          University of Nevada, Las Vegas
 PART 1-Results and discussion

 Seebeck coefficient and resistivity increases linearly, between 100˚C to 300˚C
 this correlates well with the observation of increased crystallinity of the deposited
 thin films.

 The difference measured Seebeck coefficients between 0.1 µm and 1 µm thin
 films annealed in this temperatures range is very minimal.

 The resistivity results show a marked difference with 0.1 µm exhibiting
 measurable values in the range of 0.2 to 0.9 mΩ-cm, and 1 µm thin films have
 resitivities larger than 0.000453 MΩ-cm

 This difference is related to the drastic difference in the mictrostructure between
 the two thicknesses. Annealed 1 µm thin films exhibit a large density of pores,
 where as 0.1 µm thin films exhibit a smooth texture.

 Both 0.1 and 1 µm thin films show a transition in Seebeck coefficient between
 300oC and 400oC

                                Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
28                                    University of Nevada, Las Vegas
 PART 1- Results and discussion
0.1 µm thin film showing a plateau beyond the transition temperature and 1 µm thin film
showing a plateau for about 100 C range and then increasing further for shorter anneal times
and a peak at the transition temperature for longer anneals.

Degradation of properties for 1 µm thin films with longer duration of anneal may be related
to degradation of the thin films microstructurally. In other words, cracks and voids may
cause the degradation.

0.1 µm thin films show a peak in resistivity around 300oC

Decrease of resitivities beyond 300˚C anneal is unclear

1 µm thin films have resistivity larger than the limits of the instrument. Such high
resistance may be a result of porosity observed in the annealed films.

Thermoelectric power factors for 0.1 µm thin films with respect to annealing temperatures
show a behavior similar to that of Seebeck coefficients, increasing with temperature and
reaching a plateau value of 1.0 x 10-3 W/(K2 m) at around 400o C to 450o C
                                 Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
29                                     University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Results and discussion

 Due to highly resistive nature of 1 µm thin films, the thermoelectric power factor for
these films has an upper estimate of 6.403×10-6 W/(K2 m)

 These results suggest that annealed 400˚C thin films of thicknesses in the range of
0.1µm are more suitable for device applications when glass substrates are employed.

                               Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
30                                   University of Nevada, Las Vegas
PART 2-Design of Three Gun Sputtering System

                                     Investigate ternary
                                      and higher order
                                    thermoelectric alloys

           limitation of the                                             Better control over
          current sputtering                                          process conditions ( gas
          system in the solid                                           input, heat, rotation,
           state fabrication                                           vacuum level, etc….)
             laboratory at

                                Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
31                                    University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Design of Three Gun Sputtering System

                  Heating              99% pure                   High vacuum
                capability for           films                     level ( 10-9
               substrate oxide                                        sale)

                                                                      multiple target
                                                                      materials / DC,
           Deposition                                                   RF power
                                  considerations                             Ion beam
                                                                            etching and
          Precise inert                                                       cleaning
           gas control                                                       capability

                             Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
32                                 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Design of Three Gun Sputtering System
                Three gun sputtering system building blocks:

                 Oil sealed rotary mechanical pump (MP)
                       Molecular drag pump (MDP)
                          Turbo-molecular pump
                           CTI Cryogenic pump
                         Vacuum process chamber
                            Convectron gauge
                             Ionization gauge
                      Capacitance manometer gauge
                           Mass flow controller
                    Crystal thickness monitor (QCM)
                    Substrate table- heat and rotation
                       Residual gas analyzer (RGA)
                              Sputter sources
                                  Ion gun
                                Gate valves
                               Water chiller
                        Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
33                            University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Design of Three Gun Sputtering System

Solid works design

 A drawing of the stainless steel 6 way                           A schematic diagram showing top
            cross chamber                                        flange-housing for sputter guns and

      A schematic diagram of top flange with sputter     schematic diagram of the three sputter sources-guns used
             sources and shutters installed
                                   Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
 34                                      University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Design of Three Gun Sputtering System
Solid works design

                    A schematic diagram illustrating the focus of the three guns
                                  to the location of the substrate

                               A drawing of the of the deposition chamber
  35                          Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
                                    University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Design of Three Gun Sputtering System
System assembly

                          A photograph showing the three gun sputtering system
 36                      Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
                               University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Design of Three Gun Sputtering System

                  photograph showing an inside look of the chamber
37                      Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
                              University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Design of Three Gun Sputtering System

                  A symbol representation of the 3 gun sputtering system

38                        Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
                                University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Three gun sputtering system results
 Residual gas analyzer results

The quadrupole gas analyzer spectra's are plots of                      versus partial pressure

              Quadrupole gas analyzer spectrum after initial pump down

     It is observed from above spectra that when the system was turned on for the first
     time, high Nitrogen (N) at   of 28 and Oxygen (O2)      of 32 peaks, were observed
     making the vacuum level to stay in 10-05 Torr scale.
39                              Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Three gun sputtering system results

     Before (Yellow) and after (Green) RGA spectrum showing effect of reducing the
     foreline pressure of the turbopump by adding a molecular drag pump

     It was observed from the green RGA spectrum that the vacuum level in the chamber
     gets much better (10-7 torr) after solving the problem of compression ratio by installing
     the molecular drag pump between the turbopump and mechanical pump
                                  Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
40                                      University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Three gun sputtering system results

       Quadrupole gas analyzer spectrum of        ratio versus partial pressure-
                                   At the present

       The system pumped overnight to the mid 10-09 Torr range, leaving the water
       peak of 18 as the major one as expected

                               Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
41                                   University of Nevada, Las Vegas
PART 2- Results and discussion

       In order a deposit ternary and higher order alloys, a three gun sputtering
      system was designed, built and tested for its level of vacuum levels and

       The tests showed that the three-gun sputtering system is of vacuum levels of
      10-9 torr and shows extremely low level of impurities and is ready for future
      sputtering works in this area.

                                 Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
42                                     University of Nevada, Las Vegas
CrSi2 films of two different thicknesses were prepared by rf sputtering.

As deposited and annealed (300˚C to 600˚C) were characterized for their structural,
electrical, and thermoelectric transport properties

As-sputtered CrSi2 film is amorphous at room temperature and crystallizes around
300˚C independent of thickness.

The Seebeck voltage of the1µm films increase sharply with annealing temperatures
and reaches a value of 81µV/K, which close to that of bulk CrSi2, and 62µV/K for
0.1µm films

These results suggest that annealed thin films of thicknesses in the range of 0.1µm
round 400˚C are more suitable for device applications when glass substrates are

                               Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
43                                   University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Recommendation and Future work

Based on our experience with CrSi2 deposition and characterization, and also the design
and assembly of the three gun sputtering system, the following issues are recommended
for future investigation:

Investigation of the structural behavior of the 1µm CrSi2 thin films at annealing
temperatures greater than 300C. In other words, identify the reasons for the film to crack
with annealing.

Study of the electrical and thermoelectric properties as a function of thin film
composition before and after annealing.

Measurement of the thermal conductivity of all deposited thin films before and after
annealing, to allow us calculate the thermoelectric figure of merit ZT.

Use of the designed three gun sputtering system to better sputter CrSi2 thin films.

44                              Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
                                      University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Acknowledgment              Committee members:
                                    Dr. Rama Venkat
                                    Dr. Ravhi Kumar
                                  Dr. Thomas Hartmann
                                   Dr. Nathan Newman

                                    Group members:
                                      Stan Goldfarb
                                     Dr.Paolo Ginobbi
                                    Brandon blackstone
                                      Nirup Bandaru
                                      Jorge Reynaga
                                        Eric Knight
                                      Mike Shappie

                                  Friends and family:
                         I would like to thank my parents, my
                         family, and my freinds for their great
                       support. I would like to thank my brothers
                        Charbel Azzi and Charles Azzi on their
                                   great support too.

                       Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
45                           University of Nevada, Las Vegas
I would like to thank the following companies on their support for making the design of the 3
     gun sputtering system possible:

     Engineering college-Electrical and computer engineering Department
     College of sciences- Physics Dept- High pressure center
     UNLV Graduate College
     Ron Powell; Novellus
     Steve Schwartz and Steven Michaud; Brooks Automation
     Dan Watt
     John Brooks and Tom Bogdan; MDC;
     Fred Van der Linde                              Chris Malocsay; Semicore
     Craig Hall; Ferrofluidics                       Paul Becker; Fil-Tech
     Dave Mahoney; Rigaku                            Neil Peacock and Dick Jacobs; MKS
     Richard Osburn NCCAVS                           Doug Schatz; Advanced Energy
     Ralph Brogan; Pumps International               Mark Bernick; Angstrom Sciences
     Mike Ackeret; Transfer Engineering              Don Sarrach; Plasmaterials
     Neal Ely; Las Positas College
     Todd Johnson and Harry Grover; MeiVac
     Larry Lu; CLuLab
     Will Hale; AJA International
     Mark Bernick; Angstrom Sciences
                                    Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
46                                        University of Nevada, Las Vegas

       Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
47           University of Nevada, Las Vegas

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  • 1. STRUCTRAL, ELECTRICAL AND THERMOELECTRIC PROPORTIES OF CrSi2 THIN FILMS by Makram Abd El Qader Candidate for Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
  • 2.  Thermoelectric Materials and Application Clean source of energy – Power generation upon application of heat gradient (a) (b) PN couple used as TEG (a)-Seebeck effect, and TEC (b)- Peltier effect Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 3.  Thermoelectric phenomena and coefficients  In Solid state thermoelectric devices Diffusion Principle in materials Mobile charge carriers Thermal gradient Charge build up (e-) & (h+) Electrostatic potential (voltage) Seebeck effect- thermoelectric generation (TEG)  The efficiency of power generation in thermoelectric devices is determined by its dimensionless figure of merit (ZT): ZT=α2σ/κ α is the Seebeck coefficient µV/K, σ is the electrical conductivity Ωm, and κ is the thermal conductivity W/m-K.  The thermoelectric performance can also be evaluated by the power factor P=α2/ρ ρ is the resistivity Ωm Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 3 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 4.  Background and Thermoelectric Phenomena 1. Approximately 90% of the world’s electricity is produced by heat energy as a result of burning fossil fuel 2. Production plants typically operate at 30-40 per cent efficiency, loosing around 15 terawatts of power in the form of heat to the environment. 3. Waste Heat sources are found almost in every process and electronic devices (Residential heating, automotive exhaust, and industrial processes 4. Thermoelectric power generators can convert some of this waste heat into useful power 5. Thermoelectric devices are potential power source due to their direct conversion of thermal gradients into electric current. 6. Electronic devices, International space station and Satellites, Automobile companies, Power plants Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 4 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 5. Transition  Potential thermoelectric materials metal silicides CrSi2, FeSi2, CoSi2,…. …  Characteristics of Silicides  Partially filled d- orbital's- Seebeck value much higher  High melting point and chemical stability at high temperatures  Relatively low thermal conductivity values  Materials with highest figure of merit A good thermoelectric material should BiT2 and SbTe hold the highest ZT values of 3 have low electrical resistivity, low thermal conductivity, and a large Seebeck coefficient. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 5 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 6. The issue The electrical and thermal properties of a material are determined by the same crystal and electronic structure Usually: They cannot be controlled independently. The challenge is to find ways to decouple the electrical and thermal properties keys: Study thermoelectric materials in Thin Film form. This may cause a change in the material thermal and electrical properties 2-D dimensions Precise controlled composition Easy to create defects-doping, process conditions.. Scalable for small/large devices Theoretical studies predict better enhanced ZT with low dimensional structures. Motivation Study the structural, electrical, and thermoelectric properties of CrSi2 thin films to better enhance the ZT. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 6 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 7. Literature data on CrSi2 Physical property Value Energy gap indirect band gap 2.7eV Carrier type P type 4×109 cm3 Bulk electrical resistivity at (RT) 0.9 mΩcm Bulk Seebeck coefficient at (RT) 96µV/K Bulk thermal conductivity at (RT) 10W/mK Thin film crystallization temperature 300˚C Crystal structure Hexagonal structure Space group P6222 Lattice parameters a= b= 4.4220Å, c=6.351Å Structural, thermal, and electrical properties of bulk CrSi2 are well studied.” “Structural, thermal, and electrical properties of CrSi2”, by T. Dasgupta, J. Etourneau,.”  electrical and structural properties of ( 50nm) thin film of sputtered CrSi2” Electrical and structural properties of thin films of sputtered CrSi2”, by S.F. Gong a, X.-H. Li a..” Electrical, structural, and transport properties of CrSi2/ Si (111) Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 7 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 8. Outline PART 1 Thin Film Preparation - Experiments on Thin Film samples  Thin film processing Energy Dispersive X-ray diffraction (EDAX)  X-ray Diffraction (XRD)  Four probe point resistivity measurement Seebeck coefficient measurement Power factor measurement Results and discussion drawn on thin film samples PART 2 Design and assembly of three gun sputtering system  Design motivation  Design methodology Results and discussion drawn from system pump down  Final conclusions and Future work Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 8 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 9. Thin film processing  quartz glass substrates( κ=1.38W/mK, R=1018Ωm) were prepared by: Aquasonic deionized water bath, methyl alcohol, dried out with nitrogen gas, and heated.  1µm and 0.1µm CrSi2 thin films were prepared by RF sputtering Process condition Value Base pressure (torr) 1.2×10-7 Ar gas pressure (mtorr) 1 RF power supplied (W) 200 Target substrate 3 distance (inch) Pre- sputtering time 10 (min) Deposition time (min) 7 min for 0.1µm, 37min for 1µm Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 9 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 10. Sputtering Process chamber Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 10 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 11. Thin film thickness measurement Surface Profiler Veeco Dektak 6M Stylus Profilometer The obtained thin films have a step profile similar to the one show below Deposition Time S.No Thickness (µm) Deposited CrSi2 material (min) Glass substrate Step Profile 1. 5 0.08 2 10 0.12 3 30 0.75 4 45 1.2 5 60 1.4 Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 11 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 12. Thin film annealing  In order to find out the effect of temperature, the thin film samples were annealed under argon gas (Ar) ambience.  Annealing Temperature (T) = 300˚C, 400 ˚C, 500 ˚C, 600 ˚C  Argon gas Pressure (P) = 695 torr  Duration time (t) = 60 and 120 minutes Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 12 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 13. Thin film - Compositional Analysis  The compositions of processed thin filmsamples were verified by performing Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDAX).  JOEL JSM – 5600 Scanning Electron Microscope, Energy = 15keV Thin film samples with 0.1µm thickness have shown an atomic composition of Cr=37.64% and Si=62.36%.  Thin films samples with 1µm thickness have shown an atomic composition of Cr=39.27% and Si=60.73% The obtained results show that the discrepancy between the compositions of the target material and thin films are less than 5%. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 13 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 14. Thin film microstructure images-Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) 0.1 µm thin film as sputtered 0.1 µm thin film after annealing at 300˚C 1 µm thin film as sputtered 1 µm thin film after annealing at 300˚C 14 Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 15. Thin film – Structural Analysis X-ray diffraction pattern were taken using a Bruker-AXS D8 Vario Advance using a Johansson-type primary monochromator with Cu kα1 emission λ=1.54063Å Incident beam angle θ= 5˚ Reflected angle 2θ=10-90˚ The Rietveld structure refinement allows peaks fitting by calculating the structure factors for each lattice plane by applying : pseudo-Voigt type profile functions (Thompson- Cox-Hastings)  fundamental parameter approach. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 15 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 16. Thin film structural analysis The obtained results from the Rietveld refinement for all samples regarding their X-ray diffraction refinement values for CrSi2 1µm thin films Sample ID R-Bragg Scaling Factor Refined cell Refinement parameters, a and c Residual (<< 5%) (Å)  Bragg residuals: indicates the difference CriS2 as-sputtered NA NA NA between the calculated and 1.103 4.449, 6.293 CriS2 300C 1h 0.000209 measured intensities 4.4331, 6.317 Scaling factor: gives an CriS2 400C 1h 1.292 0.000235 indication about amount of 4.4152, 6.3359 CriS2 500C 1h 1.705 0.0001637 the phase in the material 4.443, 6.244 The refined lattice CriS2 600C 1h 1.309 0.000280 parameters 1.249 4.445, 6.285 CriS2 300C 2h 0.000258 4.4289, 6.304 CriS2 400c 2h 1.353 0.000299 1.891 4.4127, 6.3382 CriS2 500c 2h 0.0002248 4.4304, 6.2981 CriS2 600C 2h 1.388 0.0002750 Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 16 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 17. Thin film structural analysis X-ray diffraction refinement values for CrSi2 0.1 µm thin films Sample ID R-Bragg Refinement Scaling Factor Refined cell Residual (<< 5%) parameters, a and c (Å) NA NA CriS2 as-sputtered NA 0.646 4.438, 6.280 CriS2 300C 1h 0.000219 4.439, 6.253 CriS2 400C 1h 0.814 0.000265 4.425, 6.262 CriS2 500C 1h 0.625 0.000264 4.435, 6.272 CriS2 600C 1h 0.538 0.000452 0.512 4.420, 6.286 CriS2 300C 2h 0.000193 CriS2 400c 2h 0.602 0.000263 4.433, 6.260 0.581 4.423, 6.265 CriS2 500c 2h 0.000225 0.691 4.439, 6.271 CriS2 600C 2h 0.000234 R-Bragg Refinement Residual much less than 5%, thus fit is excellent. lattice parameters obtained for various thin films are in the within the expected values for CrSi2. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 17 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 18. Thin film structural analysis- diffraction patterns 1µm thin film- 1 hour annealing time- 300˚C- 1µm thin film- 2 hour annealing time- 600˚C 300˚C- 600˚C Crystallization of the hexagonal modification The diffraction pattern for 1 hr. is dominated of CrSi2 was observed at 300˚C by the (111) and (112) peak intensities, and for Crystallization became better at higher 2 hr. is dominated by the (111),(112), and (003) annealing temperatures. peak intensities. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 18 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 19. Thin film structural analysis- diffraction patterns 0.1µm thin film- 1 hour annealing time- 0.1µm thin film-2 hour annealing time- 300˚C- 600˚C 300˚C- 600˚C Crystallization of the hexagonal modification There is no change in the peak intensities of CrSi2 was observed at 300˚C between 1 hr. and in the 2 hr. annealed samples Crystallization became better at higher This indicates that 0.1µm CrSi2 thin films are annealing temperatures. fully crystallized at 1 hr. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 19 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 20. Seebeck coefficient measurement Seebeck voltages of 1µm and 0.1µm thin films were measured for various annealing temperatures in the range of 100˚C-600˚C for two different annealing times, 1hr and 2 hr. A Seebeck voltage measurement device was designed and built to measure the Seebeck coefficient of the CrSi2 films at room temperature The estimated accuracy of the seebeck coefficient measured was ±5%, and was verified by measuring the Seebeck coefficient of Ni samples in both bulk and thin Film form with known Seebeck coefficient values Seebeck coefficient measurement apparatus at 20˚C ΔT Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 20 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 21. Seebeck coefficient results 90 Seebeck coeffcient 80 70 60 1µm thin film (µV/K) 50 40 Seebeck coefficient (µV/K)-1hr 30 annealing 20 Seebeck coefficient (µV/K)-2 hr 10 annealing 0 0 200 400 600 800 Annealing temperatures(C˚) 70 Seebeck coeffcient 60 0.1µm thin film 50 40 (µV/K) 30 Seebeck coefficient (µV/K)-1hr 20 annealing 10 Seebeck coefficient (µV/K)-2 hr 0 annealing 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Annealing temperatures(C˚) Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 21 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 22. 1 d2 Seebeck coefficient discussion Seebeck coefficients in general increase with the annealing temperature for both thicknesses and annealing times up to 400oC. This behavior is directly related to the better crystallinity of the thin films at higher annealing temperatures. In the temperature range of 400 to 500oC, all plots show a sudden change in Seebeck coefficient Seebeck coefficient saturates at around 60µV/K for 0.1 µm thin films .For 1 µm thin films annealed for 1 hr. the Seebeck coefficient shows a plateau between 400 and 500oC and then increases and reaches 81µV/K close to the reported bulk value of 96µV/K, whereas the 2 hr. annealed thin film shows a decrease This difference behavior of the 1 µm thin films can be related to the degradation of the thin film micro- structurally with the creation of voids and cracks at higher annealing temperature and longer annealing times. 22 Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 23. Thin Film resistivity measurement Resistivity of 1µm and 0.1µm thin films for various annealing temperatures in the range 300oC-600oC for two different annealing time, 1hr and 2hr. Four probe point resistance measurement apparatus (ASU-Newman Group) was used at room temperature Thin film resistivity values were calculated using with t is the thin film thickness s is the spacing between the probes Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 23 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 24. Thin Film resistivity results 1 0.9 0.8 Resistivity (mΩ-cm) 0.1µm thin film 0.7 0.6 0.5 Resistivity (mΩ-cm)- 1 0.4 hr annealing 0.3 Resistivity (mΩ-cm)- 2 hr annealing 0.2 0.1 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Annealing temperatures(C˚) Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 24 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 25. Thin Film resistivity results Resistivity of 1µm thin films couldn’t be measured due to their high resistance values which exceeded the limitation of the measurement system It is estimated that 1µm thin films have a resistance value larger than 1MΩ. Based this estimate, the resistivities of the annealed 1µm thin films were calculated to be larger than 0.000453 MΩ-cm, while the as deposited show to have resistivity of 1.197mΩ-cm. For both annealing times, 1hr. and 2hr., 0.1 µm thin films show that the resistivity increases with annealing temperature till 300oC and reaches a value of 0.9 mΩ-cm, which is close to the reported bulk value and then decreases till 400o C and then saturates The increase in resistivity is consistent with the film become more crystalline with temperature. Decrease of resistivity beyond 400oC cannot be explained. This needs to be investigated further. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 25 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 26. Thermoelectric power factor measurement The thermoelectric power factors, P, of 0.1µm thin films was calculated and plotted for various annealing temperatures in the range of 300˚C-600˚C for two different annealing times, 1hr. and 2 hrs. The thermoelectric power factor, P for 1µm thin films could not be calculated as resistivity, which is necessary for the calculation could not be measured due to the limitation instrument. The calculations of the power factor were done using the following equation: P=α2/ρ (W/K2 m) where α is the Seebeck coefficient ρ is the resistivity Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 26 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 27. Thermoelectric power factor results 1.20E-03 Power Factor ( W/K2 1.00E-03 0.1µm thin film 8.00E-04 power factor 0.1 1hour m) 6.00E-04 annealed 4.00E-04 power factor 0.1 2hour 2.00E-04 annealed 0.00E+00 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Annealing temperature C˚ Thermoelectric power factor increases with annealing temperature from 300oC to 400oC and saturates at about 0.9 x 10-3 W/(K2.m) beyond 400oC for 0.1µm thin films annealed for 2 hrs 0.1µm thin films annealed for 1 hr, thermoelectric power factor increases with annealing temperature from 300oC to 500oC and saturates at about 1.1 x 10-3 W/(K2.m) beyond 500oC This behavior can be attributed to increase in crystallinity in the higher annealing temperature range. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 27 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 28.  PART 1-Results and discussion Seebeck coefficient and resistivity increases linearly, between 100˚C to 300˚C this correlates well with the observation of increased crystallinity of the deposited thin films. The difference measured Seebeck coefficients between 0.1 µm and 1 µm thin films annealed in this temperatures range is very minimal. The resistivity results show a marked difference with 0.1 µm exhibiting measurable values in the range of 0.2 to 0.9 mΩ-cm, and 1 µm thin films have resitivities larger than 0.000453 MΩ-cm This difference is related to the drastic difference in the mictrostructure between the two thicknesses. Annealed 1 µm thin films exhibit a large density of pores, where as 0.1 µm thin films exhibit a smooth texture. Both 0.1 and 1 µm thin films show a transition in Seebeck coefficient between 300oC and 400oC Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 28 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 29.  PART 1- Results and discussion 0.1 µm thin film showing a plateau beyond the transition temperature and 1 µm thin film showing a plateau for about 100 C range and then increasing further for shorter anneal times and a peak at the transition temperature for longer anneals. Degradation of properties for 1 µm thin films with longer duration of anneal may be related to degradation of the thin films microstructurally. In other words, cracks and voids may cause the degradation. 0.1 µm thin films show a peak in resistivity around 300oC Decrease of resitivities beyond 300˚C anneal is unclear 1 µm thin films have resistivity larger than the limits of the instrument. Such high resistance may be a result of porosity observed in the annealed films. Thermoelectric power factors for 0.1 µm thin films with respect to annealing temperatures show a behavior similar to that of Seebeck coefficients, increasing with temperature and reaching a plateau value of 1.0 x 10-3 W/(K2 m) at around 400o C to 450o C Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 29 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 30. Results and discussion  Due to highly resistive nature of 1 µm thin films, the thermoelectric power factor for these films has an upper estimate of 6.403×10-6 W/(K2 m)  These results suggest that annealed 400˚C thin films of thicknesses in the range of 0.1µm are more suitable for device applications when glass substrates are employed. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 30 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 31. PART 2-Design of Three Gun Sputtering System Investigate ternary and higher order thermoelectric alloys limitation of the Better control over current sputtering process conditions ( gas system in the solid input, heat, rotation, state fabrication vacuum level, etc….) laboratory at UNLV. Design motivation Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 31 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 32. Design of Three Gun Sputtering System Heating 99% pure High vacuum capability for films level ( 10-9 substrate oxide sale) remove multiple target materials / DC, Deposition RF power yield monitoring Design considerations Ion beam etching and Precise inert cleaning gas control capability Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 32 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 33. Design of Three Gun Sputtering System Three gun sputtering system building blocks: Oil sealed rotary mechanical pump (MP) Molecular drag pump (MDP) Turbo-molecular pump CTI Cryogenic pump Vacuum process chamber Convectron gauge Ionization gauge Capacitance manometer gauge Mass flow controller Crystal thickness monitor (QCM) Substrate table- heat and rotation Residual gas analyzer (RGA) Sputter sources Ion gun Gate valves Water chiller Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 33 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 34. Design of Three Gun Sputtering System Solid works design A drawing of the stainless steel 6 way A schematic diagram showing top cross chamber flange-housing for sputter guns and shutters A schematic diagram of top flange with sputter schematic diagram of the three sputter sources-guns used sources and shutters installed Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 34 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 35. Design of Three Gun Sputtering System Solid works design A schematic diagram illustrating the focus of the three guns to the location of the substrate A drawing of the of the deposition chamber 35 Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 36. Design of Three Gun Sputtering System System assembly A photograph showing the three gun sputtering system 36 Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 37. Design of Three Gun Sputtering System photograph showing an inside look of the chamber 37 Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 38. Design of Three Gun Sputtering System A symbol representation of the 3 gun sputtering system 38 Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 39. Three gun sputtering system results Residual gas analyzer results The quadrupole gas analyzer spectra's are plots of versus partial pressure Quadrupole gas analyzer spectrum after initial pump down It is observed from above spectra that when the system was turned on for the first time, high Nitrogen (N) at of 28 and Oxygen (O2) of 32 peaks, were observed making the vacuum level to stay in 10-05 Torr scale. 39 Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • 40. Three gun sputtering system results Before (Yellow) and after (Green) RGA spectrum showing effect of reducing the foreline pressure of the turbopump by adding a molecular drag pump It was observed from the green RGA spectrum that the vacuum level in the chamber gets much better (10-7 torr) after solving the problem of compression ratio by installing the molecular drag pump between the turbopump and mechanical pump Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 40 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 41. Three gun sputtering system results Quadrupole gas analyzer spectrum of ratio versus partial pressure- At the present The system pumped overnight to the mid 10-09 Torr range, leaving the water peak of 18 as the major one as expected Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 41 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 42. PART 2- Results and discussion  In order a deposit ternary and higher order alloys, a three gun sputtering system was designed, built and tested for its level of vacuum levels and cleanliness.  The tests showed that the three-gun sputtering system is of vacuum levels of 10-9 torr and shows extremely low level of impurities and is ready for future sputtering works in this area. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 42 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 43. Conclusion CrSi2 films of two different thicknesses were prepared by rf sputtering. As deposited and annealed (300˚C to 600˚C) were characterized for their structural, electrical, and thermoelectric transport properties As-sputtered CrSi2 film is amorphous at room temperature and crystallizes around 300˚C independent of thickness. The Seebeck voltage of the1µm films increase sharply with annealing temperatures and reaches a value of 81µV/K, which close to that of bulk CrSi2, and 62µV/K for 0.1µm films These results suggest that annealed thin films of thicknesses in the range of 0.1µm round 400˚C are more suitable for device applications when glass substrates are employed. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 43 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 44. Recommendation and Future work Based on our experience with CrSi2 deposition and characterization, and also the design and assembly of the three gun sputtering system, the following issues are recommended for future investigation: Investigation of the structural behavior of the 1µm CrSi2 thin films at annealing temperatures greater than 300C. In other words, identify the reasons for the film to crack with annealing. Study of the electrical and thermoelectric properties as a function of thin film composition before and after annealing. Measurement of the thermal conductivity of all deposited thin films before and after annealing, to allow us calculate the thermoelectric figure of merit ZT. Use of the designed three gun sputtering system to better sputter CrSi2 thin films. 44 Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 45. Acknowledgment Committee members: Dr. Rama Venkat Dr. Ravhi Kumar Dr. Thomas Hartmann Dr. Nathan Newman Group members: Stan Goldfarb Dr.Paolo Ginobbi Brandon blackstone Nirup Bandaru Jorge Reynaga Eric Knight Mike Shappie Friends and family: I would like to thank my parents, my family, and my freinds for their great support. I would like to thank my brothers Charbel Azzi and Charles Azzi on their great support too. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 45 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 46. I would like to thank the following companies on their support for making the design of the 3 gun sputtering system possible: Engineering college-Electrical and computer engineering Department College of sciences- Physics Dept- High pressure center UNLV Graduate College Ron Powell; Novellus Steve Schwartz and Steven Michaud; Brooks Automation Dan Watt John Brooks and Tom Bogdan; MDC; Fred Van der Linde Chris Malocsay; Semicore Craig Hall; Ferrofluidics Paul Becker; Fil-Tech Dave Mahoney; Rigaku Neil Peacock and Dick Jacobs; MKS Richard Osburn NCCAVS Doug Schatz; Advanced Energy Ralph Brogan; Pumps International Mark Bernick; Angstrom Sciences Mike Ackeret; Transfer Engineering Don Sarrach; Plasmaterials Neal Ely; Las Positas College Todd Johnson and Harry Grover; MeiVac Larry Lu; CLuLab Will Hale; AJA International Mark Bernick; Angstrom Sciences Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 46 University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • 47. THANK YOU ALL Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering 47 University of Nevada, Las Vegas