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October 6, 2012
Your Vital Resources:
Time & Money Management
Maximizing Your Vital Resources
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this workshop physicians will:
1. Clarify your personal values surrounding your allocation
of time.
2. Create a personal time allocation plan.
3. Clarify your personal values surrounding your allocation
of money.
4. Create a personal wealth management plan.
The Ground Rules
• Stay focused; leave with a Plan.
• Honor each person’s story.
• Speak only for yourself.
• Maintain total confidentiality.
• What goes on here STAYS here!
• Please turn off all beepers/cell phones.
• Feel free to stretch or use the restroom.
1. Why this workshop?
2. What do you want to learn?

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Work Life Balance
Work Life BalanceWork Life Balance
Work Life Balance

The document discusses strategies for achieving work-life balance. It begins by outlining common signs of an imbalance like working late hours, feeling stressed or tired due to work responsibilities. It then describes five "dying stages" that can result from being "married to your work", including exhaustion, suffering family and friends, and increased expectations. Several solutions are proposed, such as making lists, being flexible, learning to say no, leaving work at the office, managing time, communicating clearly, and setting aside time for recreation and self-care. The key message is that creating balance is an ongoing process that requires periodically reassessing one's priorities and routines.

Work Life Balance
Work Life BalanceWork Life Balance
Work Life Balance

This document discusses achieving work-life balance and provides tips for doing so. It begins by outlining the purpose of achieving balance between work, family, and leisure activities. Several challenges to balance are then described, such as the blurring of work and personal boundaries. Statistics about work-life challenges are presented. Finally, the document provides 10 tips for improving balance, such as negotiating schedule changes, learning to manage time better, and simplifying one's lifestyle. The overall message is that finding the right balance is unique to each individual and requires prioritizing responsibilities.

Eat that frog GNIT CM
Eat  that frog  GNIT CM    Eat  that frog  GNIT CM
Eat that frog GNIT CM

This document provides tips for effective time management including eating the frog, or tackling the most important tasks first. It recommends setting goals, planning each day in advance, and applying the 80/20 rule to focus on the most critical 20% of tasks that yield 80% of the results. Following habits of self-management through deciding on goals, setting deadlines, making lists, and taking action can lead to unlimited future success.

Why the Fuss about Time & Money?
• Both can be sources of great stress
• Good management needed for renewal
• Docs don’t have great stress toolboxes
• Life & practice conditions, effecting time
and money, are changing rapidly
• The old rules vs the new rules!
The Old Rules
The New Rules
• The Linear Rule
• The Outside-In Rule
• Learning is just for
kids Rule
• The Steady State Rule
• The Circular Rule
• The Inside-Out Rule
• Learning isn’t just for
kids Rule
• Endless Change Rule
Copyright CPPR 2012
The Circular Rule
External ChangeExternal Change
• Dreams & PlansDreams & Plans
• AccomplishmentsAccomplishments
• Decline & DiscordDecline & Discord
Internal RenewalInternal Renewal
• HealingHealing
• New Goals & PurposeNew Goals & Purpose
• TrainingTraining
The Inside-Out Rule
Work, CareerWork, Career
National RolesNational Roles
ChurchChurch YOUYOU
Global RolesGlobal Roles
and Citizenshipand Citizenship
Winning at LifeWinning at Life
Works Best from theWorks Best from the

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Work-life balance involves managing time and priorities between work and personal life to reduce stress. It is defined differently by individuals but generally means achieving satisfaction in both domains with minimal conflict. Benefits include increased employee health, morale, engagement, and retention as well as higher productivity and customer satisfaction. Determinants include individual personality type, family responsibilities, work demands, and social roles. Employers can support work-life balance through flexible policies, supportive management, and creating an environment where employees feel in control and supported.

The clockwork course
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The clockwork course

INTRODUCTION The clockwork course Inside this book, you will discover for yourself everything you need to take a step forward

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C:\Fakepath\Work Life Balance
C:\Fakepath\Work Life BalanceC:\Fakepath\Work Life Balance
C:\Fakepath\Work Life Balance

The document discusses work-life balance and provides reasons for imbalance, solutions, HR policies to promote balance, case studies, and benefits of balance. It notes that over 60% of respondents feel unable to balance work and personal life. Competition, career ambitions, long hours, and global economies can lead to imbalance. Individual solutions include prioritizing, saying no, organizing, and accepting imbalance. HR policies aim to provide flexibility, time off, training, and support through programs. Case studies show examples of flexible policies from companies. Achieving balance requires time and effort but benefits both work and life.

The Endless Change Rule
MidlifeYoung Adulthood Elderhood
• Work Harder
• Work Harder
• Work Harder
• Bitch, Bitch, Bitch
• Hope Things Change
• Isolate
Copyright CPPR 2012
• The Burden of Educational Debt
• The Cost of Home Ownership
• The Desire for a Balanced Life
• New Work Options
• Early Retirement

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Time Management Presentation
 Time Management Presentation Time Management Presentation
Time Management Presentation

This document discusses time management strategies and concepts. It begins by defining time management as managing time effectively to allocate the right time to the right activities. It emphasizes the importance of effective time management for success in work and life. It outlines several time management techniques including setting goals, prioritizing tasks, scheduling activities, and using the Eisenhower matrix to categorize tasks. It also discusses saying no to unnecessary commitments in order to focus on priorities, avoiding procrastination, and focusing on "big rocks" or most important tasks and relationships first.

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Hit the hardest- procrastination & priority managment

The document discusses principles of time management and priority setting from the book "Eat That Frog!" by Brian Tracy, including tackling the most important tasks first, planning each day in advance, focusing on high value activities, and breaking large projects into smaller pieces to avoid procrastination. The overall message is that by changing how you think about and approach your responsibilities, you can get control of your time and accomplish more of what really matters.

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Questionnaire on work life balance for working parents
Questionnaire on work life balance for working parentsQuestionnaire on work life balance for working parents
Questionnaire on work life balance for working parents

This document contains an 11 question survey about work-life balance for working parents. It collects information such as age, education level, family type, number of children, satisfaction with work hours, ability to balance work and life, time spent on domestic activities, frequency of long hours or overtime work, how often work is thought about outside of work, how often quality time with family/friends is missed due to work pressures, what work-life balance initiatives the organization offers, whether the respondent suffers from stress-related illnesses, how different factors affect balancing work and family commitments, ranking factors by importance to balance work and life, and what motivates the respondent to work.

• Engage in Continuous Learning
• Practice Effective Stress Management
Balance Your Life!
• Strategic Use of Time and Money
• Schedule Frequent Fun!
Reconnecting to
Your Personal Values
Your Personal Values
Journaling Questions:
1. What is your most important
personal value(s) regarding your
2. What is your most important
personal value(s) about money?
It All Begins
with a Re-evaluation
of Your Purpose

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Work Life Balance
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Work Life Balance

Work life balance is important for properly compartmentalizing work tasks from personal life, having the courage to say no to overwork, and not missing valuable time with family and friends. Organizations can support employees' work life balance through programs like flexible schedules, telecommuting, leave time, childcare assistance, gym subsidies, and vacation days to enhance both productivity and well-being. Quality time spent with loved ones, rather than constant working, helps achieve a better balance.

work life balance
12 Step Goal Setting Process
12 Step Goal Setting Process12 Step Goal Setting Process
12 Step Goal Setting Process

The 12 step goal setting process provides a methodical approach to setting and achieving goals. It involves 1) deciding on ideal goals in key areas of life, 2) writing goals down clearly and measurably, 3) setting deadlines, 4) identifying obstacles, 5) identifying needed skills, 6) identifying people whose help is required, 7) making a complete list of steps, 8) organizing the list into a plan, 9) making a detailed plan, 10) selecting the most important daily task, 11) developing self-discipline to focus on tasks, and 12) practicing visualization of achieving goals. The process guides setting a major goal and then breaking it down into specific, ordered steps to develop a comprehensive plan for its

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Work life balance
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Work life balance

Work–life balance is the term used to describe the balance that an individual needs between time allocated for work and other aspects of life. Areas of life other than work–life can be, but not limited to personal interests, family and social or leisure activities.

Moskowitz breakout
Write Your Personal
Purpose Statement
“My purpose in the next chapter
of my life is………………………”
Maximizing Your
Limited Resources
Time Management
The Time Management Matrix
Urgent Not Urgent
Pressing problems
Deadline-driven projects
Prevention, PC activities*
Relationship building
Recognizing new opportunities
Planning, recreation
Interruptions, some calls
Some mail, some reports
Some meetings
Proximate, pressing matters
Popular activities
Trivia, busy work
Some mail
Some phone calls
Time wasters
Pleasant activities
[S. Covey: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People]

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Work life balance
Work life balanceWork life balance
Work life balance

This document provides guidance on achieving work-life balance. It discusses defining work-life balance, recognizing when balance is lost, consequences of imbalance, and tips for improving balance. Specifically, it suggests that balance means having control over one's work and fulfilling responsibilities with minimal conflict. It lists 18 signs that balance may be lost and consequences like reduced satisfaction and health issues. Finally, it recommends tactics like setting boundaries, prioritizing important aspects of life, and regularly reassessing goals.

personalword life balancelife
Time management
Time managementTime management
Time management

The document discusses time management and provides tips to improve it. It states that proper time management allows one to achieve personal and professional goals. It acknowledges common time management challenges and identifies how much of one's lifetime is spent on various activities. The document then provides strategies for setting goals, prioritizing tasks, creating to-do lists, delegating work, avoiding distractions and procrastination to better manage one's time.

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Time management and stress management by gmk

Time Management and Stress Management. This is a Power Point Presentation, prepared to present on Induction Programme event at Govt. Polytechnic, Nagamangala, Mandya, on 12-10-2021

time managementstress managementinduction programme
Values-Based Time
Time Management Exercise
You have 168 hours a week. Knowing that time is one of your most precious
resources, analyze how you spend you time in a typical week and how you want
to invest your time in the future. Please note maintenance activities can span
all roles and include activities which seem necessary but which do not add
value to those roles; some examples: bill paying, house maintenance, etc.
Identify how many hours you currently spend a week on the following:
Sleep Family Activities
Maintenance Friends Activities
Personal Activities Work/Career Activities
Couple Activities Community Activities
For simplicity,
1 Hour - 0.6% of the Week.
Time Management Exercise
Identify how you plan to invest your weekly time for your next chapter:
Sleep Family Activities
Maintenance Friends Activities
Personal Activities Work/Career Activities
Couple Activities Community Activities
On the Pie Charts provided, use approximate percentages to graphically
illustrate the comparison between your current and future time allocation.
For simplicity, 1 Hour - 0.6% of the Week.
“SMART” Action Steps
• Specific
• Measureable
• Appropriate
• Reasonable
• Timeline

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Effective Time Management Strategies
Effective Time Management StrategiesEffective Time Management Strategies
Effective Time Management Strategies

The document discusses various tips and strategies for effective time management. It emphasizes the importance of setting goals, prioritizing tasks, creating schedules, avoiding procrastination and distractions, balancing activities, and continually evaluating time usage. It provides specific steps and questions to help with time management challenges like planning, scheduling tasks, overcoming obstacles, and utilizing time efficiently.

Work Life Balance in BPO
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Work Life Balance in BPO

This document discusses work-life balance in the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry. It notes that the fast-paced and customer-oriented nature of BPO work, including long hours and shift work, can lead to imbalance. Poor work-life balance can result in issues like overtime, health problems, stress, and high turnover. The document recommends that BPO companies provide flexibility, leave time, wellness programs, and other benefits to improve work-life balance for employees. This can benefit both employees and businesses through increased productivity and loyalty.

Moskowitz plenary
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Moskowitz plenary

This document outlines a presentation on maximizing vital resources through values-based time and money management. The presentation covers assessing personal values around time and money allocation, evaluating current allocations, and developing a personal balance plan. It discusses managing resources strategically through continuous learning, effective stress management, balancing life responsibilities, and financial planning. The goal is to help physicians avoid sacrificing health, relationships, and enjoyment of life in order to make money or recuperate, but to instead fully live in the present.

tfme 2013 organizational professionalism conferenc
Planning Questions
1. What insight(s) did you gain from the time
wheel exercise?
2. What specific step(s) do you want to start
taking in the next week to change your
time allocation as a result of this exercise?
3. When exactly will you start these steps?
4. Who can help to hold you accountable to
make this change(s)? (not yourself)
Share with your discussion
your answers to the three previous
planning questions.
(4 minutes per person)
1. What is the greatest obstacle you face in
moving towards your new vision for
2. What sources of help can you call upon
to overcome these obstacles?
Maximizing Your
Limited Resources
Money Management

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CAREER planning goal SETTING.ppt

This document provides guidance on personal goal setting and choosing a career. It discusses the importance of setting lifetime goals to give overall perspective and direction. Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based. When choosing a career, one should consider fulfilling elders' wishes, educational performance, current market demands, pursuing opportunities abroad, and take a rational approach by analyzing strengths, weaknesses, and available resources. The key is to set meaningful goals and choose a career one is passionate about.

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The Happy Healthy Nonprofit
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The Happy Healthy Nonprofit

The document discusses strategies for promoting well-being in nonprofits. It notes that burnout is a risk if nonprofits do not address well-being. The key points made are: promoting well-being requires a culture change within organizations; quick fixes do not work and leadership and employee engagement are needed; benefits include lower costs, higher retention and productivity. It provides tips for self-care and starting discussions about well-being in the workplace.

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Plenary 3 moskowitz marriage workshop

The document discusses strategies for maximizing time and money management based on personal values. It recommends physicians assess their values and time/money allocation annually. Old rules of steady linear progress and outside-in fulfillment are contrasted with new rules of endless change and finding purpose from within. Physicians are encouraged to focus on preventative and relationship-building activities, balance life priorities, and ensure financial plans align with goals and provide protection. The goal is to avoid living as if never going to die without fully experiencing the present or envisioning the future.

2013 physician well being conference
Managing your Limited Resources
Financial Management Questions
1. What is your total monthly post-tax income (all sources)?
2. What is the total of your monthly living expenses?
3. Is income >, =, or < than expenses?
4. Have you verified the numbers in the past two years?
5. What are your basic personal values regarding money
6. Specify your long-term financial goals:
A. B. C.
7. Are you on-track to succeed with each of them?
Managing your Limited Resources
Financial Management Questions
8. Do you have a written financial plan? Do you review/revise it at
least every two years?
9. Do you know and use a fee-only financial planner?
10. Do you have a financial “Plan B” in case you lose your current
practice position, become disabled, or your practice income falls
>30% ?
11. Do you have a written retirement plan? Are you “on track” to retire
on time with adequate income?
12. What investment yield do you need to make in order for your
retirement plan to succeed on time? What has your actual yield
averaged in the past 5 years?
13. Do you have a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care legally
enacted? A Last Will and Testament?
Clarify Your Financial Goals
• Make a list of your short-term financial goals.
(For the next 1-3 years)
• Make a list of your long-term financial goals
(For greater than 3 years)
• Are you on-track with both sets of goals? Off-
track? Do you even know? What do you want
to do to get back on-track?
Planning Questions
1. What aspects of your personal or family
finances need to be addressed?
2. What specific steps are you willing to
initiate in the next 3 mo to actuate them?
3. Who will you use for support and

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Beth Kanter presented on linking self-care and wellbeing to impact in nonprofits. She discussed how burnout can sneak up on nonprofit professionals and provided tips for self-care, including protecting sleep, walking more, organizing phones to avoid addiction, and scheduling solo work time. Kanter emphasized that wellbeing needs to be embedded in an organization's culture through strategies like listening to employees, creating spaces for conversation, and leveraging staff champions. When implemented properly, a culture of wellbeing can benefit an organization through talent retention, reduced costs, and increased productivity.

CVNL Workshop
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CVNL Workshop

The document discusses creating a culture of well-being in nonprofits through self-care. It notes that burnout is a risk for nonprofit employees who take on too much with too few resources. The author advocates for comprehensive well-being strategies at nonprofits that are embedded in the organizational culture through leadership, employee engagement, and policies. Quick fixes are not effective; instead, culture change is required to integrate well-being. Benefits include improved recruitment, retention, costs and performance. The discussion provides tips for implementing self-care practices and starting conversations about prioritizing well-being in the workplace.

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Bringing a Culture of Wellbeing to Nonprofit Workplaces
Bringing a Culture of Wellbeing to Nonprofit WorkplacesBringing a Culture of Wellbeing to Nonprofit Workplaces
Bringing a Culture of Wellbeing to Nonprofit Workplaces

Beth Kanter discusses how nonprofits can raise more money without burning out their employees. She explains that burnout is caused by too many demands and not enough recovery time. Kanter advocates for implementing self-care plans and shifting organizational culture to prioritize well-being. Changing culture requires leadership commitment, employee engagement, and patience rather than quick fixes. When nonprofits focus on well-being, they benefit from lower costs, higher productivity, and a more motivated and resilient workforce.

Share with your discussion
your answers to the six previous
planning questions (two sets)
(4 minutes per person)
What have you learned about your
money that was helpful:
values, goals, or wealth management ?
Designing Your
Personal Balance Plan
Go back through all of your journaling
answers and find 3 or more action steps you
are willing to take to move forward.
What will you do?
When will you start?
Who will support & hold you accountable?

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Tools to Use: 1. The DELTA Meeting 2. Level 10 City Champion The DELTA Meeting is a great tool to use if you want to conduct effective one-on-one meetings with your employees. It shows your dedication to employee engagement, leadership development, teamwork, and attention to detail. The Level 10 City Champion Chart is a concept derived from the book "The Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod. He explains, "If we’re measuring our levels of success/satisfaction in any area of our lives, we all want to be living our best lives at a ‘Level 10’ in each area. Creating your ‘Level 10 Life’ begins with creating an honest assessment of where you are."

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Time managment
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Time managment

If we can't manage our time , we would be able to manage anything else .... How we can do this effectively & efficiently ??

timegoal settingprioritizing
Society of Grownups Circles—Leadership Guide
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Ready to talk about money? With Circles, Society of Grownups has adapted its financial literacy curriculum for groups to use anywhere, anytime, in any setting. From the basics of financial literacy to setting goals, budgeting to salary negotiation, our Circles discussions enable Grownups (at any level of financial literacy) to start those all-important conversations about money. Use this leadership guide in tandem with our Circles curriculum (also on SlideShare) with your own group.

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Moskowitz breakout
As a Result of this workshop:
• Have you decided to change anything about
your current time allocation?
• Have you decided to do something different
with the way you manage your money?
• Specify at least one Specific Action Step
you have planned, when you will start, and
who will hold you accountable.
Moskowitz breakout
October 6, 2012
Your Vital Resources:
Time & Money Management

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Practical Steps to a Balanced Work Life
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Practical Steps to a Balanced Work Life

This document discusses practical steps for achieving work-life balance. It identifies the difference between personal and work goals, ways to manage relationships, and the impact of planning. It explains flexible work arrangements and their role in work-life balance. Key points include defining life and work goals, prioritizing tasks, identifying objective and subjective success, dealing with conflicting goals, and types of flexible work arrangements.

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Happy Healthy Nonprofit Workshop
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Happy Healthy Nonprofit Workshop

Here are some tips to improve being present: - Schedule focused work for when you have the most energy - Limit meetings to 30 minutes as the default - Ban electronics/multitasking from important meetings - Protect distraction-free time on individual calendars - Speak up if a meeting seems unfocused or you notice distractions creeping in Assessing where your team is at with planning, people skills, priorities and being present can help identify areas to improve collaboration habits. Small changes like these tips can help your team optimize efforts and avoid burnout from too much connectivity.

Happy Healthy Nonprofit Workshop
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Happy Healthy Nonprofit Workshop

The document discusses bringing self-care and well-being into nonprofit workplaces. It notes that burnout is a problem for nonprofit professionals due to high demands and lack of resources. The presentation provides tips for individual self-care practices and creating an organizational culture of well-being. Some key benefits of prioritizing well-being include lower health costs, higher employee satisfaction, better ability to handle stress, and increased productivity. The presentation emphasizes that well-being must be an embedded part of the organizational culture, not just occasional activities, and requires leadership commitment and employee engagement to be successful.

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Moskowitz breakout

  • 2. Maximizing Your Vital Resources Learning Objectives At the conclusion of this workshop physicians will: 1. Clarify your personal values surrounding your allocation of time. 2. Create a personal time allocation plan. 3. Clarify your personal values surrounding your allocation of money. 4. Create a personal wealth management plan.
  • 3. The Ground Rules • Stay focused; leave with a Plan. • Honor each person’s story. • Speak only for yourself. • Maintain total confidentiality. • What goes on here STAYS here! • Please turn off all beepers/cell phones. • Feel free to stretch or use the restroom.
  • 4. 1. Why this workshop? 2. What do you want to learn?
  • 5. Why the Fuss about Time & Money? • Both can be sources of great stress • Good management needed for renewal • Docs don’t have great stress toolboxes • Life & practice conditions, effecting time and money, are changing rapidly • The old rules vs the new rules!
  • 6. The Old Rules vs The New Rules • The Linear Rule • The Outside-In Rule • Learning is just for kids Rule • The Steady State Rule • The Circular Rule • The Inside-Out Rule • Learning isn’t just for kids Rule • Endless Change Rule Copyright CPPR 2012
  • 7. The Circular Rule A CHAPTER OF YOUR LIFE NEW BEGINNING External ChangeExternal Change • Dreams & PlansDreams & Plans • AccomplishmentsAccomplishments • Decline & DiscordDecline & Discord Internal RenewalInternal Renewal • HealingHealing • New Goals & PurposeNew Goals & Purpose • TrainingTraining A LIFE TRANSITION BETWEEN CHAPTERS ENDING
  • 8. The Inside-Out Rule Family Work, CareerWork, Career VoluntaryVoluntary Groups,Groups, ProfessionalProfessional Associations,Associations, National RolesNational Roles Community,Community, ChurchChurch YOUYOU Global RolesGlobal Roles and Citizenshipand Citizenship Winning at LifeWinning at Life Works Best from theWorks Best from the INSIDE-OUTINSIDE-OUT
  • 9. The Endless Change Rule MidlifeYoung Adulthood Elderhood
  • 10. PHYSICIAN COPING SKILLS • Work Harder • Work Harder • Work Harder • Bitch, Bitch, Bitch • Hope Things Change • Isolate Copyright CPPR 2012
  • 11. CHANGING CAREER / LIFE EXPECTATIONS • The Burden of Educational Debt • The Cost of Home Ownership • The Desire for a Balanced Life • New Work Options • Early Retirement
  • 13. PROLONGING “GO FOR IT” • Engage in Continuous Learning • Practice Effective Stress Management Balance Your Life! • Strategic Use of Time and Money • Schedule Frequent Fun!
  • 15. Your Personal Values Journaling Questions: 1. What is your most important personal value(s) regarding your time? 2. What is your most important personal value(s) about money?
  • 16. It All Begins with a Re-evaluation of Your Purpose
  • 18. Write Your Personal Purpose Statement “My purpose in the next chapter of my life is………………………”
  • 20. The Time Management Matrix Urgent Not Urgent I ACTIVITIES: Crises Pressing problems Deadline-driven projects II ACTIVITIES: Prevention, PC activities* Relationship building Recognizing new opportunities Planning, recreation III ACTIVITIES: Interruptions, some calls Some mail, some reports Some meetings Proximate, pressing matters Popular activities IV ACTIVITIES: Trivia, busy work Some mail Some phone calls Time wasters Pleasant activities NotImportantImportant [S. Covey: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People]
  • 22. Time Management Exercise You have 168 hours a week. Knowing that time is one of your most precious resources, analyze how you spend you time in a typical week and how you want to invest your time in the future. Please note maintenance activities can span all roles and include activities which seem necessary but which do not add value to those roles; some examples: bill paying, house maintenance, etc. Identify how many hours you currently spend a week on the following: Sleep Family Activities Maintenance Friends Activities Personal Activities Work/Career Activities Couple Activities Community Activities Sleep Maintenance Work Couple Friends Personal Current Commitments For simplicity, 1 Hour - 0.6% of the Week.
  • 23. Sleep Maintenance Work Couple Friends Personal Community Future Commitments Time Management Exercise Identify how you plan to invest your weekly time for your next chapter: Sleep Family Activities Maintenance Friends Activities Personal Activities Work/Career Activities Couple Activities Community Activities On the Pie Charts provided, use approximate percentages to graphically illustrate the comparison between your current and future time allocation. For simplicity, 1 Hour - 0.6% of the Week.
  • 24. “SMART” Action Steps • Specific • Measureable • Appropriate • Reasonable • Timeline
  • 25. Planning Questions 1. What insight(s) did you gain from the time wheel exercise? 2. What specific step(s) do you want to start taking in the next week to change your time allocation as a result of this exercise? 3. When exactly will you start these steps? 4. Who can help to hold you accountable to make this change(s)? (not yourself)
  • 26. SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION: Share with your discussion partner(s) your answers to the three previous planning questions. (4 minutes per person)
  • 27. LARGE GROUP DISCUSSION: 1. What is the greatest obstacle you face in moving towards your new vision for yourself? 2. What sources of help can you call upon to overcome these obstacles?
  • 29. Managing your Limited Resources Financial Management Questions 1. What is your total monthly post-tax income (all sources)? 2. What is the total of your monthly living expenses? 3. Is income >, =, or < than expenses? 4. Have you verified the numbers in the past two years? 5. What are your basic personal values regarding money management? 6. Specify your long-term financial goals: A. B. C. 7. Are you on-track to succeed with each of them?
  • 30. Managing your Limited Resources Financial Management Questions 8. Do you have a written financial plan? Do you review/revise it at least every two years? 9. Do you know and use a fee-only financial planner? 10. Do you have a financial “Plan B” in case you lose your current practice position, become disabled, or your practice income falls >30% ? 11. Do you have a written retirement plan? Are you “on track” to retire on time with adequate income? 12. What investment yield do you need to make in order for your retirement plan to succeed on time? What has your actual yield averaged in the past 5 years? 13. Do you have a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care legally enacted? A Last Will and Testament?
  • 31. Clarify Your Financial Goals • Make a list of your short-term financial goals. (For the next 1-3 years) • Make a list of your long-term financial goals (For greater than 3 years) • Are you on-track with both sets of goals? Off- track? Do you even know? What do you want to do to get back on-track?
  • 32. Planning Questions 1. What aspects of your personal or family finances need to be addressed? 2. What specific steps are you willing to initiate in the next 3 mo to actuate them? 3. Who will you use for support and accountability?
  • 33. SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION: Share with your discussion partner(s) your answers to the six previous planning questions (two sets) (4 minutes per person)
  • 34. LARGE GROUP DISCUSSION: What have you learned about your money that was helpful: values, goals, or wealth management ?
  • 36. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: CREATING YOUR PERSONAL OR FAMILY TIME AND WEALTH MANAGEMENT PLAN Go back through all of your journaling answers and find 3 or more action steps you are willing to take to move forward. What will you do? When will you start? Who will support & hold you accountable?
  • 38. LARGE GROUP DISCUSSION As a Result of this workshop: • Have you decided to change anything about your current time allocation? • Have you decided to do something different with the way you manage your money? • Specify at least one Specific Action Step you have planned, when you will start, and who will hold you accountable. EVERYONE PARTICIPATES!!