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Your Vital Resources:
Time & Money Management

Foundation for Medical Excellence
October 5, 2013
Disclosure Statement
• Peter S. Moskowitz, M.D. reports he
has no relevant financial relationship
with any commercial entity, other than
his own consulting business, that
provides products or services relevant
to this presentation.
Maximizing Your Vital Resources

Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this presentation physicians will:
1. Address personal values surrounding time allocation.
2. Assess current personal time allocation.
3. Clarify personal values surrounding money allocation.
4. Evaluate current personal wealth management.
• Assess Values and Purpose Annually
• Institute Personal Wellness
- Healthy Diet
- Regular Aerobic Exercise
- Consistent Sleep
- Preventative Medicine
- Regular Fun
• Manage Your Stress Effectively (healthy coping)
• Balance Your Life
• Develop a Support Network
• Manage Your Time and Money Strategically
• Build Good Communication Skills
Copyright CPPR 2012

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This document provides information about life coaching services offered by Tracey Pinder and John Houghton. A life coach supports clients in defining their goals and vision, setting achievable steps to achieve these, and holding clients accountable. Coaching focuses on the future and setting goals rather than dealing with the past. It can help with stress management, relationships, communication skills, and developing a positive mindset. Contact details are provided for Tracey Pinder and John Houghton.

Inspired Perspectives Overview
Inspired Perspectives OverviewInspired Perspectives Overview
Inspired Perspectives Overview

This document summarizes the services of Inspired Perspectives LLC, a wellness company based in Jacksonville, Florida. They aim to improve business performance by empowering employees to live purposeful and happy lives through optimizing vitality both inside and outside of work. They provide tools and services focused on physical, mental, and financial well-being to change organizational mindsets and promote growth. Their offerings include branding, communications, newsletters, an online article library, wellness calendars, and portal challenges to connect wellness programs and track success metrics like increased exercise and better sleep.

wellnesswell-beingcorporate wellness
Healthy work life integration
Healthy work life integrationHealthy work life integration
Healthy work life integration

Working women often struggle to maintain a healthy balance between their work life and personal life. Stress is caused by taking on too many responsibilities and not having enough downtime. It is important to find ways to integrate work and personal commitments instead of viewing them as separate spheres. Techniques for maintaining balance include setting boundaries, dropping unnecessary commitments, prioritizing self-care activities like exercise and hobbies, building a support system, and learning to say no. Both short-term goals and long-term life priorities should be considered when making choices about how to spend time and energy.

Why the Fuss about Time & Money?

Both can be sources of great stress
Good management required for renewal
Docs tend to have poor coping skills
Life & practice conditions, effecting time
and money, are changing rapidly
• The New Rules
• Work Harder
• Work Harder
• Work Harder
• Bitch, Bitch, Bitch
• Hope Things Change
• Isolate
Copyright CPPR 2012
• The Burden of Educational Debt
• The Cost of Home Ownership
• The Desire for a Balanced Life
• New Work Options
• Transitions to Non-Clinical Careers
The Old Rules
The New Rules
• The Linear Rule

• The Circular Rule

• The Outside-In Rule

• The Inside-Out Rule

• Learning Is Just For


Kids Rule

Learning Isn’t Just For
Kids Rule

• The Steady State Rule • Endless Change Rule
Copyright CPPR 2012

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So You Want to be Supportive in a Crisis...
So You Want to be Supportive in a Crisis...So You Want to be Supportive in a Crisis...
So You Want to be Supportive in a Crisis...

This document provides a summary of a presentation given by representatives from Limeade and Fitbit about how their organizations are supporting employees and customers during the COVID-19 crisis. The key points discussed include: 1. Limeade and Fitbit have partnered for over six years and both aim to empower people's well-being through technology and knowledge. 2. Limeade discussed its efforts to support employees including weekly COVID-19 guidance, wellness challenges, and manager check-ins. 3. Fitbit reviewed data showing decreased mobility and steps but improved heart health as people stayed home. It also outlined new initiatives and resources to keep people active, connected, informed and supported during the pandemic.

Being Resilient in Turbulent Times
Being Resilient in Turbulent TimesBeing Resilient in Turbulent Times
Being Resilient in Turbulent Times

Michaela Henshaw is a Consultant, Facilitator and qualified Executive Coach, running her own business as well as working as an Associate for 10Eighty. Prior to this Michaela had a very successful 25-year corporate career where she held Global Director positions across Finance, HR and Transformational Change. Michaela will share her top level learnings on Resilience, Health and Wellbeing – drawing on both her own experiences, as well as her specialist coaching accreditation in the subject.

Presentation on work life balance
Presentation on work life balancePresentation on work life balance
Presentation on work life balance

The document discusses work-life balance and its importance. It defines work-life balance as the ability to be productive at work while maintaining a happy home life with leisure time. It then discusses six components of achieving work-life balance: self-management, time management, stress management, change management, technology management, and leisure management. The document also discusses causes of imbalance like work pressure and stress, and consequences like health risks, absenteeism, and burnout. Finally, it discusses responsibilities of employers in helping employees achieve better balance through options like telecommuting, job sharing, and flexible scheduling.

The Linear Rule
Be honest and
work hard and


you will

The Circular Rule


External Change
• Dreams & Plans
• Accomplishments
• Decline & Discord
Internal Renewal
• Healing
• New Goals & Purpose
• Training


The Outside-In Rule



National Roles

Work, Career
The Inside-Out Rule
Winning at Life
Works Best from the




National Roles

Work, Career

Global Roles
and Citizenship

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BFBM(10-2016) Leading Your Team Greatness (UTinZanKyaw)

၂၀၁၆ခုႏွစ္၊ ၾသဂုတ္လ (၁၄)ရက္ေန႔ (တနဂၤေႏြေန႔) ရန္ကုန္ျမိဳဳ႕ ၊ အမ်ိဳးသား ကဇာတ္ရံုမွာ "Primary Greatness ” ေခါင္းစဥ္ျဖင့္ Device Business Management Academy ရဲ႕ Principal ဦးတင္ဇံေက်ာ္ ေဟာေျပာခဲ့တဲ့ PowerPoint file ကို Download လုပ္ႏိုင္ပါျပီ။

myanmar miracleprimary greatnessu tin zan kyaw
Applying positive psychology at work
Applying positive psychology at workApplying positive psychology at work
Applying positive psychology at work

This document discusses developing people skills, or being "people smart", in the workplace. It outlines several competencies of people who are people smart, such as understanding others, resolving conflicts, and being a team player. Developing these skills can lead to benefits like being appreciated, respected and trusted. The document then provides models for setting goals, understanding personality and needs, and resolving conflicts through a 7-step process. Overall, it emphasizes the importance of interpersonal skills for career success.

Mental Health in the Nonprofit Workplace
Mental Health in the Nonprofit WorkplaceMental Health in the Nonprofit Workplace
Mental Health in the Nonprofit Workplace

This webinar, presented by the Canadian Mental Health Association of BC, presents both free and low-cost resources that are available to assist organizations looking to make change in their workplace by promoting strong mental health for their staff. Watch the full recorded webinar here: http://charityvillage.com/elearning/webinars/past-webinars/mental-health-in-the-nonprofit-workplace.aspx

hrnonprofitmental health
The Steady-State Rule


Work + Love creates progress,
reaching self-perpetuating
levels of happiness, success,
and security that get better and
better with time.
The Endless Change Rule
Young Adulthood


A Model of
Life and Career Change











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Preventing Staff Burnout: Strategies for Happier Staff and Healthier Patients
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Preventing Staff Burnout: Strategies for Happier Staff and Healthier Patients

There is a fine line between stress and passion in the workplace. Both require extreme dedication, time and commitment, however, one is not pleasant, while the other, completes the reason for your existence. The term ‘burnout’ in the workplace suggests that people are tired of working to the point that they no longer want to continue at their current pace. We often consider burnout as a ‘bad thing’ in the workplace and overall that is correct, however, this can emanate from both a stressful position as well as a passionate position. According to of a comprehensive study conducted within the nursing ranks, there are three types of stress; eustress, distress and severe distress (i.e. burnout). Eustress is the kind of stress that generates either fear or excitement, often see to be ‘good stress.’ Distress is what we all think of when we speak of stress, the bad kind. Distress generates depression, sadness, and pessimism to name of few. Lastly, severe distress is extreme stress. This is the type of stress that causes emotional exhaustion to the point of coronary heart disease. Stress is no laughing matter and a very real issue in clinical operations. Arguably, organizations must address these issues intentionally and for multiple reasons. In this session, Tom Tonkin, Ph.D., Principal Consultant, Thought-Leadership and Advisory Services for Cornerstone on Demand, will discuss the challenges of dealing with both stress and passion in the workplace, both leading to staff burnout. He will go over the causes of stress in the clinical workplace as well as some struggles to help alleviate some of the issues.

nursinghospitalcornerstone ondemand
Healthy retirement
Healthy retirementHealthy retirement
Healthy retirement

This document discusses maintaining health and well-being during retirement. It addresses common health concerns in aging like cardiovascular, neurological and musculoskeletal issues. Maintaining holistic health through physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being is emphasized. Successful aging involves adapting one's social role and relationships, pursuing hobbies and staying engaged in the community. Defining new goals and priorities for the retirement phase is important for a healthy future.

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Corporate Wellness Program
Corporate Wellness Program  Corporate Wellness Program
Corporate Wellness Program

The Rolling Mat Corporate programs transform your company culture by bringing in a strong, consistent, multi-level wellness initiatives to improve employee retention, productivity, and workplace morale.

• Engage in Continuous Learning
• Practice Effective Stress Management
Balance Your Life!
• Strategic Use of Time and Money
• Schedule Frequent Fun!
Reconnecting to
Your Personal Values
The Importance of Values
• values are our personal anchors as we
are tossed about in the stormy, uncertain
seas of life.
• values define our character and sense of
• values help to establish meaning in our
Your Personal Values
Questions to Ponder:

1. What is your most important
personal value(s) regarding your
2. What is your most important
personal value(s) about money?

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Workforce Wellbeing | Powering Your Business Strategies Forward |
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Workforce Wellbeing | Powering Your Business Strategies Forward |

This document summarizes a presentation on workforce wellbeing and powering business strategies forward. It discusses budgeting for wellbeing programs, tailoring motivation programs, and the intersection between engagement and wellness initiatives. The presentation argues that holistic engagement solutions can impact employee wellness, better workforce health, and ultimately drive retention. It also provides an industry case study and discusses measuring the effectiveness of wellbeing programs.

personal assistancecommunicationroi
Leccion 3. desarrollo de habilidades
Leccion 3. desarrollo de habilidadesLeccion 3. desarrollo de habilidades
Leccion 3. desarrollo de habilidades

Este documento presenta una unidad sobre procesos de expansión y contracción de ideas. Cubre 10 procesos de pensamiento divididos en 3 partes: 1) considerar extremos, variables y reglas, 2) considerar consecuencias, alternativas y definir objetivos, y 3) considerar otros puntos de vista, prioridades, planificación y decisión. El objetivo es enseñar estas herramientas de pensamiento para resolver problemas de manera organizada.

Leccion 5. desarrollo de las habilidades del pensamiento
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Leccion 5. desarrollo de las habilidades del pensamiento

Este documento presenta información sobre los procesos de comparación y relación. Explica que la comparación consiste en identificar las características similares y diferentes de dos o más objetos o situaciones, mientras que la relación permite establecer nexos entre características correspondientes a una misma variable. Incluye ejemplos y prácticas de cómo comparar y relacionar diferentes objetos, figuras y situaciones utilizando tablas y variables. El objetivo es que los lectores aprendan a aplicar estos procesos básicos de pensamiento.

It All Begins
with a Re-evaluation
of Your Purpose
Question to Ponder:
What is YOUR Purpose?
Plenary 3 moskowitz marriage workshop
Maximizing Your
Limited Resources
Time Management

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Exposé es el gestor de ventanas de Mac OS X que permite a los usuarios encontrar rápidamente una ventana abierta u ocultar todas las ventanas para mostrar el escritorio sin hacer clic a través de muchas ventanas. Espaces es un escritorio virtual desarrollado por Apple que ha sido parte de Mac OS X desde la versión 10.5, permitiendo a los usuarios cambiar entre múltiples escritorios virtuales.

El sistema solar
El sistema solarEl sistema solar
El sistema solar

El documento describe los objetos principales del Sistema Solar, incluyendo al Sol, los 8 planetas (Mercurio, Venus, Tierra, Marte, Júpiter, Saturno, Urano y Neptuno), la Luna y otros cuerpos menores como asteroides y meteoros. Explica brevemente las características más destacadas de cada planeta como su tamaño, distancia al Sol y otros detalles físicos.

the plantesthe sun
The Time Management Matrix

Not Important

Not Urgent



Pressing problems
Deadline-driven projects

Prevention, PC activities*
Relationship building
Recognizing new opportunities
Planning, recreation





Interruptions, some calls
Some mail, some reports
Some meetings
Proximate, pressing matters
Popular activities

Trivia, busy work
Some mail
Some phone calls
Time wasters
Pleasant activities
[S. Covey: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People]





Crisis management
Always putting out fires
• Short-term focus
• Crisis management
• Reputation-chameleon
• See goals and plans as
• Feel victimized, out of control
• Shallow or broken





• Total irresponsibility
• Fired from jobs
• Dependent on others or
institutions for basics

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Leccion 10. transformacionesclasificación jerarquica.
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Leccion 10. transformacionesclasificación jerarquica.

Este documento presenta dos lecciones sobre procesos básicos de pensamiento. La Lección 10 cubre transformaciones y continúa el trabajo sobre cambios. La Lección 11 introduce la clasificación jerárquica, un proceso que permite separar elementos en clases y subclases usando múltiples criterios. El procedimiento para hacer una clasificación jerárquica implica definir un propósito, identificar variables, ordenar variables, y clasificar sucesivamente hasta completar un diagrama jerárquico.


Este documento resume la historia y productos de Apple. Comenzó en 1971 cuando Steve Jobs y Steve Wozniak crearon la computadora Apple I. Luego crearon el Apple II y ahora ofrecen los ordenadores Mac con el sistema operativo macOS. También crearon el reproductor de música iPod, los teléfonos inteligentes iPhone y las tabletas iPad. Apple ha revolucionado la tecnología con estos y otros innovadores productos.


• Vision, perspective
• Balance
• Discipline
• Control
• Few crises
Questions to Ponder about Time
• Do you know how all of your 168 hrs/wk are spent?
• Are you happy with your time allocation?
• Do you spend your time in alignment with your
• If you could change one thing about your schedule,
what would it be?
Maximizing Your
Limited Resources

Money Management
Questions to Ponder:
• What are your basic values around money?
• Are your expenses less than your income? Are
you sure?
• What are your short/long term money goals?
• Are you on track to succeed with them?
• Is your family protected with a will, trust, and a
durable power of attorney for health care?

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Las diapositivas tratan sobre las bases de datos, explicando que son una colección organizada de datos almacenados y accesibles electrónicamente. Detalla los tipos básicos de bases de datos, incluyendo bases de datos jerárquicas, de red y relacionales, y cómo se usan para almacenar y recuperar información de manera eficiente.

Qué es el Debido Proceso en Colombia
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Según la Constitución en Colombia, toda persona tiene derecho a un debido proceso en el que se le facilite todas las herramientas disponibles judicialmente para que su sentencia sea justa y racional.

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Ontrack easy recovery enterprise v11
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Ontrack EasyRecovery Enterprise v11.5 es un software de recuperación de datos que funciona en sistemas Windows y requiere como mínimo un procesador Intel de 1 GHz, 512 MB de RAM y espacio de almacenamiento equivalente a la cantidad de datos a recuperar.

Designing Your
Time /Money Management Plan
Plenary 3 moskowitz marriage workshop
The Dali Lama on Man
When asked what surprised him most about
humanity, the Dali Lama said,
“Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to
make money. He sacrifices money to recuperate
his health. He is so anxious about the future that
he does not enjoy the present. The result being
that he does not live in the present or the future.
He lives as if he is never going to die, and then
dies having never fully lived.”
Plenary 3 moskowitz marriage workshop

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El documento habla sobre un viejo rey que no tenía un hijo para sucederlo en el trono. Envió comerciantes a la India y Persia para comprar artículos de lujo. Murió repentinamente, y algunas personas decían que fue por tristeza, mientras otros creían que fue envenenado.

the young king's activity
Desarrollo de habilidades del p. leccion 4
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Este documento presenta los procesos básicos de pensamiento de observación y descripción. Explica que la observación consiste en identificar las características de un objeto, hecho o situación a través de los sentidos. Las características deben corresponder a variables como color, forma, tamaño. La descripción organiza las características observadas para generar una descripción completa del objeto mediante preguntas como qué, qué tiene, cómo es. El documento incluye ejemplos y prácticas para aplicar estos procesos.

Foro tecnología
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Foro tecnología

Este documento discute los beneficios de usar medios didácticos y recursos educativos para crear ambientes de aprendizaje efectivos. Explica que los medios ayudan a captar el interés de los estudiantes, enriquecen la comunicación, permiten acceder a información de otros lugares y tiempos, y desarrollan habilidades. También analiza los servicios educativos que ofrece Internet como el correo electrónico y los foros de discusión. No obstante, advierte sobre los riesgos de acceder a información no fiable o peligrosa en

Your Vital Resources:
Time & Money Management

October 5, 2013

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  • 1. Maximizing Your Vital Resources: Values-Based Time & Money Management PETER S. MOSKOWITZ, M.D. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR CENTER FOR PROFESSIONAL & PERSONAL RENEWAL PALO ALTO, CA Foundation for Medical Excellence October 5, 2013
  • 2. Disclosure Statement • Peter S. Moskowitz, M.D. reports he has no relevant financial relationship with any commercial entity, other than his own consulting business, that provides products or services relevant to this presentation.
  • 3. Maximizing Your Vital Resources Learning Objectives At the conclusion of this presentation physicians will: 1. Address personal values surrounding time allocation. 2. Assess current personal time allocation. 3. Clarify personal values surrounding money allocation. 4. Evaluate current personal wealth management.
  • 4. STRATEGIES FOR PERSONAL RENEWAL • Assess Values and Purpose Annually • Institute Personal Wellness - Healthy Diet - Regular Aerobic Exercise - Consistent Sleep - Preventative Medicine - Regular Fun • Manage Your Stress Effectively (healthy coping) • Balance Your Life • Develop a Support Network • Manage Your Time and Money Strategically • Build Good Communication Skills Copyright CPPR 2012
  • 5. Why the Fuss about Time & Money? • • • • Both can be sources of great stress Good management required for renewal Docs tend to have poor coping skills Life & practice conditions, effecting time and money, are changing rapidly • The New Rules
  • 6. PHYSICIAN COPING SKILLS • Work Harder • Work Harder • Work Harder • Bitch, Bitch, Bitch • Hope Things Change • Isolate Copyright CPPR 2012
  • 7. CHANGING CAREER / LIFE EXPECTATIONS • The Burden of Educational Debt • The Cost of Home Ownership • The Desire for a Balanced Life • New Work Options • Transitions to Non-Clinical Careers
  • 8. The Old Rules vs The New Rules • The Linear Rule • The Circular Rule • The Outside-In Rule • The Inside-Out Rule • Learning Is Just For • Kids Rule Learning Isn’t Just For Kids Rule • The Steady State Rule • Endless Change Rule Copyright CPPR 2012
  • 9. The Linear Rule PROGRESS Be honest and work hard and HAPPINESS you will experience… SECURITY SUCCESS
  • 10. The Circular Rule A CHAPTER OF YOUR LIFE NEW BEGINNING External Change • Dreams & Plans • Accomplishments • Decline & Discord Internal Renewal • Healing • New Goals & Purpose • Training ENDING A LIFE TRANSITION BETWEEN CHAPTERS
  • 12. The Inside-Out Rule Winning at Life Works Best from the INSIDE-OUT Family Voluntary Community, Church YOU Groups, Professional Associations, National Roles Work, Career Global Roles and Citizenship
  • 13. The Steady-State Rule Childhood Adulthood Work + Love creates progress, reaching self-perpetuating levels of happiness, success, and security that get better and better with time.
  • 14. The Endless Change Rule Young Adulthood Midlife Elderhood
  • 15. The CYCLE OF RENEWAL A Model of Life and Career Change
  • 17. PROLONGING “GO FOR IT” • Engage in Continuous Learning • Practice Effective Stress Management Balance Your Life! • Strategic Use of Time and Money • Schedule Frequent Fun!
  • 19. The Importance of Values • values are our personal anchors as we are tossed about in the stormy, uncertain seas of life. • values define our character and sense of self • values help to establish meaning in our lives
  • 20. Your Personal Values Questions to Ponder: 1. What is your most important personal value(s) regarding your time? 2. What is your most important personal value(s) about money?
  • 21. It All Begins with a Re-evaluation of Your Purpose
  • 22. Question to Ponder: What is YOUR Purpose?
  • 25. The Time Management Matrix Not Important Not Urgent I II ACTIVITIES: Crises Pressing problems Deadline-driven projects ACTIVITIES: Prevention, PC activities* Relationship building Recognizing new opportunities Planning, recreation III Important Urgent IV ACTIVITIES: Interruptions, some calls Some mail, some reports Some meetings Proximate, pressing matters Popular activities ACTIVITIES: Trivia, busy work Some mail Some phone calls Time wasters Pleasant activities [S. Covey: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People]
  • 26. FOCUSING ON QUADRANT I I RESULTS: II IV • • • • III Stress Burnout Crisis management Always putting out fires
  • 27. FOCUSING ON QUADRANT III I III RESULTS: • Short-term focus • Crisis management • Reputation-chameleon character • See goals and plans as worthless • Feel victimized, out of control • Shallow or broken relationships II IV
  • 28. FOCUSING ON QUADRANTS III AND IV I II III IV RESULTS: • Total irresponsibility • Fired from jobs • Dependent on others or institutions for basics
  • 29. FOCUSING ON QUADRANT II I, III, IV II RESULTS: • Vision, perspective • Balance • Discipline • Control • Few crises
  • 30. Questions to Ponder about Time • Do you know how all of your 168 hrs/wk are spent? • Are you happy with your time allocation? • Do you spend your time in alignment with your values? • If you could change one thing about your schedule, what would it be?
  • 32. Questions to Ponder: • What are your basic values around money? • Are your expenses less than your income? Are you sure? • What are your short/long term money goals? • Are you on track to succeed with them? • Is your family protected with a will, trust, and a durable power of attorney for health care?
  • 33. Designing Your Time /Money Management Plan
  • 35. The Dali Lama on Man When asked what surprised him most about humanity, the Dali Lama said, “Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. He sacrifices money to recuperate his health. He is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present. The result being that he does not live in the present or the future. He lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never fully lived.”