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Annette Gray
Leadership Coach and Facilitator
How is Well-Being critical to the future of
Learn it, live it, lead it & embed it!
“Know thyself”
We now live in an era where our workforces and our families
are wanting different interactions, different ‘way of being’
and a more respectful way of having conversations.
Leaders are being required more and more to “know thyself”
which means in terms of well-being understanding and
learning how they can work well and live well.
Who am I?
✓ Coaching since 2001
✓ Trained
✓ Over 1,800 coaching hrs
✓ Passionate about Solution Focus
✓ Work in construction, infrastructure, education sectors
✓ Love ocean swimming and mentoring others
✓ Live in Sydney – husband & 2 daughters
✓ Work closely with – Health and Safety Index
7,800 leaders
• In pairs - Warm up – What are you most please about with your mentoring
relationship? And best hopes for today’s session?
• Debrief in full group- what are your best hopes from today’s session?
• Check in - In groups of 4 – What has worked so far? List 20 things! All the
• Debrief in full group
• New groups of 4 - What questions do you have?
• Full group – your questions – things to clarify
• Being solution fcused – Where do you focus the conversation
Poll 1
Has your own Well-being been impacted over the last 2 years?

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The document discusses strategies for maximizing time and money management based on personal values. It recommends physicians assess their values and time/money allocation annually. Old rules of steady linear progress and outside-in fulfillment are contrasted with new rules of endless change and finding purpose from within. Physicians are encouraged to focus on preventative and relationship-building activities, balance life priorities, and ensure financial plans align with goals and provide protection. The goal is to avoid living as if never going to die without fully experiencing the present or envisioning the future.

2013 physician well being conference
APM Does Happiness Pay slidedeck.pdf
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APM Does Happiness Pay slidedeck.pdf

APM event hosted by the North West Branch on 5 December 2023. Speaker: Katie Demain, Global Partner and Change Expert, iOpener Institute There is compelling evidence that it pays to invest in your employees’ happiness. Research findings are clear that happier employees are more productive, which improves your bottom line. Your happiest employees are 65% more energised at work, spend twice as much time on-task, and intend to stay in their job 4 times longer, according to iOpener Institute. This event was held on 5 December 2023. But what does being happy at work actually mean? Why is happiness considered the antidote to poor performance? Isn’t happiness just a fuzzy concept? Should workforce happiness be on your agenda in the current tough economic climate? What does making happy employees mean in real terms for business leaders and managers? This event will bring participants up to speed with all aspects behind workforce happiness – its theory, its value and its challenges – for managers, teams and individuals. And to present practical solutions that you’ll be able to implement straight away with your teams. https://www.apm.org.uk/news/does-happiness-pay/

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Health and Wellness Coaching
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Excel Physiotherapy and Wellness offers step-by-step health and wellness coaching programs, equipping you with valuable tools to help you make positive steps towards lasting change. Our coaching programs are tailored to you, ensuring they fit with your goals, your schedule and your lifestyle.

Before we begin……
1. What have you been most pleased
about in how you have managed your
own or your teams Well-being over the
last two years?
2. Put it in the chat what you are most
pleased about.
1. What is Well-being?
2. Why is Well-being important to leaders?
3. The Global Leadership Wellbeing Survey
(GLWS) profile - first step in educating
leaders on their own well-being.
4. Where do you need to focus to increase
your own well-being?
• Your reflections
Are you helping
to fill the balloon
up or to deflate
Your Wellbeing Leadership

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Critical Success Levers: 1. Accountability - feeling responsible to deliver on commitment, no matter what 2. Engagement - involvement and enthusiasm about the work and the company 3. Collaboration - effective team-work focused on overall organization's goal

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The document discusses self-reflection questions for individuals to evaluate different aspects of their life and leadership. It addresses questions about having a clear vision and priorities, values, time management, getting and providing feedback, succession planning, adapting to changes, performing under pressure, and staying true to your authentic self. The goal is for individuals to periodically assess these areas and ensure their actions still align with who they are and what they want to achieve.

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The Science of Satisfaction: the Data around Personal and Professional Fulfil...The Science of Satisfaction: the Data around Personal and Professional Fulfil...
The Science of Satisfaction: the Data around Personal and Professional Fulfil...

Satisfaction may appear to be highly subjective, but new MRG data reveals patterns in the way highly satisfied individuals approach the world. By discovering where satisfied (and dissatisfied) individuals focus their energy, we can uncover and address the root causes of deep dissatisfaction – which, whether it’s personal, professional, or both, can be a barrier to growth.

leadershipleadership developmenthigh potential leader
Poll 2
Have you heard about the Global Leadership Wellbeing Survey?
Wellbeing implies a sense of thriving,
flourishing, being fully alive, “firing on
all cylinders” and living life to the full,
as well as feeling balanced and calm,
contented and at ease with life.
A definition
What we mean by wellbeing?
Source: Dodge, Daly, Huyton & Sanders 2012
“Wellbeing is a careful balancing act between an individual’s resources
(ASSETS) and the particular challenges (LIABILITIES) being faced, in the
workplace and in their personal life at any one time. When individuals have
more challenges than resources their wellbeing dips, and vice versa.”
Pre Covid

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1on1 and Coaching are very powerful tools for people development. However, many new managers struggle or do not know how to conduct them effectively. I have developed this 1on1 / Coaching beginner’s guide by summarizing some practical TIPS from my personal experience. Then, this slide focuses on the general starter guide rather than theoretical explanations.

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Mindful leader

AMITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AMITY UNIVERSITY UTTAR PRADESH LEADERSHIP WEEK- “THE SPEAKING TREE” on 17 February 2021 Our future challenges require Mindful leaders who can relate to others, are comfortable with ambiguity and solving complex problems, and who can remain calm and focused on what’s important despite what’s going on around them.

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How is Well-Being critical to the future of leadership?
GLWS Framework for Wellbeing
Rate yourself on a 1-5 scale on
each dimension.
5 – Always
4 – Usually
3 – Sometimes
2 – Rarely
1 – Never
It delivers positive outcomes for individuals – leaders and their teams
• Enhanced managerial and leadership performance.*
• 50% increased creativity and innovation.
• 40% increased employee engagement.
• Faster promotions. **
• 16% better overall performance.***
• 125% less burnout.***
• 46% more job satisfaction.***
• Increased performance, satisfaction and happiness
Why well-being matters now
* World Economic Forum 2010
** Boehm & Lyubomirsky 2008
*** HBR 2012
Sam Sample | March 2018

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Tools are important for problem-solvers, but what about leaders? What do they have in their toolkit to help build problem solvers? In this webinar, we'll discuss actions, mindsets and tools leaders have to support and build a culture of process improvement! In this 1-hour webinar, we will cover the 4 key leader roles in building a continuous improvement culture: - Create ideal conditions - Build problem-solving muscles - Identify key leader responsibilities - Strategize on the 4 components of Lean culture

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This session will engage participants in ways to fully leverage the LPI® to drive behavior change in workshop participants and culture change in the organizations they lead. Beyond interpretation of the results, themes, and development plans, we’ll explore techniques to go deeper with individuals. In addition to sharing our own insights and experience, we’ll facilitate table discussions and best practice sharing on topics such as powerful questions, tapping into genuine motivation, dealing with resistance, and ways to reinforce behavior change. Renee Harness is the founder of Harness Leadership, a Certified Master Facilitator of The Leadership Challenge®, and key developer of LPI® Coach Certificate Program. Working with leaders at every level of an organization, her goal is to engage, inspire, and involve people in making meaningful contributions to their work, their communities, and their worlds. Amy Dunn is a member of Integris Performance Advisor’s consulting team and focuses on facilitation of The Leadership Challenge®, LPI® coaching, The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team®, talent management, and meeting design and facilitation. Amy’s greatest professional joy comes from optimizing talent – within individuals, teams, and organizations.

How is Well-Being critical to the future of leadership?
Your turn!
“Change is happening
all the time…
The simple way to
change is to notice the
useful change and
amplify it.”
Gregory Bateson
Solution Focus
“The quality of our lives will
be determined by our small
“You don’t rise to the level
of your goals you fall to the
level of your systems”

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A presentation on how being positive can influence individual performance and bring change in the organization or vice versa. Positivity will not only help in building confidence but also help to overcome any kind of situation.

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One of the best ways to attract and keep talented people is to mentor and coach them. Those who mentor need to also be mentored themselves. These tips apply to not for profit organizations as well as for profit organizations. In this economic climate, mentoring and coaching is even all the more important.

Your questions
How can you be a leader of the future?
Look after your own and others
Learn it, live it, lead it & embed
What will be you next small step
action? Habits start from very small
Ways you can connect
✓ LinkedIn and monthly newsletter and:
✓ Leadership Coaching – 1 to 1 – to support your or you leaders
✓ Introduce coaching style conversations for your leaders through –
✓ Solution Focus Leader as Coach programs
✓ Develop a Mentoring program for your organisation
✓ Group/Team Coaching – to implement a new strategy/approach
Connect or Follow

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Beth Kanter discusses strategies for preventing burnout in nonprofit professionals and organizations. She explains that burnout is caused by feeling overwhelmed with too many demands and too little recovery time. Kanter advocates for implementing self-care plans that incorporate habits across five spheres of living: protecting sleep, standing more at work, walking, scheduling quiet time, and taking real vacations. She argues that moving from individual self-care to a culture of "WE-Care" through leadership, employee engagement, and intentional focus on culture change can help nonprofits thrive without burnout.

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In the YMCA, many of our CEOs are fully consumed on a daily basis with the demands of running their Y. This presentation will give them the opportunity to take a step back, reflect, and address several key areas of their leadership that are vital for navigating the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. The four main topic areas are: Values: Finding the North Star of your Personal Leadership Philosophy. Purpose: Harnessing the Wind in the Sails of Purpose. Culture: Adjusting the Invisible Rudder that is Steering your Ship. Relationships: Sharpening your EQ Skills to Inspire and Motivate your Crew.

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The integrity and success of most critical risk management systems are often determined by the quality of safety leadership within the business. Not only do leaders need to ensure that the frontline workforce is adequately enabled to implement the appropriate critical controls at the task level, but they also need to support their workers through regular in-field reviews and verifications to ensure controls are present and effective. These infield interactions require leaders to have a mix of technical and interpersonal skills, to be able to coach the workforce to build critical control knowledge, as well as inviting open and collaborative discussions when gaps are identified, or improvement ideas are raised. Explore: - The role of the safety leadership within a critical risk management system - Interpersonal communication strategies for an effective infield critical control verification process - Understanding and responding to absent or ineffective controls - Encouraging ongoing continuous improvement within the work planning and safety management system

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Annette Gray
Leadership Coach, Facilitator and Speaker
* annette@annettegray.com.au
 0410 615 889
Annette Gray Consulting
✓ Leader as Coach programs
✓ Mentoring programs
✓ Group/Team Coaching
✓ Leadership Coaching

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How is Well-Being critical to the future of leadership?

  • 1. Annette Gray Leadership Coach and Facilitator How is Well-Being critical to the future of leadership? Learn it, live it, lead it & embed it!
  • 2. “Know thyself” We now live in an era where our workforces and our families are wanting different interactions, different ‘way of being’ and a more respectful way of having conversations. Leaders are being required more and more to “know thyself” which means in terms of well-being understanding and learning how they can work well and live well.
  • 3. Who am I? ✓ Coaching since 2001 ✓ Trained ✓ Over 1,800 coaching hrs ✓ Passionate about Solution Focus ✓ Work in construction, infrastructure, education sectors ✓ Love ocean swimming and mentoring others ✓ Live in Sydney – husband & 2 daughters ✓ Work closely with – Health and Safety Index 7,800 leaders
  • 4. • In pairs - Warm up – What are you most please about with your mentoring relationship? And best hopes for today’s session? • Debrief in full group- what are your best hopes from today’s session? • Check in - In groups of 4 – What has worked so far? List 20 things! All the detail! • Debrief in full group • New groups of 4 - What questions do you have? • Full group – your questions – things to clarify • Being solution fcused – Where do you focus the conversation Agenda Poll 1 Has your own Well-being been impacted over the last 2 years? Yes No
  • 5. Before we begin…… 1. What have you been most pleased about in how you have managed your own or your teams Well-being over the last two years? 2. Put it in the chat what you are most pleased about.
  • 6. Today 1. What is Well-being? 2. Why is Well-being important to leaders? 3. The Global Leadership Wellbeing Survey (GLWS) profile - first step in educating leaders on their own well-being. 4. Where do you need to focus to increase your own well-being? • Your reflections
  • 7. Are you helping to fill the balloon up or to deflate it?
  • 9. Poll 2 Have you heard about the Global Leadership Wellbeing Survey? Yes No
  • 10. Wellbeing implies a sense of thriving, flourishing, being fully alive, “firing on all cylinders” and living life to the full, as well as feeling balanced and calm, contented and at ease with life. A definition
  • 11. What we mean by wellbeing? Source: Dodge, Daly, Huyton & Sanders 2012 Wellbeing ASSETS: Physical Emotional Mental Social Spiritual LIABILITIES: Physical Emotional Mental Social Spiritual “Wellbeing is a careful balancing act between an individual’s resources (ASSETS) and the particular challenges (LIABILITIES) being faced, in the workplace and in their personal life at any one time. When individuals have more challenges than resources their wellbeing dips, and vice versa.”
  • 14. GLWS Framework for Wellbeing Rate yourself on a 1-5 scale on each dimension. 5 – Always 4 – Usually 3 – Sometimes 2 – Rarely 1 – Never
  • 15. It delivers positive outcomes for individuals – leaders and their teams • Enhanced managerial and leadership performance.* • 50% increased creativity and innovation. • 40% increased employee engagement. • Faster promotions. ** • 16% better overall performance.*** • 125% less burnout.*** • 46% more job satisfaction.*** • Increased performance, satisfaction and happiness Why well-being matters now Sources: * World Economic Forum 2010 ** Boehm & Lyubomirsky 2008 *** HBR 2012
  • 16. PERSONAL WELLBEING REPORT Sam Sample | March 2018
  • 19. “Change is happening all the time… The simple way to change is to notice the useful change and amplify it.” Gregory Bateson Solution Focus
  • 20. “The quality of our lives will be determined by our small habits” “You don’t rise to the level of your goals you fall to the level of your systems”
  • 22. How can you be a leader of the future? Look after your own and others Well-being! Learn it, live it, lead it & embed it! What will be you next small step action? Habits start from very small actions!
  • 23. Ways you can connect ✓ LinkedIn and monthly newsletter and: ✓ Leadership Coaching – 1 to 1 – to support your or you leaders wellbeing ✓ Introduce coaching style conversations for your leaders through – ✓ Solution Focus Leader as Coach programs ✓ Develop a Mentoring program for your organisation ✓ Group/Team Coaching – to implement a new strategy/approach
  • 25. Annette Gray Leadership Coach, Facilitator and Speaker * annette@annettegray.com.au  0410 615 889 Annette Gray Consulting www.annettegray.com.au ✓ Leader as Coach programs ✓ Mentoring programs ✓ Group/Team Coaching ✓ Leadership Coaching