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SARAH GuinnNational School-basedMentoring conferenceThriving in this Economic Climate by Making People Count
Mentors plant & shape trees… Rarely do they realize the shade of those trees
Economic CrisisEffects society as a whole:Job lossDecreases in incomeDeclines in the production of products & services
Fiscal CrisisAffects organizations and institutions:Persistent negative gap Between expenditures & revenuesBetween assets & liabilities

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The Power of WHY: The Key to Uniting Employees Around Your Company Vision [Ma...

What separates successful, innovative corporate responsibility programs from the status quo? The answer may be simpler than you think. On March 18th, 2016, Stephanie Staidle, founder of The Right Brain Entrepreneur joined VolunteerMatch to explore The Power of Why: The Key to Uniting Employees Around Your Company Vision. In this complimentary webinar, attendees learned how to unite employees around your company vision and inspire them to take part in your cause work. How? By understanding and using your company's "why".

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Dr. Sujatha discusses why leaders often struggle and provides strategies for better leadership. Poor leadership habits, lack of mentoring and training can hinder leaders. Leaders should turn employees on through praise, learning opportunities, and rewards, rather than inflexibility or workaholism. Delegation allows sharing of work but leaders fear losing authority or work being done better; the key is choosing qualified people, exhibiting confidence, and giving praise. Effective communication keeps employees informed through honest, open, and transparent discussions.

Agile camp2016 servant leadership
Agile camp2016 servant leadershipAgile camp2016 servant leadership
Agile camp2016 servant leadership

This document discusses servant leadership. It provides definitions of servant leadership from Robert Greenleaf and Larry Spears, identifying key traits like trustworthiness, respect, and commitment to growth. It notes that the best servant leaders serve others first in order to help them grow. The document also stresses the importance of trust for effective leadership and achieving organizational goals. It challenges readers to experiment with their own leadership behaviors and interactions to strengthen servant leadership skills.

Managing a Nonprofit in a Crisis75% are feeling effects of downturn52% have already experienced cuts28% have a “well-defined” contingency plan74% have less than 6 months of operating reservesBridgespan Group “Managing in Tough Times” survey 11/04/08
How are you managing the crisis?
Vision, Mission, & Goals
FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUSMake sure your Vision is clear and understood  by allFocus on your primary MissionGoals…help you keep your eyes on the targetRemind others of your targetCelebrate your successes!

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This document discusses servant leadership and provides resources on the topic. It defines servant leadership as having a natural feeling of wanting to serve others first. Several principles of servant leadership are described, such as listening, empathy, and commitment to the growth of people. The document encourages experiments with leadership behaviors and interactions with others to build trust within organizations. It provides a list of books and articles on servant leadership and agile leadership that were resources for the presentation.

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Failure provides an opportunity to learn and improve. Great leaders develop a positive attitude, treat people with integrity and respect, and empower followers through staff development. A leader's attitude is influential, and focusing on vision, problem solving, and being appreciated as a human being can help one become a better leader.

Why do people work for nonprofits?Money?Benefits?Recognition?How have your employees and volunteers been impacted by this economy?
The People PrincipleBook by Ron WillinghamPeople have unlimited potential that has been largely unrecognized and untapped.  When discovered and accessed, this potential can lead them to far greater levels of productivity than they ever imagined, causing them to feel better about themselves and enjoy life more.
When have you been mentored?Identify a person in your life  whose belief in you influenced you to be where you are today
How to influence people?Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of being. Effective mentoring begins by seeing greatness in people who don’t see it in themselves and then helping them discover it.  It’s treating people as if they were what they can become.

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This document discusses how to transition volunteer programs from being "nice to have" resources to being key components of an organization's success. It recommends focusing on volunteers' motivations rather than just thanking them, and including impact in recognition. Opportunities should be designed to create an emotional connection to the mission and emphasize outcomes over tasks. The organization should understand stakeholders' perspectives on volunteer value and share stories of volunteer impacts. Pilot programs can start small by learning what matters to volunteers and incorporating outcomes into role descriptions and conversations.

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Fundraising requires careful consideration and planning. Personal fundraising may involve raising $50,000 per year for 50 years of ministry, or 50% of needs through faith. Developing credibility through church involvement, accomplishing work for the poor, starting discipleship groups, and accessing foundation or business funding are suggested. US foundations operate like tribes with rituals and barriers, so researching databases, familiarizing with 990 forms, and building relationships are important. Proposals should be simple, with visuals, clearly describing needs, vision, strategy, leadership, and finances. Accountability through reporting is as important as success. Effective communications include regular reports, brochures, newsletters, websites, blogs, conferences, and fundraising letters.

TRUSTFew things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him and let him know that you trust him.Booker T. Washington
What can you do “add value” to the job?Make the work have purposeHelp people see the impact of their workMake it funOffer flexibility…hours and locationMentor your individual team members…
MentoringPeople will just naturally get more done when you regularly  and systematically mentor them into new levels of self-discovery  and personal effectiveness.
Shout goals for all to hear!Write goals for all to see!

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This document provides strategies for creating a happy and engaged workforce. It discusses the ROI of employee happiness and engagement, including higher productivity, sales, and creativity. It emphasizes aligning company vision, mission and values with employee work. It identifies seven facets of engagement: feeling valued, meaningful work, good relationships, an enabling environment, effective leadership, opportunities for growth, and appropriate rewards. Specific tactics are suggested for each facet, such as collaborative performance management, flexible work, and recognition programs. The document also discusses onboarding best practices to build engagement from the start.

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Sarah Fitzgerald, director, Self Communications  Visit the CharityComms website to view slides from past events, see what events we have coming up and to check out what else we do: www.charitycomms.org.uk

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What gets measured gets accomplished!
Inspect what you Expect!
Mentoring Process – 5 StepsASK – about their goalsLISTEN – without interruptionsCOACH – knowledge, skills, or actionsPRAISE – specific behaviorsCHALLENGE – to become their best
Affirmation CardsI Believe in YOU!Thank you for committing to this goal:

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DISC Profile Card Summary Disclaimer: Copyrights Reserved. This is only for personal usage. We are not allowed to post this online or photocopy for other training/coaching usage without permission.

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The document discusses building trust within teams. It notes that high-performing teams depend on mutual respect and trust between members. There are four key elements to building trust: honesty, openness, consistency, and respect. A lack of trust can negatively impact communication, delegation, empowerment, productivity, and results. Research shows that high-trust companies outperform low-trust companies by nearly 300% due to a "hidden tax" on interactions when trust is low. The document suggests identifying "anti-patterns" that undermine trust and countering them with "boost patterns" to create a trusting environment within teams and organizations.

I believe in you and your ability to reach this goal because of these strengths I see in you:I have High Expectations!I believe that you can perform on the level of:
I believe this because of these strengths I see in you:Managing versus MentoringYou Manage ThingsYou Mentor PeopleManaging is something you do “TO” peopleMentoring is something you do “WITH” peopleMentoring is a privilege & an awesome responsibility
Does your team know how much you care about them?1. What are your main interests outside of work?2. What do you like to do in your spare time?3. What events in your life brought you to where you are today?4. If you could change things in your life, what would you change?5. What’s the most important thing you want out of your job?
6.  Who has been the greatest influence in your life?7.  As a child, what did you want to become when you grew up?8.  How would you do your job better?9.  If you didn’t have to work, what would you do with your life?10. Who in your life positively encourages your development?

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The document discusses strategies for influencing others and generating innovative ideas. It emphasizes that people resist change and outlines approaches like involving stakeholders, inquiring about their needs, leading with a compelling vision, and proposing solutions. Effective influencers are experts in their domain, build relationships, communicate clearly, and understand different influencing styles like involving others, inquiring about needs, leading with a vision, and proposing options. The key is adapting one's approach based on competence, relationships, and clarity of message and purpose.

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The document discusses principles for executive effectiveness as outlined by Peter Drucker in 1966. It emphasizes that executives must (1) manage their own time effectively in order to achieve results, (2) focus on their contributions and impacts outside the organization, and (3) make decisions based on considering alternative viewpoints rather than just facts that support a predetermined conclusion. Drucker outlines five practices for effectiveness: knowing how you spend your time, focusing on results not effort, building on your strengths, prioritizing what counts, and making effective decisions.

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The document outlines a vision for transforming American education through technology. It proposes a model with 5 pillars: (1) personalized learning experiences for students powered by technology; (2) using technology to better assess student learning; (3) supporting teachers through connected teaching and continuous learning; (4) providing comprehensive technology infrastructure for all; and (5) leveraging technology to improve productivity and use of resources. The goal is an "always on" learning system that prepares students with 21st century skills and provides educators with tools and data to improve continuously.

by Ware
Build your team members…Build your organization!

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YF Nat School Based Mentoring

  • 1. SARAH GuinnNational School-basedMentoring conferenceThriving in this Economic Climate by Making People Count
  • 2. Mentors plant & shape trees… Rarely do they realize the shade of those trees
  • 3. Economic CrisisEffects society as a whole:Job lossDecreases in incomeDeclines in the production of products & services
  • 4. Fiscal CrisisAffects organizations and institutions:Persistent negative gap Between expenditures & revenuesBetween assets & liabilities
  • 5. Managing a Nonprofit in a Crisis75% are feeling effects of downturn52% have already experienced cuts28% have a “well-defined” contingency plan74% have less than 6 months of operating reservesBridgespan Group “Managing in Tough Times” survey 11/04/08
  • 6. How are you managing the crisis?
  • 8. FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUSMake sure your Vision is clear and understood by allFocus on your primary MissionGoals…help you keep your eyes on the targetRemind others of your targetCelebrate your successes!
  • 9. Why do people work for nonprofits?Money?Benefits?Recognition?How have your employees and volunteers been impacted by this economy?
  • 10. The People PrincipleBook by Ron WillinghamPeople have unlimited potential that has been largely unrecognized and untapped. When discovered and accessed, this potential can lead them to far greater levels of productivity than they ever imagined, causing them to feel better about themselves and enjoy life more.
  • 11. When have you been mentored?Identify a person in your life whose belief in you influenced you to be where you are today
  • 12. How to influence people?Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of being. Effective mentoring begins by seeing greatness in people who don’t see it in themselves and then helping them discover it. It’s treating people as if they were what they can become.
  • 13. TRUSTFew things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him and let him know that you trust him.Booker T. Washington
  • 14. What can you do “add value” to the job?Make the work have purposeHelp people see the impact of their workMake it funOffer flexibility…hours and locationMentor your individual team members…
  • 15. MentoringPeople will just naturally get more done when you regularly and systematically mentor them into new levels of self-discovery and personal effectiveness.
  • 16. Shout goals for all to hear!Write goals for all to see!
  • 17. What gets measured gets accomplished!
  • 19. Mentoring Process – 5 StepsASK – about their goalsLISTEN – without interruptionsCOACH – knowledge, skills, or actionsPRAISE – specific behaviorsCHALLENGE – to become their best
  • 20. Affirmation CardsI Believe in YOU!Thank you for committing to this goal:
  • 21. I believe in you and your ability to reach this goal because of these strengths I see in you:I have High Expectations!I believe that you can perform on the level of:
  • 22. I believe this because of these strengths I see in you:Managing versus MentoringYou Manage ThingsYou Mentor PeopleManaging is something you do “TO” peopleMentoring is something you do “WITH” peopleMentoring is a privilege & an awesome responsibility
  • 23. Does your team know how much you care about them?1. What are your main interests outside of work?2. What do you like to do in your spare time?3. What events in your life brought you to where you are today?4. If you could change things in your life, what would you change?5. What’s the most important thing you want out of your job?
  • 24. 6. Who has been the greatest influence in your life?7. As a child, what did you want to become when you grew up?8. How would you do your job better?9. If you didn’t have to work, what would you do with your life?10. Who in your life positively encourages your development?
  • 25. Build your team members…Build your organization!
  • 27. ResourcesUkeless, Jacob “Doing More with Less.” https://www.policyarchive.org/bitstream/handle/10207/17727/Jack%20Ukeles%20on%20Doing%20More%20With%20Less-May%202009.pdf?sequence=1
  • 28. “Bridgespan Group “Managing in Tough Times” Survey. November 14, 2008. www.bridgespan.com
  • 29. Head, George L. “Sustaining Nonprofits During Economic Downturns.” NonProfit Risk Management Center. http://nonprofitrisk.org/library/articles/strategy09002003.shtml
  • 30. Male, Richard. “How to Prepare Your NonProfit for an Economic Recession.” Grassroots Fundraising Journal, May/June 2008. www.grassrootsfundraising.org
  • 31. Seltzer, Michael “A to Z Survival Guide for Uncertain Times.” Philantopic. October 15, 2008 http://pndblog.typepad.com/pndblog/2008/10/the-a-to-z-nonp.html