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By: Angela Linkert & Ali Leatherdale
Depressio n, Anx iety & Ea ting Diso rders
What is Mental Health?
• Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and
social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It
also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to
others, and make choices.
(Health and Human Services, n.d.).
Why is Mental Health a
• People are not seeking professional help
• It is easy to self diagnose
• It can affect the person’s thought process
• It can affect social interactions
• People do not understand why they are
constantly angry or sad
(Psych Guides)
WHO does it affect?
• Mental health can affect ANYONE
(children, adolescents or adults)

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This document discusses mental health and mental illness. It defines mental health as a state of well-being where an individual can cope with stress and function productively. Mental health is determined by socioeconomic, biological, and environmental factors. The document outlines early warning signs of mental illness like changes in behavior, mood, or functioning. It stresses that seeking early evaluation and treatment can help prevent severe illness. Stigma surrounding mental illness causes people to view the person, not the condition, as the problem.

Mental Health 1
Mental Health 1Mental Health 1
Mental Health 1

The document discusses normal mental health and mental illness. It notes that distinguishing between normal and abnormal mental health is difficult as there is no clear test. Mental illnesses are defined based on signs, symptoms, and functional impairments. Common types of mental illnesses include anxiety disorders, personality disorders, psychotic disorders, and impulse control disorders. The document then provides details on anxiety disorders, personality disorders, and treatments for mental illness such as medication, therapy, and community support.

Mental health
Mental healthMental health
Mental health

The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted mental health worldwide. Social isolation and stress about the virus, health, jobs and financial security have increased anxiety, depression, and exacerbated existing mental illness. Accessing mental health services has also become more difficult due to social distancing. Coping strategies include exercising, connecting with others virtually, getting enough sleep, and avoiding drugs/alcohol. However, the Philippines lacks sufficient mental healthcare resources as there is less than one provider per 100,000 people.

Mental Illness:
• Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health
conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking
and behavior. (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2015).
• Many people have mental health concerns from time to
time. But a mental health concern becomes a mental
illness when ongoing signs and symptoms cause frequent
stress and affect your ability to function. (Mayo Clinic
Staff, 2015)
Most Common
Types of Mental Illness:
• An illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts and
that affects the way a person eats, sleeps, feels about
himself or herself, and thinks about things.
• Depression is not the same as a passing blue mood.
Without treatment, symptoms can last for weeks, months,
or years. (Net Medicine, 2012)

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Mental Health, Illness, Stigma and Awareness Strategies

Mental health, Illness, Health definitions, psychology, mental health professionals, Global scenario and Indian Scenario of Mental Illness prevalence, statistics, Common Mental Disorders, Stigma against Mental illness, Awareness, strategies to reduce stigma

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Mental health disorder
Mental health disorderMental health disorder
Mental health disorder

This document discusses various mental health disorders including anxiety disorders, mood disorders, psychotic disorders, eating disorders, impulse control and addiction disorders, personality disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. It provides brief descriptions of each type of disorder and notes that treatment depends on the specific disorder but may involve medication and therapy. The document also introduces Dr. Anjali Nagpal, a psychiatrist in Delhi who provides psychotherapy and creates a comfortable environment for addressing people's mental health issues at her clinic, Serenity Clinic.

Anxiety causes nervousness, fear, apprehension and
worrying. This mental illness affects how we feel and
 Nausea
 Headaches
 Backaches
 Sweating
 Restlessness
 Trouble Concentrating
 Muscle Tension
 Numbness of pins and
 Trouble falling asleep
What Causes Anxiety?
 Environmental Factors:
 Stress at work
 Stress from school
 Stress about money
 Medical Factors:
 Side effects of medication
 Brain Chemistry
 Substance Abuse
 Genetics
Anxiety and Depression Association of America
 Get help/ talk to a
 Learn what triggers your
 Accept you cannot control
 Breathe…Lots.
 Eat well balanced meals
 Give yourself time
 Learn relaxation techniques
(Anxiety & Depression
Association of America, 2016)
Eating Disorders
Eating disorders involve harmful thoughts and feelings that
affect the way a person feels about food and how they see
their body.
Anorexia Nervosa
• This type of eating disorder affects how people feel about their body
and how they eat. People that suffer from anorexia often think that
their body is bigger than it is. They constantly worry about becoming
fat yet they are losing weight. (Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre)

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This document provides information about mental health and mental illness in Bangladesh. It discusses several key points: - Mental health is an integral part of overall health that impacts how people manage their lives. However, mental health services in Bangladesh are very limited. - Approximately 1.5 million people in Bangladesh currently suffer from mental illness, yet there are only 85 psychiatrists and limited treatment options, especially in rural areas. - The document makes recommendations to improve mental health in Bangladesh such as providing treatment in primary care settings, making medicines more available and affordable, educating the public, and establishing national policies and legislation to support the mental health sector. - While attitudes towards mental illness in Bangladesh remain challenging, organizations

healthcarehealthmental health
Mental health
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Mental health

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act, and helps determine how we handle stress and relate to others. The WHO defines mental health as a state of well-being in which people can realize their potential, cope with life's stresses, work productively, and contribute to their community. Characteristics of good mental health include normal eating and sleep patterns, ability to perform daily activities, deal with problems, lack of strange ideas or excessive emotions, and ability to socialize without unusual fear. Factors like heredity, physiology, and environment can impact poor mental health. Teachers can promote mental health by arranging yoga, ensuring relaxation time and good workplace

mental health
Chapter 7 mental health and well being
Chapter 7   mental health and well being Chapter 7   mental health and well being
Chapter 7 mental health and well being

The document discusses several topics related to mental health including causes, symptoms, and treatment. It defines mental health as maintaining successful mental activity including daily activities and relationships. Mental illness is described as abnormal brain functioning that can be caused by both genetics and environment interacting, rather than just stress. Common mental health challenges are mentioned such as depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. The document emphasizes that mental illness is treatable and those with mental illness can live productive lives with treatment. It encourages seeking help from others if experiencing feelings of sadness, stress, or worry.

Bulimia Nervosa
A serious eating disorder that is characterized by compulsive
overeating usually followed by self-induced vomiting or diuretic
Fact: People that suffer from Bulimia usually show signs of
depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder. They are
also at risk for substance abuse and suicidal actions. (Healthline)
Did YOU know…?
• Suicide is the leading cause of death in 15-24 year old Canadian (CMHA)
• 10 – 20% of Canadian youth are affected by mental illness (CMHA)
• Only 1 out of 5 children who need mental health resources receives them
• In 2005, more than 500,000Canadians suffered from some sort of eating disorder
• By grade 10, 39% of girls believe they are fat. (Public Health Agency of Canada)
• Anxiety disorders affect 5% of the household population (CMHA)
• The total number of 12-19 year olds in Canada are at risk for developing
depression is a staggering 3.2 million (CMHA)
• Over 4,000 people die prematurely each year by suicide. (CMHA)
Students will poor mental health
have problems adjusting to 1st year
of college or university
Sometimes being away from family
can have students feel overwhelmed
People that suffer from a mental
illness have a hard time relating and
connecting to other people
Individuals feel like they
are alone
Affects individuals quality
of life; good jobs, safe
housing and good health
Education difficulties
Positive Mental Health allows
people to…
• Cope with every day stresses
• Work productively
• Maintain good relationships
• Cope with change
• Ability to feel and express both
positive and negative emotions
• Reduces the possibility of having a
Mental illness

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This presentation about mental health, Factor Affecting the Health, Mental illness, Psychological and physiological symptoms of mental disorders,Common mental disorders (depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders, addictive behaviors and Alzheimer’s disease), prevention and promotion program, Types of behavioral therapy, Factors contribute to the achievement of mental health.

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Mental Illness; A Misunderstanding Within Society
Mental Illness; A Misunderstanding Within SocietyMental Illness; A Misunderstanding Within Society
Mental Illness; A Misunderstanding Within Society

This document discusses mental illness and the stigma surrounding it in society. It notes that 1 in 5 Canadians will experience a mental illness in their lifetime. Mental illnesses include anxiety disorders, mood disorders like depression, personality disorders, schizophrenia, and others. While treatable with support and medication, mental illness remains a taboo topic shrouded in misunderstanding. The document argues for educating the public to reduce stigma and encourage those in need to seek help.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Orientation Lecture
Mental Health and Wellbeing Orientation LectureMental Health and Wellbeing Orientation Lecture
Mental Health and Wellbeing Orientation Lecture

This document discusses mental health and wellbeing. It defines mental health as a state of well-being that allows an individual to cope with normal life stresses and contribute productively to their community. Mental health is influenced by both protective and risk factors and allows people to respond to challenges. Around 20% of children and adolescents have mental disorders or problems, and mental disorders are the leading cause of disability worldwide. Stigma and discrimination prevent many from seeking needed mental health care.

mental healthwellbeingdiaconia university
Probable Solutions
• Getting professional help
• Connecting with others
• Staying positive
• Physical activity
• Helping others
• Lots of Sleep
• Learn coping skills
Conflict Theory
The conflict theory views society as a struggle among different groups
and interests competing for power and resources. This relates to mental
health and well being because some people that struggle with a mental
health cannot get resources due to financial income and transportation.
Resources and treatment also depends on your social class. For
example, the commercial sector in relation to social welfare is that those
who can afford to pay for higher recourses have to pay the cost which it
isn’t always cheap. This means those that can afford to pay are usually
not put on a wait list for months and months. People with a mental
illness are labelled to be weak which corresponds to negative stigma
and those people are seen as part of a stereotyped group. Stigma creates
barriers to those that suffer from mental illness and this can lead to
Mental health issues can affect our day to day schedule. This means it
can hit all aspects of your life; physical, social, economic, spiritual and
mental. A lot of people suffer from mental illness because of their poor,
negative mental health. We need to take in to consideration that some
adults have a hard time understanding how severe children’s mental
health/illness can be. It is so important we take mental health issues in
children seriously. Anyone who suffers from mental health or illness are
able to learn new coping strategies and reach out to get the proper help
each person needs. People who have positive mental health are able to
control their emotions and behaviours. They are able to handle life’s day
to day stresses, build strong relationships and find resiliency in
Anxiety & Depression Association of America. (2016). Tips to manage anxiety and stress. Retrieved from
Canadian Mental Health Association. (2016). Mental Health. Retrieved from
Corrigan, P. & Watson, A. (2002, February). Understanding the impact of stigma on people with mental
illness. World Psychiatry. Retrieved http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1489832/
Crosta, P. (2015, August 3). Anxiety: causes, symptoms and treatment. Medical News Today. Retrieved
from http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/info/anxiety/
Health & Human Services. (n.d.). What is mental health. Retrieved from
Healthline (n.d.). The effects of bulimia on the body. Healthline. Retrieved from
Kelly Mental Health (n.d.). Eating disorders. Retrieved
From http://keltymentalhealth.ca/mentalhealth/disorders/eating-disorders#view-tabs-1
Mayo Clinical Staff (2015). Definition. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-
Mental Health Foundation. (2015). What are mental health problems. Retrieved from https://
(2012, March 19). Definition of depression. Medicine Net. Retrieved from
Psych Guides. (n.d.). Mental health problems, symptoms and causes. Psych Guides. Retrieved from

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What is mental illnessWhat is mental illness
What is mental illness

Mental illness has been recognized for over 4,000 years. Early attempts to treat it were often cruel, such as chaining or torturing patients due to beliefs that mental illness was caused by demonic possession. In the late 1800s, some doctors experimented with methods to influence blood flow to the brain like tranquilizer chairs and spinning chairs, but these provided no lasting benefits. Through the 1900s, many mentally ill individuals were institutionalized in asylum conditions that were often deplorable. Lobotomies and electroshock therapy were introduced in the mid-20th century as treatments but often had negative effects and did not cure illness. Understanding and treatment of mental illness has significantly improved since these early attempts.

mental healthwhat is mental illnessmental illness facts
Ppda lecture 5 understanding mental health slideshare version
Ppda lecture 5 understanding mental health slideshare versionPpda lecture 5 understanding mental health slideshare version
Ppda lecture 5 understanding mental health slideshare version

The document discusses mental health, including definitions, common disorders, and the Philippine Mental Health Law. It defines mental health as cognitive, behavioral and emotional well-being. Common disorders include anxiety disorders, mood disorders like depression, and schizophrenia. Anxiety disorders are the most common and include panic disorder, phobias, OCD, and PTSD. Mood disorders involve changes in mood like depression and bipolar disorder. Schizophrenia typically begins between ages 15-25 and involves symptoms like delusions and hallucinations. The most common mental illnesses in the Philippines are schizophrenia, substance abuse, PTSD, and depression. The Philippine Mental Health Law was passed in 2018 to enhance mental health services and protections.

artist and mental healthmental illnessmental illness treatment
Mental Health and Mental Illness
Mental Health and Mental IllnessMental Health and Mental Illness
Mental Health and Mental Illness

Mental Health and Mental Illness should be known to everyone. Unfortunately, it is still a stigma and not many people would talk about it, let alone learn about it. I hope that this could spread information and awareness especially to the younger generations who are not taught about this.

mental healthmental illnessteenager

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Multi Media Presentation: Problems of Well-Being and Mental Health

  • 1. PROBLEMS OF WELL-BEING: By: Angela Linkert & Ali Leatherdale MENTAL HEALTH Depressio n, Anx iety & Ea ting Diso rders
  • 2. What is Mental Health? • Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. (Health and Human Services, n.d.).
  • 3. Why is Mental Health a problem? • People are not seeking professional help • It is easy to self diagnose • It can affect the person’s thought process • It can affect social interactions • People do not understand why they are constantly angry or sad (Psych Guides)
  • 4. WHO does it affect? • Mental health can affect ANYONE (children, adolescents or adults)
  • 5. Mental Illness: • Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2015). • Many people have mental health concerns from time to time. But a mental health concern becomes a mental illness when ongoing signs and symptoms cause frequent stress and affect your ability to function. (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2015)
  • 6. Most Common Types of Mental Illness: DEPRESSION, ANXIETY & EATING DISORDERS
  • 7. Depression • An illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts and that affects the way a person eats, sleeps, feels about himself or herself, and thinks about things. • Depression is not the same as a passing blue mood. Without treatment, symptoms can last for weeks, months, or years. (Net Medicine, 2012)
  • 9. Anxiety Anxiety causes nervousness, fear, apprehension and worrying. This mental illness affects how we feel and behave. Symptoms:  Nausea  Headaches  Backaches  Sweating  Restlessness  Trouble Concentrating  Muscle Tension  Numbness of pins and needless  Trouble falling asleep What Causes Anxiety?  Environmental Factors:  Stress at work  Stress from school  Stress about money  Medical Factors:  Side effects of medication  Brain Chemistry  Substance Abuse  Genetics Anxiety and Depression Association of America
  • 10.  Get help/ talk to a professional  Learn what triggers your anxiety  Accept you cannot control everything  Breathe…Lots.  Eat well balanced meals  Give yourself time  Learn relaxation techniques (Anxiety & Depression Association of America, 2016)
  • 11. Eating Disorders Eating disorders involve harmful thoughts and feelings that affect the way a person feels about food and how they see their body.
  • 12. Anorexia Nervosa • This type of eating disorder affects how people feel about their body and how they eat. People that suffer from anorexia often think that their body is bigger than it is. They constantly worry about becoming fat yet they are losing weight. (Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre)
  • 13. Bulimia Nervosa A serious eating disorder that is characterized by compulsive overeating usually followed by self-induced vomiting or diuretic abuse. Fact: People that suffer from Bulimia usually show signs of depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder. They are also at risk for substance abuse and suicidal actions. (Healthline)
  • 14. Did YOU know…? • Suicide is the leading cause of death in 15-24 year old Canadian (CMHA) • 10 – 20% of Canadian youth are affected by mental illness (CMHA) • Only 1 out of 5 children who need mental health resources receives them (CMHA) • In 2005, more than 500,000Canadians suffered from some sort of eating disorder (CMHA) • By grade 10, 39% of girls believe they are fat. (Public Health Agency of Canada) • Anxiety disorders affect 5% of the household population (CMHA) • The total number of 12-19 year olds in Canada are at risk for developing depression is a staggering 3.2 million (CMHA) • Over 4,000 people die prematurely each year by suicide. (CMHA)
  • 15. Individual Consequences: Students will poor mental health have problems adjusting to 1st year of college or university Sometimes being away from family can have students feel overwhelmed People that suffer from a mental illness have a hard time relating and connecting to other people Social Consequences: Individuals feel like they are alone Affects individuals quality of life; good jobs, safe housing and good health care Education difficulties
  • 16. Positive Mental Health allows people to… • Cope with every day stresses • Work productively • Maintain good relationships • Cope with change • Ability to feel and express both positive and negative emotions • Reduces the possibility of having a Mental illness
  • 17. Probable Solutions • Getting professional help • Connecting with others • Staying positive • Physical activity • Helping others • Lots of Sleep • Learn coping skills
  • 18. Conflict Theory The conflict theory views society as a struggle among different groups and interests competing for power and resources. This relates to mental health and well being because some people that struggle with a mental health cannot get resources due to financial income and transportation. Resources and treatment also depends on your social class. For example, the commercial sector in relation to social welfare is that those who can afford to pay for higher recourses have to pay the cost which it isn’t always cheap. This means those that can afford to pay are usually not put on a wait list for months and months. People with a mental illness are labelled to be weak which corresponds to negative stigma and those people are seen as part of a stereotyped group. Stigma creates barriers to those that suffer from mental illness and this can lead to discrimination.
  • 19. Conclusion Mental health issues can affect our day to day schedule. This means it can hit all aspects of your life; physical, social, economic, spiritual and mental. A lot of people suffer from mental illness because of their poor, negative mental health. We need to take in to consideration that some adults have a hard time understanding how severe children’s mental health/illness can be. It is so important we take mental health issues in children seriously. Anyone who suffers from mental health or illness are able to learn new coping strategies and reach out to get the proper help each person needs. People who have positive mental health are able to control their emotions and behaviours. They are able to handle life’s day to day stresses, build strong relationships and find resiliency in themselves.
  • 20. References: Anxiety & Depression Association of America. (2016). Tips to manage anxiety and stress. Retrieved from http://www.adaa.org/tips-manage-anxiety-and-stress Canadian Mental Health Association. (2016). Mental Health. Retrieved from http://www.cmha.ca/mental-health/?offset=20 Corrigan, P. & Watson, A. (2002, February). Understanding the impact of stigma on people with mental illness. World Psychiatry. Retrieved http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1489832/ Crosta, P. (2015, August 3). Anxiety: causes, symptoms and treatment. Medical News Today. Retrieved from http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/info/anxiety/ Health & Human Services. (n.d.). What is mental health. Retrieved from http://www.mentalhealth.gov/basics/what-is-mental-health/ Healthline (n.d.). The effects of bulimia on the body. Healthline. Retrieved from http://www.healthline.com/health/bulimia/effects-on-body Kelly Mental Health (n.d.). Eating disorders. Retrieved From http://keltymentalhealth.ca/mentalhealth/disorders/eating-disorders#view-tabs-1 Mayo Clinical Staff (2015). Definition. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases- conditions/mental-illness/basics/definition/con-20033813 Mental Health Foundation. (2015). What are mental health problems. Retrieved from https:// www.mentalhealth.org.uk/your-mental-health/about-mental-health/what-good-mental-health (2012, March 19). Definition of depression. Medicine Net. Retrieved from http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=2947 Psych Guides. (n.d.). Mental health problems, symptoms and causes. Psych Guides. Retrieved from http://www.psychguides.com/guides/mental-health-problem-symptoms-causes-and-effects/