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Next Generation Internet Marketing  Transformational Customer  Experience customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  29  Nov, 2010, Mumbai th
The Technology awakening !
Technology  in a shifting Paradigm By 2049 a chip costing $1000 will have the processing power of all humans operating in one coherent fashion!
In the grand scheme of things its happening instantaneously The Singularity is Near
… the Cybernetic Chauffer!
Scientists at CERN have developed a new network dubbed the ‘grid’  which is capable of downloading at speeds almost 10,000 times faster than a typical broadband internet connection.
Soon we will have the processing power and all the other required technologies to present to both your unconscious and conscious minds a model world that is indistinguishable from the real world.
The DIGITAL awakening !
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  Mobile Internet is replacing Desktop Internet
..and is already changing world as we know it customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  The Evolving Experiential Landscape
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  Forrester is calling it the SPLINTERNET Tha golden age of the Web 1999-2004 2005-2009 2010 and beyond The Splinternet Dot Com Boom Social Computing AOL,CompuServe, And Prodigy exist in separate,closed environments. Users access content within a  single environment. Email develops. Open Internet standards publish creating the World Wide Web. Search engines develop to catalog Web content. PC and Web browser become primary internet access methods. Online commerce flourishes Primary media consumption shifts online. Pay-per-click search ads emerge. Consumers prioritize social motivations. Consumers support  each other without institutional help. New sites, features, and devices facilitate social behaviors. Users connect via multiple devices. Social online experiences line behind user log-in. Devices and sites have proprietary content and tech standards. 1989-1993 1994-1998 Pre-Internet Early Internet
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  Platform characteristics: Internet Splinternet From Internet To Splinternet
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  The Consumer Awakening
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  Spent : Sex, Evolution And  Consumer Behaviour  .  Marketers …."still believe that  premium products are  bought to display wealth, status, and taste,…… … .and they miss the deeper mental traits that people  are  actually wired to  display – traits such as kindness, intelligence, and creativity.”  This, Miller claims, limits their success rate.” … And on the other hand Miller talks about how we as “FIT” humans Seek out other humans of the same “FIT’ not just physical but socially….
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  .. And we relate to tribes and communities.  Because they conform to the basic  Human “fitments” of Love, Intelligence,  Kindness and Creativity
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  Technology, Customer, Environment The convergence and its Impact
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  The social awakening !
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  The Virtual awakening !
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  Of the Real….
… and the Virtual!
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  Will the Real Slim Shady  Please stand up!  Today Anonymity  Is TRANSFORMING To Expression
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  The Challenge of course is the  search of the Right answers :  The Final Frontier….
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  Getting it right in the relevant mix Changing technology landscapes More channel options More device choices More content choices More networks online and virtual  Changing consumer preferences
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  Today we do BI & Customer Analytics We have Databases of Transactions We have Databases of Interactions – clicks, visits,  views, registrations. Knowing that they’re talking to us.….amongst us
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  ..but Is there a need to shift perspectives? from Customer Data … … ..to that of  Human Expressions, Intentions and Desires
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  Spent : Sex, Evolution And  Consumer Behaviour  .  Marketers …."still believe that  premium products are  bought to display wealth, status, and taste,…… … .and they miss the deeper mental traits that people  are  actually wired to  display – traits such as kindness, intelligence, and creativity.”  This, Miller claims, limits their success rate. … Miller also talks about how we as “FIT” humans seek out other humans of the same “FIT’ not just physical but socially….
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  .. Why do we relate to cliques, gangs, tribes, communities? Because they conform to the basic  Human “fitments”  of Love, Intelligence, Kindness and Creativity
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  So lets Listen….. A world of Intelligence from within and outside Today: Pull Web intelligence Traditional Web channels Emerging Web channels Offline data Web analytics platform Search Display advertising Site Email Trageting Campaigns Customer data Social  Applications Moblie Video Widgets Web intelligence CRM Enterprise data warehouse Customer database A/B testing Multivariate testing Behavioral targeting Tomorrow:  Push Web intelligence Multichannel marketing Marketing laboratory
..the Final Frontier To seek out new Insight, new tribes and new communities and boldly go where few Marketers has gone before! Network of People  vs Network of pages
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  … and how does his transform? Consumption Choice  Contact List Selling Brand Advocates Time Bound Empirical Opportunity Conversation Friends List  Placing Ideas Peer Advocates  Happily ever After Experiential Lasting  Trust & Loyalty
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  Which means we have the ability…. To be able to Engage  To enable bonds based on high levels of friendship,  high levels of social liquidity  and high levels of Trust  The Transformational Customer Experience
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  And to execute by creating Experiential Online Environments  and Virtual Social Spaces and Worlds. For Real!
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  where you meet friends, hang out, belong, without alienation  Where you LIVE FOR REAL In shared spaces, shared experiences  Building trust and lasting Relationships Experiences which Are Immersive
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics
A customer engagement platform that combines online gaming, virtual reality and social networking to create a unique, integrated experience.
Make new friends, Have shared experiences
Virtual Masti, Real Rewards
Unprecedented possibilities :  Dynamic Friend Matching Engine The system identifies similar users & polar users.  With additional points for making friends with polar users & users beyond two degrees of separation. Dynamic scoring engine defined for friends recommendation Explorer (L3) Depending on number of easter eggs found Fashionista (L3) Depending on level of avatar customization Socializer (L1) Depending on the number of friends AOK (L2) Depends on time spent in-world. Always on Keyboard (as against AFK) Tamer  (L4) Depending on number of pets tamed and time spent with pets Gamer  (L2) Depending on number of quests completed
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  Customer Segmentation  basis in-world behavior. Automated marketing  Program. Multi-channel marketing Program . Enabling Engagement & Experience
customer centria Technology  Interactive Analytics  We enable  design and deliver  Customer Experiences
The Customer Engagement & Experience Architects @customercentria www.blog.customercentria.com  Telephone   912261435200    Website   www.customercentria.com Email   [email_address] [email_address]       Thank  You

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Next Generation Internet Marketing-Transformational Customer Experience

  • 1. Next Generation Internet Marketing Transformational Customer Experience customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics 29 Nov, 2010, Mumbai th
  • 3. Technology in a shifting Paradigm By 2049 a chip costing $1000 will have the processing power of all humans operating in one coherent fashion!
  • 4. In the grand scheme of things its happening instantaneously The Singularity is Near
  • 5. … the Cybernetic Chauffer!
  • 6. Scientists at CERN have developed a new network dubbed the ‘grid’ which is capable of downloading at speeds almost 10,000 times faster than a typical broadband internet connection.
  • 7. Soon we will have the processing power and all the other required technologies to present to both your unconscious and conscious minds a model world that is indistinguishable from the real world.
  • 9.  
  • 10. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics Mobile Internet is replacing Desktop Internet
  • 11. ..and is already changing world as we know it customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics
  • 12. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics The Evolving Experiential Landscape
  • 13. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics Forrester is calling it the SPLINTERNET Tha golden age of the Web 1999-2004 2005-2009 2010 and beyond The Splinternet Dot Com Boom Social Computing AOL,CompuServe, And Prodigy exist in separate,closed environments. Users access content within a single environment. Email develops. Open Internet standards publish creating the World Wide Web. Search engines develop to catalog Web content. PC and Web browser become primary internet access methods. Online commerce flourishes Primary media consumption shifts online. Pay-per-click search ads emerge. Consumers prioritize social motivations. Consumers support each other without institutional help. New sites, features, and devices facilitate social behaviors. Users connect via multiple devices. Social online experiences line behind user log-in. Devices and sites have proprietary content and tech standards. 1989-1993 1994-1998 Pre-Internet Early Internet
  • 14. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics Platform characteristics: Internet Splinternet From Internet To Splinternet
  • 15. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics The Consumer Awakening
  • 16. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics Spent : Sex, Evolution And Consumer Behaviour . Marketers …."still believe that premium products are bought to display wealth, status, and taste,…… … .and they miss the deeper mental traits that people are actually wired to display – traits such as kindness, intelligence, and creativity.” This, Miller claims, limits their success rate.” … And on the other hand Miller talks about how we as “FIT” humans Seek out other humans of the same “FIT’ not just physical but socially….
  • 17. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics .. And we relate to tribes and communities. Because they conform to the basic Human “fitments” of Love, Intelligence, Kindness and Creativity
  • 18. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics Technology, Customer, Environment The convergence and its Impact
  • 19. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics The social awakening !
  • 20. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics The Virtual awakening !
  • 21. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics Of the Real….
  • 22. … and the Virtual!
  • 23. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics Will the Real Slim Shady Please stand up! Today Anonymity Is TRANSFORMING To Expression
  • 24. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics The Challenge of course is the search of the Right answers : The Final Frontier….
  • 25. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics Getting it right in the relevant mix Changing technology landscapes More channel options More device choices More content choices More networks online and virtual Changing consumer preferences
  • 26. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics Today we do BI & Customer Analytics We have Databases of Transactions We have Databases of Interactions – clicks, visits, views, registrations. Knowing that they’re talking to us.….amongst us
  • 27. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics ..but Is there a need to shift perspectives? from Customer Data … … ..to that of Human Expressions, Intentions and Desires
  • 28. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics Spent : Sex, Evolution And Consumer Behaviour . Marketers …."still believe that premium products are bought to display wealth, status, and taste,…… … .and they miss the deeper mental traits that people are actually wired to display – traits such as kindness, intelligence, and creativity.” This, Miller claims, limits their success rate. … Miller also talks about how we as “FIT” humans seek out other humans of the same “FIT’ not just physical but socially….
  • 29. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics .. Why do we relate to cliques, gangs, tribes, communities? Because they conform to the basic Human “fitments” of Love, Intelligence, Kindness and Creativity
  • 30. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics So lets Listen….. A world of Intelligence from within and outside Today: Pull Web intelligence Traditional Web channels Emerging Web channels Offline data Web analytics platform Search Display advertising Site Email Trageting Campaigns Customer data Social Applications Moblie Video Widgets Web intelligence CRM Enterprise data warehouse Customer database A/B testing Multivariate testing Behavioral targeting Tomorrow: Push Web intelligence Multichannel marketing Marketing laboratory
  • 31. ..the Final Frontier To seek out new Insight, new tribes and new communities and boldly go where few Marketers has gone before! Network of People vs Network of pages
  • 32. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics … and how does his transform? Consumption Choice Contact List Selling Brand Advocates Time Bound Empirical Opportunity Conversation Friends List Placing Ideas Peer Advocates Happily ever After Experiential Lasting Trust & Loyalty
  • 33. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics Which means we have the ability…. To be able to Engage To enable bonds based on high levels of friendship, high levels of social liquidity and high levels of Trust The Transformational Customer Experience
  • 34. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics And to execute by creating Experiential Online Environments and Virtual Social Spaces and Worlds. For Real!
  • 35. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics
  • 36. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics where you meet friends, hang out, belong, without alienation Where you LIVE FOR REAL In shared spaces, shared experiences Building trust and lasting Relationships Experiences which Are Immersive
  • 37. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics
  • 38. A customer engagement platform that combines online gaming, virtual reality and social networking to create a unique, integrated experience.
  • 39. Make new friends, Have shared experiences
  • 41. Unprecedented possibilities : Dynamic Friend Matching Engine The system identifies similar users & polar users. With additional points for making friends with polar users & users beyond two degrees of separation. Dynamic scoring engine defined for friends recommendation Explorer (L3) Depending on number of easter eggs found Fashionista (L3) Depending on level of avatar customization Socializer (L1) Depending on the number of friends AOK (L2) Depends on time spent in-world. Always on Keyboard (as against AFK) Tamer (L4) Depending on number of pets tamed and time spent with pets Gamer (L2) Depending on number of quests completed
  • 42. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics Customer Segmentation basis in-world behavior. Automated marketing Program. Multi-channel marketing Program . Enabling Engagement & Experience
  • 43. customer centria Technology Interactive Analytics We enable design and deliver Customer Experiences
  • 45. The Customer Engagement & Experience Architects @customercentria www.blog.customercentria.com Telephone 912261435200 Website www.customercentria.com Email [email_address] [email_address] Thank You