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Dr. Sushma Mercy Yohan
Dr. Sevanti Patel
We would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to our principal Dr Sangeeta Tewari and
our vice-principal Dr Neha Titus and as well as our professor Dr Sushma Mercy Yohan and Dr
Sevanti Patel who guided us and gave us the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the
topic “OLD AGE HOME” which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and we came to know
about so many new things and we are really thankful to them. Secondly I would also like to thank my
parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time frame.
We are overwhelmed in all humbleness and
gratefulness to acknowledge my depth to all those who have helped me to put these ideas, well above
the level of simplicity and into something concrete.
Any attempt at any level can't be satisfactorily completed without the support and
guidance of our parents and friends. We would like to thank my parents who helped me a lot in
gathering different information, collecting data and guiding me from time to time in making this
project, despite of their busy schedules, they gave me different ideas in making this project unique.
Thanking you, Prepared by : -
B.Sc. Nursing IV Year
Govt College Of Nursing ,
Ujjain (M.P.)
Harshita Yadav
Jecika Joshwa
- Satchal Paige
“Aging is the terminal stage in one’s life, which is accompanied with decreasing energy and
body resources and with infirmities due to the decaying and waling of one’s bodily organs,
such infirmities of the aging process have always been present among the older people. The
older people stays together in a house is old age home.”
Everyone goes through the process of ageing at some point
in their lives. The elderly are individuals who have reached the age of retirement in every society.
Elderly people are a valuable asset to every country; nevertheless, population ageing is a new
phenomenon that has emerged as a result of the rise in the number and proportion of elderly people
in society. Even though a rise in the number of elderly people of every country indicates a long life
span , it often comes with its own set of problems. Life expectancy has risen significantly over the
last century, and the world will soon have more elderly people than children. This social transition is
both a source of challenges and an opportunity.
The theme of World Health Day 2022, which took place on April 7, was
‘INTERNATIONAL DAY OF OLDER PERSON' .In an old age home, the association assists and
provides a stress-free environment for the residents. Living in an old age home will provide elders
with constant companionship and, as a result, peace of mind, which is especially necessary at this
time. The living conditions in an old age home would be better because of the constant medical care,
protection, cleanliness, and, most importantly, constant companionship. This paper also focuses on
traditional support networks as well as moral values and traditions in offering wellness to all elders.
A nursing home, also known as an old people's home or an old age home, is a multi-unit housing
facility for the elderly. Each individual or couple in the house usually has their own apartment-style
room or suite of rooms. Inside the house, there are additional amenities. Meal preparation areas,
meeting areas, recreational events, and any type 2 health or hospice treatment are all examples of
this. A location in a retirement home may be paid for on a rental basis, similar to an apartment, or
purchased in perpetuity, similar to a condominium. A multi-residence nursing home for the elderly,
also known as a care home, is referred to as an old age home.
In India, there are currently 728 old houses. There are 547 old age homes with complete details
available. There are 325 old age homes that do not charge a fee, 95 homes that charge a fee, 116
old age homes that provide both free and paid services, and 11 homes for which information is
unavailable. Around the world, there are 278 homes for the elderly and 101 old homes specifically
for women. Kerala, with 124 old age homes, has the largest number of old age homes in India.
“a residence where old people live and are cared for when old age prevents them from
looking after themselves in their own homes. The couple now live in an old people's
home. She had to go into an old people's home.”
“A retirement home is sometimes called an old age home. It can also be said as multi
residence housing facilities intended for senior citizen”
- Oxford Learner Dictionary
 To assist the elderly in need (any person over the age of 60, regardless of caste or creed).
 To provide food, shelter, and clothing to the elderly who are in need.
 To offer medical services as well as other programmes such as yoga and physical workouts
to the elderly in order to improve their health.
 To provide educational and leisure opportunities for the elderly, as well as opportunities
for them to live a religious and meditative life.
 To foster the country's national integration and unity.
 To instil in the elderly a sense of self-confidence and self-reliance, allowing them to learn
required skills and guiding them toward success in their fields of endeavour.
 To meet the goals of old age homes, print books, newspapers, magazines, brochures,
pamphlets, and other materials.
 To enable the elderly to actively engage in social programmes that may be funded for
village upliftment, including receiving assistance from national and international
philanthropic organizations.
 A traditional environment is an old age home, which houses elderly people who have no
one to care for them or who have been evicted from their homes by their children
 All of these requirements are met, but loved ones' much needed love and care are sadly
lacking; after all, how can strangers provide comfort? At least in India, elderly people who
are separated from their families, children, or are left alone are not considered to be in a
happy situation.
 The concept of separating the elders and the children originated in the West and was
brought to India. However, in the West, it may not be as heartbreaking because two
generations cannot live together due to their conventional way of life.
 In India, however, where two and even three generations have lived side by side for
decades, the concept of nuclear families with the elders withdrawn is just too touching to
bear. If we spoke to inmates in every prison, we would hear a common storey: family
discord, contempt for the elderly, and finally the elders' removal from the family scene.
While living in an old age home, many elderly people miss their families and being with their
flesh and blood.
 The end of the joint family system and the rise of the nuclear family have resulted in this
despondent condition in our society, necessitating the establishment of old age homes to
meet the needs of the elderly.
 Aside from that, after women started working from home, there is no one at home to care
for the elders' everyday needs. Working women's attitudes about their elders are changing
as well, with today's working women seeing their elders as a burden rather than a
 Women's actions have also contributed to the exclusion of elders from their families with
this backdrop, the need for old age homes became clear, and it continues to become clear
as time passes.
 A variety of conditions have resulted in the need for old age homes. A single visit to an old
age home, no matter how well it is cared for, causes the onlooker to become depressed,
and no one - yes, no one - seems to be at ease there.
Old age is a period when one's physical abilities deteriorate. Even if one does not lose one's
skin, teeth, or anything right away, one's physical abilities begin to deteriorate. Hereditary
constitution, lifestyle, and environmental factors all play a role in physical condition. Living
vicissitudes, poor diet, malnutrition, infectious diseases, intoxications, gluttony, insufficient rest,
emotional tension, overwork, endocrine disorders, and environmental factors such as heat and
cold are all popular secondary causes of physical decline.
Mental disorders are often linked to advancing age. The elderly are more likely to suffer from
psychotic depressions. The two most common psychotic disorders in older people are senile
dementia and insanity. These two conditions are thought to be responsible for roughly 80% of
psychotic disorders in the elderly in civilized societies.
As their mental abilities deteriorate, they become more reliant. They have lost faith in their
own abilities and decisions, but they also want to keep a tight hold on the younger ones. They
want to be involved in every aspect of family life and business. Young people should not listen
to their suggestions and recommendations because of the generation gap. They begin asserting
their rights and authority instead of having a sympathetic attitude toward the elderly. This can
make them feel as if their integrity and value have been taken away from them.
4. Social Issues:
As people get older, they experience significant social losses. Their social lives have been
limited by job loss, the death of family, friends, and spouses, and poor health, which prevents
them from participating in social activities. Their social lives become restricted to intimate
relationships with family members as the home becomes the focal point of their social lives. A
serious chromic health condition allows them to become socially isolated, resulting in isolation
and depression.
5. Financial Issues
Retirement from the military typically results in a loss of income, and the benefits that the
elderly earn are often insufficient to cover the rising cost of living. They are relegated to the
status of "chief breadwinner to mere dependent" as a result of their reduced income, despite
the fact that they invest their provident fund on children's weddings, the acquisition of new
land, children's schooling, and family maintenance. The diagnosis and treatment of their illness
added to their financial difficulties as they grew older.
There are two types of Old Age Homes in India
 One is the "Free" type which cares for the destitute old people who have no one else to
care for them. They are given shelter, food, clothing and medical care.
 The second type is the "Paid" home where care is provided for a fee. Nowadays, such
"Retirement" homes have become very popular in India and they are well worth
 A retirement home is a multi- residence housing facility intended for senior citizens.
Typically each person or couple in the home an apartment style room or suite of rooms.
Additional facilities are provided within the building , including facilities are provided by
the health care .the level of facilities varies between facilities. A place in a retirement
home can be paid for on a rental basis, like an apartment, or can be bought in perpetuity
on the same basis as a condominium.
 Common rooms
 Single and double bedrooms
 Main kitchen
 Dinning area
 Television area
 Reading room
 Praying room
 Computer room
 Office for the staff
 Common toilets
 Sports facility for tennis and badminton etc.
 As people get older, they tend to lose motor skills. Doing day-to-day tasks becomes a
difficult job. Finding a dedicated caregiver who can assist with daily tasks around the house
is an alternative to this.
 Because old age homes cater to senior people, doctors are always on hand and emergency
services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It's beneficial to have someone
who can handle hospitalization in the event of a medical emergency.
 The consistent security of an elderly home protects them from intruders and allows them
to enjoy a comfortable and stable life.
 Seniors are drawn to old age homes for a variety of reasons, one of which is companionship.
They are constantly surrounded by peers who are the same age as them.
 Senior citizens who are unable to reside with their families are housed in old age homes.
These nursing homes provide senior citizens with specialised medical services such as
mobile health care programmes, ambulances, nurses, and well-balanced meals.
 The most important advantage of old age homes is that they provide food, accommodation,
and medical facilities to senior citizens.
 Residents in old age homes have access to telephones and other forms of communication so
that they can communicate with their loved ones; entertainment and library facilities are
also available exclusively for senior citizens.
 Old age homes provide a safe haven for elderly people who have nowhere else to go and no
one to help them.
 When senior citizens share their joys and sorrows with one another, they gain a sense of
security and fellowship.
 Old people in nursing homes have a lot of spare time, which they can use creatively. They
don't have a lot of responsibilities; they can also enjoy some activities in a very quiet
environment; and they don't have high expectations.
 They have the right to observe and engage in religious activities; they live in harmony and at
a leisurely pace. In an old age home, elderly people will live in peace and health.
 An old age home gives residents the much-needed warmth, solace, and companionship of
their peers, as well as the freedom to follow their own interests.
Living away from family and home is a very sad moment for any person at any age but living in
old age becomes more difficult. Let us see the few drawbacks of an old age home which are as
 Payable: - Old age homes are payable so many older people are unable to get the
opportunity to live here in bad circumstances. Many services are provided here which are
payable and can be costly. Many old age homes are run by a charity which is not much
payable thus there sometimes can have a lack of services due to lack of money.
 No Personal Space: -This type of home is sometimes crowded and everyone has to share
their rooms and their space. Thus if anyone wants to have some lonely time or space then it
becomes impossible for them.
 Limited Choices: - Here we don’t have many choices of food or other things. Since
everything is made in bulk and keeping in mind all the other members of the old age home
so old people have to adjust accordingly without demanding their choices.
 Homesickness: - It is very natural that any person who stays away from their home and lives
in another place can have homesickness. So in spite of having all the facilities and many
other people the surrounding the old people can have homesickness.
President Pranab Mukherjee recently said that traditional Indian values and Yoga can help people
suffering from depression. He did say, however, that the social stigma associated with such
conditions is still a "significant" issue in the country. The President said that depression is the most
prevalent type of mental health disorders and asked the medical fraternity to concentrate on
conventional support systems, social support systems, and spiritual values and practices in
providing well-being to all at a summit held to commemorate World Health Day recently with the
theme of "Depression: Let's Talk."
Suggestions to improve quality of life for seniors/Elders
1. Deal with depression: Depression affects 6 million people over the age of 65. Traumatic life
events, such as retirement or the death of a partner, may cause it. It's also possible that a
medical condition or drug side effects are to blame. Recognize the signs and symptoms of
depression and seek medical or psychological help.
2. Feel useful and needed: Everybody, from the very young to the very old, needs to feel useful
and needed. Try to make an elderly person feel as though you still need their help and that they
aren't a burden while caring for them. Request help with tasks they can handle, such as:
 Folding laundry,
 Organizing drawers,
 Opening mail,
 Writing shopping or household to-do lists,
 Clipping coupons,
 Keeping you up to date on the news
 And dinner preparation, such as trimming vegetables
3. Maintain a healthy level of physical activity: Maintaining a healthy level of physical activity,
no matter how minor, is beneficial to both the body and the mind. Exercise helps to keep blood
flowing to the brain, which aids in mental sharpness. It also helps with anxiety, tension, and
even depression.
It enhances people's moods in general. Exercise improves heart health,
strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure, and improves sleep quality, and
increases strength and stamina, among other things.
4. Keep your mind busy: Crossword puzzles, Sudoku, other brain games, reading, and writing are
all excellent ways to keep your mind active. A sharp and healthy mind is beneficial to one's overall
5. Maintain contact with relatives, acquaintances, and neighbours: Isolated and depressed
seniors live shorter lives and are more likely to develop dementia. Encourage and assist the
older adult in maintaining social connections to avoid this. Here are a couple of ideas:
 Encourage them to attend any parties they might be invited to (birthdays, graduations,
holidays, etc.) and to volunteer at their local church, school, or charitable organization.
 Make plans to see family and friends on a regular basis, either to eat with them or to
take them out.
 Make arrangements for transportation to senior centers.
It is the fundamental obligation of the state in terms of article of our constitution to provide
public assistance to the aged and pension benefits to the employees after their retirement by
their employers. The impression that the pensioners entertain that they have a raw deal and
are regarded as parasites and cumbersome on society has to be erased from their minds and
sympathy expanded to them by using such as epithets as senior citizens and reservoirs of
maturity, knowledge and experience translated into concrete actions by acceding to their
demands for improving their living conditions. The old are a resource and should be involved in
nation building. The government and society should recognize their obligations to the aged and
should not shy away from their responsibilities towards them. It is time that the government
paid more attention to gerontological issues and made life for the aged comfortable and worth
 [I] BOOKS :-
 SELVI M. “Mastering community health nursing “
 Edition 2013 , Published by EMMES
 BASVANTHAPPA B.T. “ Textbook of community health nursing “
 Edition 2019, Published by JAYPEE
 KUMARI NEELAM “ Textbook of community health nursing-II “
 Edition 2019, Published by S.VIKAS and COMPANY
 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retirement_home
 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/353443023_OLD_AGE_HOMES_AND_TRADITI
 www.slideshare.org
 Newspaper
 Articles
 Magzines

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  • 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to our principal Dr Sangeeta Tewari and our vice-principal Dr Neha Titus and as well as our professor Dr Sushma Mercy Yohan and Dr Sevanti Patel who guided us and gave us the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic “OLD AGE HOME” which also helped me in doing a lot of Research and we came to know about so many new things and we are really thankful to them. Secondly I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time frame. We are overwhelmed in all humbleness and gratefulness to acknowledge my depth to all those who have helped me to put these ideas, well above the level of simplicity and into something concrete. Any attempt at any level can't be satisfactorily completed without the support and guidance of our parents and friends. We would like to thank my parents who helped me a lot in gathering different information, collecting data and guiding me from time to time in making this project, despite of their busy schedules, they gave me different ideas in making this project unique. Thanking you, Prepared by : - B.Sc. Nursing IV Year Govt College Of Nursing , Ujjain (M.P.) Harshita Yadav Jecika Joshwa
  • 3. “AGE IS A QUESTION OF MIND OVER MATTER. IF YOU DON’T MIND , IT DOES NOT MATTER” - Satchal Paige ABSTRACT “Aging is the terminal stage in one’s life, which is accompanied with decreasing energy and body resources and with infirmities due to the decaying and waling of one’s bodily organs, such infirmities of the aging process have always been present among the older people. The older people stays together in a house is old age home.” Everyone goes through the process of ageing at some point in their lives. The elderly are individuals who have reached the age of retirement in every society. Elderly people are a valuable asset to every country; nevertheless, population ageing is a new phenomenon that has emerged as a result of the rise in the number and proportion of elderly people in society. Even though a rise in the number of elderly people of every country indicates a long life span , it often comes with its own set of problems. Life expectancy has risen significantly over the last century, and the world will soon have more elderly people than children. This social transition is both a source of challenges and an opportunity. The theme of World Health Day 2022, which took place on April 7, was ‘INTERNATIONAL DAY OF OLDER PERSON' .In an old age home, the association assists and provides a stress-free environment for the residents. Living in an old age home will provide elders with constant companionship and, as a result, peace of mind, which is especially necessary at this time. The living conditions in an old age home would be better because of the constant medical care, protection, cleanliness, and, most importantly, constant companionship. This paper also focuses on traditional support networks as well as moral values and traditions in offering wellness to all elders.
  • 4. INTRODUCTION A nursing home, also known as an old people's home or an old age home, is a multi-unit housing facility for the elderly. Each individual or couple in the house usually has their own apartment-style room or suite of rooms. Inside the house, there are additional amenities. Meal preparation areas, meeting areas, recreational events, and any type 2 health or hospice treatment are all examples of this. A location in a retirement home may be paid for on a rental basis, similar to an apartment, or purchased in perpetuity, similar to a condominium. A multi-residence nursing home for the elderly, also known as a care home, is referred to as an old age home. In India, there are currently 728 old houses. There are 547 old age homes with complete details available. There are 325 old age homes that do not charge a fee, 95 homes that charge a fee, 116 old age homes that provide both free and paid services, and 11 homes for which information is unavailable. Around the world, there are 278 homes for the elderly and 101 old homes specifically for women. Kerala, with 124 old age homes, has the largest number of old age homes in India. DEFINITION “a residence where old people live and are cared for when old age prevents them from looking after themselves in their own homes. The couple now live in an old people's home. She had to go into an old people's home.” “A retirement home is sometimes called an old age home. It can also be said as multi residence housing facilities intended for senior citizen” - Oxford Learner Dictionary AIMS & OBJECTIVES  To assist the elderly in need (any person over the age of 60, regardless of caste or creed).  To provide food, shelter, and clothing to the elderly who are in need.  To offer medical services as well as other programmes such as yoga and physical workouts to the elderly in order to improve their health.  To provide educational and leisure opportunities for the elderly, as well as opportunities for them to live a religious and meditative life.  To foster the country's national integration and unity.  To instil in the elderly a sense of self-confidence and self-reliance, allowing them to learn required skills and guiding them toward success in their fields of endeavour.  To meet the goals of old age homes, print books, newspapers, magazines, brochures, pamphlets, and other materials.
  • 5.  To enable the elderly to actively engage in social programmes that may be funded for village upliftment, including receiving assistance from national and international philanthropic organizations. NEED OF OLD AGE HOME  A traditional environment is an old age home, which houses elderly people who have no one to care for them or who have been evicted from their homes by their children  All of these requirements are met, but loved ones' much needed love and care are sadly lacking; after all, how can strangers provide comfort? At least in India, elderly people who are separated from their families, children, or are left alone are not considered to be in a happy situation.  The concept of separating the elders and the children originated in the West and was brought to India. However, in the West, it may not be as heartbreaking because two generations cannot live together due to their conventional way of life.  In India, however, where two and even three generations have lived side by side for decades, the concept of nuclear families with the elders withdrawn is just too touching to bear. If we spoke to inmates in every prison, we would hear a common storey: family discord, contempt for the elderly, and finally the elders' removal from the family scene. While living in an old age home, many elderly people miss their families and being with their flesh and blood.  The end of the joint family system and the rise of the nuclear family have resulted in this despondent condition in our society, necessitating the establishment of old age homes to meet the needs of the elderly.  Aside from that, after women started working from home, there is no one at home to care for the elders' everyday needs. Working women's attitudes about their elders are changing as well, with today's working women seeing their elders as a burden rather than a responsibility.  Women's actions have also contributed to the exclusion of elders from their families with this backdrop, the need for old age homes became clear, and it continues to become clear as time passes.  A variety of conditions have resulted in the need for old age homes. A single visit to an old age home, no matter how well it is cared for, causes the onlooker to become depressed, and no one - yes, no one - seems to be at ease there.
  • 6. PROBLEMS FACING BY OLD AGE PERSONS 1. PHYSIOLOGICAL ISSUES:- Old age is a period when one's physical abilities deteriorate. Even if one does not lose one's skin, teeth, or anything right away, one's physical abilities begin to deteriorate. Hereditary constitution, lifestyle, and environmental factors all play a role in physical condition. Living vicissitudes, poor diet, malnutrition, infectious diseases, intoxications, gluttony, insufficient rest, emotional tension, overwork, endocrine disorders, and environmental factors such as heat and cold are all popular secondary causes of physical decline. 2. PSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUES: Mental disorders are often linked to advancing age. The elderly are more likely to suffer from psychotic depressions. The two most common psychotic disorders in older people are senile dementia and insanity. These two conditions are thought to be responsible for roughly 80% of psychotic disorders in the elderly in civilized societies. 3. EMOTIONAL ISSUES: As their mental abilities deteriorate, they become more reliant. They have lost faith in their own abilities and decisions, but they also want to keep a tight hold on the younger ones. They want to be involved in every aspect of family life and business. Young people should not listen to their suggestions and recommendations because of the generation gap. They begin asserting their rights and authority instead of having a sympathetic attitude toward the elderly. This can make them feel as if their integrity and value have been taken away from them. 4. Social Issues: As people get older, they experience significant social losses. Their social lives have been limited by job loss, the death of family, friends, and spouses, and poor health, which prevents them from participating in social activities. Their social lives become restricted to intimate relationships with family members as the home becomes the focal point of their social lives. A
  • 7. serious chromic health condition allows them to become socially isolated, resulting in isolation and depression. 5. Financial Issues Retirement from the military typically results in a loss of income, and the benefits that the elderly earn are often insufficient to cover the rising cost of living. They are relegated to the status of "chief breadwinner to mere dependent" as a result of their reduced income, despite the fact that they invest their provident fund on children's weddings, the acquisition of new land, children's schooling, and family maintenance. The diagnosis and treatment of their illness added to their financial difficulties as they grew older. TYPES There are two types of Old Age Homes in India  One is the "Free" type which cares for the destitute old people who have no one else to care for them. They are given shelter, food, clothing and medical care.  The second type is the "Paid" home where care is provided for a fee. Nowadays, such "Retirement" homes have become very popular in India and they are well worth considering.  A retirement home is a multi- residence housing facility intended for senior citizens. Typically each person or couple in the home an apartment style room or suite of rooms. Additional facilities are provided within the building , including facilities are provided by the health care .the level of facilities varies between facilities. A place in a retirement home can be paid for on a rental basis, like an apartment, or can be bought in perpetuity on the same basis as a condominium. TYPES RETIREMENT FREE PAID
  • 8. BASIC REQUIREMENTS IN AN OLD AGE HOME  Common rooms  Single and double bedrooms  Main kitchen  Dinning area  Television area  Reading room  Praying room  Computer room  Office for the staff  Common toilets  Sports facility for tennis and badminton etc. ADVANTAGES OF OLD AGE HOMES  As people get older, they tend to lose motor skills. Doing day-to-day tasks becomes a difficult job. Finding a dedicated caregiver who can assist with daily tasks around the house is an alternative to this.  Because old age homes cater to senior people, doctors are always on hand and emergency services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It's beneficial to have someone who can handle hospitalization in the event of a medical emergency.  The consistent security of an elderly home protects them from intruders and allows them to enjoy a comfortable and stable life.
  • 9.  Seniors are drawn to old age homes for a variety of reasons, one of which is companionship. They are constantly surrounded by peers who are the same age as them.  Senior citizens who are unable to reside with their families are housed in old age homes. These nursing homes provide senior citizens with specialised medical services such as mobile health care programmes, ambulances, nurses, and well-balanced meals.  The most important advantage of old age homes is that they provide food, accommodation, and medical facilities to senior citizens.  Residents in old age homes have access to telephones and other forms of communication so that they can communicate with their loved ones; entertainment and library facilities are also available exclusively for senior citizens.  Old age homes provide a safe haven for elderly people who have nowhere else to go and no one to help them.  When senior citizens share their joys and sorrows with one another, they gain a sense of security and fellowship.  Old people in nursing homes have a lot of spare time, which they can use creatively. They don't have a lot of responsibilities; they can also enjoy some activities in a very quiet environment; and they don't have high expectations.  They have the right to observe and engage in religious activities; they live in harmony and at a leisurely pace. In an old age home, elderly people will live in peace and health.  An old age home gives residents the much-needed warmth, solace, and companionship of their peers, as well as the freedom to follow their own interests. 
  • 10. DISADVANTAGES OF OLD AGE HOME Living away from family and home is a very sad moment for any person at any age but living in old age becomes more difficult. Let us see the few drawbacks of an old age home which are as follows:-  Payable: - Old age homes are payable so many older people are unable to get the opportunity to live here in bad circumstances. Many services are provided here which are payable and can be costly. Many old age homes are run by a charity which is not much payable thus there sometimes can have a lack of services due to lack of money.  No Personal Space: -This type of home is sometimes crowded and everyone has to share their rooms and their space. Thus if anyone wants to have some lonely time or space then it becomes impossible for them.  Limited Choices: - Here we don’t have many choices of food or other things. Since everything is made in bulk and keeping in mind all the other members of the old age home so old people have to adjust accordingly without demanding their choices.  Homesickness: - It is very natural that any person who stays away from their home and lives in another place can have homesickness. So in spite of having all the facilities and many other people the surrounding the old people can have homesickness.
  • 11. TRADITIONAL SUPPORT SYSTEMS President Pranab Mukherjee recently said that traditional Indian values and Yoga can help people suffering from depression. He did say, however, that the social stigma associated with such conditions is still a "significant" issue in the country. The President said that depression is the most prevalent type of mental health disorders and asked the medical fraternity to concentrate on conventional support systems, social support systems, and spiritual values and practices in providing well-being to all at a summit held to commemorate World Health Day recently with the theme of "Depression: Let's Talk." Suggestions to improve quality of life for seniors/Elders 1. Deal with depression: Depression affects 6 million people over the age of 65. Traumatic life events, such as retirement or the death of a partner, may cause it. It's also possible that a medical condition or drug side effects are to blame. Recognize the signs and symptoms of depression and seek medical or psychological help. 2. Feel useful and needed: Everybody, from the very young to the very old, needs to feel useful and needed. Try to make an elderly person feel as though you still need their help and that they aren't a burden while caring for them. Request help with tasks they can handle, such as:  Folding laundry,  Organizing drawers,  Opening mail,  Writing shopping or household to-do lists,  Clipping coupons,  Keeping you up to date on the news  And dinner preparation, such as trimming vegetables 3. Maintain a healthy level of physical activity: Maintaining a healthy level of physical activity, no matter how minor, is beneficial to both the body and the mind. Exercise helps to keep blood flowing to the brain, which aids in mental sharpness. It also helps with anxiety, tension, and even depression. It enhances people's moods in general. Exercise improves heart health, strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure, and improves sleep quality, and increases strength and stamina, among other things. 4. Keep your mind busy: Crossword puzzles, Sudoku, other brain games, reading, and writing are all excellent ways to keep your mind active. A sharp and healthy mind is beneficial to one's overall wellbeing.
  • 12. 5. Maintain contact with relatives, acquaintances, and neighbours: Isolated and depressed seniors live shorter lives and are more likely to develop dementia. Encourage and assist the older adult in maintaining social connections to avoid this. Here are a couple of ideas:  Encourage them to attend any parties they might be invited to (birthdays, graduations, holidays, etc.) and to volunteer at their local church, school, or charitable organization.  Make plans to see family and friends on a regular basis, either to eat with them or to take them out.  Make arrangements for transportation to senior centers.
  • 13. CONCLUSION It is the fundamental obligation of the state in terms of article of our constitution to provide public assistance to the aged and pension benefits to the employees after their retirement by their employers. The impression that the pensioners entertain that they have a raw deal and are regarded as parasites and cumbersome on society has to be erased from their minds and sympathy expanded to them by using such as epithets as senior citizens and reservoirs of maturity, knowledge and experience translated into concrete actions by acceding to their demands for improving their living conditions. The old are a resource and should be involved in nation building. The government and society should recognize their obligations to the aged and should not shy away from their responsibilities towards them. It is time that the government paid more attention to gerontological issues and made life for the aged comfortable and worth living.
  • 14. BIBLIOGRAPHY  [I] BOOKS :-  SELVI M. “Mastering community health nursing “  Edition 2013 , Published by EMMES  BASVANTHAPPA B.T. “ Textbook of community health nursing “  Edition 2019, Published by JAYPEE  KUMARI NEELAM “ Textbook of community health nursing-II “  Edition 2019, Published by S.VIKAS and COMPANY [II] INTERNET :-  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retirement_home  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/353443023_OLD_AGE_HOMES_AND_TRADITI ONAL_SUPPORT_SYSTEMS  www.slideshare.org [III] OTHERS :-  Newspaper  Articles  Magzines