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Zodiac Killer
I like killing people because it is so much fun it is more fun than killing wild game in
the forrest because man is the most dangerous animal of them all... (Haugen 32). Who is the
twisted man behind this letter? This is certainly, without a doubt, the Zodiac Killer. Zodiac had
written many letters to the police departments in Northern California between the years of 1969
through 1978. The majority of the letters were written as ciphers, (coded letters), which still
today remain coded. Zodiac had denied the authorities any leads on his identity which still
remains as an unsolved mystery today. So who was, or still is, the identity of The Zodiac Killer?
After all these years, the real question remains, is there enough evidence to identify Zodiac and
reopen ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Both survivors were able to give the authorities description of The Zodiac Killer s identity.
Mageau described the murderer as a young white man with a large face who was approximately
5 foot 8 inches (173 centimeters) and weighing approximately 195 pounds (88 kilograms). Johns
tried to pay attention to all the details about the Zodiac during her abduction. When Johns was
taken to Patterson Police Station to tell her story of her abduction, Johns noticed a sketch of a
man whom was drawn for the murder of Paul Stine. Paul Stine had been previously murdered
prior to her abduction. Johns clarified that the sketch was a replica of her abductor. From this
limited information, there isn t enough evidence to locate Zodiac today.
From the third linked murder, Zodiac left a message on Bryan Hartnell s car door which
indicated the dates and times of each murder. The last date was cut into the door by a knife
which referred to Cecelia Shepard and Bryan Hartnell s death. As Zodiac left the crime scene,
authorities found his footprints going to and coming from the crime scene. The
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Media Panics
A media panic or often referred to as a moral panic, is a term that describes how the media is
formulating issues amongst our society. Over time, our culture has shifted and caused for many
conclusions regarding media panics and the relationship between youth and the media culture. Based
upon previous knowledge and course readings, I have drawn a very disturbing conclusion; this being
that no matter what age, children are willing or non willingly now under surveillance to determine
what kind of role media is playing in their lives. With what I have gathered from the readings and
class lectures, most authors strongly believe that different forms of media directly influence children s
thinking or perception. What authors and researchers ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The authors discuss the objectifying gaze, which I believe has a lot to do with how females are
perceived with the usages of photo altering technology and online visual cultures. The theoretical
framework of the objectification theory places female bodies in a sociocultural context with the aim of
illuminating the lived experiences and mental health risks of girls and women who encounter sexual
objectification (Frederickson Roberts, 174). The pose and the filter that a young woman chooses to
enhance the beauty of her photo is argued to read just that, and it allows for others viewing them to
assume their lived experiences, how these young women generally are, the practices they engage in,
etc. What we tend to forget, especially in an age where digital culture is so prominent, is that a picture
is a snapshot of a moment in time. According to Drotner (1999), the idea that new media has become a
threat and a main cause of moral panics to young people is problematic because it infers that they are
effected by what they are exposed to. This assumption of children, introduces to our society that every
piece of media may be able to change them. What we are telling ourselves is that young people are
followers and do not have a mind of their own; they are vulnerable, innocent and easily influenced.
Media panics introduce the idea that there should be some sort of protection for children from the
dangers media may introduce. In
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The Reality Of Time And Space
It is paradoxical to have a course, which revolves round the corrosiveness of faulted Western notions
of time and its depiction through abstraction, identify itself with an abstract title but argue for the
concreteness and tangibility of the portrayal of time and space. A Place Beyond Time does just that.
Containing a vastly abstract title, A Place Beyond Time may at first glance appear to properly relate
time as a tangent notion with space. Upon further contemplation, however, it becomes patent that A
Place Beyond Time possesses a conspicuous absence present in its philosophy of aloofness from
intangibility. And although the name of the course attempts to tackle and manifest the complications
of abstract and concrete time, it is through its lack of definition and precision, lack of possession, and
lack of sensation of repetition that A Place Beyond Time fails to properly capitalize on this dilemma.
In scrutiny, A in A Place Beyond Time appears to breed the idea of time in any place any where, albeit
inaccurate. Which place? True, however, that the use of A allows for intrigue and mystery. In any other
circumstance, other than specificity, the use of A is better. Perhaps, through the use of a, the title
indeed attempts to capture suspense and mystery to represent the obscure connections of space and
time in the abstract. That of which it effectively executes. The course title, nevertheless, does not zero
in on specificity and detachment from generic description. The
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The Spirit Bear Quotes
At the end of the chapter, I actually think that the Spirit Bear probably won t cause any sort of harm
towards Cole this time. The reason being is because in the last paragraph, it quotes that the bear
sniffed the air with a curious breath, and it showed no sign of aggression whatsoever. What s even
more interesting is, is the fact how I think that the Bear can tell that Cole has really made a decision to
change the way he lives if he had another chance. The spirit bear probably can connect to somebody
spiritually and figure out whether they had a desire to continue to do harm in its territory, or come out
as a peaceful and loving creature. Finally, another logical reason which convinces me to believe that
the Spirit Bear won t kill Cole is
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Uliad The Legend Of A Harp
The harp had come to Uliad from his mother, it had come from her mother and her father who had
made it. It was not a beautiful harp, but it played as well as any other. Uliad was a wonderful harper,
he would play at all the weddings and funerals, he would go to the music day competitions and would
stay for hours just performing to make the people smile.
Uliad loved his harp and was truly grateful for it, but he wanted something more. He longed for a
beautiful harp, for a harp that was perfect. He dreamed for years about what materials he would use
and what design would be etched in the wood. It would sound like a stream rushing softly and
smoothly past, it would sound like a tree crashing down as well.(Irony it is both soft and crashing) ...
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As soon as he was able he took the precious item and tuned it very carefully. He sat down and started
to play The Green Leaves, the music was the most beautiful music he had ever heard. It was more than
just the waters of a stream or than just the rustling of the wind in the trees, it was all this but it was
more, it was indescribable the feeling that Uliad felt when he heard the music of his
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Essay about Edna St. Vincent Millay
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Her career that spanned three decades and her work that ranges from lyrics to verse play and political
commentary. Edna St. Vincent Millay is mostly known for her earlier works, such as Renascence ,
Few Figs Thistles, and Second April. Millay wrote about things such as mystical views on the
universe, god, death, celebration of feminism, and free love. It s almost as if she was a writer from
today and with that, I believe that she would be comfortable with today s free America. Edna St.
Vincent Millay was born in Rockland, Maine on February 2, 1892. She was the first daughter of three
girls; her parents, Cora Buzzelle Millay and Henry Tolman Millay. Millay s parents divorced in 1900
and her mother ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
At this time Millay and her sister Norma moved to Greenwich Village in New York where Millay tried
to make a living in acting(Millay par. 5). In the Village, Millay found a new side of herself and was for
women s rights and free love, which made living life to the absolute fullest. James Gray writes, For
two decades of her ever rising popularity the twenties and thirties of the century she seemed to
personify the spirit of time: it s exuberance, it s defiance of conversation, it s determination to discover
and to declare a sharply defined identity (Gray;Press 5). It s was also often pointed out Millay s
numerous love affairs as well as the all night parties and their customary drinking. She soon found out
that this was not the easy life, for financially she, again was not doing well. Millay would find in
today s America the people do experiment, not everyone, but sometimes that s the only way to find
themselves. In Millay s case, these experiences helped her write some of her best poems and plays,
because she wrote about reality. Also, it was rumored that Millay had encounters with the same sex
and was criticized for her experiments, if that to be true; she would be pleased with today s America
and how were fighting and trying to get used to the fact of free love . Millay returned to writing and
stuck with it. She was a prolific writer with more than fifteen
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What Is The Moral Education In The Pardoner s Tale
In The Canterbury Tales the group of pilgrims are traveling together and to make the trip more
enjoyable, the Host suggests that the pilgrims each take turns sharing stories, two a piece on the way
there and two on the way back. In addition, they turned the storytelling into a competition, whoever
tells the story that is the worst must buy dinner among other things. The winner will be judged by the
moral education and entertainment value of the stories. Between The Knight s Tale and The Pardoner s
Tale , The Pardoner s Tale meets the winning criteria the best. The Pardoner s Tale is more
entertaining as well as has a better moral education, despite being told by the least entertaining and
moral man of the pilgrims. The moral education of The Pardoner s Tale is the best of the two stories.
The Pardoner s Tale is following the theme Greed is the root of all evil. In the story, three drunk men
decide to start a bond of brothers and seek out death, who took one of their drunken friends. In the
search of death, they came across an old man, whom they harassed. The old man told them that death
was by a tree, but when the men left to find it, they found treasure instead. In greed, the men killed
each other, resulting in them ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Pardoner s tale fits this criteria better than The Knight s Tale in every way. In this category, the
Pardoner s hypocrisy helps him tell the story, he knows the sins he describes very well and can
describe them in a better detail than someone who does not. The Pardoner begins the story by telling
the evils of sin, giving multiple examples from the bible of all the things men have done wrong under
intoxication, which is ironic due to his own constant intoxication. The irony adds a humor to the story.
It is humour when directly after explaining the moral of the tsory, he offers pardoning to the pilgrim s
sins, for a pretty penny, of
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Essay on The Life and Writing of Liza Ward
The Life and Writing of Liza Ward
Liza Ward I imagine wore pearls and a sweet grin; she wrote of abiding emptiness. An image of neatly
trimmed edges in navy blue with long brunette waves of classic beauty, her words echo with hollow
despair and the impossibility of overcoming the past. Answering the phone for this interview, a high
pitched, girlie voice chirps Hi, how are you? with genuine interest. Her novel speaks from the other
side, from the silence of a happy life.
After reading her first novel, Outside Valentine, I expected a measured, soft voice that would stretch
around the ball of emptiness at the center of all that is human, a voice that arcs in stabbing, eloquent
tones, speaking from the beyond of some enlightened ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The novel grew out of her need to make meaning out of something that was so brutal and meaningless.
Reading factual accounts of the murders wasn t enough for Ward; she needed to write the story and
live the experience to make sense of it all. In her own words, I had to live it, to write it. When you re
writing a novel, you re so inside the story that you can t step back.
Ward describes truth as limiting when trying to really get inside and understand something, It didn t
seem like I could say what I wanted to say by telling a non fictional account. The novel is told from
the point of view of three narrators affected by the Starkweather murders. In 1991, Lowell Bowman s
continued inability to cope with his parents murder is jeopardizing his marriage and family. In 1962,
14 year old Susan Hurst is isolated and lonely, abandoned by her manic depressive mother and
obsessing over Lowell, a victim of the Starkweather murders. In 1958, Caril Ann Fugate rebels against
her parents and the extreme poverty of her life, accepting the love and devotion of the handsome
Charles Starkweather. Many of the details of the story come from fact, although Ward insists: when
something that really happened inspired me, I put it in, but I never felt like I had to be grounded in
Interestingly, Ward says that writing the Caril Ann parts of the novel came easiest to her, which was
really weird, because I mean in essence, she was
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Reflection Paper On Fur Animal Wellness And Massage
Xinran Xu
SM395 Management Internship
Summer 2015
Reflection Paper
This summer during May and June, I attended the internship at a company named Focus on Fur
Animal Wellness and Massage, which is owned by a certified small animal massage practitioner. We
both love animals such as dogs and cats and we both keep a dog at home. Our common points made us
feel connected with each other that we had so many topics especially for dogs to talk about. In
addition, the job contents were mostly related to dogs, which attracted me and made me want to
explore more knowledge in this field. I was responsible for multiple tasks during this internship, since
the company was a small start up company that provided me the opportunity to handle almost
everything that a company needs at the preliminary stage. Before my internship, I had no real
direction of a particular position that I would like to pursue as my future career goal. I was trying to
find an opportunity in which I could gain some working experience as well as put on my resume.
Looking back now, an internship with various tasks helps me realize what I am willing to do and
which aspect I am better with. On the other hand, contrary to the experience of completing an
internship at a standard large firm, this internship allowed me to be more creative and bold to make
decisions instead of doing some fixed tasks with strict rules. My supervisor had another full time job
to take care with, so I worked from home individually, and would get in
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Factors That Affect On Airlines
External Analysis
Macro Environmental Factors
Factors Outcome Impact on Airlines
Rise in crude oil prices Increases the price Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF) used in the Aircrafts Increase
in fuel prices leads to low demand
If fuel costs are fixed, then it can be leveraged to increase profits
FDI in Aviation Industry of India New Entrants (Joint Ventures)
Mergers with big International Airlines
Increases operational performance Increases competition in LCC s and FSC s economy class
Price War
Decreases operating costs
Increase in fares in Railways Average income group will prefer low cost airlines Increases profits as
airlines will operate at full capacity
Recession Customers will travel less or favor lower priced conveyance Decreases profits
Suffers huge loss as the Aircrafts will not be operated
decreased demand
Porter s Five Forces Model
Bargaining power of Suppliers
Bargaining power of suppliers is high
There are two suppliers of Aircrafts Airbus and Boeing
Limited number of suppliers of aviation turbine fuel (ATF)
Bargaining power of Buyers
Bargaining power of buyers is high
Customers can conveniently switch between airlines
Substitutes such as Indian railway and road transport can be used if flight fare increases
Industry Rivalry
The Indian Aviation industry is very competitive and cost driven
Entry of new low cost airlines
As a result of price war in the Indian Aviation industry, customers move to the carrier which
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Aphorisms In The Film Boatlift
Supererogatory acts go above and beyond the call of duty. Epictetus reflects through many aphorisms
in The Handbook about heroism and how to tackle challenges set before you. The documentary
Boatlift depicts how many volunteers in extraordinary circumstance banded together and went above
the call of duty to rescue those in need on September 11th, 2001. Boatlift is the story of many boating
captions that couldn t stand idly by and watch their fellow man trapped in Manhattan when the city of
New York was attacked. Vincent Ardolina justifies his action with, A person can t stand by and watch
others suffer. Vincent and many others answered this self proclaimed call of duty fully knowing that
there are untold risks they were taking. Although ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Section forty four of Handbook centers around the superiority of one person to another, while one may
be more wealthy and able to afford more luxuries, the other may be more eloquent and more
persuasive, yet they are still identically human nonetheless. This means that superiority is merely
superficial and at the base of it we are equals. This is demonstrated no better than when Vincent
recounts the kind of passengers he had, We had housewives, workers that do windows, we had
executives and the thing that was the best, everyone helped everyone. In this time of peril, social class,
structure, and differences were dissembled and all actions were simply about helping others. It was
said that four executives passed an elderly, blind woman and her seeing eye dog over the handrails
onto the boat, which only furthers how people banded together to do what was right. Everyone s sense
of duty and morality heightened that day. Robin Jones, a deckhand, seems hardly phased of how
people worked to help each other, stating, They were just average people, who stepped up when they
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Ancient Greek Art And Its Impact On Ancient Greece
Ancient Greek art has been one of the most influential art forms in the past centuries. The Keros
sculptures predominantly stand out while referring to the ancient Greek scluptures and art. The Keros
sculptures were carved purely out of marble and were a form of Cycladic art that was created in a
small island called Cyclades in 2600 2400 B.C. The Cycladic Islands of Greece are set in the Aegean
Sea. The ancient Greeks called these islands the kyklades, a scattered kyklos, or circle, of islands
around the holy island and sanctuary of Apollo, Delos.
The very first Keros sculpture was founded in the year 1963 by Lord Renfrew. The only unfortunate
event that occurred during excavation was that almost none of these Keros sculptures were found in
their complete form. Only fragments of these sculptures remained. It has been noticed, that all through
history, the Keros scultpures have been incrediblly difficult to analyze and interpret due to lack of
background information and it s obvious missing parts. An abudance of myths surround these
sculptures since Ancient Greece is also known for its devotion to Greek mythology. The significance,
use, and meaning of the figures are unclear. There is even debate about whether the figures were
meant to lie flat or to stand against a wall there is no definitive evidence either way. Numerous
explanations about the significance of the figurines have been proposed: the figurines may have been
apotropaic (i.e., to ward off evil) or served as
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Benefit Of Community Service
Benefits of Community Service Community service contributes to a community in the same way that
quarterbacks, wide receivers, and offensive linemen contribute to a football team. Without people
helping out, there wouldn t be a way to score a touchdown or win a game. It is the same way in
helping out a community. The more people there are helping out, more homes would be built, more
mouths would be fed, and more people would have a happy life. Some people take for granted the
clothes they have on their backs and the table they get to eat dinner at with their family. There are
plenty of people in communities that do not have a home to come to every night. There are plenty of
people that do not have the clothes, food, or money they need to survive. People are not the only thing
that needs help in the community. Animal shelters are also one of many that could always use an extra
hand. Recycling and picking up trash is another way to help out. One of the best ways to contribute to
the community is volunteering and contributing time to helping others. Studies show that community
service contributes to the emotional, mental, and physical well being of people at any age. The
Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) says in the year 2013, 138 million
American adults volunteered. To break it down, the CNCS found the following information: adults
between the ages of 35 44 had the highest volunteer rate, adults between the ages 45 54 had the
second highest, and one in
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Walk Two Moon Research Paper
There were several story lines running through Walk Two Moons. One was the journey Sal took with
Gram and Gramps throughout the United States to get to Lewiston, Idaho in one week. They traveled
to Lexington, Mount Rushmore, and then to Old Faithful. These tourist attractions are some of the few
places Sal, Gram, and Gramps visited on their road trip. Lexington is located in the state of Kentucky.
Kentucky is where Sal lived in the beginning of the book before she moved to a different state in the
United States. Lexington is the second largest city in Kentucky and has a population of about 318,449
people! It is known as the the horse capital of the world because it is the home of a few major race
courses. In Lexington, they have a strange law that you can t put an ice cream cone in your back
pocket. This law was made to help reduce horses being stolen. Horses like sweets so they will follow
you. People might think that you are stealing their horse and you could even get arrested for doing this
act. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The carving of Mount Rushmore took about 14 years with the help of over 400 workers! They thought
about doing the four presidents waist up but did not have enough money to do so. As you can see, they
started doing George Washington s body. Each president s face is 60 feet tall Dynamite was used, the
process they used was called honeycombing. 800 million pounds of granite was removed in the
sculpting and the whole entire project costed the United States $989,992.32. The idea of making
Mount Rushmore was made in 1923 by Doane Robinson. He wanted to find a way to attract tourists.
His plan worked because three million people visit the attraction
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How to Enjoy Cleaning Your Bedroom Essay
The hardest thing for a lot of students is keeping a clean bedroom. It can be very intimidating to clean
your bedroom, especially if its been a a disaster for quite some time. You may find yourself getting
overwhelmed and asking yourself where should you even start? Well in my experience I have had the
best results just by following three very simple steps, which include creating a good cleaning
environment, getting organized, and finally polishing everything up.
First and foremost before you begin cleaning; you need to create a good cleaning environment. You
can do this by simply putting on any music that you enjoy listening to; I recommend something that
you can sing along with. This will help to distract you from the ... Show more content on
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In order to get organized; you need to get rid of any unwanted items that are laying around, such as
garbage, dirty dishes, and of course dirty clothes. Once you get all of these items in their designated
spots, you will be left with only the items that actually belong in your bedroom. From there you would
begin to start putting these remaining items in their proper place. I would suggest to start with folding
all of your clothes and getting them put away in either your dresser or closest because your clothes
often times take up the most space. Then you can focus on all of the other random things that are
scattered about.
Since you have everyting picked up and put in its proper place, you can start on the final step, which
consists of all the polishing and finishing touches. This is when you would get your cleaning products
ready because now all there is left to do is dust,sweep, and make your bed. It is very important that
you remember to dust and clean all the surfaces before you begin to sweep. If you decide to sweep
first, then once you start dusting you will only get more dust and dirt on the floor and therefore have to
sweep a second time.One last finishing touch that I personally like to do once the polishing is finished,
is light a candle. That way it will hide the smell of any cleaning products you may have used and your
room will
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Post Modernism and Architecture Essay
Post Modernism and Architecture If one were to walk around and casually ask five people what post
modernism was they would probably get five different answers or none at all. It is one of those
indefinable academic terms that applies to many different fields of study. Most people seem to
understand what it means individually but few agree collectively. To make matters even more
complicated, it is often used in discussions about deconstruction. To some Post Modernism is an
excuse to pile together oodles of wild and crazy decor, to others it is another example of the weakness
of standards and values. While some think that it is trangressive resistance to the sureness of
categories, to others a handy way to describe a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was a competition entry that was done in 1935. He did the ogelweidplatz a sports center and concert
hall in Vienna Austria. It to was a competition entry this was completed in 1953. One of his last works
was an Art museum in Shiraz Iran in 1970, six years later he died.
Another post modern architect is Robert Venturi. He has been credited with not only saving modern
architecture from it self but also with being one of the most original talents of contemporary
architecture. He has done this by making the forms of his buildings visually pleasing. Like other
Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureates before him, he is an architect along with being a writer teacher
and artist. Venturi graduated summa cum laude from Princeton University in 1947. He furthered his
studies as a Rome Prize Fellow at the American Academy in Rome from 1954 to 1956. In 1966 he
wrote a book that was called Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, and shortly after it was
published it became extremely influential. In his biography he wrote that Alvar Alto was his favorite
architect. He also wrote that he looked up to him and that his work meant the most to him out of all
the modern masters. He used Alto s work to help him study the art and technique. Some examples of
his work would be the Vanna Venturi House that is located in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. The
Sainsbury Wing, a National Gallery of Art located in
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Comparing and Contrasting The Passionate Shepherd to His...
Love throughout the years has been interpreted as an intense interpersonal attraction ( I love my
partner ). Love can also refer specifically to the passionate desire and intimacy of romantic love, to the
emotional closeness of familial love, or to the platonic love that defines friendship, to the profound
union or devotion of religious love. Love had been defined by individuals to get close to someone who
have actual feelings for or deeply care about, and one that you will actually risk your life for. But now,
love has been given a bad reputation because now some people are only interested in having non
intimate sex with others. People prefer temporary relationships, instead of dedicating their lives to
their loved ones. These types of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The speaker urges his love to live with him and enjoy the pleasures of the day. Sir Walter Raleigh
wrote a response to this poem in 1600 called The Nymph s Reply to the Shepherd. He uses the nymph
as the speaker, responding to the shepherd. There are no clues to the setting or the nymph s physical
appearance. The themes of this poem are doubt and the point that time changes things. The nymph
thinks realistically and refutes the ideas of the idyllic world the shepherd had proposed to her. The
shepherd seems to be very much of an optimist, whereas the nymph is very pessimistic. The structure
of these two poems is exact. There are six stanzas consisting of four lines each. This shows that The
Nymph s Reply to the Shepherd is responding directly to the shepherd in The Passionate Shepherd to
His Love. In each ideal proposal he gives, she gives him the realistic answer to why they cannot be
Next, the speaker in The Passionate Shepherd to His Love is a young shepherd who proposes a
passionate love affair to the girl he desires. He uses nature largely to appeal to her senses. He tells her
they will sit and watch the other shepherds work and listen to the birds sing. This implies that they
will have a life of pleasure and relaxation. He says he will make beds of roses and give her fragrant
posies (Marlowe 1). He promises to outfit her in fine clothes and that she will not want for anything.
He uses all these tempting things to help his
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Acute Stressors
Cohen et al. (1998) focused on observing the impact of acute and chronic life stressors on the
susceptibility and development of colds in people. Generally, the research question asks whether or
not these acute and chronic stressors, in addition to behavioral factors impact patient susceptibility to
two types of common cold. A hypothesis that can be derived from the study is that those with an
abundant amount of chronic stressors will be more susceptible in comparison to acute stressors.
Previous research on the topic from (Lepore, Miles, Levy, 1997) hold the same conclusion that long
term stressors impacted cold susceptibility more so than acute stressors. Earlier studies with Stone et
al. (1993) also provided evidence that stressors in general impact ... Show more content on
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The unique aspect of this 1998 study was that its emphasis was between these two types stressors and
the intentional exposure of the two types of common colds. The researchers designed an observational
study in which 125 men and 151 women ranging from ages 18 55 participated. Participants that were
eligible completed the LED to asses what types of acute or chronic stressors they had and for how
long they were present. The main findings of the team was that 99% of participants that did not
produce antibody were infected and those that did had 69% infected averaged to an 84% infection
rate. On the other hand 58% of participants that did not produce antibody developed a cold and 19%
that produced antibody developed a cold which averaged to 40% developing a cold. Ultimately, their
conclusion is that chronic stressors played a more major role in infection and developing a cold rates
in comparison to acute stressors. In addition, the findings from behavioral practices such as smoking
and drinking followed previous evidence pointing out that there is little to no connection between
habits and impact on stress and developing a
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A Short Note On Platform Smart Home Management Mobile...
2.5 The Product HSmart is cross platform smart home management mobile application, which allows
you to synchronize with numerous electrical home elements such as light bulbs, conditioners,
refrigerators in collaboration with wearable devices and smart phones. The application allows you to
control and monitor home appliances irrespective of your location. For example, switching on the air
conditioner for a cooler environment before arrival or command robot vacuum cleaner to tidy up the
house while away. The high rated customizable HSmart system allows complete user access control of
home appliances via controller and a communication technology.
a. Product overview
HSmart provides a system that fully integrated, which will integrate the ... Show more content on
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HSmart is compatible with different platforms such as Android, IOS (Apple device) and Windows by
accessing GoogleStore, Apple AppStore and Windows Store respectively. With HSmart application,
critical notifications regarding home appliances will be received and necessary actions taken at a
simple tap. c. Hardware
The hardware that need to be place in the house that required using our system include the following:
Central Controller:
The central controller creates a smart home by integrating with 200+ smart devices. Like a live in
translator, the central controller engages with numerous connected products with an aim to monitor
and control them easily from the HSmart application. The Central Controller uses communication
technologies like ZigBee and Z Wave radios which specifically designed for M2M leaning. The
central controller is connecting to the internet via an Ethernet cable allowing you to create a safer and
smarter home. Figure: Central Controller
Smart Home Elements: Smart home elements consist of different devices such as o Smart Connected
Light that can be dimmed or turned on and off from your smartphone using the HSmart app. o Motion
sensors that provide notifications for unexpected movement in the house. o SmartCamera which
automatically capture video clips when specified events i.e. Event based video recording. o
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American Vandal Satire
Mockumentaries are an over looked current new genre of television, According to Dictionary.com
they are a movie or television show depicting fictional events but presented as a documentary. Most
mockumentaries often overlap into the comedy genre, and are sometimes called satirical or parody
documentaries. Dictionary.com also states the word parody as, a humorous or satirical imitation of a
serious piece of literature or writing. American Vandal and Making a Murderer are two effectively
different television shows that were released in 2016. American Vandal is a prime example of a
satirical documentary, while Making a Murderer is a clear example of a regular documentary.
Although both shows, American Vandal and Making a Murderer, shed light ... Show more content on
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All of them playing a different role in the investigation and story. Each character is investigated in a
different way, revealing things a common documentary wouldn t. Making a Murderer interviews many
different people and sheds light on their opinions and thoughts, but fails to dive as deep as American
Vandal. In American Vandal everyone who could have possibly committed the crime was thoroughly
interviewed with their side of the story and what they accounted for that day. You quickly learn of
each and everyone s backstory and how they all relate to the case. A narrator follows the accused
party, Dylan Maxwell, and asks him a serious a questions and tries to see the problem through both
sides. Throughout these questions and the show we learn who Dylan really is. He is a loyal, confident,
laidback, comedic, curious, loving, and troublemaking individual. Throughout Making a Murder we
learn very little about the accused party Steven Avery s characteristics. What we learned was that he
was a father, prior criminal, and is not the brightest individual. While you don t completely get an idea
on who Steven Avery really is throughout the ten episode series, you get a great idea on who Dylan
Maxwell really is in American Vandal s eight episode
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The Aims and the Results of the Attempts by the Nazi...
The Aims and the Results of the Attempts by the Nazi Regime to Transform German Society
When the Nazis came to power in 1933 they began to introduce a set of ideas into the German society.
These ideas were based on the Nazi ideology, which had been outlined by Hitler in his book Mein
Kampf or My Struggle a few years earlier. This essay will examine the Nazis attempts to integrate
their ideological beliefs about youth and about women into the German society. The essay will also
assess the success of this integration.
The Nazis had a number of different aims for the youth and therefore their education needed to be
suitable. The Nazis overall aim was to create a generation of racially pure ... Show more content on
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Overall the Nazis aimed to concentrate a large majority of their resources on the conversion of the
youth to Nazi ideology. This was a key aim because the Nazis saw the youth as the future of Germany
and they wanted to have an influence over this generation. Another major aim for the Nazis was the
creation of a national racial community. This idea was known as the Volksgemeinschaft and was
central to the Nazi view of the future.
It wasn t only through youth groups that the youth were indoctrinated to the Nazi regime. The
education system was also completely geared to spreading the Nazi party propaganda. For example
the curriculum was designed around the Nazi ideology. Geography taught the boys map skills and
other skills that would be critical during a war. History taught the Nazi version of History, which was
a contrived version of events, which blamed the Jews for all of Germany s problems in the past. Even
subjects such as Maths were used by the Nazis to further their cause with lesson concentrating on the
angles of ballistics and other such material.
The Nazi views towards women were also presented in the educational system with a girls education
being divided into a number of different lessons each one of which encouraged a life at home.
Examples of these lessons include Hauswirtschaft. This involved domestic science, cooking, house
and garden
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Shoshanna Hebshi Analysis
Shoshanna Hebshi who is both Jewish and Arab got kicked off of a plane because of how she looks.
There were two other men right next to her that are Indian Americans and were kicked off of the flight
with her, nobody else but those three were kicked off. Passengers of the plane kept saying that those
three were being suspicious and that is why in Detroit they all were kicked off of the plane. All we
know is Hebshi s story about how she was kicked off and stripped searched. She felt humiliated with
everything she had to go through (Warikoo, N., 2103). The reason that racial profiling still goes on is
because people are scared. People are scared of what is different and not normal to them. The reason
that Shoshanna was targeted is because of
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The Image of the Big House as a Central Motif in The Real...
The Image of the Big House as a Central Motif in The Real Charlotte The image of the big house has
long been a central motif in Anglo Irish literature. From Maria Edgeworth s Castle Rackrent (1800), it
has been a source of inspiration to many writers. One of the reason s for the surge in castle rackrents
(a generic term employed by Charles Maturin) through the 19th and early 20th century, is that many
writers who used the big house as a backdrop to their work were residents of such houses themselves
writers such as Sommerville and Ross, George Moore and Elizabeth Bowen, were born into the
ascendancy and wrote about an era and society with which they were familiar. However modern
writers, such as Molly Keane and John ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sommerville and Ross have not focused on the physical disintegration of the Big House in The Real
Charlotte, but as they based the novel on their experiences as part of the Ascendancy, we can see the
corrosion of the upper classes stature and power through characterization and setting. The driving
force of all Big House fiction is the isolation of the Anglo Irish Ascendancy both physically and
metaphorically. The country homes of the Ascendancy/landlords, were deemed Big Houses because of
their grandeur and setting; they were huge in comparison to the cottiers mud cabins and labourers
cottages of the Irish natives, thus were unrivalled in the countryside. Elizabeth Bowen accurately
described their physical detachment from other social classes: with its stables and farm and gardens
deep in trees at the end of long avenues is an island and, like an island, a world. [3] Their
disconnection was deliberate as they generally only interacted with other gentry in the confines of
their estates, and consequently their only contact with the native Irish was in their role as master and
servant. Although these houses were built to inspire awe in social equals and deference in the lower
classes, as Terence Dooley states, such deference in Ireland was: tinged with a sense of resentment
because they were built on what most tenant farmers would deem to have been confiscated land. [4]
Adding to their image as usurpers was the fact that many were
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Gender Approaches to Analyzing Literature
Recently, gender studies have become the main sources of information for understanding gender
issues in the society. The masculine and feminine divide used to represent the socially constructed
sexual traits which men and women are expected to portray in their relationships and interactions. In
The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett, the characters strongly conform to socially constructed
gender roles in the way they dress, talk and act. This paper explores how the main characters in the
novel including the detective, Samuel Spade, his partner, Miles Archer and their client Miss. Rudy
Wonderly actively demonstrate the traditional gender roles.
The female characters are expected to exhibit feminism traits through their dressing, talking and
acting. In relation to the issue of dressing, Miss. Rudy Wonderly is portrayed as a fashionable and
attractive woman. This is demostrated clearly in the first chapter when she is introduced and the way
detective Samuel and his partner Archer behave towards her. In his description, Hammett says, She
wore two shades of blue that had been selected because of her eyes (Hammett 2). When she entered
his office, Spade rose bowing... (2) which was a sign of respect for the beautiful lady. She same
behavior is demonstrated by Archer when he is introduced to Miss Wonderly. Hammett observes that
Archer entered Spade s office while ... ducking his head and smiling at Miss Wonderly, making a
vaguely polite gesture with the hat in his hand (2).
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J Sainsbury
J Sainsbury plc is a UK based company, into grocery, related retailing an financial services business.
The study is primarily to do financial assessment of this company and its performance relative to its
peers and industry. Seeing the last 5 years report, it is evident that company was in a bad share 3 years
ago, and now its in the stage of recovery.
Starting 2004, there has been a major change in the board, as well as management. Since then
company has taken several large and aggressive approach. This can be summarised as renovating/ ex
panding retail space, re engineering of supply chain, and improvement in IT system. Also there has
been focus on brand repositioning through quality improvement, cost reduction ... Show more content
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Jackson s Stores is an independent, regional con venience store chain operating in the United
Kingdom. The Company also includes JB Beaumont, which operates six convenience stores located in
the East Midlands in the United Kingdom.
The Company offers financial services through Sainsbury s Bank. Sainsbury s Bank offers a range of
products, which include savings and loan products, credit cards and a number of insurance products. It
offers personal loans, savings accounts, and general and life insurance
2.3 Key facts
Number of employees
J Sainsbury employs around 148,000 people.
Store Estate
Table 1 Retailing store and space summary
Group performance
The following figures show the group performance for the last three years. This data shows a positive
trajectory and on the path of recovery. The same is also indicated in the chairman s speech, which will
be analysed later in this study.
Table 2 Financial performance for last 3 years
Let me elaborate more on the past records, so that we get a clearer picture of its performance. If we
see the last 5 years financial data, it is noted that they didn t performed well in 2003 and 2004, the
effect of which is shown clearly in the figures of 2005. Weather it EBITA, sales, profit margin or
working capital management. Peter Davies, the former CEO, spent £3bn trying to update the supply
chain, while
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Breaking The Drinking Age Essay
According to Underage drinking and the drinking age at the age of 18 you are considered an adult,
however the article suggests most 18 year olds are not mature enough to drink responsibly. Underage
drinking is an immense problem that college students and young men and women face. Main states,
that although students argue that when they turn 18 and are considered adults, they should be able to
legally vote, risk their lives in the military, get married, and legally drink. Depending on where the
soldier is stationed depends on whether they can drink or not. Soldiers stationed in the United States
drink less because they are under less stress. Many soldiers and young adults use alcohol as a way to
cope. Years ago alcohol Prohibition was used to stop the use of alcohol altogether. The availability that
underage drinkers have to get their hands on alcohol is high (Main). The author states that when the
drinking age was lowered, the drinking and driving rate was higher. This lead the to the amount of
deaths caused by drinking and driving to increase. Once the legal drinking age was raised again, the
death rate lowered. Binge drinking is also a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Studies suggest that if the legal drinking age was lowered, then young adults would go about drinking
safer due to it taking away the thrill of breaking the law. Binge drinking is often done at parties, but
with the drinking age being lowered, parties would not be stopped. However, they would be more
controlled. Lowering the drinking age would lead to young adults drinking in moderation ( Post Letter
1). Main stated that before the drinking age was raised the drinking and driving rate among young
adults skyrocketed (Main). Now with the increased awareness about drinking and driving that young
adults are shown, studies have proven that the amount of people drinking and driving has decreased (
Why Colleges
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The Monarch Butterfly Annual Migration
The monarch butterfly annual migration is a visually spectacular feat, in terms of the number of
butterflies flying to their overwintering sites and as well as the masses that congregates at the
overwintering sites in Mexico. The idea that monarch butterflies exhibited migratory behavior was
once controversial, it was not until Fred Urquhart and his colleagues pioneered a tagging work with
the eastern North American population for decades that revealed the long distance of the monarch
migration. The tagging efforts that began in 1937 lead to the discovery of their overwintering sites in
Mexico in 1975. With its long distance traveled and the nature of the predictable and the repetitive
nature of its annual migration. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Environmental factors such as the decrease in day length, cooler temperature and aging milkweed
trigger the monarch to begin its migration, although the precise environmental trigger that initiates
migration is not well understood. When spring arrives, they become reproductively active, mate and
leave Mexico to re migrate north. During the remigration northward the females lay fertilized eggs on
newly emerged milkweeds in the southern parts of the United States (Reppert and others 2010). Their
offspring s will also continue the migration up northward to repopulate the northern section of the
monarch habitat range. Even though the monarch migration is repetitive and cyclic in nature, their
migration cycle is multigenerational. It takes about two generations of spring and summer butterflies
that are following the progressive northward emergence of milkweeds to repopulate the entire range
and therefore completing the migration cycle (Reppert and others 2010).
Time Compensated Sun Compass (The Navigational process)
The Monarch butterfly uses a map and a compass like other long distance migrants. The map sense is
needed to determine which direction they are to fly and to stop. The compass sense is utilized so that
the migrants can orient in the southern direction throughout the course of their migration. It has been
shown that the monarch may not have a true map sense, although the monarch
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Magna Carta Benefits
The Magna Carta was originally seen by both the cowardly King John and the insurgent Barons lined
up against him only as a bargaining chip and hence not of very great importance. In John s mind, it
was only ever a stalling effort, intended to prove his reasonableness to the barons. It was only ever
Regarded as a bargaining chip and nothing more.
This said, the Magna Carta probably meant little to the rebels either and the fact that they Withdrew on
their vow to surrender London after signing the Magna Carta displays their dislike of the Runnymede
proceedings. Still, the clauses of the Magna Carta shows that John had driven his barony too far.
After an initial clause which guaranteed the rights of the Church, the next 15 clauses were
Arrangements ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It was used strategically throughout history. This clause is the only one that remains on the law books
It is the also the Magna Carta that has significantly affected the way modern society views the
repayment of debt. Since the Magna Carta goes into much detail regarding the repayment of debt, it
makes it clear that even if the person has a debt he cannot repay, the debtor may not do and action that
will harm the well being of the indebted Neither we nor our officials will seize any land or rent in
payment of a debt, so long as the debtor has movable goods sufficient to discharge the debt (Original
Magna Carta Translation).
The Magna Carta also goes into quite a lot of detail concerning the limitations on the authority that the
king maintains. Finally, they sought to ensure that the king carried out his promises, safeguarded the
rebels from any comebacks, demanded that he fire his hated mercenary captains and tied the king to a
council of 25 members in an effort to ensure his co operation. (Brendaliz s Project)
It was destined to fail. The Magna Carta endured less than three
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The Fight Scene Analysis
The first section is a representation of when the meeting of Collin and Nancy occurred in the diary. I
choose to represent this by scattering around music notes on all sides since it was sort of like a rock
concert .The uneven colorful patches all around them stands for the commotion and mix up after the
rednecks came in . This is one of the factors that cause her to have an asthma attack and he calms her
down and grabs her tightly . I drew her with her hand on him to show her being calmed down. He
makes her feel safe , this is why I drew them close .As her aunt does not come to pick her up ,she sobs
and he again comforts her closely . The bright color represents her enthusiasm for meeting such an
interesting guy to talk to . Almost like a brother . This scene is important because it is the start of her
so thought love which leads to her tragedy .It also shows how he portrays a fake image ... Show more
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I Choose to represent this by drawing two hands wine wine in them. This shows the alcohol involved
in this part. I also drew fire flames . This is to emphases the risky provocative situation in which she
was in . She was all by herself and he was getting more touchy with there .The main color in my
flames is red , this is to represent the color of passion which is what goes on as he grabs her . As my
main background , I used black, this is to show the time of day for this event , past midnight . The
word NO is in print capital letters this is to to show her disapproval when he rapes her . She states
reasons and says No. Still his response was the same there was no answer he just did it and left. All
these elements are needed because this scene is so purposeful . Its purposeful because it shows how a
simple house alone date turned into a risky behavioral situation. This really demonstrates how her
voice was ignored and Collin decided to have sex with her despite her
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Persuasive Essay On National Cheer Competition
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to win twenty three consecutive National
There strategy for winning is that they practice every stunt about a hundred times to get it perfect. The
girls are also put out of their put out of the comfort zone, by throwing stunts that go really high up in
the air. The girls are mainly supposed to be around 5 1 5 2 and only weigh 98 99 pounds, due to the
fact that they get thrown up in the air during the routine. Although there are many competitive, college
cheerleading team, UK is the best, because of their twenty three consecutive wins and they are also
representing USA in the 2018 winter olympics.
To begin, University of Kentucky cheerleading has had a strong twenty three years of wins, running
back all the way to 1985 2018. With that amount of wins they have to make sure that they hit a
solid,perfect routine. With hours of juggling practice and having school work, the athletes have a lot
on their plate. They practice ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
While being on such a known team like Kentucky, the squad has received quite amount of exposure to
social media.The University of Kentucky is very successful in what they do, in the sport. They train so
much for what they want. Stated by Karl Olson, (Tv.Varsity.com) we are pleased to see cheerleading
teams of the top Winter Olympic countries represented at the 2018 Winter Olympic games . Hopefully
we will see the Kentucky cheerleading team with more National Championships in the future, and that
we will see them in future olympics along with other amazing cheerleading teams. The Kentucky team
with there many National titles is the greatest, and not only with those titles they were the first,
cheerleading team to represent USA in the 2018 Winter
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Essay On Valley Forge Dbq
Death is all around you,what do you do? Valley Forge was a winter camp in 1777 to 1778 for the
George Washington and his army. Valley Forge was 18 miles outside of Philadelphia. The winter at
Valley Forge was long, cold, harsh, and horrible. Soldiers 9 month terms were about to end many
wanted to go home. The question to us is would you re enlist or not re enlist? I have decided to re
enlist for three reasons which are less soldiers, hard times, and support. It would not matter to me what
happened I,am a loyal soldier. The first reason why I would re enlist is less soldiers. From December
1777 to the February 1778 4,000 people either left or died (Doc A). On February 1st 1778 3,989
people were sick out of 8,000 people(Doc A). Dr. Waldo says The army which has been surprisingly
healthy, now begins to grow sickly. (Doc C). The so called summer soldier and the sunshine patriot are
leaving(Doc D). Summer soldier and sunshine patriot means people that only like doing the fighting
when it is easy. Soldiers that leave are summer soldiers, I do not want to be one of those. this reason is
causing me to re enlist because less soldiers would make the army need more soldiers, so I will stay. ...
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The army has poor food, hard lodging, cold weather, fatigue, nasty cookery, vomit, and lots of smoke
(Doc C). Thomas Paine said These are the times that try men s souls. (Doc D). There was 1,800 to
2,500 deaths because of sickness (Doc A). There also was worn out shoes, nasty clothes, and everyone
was starved (Doc C). There would be cries of NO MEAT! NO MEAT! that echoed back the
melancholy sound (Doc C). Skin and eyes are almost spoiled with continual smoke. (Doc C). This is
causing me to re enlist because hard times would make it harder to win so the army would need as
many soldiers as they can
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Competitive Strategy Of Toyota
By 2007, Toyota was leading its industry as the largest automotive manufacturer in the world.
Operating under a strong growth strategy, their reputation for exceptional quality and high safety
ratings coupled with operational efficiency promoted their competitive advantage. Furthermore,
Toyota was principally the symbol of excellence and a benchmark for every other company. When
examining their strategy under Porter s model Toyota maintains a strong combined plan focusing on
both cost leadership and broad differentiation. Through the process of lean daily management and just
in time delivery Toyota led the manufacturing world with a distinguished level of efficiency.
Examining their success and processes, manufacturing was transformed and Toyota was the envy of
many. Additionally, through innovation Toyota actively sought differentiation as a generic tactic.
Hybrid technology was successfully implemented into their Prius model vehicles and the Prius
became the first, pioneering mass produced vehicle of its kind. Challenging all the company stood for,
in 2009, Toyota faced a series of recalls that would test their resolve and force the organization to
examine their culture, methods and overall practices. The end of 2009 brought a recall of over 3.8
million vehicles for Toyota. Triggered by a deadly accident from an apparent stuck accelerator, reports
of similar instances began pouring in. Publicity was brutal following the ordeal and the repercussions
for Toyota were
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What Is The Exploration Of Thailand Essay
Exploration of Thailand
Let s take a vacation to Thailand! Being the adventurous person I am I always love to go explore new
places with friends and family. This year we ve decided to go to Thailand and I can t wait. I decided I
wanted to bring along my mom and my friend Hailey for some girl fun. I didn t know much about
Thailand so I had to do research fast since we re leaving May 15th and coming home the 21st.
Thailand is a country in the Southeast part of Asia. It is split up into two different sections, the
Northern part which is the main part, and a smaller peninsula that is an extension to the Southern part.
Their climates are rainy and warm since they are in the Monsoon climate zone. During May it is
expected to be rainy, and sunny with a high of 89 degrees and a low of 77 degrees. Thailand is filled
with big, beautiful mountains that in the North and South form the Himalayas According to Map Fight
Thailand is two times the size of Michigan.
The majority of people in Thailand are Thai which means the have a religious freedom. According to
Facts and Details Thailand s religion is 93.6% Buddhism. As for governing there has been a marked
devolution of power since the 1980s. According to Britannica, most of the local governing is in major
cities such as Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Pattaya. The rapid growth ... Show more content on
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Luckily Thailand is safe so the only thing we need to worry about for safety is being aware of our
surroundings. According to US Embassy the only visas we need to be able to go to Thailand is have at
least six months of validity left on your passport, so luckily we got our passports renewed a few days
ago. We went to the doctors to get our vaccinations for Tetanus, Diphtheria, Measles, Mumps, and
Rubella. Also foodborne illnesses like Typhoid and Hepatitis A. When we get to Thailand we re
planning on buying water bottles since their tap water isn t safe to
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Otosclerosis Research Paper
Otosclerosis is a disorder that is inherited that can cause loss of hearing because of lack
of the sound being intensified. The article, Bone mineral density measurements in Otosclerosis
using dual energy X ray absorptiometry does a study that is supposed to evaluate patients with
Otosclerosis and compare their bone mineral density. As this disease progresses it can lead to
conductive hearing loss. Both Otosclerosis and osteoporosis have things in common, such as
collagen gene deformities in both. Blood was collected from the participants of the study as a
fasting blood sample. The bone mineral test was done by X ray. The results of this study were
taken by age, height, weight and BMI, to categorize the participants. While ... Show more content on
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(Tonuk, Koybasi, Bicer, Alkan Temel , 151). Viral infection, autoimmunity, and inflammatory
mechanisms and hormonal changes (Tonuk, Koybasi, Bicer, Alkan Temel , 151). They are both
more commonly found in women, than men. There is a connection between both osteoporosis
and Otosclerosis. One difference is, that Otosclerosis may have younger patients with it. Patients
who had Otosclerosis had a correlation with being Carhart notch positive. Carhart notch positive
is a bone conduction that is observed in pure tone audiometry at frequencies from 1 4 kHz, and it
is found with diseases that cause conductive hearing loss. Overall, the disorder has to do with
bone density loss.
This article for me was very interesting and taught me about something I had never heard
of before. I have heard of osteoporosis, but never Otosclerosis. I think that Otosclerosis is very
interesting, that it can be obtained in many different ways, such as hormonal changes,
autoimmune as well as inherited. Although I know that there are bones in the ears, it is not
something that I ever thought of, that a person could lose bone conduction for sounds in the
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Nt1320 Unit 2 Agression Analysis Paper
State your results: the mean, median, mode, range, variance, and standard deviation Based on the
given sample of student test scores of 50, 60, 74, 83, 83, 90, 90, 92, and 95 after rearranging them
from least to greatest. As the mean is based on the average of sum, the average of this sample is 79.67
or 80. The mode refers to numbers that appear the most in a sequence and in this case 83 and 90 both
appear twice. Range calculates the difference between the largest and smallest number, which are 95
and 50 which have a difference of 45. The variance is the difference between the sum of squares
divided by the sample size, which is the number in the sample minus one (Hansen Myers, 2012),
meaning it takes each number of the set and subtracts ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The best method to solve for the mean, medium, mode, range, variance, and standards deviation, in
this case is by hand and not on SSPS. For a novice, they would spend more time figuring how to set
the parameters and spend roughly the same amount of time on the analyzation that they would when
using the software. Although, a moderate user of the SSPS software would solve this problem rather
quickly. Though, it is recommended to use SSPS when analyzing a large sample size.
Conduct a one sample t test and interpret the results (use a population mean of 70). One sample t test
are used in the parametric test which analyzes the means of populations. The t test for independent
groups are statistics that relates difference between treatment means to the amount of variability
expected between any two samples of data within the same population (Hansen Myers, 2012). Critical
values are used in significant testing provide a range of t distribution that is used in whether a null
hypothesis is rejected. Based on the data below as the level of significance is at .05, thus the critical
values would fall under ±1.860 and the t value for this is 1.871 would suggest for the null to be
rejected as it is greater than the critical value (Privitera, 2015, p. 267). Based on the population mean
of 70 there was a mean difference of
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Personal Property Legal Issue That Martin Faces Essay
I respectfully disagree with your analysis pertaining to the personal property legal issue that Martin
faces. I take issue with the way you are defining bailment and implying that Martin and Benjamin had
an agreement to valet Martins GTO. Therefore, I take issue with your bailment positioning because
that implies that the car thief and Martin had a personal agreement for him to park and return the car. (
National Para Legal, ) states
The issue of whether or not a bailment has been created is important because, once a bailment has
been established, a duty of care attaches to the bailee. Failure to live up to this duty of care can cause
the bailee to be liable for any harm that results to the property from the failure of the bailee to properly
care for the property. However, if there is no bailment (only a custodial arrangement), the custodian
has no affirmative duty to safeguard the property (2016).
However, the only agreement that Martin had implied was with the restaurant, which was made in
good faith. Furthermore, the restaurant failed Martin because of their neglect to maintain their
company s property, which intern lead to the theft.
Moreover, I understand your thought process for the most recent purchaser exercising his good faith
stance. However, I do not believe that stance would hold up in court because of the way the North
Carolina law is written. According to ( North Carolina General Assembly, )
Article 3. Motor Vehicle Act of 1937. Part 8. Anti Theft
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Fleet Truck Maintainenace Database Paper
Fleet Truck Maintainenace Database Paper
Its mind numbing to reflect the amount of technical change that has taken place in only a short period
of time. In this current age, innovation has opened doors to a wide capacity for data collection and
management. An example is the amount of business use with Microsoft Access. Businesses have
gained from Access s technical capabilities by using it to offer a wide range of ways to add value and
efficient to any facility. Today we use Access databases to organize the way we live and work. This
software is very technical savvy and uses tables, fields and records to organize company data and
ultimately to speed up solving any business problems or inquires. Team B has developed a Microsoft
Access ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In addition, the database will also help Huffman in financial controls by using fleet history to monitor
repairs, parts cost, labor, and operating costs, track vendors, fuel, drivers, and more. A database for
fleet truck maintenance will enable the company to assemble forms interconnected to specific request,
retrieve all records that match certain criteria, update records in bulk, cross reference records in
different tables, and perform complex calculations. Through these functions you can easily see how
Huffman will immediately begin to benefit from the advantages of this database system. Creating such
a database is free to the organization, unless they decide to hire vendors or other database analyst to
maintain and control the system.
What will this database accomplish?
Creating a database for Fleet Truck Maintenance will organize the way Huffman does business. Team
B knew that creating a database would be helpful to the company, but had to really ask themselves
what this database would accomplish. Ultimately, creating this database will accomplish documenting
consistencies in frequencies, amounts, driver history, and accomplish measuring growth in revenue
and profitability. The primary goal of this database is to drive, cultivate, and measure the effectiveness
of maintenance in the Huffman business and that s exactly what it is doing. Maintenance is the best
indicator of success or failure in any
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Street Racing Research Paper
The dangers and consequences of Street racing
Street racing is where two or more cars race illegally in the street or in the expressways and either race
for who is faster or for money. When I race, I do it for fun and for to see whose car is quicker and has
more power.When you street race, you get an adrenaline rush because you re going fast and you re
doing it illegally and it is not safe at all. Street racing brings many consequences, including arrest,
serious injury, and sometimes Death. Statistics show that in 2001, the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration reported that police listed street racing as a factor in 135 fatal crashes . According to
the California Office of Traffic Safety, more than 800 citations for illegal street ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
When the authorities find out about the races, they try to raid the race spot and all the racers split up so
the police won t catch them and then they hide until it is all clear. Many people watch racing movies
and want to duplicate the actions that happen in the movies, some of the movies is: Fast and Furious 1
7, Born 2 Race, and Need for speed, and when they attempt it, they feel good about doing it and they
get an adrenaline rush. In my eyes, I feel like privately owned drag strips should open their doors to
teenagers and young adults so they can race legally and not be on the streets risking their lives just to
get an adrenaline
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Differences Between Communication And Culture
To study culture is to also study a people s means of communication it is to investigate a group s way
of life, to consider the thought processes behind the choices they make, and to realize the reasons and
means by which they maintain their relationships. Communication and culture are inseparable due to
the reality that one cannot exist without the other. This concept of acknowledging the connectedness
of culture and communication is iterated in the Handbook of International and Intercultural
Communication when William B. Gudykunst and Bella Mody use this quote by anthropologist and
cross cultural researcher Edward T. Hall, Culture is communication and communication is culture
(Gudykunst Mody, 2004, p.26). The claim that communication and culture are invariably connected is
supported by the universally understood truth that communication styles vary around the world due to
differences in environmental contexts, the prevalence of regionally specific issues, and the value of
relationships within a cultural group (Gudykunst Mody, 2004). Examples of this phenomenon are the
differences between the methods that people of the United States use to communicate with each other
and the methods that people of other countries utilize to fulfill the same task. The discrepancies
relating to verbal and nonverbal communication between different cultures prove that communication
is cultural, and culture is built on communication. I have always lived in the United States, therefore
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thomas cole Essay
Thomas Cole
Painting landscapes was very important during the 19th century. Thomas Cole was one of the most
important figures in landscape painting in the United States. He went to many places searching for
nature, which he painted to show the unmatchable beauty nature creates. His works of art helped
people see and take pride in their great land, which was called America. Cole s works were often made
people feel like they needed to go out in nature and discover the inspiring world of mother earth.
Thomas Cole, born on February 1, 1801 in Lancashire, England, found himself at fourteen working as
a textile printer and wood engraver in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Cole returned to his parents in 1819
in Ohio; this is were he learned how to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These painters saw landscapes having feelings of hope, divinity, and even harmony. The Hudson River
School was a very important asset to American culture and art. Bordering countries during the
nineteenth century were demolishing America and made Americans want to see their nation survive as
an independent nation.
Cole focuses on the American landscape and mixes idealism and realism into his paintings to really
get viewers to admire nature and its beauty. He believed that landscape painters needed to have
strength determination, and courage to overcome Mother Nature s more turbulent side.
Then, in 1825, John Trumball, an artist, discovered Cole s magnificent work in a frame at a frame
shop. Trumball immediately bought lots of Cole s works and drew art critics attention. With the
Hudson River School being so prosperous the National Academy of design was born.
In the early nineteenth century landscape artists painted scenes of America s east side near the Hudson
River, but by the mid nineteenth century Landscape artists tended to paint portraits of the newly
explored western territory and the South American tropics to show a more extravagant side of the
United States.
Cole s first major painting, The Course of the Empire, was a symbolistic illustration showing the five
stages of an empire; which were the savage state, pastoral state, consummation of the empire,
destruction, and finally desolation. The different canvases display the relationship between man and
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Cold War Effects On America
Cold War:
Cold War can be characterized as the political and the military pressure between the two super powers
USA and USSR, Western and the Eastern coalition separately. They never went to coordinate war with
one another yet they discovered options available to satisfy their cold war plans. It helped in the
development of Asian American groups in United States of America. Proxy wars turned into the way
to this advancement. Southeast Asian Americans were effected by these intermediary wars in a
positive way. Immigration and naturalization was attained by Southeast Asian America groups with
the assistance of proxy wars. Three intermediary wars basically made an impact on the waves of
migration of Southeast Asian groups. They were Korean War, ... Show more content on
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It was the main entry point for the people who pursued the Pacific route to arrive in United States. The
station nearly operated from 1910 to 1940 performing its duty to operate as an Immigration Center.
Large number of people were processed for immigration over there. Most of the people didn t spent
much time on the island as they were immediately allowed to enter United States. Certain times, they
were directly allowed to enter San Francisco and their paper work was forwarded to the island for
process of immigration as well as storage. It was also given the name as The Ellis Island of West due
to the large number of immigrants to be immigrated. Despite of the given name, Angel Island was
different from Ellis Island. On one side, Ellis Island processed large number of immigrants and
welcomed them in the states immediately, while Angel Island on other side didn t welcomed many
immigrants, especially, Chinese immigrants. This is because of the implementation of The Chinese
Exclusion Act in 1882 and its periodical updating till 1943, which lead to hamper the entry of Chinese
Immigrants to the United States. The large number of Chinese coming for the gold rush in America
were restricted by the immigration officers at Angel Island. Immigration authorities confined recently
arrived Chinese individuals while they decided their qualification to enter the United States.
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Analysis Of The Netherland Based Royal Philips Electronics...
Problem(s)/Issue(s): The problem in this case was the Netherland based Royal Philips Electronics
Company in Europe was losing profit in the 1990 s, as well as ,the United States because of poor
performance. By the end of 1990 s decade, Philips was nearly bankrupt. The decision to restructure
the Netherland based Royal Philips Electronics Company in Europe and the United States to regain
some of its losses because of poor performance, and the environmental challenges. Due to the
environmental challenges, such as rapid change, rise of the internet, workforce diversity, globalization,
legislation, evolving work and family roles, skill shortages and the rise of the service sector, and
natural disaster, Philips Electronics Company had to adapt to change quickly if it wanted the company
to survive, forced the new president of Philips Electronics Company to restructure the company. Also,
using the strategic conversation model was a good professional assessment for the company to get the
employees involved. Restructuring an organization comes with many challenges and hardship for an
individual, organization and the environment. Employees become stressed or distrustful of their
employer, its management and their coworkers because the trust is lost. There are three crucial
obstacles or challenges that management faces in any restructuring program. They include: 1) Design
what type of restructuring is the best fit for an organization to resolve precise challenge,
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Federal Emergency Management Agency Analysis
President Carter established Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) with the
Reorganization Plan Number 3 of 1978, giving it free range of functions, as well as emergency
preparedness, civil defense, disaster relief, emergency communications, flood and crime insurance,
fire prevention, and steadiness of government (Rubin, 2012). The agency was established in April 1,
1979, with four mechanisms such as the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration and the Federal
Insurance Administration, the Defense Civil Preparedness Agency, and the U.S. Fire Administration
(Rubin, 2012). FEMA mandates local governments to established effective floodplain management
procedures, and USACE considers different tactics on several structural measures to minimized flood
losses (Rubin, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A reasonable national flood control policy has been instituted yet (Rubin, 2012). Federal government
agencies like FEMA, were initiated to make disaster response better, but still major disasters are
unpredictable (Rubin, 2012). FEMA covered all aspects of emergency management such as
mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery, a paradigm generated by the National Governors
Association (Rubin,
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Essay on Race in Invisible Man and Black Boy
The Question of Race in Invisible Man and Black Boy
In the early twentieth century black American writers started employing modernist ways of
argumentation to come up with possible answers to the race question. Two of the most outstanding
figures of them on both, the literary and the political level, were Richard Wright, the most important
voice in black American literature for the first half of the twentieth century (Norton, 548) and his
contemporary Ralph Ellison, one of the most footnoted writers in American literary history (Norton,
700). In this paper I want to compare Wright s autobiography Black Boy with Ellison s novel Invisible
Man and, in doing so, assess the effectiveness of their conclusions.
Both ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
All chapters of the protagonist s life end with the same kind of disappointment and contribute to his
disillusionment. This finally leads him to believe that history is boomeranging and that society
therefore can t be changed. No one except for him (and a crazy doctor) seems to have the necessary
distance to see what is really wrong with the world and so he hides away into a dark hole. There he
stays, literally enlightened by 1,369 light bulbs, stealing power from the power plant and enjoying his
Richard Wright chooses the other way. Cynicism is only a period in his life. From his early childhood
on he has always had a strong will and successfully resisted all attempts to break him. Instead of
obeying to authorities and silently accepting the social circumstances of his life he has always fought
back. Cynicism means passivity and Wright can t afford to end up in passivity, be it only because,
other than the invisible man, he has to care for his family. Driven by great physical and intellectual
hunger he grimly swims against the current and eventually discovers that he is not the only victim of
society. This brings him to a question that is to become the basis for an ideology he will follow the rest
of his life: Maybe if all these people unite and raise their voices they will be heard? Maybe together
they have the power to change society? He finds that these ideas form the
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Malaysia And Singapore Bonds
Malaysia and Singapore bonds are unique and idiosyncratic due to factors such as geography, history,
politics, culture and ethnicity.1They are substantial trading partner and their bilateral trade amounted
to S$113.4 billion in 2012, up from S$77.2 billion in 2003. The island s investment into Malaysia has
climbed about 25 percent annually over the past three years, according to DBS Group Holdings
Ltd.2This increase in trade makes quintessential the need to enhance economic linkages between the
two countries and the High Speed Rail (HSR) project presented an opportunity to open up and
rejuvenate smaller cities in Peninsular Malaysia by connecting them to the two major metropolises.
The HSR is an efficient and safe mode of transport which results in dramatic travel time savings.We
will firstly analyse the cost and benefits of the HSR and we will try to discuss if the value of the
project outweigh the MYR 40 billion construction cost. Traffic between the two countries through the
Causeway and Second Link is estimated at 400,000 crossings both ways daily, and Civil Aviation
Authority of Singapore figures show that an average of 7,500 people left Singapore for Malaysia daily
by air last year, of which, say experts, about 6,000 were headed to Kuala Lumpur.3 This will mean
that an extra 100000 commuters will be able to travel in both direction daily.The economic and social
benefits derived from the agglomeration of 2 cities bring about a huge development potential. The
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Family Legal Advisor
We don t counsel a family legal advisor until we get ourselves caught in issues which can t be
comprehended. It is ideal to have a dependable family legal counselor so that when you run over such
issues you don t need to begin stressing over finding the right law office.
Family legal counselors can help in such a large number of various circumstances which can make
your life basic; some of them are as recorded underneath:
On the off chance that you and your accomplice have as of now put in a great deal of endeavors to
make your marriage work, and still you thoroughly consider the main way is a separation then you
should contact your family legal advisor. Marriage is an intense choice and after that choosing to get a
separation is much more troublesome, so it is ideal to take the assistance of best separation legal ...
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You have to ensure you do what is vital to the greatest advantage of your youngsters and this is just
conceivable when you know your legitimate rights.
Dwelling together
It is for your leeway that you take the assistance of a law office to realize what your legitimate rights
are or where you stand lawfully when you choose to move in with your accomplice. With the goal that
you realize what to do when things don t turn out the way you anticipated that them would be.
Prenuptial assentions
You can take help of a family law office to have a prenuptial assention before you get hitched. A
prenuptial understanding contains points of interest on how the money related and different matters
will be settled on the off chance that your marriage closes in separation. This is a shrewd thing to do
as such that you are not at misfortune and you don t need to stress over how things will turn out if
your marriage breaks.
Other family
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The Regime Of The 1905 Revolution
It is evident that Nicholas II was mainly to blame for the 1905, due to his lack of response to the
growing discontent amongst the Russian people. Although it could be argued that the actions of
previous Tsars were the cause of this discontent, and this was certainly influential, Nicholas failure to
act upon his people s requests was ultimately the cause of the revolution.
The repressive Tsarist system in place in 1905 was arguably one of the most significant factors in the
1905 revolution, as much of the discontent in Russia was due to anger at Nicholas autocratic Tsarist
government. It could be argued that the repressive Tsarist system was not the fault of Nicholas II, but
instead a problem that had been in existence for decades before his reign began. For example,
Nicholas predecessor Alexander III was also committed to the preservation of the autocracy, and
arguably took steps towards repression, through Russification and censorship, in addition to the
introduction of the Okhrana. Therefore, it could be argued that Nicholas was not to blame for the
repressive Tsarist system or its consequences, due to the fact that it had been in existence before his
reign began.
However, as Nicholas did little to stop the government being so repressive, it could be argued that he
was still to blame. Despite widespread calls for reform from individuals such as Father Gapon, these
requests were not acted upon, so in some ways Nicholas II can be held to account for the
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A Study On Fish Pass
2.1 General
Fish pass [2] is a hydraulic structure which is generally built on or around on obstructions like dams,
barrages, weirs, or navigation locks in order to facilitate the natural migration of the fishes. Generally
fishways consists of a series of small steps on which the water flows so that the fishes can swim and
pass around the obstruction. The working principle of a fishway is attraction of the migrating species
to a particular location in the river which is on the downstream side of the obstruction and then
enables them to pass upstream. In order to achieve it, either a waterway is opened or the migrating
species are entrapped in a tank and then lifted upstream. Figure 3.1: Schematic diagram of a rock ramp
fishway [11]
The effectiveness of fish pass is the ease with which the entrance to it can be located and how easily
the migrating species can cross it without stress or injury in minimum time. The behaviour of the
migrating species plays an important role in the design of the fishways. The performance of the fish
passes is dependent on the water velocities and the pattern of flow through it. The water velocity in
fish passes must be compatible with the swimming capabilities of the species for which it is designed.
2.2 Types of fish pass
1. Close to nature fish passes
2. Technical fish passes
2.2.1 Close to nature fish passes
The basic idea
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The System Development Life Cycle Framework
Prior to Zachman, organizations often introduced information systems technology in direct response to
a perceived need by the organization such as the automation of a particular job function (Bernard,
2011). As Bernard notes, this became increasingly problematic as organizations evolved as did their
need for integration and communication between their system implementations. Systems developed to
meet business requirements on a case by case basis often using proprietary vendor products which
eventually led to heterogeneous collection of disharmonious systems (Bernard, 2011). Zachman
Framework Compared to the System Development Life Cycle Framework The most common
approach to developing a system during the time Zachman created his framework was the System
Development Life Cycle Framework (SDLC) (Collins, 2008, February). SDLC is typically divided
into five phases which are planning, analysis, detailed system design, implementation, and
maintenance (Coronel Morris, 2015). Each of these phases is intended as a gate which must be passed
through before proceeding to the next (Coronel Morris, 2015). With this structure in mind, it should be
clear that while it may be possible to revisit the planning phase during the analysis phase, the converse
would certainly not be possible. Consequently, this emphasizes perhaps the key and fundamental
difference between the two approaches. Even a cursory glimpse at the initial Zachman (1987)
framework would not reveal a series of
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Premiumessays.Net Mathematics Sample Essa

  • 1. Premiumessays.Net Mathematics Sample Essa 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Premiumessays.Net Mathematics Sample Essa Premiumessays.Net Mathematics Sample Essa
  • 2. Zodiac Killer I like killing people because it is so much fun it is more fun than killing wild game in the forrest because man is the most dangerous animal of them all... (Haugen 32). Who is the twisted man behind this letter? This is certainly, without a doubt, the Zodiac Killer. Zodiac had written many letters to the police departments in Northern California between the years of 1969 through 1978. The majority of the letters were written as ciphers, (coded letters), which still today remain coded. Zodiac had denied the authorities any leads on his identity which still remains as an unsolved mystery today. So who was, or still is, the identity of The Zodiac Killer? After all these years, the real question remains, is there enough evidence to identify Zodiac and reopen ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both survivors were able to give the authorities description of The Zodiac Killer s identity. Mageau described the murderer as a young white man with a large face who was approximately 5 foot 8 inches (173 centimeters) and weighing approximately 195 pounds (88 kilograms). Johns tried to pay attention to all the details about the Zodiac during her abduction. When Johns was taken to Patterson Police Station to tell her story of her abduction, Johns noticed a sketch of a man whom was drawn for the murder of Paul Stine. Paul Stine had been previously murdered prior to her abduction. Johns clarified that the sketch was a replica of her abductor. From this limited information, there isn t enough evidence to locate Zodiac today. From the third linked murder, Zodiac left a message on Bryan Hartnell s car door which indicated the dates and times of each murder. The last date was cut into the door by a knife which referred to Cecelia Shepard and Bryan Hartnell s death. As Zodiac left the crime scene,
  • 3. authorities found his footprints going to and coming from the crime scene. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Media Panics A media panic or often referred to as a moral panic, is a term that describes how the media is formulating issues amongst our society. Over time, our culture has shifted and caused for many conclusions regarding media panics and the relationship between youth and the media culture. Based upon previous knowledge and course readings, I have drawn a very disturbing conclusion; this being that no matter what age, children are willing or non willingly now under surveillance to determine what kind of role media is playing in their lives. With what I have gathered from the readings and class lectures, most authors strongly believe that different forms of media directly influence children s thinking or perception. What authors and researchers ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The authors discuss the objectifying gaze, which I believe has a lot to do with how females are perceived with the usages of photo altering technology and online visual cultures. The theoretical framework of the objectification theory places female bodies in a sociocultural context with the aim of illuminating the lived experiences and mental health risks of girls and women who encounter sexual objectification (Frederickson Roberts, 174). The pose and the filter that a young woman chooses to enhance the beauty of her photo is argued to read just that, and it allows for others viewing them to assume their lived experiences, how these young women generally are, the practices they engage in, etc. What we tend to forget, especially in an age where digital culture is so prominent, is that a picture is a snapshot of a moment in time. According to Drotner (1999), the idea that new media has become a threat and a main cause of moral panics to young people is problematic because it infers that they are effected by what they are exposed to. This assumption of children, introduces to our society that every piece of media may be able to change them. What we are telling ourselves is that young people are followers and do not have a mind of their own; they are vulnerable, innocent and easily influenced. Media panics introduce the idea that there should be some sort of protection for children from the dangers media may introduce. In ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. The Reality Of Time And Space It is paradoxical to have a course, which revolves round the corrosiveness of faulted Western notions of time and its depiction through abstraction, identify itself with an abstract title but argue for the concreteness and tangibility of the portrayal of time and space. A Place Beyond Time does just that. Containing a vastly abstract title, A Place Beyond Time may at first glance appear to properly relate time as a tangent notion with space. Upon further contemplation, however, it becomes patent that A Place Beyond Time possesses a conspicuous absence present in its philosophy of aloofness from intangibility. And although the name of the course attempts to tackle and manifest the complications of abstract and concrete time, it is through its lack of definition and precision, lack of possession, and lack of sensation of repetition that A Place Beyond Time fails to properly capitalize on this dilemma. In scrutiny, A in A Place Beyond Time appears to breed the idea of time in any place any where, albeit inaccurate. Which place? True, however, that the use of A allows for intrigue and mystery. In any other circumstance, other than specificity, the use of A is better. Perhaps, through the use of a, the title indeed attempts to capture suspense and mystery to represent the obscure connections of space and time in the abstract. That of which it effectively executes. The course title, nevertheless, does not zero in on specificity and detachment from generic description. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. The Spirit Bear Quotes At the end of the chapter, I actually think that the Spirit Bear probably won t cause any sort of harm towards Cole this time. The reason being is because in the last paragraph, it quotes that the bear sniffed the air with a curious breath, and it showed no sign of aggression whatsoever. What s even more interesting is, is the fact how I think that the Bear can tell that Cole has really made a decision to change the way he lives if he had another chance. The spirit bear probably can connect to somebody spiritually and figure out whether they had a desire to continue to do harm in its territory, or come out as a peaceful and loving creature. Finally, another logical reason which convinces me to believe that the Spirit Bear won t kill Cole is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Uliad The Legend Of A Harp The harp had come to Uliad from his mother, it had come from her mother and her father who had made it. It was not a beautiful harp, but it played as well as any other. Uliad was a wonderful harper, he would play at all the weddings and funerals, he would go to the music day competitions and would stay for hours just performing to make the people smile. Uliad loved his harp and was truly grateful for it, but he wanted something more. He longed for a beautiful harp, for a harp that was perfect. He dreamed for years about what materials he would use and what design would be etched in the wood. It would sound like a stream rushing softly and smoothly past, it would sound like a tree crashing down as well.(Irony it is both soft and crashing) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As soon as he was able he took the precious item and tuned it very carefully. He sat down and started to play The Green Leaves, the music was the most beautiful music he had ever heard. It was more than just the waters of a stream or than just the rustling of the wind in the trees, it was all this but it was more, it was indescribable the feeling that Uliad felt when he heard the music of his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Essay about Edna St. Vincent Millay Edna St. Vincent Millay Her career that spanned three decades and her work that ranges from lyrics to verse play and political commentary. Edna St. Vincent Millay is mostly known for her earlier works, such as Renascence , Few Figs Thistles, and Second April. Millay wrote about things such as mystical views on the universe, god, death, celebration of feminism, and free love. It s almost as if she was a writer from today and with that, I believe that she would be comfortable with today s free America. Edna St. Vincent Millay was born in Rockland, Maine on February 2, 1892. She was the first daughter of three girls; her parents, Cora Buzzelle Millay and Henry Tolman Millay. Millay s parents divorced in 1900 and her mother ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At this time Millay and her sister Norma moved to Greenwich Village in New York where Millay tried to make a living in acting(Millay par. 5). In the Village, Millay found a new side of herself and was for women s rights and free love, which made living life to the absolute fullest. James Gray writes, For two decades of her ever rising popularity the twenties and thirties of the century she seemed to personify the spirit of time: it s exuberance, it s defiance of conversation, it s determination to discover and to declare a sharply defined identity (Gray;Press 5). It s was also often pointed out Millay s numerous love affairs as well as the all night parties and their customary drinking. She soon found out that this was not the easy life, for financially she, again was not doing well. Millay would find in today s America the people do experiment, not everyone, but sometimes that s the only way to find themselves. In Millay s case, these experiences helped her write some of her best poems and plays, because she wrote about reality. Also, it was rumored that Millay had encounters with the same sex and was criticized for her experiments, if that to be true; she would be pleased with today s America and how were fighting and trying to get used to the fact of free love . Millay returned to writing and stuck with it. She was a prolific writer with more than fifteen ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. What Is The Moral Education In The Pardoner s Tale In The Canterbury Tales the group of pilgrims are traveling together and to make the trip more enjoyable, the Host suggests that the pilgrims each take turns sharing stories, two a piece on the way there and two on the way back. In addition, they turned the storytelling into a competition, whoever tells the story that is the worst must buy dinner among other things. The winner will be judged by the moral education and entertainment value of the stories. Between The Knight s Tale and The Pardoner s Tale , The Pardoner s Tale meets the winning criteria the best. The Pardoner s Tale is more entertaining as well as has a better moral education, despite being told by the least entertaining and moral man of the pilgrims. The moral education of The Pardoner s Tale is the best of the two stories. The Pardoner s Tale is following the theme Greed is the root of all evil. In the story, three drunk men decide to start a bond of brothers and seek out death, who took one of their drunken friends. In the search of death, they came across an old man, whom they harassed. The old man told them that death was by a tree, but when the men left to find it, they found treasure instead. In greed, the men killed each other, resulting in them ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Pardoner s tale fits this criteria better than The Knight s Tale in every way. In this category, the Pardoner s hypocrisy helps him tell the story, he knows the sins he describes very well and can describe them in a better detail than someone who does not. The Pardoner begins the story by telling the evils of sin, giving multiple examples from the bible of all the things men have done wrong under intoxication, which is ironic due to his own constant intoxication. The irony adds a humor to the story. It is humour when directly after explaining the moral of the tsory, he offers pardoning to the pilgrim s sins, for a pretty penny, of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Essay on The Life and Writing of Liza Ward The Life and Writing of Liza Ward Liza Ward I imagine wore pearls and a sweet grin; she wrote of abiding emptiness. An image of neatly trimmed edges in navy blue with long brunette waves of classic beauty, her words echo with hollow despair and the impossibility of overcoming the past. Answering the phone for this interview, a high pitched, girlie voice chirps Hi, how are you? with genuine interest. Her novel speaks from the other side, from the silence of a happy life. After reading her first novel, Outside Valentine, I expected a measured, soft voice that would stretch around the ball of emptiness at the center of all that is human, a voice that arcs in stabbing, eloquent tones, speaking from the beyond of some enlightened ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The novel grew out of her need to make meaning out of something that was so brutal and meaningless. Reading factual accounts of the murders wasn t enough for Ward; she needed to write the story and live the experience to make sense of it all. In her own words, I had to live it, to write it. When you re writing a novel, you re so inside the story that you can t step back. Ward describes truth as limiting when trying to really get inside and understand something, It didn t seem like I could say what I wanted to say by telling a non fictional account. The novel is told from the point of view of three narrators affected by the Starkweather murders. In 1991, Lowell Bowman s continued inability to cope with his parents murder is jeopardizing his marriage and family. In 1962, 14 year old Susan Hurst is isolated and lonely, abandoned by her manic depressive mother and obsessing over Lowell, a victim of the Starkweather murders. In 1958, Caril Ann Fugate rebels against her parents and the extreme poverty of her life, accepting the love and devotion of the handsome Charles Starkweather. Many of the details of the story come from fact, although Ward insists: when something that really happened inspired me, I put it in, but I never felt like I had to be grounded in truth. Interestingly, Ward says that writing the Caril Ann parts of the novel came easiest to her, which was really weird, because I mean in essence, she was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Reflection Paper On Fur Animal Wellness And Massage Xinran Xu SM395 Management Internship Summer 2015 Reflection Paper This summer during May and June, I attended the internship at a company named Focus on Fur Animal Wellness and Massage, which is owned by a certified small animal massage practitioner. We both love animals such as dogs and cats and we both keep a dog at home. Our common points made us feel connected with each other that we had so many topics especially for dogs to talk about. In addition, the job contents were mostly related to dogs, which attracted me and made me want to explore more knowledge in this field. I was responsible for multiple tasks during this internship, since the company was a small start up company that provided me the opportunity to handle almost everything that a company needs at the preliminary stage. Before my internship, I had no real direction of a particular position that I would like to pursue as my future career goal. I was trying to find an opportunity in which I could gain some working experience as well as put on my resume. Looking back now, an internship with various tasks helps me realize what I am willing to do and which aspect I am better with. On the other hand, contrary to the experience of completing an internship at a standard large firm, this internship allowed me to be more creative and bold to make decisions instead of doing some fixed tasks with strict rules. My supervisor had another full time job to take care with, so I worked from home individually, and would get in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Factors That Affect On Airlines External Analysis Macro Environmental Factors Factors Outcome Impact on Airlines Rise in crude oil prices Increases the price Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF) used in the Aircrafts Increase in fuel prices leads to low demand If fuel costs are fixed, then it can be leveraged to increase profits FDI in Aviation Industry of India New Entrants (Joint Ventures) Mergers with big International Airlines Increases operational performance Increases competition in LCC s and FSC s economy class Price War Decreases operating costs Increase in fares in Railways Average income group will prefer low cost airlines Increases profits as airlines will operate at full capacity Recession Customers will travel less or favor lower priced conveyance Decreases profits Suffers huge loss as the Aircrafts will not be operated decreased demand Porter s Five Forces Model Bargaining power of Suppliers Bargaining power of suppliers is high There are two suppliers of Aircrafts Airbus and Boeing Limited number of suppliers of aviation turbine fuel (ATF) Bargaining power of Buyers Bargaining power of buyers is high Customers can conveniently switch between airlines Substitutes such as Indian railway and road transport can be used if flight fare increases Industry Rivalry The Indian Aviation industry is very competitive and cost driven Entry of new low cost airlines As a result of price war in the Indian Aviation industry, customers move to the carrier which ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Aphorisms In The Film Boatlift Supererogatory acts go above and beyond the call of duty. Epictetus reflects through many aphorisms in The Handbook about heroism and how to tackle challenges set before you. The documentary Boatlift depicts how many volunteers in extraordinary circumstance banded together and went above the call of duty to rescue those in need on September 11th, 2001. Boatlift is the story of many boating captions that couldn t stand idly by and watch their fellow man trapped in Manhattan when the city of New York was attacked. Vincent Ardolina justifies his action with, A person can t stand by and watch others suffer. Vincent and many others answered this self proclaimed call of duty fully knowing that there are untold risks they were taking. Although ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Section forty four of Handbook centers around the superiority of one person to another, while one may be more wealthy and able to afford more luxuries, the other may be more eloquent and more persuasive, yet they are still identically human nonetheless. This means that superiority is merely superficial and at the base of it we are equals. This is demonstrated no better than when Vincent recounts the kind of passengers he had, We had housewives, workers that do windows, we had executives and the thing that was the best, everyone helped everyone. In this time of peril, social class, structure, and differences were dissembled and all actions were simply about helping others. It was said that four executives passed an elderly, blind woman and her seeing eye dog over the handrails onto the boat, which only furthers how people banded together to do what was right. Everyone s sense of duty and morality heightened that day. Robin Jones, a deckhand, seems hardly phased of how people worked to help each other, stating, They were just average people, who stepped up when they needed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Ancient Greek Art And Its Impact On Ancient Greece Ancient Greek art has been one of the most influential art forms in the past centuries. The Keros sculptures predominantly stand out while referring to the ancient Greek scluptures and art. The Keros sculptures were carved purely out of marble and were a form of Cycladic art that was created in a small island called Cyclades in 2600 2400 B.C. The Cycladic Islands of Greece are set in the Aegean Sea. The ancient Greeks called these islands the kyklades, a scattered kyklos, or circle, of islands around the holy island and sanctuary of Apollo, Delos. The very first Keros sculpture was founded in the year 1963 by Lord Renfrew. The only unfortunate event that occurred during excavation was that almost none of these Keros sculptures were found in their complete form. Only fragments of these sculptures remained. It has been noticed, that all through history, the Keros scultpures have been incrediblly difficult to analyze and interpret due to lack of background information and it s obvious missing parts. An abudance of myths surround these sculptures since Ancient Greece is also known for its devotion to Greek mythology. The significance, use, and meaning of the figures are unclear. There is even debate about whether the figures were meant to lie flat or to stand against a wall there is no definitive evidence either way. Numerous explanations about the significance of the figurines have been proposed: the figurines may have been apotropaic (i.e., to ward off evil) or served as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Benefit Of Community Service Benefits of Community Service Community service contributes to a community in the same way that quarterbacks, wide receivers, and offensive linemen contribute to a football team. Without people helping out, there wouldn t be a way to score a touchdown or win a game. It is the same way in helping out a community. The more people there are helping out, more homes would be built, more mouths would be fed, and more people would have a happy life. Some people take for granted the clothes they have on their backs and the table they get to eat dinner at with their family. There are plenty of people in communities that do not have a home to come to every night. There are plenty of people that do not have the clothes, food, or money they need to survive. People are not the only thing that needs help in the community. Animal shelters are also one of many that could always use an extra hand. Recycling and picking up trash is another way to help out. One of the best ways to contribute to the community is volunteering and contributing time to helping others. Studies show that community service contributes to the emotional, mental, and physical well being of people at any age. The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) says in the year 2013, 138 million American adults volunteered. To break it down, the CNCS found the following information: adults between the ages of 35 44 had the highest volunteer rate, adults between the ages 45 54 had the second highest, and one in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Walk Two Moon Research Paper There were several story lines running through Walk Two Moons. One was the journey Sal took with Gram and Gramps throughout the United States to get to Lewiston, Idaho in one week. They traveled to Lexington, Mount Rushmore, and then to Old Faithful. These tourist attractions are some of the few places Sal, Gram, and Gramps visited on their road trip. Lexington is located in the state of Kentucky. Kentucky is where Sal lived in the beginning of the book before she moved to a different state in the United States. Lexington is the second largest city in Kentucky and has a population of about 318,449 people! It is known as the the horse capital of the world because it is the home of a few major race courses. In Lexington, they have a strange law that you can t put an ice cream cone in your back pocket. This law was made to help reduce horses being stolen. Horses like sweets so they will follow you. People might think that you are stealing their horse and you could even get arrested for doing this act. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The carving of Mount Rushmore took about 14 years with the help of over 400 workers! They thought about doing the four presidents waist up but did not have enough money to do so. As you can see, they started doing George Washington s body. Each president s face is 60 feet tall Dynamite was used, the process they used was called honeycombing. 800 million pounds of granite was removed in the sculpting and the whole entire project costed the United States $989,992.32. The idea of making Mount Rushmore was made in 1923 by Doane Robinson. He wanted to find a way to attract tourists. His plan worked because three million people visit the attraction ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. How to Enjoy Cleaning Your Bedroom Essay The hardest thing for a lot of students is keeping a clean bedroom. It can be very intimidating to clean your bedroom, especially if its been a a disaster for quite some time. You may find yourself getting overwhelmed and asking yourself where should you even start? Well in my experience I have had the best results just by following three very simple steps, which include creating a good cleaning environment, getting organized, and finally polishing everything up. First and foremost before you begin cleaning; you need to create a good cleaning environment. You can do this by simply putting on any music that you enjoy listening to; I recommend something that you can sing along with. This will help to distract you from the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In order to get organized; you need to get rid of any unwanted items that are laying around, such as garbage, dirty dishes, and of course dirty clothes. Once you get all of these items in their designated spots, you will be left with only the items that actually belong in your bedroom. From there you would begin to start putting these remaining items in their proper place. I would suggest to start with folding all of your clothes and getting them put away in either your dresser or closest because your clothes often times take up the most space. Then you can focus on all of the other random things that are scattered about. Since you have everyting picked up and put in its proper place, you can start on the final step, which consists of all the polishing and finishing touches. This is when you would get your cleaning products ready because now all there is left to do is dust,sweep, and make your bed. It is very important that you remember to dust and clean all the surfaces before you begin to sweep. If you decide to sweep first, then once you start dusting you will only get more dust and dirt on the floor and therefore have to sweep a second time.One last finishing touch that I personally like to do once the polishing is finished, is light a candle. That way it will hide the smell of any cleaning products you may have used and your room will ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Post Modernism and Architecture Essay Post Modernism and Architecture If one were to walk around and casually ask five people what post modernism was they would probably get five different answers or none at all. It is one of those indefinable academic terms that applies to many different fields of study. Most people seem to understand what it means individually but few agree collectively. To make matters even more complicated, it is often used in discussions about deconstruction. To some Post Modernism is an excuse to pile together oodles of wild and crazy decor, to others it is another example of the weakness of standards and values. While some think that it is trangressive resistance to the sureness of categories, to others a handy way to describe a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was a competition entry that was done in 1935. He did the ogelweidplatz a sports center and concert hall in Vienna Austria. It to was a competition entry this was completed in 1953. One of his last works was an Art museum in Shiraz Iran in 1970, six years later he died. Another post modern architect is Robert Venturi. He has been credited with not only saving modern architecture from it self but also with being one of the most original talents of contemporary architecture. He has done this by making the forms of his buildings visually pleasing. Like other Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureates before him, he is an architect along with being a writer teacher and artist. Venturi graduated summa cum laude from Princeton University in 1947. He furthered his studies as a Rome Prize Fellow at the American Academy in Rome from 1954 to 1956. In 1966 he wrote a book that was called Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, and shortly after it was published it became extremely influential. In his biography he wrote that Alvar Alto was his favorite architect. He also wrote that he looked up to him and that his work meant the most to him out of all the modern masters. He used Alto s work to help him study the art and technique. Some examples of his work would be the Vanna Venturi House that is located in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. The Sainsbury Wing, a National Gallery of Art located in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Comparing and Contrasting The Passionate Shepherd to His... Love throughout the years has been interpreted as an intense interpersonal attraction ( I love my partner ). Love can also refer specifically to the passionate desire and intimacy of romantic love, to the emotional closeness of familial love, or to the platonic love that defines friendship, to the profound union or devotion of religious love. Love had been defined by individuals to get close to someone who have actual feelings for or deeply care about, and one that you will actually risk your life for. But now, love has been given a bad reputation because now some people are only interested in having non intimate sex with others. People prefer temporary relationships, instead of dedicating their lives to their loved ones. These types of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The speaker urges his love to live with him and enjoy the pleasures of the day. Sir Walter Raleigh wrote a response to this poem in 1600 called The Nymph s Reply to the Shepherd. He uses the nymph as the speaker, responding to the shepherd. There are no clues to the setting or the nymph s physical appearance. The themes of this poem are doubt and the point that time changes things. The nymph thinks realistically and refutes the ideas of the idyllic world the shepherd had proposed to her. The shepherd seems to be very much of an optimist, whereas the nymph is very pessimistic. The structure of these two poems is exact. There are six stanzas consisting of four lines each. This shows that The Nymph s Reply to the Shepherd is responding directly to the shepherd in The Passionate Shepherd to His Love. In each ideal proposal he gives, she gives him the realistic answer to why they cannot be together. Next, the speaker in The Passionate Shepherd to His Love is a young shepherd who proposes a passionate love affair to the girl he desires. He uses nature largely to appeal to her senses. He tells her they will sit and watch the other shepherds work and listen to the birds sing. This implies that they will have a life of pleasure and relaxation. He says he will make beds of roses and give her fragrant posies (Marlowe 1). He promises to outfit her in fine clothes and that she will not want for anything. He uses all these tempting things to help his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Acute Stressors Cohen et al. (1998) focused on observing the impact of acute and chronic life stressors on the susceptibility and development of colds in people. Generally, the research question asks whether or not these acute and chronic stressors, in addition to behavioral factors impact patient susceptibility to two types of common cold. A hypothesis that can be derived from the study is that those with an abundant amount of chronic stressors will be more susceptible in comparison to acute stressors. Previous research on the topic from (Lepore, Miles, Levy, 1997) hold the same conclusion that long term stressors impacted cold susceptibility more so than acute stressors. Earlier studies with Stone et al. (1993) also provided evidence that stressors in general impact ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The unique aspect of this 1998 study was that its emphasis was between these two types stressors and the intentional exposure of the two types of common colds. The researchers designed an observational study in which 125 men and 151 women ranging from ages 18 55 participated. Participants that were eligible completed the LED to asses what types of acute or chronic stressors they had and for how long they were present. The main findings of the team was that 99% of participants that did not produce antibody were infected and those that did had 69% infected averaged to an 84% infection rate. On the other hand 58% of participants that did not produce antibody developed a cold and 19% that produced antibody developed a cold which averaged to 40% developing a cold. Ultimately, their conclusion is that chronic stressors played a more major role in infection and developing a cold rates in comparison to acute stressors. In addition, the findings from behavioral practices such as smoking and drinking followed previous evidence pointing out that there is little to no connection between habits and impact on stress and developing a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. A Short Note On Platform Smart Home Management Mobile... 2.5 The Product HSmart is cross platform smart home management mobile application, which allows you to synchronize with numerous electrical home elements such as light bulbs, conditioners, refrigerators in collaboration with wearable devices and smart phones. The application allows you to control and monitor home appliances irrespective of your location. For example, switching on the air conditioner for a cooler environment before arrival or command robot vacuum cleaner to tidy up the house while away. The high rated customizable HSmart system allows complete user access control of home appliances via controller and a communication technology. a. Product overview HSmart provides a system that fully integrated, which will integrate the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... HSmart is compatible with different platforms such as Android, IOS (Apple device) and Windows by accessing GoogleStore, Apple AppStore and Windows Store respectively. With HSmart application, critical notifications regarding home appliances will be received and necessary actions taken at a simple tap. c. Hardware The hardware that need to be place in the house that required using our system include the following: Central Controller: The central controller creates a smart home by integrating with 200+ smart devices. Like a live in translator, the central controller engages with numerous connected products with an aim to monitor and control them easily from the HSmart application. The Central Controller uses communication technologies like ZigBee and Z Wave radios which specifically designed for M2M leaning. The central controller is connecting to the internet via an Ethernet cable allowing you to create a safer and smarter home. Figure: Central Controller Smart Home Elements: Smart home elements consist of different devices such as o Smart Connected Light that can be dimmed or turned on and off from your smartphone using the HSmart app. o Motion sensors that provide notifications for unexpected movement in the house. o SmartCamera which automatically capture video clips when specified events i.e. Event based video recording. o Multipurpose ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. American Vandal Satire Mockumentaries are an over looked current new genre of television, According to Dictionary.com they are a movie or television show depicting fictional events but presented as a documentary. Most mockumentaries often overlap into the comedy genre, and are sometimes called satirical or parody documentaries. Dictionary.com also states the word parody as, a humorous or satirical imitation of a serious piece of literature or writing. American Vandal and Making a Murderer are two effectively different television shows that were released in 2016. American Vandal is a prime example of a satirical documentary, while Making a Murderer is a clear example of a regular documentary. Although both shows, American Vandal and Making a Murderer, shed light ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... All of them playing a different role in the investigation and story. Each character is investigated in a different way, revealing things a common documentary wouldn t. Making a Murderer interviews many different people and sheds light on their opinions and thoughts, but fails to dive as deep as American Vandal. In American Vandal everyone who could have possibly committed the crime was thoroughly interviewed with their side of the story and what they accounted for that day. You quickly learn of each and everyone s backstory and how they all relate to the case. A narrator follows the accused party, Dylan Maxwell, and asks him a serious a questions and tries to see the problem through both sides. Throughout these questions and the show we learn who Dylan really is. He is a loyal, confident, laidback, comedic, curious, loving, and troublemaking individual. Throughout Making a Murder we learn very little about the accused party Steven Avery s characteristics. What we learned was that he was a father, prior criminal, and is not the brightest individual. While you don t completely get an idea on who Steven Avery really is throughout the ten episode series, you get a great idea on who Dylan Maxwell really is in American Vandal s eight episode ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Aims and the Results of the Attempts by the Nazi... The Aims and the Results of the Attempts by the Nazi Regime to Transform German Society When the Nazis came to power in 1933 they began to introduce a set of ideas into the German society. These ideas were based on the Nazi ideology, which had been outlined by Hitler in his book Mein Kampf or My Struggle a few years earlier. This essay will examine the Nazis attempts to integrate their ideological beliefs about youth and about women into the German society. The essay will also assess the success of this integration. The Nazis had a number of different aims for the youth and therefore their education needed to be suitable. The Nazis overall aim was to create a generation of racially pure ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Overall the Nazis aimed to concentrate a large majority of their resources on the conversion of the youth to Nazi ideology. This was a key aim because the Nazis saw the youth as the future of Germany and they wanted to have an influence over this generation. Another major aim for the Nazis was the creation of a national racial community. This idea was known as the Volksgemeinschaft and was central to the Nazi view of the future. It wasn t only through youth groups that the youth were indoctrinated to the Nazi regime. The education system was also completely geared to spreading the Nazi party propaganda. For example the curriculum was designed around the Nazi ideology. Geography taught the boys map skills and other skills that would be critical during a war. History taught the Nazi version of History, which was a contrived version of events, which blamed the Jews for all of Germany s problems in the past. Even subjects such as Maths were used by the Nazis to further their cause with lesson concentrating on the angles of ballistics and other such material. The Nazi views towards women were also presented in the educational system with a girls education being divided into a number of different lessons each one of which encouraged a life at home. Examples of these lessons include Hauswirtschaft. This involved domestic science, cooking, house and garden ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Shoshanna Hebshi Analysis Shoshanna Hebshi who is both Jewish and Arab got kicked off of a plane because of how she looks. There were two other men right next to her that are Indian Americans and were kicked off of the flight with her, nobody else but those three were kicked off. Passengers of the plane kept saying that those three were being suspicious and that is why in Detroit they all were kicked off of the plane. All we know is Hebshi s story about how she was kicked off and stripped searched. She felt humiliated with everything she had to go through (Warikoo, N., 2103). The reason that racial profiling still goes on is because people are scared. People are scared of what is different and not normal to them. The reason that Shoshanna was targeted is because of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Image of the Big House as a Central Motif in The Real... The Image of the Big House as a Central Motif in The Real Charlotte The image of the big house has long been a central motif in Anglo Irish literature. From Maria Edgeworth s Castle Rackrent (1800), it has been a source of inspiration to many writers. One of the reason s for the surge in castle rackrents (a generic term employed by Charles Maturin) through the 19th and early 20th century, is that many writers who used the big house as a backdrop to their work were residents of such houses themselves writers such as Sommerville and Ross, George Moore and Elizabeth Bowen, were born into the ascendancy and wrote about an era and society with which they were familiar. However modern writers, such as Molly Keane and John ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sommerville and Ross have not focused on the physical disintegration of the Big House in The Real Charlotte, but as they based the novel on their experiences as part of the Ascendancy, we can see the corrosion of the upper classes stature and power through characterization and setting. The driving force of all Big House fiction is the isolation of the Anglo Irish Ascendancy both physically and metaphorically. The country homes of the Ascendancy/landlords, were deemed Big Houses because of their grandeur and setting; they were huge in comparison to the cottiers mud cabins and labourers cottages of the Irish natives, thus were unrivalled in the countryside. Elizabeth Bowen accurately described their physical detachment from other social classes: with its stables and farm and gardens deep in trees at the end of long avenues is an island and, like an island, a world. [3] Their disconnection was deliberate as they generally only interacted with other gentry in the confines of their estates, and consequently their only contact with the native Irish was in their role as master and servant. Although these houses were built to inspire awe in social equals and deference in the lower classes, as Terence Dooley states, such deference in Ireland was: tinged with a sense of resentment because they were built on what most tenant farmers would deem to have been confiscated land. [4] Adding to their image as usurpers was the fact that many were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Gender Approaches to Analyzing Literature Recently, gender studies have become the main sources of information for understanding gender issues in the society. The masculine and feminine divide used to represent the socially constructed sexual traits which men and women are expected to portray in their relationships and interactions. In The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett, the characters strongly conform to socially constructed gender roles in the way they dress, talk and act. This paper explores how the main characters in the novel including the detective, Samuel Spade, his partner, Miles Archer and their client Miss. Rudy Wonderly actively demonstrate the traditional gender roles. The female characters are expected to exhibit feminism traits through their dressing, talking and acting. In relation to the issue of dressing, Miss. Rudy Wonderly is portrayed as a fashionable and attractive woman. This is demostrated clearly in the first chapter when she is introduced and the way detective Samuel and his partner Archer behave towards her. In his description, Hammett says, She wore two shades of blue that had been selected because of her eyes (Hammett 2). When she entered his office, Spade rose bowing... (2) which was a sign of respect for the beautiful lady. She same behavior is demonstrated by Archer when he is introduced to Miss Wonderly. Hammett observes that Archer entered Spade s office while ... ducking his head and smiling at Miss Wonderly, making a vaguely polite gesture with the hat in his hand (2). Miss ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. J Sainsbury 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY J Sainsbury plc is a UK based company, into grocery, related retailing an financial services business. The study is primarily to do financial assessment of this company and its performance relative to its peers and industry. Seeing the last 5 years report, it is evident that company was in a bad share 3 years ago, and now its in the stage of recovery. Starting 2004, there has been a major change in the board, as well as management. Since then company has taken several large and aggressive approach. This can be summarised as renovating/ ex panding retail space, re engineering of supply chain, and improvement in IT system. Also there has been focus on brand repositioning through quality improvement, cost reduction ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jackson s Stores is an independent, regional con venience store chain operating in the United Kingdom. The Company also includes JB Beaumont, which operates six convenience stores located in the East Midlands in the United Kingdom. The Company offers financial services through Sainsbury s Bank. Sainsbury s Bank offers a range of products, which include savings and loan products, credit cards and a number of insurance products. It offers personal loans, savings accounts, and general and life insurance 2.3 Key facts Number of employees J Sainsbury employs around 148,000 people. Store Estate Table 1 Retailing store and space summary Group performance The following figures show the group performance for the last three years. This data shows a positive trajectory and on the path of recovery. The same is also indicated in the chairman s speech, which will be analysed later in this study. Table 2 Financial performance for last 3 years Let me elaborate more on the past records, so that we get a clearer picture of its performance. If we see the last 5 years financial data, it is noted that they didn t performed well in 2003 and 2004, the effect of which is shown clearly in the figures of 2005. Weather it EBITA, sales, profit margin or working capital management. Peter Davies, the former CEO, spent £3bn trying to update the supply chain, while
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  • 29. Breaking The Drinking Age Essay According to Underage drinking and the drinking age at the age of 18 you are considered an adult, however the article suggests most 18 year olds are not mature enough to drink responsibly. Underage drinking is an immense problem that college students and young men and women face. Main states, that although students argue that when they turn 18 and are considered adults, they should be able to legally vote, risk their lives in the military, get married, and legally drink. Depending on where the soldier is stationed depends on whether they can drink or not. Soldiers stationed in the United States drink less because they are under less stress. Many soldiers and young adults use alcohol as a way to cope. Years ago alcohol Prohibition was used to stop the use of alcohol altogether. The availability that underage drinkers have to get their hands on alcohol is high (Main). The author states that when the drinking age was lowered, the drinking and driving rate was higher. This lead the to the amount of deaths caused by drinking and driving to increase. Once the legal drinking age was raised again, the death rate lowered. Binge drinking is also a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Studies suggest that if the legal drinking age was lowered, then young adults would go about drinking safer due to it taking away the thrill of breaking the law. Binge drinking is often done at parties, but with the drinking age being lowered, parties would not be stopped. However, they would be more controlled. Lowering the drinking age would lead to young adults drinking in moderation ( Post Letter 1). Main stated that before the drinking age was raised the drinking and driving rate among young adults skyrocketed (Main). Now with the increased awareness about drinking and driving that young adults are shown, studies have proven that the amount of people drinking and driving has decreased ( Why Colleges ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Monarch Butterfly Annual Migration Introduction The monarch butterfly annual migration is a visually spectacular feat, in terms of the number of butterflies flying to their overwintering sites and as well as the masses that congregates at the overwintering sites in Mexico. The idea that monarch butterflies exhibited migratory behavior was once controversial, it was not until Fred Urquhart and his colleagues pioneered a tagging work with the eastern North American population for decades that revealed the long distance of the monarch migration. The tagging efforts that began in 1937 lead to the discovery of their overwintering sites in Mexico in 1975. With its long distance traveled and the nature of the predictable and the repetitive nature of its annual migration. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Environmental factors such as the decrease in day length, cooler temperature and aging milkweed trigger the monarch to begin its migration, although the precise environmental trigger that initiates migration is not well understood. When spring arrives, they become reproductively active, mate and leave Mexico to re migrate north. During the remigration northward the females lay fertilized eggs on newly emerged milkweeds in the southern parts of the United States (Reppert and others 2010). Their offspring s will also continue the migration up northward to repopulate the northern section of the monarch habitat range. Even though the monarch migration is repetitive and cyclic in nature, their migration cycle is multigenerational. It takes about two generations of spring and summer butterflies that are following the progressive northward emergence of milkweeds to repopulate the entire range and therefore completing the migration cycle (Reppert and others 2010). Time Compensated Sun Compass (The Navigational process) The Monarch butterfly uses a map and a compass like other long distance migrants. The map sense is needed to determine which direction they are to fly and to stop. The compass sense is utilized so that the migrants can orient in the southern direction throughout the course of their migration. It has been shown that the monarch may not have a true map sense, although the monarch ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Magna Carta Benefits The Magna Carta was originally seen by both the cowardly King John and the insurgent Barons lined up against him only as a bargaining chip and hence not of very great importance. In John s mind, it was only ever a stalling effort, intended to prove his reasonableness to the barons. It was only ever Regarded as a bargaining chip and nothing more. This said, the Magna Carta probably meant little to the rebels either and the fact that they Withdrew on their vow to surrender London after signing the Magna Carta displays their dislike of the Runnymede proceedings. Still, the clauses of the Magna Carta shows that John had driven his barony too far. After an initial clause which guaranteed the rights of the Church, the next 15 clauses were Arrangements ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was used strategically throughout history. This clause is the only one that remains on the law books today. It is the also the Magna Carta that has significantly affected the way modern society views the repayment of debt. Since the Magna Carta goes into much detail regarding the repayment of debt, it makes it clear that even if the person has a debt he cannot repay, the debtor may not do and action that will harm the well being of the indebted Neither we nor our officials will seize any land or rent in payment of a debt, so long as the debtor has movable goods sufficient to discharge the debt (Original Magna Carta Translation). The Magna Carta also goes into quite a lot of detail concerning the limitations on the authority that the king maintains. Finally, they sought to ensure that the king carried out his promises, safeguarded the rebels from any comebacks, demanded that he fire his hated mercenary captains and tied the king to a council of 25 members in an effort to ensure his co operation. (Brendaliz s Project) It was destined to fail. The Magna Carta endured less than three ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Fight Scene Analysis The first section is a representation of when the meeting of Collin and Nancy occurred in the diary. I choose to represent this by scattering around music notes on all sides since it was sort of like a rock concert .The uneven colorful patches all around them stands for the commotion and mix up after the rednecks came in . This is one of the factors that cause her to have an asthma attack and he calms her down and grabs her tightly . I drew her with her hand on him to show her being calmed down. He makes her feel safe , this is why I drew them close .As her aunt does not come to pick her up ,she sobs and he again comforts her closely . The bright color represents her enthusiasm for meeting such an interesting guy to talk to . Almost like a brother . This scene is important because it is the start of her so thought love which leads to her tragedy .It also shows how he portrays a fake image ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I Choose to represent this by drawing two hands wine wine in them. This shows the alcohol involved in this part. I also drew fire flames . This is to emphases the risky provocative situation in which she was in . She was all by herself and he was getting more touchy with there .The main color in my flames is red , this is to represent the color of passion which is what goes on as he grabs her . As my main background , I used black, this is to show the time of day for this event , past midnight . The word NO is in print capital letters this is to to show her disapproval when he rapes her . She states reasons and says No. Still his response was the same there was no answer he just did it and left. All these elements are needed because this scene is so purposeful . Its purposeful because it shows how a simple house alone date turned into a risky behavioral situation. This really demonstrates how her voice was ignored and Collin decided to have sex with her despite her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Persuasive Essay On National Cheer Competition Have you ever wondered what it would be like to win twenty three consecutive National Championships? There strategy for winning is that they practice every stunt about a hundred times to get it perfect. The girls are also put out of their put out of the comfort zone, by throwing stunts that go really high up in the air. The girls are mainly supposed to be around 5 1 5 2 and only weigh 98 99 pounds, due to the fact that they get thrown up in the air during the routine. Although there are many competitive, college cheerleading team, UK is the best, because of their twenty three consecutive wins and they are also representing USA in the 2018 winter olympics. To begin, University of Kentucky cheerleading has had a strong twenty three years of wins, running back all the way to 1985 2018. With that amount of wins they have to make sure that they hit a solid,perfect routine. With hours of juggling practice and having school work, the athletes have a lot on their plate. They practice ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While being on such a known team like Kentucky, the squad has received quite amount of exposure to social media.The University of Kentucky is very successful in what they do, in the sport. They train so much for what they want. Stated by Karl Olson, (Tv.Varsity.com) we are pleased to see cheerleading teams of the top Winter Olympic countries represented at the 2018 Winter Olympic games . Hopefully we will see the Kentucky cheerleading team with more National Championships in the future, and that we will see them in future olympics along with other amazing cheerleading teams. The Kentucky team with there many National titles is the greatest, and not only with those titles they were the first, cheerleading team to represent USA in the 2018 Winter ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Essay On Valley Forge Dbq Death is all around you,what do you do? Valley Forge was a winter camp in 1777 to 1778 for the George Washington and his army. Valley Forge was 18 miles outside of Philadelphia. The winter at Valley Forge was long, cold, harsh, and horrible. Soldiers 9 month terms were about to end many wanted to go home. The question to us is would you re enlist or not re enlist? I have decided to re enlist for three reasons which are less soldiers, hard times, and support. It would not matter to me what happened I,am a loyal soldier. The first reason why I would re enlist is less soldiers. From December 1777 to the February 1778 4,000 people either left or died (Doc A). On February 1st 1778 3,989 people were sick out of 8,000 people(Doc A). Dr. Waldo says The army which has been surprisingly healthy, now begins to grow sickly. (Doc C). The so called summer soldier and the sunshine patriot are leaving(Doc D). Summer soldier and sunshine patriot means people that only like doing the fighting when it is easy. Soldiers that leave are summer soldiers, I do not want to be one of those. this reason is causing me to re enlist because less soldiers would make the army need more soldiers, so I will stay. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The army has poor food, hard lodging, cold weather, fatigue, nasty cookery, vomit, and lots of smoke (Doc C). Thomas Paine said These are the times that try men s souls. (Doc D). There was 1,800 to 2,500 deaths because of sickness (Doc A). There also was worn out shoes, nasty clothes, and everyone was starved (Doc C). There would be cries of NO MEAT! NO MEAT! that echoed back the melancholy sound (Doc C). Skin and eyes are almost spoiled with continual smoke. (Doc C). This is causing me to re enlist because hard times would make it harder to win so the army would need as many soldiers as they can ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Competitive Strategy Of Toyota By 2007, Toyota was leading its industry as the largest automotive manufacturer in the world. Operating under a strong growth strategy, their reputation for exceptional quality and high safety ratings coupled with operational efficiency promoted their competitive advantage. Furthermore, Toyota was principally the symbol of excellence and a benchmark for every other company. When examining their strategy under Porter s model Toyota maintains a strong combined plan focusing on both cost leadership and broad differentiation. Through the process of lean daily management and just in time delivery Toyota led the manufacturing world with a distinguished level of efficiency. Examining their success and processes, manufacturing was transformed and Toyota was the envy of many. Additionally, through innovation Toyota actively sought differentiation as a generic tactic. Hybrid technology was successfully implemented into their Prius model vehicles and the Prius became the first, pioneering mass produced vehicle of its kind. Challenging all the company stood for, in 2009, Toyota faced a series of recalls that would test their resolve and force the organization to examine their culture, methods and overall practices. The end of 2009 brought a recall of over 3.8 million vehicles for Toyota. Triggered by a deadly accident from an apparent stuck accelerator, reports of similar instances began pouring in. Publicity was brutal following the ordeal and the repercussions for Toyota were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. What Is The Exploration Of Thailand Essay Exploration of Thailand Introduction Let s take a vacation to Thailand! Being the adventurous person I am I always love to go explore new places with friends and family. This year we ve decided to go to Thailand and I can t wait. I decided I wanted to bring along my mom and my friend Hailey for some girl fun. I didn t know much about Thailand so I had to do research fast since we re leaving May 15th and coming home the 21st. Thailand is a country in the Southeast part of Asia. It is split up into two different sections, the Northern part which is the main part, and a smaller peninsula that is an extension to the Southern part. Their climates are rainy and warm since they are in the Monsoon climate zone. During May it is expected to be rainy, and sunny with a high of 89 degrees and a low of 77 degrees. Thailand is filled with big, beautiful mountains that in the North and South form the Himalayas According to Map Fight Thailand is two times the size of Michigan. The majority of people in Thailand are Thai which means the have a religious freedom. According to Facts and Details Thailand s religion is 93.6% Buddhism. As for governing there has been a marked devolution of power since the 1980s. According to Britannica, most of the local governing is in major cities such as Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Pattaya. The rapid growth ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Luckily Thailand is safe so the only thing we need to worry about for safety is being aware of our surroundings. According to US Embassy the only visas we need to be able to go to Thailand is have at least six months of validity left on your passport, so luckily we got our passports renewed a few days ago. We went to the doctors to get our vaccinations for Tetanus, Diphtheria, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella. Also foodborne illnesses like Typhoid and Hepatitis A. When we get to Thailand we re planning on buying water bottles since their tap water isn t safe to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Otosclerosis Research Paper Otosclerosis is a disorder that is inherited that can cause loss of hearing because of lack of the sound being intensified. The article, Bone mineral density measurements in Otosclerosis using dual energy X ray absorptiometry does a study that is supposed to evaluate patients with Otosclerosis and compare their bone mineral density. As this disease progresses it can lead to conductive hearing loss. Both Otosclerosis and osteoporosis have things in common, such as collagen gene deformities in both. Blood was collected from the participants of the study as a fasting blood sample. The bone mineral test was done by X ray. The results of this study were taken by age, height, weight and BMI, to categorize the participants. While ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Tonuk, Koybasi, Bicer, Alkan Temel , 151). Viral infection, autoimmunity, and inflammatory mechanisms and hormonal changes (Tonuk, Koybasi, Bicer, Alkan Temel , 151). They are both more commonly found in women, than men. There is a connection between both osteoporosis and Otosclerosis. One difference is, that Otosclerosis may have younger patients with it. Patients who had Otosclerosis had a correlation with being Carhart notch positive. Carhart notch positive is a bone conduction that is observed in pure tone audiometry at frequencies from 1 4 kHz, and it is found with diseases that cause conductive hearing loss. Overall, the disorder has to do with bone density loss. This article for me was very interesting and taught me about something I had never heard of before. I have heard of osteoporosis, but never Otosclerosis. I think that Otosclerosis is very interesting, that it can be obtained in many different ways, such as hormonal changes, autoimmune as well as inherited. Although I know that there are bones in the ears, it is not
  • 38. something that I ever thought of, that a person could lose bone conduction for sounds in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Nt1320 Unit 2 Agression Analysis Paper State your results: the mean, median, mode, range, variance, and standard deviation Based on the given sample of student test scores of 50, 60, 74, 83, 83, 90, 90, 92, and 95 after rearranging them from least to greatest. As the mean is based on the average of sum, the average of this sample is 79.67 or 80. The mode refers to numbers that appear the most in a sequence and in this case 83 and 90 both appear twice. Range calculates the difference between the largest and smallest number, which are 95 and 50 which have a difference of 45. The variance is the difference between the sum of squares divided by the sample size, which is the number in the sample minus one (Hansen Myers, 2012), meaning it takes each number of the set and subtracts ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The best method to solve for the mean, medium, mode, range, variance, and standards deviation, in this case is by hand and not on SSPS. For a novice, they would spend more time figuring how to set the parameters and spend roughly the same amount of time on the analyzation that they would when using the software. Although, a moderate user of the SSPS software would solve this problem rather quickly. Though, it is recommended to use SSPS when analyzing a large sample size. Conduct a one sample t test and interpret the results (use a population mean of 70). One sample t test are used in the parametric test which analyzes the means of populations. The t test for independent groups are statistics that relates difference between treatment means to the amount of variability expected between any two samples of data within the same population (Hansen Myers, 2012). Critical values are used in significant testing provide a range of t distribution that is used in whether a null hypothesis is rejected. Based on the data below as the level of significance is at .05, thus the critical values would fall under ±1.860 and the t value for this is 1.871 would suggest for the null to be rejected as it is greater than the critical value (Privitera, 2015, p. 267). Based on the population mean of 70 there was a mean difference of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Personal Property Legal Issue That Martin Faces Essay I respectfully disagree with your analysis pertaining to the personal property legal issue that Martin faces. I take issue with the way you are defining bailment and implying that Martin and Benjamin had an agreement to valet Martins GTO. Therefore, I take issue with your bailment positioning because that implies that the car thief and Martin had a personal agreement for him to park and return the car. ( National Para Legal, ) states The issue of whether or not a bailment has been created is important because, once a bailment has been established, a duty of care attaches to the bailee. Failure to live up to this duty of care can cause the bailee to be liable for any harm that results to the property from the failure of the bailee to properly care for the property. However, if there is no bailment (only a custodial arrangement), the custodian has no affirmative duty to safeguard the property (2016). However, the only agreement that Martin had implied was with the restaurant, which was made in good faith. Furthermore, the restaurant failed Martin because of their neglect to maintain their company s property, which intern lead to the theft. Moreover, I understand your thought process for the most recent purchaser exercising his good faith stance. However, I do not believe that stance would hold up in court because of the way the North Carolina law is written. According to ( North Carolina General Assembly, ) Article 3. Motor Vehicle Act of 1937. Part 8. Anti Theft ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Fleet Truck Maintainenace Database Paper Fleet Truck Maintainenace Database Paper Its mind numbing to reflect the amount of technical change that has taken place in only a short period of time. In this current age, innovation has opened doors to a wide capacity for data collection and management. An example is the amount of business use with Microsoft Access. Businesses have gained from Access s technical capabilities by using it to offer a wide range of ways to add value and efficient to any facility. Today we use Access databases to organize the way we live and work. This software is very technical savvy and uses tables, fields and records to organize company data and ultimately to speed up solving any business problems or inquires. Team B has developed a Microsoft Access ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In addition, the database will also help Huffman in financial controls by using fleet history to monitor repairs, parts cost, labor, and operating costs, track vendors, fuel, drivers, and more. A database for fleet truck maintenance will enable the company to assemble forms interconnected to specific request, retrieve all records that match certain criteria, update records in bulk, cross reference records in different tables, and perform complex calculations. Through these functions you can easily see how Huffman will immediately begin to benefit from the advantages of this database system. Creating such a database is free to the organization, unless they decide to hire vendors or other database analyst to maintain and control the system. What will this database accomplish? Creating a database for Fleet Truck Maintenance will organize the way Huffman does business. Team B knew that creating a database would be helpful to the company, but had to really ask themselves what this database would accomplish. Ultimately, creating this database will accomplish documenting consistencies in frequencies, amounts, driver history, and accomplish measuring growth in revenue and profitability. The primary goal of this database is to drive, cultivate, and measure the effectiveness of maintenance in the Huffman business and that s exactly what it is doing. Maintenance is the best indicator of success or failure in any ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Street Racing Research Paper The dangers and consequences of Street racing Street racing is where two or more cars race illegally in the street or in the expressways and either race for who is faster or for money. When I race, I do it for fun and for to see whose car is quicker and has more power.When you street race, you get an adrenaline rush because you re going fast and you re doing it illegally and it is not safe at all. Street racing brings many consequences, including arrest, serious injury, and sometimes Death. Statistics show that in 2001, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that police listed street racing as a factor in 135 fatal crashes . According to the California Office of Traffic Safety, more than 800 citations for illegal street ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the authorities find out about the races, they try to raid the race spot and all the racers split up so the police won t catch them and then they hide until it is all clear. Many people watch racing movies and want to duplicate the actions that happen in the movies, some of the movies is: Fast and Furious 1 7, Born 2 Race, and Need for speed, and when they attempt it, they feel good about doing it and they get an adrenaline rush. In my eyes, I feel like privately owned drag strips should open their doors to teenagers and young adults so they can race legally and not be on the streets risking their lives just to get an adrenaline ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Differences Between Communication And Culture To study culture is to also study a people s means of communication it is to investigate a group s way of life, to consider the thought processes behind the choices they make, and to realize the reasons and means by which they maintain their relationships. Communication and culture are inseparable due to the reality that one cannot exist without the other. This concept of acknowledging the connectedness of culture and communication is iterated in the Handbook of International and Intercultural Communication when William B. Gudykunst and Bella Mody use this quote by anthropologist and cross cultural researcher Edward T. Hall, Culture is communication and communication is culture (Gudykunst Mody, 2004, p.26). The claim that communication and culture are invariably connected is supported by the universally understood truth that communication styles vary around the world due to differences in environmental contexts, the prevalence of regionally specific issues, and the value of relationships within a cultural group (Gudykunst Mody, 2004). Examples of this phenomenon are the differences between the methods that people of the United States use to communicate with each other and the methods that people of other countries utilize to fulfill the same task. The discrepancies relating to verbal and nonverbal communication between different cultures prove that communication is cultural, and culture is built on communication. I have always lived in the United States, therefore ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. thomas cole Essay Thomas Cole Painting landscapes was very important during the 19th century. Thomas Cole was one of the most important figures in landscape painting in the United States. He went to many places searching for nature, which he painted to show the unmatchable beauty nature creates. His works of art helped people see and take pride in their great land, which was called America. Cole s works were often made people feel like they needed to go out in nature and discover the inspiring world of mother earth. Thomas Cole, born on February 1, 1801 in Lancashire, England, found himself at fourteen working as a textile printer and wood engraver in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Cole returned to his parents in 1819 in Ohio; this is were he learned how to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These painters saw landscapes having feelings of hope, divinity, and even harmony. The Hudson River School was a very important asset to American culture and art. Bordering countries during the nineteenth century were demolishing America and made Americans want to see their nation survive as an independent nation. Cole focuses on the American landscape and mixes idealism and realism into his paintings to really get viewers to admire nature and its beauty. He believed that landscape painters needed to have strength determination, and courage to overcome Mother Nature s more turbulent side. Then, in 1825, John Trumball, an artist, discovered Cole s magnificent work in a frame at a frame shop. Trumball immediately bought lots of Cole s works and drew art critics attention. With the Hudson River School being so prosperous the National Academy of design was born. In the early nineteenth century landscape artists painted scenes of America s east side near the Hudson River, but by the mid nineteenth century Landscape artists tended to paint portraits of the newly explored western territory and the South American tropics to show a more extravagant side of the United States. Cole s first major painting, The Course of the Empire, was a symbolistic illustration showing the five stages of an empire; which were the savage state, pastoral state, consummation of the empire, destruction, and finally desolation. The different canvases display the relationship between man and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Cold War Effects On America Cold War: Cold War can be characterized as the political and the military pressure between the two super powers USA and USSR, Western and the Eastern coalition separately. They never went to coordinate war with one another yet they discovered options available to satisfy their cold war plans. It helped in the development of Asian American groups in United States of America. Proxy wars turned into the way to this advancement. Southeast Asian Americans were effected by these intermediary wars in a positive way. Immigration and naturalization was attained by Southeast Asian America groups with the assistance of proxy wars. Three intermediary wars basically made an impact on the waves of migration of Southeast Asian groups. They were Korean War, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was the main entry point for the people who pursued the Pacific route to arrive in United States. The station nearly operated from 1910 to 1940 performing its duty to operate as an Immigration Center. Large number of people were processed for immigration over there. Most of the people didn t spent much time on the island as they were immediately allowed to enter United States. Certain times, they were directly allowed to enter San Francisco and their paper work was forwarded to the island for process of immigration as well as storage. It was also given the name as The Ellis Island of West due to the large number of immigrants to be immigrated. Despite of the given name, Angel Island was different from Ellis Island. On one side, Ellis Island processed large number of immigrants and welcomed them in the states immediately, while Angel Island on other side didn t welcomed many immigrants, especially, Chinese immigrants. This is because of the implementation of The Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 and its periodical updating till 1943, which lead to hamper the entry of Chinese Immigrants to the United States. The large number of Chinese coming for the gold rush in America were restricted by the immigration officers at Angel Island. Immigration authorities confined recently arrived Chinese individuals while they decided their qualification to enter the United States. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Analysis Of The Netherland Based Royal Philips Electronics... Problem(s)/Issue(s): The problem in this case was the Netherland based Royal Philips Electronics Company in Europe was losing profit in the 1990 s, as well as ,the United States because of poor performance. By the end of 1990 s decade, Philips was nearly bankrupt. The decision to restructure the Netherland based Royal Philips Electronics Company in Europe and the United States to regain some of its losses because of poor performance, and the environmental challenges. Due to the environmental challenges, such as rapid change, rise of the internet, workforce diversity, globalization, legislation, evolving work and family roles, skill shortages and the rise of the service sector, and natural disaster, Philips Electronics Company had to adapt to change quickly if it wanted the company to survive, forced the new president of Philips Electronics Company to restructure the company. Also, using the strategic conversation model was a good professional assessment for the company to get the employees involved. Restructuring an organization comes with many challenges and hardship for an individual, organization and the environment. Employees become stressed or distrustful of their employer, its management and their coworkers because the trust is lost. There are three crucial obstacles or challenges that management faces in any restructuring program. They include: 1) Design what type of restructuring is the best fit for an organization to resolve precise challenge, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Federal Emergency Management Agency Analysis President Carter established Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) with the Reorganization Plan Number 3 of 1978, giving it free range of functions, as well as emergency preparedness, civil defense, disaster relief, emergency communications, flood and crime insurance, fire prevention, and steadiness of government (Rubin, 2012). The agency was established in April 1, 1979, with four mechanisms such as the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration and the Federal Insurance Administration, the Defense Civil Preparedness Agency, and the U.S. Fire Administration (Rubin, 2012). FEMA mandates local governments to established effective floodplain management procedures, and USACE considers different tactics on several structural measures to minimized flood losses (Rubin, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A reasonable national flood control policy has been instituted yet (Rubin, 2012). Federal government agencies like FEMA, were initiated to make disaster response better, but still major disasters are unpredictable (Rubin, 2012). FEMA covered all aspects of emergency management such as mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery, a paradigm generated by the National Governors Association (Rubin, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Essay on Race in Invisible Man and Black Boy The Question of Race in Invisible Man and Black Boy In the early twentieth century black American writers started employing modernist ways of argumentation to come up with possible answers to the race question. Two of the most outstanding figures of them on both, the literary and the political level, were Richard Wright, the most important voice in black American literature for the first half of the twentieth century (Norton, 548) and his contemporary Ralph Ellison, one of the most footnoted writers in American literary history (Norton, 700). In this paper I want to compare Wright s autobiography Black Boy with Ellison s novel Invisible Man and, in doing so, assess the effectiveness of their conclusions. Both ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... All chapters of the protagonist s life end with the same kind of disappointment and contribute to his disillusionment. This finally leads him to believe that history is boomeranging and that society therefore can t be changed. No one except for him (and a crazy doctor) seems to have the necessary distance to see what is really wrong with the world and so he hides away into a dark hole. There he stays, literally enlightened by 1,369 light bulbs, stealing power from the power plant and enjoying his individuality. Richard Wright chooses the other way. Cynicism is only a period in his life. From his early childhood on he has always had a strong will and successfully resisted all attempts to break him. Instead of obeying to authorities and silently accepting the social circumstances of his life he has always fought back. Cynicism means passivity and Wright can t afford to end up in passivity, be it only because, other than the invisible man, he has to care for his family. Driven by great physical and intellectual hunger he grimly swims against the current and eventually discovers that he is not the only victim of society. This brings him to a question that is to become the basis for an ideology he will follow the rest of his life: Maybe if all these people unite and raise their voices they will be heard? Maybe together they have the power to change society? He finds that these ideas form the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Malaysia And Singapore Bonds Malaysia and Singapore bonds are unique and idiosyncratic due to factors such as geography, history, politics, culture and ethnicity.1They are substantial trading partner and their bilateral trade amounted to S$113.4 billion in 2012, up from S$77.2 billion in 2003. The island s investment into Malaysia has climbed about 25 percent annually over the past three years, according to DBS Group Holdings Ltd.2This increase in trade makes quintessential the need to enhance economic linkages between the two countries and the High Speed Rail (HSR) project presented an opportunity to open up and rejuvenate smaller cities in Peninsular Malaysia by connecting them to the two major metropolises. The HSR is an efficient and safe mode of transport which results in dramatic travel time savings.We will firstly analyse the cost and benefits of the HSR and we will try to discuss if the value of the project outweigh the MYR 40 billion construction cost. Traffic between the two countries through the Causeway and Second Link is estimated at 400,000 crossings both ways daily, and Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore figures show that an average of 7,500 people left Singapore for Malaysia daily by air last year, of which, say experts, about 6,000 were headed to Kuala Lumpur.3 This will mean that an extra 100000 commuters will be able to travel in both direction daily.The economic and social benefits derived from the agglomeration of 2 cities bring about a huge development potential. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Family Legal Advisor We don t counsel a family legal advisor until we get ourselves caught in issues which can t be comprehended. It is ideal to have a dependable family legal counselor so that when you run over such issues you don t need to begin stressing over finding the right law office. Family legal counselors can help in such a large number of various circumstances which can make your life basic; some of them are as recorded underneath: Divorce On the off chance that you and your accomplice have as of now put in a great deal of endeavors to make your marriage work, and still you thoroughly consider the main way is a separation then you should contact your family legal advisor. Marriage is an intense choice and after that choosing to get a separation is much more troublesome, so it is ideal to take the assistance of best separation legal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You have to ensure you do what is vital to the greatest advantage of your youngsters and this is just conceivable when you know your legitimate rights. Dwelling together It is for your leeway that you take the assistance of a law office to realize what your legitimate rights are or where you stand lawfully when you choose to move in with your accomplice. With the goal that you realize what to do when things don t turn out the way you anticipated that them would be. Prenuptial assentions You can take help of a family law office to have a prenuptial assention before you get hitched. A prenuptial understanding contains points of interest on how the money related and different matters will be settled on the off chance that your marriage closes in separation. This is a shrewd thing to do as such that you are not at misfortune and you don t need to stress over how things will turn out if your marriage breaks. Other family ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. The Regime Of The 1905 Revolution It is evident that Nicholas II was mainly to blame for the 1905, due to his lack of response to the growing discontent amongst the Russian people. Although it could be argued that the actions of previous Tsars were the cause of this discontent, and this was certainly influential, Nicholas failure to act upon his people s requests was ultimately the cause of the revolution. The repressive Tsarist system in place in 1905 was arguably one of the most significant factors in the 1905 revolution, as much of the discontent in Russia was due to anger at Nicholas autocratic Tsarist government. It could be argued that the repressive Tsarist system was not the fault of Nicholas II, but instead a problem that had been in existence for decades before his reign began. For example, Nicholas predecessor Alexander III was also committed to the preservation of the autocracy, and arguably took steps towards repression, through Russification and censorship, in addition to the introduction of the Okhrana. Therefore, it could be argued that Nicholas was not to blame for the repressive Tsarist system or its consequences, due to the fact that it had been in existence before his reign began. However, as Nicholas did little to stop the government being so repressive, it could be argued that he was still to blame. Despite widespread calls for reform from individuals such as Father Gapon, these requests were not acted upon, so in some ways Nicholas II can be held to account for the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. A Study On Fish Pass CHAPTER 2 INTRODUCTION 2.1 General Fish pass [2] is a hydraulic structure which is generally built on or around on obstructions like dams, barrages, weirs, or navigation locks in order to facilitate the natural migration of the fishes. Generally fishways consists of a series of small steps on which the water flows so that the fishes can swim and pass around the obstruction. The working principle of a fishway is attraction of the migrating species to a particular location in the river which is on the downstream side of the obstruction and then enables them to pass upstream. In order to achieve it, either a waterway is opened or the migrating species are entrapped in a tank and then lifted upstream. Figure 3.1: Schematic diagram of a rock ramp fishway [11] The effectiveness of fish pass is the ease with which the entrance to it can be located and how easily the migrating species can cross it without stress or injury in minimum time. The behaviour of the migrating species plays an important role in the design of the fishways. The performance of the fish passes is dependent on the water velocities and the pattern of flow through it. The water velocity in fish passes must be compatible with the swimming capabilities of the species for which it is designed. 2.2 Types of fish pass 1. Close to nature fish passes 2. Technical fish passes 2.2.1 Close to nature fish passes The basic idea ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. The System Development Life Cycle Framework Prior to Zachman, organizations often introduced information systems technology in direct response to a perceived need by the organization such as the automation of a particular job function (Bernard, 2011). As Bernard notes, this became increasingly problematic as organizations evolved as did their need for integration and communication between their system implementations. Systems developed to meet business requirements on a case by case basis often using proprietary vendor products which eventually led to heterogeneous collection of disharmonious systems (Bernard, 2011). Zachman Framework Compared to the System Development Life Cycle Framework The most common approach to developing a system during the time Zachman created his framework was the System Development Life Cycle Framework (SDLC) (Collins, 2008, February). SDLC is typically divided into five phases which are planning, analysis, detailed system design, implementation, and maintenance (Coronel Morris, 2015). Each of these phases is intended as a gate which must be passed through before proceeding to the next (Coronel Morris, 2015). With this structure in mind, it should be clear that while it may be possible to revisit the planning phase during the analysis phase, the converse would certainly not be possible. Consequently, this emphasizes perhaps the key and fundamental difference between the two approaches. Even a cursory glimpse at the initial Zachman (1987) framework would not reveal a series of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...