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Research Assignment Example.
Research Paper
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Research Assignment Example. Research Paper Research Assignment Example. Research Paper
Research Paper On Breaking Cosmic Ice
Breaking the Cosmic Ice
Scientists have shown that the Earth stops energetic neutrinos, according to data collected from the
IceCube array in Antarctica. High energy neutrino interactions monitored by the IceCube detector, an
array of 5,160 basketball sized optical sensors buried a mile deep in a cubic kilometer of exceptionally
clear ice near the south pole.
Neutrinos are infinitesimally small and nearly massless particles that surround us at any given
moment. Roughly one trillion from the Sun pass through a human s eyes every second, and they come
in three types (called flavors): electron, muon, and tauon neutrinos, each name corresponding to three
charged particles with which they pair. Since they interact so rarely, it s extremely ... Show more
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The neutrino interactions analyzed have energies in the trillion electron volt, or TeV, range. A
mosquito puts out about one TeV. The detected neutrinos energy ranged from 6.3 TeV to 980 TeV.
Miarecki performed much of the data analysis whilst working toward her PhD as an IceCube
researcher. It s a multidisciplinary idea, she said in a news release. In order to understand if the cross
section of neutrinos detected matches Standard Model predictions, the analysis used input from
geologists who supplied models of the Earth s interior from seismic studies. With this, scientists were
able to compare their data with a simulation of neutrinos passing through the Earth.
In this study, researchers measured the flux of muon neutrinos as a function of their energy and their
incoming direction. Neutrinos with higher energies and with incoming directions closer to the North
Pole are more likely to interact with matter on their way through Earth. Image credit: IceCube
We created some of the data from seismic data bouncing off of various parts of the Earth, Miarecki
told Futurism. Putting together all the constraints, including the gravitational constriction of the Earth,
and you have a good model, she added. The bulk of detected neutrinos mass around the lower range,
with the high energy neutrinos growing scarce until the frequency of their occurrence passes beyond
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Lab Report On Bacterial Growth
Abstract This experiment is about bacterial growth. We will demonstrate a bacterial growth curve
using a closed system. Bacterial growth usually takes up to 12 24 hours to get an accurate result so we
will be monitoring this growth between two classes. We also used different methods to determine
bacterial growth as well as a few different calculations. One way of receiving data is by using a
spectrophotometer where we will record the absorption at a given time to create the bacterial growth
curve. We also used the plate count method after performing a serial dilution to calculate the actual
cell density at different times given. By using this method we can count the population number of the
same given and see the maximum cell density ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The lag phase is when the organisms are first place into a new medium and will take time to get used
the their new environment. During this phase, organisms will grow in size but cannot replicate. The
next phase is the log phase. In this phase cells are dividing and growing at a very fast rate. DNA
replication begins in this phase as well as their metabolic rate starts to increase rapidly. (Bacterial
Growth Curve) Cells divide by binary fission. The organisms will eventually reach maximum growth
and start to level off beginning the next phase, the stationary phase. In this phase, the bacterial
population will start to slow down and stop dividing because the nutrients needed for them to grow are
being used up. The pH and temperatures start to shift making the environment and unfavorable one
and the accumulation of waste and toxic metabolites the growth starts to die off, transitioning into the
last and final stage. (Bacterial Growth Curve) The death phase is when there is longer any nutrients to
grow and to much waste has built up along with toxic materials, killing the cells. However, some
organisms can withstand this environment and begin to produce endospores. (Bacterial Growth Curve)
A few different factors that affect bacterial growth are the availability of resources and nutrients,
temperature and pH. (Act For Libraries) stated in the above paragraph, once the resources and
nutrients are
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Rafael Trujillo In The Time Of The Butterflies
Most stories that are told from the point of view of a single narrator portray a clear antagonist that may
dislike, conflict with, or pose a threat to the person who is narrating the story. In In The Time of the
Butterflies, by Julia Alvarez, the most apparent antagonist in the story is the ruthless dictator of the
Dominican Republic, Rafael Trujillo. However, Trujillo was only seen as a threat to society by the
people that wanted to get rid of him, the people that he was making suffer for his own benefit. If one
was to look at this issue from the government s perspective, Rafael Trujillo would be the evident
protagonist of the story, even despite his atrocious ruling expertise. Trujillo demonstrates his
antagonism through his unrelenting violations of human rights in the Dominican Republic during the
mid twentieth century. He was quite notorious for taking young women away from their families, and,
if they did not comply, killing them and their families. Basically, he destroyed everything that stood in
his way by killing every last ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They were the leading symbols of an underground movement of which the main goal was
overthrowing Trujillo. Their unique dedication to this task proved unlike any other in terms of their
unconditional bravery and selflessness. Their devotion brought them much negative attention from the
government, and they soon became some of Trujillo s most sought out enemies. So El Jefe says, brace
yourselves now. He says... My only two problems are the damn church and the Mirabal sisters.
(Alvarez 281) Trujillo ends up seeking them out via carefully planted assassins, and has them tortured
to death. The sisters antagonism towards the government regime, and Trujillo s antagonism towards
his people eventually resulted in all of their
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Analysis Of The Tell Tale Heart
Oftentimes, the most truly despicable villains are marked with indifference towards their moral
reprehensibility. In the Penal Colony and The Tell Tale Heart both elucidate the idea that corruption,
darkness, and immorality alike are unperceivable to the one afflicted. However, while In the Penal
Colony suggests that this blind nature is a result of dutiful honor, responsibility, and hope, The Tell
Tale Heart alternatively submits that it is a result of the possibility of fulfillment. Distinction between
both arguments is found in the way setting and atmosphere background the action. Both stories are
vague in describing the general location and time of the action. Kafka, however, puts forth some effort
in detailing the immediate setting in the scene. He establishes the story within a deep , yet, small ,
sandy valley, closed in on all sides by barren slopes (Kafka 75). Kafka also notes, apart from the
Officer and the Traveler there were present the Condemned...and The Soldier... (Kafka 75). The valley
is oxymoronically both deep and small . The uneven and odd composition highlights the peculiarity
and alien quality the colony exudes to the Traveler and reader. All that stood out in the valley, both
literally and figuratively, was what the Officer dubbed, the apparatus (Kafka 75). The Traveler is made
utterly removed from the setting he enters. The isolation of the Traveler standing before the machine
and three strangers perpetuates an atmosphere
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Why Do We Lose Australian Identity
In the Digital Age, people worldwide are more connected and information is more accessible. This has
allowed wider sharing of cultures, and even naissances of new ones. As a result, pre existing cultures
are influenced by other cultures, and a cultural shift takes places. The way people use language makes
a part of their culture, and hence a change in said culture will at least partially result in a linguistic
change. Because of this, some argue Australian English is losing its unique characteristics, and hence
Australian identity is gradually affected. On one hand, it is evident that globalisation has resulted in
lessened use of stereotypically Australian utterances such as she ll be right , g day , and mate .
However, a lessened use does not necessary mean characteristics are lost. While we may not employ
the Australian English lexicon in conversation, such characteristics may be preserved by humorous or
ironic usage. Further, an evolved lexicon does not necessary mean identities of Australians are
affected. For one, Australian identity is different to everyone. While it seems there is an ideal
Australian identity that holds a certain set of values, for the most part, identity and values are different
for every Australian. Nevertheless, even if there were such a thing as a collective Australian identity, it
would be resistant to linguistic shifts. While Australian English may be losing its unique
characteristics, one s identity and values remain the same. If anything,
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An Example Of A Private Sector Business
Business Organisations Task 1
A private sector business is a business that is part of the economy that is not state controlled. It is run
by individuals and companies who are mainly for profit. These businesses are not owned or operated
by government. An example of a private sector business would be ASDA. Asda Stores limited is an
American owned, British founded supermarket retailer. The company has been a subsidiary of the
American retail company Wal Mart since July 1999, and is now the second largest supermarket chain
by market share (Corporate Watch 1996 2014). The company provides normal goods for the public.
They offer service to the public and strive for excellence business. I chose this example because
ASDA is a large company that is aiming for profit and it is a private sector business.
A public sector business is a business that usually composed of organisations that are owned and
operated by the government (PrivacySense2015).
The primary difference between public and private sector businesses is who they for. Public sector
employees are who those work for government. An example of public sector would be public schools.
The purpose of schools is that they provide education for the young people and public schools are
funded by government to offer education to students. I chose public schools business they are from
public sector and because they use government funding to offer education to the children. Public
schools offer free education and they are
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The Great Gatsby Film Review Essay
The Great Gatsby (2013) Film Review The 2013 movie adaptation of The Great Gatsby certainly steps
out of the cozy boundaries of the novella of less than two hundred pages by F. Scott Fitzegerald with
its gaudy attitude and fast paced scenes that at the same time is quite picturesque and full of details
reproduced to match the prose that has been written. Some lovers of the classic might be horrified at
the big top esque film that Baz Luhrmann has made it into, for this director is no stranger to flashiness
and taking risks, as shown in his past films Moulin Rouge! and Romeo + Juliet ; and the same desire
in the both of them is still present in his installment of Gatsby : the want to capture the contemporary
audience, even if it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is a very unique way of upholding Nick s narration as it parallels the problems that Fitzgerald
himself went through, but it makes a contrast between the Nick we see on screen and the one we read
about. The fact that he is in a clinic is absurd on its own, implying that he was much more submissive
and vulnerable to the unruliness of the city that he had left behind than Fitzgerald had let on,
completely incapable of moving on from the past (which sounds just like another character that he was
very closely associated with, does it not?); this messes with things a bit, for there is not any room for
two tragic heroes, both with a fatal imperfection in this storyline. Along with that flaw, he is maladroit,
easily becoming an innocent child looking at the world for the very first time in the awkward
embodiment of Maguire, and it comes as a surprise that his jaw does not drop as he looks around with
youthful fascination; he just does not give Nick the sense of capability and maturity in his
performance as our inert, yet open minded storyteller needs. Daisy Buchanan is yet another victim of
an unfortunate miscast as she is depicted by Carey Mulligan, who does not quite enact the innocent
cruelty of a young woman who still has the mind of a teenage girl and still believes that was allowed
to reach out for what she wanted without consequence. While she is supposed to be
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The Pros And Cons Of Immigrant Labor
would shrink the labor force by 11 million workers, reduce the real GDP by $1.6 trillion and take 20
years to complete (Trump has said he could do it in 18 months) (The Street, November 1st, 2015).
It will harm the U.S. economy, said Doug Holtz Eakin, president of the American Action Forum and
chief economic policy adviser to Sen. John McCain s 2008 presidential campaign. Immigration is an
enormous source of economic vitality. (The Street, November 1st, 2015). Some industries rely on
cheap labor especially in agriculture, orange harvests in California rely on migrants from Mexico, A
number of industries that depend heavily on cheap immigrant labor would be devastated especially
agriculture. There would be an abrupt drop in farm income ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
from Mexico Remittances are a big part of workers lives, especially lower skilled workers and a lot of
families in Mexico rely on them. It s big business; it s billions of dollars, said Audrey Singer, a senior
fellow at the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program. In an article written by Kathleen Hennessey for
the LA Times It s not easily measured and it s not easily regulated. Enforcing something like that
would be nearly impossible. (August, 17th, 2015). In an article for the Business Insider, Jacob
Shamsian wrote Such mass deportation would take 6.4% of US workers out of the country, according
to the AAF report. With them would depart approximately $1.6 trillion in wages, spending, and other
economic activity, more than the GDP of Texas. The agricultural industry would be disproportionately
affected by the move half of the US farm workers in the past 15 years have been undocumented.
These estimates don t take into account the approximately $15 billion that undocumented immigrants
contribute to Social Security, according to Stephen Goss, chief actuary for the Social Security
Administration .(August 18th, 2015). The wall will run approximately 1900 miles and will cost
billions to build. The topography is vast and in places completely unsuitable for building. The sheer
logistical requirement is astounding. The technical expertise required, not to mention the amount and
cost of labour, transport, raw materials, the building of roads and bridges to allow logistics to reach the
various sites and the legal quagmire that such a proposal would generate, is mind boggling. Ali F.
Rhuzkhan, a qualified construction engineer wrote in the National
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Importance Of Credibility In Public Speaking
Ordinarily, to establish credibility, public speakers should earn the audience s trust and respect by
presenting themselves as authorities on the topic that they are speaking. Consequently, the speaker
should not rely on the content of their speech to gain credibility with the audience. Self presentation is
important too since the public will start judging the communicator before the speaker begins to
communicate verbally. Establish the authority to the public by speaking about the topic by stating the
source of where the knowledge: experience, training, or research came into perspective. When
speaking to a skeptical audience, begin by finding common ground. Acknowledge the appeal of the
opposing views before deciding to create a strong ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When in doubt, choose the side of formal professional attire. Second, look at the public because it
shows sincerity. Nevertheless, the speakers who make eye contact with the audience appear more
open, trustworthy, and confident. Notwithstanding, if reading from a script or consulting cue cards,
look up frequently to maintain the connection with the audience. Third, the necessary step to establish
credibility is to speak loudly, clearly, and confidently. Confidence has become known to cause
contagious if a person has confidence, the audience will catch it quickly.
Fourth, tell your audience about your credentials because trust has become contagious to fans will
begin to believe more readily if an individual can prove that others value the person s expertise.
Credentials include certifications, relative degrees, recommendations, testimonials, volunteering
experience, work experience, and informally, other types of personal experience. Fifth, reveal a
personal connection to the chosen topic. Answer questions for the audience what has become at stake
for the speaker? How has the subject affected the speaker s individual s life? If it is appropriate, then
share a personal anecdote illustrates to establish a relationship to the topic. Lastly, step six builds
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Orangeburg Massacre Essay
Eventually, the occurrence of the Orangeburg Massacre led to the racial integration of Orangeburg and
many other parts of South Carolina. If the Orangeburg Massacre had not occurred, South Carolina
might not have become the racially equal society it is today. However, not everybody agreed with the
change that was being brought as a result of the event. Many caucasians at the time attempted to cover
the incident up, and to blame whatever could not be hidden on the protesters. Nevertheless, civil rights
protesters were not going to let the killing of their fellow pupils be in vain. The students of
Orangeburg demanded the punishment of highway patrolmen and other law enforcers on scene the
night of the massacre. They wished to see the officers punished to the fullest extent of the law so that
justice could be served to the families of the three young men who were killed (Pulaski 10). But, as an
attempt to hide the massacre, many white owned newspaper companies either simply refused to report
the event, or blamed the massacre on the protesters that participated that night (3 Negroes 1). A
skirmish line of highway patrolmen and city police returned the fire of demonstrating college students
last night (3 Negroes 1). After a scant two weeks, no white owned newspaper business covered the
event at all.
However, African American and civil rights supportive newspapers refused to give up. The New York
Times, the Los Angeles Times, and the Charlotte Observer covered the shootings,
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Pharmaceutical Industry Analysis
A. Introduction
Pfizer, US pharmaceutical company is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world.
Unfortunately, Pfizer faced challenges by macro environment forces that affect their sales volume
decline dramatically in 2011. PESTEL, Porter s Five Forces and Industry Lift Cycle frameworks to be
applied to analysis the broad macro environment that affected Pfizer in the pharmaceutical industry.
1. PESTEL framework
PESTEL (Appendix I) is classifies into six environmental influences including Political, Economic,
Social amp; Cultural, Technological, Environmental and Legal.
i) Political * The promotion of pharmaceuticals products in US and patent protection period were
direct governed by Food and Drug ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
* The impact of information technologies and marketing tools such as advertising, promotion and e
prescribing (pull strategies) for well informed patients in order to switch towards personalized
v) Environmental * The investors and employees are more emphasis on sustainability in the market. *
There are no significant information stated that the pharmaceutical process will influence on the
environmental such as pollution, raw material waste etc.
vi) Legal * The intellectual property rights to protect the companies on new product including patents
etc. against imitators to copy their new invention. The patent protection period in US is fixed on 20
years to prevent the erosion of generics products. * The regulations to ensure drug safety by FDA to
protect consumer interest. Hence, additional cost incurred on this monitoring. * There were many
companies are re organized through merger or acquisition to adopt new technologies, gain economies
of scale and to fund in US. There are no significant information stated in the case on the regulations of
company mergers and acquisitions in US. * The increase in liability claims such as Lilly and Merck
were filed in the United States Department of Justice. These were caused lost confidence from patients
or public in the pharmaceuticals industry and FDA.
2. Five Forces Models
The five forces models (Appendix II) is to analysis the attractiveness of an
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David Foster Wallace, Jessica Mittford s Essay
Being considerate toward everybody and everything is the ideal goal that everybody hopes to achieve.
Though the idea of being considerate is different depending on the person so reaching that point in the
world is impossible to achieve since there is no baseline for that, we have many competing ideas as to
what that could be. Some people see being considerate as being thoughtful of other people but others
will see it as a deeper meaning with being courteous toward all living things on Earth and their
belongings. There are so many different ways to be considerate and the readings of David Foster
Wallace, Jessica Mittford, and Caitlin Doughty all have underlying messages of how people need to be
more aware of what they are doing. Each piece ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is after he just gets done about talking about his own thoughts on the lobsters and how it is alright
if people keep eating it. Now if he is fine with people eating lobsters and wants to keep eating animals
on his own time why does he spend time writing this entire essay? This essay is filled with so many
sensory details that the reader can feel such as the noise of the scuttling against the boiling pot with
the lobster in it. He does this on purpose to bring to light something you may not think about or brush
off as nothing is actually going against your morals. Wallace poses an interesting question in the
conclusion of his essay by saying, Do you think much about the (possible) moral status and (probable)
suffering of the animals involved? If you do, what ethical convictions have you worked out that permit
you not just to eat but to savor and enjoy flesh based viands (510). This is his whole purpose of
writing this essay since this question alone brings you back through his entire essay and all the
insignificant details he talked about and made you realize how significant they are in the amount of
harm you may be bringing to the animal. This whole idea of awareness and making sure your actions
line up with your morales is echoed in the writings of Jessica Mittford in her story The American Way
of Death Revisited. Mittford opens the eyes of the reader to see what American s see as a
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Franklin Roosevelt s Speech On The Four Freedoms
A lot has changed in 71 years, since President Franklin Roosevelt gave his speech on
freedom from fear to when President Obama gave his welcoming remarks. The speeches were
given in different time periods, one during the Industrial Age and the other during the
Information Age. Everything continues to change as technology advances and new information
is presented, but the idea of freedom from fear has remained important.
The Four Freedoms speech was delivered by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1941. It
gave the idea of there being four main freedoms. The speech was given during the time World
War Two was going on, it gave people all over the world hope. The four freedoms were:
freedom of speech and expression , freedom of every
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Finding Nemo Comparison
Pixar s Finding Nemo can surely be considered a modern day classic film. It is films like There Will
Be Blood, Inception, and Argo that prove that a spectacular film can be made in a time where
Hollywood has obviously run dry on original ideas. But, what happens when you create a sequel to a
classic? Can the sequel become a classic as well, or at least be as good as its predecessor? Although
some sequels have become classics themselves (The Dark Knight), many have fallen flat and pale in
comparison to the original (Return to Oz). Finding Dory, the highly anticipated sequel to Finding
Nemo, is by no means a classic. However, it both successfully brings back the humorous and familiar
characters we know and love and introduces new ones to remember, ... Show more content on
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Along the way, Dory is captured by researchers and put in a facility in California, where she befriends
several aquatic creatures including Hank (Ed O Neill), a stubborn yet emotional octopus. Hank yearns
to go to an aquarium in Cleveland where all of the not qualified for research fish are sent.
Hank plays the same role as Dory did in Finding Nemo. He is the minor character who steals the show
whenever he is on screen. Ed O Neill brings a curmudgeon like personality to him, which is something
unique to the film. The happy go lucky attitude of Dory and the friends she meets along the adventure
bring a positive and fun atmosphere to the film, but Hank s realness brings it back down to Earth. Ed
O Neill truly keeps Finding Dory from becoming the usual light hearted animated film.
The comedy in Finding Dory is certainly Ellen DeGeneres strongpoint. She clearly loves playing Dory
and enjoys the emotional range that comes with her. One moment she is making the audience laugh
because of Dory s forgetfulness, and in the next moment she is dramatically moving us with Dory s
scattered memory of her
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Cell Phone While Driving
Cell phone usage while driving is a major source of distraction that could potentially lead to accidents
and consequently cause injury or loss of life. Technology has had a way of dealing with distractions by
coming up with hands free cell phones mounted on the dashboards of most vehicles. But, even so, cell
phones are still a source of distraction when driving regardless of the fact that they are hand held or
not. Therefore, even the choice for authorities to come up with handheld bans still that does not
achieve safety because the brain, the central organ is still distracted. The thesis statement of this
persuasive essay is that cell phone usage while driving has a negative impact on the overall road users
as they compromise safety. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Saving lives is the number one motive of avoiding using mobile phones while driving. Research
indicates that people are more likely to get involved in an accident, which could potentially lead to
death if the act of multitasking, in this case driving and texting is in progress. For instance, in a study
that was carried out in a higher institution of learning in a time frame of about 18 months, university
students that were making use of a complex driving simulator came up with the conclusion that people
who use mobile phones when driving are eight times more likely to encounter a car crash than those
who do not (Park, 2017). Other research studies show that about 36 percent of young people have
been involved in an almost crash scenario because they or someone close to them was using a cell
phone while driving. Mobile phone usage while driving should not be allowed under any
circumstances. Despite the fact that there are many reasons why people should not use their mobile
phones when driving, it is normally very hard to do so. Additionally, there is a misunderstanding
amongst the authorities and in this case the law makers on the definition of distractions caused by
mobile phones. That is why one group thinks that mobile phone users should be banned completely
regardless of the fact that the users are using hand held or hands free phones. Another group thinks
that cell phones are not a distraction and hence the ban should be specific, i.e. so long as
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Bystanders In Bullying
However, teachers are not the only ones helping the victims. Several research studies have looked at
the role of bystanders in bullying students. Teachers and students who witness bullying can work
together to reduce bullying in schools and classrooms. But there is also evidence that those who were
bystanders were not willing to help the victims (Espelage, Green, Polanin, 2012). Students often do
not support victims when there are multiple witnesses (Salmicalli, 2010). Students expect someone
else to intervene or ignore the victim or may consider the bullying to be a joke ( Terasahjo Salmivalli,
2003). Consequently, bullied victims feel that they are not only suffering pain from being bullied, but
also from being ignored by peers (Salmavalli Poskirparta, 2012). ... Show more content on
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The Kiva program has help reducing bullying and victimization in grades 1 6, but the results7 9 grades
are different. During 9 months being applied in schools, it has been shown that grades 1 3 have self
reported victimization and bullying but not for gender; it differs. Grades 7 9 have shown positive
results by assisting the bully and redirecting the bully to be reduce (Karna, Voeten, Little, Poskiparta,
Kaljonen, et al, 2011). In conclusion, Kiva anti bullying program has helped reducing bullying and
victimization 1 6 grades, but 7 9 are mixed results (Karna et all,
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Research Paper On Greek Food
Greece is a very old and well known country. Greek food is very well known. Most people only know
about gyros and hummus but there is more. Greek mythology is also important to them. Many people
know about Greek mythology, but not the real stories, and, sometimes some people make names with
it like Nike. Greeks also like many different sports like football, basketball and have won the UEFA
European Championships four times. I think that Greece is a pretty nice country with many interesting
things and it is also an important country because it is well known.
Greek food has become eaten in many places around the world. The one food item that they use the
most in cooking is olive oil. They use it in many different dishes and sometimes as dressing.
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Jfk and the Warren Commission
On 22 November 1963, President John F Kennedy was shot dead as he took part in a motorcade
through the streets of Dallas, Texas. Soon afterwards a man named Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested
and accused of having shot Kennedy from the sixth floor of the Texas school Depository building .
Even though Oswald refused to co operate and denied all knowledge of the assassination, he was
formerly charged the next day, on the 23 November. However, he never stood trial as just two days
later Oswald himself was shot dead by Jack Ruby, a Dallas night club owner, as he was being taken
from police headquarters to court. As Jack Ruby went to prison and the police had no longer a suspect
to question, President Lyndon Baines Johnson, set up a committee led ... Show more content on
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However the events that took place afterwards, played an important part in Oswalds conviction. This
incident was another murder, this time of a policeman, Officer J D Tipppit, who was shot through the
head at point blank range. A witness, Mrs Helen Markham, stated that Tippit had stopped to question a
man who produced a gun and shot Tippit before running off. Oswald was charged for Tippit s murder
as ballistics confirmed that the spent cartridges found beside Tippit s body were of the type used in the
.38 Smith and Wesson revolver found on Oswald when he was arrested. Mrs Markham also identified
Oswald from an identity parade as the murderer. This incident indicated that Oswald was indeed
capable of murder. There also didn t appear to be any clear motive for the murder and the police
presumed that Oswald had panicked and had shot Tippit when he had stopped to question him. But
why had Oswald panicked? He may have been on edge if he had just murdered the President and
could have overreacted!
All this evidence against Oswald and the overwhelming number of eyewitnesses that had come
forward, was enough to find Oswald guilty of murder at the time. However, the Warren Commission
also investigated Oswalds background and found that he was a strange and enigmatic figure. It was
evident that he had a fairly unstable and troubled past, which to most people accounted for his
behaviour and the manner in which he had allegedly
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Essay on The Action of Ans-Related Drugs on Smooth Muscle
The action of ANS related drugs on smooth muscle
In the following experiment, the key objective is to compare the mechanical changes in tonic force by
longitudinal smooth muscle after the addition of different concentrations of the drugs noradrenaline
and acetylcholine. Peristalsis is the wave of muscle contractions that allow circular muscles to
constrict the gut and longitudinal muscles to shorten it in an attempt to move the food bolus towards
the rectum. A series of dilutions were prepared for both drugs to deduce the effect this would have on
the contractions of the mammalian gut. These were added, in turn, to Ringers solution containing the
gut (a solution resembling blood serum in its salt constituents used for ... Show more content on
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It is distinguishable that when acetylcholine is added, the tonic force in the gut increases as the
concentration increases. This is especially true at higher concentrations of acetylcholine, eg at a
concentration of 1x10 5, the tonic force of the gut was 12.6mN. Conversely, at higher concentrations
of Noradrenaline the tonic force in the gut decreases. The gut does not show any change in tonic force
at lower concentrations, there is minimal or no change which can be determined from the graph. The
tonic force of the gut at the highest concentration of 10 5 was 4mN which is significantly lower in
comparison to what acetylcholine portrayed. So as concentration of noradrenaline increases, the tonic
force in the gut decreases whilst as concentration of acetylcholine increases, the tonic force of the gut
also increases.
1) The results obtained demonstrate that increasing concentration of acetylcholine increases tonic
tension in the section of gut, conversely increasing noradrenaline concentration decreases tonic
tension of the gut.
2) Both drugs do not influence the rate of rhythmic contractions yet they alter force and peak. The rate
should remain fairly constant as it signifies the transmission of impulses being sent from the nervous
system, any slowing in rate would suggest deprivation of nerve supply yet this is not the case as the
same gut is used for both drugs and all concentrations.
3) The amplitude
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A Comparison of the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Hebrew...
A Comparison of the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Hebrew Scriptures
The Hebrew Flood story of Noah and his obligation to preserve man kind after God had punished all
living creatures for their inequities parallels The Epic of Gilgamesh in several ways. Even though
these two compilations are passed on orally at different times in history the similarities and differences
invoke deliberation when these stories are compared. Numerous underlining themes are illustrated
throughout each story. Humans are guilty of transgressions and must be punished, God or Gods send a
flood as punishment to destroy this evil race, a person is selected by the gods to build a craft that will
withstand the flood and allow this person to create a new race. An ... Show more content on
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The Epic of Gilgamesh not only told a story of the people of a Sumerian Civilization and the battles of
their great ruler. The Epic spoke of current environmental and natural issues It shows an understanding
of ecological processes and the consequences of human action on the earth that anticipates current
ecological work. ( Perlin 35)
Both Stories illustrate each cultures morals to a certain extinct. In the Epic of Gilgamesh true
friendship and comradery is exemplified through the relationship of Gilgamesh Enkidu. They desire
companionship and closeness Enkidu is pleased: he longed for a comrade, for one who would
understand his heart (Brown). Gilgamesh s want for compassion and Friendship as well it is shown in
his dreams and describe by his Mother. I made it for you, a goad and spur, and you were drawn as
though to a woman. This is a strong comrade, the one who brings help to friend in his need. He is the
strongest of wild creatures. (Norton 15) This strong bond shows how the Sumerian feels about
friendship and comradery. Enkidu relationship with Gilgamesh is stronger then that of just friend but
like brothers. Gilgamesh s mother Ninsun adopts Enkidu as her son, not only endorsing his friendship
to Gilgamesh but also making him Gilgamesh s brother Strong Enkidu you are not the child of my
body, but I
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Why I Became A Missouri Resident
As I grew up in a suburb of Missouri I was not very aware of the so called boarder wars that Kansans
and Missourians experienced. I became much more aware of the stereotypes that arose from either
sides of the Stateline once I entered high school. Still a Missouri resident I was not very familiar with
Kansas s culture, or even some of the main differences between the two States. Once my family
moved west of the Stateline I finally experienced hands on some of the main differences. There was a
different in culture, as well as a few legal differences. Lots of laws vary drastically from state to state,
and this is something very unique to the United States. Once my family moved to Kansas there were a
few obvious differences, one of which was the ability to purchase liquor at your grocery store. On the
Missouri side one is able to purchase a variety of liquors with no limits on alcohol percentages by
volume from grocery stores, and gas stations. Additionally, stores are able to sell liquor until midnight
on Sundays. Controversially, Kansas s liquor stores are only able to sell liquor until 8 P.M. on
Sundays, which also requires a special license. Grocery stores in Kansas are only able to sell
beverages that have an alcohol percentage less than 3.2%. An additional difference between Kansas
and Missouri are the requirements for obtaining a drivers license. Kansas has a minimum age
requirement of 14 to possess a learner s permit, while Missouri has a minimum age of 15. Once
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Measuring the Impact of Outdoor Management Development- a...
Measuring the Impact of Outdoor Management Development A Literature Review
Abstract Despite the increase in popularity of Outdoor management development courses, there is a
significant lack in proof of the effectiveness of an OMD. This paper looks at the various researches
that has been done in the field of OMD and identifies the expected outcomes of an OMD as personal
development, managerial development, team development and organizational development. It also
points out the various characteristics that is required for an OMD to be branded effective and have a
significant development on the participants. It then looks at the various studies that has been
conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of an OMD and concludes that due to ... Show more content
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David Kolb s experiential learning model (1984) one of the most commonly used models of learning
styles defines four stages in the learning cycle: concrete experience, observation and reflection, the
formation of abstract concepts and testing in new situations. Experiential learning increases our
reserve of reliable experiences that can help us adapt to any challenging situation we come across.
When attempting to learn through experience, we first have to have a concrete experience of a scale
such that it is brief enough to be analyzed in detail, contains enough detail to draw learning from and
has meaning for the group analyzing it. In an OMD, concrete experience is provided through training
exercises, outdoor adventure activities and team building games. Processing experiential learning
activities through group discussions and debriefing sessions help learn from even seemingly mundane
Dainty and Lucas (1992) suggest that ...the outdoors provides one of the most powerful mediums for
the development of self and other awareness . The rationale offered is that; An individual s behavior is
often clearly visible during outdoor development programmes. It is impossible to hide behind
organizational and educational norms in an environment where these no longer exist .
Similar arguments are propounded by Long and Galagan (1984, 1987). Thus, the principle is that the
outdoors provide activities and/or environments devoid of traditional
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Essay on How Humanism Transformed Individuals Role
Throughout time an individual s role in which he fits into society has changed. One of the most
noticeable changes in an individual s role in society occurred during the Italian Renaissance during the
14th and 15th centuries with the introduction of Humanism. Humanism gave birth to the concept of
individuality a notion which is still alive today. It said that humans mattered and that now mattered,
that one should not be part of a whole but rather someone that is unique. Before Humanism people
only thought of the after life, of whether they were going to heaven or hell, but with the introduction
of Humanism people became more involved in the present, rather then just thinking of what happened
after you died. Humanism transformed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They were also encouraged to study ancient societies such as the Greeks and the Romans, believing
this was the remedy for the present society. Humanism also encouraged people to help their society by
combining the talents. An example of that can be found in Florence where three humanists served as
chancellors of the city. Coluccio Salutati, Leonardo Bruni, and Poggio Bracciolini used rhetorical
skills to encourage Florentines to revolt against the aggression of Naples and Milan. Both Bruni and
Poggio wrote flattering histories of the city. Leon Battista Alberti, another accomplished humanist
scholar, was a noted Florentine architect and builder. They were encouraged to combine their skills in
history, art, and literature in their every day lives. This made them see the world with a different
perspective, which made them into the individuals they aspired to be. Another change that occurred
during the Italian Renaissance was the artistic perspective of this world. People were no longer
painting two dimensional art, and non logical portraits. A new technique, chiaroscuros a technique that
involved light and shadows, gave their paintings more depth and a realistic imagery. They also made
their paintings more realistic by making the objects relative to one another. They emphasised emotions
and belief in a universe full of harmony. By encouraging
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Role of Internal Auditor
Internal audit s role in modern corporate governance
Thought leadership series
Risk and Advisory Services
Internal audit s role in modern corporate governance
Recent events have highlighted the critical role of boards of directors in promoting good corporate
governance. In particular, boards are being charged with ultimate responsibility for the effectiveness
of their organisations internal control systems. An effective internal audit function plays a key role in
assisting the board to discharge its governance responsibilities. Yet how does the board and its audit
committee satisfy itself that internal audit is functioning effectively and efficiently?
The board s responsibility for internal controls
Through working ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
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I n t e r n a l a u d i t s r o l e i n m o d e r n c o r p o r a t e g ove r n a n c e
Governing internal audit
Amidst all the debate over corporate governance and the board s supervision of internal control
mechanisms, surprisingly little attention has been given to the role of internal audit, and particularly to
whom it is ultimately responsible. While several high level reviews by regulators and others have
acknowledged that the internal audit function and the oversight of internal controls has become an
important responsibility of boards, the implications of this for internal audit have not always been
followed through. Thus in the US, the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 makes no mention of internal
audit, or of any equivalent role other than the board s role generally in the preparation of the accounts
and the setting of accounting standards.
Critical success factors for an internal audit function
Is internal audit strategically positioned to contribute to business performance? The mission and role
of internal audit are defined within a wider governance framework and are effectively communicated.
The structure of internal audit promotes objectivity, consistency and business understanding. Internal
audit is funded in a way that promotes objectivity and consistency in the quality of services it
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Ophelia And Hamlet
During the reign of Queen Elizabeth, the stage was used as a way to break the barriers of gender
norms. In his creation of Hamlet, Shakespeare uses the voice of Ophelia as a means to battle the
gender norms that had been placed on Elizabethan society. A good women was seen as someone that
was quiet and submissive. If a man could not control a woman s tongue, there would be no chance that
the man would be able to control her body. Though Ophelia s character was more than capable of
exhibiting reason, the control that her father, Polonius, held over her let Ophelia to the the madness
that would claim her life by the end of the play. On the other side of the gender spectrum, Hamlet, a
prince that should be have been more than capable of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Merchant s representations claim that both nature and women are subordinate and essentially passive
furthering the proof that women are held at a lower standard than men (Merchant 9).
The sexuality of women is also compared to animals, furthering the idea that women appeared closer
to animals than men on the Great Chain of Being. Hamlet emphasises his mother s sexuality as being
animalistic when confronting the King and Queen about their incestual marriage, stating that she
would hang on him/As if increase of appetite had grown/by what it fed on (1.2.143). Hamlet
supplements Gertrude s animalistic sexuality by claiming that a beast who lacks reasoning capabilities
would have mourned [the death of her husband] longer rather than marrying her brother in law, which
was an incestuous act (1.2.150). In Elizabethan England, it was considered indecent and illegal to
carry out an act of incest and, by copulating the marriage, Gertrude is acting in a way that does not
show any reasoning. Hamlet ends his soliloquy by stating that he must hold [his] tongue rather than
demanding his mother acknowledge her lacking position on the Great Chain of Being. Merchant states
that women are imbued with a far greater sexual passion rather than by logic which solidifies their
position on the Great Chain of Being according to Elizabethan standards.
One of the strongest written female characters in
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Dr. Kant s Argument
Savulescu s argument also has some flaws in regards to his responses to a few possible objections he
talked about. One objection that Savulescu responds to is the objection that genes are pleiotropic
meaning they have different effects on different parts of the body (The Ethical Life, 454). The
example given was that a gene that prompts depression might also be responsible for heightened
creativity and productivity (The Ethical Life, 454). Savulescu s response to that was that we would
have to limit interventions until our knowledge grows and we would have to do more adequate
research before expanding the types of interventions (The Ethical Life, 454). The problem with that is
that it requires experimenting and testing on children and embryos which would be treating them as a
means to an end rather than an end in itself. Kant would agree and say that these children exist as an
end in itself, not merely as a means to be used by this or that will at its discretion (Kant, 96).
Savulescu is suggesting research on children and embryos in order to reach the goal of allowing
genetic enhancement. He is using them as a means to his end result. This is a major flaw as Kant
would argue that treating people as an end is showing them the respect they deserve while treating
them as a means is just dealing with them so that they can help to achieve the person s goal (Shafer
Landau, 174). Therefore, a child should never be treated as a means to an end to help reach a goal for
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Paschal Candle Liturgy Research Paper
Church is a celebration of our God, Lord and the Holy Spirit. Liturgy of Holy Week services brought
festival to my heart, the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. Noteworthy on Good Friday a deep
sadness fills my soul as I reflected on what mankind / we did to the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ
on this day. My personal reflection of this world today, and the continual sins which run wild in the
hearts of some people.
Paschal Candle Liturgy, triumph over death and then lite the Paschal candle, imitating, Christ is our
light. Let us walk and live in the light.
The Prayers, thanks for Christ and the Holy Spirit. Thanks for creation and all that God has done for
Processional Hymn, Praise Hymn, Gradual Hymn, Offertory Hymn, and the Recessional Hymn. Our
singing in one voice, to glorify our Lord. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
God gave us Jesus Christ his Son, so we can be forgiven of our sins and have life in Heaven. Christ
blood on the cross, his death and his resurrection, Jesus Christ paid the price for our sins.
The renewal of Baptismal: renewal our commitment to Christ, new birth by water and Holy Spirit.
Prayers of the People: Our prayers for different features of our church, our prayers for the poor, our
leaders. The petitions are series of requests, asking our Father to deliver us from, sin, and destruction
of natural disasters, war, and or terrorist.
The Holy Eucharist, use of prayer
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Year 1 Ib History
| World War I (Total War) | World War II (Total War) | Causes | Long Term: MAINShort Term: Serbian
Nationalism, Bosnian crisis, Moroccan crisisImmediate: Ass. of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand |
Long Term: Treaty of Versailles, Failure of LON, Econ DepressionShort term: Absynnia, Munich,
appeasement Immediate: Invasion of Poland (9.1. 1939) and Pearl Harbor (12. 7. 1941) | War |
Western Front: Schlieffen Plan fail, Trench Warfare, Entry of USA Eastern Front: Austria amp;
Germany V.S. Russia, Russian withdrawalWar at Sea: Allies: blockade, open trade routes, transport
military, convoy systemCentral: mines, submarines (u boat), unrestricted submarine
warfarePractices:Navy, submarines, trench warfare, poison gas, tanks | Phase I ... Show more content
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CCP | * Sun Yatsen: aim republic/modern on western lines, secret societies, * Wuchang
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Essay On Cape Canaveral
On a cold and frosty morning in Cape Canaveral, Florida, thousands of people gathered to watch
something one of a kind something which they would never forget. Sitting on a launch pad at Cape
Canaveral, being lit up by huge xenon lights was an incredible flying machine. Its name was
Discovery and today, it was destined to go to space aboard 2 million pounds of solid rocket fuel and
500,000 gallons of liquid gas. The location of the launch, Cape Canaveral is one of my most favorite
places on earth.Cape Canaveral used to be a military missile launch site during WW2. After the
program was discontinued, the 42 missile launch pads became an outdoor exhibit and 3 new launch
pads were constructed for sending space shuttles into space. No wonder, ... Show more content on
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The Kennedy space center had a lot of displays about aeronautics, like old WWII fighter planes and
some of the world s fastest planes. But they were famous for their space displays, which consisted of
old rockets, launch pads, and old Extravehicular Mobility Units (Spacesuits).Out of all these displays,
my most favorite display was the space shuttle display. It had so many facts about space shuttles and
at the time, space shuttles were probably my most favorite thing. (A space shuttle is a machine that
goes up like a rocket, but lands like a glider.) Even my favorite toy was a space shuttle plushie. I knew
almost everything there is to know about space shuttles. I remember telling my dad facts about the
space shuttle, The underbelly of the shuttle, which gets very hot during launch and landing was
covered with thousands of individually numbered silica tiles. The parts that don t get as hot were
covered with Nomex felt fabric. Shuttles had very small wings which made the shuttle as aerodynamic
as a brick. That s why it s affectionately referred to as a flying brick. while he was driving us to the
Kennedy space center for the
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Paul Cezanne s Still Life With Bowl Of Curacao Oranges
This essay will discuss the significant similarities and differences between Paul Cézanne s work, Still
Life with Pot of Flowers and Pears painted in 1880 90 and Louise Moillon s work, Still Life with
Bowl of Curaçao Oranges painted in 1634.
Although both painters were born in France, they were painting during time periods. Moillon was born
in 1609 in Paris and was painting during the Baroque era, which encompassed intense shadow and
rich colours (Harrison, 2010). Cezanne was born in 1839 in Aix en Providence and was paining in the
Post Impressionism era, which included thick applications of paint and had a more expressive effect
(Harrison, 2010). Both works are created with oil paint, however, Cezanne has chosen to paint his
work on canvas, whereas Moillon s work is displayed on panel. Both works are of similar size,
Cezanne s canvas is 46 x 56cm and Moillon s panel is 46 x 65cm. ... Show more content on
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Moillon displays a bowl of Curacao oranges, that originate from the Dutch West Indies, with the
leaves still attached and one single lemon resting on the top (Harrison, 2010). The bowl which the
fruit is in is significant as it was made of porcelain. Porcelain was an expensive import from China
and was often featured in still life painting by French and Dutch artists (Harrison, 2010) which give
the painting a rich and expensive tone. The composition looks formal and posed and the lighting in the
painting is dramatic and creates harsh shadows which gives a more realistic feel. This painting has a
wide tonal range as there are strong contrasts between the lightest and darkest parts which creates a
strong effect. Moillon uses linear brushwork to give a smooth texture to the painting (Inside Art, 2010)
and poses the fruit close to the picture plane which give the impression of being able to reach out and
grab the
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TCF7L2 Case Study
TCF7L2 has been shown to be associated with T2MD in multiple ethnic groups. In the past two years
common single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), rs7903146, located in intron 3 of the TCF7L2, has
been shown to be one of the most convincing susceptibility variants for T2DM. In the present report,
we examined the association betweenrs7903146 of the TCF7L2and serum leptin and ghrelin level, in
control and T2D subjects.
It is important to consider that TCF7L2 is expressed in different tissues, having important roles in
glucose metabolism such as gut, brain, liver, skeletal muscle, fat, and bones )24(.
The recent researches also have shown that leptin and ghrelin plays an important role in maintaining
the energy balance of the organism ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the current study, there is a significant negative correlation between leptin and ghrelin, , meaning
when one increases, the other decreases.
Some other studies also have shown a negative correlation between leptin and ghrelin levels in the
body (37,38).
In our study population, there is a significant association between the T allele of the rs7903146 and
T2D. The odds ratio of T allele in the present study was (CI 95%; 0.26 (0.12,0.57), 1.36, p=0.26).
The OR obtained in this study is higher than almost all other ORs in the previous studies in other
populations, showing the importance of this SNP in Iranian population.
In our study, the frequency of TT genotype of the SNP examined was significantly higher in T2D
subjects, compared to the control subjects (50.6 vs. 15.6%, respectively; p 0.001), while the CC and
CT genotype frequency of SNP, rs7903146 were higher in control than patient subjects. The risk for
T2D was significantly higher for the TT genotype, compared with the CC genotype, resulted in odds
ratio of (95% CI: 0.12(0.42,0.32), 2.15, p 0.001)
In line with our allele frequency results, Amoli et al. (39) also reported Allele and genotype
frequencies were significantly different between patients and controls TT vs. CT + CC [p 0.0081 OR
3.4 95%CI (1.27 11.9)] and T vs. C allele [p0.02 OR 1.4 95%CI (1.03 1.9)].
Liu et al. (40) in a Meta analysis showed that the T allele of rs7903146 was significantly correlated
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Invasion Of Osama Bin Laden
The invasion of Afghanistan (October 2001 December 2014) The invasion was triggered by the
September 11 attacks. It was intended to target terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden s al Qaida
organization, which was based in the country, as well as the extreme fundamentalist Taliban
government that had ruled most of the country. Taliban is the ultraconservative political and religious
faction that ruled Afghanistan.
Barack Obama, the president in 2008, said this:
We did not ask for this fight. On September 11, 2001, nineteen men hijacked four airplanes and used
them to murder nearly 3,000 people. They struck at our military and economic nerve centers. They
took the lives of innocent men, women and children without regard to their faith or race
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Analysis Of Autumn By John Keats Essay
To Autumn by John Keats exemplifies a poem full of imagery that showcases the scenery of a typical
Autumn ensemble. The name itself is something worth analyzing. The To Autumn deems autumn as
the recipient of the rhetoric. The title is pregnant with personification. It is structured in three eleven
line stanzas that follow the chronological progression of autumn with autumn (personified)
performing three distinct occupations at each level/stanza. Personification is habitually present
throughout the poem and serves as an indirect character. Autumn is exemplified metaphorically as one
who conspires with the sun, labors the land s crops, and a talented musician. It personifies premature
autumn when all naturalistic beings have ultimately reached maturity and face the inevitable life cycle
of conception, birth, maturity, and death. It achieves this through its use of imagery, and figurative
language such as personification. The overarching theme exemplifies autumn as an ambiguous
abstract that is conducive to connoting several meanings in literature. It can be seen as maturity and
wisdom. It can be seen as elderly age, but before morbidity and fatality, the harvest of a lifetime of
learning and the imminent conclusion of existence. Keats opens his first stanza by addressing autumn
which serves as a source of personification where the author extends human qualities to an ecological
manifestation. Keats elucidates autumn s vibrant abundance and its familiarity with the sun,
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Research Paper on Hurricane Wilma
Hurricane Wilma
November 24, 2015
Geology 1401
Introducion: Cyclones, Hurricanes, and Typhoons, these cyclonic storms are known by many names
but are all born from the same mechanism: low pressure systems. Also known as depressions.
Thankfully, most hurricanes form only during hurricane season, which is from June 1st to November
30th. Within this season about 85 percent of the most intense hurricanes and 60 percent of minor
Atlantic tropical storms and hurricanes originate from African easterly waves (NOAA Cyclone
Report). These waves, which have a wavelength of 2000 to 2500 kilo meters, originate close to or
from the highlands of Ethiopia, Africa. Not all easterly waves become hurricanes, but the ones that do
travel ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Thanks to its 213 trillion teraflops, NOAA is able to release fairly accurate 5 day forecasts of
hurricanes. Granted, after 3 days the accuracy of these forecasts declines but they do serve as very
accurate maps within those first 3 days.
Hurricane Wilma On the evening of October 15, 2005 tropical depression number 24 appeared in
Atlantic Ocean, its winds at a mere 35 kilo meters per hour, pressure of about 1004 mb and heading
West at a pace of 5 kilo meters per hour. In the next few hours, the winds of depression number 24
gradually increased to 45 km/h and on the morning of October 16, it had reached speeds of 55 km/h.
On the 17nth of October this depression developed into tropical storm Wilma , with wind speeds at
about 65 km/h and an internal pressure of 1000 mb. At about 10 A.M the Yucatan Peninsula was
issued a warning, alerting them of the possible dangers from Wilma. Following an erratic pattern of
movement, experts were not sure where Wilma was headed. On the morning of October 18 Wilma was
about 810 km from Punta Allen, Mexico. Wilma once again intensified reaching speeds of 120 km/h,
by the end of the day it was officially a category II hurricane at 175 km/h. On the 19nth at 4 A.M,
about 595 km from Punta Allen, Mexico hurricane Wilma quickly reached wind speeds of 280 km and
pression levels of 980 mb, at these speeds Wilma was now classified as a category V. The rate at
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Women In The Handmaid
The rarity of fertile women would suggest that they would be treated better by society due to the
importance of their work but that is not the case. Handmaids, whose only job is to engage in a sexual
ceremony with men and give birth to healthy babies, are the most shunned in society, despite their
invaluableness. Sex in Gilead is understood to be something impersonal, emotionless. It is not done
out of love or desire but for the purpose of reproduction only.
The taboo of sex does not only affect women. Low ranking officers, like Guardians, are not permitted
to touch a woman until they are promoted to a higher rank and therefore assigned a wife. If they earn
enough power later they might even get a Handmaid of their own (Atwood 2010, 32).
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Essay on The Progressive Reformers
Reform was the goal of the Progressive movement, and with that in mind the reformers had great
success. Progressive reformers were made up primarily of middle class men and women whose two
main goals were to limit the trusts and to improve conditions of life and labor. These people were part
of both political parties at the time, as well as in all regions of the country, and in all levels of the
government. They wanted to remove bribed members of the legislature so that just laws and
regulations were made that would benefit the people rather than the power hungry corporations. This
major movement altered all aspects of life creating a better living and working environment for
people. The Progressive Era reformers and federal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
So finally in 1913, Congress passed the 17th amendment that called for the direct election of United
States senators. Also Congress would later pass the 19th amendment which allowed women s suffrage,
or the ability to vote. Also states and people began to use the secret Australian ballot to keep the
privacy of the voters. Before, big bosses and companies used to be able to scare or buy people to vote
for whom they wanted, but now people could vote without the fear of being connected to their ballot.
With people now voting anonymously, these businesses no longer as successful as before for they
could no longer tell for whom the bribed were actually voting for. In the bar graph, it shows the
gradual decrease in the number of voters who voted for the presidency (Document J). this showed how
people were no longer being bribed or forced to vote for whomever the businesses wanted. This called
for more fair and impartial elections for such important offices in the government. In the Washington
Post 1907 article, Roosevelt is shown standing over a dead bear of bad trusts (Document A). This
demonstrated Roosevelt s attempted to rid the country of bad trusts for the good of the people. Also
these reformers made great strides in the social component of the country. The people of the
Progressive Era morphed society into a more sanitary and enhanced place. Social matters of the
country had just begun to play a major
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Welfare Of The United States
Welfare is a subject of debate in the United States because everyone has a different point of view
when it comes to the Social Security Act. On one side the rich may feel that the government takes
from the rich, and gives to the poor. The poor on the other hand may believe that they are being
forgotten and not helped enough by the government. Are the government financial assistance
programs really working and helping people climb out of poverty or are they creating lazy people who
depend on government assistance too much? Poverty has been an issue of great debate in America for
centuries. Before the Social Security Act was passed, the United States government did not have a
stable plan to help/aid the poor. It was the local governments responsibility to care for their
disadvantaged. Many Americans believe only the poor receive welfare aid or benefits from the
government, they are misguided, because even though welfare is a program who aids the poor it also
helps most Americas in one way or another. Also, welfare helps big name corporations by giving them
government funding for research he also gives them loans, grants, and tax breaks. In 2015 it was the
eightieth year anniversary since President Theodore Roosevelt passed The Social Security Act law,
and the problem has gotten worse not better. The purpose for this act was to help the unemployed or
underemployed during the great depression. However, it extended to the poor through a variety of
programs. In Addition, the
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BINGO Board Game Analysis
The objective of the first interactive learning activity is to promote a deeper understanding of the core
tenets of the Constitution. This can be accomplished by playing a BINGO board game. The prepared
BINGO cards will contain a total of twenty five squares with five rows going across and five rows
going down. Three BINGO cards will be distributed to parents containing the key tenets written on the
inside of each of the squares. Some of the tenets will be duplicated inside the squares while other
squares will contain a blank space. The parents will also receive a small packet of colored chips to use
as a marker for the squares.
A list of questions regarding each of the core tenets will begin the BINGO game. The speaker will
read one question relating to the core tenets. Parents will raise his or her hand to answer the question.
The presenter will continue to call on parents until a correct response has been given. The parents will
place a colored chip on the square if the correct answer is written inside the square. There will be more
questions asked than the number of squares on the BINGO cards. The winner of the game must have
colored chips in all squares going across, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The presenter should divide parents into three groups and provide them with a copy of the
Constitution. The parents will also need a visual handout that shows the authority and responsibilities
of each of the three branches of government. The parents should be divided and placed into one of the
three groups. These groups include the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial
Branch. Each of the three branches should assign the appropriate mock staff to represents his or her
branch appropriately. The mock staff will include the President, Congress, the Senate, the House of
Representatives, Federal or State Courts, and the Supreme
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Interpersonal Communication Analysis
It is noticed how one s intrapersonal communication can impact their interpersonal communication.
This can be experienced throughout many aspects and specific examples of ones self communication
and communication with others, which can be expressed through experiences in lab seminar as well as
personal experiences. Firstly, this is seen throughout my own self as I compare myself to others, and
feel as if I am always the inferior. Secondly, my ability to grow from a closed off, shy individual to a
more open, outgoing person has impacted my communication with others tremendously. Thirdly, my
ability to empathize with people is my area of strength and listening, as well as maintaining eye
contact, are areas I need to improve on. Lastly, when ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Personally, I believe there are several interpersonal communication skills that I am good at, as well as
some skills that I need to improve on. I believe that I am good at empathizing during communication.
As Steven A. Beebe (2015) states, Empathy is an emotional reaction that is similar to the one being
experienced by another person, (p. 126). With this being said, when someone cries, I begin to feel my
eyes start to well up with tears. This is something that has always been a part of me since I was a
young child. In comparison, when relating to my lab seminar group, I know I need to work on my
listening skills as well as maintaining eye contact while listening. I find myself getting distracted
easily, which results in not being able to fully understand the entire meaning of the message that my
partner is communicating. I find it difficult to maintain eye contact throughout the whole
conversation, as it feels awkward. These interpersonal communication skills relate directly to offering
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Cloud Computing Services
The popularity of mobile system with the headway in engineering, with the increment of Internet
utilization, comprehensively reinvent the old idea of network computing system, to the new buzzword
Cloud computing . Cloud computing is a link way to the usage of Cloud which process by transmitting
and receiving files in utilizing Internet. Most systems uses either of the three major models of cloud
computing services on the market, which are software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service
(PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS).
SaaS is an application level cloud service that provides interface software and database. User simply
accesses the software running on the back end server of the cloud clients such as web browsers,
emulators and mobile web browser, and use the services. The best example of this services is a web
based email service. Users are able to send or receive emails from web browser remotely without
installing or running email software on his/her device. The essential software are running on the Cloud
Computer which allow user to access the desire resources from any supported devices.
PaaS is a platform level cloud service that provide an operating system, database and web server, in
which the developers build the applications using different software development tools and to run on a
cloud platform. The example of this service can be seen on Google App Engine hosted by Google.
Once the user login to his/her account, he/she able to develop
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The Bill Of Rights By James Madison
The first 10 Amendments to the Constitution make up the bill of rights written by James Madison. He
wrote this in response to calls from several states for greater constitutional protection for individuals
rights. The Bill Of Rights states specific prohibitions on Governmental power. What influenced James
Madison to write these Amendments was The Virginia Declaration Of Rights by George Maddison.
The Bill Of Rights was inspired by Thomas Jefferson who was Madison s mentor and created on
September 25, 1789 The Bill Of Rights was Ratified on December 15, 1791 in the House Of
Representatives. The congress transmitted to the states legislatures and 12 proposed amendments. The
Fourth Amendment Is the right of people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,
against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated and no warrants shall issue, but upon
probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation and particularly describing the place to be searched
and the persons or things to be seized. This means You cannot be searched or seized without a warrant
or probable cause. Massachusetts wrote a law in 1756 that banned these warrants because tax
collectors were abusing their powers by searching colonist homes for illegal goods. Virginia also
banned the use of general warrants later due to other fears, these actions later led to the addition of the
4th Amendment in the Bill Of Rights. Today the 4th Amendment means that in order for a police
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American Dad Research Paper
The spread of television has affected American households universally, which started in the 1940s but
has continued to make a dramatic surge. There is a trend at that is being captured across televisions in
households everywhere. Politics, reality television, social media and public information is being
broadcast from household to household. Television has in a way become a mode of how we think and
interact with each other. Television is starting to leave that bubble where it was strictly entertainment,
now television is becoming a source of what we must believe. The consumer demand for television as
spiked dramatically, in the way we view ourselves and perceive others in the world around us is
through a television screen. Although we are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Television programming reflected and animated several qualities of popular historical consciousness
that were new in the 1970s: a newfound interest in the everyday life and experience of earlier times; a
desire to understand the past on empathetic and emotional terms; and an idea of history and the
passage of time as contingent, flexible, and permeable. Although television is often said to be a
primary space for the formation, articulation, and reflection of culture in the United States, because of
the medium s unique relationship with history and temporality (Malgorzata J. 83). Along with the
spread of television coming about in the 1970s, the spread of American culture spread nationwide. The
desire to understand past culture and the visual representation of our history is the driving force for
popularity for television. American Dad helps depict American culture, because although American
Dad is a sitcom they mention past events and their political viewpoints are often expressed in episodes
of American Dad. Specially, Stan Smith is extremely controversial and is dead set on keeping
terrorists out of America. This was very emotional for Americans because American Dad came out
after 9/11, which is a very touchy subject for millions of Americans. However, American Dad pushes
Americans through their emotional barrier and helps to depict American culture by
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Should Craig Venter Use Yeast To Create Synthetic Life
The concept of synthetic life is to create a new type of living cell out of synthetic DNA. Craig Venter
and other scientists wanted to find a way to understand how life form on Earth. They were answering
the question; can mankind create lifeforms? Craig Venter did answer this question by eventually using
yeast to perform a transplant to make a new type of cell. In my opinion, Craig Venter should not
attempt to create synthetic life because I think it is playing God and ultimately messing with the
balance of nature. Abiotic synthesis proves that life was made out of inorganic precursors like energy
from lighting or UV radiation. I am such a strong believer in letting mother nature take care of itself
and because of that I would not trust the creation of synthetic life. I also think messing with synthetic
life would make more problems for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It can even be the source of new man made diseases which actually defeats the purpose of creating
synthetic life. Other that are for synthetic life would say that this advancement would be benefit
science and life as we know it. It could make life cleaner and better by helping to fight climate change
and pollution . Some could even argue that having the knowledge to create synthetic life was God
giving us permission to go ahead and use synthetic life every day. There are many consequences for
creating synthetic life and because of that I really feel like it is something we as humans need to think
deeply about. A positive consequence/reward would be that creating synthetic life would boost our
economy and help in the medical field. However, a really bad outcome could be that this innovation
could be misused and cause another problem. It could be a disease or just a new battle between nations
to create the best synthetic biohazard bacteria or virus, eventually wiping out the human race. My
example may seem too extreme, but it could
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Legal Funding Disadvantages
Nowadays, hiring a lawyer in UK and Wales can be quite expensive. A trainee solicitor in Great
Britain hourly rate can start from a hundred and eleven pounds per hour and ranges from this to a first
grade solicitor in London who would charge four hundred and nine pounds per hour . It is obvious that
not everyone can afford the price of justice. Legal funding is vital as this can give a chance to people
that are of lesser means, to review their case. There are various types of legal funding that I will
examine in my essay for example, legal aid, private funding, conditional fee agreements, damages
based agreements and pro bono. However, there are some ethical complications related to how these
types of funding is used. Are they really used wisely and fairly based on their scope? I am going to
consider the advantages and disadvantages of the various types, in order to come to a conclusion. On
the other hand, there are many people claiming that technological innovations would be a very good
way to compensate for lack of funding. Technological innovations such as, robot lawyer Lisa , Lexis
Nexis chatbot and kiosks. Forms of legal funding
Legal aid: After the Second World War the Labour Government tried to a build a welfare state in order
to reduce the inequalities between rich and poor class . One of their measures was the state funded
legal aid scheme .That would give the opportunity to poorer people to get legal advice and
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Pros And Cons Of Dishonest Behaviors In College Education
Since finding the right employees is getting more competitive as time goes on, it is not odd to say or
hear that nowadays college students risk their necks on GPA, especially students from different
country or different culture. I believe this caused unstoppable problems in the America college
education, such as doctored documents and proxy for an exam or paper are becoming ordinary among
English as Second Language students. These unethical behaviors are caused by higher standards in
social to be recognized. Students are seeking out for good grades and GPA in order to be fulfill hiring
requirements in nowadays. This is why students falsify documents to be accepted by colleges. Also,
this is the reason why students buy a paper rather than write a paper. I believe students, who engage in
any kind of unethical and dishonest behavior in school, should be punished by school s honor code.
In order to be accepted by a college in the United States, students must attain specific conditions. This
is the reason why some of the Chinese international students commit dishonest acts in academic. In
other words, students break and bend the rules and their moral to be enrolled in a college. In the article
The Plagiarism Plague, Raymond A. Schroth mentions that some other agencies falsify school
letterheads and create doctored transcripts and counterfeit letters of recommendation. These unethical
and dishonest acts should be considered as crime , because they are disregarding on rules
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Bio 101 Lab Report Essay examples
Influencing Natural Selection
Influencing Natural Selection
Influencing Natural Selection
The purpose of this experiment is to test the hypothesis that small bird s physical characteristics can
greatly impact their species population growth over time. Using the Finch as a test subject for multiple
trial runs on a simulated computer system we can alter the characteristics of the finch and run
diagnostics for two completely different locations and set of experiments. This simultaneous testing
and comparison will either prove or disprove the hypothesis that small bird s physical characteristics
can greatly impact their population growth. The base line for this comparison will be two islands ...
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The population of birds on the Darwin Island is going to be labeled as population A1 with respect to
the Darwin Island being labeled as island A. The opposing island will be named island B and its
population as B1.
Each islands inputs and or parameters will be documented and assessed to ensure they are both
identical in size and vegetation sources. Island A Population A1 | Island B Population B1 | Beak size
14 mm | Beak size 11mm | Variance 1.00 | Variance 1.00 | Heritability 0.70 | Heritability 0.70 | Clutch
size 10 eggs | Clutch size 10 eggs | Island size 1.0km | Island size 1.0km | Precipitation 20.0cm |
Precipitation 20.0cm |
Each of these inputs is exactly the same except for the one physical characteristic of the finch: the
beak. Each scenario will be run at the same time and show comparisons as to population growth and
changes. The first run will be set at 100 years to revisit the information which is selected in the main
menu prior to running the experiment. Not only is the information regarding each population s beak
size over time important but the population growth is what is needed for the hypothesis. After the first
run is completed the inputs will be changed to reflect a 200 year period where population B1 with the
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Juvenile Crime Law Is A Subcategory Of Juvenile Law
Juvenile Crime Law is a subcategory of Juvenile Law. Although a type of criminal law, juvenile crime
law only deals with under age individuals, who are treated very differently than adults in criminal law,
and usually have their own courts of law (Juvenile Criminal Law, n.d.). When it comes to crime, kids
usually go through a different process than adults. But they still have to face consequences ( Juvenile
Crimes Juvenile Justice Nolo.com, n.d.).
Juvenile Criminal Law is a relevant issue in today s juvenile criminal Justice system. A growing
number of states are re examining and amending juvenile laws to reduce unnecessary reliance on
secure confinement. Minors under the age of 18 years, who commit a crime, or otherwise violate
established rules and statutes, are identified as juvenile delinquents, juvenile offenders, youthful
offenders, or delinquent minors. When the police arrest a minor, or juvenile, there are differences from
arresting an adult. While the juvenile may be handcuffed, fingerprinted and photographed as adults
can, teen offenders must be handled carefully ( Arresting Kids Lawyers.com, n.d.). In juvenile cases, a
status offense involves conduct that would not be a crime if it was committed by an adult in other
words, the actions are considered to be a violation of the law only because of the youth s status as a
minor (typically anyone under 18 years of age). Some examples of status offenses include underage
drinking, skipping school, and
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Harley Davidson Supply Chain Management
Harley Davidson Supply Chain Name Institutional affiliation Date Harley Davidson Supply Chain
Background Harley Davidson is a motorcycle manufacturing company whose headquarters are located
in Milwaukee Wisconsin. The company is the biggest motorcycle producer in the United States .it is
over a century old. Started by the Davidson brothers Arthur, William, and Walter together with
William s. Harvey, the company designs, manufactures, and distributes motorcycles not only in the
United States but also to the rest of the world. It has since been producing heavyweight machines for
its loyal customers. It has maintained its stability and growth, and this expected, for years to come.
The Harley motorcycles have gained the copyright name the hog. These motorbikes have a distinct
design, with a lean chassis that is narrow, a super low seat, premium brakes, a broad handlebar sweep,
plus a narrow front tire for that tight turning and quick moves (Johan Kleiner, 2013). It is a classic;
anyone should be able to recognize it anywhere if you have seen its designs before. The Harley
Davidson brand has expanded not only in the United States but also globally, it has transformed its
manufacturing, product development, and retail capabilities over
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The National Motto Of The United States Of America
While the 50 s were known as a major countercultural era, the 1950 s in America also allowed for
religion to make a big resurgence. In 1950 specifically, 40% of American were a church member, and
by 1960 this number had risen to nearly 70%. President Eisenhower during this time stated, Our
government makes no sense unless it is founded on a deeply felt religious faith. As he was concerned
about Americans being deadened in mind and soul by a materialistic philosophy of life. To take it a
step further, in 1954, he signed a bill to add one nation under God to the Pledge of Allegiance. And
almost exactly two years proceeding the signing of that bill did, Congress make In God We Trust the
national motto of the United States of America.
In the 1951 1960 Baylor University and other institutions across America were searching for ways to
bolster organizational and academic legitimacy during a time where religion was a major part of the
societal discussion. With Baylor being a major Baptist and religious institution the need to legitimize
the value of a Baylor education was growing. In University President William R. White s inaugural
address he stated that, Those who launched Baylor University had a definite concept of its two fold
purpose [which was] to serve the church and the state...and [the] world... they intended to influence
culture and society with the great distinctive principles of [the University]. And they wanted to enrich
and enforce the kingdom of God through
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Research Assignment Example. Research Paper

  • 1. Research Assignment Example. Research Paper 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Research Assignment Example. Research Paper Research Assignment Example. Research Paper
  • 2. Research Paper On Breaking Cosmic Ice Breaking the Cosmic Ice Scientists have shown that the Earth stops energetic neutrinos, according to data collected from the IceCube array in Antarctica. High energy neutrino interactions monitored by the IceCube detector, an array of 5,160 basketball sized optical sensors buried a mile deep in a cubic kilometer of exceptionally clear ice near the south pole. Neutrinos are infinitesimally small and nearly massless particles that surround us at any given moment. Roughly one trillion from the Sun pass through a human s eyes every second, and they come in three types (called flavors): electron, muon, and tauon neutrinos, each name corresponding to three charged particles with which they pair. Since they interact so rarely, it s extremely ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The neutrino interactions analyzed have energies in the trillion electron volt, or TeV, range. A mosquito puts out about one TeV. The detected neutrinos energy ranged from 6.3 TeV to 980 TeV. Miarecki performed much of the data analysis whilst working toward her PhD as an IceCube researcher. It s a multidisciplinary idea, she said in a news release. In order to understand if the cross section of neutrinos detected matches Standard Model predictions, the analysis used input from geologists who supplied models of the Earth s interior from seismic studies. With this, scientists were able to compare their data with a simulation of neutrinos passing through the Earth. In this study, researchers measured the flux of muon neutrinos as a function of their energy and their incoming direction. Neutrinos with higher energies and with incoming directions closer to the North Pole are more likely to interact with matter on their way through Earth. Image credit: IceCube Collaboration We created some of the data from seismic data bouncing off of various parts of the Earth, Miarecki told Futurism. Putting together all the constraints, including the gravitational constriction of the Earth, and you have a good model, she added. The bulk of detected neutrinos mass around the lower range, with the high energy neutrinos growing scarce until the frequency of their occurrence passes beyond the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Lab Report On Bacterial Growth Abstract This experiment is about bacterial growth. We will demonstrate a bacterial growth curve using a closed system. Bacterial growth usually takes up to 12 24 hours to get an accurate result so we will be monitoring this growth between two classes. We also used different methods to determine bacterial growth as well as a few different calculations. One way of receiving data is by using a spectrophotometer where we will record the absorption at a given time to create the bacterial growth curve. We also used the plate count method after performing a serial dilution to calculate the actual cell density at different times given. By using this method we can count the population number of the same given and see the maximum cell density ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The lag phase is when the organisms are first place into a new medium and will take time to get used the their new environment. During this phase, organisms will grow in size but cannot replicate. The next phase is the log phase. In this phase cells are dividing and growing at a very fast rate. DNA replication begins in this phase as well as their metabolic rate starts to increase rapidly. (Bacterial Growth Curve) Cells divide by binary fission. The organisms will eventually reach maximum growth and start to level off beginning the next phase, the stationary phase. In this phase, the bacterial population will start to slow down and stop dividing because the nutrients needed for them to grow are being used up. The pH and temperatures start to shift making the environment and unfavorable one and the accumulation of waste and toxic metabolites the growth starts to die off, transitioning into the last and final stage. (Bacterial Growth Curve) The death phase is when there is longer any nutrients to grow and to much waste has built up along with toxic materials, killing the cells. However, some organisms can withstand this environment and begin to produce endospores. (Bacterial Growth Curve) A few different factors that affect bacterial growth are the availability of resources and nutrients, temperature and pH. (Act For Libraries) stated in the above paragraph, once the resources and nutrients are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Rafael Trujillo In The Time Of The Butterflies Most stories that are told from the point of view of a single narrator portray a clear antagonist that may dislike, conflict with, or pose a threat to the person who is narrating the story. In In The Time of the Butterflies, by Julia Alvarez, the most apparent antagonist in the story is the ruthless dictator of the Dominican Republic, Rafael Trujillo. However, Trujillo was only seen as a threat to society by the people that wanted to get rid of him, the people that he was making suffer for his own benefit. If one was to look at this issue from the government s perspective, Rafael Trujillo would be the evident protagonist of the story, even despite his atrocious ruling expertise. Trujillo demonstrates his antagonism through his unrelenting violations of human rights in the Dominican Republic during the mid twentieth century. He was quite notorious for taking young women away from their families, and, if they did not comply, killing them and their families. Basically, he destroyed everything that stood in his way by killing every last ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They were the leading symbols of an underground movement of which the main goal was overthrowing Trujillo. Their unique dedication to this task proved unlike any other in terms of their unconditional bravery and selflessness. Their devotion brought them much negative attention from the government, and they soon became some of Trujillo s most sought out enemies. So El Jefe says, brace yourselves now. He says... My only two problems are the damn church and the Mirabal sisters. (Alvarez 281) Trujillo ends up seeking them out via carefully planted assassins, and has them tortured to death. The sisters antagonism towards the government regime, and Trujillo s antagonism towards his people eventually resulted in all of their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Analysis Of The Tell Tale Heart Oftentimes, the most truly despicable villains are marked with indifference towards their moral reprehensibility. In the Penal Colony and The Tell Tale Heart both elucidate the idea that corruption, darkness, and immorality alike are unperceivable to the one afflicted. However, while In the Penal Colony suggests that this blind nature is a result of dutiful honor, responsibility, and hope, The Tell Tale Heart alternatively submits that it is a result of the possibility of fulfillment. Distinction between both arguments is found in the way setting and atmosphere background the action. Both stories are vague in describing the general location and time of the action. Kafka, however, puts forth some effort in detailing the immediate setting in the scene. He establishes the story within a deep , yet, small , sandy valley, closed in on all sides by barren slopes (Kafka 75). Kafka also notes, apart from the Officer and the Traveler there were present the Condemned...and The Soldier... (Kafka 75). The valley is oxymoronically both deep and small . The uneven and odd composition highlights the peculiarity and alien quality the colony exudes to the Traveler and reader. All that stood out in the valley, both literally and figuratively, was what the Officer dubbed, the apparatus (Kafka 75). The Traveler is made utterly removed from the setting he enters. The isolation of the Traveler standing before the machine and three strangers perpetuates an atmosphere ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Why Do We Lose Australian Identity In the Digital Age, people worldwide are more connected and information is more accessible. This has allowed wider sharing of cultures, and even naissances of new ones. As a result, pre existing cultures are influenced by other cultures, and a cultural shift takes places. The way people use language makes a part of their culture, and hence a change in said culture will at least partially result in a linguistic change. Because of this, some argue Australian English is losing its unique characteristics, and hence Australian identity is gradually affected. On one hand, it is evident that globalisation has resulted in lessened use of stereotypically Australian utterances such as she ll be right , g day , and mate . However, a lessened use does not necessary mean characteristics are lost. While we may not employ the Australian English lexicon in conversation, such characteristics may be preserved by humorous or ironic usage. Further, an evolved lexicon does not necessary mean identities of Australians are affected. For one, Australian identity is different to everyone. While it seems there is an ideal Australian identity that holds a certain set of values, for the most part, identity and values are different for every Australian. Nevertheless, even if there were such a thing as a collective Australian identity, it would be resistant to linguistic shifts. While Australian English may be losing its unique characteristics, one s identity and values remain the same. If anything, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. An Example Of A Private Sector Business Business Organisations Task 1 A private sector business is a business that is part of the economy that is not state controlled. It is run by individuals and companies who are mainly for profit. These businesses are not owned or operated by government. An example of a private sector business would be ASDA. Asda Stores limited is an American owned, British founded supermarket retailer. The company has been a subsidiary of the American retail company Wal Mart since July 1999, and is now the second largest supermarket chain by market share (Corporate Watch 1996 2014). The company provides normal goods for the public. They offer service to the public and strive for excellence business. I chose this example because ASDA is a large company that is aiming for profit and it is a private sector business. A public sector business is a business that usually composed of organisations that are owned and operated by the government (PrivacySense2015). The primary difference between public and private sector businesses is who they for. Public sector employees are who those work for government. An example of public sector would be public schools. The purpose of schools is that they provide education for the young people and public schools are funded by government to offer education to students. I chose public schools business they are from public sector and because they use government funding to offer education to the children. Public schools offer free education and they are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. The Great Gatsby Film Review Essay The Great Gatsby (2013) Film Review The 2013 movie adaptation of The Great Gatsby certainly steps out of the cozy boundaries of the novella of less than two hundred pages by F. Scott Fitzegerald with its gaudy attitude and fast paced scenes that at the same time is quite picturesque and full of details reproduced to match the prose that has been written. Some lovers of the classic might be horrified at the big top esque film that Baz Luhrmann has made it into, for this director is no stranger to flashiness and taking risks, as shown in his past films Moulin Rouge! and Romeo + Juliet ; and the same desire in the both of them is still present in his installment of Gatsby : the want to capture the contemporary audience, even if it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is a very unique way of upholding Nick s narration as it parallels the problems that Fitzgerald himself went through, but it makes a contrast between the Nick we see on screen and the one we read about. The fact that he is in a clinic is absurd on its own, implying that he was much more submissive and vulnerable to the unruliness of the city that he had left behind than Fitzgerald had let on, completely incapable of moving on from the past (which sounds just like another character that he was very closely associated with, does it not?); this messes with things a bit, for there is not any room for two tragic heroes, both with a fatal imperfection in this storyline. Along with that flaw, he is maladroit, easily becoming an innocent child looking at the world for the very first time in the awkward embodiment of Maguire, and it comes as a surprise that his jaw does not drop as he looks around with youthful fascination; he just does not give Nick the sense of capability and maturity in his performance as our inert, yet open minded storyteller needs. Daisy Buchanan is yet another victim of an unfortunate miscast as she is depicted by Carey Mulligan, who does not quite enact the innocent cruelty of a young woman who still has the mind of a teenage girl and still believes that was allowed to reach out for what she wanted without consequence. While she is supposed to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Pros And Cons Of Immigrant Labor would shrink the labor force by 11 million workers, reduce the real GDP by $1.6 trillion and take 20 years to complete (Trump has said he could do it in 18 months) (The Street, November 1st, 2015). It will harm the U.S. economy, said Doug Holtz Eakin, president of the American Action Forum and chief economic policy adviser to Sen. John McCain s 2008 presidential campaign. Immigration is an enormous source of economic vitality. (The Street, November 1st, 2015). Some industries rely on cheap labor especially in agriculture, orange harvests in California rely on migrants from Mexico, A number of industries that depend heavily on cheap immigrant labor would be devastated especially agriculture. There would be an abrupt drop in farm income ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... from Mexico Remittances are a big part of workers lives, especially lower skilled workers and a lot of families in Mexico rely on them. It s big business; it s billions of dollars, said Audrey Singer, a senior fellow at the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program. In an article written by Kathleen Hennessey for the LA Times It s not easily measured and it s not easily regulated. Enforcing something like that would be nearly impossible. (August, 17th, 2015). In an article for the Business Insider, Jacob Shamsian wrote Such mass deportation would take 6.4% of US workers out of the country, according to the AAF report. With them would depart approximately $1.6 trillion in wages, spending, and other economic activity, more than the GDP of Texas. The agricultural industry would be disproportionately affected by the move half of the US farm workers in the past 15 years have been undocumented. These estimates don t take into account the approximately $15 billion that undocumented immigrants contribute to Social Security, according to Stephen Goss, chief actuary for the Social Security Administration .(August 18th, 2015). The wall will run approximately 1900 miles and will cost billions to build. The topography is vast and in places completely unsuitable for building. The sheer logistical requirement is astounding. The technical expertise required, not to mention the amount and cost of labour, transport, raw materials, the building of roads and bridges to allow logistics to reach the various sites and the legal quagmire that such a proposal would generate, is mind boggling. Ali F. Rhuzkhan, a qualified construction engineer wrote in the National ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Importance Of Credibility In Public Speaking Ordinarily, to establish credibility, public speakers should earn the audience s trust and respect by presenting themselves as authorities on the topic that they are speaking. Consequently, the speaker should not rely on the content of their speech to gain credibility with the audience. Self presentation is important too since the public will start judging the communicator before the speaker begins to communicate verbally. Establish the authority to the public by speaking about the topic by stating the source of where the knowledge: experience, training, or research came into perspective. When speaking to a skeptical audience, begin by finding common ground. Acknowledge the appeal of the opposing views before deciding to create a strong ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When in doubt, choose the side of formal professional attire. Second, look at the public because it shows sincerity. Nevertheless, the speakers who make eye contact with the audience appear more open, trustworthy, and confident. Notwithstanding, if reading from a script or consulting cue cards, look up frequently to maintain the connection with the audience. Third, the necessary step to establish credibility is to speak loudly, clearly, and confidently. Confidence has become known to cause contagious if a person has confidence, the audience will catch it quickly. Fourth, tell your audience about your credentials because trust has become contagious to fans will begin to believe more readily if an individual can prove that others value the person s expertise. Credentials include certifications, relative degrees, recommendations, testimonials, volunteering experience, work experience, and informally, other types of personal experience. Fifth, reveal a personal connection to the chosen topic. Answer questions for the audience what has become at stake for the speaker? How has the subject affected the speaker s individual s life? If it is appropriate, then share a personal anecdote illustrates to establish a relationship to the topic. Lastly, step six builds common ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Orangeburg Massacre Essay Eventually, the occurrence of the Orangeburg Massacre led to the racial integration of Orangeburg and many other parts of South Carolina. If the Orangeburg Massacre had not occurred, South Carolina might not have become the racially equal society it is today. However, not everybody agreed with the change that was being brought as a result of the event. Many caucasians at the time attempted to cover the incident up, and to blame whatever could not be hidden on the protesters. Nevertheless, civil rights protesters were not going to let the killing of their fellow pupils be in vain. The students of Orangeburg demanded the punishment of highway patrolmen and other law enforcers on scene the night of the massacre. They wished to see the officers punished to the fullest extent of the law so that justice could be served to the families of the three young men who were killed (Pulaski 10). But, as an attempt to hide the massacre, many white owned newspaper companies either simply refused to report the event, or blamed the massacre on the protesters that participated that night (3 Negroes 1). A skirmish line of highway patrolmen and city police returned the fire of demonstrating college students last night (3 Negroes 1). After a scant two weeks, no white owned newspaper business covered the event at all. However, African American and civil rights supportive newspapers refused to give up. The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and the Charlotte Observer covered the shootings, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Pharmaceutical Industry Analysis A. Introduction Pfizer, US pharmaceutical company is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. Unfortunately, Pfizer faced challenges by macro environment forces that affect their sales volume decline dramatically in 2011. PESTEL, Porter s Five Forces and Industry Lift Cycle frameworks to be applied to analysis the broad macro environment that affected Pfizer in the pharmaceutical industry. 1. PESTEL framework PESTEL (Appendix I) is classifies into six environmental influences including Political, Economic, Social amp; Cultural, Technological, Environmental and Legal. i) Political * The promotion of pharmaceuticals products in US and patent protection period were direct governed by Food and Drug ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... * The impact of information technologies and marketing tools such as advertising, promotion and e prescribing (pull strategies) for well informed patients in order to switch towards personalized healthcare. v) Environmental * The investors and employees are more emphasis on sustainability in the market. * There are no significant information stated that the pharmaceutical process will influence on the environmental such as pollution, raw material waste etc. vi) Legal * The intellectual property rights to protect the companies on new product including patents etc. against imitators to copy their new invention. The patent protection period in US is fixed on 20 years to prevent the erosion of generics products. * The regulations to ensure drug safety by FDA to protect consumer interest. Hence, additional cost incurred on this monitoring. * There were many companies are re organized through merger or acquisition to adopt new technologies, gain economies of scale and to fund in US. There are no significant information stated in the case on the regulations of company mergers and acquisitions in US. * The increase in liability claims such as Lilly and Merck were filed in the United States Department of Justice. These were caused lost confidence from patients or public in the pharmaceuticals industry and FDA. 2. Five Forces Models The five forces models (Appendix II) is to analysis the attractiveness of an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. David Foster Wallace, Jessica Mittford s Essay Being considerate toward everybody and everything is the ideal goal that everybody hopes to achieve. Though the idea of being considerate is different depending on the person so reaching that point in the world is impossible to achieve since there is no baseline for that, we have many competing ideas as to what that could be. Some people see being considerate as being thoughtful of other people but others will see it as a deeper meaning with being courteous toward all living things on Earth and their belongings. There are so many different ways to be considerate and the readings of David Foster Wallace, Jessica Mittford, and Caitlin Doughty all have underlying messages of how people need to be more aware of what they are doing. Each piece ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is after he just gets done about talking about his own thoughts on the lobsters and how it is alright if people keep eating it. Now if he is fine with people eating lobsters and wants to keep eating animals on his own time why does he spend time writing this entire essay? This essay is filled with so many sensory details that the reader can feel such as the noise of the scuttling against the boiling pot with the lobster in it. He does this on purpose to bring to light something you may not think about or brush off as nothing is actually going against your morals. Wallace poses an interesting question in the conclusion of his essay by saying, Do you think much about the (possible) moral status and (probable) suffering of the animals involved? If you do, what ethical convictions have you worked out that permit you not just to eat but to savor and enjoy flesh based viands (510). This is his whole purpose of writing this essay since this question alone brings you back through his entire essay and all the insignificant details he talked about and made you realize how significant they are in the amount of harm you may be bringing to the animal. This whole idea of awareness and making sure your actions line up with your morales is echoed in the writings of Jessica Mittford in her story The American Way of Death Revisited. Mittford opens the eyes of the reader to see what American s see as a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Franklin Roosevelt s Speech On The Four Freedoms A lot has changed in 71 years, since President Franklin Roosevelt gave his speech on freedom from fear to when President Obama gave his welcoming remarks. The speeches were given in different time periods, one during the Industrial Age and the other during the Information Age. Everything continues to change as technology advances and new information is presented, but the idea of freedom from fear has remained important. The Four Freedoms speech was delivered by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1941. It gave the idea of there being four main freedoms. The speech was given during the time World War Two was going on, it gave people all over the world hope. The four freedoms were: freedom of speech and expression , freedom of every ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Finding Nemo Comparison Pixar s Finding Nemo can surely be considered a modern day classic film. It is films like There Will Be Blood, Inception, and Argo that prove that a spectacular film can be made in a time where Hollywood has obviously run dry on original ideas. But, what happens when you create a sequel to a classic? Can the sequel become a classic as well, or at least be as good as its predecessor? Although some sequels have become classics themselves (The Dark Knight), many have fallen flat and pale in comparison to the original (Return to Oz). Finding Dory, the highly anticipated sequel to Finding Nemo, is by no means a classic. However, it both successfully brings back the humorous and familiar characters we know and love and introduces new ones to remember, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Along the way, Dory is captured by researchers and put in a facility in California, where she befriends several aquatic creatures including Hank (Ed O Neill), a stubborn yet emotional octopus. Hank yearns to go to an aquarium in Cleveland where all of the not qualified for research fish are sent. Hank plays the same role as Dory did in Finding Nemo. He is the minor character who steals the show whenever he is on screen. Ed O Neill brings a curmudgeon like personality to him, which is something unique to the film. The happy go lucky attitude of Dory and the friends she meets along the adventure bring a positive and fun atmosphere to the film, but Hank s realness brings it back down to Earth. Ed O Neill truly keeps Finding Dory from becoming the usual light hearted animated film. The comedy in Finding Dory is certainly Ellen DeGeneres strongpoint. She clearly loves playing Dory and enjoys the emotional range that comes with her. One moment she is making the audience laugh because of Dory s forgetfulness, and in the next moment she is dramatically moving us with Dory s scattered memory of her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Cell Phone While Driving Cell phone usage while driving is a major source of distraction that could potentially lead to accidents and consequently cause injury or loss of life. Technology has had a way of dealing with distractions by coming up with hands free cell phones mounted on the dashboards of most vehicles. But, even so, cell phones are still a source of distraction when driving regardless of the fact that they are hand held or not. Therefore, even the choice for authorities to come up with handheld bans still that does not achieve safety because the brain, the central organ is still distracted. The thesis statement of this persuasive essay is that cell phone usage while driving has a negative impact on the overall road users as they compromise safety. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Saving lives is the number one motive of avoiding using mobile phones while driving. Research indicates that people are more likely to get involved in an accident, which could potentially lead to death if the act of multitasking, in this case driving and texting is in progress. For instance, in a study that was carried out in a higher institution of learning in a time frame of about 18 months, university students that were making use of a complex driving simulator came up with the conclusion that people who use mobile phones when driving are eight times more likely to encounter a car crash than those who do not (Park, 2017). Other research studies show that about 36 percent of young people have been involved in an almost crash scenario because they or someone close to them was using a cell phone while driving. Mobile phone usage while driving should not be allowed under any circumstances. Despite the fact that there are many reasons why people should not use their mobile phones when driving, it is normally very hard to do so. Additionally, there is a misunderstanding amongst the authorities and in this case the law makers on the definition of distractions caused by mobile phones. That is why one group thinks that mobile phone users should be banned completely regardless of the fact that the users are using hand held or hands free phones. Another group thinks that cell phones are not a distraction and hence the ban should be specific, i.e. so long as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Bystanders In Bullying Alternatives However, teachers are not the only ones helping the victims. Several research studies have looked at the role of bystanders in bullying students. Teachers and students who witness bullying can work together to reduce bullying in schools and classrooms. But there is also evidence that those who were bystanders were not willing to help the victims (Espelage, Green, Polanin, 2012). Students often do not support victims when there are multiple witnesses (Salmicalli, 2010). Students expect someone else to intervene or ignore the victim or may consider the bullying to be a joke ( Terasahjo Salmivalli, 2003). Consequently, bullied victims feel that they are not only suffering pain from being bullied, but also from being ignored by peers (Salmavalli Poskirparta, 2012). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Kiva program has help reducing bullying and victimization in grades 1 6, but the results7 9 grades are different. During 9 months being applied in schools, it has been shown that grades 1 3 have self reported victimization and bullying but not for gender; it differs. Grades 7 9 have shown positive results by assisting the bully and redirecting the bully to be reduce (Karna, Voeten, Little, Poskiparta, Kaljonen, et al, 2011). In conclusion, Kiva anti bullying program has helped reducing bullying and victimization 1 6 grades, but 7 9 are mixed results (Karna et all, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Research Paper On Greek Food Greece is a very old and well known country. Greek food is very well known. Most people only know about gyros and hummus but there is more. Greek mythology is also important to them. Many people know about Greek mythology, but not the real stories, and, sometimes some people make names with it like Nike. Greeks also like many different sports like football, basketball and have won the UEFA European Championships four times. I think that Greece is a pretty nice country with many interesting things and it is also an important country because it is well known. Greek food has become eaten in many places around the world. The one food item that they use the most in cooking is olive oil. They use it in many different dishes and sometimes as dressing. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Jfk and the Warren Commission On 22 November 1963, President John F Kennedy was shot dead as he took part in a motorcade through the streets of Dallas, Texas. Soon afterwards a man named Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested and accused of having shot Kennedy from the sixth floor of the Texas school Depository building . Even though Oswald refused to co operate and denied all knowledge of the assassination, he was formerly charged the next day, on the 23 November. However, he never stood trial as just two days later Oswald himself was shot dead by Jack Ruby, a Dallas night club owner, as he was being taken from police headquarters to court. As Jack Ruby went to prison and the police had no longer a suspect to question, President Lyndon Baines Johnson, set up a committee led ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However the events that took place afterwards, played an important part in Oswalds conviction. This incident was another murder, this time of a policeman, Officer J D Tipppit, who was shot through the head at point blank range. A witness, Mrs Helen Markham, stated that Tippit had stopped to question a man who produced a gun and shot Tippit before running off. Oswald was charged for Tippit s murder as ballistics confirmed that the spent cartridges found beside Tippit s body were of the type used in the .38 Smith and Wesson revolver found on Oswald when he was arrested. Mrs Markham also identified Oswald from an identity parade as the murderer. This incident indicated that Oswald was indeed capable of murder. There also didn t appear to be any clear motive for the murder and the police presumed that Oswald had panicked and had shot Tippit when he had stopped to question him. But why had Oswald panicked? He may have been on edge if he had just murdered the President and could have overreacted! All this evidence against Oswald and the overwhelming number of eyewitnesses that had come forward, was enough to find Oswald guilty of murder at the time. However, the Warren Commission also investigated Oswalds background and found that he was a strange and enigmatic figure. It was evident that he had a fairly unstable and troubled past, which to most people accounted for his behaviour and the manner in which he had allegedly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Essay on The Action of Ans-Related Drugs on Smooth Muscle The action of ANS related drugs on smooth muscle Introduction In the following experiment, the key objective is to compare the mechanical changes in tonic force by longitudinal smooth muscle after the addition of different concentrations of the drugs noradrenaline and acetylcholine. Peristalsis is the wave of muscle contractions that allow circular muscles to constrict the gut and longitudinal muscles to shorten it in an attempt to move the food bolus towards the rectum. A series of dilutions were prepared for both drugs to deduce the effect this would have on the contractions of the mammalian gut. These were added, in turn, to Ringers solution containing the gut (a solution resembling blood serum in its salt constituents used for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is distinguishable that when acetylcholine is added, the tonic force in the gut increases as the concentration increases. This is especially true at higher concentrations of acetylcholine, eg at a concentration of 1x10 5, the tonic force of the gut was 12.6mN. Conversely, at higher concentrations of Noradrenaline the tonic force in the gut decreases. The gut does not show any change in tonic force at lower concentrations, there is minimal or no change which can be determined from the graph. The tonic force of the gut at the highest concentration of 10 5 was 4mN which is significantly lower in comparison to what acetylcholine portrayed. So as concentration of noradrenaline increases, the tonic force in the gut decreases whilst as concentration of acetylcholine increases, the tonic force of the gut also increases. Discussion 1) The results obtained demonstrate that increasing concentration of acetylcholine increases tonic tension in the section of gut, conversely increasing noradrenaline concentration decreases tonic tension of the gut. 2) Both drugs do not influence the rate of rhythmic contractions yet they alter force and peak. The rate should remain fairly constant as it signifies the transmission of impulses being sent from the nervous system, any slowing in rate would suggest deprivation of nerve supply yet this is not the case as the same gut is used for both drugs and all concentrations. 3) The amplitude ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. A Comparison of the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Hebrew... A Comparison of the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Hebrew Scriptures The Hebrew Flood story of Noah and his obligation to preserve man kind after God had punished all living creatures for their inequities parallels The Epic of Gilgamesh in several ways. Even though these two compilations are passed on orally at different times in history the similarities and differences invoke deliberation when these stories are compared. Numerous underlining themes are illustrated throughout each story. Humans are guilty of transgressions and must be punished, God or Gods send a flood as punishment to destroy this evil race, a person is selected by the gods to build a craft that will withstand the flood and allow this person to create a new race. An ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Epic of Gilgamesh not only told a story of the people of a Sumerian Civilization and the battles of their great ruler. The Epic spoke of current environmental and natural issues It shows an understanding of ecological processes and the consequences of human action on the earth that anticipates current ecological work. ( Perlin 35) Both Stories illustrate each cultures morals to a certain extinct. In the Epic of Gilgamesh true friendship and comradery is exemplified through the relationship of Gilgamesh Enkidu. They desire companionship and closeness Enkidu is pleased: he longed for a comrade, for one who would understand his heart (Brown). Gilgamesh s want for compassion and Friendship as well it is shown in his dreams and describe by his Mother. I made it for you, a goad and spur, and you were drawn as though to a woman. This is a strong comrade, the one who brings help to friend in his need. He is the strongest of wild creatures. (Norton 15) This strong bond shows how the Sumerian feels about friendship and comradery. Enkidu relationship with Gilgamesh is stronger then that of just friend but like brothers. Gilgamesh s mother Ninsun adopts Enkidu as her son, not only endorsing his friendship to Gilgamesh but also making him Gilgamesh s brother Strong Enkidu you are not the child of my body, but I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Why I Became A Missouri Resident As I grew up in a suburb of Missouri I was not very aware of the so called boarder wars that Kansans and Missourians experienced. I became much more aware of the stereotypes that arose from either sides of the Stateline once I entered high school. Still a Missouri resident I was not very familiar with Kansas s culture, or even some of the main differences between the two States. Once my family moved west of the Stateline I finally experienced hands on some of the main differences. There was a different in culture, as well as a few legal differences. Lots of laws vary drastically from state to state, and this is something very unique to the United States. Once my family moved to Kansas there were a few obvious differences, one of which was the ability to purchase liquor at your grocery store. On the Missouri side one is able to purchase a variety of liquors with no limits on alcohol percentages by volume from grocery stores, and gas stations. Additionally, stores are able to sell liquor until midnight on Sundays. Controversially, Kansas s liquor stores are only able to sell liquor until 8 P.M. on Sundays, which also requires a special license. Grocery stores in Kansas are only able to sell beverages that have an alcohol percentage less than 3.2%. An additional difference between Kansas and Missouri are the requirements for obtaining a drivers license. Kansas has a minimum age requirement of 14 to possess a learner s permit, while Missouri has a minimum age of 15. Once ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Measuring the Impact of Outdoor Management Development- a... Measuring the Impact of Outdoor Management Development A Literature Review Abstract Despite the increase in popularity of Outdoor management development courses, there is a significant lack in proof of the effectiveness of an OMD. This paper looks at the various researches that has been done in the field of OMD and identifies the expected outcomes of an OMD as personal development, managerial development, team development and organizational development. It also points out the various characteristics that is required for an OMD to be branded effective and have a significant development on the participants. It then looks at the various studies that has been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of an OMD and concludes that due to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... David Kolb s experiential learning model (1984) one of the most commonly used models of learning styles defines four stages in the learning cycle: concrete experience, observation and reflection, the formation of abstract concepts and testing in new situations. Experiential learning increases our reserve of reliable experiences that can help us adapt to any challenging situation we come across. When attempting to learn through experience, we first have to have a concrete experience of a scale such that it is brief enough to be analyzed in detail, contains enough detail to draw learning from and has meaning for the group analyzing it. In an OMD, concrete experience is provided through training exercises, outdoor adventure activities and team building games. Processing experiential learning activities through group discussions and debriefing sessions help learn from even seemingly mundane events. Dainty and Lucas (1992) suggest that ...the outdoors provides one of the most powerful mediums for the development of self and other awareness . The rationale offered is that; An individual s behavior is often clearly visible during outdoor development programmes. It is impossible to hide behind organizational and educational norms in an environment where these no longer exist . Similar arguments are propounded by Long and Galagan (1984, 1987). Thus, the principle is that the outdoors provide activities and/or environments devoid of traditional ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Essay on How Humanism Transformed Individuals Role Throughout time an individual s role in which he fits into society has changed. One of the most noticeable changes in an individual s role in society occurred during the Italian Renaissance during the 14th and 15th centuries with the introduction of Humanism. Humanism gave birth to the concept of individuality a notion which is still alive today. It said that humans mattered and that now mattered, that one should not be part of a whole but rather someone that is unique. Before Humanism people only thought of the after life, of whether they were going to heaven or hell, but with the introduction of Humanism people became more involved in the present, rather then just thinking of what happened after you died. Humanism transformed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They were also encouraged to study ancient societies such as the Greeks and the Romans, believing this was the remedy for the present society. Humanism also encouraged people to help their society by combining the talents. An example of that can be found in Florence where three humanists served as chancellors of the city. Coluccio Salutati, Leonardo Bruni, and Poggio Bracciolini used rhetorical skills to encourage Florentines to revolt against the aggression of Naples and Milan. Both Bruni and Poggio wrote flattering histories of the city. Leon Battista Alberti, another accomplished humanist scholar, was a noted Florentine architect and builder. They were encouraged to combine their skills in history, art, and literature in their every day lives. This made them see the world with a different perspective, which made them into the individuals they aspired to be. Another change that occurred during the Italian Renaissance was the artistic perspective of this world. People were no longer painting two dimensional art, and non logical portraits. A new technique, chiaroscuros a technique that involved light and shadows, gave their paintings more depth and a realistic imagery. They also made their paintings more realistic by making the objects relative to one another. They emphasised emotions and belief in a universe full of harmony. By encouraging ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Role of Internal Auditor Internal audit s role in modern corporate governance Thought leadership series Risk and Advisory Services Internal audit s role in modern corporate governance Recent events have highlighted the critical role of boards of directors in promoting good corporate governance. In particular, boards are being charged with ultimate responsibility for the effectiveness of their organisations internal control systems. An effective internal audit function plays a key role in assisting the board to discharge its governance responsibilities. Yet how does the board and its audit committee satisfy itself that internal audit is functioning effectively and efficiently? The board s responsibility for internal controls Through working ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... page 2 I n t e r n a l a u d i t s r o l e i n m o d e r n c o r p o r a t e g ove r n a n c e Governing internal audit Amidst all the debate over corporate governance and the board s supervision of internal control mechanisms, surprisingly little attention has been given to the role of internal audit, and particularly to whom it is ultimately responsible. While several high level reviews by regulators and others have acknowledged that the internal audit function and the oversight of internal controls has become an important responsibility of boards, the implications of this for internal audit have not always been followed through. Thus in the US, the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 makes no mention of internal audit, or of any equivalent role other than the board s role generally in the preparation of the accounts and the setting of accounting standards. Critical success factors for an internal audit function Is internal audit strategically positioned to contribute to business performance? The mission and role of internal audit are defined within a wider governance framework and are effectively communicated. The structure of internal audit promotes objectivity, consistency and business understanding. Internal audit is funded in a way that promotes objectivity and consistency in the quality of services it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Ophelia And Hamlet During the reign of Queen Elizabeth, the stage was used as a way to break the barriers of gender norms. In his creation of Hamlet, Shakespeare uses the voice of Ophelia as a means to battle the gender norms that had been placed on Elizabethan society. A good women was seen as someone that was quiet and submissive. If a man could not control a woman s tongue, there would be no chance that the man would be able to control her body. Though Ophelia s character was more than capable of exhibiting reason, the control that her father, Polonius, held over her let Ophelia to the the madness that would claim her life by the end of the play. On the other side of the gender spectrum, Hamlet, a prince that should be have been more than capable of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Merchant s representations claim that both nature and women are subordinate and essentially passive furthering the proof that women are held at a lower standard than men (Merchant 9). The sexuality of women is also compared to animals, furthering the idea that women appeared closer to animals than men on the Great Chain of Being. Hamlet emphasises his mother s sexuality as being animalistic when confronting the King and Queen about their incestual marriage, stating that she would hang on him/As if increase of appetite had grown/by what it fed on (1.2.143). Hamlet supplements Gertrude s animalistic sexuality by claiming that a beast who lacks reasoning capabilities would have mourned [the death of her husband] longer rather than marrying her brother in law, which was an incestuous act (1.2.150). In Elizabethan England, it was considered indecent and illegal to carry out an act of incest and, by copulating the marriage, Gertrude is acting in a way that does not show any reasoning. Hamlet ends his soliloquy by stating that he must hold [his] tongue rather than demanding his mother acknowledge her lacking position on the Great Chain of Being. Merchant states that women are imbued with a far greater sexual passion rather than by logic which solidifies their position on the Great Chain of Being according to Elizabethan standards. One of the strongest written female characters in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Dr. Kant s Argument Savulescu s argument also has some flaws in regards to his responses to a few possible objections he talked about. One objection that Savulescu responds to is the objection that genes are pleiotropic meaning they have different effects on different parts of the body (The Ethical Life, 454). The example given was that a gene that prompts depression might also be responsible for heightened creativity and productivity (The Ethical Life, 454). Savulescu s response to that was that we would have to limit interventions until our knowledge grows and we would have to do more adequate research before expanding the types of interventions (The Ethical Life, 454). The problem with that is that it requires experimenting and testing on children and embryos which would be treating them as a means to an end rather than an end in itself. Kant would agree and say that these children exist as an end in itself, not merely as a means to be used by this or that will at its discretion (Kant, 96). Savulescu is suggesting research on children and embryos in order to reach the goal of allowing genetic enhancement. He is using them as a means to his end result. This is a major flaw as Kant would argue that treating people as an end is showing them the respect they deserve while treating them as a means is just dealing with them so that they can help to achieve the person s goal (Shafer Landau, 174). Therefore, a child should never be treated as a means to an end to help reach a goal for either ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Paschal Candle Liturgy Research Paper Church is a celebration of our God, Lord and the Holy Spirit. Liturgy of Holy Week services brought festival to my heart, the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. Noteworthy on Good Friday a deep sadness fills my soul as I reflected on what mankind / we did to the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ on this day. My personal reflection of this world today, and the continual sins which run wild in the hearts of some people. Paschal Candle Liturgy, triumph over death and then lite the Paschal candle, imitating, Christ is our light. Let us walk and live in the light. The Prayers, thanks for Christ and the Holy Spirit. Thanks for creation and all that God has done for us. Processional Hymn, Praise Hymn, Gradual Hymn, Offertory Hymn, and the Recessional Hymn. Our singing in one voice, to glorify our Lord. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... God gave us Jesus Christ his Son, so we can be forgiven of our sins and have life in Heaven. Christ blood on the cross, his death and his resurrection, Jesus Christ paid the price for our sins. The renewal of Baptismal: renewal our commitment to Christ, new birth by water and Holy Spirit. Prayers of the People: Our prayers for different features of our church, our prayers for the poor, our leaders. The petitions are series of requests, asking our Father to deliver us from, sin, and destruction of natural disasters, war, and or terrorist. The Holy Eucharist, use of prayer ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Year 1 Ib History | World War I (Total War) | World War II (Total War) | Causes | Long Term: MAINShort Term: Serbian Nationalism, Bosnian crisis, Moroccan crisisImmediate: Ass. of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand | Long Term: Treaty of Versailles, Failure of LON, Econ DepressionShort term: Absynnia, Munich, appeasement Immediate: Invasion of Poland (9.1. 1939) and Pearl Harbor (12. 7. 1941) | War | Western Front: Schlieffen Plan fail, Trench Warfare, Entry of USA Eastern Front: Austria amp; Germany V.S. Russia, Russian withdrawalWar at Sea: Allies: blockade, open trade routes, transport military, convoy systemCentral: mines, submarines (u boat), unrestricted submarine warfarePractices:Navy, submarines, trench warfare, poison gas, tanks | Phase I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... CCP | * Sun Yatsen: aim republic/modern on western lines, secret societies, * Wuchang ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Essay On Cape Canaveral On a cold and frosty morning in Cape Canaveral, Florida, thousands of people gathered to watch something one of a kind something which they would never forget. Sitting on a launch pad at Cape Canaveral, being lit up by huge xenon lights was an incredible flying machine. Its name was Discovery and today, it was destined to go to space aboard 2 million pounds of solid rocket fuel and 500,000 gallons of liquid gas. The location of the launch, Cape Canaveral is one of my most favorite places on earth.Cape Canaveral used to be a military missile launch site during WW2. After the program was discontinued, the 42 missile launch pads became an outdoor exhibit and 3 new launch pads were constructed for sending space shuttles into space. No wonder, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Kennedy space center had a lot of displays about aeronautics, like old WWII fighter planes and some of the world s fastest planes. But they were famous for their space displays, which consisted of old rockets, launch pads, and old Extravehicular Mobility Units (Spacesuits).Out of all these displays, my most favorite display was the space shuttle display. It had so many facts about space shuttles and at the time, space shuttles were probably my most favorite thing. (A space shuttle is a machine that goes up like a rocket, but lands like a glider.) Even my favorite toy was a space shuttle plushie. I knew almost everything there is to know about space shuttles. I remember telling my dad facts about the space shuttle, The underbelly of the shuttle, which gets very hot during launch and landing was covered with thousands of individually numbered silica tiles. The parts that don t get as hot were covered with Nomex felt fabric. Shuttles had very small wings which made the shuttle as aerodynamic as a brick. That s why it s affectionately referred to as a flying brick. while he was driving us to the Kennedy space center for the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Paul Cezanne s Still Life With Bowl Of Curacao Oranges This essay will discuss the significant similarities and differences between Paul Cézanne s work, Still Life with Pot of Flowers and Pears painted in 1880 90 and Louise Moillon s work, Still Life with Bowl of Curaçao Oranges painted in 1634. Although both painters were born in France, they were painting during time periods. Moillon was born in 1609 in Paris and was painting during the Baroque era, which encompassed intense shadow and rich colours (Harrison, 2010). Cezanne was born in 1839 in Aix en Providence and was paining in the Post Impressionism era, which included thick applications of paint and had a more expressive effect (Harrison, 2010). Both works are created with oil paint, however, Cezanne has chosen to paint his work on canvas, whereas Moillon s work is displayed on panel. Both works are of similar size, Cezanne s canvas is 46 x 56cm and Moillon s panel is 46 x 65cm. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moillon displays a bowl of Curacao oranges, that originate from the Dutch West Indies, with the leaves still attached and one single lemon resting on the top (Harrison, 2010). The bowl which the fruit is in is significant as it was made of porcelain. Porcelain was an expensive import from China and was often featured in still life painting by French and Dutch artists (Harrison, 2010) which give the painting a rich and expensive tone. The composition looks formal and posed and the lighting in the painting is dramatic and creates harsh shadows which gives a more realistic feel. This painting has a wide tonal range as there are strong contrasts between the lightest and darkest parts which creates a strong effect. Moillon uses linear brushwork to give a smooth texture to the painting (Inside Art, 2010) and poses the fruit close to the picture plane which give the impression of being able to reach out and grab the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. TCF7L2 Case Study Discussion TCF7L2 has been shown to be associated with T2MD in multiple ethnic groups. In the past two years common single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), rs7903146, located in intron 3 of the TCF7L2, has been shown to be one of the most convincing susceptibility variants for T2DM. In the present report, we examined the association betweenrs7903146 of the TCF7L2and serum leptin and ghrelin level, in control and T2D subjects. It is important to consider that TCF7L2 is expressed in different tissues, having important roles in glucose metabolism such as gut, brain, liver, skeletal muscle, fat, and bones )24(. The recent researches also have shown that leptin and ghrelin plays an important role in maintaining the energy balance of the organism ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the current study, there is a significant negative correlation between leptin and ghrelin, , meaning when one increases, the other decreases. Some other studies also have shown a negative correlation between leptin and ghrelin levels in the body (37,38). In our study population, there is a significant association between the T allele of the rs7903146 and T2D. The odds ratio of T allele in the present study was (CI 95%; 0.26 (0.12,0.57), 1.36, p=0.26). The OR obtained in this study is higher than almost all other ORs in the previous studies in other populations, showing the importance of this SNP in Iranian population. In our study, the frequency of TT genotype of the SNP examined was significantly higher in T2D subjects, compared to the control subjects (50.6 vs. 15.6%, respectively; p 0.001), while the CC and CT genotype frequency of SNP, rs7903146 were higher in control than patient subjects. The risk for T2D was significantly higher for the TT genotype, compared with the CC genotype, resulted in odds ratio of (95% CI: 0.12(0.42,0.32), 2.15, p 0.001) In line with our allele frequency results, Amoli et al. (39) also reported Allele and genotype frequencies were significantly different between patients and controls TT vs. CT + CC [p 0.0081 OR 3.4 95%CI (1.27 11.9)] and T vs. C allele [p0.02 OR 1.4 95%CI (1.03 1.9)]. Liu et al. (40) in a Meta analysis showed that the T allele of rs7903146 was significantly correlated with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Invasion Of Osama Bin Laden The invasion of Afghanistan (October 2001 December 2014) The invasion was triggered by the September 11 attacks. It was intended to target terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden s al Qaida organization, which was based in the country, as well as the extreme fundamentalist Taliban government that had ruled most of the country. Taliban is the ultraconservative political and religious faction that ruled Afghanistan. Barack Obama, the president in 2008, said this: We did not ask for this fight. On September 11, 2001, nineteen men hijacked four airplanes and used them to murder nearly 3,000 people. They struck at our military and economic nerve centers. They took the lives of innocent men, women and children without regard to their faith or race ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Analysis Of Autumn By John Keats Essay To Autumn by John Keats exemplifies a poem full of imagery that showcases the scenery of a typical Autumn ensemble. The name itself is something worth analyzing. The To Autumn deems autumn as the recipient of the rhetoric. The title is pregnant with personification. It is structured in three eleven line stanzas that follow the chronological progression of autumn with autumn (personified) performing three distinct occupations at each level/stanza. Personification is habitually present throughout the poem and serves as an indirect character. Autumn is exemplified metaphorically as one who conspires with the sun, labors the land s crops, and a talented musician. It personifies premature autumn when all naturalistic beings have ultimately reached maturity and face the inevitable life cycle of conception, birth, maturity, and death. It achieves this through its use of imagery, and figurative language such as personification. The overarching theme exemplifies autumn as an ambiguous abstract that is conducive to connoting several meanings in literature. It can be seen as maturity and wisdom. It can be seen as elderly age, but before morbidity and fatality, the harvest of a lifetime of learning and the imminent conclusion of existence. Keats opens his first stanza by addressing autumn which serves as a source of personification where the author extends human qualities to an ecological manifestation. Keats elucidates autumn s vibrant abundance and its familiarity with the sun, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Research Paper on Hurricane Wilma Hurricane Wilma November 24, 2015 Geology 1401 Introducion: Cyclones, Hurricanes, and Typhoons, these cyclonic storms are known by many names but are all born from the same mechanism: low pressure systems. Also known as depressions. Thankfully, most hurricanes form only during hurricane season, which is from June 1st to November 30th. Within this season about 85 percent of the most intense hurricanes and 60 percent of minor Atlantic tropical storms and hurricanes originate from African easterly waves (NOAA Cyclone Report). These waves, which have a wavelength of 2000 to 2500 kilo meters, originate close to or from the highlands of Ethiopia, Africa. Not all easterly waves become hurricanes, but the ones that do travel ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Thanks to its 213 trillion teraflops, NOAA is able to release fairly accurate 5 day forecasts of hurricanes. Granted, after 3 days the accuracy of these forecasts declines but they do serve as very accurate maps within those first 3 days. Hurricane Wilma On the evening of October 15, 2005 tropical depression number 24 appeared in Atlantic Ocean, its winds at a mere 35 kilo meters per hour, pressure of about 1004 mb and heading West at a pace of 5 kilo meters per hour. In the next few hours, the winds of depression number 24 gradually increased to 45 km/h and on the morning of October 16, it had reached speeds of 55 km/h. On the 17nth of October this depression developed into tropical storm Wilma , with wind speeds at about 65 km/h and an internal pressure of 1000 mb. At about 10 A.M the Yucatan Peninsula was issued a warning, alerting them of the possible dangers from Wilma. Following an erratic pattern of movement, experts were not sure where Wilma was headed. On the morning of October 18 Wilma was about 810 km from Punta Allen, Mexico. Wilma once again intensified reaching speeds of 120 km/h, by the end of the day it was officially a category II hurricane at 175 km/h. On the 19nth at 4 A.M, about 595 km from Punta Allen, Mexico hurricane Wilma quickly reached wind speeds of 280 km and pression levels of 980 mb, at these speeds Wilma was now classified as a category V. The rate at which ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Women In The Handmaid The rarity of fertile women would suggest that they would be treated better by society due to the importance of their work but that is not the case. Handmaids, whose only job is to engage in a sexual ceremony with men and give birth to healthy babies, are the most shunned in society, despite their invaluableness. Sex in Gilead is understood to be something impersonal, emotionless. It is not done out of love or desire but for the purpose of reproduction only. The taboo of sex does not only affect women. Low ranking officers, like Guardians, are not permitted to touch a woman until they are promoted to a higher rank and therefore assigned a wife. If they earn enough power later they might even get a Handmaid of their own (Atwood 2010, 32). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Essay on The Progressive Reformers Reform was the goal of the Progressive movement, and with that in mind the reformers had great success. Progressive reformers were made up primarily of middle class men and women whose two main goals were to limit the trusts and to improve conditions of life and labor. These people were part of both political parties at the time, as well as in all regions of the country, and in all levels of the government. They wanted to remove bribed members of the legislature so that just laws and regulations were made that would benefit the people rather than the power hungry corporations. This major movement altered all aspects of life creating a better living and working environment for people. The Progressive Era reformers and federal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So finally in 1913, Congress passed the 17th amendment that called for the direct election of United States senators. Also Congress would later pass the 19th amendment which allowed women s suffrage, or the ability to vote. Also states and people began to use the secret Australian ballot to keep the privacy of the voters. Before, big bosses and companies used to be able to scare or buy people to vote for whom they wanted, but now people could vote without the fear of being connected to their ballot. With people now voting anonymously, these businesses no longer as successful as before for they could no longer tell for whom the bribed were actually voting for. In the bar graph, it shows the gradual decrease in the number of voters who voted for the presidency (Document J). this showed how people were no longer being bribed or forced to vote for whomever the businesses wanted. This called for more fair and impartial elections for such important offices in the government. In the Washington Post 1907 article, Roosevelt is shown standing over a dead bear of bad trusts (Document A). This demonstrated Roosevelt s attempted to rid the country of bad trusts for the good of the people. Also these reformers made great strides in the social component of the country. The people of the Progressive Era morphed society into a more sanitary and enhanced place. Social matters of the country had just begun to play a major ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Welfare Of The United States Welfare is a subject of debate in the United States because everyone has a different point of view when it comes to the Social Security Act. On one side the rich may feel that the government takes from the rich, and gives to the poor. The poor on the other hand may believe that they are being forgotten and not helped enough by the government. Are the government financial assistance programs really working and helping people climb out of poverty or are they creating lazy people who depend on government assistance too much? Poverty has been an issue of great debate in America for centuries. Before the Social Security Act was passed, the United States government did not have a stable plan to help/aid the poor. It was the local governments responsibility to care for their disadvantaged. Many Americans believe only the poor receive welfare aid or benefits from the government, they are misguided, because even though welfare is a program who aids the poor it also helps most Americas in one way or another. Also, welfare helps big name corporations by giving them government funding for research he also gives them loans, grants, and tax breaks. In 2015 it was the eightieth year anniversary since President Theodore Roosevelt passed The Social Security Act law, and the problem has gotten worse not better. The purpose for this act was to help the unemployed or underemployed during the great depression. However, it extended to the poor through a variety of programs. In Addition, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. BINGO Board Game Analysis The objective of the first interactive learning activity is to promote a deeper understanding of the core tenets of the Constitution. This can be accomplished by playing a BINGO board game. The prepared BINGO cards will contain a total of twenty five squares with five rows going across and five rows going down. Three BINGO cards will be distributed to parents containing the key tenets written on the inside of each of the squares. Some of the tenets will be duplicated inside the squares while other squares will contain a blank space. The parents will also receive a small packet of colored chips to use as a marker for the squares. A list of questions regarding each of the core tenets will begin the BINGO game. The speaker will read one question relating to the core tenets. Parents will raise his or her hand to answer the question. The presenter will continue to call on parents until a correct response has been given. The parents will place a colored chip on the square if the correct answer is written inside the square. There will be more questions asked than the number of squares on the BINGO cards. The winner of the game must have colored chips in all squares going across, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The presenter should divide parents into three groups and provide them with a copy of the Constitution. The parents will also need a visual handout that shows the authority and responsibilities of each of the three branches of government. The parents should be divided and placed into one of the three groups. These groups include the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial Branch. Each of the three branches should assign the appropriate mock staff to represents his or her branch appropriately. The mock staff will include the President, Congress, the Senate, the House of Representatives, Federal or State Courts, and the Supreme ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Interpersonal Communication Analysis It is noticed how one s intrapersonal communication can impact their interpersonal communication. This can be experienced throughout many aspects and specific examples of ones self communication and communication with others, which can be expressed through experiences in lab seminar as well as personal experiences. Firstly, this is seen throughout my own self as I compare myself to others, and feel as if I am always the inferior. Secondly, my ability to grow from a closed off, shy individual to a more open, outgoing person has impacted my communication with others tremendously. Thirdly, my ability to empathize with people is my area of strength and listening, as well as maintaining eye contact, are areas I need to improve on. Lastly, when ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Personally, I believe there are several interpersonal communication skills that I am good at, as well as some skills that I need to improve on. I believe that I am good at empathizing during communication. As Steven A. Beebe (2015) states, Empathy is an emotional reaction that is similar to the one being experienced by another person, (p. 126). With this being said, when someone cries, I begin to feel my eyes start to well up with tears. This is something that has always been a part of me since I was a young child. In comparison, when relating to my lab seminar group, I know I need to work on my listening skills as well as maintaining eye contact while listening. I find myself getting distracted easily, which results in not being able to fully understand the entire meaning of the message that my partner is communicating. I find it difficult to maintain eye contact throughout the whole conversation, as it feels awkward. These interpersonal communication skills relate directly to offering constructive ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Cloud Computing Services The popularity of mobile system with the headway in engineering, with the increment of Internet utilization, comprehensively reinvent the old idea of network computing system, to the new buzzword Cloud computing . Cloud computing is a link way to the usage of Cloud which process by transmitting and receiving files in utilizing Internet. Most systems uses either of the three major models of cloud computing services on the market, which are software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS). SaaS is an application level cloud service that provides interface software and database. User simply accesses the software running on the back end server of the cloud clients such as web browsers, emulators and mobile web browser, and use the services. The best example of this services is a web based email service. Users are able to send or receive emails from web browser remotely without installing or running email software on his/her device. The essential software are running on the Cloud Computer which allow user to access the desire resources from any supported devices. PaaS is a platform level cloud service that provide an operating system, database and web server, in which the developers build the applications using different software development tools and to run on a cloud platform. The example of this service can be seen on Google App Engine hosted by Google. Once the user login to his/her account, he/she able to develop ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Bill Of Rights By James Madison The first 10 Amendments to the Constitution make up the bill of rights written by James Madison. He wrote this in response to calls from several states for greater constitutional protection for individuals rights. The Bill Of Rights states specific prohibitions on Governmental power. What influenced James Madison to write these Amendments was The Virginia Declaration Of Rights by George Maddison. The Bill Of Rights was inspired by Thomas Jefferson who was Madison s mentor and created on September 25, 1789 The Bill Of Rights was Ratified on December 15, 1791 in the House Of Representatives. The congress transmitted to the states legislatures and 12 proposed amendments. The Fourth Amendment Is the right of people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. This means You cannot be searched or seized without a warrant or probable cause. Massachusetts wrote a law in 1756 that banned these warrants because tax collectors were abusing their powers by searching colonist homes for illegal goods. Virginia also banned the use of general warrants later due to other fears, these actions later led to the addition of the 4th Amendment in the Bill Of Rights. Today the 4th Amendment means that in order for a police ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. American Dad Research Paper The spread of television has affected American households universally, which started in the 1940s but has continued to make a dramatic surge. There is a trend at that is being captured across televisions in households everywhere. Politics, reality television, social media and public information is being broadcast from household to household. Television has in a way become a mode of how we think and interact with each other. Television is starting to leave that bubble where it was strictly entertainment, now television is becoming a source of what we must believe. The consumer demand for television as spiked dramatically, in the way we view ourselves and perceive others in the world around us is through a television screen. Although we are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Television programming reflected and animated several qualities of popular historical consciousness that were new in the 1970s: a newfound interest in the everyday life and experience of earlier times; a desire to understand the past on empathetic and emotional terms; and an idea of history and the passage of time as contingent, flexible, and permeable. Although television is often said to be a primary space for the formation, articulation, and reflection of culture in the United States, because of the medium s unique relationship with history and temporality (Malgorzata J. 83). Along with the spread of television coming about in the 1970s, the spread of American culture spread nationwide. The desire to understand past culture and the visual representation of our history is the driving force for popularity for television. American Dad helps depict American culture, because although American Dad is a sitcom they mention past events and their political viewpoints are often expressed in episodes of American Dad. Specially, Stan Smith is extremely controversial and is dead set on keeping terrorists out of America. This was very emotional for Americans because American Dad came out after 9/11, which is a very touchy subject for millions of Americans. However, American Dad pushes Americans through their emotional barrier and helps to depict American culture by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Should Craig Venter Use Yeast To Create Synthetic Life The concept of synthetic life is to create a new type of living cell out of synthetic DNA. Craig Venter and other scientists wanted to find a way to understand how life form on Earth. They were answering the question; can mankind create lifeforms? Craig Venter did answer this question by eventually using yeast to perform a transplant to make a new type of cell. In my opinion, Craig Venter should not attempt to create synthetic life because I think it is playing God and ultimately messing with the balance of nature. Abiotic synthesis proves that life was made out of inorganic precursors like energy from lighting or UV radiation. I am such a strong believer in letting mother nature take care of itself and because of that I would not trust the creation of synthetic life. I also think messing with synthetic life would make more problems for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It can even be the source of new man made diseases which actually defeats the purpose of creating synthetic life. Other that are for synthetic life would say that this advancement would be benefit science and life as we know it. It could make life cleaner and better by helping to fight climate change and pollution . Some could even argue that having the knowledge to create synthetic life was God giving us permission to go ahead and use synthetic life every day. There are many consequences for creating synthetic life and because of that I really feel like it is something we as humans need to think deeply about. A positive consequence/reward would be that creating synthetic life would boost our economy and help in the medical field. However, a really bad outcome could be that this innovation could be misused and cause another problem. It could be a disease or just a new battle between nations to create the best synthetic biohazard bacteria or virus, eventually wiping out the human race. My example may seem too extreme, but it could ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Legal Funding Disadvantages Nowadays, hiring a lawyer in UK and Wales can be quite expensive. A trainee solicitor in Great Britain hourly rate can start from a hundred and eleven pounds per hour and ranges from this to a first grade solicitor in London who would charge four hundred and nine pounds per hour . It is obvious that not everyone can afford the price of justice. Legal funding is vital as this can give a chance to people that are of lesser means, to review their case. There are various types of legal funding that I will examine in my essay for example, legal aid, private funding, conditional fee agreements, damages based agreements and pro bono. However, there are some ethical complications related to how these types of funding is used. Are they really used wisely and fairly based on their scope? I am going to consider the advantages and disadvantages of the various types, in order to come to a conclusion. On the other hand, there are many people claiming that technological innovations would be a very good way to compensate for lack of funding. Technological innovations such as, robot lawyer Lisa , Lexis Nexis chatbot and kiosks. Forms of legal funding Legal aid: After the Second World War the Labour Government tried to a build a welfare state in order to reduce the inequalities between rich and poor class . One of their measures was the state funded legal aid scheme .That would give the opportunity to poorer people to get legal advice and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Pros And Cons Of Dishonest Behaviors In College Education Since finding the right employees is getting more competitive as time goes on, it is not odd to say or hear that nowadays college students risk their necks on GPA, especially students from different country or different culture. I believe this caused unstoppable problems in the America college education, such as doctored documents and proxy for an exam or paper are becoming ordinary among English as Second Language students. These unethical behaviors are caused by higher standards in social to be recognized. Students are seeking out for good grades and GPA in order to be fulfill hiring requirements in nowadays. This is why students falsify documents to be accepted by colleges. Also, this is the reason why students buy a paper rather than write a paper. I believe students, who engage in any kind of unethical and dishonest behavior in school, should be punished by school s honor code. In order to be accepted by a college in the United States, students must attain specific conditions. This is the reason why some of the Chinese international students commit dishonest acts in academic. In other words, students break and bend the rules and their moral to be enrolled in a college. In the article The Plagiarism Plague, Raymond A. Schroth mentions that some other agencies falsify school letterheads and create doctored transcripts and counterfeit letters of recommendation. These unethical and dishonest acts should be considered as crime , because they are disregarding on rules ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Bio 101 Lab Report Essay examples Influencing Natural Selection Influencing Natural Selection BIO/101 Influencing Natural Selection Introduction/Purpose The purpose of this experiment is to test the hypothesis that small bird s physical characteristics can greatly impact their species population growth over time. Using the Finch as a test subject for multiple trial runs on a simulated computer system we can alter the characteristics of the finch and run diagnostics for two completely different locations and set of experiments. This simultaneous testing and comparison will either prove or disprove the hypothesis that small bird s physical characteristics can greatly impact their population growth. The base line for this comparison will be two islands ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The population of birds on the Darwin Island is going to be labeled as population A1 with respect to the Darwin Island being labeled as island A. The opposing island will be named island B and its population as B1. Each islands inputs and or parameters will be documented and assessed to ensure they are both identical in size and vegetation sources. Island A Population A1 | Island B Population B1 | Beak size 14 mm | Beak size 11mm | Variance 1.00 | Variance 1.00 | Heritability 0.70 | Heritability 0.70 | Clutch size 10 eggs | Clutch size 10 eggs | Island size 1.0km | Island size 1.0km | Precipitation 20.0cm | Precipitation 20.0cm | Each of these inputs is exactly the same except for the one physical characteristic of the finch: the beak. Each scenario will be run at the same time and show comparisons as to population growth and changes. The first run will be set at 100 years to revisit the information which is selected in the main menu prior to running the experiment. Not only is the information regarding each population s beak size over time important but the population growth is what is needed for the hypothesis. After the first run is completed the inputs will be changed to reflect a 200 year period where population B1 with the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Juvenile Crime Law Is A Subcategory Of Juvenile Law Juvenile Crime Law is a subcategory of Juvenile Law. Although a type of criminal law, juvenile crime law only deals with under age individuals, who are treated very differently than adults in criminal law, and usually have their own courts of law (Juvenile Criminal Law, n.d.). When it comes to crime, kids usually go through a different process than adults. But they still have to face consequences ( Juvenile Crimes Juvenile Justice Nolo.com, n.d.). Juvenile Criminal Law is a relevant issue in today s juvenile criminal Justice system. A growing number of states are re examining and amending juvenile laws to reduce unnecessary reliance on secure confinement. Minors under the age of 18 years, who commit a crime, or otherwise violate established rules and statutes, are identified as juvenile delinquents, juvenile offenders, youthful offenders, or delinquent minors. When the police arrest a minor, or juvenile, there are differences from arresting an adult. While the juvenile may be handcuffed, fingerprinted and photographed as adults can, teen offenders must be handled carefully ( Arresting Kids Lawyers.com, n.d.). In juvenile cases, a status offense involves conduct that would not be a crime if it was committed by an adult in other words, the actions are considered to be a violation of the law only because of the youth s status as a minor (typically anyone under 18 years of age). Some examples of status offenses include underage drinking, skipping school, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Harley Davidson Supply Chain Management Running head: HARLEY DAVIDSON SUPPLY CHAIN 1 HARLEY DAVIDSON SUPPLY CHAIN 5 Harley Davidson Supply Chain Name Institutional affiliation Date Harley Davidson Supply Chain Background Harley Davidson is a motorcycle manufacturing company whose headquarters are located in Milwaukee Wisconsin. The company is the biggest motorcycle producer in the United States .it is over a century old. Started by the Davidson brothers Arthur, William, and Walter together with William s. Harvey, the company designs, manufactures, and distributes motorcycles not only in the United States but also to the rest of the world. It has since been producing heavyweight machines for its loyal customers. It has maintained its stability and growth, and this expected, for years to come. The Harley motorcycles have gained the copyright name the hog. These motorbikes have a distinct design, with a lean chassis that is narrow, a super low seat, premium brakes, a broad handlebar sweep, plus a narrow front tire for that tight turning and quick moves (Johan Kleiner, 2013). It is a classic; anyone should be able to recognize it anywhere if you have seen its designs before. The Harley Davidson brand has expanded not only in the United States but also globally, it has transformed its manufacturing, product development, and retail capabilities over ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. The National Motto Of The United States Of America While the 50 s were known as a major countercultural era, the 1950 s in America also allowed for religion to make a big resurgence. In 1950 specifically, 40% of American were a church member, and by 1960 this number had risen to nearly 70%. President Eisenhower during this time stated, Our government makes no sense unless it is founded on a deeply felt religious faith. As he was concerned about Americans being deadened in mind and soul by a materialistic philosophy of life. To take it a step further, in 1954, he signed a bill to add one nation under God to the Pledge of Allegiance. And almost exactly two years proceeding the signing of that bill did, Congress make In God We Trust the national motto of the United States of America. In the 1951 1960 Baylor University and other institutions across America were searching for ways to bolster organizational and academic legitimacy during a time where religion was a major part of the societal discussion. With Baylor being a major Baptist and religious institution the need to legitimize the value of a Baylor education was growing. In University President William R. White s inaugural address he stated that, Those who launched Baylor University had a definite concept of its two fold purpose [which was] to serve the church and the state...and [the] world... they intended to influence culture and society with the great distinctive principles of [the University]. And they wanted to enrich and enforce the kingdom of God through ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...