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Revealing the Attack Operations
Targeting Japan
Shusei Tomonaga
Yuu Nakamura
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
1 Introduction
2 Operation A
3 Operation B
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
1 Introduction
2 Operation A
3 Operation B
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Analysis Center at JPCERT Coordination Center
Malware analysis, Forensics investigation
Shusei Tomonaga
Yuu Nakamura
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
JPCERT Coordination Center
Japan Computer Emergency Response Team
Coordination Center
• Vulnerability
information handling
• Information gathering
& analysis & sharing
• NW Traffic Monitoring
• Incident handling
Early warning information
CSIRT establishment support
Industrial control system security
International collaboration
Artifact (e.g. Malware) analysis
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Targeted Attacks handled by JPCERT/CC
From April to September 2015
Operation A
Operation B
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Introducing 2 Types of Attack Operations
• Targeting many Japanese organizations since
around 2012.
• Emdivi
• CloudyOmega (Symantec)
• BLUE TERMITE (Kaspersky)
Operation A
• Targeting some Japanese organizations since
around 2013.
• APT17 (FireEye)
Operation B
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
1 Introduction
2 Operation A
3 Operation B
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Attacker’s Infrastructure(Compromised Web sites)
Victim organizations (Public offices, private companies)
Targeted emails Widespread emails
Watering hole
Characteristics of Operation A
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Details of Internal Intrusion Techniques
Initial Compromise
Collecting Information
Lateral Movement
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Details of Internal Intrusion Techniques
Initial Compromise
Collecting Information
Lateral Movement
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Attack Patterns
Timeline of Attack Vector
2014/05 2015/01 2015/05
Medical expense,
Health insurance
• In many attacks, malware are disguised with fake icons, compressed with
zip or lzh and attached to emails.
• Attacks aiming certain targets may lead to correspondence of emails.
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Details of Internal Intrusion Techniques
Initial Compromise
Collecting Information
Lateral Movement
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Investigation of Compromised Environment
• dir
• net
• net view
• net localgroup administrators
• ver
• ipconfig
• systeminfo
• wmic
Commands / Programs in OS standard accessories
• csvde
• dsquery
Active Directory admin tools sent after the compromise
Uses Legitimate tools provided by MS
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Example of Using dsquery
Used in some cases targeting specific individuals
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Collecting Email Account Information
Uses free tools (Similar to NirSoft Mail PassView)
Attempts to receive emails from outside
May lead to new attack emails (correspondence of emails)
Infection spreading from organization to organization
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Collecting Classified / Personal Information
Search Network Drive
Search Targeted Data
Create a Copy of Compressed
Delete Evidence
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Search Network Drive (1)
> net use
New connections will be remembered.
Status Local Remote Network
OK T: FILESV01SECRET Microsoft Windows Network
OK U: FILESV02SECRET Microsoft Windows Network
> wmic logicaldisk get caption,providername,drivetype,volumename
Caption DriveType ProviderName VolumeName
C: 3 OS
D: 3 Volume
net use command
wmic command
DriveType = 4
⇒ Network Drive
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Search Network Drive (2)
> netstat –an
TCP 192.168.xx.xx:49217 192.168.yy.yy:445 ESTABLISHED
> nbtstat -a 192.168.yy.yy
Name Type Status
FILESV01 <00> UNIQUE Registered
Combination of netstat Command & nbtstat Command
Port 445 is set as the key
to search the access point
of file sharing service
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Search Targeted Data
> dir c:usershoge*.doc* /s /o-d
c:usershogeAppDataLocalTemp Directory
2014/07/29 10:19 28,672 20140820.doc
1 File 28,672 bytes
c:usershogeImportant Information Directory
2015/08/29 10:03 1,214 Design Document.doc
2014/07/11 09:16 [DIR] Management of Partner Companies
2014/09/04 11:49 [DIR] Management of Intellectual Property
2014/08/01 09:27 [DIR] Location information
dir command
Not only searches network drive but also compromised computers
/s : Displayed recursively
/o-d : Sorted by date
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Compress, Download, Delete Evidence
> winrar.exe a –r –ed –v300m –ta20140101 %TEMP%a.rar
“FILESV01SECRETManagement of Intellectual Property” -n*.ppt* -n*.doc* -n*.xls* -
Adding FILESV01SECRETManagement of Intellectual PropertyCommittee
List(2015.05.01).docx OK
Adding FILESV01SECRETManagement of Intellectual PropertyFramework.ppt OK
Adding FILESV01SECRETManagement of Intellectual PropertyApplication List.xlsx
Adding FILESV01SECRETManagement of Intellectual PropertyDesign Document.jtd
Compressed with RAR
RAR files are sent to C&C servers and deleted
Documents are compressed per folderz
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Details of Internal Intrusion Techniques
Initial Compromise
Collecting Information
Lateral Movement
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Methods Used to Spread Infection
• Exploiting vulnerabilities (MS14-068 +
• Investigating SYSVOL scripts
• Password list-based attack
• Exploiting Built-in Administrator
• Setting malware in file servers
• Exploiting WPAD
• Others
Patterns of spreading infection
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Exploiting Vulnerabilities (MS14-068 + MS14-058)
1. Escalate privilege (MS14-058) and
dump user’s password with mimikatz
2. Exploit MS14-068 vulnerability and
gain Domain Admin privileges
3. Upload mimikatz to DC and dump
admin’s passwords
4. Copy malware to PC-B
5. Register a task in order to execute malware
6. Malware executes
according to the task
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Investigating SYSVOL Scripts
• In some cases, passwords are found in logon script,
Key Point
C2 Server
3. Search admin’s
6. Malware executes
according to the task
2. Download
1. Download logon script,
compress and archive
5. Register a task in order
to execute malware
4. Copy malware to
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Password List-based Attack
PC-A PC-B4. Register a task
3. Copy malware
1. Get user’s list of
Domain Admins
5. Execute
2. Attempts logon
with logon.exe
• Attempts logon by using an approximately 10-30 line password
list and the user’s list of Domain Admins
• Uses a tool called logon.exe (self-built?)
Key Point
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
• An effective measure when there is no way to
exploit Domain environment
• Need to hash passwords or dump passwords
Key Point
Exploiting Built-in Administrator Password
3. Copy malware
1. Escalate privilege (UAC bypass)
and dump user’s password
5. Execute
4. Register a task
net use PC-BIPC$ [password] /u:Administrator
2. Pass the hash or net use
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
• Effective when there is no other measure
Key Point
Setting Malware in File Servers
1. Replace the existing file
with malware disguised with
fake icons
2. Execute
malware in file
File Server
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Exploiting WPAD
— Turned on by default
— Get automatic configuration script from either
 URL specified by DHCP server, or
 http://wpad/wpad.dat
WPAD (Web Proxy Auto-Discovery)
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Exploiting WPAD (Step 1: NetBIOS Spoofing)
• Effective in an environment where WPAD is not
• NetBIOS Spoofing
Key Point
2. Name query response
(I am WPAD)
1. Broadcast: Name query NB WPAD
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Exploiting WPAD (Step 2: Fake WPAD Server)
4. Response
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
if (myIpAddress() != “[PC-A addr]”) {
return ‘PROXY wpad:8888;DIRECT’;
return ‘DIRECT’;
wpad.dat (automatic configuration script)
3. Request http://wpad/wpad.dat
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Exploiting WPAD (Step 3: Man in the Middle
5. Embed iframe in attacker’s
Web site
6. Drive-by download
Web Site
Web site
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Summary: Methods of Spreading Infection
Method AD
MS14-068 Necessary
Unnecessary /
Necessary for
password dump
Risk exists when DC is
SYSVOL Search Necessary Unnecessary
Brute Force Attack
(Password List
Necessary Unnecessary
Risk exists when the
password is weak
Abusing Built-in
Unnecessary Necessary
Presumes that the
password is the same
Exploiting File
Unnecessary Unnecessary
Risk exists when the
file is disguised to one
that many users open
Exploiting WPAD Unnecessary Unnecessary Situations are limited
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Characteristics of Malware
Malware Overview
Form of attack
Emdivi (t17) HTTP BOT EXE
Tools Password dump, etc. EXE, etc.
Download (low-
Lateral MovementEmdivi (t19,
HTTP BOT (highly
sophisticated than
BeginX Remote shell tool EXE
HTTP BOT (low-
EXE,DLL Conceal?
Reference : [Ayaka Funakoshi. A study on malware characteristics and its effects observed in targeted attacks. MWS, 2015]
Different types of malware reside depending on the
phase and scale of damage of the attack
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Type Overview Filename
Password dump
Quarks PwDump qp.exe, qd.exe, QDump.exe, etc.
MimikatzLite gp.exe
Windows credentials Editor wce.exe, ww.exe
mz.exe, mimikatz.exe, mimikatz.rar
MS14-058 (Privilege escalation)
UAC bypass UAC bypass tool msdart.exe, puac.exe, etc.
Packet transmit Htran, proxy adaptive Htran htproxy.exe, etc.
Mail account theft Similar to NirSoft Mail PassView CallMail.exe, outl.exe , etc.
Attempt logon based on list logon.exe
WinRAR archiver yrar.exe, rar,exe, etc.
Highly sophisticated dir command dirasd.exe, etc.
Change timestamp timestomp.exe
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Emdivi (t17)
Repeatedly upgraded the version in the past year and
implemented new commands
Command Date of Implementation
GOTO May 2015
CLEARLOGS August 2015
HTTP BOT with basic functions
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Emdivi (t20)
The number of implemented commands have increased
and decreased in the past year.
— 18-41 (based on JPCERT/CC’s study)
In some cases, the targeted organization’s proxy server
address is hard-coded.
May only run on specific computers (encryption of data
by computer SID)
Highly Sophisticated Emdivi
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Communication performed once a day
Able to specify the day of week of communication
Tend to be set to computers that are not infected with
Emdivi (secondary infection)
DLL Preloading Attack
Download (low-frequency communication)
dwmapi.dll, etc. ***.DAT
Exploit specific DLL
Search Order and
load malicious DLL
Read data
and execute
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Difficulty to detect Usp10jpg
with Emdivi
May be left undetected due to
low-frequency communicationusp10jpg
Easy to detect due to
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
BeginX Server
— Listens to specific ports and waits for commands
— Both UDP and TCP versions available
BeginX Client
— Client which sends commands to BeginX Server
— Controlled via Emdivi
Remote Shell Tool
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Image of Using BeginX
(unable to
connect to
with Emdivi
Unable to control by
Emdivi infection
Able to control via BeginX
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.42
Not found in many organizations, but...
Bot Function
— Get drive information
— Execute arbitrary shell command
— Process list
— Screen related functions
HTTP BOT different from Emdivi
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
GStatus Web Panel (Admin Screen)
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
• IDAPython
• Used to analyze Emdivi
• Decode encoded strings
• t17, 19, 20
Supported version
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Emdivi encoded strings
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Difference depending on version string
Ver 17 Ver 19 or 20 Ver 20
Encrypt XxTEA encrypt XxTEA decrypt AES decrypt
Decrypt XxTEA decrypt XxTEA encrypt AES encrypt
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
1 Introduction
2 Operation A
3 Operation B
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Attack Techniques
Drive-by Download Attack
Update Hijacking
Domain Name Hijacking
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Attack Techniques
Drive-by Download Attack
Update Hijacking
Domain Name Hijacking
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Drive-by Download (Watering Hole) Attack
Web server
1. Access to Web site
2. Redirect
0. Deface Web site
3. Download malware
4. Malware
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Access Control
Target name
IP address
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.56
• Detected around September 2013
• Vulnerability in Internet Explorer
CVE-2013-3893 (MS13-080)
• Detected around October 2013
• Vulnerability in Internet Explorer
CVE-2013-3918 (MS13-090)
• Detected around February 2014
• Vulnerability in Internet Explorer
CVE-2014-0324 (MS14-012)
0-day Exploits
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Attack Techniques
Drive-by Download Attack
Update Hijacking
Domain Name Hijacking
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Update Hijacking
1. Request to update
0. Alter updated information
4. Download malware
5. Malware
Fake Update
2. Fake update Information
3. Request to download
Method used to alter updated information
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Another Update Hijacking Pattern
Fake Update
Method used without changing update server's file
0. Change iptables
1. Software Update
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Another Update Hijacking Pattern
Method used without changing update server's file
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -s aa.bb.cc.dd -p
tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination ww.xx.yy.zz:53
TCP 80 is forwarded by iptables.
• Update server's file is unchanged
• Does not save iptables
• Targeted organization sees as if it is
communicating with legitimate update server
Key Point
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Attack Techniques
Drive-by Download Attack
Update Hijacking
Domain Name Hijacking
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Domain Name Hijacking
Registrar Registry .com
DNS Server
0. Change registration information
1.DNS query
2.DNS query
4.Web access
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Domain Name Hijacking
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp --dport 53 -m string
--from 30 --to 34 --hex-string "|03|AAA" --algo bm -j DNAT --
to-destination aa.bb.cc.dd:54
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT -
-to ww.xx.yy.zz:53
Routing of only specific DNS queries by using iptables
• Routing of only specific sub domains
• Other DNS queries are routed to the
legitimate DNS server
Key Point
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Characteristics of Malware
① Uses a different malware before and after
the intrusion
② Some malware run in memory only
③ Embedding target organization's internal
④ Uses code signing certificate in some cases
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Characteristics of Malware
BlackCoffee McRAT Preshin Agtid
Hikit Derusbi PlugX
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Malware (Intrusion)
BlackCoffee McRAT Preshin Agtid
command info
0x184004 Execute remote shell
0x184008 Run remote shell command
0x18400c Create file
0x184010 Load file
0x184014 Get drive information
0x184018 Create directory
0x18401c Search file
0x184020 Delete file
command info
0x184024 Move file
0x184028 Process list
0x18402c Terminate process
0x184030 Sleep
0x184034 Install command
0x184038 Set Sleep Time
0x18403c Terminate
HTTP bot with basic functions
Command List
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
IP Address Acquisition Algorithm
Get C2 IP address from Web page
start: @MICR0S0FT
end: C0RP0RATI0N
start: lOve yOu 4 eveR
end: Reve 4 uOy evOl
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Malware (Intrusion)
Plug-in-based malware
command number info
0 Send data to server
1 Set TickCount
3 Plug-in registration
4 Allocate Plug-in settings area
5 Set Plug-in settings area
6 Create/Execute plug-in
7 Terminate plug-in
8 Create configuration file
9 -
BlackCoffee McRAT Preshin Agtid
Command list
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Malware Running in Memory Only
CVE-2013-3918 with McRAT
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Malware Running in Memory Only
CVE-2013-3918 with McRAT
Executes rundll32.exe and
injects code
McRAT's data below
Shellcode is injected
Not saved as a file
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Malware (Intrusion)
Simple HTTP bot with limited functions
command info
downonly Download file
downexec Download and Execute file
- Run remote shell command
BlackCoffee McRAT Preshin Agtid
Command list
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Preshin Controller
PHP-based Controller
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Preshin Controller
Example of command execution
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Malware (Intrusion)
HTTP bot with basic functions
command info
1 Get disk information
2 File list
3 Open file
4 Upload file
5 Create file
7 Load file
command info
8 -
9 Delete file
10 Delete file/folder
11 Upload file
12 Create folder
13 Move file
BlackCoffee McRAT Preshin Agtid
Command list
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Malware (Concealing)
Hikit Derusbi PlugX
Malware with Rootkit functions
command info
file File related operation
information Send configuration information
proxy Enable Proxy settings
connect Connect to Hikit proxy
shell Run remote shell command
socks5 Enable Proxy settings (socks5)
exit Terminate
Command list
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Hikit Configuration Information
Hikit has proxy information of the internal network
Proxy info
Target name
Rootkit setting
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Malware (Concealing)
Malware recently often used
command info
Service/Process related
cmd5 Run remote shell command
cmd6 Connect to Derusbi proxy
cmd7 File operation
cmd8 Terminate
cmd9 Create/Delete file
Hikit Derusbi PlugX
Command list
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Derusbi Configuration Information
Derusbi has proxy information of the internal network
Proxy info
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Code Signing Certificate
Identity Type Country
System Integrator exe Japan
Software Vendor exe Japan
Software Vendor exe Korea
Automaker exe Korea
Heavy Industry jar Korea
Software Vendor exe Korea
Electronics Industry jar Korea
Software Vendor exe Korea
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Infrastructure Used by Attackers
Web Server
C2 Server
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Linux Backdoor
mod_rootme source
• apache module
• Runs a remote shell by sending a keyword
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Linux Backdoor
• Highly sophisticated Linux bot
MyNetstat CreateShell Mymkdir
PortTunnelGet GetFileSource Mymkfile
PortTunnel_RemoteClose MyPs Myrmfile
PortTunnel_Show KillByPid Myrmdir
CreatePortTunnel NewConnectTo ListDir
PortForward StartPutFile my_reboot
PortForward_Show PutFileDest ShowHide
PortForward_Close ShellServer SwitchHide
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
• Volatility Plugin
• Detect malware in memory dump
• Extract malware configuration information
• apt17scan
• derusbiconfig
• hikitconfig
• agtidconfig
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Scan with YARA
Search configuration
data address
Parse configuration data
Dump configuration
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Agtid Hikit McRAT
Preshin BlackCoffee Derusbi
apt17scan Detecting Malware
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
derusbiconfig Dump configuration information for Derusbi
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
hikitconfig Dump configuration information for Hikit
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
agtidconfig Dump configuration information for Agtid
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.
How to Download
Thank You!
Incident Report

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Revealing the Attack Operations Targeting Japan by Shusei Tomonaga & Yuu Nakamura - CODE BLUE 2015

  • 1. Revealing the Attack Operations Targeting Japan JPCERT/CC Shusei Tomonaga Yuu Nakamura CODE BLUE 2015
  • 2. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Agenda 1 1 Introduction 2 Operation A 3 Operation B
  • 3. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Agenda 2 1 Introduction 2 Operation A 3 Operation B
  • 4. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Self-introduction Analysis Center at JPCERT Coordination Center Malware analysis, Forensics investigation 3 Shusei Tomonaga Yuu Nakamura
  • 5. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. JPCERT Coordination Center Japan Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center Prevention • Vulnerability information handling Monitoring • Information gathering & analysis & sharing • NW Traffic Monitoring Response • Incident handling Early warning information CSIRT establishment support Industrial control system security International collaboration Artifact (e.g. Malware) analysis
  • 6. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Targeted Attacks handled by JPCERT/CC 5 From April to September 2015 93組織 4組織 130 organizations 93organizations 4organizations Operation A Operation B
  • 7. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Introducing 2 Types of Attack Operations • Targeting many Japanese organizations since around 2012. • Emdivi • CloudyOmega (Symantec) • BLUE TERMITE (Kaspersky) Operation A • Targeting some Japanese organizations since around 2013. • APT17 (FireEye) Operation B 6
  • 8. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Agenda 7 1 Introduction 2 Operation A 3 Operation B
  • 9. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Attacker’s Infrastructure(Compromised Web sites) Victim organizations (Public offices, private companies) … OverseasJapan Targeted emails Widespread emails 8 Watering hole Characteristics of Operation A
  • 10. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Details of Internal Intrusion Techniques 9 Initial Compromise Collecting Information Lateral Movement
  • 11. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Details of Internal Intrusion Techniques 10 Initial Compromise Collecting Information Lateral Movement
  • 12. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Attack Patterns 11 Timeline of Attack Vector Disguised Icon Document File (Exploit vulnerabilities) Drive-By Download 2014/05 2015/01 2015/05 2015/07 CVE-2014-7247 CVE-2015-5119 CVE-2015-5122 Medical expense, Health insurance • In many attacks, malware are disguised with fake icons, compressed with zip or lzh and attached to emails. • Attacks aiming certain targets may lead to correspondence of emails. 2014/09 2014/11 2015/09
  • 13. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Details of Internal Intrusion Techniques 12 Initial Compromise Collecting Information Lateral Movement
  • 14. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Investigation of Compromised Environment • dir • net • net view • net localgroup administrators • ver • ipconfig • systeminfo • wmic Commands / Programs in OS standard accessories • csvde • dsquery Active Directory admin tools sent after the compromise 13 Uses Legitimate tools provided by MS
  • 15. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Example of Using dsquery 14 Used in some cases targeting specific individuals
  • 16. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Collecting Email Account Information Uses free tools (Similar to NirSoft Mail PassView) Attempts to receive emails from outside May lead to new attack emails (correspondence of emails) Infection spreading from organization to organization 15
  • 17. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Collecting Classified / Personal Information Search Network Drive Search Targeted Data Create a Copy of Compressed Files Download Delete Evidence 16
  • 18. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Search Network Drive (1) > net use New connections will be remembered. Status Local Remote Network ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK T: FILESV01SECRET Microsoft Windows Network OK U: FILESV02SECRET Microsoft Windows Network > wmic logicaldisk get caption,providername,drivetype,volumename Caption DriveType ProviderName VolumeName C: 3 OS D: 3 Volume T: 4 FILESV01SECRET Volume U: 4 FILESV01SECRET Volume net use command wmic command 17 DriveType = 4 ⇒ Network Drive
  • 19. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Search Network Drive (2) > netstat –an TCP 192.168.xx.xx:49217 192.168.yy.yy:445 ESTABLISHED > nbtstat -a 192.168.yy.yy Name Type Status --------------------------------------------- FILESV01 <00> UNIQUE Registered Combination of netstat Command & nbtstat Command Port 445 is set as the key to search the access point of file sharing service 18
  • 20. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Search Targeted Data > dir c:usershoge*.doc* /s /o-d c:usershogeAppDataLocalTemp Directory 2014/07/29 10:19 28,672 20140820.doc 1 File 28,672 bytes c:usershogeImportant Information Directory 2015/08/29 10:03 1,214 Design Document.doc > dir FILESV01SECRET FILESVSECRET Directory 2014/07/11 09:16 [DIR] Management of Partner Companies 2014/09/04 11:49 [DIR] Management of Intellectual Property 2014/08/01 09:27 [DIR] Location information 19 dir command Not only searches network drive but also compromised computers /s : Displayed recursively /o-d : Sorted by date
  • 21. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Compress, Download, Delete Evidence > winrar.exe a –r –ed –v300m –ta20140101 %TEMP%a.rar “FILESV01SECRETManagement of Intellectual Property” -n*.ppt* -n*.doc* -n*.xls* - n*.jtd Adding FILESV01SECRETManagement of Intellectual PropertyCommittee List(2015.05.01).docx OK Adding FILESV01SECRETManagement of Intellectual PropertyFramework.ppt OK Adding FILESV01SECRETManagement of Intellectual PropertyApplication List.xlsx OK Adding FILESV01SECRETManagement of Intellectual PropertyDesign Document.jtd OK ・ ・ 20 Compressed with RAR RAR files are sent to C&C servers and deleted Documents are compressed per folderz
  • 22. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Details of Internal Intrusion Techniques 21 Initial Compromise Collecting Information Lateral Movement
  • 23. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Methods Used to Spread Infection • Exploiting vulnerabilities (MS14-068 + MS14-058) • Investigating SYSVOL scripts • Password list-based attack • Exploiting Built-in Administrator password • Setting malware in file servers • Exploiting WPAD • Others Patterns of spreading infection 22
  • 24. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Exploiting Vulnerabilities (MS14-068 + MS14-058) 23 Domain Controller PC-A PC-B 1. Escalate privilege (MS14-058) and dump user’s password with mimikatz 2. Exploit MS14-068 vulnerability and gain Domain Admin privileges 3. Upload mimikatz to DC and dump admin’s passwords 4. Copy malware to PC-B 5. Register a task in order to execute malware 6. Malware executes according to the task
  • 25. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Investigating SYSVOL Scripts 24 • In some cases, passwords are found in logon script, etc. Key Point Attacker’s Infrastructure C2 Server 3. Search admin’s password PC-A PC-B 6. Malware executes according to the task 2. Download 1. Download logon script, compress and archive Domain Controller 5. Register a task in order to execute malware 4. Copy malware to PC-B
  • 26. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Password List-based Attack 25 PC-A PC-B4. Register a task 3. Copy malware 1. Get user’s list of Domain Admins 5. Execute Domain Controller 2. Attempts logon with logon.exe • Attempts logon by using an approximately 10-30 line password list and the user’s list of Domain Admins • Uses a tool called logon.exe (self-built?) Key Point
  • 27. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. • An effective measure when there is no way to exploit Domain environment • Need to hash passwords or dump passwords Key Point Exploiting Built-in Administrator Password 26 PC-A PC-B 3. Copy malware 1. Escalate privilege (UAC bypass) and dump user’s password 5. Execute 4. Register a task net use PC-BIPC$ [password] /u:Administrator 2. Pass the hash or net use
  • 28. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. • Effective when there is no other measure Key Point Setting Malware in File Servers 27 PC-A PC-B 1. Replace the existing file with malware disguised with fake icons 2. Execute malware in file servers File Server
  • 29. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Exploiting WPAD — Turned on by default — Get automatic configuration script from either  URL specified by DHCP server, or  http://wpad/wpad.dat 28 WPAD (Web Proxy Auto-Discovery)
  • 30. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Exploiting WPAD (Step 1: NetBIOS Spoofing) 29 • Effective in an environment where WPAD is not configured • NetBIOS Spoofing Key Point PC-A PC-B 2. Name query response (I am WPAD) 1. Broadcast: Name query NB WPAD wpad.exe
  • 31. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Exploiting WPAD (Step 2: Fake WPAD Server) 30 PC-A PC-B 4. Response wpad.exe function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { if (myIpAddress() != “[PC-A addr]”) { return ‘PROXY wpad:8888;DIRECT’; } return ‘DIRECT’; } wpad.dat (automatic configuration script) 3. Request http://wpad/wpad.dat
  • 32. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Exploiting WPAD (Step 3: Man in the Middle Proxy) 31 PC-A PC-B 5. Embed iframe in attacker’s Web site wpad.exe 6. Drive-by download attack Attacker’s Infrastructure Attacker’s Web Site Web site
  • 33. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Summary: Methods of Spreading Infection Method AD Privilege Escalation Note MS14-068 Necessary Unnecessary / Necessary for password dump Risk exists when DC is unpatched SYSVOL Search Necessary Unnecessary Brute Force Attack (Password List Attack) Necessary Unnecessary Risk exists when the password is weak Abusing Built-in Administrator Unnecessary Necessary Presumes that the password is the same Exploiting File Servers Unnecessary Unnecessary Risk exists when the file is disguised to one that many users open Exploiting WPAD Unnecessary Unnecessary Situations are limited 32
  • 34. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. DETAILS OF TOOLS AND MALWARE 33
  • 35. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Characteristics of Malware 34 Malware Overview File format Form of attack Emdivi (t17) HTTP BOT EXE Intrude Tools Password dump, etc. EXE, etc. usp10jpg Download (low- frequency communication) DLL, data Lateral MovementEmdivi (t19, t20) HTTP BOT (highly sophisticated than t17) EXE BeginX Remote shell tool EXE GStatus HTTP BOT (low- frequency communication) EXE,DLL Conceal? Reference : [Ayaka Funakoshi. A study on malware characteristics and its effects observed in targeted attacks. MWS, 2015] Different types of malware reside depending on the phase and scale of damage of the attack
  • 36. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Tools 35 Type Overview Filename Password dump Pass-the-hash Quarks PwDump qp.exe, qd.exe, QDump.exe, etc. MimikatzLite gp.exe Windows credentials Editor wce.exe, ww.exe Mimikatz mz.exe, mimikatz.exe, mimikatz.rar (sekurlsa.dll) Vulnerability exploitation MS14-068 (CVE-2014-6324) ms14-068.exe ms14-068.tar.gz MS14-058 (Privilege escalation) (CVE-2014-4113) 4113.exe UAC bypass UAC bypass tool msdart.exe, puac.exe, etc. Packet transmit Htran, proxy adaptive Htran htproxy.exe, etc. Mail account theft Similar to NirSoft Mail PassView CallMail.exe, outl.exe , etc. Utility Attempt logon based on list logon.exe WinRAR archiver yrar.exe, rar,exe, etc. Highly sophisticated dir command dirasd.exe, etc. Change timestamp timestomp.exe
  • 37. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Emdivi (t17) Repeatedly upgraded the version in the past year and implemented new commands 36 Command Date of Implementation DOABORT DOWNBG GETFILE LOADDLL SETCMD SUSPEND UPLOAD VERSION GOTO May 2015 CLEARLOGS August 2015 HTTP BOT with basic functions
  • 38. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Emdivi (t20) The number of implemented commands have increased and decreased in the past year. — 18-41 (based on JPCERT/CC’s study) In some cases, the targeted organization’s proxy server address is hard-coded. May only run on specific computers (encryption of data by computer SID) 37 Highly Sophisticated Emdivi
  • 39. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. usp10jpg Communication performed once a day Able to specify the day of week of communication Tend to be set to computers that are not infected with Emdivi (secondary infection) DLL Preloading Attack 38 Download (low-frequency communication) dwmapi.dll, etc. ***.DAT Application Exploit specific DLL Search Order and load malicious DLL Read data and execute
  • 40. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Difficulty to detect Usp10jpg 39 Attacker’s Infrastructure Computer Infected with Emdivi May be left undetected due to low-frequency communicationusp10jpg Easy to detect due to high-frequency communication
  • 41. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. BeginX BeginX Server — Listens to specific ports and waits for commands — Both UDP and TCP versions available BeginX Client — Client which sends commands to BeginX Server — Controlled via Emdivi 40 Remote Shell Tool
  • 42. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Image of Using BeginX 41 Attacker’s Infrastructure Segment (unable to connect to Internet) Computer Infected with Emdivi BeginX Server BeginX Client Unable to control by Emdivi infection Able to control via BeginX Emdivi
  • 43. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.42 Not found in many organizations, but... Bot Function — Get drive information — Execute arbitrary shell command — Process list — Screen related functions HTTP BOT different from Emdivi GStatus
  • 44. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. GStatus Web Panel (Admin Screen) 43
  • 45. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. ANALYSIS TOOLS 44 emdivi_string_decryptor.py
  • 46. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. emdivi_string_decryptor.py • IDAPython • Used to analyze Emdivi • Decode encoded strings emdivi_string_decryptor.py • t17, 19, 20 Supported version 45
  • 47. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. emdivi_string_decryptor.py 46 Emdivi encoded strings
  • 48. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. emdivi_string_decryptor.py 47 Difference depending on version string Ver 17 Ver 19 or 20 Ver 20 Encrypt XxTEA encrypt XxTEA decrypt AES decrypt Decrypt XxTEA decrypt XxTEA encrypt AES encrypt Key MD5( MD5(base64(ver)) + MD5(key_string) ) Scanf( "%x", Inc_Add( ver17_key ) ) Inc_Add( ver17_key )
  • 49. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. emdivi_string_decryptor.py 48
  • 50. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. emdivi_string_decryptor.py 49
  • 51. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. DEMO 50
  • 52. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Agenda 51 1 Introduction 2 Operation A 3 Operation B
  • 53. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Attack Techniques Drive-by Download Attack Update Hijacking Domain Name Hijacking 52
  • 54. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Attack Techniques Drive-by Download Attack Update Hijacking Domain Name Hijacking 53
  • 55. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Drive-by Download (Watering Hole) Attack 54 Targeted Organization Japanese Web server 1. Access to Web site 2. Redirect 0. Deface Web site 3. Download malware 4. Malware Infection Attacker’s Server
  • 56. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Access Control 55 .htaccess Target name IP address
  • 57. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved.56 • Detected around September 2013 • Vulnerability in Internet Explorer CVE-2013-3893 (MS13-080) • Detected around October 2013 • Vulnerability in Internet Explorer CVE-2013-3918 (MS13-090) • Detected around February 2014 • Vulnerability in Internet Explorer CVE-2014-0324 (MS14-012) 0-day Exploits
  • 58. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Attack Techniques Drive-by Download Attack Update Hijacking Domain Name Hijacking 57
  • 59. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Update Hijacking 58 Targeted Organization Update Server 1. Request to update 0. Alter updated information 4. Download malware 5. Malware Infection Fake Update Server 2. Fake update Information 3. Request to download Method used to alter updated information
  • 60. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Another Update Hijacking Pattern Targeted Organization Update Server Fake Update Server Method used without changing update server's file 59 0. Change iptables 1. Software Update
  • 61. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Another Update Hijacking Pattern Method used without changing update server's file iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -s aa.bb.cc.dd -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination ww.xx.yy.zz:53 60 TCP 80 is forwarded by iptables. • Update server's file is unchanged • Does not save iptables • Targeted organization sees as if it is communicating with legitimate update server Key Point
  • 62. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Attack Techniques Drive-by Download Attack Update Hijacking Domain Name Hijacking 61
  • 63. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Domain Name Hijacking 62 Targeted Organization Registrar Registry .com DNS Server Attacker’s Infrastructure DNS Server Web Server DNS Server Web Server Legitimate Server 0. Change registration information 1.DNS query 2.DNS query 4.Web access
  • 64. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. DETAILS OF MALWARE 63
  • 65. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Domain Name Hijacking iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp --dport 53 -m string --from 30 --to 34 --hex-string "|03|AAA" --algo bm -j DNAT -- to-destination aa.bb.cc.dd:54 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT - -to ww.xx.yy.zz:53 64 Routing of only specific DNS queries by using iptables • Routing of only specific sub domains • Other DNS queries are routed to the legitimate DNS server Key Point AAA.example.com
  • 66. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Characteristics of Malware 65 ① Uses a different malware before and after the intrusion ② Some malware run in memory only ③ Embedding target organization's internal information ④ Uses code signing certificate in some cases
  • 67. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Characteristics of Malware 66 BlackCoffee McRAT Preshin Agtid Hikit Derusbi PlugX Intrusion Concealing
  • 68. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Malware (Intrusion) 67 BlackCoffee McRAT Preshin Agtid command info 0x184004 Execute remote shell 0x184008 Run remote shell command 0x18400c Create file 0x184010 Load file 0x184014 Get drive information 0x184018 Create directory 0x18401c Search file 0x184020 Delete file command info 0x184024 Move file 0x184028 Process list 0x18402c Terminate process 0x184030 Sleep 0x184034 Install command 0x184038 Set Sleep Time 0x18403c Terminate HTTP bot with basic functions Command List
  • 69. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. IP Address Acquisition Algorithm 68 Get C2 IP address from Web page Decode start: @MICR0S0FT end: C0RP0RATI0N start: lOve yOu 4 eveR end: Reve 4 uOy evOl
  • 70. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Malware (Intrusion) 69 Plug-in-based malware command number info 0 Send data to server 1 Set TickCount 3 Plug-in registration 4 Allocate Plug-in settings area 5 Set Plug-in settings area 6 Create/Execute plug-in 7 Terminate plug-in 8 Create configuration file 9 - BlackCoffee McRAT Preshin Agtid Command list
  • 71. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Malware Running in Memory Only 70 CVE-2013-3918 with McRAT ROP skip Shellcode Malware
  • 72. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Malware Running in Memory Only 71 CVE-2013-3918 with McRAT Executes rundll32.exe and injects code McRAT's data below Shellcode is injected Not saved as a file
  • 73. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Malware (Intrusion) 72 Simple HTTP bot with limited functions command info downonly Download file downexec Download and Execute file - Run remote shell command BlackCoffee McRAT Preshin Agtid Command list
  • 74. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Preshin Controller 73 PHP-based Controller
  • 75. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Preshin Controller 74 Example of command execution
  • 76. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Malware (Intrusion) 75 HTTP bot with basic functions command info 1 Get disk information 2 File list 3 Open file 4 Upload file 5 Create file 7 Load file command info 8 - 9 Delete file 10 Delete file/folder 11 Upload file 12 Create folder 13 Move file BlackCoffee McRAT Preshin Agtid Command list
  • 77. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Malware (Concealing) 76 Hikit Derusbi PlugX Malware with Rootkit functions command info file File related operation information Send configuration information proxy Enable Proxy settings connect Connect to Hikit proxy shell Run remote shell command socks5 Enable Proxy settings (socks5) exit Terminate Command list
  • 78. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Hikit Configuration Information 77 Hikit has proxy information of the internal network Proxy info ID Target name Rootkit setting
  • 79. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Malware (Concealing) 78 Malware recently often used command info cmd4 Service/Process related operation cmd5 Run remote shell command cmd6 Connect to Derusbi proxy cmd7 File operation cmd8 Terminate cmd9 Create/Delete file Hikit Derusbi PlugX Command list
  • 80. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Derusbi Configuration Information 79 Derusbi has proxy information of the internal network Proxy info ID
  • 81. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Code Signing Certificate 80 Identity Type Country System Integrator exe Japan Software Vendor exe Japan Software Vendor exe Korea Automaker exe Korea Heavy Industry jar Korea Software Vendor exe Korea Electronics Industry jar Korea Software Vendor exe Korea
  • 82. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Infrastructure Used by Attackers 81 Targeted Organization Attacker’s Server Web Server Overseas Server Backdoor Japan C2 Server iptables
  • 83. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Linux Backdoor 82 mod_rootme source • apache module • Runs a remote shell by sending a keyword mod_rootme Keyword “Roronoa”
  • 84. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. Linux Backdoor 83 • Highly sophisticated Linux bot rs_linux Function MyNetstat CreateShell Mymkdir PortTunnelGet GetFileSource Mymkfile PortTunnel_RemoteClose MyPs Myrmfile PortTunnel_Show KillByPid Myrmdir CreatePortTunnel NewConnectTo ListDir PortForward StartPutFile my_reboot PortForward_Show PutFileDest ShowHide PortForward_Close ShellServer SwitchHide
  • 85. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. ANALYSIS TOOLS 84 apt17scan.py
  • 86. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. apt17scan.py • Volatility Plugin • Detect malware in memory dump • Extract malware configuration information apt17scan.py • apt17scan • derusbiconfig • hikitconfig • agtidconfig Function 85
  • 87. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. apt17scan.py 86 Scan with YARA Search configuration data address Parse configuration data Dump configuration
  • 88. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. apt17scan.py 87 Agtid Hikit McRAT Preshin BlackCoffee Derusbi apt17scan Detecting Malware
  • 89. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. apt17scan.py 88 derusbiconfig Dump configuration information for Derusbi
  • 90. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. apt17scan.py 89 hikitconfig Dump configuration information for Hikit
  • 91. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. apt17scan.py 90 agtidconfig Dump configuration information for Agtid
  • 92. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. DEMO 91
  • 93. Copyright©2015 JPCERT/CC All rights reserved. How to Download 92 https://github.com/JPCERTCC